Ангилал Архив: Боксын

Simply the best….. Рой Жонс, JR.

АНУ-ын бокс төгсөгчдийн холбоо, анги 2018 Inductee

Колорадо Спрингс, Тойргийн. (Есдүгээр 6, 2018) – Living legend Рой Жонс, JR., universally recognized as one of the greatest pound-for-pound boxers of all-time, leads a celebrated quintet of Class of 2018 inductees into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame.




The second annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception, held in conjunction with the 2018 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships and Junior and Prep Open, Арванхоёрдугаар сар 2-8, will be held Dec. 7, at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) in Salk Lake City, Utah.





Жонс гадна, анги 2018 also includes two U.S. Olympic gold medalists and world (Мэргэжлийн) champions, Андре Тойргийн болон Claressa Shields, as well as former USA Boxing National Director of Coaching Emanuel нярав and veteran USA Boxing official Tom Cleary. The latter two will be posthumously inducted.




The charter class inducted last year included Мухаммед Али болон Evander Холифилд, as well as veteran coaches Roosevelt Sanders болон Tom Coulter.




I am honored to be selected for induction into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame,” Jones commented, “especially as a member of this great class with my fellow inductees.




Amateur boxing gave me the chance to learn life skills as well as face every other possible scenario inside of the ring.




Жонс, Сонирхолтой нь, got into boxing at the age of 11 because of Ali. “I saw Ali vs. (Жо) Frazierand just felt as though Ali and I had the same mental concept on life,” Jones explained.




Jones went on to become one of the best amateur boxers in the world, compiling a reported 121-13 бичлэг, including gold medal performances at the 1984 National Junior Olympics and 1986 & 1987 National Golden Gloves Tournaments.




Үед 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Өмнөд Солонгос, Jones reached the championship final of the light middleweight division against Park Si-Hun, of South Korea. Jones suffered arguably the worst decision in boxing history, losing 3-2, despite outpunching his opponent, 86 нь 32 landed punches, and he was forced to settle for a silver medal. Even his opponent admitted that Jones won their fight, leading the AIBA to later suspend the three judges who selected the hometown fighter as the winner.




How disgraceful was this decision? Jones was selected as the Val Barker Trophy winner as the best boxer of the 1988 Olympics and, due to controversy, the scoring system for Olympic boxing was changed, replacing the 20-point must system with electronic scoring.




I was angered,” Jones admitted, “yet promoted to prove that I was the best fighter there, and in the world, at that time.




Jones made his professional debut May 6, 1989, at home in Pensacola, Флорида, in a scheduled eight-round bout, in which RJJ stopped Ricky Randall Хоёр дахь шатанд. His long, glorious journey has produced a remarkable 66-9 (47 Kos) pro record, highlighted by nine major world titles in four different weight classes.




Онд 2003, Jones defeated Жон Ruiz by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to become the first former world middleweight champion to become world heavyweight title holder in more than a century.




The possessor of exceptional hand and foot speed, athleticism, movement and reflexes, Jones went undefeated through his first 34 дэмжсэн тулаан, 22-3 (14) Дэлхийн нэр тулаанд. Against former, present or future world champions, Jones was 19-9 (8 Kos) and included among his victims were greats such as Бернард Хопкинс, Жеймс Toney, Майк McCallum,Vinnie Pazienza, Virgil Хилл, Антонио Tarver болон Феликс Тринидад.




Өнөөдөр, the 49-year-old Jones, technically speaking, is still an active fighter. He also has two promotional companies and gyms, located in Pensacola and Las Vegas, trains several pro boxers and serves as a color commentator for HBO Boxing. He recently opened gyms in South Africa.




For the past two years, Jones has hosted theFuture Stars of Boxing Tournament” Лас-Вегас дахь, showcasing some of the best amateur boxers in the world.




Hosting the tournament in Las Vegas gives me the opportunity to give back to amateur boxing,” Jones explained. “It’s a great experience for the boxers and it reminds them that who they may have or still look up to, are watching them as well.




Рой Жонс, JR. with one of the many amateur boxers who participated in this year’sFuture Stars of Boxingtournament in Las Vegas (photo courtesy of RJJ Boxing Promotions)




When USA Boxing alumni discuss their favorite fighters,” гэж хэлсэн Крис Кулиари, USA Boxing Alumni Association Executive Director, “Roy Jones is near the top of everyone’s list. His spectacular talent, dedication to his craft, and infectious personality make him a no-brainer to headline this year’s Hall of Fame class. He continues to give back to amateur boxing and support the next generation. Roy deserves to be celebrated for all he has accomplished, and we look forward to honoring him in December.




Created to champion a lifelong, mutually beneficial relations between USA Boxing and its alumni, –боксчид, албан тушаалтнууд, дасгалжуулагчид, боксын хорхойтнууд — the Alumni Association connects generations of champions, боксын ирээдүйн аваргуудад урам зориг хайрлаж, буцааж өгөх болно, болон бөгж гарч.




The USA Boxing Alumni Association is open to anyone who has a love for boxing and would like to stay connected with amateur boxing. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events host by the Alumni Association, including the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.




Төгсөгчдийн холбоонд элсэх, зүгээр л бүртгүүлэх alumni@usaboxing.org нь $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, түлхүүрийн оосор ба цахим түрийвч.



Quotes of Note from other World Champions


George Foreman: “(Жонс) hits like a heavyweight and moved like a lightweight.


Монтелл Гриффин: “Floyd (Mayweather, Jr.) was no comparison as far as speed. Roy was much faster.


Майк McCallum: “(Jones is) the greatest fighter of all time.





If he ever hangs-up his gloves for good, Рой Жонс, JR. will be a first ballot inductee into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. There may never be another boxer quite like RJJ.




Twitter: @USABoxing, USABoxingAlumni

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Facebook: /USABoxing


АНУ-ын БОКСЫН ТУХАЙ: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, зан чанарыг хөгжүүлэх, боксын спортыг дэмжих, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.


Russian Contenders Salamov, Idigov and Davtaev Score Impressive Victories in Grozny

All three of Salita Promotions’ Russia-based contenders, light heavyweight Umar Salamov, super middleweight Aslambek “The Hulk” Idigov and heavyweight Apti Davtaev scored impressive victories in Russia today.




Fighting in the main event at the Grozny City Hotel in Grozny, and live in Russia on Match TV, IBF #11- and WBO #15-rated Umar Salamov moved to 22-1, 17 KOs with a two-round KO over Denis Liebau (23-3, 21 Kos) of Frankfurt Germany.




Fighting for the WBO International Light Heavyweight Championship, Salamov came out firing in round two, landing a perfect left hook to the body that dropped Liebau for the count. The official time was 2:15.




WBO #14-rated super middleweight Aslambek Idigov (14-0, 6 Kos) destroyed former African champion Daniel Wanyonyi (27-13-2, 22 Kos) of Kenya in two brutal rounds. Idigov dropped Wanyonyi three times with a series of brutal right hands. The fight was waved off at 2:32. Idigov is now the WBO Asia Pacific Super Middleweight Champion.




Heavyweight crusher Apti Davtaev (16-0-1, 15 Kos) took out the Ukraine’s Evgeny German Skobenko in six dominant rounds. A serious prospect in the big man’s division, Davtaev was way too powerful for the normally capable Skobenko, pushing him around until the fateful round, where a solid mix of unanswered shots brought an end at 2:40.




“All three fighters did their jobs well today,” said their co-promoter, Dmitriy Salita. “They are all future champions and they looked the part today against respectable opponents. I am proud of all them. The work they have been doing at Kronk Gym is really showing through in their dominant performances.”


About Salita Promotions




Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 Дмитрий Salita гэхэд, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

Хагас жингийн домог, Аваргуудын & Өрсөлдөгчид Дэнни Гарсиагийн эсрэг таамаглаж байна. Шон Портер хагас хүнд жингийн дэлхийн аварга цолыг хүртэх

Sugar Ray Leonard, Эррол Spence Jr., Кейт Thurman, Мэнни Pacquiao & Бямба гаригийн талаар илүү ихийг хэлэлцэх, Есдүгээр 8 Брүүклин дэх Barclays Center-ээс SHOWTIME дээр шууд тоглолтыг үзээрэй & Ерөнхий сайд боксын аварга танилцуулсан

Brooklyn (Есдүгээр 5, 2018) – Өнгөрсөн хагас жингийн шилдэг одууд, Хуучин хагас хүнд жингийн аваргуудыг тодруулахыг хүсэн хүлээсэн тэмцээний талаархи бодол санаагаа өнөө ба ирээдүйд жин дарав. Данни Гарсиа болон Шон Портер Бямба гарагт WBC-ийн хагас хүнд жингийн дэлхийн аварга цолыг авахын тулд бие биенийхээ эсрэг, Есдүгээр 8 гол үйл явдлыг Barclays төвийн SHOWTIME дээр шууд дамжуулна, BROOKLYN BOXING ™ -н гэр.




Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн боксын telecast эхэлдэг 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT ба Кубын хоорондох хагас дунд жингийн цолыг хасагчтай Yordenis Ugas мөн Аргентины Сезар Барриуево мөн ялагдаагүй Польшийн тамирчинд хүнд жингийн үйл ажиллагаа Адам Kownacki хүнд жингийн аварга асан эсрэг Чарльз Мартин.




Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, TGB Promotions болон DiBella Entertainment-аас сурталчилж буй, DSG Promotions-той хамтран, эхлэх $50 , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. Тасалбарыг дараах хаягаас худалдан авах боломжтой ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, эсвэл дуудаж, 800-745-3000. Тасалбарыг Barclays Center-ийн American Express Box Office дээрээс худалдаж авах боломжтой. Групп хөнгөлөлт 844-BKLYN-GP дуудах хамт байдаг.




Хөнгөн жингийн одоогийн болон хуучин тулаанчдын бүлэг Гарсиа vs-ийн талаар юу гэж хэлснийг энд оруулав. Портерын дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн:


Элсэн чихэр, Рэй Леонард, Famer танхим & Хөнгөн жингийн дэлхийн аварга асан




“Дэнни Гарсиагийн эсрэг мэдрэмж төрж байна. Шон Портерын тулаан миний авъяаслаг тулаанчдын аль алинаас нь харсан зүйлээс сэтгэл хөдөлгөм тулаан хийсэн. Хоёр тулаанч хоёулаа рингэнд гарч байгааг мэдэрсэн зүйл дээр үндэслэсэн миний таамаглал энд байна




Портерыг тайван байлгаж, тэнцвэрийг нь барихын тулд jab-аа ашиглавал Гарсиа ялна, гэвч Портер Гарсияг эрт холбож, гомдоож, түүнийг боксын чадвараа орхиж, зальтай хүн шиг тулалдахад хүрвэл ялалт байгуулна — Би анхны тулаанаа Роберто Дюрантай хийсэн шиг.




Сэтгэл хөдлөм барилдаан болох ёстой энэ тоглолтыг би ингэж харж байна!”


ERROL SPENCE JR., Хөнгөн жингийн дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээнд ялагдаагүй




“Би Дэнни Гарсиагийн эсрэг ялагчтай тулалдахыг хүсч байна. Шон Портер. Энэ бол ойрын тэмцэл. Өмнө нь би үргэлж Дэнни Гарсиагийн эсрэг тоглож байсан, тэр намайг үргэлж буруу гэдгийг баталж байсан. Шон Портерын үргэлж хатуу тэмцэл, Учир нь тэр гарч ирээд бүхнээ зориулах болно. Тэр үндсэндээ чамайг тэвэрч авах гэж оролдож байна. Гэхдээ энэ тэмцэл нь, Дэнни Гарсиагийн эсрэг явахад хэцүү байдаг. Дэнни Гарсиаг хуваах шийдвэрт ялахын тулд сонгодог.”


KEITH Турман, WBA Welterweight дэлхийн аварга; Хуучин Аварга




“Энэ барилдаанд би чин сэтгэлээсээ хайртай, Энэ бол асар том тулаан, оны шилдэг тоглолтуудын нэг гэж би үзэж байна. Миний хувьд, хоёулаа тулалдаж байсан, Хүн бүр бие биенээ гомдоож, тэндээс бие биенээ гаргаж авах чадвартай гэдэгт би итгэдэг.




“Ихэнх хөгжөөн дэмжигчид Данни Гарсия руу нокаут хүч чадал, түүний боломжит чадварыг дагах болно гэдгийг би мэднэ. Дараа нь Шон байна, хэн зохистой цохилт авсан бэ?, Тэр ганц цохилтоос илүү хүчтэй цохилт өгөхөөс илүү гаралт дээрээ анхаарлаа төвлөрүүлж, Данни Гарсиаг гэмтээх зэвсэглэлдээ байгаа ч гэсэн.



“Би Шоныг нокаутыг авна гэдэгт би мөрийцөхгүй байсан, Гэхдээ би Шон дээр ялалт байгуулахыг хүсч байсан, зүгээр л түүний гаралтын улмаас. Даннигийн ялах цорын ганц боломж бол нокаут юм гэж би бодож байна, мөрийтэй тоглоом тоглодог хүний ​​хувьд ч гэсэн, Би мөнгөө Данни авахад тавьж чадахгүй. Би Шон Портерыг шийдвэрээр авч байгаа.”


MANNY PACQUIAO, Хагас жингийн олон удаагийн дэлхийн аварга




Би Данни Гарсиад давуу талыг өгөх болно. Тэд хоёулаа ширүүн тэмцэгчид, гэхдээ Гарсиа арай илүү рингний ерөнхий шинж чанартай арай илүү техникийн хүн гэж би боддог. Энэ бол гайхалтай тулаан байх ёстой, би ялагчтай тулалдах боломжтой, гэхдээ бид юу болохыг харах хэрэгтэй болно.”


MIKEY Гарсиа, Дөрвөн дивизионы дэлхийн аварга




“Энэ бол маш сайн тохирох тэмцээн гэж бодож байна. Шон Портер бол тулааныг үргэлж дарамт, эзэлхүүнээр авчирдаг тамирчин юм. Тэд хоёулаа тулалдахаар ирдэг бөгөөд хоёулаа авч, хоолоо идэж болно.




“Дэнни Гарсиа ур чадвараа ашиглан гаднаа хайрцаглаж, холоос ажиллах боломжтой. Данни маш ойрхон тулаанд арай илүү хайрцаглаж, илүү хатуу шатанд илүү ялж чадна гэж бодож байна. Энэ нь хуваагдмал шийдвэр эсвэл санал нэгтэй шийдвэр байх эсэхийг би сайн мэдэхгүй байна. Данни сэтгэл хөдөлгөм шийдвэр гаргахын тулд эдгээр тактикийг илүү их ашиглана гэдэгт би итгэж байна.”


ЖОРДЕНИС УГАС, Хагас жингийн шилдэг оролцогч




“Би Шон Портерыг маш их хүндэлдэг, энэ нь гайхалтай тулаан болно гэж бодож байна гэхдээ, Дэнни Гарсиа илүү техниктэй тул Портероос илүү сайн өрсөлдөгчтэй нүүр тулж, тэднийг ялж чаджээ. Би ялалтаа татахын тулд Дэнни Гарсиа руу налж байна.


Роберт Guerrero, Олон дивизионы дэлхийн аварга асан




“Энэ бол хөгжөөн дэмжигчдийн хувьд маш хөгжилтэй тулаан байх болно. Данни сайн барилдаж байгааг би харж байна, гэхдээ Портер тулааныг ширүүн болгох гэж байна, Гарсиа ийм төрлийн зодоонд дургүй. Би хуваагдмал шийдвэрээр ялалт байгуулахын тулд Портертой хамт явж байна.”


Виктор Ортиз, Хөнгөн жингийн дэлхийн аварга асан




“Энэ бол хурдан тэмцэл байх гэж бодож байна. Шон урагшлах болно, Данни дээр үүнийг бүдүүлэг болгож байна, Данни зайгаа хянахыг хичээх болно. Би Даннитай хамт явж байна, түүнд ялимгүй давуу талыг өгч, шийдвэрээр ялна гэж хэлэв.”


Жамал ЖЕЙМС, Welterweight өрсөлдөгч




“Энэ бол сайн зүйл. Шон Дэннигээс илүү завгүй байдаг, илүү идэвхтэй бөгөөд тулалдах үедээ маш их эрч хүчийг авч явдаг. Гэхдээ энэ нь үргэлж сайн зүйл байдаггүй, учир нь Гарсиа цаг хугацаатайгаа хүч чадалтай байдаг, тэр орж ирж байгаа Портерыг барьж чадах байх. Шон Портер үүнийг татдаг гэж би бодож байна. ”


Брэндон RIOS, Дэлхийн аварга асан & Хагас жингийн гарчгийн төлөө тэмцээний аварга




“Энэ бол таамаглахад үнэхээр хэцүү тэмцэл юм. Хэрэв Дэнни үнэхээр сайн сөрж чадвал Портер орж ирэхэд Шон Портерыг өөрөөсөө холдуулж чадвал, дараа нь Дэнни түүнийг зогсоож байгааг би харж байна.




Гэхдээ Шон Портер Дэнниг ердийнх шигээ дарамталж чадвал, Шон Портер Данниг зогсоож байгааг би харахгүй байна, эсвэл ямар нэгэн зүйл, гэхдээ тэр шөнөжингөө цээжиндээ байж чадвал хуваагдмал шийдвэрээр ялж байгааг би харж байна. Гэхдээ хэрэв Портерыг зүүн зүүн дэгээнүүдийн аль нэгээр нь эсвэл шулуун баруун гараараа хадав, Портер бууж байна гэж би хэллээ. Дэнни намайг нокаутанд оруулсан болохоор би түүнтэй хамт явах болно.”


BRYANT PERRELLA, Welterweight хэтийн төлөв




“Шон Портер Дэнни Гарсиагийн тулаанд таамаглахад үнэхээр хэцүү тулааны цохилтыг хэр сайн хийж чадах вэ гэдгээс болж магадгүй юм., Данни хэр сайн хөдөлж чадах вэ?, Тэр Кит Турман шиг залуутай адил хурдан хөлтэй гэдгээрээ алдартай биш гэдгийг харуулсан.




Гэхдээ хэрэв Шон ойртож очвол Даннигийн цохилтыг дарж чадна, тэр үүнийг хүнд хэцүү тулаан болгоно. Гэхдээ Дэнни үнэхээр хүнд гартай болж, шидэлтүүд дээрээ сайн сууж байна, цаг хугацаа, эсрэг цохилт хийх залуус, Тиймээс Портер түүний гарт тоглох боломжтой байв.




Цэвэрээс гадна, үр дүнтэй хатуу цохилтууд, түүнд ойрхон ирмэгийг өгөх, өрсөлдөөнт тойрог, Би Дэнни Гарсиа руу налж байна. Шон нь хадаас шиг хатуу байдаг, Тиймээс би үүнийг хол явж байгааг харж байна, гэхдээ Дэннигийн ялимгүй ирмэг.”


SAMMY VASQUEZ JR., Welterweight өрсөлдөгч





Би Шон Портертой хамт явж байна. Зогсолт биш, гэхдээ Шон хэт их дарамт үүсгэдэг бөгөөд Данни Гарсиа хангалттай цохилт өгдөггүй бөгөөд дарамттай харьцдаггүй. Түүнийг Герреротой тулалдах үед та үүнийг харсан, тэр барилдаанд тийм ч муу харагдсангүй.




“Данни тэр дэгээгээр Шоныг барьж авбал нокаутаар ялж чадна, гэхдээ Шон бол морины морь бөгөөд Дэннигийн тулалдаанд хэзээ ч харж байгаагүй гэж бодвол хамаагүй их дарамт үзүүлдэг. Толгойгоо зөв хөдөлгөхгүй бол Шон түүнд өртөхгүй байж магадгүй юм, гэхдээ тэр тэгнэ гэдэгт би итгэж байна.”




# # #




Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingCh Champions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing дээр дагах, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, эсвэл Facebook дээр фэн нь болсон www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing болон www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC нь Корона ивээн тэтгэдэг, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.

Victor Ortiz vs. Жон Молина Бага. Los Angeles Media Luncheon Quotes & Зургийн цомог

Ortiz vs. Molina Jr. Headlines Premier Boxing Champions Action
Live on FS1 & FOX Deportes Sunday, Есдүгээр 30 нь
Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, Калифорни мужийн.
Дарна уу ЭНД for Photos from Luis Mejia/Ringstar Sports


LOS ANGELES (Есдүгээр 4, 2018) – Former welterweight world champion Виктор Ортиз and hard-hitting former title challenger Жон Молина Бага. spoke with media in Los Angeles Tuesday at a luncheon to discuss their upcoming showdown headlining Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes Ням гараг, Есдүгээр 30 Онтарио мужийн иргэд Бизнес банк Arena-аас, Калифорни.




Joining them at the press conference and competing in televised action on FS1 and FOX Deportes were 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist Joe Joyce ба хүнд Iago Kiladze, who meet in an eight-round showdown, plus rising unbeaten prospect Karlos Balderas, who steps into the ring for a six-round attraction.




Үйл явдалд хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com.




Телевизийн хамрах хүрээ эхэлдэг 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features Uubeaten featherweight contender Брэндон Figueroa taking on rugged veteran Оскар Escandon болон 2016 Нигерийн Олимпод Efe Ajagba returning to the ring in a six-round heavyweight fight.




Here is what the participants had to say Tuesday from the Palm Restaurant Downtown Los Angeles:


Виктор Ортиз, Хөнгөн жингийн дэлхийн аварга асан




“Жон Молина Бага. is an amazing warrior just like myself. He’s got a huge heart and he’s not going to back down and neither will I. Энэ нь маш их тэмцэл болох гэж байна.




John and I have known each other for many years. I’m not one to bad mouth anybody, but especially this guy. We’re in this to go to war on September 30. I fight violently and I can’t change that. I hope at the end of the day it gives people a fun showdown.




I’m happy to be back in this position as the main event and for it to be in Southern California is even better. I’m humbled to have this opportunity.




I still feel strong and powerful and I’m not going to waste this time I have to still compete at the highest level. I’m ready to go out there and put on another war for the fans.




“Жон Молина Бага. actually told me at the Mayweather vs. McGregor press conference that he was moving up to 147 and I better get out of the way, so it’s funny now that we’re facing-off. We have a lot of mutual respect for each other. It doesn’t change anything though, we’re going to go out there and give it our all.


JOHN MOLINA JR., Дэлхийн асан Гарчиг Challenger




I’m grateful to Victor Ortiz and his team for accepting this challenge. We have nothing but respect for each other. My only prediction is that September 30 is going to be two guys coming to win and two guys refusing to go home with a loss.




I know that Victor is going to be up in my face and that’s exactly my style and how I like to fight. It’s got all the makings of an all-action brawl.




In this business we have to fight people we know very well. This is how we feed our families so we take it extremely seriously. I know we’re both going to be prepared and the best man will win.




Every time I get into the ring it’s a war. My way of boxing has always been to fight the toughest guys and Victor is certainly no slouch. Тэр нь асар их сөнөөгч байна. He’s explosive and it’s going to make it a great fight.




In a fight like this you’re going to have fireworks. Victor is a big, strong guy who’s coming to win. He wants to get back to the mountain top. But there’s no quit in me. That’s the intrigue for this fight. Can I out will him? We’ll find out on September 30.




Every fight that I’ve had, has been my biggest fight. Everyone knows that I leave everything in the ring. Every fighter says that, but if you’ve ever watched my fights you know it’s the truth. It’s going be the same thing on September 30.


JOE JOYCE, Unbeaten Heavyweight Prospect




I have a plan, and a goal to get where I want to be to win a world title. I’ve settled into Big Bear to train and it’s like my second home. I’m looking forward to making my U.S. debut on September 30.




I’m going to show the American fans my style and put on a really good show and a strong performance. Stay tuned and watch my progression here in the U.S., because I’m going to be heavyweight champion of the world.




I’ve looked at Kiladze’s record and he has a good knockout percentage and he has a lot of good experience. He’s a strong guy but I’m just going to have to look a little more closely and work out his strengths and weaknesses and capitalize on that.




I have a lot of really good sparring up in Big Bear for the next couple weeks and it’s going to get me ready for September 30. It’s a different structure and tempo in Big Bear than it was in the UK. It took a bit of time to adjust but now I feel comfortable and I feel like I fit into the group of boxers we have there. I see myself progressing and getting even stronger.


IAGO KILADZE, Heavyweight fighting out of Los Angeles



I have a very good and strong opponent but I am in great shape and I’ve had an incredible training camp. I’m ready to go and I know I’m going to come out with the victory.




Los Angeles is my adopted home and I love being able to fight here with those close to me watching. It’s going to give me more motivation to win this fight and help once fight week comes.




I don’t worry too much about what my opponent has accomplished but I am mostly preparing myself to be my best. My team will have a great plan to guide me to this win on September 30.


KARLOS BALDERAS, Unbeaten Super Lightweight Prospect




I’m really focused right now on finishing 2018 strong so I can pick it right back up in 2019. I’m going to continue to take my time and move forward, but I have my eye on a world title. My brother Jose Balderas will also be on the card, so we’re looking to both put on a show for everyone watching.




I’ve been getting better at controlling my emotions in the ring. Me and my brother get mentally prepared in camp so that when we get to the fight, it’s really just another day.




We’re just going to continue working and growing and building up our fan base step-by-step. We might start fighting on different cards down the road, but for now we enjoy fighting on the same night.




I don’t think it will be too long until I start moving my up the cards until eventually I’m the main event. I want to close this year strong so that in 2019 I’m in a position to get even closer to a title shot.


РИЧАРД Шафер, ТУЗ-ийн дарга & Ringstar Спорт-ийн гүйцэтгэх захирал




This fight between Victor Ortiz and John Molina Jr. is a great cherry on top to a great month for the sport of boxing. This is an all-action brawl that will be toe-to-toe. That’s what the fight fans want to see and that’s what we are going to get.




This card is absolutely loaded. It is full of young talent and experienced fighters who are sure to put on a great night of action for the fans at Citizens Business Bank Arena.




I know that Karlos Balderas and Joe Joyce are fired up to have this chance to perform on this platform and I believe the fans are going to be in for a real treat. For Joe it’s a debut in the U.S. that gives him a chance to make a big first impression. Both of these guys are absolutely ready to step into the spotlight.




# # #




Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Үүнээс гадна, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.




Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage болон www.foxdeportes.com.

Twitter дээр дагана ууPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes БолонSwanson_Comm, наад Facebook дээр фен нь болсонwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, болон www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.Боломжтой онцлох үйл явдалwww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.


This is one of the best matchups of the year. I try not to overthink it. It’s Porter by decision or Garcia only by KO. I lean toward Porter.” –
Кейт Thurman
Гарсиа сүсэг. Wear | Бямба гариг, Есдүгээр 8 Showtime дээр аж төрж байна®
From Barclays Center In Brooklyn, Танилцуулсан
Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын

НЬЮ ЙОРК (Есдүгээр 4, 2018) – Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman has an acute understanding of what it takes to beat Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter. гийн ялагдашгүй, former unified champion edged both fighters in blockbuster matchups and will be watching intently from ringside at Barclays Center as the two face off for the WBC Welterweight World Championship Thurman vacated due to injury.




The reigning WBA 147-pound champion, Thurman defeated Porter via unanimous decision in a 2016 Он нэр дэвшигчийн тэмцэх (FULL FIGHT VIDEO: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2MAUoNH), and narrowly beat Garcia via majority decision in 2017 (FULL FIGHT VIDEO: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2MZB6kA). The matchups were so closely contested that both fights would have been ruled draws if a single round were scored differently.




Thurman spoke with SHOWTIME Sports® Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood to break down what he callsone of the best matchups of the yearin seven key categories – олшруулагч эрчим хүч, physical strength, defense, хурд, boxing ability, ring IQ and chin.




See below for Thurman’s analysis of the showdown of consensus top-5 welterweights, which airs this Saturday live on SHOWTIME.


PUNCHING POWER: Edge GARCIA: “Danny can punch with both hands. He does load up, so you can’t be right there in front of him.


PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Edge PORTER: “Shawn is clearly the more physical fighter.


DEFENSE: Edge GARCIA: “Porter’s defense is his offense. Данни нь, I’ve never seen anyone so willing to just stare at me without throwing a punch. He’s committed to being second, a pure counterpuncher.


SPEED: Edge PORTER: “Shawn is faster and a little more athletic. He’ll triple on the jab to get inside and use stutter-steps. Danny’s real relaxed, but that doesn’t necessarily come through in his hand speed.


BOXING ABILITY: Edge GARCIA: “Neither one is known for boxing. Danny’s a counterpuncher, and Shawn outworks you. Danny has nice boxing movement when he wants to be evasive. He’s underrated when on his back foot. We saw that against (Лукас) Matthysse болон (Брэндон) Rios.


RING IQ: EVEN:Hard to judge. These are two world champions with tremendous amateur pedigrees.


CHIN: EVEN: “In my fights, Porter took more big punches than Garcia did. I had to hit hard to keep Porter off me. They both have enough power to hurt each other.


PREDICTION:This is one of the best matchups of the year. I try not to overthink it. It’s Porter by decision or Garcia only by KO. I lean toward PORTER.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecast эхэлдэг 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features a welterweight title eliminator between Yordenis Ugas and Cesar Barrionuevo and heavyweight action that pits unbeaten Polish slugger Adam Kownacki against former heavyweight champion Charles Martin.




Undercard streaming coverage begins at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN as five-division world champion Amanda Serrano attempts to win a world title in her record sixth weight class when she faces Yamila Esther Reynoso for the WBO 140-pound title.




Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, TGB Promotions болон DiBella Entertainment-аас сурталчилж буй, DSG Promotions-той хамтран, эхлэх $50 , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. Тасалбарыг дараах хаягаас худалдан авах боломжтой ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, эсвэл дуудаж, 800-745-3000. Тасалбарыг Barclays Center-ийн American Express Box Office дээрээс худалдаж авах боломжтой. Групп хөнгөлөлт 844-BKLYN-GP дуудах хамт байдаг.




# # #




Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingCh Champions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing дээр дагах, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, эсвэл Facebook дээр фэн нь болсон www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingболон www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC нь Корона ивээн тэтгэдэг, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.


Undefeated Featherweight Contender Brandon Figueroa & 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist Joe Joyce Enter the Ring in Separate Matches That Highlight Undercard Action Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Ням гараг, Есдүгээр 30 Live on FS1 & FOX Deportes from
Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, Калифорни
Дэлгэрэнгүй! 2016 Olympians Karlos Balderas and Efe Ajagba Continue Their Rise Along with Sensational Super Welterweight Prospect
Joey Spencer
Former Welterweight Champion Victor Ortiz Clashes with
Hard-Hitting John Molina, JR. in the Main Event


Онтарио, КАЛИФОРНЫ (Есдүгээр 4, 2018) – Unbeaten featherweight contender Брэндон Figueroa takes on rugged veteran Оскар Escandon 10 дугуй дайралт хийвэл болон 2016 British Olympian Joe Joyce тулаан Iago Kiladze in an eight-round heavyweight attraction in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes action Sunday, Есдүгээр 30 Онтарио мужийн иргэд Бизнес банк Arena-аас, Калифорни.




Telecast эхэлдэг 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will also see 2016 U.S. Олимпод Karlos Balderas (6-0, 5 Kos) continue his rise in the lightweight ranks in a six-round match and 2016 Нигерийн Олимпод Efe Ajagba (6-0, 5 Kos) returning to the ring in a six-round heavyweight fight. Sensational super welterweight prospect Joey Spencer (4-0, 4 Kos) steps in for his fifth fight this year in a four-round bout.




Former welterweight champion “Харгис балмад” Виктор Ортиз (36-6-3, 25 Kos) clashes with hard-hitting brawler Жон Molina, JR. (30-7, 24 Kos) in a 12-round welterweight battle that promises plenty of action and fireworks in the main event.




Үйл явдалд хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com.


Figueroa (16-0, 11 Kos), the brother of former lightweight world champion Omar Figueroa, Jr., continues to climb the ladder in the featherweight division with a step up match against the tough former title challenger Escandon. The 21-year-old out of Weslaco, Texas was busy last year as he won all four of his matches and he has logged two knockout victories this year, beating Giovanni Delgado in March and Luis Roy Suarez Cruz in his last fight on August 4.




The 34-year-old Escandon (25-4, 17 Kos), who fought in the 2004 Olympian for Colombia, is a hardnosed veteran from Ibague, Colombia looking to rebound from two tough losses to Tugstsogt Nyambayar on May 26 on FS1 and WBC featherweight champion Gary Russell, JR. дахь 2017.




A 6-foot-6 heavyweight, Joyce (5-0, 5 Kos) won the silver medal in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games as a super heavyweight from Great Britain. The 32-year-old from London turned pro in 2017 and has been on a knockout roll since. Joyce, whose nickname is ‘Juggernaut,’ has ended four of his five fights inside of two rounds. He scored a first-round KO victory over Ivica Bacurin in his last fight on June 15.


Kiladze (26-3, 18 Kos) is an experienced veteran who will test Joyce early in his young career. The 32-year-old out of Ukraine who now lives in Los Angeles and will be looking to rebound from back-to-back losses to Michael Hunter and Adam Kownacki. Before those losses he had put together a six-match win streak.




The 22-year-old Balderas (6-0, 5 Kos), a first-generation Mexican-American, competed on the U.S. Olympic boxing team in the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil before turning pro in April 2017. Representing Santa Maria, Калифорни мужийн., Balderas scored knockout victories in his last two fights and will look to make it three in a row when he enters the ring on September 30.




The 24-year-old Ajagba (6-0, 5 Kos), who represented Nigeria in the 2016 Олимпийн, will be stepping into the ring again a month after his last match ended in disqualification. Түүний өрсөлдөгч, Curtis Харпер, walked out of the ring without throwing a punch after touching gloves and the bell sounded to start the fight on Aug. 24 that was live on FS1.




# # #




Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Үүнээс гадна, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.




Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage болон www.foxdeportes.com.

Twitter дээр дагана ууPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes БолонSwanson_Comm, наад Facebook дээр фен нь болсонwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, болон www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.Боломжтой онцлох үйл явдалwww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.

Undefeated Super Flyweight DylanThe Real DylPrice back in action this Saturday night at Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Филадельфи (Есдүгээр 4, 2018)–This Saturday night, Есдүгээр сарын 8-р. DylanThe Real DylPrice from Sicklerville NJ steps into the ring once again on the undercard of the Danny Garcia vs Shawn Porter bout at the Barclay Center in Brooklyn NY.



Price, who is signed to Mayweather Promotions, and has perfect with a record of 6-0 Таван накоут нь, is scheduled to fight Mulapi Enjani (4-5-2, 2 Kos) Сан-Диего хотын, California in a scheduled 6 round super flyweight bout




I’m really excited to get back into the ring and to do so against a worthy opponent. Don’t let the record fool you. Enjani can fight. He puts a lot of punches together, but you can’t hit what you can’t see. I’m going to do what’s necessary on September 8th to get the win, and to continue my quest to become a world champion. My father and I have an excellent game plan, and I will execute that, and then enjoy the main event”.




Price is managed by D and D Management and is promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

Russian Heavyweight KO Specialist Apti Davtaev Returns to Action on Sept 5



Undefeated heavyweight bomber Apti Davtaev will return to the ring in an 10-rounder on Wednesday, Есдүгээр 5 in Grozny, ОХУ-




6’ 6” Davtaev (15-0-1, 14 Kos) will face 6’ 9” Moscow-based veteran Evgeny “Molecule from Hell” Orlov on a card that features his Salita Promotions stablemates Umar Salamov fighting for the WBO International Light Heavyweight Championship, and super middleweight Aslambek Idigov.




Davtaev (from the Chechen Republic of Kurchaloi) continues working with his US trainers, Kronk Gym’s Javan SugarHill Steward and co-trainer Rick Phillips, and says he’s enjoying his evolution to an American style of fighting.




“I had a great camp at Kronk Gym in Detroit, a place that produced so many great champions. My opponent is an experienced fighter and a big man. I look forward to fulfilling the legacy of the great fighters that trained in Detroit and, with this victory, will continue to climb towards the heavyweight title.”




A fearsome puncher, Davtaev was last seen demolishing Kentucky’s Cory Phelps in two quick rounds.




“At 6’ 6” and 250 кг., Apti has the size, strength and skills to be a real threat in the heavyweight division,” said his promoter, Dmitriy Salita. “On September 5, he is going to take another step towards his goal of becoming heavyweight champion.”

Garcia and Stevens Close Out 2018 Youth World Championships with Wins

Team USA leaving Budapest with 4 medals

BUDAPEST, Унгар (Наймдугаар 31, 2018)The final day of the 2018 Youth World Championships in Budapest, Hungary was another golden day for Team USA, as both Heaven Garcia (El Monte, Калифорни мужийн.) болон Asa Stevens (Waianae, Хавайн) won the female and male flyweight titles..




Stevens began the final day of boxing in the first bout against 2018 European Champion Ivan Price of England. Leading up to this showdown, Stevens and the USA Boxing coaching staff worked on a plan that would result in victory.




“The past three days we were creating a game plan of keeping distance and doing a lot of faints,” said Stevens after his gold medal performance. “I feel like we utilized it very well and that is how I got the win.”




The flyweight boxed a total of five times through the 11-day tournament, which included a split decision win over Patrick Clancy (Ирланд), unanimous decision wins over Ibrahim Boukedim (Франц) and Samandar Kholmurodov (Uzbekistan), as well as a split decision win over Bhavesh Kattimani (Энэтхэг улс) хагас шигшээд нь. His unanimous decision victory today over Price earned him his first World Championship title and the first youth flyweight title since Shakur Stevenson in 2014.




“This means a lot, no words can really explain how I feel,” stated Stevens. “This is the best feeling in the world.”




Garcia picked up her second World Championships title to add to her 2015 Junior World Championship title with her 4-1 split decision victory over India’s Anamika.




“My game plan was to use my jab and use that as a key,” said Garcia. “I wanted to also work in the body shots and wear her down with those and plenty of combinations.”




Like her teammate, Garcia boxed a total of five days in a grueling bracket that included three bouts in a row. Her victories included a split decision over Hatice Akbas (Turkey) нээлтийн шатанд, unanimous decision wins over Rinka Kinoshita (Япон) and Simran Kaur (Английн), as well as her rematch with Zhanssaya Abdaimova (Казахстан) by split decision in the semifinals.




Garcia’s win today adds her to a list of female American boxers that have won multiple amateur world titles that includes JaJaira Gonzalez and Claressa Shields. Garcia is the first American to win both a junior and youth world title since Gonzalez did so in 2013 болон 2014/2015. Garcia will also look to join Gonzalez in the record books with a win at this October’s Youth Olympics.




“This win feels great because it was harder than my first title in 2015,” continued Garcia. “Everyone is older and more experienced at this level, and I worked very hard to get to the top spot.”




Following the conclusion of the tournament, Augie Sanchez (Лас-Вегас, Невада.), Team USA’s Head National Junior and Youth Coach, was awarded Best Coach of the Tournament honors, бол Isamary Aquino (Universal City, АНУ-ын Техасын) was awarded her bronze medal during the medal ceremonies.




“I am very happy with the team,” said Sanchez at the end of the competition. “It was the whole staff that made this happen, and I am happy how our team performed overall.”




Team USA will begin their return home tomorrow with a total of three gold medals and one bronze after ten intense days of boxing. This year’s tournament brought over 350 boxers from over 50 countries from around the World. Joining Sanchez in the boxers corners throughout the tournament were assistant coaches Timothy Back (Cincinnati, Охайо), Eliza Olson (Redwood, Калифорни мужийн.) болон Rosario Solis (Irving, АНУ-ын Техасын).




Team USA Results

51 кг: Heaven Garcia, El Monte, Calif./USA, dec. over Anamika/IND, 4-1

52 кг: Asa Stevens, Waianae, Hawaii/USA, dec. over Ivan Price/ENG, 5-0




Twitter: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing




Зээлийн: Showtime

Юу: SHOWTIME Sports released Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter’s championship showdowns with welterweight titlist Keith Thurman in advance of their upcoming clash for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship Saturday, Есдүгээр 8 Showtime дээр амьдрах.




Porter’s close but unanimous-decision loss to Thurman and Garcia’s split-decision loss to Thurman are available now in their entirety on SHOWTIME Sports digital platforms. Both the Porter-Thurman 2016 Fight of the Year Candidate and the Garcia-Thurman unification bout, which were broadcast live in primetime on CBS, would have been ruled a draw if a single round in each fight were scored differently.




Есдүгээр 8 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast of Garcia vs. Porter from Barclays Center in Brooklyn sees two former champions facing off for the chance at a second world title in one of boxing’s deepest divisions. The fight will mark the sixth fight this year featuring top-10 welterweights on SHOWTIME and the eighth matchup of top-five vs. top-five opponents on the network across all divisions.




Next week, SHOWTIME will release Porter’s ninth round TKO stoppage of Andre Berto and Danny Garcia’s 2018 Knockout of the Year candidate of Brandon Rios, both in their entirety.


Сүсэг Данни Гарсиа. Кейт Thurman: Full Fight | Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын

Link: https://s.sho.com/2MZB6kA



Keith Thurman vs. Шон Портер: Full Fight | Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын

Link: https://s.sho.com/2MAUoNH





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