分类存档: 拳击

Carlos Ocampo Training Camp Quotes & 照片

Unbeaten Challenger Takes on Welterweight World Champion
埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. 星期六, 六月 16 住在Showtime从
Ford Center at The Star in an Event Presented by
点击 这里 for Photos from Team Ocampo

FNU搏击运动展: 拳击周末, UFC 225 和 PFL 首秀之夜

汤姆, 托尼和里奇在这一集中有很多内容需要讨论. 我们回顾一下上周最重要的战斗, 从数百年来首次获得批准的裸拳拳击赛事开始. 我们还详细分析了最新的 UFC 格斗之夜卡,其中吉米·里维拉 (Jimmie Rivera) 在他的上一场比赛中首次失利 21 打架. 我们讨论达纳·怀特(Dana White)对那些不参加公司希望他们参加的战斗的战士的长篇大论, 我们谴责卡内洛·阿尔瓦雷斯和他的团队破坏了与 GGG 再次战斗的所有机会. 我们用节目的大部分内容来概述和分析本周六举行的所有各种拳击比赛, 从泰森·富里重回拳台对阵塞弗·塞费里,到 ESPN+ 上不败的次中量级拳王杰里米·霍恩和泰伦斯·克劳福德的磅对磅之战 (我们严厉批评). 我们还谈到了 PFL 的首张卡, 所有奖金在赛季结束时发放的格斗联盟. 最后, 我们预览UFC 225 并讨论 CM Punk 证明自己是真正的笼斗士的机会.







里奥·圣克鲁斯vs. 押尼珥Mares 2 & 杰梅尔·查洛 VS. 奥斯汀鳟鱼最终新闻发布会行情 & 照片

两场世界冠军对决精选 星期六, 六月 9 来自洛杉矶斯台普斯中心的 SHOWTIME 直播
点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ SHOWTIME照片

LOS ANGELES (六月 7, 2018) – 羽量级世界冠军 狮子座圣克鲁斯 和四次世界冠军 押尼珥Mares 在周四的最后一场新闻发布会上面对面, 在他们本周六参加备受期待的复赛前两天, 六月 9 来自洛杉矶斯台普斯中心的 Premier Boxing Champions 举办的活动.




在最后的新闻发布会上,还有超次中量级世界冠军 Jermell夏洛茨维尔 和前世界冠军 奥斯汀鳟鱼, 谁在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 电视转播中步入擂台 10 P.M. ET / PT (延迟在西海岸).




门票现场活动, 这是由Ringstar体育和TGB促销推广, 开始于 $50, 再加上适用的费用, 与现已公开发售. 要购买门票,请访问 AXS.com 或单击 这里.










“第一场战斗真的很好, 但我认为这个会更好. 马雷斯是一位伟大的战士,罗伯特·加西亚是一位伟大的教练, 这就是我想要的挑战. 我们都想给粉丝们精彩的战斗.




“我从最近的几场比赛中学到了很多. 我来这里不是担心输, 我只是担心给粉丝们带来一场精彩的表演. 如果那天晚上马雷斯比我好, 那么他会赢. 但是我工作太努力了,周六晚上我会达到巅峰状态.




“我认为Mares变得更好了. 罗伯特·加西亚(Robert Garcia)是一位将他提升到不同水平的教练. 他做了很多改进. 我从弗兰普顿的比赛中学到了东西,我爸爸也是一个很好的教练. 它甚至一路绕来绕去,这将是一场伟大的战斗.




“我认为这场战斗的胜利者将是这个部门的第一名. 加里·拉塞尔JR. 是一个伟大的战士,我绝对希望我们的业余战斗重演. 但是我和阿布纳给我们的对手施加了很大的压力,我认为加里不会喜欢我们俩的压力.




“我的团队每天都在健身房激励我. 他们就在我身边,每天都朝着同一个目标奔跑. 这就是我喜欢训练营的原因,因为它让我更加努力。”






“我可以站在这里告诉你周六我要做什么, 但你已经看到了第一场战斗. 你知道第一次战斗是多么令人兴奋. 我还有更多要证明的东西,这次我将把它全部放在一边.




“这将是一场激动人心的战斗. 我知道里奥通过两次与弗兰普顿的比赛已经成熟,成为一名运动员和战士. 但是如果你看看我最近的几场表演, 他们为自己说话. 我认为我们俩现在都是经验丰富且更好的战士.




“毫无疑问,这场战斗的胜利者是这个部门的第一名. 羽量级有一些伟大的战士, 但我们正在为这个部门的头把交椅而战.




“我们的重点不是寻找停工. 那是我的错误第一次战斗. 我试图摧毁他. 我要听从指示,证明我是那里更好的战士.




“如果我周六晚上赢了, 战斗和第一场一样精彩, 我准备好了三部曲. 让我们做到这一点.




“这次我要全力以赴赢得这场战斗. 可能最好的人赢. 我们将为粉丝们提供他们想看到的东西. 我称之为“年度之战”’ 保证。”






“我和我的兄弟已经这样做了很长时间. 奥斯汀鳟鱼也做了很长时间. 希望大家早点到, 因为我从一开始就给桌子带来了兴奋.




“一些批评者说,我和我的兄弟没有与被要求在磅对磅名单上的人打架. 周六晚上我继续攀登顶峰,以证明所有这些人都错了.




“淘汰赛是可能的. 如果他想要那样做, 那我有能力. 德里克和我有一个很好的计划,我们可以使用. 我们过去的经验都不重要, 均 0-0. 周六晚上任何事情都可能发生.




“我希望像我兄弟对鳟鱼所做的那样, 但更好. 如果那是淘汰赛或只是将他分开, 我准备好了. 我争取的不仅仅是周六的胜利. 我们将继续发光并做我们必须做的事情.




“我们希望每个人都知道我和我的兄弟来自战壕. 我们做到了这一点, 所以我们现在不会停止. 没有人挡我的路. 我知道鳟鱼想要一条腰带, 但这是错误的腰带.




“我必须对付奥斯汀鳟鱼. Jarrett Hurd 现在不是我关注的焦点. 我绝对想尽快统一冠军,我希望他在周六晚上出来比赛,这样我就可以在这场比赛后看看他. 每个人都知道现在是几点。”






“我很高兴来到这里并有另一个千载难逢的机会. 我相信这就是命运. I’m coming into the lion’s den and I’m going to come out unscathed.




As great as my win against Miguel Cotto was, I don’t think it compares to this fight here. People complained about Cotto being old after I beat him, but with Jermell, there’s no excuse you can make up. He’s an undefeated world champion, so if I get the win, this is definitely bigger than Cotto.




I don’t think he’s overlooking me because I bet his brother told him not to sleep on Trout. Everyone’s going to see what I’ve been saying on Saturday night.




My training camp with Barry Hunter was fantastic. We got all the work in that I needed and Barry is someone who always pushes me to be better than I believe I’m capable of.




I learned from my mistakes when I fought the bigger brother. I’m going to be even better on

Saturday and it’s going to be a totally different result.




For everyone sleeping on me, you better wake up. It’s going to be an awakening on Saturday night.


JOSE SANTA CRUZ, 圣克鲁斯的父亲 & 训练者




Now all there is left to do is wait for fight night. The work up to this point has been done and it has been done well. We are ready to do what needs to be done when the time comes.




Usually at this point ahead of a fight the biggest feat is to make weight but he had no problem there. Leo was on target weight about a month ago so it’s not something we’re worried about at this point. He’s eating good and maintaining weight well and feeling really strong for this fight.




Leo is in incredible shape and I am confident he will win on Saturday. I’m sure Abner and his team are going to bring their best and we’re bringing our best too, but on fight night there will only be two who will clash. We’re ready for war.






Just the fact that Abner is in my training camp and we communicate so well, it’s given me a lot of confidence. Everyone has done a great job doing their part in camp and I believe we’ve worked on all the tools we need to defeat Leo Santa Cruz.




Leo is a great fighter but Abner knows he can win this fight. The confidence he’s gained, and how much more seasoned Abner looks since joining my camp, should translate to a strong performance Saturday.




“这是一个非常顺利的训练营,而这正是 Abner 所需要的. 我们已准备好取得重大胜利。”


德里克·詹姆斯, 查洛的教练




“我认为杰梅尔表现出了很高的成熟度,同时也是一名积极的战士. 他对每天在营地里想做的事情也很积极, 周六在擂台上.




“能够与 Errol Spence Jr 并肩作战. 营地的每一天都对杰梅尔有帮助. 他们一直这么说, 但是铁能磨铁,这就是我们必须帮助两个人提高并达到我们知道他们可以达到的地方的心态.




“奥斯汀是一个狡猾的战士,拥有丰富的经验和大量的工具. 最重要的是,我们专注于让杰梅尔在周六晚上成为最好的自己。”


理查德·谢弗, 主席 & Ringstar体育的CEO




“终于等到了. 我们等了三年的复赛. 每个人都问我这场战斗什么时候发生. 现在只有两天了.




“当你在洛杉矶的顶级场地打架时,你知道这是一场大战, 斯台普斯中心. 这里的这些战士应得的, 因为他们是这项运动中最好的战士, 不分分工. 他们将在周六晚上向大家展示为什么我们如此热爱拳击.




“这些战斗中的每一场都可能本身就是一个主要事件. 我很高兴这些拳手都可以一起参加真正提升拳击运动的赛事.




“Jermell Charlo 是这项运动中千载难逢的天才. 他拥有你需要的所有技能, 但也有让你成为超级巨星的一件事. 他有魅力, 你学不会. 然而, 任何怀疑奥斯汀鳟鱼的人, 犯了一个大错误. 我毫不怀疑他会为这次挑战做好充分准备.




“我很幸运能从他们的第一场比赛中跟随这些主要赛事的战士, 一直到现在, 他们是多次世界冠军和擂台外的出色人物. Leo 和 Abner 过着让这项运动引以为豪的生活. 但是在周六晚上, 愿伴郎获胜.




“SHOWTIME 一周又一周地提供最好的战斗最好的. 这场比赛也不例外,对于那些期待这些精彩对决的观众来说,这将是另一种享受。”


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 活动编程, 欣欣网络公司.





“这四个人一起上过SHOWTIME 41 时. 很多,这不是偶然发生的. 发生这种情况的原因是因为这些战士体现了我们希望 SHOWTIME 拳击的一切. 他们拥有这项运动中最强大的简历. 这些家伙都没有回避过硬仗. 他们没有借口, 他们想要最好和最大的战斗. We’ ae 很自豪能够让他们四个都出现在 SHOWTIME.




“现在我们有两个最大的明星和南加州拳击界的面孔之间的对决. 羽量级选手今年已经在 SHOWTIME 上看到了前五名选手——这是另外两名顶级选手之间的复赛 5. 在第一次战斗中, 他们扔了一个组合 2,000 拳, 我敢打赌周六会再次匹配.




“奥斯汀·特劳特与拳击运动中最大和最好的明星一起在那里. 但杰梅尔有相当大的动力. 他连续四次停赛, 这在冠军级别上令人印象深刻. 正如大家所说,这是另一场主赛事质量的对决,我期待在周六晚上看到它。”




# # #





欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

特里·弗拉纳根 & MAURICE HOOKER最后的新闻发布会行情和照片领先于他们的140磅重的冠军之争流媒体直播在ShowtimeSPORTS®的社交媒体平台,这个星期六的

弗拉纳根 - 胡克担任首席支持对于期待已久的回报泰森怒在曼彻斯特体育场

点击 这里 for Photos; 信用弗兰克·沃伦/斯泰西维贝克


曼彻斯特, 英国 (六月 7, 2018) - 不败的140磅重的竞争者特里·弗拉纳根和莫里斯·胡克对峙周四他们为空缺的WBO初中量级世界冠军见面上周六在曼彻斯特体育场前两天刚.




弗拉纳根VS. 胡克充当统一前重量级世界冠军泰森怒的期待已久的回报行政的支持. 双方的较量将独家直播流对中美. 在观众 欣欣拳击Facebook页面和欣欣体育YouTube频道在开始 4:30 P.M. AND/1:30 P.M. PT.




对于弗兰克·沃伦促进的活动实况转播将通过BT体育与U.K提供. 体育节目 约翰·罗林 提供所述窜吹塑和 里奇·伍德霍尔 分析. 拳击广播 雷弗洛雷斯 与分析师 克里斯·曼尼克斯 将在洛杉矶交付前,后拼分析从斯台普斯中心欣欣体育观众.




愤怒的现场直播VS. Seferi将先当晚的精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 连赛,具有WBA羽量级世界冠军狮子座的圣克鲁斯在对前世界冠军押尼珥Mares万众瞩目的复赛住在Showtime (10 P.M. ET / PT, 延迟在西海岸) 从斯台普斯中心. 在共同特征, 杰梅尔·查洛将面临奥斯汀鳟鱼的WBC超中量级世界冠军.







“我多准备. 我已经准备好, 和我期待一个美好的夜晚。”




“当然,他相信自己的能力, 像过去几年美国人已经过来. 他只是一个美国人,我要添加到列表中。”




“我很自信. 我强,我大, 钳工。”




“我多准备. 我知道他要带, 和我最好莫里斯·胡克准备. ......我想我现在需要加强和人们展示我的。”


(在向上移动一个重量级别) “这5磅, 没什么. 我足够大到可以再次拉升. 我是5英尺10. 我大, 我很坚强, 我已经准备好了这个重量. 这是我自然的重量. ......我会在这个重量标题,然后看看从那里会发生什么。”




“没有什么,他现在可以做的或者说我现在能做些什么来改变战斗将如何走. 这是所有关于获得在那里,是 100 %的现成切换, 而我们将有一个战斗星期六晚上。”


莫里斯·胡克(Maurice Hooker)

“我喜欢做的弱旅 - 我一直在弱旅我的一生, and look where I’m at now. I’m ready to fight Saturday, and Terry’s ready to fight. I’m going to punch him in the mouth, and I hope he punches me back – if not, he’s in trouble.”




“We’re going to put on a good show come Saturday night. He’s in good shape, and I’m in good shape. 我们可以去 12 rounds real hard, or it might be an early night for Terry.”




“I’m back now and better than ever. I’m ready to show the whole world who I am. Before that fight with Darleys Perez, everybody was scared to fight me. I’m still that monster, I’m still that dog. 来吧星期六晚上, I’m going to punch him in the mouth and I might knock him out in the first round.”




“Come Saturday night, I pray for him, because I mean business when I get in that ring.”




“It’s my best against his best. We’ve got a fight Saturday night, so don’t blink.”


星期六, JUNE 9 - 4:30 P.M. AND / 1:30 P.M. PT

狂怒VS. 曼彻斯特竞技场的Sefari

Facebook的: s.sho.com/FurySeferi

SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 活动页面: https://s.sho.com/2M0rsek

小蒂龙·克劳利. battles Ricardo Garcia in main event on Friday, August 10th at SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia

Clarance Booth battles Victor Vazquez in co-feature


费城, 佩恩. (六月 7, 2018)–蒂龙·克劳利, JR. 会打 里卡多·加西亚 in the eight-round junior welterweight main event on 星期五, August 10th 糖屋赌场.




在八轮的共同特征, 克拉伦斯·布斯 战斗 维克多·巴斯克斯 在一场初级次中量级比赛中.







Crawley of Philadelphia has a record of 7-1.




该 32 year-old is a 6-year professional who won his first even bouts.




在他的最后一个回合, Crawley had to retire after round three of his bout with Anthony Mercado. Crawley was winning the fight until he suffered a wrist injury.




Garcia of The Dominican Republic has a record of 14-3 九击倒.




该 31 year-old Garcia is a two year professional who won his first 14 结束.




He won The Dominican Republic Super Lightweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over undefeated Francisco Aguero (13-0).




Garcia is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision defeat to undefeated Montana Love on May 5th in Johnstown, 霸.




Booth of Saint Petersburg, 佛罗里达州有一个记录 15-4 八击倒.




该 30 year-old Booth is seven-year professional who won 13 他第一 14 结束, which included wins over Luis Joel Gonzalez (11-2-1), 奥森汉巴斯克斯 (8-2-1), 乔纳森·佩雷斯 (5-0) & Marcus Powell (1-0).




Booth is coming off a 4th round stoppage defeat to Dadashev (8-0) 十一月 11, 2017 in Fresno, 加利福尼亚州.




扬克斯的巴斯克斯, 纽约有纪录 10-4 四击倒.




该 22 year-old Vazquez is a four year professional who has wins over David Gonzales (8-2-2), 加西亚 (14-0), 杰罗姆征服 (6-1) & 欢迎迪亚兹 (2-0).




Vazquez is coming off being stopped in seven rounds to Josue Vargas on April 21st in Brooklyn, 纽约.






门票发售 $100, $75, $50, and can be purchased at SugarHousecasino.com






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Boxing the way out for pro-debuting “特殊的一个” 沙拉德·科利尔

六月 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, CT











哈特福德, 康涅狄格州. (六月 7, 2018) – Hartford boxing prospect “特殊的一个 “沙拉德·科利尔 has overcome tougher obstacles in life than he may ever face in the ring.




The two-time New England Golden Gloves champion will make his professional debut Saturday night, 六月 16, on Hartford Boxing Promotions’ 就职典礼, “Fight Night at The Capital”, at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




I’m excited to make my pro debut at home in Hartford,” Collier said. “Fans are going to see a whole new beast: 更多的权力, speed and I’m not just in the ring to fight. 我要去作秀. Here’s what ‘Specialstands for: S is for speed, P for power, E for enthusiasm, C for charisma, I for intelligence, A for – 运动能力, L is for the looks.




Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) All America light heavyweight champion 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (7-0, 6 科斯) will defend his title and fight Mexican challenger JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-3-2, 9 科斯) 在八轮的主要事件. They will also fight for the vacant ABF Continental Americas Championship.



The 21-year-Collier, who will fight Ohio’s Antonio Castillo, JR. (1-0) in a four-round Special Welterweight Attraction, has dedicated his boxing career to his uncle and father. His uncle was murdered three years outside of a venue in which Sharad was boxing and, sadly, his father has been in and out of prison. Collier grew up in toughest part of (south) 哈特福德, spent time in a detention center and, at times, lived in and out of foster homes.




I’ve been through a lot in life,” the charismatic Collier admitted. “I’ve had to fight my whole life. My goals include becoming world champion, making good money, and buying a house. I have two kids and I want them to have a better life than I did. I love boxing and it’s my way out.




Undefeated Danbury, CT lightweight 奥马尔 “野兽” 博罗伊岛, JR. (5-0, 1 KO) will fight in his first scheduled six-round bout versus. 亚历山大 “厄尔尼诺布拉沃” 花边上饰边的小环 (2-5-1), fighting out of Hartford by way of Puerto Rico.



也争取在undercard, 所有四个轮较量, are Hartford featherweight 路易斯 “Lobito” 里维拉 (4-3) VS. Phillip Davis (1-1-1), 伍斯特, 嘛; pro-debuting New Haven, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa VS. Cleveland’s 罗杰·布兰肯希普 (1-3), New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez in his professional debut vs. 新贝德福德 (嘛)亨利·加西亚 (0-1), Hartford lightweight Jose Maysonet VS. Justin Morales, 新贝德福德, 嘛, in a battle of pro-debut fighters, and another pair of pro debut fighters, 布里奇波特, CT featherweight Jacob Marrero VS. Jimmy Santiago, 纽约市, and New Haven junior welterweight prospect 杰弗里·托雷斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) VS. TBA。.




Boxing’s rich roots in the Hartford market dates back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers 威利 “Will othe Wisp” 活力ChristopherBattlingBattalino. Other top-area boxers include world champion 马龙 “魔术师” 椋鸟, 世界冠军挑战者 加斯帕 “印第安” 奥尔特加, 和 以色列 “宁” 卡多纳, 和 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain 劳伦斯·克莱贝.







门票, 售价 $80.00, $60.00 和 $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, 以及 $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.



门开处 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合开始于 7 P.M. AND.




Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.


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叽叽喳喳: @hartfordboxing

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WBO NewsHeadline Matches For This Weekend





世界拳击组织 (WBO) will oversee seven headline bouts around the world this weekend, two of which are for world titles.




Starting Friday, 六月 8, 在维罗纳, 纽约, WBO number one ranked Junior Featherweight Diego De La Hoya (20-0, 9 科斯) will defend his NABO 122 lbs title against José “糖” Salgado (35-4-2, 28 科斯) in a 10-round duel. The bout is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions and will go on stage at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in the aforementioned city.




The fight will be televised live on ESPN3, 开始 9:00 P.M. (东部时间). ESPN2 will air the fights at 12:30 A.M. AND / 9:30 P.M. PT. and ESPN Deportes will air the fights the following day at 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT.




De La Hoya-Salgado will take place during the International Boxing Hall of Fame induction weekend, where “Dr. Ironfist” Vitali Klitschko, Erik “El Terrible” Moráles, and Ronald “Winky” Wright will be exalted, along with other important boxing figures such as Peter Kohl, 史蒂夫·艾伯特, Jim Gray and Lorraine Chargin.




周六, 六月 9 在阿根廷, Facundo Galovar (10-2-1, 7 科斯), of Tucumán, and Rolando Mansilla (13-5-1, 5 科斯), of Entre Ríos, will face off for the vacant WBO Latino Super Middleweight belt in a scheduled 10 轮的较量. The card will take place at the Club Atlético Central Córdoba in San Miguel, as part of an event promoted by Argentina Boxing Promotions.




同样在星期六, but in the Philippines, two WBO Jr. Featherweight title bouts will take place, when local pugilist Jeo “Santino” Santisima (15-2, 13 科斯) faces Likit Chane (16-6, 10 科斯), from Thailand, for the vacant WBO Oriental 122 lbs belt, and local Albert Pagara (29-1, 20 科斯), 谁是排名第. 9 由WBO, battles Laryea Gabriel Odoi (20-3-2, 14 科斯), 加纳, for the vacant Inter-Continental Junior Featherweight title. Both fights are scheduled for 12 rounds in an event promoted by ALA Promotions at the Maasin City Complex.




In England, the former WBO Lightweight Champion Terry Flanagan (33-0, 13 科斯), 从曼彻斯特, will seek to reign in a second division, when he clashes with Texan Maurice Hooker (23-0-3, 16科斯) 空置WBO初中量级冠. The duel will be the main event of a card presented by Queensberry Promotions. The fight will be held at Manchester Arena. Flanagan and Hooker are ranked in the first and second positions, 分别, at the Junior Welterweight division.




During his reign in the Lightweight division, Flanagan successfully defended the title five times.




The fight will be televised by BT Sports, on Showtime Boxing’s Facebook page, as well as in Showtime SportsYouTube Channel and Panama Cable Onda Sports beginning at4:30 P.M. ET/1:30 P.M. PT.




Another WBO world title fight will be staged this Saturday in Las Vegas, 内华达. 这里, welterweight campion Jeff Horn, 澳大利亚的, will face WBO Super Champion and former Lighweight and Junior Welterweight champion Terence Crawford, 奥马哈, 内布拉斯加.




For Horn (18-0-1, 12 科斯), it will be the second defense of the title he won by beating legendary WBO Super Champion, 帕奎奥.




With a victory over Horn, 克劳福德 (32-0-0, 23 科斯) would join Oscar De La Hoya (130 磅, 135 磅, 160 磅), 米格尔·库托 (140 磅, 147 磅, 154 磅), 豪尔赫·阿尔塞 (108 磅, 115 磅, 122 磅) and Fernando Montiel (112 磅, 115 磅, 118 磅) as the only three divisions champions of the entity.




也对卡, WBO Latino Lightweight Champion and ranked No. 5 by this sanctioning body, 安东尼奥·莫兰 (23-2, 16科斯), from Mexico, is heading for his second title defense, when he faces former Jr. 轻量级冠军, and WBO 14th ranked JoseSniper” 佩德拉萨 (23-1, 12科斯), 来自波多黎各, in scheduled 10 round match.




Horn-Crawford and Pedraza-Moran will be broadcast live via ‘ESPN+App, starting at9:30 P.M. AND / 6:30 P.M. PT. 该活动由Top Rank推广.


TYSON FURY 在最后的新闻发布会上与 SEFER SEFERI 正面交锋,期待已久的周六回归现场直播 SHOWTIME SPORTS® 社交媒体平台


点击 这里 照片作者:Stacey Verbeek / 弗兰克·沃伦


图片来源: 斯泰西·弗贝克/弗兰克·沃伦

曼彻斯特, 英国 (六月 6, 2018) – 前统一重量级世界冠军泰森·弗瑞 (Tyson Fury) 向结束这项运动 31 个月的流放又迈出了一步,因为他与 远征探险 在周三在曼彻斯特米德兰酒店举行的最后一次新闻发布会上.


SHOWTIME Sports 将直播期待已久的 Fury 回归 (25-0, 18 科斯), 前 WBA, WBO和IBF重量级世界冠军, 此 星期六, 六月 9 从曼彻斯特体育场,当他面对 远征探险 从曼彻斯特体育场有10轮的重量级回合. 该 欣欣拳击INTERNATIONAL® 社交媒体产品将独家直播流对中美. 在观众 欣欣拳击Facebook页面和欣欣体育YouTube频道在开始 4:30 P.M. AND/1:30 P.M. PT.




“如果他已经淘汰 21 在人前, 如果他得到它在我的下巴,他会敲我太.


“我看之书就像我看弗拉基米尔克里琴科, Deontay怀尔德, Anthony Joshua, 任何人. 他是一个危险的冲床.


“我可能已经选择别人比之书容易得多; 有人敲了在圆. 但我需要轮“。


在他的重量级对手: “他们知道的消息 - 我回来了. 我从来没有记得任何的感觉比我现在做的.


“我现在感觉更清晰, 更多的权力. 我爱上了爱的游戏,但现在的爱情是一枝独秀, 我们对火回来彼此.




“有根本没有神经. 我觉得我一直在罐中的金鱼, 被困现在我得到释放回属于我的河流. 所以只是把我那里,看着我游泳。”


“我从来没有记得任何的感觉比我现在做的. 我现在感觉成型机, 速度比我去过, 更多的权力, 我只是希望它更.


“这是一个失去的关系, 这就像我结婚的游戏时间过长,我们有点互相下跌的爱了“。


在现场直播的开幕回合, 当地的英雄 特里那根 (33-0, 13 KO的) 看起来成为二分的世界冠军时,他与美国保持不败擦出 莫里斯·胡克(Maurice Hooker) (23-0-3, 16 KO的) 空缺的WBO超轻量级冠. 这将是今年第三流媒体直播拳击事件在Showtime体育社会化媒体平台.


对于弗兰克·沃伦促进事件现场报道将由BT体育与U.K提供. 体育节目 约翰·罗林提供所述窜吹塑和 里奇·伍德霍尔 分析. 拳击广播 雷弗洛雷斯 与分析师 克里斯·曼尼克斯 将在洛杉矶交付前,后拼分析从斯台普斯中心欣欣体育观众.


愤怒的现场直播VS. Seferi将先当晚的精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 连赛,具有WBA羽量级世界冠军狮子座的圣克鲁斯在对前世界冠军押尼珥Mares万众瞩目的复赛住在Showtime (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸) 从斯台普斯中心. 在共同特征, 杰梅尔·查洛将面临奥斯汀鳟鱼的WBC超中量级世界冠军.


星期六, JUNE 9 - 4:30 P.M. AND / 1:30 P.M. PT

狂怒VS. 曼彻斯特竞技场的Sefari

Facebook的: s.sho.com/FurySeferi

SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 活动页面: https://s.sho.com/2M0rsek


科珀斯克里斯蒂, TX (六月 6, 2018)Two of boxing’s most exciting female fighters will meet in a battle of unbeaten lightweights on Saturday July 7, 2018, 什么时候 周梁淑怡 “阿兹特克皇后” 邻里 (3-0, 1 KO) 和 阿伊达 “斯巴达女士” 萨蒂巴尔迪诺娃 (3-0-1) square off at the American Bank Center Water Garden Room, 在科珀斯克里斯蒂, TX. 8轮 主要事件 bout will take place on the Battle By The Bay 3” 卡, 通过推广 Reyna Promotions.


邻里, recognized by her people as the female 罗伯托·杜兰, is the current NABF Lightweight champion. Barrios fights out of San Antonio, TX, and is coming off an impressive victory against Lisa Porter. Selina is looking to make a statement against Satybaldinova.


From what I heard, Aida Satybaldinova likes to bring the fight to her opponent,” 周梁淑怡说巴里奥斯, sister of undefeated super-lightweight 马里奥·巴里奥斯 (21-0, 13 科斯). “I love fighters that come forward, so I know this is going to be an all out war. 有了这样说, I feel my power is going to be too much for her. I’ll be looking to take her out before the final bell rings. Everyone watching this fight is going to see non-stop action from both sides.


萨蒂巴尔迪诺娃, known as the female Triple GGG, is the current WBF International Lightweight champion. 萨蒂巴尔迪诺娃, who originally hails from Astana, 哈萨克斯坦, now lives in the United States where she trains out of Hollywood, 例如.


Selina Barrios has never been in the ring with a fighter like myself,” stated Aida Satybaldinova, who is managed by GM3 Promotions. “I’m true pressure fighter with power in both hands. I have confidence that I will keep my record undefeated. I’m proud fighter who fights from Kazakhstan and I like Mexican style fighter. They stand and fight, not run.


A rematch clause has been negotiated between both fighter’s camps as both of their respective titles will not be on the line in this bout. If the rematch does indeed happen, both titles will be up for grabs.


This is going to be a crowd-pleasing fight for the fans,” 说 凯瑞·戴格尔, 邻里’ 顾问. “I know Aida is one hell of a fighter who is going to leave everything in the ring. Selina on the other hand is on another level. Barrios is the future of female boxing and I see her coming out victorious.


I glad we were able to come to an agreement to make this fight happen because I know Aida is going to win,” Rodney Hunt of GM3 Promotions, 说. “Barrios is good, but she’s never seen a fighter like Aida. She is strong, 骄傲, and determined. 我确定的一件事, the fans are in for a great night of boxing. It’s great match-ups like this that helps keep female boxing on the forefront.


门票价格 $25 General Admission and $40 Ringside are on sale now and can be purchased online at ticketmaster.com 或致电 Krystal @ (361) 434-7750Able @ (361) 425-3900. 开门时间为 5:30 PM, 争第一是 7:00 PM. The American Bank Center Water Garden Room is located at 1901 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, 得克萨斯州 78401.


迪尔菲尔德海滩, FL (六月 6, 2018)—Martin Murray is one very upset fighter.

Murray was scheduled to fight for the WBO Middleweight Championship at the O2 Arena in London, England on June 23, 但冠军比利·乔·桑德斯已经退出了战斗受伤的第二次.


“我不喜欢桑德斯,”加西亚说,. “我不害怕穆雷. 我愿意冒险我的标题,并来到伦敦之前,他的家乡球迷打穆雷. 让我们继续!”

桑德斯推迟原定四月 14 穆雷打,因为一个所谓的手伤的. 现在他拉出六月斗争,因为涉嫌腿筋受伤的.

“我的经理, 李霍利迪, 今天告诉我,我的子, 唐金, 已经达到了沃伦的团队如何进行这项斗争. 我有一个“具有带和将前往”的态度,并准备在必要时对其进行备份明天.

“没有更多的抱怨比利·乔和他的借口. 如果你想在六月打 23, 然后采取行动,要么闭嘴. 否则, 那么你只是比利·乔·具有不同的借口“。