Kategorija Archives: boksas


Airing live on Super Channel in Canada
Šeštadienis, Liepa 28, live from Powerade Centre in Brampton, Kanada
IBF International junior middleweight champion
Petros Ananyan defends vs. Calgary’s Steve Claggett
Daugiau, Toronto’s world champion Sandy Tsagouris
140 Svarų
139 svarų

KAS: “SUPERBOX LIVE: Rising Upprofessional boxing event


Petros Ananyan (13-0-2, 6 Kos), Čempionas, Maskva, Rusija

Steve “The Dragon” Claggett (26-5-1, 17 Kos), Varžovas, Calgary, Alberta, Kanada





Smėlio “Lil Tyson” Tsagouris (16-2, 7 Kos), Čempionas, Torontas, Ontarijo, Kanada

Guadalupe Solis (5-2, 2 Kos), Varžovas, Cintalapa, Chiapas, Meksika




ŠVIESOS sunkiasvoriai (6)



Nick Fantauzzi (5-0, 4 Kos), Torontas, Ontarijo, Kanada



Aaron Crawley (3-1 (0 Kos), Dartmouth, Nova scotia, Kanada







Ross Mylet (2-0), Oakville, Ontarijo, Kanada


Franciskas “RelempagoUbieta (6-3, 2 Kos), Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Meksika


KADA: Šeštadienis, Liepa 28, 2018


KUR: Powerade Centre in Brampton, Kanada.

KOORDINATORIUS: Lee Baxterio reklamos

HOW TO WATCH: SUPERBOX LIVE: Rising Up,” pradedant 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT, will AIR LIVE IN Canada exclusively on Super Channel, as well as on Match TV in Russia, tape delayed via BoxNation Jungtinėje Karalystėje, and live streamed worldwide on the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv) for only $9.99.


ANNOUNCERS: Corey Erdman ir Morgan Campbell


BILIETAI: Ranging from $175.,00 į $40.00 (plus service charge), available to purchase at the Powerade Centre box office or online at

www.1.ticketmaster.ca ir www.leebaxterpromotions.com

DOORS OPEN: 6:30 p.m. IR

FIRST BOUT: 7:00 p.m. IR

OTHER: To watchSUPERBOX LIVE: Rising Uplive in Canada, showcasing some

of Canada’s top professional fighters, taip pat įdomesnės bokso ateiti į 2018, fight fans can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, įskaitant premium serija, Filmai ir daug daugiau, už ne mažiau kaip $9.95 per mėnesį.

Antonio Nieves back in action against Christian Esquivel on Saturday night in Columbus, Ohajas

Antonio Nieves back in action against Christian Esquivel in Columbus, Ohajas


Nieves (17-2-2, 9 Kos) Cleveland, Ohio will be making his 1st appearance since dropping his last bout to WBO Super Flyweight champion Naoya Inoue on September 9, 2017 in a bout that was broadcast live on HBO.




In Esquivel, Nieves is taking on an a veteran opponent who sports a record of 30-14-1 su 23 Knockouts.




This will be a good test for Nieves, as Esquivel is a tough veteran who has fought countless world champions and undefeated fighters.




“Aš esu 110% ready for this fight on Saturday. I am excited to get back in the ring and make my way back to the top. I fought one of the most feared Super Flyweights in the world. It my first trip to the weight class, and I didn’t get the victory. But being there only made me more hungry, and I’m coming back with a vengeance,” Sakė Nieves.

WATCH NOW! THE APPROACH: Mikey Garcia – Four-Division World Champion Explains His Mindset Before a Fight

THE APPROACH: Mikey Garcia

Four-Division World Champion Explains His Mindset Before a Fight

Garcia Faces Robert Easter Jr. in Lightweight World Title Unification Bout

Šį šeštadienį, 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT Apie Showtime

Nuotrauka kreditų: Showtime Sportas

Žiūrėti, vaizdas & Dalintis YouTube ": https://s.sho.com/2AgFPt5

KAS: Keturių padalinys pasaulio čempionas Mikey Garcia explains his mindset in the final moments before a fight in this new digital offering from SHOWTIME Sports®. The Approach: Mikey Garcia provides a first-person glimpse into Garcia’s psyche and unique tendencies as he prepares to enter the ring.

“The ring walk is the most special moment of a fight itself,” says Garcia. “Sometimes I get very emotional and I want to cry because it’s unbelievable that all of these people are there to support me.”

Garcia, the unbeaten WBC Lightweight World Champion, will meet IBF Lightweight World Champion Robertas Velykų jaunesnysis. in a 135-pound unification showdown rytoj naktis, Liepa 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.

Live coverage of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT and also features Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortiz (28-1, 24 Kos) returning to action to face former world title challenger Razvan Cojanu (16-3, 9 Kos) and opens with unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario Barrios (21-0, 13 Kos) atsižvelgiant on hard-hitting Jose Romos (24-2-1, 16 Kos) į 10-apvalios užbaigimas.

The night kicks off with SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN at 8 p.m. IR/5 p.m. PT, as former three-division champion Abner Mares joins boxing broadcaster Ray Flores and analyst Chris Mannix to preview the night’s tripleheader and call live undercard bouts from ringside in Los Angeles. SHOWTIME’s fifth digital presentation of live boxing in 2018 will stream on the „SHOWTIME Sports“ „YouTube“ kanalas ir Showtime Boksas Facebook puslapis.

The FNU Combat Sports Show Launches as Fight Talk Unlimited on SPREAKER

Fight News Unlimited’s weekly Combat Sports Show is now officially known as Fight Talk Unlimited, and we are now back to a live platform: Spreaker.


This week on our debut episode on Spreaker, we discuss a wild week in news, from Floyd Mayweather’s beef with 50-Cent, to Conor McGregor’s slap on the wrist for throwing a hand truck through a bus window, to a Philadelphia area school teacher moonlighting as an offensive German character in his pro-wrestling career. We then recap last week’s major fights, including a vicious KO by Anthony Smith over Shogun Rua at UFC Fight Night 135. We also preview UFC on FOX 30 and Mikey Garcia vs. Robert Easter Jr., along with all the other combat sports action this weekend.


Listen live with the player below:

Klausytis “Debut Episode: Tomas, Tony and Rich Break in the New Platform” „Spreaker“.

Mikey Garcia prieš. Robertas Velykų jaunesnysis. Baigiamosios spaudos konferencija Citatos & Nuotraukos

Lengvieji pasaulio čempionai kovoja suvienijimo kovoje, kuri nukreipia veiksmą Šeštadienis, Liepa 28 Tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME iš STAPLES centro Los Andžele & Pristato
Premier Boksas Čempionų
Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Scott Hirano / Showtime


LOS ANGELES (Liepa 26, 2018) – Lengvo svorio pasaulio čempionai Mikey Garcia ir Robertas Velykų jaunesnysis. ėjo akis į akį ketvirtadienį per paskutinę spaudos konferenciją dvi dienas prieš jiems žengiant į ringą dėl 135 svarų sterlingų susivienijimo šeštadienio, Liepa 28 tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME iš „STAPLES“ centro Los Andžele renginyje, kurį pristatė „Premier Boxing Champions“.




Prisijunkite prie jų ketvirtadienį ir dalyvausite trijų kovų „SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING“ transliacijoje (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) buvo kubiečių sunkiasvoriai Luis “Nekilnojamasis King Kongas” Ortiz ir buvęs pavadinimas Challenger Razvan Cojanu, kurie susitinka 10 raundų varžybose plius nepralenktas itin lengvas varžovas Mario “Aztekas” Gyvenamieji ir sunku pataikyti Jose Romos, kurie varžosi 10 raundų parodoje.




Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas Ringstar sporto ir TGB Akcijos, pradėti nuo $50, plius taikomos mokesčių, ir yra parduoti dabar. Norėdami įsigyti bilietus, apsilankykite AXS.com.




Štai ką spaudos konferencijos dalyviai turėjo pasakyti ketvirtadienį iš „Conga Room“ L.A.. Live:


Mikey Garcia




“Tai bus mano pirmosios titulo suvienijimo rungtynės. Tai reiškia labai daug susidurti su kitu nepralenktu čempionu. Tai padės mano palikimui ir karjerai. Žengiu tinkamus žingsnius į priekį ir įtvirtinu savo vardą per amžius.




“Šiuo metu prieš mane nėra kitos kovos, kuri mane jaudintų, išskyrus šią kovą su Robertu Easter Jr. Jis ateis su viskuo, ką turi. Tai neabejotinai yra didžiausia jo kova ir tikiu, kad sugebėsime išnaudoti vienas kito geriausius dalykus.




“Aš ir Robertas Velykas jaunesnysis. yra vieninteliai nepralenkti čempionai divizione. Taigi mano akimis, nugalėtojas yra geriausias diviziono kovotojas.




“Labai džiaugiuosi, kad vėl kariauju Los Andžele. Jau septyneri metai, kai čia kovojau. Suteikti gerbėjams galimybę pamatyti šią didelę kovą tiesiogiai „STAPLES“ centre yra puikus dalykas. Esu labai dėkinga, kad galėjome čia kovoti. Dauguma oponentų nebūtų čia atvykę.




“Grįžtu į „STAPLES“ centrą kaip pasaulio čempionas ir turiu galimybę susivienyti gimtinėje. Nieko geresnio negalėčiau paprašyti. Darysiu viską, ką galiu, kad šeštadienio vakarą pasirodyčiau pergalinga.




“Džiaugiuosi, kad Robertas užtikrintai ateina į šią kovą. Tikiu, kad jis parodys geriausią įmanomą savo versiją. Tai mane dar labiau motyvuoja ir jaudina ši kova.




“Aš čia norėdamas priimti didžiausias kovas ir didžiausius iššūkius. Labai greitai turėsiu pusvidutinį svorį ir tikiuosi, kad ten galėsiu pasiimti geriausius dalykus. Visi sako to nedaryti, ir tai mane labiausiai jaudina ir motyvuoja.”






“Aš tikrai nekreipiu dėmesio į tai, kad mane „nepastebi“’ ar ką mano oponentai sako vedantys į kovą. Liepos 28 mes vis tiek turime ten patekti ir mesti šias rankas. Niekas jo ar kito žmogaus pasakyto manęs visiškai netrikdo.




“Vienintelis didelis vardas, kurį įveikė Mikey Garcia, yra Adrienas Broneris. Aš ketinu jam duoti problemų. Tikiu mūsų įgūdžiais ir rekordais, šios kovos nugalėtojas yra geriausias svorio kategorijos kovotojas.




“Tai gali pridėti didelį dėmesį mano karjerai. Tai gali padėti man nusipelnyti pripažinimo. Į visas savo kovas žiūriu kaip į didelę kovą, bet akivaizdu, kad tai yra suvienijimas. Šeštadienį ten pamatysite du karius.




“Jau seniai debiutavau „STAPLES“ centre. Šeštadienio vakarą sulauksite daug veiksmo ir įspūdžių. Tikėkitės netikėtumo.




“Turėjau tokią puikią treniruočių stovyklą su treneriu Cunninghamu ir savo tėčiu. Visa tai buvo boksas visą laiką ir tikrai tai, ko man reikėjo, einant į tokį mačą.




“Visi galės pamatyti, kaip mano sunkus darbas pasiteisins šeštadienio vakarą. Aš ne tas, kuris mėgsta apie tai kalbėti, Noriu visiems parodyti, ką gavau.




“Tai tokios kovos, kurių dalimi visada norėjau būti. Tai didelė kova, kuri, žinau, gerbėjams tikrai patiks. Duosiu jiems ką prisiminti.




“Tai, kas yra, yra tai, kas yra. Tik vienas iš mūsų gali būti mėgstamiausias. Mes padarėme tai, ką turėjome padaryti, kad pasiruoštume šiai kovai ir liepos mėn 28 pamatysite visa tai veikiant.”


Robertas GARCIA, Mikey brolis ir treneris




“Bet kurioje kovoje visada yra rizika. Mes labai gerai pasiruošę šiam dideliam iššūkiui, o Mikey yra puikioje vietoje psichiškai. Velykos yra aukštas vaikinas, kuris, be abejo, bandys panaudoti savo pasiekiamumą ir kovoti iš šalies. Bet mes būsime pasirengę viskam, ką jis atneš.




“Tai akivaizdžiai didelė Mikey kova su kitu elito boksininku. Kai du nenugalėti vaikinai vienijasi, jis visada didelis. Mes turėjome puikių sparingo partnerių, kurie paruošė Mikey būti geriausiu.




“Mes pasirengę kuo geresnėms Roberto Velykoms. Aš net nežiūriu į jo praėjusius du spektaklius. Mes padarėme tai, ką turėjome padaryti, kad būtume pasirengę šiai kovai ir geriausia oponento versija.”


KEVIN Cunningham, Velykų bendras treneris




“Robertas visada buvo nepaprastas kovotojas ir puikus boksininkas, kai nori boksuotis. Mes tiesiog akcentavome tai, kaip norime kovoti su Mikey Garcia. Robertas turi natūralių įgūdžių ir sugebėjimų, plius dydis ir pasiekiamumas, kad tai būtų padaryta.




“Esame pasirengę diktuoti tempą, kontroliuoti atstumą ir nuotolį bei daryti viską, ką norime. Iki šiol tai darėme stovykloje ir šeštadienio vakarą ketiname suvesti į ringą.




“Pastaruosius porą savaičių akivaizdu, kad Garcia daugiau kalbėjo apie būsimas kovas nei apie šią šeštadienio vakaro kovą. Aš žiūriu į tai kaip į jį, žvelgiant į Velykas. Tačiau, Mikey yra profesionalus treneris, todėl abejoju, ar jis visiškai nepastebimas. Jam geriau būti pasirengusiam.”


ROBERT EASTER SR., Velykų tėvas & Bendras treneris




“Aš visada jaučiuosi labai įsitikinęs Roberto galimybėmis kiekvieną kartą, kai jis žengia į ringą. Turėjome gerą stovyklą ir žinau, kad jis pasirengęs. Jis visada pasiruošęs, kaip ir jis buvo kiekvienoje kovoje, vedančioje į šią kovą.




“Ši kova pateisins ažiotažą. Robertas ketina ten išeiti ir parodyti pasauliui, iš ko yra iš tikrųjų.




“Mes eisime ten ir laimėsime. Priversime Mikey pritaikyti savo žaidimo planą ir padaryti jam tikrai ilgą naktį.”






“Mano alkis ir motyvacija tapti pasaulio čempionu visiškai nepasikeitė. Mano priešininkas yra labai didelis, bet ringe visi yra vienodo dydžio. Mes būsime protingi ir šeštadienio vakarą atliksiu savo darbą.




“Laukinė kova yra tokia, kokia yra. Dabar tai praeitis, ir nesigailiu. Dienos pabaigoje noriu revanšo ir manau, kad nusipelniau revanšo. Jie vis dar bėga nuo manęs ir akivaizdžiai bėga nuo Wilderio, bet aš bėgau nuo niekieno.




“Šeštadienio vakaro pergalė sugrąžins mane į rungtynių rungtynes ​​su Deontay Wilderiu. Kova yra tai, ką aš žinau, kaip tai padaryti, ir štai ką aš darau šeštadienio vakarą. Mes abu alkani pergalės ir pamatysime, kas išeis į viršų.




“Sužinojau, kad man reikia dar labiau treniruotis, kovoti sunkiau, mesti daugiau ir daugiau prisijungti. Jei nebūčiau pavargęs, Aš ir šiandien jį kumščiuosi. Metiau laikrodį į sporto salę. Mes būsime protingesni toliau.”






“Esu labai pasirengęs šiam mačui. Kai sulaukėme šio skambučio, Aš jau buvau formos. Mes tiesiog turėjome pakoreguoti kovą su pietvakariu. Prieš šią kovą turime apie mėnesį labai smagaus sparingo.




“Jaučiuosi labai patogiai prieš pietų leteną, ypač tokį, kurį visi žino kaip Ortizas. Žinau, kad turiu įgūdžių parsivežti pergalę.




“Laukinis vs.. „Ortiz“ kova buvo puiki kova ir aš sveikinu jį už tą pasirodymą. Mačiau daugybę dalykų, kuriuos galiu apnuoginti. Pagrindinis dalykas yra aštrus vienas-du derinys, kuris jam kelia problemų.”






“Tai tikrai sunkiausias išbandymas mano karjeroje. Aš labai džiaugiuosi turėdamas šią didelę kovą. Tai bus išsiveržęs spektaklis, kurio ieškojau.




“Nesvarbu, koks pavadinimas man prieinamas, yra tas pavadinimas, kurio mes laikysimės. Nesvarbu, su kuo turiu susidurti, Aš būsiu pasirengęs. Aš šaudau už geriausią.




“Tai puiki proga debiutuoti „SHOWTIME“. Tai talentų kupina kortelė, bet planuoju pavogti laidą. Parodysiu visiems tokį kovotoją, koks esu.




“Aš žinau, kad Romanas ateis kovoti, bet aš taip pat. Nekantrauju kovoti šiame pastate. Čia kovojo visi didieji ir nekantrauju surengti puikų pasirodymą.”







“Gyvenamieji’ geriausias ginklas būtų jo greitis ir jo nuotolis, ir aš manau, kad turime tobulą žaidimo planą tam priešintis. Žinau, kad ten turiu būti kantrus, nes turiu sunkų priešininką. Aš tai darau dėl savo šeimos ir niekas negali manęs sustabdyti.




“Man būtų didžiulė pergalė prieš Mario Barriosą. Gerbėjai gali užeiti laukdami karo tarp dviejų Meksikos karių, kurie visa tai paliks ringe.




“Kai nekovoju, einu į Kipro koledžą ir matematikos specialybę. Nuo pat mažens man labai sekėsi matematika. Šiuo metu savo boksininko karjeroje ir gyvenime einu puikiu keliu.”


RICHARD Schaefer, Pirmininkas & CEO Ringstar Sportas




“Tai iš viršaus į apačią nuostabi kortelė. Tai įspūdingas bokso žaidimas, vykstantis čia, „STAPLES“ centre. Šioje kortelėje turime šiek tiek visko. Tai apima Roberto Garcia sporto salės talentą, daugiau 2016 Ne JAV. Olimpietis Karlosas Balderas, kuris, tikiu, vieną dieną bus antraštė „STAPLES“ centre.




“Televizijos dalis šioje kortelėje taip pat yra žvaigždžių, įskaitant nenugalėtą Mario Barriosą, kuris gerai atstovauja Teksasui ir didžiuojasi savo valstybe. Jis yra vienas įdomiausių kovotojų divizione ir jo laukia sunkus iššūkis Jose Romane.




“Luisas Ortizas yra toks kovotojas, kurio nesinori praleisti nė minutės, kai jis kovoja. Jis išeina iš vienos geriausių šių metų kovų, kai jis metė iššūkį WBC sunkaus svorio čempionui Deontayui Wilderiui.




“Rungtynės tarp Mikey Garcia ir Roberto Easter Jr.. yra vyšnia nuostabios nakties viršuje. Žinau, kad šie kovotojai yra pasirengę linksminti ir demonstruoti savo talentą.”

STEPHEN Espinoza, Prezidentas Sportas & Įvykio Programavimas, Showtime Networks Inc.




“Yra kovotojų, kurie sako norintys sunkių kovų, o tada yra kovotojų, kurie iš tikrųjų imasi sunkių kovų. Tarp šių dviejų yra didelis skirtumas. Mikey Garcia ir Robertas Velykas jaunesnysis. yra kovotojai, kurie iš tikrųjų imasi aukščiausių kovų.




“Šiais metais tai jau trečiasis „SHOWTIME“ pasaulio čempionų vienijimas. Joks kitas tinklas tokio lygio kovų nepateikė bokso gerbėjams. Tai daugiau pasaulio titulų suvienijimų nei visi kiti tinklai kartu su šiais metais.




“Mikey yra geriausias svaras už svarą kovotojas, o Velykos yra ilgiausiai valdantis lengvo svorio kategorijos čempionas ir turbūt labiausiai vengiamas kovotojas divizione.. Niekas neskuba kovoti nė su vienu iš šių vaikinų, dar, tai buvo lengva surengti kova.”




# # #





Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com ir www.staplescenter.com sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @ TGBPromotions @ STAPLESCenter ir @Swanson_Comm arba tapkite „Facebook“ gerbėju www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions irwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. TSK remia Corona, geriausių Alus.

2016 Ne JAV. Olympian and undefeated Bantamweight, Antonio Vargas takes on Aaron Echeveste Lopez this Saturday in Kissimmee, Floridos

NEW YORK (Liepa 26, 2018)–Šį šeštadienį, 2016 Ne JAV. Olympian and undefeated bantamweight Antonio Vargas is in action this Saturday night when he takes on Aaron Echeveste Lopez (5-2, 3 Kos) in a six-round bout at The Kissimmee Civic Center in Kissimmee, Floridos.




The 21 year-old Vargas has a record of 6-0 su trimis Knockouts, and is coming off a six-round unanimous decision over Luis Fernando Saavedra on February 23rd in Kissimmee.




Vargas of Kissimmee by way of Houston, has a win over undefeated Jonathan Garza (6-0) jo gyvenimo aprašyme.




The VargasLopez fight will be streamed live on ESPN+ beginning at 6:30 AM ET.




I trained hard for this fight, and I feel strong physically and mentally. This is one of the biggest fight cards that I have fought on. I look to be on many more this year. I’m excited for this fight and look to put on a great performance,” Sakė Vargas.




Coming out of the Olympics, I felt Antonio was one of the best talent’s coming out of the 2016 klasė. He has tremendous power and speed that will dazzle the boxing world, and we look forward to seeing that on display on Saturday night,” said David McWater, CEO of Split-T Management.




Vargas is Promoted By Top Rank.




Photo by Mikey Williams / Į viršų Reitingas



“It’s my responsibility on earth to help everybody as much as I can”

WBC Lightweight World Champion Garcia Faces IBF Champion Robert Easter Jr.

10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT Apie Showtime


Nuotrauka kreditų: Showtime Sportas


Žiūrėti, vaizdas & Dalintis YouTube ": https://s.sho.com/2LlP5Bb

Undefeated Middleweight Cem Kilic to take on Joe Amouta on Friday, August 17th in Hinckley, Minesota

1st bout with new trainer, Buddy McGirt

Beverly Hills, Kalifas. (Liepa 26, 2018) – Undefeated middleweight prospect Cem Kilic returns to action on Friday night, August 17th at the Hinckley Grand Casino in Hinckley, Minnesota against Joe Amouta in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.




Kilic (10-0, 6 Kos) will be making his 3rd consecutive appearance at The Hinckley Grand Casino.




The native of Sherman Oaks, California by way of Frankfurt, Vokietija, Kilic will be making his 1st start under world-renowned trainer Buddy McGirt.




Amouta (7-1-1, 2 Kos) iš Minneapolis, Minnesota has wins over 3 undefeated fighters plus 13-1-1, George Carter, Jaunesnysis.




I’m excited to get back in the ring on August 17th to one of my adopted fan bases in Minnesota,” said Kilic. “I have been training very hard, improving every facet of my craft. I am in phenomenal shape, I’m more motivated than ever and ready to show what Buddy McGirt and I have been working on in the gym, and finishing off this year with at least 3 more fights!”




“Treniruočių stovyklą vyksta puikiai,” said McGirt. “This is our first camp together, and every day Cem continues to improve and learn more and more. Cem works very hard in the gym and is getting world class sparring that will make him the better fighter come fight night.” – Buddy McGirt




Over the last few months we made some positive changes to Cem’s team bringing in a new trainer and strength + conditioning coach.,said manager Shane Shapiro of No Limit Mindset LLC. “There are not many world class trainer’s like Buddy McGirt, and he has made an immediate impact on Cem in a short time. I’m excited to see all the hard work translate on August 17th!”





Kilic is managed by Shane Shapiro’s No Limit Mindset LLC, and is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions.


Mikey Garcia: “The GodfatherVia The PlayersTribune

Ahead of Saturday’s Mikey Garcia vs. Robertas Velykų jaunesnysis. Title Unification Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in
Los Andželas
Spauskite ČIA to readThe Godfatheron The PlayersTribune from Mikey Garcia


I want to tell you guys about someone who’s meant a lot to me. This might sound funny, but he’s basically a mixture between the Godfather and a superhero. I say Godfather because he’s got this presence: always serious, all businesswhen he walks into a room, everybody goes quiet.



And I say superhero because many years ago he did something incredible. Something that sticks with me to this day.



He didn’t quite lift a car above his head, but man, it was close.



Back in the 1960s, he was living with his girlfriend on a ranch in Mexico. There were no jobs where he lived, so one day, when he’s 17, he decides to go to the States as part of a migrant worker program. When the program ends after a year, he starts paying someone to smuggle him across the border. He regularly returns to Mexico with what he’s earned, but it’s not muchsometimes barely enough to pay off the smuggler. Then when he’s 20, he marries, and gets the paperwork to move his young family to California. So now he’s got to make even more money, teisė?



Trouble is, he hasn’t got a cent. He’s got no proper income. No proper education. He can barely even speak English.



So he begins working in a fish cannery. Then he and his wife move to a beat-up trailer park and begin picking strawberries in a nearby field, toiling away in the sun and the mud. It’s awful work. But they’re still broke.



And now they have seven kids.



One day this guy just loses itor so it seems. He’s out window-shopping with his wife when they see all these lovely beds and tables and wardrobes. He turns to her and says, “You like that furniture? Gerai, one day I’m gonna get it for you.



She looks at him like he’s lost his mind. Then she gets pissed off.



What are you telling me that for?” she says. “Just to tease me? You know you can’t afford any of that stuff.



She’s right of course. This guy has nothing. Gerai, except for one thing: boksas. He was an amateur boxer back in Mexico, and now he’s hanging out in a local gym trying to find work as a trainer. Sometimes he doesn’t even bother coming homehe just goes straight from the strawberry fields to the gym. And somehowsomehow he begins working with some fighters. He seems to know his stuff, because a few of them become good. Really good. A few of them even become famous.



Eventually he is able to move his family out of the trailer park and into a decent house. But he never mentions the promise he made. Iki 2000, two of his boxers have become world champions. Now he’s got enough cash to buy a brand new five-bedroom house. He and his wife watch it get built on the old strawberry fields where they used to work. Then they pick the furnitureall new, all luxurious. When it arrives, his wife opens the door and sees itand then he brings up the story.



Remember what I told you all those years ago?” jis sako,. “The beds? The tables? I made you a promise. Here you have it. Čia jums.”



She starts to cry.



That was such a wonderful moment. Aš prisimenu … because I was there.



That guy was my father.




Aš turėjau būti 13 arba 14 metai. I was born in that trailer park, in Oxnard, the youngest of seven kids. We moved out when I was one. We had been dirt poor, but my father never told us how bad it was. Only a few years later did I understand how hard he had had to work for us. So when he bought my mother that furniture, I felt so proud. Aš buvau kaip, Damn. My dad’s a badass.



I getI get emotional just thinking about it.



Man, my father, Eduardo, is living proof of the American dream. People know him today as the guy who trained Fernando Vargas to IBF and WBA world titles and my brother Robert to an IBF world title. People also know him, žinoma, as my trainer. But beyond all the boxing stuff, what my father has shown is that you can achieve anythingno matter who you are, no matter where you come from. When I began to dream about what I wanted to do in life, I knew there were no limits.



Dabar, the natural thing for me was clearly to become a boxer, like my father and my brother. But I didn’t want that. It didn’t interest me at all.



Iš tikrųjų, if you had asked me what I would do for a living, I would have told you that I’d become a lawyer or a police officer. I guess I was just attracted to the idea of authority. I tried to avoid boxing altogetherI was almost defiant about it. But then one day, the sport found me.



Buvau 13. We were going to see my nephew, Javieras, fight in Reseda. I was just going to support him, but one of the kids in the gym didn’t have an opponent. So Robert signed me up.



He said, “Bro, you’re going in the ring.And I was like, “All right.



Žinoma, I had grown up watching my father train Fernando and Robert, so I knew the basics. I borrowed some equipment, avalynė, cup, headgear – viskas – but since I wasn’t licensed to compete, we just fought a three-round exhibition. And I liked it. I liked that one-on-one. I held my own too. Afterwards, I wanted another taste of it.



Six months later I had my first official amateur bout. Aš laimėjau. I won my first 10 kovas. Į 2003 I reached the final of the National Junior Olympics in the 125-pound class. I lost on a 3-2 Split sprendimas, but still, silver was not bad. Soon managers and promoters started to show interest in me. I won a few tournaments, and then one day, į 18, I decided to go pro.



But I also wanted something to fall back on. You remember the stuff about law enforcement? Gerai, I wasn’t joking. Po kolegijos, I went to the Ventura County Police and Sheriff’s Reserve Academy.



I learned a lot about policing, about reading people, paying attention to details. And a lot of it relates directly to boxing. Stand in the right position. Keep your guard up. Approach from the right angle. Have an exit strategy. Stuff like that.



When I graduated in 2010, I applied to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office. But then my boxing career took off. I was getting bigger fightsand better pay than I would as a rookie policeman. And that was when I realized, Jūs žinote, ką? Boxing could be my job. Not a dream. Not a hobby. A job.



I want to make that distinctionthat boxing was my jobbecause the truth is, I didn’t care about titles. Not even when I won the WBO world featherweight title in January 2013. It was all about money. I had just had my second child, and I wanted to provide for my family. That was what my father had taught me: Work hard and do everything you possibly can so that your kids can have a better life. I’m still doing that. Maybe one day, my kids will also be able to say the same thing I can: “Taip, my dad, he’s a badass.



My father is 73 now and has a head full of white hair. He doesn’t look like he did when he was training world champions, but he still has that aura. Sporto salėje, people call him ‘Big G’. You can tell when he’s not there because everybody becomes more relaxed. When he’s there, nors, people sharpen up. They work harder. There’s no messing around. That’s why I say he’s like the Godfather.



My father was my trainer. He and I were doing well in 2013, but then in early, 2014 we had to put everything aside. My contract with my promoter, Į viršų Reitingas, was running out, but Top Rank was saying that the agreement was still in place. We disagreed. We took it to our attorneys, and they all told us that we were right. The litigation process was so tedious that it took us two years in court to reach a settlement.




During that period, I got no fights. Other promoters were scared because they didn’t want to get involved in my dispute. The television networks were afraid of the same thing. I was stuck. But at least I was able to work, or at least come close to working, as an attorney.



Because I wasn’t on vacation. I was dealing with attorneys four days a week. I was helping them draft letters, editing the boxing language, stuff like that. They would say to me, “You need to go to school, vienas. You’re good.



In a way, all the time off turned out to be a blessing. Because if I had kept on boxingO.K., maybe I would’ve achieved more by now. I would’ve had more titles, I’d have more money. Whatever. But I’m more in control of my career now. I understand the complications around it, I know what I’m doing. And look, I might have gotten bored with boxing anyway. I might have said, “Eh, that’s enough. It’s over.



But instead, when I came back in summer 2016, I was so hungry. Norėjau kovoti. I wanted titles. It wasn’t even about the money anymore. I just wanted to prove to everybody that I’m the best fighter out here. And there was one thing in particular that I wanted to do. Jūs matote, my father had already won three world championships with three fighters in three divisions. But he had never won a WBC world championship. So I set out to get it for him.



Sausio 2017, in only the second bout after my layoff, I fought Dejan Zlatičanin for the WBC world lightweight title. Mano tėvas, as he usually does, tried to find small mistakes that he could correct while I was training for the fight. He’s always concerned that I’m not doing enough. as galiu eiti 12 brutal rounds, but if I’m not dead afterwards, he thinks I’m not working hard enough. The truth is the opposite: I’m just in great shape. But he’ll always push me for more.



And here’s another thing: As a fight comes closer, my father changes. I can sense it, my brothers too. Mano tėvas, the Godfather, the superherohe gets nervous.



Mano tėvas, the Godfather, the superherohe gets nervous.

And he particularly did so for my fight with Dejan. There were so many insecurities. Would I be the same boxer when the bell rang as I had been in 2013? Would I be rusty? Dejan was an undefeated champion. Could I beat him? I was fighting in a heavier weight class. Could I handle it?



Aš jaučiausi gerai. Aš buvau kaip, “Dad, come on, it’s gonna be fine.I don’t really know where that comes from, that confidence, that calm. Maybe it’s because I grew up with boxing. The ring, žibintai, the heat, žmonės, the musicthey’ve been part of my life since childhood. Nothing surprises me. Nothing scares me. Nothing overwhelms me. I’m never angry in the ring, never stressed. And that’s important, because that emotional control helps me to pay attention to the details. If you’re stressed, you can’t do that. But I can.



I’ll be reading my opponent’s body language: his shoulders, ginklai, legs, feet, eyesespecially the eyes. The eyes tell you a lot. And the breathing. How heavy is he breathing? Is he pushing off me, or just resting? What punch am I gonna land, when am I gonna land it? How am I gonna land it? At what distance should I keep him? It’s all happening so fast.



But I’m always in control. And against Dejan, gerai … I knocked him out in the third round. They brought me the WBC belt. I was happy to finally get my hands on it. But what made it so special was that I had won it for my father. I remember hugging him. A big hug.



Pasakiau jam, “Here you have it. Čia jums.”



Kovo, I became world champion in a fourth weight class by winning the IBF world super lightweight title. As you know, I’ll soon be fighting Robert Easter Jr. to defend my lightweight title. But there’s another fight at the end of the year that I’m looking forward to even more. If everything goes well against Robert, I want to challenge for the IBF world welterweight crown. The undefeated champion is Errol Spence Jr. – didelis, stiprus, dangerous fighter. Everybody is telling me not to take the fight. Visi. Even my father and my brother. “Don’t take it right now,” they say. “Let’s go after the other guys first. You don’t even need to go to welter. You can take on the guys at 135 arba 140, where you’re a little more comfortable.



But that doesn’t excite me. I want the toughest guy, and that happens to be a welterweight. I’m better than ever. Aš mano žydėjime. And because everybody says no, that gives me more motivation to do it.



Be, this is the kind of fight that is going to cement my name in boxing history. Other fighters win titles, and then just defend them. What’s the point in that? The champions we remember are the ones who take risks, who take on the biggest challenges, the biggest fights. There are lots of world champions, but the average person can probably name five or six: Ar, Tysonas, De La Hoya, Mayweather, Pacquiao … so what good is it to have a title hanging up on the wall if the world doesn’t acknowledge you as a world champion? To me that’s not a world champion. A world champion is when the world admires you and tells you that you’re a world champion.



That’s why I want to take the fight. And when I win it, I think the whole world’s gonna be like, “Oho, this is no joke. This kid really is the best on the planet.



As for my father, he’s going to be so much prouder. He always said that he wanted a three-division champion in his family. I gave him that third title. Then I gave him a fourth. Now I’m gonna give him a fifth, in a division where he says I shouldn’t even be competing. And when I give it to him, I’m gonna be thinking about what he did for us all those years ago. And then I’m gonna say those words again: “Here you have it. Čia jums.”

Roney Hines right back in action THIS SATURDAY night in Charlotte, North Carolina against Raquan Ashby

Nutley, NJ (Liepa 25 2018) – Just eight days after winning his professional debut, undefeated heavyweight Roney Hines will get right back to work when he takes on Raquan Ashby in a scheduled four-round bout, this Saturday night at The Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, Šiaurės Karolina.





Hines won his maiden voyage last Friday night, when he stopped David Becker in just 68 sekundžių, kaip 2018 National Golden Gloves champion dropped Becker three-times before the bout was halted.





Ashby of Wilson, North Carolina is 0-1.





“Kaip ir sakiau, we will move Roney at a good pace, and he did not take any punches in his first bout, so he is ready to go Saturday night,” said GH3 Promotions CEO, Vito MIELNICKI.






Su pergale, Hines will be back in Charlotte on August 11oji.