Arhiva Categorie: box



Deerfield Beach, FL (Iulie 25, 2018)—Canelo Alvarez and Gennady Golovkin’s rematch is all set for Mexican Independence Day on September 15lea în Las Vegas, but what better way to add a little war to the card than having two Mexicans do battle.




Roberto Garcia just witnessed Jaime Munguia’s unanimous decision over Liam Smith on Saturday night and if Munguia is ready to return to the ring on September 15lea, Garcia is ready as well.




“What better way to celebrate Mexican Independence Day than to have two Mexican’s do battle,” a spus Garcia. “We are both warriors. One veteran taking on one youngster. We both come to fight. Let’s get it on.”




Garcia is thankful to Zanfer Promotions (Munguia’s co-promoter with Golden Boy) for giving him his career defining fight against Julio Cesar Chavez’s son, Omar Chavez.



Garcia won that fight on Aug. 12, 2017 in a 10-round unanimous decision to win the WBC Silver Middleweight title.




Garcia lost his title in his first defense after traveling to England and losing a unanimous 12-round decision to Martin Murray on June 23, 2018.



“Two warriors doing battle, “Thunder vs Lightning” , both fighters coming forward all night , I’ll KO the “Kid” somewhere late in the fight or I win by unanimous decision.”




No doubt the fight would be epic.


Robert Easter Jr., Luis Ortiz & Mai multe citate de antrenament media din Los Angeles & Fotografii

Campionul ușoară de Paște se luptă cu Mikey Garcia în unificarea titlului de 135 de lire, care face titluri de acțiune Sâmbătă, Iulie 28 În direct la SHOWTIME de la STAPLES Center din Los Angeles & Prezentat de Premier box Campionilor
Faceți clic pe AICI pentru fotografii de la Scott Hirano / SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Iulie 25, 2018) – Campion mondial IBF la categoria ușoară Robert Paste Jr. a participat la un antrenament media pentru a începe săptămâna de luptă la Los Angeles miercuri, în timp ce se apropie de confruntarea de unificare a titlului de 135 de lire împotriva campionului WBC Mikey Garcia sâmbătă, Iulie 28 live pe SHOWTIME de la STAPLES Center din Los Angeles într-un eveniment prezentat de Premier Boxing Champions.




Înscrieți-vă în Miercurea Paștelui și concurând la emisiunea de trei lupte SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) au fost un slugger cubanez la categoria grea Luis “Real King Kong” Ortiz și fostul challenger din titlu Razvan Cojanu, care se întâlnesc într-o luptă de 10 runde plus un concurent super-ușor neînvins Mario “aztecul” Cartiere și dure Jose Roman, care concurează într-o confruntare de 10 runde.




Completarea participanților la antrenament a fost o perspectivă neînvinsă și 2016 S.U.A.. Olimpic Karlos balderas placeholder image, care concurează la SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Countdown, care va curge pe Canalul YouTube SHOWTIME Sports și SHOWTIME Box pagina de Facebook începând de la 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.




Biletele pentru evenimentul live, care este promovat de Ringstar Sport și TGB Promoții, începe de la $50, plus taxele aplicabile, și sunt în vânzare acum. Pentru a achiziționa bilete, vizitați




Iată ce au avut de spus luptătorii miercuri de la City of Angels Boxing Gym:






“Antrenamentul din Florida mi-a permis să scap de distragerile atenției și să mă concentrez doar asupra mea. Kevin Cunningham a rămas cu mine în fiecare zi. Ne-am concentrat pe abilitățile mele, folosind avantajele mele și vei vedea totul în iulie 28.




“Avem un plan de joc, dar suntem profesioniști acolo și amândoi știm că va trebui să facem ajustări pe măsură ce lupta continuă. Voi lupta cu lupta mea și voi lăsa totul în ring. Concentrarea mea este 100 la sută pe Mikey Garcia sâmbătă seara.




“La începutul carierei mele am luptat mult pe Coasta de Vest și prima mea luptă profesionistă a fost de fapt la STAPLES Center. Așa că sunt foarte încântat să mă întorc în fața unei mulțimi mari.




“Antrenorul Cunningham m-a pus să lucrez cu adevărat la abilitățile pe care nu le-am folosit atât de mult în luptele anterioare. M-a ajutat să pun la punct un plan de joc grozav care se concentrează pe avantajele pe care le am. El știe ce fel de lucruri le vor da probleme altor luptători.




“Luptele mari ca acestea sunt importante pentru mine. Campion versus campion vorbește cu voce tare despre cine suntem noi ca bărbați. Sunt cei mai buni doi bărbați care se luptă pentru a decide cine este cel mai bun din clasa de greutate.




“Visez la astfel de lupte de când eram mic. Este în sfârșit aici și voi arăta lumii ce este Robert Easter Jr. este cu adevărat făcut din.”






“Mă simt grozav și sunt fericit să revin pe ring sâmbătă seara. Am trecut de pierderea după o zi sau două și m-am întors imediat în sală. Întotdeauna am știut că voi lupta din nou anul acesta, pentru că asta îmi place să fac.




“Sunt încântat să lupt la STAPLES Center și sunt recunoscător adversarului meu pentru că a acceptat provocarea. Vreau doar să-mi arăt abilitățile și să demonstrez din nou de ce sunt una dintre cele mai bune grele din lume.




“O să intru acolo sâmbătă și să-mi fac treaba. Sunt pregătit să am grijă de adversarul din fața mea, indiferent dacă este în prima rundă sau în runda a douăsprezecea. Va fi aceeași misiune pe care o am în fiecare luptă.”






“Am lucrat în cantonamentul de antrenament și ne-am luptat cu o mulțime de tuguri pentru a ne pregăti pentru asta. Mă simt bine cu privire la strategia noastră și la forma în care mă aflu.




“Lupta mea împotriva (fost campion la categoria grea) Joseph Parker a fost o luptă interesantă. Am aflat că mă confruntam cu el doar cu două săptămâni înainte, așa că nu eram atât de pregătit pe cât mi-aș fi dorit să mă îndrept. Dar a fost o oportunitate pe care nu o puteam rata și am crezut în mine și am luptat până la capăt..




“Ortiz este un luptător puternic și o mare provocare. Aștept cu nerăbdare o altă luptă grea și să fac o performanță grozavă pentru fani.”






“Am terminat cantonamentul în ultimele patru săptămâni în Bay Area cu Virgil Hunter și mă simt grozav. Am avut sparring fantastic și totul arată grozav înainte de noaptea luptei.




“Sunt încântat de această oportunitate. Am un foarte bun, adversar cu experiență în fața mea, iar eu vin în curtea lui. Am multe de câștigat venind în această luptă. Aceasta va fi o luptă foarte explozivă.




“Sunt gata să-mi arăt talentul și să dominem cu planul de joc pe care l-am creat. Suntem concentrați pe această luptă, dar caut să urc pe scară și să obțin o luptă pentru titlu sau un eliminator de titlu până la sfârșitul anului.”






“M-am antrenat foarte greu pentru această mare oportunitate pe care o am aici. A fost foarte interesant să aflu că voi fi pe SHOWTIME, mai ales într-un spectacol mare ca acesta, întitulat de o luptă pe care toată lumea vrea să o vadă. Acum pot să-mi arăt talentul în fața tuturor.




“Am avut un cantonament eficient. Am muncit din greu în fiecare zi și totul a decurs într-adevăr bine. Toată lumea vrea să fie în această poziție, dar nu toată lumea poate experimenta asta.




“Barrios are un palmares foarte bun și este foarte talentat. Este neînvins dintr-un motiv. Venim aici să câștigăm. Voi fi cel mai bun sâmbătă.”






“Când mi-am făcut debutul profesionist, am simțit că grăbesc lucrurile în ring și încerc să fac lucrurile prea repede. Acum, pe măsură ce voi avea mai multe lupte, voi putea să-mi iau timpul și să distrug acești luptători încetul cu încetul. Nu poți elimina pe toată lumea în primul tur.




“Am doar 22 de ani și mai am un drum lung de parcurs. Mai mult decât orice, trebuie doar să rămân răbdător pe tot parcursul meciului. Ne-am depus de lucru ca să știu ce am de făcut sâmbătă seara.




“Am luptat la STAPLES Center luna trecută, deci nu e nimic nou pentru mine. O să intru acolo și voi lupta cu lupta mea, fii destept si scoate-l de acolo. Facem lucrurile în modul corect și plănuim să fim aici pentru o vreme.”



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Pentru mai multe informații vizitați, și urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter și @Swanson_Comm sau deveniți fan pe Facebook la, și este sponsorizat de Corona, cele mai fine de bere.



„Când am ieșit din pântece, Am aruncat pumni... Îmi place să dau cu picioarele în fund.”

Sambata aceasta La 10 p.m. ȘI/7 p.m. PT La SHOWTIME


Fotografie de credit: Showtime Sports


Ceas, Vedere & Spune-le prietenilor prin YouTube:



CE: Cu câteva zile înaintea confruntării sale de unificare a titlului de 135 de lire cu Mikey Garcia (38-0, 30 KO), Campion mondial IBF la categoria ușoară Robert Paste Jr. (21-0, 14 KO) reflectă asupra drumului care a dus la cea mai importantă noapte a carierei sale într-o funcție video lansată astăzi de SHOWTIME Sports®.

Născut și crescut în Toledo, Ohio, Paștele a visat să realizeze într-o zi ceea ce tatăl său, de asemenea, un boxer profesionist, nu a fost niciodată în stare să realizeze: devenind campion mondial.

„Tatăl meu a avut o carieră scurtă și mi-am promis că îl voi face să trăiască câștigând un campionat mondial prin mine.,” a spus Paștele în vârstă de 27 de ani. „Câștigând un titlu mondial a fost o experiență care mi-a schimbat viața. Amândoi ne-am trăit visele în acel moment.”

Paști, care a făcut trei apărări de succes de când și-a câștigat titlul mondial într-un concurs interesant împotriva lui Richard Commey în 2016, a decis să facă mutarea pentru a conduce tabăra de antrenament cu Kevin Cunningham în West Palm Beach înainte de Sâmbătă unificarea nopții împotriva campionului WBC la categoria ușoară Garcia. Cunningham a lucrat cu foștii campioni mondiali Devon Alexander, Cory Spinks și Adrien Broner și recent l-au stimulat pe Gervonta Davis la un knock-out dominant al lui Jesus Cuellar.

„Mutarea în West Palm Springs m-a scos din zona mea de confort,” a spus Paștele. „Știam că Kevin Cunningham a avut o tabără puternică și că programul său nu are loc. Mă pot concentra cu adevărat pe box și pe mine.”

Acoperirea live a transmisiunii SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING începe la 10 p.m. ȘI/7 p.m. PT și prezintă, de asemenea, un slugger cubanez la categoria grea Luis Ortiz (28-1, 24 KO) revenind la acțiune pentru a se confrunta cu fostul concurent la titlul mondial Razvan Cojanu (16-3, 9 KO) și se deschide cu un concurent super-ușor neînvins Mario Barrios(21-0, 13 KO) luare pe lovire puternică Jose Roman (24-2-1, 16 KO) într-o confruntare de 10 runde.

Dedicated Perrella ready for biggest challenge of his career





Fort Myers, FL (Iulie 25, 2018) – To say that welterweight Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella lives, eats and breathes boxing wouldn’t be an understatement.




The 29-year-old Fort Myers native trains year round, doesn’t drink or smoke and keeps a strict diet. When he’s not feverishly pounding away at the heavy bag, shadowboxing, sparring, or doing roadwork in the sweltering heat, Perrella’s likely at a fitness facility in Southwest Florida.




“He puts his entire life into this sport and taking care of his body,” said Michael Nowling, Perrella’s head trainer. “I’ve seen plenty of fighters work hard in the gym to get ready for a fight then take breaks after and balloon up in weight. Bryant is the exact opposite – I have to tell him he needs a break.”




A 6’1 southpaw, Perrella’s regarded as one of the better up and coming 147 pound fighters. La 15-1 cu 13 victorii prin knock-out, Perrella’s scored impressive victories over fellow welterweight hopefuls David Grayton and Alex Martin. In his lone setback, a fourth round stoppage by title contender Yordenis Ugas, Perrella entered the bout with a right leg injury and left with many lessons learned.




Încă, he’s expecting the toughest challenge of his career when he battles former welterweight champion Luis Collazo, 37-7 (20 Lui KO), August 4 at the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, NY. Residing in nearby Brooklyn, NY, the slick southpaw not only has the hometown advantage but the edge in experience having faced Shane Mosley, Keith Thurman, Andre Berto, Ricky Hatton, Victor Ortiz and Amir Khan among others.




“Luis Collazo is one of the craftiest boxers around and he’s been a top fighter for many years,” Perrella said. “He’s given everybody a tough fight and had a few close decisions go against him. I expect this to be the biggest challenge of my career but I’m ready for it. Fights like these are the reason I’ve dedicated my life to boxing. I don’t just want to win – I want to win impressively and show the boxing world that I’m worthy of a title shot in the near future.”




Perrella meets Collazo over ten rounds and the bout airs at 5:30 pm ET on FS2.




Fans can follow Perrella on Instagram @BryantPerrella.

Super Lightweight Contender Sharif Bogere Highlights Undercard Action as He Battles Oscar Bravo Friday, August 3 from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas

Unbeaten Prospect Sanjarbek Rakhmanov Takes on Once-Beaten Marquis Taylor & Super Featherweight Contenders Omar Douglas & Lydell Rhodes Square-Off in Undercard Attractions


LAS VEGAS (Iulie 25, 2018) – Once-beaten contender Sharif Bogere will enter the ring for a 10-round super lightweight bout against Chile’s Oscar Bravo in a fight that highlights undercard action Friday, August 3 from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas.




The night is headlined by rising lightweight contender Ladarius Miller cu care se confruntă Dennis Galarza in the Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce main event. Emisiune de televiziune începe la 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features a 10-round welterweight showdown between Cesar Barrionuevo și Abel Ramos, plus unbeaten junior welterweight Juan Heraldez luând în Kevin Watts in a bout scheduled for 10 runde.




Biletele pentru eveniment, which is being promoted by Mayweather Promotions, începe de la $25, are on sale now and will be available at




Undercard showdowns include unbeaten welterweight prospect Sanjarbek Rakhmanov luptându Marquis Taylor in an eight-round contest while super featherweight contenders Omar Douglas și Lydell Rhodes compete in an eight-round showdown.




The lineup of fights will also see unbeaten Angelo Leo (12-0, 7 KO) luând în Sharone Carter (9-2, 2 KO) in eight rounds of super bantamweight action, super-mijlocie Kevin Newman (7-1-1, 3 KO) stepping in for a six-round bout against Cesar Ruiz (8-7, 5 KO) și perspectiva neînvinsă Andres Cortes (7-0, 4 KO) luptându Jarret Jeter (7-2-1, 2 KO) in a six-round super featherweight showdown.




Rounding out the night are unbeaten lightweight prospect Rolando Romero (4-0, 4 KO) într-un meci de șase rundă împotriva Javier Martinez (4-4, 3 KO), semimijlocie junior Kaywann Sistrunk (0-0-1) luptă Sevelle Hasan (1-1, 1 KO) in four rounds of junior welterweight action, neînvins Efren Lopez (2-0, 1 KO) in a four-round featherweight bout versus Daniel Constantino (2-1-1, 1 KO) and the pro debut ofJose Valenzuela in a four-round featherweight attraction.




In varsta de 29 de ani Bogere (31-1, 20 KO) has won eight-straight fights heading into his August 3 matchup. Born in Uganda but now fighting out of Las Vegas, Bogere lost a close decision to Richar Abril in a vacant title fight in 2013 before putting together his current winning streak in hopes of attaining another title shot. He will be opposed by Chile’s Foarte Bine (22-7, 10 KO), who most recently lost a narrow decision to unbeaten prospect Saul Rodriguez in a fight that he sent Rodriguez to the canvas.




Originally from Uzbekistan, Rakhmanov (10-0-1, 5 KO) fights out of Las Vegas and will look to put on a show in his adopted hometown as he enters the ring at Sam’s Town for the second time this year. The 28-year-old’s previous fight this year saw him stop Hylon Williams Jr. in the second round to make it six wins in a row since he fought to a split-draw against Alfonso Olvera in 2016. He will be opposed by the 24-year-old Taylor (9-1), who fights out of Houston and also enters the August 3 bout with a six-fight winning streak.




The 27-year-old Douglas (18-2, 13 KO) will step into the ring on August 3 looking to put on an impressive performance to get back in the mix for a world title shot. Douglas impressive victories over once-beaten Frank De Alba and Alexei Collado, before dropping decisions to former champion Javier Fortuna and Edner Cherry. The Delaware-native most recently scored a first round knockout of Isaias Martin Cardona in December 2017.




Un atlet multi-sport care a concurat atât de box și arte marțiale mixte profesionist, Oklahoma City’s Rhodes (26-2-1, 12 KO) bounced back from decision losses to former champion Sergey Lipinets and Edner Cherry to score three-straight wins, including an April victory over Mike Fowler. The 30-year-old Rhodes was unbeaten in his first 23 pro fights and will look to make it four in a row on August 3.




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Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce will also be available to be streamed live via Bounce’s new subscription-video-on-demand service Brown Sugar, which features an extensive and one-of-a-kind library of iconic black movies as well as Bounce original programming and series. Brown Sugar is available on Apple TV, An, Amazon Channels, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Kindle, Android and Apple smartphones and tablets and web browsers via Brown Sugar also has Google Chromecast capabilities which allow video to play on televisions directly from mobile devices and tablets for consumers with Android and iOS devices. There is a free initial trial period for subscribers with a retail price of $3.99/month thereafter.




Bounce (BounceTV) airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage, and features a programming mix of original and off-network series, filme de teatru, speciale, live sports, și mai. Bounce has grown to be available in more than 109 million homes across the United States and 97% of all African-American (AA) television homes, including all the top AA television markets. Visit for more information. Bounce is part of The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP).




Pentru mai multe informații vizitați: și urmați pe TwitterPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm, deveni un fan pe Facebook la:, and Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce. PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona: cele mai fine de bere.





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Sâmbătă, Septembrie 8 Live pe SHOWTIME® de la Barclays Center din Brooklyn & Prezentat de Premier box Campionilor

Bilete în vânzare Joi, Iulie 26 la 10 A.M.

BROOKLYN (Iulie 24, 2018) – Welterweight stars and former 147-pound titleholders Danny “Swift” Garcia și “Showtime” Shawn Porter will square off for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Septembrie 8 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Barclays Center, casa BROOKLYN BOXING ™.




CAMPIONATUL SHOWTIME DE BOX® main event (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) will pit two of the division’s biggest names against each other, as the former unified 140-pound champion and former WBC welterweight titleholder Garcia meets the hard-charging fan favorite and former welterweight champion Porter. The consensus top-5 ranked welterweights face off for the WBC belt vacated by Keith Thurman as he rehabs from an elbow surgery.




Biletele pentru evenimentul live, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, in association with DSG Promotions, încep de la $50 and go on sale Thursday, Iulie 26 la 10 a.m. Biletele pot fi achiziționate de la,, sau prin apel 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting Friday, Iulie 27 la prânz. Reduceri pentru grupuri sunt disponibile prin apel la 844-bklyn-GP.




“I’m excited and motivated to go in there and recapture what’s mine,” a spus Garcia. “The WBC title belongs to me. Come September 8, I’m going to prove that I’m the best fighter in the world. My loss is behind me and it’s given me a chip on my shoulder to run that extra mile and train even harder. I know that Shawn Porter is not on my level. I’m coming to fight him in the middle of the ring and I’m going to beat him at his game.”




“I’m going to force Danny Garcia to fight me, to be uncomfortable and to do things he’s not used to doing in a fight,” said Porter. “If Danny comes in being defensive and trying to hold, it may last a while. But if he comes and tries to trade with me and prove something to himself, then it will end fast. I think my style will give him problems and not allow him to pace himself. This is going to be an instant classic and I’m going to win and become champion once again.”




Garcia (34-1, 20 KO) a luptat and defeated many of the most formidable opponents at 140 and 147-pounds spanning two generations—Erik Morales, Zab lui Iuda, Kendall Holt, Amir Khan, Lucas Matthysse, Paulie Malignaggi and Lamont Peterson among them. Five of his six opponents in the welterweight division were world champions and 11 ultimei sale 15 opponents were world champions or former world champions.




Representing the fighting city of Philadelphia, Garcia has made Brooklyn another home base, drawing big crowds in six fights since the arena opened in 2012 including his triumphs over Morales, Iuda, Peterson and Malignaggi and a narrow decision loss to Keith Thurman in a blockbuster world title unification that aired on CBS. The 30-year-old put himself into position to earn back his WBC belt with a highlight-reel knockout of Brandon Rios in a title eliminator February on SHOWTIME.




Uzură (28-2-1, 17 KO) owns victories over four-division champion Adrien Broner and two-division champion Paulie Malignaggi over a career that has seen him develop a reputation as one of the sport’s most reliable all-action attractions. He lost a narrow decision to unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman in a 2016 Fight of the Year candidate in Brooklyn but rebounded with two victories last year at Barclays Center. He scored a TKO victory against former welterweight champion Andre Berto in a welterweight title eliminator and followed it up with a 12-round decision over Adrian Granados.




The 30-year-old Porter, who was born in Akron, Ohio and now lives in Las Vegas, will fight at Barclays Center for the fifth time on September 8, including his title-winning performance against Devon Alexander that earned him the IBF title in 2013.




“Danny Garcia vs. Shawn Porter will be an action-packed, can’t-miss brawl,”, A spus Lou DiBella, Președintele Dibella Divertisment. “This hugely important matchup is between two of the best welterweights in the world and pressure fighters with pleasing styles. Both Garcia and Porter have shined in memorable battles at Barclays Center and September 8 will be a tremendous night for boxing.”




“Danny Garcia against Shawn Porter in a welterweight title fight is a throwback to the era when you had Thomas Hearns battling Roberto Duran,’’ said Tom Brown, Președintele TGB Promoții. “Their styles are tailor-made to create action in the ring. Porter comes forward and throws punches in bunches and Garcia doesn’t back up for anyone. This one will be decided in the center of the ring like all the great welterweight championship matches.’’




“In 2018 SHOWTIME has delivered the biggest and most meaningful matchups in boxing, and Garcia vs. Porter is no exception,", A declarat Stephen Espinoza, Președintele, Sport & Eveniment de programare, Showtime Networks Inc. “This will be our sixth fight this year featuring consensus top-10 welterweights, an unrivaled offering of elite fighters in boxing’s glamour division. Danny and Shawn have fought a combined 20 times on SHOWTIME and, pe parcurs, have earned reputations as fighters who never back down from a challenge. I know they are both eager to earn another world title and send a statement to the other champions in the welterweight division.”




“I am pleased to welcome both Danny and Shawn back to Barclays Center,” said Brett Yormark, CEO of BSE Global. “Both fighters have established a great following in Brooklyn, and September will be their biggest moment yet at Barclays Center. We are the number one venue for boxing, and are proud to host another world-class fight.”




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Pentru mai multe informații vizitați,, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, sau să devină un fan pe Facebook la și PBC este sponsorizat de Corona, cele mai fine de bere.

Claressa Shields Named Top-10 Finalist for 2018 Individual Sport “Sportswoman of the Year” by the Women’s Sports Foundation


Women’s boxing sensation Claressa Shields has been named a top-10 finalist for the 2018 Individual Sport “Sportswoman of the Year” by the prestigious Women’s Sports Foundation.




The two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and now two-division professional World Champion will be looking to repeat as winner this year, as she already won the award in 2016, after her second gold medal victory.




Finalists were selected based on athletic performances between August 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018. The public and the Women’s Sports Foundation’s Awards Committee will select the award winner. She will be the athlete who receives the highest combined share of online public voting (50% of composite) and the Awards Committee vote (50% of composite). Online voting runs from July 23 până în august 3 la 11:59 p.m. (EST).


Faceți clic pe AICI to vote for Claressa Shields as the 2018 “Sportswoman of the Year.”




A pillar of her community in Flint, Michigan, as well as a tireless advocate for women’s boxing and athletics in general, 22-year-old Shields has rocketed to superstardom and become the face behind the resurgence of women’s boxing.




In just six professional fights (6-0, 2 KO), the popular Shields has won the unified women’s 168-lb Super Middleweight and unified women’s 160-pound Middleweight championships. In her last ring appearance, held on June 22 and broadcast live on Showtime Championship Boxing, Shields’ match drew higher ratings than a World Heavyweight Championship unification match held earlier this year.




Fondat în 1974 by tennis legend, Billie Jean King, the Women’s Sports Foundation is dedicated to creating leaders by ensuring all girls access to sports. Past winners of Women’s Sports Foundation awards include Venus and Serena Williams, Abby Wambach, Meryl Davis, Simone Biles, Yani Tseng and Candace Parker.




While a number of female athletes have received multiple nominations, few have been able to repeat… but Claressa Shields loves a good fight.




I am honored to be nominated by the Women’s Sports Foundation as a finalist for the 2018 Sportswoman of the Year,” said Claressa Shields. “It means the world to me to be in the company of such outstanding women and athletes being considered for this prestigious award. We all work hard and will not stop until every sportswoman achieves the equality we deserve.




I am thrilled for Claressa and so proud of her for all her accomplishments in and out of the ring as a woman, as an athlete, and as someone who is a mentor and role model to young women the world over,” said Shieldsco-manager Mark Taffet. “As a once-in-a-generation athlete, Claressa Shields sets the bar high for herself and all female athletes, lifting the conscience of the sports world with every step she takes. It is a privilege to be part of her history-making journey, and I applaud the Women’s Sports Foundation for their work in raising the profile of these great athletes.




“Claressa’s journey from her days as a teenager growing up in Flint has been historic every step of the way,” said her promoter, Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “She is unique combination of an elite athlete and a socially conscious hero of the people. Her record-breaking accomplishments inside the ring inspire fans and elevate women’s sports all around the world.”




The Women’s Sports Foundation’s 39th Annual Salute to Women in Sports will be held on Wednesday, Octombrie 17, at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City.



Click to Learn more about The Sportswoman of the Year Award.



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About Salita Promotions



Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 de Dmitriy Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

Falcao tops Espadas in Vegas; ready to face anybody at 160

Team Falcao.jpg

Plant City, FL (Iulie 23, 2018) – Highly rated middleweight and 2012 Olympic medalist Yamaguchi Falcao, 16-0 (7 Lui KO), moved further up the rankings by outpointing WBO #14 Elias Espadas, 17-4 (12 Lui KO), over ten rounds.




The bout took place Saturday, Iulie 21 la Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas just prior to an HBO world title doubleheader.




Representing his native Brazil but living and fighting out of Plant City, FL, Falcao got off to a quick start by dropping his Yucatan, Mexico based foe in the second round with a crisp two punch combo. Falcao, a skilled boxer-puncher, battled through a rough and often dirty fight featuring headbutts, low blows and excessive holding. Falcao and Espadas did have some solid exchanges with both men landing nice shots, though Falcao was the more consistent fighter.




In the 10th round, Falcao hurt his foe with a right hook and backed him up against the ropes but the game Espadas weathered the storm until the final bell.




Scoruri au fost 96-92 de două ori și 95-93 for Falcao.




“I’m happy to get the victory even though it was a complicated and frustrating fight,” said Falcao, who ended Espadas’ 8 fight win streak. “It felt like I had to fight the referee and the crowd too but getting the win is what matters most.


Ready, willing and able to face any middleweight on the planet, Falcao’s hoping his next fight comes against one of the division’s best.




“We want a title fight and it doesn’t matter which champion. I know this wasn’t the prettiest fight but I’m 100 percent confident I’ve got the skills to challenge anybody willing to give me the opportunity.




Jody Caliguire of Team Falcao was equally frustrated with the bout but is ready to put his fighter against anybody in the world.




“That was a frustrating bout with a lot of dirty tactics. With Espadas out of the way, we’ve got our sights set on the best opponents we can face. Yamaguchi was prepared to face Demetrius Andrade before his situation and nobody else wanted to fight him so that should tell you how serious Team Falcao is. I’ve heard David Lemieux, a fighter we were in camp with last year, is going to be on the Canelo-Golovkin undercard in September and we’d gladly face him.”




Falcao is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions and fans can follow him on Instagram @YamaguchiFalcao.

VIDEO: Michael Dutchover Delivers Emphatic One Punch Knockout Friday Night

PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / ORANGE, Calif. (Iulie 23, 2018) – Junior lightweight Michael Dutchover (10-0, 7 KO), captivated a sold-out crowd with an electrifying one-punch knockout of Sergio Ramirez (4-3, 4 KO) Vineri night from the Doubletree Hotel in Ontario, Calif.

The closeout punch, a right hand on Ramirez’s chin, occurred at the :43 marca de-al doilea tur de scrutin.
I timed it just right,” said the 20-year-old Dutchover. “He came at me with a lazy punch, and I just unloaded that right hand, and he dropped like a fly.
Dutchover barely broke a sweat in his tenth career win. The Texas native, who conducts his training camps in Los Angeles with trainer and manager Danny Zamora, made his 8-round debut, but clearly didn’t need the rounds to score what is likely his most emphatic win to date.
You go into every fight expecting a tough challenge,” Dutchover said. “I was ready to go the full eight rounds, but I’m glad I was able to end it early and give the fans something to talk about.
Dutchover is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.
For regular updates on our fighters, Evenimente, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , and follow us on Instagram și Stare de nervozitate BannerBoxing
Photos by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Box

Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing to appeal Hamazaryan – Mattice

PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / ORANGE, Calif. (Iulie 23, 2018) – Artie Pelullo, co-promoter of lightweight Zhora Hamazaryan will be appealing the outcome of last Friday’s Zhora HamazaryanThomas Mattice fight with the Iowa commission.




Pelullo spoke to Iowa Commissioner Joe Walsh right after the fight on Friday, which took place at the WinnaVegas Casino.




The bout was seen by a nationally televised audience as the co-feature of a ShoBox: The New Generation card on SHOWTIME.




In the fight, Hamazaryan scored an explosive 2nd round knockdown; rocked Mattice several more times, and dominated the action. Hamazaryan badly hurt Mattice in round seven. Most people who saw the fight, thought that Hamazayan won 6 runde de 2, plus the 2nd round knockdown.




Hall of Fame SHOWTIME announcer Steve Farhood called the decision the one of the worst in the history of the series, while his fellow Hall of Fame broadcaster Barry Tompkins went even farther by calling it the worst decision in 40 an.




Hamazaryan co-promoter, Artie Pelullo said, “I spoke to commissioner Joe Walsh right after the fight. I informed him that we were going to appeal the decision, and he understood our position, and he said that we are within our rights to appeal.




Hamazaryan is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




Below are just a sample of the articles and social media reaction from this misjustice.




 (Gordon was the former New York State Boxing Commissioner)





For regular updates on our fighters, Evenimente, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , and follow us on Instagram și Stare de nervozitate BannerBoxing