Kategorija Archives: boksas

Victor Ortiz Media Workout Quotes & Nuotraukos

Former World Champion Battles Mexico’s Saul Corral in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & Lapė deportuoja sekmadienį, Liepa 30 from Rabobank Theater in Bakersfield, Kalifornija
Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Andre Turner II/Ringstar Sports
VENTURA, PVZ. (Liepa 25, 2017) – Buvęs pasaulio čempionas Viktoras Ortiz held a media workout in Ventura, Kalifas. Trečiadienis as he prepares to return to the ring and battle Mexico’sSaulius Corralas į pagrindinį renginį Premier Boksas Čempionų apie FS1 ir FOX SportasSekmadienis, Liepa 30 tiesiogiai iš „Rabobank“ teatro Bakersfielde, Kalifornija.
Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 7 p.m. IR/4 p.m. PT ir dalyvaus supervidutinio svorio varžovas Justinas Deloach " atsižvelgiant į kartą sumuštas Nathaniel Gallimore in a 10-round showdown and 2016 Ne JAV. Olimpinis Karlos Balderas savo antrojoje profesionalų kovoje.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kurią reklamuoja „Ringstar Sports“, yra kaina $80, $45 ir $30 and are available for purchase online at AXS.com.
Here is what Ortiz had to say Trečiadienis from the Knuckleheadz Boxing Gym:
The hunger is definitely still there inside of me. When I became world champion, it was a short-lived experience. I had reached a high pinnacle and lost it in a fashion that I was never satisfied with. I’m blessed to be healthy enough to come back.
Having my son be born (Victor Royal Ortiz) is probably part of the reason that this hunger grew inside of me and motivated me to get back in the ring. I have goals and accomplishments that I want to reach.
I know that Saul Corral will be ready for me. This is a camp where I made sure to listen to everything my coach said. I went to work 110 percent every day. I didn’t take any shortcuts and I’m feeling great.
I still feel like I can be one of the best in the 147-pound division. It’s there for the taking. There are some gifted fighters in there and I respect them, but I believe that I have what it takes to be right up there. I’m a complete fighter.
“Aš jau nurašytas iki. People have said I should retire since my first loss. I came back from that loss and became a champion. I don’t care what people have to say about me. I could go act full-time if I wanted, but I truly love this sport.
When I took a step back, I realized that boxing has always been my true passion. I can’t walk away from something that I’m so gifted at and that I enjoy doing so much.
I never get too worried about who is going to be in front of me on fight night. I just need there to be a ring. I’m excited to get back in there and get in the swing of things. I’m ready to fully pursue my goal of getting another world title.
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Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.
Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes IrSwanson_Comm ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/Skambinkite žvaigždučių Sportas irwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Svarbiausi galima rasti www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC FS1 & „FOX Deportes“ remia „Corona Extra“, geriausių Alus.

Keturių divizionų pasaulio čempionas Nonito Donaire'as prisijungia prie „Ringstar Sports“, kai siekia kito pasaulio čempionų titulo

LOS ANGELES (Liepa 25, 2017) – Keturių padalinys pasaulio čempionas Nonito Donaire suvienys jėgas su Skambinkite žvaigždučių Sportas nes tarptautinė bokso žvaigždė bando įtraukti dar vieną pasaulio čempionatą į jau žinomą karjeros pasiekimų sąrašą.
“Tyrinėti tai, kas ten buvo naujame bokso peizaže, tuo pat metu buvo jaudinantis ir įdomus,” - tarė Nonito Donaire'as, “Aš daugelį metų pažįstu Ričardą ir visada gerbiau tai, ką jis galėjo padaryti dėl savo paaukštintų kovotojų. Šiuo metu savo karjeroje noriu kuo didesnių kovų, o Ričardo pasiekimai jiems praneša. Mintis apie mega kovas su tokiais kaip Mares, Santa Cruz, Selbiui ar Framptonui verda mano kraujas. Kitas mano karjeros skyrius prasideda dabar ir aš džiaugiuosi galėdamas pasakyti, kad tai yra su „Ringstar“! Esu dėkingas savo gerbėjams ir komandai už nuolatinį palaikymą!”
“„Nonito“ yra viena iš šiuolaikinių mūsų sporto legendų,” - tarė Ričardas Šeferis, „Ringstar Sports“ pirmininkas ir generalinis direktorius. “Vienas iš šių retų kovotojų, kuris visada pristato ir visada moka linksminti! Esu įsitikinęs, kad jis vėl taps vienu svarų geriausių svarų kovotojų pasaulyje. Nėra abejonių, apie tai! Noriu padėkoti jo žmonai ir vadybininkei, Rachel Donaire taip pat už pasitikėjimą manimi. Nekantraujame pradėti!”
Gimė Filipinuose ir gyvena Kalifornijoje, Donaire išsiveržė į sceną 2007 po žvaigždžių mėgėjų karjeros, kai penktame etape jis sustabdė anksčiau nepralenktą Vicą Darchinyaną, norėdamas užimti pasaulio svorio kategoriją.. Donaire'as gintų titulą dar trimis nokautais, kol jis pakils į pusiau svorį ir nugalėjo vieningą čempioną Fernando Montielį. 2011 iki tapimo dviejų divizionų pasaulio čempionu.
Kitas Donaire'o iššūkis buvo jo pusiausvyros svoris 27 iš eilės pergalių nokautuojant ir nugalėjus Wilfredo Vazquezą jaunesnįjį. į 2012 tapti 122 svarų svorio čempionu. „Donaire“ reklaminiai metai tęsėsi pergalėmis prieš Jeffrey Mathebula ir pergalėmis prieš Jorge Arce ir Toshiaki Nishioka. Po įspūdingo bėgimo Donairas buvo pripažintas 2012 BWAA metų kovotojas, ESPN ir žurnalas „Ring“.
Pralaimėjimas Guillermo Rigondeaux nutraukė 30-ies kovų Donairo pergalių seriją, tačiau jis ir toliau papildė savo gyvenimo aprašymą, kai ketvirtoje svorio kategorijoje iškovojo pasaulio čempionų titulą, laimėdamas plunksnų svorio čempioną techniniu sprendimu per Simpiwe Vetyeką. 2014.
Į vis didėjantį Donaire trofėjų atvejį buvo pridėtas dar vienas pasaulio vardas 2015 kai jis nugalėjo Cezarį Juarezą, kad užimtų pasaulio čempiono titulą ant itin didelio svorio. Jis sėkmingai apgynė šį titulą Filipinuose, o pernai lapkritį prarado glaudų sprendimą nugalėti Jessie Magdaleno.
Donaire, kuris šiuo metu treniruojasi Japonijoje, į ringą grįš rugsėjo mėnesį. Daugiau informacijos bus pranešta, kai tik jos bus prieinamos

RingTV.com, powered by Flipps Media, to stream superfight between Saul ‘CaneloAlvarez and Gennady “GGG” Golovkin live on PPV, Šeštadienis, Septyni. 16, iš Las Vegaso

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About Ring TV:
The Ring was founded in 1922 by Nat Fleischer. The first issue, dated February 15, 1922, buvo 24 pages and cost 20 cents. The cover featured black and white photographs of American promoter Tex Richard and Lord Lonsdale, a British aristocrat and boxing patron. Originally located in New York City, the magazine relocated to Long Island, Niujorkas, į 1990, and then moved to suburban Pennsylvania in 1993. It is now based in Los Angeles.
There have been only seven editors-in-chief in the magazine’s history. Michael Rosenthal is the current editor. The Ring began awarding championship belts in 1922. The first Ring belt was awarded to heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey, the second to flyweight champion Pancho Villa. The magazine stopped giving belts to world champions in the 1990s, but began again in 2002 when it launched its new championship policy intended to reward fighters who, by satisfying rigid criteria, can justify a claim as the true and only world champion in a given weight class.
Apie „Flipps Media“:
"Twitter": @FiteTV
„Flipps“ teikia pramogas pagal pareikalavimą bet kuriam netoliese prijungtam televizoriui iš jūsų mobiliojo įrenginio be jokios papildomos aparatūros. Įmonė turi biurus Niujorke ir Sofijoje, Bulgariją ir ją palaiko Timas Draperis, „Earlybird“ rizikos kapitalas, ir „LAUNCHub“. Flipps’ patentuota technologija iš karto veikia su daugiau 350+ milijonų prijungtų televizorių ir yra suderinamas su daugiau 7,000 gamintojo modeliai, kurių nereikia nustatyti, nėra suporavimo įrenginių, jokių kabelių, jokių raktų ir priedėlio.
NEW YORK, NY(Liepa 25, 2017) – RingTV.com and Flipps Media today announced a partnership to stream the most anticipated boxing showdown of the year, “Supremacy,” apie Šeštadienis naktis, Rugsėjis 16, as two-division and current Ring Magazine and lineal world middleweight champion Canelo Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 Kos) takes on IBF/WBA/WBC Middleweight World Champion Genadijus “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 Kos) in the 12-round main event on Mexican Independence Day.
“Canelo vs.. Golovkin”, presented by Golden Boy Promotions and GGG Promotions, will air live on www.ringtv.com Pay Per View in the United States, Mexico and Canada, pradedant 8 p.m. IR / 5 p.m. PT, from an already sold-out T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. The PPV broadcast will be available to watch in HD, in both English and Spanish.
Watch Canelo vs. Golovkin čia
RingTV.com will be the online programming apparatus for purchasing and viewing theSupremacyPPV with Flipps Media providing technology to drive the Septyni. 16oji event programming.
Over the past two years Golden Boy Media and Entertainment has changed how fight fans watch boxing,” sakė Oskaras De La Hoya, Pirmininkas ir generalinis direktorius Golden Boy Promotions. “We were the first boxing promotion company to live stream fights on Facebook. We were the first to stream live on Twitter, and we have invested heavily in making sure that boxing fans can choose how they watch their favorite fighters on RingTV.com. Bringing fans across the globe Canelo vs Golovkin on a world-class platform that provides a premium viewing experience helps fulfill my vision to make boxing accessible everywhere.
This once-in-a-lifetime boxing event continues our goal to provide top combat sports events from around the world at the highest level of digital programming,” Flipps Media COO Michael Weber said. “Žiedas magazine has been known as the ‘Bible of Boxing’ nuo 1922. We’re proud to be partnering with RingTV.com, which has grown Ring’s powerful influence in pro boxing to a rapidly changing, increasingly younger audience, by streaming the best available boxing events and news.
We are looking to continue the momentum of our past online pay-per-view offerings. We have proven with the Canelo vs Chavez Jr, GGG vs Jacobs, Canelo vs Liam Smith, and the Canelo vs Amir Khan online pay-per-views that fans are looking to watch these fights on their device of choice,” said Scott Tetreault, Vice President of Golden Boy Media and EntertainmentWe feel that the excitement behind this fight will surpass all records of past online pay-per-views, and partnering with Flipps will bring fans the best online viewing experience possible on September 16oji.”

Watch Canelo vs. Golovkin press tour video

The non-PPV undercard and other fight week programming, įskaitant “Canelo-Golovkinfinal press conference and official weigh-in, will be streamed live globally, FREE on the FITE app, available for iOS and Android devices, as well as on www.FITE.tv. (event schedule to be determined)
Žiūrėti “I Am Boxingčia


“I feel like my back is against the wall. Everybody is counting me out once again.” – Adrien Broner

Showtime Sportas® Video Feature: http://s.sho.com/2tKCUR0

Nuotrauka kreditų: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

Four-division world champion Adrien Broner has taken a unique approach as he prepares to face undefeated three-division titlist Mikey Garcia this Šeštadienis, Liepa 29 gyvena Showtime (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). One of only 16 four-division champions in boxing history, the outspoken Broner is practicing yoga in his Colorado Springs-based camp as he attempts to minimize the distractions and focus on perhaps the biggest fight of his career.

“I feel like my back is against the wall,” Broner says in this SHOWTIME Sports video feature. “Everybody is counting me out once again.

“Don’t get me wrong, jis gali kovoti, he can box. Bet, at the end of the day, I just don’t see him beating me.”

Broner faces Garcia in a matchup of two of boxing’s biggest stars in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®. Televised coverage begins live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT as unbeaten former world champion Jermall Charlo returns to face Jorge Sebastian Heiland in a middleweight world title eliminator. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

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Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is a 12-round super lightweight showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Šeštadienis, Liepa 29 gyvena Showtime. Broner vs. Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions at Barclays Center, Brooklyn Boksas namų®. TSK remia Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and this event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, arba tapti "Facebook" gerbėjas newww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsand www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment

Super Welterweight Contender Justin DeLoach Set to Face Once-Beaten Nathaniel Gallimore in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Action Sunday, Liepa 30 from Rabobank Theater in Bakersfield, Kalifornija

Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 7 p.m. IR/4 p.m. PT & is Headlined By Former World Champion Victor Ortiz Returning to
Battle Mexico’s Saul Corral
BAKERSFIELDAS, Kalifas. (Liepa 25, 2017) – Rising super welterweight contender Justinas Deloach " (17-1, 9 Kos) will now face once-beaten Nathaniel Gallimore (18-1-1, 15 Kos) in a 10-round showdown featured on Premier Boksas Čempionų apie FS1 ir FOX Sportas Sekmadienis, Liepa 30tiesiogiai iš „Rabobank“ teatro Bakersfielde, Kalifornija.
DeLoach was original schedule to face former title challenger Fernando Guerrero, but Guerrero was forced to withdraw due to illness.
Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 7 p.m. IR/4 p.m. PT su 2016 Ne JAV. Olimpinis Karlos Balderas in his second pro fight and is headlined by former world champion Viktoras Ortiz meeting Mexico’s Saulius Corralas.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kurią reklamuoja „Ringstar Sports“, yra kaina $80, $45 ir $30 and are on sale Friday, Birželis 30 įsigyti internetu AXS.com.
The 23-year-old DeLoach is one of the fastest rising contenders in the 154-pound division as he enters this bout the winner of his last seven contests, including three wins over previously unbeaten fighters Domonique Dolton, Junior Castillo and Dillon Cook. His most recent outing saw him deliver a second-round knockout of then once-beaten Christopher Pearson. The fighter from Augusta, Georgia turned pro in 2013 ir laimėjo savo pirmąjį 10 fights before suffering a defeat in early 2015.
Originally from Kingston, Jamaika ir kovoti iš Evanston, Ilinojus, Gallimore won his last five bouts, visi nokautas. The 29-year-old has fought professionally since 2014 and was unbeaten in his first 14 outings before losing a narrow split-decision last June. Gallimore will make his third start of 2016, looking to build off of his impressive performance his last time out that saw him stop then unbeaten Jeison Rosario in the sixth round.
# # #
Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.
Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes IrSwanson_Comm ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/Skambinkite žvaigždučių Sportas irwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Svarbiausi galima rasti www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC FS1 & „FOX Deportes“ remia „Corona Extra“, geriausių Alus.


DETROIT Iš (Liepa 25, 2017) – Apie Penktadienis, Rugpjūtis 4, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist ClaressaT-RexShields will make another significant stop on her historic journey through the sport of boxing.

In the 10-round main event of Salita Promotions’ “BATTLE OF THE BESTevent at MGM Grand Detroit and televised live on ShoBox: Naujos kartos (10;30 p.m. ET / PT) Skydai (3-0, 1 KO) will challenge for her first world title in just her fourth fight against reigning WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Nikki Adler (16-0, 9 Kos) Vokietijos.
Already considered a national treasure and award-winning female role model, Skydai’ boldly quick world-title quest will catapult her to superstar status and into boxing history once again. By comparison to other female boxing stars from past and present, Shields is way ahead of the curve for a typical rise through the ranks:
Laila Ali: Won IBA Super Middleweight title in her 12oji pro fight
Christy Martin: Won WBC Jr Welterweight title in her 21g pro fight
Lucia Rijker: Won WIBF Super Lightweight title in her 9oji pro fight
Regina Halmich: Won IBF Flyweight title in her 10oji pro fight
Ann Wolfe: Won IFBA Jr Middleweight title in her 10oji pro fight
Cecelia Braekhus: Won WBC Welterweight title in her 11oji pro fight
Christina Hammer: Won WBO Middleweight title in her 8oji pro fight
Holly Holm: Won IBA Super Lightweight title in her 11oji pro fight
The historical significance of this fight is not lost on the 22-year-old Flint, Michigan native.
It’s a great honor to be mentioned in the same sentence as Lucia Rijker, Christy Martin, Laila Ali and Ann Wolfe, be kita ko,,” sakė Skydai. “I want to lift boxing to new heights and help open doors for women in boxing. Beating Nikki Adler is a must for me to achieve my goals.
Skydai’ co-manager, Markas Taffetas, says this rocket ship to the top is all part of the plan set out for Shields. “We want every one of Claressa’s fights to occupy a special place along her historic journey. Rugpjūtis 4 against Nikki Adler, and the opportunity to win a world title in just her fourth pro fight, is an important ‘firstin what will be a career of game-changing firsts for Claressa Shields.
In the night’s televised co-main, junior welterweight KO artist BakhtiyarBakha Bullet” Yeyubov (13-0, 11 Kos) will face undefeated prospect Sūnelis “Pretty Boi” Fredricksono (17-0, 11 Kos) over 10-rounds and to open the telecast, world-ranked super bantamweight Vladimir Tikhonov (16-0, 9 Kos) of Russia will face Texas slugger Jesse Angelas Hernandezas (8-1, 6 Kos) per aštuonerius raundų.
Tickets for the event are on sale now and are priced at $350, $250, $125 ir $60. They are available at www.ticketmaster.com.
Apie ShoBox: Naujos kartos
Nuo savo veiklos pradžios liepos 2001, kritikos Showtime bokso serija, ShoBox: Naujos kartos jau matomas jaunas talentas atitiko sunku. ShoBox filosofija yra televizijų įdomu, minios malonus ir konkurencingos atitikmenų tuo pačiu užtikrinant poligonas už norinčių perspektyvas pasiryžusi kovoti už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Kai kurie iš augančios sąrašą 69 kovotojai, kurie atsirado dėl ShoBox ir pažangių kaupti pasaulio čempiono titulus apima: Errol Spence Jr, Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russellas Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devono Aleksandras, Carl Froch, Robertas Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čadas Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paulius Williams, Errol Spence jaunesnysis. ir dar daugiau.



Live Coverage of Broner vs. Garcia Undercard Plus Carl Frampton Homecoming Bout Available On Digital Platforms Preceding SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®

NEW YORK (Liepa 25, 2017) – SHOWTIME Sports will offer three separate boxing presentations on Šeštadienis, Liepa 29, delivering two digital live streams preceding the evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING televised doubleheader. The digital-only offerings will be available on Facebook Live ir Pagrindinis "YouTube" prior to the live SHOWTIME® Televizijos ne 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT, as the network continues its unrivaled commitment to boxing.


The full day of high-stakes boxing will begin at approximately 5:30 p.m. IR/2:30 p.m. PT with streaming coverage from Belfast, Ireland as 2016 Kovotojas Metų Carl Frampton makes his long-awaited homecoming. The former two-division titlist Frampton (23-1, 14 Kos) susidurs kartą sumuštas Andres Gutierrez (35-1-1, 25 Kos) in a 12-round featherweight bout, his first since splitting a par of slugfests with three-division world titlist Leo Santa Cruz. Coverage of Frampton vs. Gutierrez will be provided by Channel 5, a television station in Northern Ireland.


SHOWTIME Sports will then deliver live coverage from Barclays Center in Brooklyn beginning at 7:15 p.m. IR/4:15 p.m. PT with “SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims”. The two-fight live stream will feature former world title challenger Geraldas Vašingtonas (18-1-1, 12 Kos) against Brooklyn native Jarrell Milleris (18-0-1, 16 Kos), plus the U.S. debut of female boxing star and Irish Olympic Gold Medalist Kate Taylor (5-0, 3 Kos). Salė Famer Barry Tompkins will call the live streaming fights from Brooklyn alongside former world champion Danielis Jacobs.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims and Frampton vs. Gutierrez will be available to U.S. audiences only.


The Liepa 29 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast is headlined by a blockbuster matchup between two of boxing’s biggest stars as three-division world champion Mikey Garcia moves up to 140 pounds to face four-division champion Adrien “The Problem” Broner. Televised coverage begins live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT as unbeaten former world champion Jermall Charlo returns to face Jorge Sebastian Heiland in a middleweight world title eliminator. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims is an extension of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHOWTIME EXTREME, which is the first premium television series to offer live undercard coverage. Both offerings provide bonus bouts to viewers at home, delivering an experience that was previously available only to fans in arena. Via SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims, viewers are afforded the unique opportunity to interact with the boxing community during the event in real time.


SHOWTIME Sports also will live stream the Broner vs. Garcia final press conference ketvirtadienį and the official weigh-in penktadienį across digital platforms, including Facebook Live and YouTube.


Mayweather vs. McGregor to be Presented Live in U.S. Cinemas Saturday, Rugpjūtis 26

Fathom Events Partners with Mayweather Promotions to Deliver Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor Blockbuster to the Big Screen
DENVER – Liepa 25, 2017The unprecedented showdown between legendary boxing champion Floyd “Pinigai” Mayweather and UFC® superžvaigždė “Pagarsėjęs” Conor McGregor will be broadcast live to U.S cinemas on Šeštadienis, Rugpjūtis 26. “MAYWEATHER vs. MCGREGORwill feature a 12-round super welterweight contest that marks the first time champions from both boxing and MMA will meet in a sanctioned boxing match.
Fathom Events and Mayweather Promotions partner to give fans nationwide the opportunity to view undercard bouts and the unprecedented main event in movie theaters nationwide on Šeštadienis, Rugpjūtis 26, 2017 į 6:00 p.m. PT/ 7:00 p.m. LT/ 8:00 p.m. KT/ 9:00 p.m. IR. The fight will originate from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas and the event will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV.
The buzz that my fight against Conor McGregor is getting has been great already, so what better way to watch this larger than life event than on the big screen?” Sakė Mayweather. “We brought boxing back to movie theaters eight years ago and it was a huge success, but this event is on a different level and I’m so glad we are giving fans another way to see all the action. Grab your popcorn because this is a fight no one will want to miss.
I’m going to knock him out inside of four rounds,” McGregor said. “Prisiminkite mano žodžius…I don’t care about a ring or an octagon. Put me in there and I’m going to kick ass.
Bilietai “MAYWEATHER vs. MCGREGORcan be purchased online by visitingwww.FathomEvents.com, arba dalyvaujančių teatro kasose. A complete list of theater locations is available on the Fathom Events website (teatrai ir dalyviai gali kisti).
Mayweather Promotions is very proud of its longstanding partnership with Fathom Events and we’re glad to be able to once again bring a Floyd Mayweather fight to movie theaters nationwide,” Sakė Leonardas Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Akcijos. “If you can’t make it to T-Mobile Arena, but want to feel like you’re sitting singside, watching this mega-event on the big screen will be an experience fans won’t want to miss.
We are excited to once again partner with Mayweather Promotions and all promotional partners to be part of what is shaping up to be the most anticipated match up in years,” Fathom Events VP of Programming Kymberli Frueh said. “Since our first bout broadcast to cinemas, fans of boxing and MMA have come together and enjoyed a larger-than-life ring-side experience on the biggest screens around. This will certainly be one for the history books for fans and all involved.

Dėl iliustracijų / nuotraukų susiję su “MAYWEATHER vs. MCGREGOR,” aplankyti suvokti Renginiaipaspauskite svetainė.

Sekite „Twitter“ @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, ir "Facebook" tuo www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions ir www.Facebook.com/UFC

HOF referee Steve Smoger & top judge Steve Weisfeld On board for unique pro boxing event

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7th annual Wray and Nephews Rum Contender Boxing Series
Jamaica vs. Kanada, Championship final this Wed. in Kingston
KINGSTON, Jamaika (Liepa 24, 2017) – Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger and International judge Steve Weisfeld, arguably the top two worldwide in their respective positions, are both working Šį trečiadienį (Liepa 26) championship final of the seventh annual Wray and Nephew Rum Contender Boxing Series, outdoors on the grounds of The Mico University College in Kingston, Jamaika.
Former Caribbean Boxing Federation (CABOFE) and Jamaican welterweight champion Sakina Mullings (22-3, 14 Kos) įgauna Philas “The Assassin” Rose (9-4-1, 5 Kos) in the 10-round championship final.
Mullingsmost significant victory to date is a 12-round decision in 2013 per Howard Eastman (46-11), the former European champion and two-time world title challenger from Guyana. Mullings was born in Kingston and lives in Stoney Hill, Jamaika.
Fighting out of Whitby, Ontarijo, Kanada, Rose stopped two-time Canadian Olympian Adam Trupish (11-1) jų antrame ture 2014 kova, and last November he upset previously undefeated Ryan Young (10-0) with an opening round knockout.
Two Jamaicans battle it out in the consolation fight as Richardas “The FrogHolmes (14-7, 8 Kos) faces his fellow countryman Tsetsi Davis (18-6, 5 Kos. The championship and consolation bouts are both scheduled for 10 raundai.
The purse breakdown for the top four fighters is $2,000,000 ($15,623 USD) for the champion, $500,000 ($3905 USD) runner-up, $250,000 ($1953 USD) third place, ir $200,000 ($1562 USD) fourth place.
The 2017 series originally pitted 16 professional boxers, featuring eight junior middleweights from each country, Team Jamaica vs. Team Canada, fighting in qualifying rounds leading up to Trečiadienio championship final between. This is the first year Canada has competed in the tournament. Buvęs pasaulio čempionas DeMarcus “Susmulkinkite Chop” Corley, who hails from Washington D.C., was champion of last year’s tournament held in the United States.
Phil Rose & Tyler Buxton

My fiancé is from Jamaica and I first went there looking to promote shows there,” sakė Tyler Buxton (United Boxing Promotions), who has served as consultant to the television producer, in addition to being the promoter/manager for Team Canada. “I spoke to the Jamaica boxing commissioner and he told me about past Contender shows. He was concerned about the team fighting Team Jamaica being able to fill the eight-fighter field. I agreed to bring Team Canada and it’s been a great experience for me and all the guys.

They flew in on a Penktadienis, fought trečiadienį, and flew back to Canada the following day. They stayed in a mansion, where there was a beautiful in-ground pool, and the fighters had their own cooks. They had to adjust to the heat having been used to fighting and training in Canada. Bet, ei, they had no problems losing weight. Everybody here has been super nice. The Jamaican media wasn’t nice to us at the beginning, claiming we weren’t good enough to compete with Jamaican fighters, but we won the first round, 5-3, and then got some respect. Our fighters even have some Jamaican fans now.
Unlike the original version of Pretendentas Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose, which was a reality television show, the “Jamaican Contenderis all about fighting, no behind the scenes stories. It has aired on JTV in Jamaica, drawing 800,000 viewers for the quarterfinals, 1-million for the semifinals, ir 1.2 million viewers are projected for Trečiadieniochampionship final. These are incredible viewing numbers considering there are only 2.8 million people living in Jamaica. Fans outside of Jamaica may watch a live stream the championship final online via 1Stopmedia.com.
Jamaica has a rich boxing tradition, producing many world-class fighters and champions such as Mike McCallum, Trevor Berbick, Donovan Ruddock, Glen Johnson, Simonas Ruda, Nikolajus Walters, O’Neil Bell, Uriah Grant, Alicia Ashley, Alex Stewart ir Howard dotacijos. Į 1973, Kingston hosted the World Heavyweight Championship between a pair of future Hall of Famers, “Didelis” George Foreman (37-0) ir Smokin'” Joe Frazier (29-0), in which Foreman captured the WBC and WBA titles from defending champion Frazier by way of a second-round knockout.

Undefeated Brooklyn light heavyweight prospect JuniorThe Young GodYounan to be showcased in “KO Naktį Boksas: Rumble on the Water 2” bendro funkcija

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Liepa 29 CBS sporto tinkle, live from The Queen Mary
Junior Younan
(photo courtesy of Roc Nation Sports)

LONG BEACH. Kalifas.

(Liepa 24, 2017) – Former junior boxing prodigy and undefeated professional prospect, nenugalėtas JuniorThe Young GodYounan, will be showcased in the “KO Naktį Boksas: Rumble on the Water 2” bendro funkcija šį šeštadienį (Liepa 29), pasivaikščiojimas (10 p.m. IR / 7 p.m. PT) CBS sporto tinkle, live from The Queen Mary’s outdoor venue in Long Beach, Kalifornija. The Queen Mary will be hosting its first pro boxing show.

The 21-year-old Younan (12-0, 9 Kos), kovoti iš Bruklino, takes on former USA California super middleweight champion Mike Guy (9-2-1, 5 Kos), Sakramentas (PVZ), in the eight-round co-featured event.
This will be a coming out party for me,” Younan said. “I’m going to go out there and try to make a statement. It’s been a great start to the yearit’s my third fight this yearand I feel like I’m getting better and better each one.
In the night’s 10-round main event, nenugalima plunksnos svorio perspektyva Tramaine “The Mighty Midget” Williams (11-0, 4 Kos), New Haven (KT), squares off against former world title challenger WilliamChirizo” Gonzalez (30-7, 26 Kos), of Nicaragua.
“KO Naktį Boksas: Rumble on the Water 2”, presented by Black Tree, is promoted by Roy Englebrecht Promotions, in association with KO Night Boxing LLC and Roc Nation Sports.
Fighting under the Roc Nation banner, Younan was a highly-decorated amateur boxer, compiling an outstanding 90-5 įrašas. Given his success, Younan elected to turn pro in 2013 as an 18-year-old, rather than wait several years for an opportunity to qualify for the U.S. Olimpinis bokso komanda.
Younan started boxing competitively as an eight-year-old and, tik two years later, The New York Times crowned him aboxing prodigy”. During his impressive amateur career, he collected several belts, medals and awards, including nine championship performances in the Junior Olympics as well as the Junior Metros, eight in the New York State Silver Gloves, and five more in the Regional Silver Gloves. He was also a four-time National Silver Gloves recipient, three-time Ringside World winner, three-time National PAL, and two-time National Junior Golden Gloves champion. Į 2011, he was crowned the National Junior Golden Gloves champion, in addition to being USA Boxing’s No. 1-rated junior boxer in his weight class.

Nagging injuries somewhat curtailed Younan’s development, limiting him to one fight in 2015. After a nine-month layoff, he returned triumphantly on March 26, 2016 to defeat Cristian Solorzano, Sonora, Meksika, on the Andre Ward vs. Sullivan Barrera undercard at Oracle Arena in Oakland, Kalifornija. With a win by way of a four-round unanimous decision, Younan improved his unblemished record to 8-0.

Three of Younan’s last four fights have ended in the opening round, including his most recent on Birželis 17 on the Andre Ward-Sergey Kovalev 2 undercard at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. The Brooklyn bomber made quick work of the Hungarian veteran Zoltan serumai (28-14, 20 Kos) ne 1:39 ženklas.

It was an amazing experience for me as a 21-year-old to fight in Vegas on Andre Ward’s card,” Younan added. “Coming off that knockout, I have great momentum and confidence heading into this fight. I can’t wait.
California heavyweights Gimtoji Hernandezas (10-5-2, 2 Kos), of Modesto, and Los AngelesJonnie Rice (6-2-1, 4 Kos), a former Winthrop College (SC) krepšinio žaidėjas, will open the televised segment of the card in a six-round bout.
Fighting on the undercard in four-round matches are Los Angeles featherweight Sergio “El NinoQuiroz (3-0) vs. Lupe Arroyo (2-0), iš Huntington Beach (PVZ), Whittier (PVZ) lengvas George Acosta (2-0), and pro-debuting welterweights Eric Gomez, of Santa Ana (PVZ), and Long Beach’s Raul Calderon.
Visi kovoja ir kovotojai gali kisti.
All tickets are priced at $60.00 and on sale to purchase by calling 949.760.3131.
Durys atviros ne 5:30 p.m. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:30 p.m. PT.
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