Category Archives: tinju

Thomas Mattice Camp Catetan

Undefeated Mattice battles Lightweight Rolando Chinea Jumaah ieu dina ShoBox: Nu Generation New

Jumaah, Feb. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 p.m. AND/PT
Ti WinnaVegas Kasino di Sloan, Iowa

YORK ÉNGGAL (Jan. 30, 2018) – Prospek lightweight undefeated Thomas Mattice is preparing in Cleveland for his matchup against Rolando Chinea that is part of a ShoBox: Nu Generation New tripleheader Jumaah ieu, Feb. 2, hirup dina SHOWTIME di 10 p.m. Et / PT ti WinnaVegas Kasino di Sloan, Iowa.
Mattice (10-0, 8 KOs), tina Cleveland, Ohio, sarta Lancaster, Pennsylvania urang Chinea (15-1-1, 6 KOs) will clash in the eight-round co-feature of the three-fight telecast.
Mattice geus digawé teuas pikeun debut tipi nasional na.
Camp has been going great. We finished everything up over the weekend, tur ayeuna urang anu ngan sayah jeung lalaki siap pikeunJumaah.”
Sanajan gelut heula ieu mahluk Mattice di hareup kaméra, nu heubeul 27 taun ieu nyampurkeun ieu kawas naon gelut séjén.
I am going in like this is any other fight. The only difference is that this is a progression, a step up. Like all the other fights, Kuring keur ngan fokus kana lalaki meunang.”
Mattice ieu letting timnya ngalakukeun sagala kepanduan anu, while he focuses on his own business of training and getting ready for the opportunity ahead of him dinten Jumaah.
I am just letting my team handle the scouting of Chinea. We drew up a gameplan based on that, and now I am just going to go in there and execute it.
I just expect a great performance. For the fans that haven’t seen me, they can expect a fighter who can box and can bang. I just want everyone to tune in, and see a great fight. I have a lot of confidence that I will get the job done dinten Jumaah.”
Acara ieu diwanohkeun ku GH3 promosi dina pergaulan jeung Roc Nation Olahraga, Victory Promotions and Ringside Ticket. Tiket nu ngan $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 dina Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.HOT.WINN ext. 7117.


Love Replaces Injured Wellington Romero In Telecast Opener At 10 p.m. AND/PT Ti WinnaVegas Kasino Resort Dina Sloan, Iowa
YORK ÉNGGAL (Jan. 30, 2018) – Undefeated super lightweight Montana Cinta bakal nyanghareupan streaking Philadelphia prospek Sam Teah in the opening bout of ShoBox: The New Generation this Jumaah, Feb. 2, hirup dina WAKTOS NA PERTUNJUKAN (10 p.m. AND/PT) ti WinnaVegas Casino Resort dina Sloan, Iowa.

Cleveland pituin Cinta, who was originally scheduled to fight on a non-televised undercard bout on Feb. 2, ngagantikeun Wellington Romero, who was forced to withdraw dinten Senén with a back injury.
Teah (12-1-1, 5 KOs) vs. Bogoh (8-0, 4 KOs), is an eight-round super lightweight matchup that will serve as the opening bout of what is now a three-fight ShoBox telecast.
Dina Jumaah sacara kajadian utama, undefeated prospek 168-pound Ronald Ellis (14-0-1, 10 KOs) sarta Junior Younan (13-0, 9 KOs) will clash in a 10-round super middleweight bout. Dina ko-pitur, Thomas Mattice (10-0, 8 KOs) will face two-time ShoBox winner Rolando Chinea (15-1-1, 6 KOs) dina matchup lightweight dalapan buleud.
CATETAN: A previously announced matchup between Devin Haney and Harmonito Dela Torre was pulled from the ShoBox telecast after the Filipino Dela Torre encountered visa issues.
Cinta éta amatir dilakonan anu disusun a 174-13 catetan sarta meunangkeun medali perunggu dina 2012 National Golden Gloves Championships. The 22-year-old southpaw recently sparred with Adrien Broner and served as head sparring partner for Robert Easter Jr. salaku IBF Lightweight World Jawara disiapkeun keur pertahanan judul ngalawan Javier Citatah on Jan. 20.
Teah, tina Philadelphia ku cara Liberia, has won five in a row and owns a 2015 ShoBox victory over previously undefeated O’Shaquie Foster.
Acara ieu diwanohkeun ku GH3 promosi dina pergaulan jeung Roc Nation Olahraga, promosi meunangna, sarta ringside tiket. Tiket nu ngan $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 dina Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.HOT.WINN ext. 7117.
Barry Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Nu produser eksekutif téh Gordon Hall jeung Richard Gaughan ngahasilkeun jeung Rick Phillips ngarahkeun.
# # #
Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék dina Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, atawa jadi fan dina Facebook di

jawara dunya dua-division Beibut Shumenov Announces comeback na

Adul, Kazakhstan (Januari 29, 2018) – Dua-division Dunya tinju Association (WBA) Jawara Dunya Shumenov Beibu ngumumkeun comeback na dinten di konferensi pers diayakeun di Kazakhstan asli na.
“Teu sangka waktu anu pohara lila méméh nyieun kaputusan ieu,” Shumenov dipedar. “Gaduhan ditimbang sagala pro jeung kontra, salian konsultan jeung kulawarga kuring jeung tim, Kuring geus pageuh mutuskeun pikeun balik deui ka tinju profésional. Payun téh loba karya tapi tujuan urang téh atra. Abdi hoyong nganyatakeun nuhun ka sakabeh jalma anu geus dirojong kuring. Kuring bakal tetep dulur nepi ka tanggal mibanda leuwih warta tur rinci ngeunaan kuring mulang ka ring.”
The Shumenov basis Vegas Las (17-2, 11 KOs), a 2004 Kazakhstan Olympian, pensiunan Juni panungtungan alatan hiji tatu panon, forcing anjeunna ka relinquish WBA Cruiserweight judul dunya na.
“Abdi hoyong ngabejaan Anjeun naha kuring megatkeun pikeun ngeureunkeun karir mah.” Shumenov ngumumkeun dina konferensi presser dinten ieu. “The trauma panon kuring kapangaruhan putusan kuring. Kacapean sarta tegangan emosi akumulasi. Kuring ngan diperlukeun putus. Ayeuna, Kuring geus pulih, na Kuring keur bade ngahanca karir tinju kuring. Hungkul anu ayeuna dijalankeun for gelut abdi salajengna.”

Shumenov ogé ngungkabkeun yén anjeunna gawé bareng grup Kazakh ngamekarkeun program tinju pro domestik di Kazakhstan keur barudak ngora di Kazakhstan pikeun mantuan aranjeunna ngahontal jangkung maranéhna.
Dina ukur gelut pro-10 na, Shumenov ngadegkeun catetan fewest-gelut pikeun jawara dunya heavyweight lampu 10 sababaraha taun ka pengker, nalika anjeunna decisioned Jibril Campillo di Las Vegas.
Shumenov janten hijina jawara dunya dua-division ti Kazakhstan dina tarung panungtungan na, sabot dieureunkeun Junior Wright dina 10th babak Méi maranéhna 2, 2016 fight judul, motret WBA Cruiserweight Dunya Championship.
Salila karir professional dina Shumenov 34 taun heubeul urang, anjeunna geus dielehkeun opat juara dunya (Campillo, Enjum Mitchell, William Joppy jeung Montell Griffin), kitu ogé tujuh challengers judul dunya (Epifanio Mendoza, Vlacheslav Uzelkov, Danny Santiago, Enrique Ornelas, Tamas Kovacs, BJ Flores sarta Wright).

Media Sosial:
Twitter @Beibut_Shumenov, Instagram – @BeightShumenov, Facebook – BeibutShumenov / fanpage.

Rising Star Elena Gradinar nyanghareupan Olivia Gerula pikeun IBF antar benua Championship di Narva, Estonia, dina Maret 24

Rising béntang bikangna, Elena Gradinar of Saint Petersburg, Rusia, baris berlaga keur sabuk kajawaraan mimiti karir professional nya lamun manehna dicokot urut jawara dunya Olivia “The Samangsa” Gerula keur IBF antar benua featherweight Championship.
The 10 buleud Gradinar vs. Gerula perangna bakal lumangsung dina Saptu, Maret 24, di Energia Sport Hall di Narva, Estonia.
The undefeated Gradinar 27 taun heubeul (8-0, 2 KOs) indit 73-8 salaku amatir, unggul sababaraha turnamén amatir nasional jeung internasional. Gradinar ogé geus attained designation of Olahraga Master of Rusia.
A ogé-dimangfaatkeun sarta dilakonan profésional, gerula, ti Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kanada, mangrupa urut WBC Dunya bikang Super featherweight Jawara jeung dijieun dua defenses suksés. Manehna oge geus dilaksanakeun WIBA Dunya Championship sumur-dimangfaatkeun.
“I am pisan bungah tarung pikeun IBF antar benua sabuk ngalawan urut WBC World Jawara Olivia Gerula,” Said Gradinar. “We will bring for boxing fans a dramatic and exiting clash between us. I am pisan reueus yén kuring baris ngawakilan nagara kuring Rusia jeung Abdi miharep éta IBF antar benua sabuk bakal manggihan tempatna di kota Rusia glorious of St. Petersburg!”
“Kami bungah kacida ngeunaan naon datang. I look forward to visiting Estonia and soaking up some of its culture while proudly representing Canada,” ceuk Olivia Gerula. “Kuring nyaho Elena boga catetan amatir impressive na hiji catetan profésional undefeated, Tapi kuring teu percaya manehna geus kantos di ring sareng bajoang tina kualitas sarta pangalaman kuring, jadi kuring nyangka ngocok hal up.”
Gerula urang ko-promoter Dmitriy Salita, babarengan jeung basis Rusia Alexander Nevskiy Promosi Grup, nyebutkeun gelut Gerula bakal ngabuktikeun loba ngeunaan transisi Gradinar urang kana jajaran profésional.
“Ieu bakal tes toughest karir ngora Elena urang,” Ngadawuh Word. “Olivia Gerula geus perang jeung keok loba pejuang bikang tingkat pangluhurna di division nu. Kuring keur néangan maju ka gelut gede na, kalawan meunangna a, ngembangkeun terus of jawara dunya urang nu bakal datang.”

Subriel Matías na Alfredo Santiago keur nangtukeun nyanghareupan challengers judul dunya on Pébruari 17 di Fajardo,PR

Fajardo, Puerto Rico – After a successful 2017, WBA #15, Alfredo 'Panon’ Santiago and blue chip prospect, Subriel Matías Matthew, will be defending their respective undefeated records on Saptu, Pebruari 17, 2018 at the Municipal Equestrian Park of Fajardo,PR as part of a card promoted by Fresh Productions.



Matías (8-0, 8 KO sacara), will face Colombian and former world title challenger, Daulis Prescott (31-6, 23 KO sacara) dina 10 rounds bout at the junior welterweight division.



Dina 2012, Prescott had the precious opportunity to fight for a world title against Jamaican, Nicholas Walters, who beat the brave Colombian by TKO in the seventh round in a match held in Jamaica.



Pikeun bagian nya, Alfredo Santiago (8-0, 2 KO sacara), will measure forces against former world title contender, Juan José Montes (25-6-2, 15 KO sacara) of Mexico, dina 10 rounds fight in the maximum weight of 133 kilogram.



Montes, was a world title challenger in 2011, when he faced former WBC champion, Tomas Rojas, who retained his belt by technical knockout in the eleventh round in Mexico.



We are bringing good fights because they are very experienced opponents for Santiago and Matías so that the fans can have a good action evening in Fajardo. Here we care about the proper development of the fighters and at the same time, that provide exciting fights in that process. ‘Ojoand Subriel have proved to be on another level. They have already beaten former Olympians, prospects and contenders, and that same quality is what you will get on February 17. My fighters have to fight, and fight hardsaid Fresh Productions promoter, Juan Orengo.



Campaigning at lightweight division, Santiago, native of Moca, Républik Dominika, boga tilu victories kasohor ngaliwatan: urut Méksiko Olympian, Arturo Santos Reyes, world contender Jayson ‘La MaravillaVelez and the always seasoned, Jarami Andrés '’ Navarro.



Junior welterweight Matías Matthew, defeated in his fourth professional fight and against all odds, the rising prospect, Jeffrey Fontánez ti Caguas dina tawuran crowed nu réngsé nepi sareng knockout teknis di babak kadua.



Dina presentasi panungtungan na, dilaksanakeun Nopémber panungtungan di Hotel Jaragua di Républik Dominika, Mateus Matias, ngoleksi knockout teknis di babak kadua leuwih urut Olympian, Patrick Lopez ti banten.


Tiket ($ 20 jeung $ 25) sadia di atawa ku nelepon 787-303-0334.

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions Oleksandr Usyk vs. Mairis Briedis opens World Boxing Super Series semifinals

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Mairis Rusa
World Boxing Super Series semifinals
Éksklusif ON channel super

Mairis Rusa (L) & Oleksandr Usyk
(photo courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
Edmonton, Kanada (Januari 27, 2018) — Nunbeaten cruiserweight world champions Oleksandr “Cat kana” Usyk jeung Mairis Rusa open the entertaining World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) semifinals today in Latvia, dimimitian di 2 p.m. AND, live exclusively on Super Channel in Canada.

Super Channel kaala hak ekslusif di Kanada pikeun disiarkeun di Dunya tinju Super Series tina MP & Silva, a parusahaan ngarah média internasional nu nyadiakeun hak média, digital, téhnologi jeung sponsor jasa.
Usyk (13-0, 11 KOs), the World Boxing Organization (WBO) Cruiserweight World Champion is a
two-time Ukrainian Olympian, who captured gold medals at the 2012 Olympics and 2011 World Championships, twice defeating current International Boxing Federation (IBF) Cahya Heavyweight Dunya Jawara Artur Beterbiev, the two-time Russian Olympian now based in Montreal.
I am going to entertain the crowd at the Arena Riga,” Usyk said. “That I can promise! I have worked on some new thing and Saptu you will see what I’m talking about.
Briedis (23-0, 18 KOs), nu tinju Déwan World (WBC) Cruiserweight World Champion, will be fighting in his hometown in front of an expected crowd of 10,000.
My team is doing everything to take pressure off my shoulders,” Briedis commented. “We are just concentrating on the fight. My dream is to deliver a fight that can go into the Boxing Hall of Fame.
The Usyk-Briedis world title unification winner will advance to the WBSS championship final in May to fight the winner of the other WBSS semifinals match, Feb. 3 di Rusia, between IBF World Champion Murat “Beusi” Gassiev (25-0, 18 KOs) and WBA World Champion Yunier “The KO Dokter” Dorticós (21-0, 20 KOs).
Five exciting fights on theUsyk vs. Briedis” kartu, promoted by Sauerland Event, will air in Canada exclusively on Super Channel.
Kajadian utama – 12 ROUNDS – WBSS SEMIFINALS
Oleksandr “Cat kana” Usyk (13-0, 11 KOs), WBO Champion, Rusia (90,4 kg (199.3 lbs.)
Mairis Rusa (23-0, 18 KOs), WBC Champion, Latvia 90,3 kg (199.1 lbs.)
Noel Gevor (23-1, 10 KOs), Germany by way of Armenia
Olanrewaju Durodola (27-4, 25 KOs), 2008 Olympian, Nigeria
Yoann Kongolo (10-0, 4 KOs), Swiss, Juara
Andrejs Pokumeiko (15-12-1, 11 KOs), Latvia
Filip Hrgovic (2-0, 2 KOs), 2016 Olympic bronze medalist, Kroasia
Tom Little (10-4, 3 KOs), Karajaan Inggris
Nikolais Grisunins (6-0-1, 3 KOs), Latvia
Jozsef Darmos (8-1-1, 7 KOs), Hungaria
(Sadaya gelut jeung pejuang nu matuh ka parobahan)
Kabéh WBSS semifinal jeung kajawaraan gelut oge bakal sadia dina Super Channel Dina Paménta.
Super Channel ditayangkan acara tinju utama hirup di 2017 kawas Brook vs. Spence Jr, Pacquiao-Lawas, Eubank, JR. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga, Crawford vs. Indongo jeung Smith vs. Williams II.
Nonton sagala aksi Dunya tinju Super Series live, kitu ogé tinju langkung seru datang, tarung fans di Kanada bisa ngontak panyadia sambungan kabel lokal maranéhna pikeun ngalanggan kabeh yen eta nawaran Super Channel na, kaasup runtuyan premium, pilem tur leuwih, pikeun jadi low salaku $9.95 per bulan.
WORLD tinju super runtuyan semifinal jadwal
Januari 27, Riga sarena, Riga, Latvia – WBO / WBC Ngahijikeun Tatar
Oleksandr “Cat kana” Usyk (13-0, 11 KOs), WBO World Champion, Ukraine – Ngirining #1
Mairis Rusa (23-0, 18 KOs), WBC World Jawara, Latvia – Ngirining #3
Pebruari 3, Bolshoy És Kubah, Sochi, Rusia – IBF/WBA Unificatiion
Murat “Beusi” Gassiev (25-0, 18 KOs), IBF World Jawara, Rusia – Ngirining #2
Yunier “The KO Dokter” Dorticós (21-0, 20 KOs), WBA World Jawara, Cuba – Ngirining #5
Pebruari 17, Manchester, Pakalangan, Manchester, Inggris – WBA / IBO Ngahijikeun Tatar
“Urang suci” George Groves (27-3, 20 KOs), WBA World Jawara, Karajaan Inggris – Ngirining #2
Chris “salajengna Gen” Eubank JR. (26-1, 20 KOs), IBO World Jawara, Karajaan Inggris – Ngirining #4
Pebruari 24, Aréna Nürnberger asuransi, Nuremburg, Jerman
Juergen Braehmer (49-3 35 KOs), Jerman – Ngirining #10
(urut WBO & WBA Lampu Heavyweight World Jawara)
Callum “dunya” Smith (23-0, 17 KOs), Karajaan Inggris – Ngirining #3
(WBC Inten Super Middleweight Jawara)
About Super Channel
super Channelis a national premium pay television network, consisting of four HD channels, four SD channels, and Super Channel On Demand.
Super Channel’s mission is to entertain and engage Canadian audiences by providing a unique and exclusive entertainment experience. With a core foundation of integrity and accountability, we dedicate ourselves to implementing innovative programming strategies and unparalleled team work that provides viewers with exceptional value and variety.
Super Channel is owned by Allarco Entertainment 2008 Inc., an Edmonton-based media company.
Super Channel is currently available on Bell TV, Shaw Direct, Rogers Anyplace TV, Shaw Cable, Cogeco Cable, Access Communications, Bell Alliant TV, Source Cable, SaskTel, MTS, Novus, EastLink, TELUS, Videotron, Westman Communications and other regional providers.
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FOURTH-ROUND RESULTS 72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship

Central N.E. novice & open championship finals this Thursday night at Lowell Auditorium

The Fight of the Night was an open semifinals welterweight match between
winner Xavier Vega (Urang Sunda) and Harrison Gigliotti
(all pictures courtesy of Ed Boches / Boches Photography)
Lowell, Massa. (Januari 26, 2018) – The 72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championships continued last night in front of a jacked-up crowd at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium, featuring later round Central New England (Greater Lowell) novice and open class matches.

Novice semifinals and championship finals, as well as some open semifinals and championship final, were held last night. USA Boxing’s No. 7-rated light heavyweight Miguel Teo (Marlboro, MA) captured the Central New England (CNE) open division championship, stopping John Xifafas. of Nashua, N.H., dina babak katilu. CNE novice division champions crowned last night include East Walpole (MA) flyweight Noelle Boran and Chelsea (MA) middleweight Jordy Artica
We had another good crowd of great Lowell fans on a very cold night,” N. Jeung. Executive Director Bobby Russo ceuk. “The Vegas-Gigliotti match was interesting and the Fight of the Night. It got very rough at times. Vegas dominated for the most part but Gigliotti showed super toughness. He took some shots but kept coming back.
Charlie Espinal (Urang Sunda) knocked off Peter Maher’s headgear
The championship round of the novice and open division is next Thursday (Feb. 1) at Lowell Memorial Auditorium. See the complete 2018 schedule of events below as well as last night’s complete results.
Championship packages are now available for all five remaining championship events (CNE novice & open championships, NE novice and open division semifinals and finals) and reasonably priced, dimimitian di $70.00 (pangakuan umum). To purchase call the Lowell Memorial Auditorium box office at 1.866.722.8881 or order online at Individual event tickets are also available to purchase, dimimitian di $13.00, ngan $7.00 for students (ID required).
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship go towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship (dimimitian Mei 14, 2018 in Omaha, Nebraska), in addition to supporting local athletes and area gyms, the Boys & Girls Club, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, cancer funds, scholarships and many other great charitable causes.
Apostolus Lolos (L) connects with a jab vs. Arsham Bedrossian
Hasil resmi
(Feb. 25, 2018)
Thomas Curtis, Methuen, MA / Haverhill Downtown Boxing
Dec (5-0)
Danny DeJesus, Lawrence, MA / Haverhill Inner City Boxing
Noelle Boran, East Walpole, MA / Boston Boxing
Dec (5-0)
Melissa Giroux, Lowell, MA / Lowell West End
(CNE Championship)
Jessica Lamproon, Dorchester, MA / Boston Boxing
Dec (4-1)
Kerrin McNeil, Boston, MA / Grealish Boxing
Apostolus Lolos, Manchester, NH / Manchester, NH
Dec (4-1)
Arsham Bedrossian, Waltham, MA / Nonantum Boxing
Jordy Artica, Chelsea, MA / Grealish Boxing
Dec (4-1)
Mohammed Ibrahim, Boston, MA / unattached
(CNE Championship)
Ashleigh Moore, Buzzards Bay, MA / Nonantum Boxing
Dec (3-2)
Kimberly Wabik, Everett, MA / Quietman Sports
Erika Skoog, Roxbury, MA, Nonantum Boxing
Dec (5-0)
Britney Stockton, Keene, NH / Boston Boxing
Brandon Higgins, North Chelmsford, MA / Lowell West End
Dec (5-0)Dec (3-2)
Edwin Rozen, Haverhill, MA / Haverhill Downtown Boxing
Peter Maher, Arlington, MA / Somerville Boxing Club
Dec (3-2)
Charlie Espinal, Salem, MA / Private Jewels Boxing
Xavier Vega, Lawrence, MA / Canal Street Boxing
Dec (5-0)
Harrison Gigliotti, Bradford, MA / Haverhill Downtown Boxing
Michael Fontanez, Nashua, NH / Nashua, NH
Dec (4-1)
Yamarco Guzman, Methuen, MA / Canal Street Boxing
HEAVYWEIGHTS cahya (175 lbs.)
Miguel Teo, Marlboro, MA / Hudson Boxing
RSC3 (2:58)
John Xifafas, Nashua, NH / Nashua PAL
(CNE Championship)
72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Lowell Peringatan Auditorium – 6:30 p.m. lawang dibuka, 7:30 p.m. bout kahiji)
Central New England (Greater Lowell)
Novice & Open Championship FinalsKemis, Feb. 1
New England Tournament of Champions
Novice Class SemifinalsKemis, Feb. 8
Novice Class Championship FinalsKemis, Feb. 15
Open Class SemifinalsRebo, Feb. 21
Open Class Championship FinalsKemis, Feb. 22
New England Golden Gloves Tournament Executive Director: Bobby Russo
Director of Contestants: Art Ramalho
Chief of Officials: Lauri Purcell
Ring Announcer: John Vena
Tempat: Lowell Peringatan Auditorium, 50 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves


Younan Faces Fellow Unbeaten Ronald Ellis In Main Event Of ShoBox: Nu Generation New, Teras Jumaah, Feb. 2 Live SHOWTIME®


“After you see me fight, you’re going to remember what you saw.” – Junior Younan


Photo Kredit: Roc Bangsa Sports


Watch, Témbongkeun & Bagikeun Liwat YouTube:


NAON: SHOWTIME Sports delivers a behind-the-scenes look into the life and training camp of undefeated super middleweight prospect Junior Younan as he prepares to face fellow unbeaten Ronald Ellis in the main event of ShoBox: Nu Generation New teras Jumaah, Feb. 2, hirup dina SHOWTIME di 10 p.m. AND/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa.


Ellis (14-0-1, 8 KOs), tina Lynn, Massa., and Brooklyn’s Younan (13-0, 9 KOs) will clash in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast that features eight fighters with a combined record of 113-3-3.


The Brooklyn-born Younan is a former amateur standout who was dubbed by The New York Times as “a boxing prodigy” as a 10-year-old. And while he’ll face the toughest opponent of his career on Feb. 2, he’s confident he has the pedigree and talent to become a world champion.


“I love being in that spotlight, putting on a show and hearing the fans,"Cenahna. “There’s nothing like it. I definitely think I can be the face of the super middleweight division.


“After you see me fight, you are going to remember what you saw. Ieu waktu mah. This might not be a world title yet, but this is my first step.”


He added: “I don’t think there’s anything I can’t handle. 2018 should definitely be an interesting year. This is my breakout year.”


Ronald Ellis Camp Notes

Ellis Faces Fellow Undefeated Super Middleweight Prospect Junior Younan Jumaah Next Dina utama Kajadian Of ShoBox: Nu Generation New

Jumaah, Feb. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 p.m. AND/PT
Ti WinnaVegas Kasino di Sloan, Iowa

YORK ÉNGGAL (Jan. 26, 2018) – Undefeated super middleweight Ronald Ellis is preparing in Los Angeles for his main event matchup against fellow undefeated Junior Younan that headlines a ShoBox: The New Generation quadrupleheader dina Jumaah, Feb. 2, hirup dina SHOWTIME di 10 p.m. AND/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa.

Ellis (14-0-1, 10 KOs), tina Lynn, Massa., and Brooklyn’s Younan (13-0, 9 KOs) will clash in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast that features eight fighters with a combined record of 113-3-3.

Ellis, who now calls Los Angeles home, has been working hard at the Iron Gym under the watchful eye of Jerry Rosenberg and his father Ronald Ellis Sr.

My camp has been solid. I have been getting good sparring. We have been training for Younan like he is any other opponent,” Ellis said.

In Younan, Ellis has an idea on what his foe will bring to the ring on Feb. 2.

I know he is a young and undefeated fighter,” cenah. “I have been reading some things where he says he is going to bring the fight to me. He seems like he likes to talk a lot, but that doesn’t do anything come fight night.

This will be the third ShoBox appearance for Ellis, as he is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Christopher Brooker last January. Ellis feels that his big fight resume will be the key against Younan.

My experience will definitely be an advantage,” Ellis said. “I have been here on ShoBox two times before. I will be relaxed and comfortable as we approach the fight. This is his first time. I expect him to be real hyper.

This is a natural progression for me. I went from fighting on the undercard of ShoBox, and now I am the main event. A win will get me world ranked and hopefully catapult me into theSaptu night fights on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. I know I can’t look ahead. I need to win first.

The event is promoted by GH3 Promotions and Roc Nation Sports in association with Victory Promotions and Ringside Ticket. Tiket nu ngan $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 dina Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.HOT.WINN ext. 7117.

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KO Night Boxing signs “The Dragon” Popular Canadian junior welterweight Steve Claggett

Las Vegas (Januari 25, 2018) — KO Night Boxing LLC announced it has signed popular Canadian junior welterweight Steve “The Dragon” Claggett ka hiji kontrak promosi exlusive.

The Las Vegas-based company also has 2016 Olympic bronze medalist and undefeated Wichita flyweight, Nico Hernandez (3-0), 2 KOs), among its growing stable of professional boxers.
The 28-year-old Claggett (26-4-1, 17 KOs), fighting out of Calgary, is a fan-favorite because of his aggressive, non-stop style. Since the ultra-aggressive Claggett moved back down one division to junior welterweight, Claggett is a perfect 3-0 (1 KO), including a pair of title-winning 10-round decisions over previously unbeaten opponents,Yves Ulysse, JR. (14-0) pikeun tinju Federation International nu lowong (IBF) North American super lightweight title, sakumaha ogé Emmanuel Robles (15-0-1) for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) NABA USA super lightweight crown.
I’m excited to be signed by John Andersen and KO Night Boxing,” Claggett said. “There were no guarantees (without a promoter). I’ve always had the talent but never the structure. I’ll have that now, sanajan. It was always difficult making fights with long layoffs, dates falling through, and offers on short notice. I’ve only been able to show a little of what I’m capable. All I’ve ever wanted is a fair shake and this opportunity will allow me to show what I can do. This year is going to be big for me and KO Night Boxing.
I’m just approaching my prime. I’ve only been working with my trainer, Vlad Goldenstein, for a little more than a year, tapi kuring 3-0 with him and have won two belts. Aku hiji bajoang baheula sakola, action-packed and who brings the pace. This is a great for me and my boxing career.
We’re taking a big step in the right direction by signing Steve,” Claggett’s new promoter Andersen commented. “Abdi atoh pisan. Steve deserves this opportunity and we’re going to deliver for him.
Steve is an action fighter, always coming forward, and he hasn’t been in a bad fight during the three years I’ve known him. He took a risk but really opened some eyes with his performance against Ulysse. What an accomplishment fighting an undefeated fighter in his backyard. He took a big risk and got a big win. And now he’s beaten the man (Ulysse) who has beaten the man (21-0 Cletus Seldin, WDEC10, Dec. 16, 2017 dina HBO). Steve’s undefeated on this run as a junior welterweight, beating two previously unbeaten opponents, and he deserves more recognition and a shot at a big fight.
Steve’s an animal in the squared circle and the farthest thing from it outside the ring,” Claggett’s manager Max Matheny ditambahkeun. “He has all the attributes of a champion. His boxing IQ and ability to adapt under pressure makes Claggett a serious challenge. He can beat anybody in the division on any given night. We’ve had a multitude of promotional offers to consider at the end of a strong 2017 and are very excited to align with KO Night Boxing. They are going to give us the opportunities to show the world how good ‘The Dragonreally is. His signature is turning into an autograph in 2018, mark my words.
The boxing irony is that Ulysse, not Claggett, is now world ranked. Considering the half-Chinese, half-European Claggett beat Ulysse in his Montreal hometown, Steve proved that he’ll fight anybody, di mana bae, unlike many fighters who make that claim but don’t back it up. “Me and my team aren’t afraid to fight anybody,” he spoke about his most significant fight to date. “Bring it on! I’m willing to fight in hostile territory against an A-side fighter. We don’t pick and choose. Too many fighters pad their records, but that only upsets fans, and delays fights. I’m looking for tough fights to judge how much I’ve grown. I’d love to fight the top guys.
My fight with Ulysse was my biggest but not best fight. I thought I boxed a little robotic and fell back into some old habits. I’d give myself a B- for that fight. I got the win and put on a great show that was fast paced. Ulysse and Robles box, run and move. I’d like an opponent who comes to me, stays in the pocket, and fights. I know it’ll be a helluva fight.
Maybe Claggett’s next fight will be on a higher platform, meureun, against a legitimate fighter’s fighter like Steve.
Twitter: @KONightBoxing
Facebook: /NeonStar, /SteveClaggett
Follow Steve Claggett on Twitter and Instagram @SDragonC
About KO Night Boxing LLC
KO Night Boxing is an emerging combat sports promotional company whose core value isFighters First!” KO Night Boxing produces live events for CBS Sports Network. Follow us on Twitter @KONightBoxing.