فئة المحفوظات: الملاكمة


تشرين الثاني 9 in Sydney, مقاطعة نفوفا سكوشيا

SIDNEY, مقاطعة نفوفا سكوشيا (سبتمبر 25, 2018) — جروب إيفون ميشيل (نادي رياضي) has reached an agreement with MG Ring Productions last Friday to hold a fight between former WBC and الطوق ضوء بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل جان باسكال (33- 5-1, 20 كوس) and Canadian cruiserweight champion Gary Kopas (10-11-2, 5 كوس). The 12-round cruiserweight (200 رطل) fight will be held November 9 in Sydney, مقاطعة نفوفا سكوشيا, كندا.



It will be a second consecutive cruiserweight fight for Pascal, the Laval, Quebec fighter, and this time he will try to get his hands on the CPBC Canadian cruiserweight belt.





The Jean Pascal vs Gary Kopas fight is like a real-life remake of the original Rocky movie. In one corner there is a blue-collar road warrior, Kopas, who has fought in everybody’s hometown and not always given a fair shake, بعد, he still pulled himself up to be the CPBC Canadian cruiserweight champion.




الآن, he’s been given the opportunity of a lifetime to fight one of Canada’s best and most notable fighters of his generation, باسكال. In the other corner is the former undisputed lineal WBC and The Ring Magazine light heavyweight champion, باسكال, who has fought some of the all-time bests.




This fight gives a local blue collar worker a chance to prove his worth in a battle called: ‘‘The Match!''




The President of MG Ring Productions, George Reynolds, and the President of Groupe Yvon Michel (نادي رياضي), إيفون ميشيل, negotiated for a little more than a month to come to an agreement. GYM represented Jean Pascal and his advisor, Greg Leon, لهذه المعركة.



The clash, بعنوان “The Match of The Year”, will be featured on pay-per-view in Canada. A press conference will be held soon to reveal more details.




Kopas has not lost in a few years and I will not take him lightly,” Pascal said. “I know he will come to surprise the world and try to ruin my career, but everyone who knows me knows that his career will end on November 9.




‘‘My last fight was a bout in my hometown (Saskatoon) against a guy from Mexico,” Kopas noted. “Besides that, I’ve been staying in the gym, learning new skills and enjoying life. When I first heard I was fighting Jean, I was shocked… happy, but shocked. Getting the opportunity to make history and show the world the best me is an insane feeling.




"هذه معركة كبيرة بالنسبة لي. Pascal has done great things and I’m really looking forward to showing my best against a former world champion. This fight will change my life, but I want Pascal to understand that his life is going to change too, after his defeat. I hope he stands toe-to-toe with me like he did his last fight. He will not last long.




‘‘I want to thank all my family, أصدقاء, and fans for all the crazy support already and thank my management, MG Ring Productions, for this opportunity. It’s going to be a hard eight weeks of intense training, but knowing I have the support of such awesome people really helps.’’




Jean Pascal is a man of challenges and when he realized the seriousness of Kopas and his organization, he decided as usual to take it,” وعلق ميشيل.




“At this point in my career,” Pascal added, “it’s very important for me to stay active. We had other plans that, مع الاسف, fell at the last minute but, لحسن الحظ, the fight with Kopas came.




In the co-Main Event, مهزوم Cody “The Crippler” Crowley, who is the current CPBC International Jr. بطل الوزن المتوسط and current CPBC Canadian middleweight champion, will defend his titles. على undercard, Quebecker Eric Barrak (8-4-0, 7 كوس) will fight for the North American CPBC heavyweight title, في حين ماريو بيريز (19-7-5, 11 كوس) of Toronto, will do the same for the CPBC International super featherweight (130 رطل) حزام. Five championship fights will be presented on this spectacular boxing card. Others to be named


جين باسكال



The former light heavyweight world champion will be looking his third straight win, second triumph in the cruiserweight division, and his fourth win in five fights under trainer Stephan Larouche.




In his last ring appearance, this past July 20th at Place Bell in Laval, Pascal knocked out Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) veteran and former hockey enforcer, ستيف “بوس” Bosse, in the eighth round of an intense and captivating battle.






Gary Kopas is the current CPBC Canadian cruiserweight champion and CPBC International cruiserweight title holder.




Don’t let his record fool you: Kopas is known as a real bulldozer in the ring. Stopped in his pro bout in 2000, he has never been stopped again, and he came back with a vengeance. Determined to prove his value in the boxing world, he has won his last six bouts.




Kopas won his Canadian title after a fierce fight with the late Quebec pugilist, David Whittom.

The Saskatoon boxer, a gentleman and shaken by tragedy, has since created aGo Fund Mepage to raise money for David’s son.




Here is the link of the page: HTTPS://www.gofundme.com/zzq9z-rip-david

شعبة متوسط ​​الوزن سوبر WBSS بطولة النهائي: جورج بساتين مقابل. كالوم سميث

رابطة الملاكمة العالمية سوبر بطولة العالم الوزن المتوسط
بث مباشر ON سوبر CHANNEL في كندا
الجمعة, سبتمبر 28, 2018
2:00 عصرا. و / 11:00 صباحا. PT
WBSS بطولة النهائي
قسم الوزن المتوسط ​​السوبر
جورج بساتين مقابل. كالوم سميث
بث مباشر يوم الجمعة في كندا
حصريا على قناة سوبر
(مجاملة صورة العالم للملاكمة سلسلة سوبر)

EDMONTON, كندا– وأجلت خاتمة الموسم الأول من الملاكمة السوبر بطولة العالم’ (WBSS) سوف تقسيم المتوسط ​​سوبر تجري يوم الجمعة (سبعة. 28), عندما الرابطة العالمية للملاكمة (رابطة الملاكمة العالمية) سوبر بطل العالم الوزن المتوسط “قديس” جورج أجم طعن من قبل زميل مهزوم البريطاني, كالوم “عالم” بيطار, إلى الهواء مباشرة من جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية, ابتداء من الساعة 2 عصرا. و / 11 صباحا. PT, حصريا على قناة سوبر في كندا.

حصلت سوبر قناة الحقوق الحصرية في كندا بث سوبر بطولة العالم للملاكمة من MP & سيلفا, شركة وسائل الإعلام الدولية الرائدة التي توفر حقوق وسائل الإعلام, رقمي, التكنولوجيا ورعايته الخدمات.

بساتين مقابل. بيطار, قدمها ساورلاند الحدث, تأجل من تقريرها لشهر يونيو كان مقررا في الأصل 2 الموعد المقرر إلى بساتين’ عملية جراحية في الكتف من إصابة لحقت به في كتابه February17عشر WBSS الدور نصف النهائي 12-الجولة قرار بالإجماع ضد النصر كريس يوبانك, الابن.

البساتين البالغ من العمر 30 عاما (28-3, 20 كوس), القتال من لندن, خرج الدفاع عن رابطة الملاكمة العالمية سوبر بطل الوزن المتوسط فيدور تشودينوف (14-1) في الجولة السادسة من هم مايو 27, 2017 مباراة البطولة في الملاكمة.

وكان أول الدفاع عن لقبه في المحتسب بدل الضائع في الجولة الرابعة من خايمي كوكس في الجولة الافتتاحية للWBSS, أعقب ذلك فبراير الماضي. مع نظيره سبق ذكره الفوز على يوبانك (26-1). بالإضافة إلى تشودينوف, لا. 1 -قد هزم المصنف البطولة بساتين أبطال العالم غلين جونسون و جيمس DeGale, “لقد كان إعداد طويلة للقتال. أنا صالح, أنا بصحة جيدة, لقد وضعت في عمل.

“وسيكون هذا اصعب اختبار حتى الان في البطولة, ولكن أنا الملاكمة أفضل من أي وقت مضى, وأنا لا أرى كالوم مما يشكل تهديدا, أتوقع فوز مريح آخر. نحن نستعد للحصول على أفضل سميث ممكن جدا. ونحن نعرف ما يجب القيام به، وأنا قادر على ذلك, أنا فقط بحاجة لانجاز ذلك.”

بيطار (24-0, 17 كوس), 28, حصل على قرار بالإجماع من 12 جولة من مهزوم من قبل إريك Sjoglund (26-0) في الجولة الافتتاحية WBSS. كان من المفترض أن الملاكم ليفربول الذي هم ثلاثة أشقاء الملاكمين لمحاربة رابطة الملاكمة العالمية والمنظمة العالمية للملاكمة للوزن الثقيل الخفيف السابق يورجن Braehmer في الدور نصف النهائي WBSS, لكن Braehmer انسحبت وانه تم استبدال في وقت متأخر من دون هزيمة نيكي Holken (13-0), الذي هزم سميث عن طريق قرار بالإجماع من 12 جولة.

“أنا في مكان جيد, شعور جيد,” علق WBC الماس حامل حزام سميث. “أشعر بالراحة في الفوز. أنا فقط أشعر أنني مقاتل أفضل من أي شخص كان قد قاتل في هذه البطولة. إنني على ثقة من أنني سوف تأتي على رأس القائمة. يجب أن يكون للجماهير في لعلاج, إنني أتطلع إلى أن يصبح بطلا للعالم.”

خمس مباريات مثيرة على “بساتين مقابل. بيطار” بطاقة, يروج لها ساورلاند الحدث, ستبث حصريا في كندا على قناة سوبر.

في حال المواصفات المشتركة, يوبانك (26-2, 20 كوس) يأخذ على منافسه الايرلندي, J.J. “أملس” ماكدونا (16-4, 8 كوس), في نوبة 10 جولة. الأوزان الخفيفة السوبر البريطانية دارين سورتيس (8-0, 5 كوس) و كين بيكر (8-4) مربع قبالة في نوبة ثمانية الشاملة, كرويسيروييغت البريطاني مهزوم ميكائيل لاوال (7-0, 5 كوس) تجتمع تاماس كوزما (6-6-3, 3 كوس) في مستدير ستة أشهر, والوزن الثقيل الهولندية كيم يونجفيست (4-0, 2 كوس) وجوه مراد عمر (4-1, 4 كوس), من مصر, في مباراة ثمانية الشاملة لفتح البث.

كل المعارك والمقاتلين عرضة للتغيير.

سيكون كل WBSS معارك بطولة السوبر المتوسط ​​متاح في أيضا سوبر القناة على الطلب.

وقد بثت قناة سوبر أحداث الملاكمة كبيرة خلال العامين الماضيين مثل بروك مقابل. سبنس الابن, باكياو-القرن, يوبانك, الابن. مقابل. إبراهيم, وماتشينكو vs.Marriaga, كروفورد مقابل. إندونجو, سميث مقابل. وليامز II, فرامبتون مقابل. Donaire, غضب مقابل. بعثة, فرامبتون مقابل. جاكسون, وكامل الموسم الأول WBSS.

لمشاهدة جميع الإجراءات العالمي للملاكمة سلسلة سوبر العيش, وكذلك الملاكمة أكثر إثارة قادمة, محاربة المشجعين في كندا يمكن الاتصال بمزود كابل المحلي إلى الاشتراك في سوبر القناة وكل ما تقدمه, بما في ذلك سلسلة قسط, الأفلام وأكثر من ذلك بكثير, لمنخفضة $9.95 كل شهر.

كونيتيكت الملاكمة قاعة المشاهير 2018 award winners announced



أنكاسفيل, كونيتيكت. (سبتمبر 24, 2018) – Undefeated East Hartford junior welterweight prospect “Action” Anthony Laureano (pictured to right, photo courtesy of Star Boxing) has been selected as the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame (CBHOF) 2018 ملاكم محترف من السنة.


Other award winners include Nephateria Miller, هواة بوكسر من السنة; Pete Hary, الابن, Professional Official of the Year; Jason Concepcion, هواة الرسمية لهذا العام; و Roland Roy, المساهمة في الملاكمة.




ال 2018 CBHOF award winners, as well as its six-member Class of 2018, will be honored October 13 في 14عشر العشاء السنوي CBHOF حفل التعريفي, في قاعة Uncas في ميجان الشمس.




The new CBHOF inductees are boxers Cocoa Kid و Angel Vazquez, judge دون Trella, and trainers John Harris, Bill Gore و برايان كلارك.




“We have an incredible group of honorees this year,” CBHOF president جون Laudati قال. “Pro Boxer of the Year, أنتوني لوريانو, is an exciting up-and- comer who clearly earned this award. The selection of Nephteria Miller as Connecticut’s best amateur boxer really underscores the ascendancy of women’s boxing, not only in Connecticut, لكن في العالم. Jason Concepcion and Pete Hary richly deserve being named amateur and pro officials of the year. We at CBHOF are most pleased to posthumously present the George Smith Contribution to Boxing Award to Roland Roy’s family. His recent passing is a tremendous loss to Connecticut’s Boxing Community. His lifetime of tireless effort on behalf of and devotion to the mission of USA Boxing will be honored and celebrated by this award.”




The 23-year-old Laureano (8-0, 3 كوس), a former New England amateur champion, is an all-action, fan-friendly fighter who is arguably the top prospect today in N.E. His next fights is scheduled for Sept..21 in Huntington, نيويورك. His promoter, جو DeGuardia(نجم الملاكمة), was induced into the CBHOF in 2013. Anthony earned an associate degree in Criminal Justice from Manchester Community College.




طحان, نيو هافن, captured a silver medal at the 2017 الامريكى. Nationals in the 125-pounds featherweight division. She accepted an invitation earlier this year to attend the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, كولورادو. She is currently the No. 2 rated women’s featherweight in the United States.




A pro boxing judge since 2008, Hary has judged more than 250 fights during his career. The most notable fight Hary has judge to date was in 2015, when current IBF light heavyweight world champion Eleider ألفاريز مهزوم إسحاق الأقسام by way of a 12-round majority decision in Quebec City for the WBC Silver championship. The vice president of the CBHOF, Hary lives in Ledyard with his wife, Lauri, and their son, ماثيو.




After joining the ranks of USA Boxing, Concepcion rapidly was voted Treasurer and was then appointed Chief of Officials. Jason was the catalyst in terms of creating the Willie Pep Invitational. He and his wife, خلنج نبات, continue to serve on the Connecticut USA Boxing Board of Directors. العام الماضي, Jason was unanimously voted to the CBHOF Board of Directors.




The late Roy was president of USA Boxing in Connecticut for nearly 20 سنوات. He was president of USA Boxing Region 1, which includes all of N.E. and metro New York, until his recent passing. The Glastonbury native was also the coordinator for the Junior Olympics in the Northeast Region and worked 16 years with the US Olympic committee to further Olympic-style boxing. An original member of the CBHOF, Roland had been heavily involved in the annual selection of the CBHOF Amateur Fighter of the Year. Roland Roy was responsible for keeping amateur boxing alive and well in the Nutmeg state.




تذاكر لCBHOF 13عشر حفل عشاء السنوي التعريفي, بأسعار معقولة في $90.00, are on sale and available to purchase by calling Ann Murphy في ميجان الشمس (1.860.862.8846) أو شيرمان قابيل في 1.860.212.9029. الأبواب مفتوحة في 6:00 عصرا. و, followed by a full sit-down dinner at 7 عصرا. و.




الذهاب على الانترنت ل www.ctboxinghof.org للحصول على معلومات إضافية حول الملاكمة قاعة كونيتيكت الشهرة, انها 14عشر السنوي حفل عشاء المجند, فرص الرعاية الحدث, أو المجندون CBHOF الماضية.

Selina Barrios Retains NABF Lightweight Title with Dominating Unanimous Decision Over Patricia Juarez

Photos by Robert ElizondoTeam Barrios

عيد القربان, TX (سبتمبر 22, 2018)Tonight at Whataburger Field in Corpus Christi, TX, San Antonio’s female boxing sensation, سيلينا “ازتيك الملكة” أحياء (5-0, 2 كوس), remained undefeated with a dominating 10-round unanimous decision victory over Patricia Juarez (4-1), sister of WBC Bantamweight champion, ماريانا “باربي” خواريز (50-9-4, 13 كوس). مع النصر, Barrios retains her NABF Lightweight title.




In the early rounds, both fighters were very active, throwing a lot of punches, but Barrios was the one landing the cleaner shots. على الرغم من أن خواريز كانت تبذل قصارى جهدها للملاكمة من الخارج باستخدام مجموعة ثنائية, لم تكن قوتها كافية لإبعاد باريوس عنها لأنها استمرت في التقدم, هبوط توقيعها على اليمين. أصاب باريوس خواريز في الجولة الخامسة, ضرب لسان حالها بخطاف صحيح, إجبار الحكم على إيقاف العمل للحظات. تعافت خواريز لكنها لم تكن قادرة على منع باريوس من التقدم مع استمرارها في تسديد ضربات قوية.. وقد أدى اصطدام بأعقاب الرأس إلى قطع باريوس على الجبهة خلال الجولات الوسطى, لكنها لم تزعجهم أبدًا. في الجولات اللاحقة, واصل باريوس ممارسة الضغط, إجبار خواريز على القتال من الداخل. أظهر خواريز الكثير من القلب في الوصول إلى الجرس الأخير لكنه جاء قصيرًا حيث لا يزال باريوس غير مهزوم. بطاقات الأداء قراءة 100-89 و 99-91 مرتين لصالح باريوس.




I felt I controlled the fight from the opening bell,” said Selina Barrios. “Juarez was a very tough opponent and I give her a lot of credit for going the distance. I hit her with a lot of power shots and she hung in there. I didn’t feel any power in her punches, so I kept coming forward. I got the victory and I’m ready to fight any of the champions at Lightweight. كاتي تايلور, Mikaela Mayer و أماندا سيرانو, I’m coming for you guys. You can run, but you can’t hide.




This event titledHeavyweight Boxing Showdownwas brought to you by CCC ENTERTAINMENT بالتزامن مع CC HOOKS, HOUSTON ASTROS, و KEEPPUNCHING ENTERTAINMENT.

مايكل دتشوفر (11-0, 8 كوس) Delivered Another Knockout Win on Friday Night


فيلادلفيا سفنتي سيكسرز, بنسلفانيا. / البرتقالي, كاليفورنيا. (سبعة. 24, 2018) جديد خفيف الوزن مايكل دتشوفر (11-0, 8 كوس) put on another impressive performance on Friday night, this time knocking out the bigger Bergman Aguilar (14-4-1, 4 كوس) in the fifth round of Thompson Boxing’s “دم جديد” الحدث الرئيسي.




دتشوفر, 20, used controlled body punching to end Aguilar’s night in the fifth round of a scheduled 8-round fight. The Midland, تكساس مواطن, who conducts training camp in Los Angeles, zeroed in on the body from the outset.


A pinpoint left hook to the body sent Aguilar to one knee in the fourth round. By the fifth, Dutchover had knockout on his mind.




Once I started letting my hands go, that’s when things started opening up,” قال دتشوفر, who is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “In the third round I turned up the pace. By the fourth everything started to click. I rocked him with some body shots and got a knockdown. I knew he was getting tired. I knew my punches were wearing him out so I made the choice to take him out in the fifth.




Official stoppage time came at the 2:31 علامة من الجولة الخامسة.




To watch the full slate of fights, including the Dutchover knockout,

please click here for YouTube link.




للحصول على تحديثات منتظمة على مقاتلينا, أحداث, والترقيات, يرجى المراجعة صفحة الفيسبوك الترويجية لافتة إعلانية , وتابعنا إينستاجرام و تغريد BannerBoxing




صور كارلوس بايزا / طومسون الملاكمة

Peers Prepares to Face Kennerdale In All Merseyside English Title Clash

There’s nothing quite like a local Derby, whether Football or any sport but especially Boxing, to get the fans salivating and when it’s an all Merseyside clash it is without doubt the most mouth-watering of them all.





On Saturday 29th September, on neutral ground at Pride Park in Derby, the home of Derby County Football Club, life-long Everton fan Paul Peers will step into the ring against fellow Merseysider and staunch Reds fan Craig Kennerdale.





Adding extra spice to the contest, if being a Merseyside Derby wasn’t enough; there will be a Title Belt at stake, the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Silver English Welterweight Championship.





Speaking from his new home in the Orkneys, Peers made it clear he wasn’t just coming to make up the numbers.





“أنا أتطلع إلى هذه المعركة, it’s one that could and should have happened last year.





We’re both from Liverpool, there’s no two ways about it the depth of talent in the city is growing all the time. Liverpool has produced so many Champions over the years, everything from English to World Champions, hopefully after the 29th my name will be added to the long, long list.





I have every intention of boxing at my very best as I try to win this English title, as will Craig.





I’ve seen that Craig is right up for this, he looks even faster now than when I see his training videos. That shows he’s fit and he’s ready, which makes for a good fight, as so am I.





It will be storming fight, expect fireworks on the night, there’s so much a stake, not just bragging rights, I want that belt around my waist.





Craig Kennerdale versus Paul Peers for the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Silver English Welterweight title supports co-headliners Nathan Decastro versus Agoe Ashong, Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Commonwealth Super Middleweight Championship contest and Ross Doherty versus Gvido Seilis World Boxing League and European Boxing League European Welterweight Championships bout on the Daniel Gray promoted event at Pride Park in Derby on Saturday 29th September 2018.





There are also two non-championship contests featured on the event, exciting Super Bantamweight Emily Pugh makes her second pro outing against Latvia’s Veronika Sirajeva and Leed’s Super lightweight Jack Jones makes his professional debut against Dundalk, مايكل كيلي من أيرلندا.





تم بيع الحدث تقريبًا ولكن لا يزال هناك عدد قليل من التذاكر المتاحة, لمزيد من التفاصيل يرجى الاتصال على دان جراي 07522 401454.



Four Fighters Lose Their Undefeated Records, Bringing ShoBox Total To 180

القبض على الإعادة الاثنين, سبتمبر 24 في 10 عصرا. ET / PT على شوتايم EXTREME®

انقر هنا للصور; الائتمان ديف ماندل / SHOWTIME

SHAWNEE, أوكلاهوما. (سبتمبر 22, 2018) – O’Shaquie Foster upset previously undefeated Jon Fernandez in a battle of ShoBox: الجيل الجديد قدامى المحاربين, scoring an impressive unanimous decision victory over the highly regarded prospect Friday on SHOWTIME from Firelake Arena. لقطات فيديو: https://s.sho.com/2OI0NUp




فرنانديز (16-1, 14 كوس), a protégé of former unified world champion Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, أصبح 180عشر fighter in the history of the ShoBox series to lose his undefeated record after three other previously undefeated fighters dropped decisions on Friday.




The 25-year-old Foster (14-2, 8 كوس), a resident of Houston, executed his team’s game plan to perfection, utilizing superb movement and connecting opportunistically with counter shots. Foster was far sharper on both offense and defense, يربط على 36 percent of his total punches compared to just 16 percent for Fernandez.




Fernandez was frustrated by Foster, a crafty and experienced fighter who was one win away from representing the United States in the 2012 الألعاب الأولمبية. In his previous six bouts, Fernandez averaged 8.4 jab connects per round but was limited to just 13 jabs in tonight’s entire 10-round fight.




“This was the best fight of my career,” said Foster, who was appearing on the ShoBox series for the fourth time. “I knew I had it in me, I just never put it together. I have a new team, لدي مدرب جديد, a new strength and conditioning coach. This was what I dreamed of and we put in the work to make it happen.




“I knew he was a puncher and he’d come forward the whole fight. I knew I had to work off my jab and use my lateral movement. He had a little power, but he never got me clean. We’re going to sit down and look at the drawing board. I can tell you this, we’re not the B-side anymore.”




Fernandez improved throughout the second half of the fight, landing a big right hand in the sixth round that briefly wobbled Foster. لكن, the Spaniard was unable to extend his impressive KO streak of 14 consecutive fights.




“His style was frustrating, but we were expecting it,” said the 23-year-old Fernandez, who was widely regarded as one of the top prospects in boxing. “We thought his conditioning would go down and he’d slow down in the later rounds. He didn’t (slow down) and that surprised me.






“I feel like we can still get better and better. We just had a bad game plan for this fight.”




إرفين غونزاليس جونيور. (11-0, 9 كوس) out-boxed Carlos Ramos (9-1, 6 كوس) from start to finish to score a unanimous decision victory in the co-featured bout of tonight’s ShoBox: الجيل الجديد بث. سجل الحكام المعركة 79-73, 78-74, 80-72. غونزاليس, who was the more active and aggressive fighter, kept his unbeaten record intact despite facing a frustrating and defensively shrewd opponent in Ramos.




“It took me a few rounds to figure him out, but once I did he didn’t have anything on me,"وقال جونزاليس. “He only had the left hand and that was about it. He really didn’t throw any punches.




“This was a big learning experience for me. This was my second eight-rounder and it opened my eyes a little bit. I know I’m conditioned well but I have to go back to work.”




The 22-year-old Gonzalez, a fourth-generation boxer in his family and native of Worcester, كتلة., outhustled the skillful southpaw Ramos, who was not nearly active enough throughout the eight rounds. The longer, leaner Gonzalez, who averaged 58 punches per round to Ramos’ 28, relied on his length advantage and fought at range.




The tentative and defensive Ramos, من ناحية أخرى, landed only 27 punches in the remaining seven rounds after landing 11 في الجولة الافتتاحية. غونزاليس, لجزءه, exceed 50 punches in all but the third round.




In the second bout of the quadrupleheader, Philadelphia’s Steven Ortiz (9-0, 3 كوس) edged Brooklyn’s Wesley Ferrer (12-1-1, 7 كوس) in an evenly-matched and difficult-to-score matchup of undefeated prospects. The two fighters were separated by no more than five total punches in each round of the majority decision, الذي تم تسجيله 78-74, 77-75, 76-76.




Both fighters fought at a deliberate pace, but neither was able to find their rhythm and consistently land combinations. Ortiz started stronger, but Ferrer grew into the fight and was the busier fighter in the middle rounds. The final two rounds were the deciding factor in the fight. The two judges who had Ortiz winning on their scorecards favored Ortiz in rounds seven and eight.




“I think it was a pretty close fight,” said a disappointed Ferrer. “I thought I was winning the first few rounds, but I know I got out-worked in the last two rounds. في نهاية اليوم, the judges saw something else and he got the win. If I won the last few rounds I would have won the fight.”




أورتيز, who held a narrow 127-115 advantage in total punches landed and a 99-93 advantage in power punches landed, felt he did enough to win but was not completely satisfied with his performance.




“I was coming off a long layoff and wasn’t as sharp as I should have been,” said the 25-year-old Ortiz. “I landed the sharper jabs and landed the harder shots. I think my ring experience and ring generalship was the difference in the fight.




“I want to come back a lot sharper and a lot smarter. في نهاية اليوم, it was a learning experience. I got the win against a tough guy.”




في افتتاح بالتليفزيون, Denver’s Misael Lopez (9-0, 4 كوس) got the better of Staten Island’s James Wilkins (5-1, 5 كوس) in a battle of young, previously undefeated super featherweight prospects, tallying a unanimous decision victory (79-72, 77-74, 76-75).




The action-packed fight saw both fighters come out swinging, setting the tempo for the rest of the eight-round bout which saw a total of 1,320 punches thrown. Wilkins brought the pressure to Lopez throughout, but Lopez’s volume of punches, movement and combinations enabled him to control most of the rounds. Lopez’s conditioning proved key. In the final four rounds, Lopez led 139-68 in total connects and landed 213 power punches to just 115 for Wilkins throughout the duration of the eight rounds.




ويلكنز, who was featured on the SHOWTIME documentary مهد الأبطال that premiered immediately preceding tonight’s ShoBox بث, was deducted a point for a low blow in the fifth round after several warnings. في الجولة السابعة, Wilkins appeared to score a knockdown when he connected with a strong right hand that knocked Lopez off-balance, but referee Mike England ruled that Lopez’s right hand did not touch the mat.




“I think the difference was I was able to make him miss, land the cleaner shots and used my boxing to dictate the pace,” said the 22-year-old Lopez. “I’m looking to keep going and stay on the big stage. Hopefully people and promoters will notice that I’m the real deal.”




In his national television debut, the ever-confident Wilkins felt wronged by the judges’ scorecards and the referee’s apparent missed knockdown in the seventh.




“I think I did enough to pull it off,” said Wilkins. “I could see a split decision, ربما, but I dropped him and that wins the fight. That was a 10-8 جولة. I want to go back to the gym, work hard and get right back. You haven’t seen the last of me.”




Tonight’s quadrupleheader was presented by DiBella Entertainment in association with MaravillaBox Promotions, Holden Productions and The Real Deal Boxing, and sponsored by Gagliardi Insurance.




سوف بث الكامل اعادتها يوم الاثنين, سبتمبر 24 في 10 عصرا. ET / PT على شوتايم EXTREME، وسوف تكون متاحة على شوتايم في أي وقت® وشوتايم على الطلب®.




Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing analyst and historian Steve Farhood, who was celebrating 40 years in boxing this week, and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Chuck McKean producing and Rick Phillips directing.




في العمل undercard غير تلفزيوني, heavyweight Prospect George Arias of Bronx, N.Y.. تحسين ل 12-0, 7 KOs with a second-round knockout (2:18) of Byron Polley, (30-24-1, 13 كوس), القديس. جوزيف, أنت. Polley was down once in the first and again in the second round which resulted in the stoppage.




Junior Middleweight Dennis Knifechief, of Shawnee, أوكلاهوما. moved to 12-8-1, 7 KOs with a fourth round TKO (1:51) of the valiant Chris Barnes, (4-8-1, 3 كوس) تولسا. Barnes fought on after being dropped in the first and second rounds and twice more in the fourth.





Top Middleweight Prospect Ardreal Holmes of Flint, ولاية ميشيغان., looked dominant and improved to 7-0, 4 KOs with a four-round decision of Houston’s Rick Graham (6-21-3, 2 كوس). The fight was scored 40-35 مرتين و 38-37.






A scheduled six-round cruiserweight battle between Bo Gibbs Jr, (20-1-0, 8 كوس), of Carney, أوكلاهوما., and David Lujan, (4-9-0, 1 KO), of Wichita, تكساس, resulted in a no-contest due to an accidental clash of heads in the first round.


# # #




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نيويورك (سبتمبر 21, 2018) — WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder will defend his title against lineal champion Tyson Fury in a blockbuster matchup of undefeated heavyweights Saturday, ديسمبر 1 يعيشون على الدفع لكل عرض.




The contracts have been signed and the promotional tour will kick off in London on Oct. 1 and continue with stops in New York City and Los Angeles.




وحشية ضد. Fury tests the raw power of Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of Fury. America’s only heavyweight champion since 2007, Wilder has 39 بالضربة القاضية في 40 معارك المهنية, including knockouts in all seven of his title defenses. Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight world champion who is undefeated in 27 professional fights and holds boxing’s prestigious lineal heavyweight title.




More details on the location, venue and the on-sale ticket information for the heavyweight championship battle will be released next week.



مناسب للمعجبين, interactive FREE series Powered by Everlast makes Tuesday night debut from Bethlehem, السلطة الفلسطينية.


نيويورك (سبعة. 21, 2018) – Following a Season II opener viewed by almost 197,000 and the revelation of its new title sponsor, FIGHTNIGHT لايف بدعم من العالميات partners with King’s Promotions once again, closing out the month of September with Tuesday Night Fights. Fans can catch all of the action in the center of the ring on Tuesday, سبعة. 25, في 7 عصرا. live from the Sands Casino Resort in Bethlehem, السلطة الفلسطينية.




Tuesday Night Fights! We love being able to present weeknight shows filled with up-and-coming fighters, giving fans the opportunity to relax in their living rooms and catch all the action on any device, including their big screens,” قال علامة فراتو, المدير الرئيسي وتطوير الأعمال, يناكر وسائل الإعلام. “We’re looking forward to four or so hours of action, so catch us at home or on the go live, or anytime next week on demand through the miracle of Facebook.




King’s Promotions is ecstatic about almost 200,000 views for our Sept. 14 عرض, especially on short notice,” قال مارشال كوفمان of King’s Boxing. “We continue to be one of the busiest promoters anywhere and we’re excited to bring the best-quality boxing to fight fans on Facebook.




In the main event on Tuesday, أنتوني ميركادو (11-4, 9 كوس) of Philadelphia and Puerto Rico takes on فيكتور فاسكويز (10-4, 3 كوس) in what figures to be an exciting super lightweight bout scheduled for eight-rounds for the World Boxing Foundation Silver International title. أيضا في العمل, احتمال وزن الريشة غير مهزوم ستيفن فولتون (13-0, 6 كوس) of Philly meets veteran Esteban Aquino (12-5, 7 كوس) الجمهورية الدومينيكية. المتوسط المال باول (7-0, 4 كوس), rising featherweight prospect Raeese العليم (11-0, 5 كوس), الوزن الثقيل كولبي ماديسون (6-0-2, 4 كوس) و مايكل كوفى (3-0, 2 كوس) والريشة مارتينو جول(4-0) will all risk their undefeated records.




الآن في موسمه الثاني, FIGHTNIGHT لايف, Powered by Everlast is the fan-friendly series that – بين الجوانب الأخرى – تفخر على المحادثات في الوقت الحقيقي التي عقدت بين المعلقين القتال والجمهور عرض. وقد عرضت FIGHTNIGHT يعيش أكثر من 340 ومقاتلين 11 الترقيات خلال 18 live event broadcasts since May 2017, وبذلك, وإنشاء منصة تفاعلية مصلحة المخلصين من المشجعين المعركة من جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة وحول العالم, بما في ذلك جماهير كبيرة في المكسيك, المملكة المتحدة وأجزاء أخرى من أوروبا, والمشجعين حتى في أمريكا الجنوبية, آسيا وأستراليا.




At more than 1.6 مليون مشاهدة للمسلسل, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has continued to deliver impressive numbers throughout its first 18 shows:


  • منذ مايو 2017, the numbers on the 18-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 90,001 وجهات النظر في الحدثوأكثر من 6 مليون إجمالي مشاهدات.


  • في سبتمبر. 2017 “الترقيات صفقة لريال مدريد: مبنى امباير ستيت” من منتجعات كازينو العالم (225,000), أغسطس 2017 CES “السبت العظيم” من Foxwoods (203,000), في سبتمبر. 2018 “بطاقة تناسب الملوك” من فيلادلفيا (195,620), في سبتمبر. 2017 CES “التوأم نهر Twinbill” من لينكولن, R.I. (157,000) ومارس 17, 2018, ميرفي “سانت. صدام يوم باتريك” (151,253) تسجيل كافة 150,000 أو أكثر وجهات النظر, and collectively the 18-show series has seen a total of 1,620,014 وجهات النظر عبر جميع الأجهزة.


  • وبالإضافة إلى أعداد المشاهدين الخام, والتبادلي بالكامل, شهدت منتجات صديقة للمروحة أكثر من 183,000 آخر الجماعية التعاقدات الحية(أكثر من 10,100 في المعرض), بما في ذلك أكثر من 124,000 “الإعجابات” أو “يحب,” أكثر من 31,000 التعليقات وأكثر من 10,000 تشارك.


  • في سبتمبر. 2017 “الترقيات صفقة لريال مدريد: مبنى امباير ستيت” وضع شريط جديد مع 224,658 الآراءو سبتمبر. 2017 حمل DiBella-CES doubleheader السلسلة إلى ثلاثة أرباع مليون مشاهدة في ما يزيد قليلاً عن أربعة أشهر. في سبتمبر. 2017 شهدت بطاقة DiBella أكثر من 40,000 التفاعلات المشاهد بما في ذلك ما يقرب من 39,000 “الإعجابات” أو “يحب” ومارس 17, 2018, ميرفي “سانت. صدام يوم باتريك” وضع علامة عالية المياه الجديدة ل سهم 2,182.


  • الصفحة الحقيقية FIGHTNIGHT في الفيسبوك لديها اكثر من 80,000 fans and more than 83,000 متابعون. وقد لاحظ Facebook نفسه – رقم العالم. 1 الشبكة الاجتماعية لمحة عن FIGHTNIGHT LIVE مؤخرًا على موقعها “قصص نجاح” مدونة وسائل الإعلام, مشيرا إلى السلسلة’ استخدام أفضل ممارسات الصناعة للإنتاج والتفاعل: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/success-stories/fightnight





تم إنشاؤها والتي تنتجها يناكر وسائل الإعلام من مدينة نيويورك, سلسلة FIGHTNIGHT لايف ملامح مذيعات المهنية, زوايا الكاميرا متعددة, رسومات التلفزيون, الاعادة وراء الكواليس وصول ومقابلات. تتوفر العروض المتدفقة عالميا أينما الفيسبوك متاح. المبادرة ليس فقط تمكن المشجعين من جميع أنحاء العالم لتصل قيمتها في, ولكنه يعطي أيضا مقاتل والقادمة منصة عالمية لعرض قدراتهم, يعطي المروجين والوصول إليها “البث” حل ويعطي رعاة القدرة على الوصول إلى جمهور واسع عبر المحتوى وصفت.




More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Fall 2018 سيتم مواعيد أعلن رسميا في الأسابيع المقبلة.




FIGHTNIGHT بث على شبكة الإنترنت في: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/




تابع كل الإجراءات عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE على Facebook, FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE على Instagram و @ FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ على Twitter, أو باستخدام علامة التصنيف #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. للحصول على أحدث الأحداث يناكر وسائل الإعلام وجدول البث, تابعLinacreMedia عبر جميع المنصات الاجتماعية أو استخدم الوسم #LinacreMediaEvents أو #LinacreMediaOnTV.




حول العالميات رلدوايد.

العلامة التجارية البارز في الملاكمة منذ 1910, العالميات هي الشركة الرائدة في العالم, تسويق والمرخص للملاكمة, معدات MMA واللياقة البدنية. من بطل الأسطوري جاك ديمبسي و السكر راي روبنسون إلى النجوم الحالية ديونتاري وايلدر و داستن بوارييه, العالميات هي العلامة التجارية المفضلة لأجيال من الرياضيين المحترفين بطل العالم. مبنية على تراث العلامة التجارية للقوة, إخلاص, التفرد والأصالة, العالميات هو جزء ضروري من حياة بطل لا تعد ولا تحصى. مقرها في مانهاتن, وتباع منتجات العالميات وعبر أكثر من 75 البلدان و 6 القارات. لمزيد من المعلومات, visit www.everlast.com.


Four-Fight Telecast Begins Live At 9:45 عصرا. ET/PT Immediately Following CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS Documentary Chronicling James Wilkins & 2015 New York Golden Gloves At 8 عصرا. ET / PT

انقر هنا للصور; الائتمان ديف ماندل / SHOWTIME

SHAWNEE, أوكلاهوما. (سبتمبر 20, 2018) – Top 130-pound prospect Jon Fernandez and former decorated amateur O’Shaquie Foster made weight on Thursday for their 10-round matchup in the main event of ShoBox: الجيل الجديد tomorrow/Friday live on SHOWTIME at 9:45 عصرا. ET / PT من Firelake الساحة في شوني, أوكلاهوما.




فرنانديز (16-0, 14 كوس), a native of Spain and protégé of former unified champion Sergio Martinez, will face his toughest test to date in Foster (13-2, 8 كوس), a Houston resident who was one win away from representing the United States in the 2012 الألعاب الأولمبية.




Friday’s quadrupleheader features eight prospects boasting a combined record of 81-2-1 و 56 كوس.




The telecast opens with James Wilkins (5-0, 5 كوس), who is featured on the SHOWTIME documentary مهد الأبطال, squaring off against fellow-unbeaten Misael Lopez (8-0, 4 كوس). Staten Island’s Wilkins is a featured fighter in the documentary that chronicles the 2015 قفازات نيويورك الذهبي, premiering at 8 عصرا. ET/PT immediately preceding the ShoBox بث.




In Friday’s co-feature, undefeated featherweight prospects Irvin Gonzalez Jr. (10-0, 9 كوس), ووستر, كتلة., and Carlos Ramos (9-0, 6 كوس), مدريد, will collide in an eight-round bout. Also on the card is Brooklyn’s Wesley Ferrer (12-0-1, 7 كوس), who will face fellow-unbeaten Philadelphia prospect Steven Ortiz (8-0, 3 كوس) في نوبة خفيفة الوزن ثمانية الجولة.


WEIGHTS ختامية:


Super Featherweight 10-Round Bout

جون فرنانديز - 129 ¾ رطل.

O’Shaquie Foster – 129 ½ باوند.

حكم: لورانس كول; القضاة: Sarah Atwood (أوكلاهوما.), Jesse Reyes (تكساس), David Sutherland (أوكلاهوما.)


الريشة 8 جولة بوت

إرفين غونزاليس جونيور. - 126 رطل.

Carlos Ramos – 125 ½ باوند.

حكم: Mike England; القضاة: Mike Bower (أوكلاهوما.), Henry Gueary (مايو.), Jesse Reyes (تكساس)


Lightweight 8-Round Bout

Wesley Ferrer – 134 ¾ رطل.

Steven Ortiz – 134 ½ باوند.

حكم: لورانس كول; القضاة: Mike Bower (أوكلاهوما.), Henry Ellick (أوكلاهوما.), Henry Gueary (مايو.)

Super Featherweight 8-Round Bout

James Wilkins – 128 ½ باوند.

Misael Lopez – 128 ¾ رطل.

حكم: Mike England; القضاة: Sarah Atwood (أوكلاهوما.), David Sutherland (أوكلاهوما.), Tim Tallchief (أوكلاهوما.)


اقتباسات ختامية:



“I think I’m ready for a title fight now. I think that we’ve been doing really good work and the time is coming. If I get the opportunity after this fight, سوف اخذها. I would fight Tevin Farmer or Ryan Garcia. I’m ready for something bigger.




“Every fight is different. Some fights I need to be really busy and sometimes I need to bring the power. كل هذا يتوقف. I look at myself more as a volume puncher than a power puncher. I like to wear my opponents down round by round.




“I’ve been on SHOWTIME twice and I’ve knocked out both of my opponents. Tomorrow night I will make it three for three.




“I’ve seen a few of Foster’s fights. He’s a fighter that knows how to use his distance and move around a lot. He will be my toughest opponent to date but I’ve fought guys with a similar style before.




“Boxing is gaining popularity all the time in Spain and I hope that my success makes others in Spain want to start boxing.




“I think Foster is going to be faithful to his style and use his distance and move a lot. I’m going to have to attack him and close off the ring. I have to be really intelligent because Foster is a really good counter-puncher and he’s fast. I just have to go to work.”



“My focus has improved since I’ve started working with my trainer, شرطي (Benton). I’ve improved a lot and my consistency is there. I’ve sharpened up and gotten back to the old me. I had strayed from the way I like to fight and now I’m back to the real O’Shaquie.




“SHOWTIME hasn’t seen the best of me yet. I wasn’t focused my last few fights and I had some bad performances on ShoBox. I’ve gotten all of my demons and bad activities out and now I’m one hundred percent focused on my boxing. I know that once I’m focused, لا أحد يستطيع هزيمتي.




“Fernandez is making a big mistake taking this fight. I’ve never had trouble fighting against tall guys. I just have to use a lot of feints and a lot of movement and I don’t see him troubling me.




“I feel like I have a good team in place. I’ve gotten older, I’ve matured, and I’m as focused as I have ever been. I’ve been in the gym consistently for the last year. بعد تقريري الأخير المعركة, I took a few days off and was right back in the gym. This is my fourth fight in less than a year and I’m coming off one of my best performances.




“I made some mistakes away from the ring. I had to pull myself out of it and I wasn’t going to allow my talent to go to waste. This is a big fight for me and I have to prove that I still have a great future in boxing.”



“Coming out of the amateurs, I knew I was going to make my mark in due time. I didn’t know if it would be this quickly. This is the whole goal. This is my first time on TV and I want to show my talent.




“Ramos knows how to box, he knows how to go in and out and use his angles, but I do see a lot of things that I can capitalize on. He does hold his right hand down low, and he likes to come over the top with an overhand left hand. He likes to stay out there, and he can get caught when he stays out there. I’m going to show him in the ring what he needs to work on in his craft.




“يمكنني مربع, but I can also sit down on my punches and fight inside. I like to pick out my punches. It’s not like I’m going in there for the kill – if the kill comes, the kill comes – but I’m picking out my punches. If it comes with a knockout, it comes with the knockout.




“This is the toughest guy I’ve been in with as a pro. We know he’s lefty, we know he’s a pretty hard hitter. That’s pretty much all we know.




“I switch without even realizing, so fighting a southpaw won’t be a problem. I’m just so comfortable with it that it comes as second nature.”



“I’ve sparred hundreds of rounds with Jon Fernandez. I’m a very different fighter than JonFer. He’s a more come-forward fighter who attacks and tries to cut off the ring. I’m more of a technical boxer that tries to use the jab a lot.




“My style will all depend on how the fight flows. We have a plan to fight Irvin Gonzalez and we think it will be very effective tomorrow night.




“This is a good fight for my career and the type of fight that motivates me. I’m very excited for this opportunity and excited to be here in the United States. I think this will open up many bigger opportunities for me.”



“I’ve stayed busy in the gym since my last fight. I was in training camp with Robert Easter not too long ago. I had some ring rust in my last fight because of the layoff but that won’t be an issue this time.




“This is a big fight for my career. This is what’s going to get me to the next step in my career. I’m excited to show everybody who the real Wesley is.




“I can box, I can counter. It all depends on how I feel. If I put my mind on being a brawler, I can do that. If I put my mind to boxing, I can do that. It all depends on my opponent and what the fight plan is. We have a good fight plan for tomorrow night.




“Switching up my stance is something that I can do and something that I’ve been working on. Sometimes I do it without even thinking about it, and in my last fight I was more effective as a southpaw. It’s all about understanding when is the right time to do it.




“My preparation for this fight has been perfect. I have absolutely no issues and you guys will all see the best Wesley Ferrer.”



"أشعر أنني بحالة جيدة, أنا مستعد للذهاب. I don’t know much about Ferrer. I know sometimes he switches to southpaw but we’re just going to adapt to whatever he brings to the table.




“I’ve sparred hundreds of rounds with Tevin Farmer. If I can hit him, I feel like I can hit anybody. That gives me the confidence to face a guy like Ferrer.




“I use my height to my advantage but I’m also learning to fight on the inside. I like to bang, but boxing comes naturally to me. Working with guys like Tevin makes these other fights easy.




“I’m going to be smart, stay patient, use my jab. But if an opening comes I’m going to take advantage of it and try to hurt him. As long as I stay focused and disciplined this will be easy work.




“This is my first time fighting on live TV, this is a great opportunity for me and an experience I’m looking forward to. I just have to take it round by round.




“It’s about being more focused. My mindset before was never, ‘I want to knock them out’. الآن, that’s a priority for me. I want to hurt them.”



“When I touch him, I promise you I’m going to knock him out. I’ve been under his skin for six weeks. Now that the fight isn’t in his hometown he’s scared to look me in the eyes.




“He’s definitely my toughest (الخصم). كان صغيرا, انه مهزوم. He’s been hyped up in Denver. لكن, if you ask me, I don’t think nothing of him. Denver is not Brooklyn.



“I’m bigger, أنا أذكى, أنا أسرع. Everyone I fought hasn’t been stopped until I stopped them. I haven’t fought a 130-pounder yet and now that I am, this fight isn’t going past three rounds.




"أريد أن أكون في القمة 10. I want to be a rising star. I want to be a world champ by the end of 2020. But I had to take a different route than other fighters. I have my goals and this is the next step. I’m kicking this door down.




“I’m different than a lot of young fighters. My boxing IQ after working with Roy (جونز) is through the roof. I had a good camp. I’m prepared and ready to live my dream and become a star.




“I’ve been working three times a day in the gym. I didn’t fight guys with losing records because I was hand-picking guys. I fought them because I wasn’t given an opportunity.”


“At first Wilkins got under my skin a little bit on social media, but we blocked it out. He’s a hot head. I think within the first few rounds he’ll come out wild and he’ll be easy for me to counter. It’s going to work against him.




“He’s never been three rounds, but more importantly he’s never fought a guy with a winning record.




“I’ve seen guys who come out aggressive. I just need to catch him, slow him down and he’ll be out.




“No disrespect to him. He’s a great boxer, he had a great amateur career. But this is our opportunity to take the next step.




“I’ve gotten a lot smarter in each fight. I’ve learned to settle down and pick my shots. I can adapt to any style. I’ve had fights where I’ve had to brawl, I’ve had fights I had to box.




“We sparred with Shakur Stevenson and got some solid rounds with him for this fight.”




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حول ShoBox: الجيل الجديد

منذ إنشائها في يوليو 2001, والانتقادات اللاذعة شوتايم سلسلة الملاكمة, ShoBox: الجيل الجديد وظهرت المواهب الشابة مطابقة صعبة. ال ShoBox الفلسفة هي البث التلفزيوني مثيرة, تحديد الحشود ارضاء ومباريات تنافسية في الوقت الذي توفر لإثبات أن احتمالات مستعدة للقتال من أجل لقب العالم. بعض من قائمة متزايدة من 77 المقاتلين الذين ظهرت على ShoBox ومتقدمة لكسب لقبا عالميا يشمل: ايرول سبنس الابن, اندريه وارد, ديونتاري وايلدر, إيريسلاندي لارا, شون بورتر, جاري راسل الابن, لامونت بيترسون, غييرمو ريغونديوكس, نونيتو ​​دوناير, ديفون الكسندر, كارل Froch, روبرت غيريرو, تيموثي برادلي, جيسي فارغاس, خوان مانويل لوبيز, تشاد داوسون, بولي Malignaggi, ريكي هاتون, كيلي بافليك, بول وليامز وأكثر من ذلك.