Категория Архив: бокс


Билетите се продават сега за 19 октомври карта, който се отличава с жилавост, местни мачове

ДУРХАМ, СЕВЕРНА КАРОЛИНА – Август 25, 2017Raging Babe и Зала на славата Сватовство Russell Peltz са събрали каква може да е най-добрата карта, която Северна Каролина е виждала тази година. Когато “Raging Babe” Мишел Росадо за пръв път стъпи в Северна Каролина, тя го направи с умисъл и цел. Северна Каролина има, твърде дълго, се разглежда като място, където бойците могат да посещават архивите си. Росадо се ангажира да промени това, и новоизминатата Организатор планира да изпълни този ангажимент, когато тя представи Четвъртък Нощни Битки на 19 октомври в Дърам Оръжейна.

Основното събитие е локален мач, дебел с лоша кръв. Марко “Побойникът на биковия град” Двор на замък (5-0, 3KO) се изправя срещу Шарлот Стиви “Отговорът” Маси (4-1, 4KO). в двубой от шест кръга, който набира, откакто и двамата бойци са в аматьорските редици. Говоренето за боклук зад затворените врати, в което участваха и двамата бойци през последните няколко години, се разпространи в социалните медии, и сега ще завърши с двубоя на щатското първенство на Северна Каролина19 октомври. “Той прекалява с устата си твърде много,” - каза Бейли на противника си. “Това е лично. Искам да победя s— от него. Очаквах дълго време да се докопам до този тип, и ще го разбия за шест рунда. Ще го накарам да изглежда зле.” Това е първият двубой от шест кръга на Бейли, и той влиза в лагера с думите на Безспорен шампион в супер лека категория Теренс Крофорд в съзнанието му. “Прекарах известно време с Бъд миналия уикенд. Той ми каза, че дори когато се борите, и времената стават трудни, трябва да се биеш през него, без значение какво. Без оправдания.” Бейли тренира на три часа от дома си със старши треньора си Дон Търнър. “Не е лесна работа, учебни часове всеки ден във ферма само с работа, почивка и царевица.” Каза Розадо от лагера на Бейли. Бейли не е възпиран. “Трябва да се биеш в беда. Това е, което прави шампиони. Това е, което показва от какво сте направени,” - каза младият боец.

Маси планира да остави юмруците си да говорят. “Не отстъпвам от никого,” каза Маси от мача. “Трябваше да се бием в аматьорите, но не се случи, и сега е време.” 24-годишната полутежка категория се увеличава, за да се бие с Бейли, и Бейли се движи надолу. Те се срещат в средата в 132 паунда. Маси излиза от първата си загуба, тежко единодушно решение на Reggie Barnett Jr.. Много бойци биха докоснали по-лесно след загуба, но това не е начинът, по който е изграден Маси. “Загубата ми върна глада. По-добре да се закопча, защото 19 октомври, Идвам.”

Това е вид мач, който Росадо и Пелц харесват най-много. “Слушам, Мишел е в движение- гетер, тя е агресивна,” - каза Пелц. “Тя купува местната теория за мачове. Няма нищо лошо в бокса, че добрите битки няма да помогнат. Мишел разбира това. Трябва да правите състезателни битки. Ако можете да ги направите на местно ниво без телевизия, това ще помогне само на бокса в дългосрочен план. Опитваме се да променим културата в Северна Каролина. Всеки път, когато накарате две местни деца да се бият помежду си през 21 век, това е голяма работа.”

В съвместно основното събитие, двама непобедени, местните бойци от Дърам се изправят един срещу друг в двубой от шест кръга в Junior Middleweight. Джоузеф Джаксън (8-0, 6KO) площади приспадат Монреко “Крал Рийк” Голдстън (5-0-1, 3KO), като и двамата бойци слагат „O’ по линията. Това ще бъде първият двубой на Goldston от повече от година, след като спечели мажоритарно равенство с Робърт Суини от Вирджиния през май 2016. Срещата ще бъде четвъртата за Джаксън тази година. Той спечели нокаут над Дариол Хъмфри миналата събота, 19 август.

Също така в картата, Карлос Олмеда (2-0, 2KO) се сблъсква с много труден противник в кавгаджията в Ню Йорк Вини Дениерио (1-2, 1KO). Не е първият път 5’10” Southpaw Denierio се е борил в Bull City. Той се изправи там срещу Марко Бейли през април, преди да го реваншира през юни във Филаделфия. И двата двубоя предизвикаха овации на публиката. Олмеда не е типът, който отстъпва, въпреки че е по-малкият от двамата бойци, планира да даде на нюйоркчанина всичко, с което може да се справи.

Останалата част от картата е подредена с някои от най-обещаващите таланти в Северна Каролина. Непобедена юноша в средна категория Дони Маршал (5-0, 4KO) се появява на картата, заедно с перспектива за супер средна категория Блейк “The KO Царя” Mansfield (4-1-1, 2KO) , и Raleigh Heavyweight Нейт Уилямс (1-0, 1KO). Също така в картата, Хасим Рахман, Jr. прави своя дебют в Северна Каролина. Тежка категория върви по стъпките на баща си, и е спечелил две победи, и двамата с нокаут, от дебюта му през април.

Бойната карта изпълнява обещанието на Rosado към феновете на Северна Каролина. “Тези бойци не се бъркат,” Саид Rosado. “Освежаващо е да работите с момчета, които искат да се бият.” Росадо отбеляза това, на бойците’ кредит, гореспоменатите мачове бяха лесна продажба. “Искаха да дойдат и да се бият за феновете. Няма необичайни пресконференции, без заплащане за гледане, няма циркови актове, няма смущаващи мачове. Просто истински боксьори, борещи се с истински битки, Стил Дърам.”

Четвъртък Night Fights се спонсорира от Corona Extra. Билетите са в продажба сега ($75, 50, 40), и на разположение на RagingBabe.com или като се обадите 919-584-4849.

FNU Бойни спортове Show, Jon Jones Busted Again, Мейуедър срещу. McGregor Previews and Predictions, Crossover Potential

Шик, Tom and Rich discuss the upcomingSuperfightin Las Vegas between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather, Jr. тази събота вечер. We also break down Tony’s PREDICTION. This week’s show also features our discussions on the crossover potential after this fight. Anthony Joshua and Tony Bellew both expressed interest in crossover fights. We additionally chat about Jon Jones testing positive for a steroid after UFC 215 and the upcoming Bellator card tomorrow night. We even go over the Mini May/Mac fight at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club in Las Vegas.


Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor Undercard Press Conference Quotes & Снимки

Fighters Competing on SHOWTIME PPV
& FOX & FOX Deportes Prelims This Събота, Август. 26
from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions
(Снимки, за да бъдат добавени скоро)
LAS VEGAS (Август 24, 2017) – Fighters competing on the Mayweather vs. McGregor undercard spoke to media and went face-to-face Четвъртък, one day before they weigh-in ahead of their Събота, Август. 26 showdowns at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
The four-fight SHOWTIME PPV event, beginning live at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT, will feature undefeated rising star Gervonta “Резервоар” Davis making the second defense of his 130-pound title against undefeated challenger Francisco Fonseca plus light heavyweight champion Nathan Умело defending his belt against former super middleweight champion Badou Jack. The telecast begins with unbeaten Andrew Tabiti и бивш световен шампион Стив Cunningham meeting in a 10-round battle.
Coverage begins on FOX and FOX Deportes with a one-hour Prefight Show at 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT. Prelims on FOX and FOX Deportes begin at 7 p.m. И/4 p.m. PT and will see a battle between welterweight contenders Thomas Dulorme и Йорденис Угашplus a showdown of unbeaten prospects as Juan Heraldez отговаря Jose Miguel Borrego в 10-кръг мач.
Additional action inside the arena will see unbeaten Кевин Newman (7-0-1, 3 Нокаута) in super middleweight action and the pro debut of 2016 Savannah Marshall от Лондон.
Ето какво борците трябваше да каже Четвъртък from the David Copperfield Theater at MGM Grand:
Събота night is going to be a great performance from me. I’m ready to take over this sport after Floyd passes me the torch.
I had a great camp. I hope Fonseca’s camp was great because we have to put on a great performance for the fans. I want the fans to say that there is a new star in this sport.
I feel like my career is very similar to Floyd’s so far. We started out at the same weight and we each got our first belt at 130-pounds. I just want to live up to what he’s accomplished and accomplish even more. I believe that I have the skills and the ability to be the big star in this sport.
I just try to stay grounded because I know what I want to do in this sport. Because I have the belief in myself it’s easy for me to stay focused. I also think I have the best team in this sport and they help me every step of the way.
Fonseca is a very good fighter. He’s very fast and sharp. He’s got a long reach but I know that he hasn’t fought anyone that has the skills that I have. Не го пренебрегвам. I’m training really hard for this.
I was in the position he’s in now. I know how him and his team are feeling. I know what I have to do to be victorious. I’m going to come out sharp and hopefully pick up even more fans than I have now.
I want to unify this division and then move up in weight and keep adding titles. If I can’t get a unification bout next, then I’m going to move up for new challenges.
This is a very important night for me. It’s important to me that I put on a great show. I want everyone to say that ‘there’s a new star in town.'
The huge audience won’t intimidate me. I’ve dreamt my whole life to be in an event of this magnitude.
I take this fight as a big responsibility. My dream has always been to fight in an event of this magnitude. My goal is to be a champion and come out of this with a belt on my waist.
The preparation has been long. I’ve had five months of training in intense conditions. I feel strong mentally. На Август 26, I aim to reach my goal as a champion for Costa Rica.
This is an opportunity to start writing my legacy. Gervonta is tough because he is a champion, but I have the hunger and motivation to win and be a champion.
All camps are different but in this one I had fivemonths to prepare. We were in Puerto Rico for the training and everything was smooth. I feel strong heading into this fight.
We both have the pressure to win. I come to do my job. I’ve been keeping focused on the fight and the combat. He hasn’t experience an opponent with as much hunger as I have. It’s going to be a great fight and very competitive. He is the champion and I want to be the champion.
Нейтън хитро
I’m enjoying the experience of being in Las Vegas. I love fighting in this city. I’m looking forward to the fight and I’m going to embrace this moment.
“В края на краищата, all that matters is the fight. I’m coming to win and that’s my sole focus. The fight is the pinnacle moment and I’m saving all my energy for that.
I’ve persisted throughout my career. Any setbacks I just got right back to training and stayed consistent. If you keep working hard then the opportunities will arrive. I stayed patient and allowed the opportunities to come.
I have no regrets in my career. I like taking risks in this sport. I fought Kovalev when I was 26, I fought Bellew at cruiserweight, I fought Fonfara in Chicago, Braehmer in Germany and now I’m fighting Badou Jack, who’s on the rise. I love the big fights.
It’s a high-risk high reward fight. The winner of this is in line for Andre Ward and the super WBA title. This is a solid world title fight between two guys who want to be at the top of the division.
JACK Badou
I’ve got great stamina in there. I’m never going to get tired. I train hard for this. Every punch in a fight is important. We have a great game plan and we’re going to execute it.
“Искам да се бори с най-доброто. I have the skills to beat anyone. If they say I can’t beat someone, that’s the fight I want the most.
I’m not overlooking Nathan Cleverly. I’m just getting comfortable at this weight and I’m going to be focused on performing on fight night. If all goes well though, I could see myself finishing my career at cruiserweight someday.
I’ve been fighting big, strong guys since Cleverly was a teenager. Well see who is the stronger man when we’re in the ring в събота.
I feel better at this weight than at super middleweight. Очаквам с нетърпение да тази битка. There happens to be a lot of UK fighters at my weight and I’ve enjoyed experiencing a little bit of the UK fans.
I began boxing because I was being bullied so my stepfather put me in the ring and I would get beat up every day. I learned a lot from those experiences. I just kept coming back every day and I never gave up. Now I’m here.
This sport is about proving people wrong. People said Floyd wouldn’t beat a lot of guys in his career, I’m not saying I’m Floyd, but this is a sport where you have to prove yourself. Ще видим в събота.
Being in the gym with Floyd gives me the drive to keep working. Seeing how hard he works, it shows me what I want to be.
I have to use my legs and keep boxing. I need to use my speed in there. It’s different watching me on TV than actually being in there with me. I could see it going the distance but if I catch him, Отивам да го довърши.
One of my favorite fighters growing up was James Toney. That’s where I picked up some of my style. He used to hit combos off the shoulder roll and that’s what I like to do.
This is a great undercard with Gervonta Davis and Badou Jack. I’m here trying to make a name for myself in the cruiserweight division and become a face of this weight class.
I actually commentated on one of Tabiti’s fights about a year and a half ago. He’s a good up-and-coming fighter. He emulates Floyd and he’s trained by Floyd’s dad so that’s expected. I think I’m going to overwhelm him mentally and physically.
I don’t think Tabiti is at the top level yet. He has flaws and strengths but at the end of the day, he has a fight Събота. He’s in there with a two-time world champion so he’s going to have to fight Събота.
Every fight on this level is a huge fight. I’ve been in the ring with some monsters. Some of the best cruiserweights and heavyweights in the world. I don’t think that I look 41 but you’ll have to let me know в събота.
I think this is what Tabiti has been waiting for. I will be nice and calm and be right in his face and right in his chest.
When these guys hang around Floyd they want to be like him and they’ve been around these events, so I don’t think the atmosphere will affect him. But once we’re in the ring, it’s just me and him.
I’m so happy to have this big fight в събота нощ. My team has done a great job to get me to this position.
Having an opponent change is part of boxing. I was already training very hard for Shawn Porter so when the opponent changed, nothing changed in camp. I continued to work hard and в събота night I will show why I worked so hard.
I want all of my Puerto Ricans to tune-in в събота night because I’m going out there to steal the show and put on the fight of the night.
I’m going to bring an exciting fight for the fans and prove that I am a world championship level fighter. I fight for the fans and I can’t wait to get in there and perform.
Йорденис Угаш
“Чувствам се страхотно. Аз съм готов за Събота and I’m excited to put on a great fight. I feel very blessed to be here and be a part of such a historic event.
To my Cuban fans, I’m so proud to be representing my country here in Las Vegas and Събота night it’s going to be a great fight.
It is an honor to step in to face Dulorme. Той е огромен борец. I’m here and I feel a blessed and happy to have been called. I won’t let my fans down.
My weight is great right now. I feel comfortable and hydrated. Everything has gone perfectly. I’m looking to make a mark in the junior welterweight division. Terrence Crawford is the dream fight and I just want to keep working up to that level.
My career has progressed well and I think this fight is going to make me a contender. From here I just want to keep improving and getting in there with tougher opponents.
I’ve been training out in Las Vegas since 1998 but the last two years in the Mayweather Boxing Club has been amazing. Everyone in the gym is so motivated right now. We all push each other by just working harder and trying to match each other.
I didn’t watch much of Borrego in the beginning of camp, but I saw his record so I knew I had to train as hard as I ever have. But when I watched him I thought he was kind of limited. I think I have advantages and I think I’m the better all-around fighter.
I feel excited and motivated. Training has been tough but we’re sure we’re ready for Събота.
The motivation for this kind of card has been tremendous. I can’t wait to put on a show for all the Mexican fans who tune-in.
I’m so proud to be the only Mexican on this card. We’re going to give it our all. We’re ready for this fight. I’m the new breed of Mexican fighters and I’m going to show it to the world.
I’ve had a great camp. Аз съм в топ форма. I was really pushed in sparring working with Chris Eubank Jr. and some other guys. I’ve been up running at 5 А.М. four to five miles every day. Аз съм готов.
I’ve improved a lot mentally. I’ve focused in more. Listening is key for me. I feel like I’m at a stage where I’m listening to my corner and we’re bonding and meshing together great.
I just have to continue to stay focus and work hard. If I’m dedicated and disciplined to my craft, then everything else will fall into place.
“Щастлив съм да бъда тук. I’m in a very blessed position. I can’t wait to go out there and put on a dominant performance. I plan on starting out strong and taking advantage of everything that I can.
I just take my time and relax in the ring. I’m going to make my opponent fight my pace. He usually starts pretty quick but then he starts to fade. I’m going to dictate the pace from round and not let him get comfortable.
# # #
Мейуедър срещу. McGREGOR
Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor is a 12-round super welterweight matchup that pits the legendary boxer Mayweather against the all-time MMA great McGregor in the main event of an unprecedented four-fight pay-per-view boxing event. Мейуедър срещу. McGregor will take place Събота, Август. 26 при 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. The event is produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV, promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona. Coverage of the Prelims will begin on FOX and FOX Deportes at 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT.
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Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor Final Press Conference Quotes & Снимки

Мейуедър & McGregor Face Off Ahead of Blockbuster SHOWTIME PPV Event This Събота, Август. 26 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Крис Фарина / Мейуедър Промоции
LAS VEGAS (Август 23, 2017) – Fight week for the biggest event in combat sports history continued Wednesday as Флойд Мейуедър и Conor McGregor squared off at the final press conference ahead of the SHOWTIME PPV matchup this Събота, Август. 26 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
The fighters spoke to hundreds of media from all around the world as the anticipation continues to grow for this once-in-a-lifetime event that combines the worlds of boxing and MMA for one spectacular fight.
Here is what the participants had to say Wednesday from KA Theatre at MGM Grand:
FLOYD Мейуедър
I’ve been here so many times. I know what it takes for a fight of this magnitude. I’m thankful to everyone who has covered this event. Everyone can talk about different storylines, but it comes down to two fighters. Just me and the guy I’m competing against.
I had a tremendous training camp. We had a lot of different guys who gave me different looks. To compete in a combat sport, you have to be a fighter at the end of the day. To be in this sport for 21 години, I had to take it extremely seriously, just like I did for this bout.
Everyone knows I can fight. I can give it and I can take. But to get to 49-0, it’s obvious that I’m not receiving it, I’m giving it a lot more often.
Conor McGregor is a hell of a fighter. He’s a tough competitor. It’s going to be blood sweat and tears Събота нощ. That’s what we want to give people all around the world. Now it comes down to the two of us going out there and displaying our skills.
The best fighting the best. He’s the best at what he does, I’m the best at what I do. We can both do a lot of talking, but it comes down to the skills. We’re going to compete and give you what you want to see.
“След 21 years I’ve been hit with everything and I’m still right here. One thing you must know about combat sports, if you give it, you must be able to take it. Last time I checked, no one is walking me down. It’s all about my IQ and patience in the ring.
We’re both real fighters. We’re two huge names in combat sports. He’s made a mark the last few years and I’ve made a mark for 21 години. Now it’s time to go do what we do best and fight.
I go out there and do what I do. I’ve been here before and fought many different fighters with different styles. There have been plenty of guys who talked a lot of trash, but when it’s all said and done, I came out victorious.
We prepare for this every day at the Mayweather Boxing Club. We’re built for this stage. We have a lot of young fighters and guys with more experience going toe-to-toe every day. We’re always talking trash to each other and staying in each other’s ear.
This is great for the city of Las Vegas. It’s all about giving back and I’m giving back to my home of Las Vegas. This city has welcomed me with open arms from day one. We’re doing great numbers. It’s the biggest fight in history. It’s not just a fight, it’s an event. It’s all about breaking my own records.
I’ve said it’s not going the distance and you can mark my words. I know he’s going to come out and switch and go back and forth with stances. It’s my job to execute my game plan and adjust if I have to.
We’re here now. It’s a couple days out. We’ve had a lot of crazy events but this is nice and business-like. I’m very happy with how camp has gone. Everything has been absolutely amazing. I have to shout out my team and everyone who’s been involved with camp. We’re prepared for 12 rounds of nonstop pace. I will go forward and put the pressure on and break this old man.
He made a big error agreeing to the eight ounce gloves. I don’t see him lasting two rounds. I think I could end him in one round if I want. He messed up. I’m very happy with these gloves. I don’t care where your hands are, I’m going to break through whatever is in front of me.
I really appreciate the support from everyone back home and all over the world, it’s been very humbling and motivating. That’s why I’ve put in such hard work for this fight. I’m going to go out and perform. I’m going to out box this man at his own game. That’s how much of a different level I’m on.
When it’s all said and done I’m going to feel a little bit sad. You should have kept your mouth shut and left me over where I was. This man is not on my level. He’s not a quarter of the man I am. Everyone is going to eat their words в събота.
He’s a beaten man. He will not be able to take the ferociousness that I come with. Аз съм много уверен. I have more skills in many areas and as a true martial artist, I can adapt to any situation.
I’ve never missed weight in my life and it won’t be happening this time. I’ve had my nutritionist practically living with me throughout camp. We are ready and feel great at the weight right now. The weight has been taken seriously and Floyd can keep wishing that I’ll miss weight.
I’ve made it through shin bones that bounced off my cheekbone. That’s the game I come from. They can say what they want, but I’ve come through a lot tougher than what any of these fighters he’s faced have gone through.
LEONARD Ellerbe, Главен изпълнителен директор на Мейуедър Промоции
Mayweather vs McGregor has captured the imagination of sports fans across the world. It’s a historic event demanded by the fans and put on for the fans.
The fighters will put their talents on display in a fight that people did not think was possible. After it’s done, people will talk about this fight for years to come.
We’re making our event available on every possible platform. Fans across the world will have access to this great fight from anywhere.
Boxing is at an all-time high because of some of the great matchups that have been made, and SHOWTIME has been at the forefront of that. SHOWTIME is the face of boxing and we’re proud to be partnered with them.
СТИВЪН Еспиноза, Executive VP & Генерален мениджър, Шоу Спорт
SHOWTIME PPV is the home of big events and we’ve teamed up with MGM and Mayweather Promotions to bring fans the most exciting and memorable fights in sports history. We have brought record breaking event after record breaking event; These are events that the world watches and makes history. No event is bigger than this one. Two of the biggest personalities in sports meeting in a once in a lifetime event.
This will be the most widely distributed event in PPV history. This event will be distributed in over 200 countries and might grow to 225 countries by the time we’re done. That’s a broader distribution than virtually any other event in combat sports history. We are well on our way to being a record-setting event in many categories.
RICHARD STORM, President of Sports and Entertainment, MGM Resorts International
Fight week has finally arrived and we are thrilled that it will be held at T-Mobile Arena, home of the biggest events in the sports and entertainment industry. In a little over a year, T-Mobile Arena has become an industry leader and home to some of the world’s greatest athletes and entertainers.
Las Vegas and T-Mobile Arena will be the center of the sports universe for this great spectacle. We look forward to once again showing the world that we are the leader in entertainment and we can’t wait to see you в събота нощ.”
# # #
Мейуедър срещу. McGREGOR
Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor is a 12-round super welterweight matchup that pits the legendary boxer Mayweather against the all-time MMA great McGregor in the main event of an unprecedented four-fight pay-per-view boxing event. Мейуедър срещу. McGregor will take place Събота, Август. 26 при 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. The event is produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV, promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona.
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За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports и www.t-mobilearena.com, follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions,www.Facebook.com/SHOSports andwww.Facebook.com/UFC

Former World Champion Juan Carlos Payano Earns Unanimous Decision Over Alexis Santiago In Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes

Ladarius Miller Tops Jamel Herring in Exciting Battle of Lightweight Contenders Tuesday Night from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Andy Samuelson/
Първи Boxing ChampionСнимки, за да бъдат добавени скоро
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions
LAS VEGAS (Август 22, 2017) – Бившият световен шампион Juan Carlos Паяно (19-1, 9 Нокаута) scored an impressive decision victory over Алексис Santiago (24-5-1, 8 Нокаута) в главното събитие наПремиер боксови Champions Палеца до петите вторник на FS1 и Боксови Championsна FOX Sports, Вторник night from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas and presented by Mayweather Promotions.
Payano set the pace early, closing the distance with Santiago and delivering consistent flurries of punches. Santiago was unable to keep Payano from charging forward early and seemed focused on landing a big counter.
The fight was defined by its rough nature and constant fighting on the inside. This led to a cut above Payano’s left eye after round three, but his corner was able to manage it and the cut was never a problem.
I felt like I was winning every single round,” said Payano. “There were small moments on the inside that I gave away but I think I did the better work each round.
Santiago had moments in the fight and landed big right hands late in the fourth and fifth rounds that got Payano’s attention, but the former champion was able to throw back with high volume and regain control of the fight.
The strategy was to wear him down and then really try to walk him down and take him out,” said Payano. “Santiago was a little too tough for his own good so I kept some distance at times and controlled the fight.
I felt the long layoff when I got in there,” Саид Santiago. “I was a little tight and I loaded up too much instead of using my speed.
Even when Santiago was able to corner Payano, the slippery fighter was able to fight his way off the ropes and turn the tide back in his favor. After the end of 10 rounds of super bantamweight action all three judgessaw the fight in Payano’s favor by scores of 100-90 и 99-91 два пъти.
I want my titles back,” said Payano. “I don’t care who is holding which titles at 118 и 122 паунда. I’ll fight anyone and show I’m still a champion.
I thought the fight was a little closer,” Саид Santiago. “He did more work than me but I thought I had good moments. I wanted to box him a little more but I couldn’t find my range so I just tried to close down the gaps. We just have to go back to the drawing board and stay more active. I want to get a tune-up fight then get right back to fighting top guys.
The co-main event saw once-beaten Ladarius Miller (14-1, 4 Нокаута) вкарат съдийско решение над 2012 U.S. Олимпиец Jamel Herring (16-2, 9 Нокаута) in their 10-round lightweight bout.
The southpaws began the fight carefully, with Miller looking to establish his jab while Herring showed great movement early and tried to catch Miller in the pocket. The exchanges picked up in round two, although both men were still primarily throwing one punch at a time.
I know I out-jabbed him,” каза Милър. “When we jabbed each other, I thought my jab was stronger than his. I gave him two different styles. There were times where I walked him down and times where I boxed him.
Miller began to pick up the aggressiveness in round three, following up his jab with a straight left hand over the top that snapped Herring’s head. Herring continued to focus on his movement and mixed-in good body work several times to finish off exchanges.
In round five Herring began to plant himself inside and looked to counter Miller, but was unable to do enough clean work to get the attention of the judges as Miller continued to throw back with left hands and movement that occasionally frustrated Herring.
“Мислех, че е близък бой,” Саид Herring. “I thought when I came forward and pressed the fight he started retreating and moving.
Both men squared-off in the center of the ring for the final three rounds, as each looked to deliver a shot that would seal the fight in their favor. The flurry of action led to judgesdisagreements on all three of the final action-packed rounds.
In the end it was Miller’s consistent work throughout the fight that got him the nod from all three judges by scores of 98-92 и 97-93 два пъти.
I thought 97-93 was the right score,” каза Милър. “I took it easy in round nine and felt him out in the first two rounds. But the rest of the fight I felt like I dominated. It’s a process. I’m just climbing the ladder right now. I want to get another test and fight more strong fighters. I want to be on the biggest stages. I’m ready for the step up.
I thought I landed some heavy shots in there and was more aggressive,” Саид Herring. “Obviously the judges saw it differently. I’ll get back with my team and see what’s next, but I did think I won the fight. I thought I won the last two rounds and pulled it out.
# # #
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За повече информация: посещение WWW.premierboxingchampions.com, HTТР://www.foxsports.com/presspass / начална страница и www.foxdeportes.com. Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportesединд www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC на FS1 & FOX Deportes беше спонсориран от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor Grand Arrivals Quotes & Снимки

Fight Week Begins for Blockbuster SHOWTIME PPV Event ThisСъбота, Август. 26 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Крис Фарина / Мейуедър Промоции
LAS VEGAS (Август 22, 2017) – Флойд Мейуедър и Conor McGregor official kicked off fight week events Tuesday with grand arrivals at the Toshiba Plaza ahead of the SHOWTIME PPV event this Събота, Август. 26 taking place at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Also making an official grand arrival in Las Vegas was unbeaten Francisco Fonseca, who challenges 130-pound champion Gervonta Davis, plus light heavyweight titleholder Nathan Умело and former 168-pound champion Badou Jack, who meet in a 12-round title fight on the PPV undercard. The SHOWTIME PPV telecast begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten Andrew Tabiti и бивш световен шампионСтив Cunningham meeting in a 10-round battle after making their grand arrivals Tuesday.
Fighters were greeted by fans at the Toshiba Plaza before making brief remarks onstage. Ето какво борците трябваше да каже вторник:
FLOYD Мейуедър
When there’s a fight of this magnitude, it’s all about keeping composure and that’s what I do. I go out there and do my job and let the rest take care of itself. This is huge, the numbers that we’ve been hearing about, they’ve been crazy.
McGregor is a tough competitor. He’s undefeated standing up. He’s never lost when striking. I know that I’m in for a tough fight. But there is one thing I do know, this fight is not going the distance. Без значение какво казва на никого, it’s not going the distance.
This is work. This is my job. My job is to fight and compete against the best guys. You know when your body has had enough and this is it for me. I gave my word already about this being my last fight. Once I gave my word to my children, and once I gave my word to Al, I knew this was it. This is a great event. What better way to go out than with a bang?
I just go out there and fight. I don’t worry about my record. I’ve been blessed with hands and fast feet and a tremendous mind. It’ll all be on display Събота нощ.
A lot of fighters now only want the money. They don’t want to put in the hard work early in their careers. I took the long route and I’ve been here for a while. I just love the sport and competing against the best guys.
It’s all about the future and building stars. Mayweather Promotions is the future of sports and entertainment. It’ll be a great display this week.
I’m doing this for myself and my family but I want to give everyone a great show. Everyone deserves a good show. The Pacquiao fight wasn’t exciting enough. That was on Pacquiao, but I have to give the fans a great show this time.
Floyd can talk about whatever he wants to talk about. He can talk any kind of trash he wants, because he’s talking to the new God of boxing.
I like the move from five to three minute rounds. I feel like I’ve built a solid engine that is going to last me through the rest of my career and help me in the fight. We’ve put in the work. I’ve fought many 12-rounders.
The Irish are rolling in and whenever we roll in, we take over. It was amazing to see all the Irish fans out today. It’s going to be a great spectacle.
If people are overlooking my size, power and youth, they shouldn’t be. I’m very confident in those attributes. I believe I’ll knock him out early.
If you look at the way I fight, I am a fast starter. I come out and bang people right away. With eight ounce gloves, I don’t see him lasting more than one or two rounds.
I am my own man and I feel I am superior to Floyd. When it comes to Събота нощ, he will not be prepared for me.
I cannot wait to get in the в събота night and perform in front of my fans and take my place at the top of this sport.
We are ready for anything Gervonta Davis will bring. We had a great training camp and I’m in optimal condition to go win that title.
I am ready and excited to be here in Las Vegas for this great challenge. It’s amazing to have a chance to fight for a world title.
It’s always been my dream to fight here in Las Vegas. I’m going to start out strong from the first round. If a knockout comes, it comes, but what I do know is, is that I’m going to leave the ring with that world title в събота нощ.”
Нейтън хитро
I just love this place. This is my favorite city on the planet. To fight here in Las Vegas and defend my world title is great. Badou is a top fighter and it’s going to be a tough fight. He’s fighting an established light heavyweight like myself. I’m a two-time champion of the world and he’s going to find out what I’m about.
I just told him welcome to the division. He’s going to find out the hard way. I’m going to give him a rude introduction to the division and show him how a world champion does it.
This is an interesting fight with two world class fighters. I’m going to leave here with the victory в събота нощ.
It’s already a big fight with Badou Jack, but to be part of this event, it’s truly historic. It’s a special feeling.
JACK Badou
Right now I’m just excited to be here in front of the fans. I can’t wait to put on a showСъбота нощ. I’m going to knock Nathan Cleverly out.
This is the best camp I’ve had of my career. I have an amazing team and we’ve worked well together. I’m ready to get in the ring.
This is the biggest stage you can be on. All my my teammates have been training hard and the whole Mayweather Promotions stable is ready to fight.
I’m very excited and I’m thankful to everyone that came out here today. This is a great chance for me to shine.
It’s wonderful to share this card with my Mayweather Promotions stable. We work hard and we’re really up and training hard for this opportunity.
Steve Cunningham has done a great job in his career, but it’s time for a new face of the American cruiserweights. I’m getting the victory, that’s all there is.
I feel a lot younger than my age. I feel great and I’m ready to rock. I do my talking in the ring and I can’t wait to get in there.
It’s great to be on this stage. It’s my first time on a pay-per-view and it’s amazing. This is a huge fight and it’s a blessing to be there.
I don’t make predictions but I come to fight and I come to win. You have a young fighter coming to take me down but I’m going to show him what I know.
# # #
Мейуедър срещу. McGREGOR
Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor is a 12-round super welterweight matchup that pits the legendary boxer Mayweather against the all-time MMA great McGregor in the main event of an unprecedented four-fight pay-per-view boxing event. Мейуедър срещу. McGregor will take place Събота, Август. 26 при 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. The event is produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV, promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona.


PHILADELPHIA – Philly Boxing History announced today that former two-time cruiserweight champion Стив “USS” Кънингам will be the celebrity guest host of the 10th Annual Briscoe Awards при Xfinity Live! Филаделфия, на Октомври 15, 2017.

“За мен е чест,” Cunningham said of being named the guest host. “I’m happy and proud. I’m going to do my best.
Cunningham was the very first recipient of thePhilly Fighter of the YearBriscoe Award in 2007, and won the same award three years later. Общо, Cunningham has won a total five Briscoe Awards through the years, also winning for “2014 Philly Fight на годината” (срещу. Amir Mansour), и “Performance of the Yearin both 2012 и 2014.
The Bennie Briscoe Award was the first Philly organization to step up and really show appreciation for the things that I was doing,” Каза Кънингам. “I’ve been a world champ, but didn’t get the shine that some world champs would have. But the Bennie Briscoe Awards have always been there, not just for me but for every Philly fighter. I think every city should do this for their fighters, but they don’t. That’s what makes the Briscoe Awards so special.
Steve is the most decorated fighter in the Briscoe Awardsten year history AND he was our very first “Fighter на годината” победител,” said John DiSanto of Philly Boxing History Inc. “He’s the perfect person to guest host our 10th annual celebration. Steve has always represented the Briscoe Awards well, and it will be great to have him back on the stage in a whole new role.
First up however, Cunningham fights undefeated Andrew Tabiti for the NABF cruiserweight title on the Mayweather-McGregor mega-card, тази събота night in Las Vegas. The ten round bout opens the Pay-Per-View TV broadcast.
The Briscoe Awards are named in honor of legendary Philly middleweight Bennie Briscoe and the trophies given awaythe Briscoe Statue and the Briscoe Medalall bear the deceased icon’s likeness. The event brings together the local boxing community, including the award winners, their families, past and present boxers, бори фенове, other boxing people, and general sports fans.
This is the tenth year for the Briscoe Awards, which are presented by Philly Boxing History Inc., а 501(С)3 Non-Profit Organization, dedicated to preserving and celebrating Philadelphia’s great boxing legacy. Past winners at the Briscoe Awards include Bernard Hopkins, Дани Гарсия, Стив Cunningham, и много други.

The event returns to Xfinity Live! Филаделфия, the central hub of Philly’s sports stadiums, с 1100 Pattison Avenue in South Philadelphia. Admission is $5, and tickets can be purchased at BriscoeAwards.com or by calling 609-377-6413. Everyone is welcome.
За повече информация, including sponsorship and advertising opportunities, please call John DiSanto, 609-377-6413 / johndisanto@phillyboxinghistory.com
The 10th Annual Briscoe Awards will be held on Неделя, Октомври 15, 2017, 1-4 PM, at Xfinity Live!, 1100 Pattison Avenue in South Philadelphia.

Topps Chronicles Mayweather-McGregor Bout from Training to Winner


One of the most anticipated fights arrives тази събота when boxing champ Floyd Mayweather and UFC title holder Conor McGregor face off in the boxing ring – and Topps will chronicle the entire event.

Topps, the exclusive trading card partner of the UFC, has produced a limited edition trading card set featuring the road to the super-fight, which is exclusively available on Topps.com. Each set contains 20 cards showcasing the lead-up to the fight with the out-of-this-world press conferences, intense training sessions and unforgettable moments. The sets ($24.99) are available for just one week and Topps will print only the number of sets purchased.

Topps will also separately issue match preview cards later this week, showcasing images from the weigh-in.

To wrap up the whirlwind affair, a Topps collectible trading card of the winner between Mayweather and McGregor will be released в понеделник.

The only place to find these exclusive items is on Topps.com.

Международна асоциация Boxing (IBA) Relaunched worldwide by new sports group

За незабавно освобождаване

(L) – New IBA President J.C. Courreges with former IBA world champion Roberto Duran
VENTNOR CITY, N.J. (Август 22, 2017) – The International Boxing Association (IBA) has been relaunched worldwide by a sports group headed by the new IBA president, J.C. Куреж.
В 1991, two-time Major League Baseball all-star pitcher and Cy Young Award winner Dean Chance founded the IBA, guiding the international sanctioning body until his death in 2015.
The IBA will carry on in the spirit and memory of former IBA president and founder, the late Dean Chance,” Courreges said. “Our mission continues to be providing professional boxers, male and female, at all stages of their respective careers, the opportunity to fight for an internationally recognized World or Regional title.
Courreges has an extensive, invaluable background in boxing as a promoter and manger. He promoted Hall-of-Famer Roberto Duran, as well as former world champions Trevor Berbick, Джон Мугаби, Frankie Randalл, John David Jackson, Tom Johnson и 1984 Олимпийската шампионка Steve McCrory, Сред по-първенци. J.C. also managed world champions Henry Akinwande,

Byron Mitchell, Christophe Tiozzoe, Аарон Дейвис, Victor Cordova and current WBC cruiserweight world champion and IBA titlist, Mairis Deer.
IBA President J.C. Куреж is no stranger to the world of big-time professional boxing,” IBA Vice President Jean Philippe Lustyk отбелязано. “He managed several top-level fighters to significant World Championships. J.C. also promoted several events involving World Champion Roberto ‘Hands of Stone’ Duran. Needless-to-say, IBA President J.C. Куреж’ experience in the world of combat sports is second to none.
Дългите, prestigious list of IBA world champions during the past quarter-century includes Hall-of-Famers Оскар де ла Хоя, George Foreman, Roberto Duran и Артуро Гати, as well as stars such as Roy Jones, Jr., Бърнард Хопкинс, Шейн Моузли, James Toney, Микел Кеслер, Ерик Моралес, Диего Коралес, Jose Luis Castillo, Глен Джонсън и Antonio Tarver.
The late Arturo Gatti pictured here when he was IBA World Champion
The IBA was also a pioneer in terms of giving deserved recognition to women’s boxing, represented by former IBA world champions Лайла Али, St Mia. Клозет и Холи Холм.
Based in Ventnor City, New Jersey, the IBA also has an office in Florida. The IBA is establishing international representatives around the world in Germany, Румъния, България, Австралия, Canada and South Africa.
The following championships are sanctioned by the IBA: Свят, Inter-Continental, Continental, Americas and Latino, as well as South Pacific, Caribbean, Европейски, African and and Asian regional titles.
In addition to Latvia-native Breidis (22-0, 18 Нокаута), current IBA champions include IBA Light Heavyweight World Champion Denis Liebau (22-1, 20 Нокаута) and IBA Continental cruiserweight Sotorios Georgikeas (17-1, 15 Нокаута, both representing Germany.
IBA Executive Committee members are J.C. Куреж, Президент; Stephane Cabrera, Вицепрезидент, Lustyk, Вицепрезидент; и Bruno Wartelle, Ratings Chairman; Klaus Hagemann и стив Smoger are Co-Chairmen of the IBA Officials Committee.
The IBA has been and will continue to be a sanctioning body that grants opportunity to fighters at all levels of experience to compete in championship bouts.Wartelle explained. “Млад, rising and qualified fighters can participate in IBA Regional title bouts, while veteran fighters with appropriate records and qualifications may compete on the world title level. Any qualified fighter from anywhere in the world can fight for an IBA title. The IBA is an equal opportunity sanctioning body!”
Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger holding IBA world title belt with interested fighters
Facebook: /IBABoxing
Кикотене & Instagram: @IBABoxing



Grammy® Nominated and Multi-Platinum Global Artist Demi Lovato To Sing The National Anthem

WATCH OR EMBED THE BET 2: HTTP://s.sho.com/2vhklVa

Кликнете Тук For Behind-The-Scenes Photos


НЮ ЙОРК - август 21, 2017 - Sean Combs and Mark Wahlberg are doubling down on the upcoming SHOWTIME PPV matchup between pound-for-pound boxing king Floyd “Money” Mayweather and UFC champion “The Notorious” Conor McGregor. Шоу Спорт® has released a new video where superstars Combs and Wahlberg are following up on their previous Mayweather vs. Pacquiao wager. This time they are going double-or-nothing, with Combs betting again on Mayweather and Wahlberg putting his money down on McGregor. To watch and shareThe Bet 2 with Sean Combs and Mark Wahlberg, отидете: http://s.sho.com/2vhklVa. To download link for broadcast: https://we.tl/ZY8QNHt41n.


Днес, SHOWTIME® also announced that singer-songwriter Demi Lovato has signed on to sing the National Anthem during the main event. Lovato is a Grammy nominated artist with over six billion global single streams and nine platinum and multi-platinum singles to her name. She recently released Sorry Not Sorry, which has quickly become one of 2017’s biggest hits.


Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor is a 12-round, super welterweight matchup that pits the legendary boxer Mayweather against the all-time MMA great McGregor in the main event of an unprecedented four-fight pay-per-view boxing card. Мейуедър срещу. McGregor takes place onСъбота, Август 26 при 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. The event is produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV and promoted by Mayweather Promotions. The telecast also will be available in Spanish using secondary audio programming (SAP).

Broadcast and online clip restrictions: News outlets are cleared to use the Sean Combs and Mark Wahlberg clip on broadcast and digital platforms. Broadcast outlets must reference MAYWEATHER vs. MCGREGOR and SHOWTIME PPV verbally. Digital outlets must reference MAYWEATHER vs. MCGREGOR and SHOWTIME PPV in the accompanying copy or graphically over the footage.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports и www.mgmgrand.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @diddy, @mark_wahlberg @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebok.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, иwww.Facebook.com/UFC. You can also follow the storyline @puffdaddy on Snapchat.