Category Archives: boxing


Saib, Saib & Qhia Ntawm YouTube:

DAB TSI: In the latest installment of the original digital franchise Sib ntaus Hmo ntuj, SHOWTIME kev ua si® takes viewers behind the scenes of last Friday’s ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam ntsiab kev tshwm sim, as 19-year-old Devin Haney scored an impressive unanimous decision over former world title-challenger Juan Carlos Burgos.

Devin Haney: Sib ntaus Hmo ntuj takes viewers into the minds of the fighter and his family, from the pre-fight tranquility to the post-fight jubilation, with distinct cinematography and exclusive audio captured from Pechanga Resort Casino. Now a perfect 20-0 nrog 13 Kos, Haney showed poise beyond his years throughout his second consecutive ShoBox ntsiab kev tshwm sim.

“When I’m getting my hands wrapped, when I’m lacing up my boots and putting on my uniform, that’s when it starts getting real and the butterflies set in”, said Haney just hours before entering the ring. “That’s when I know it’s time.”

The entire September 28 ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam telecast is available via SHOWTIME ANYTIME®, SHOWTIME on DEMAND® and the stand-alone streaming service SHOWTIME®

Otha Jones III kev sib tw ntawm Lub Caij Ntuj Sov Cov Hluas Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Ncaj outta Toledo….
Oct. 6-18 nyob rau hauv Argentina

COLORADO SPRINGS, Ncej puab. (Lub kaum hli ntuj 4, 2018) – Kev sib tw tau ob zaug nyob Tebchaws Meskas Otha Jones III mus rau Argentina tag kis los ua nqe lus ntawm Lub Caij Ntuj Sov Cov Hluas Olympic Games Buenos Aires, Lub kaum hli ntuj 6-18 hauv Roca Sports Park.




Jones yog los ntawm lub tsev tshiab ntawm kev twv txiaj ntawm kev sib tw ncaws pob, Toledo, Ohio, qhov twg 18-xyoo-laus Jones tseem tabtom ua qhov sib txawv hauv nws lub zej zog, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tom qab nws tus tij laug raug tua thiab tua tau ob peb lub lis piam dhau los thaum nws tab tom caij tsheb kauj vab.




Otha tau pib nyiam txoj kev ntaus nrig tom qab saib qhov kev ua yeeb yaj kiab hauv YouTube. “Kuv xav tias qhov ntawd yog qhov txias,” lub teeb welterweight Jones piav qhia, “yog li kuv tau thov kuv txiv coj kuv mus hauv kev ntaus kis las. Tsis ntev kuv kawm paub tias kuv yog neeg zoo rau nws, ua haujlwm hnyav, thiab tam sim no kuv mus rau Kev Ncaws Pob Tawb Cov Hluas.




“Tus neeg sib ntaus ntawm txhua lub gyms hauv Toledo sib pab. (2017 Tebchaws Asmeskas Cov Tebchaws hnyav tshaj hnyav) Jared Anderson yog kuv tus phooj ywg zoo tshaj plaws. Thawj xyoo peb tau kawm hauv tib qho chaw ua si, tab sis kuv yeej tsis tau nrog nws (luag), vim nws loj heev rau kuv. Tam sim no peb nyob ntawm lub cev sib txawv ntawm lub sijhawm. Rau Toledo boxers, tsib ntawm kuv khub, yog nyob rau USA kev pab cuam Boxing, suav nrog kuv leej muam, (Welterweight) Oshae Jones, uas yog nyob rau ntawm tus poj niam pab pawg Elite sib tw tam sim no nyob Spain. Peb txhua tus thawb txhua tus mus rau qhov tsis pub tshaj.”




Ntxiv nrog rau kev ntes kub ntawm ob qhov kawg hauv Tebchaws Asmeskas kev sib tw, nws kuj yeej tseem yog honors saum 2018 Cov Hluas Kev Sib Nrauj Kev Sib Tw, ntxiv rau ib lub kib nyiaj ntawm qhov 2018 Emil Jechev Kev Sib Tw Ncaws Pob.




Tus kheej-piav qhia raws li tus neeg tsis paub zoo lub thawv-puncher, Jones hais tias nws, “Pov xuas nrig ntaus los ntawm txhua lub ces kaum. Kuv tuaj yeem thawv zoo lossis zaum thiab sib ntaus yog tias kuv yuav tsum.”




Jones, leej twg muaj a 267-11 pib xyaum ua cov ntaub ntawv, twb tau mus ncig thiab sib tw hauv Bulgaria, Hungary thiab Russia. Nws tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej kom muaj kev paub txog Argentina, qhov chaw nws yuav nyob thiab qhia rau ob lub lis piam hauv ib puag ncig hauv Olympic zos.




“Ua nws nyob deb rau Cov Hluas Olympic, kom deb li deb, yog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kuv txoj haujlwm,” nws hais tias. “Kuv nyiam taug kev mus rau ntau lub tebchaws dhau los ua thiab paub txog kev coj noj coj ua tshiab. Kuv lub hom phiaj yog mus tua cov ntawm 2020 Kev sib tw ua yeeb yam hauv Nyij Pooj thiab yeej ib lub qe kub. Kuv yuav tsum txhim kho kuv cov kev txawj ntse; punch nyuab dua thiab muab kuv cov punches zoo dua.




“Tom qab Kev Sib Tw, Kuv npaj yuav muab cov pro. Kuv xav rhais kuv tsev neeg tawm ntawm ghetto thiab tau txais khaub ncaws thiab khoom noj zoo dua rau txhua tus.




“I own the Soul City Gym with my brother and dad. Muaj ntau ntawm cov menyuam hauv Toledo tsis muaj dab tsi los ua. Peb mus tshaj tawm kev sib raug zoo los qhia cov menyuam yaus no los ntawm qhov chaw dhia ua si kom tau txais lub luag haujlwm. Peb yog ib feem ntawm txoj haujlwm pabcuam pub cov menyuam yaus no. Peb xav li ntawd, lub sijhawm tsawg dua ntawm txoj kev, peb tuaj yeem pab nres qhov kev ua phem, zoo li kuv tus tij laug raug tua. Peb tab tom sim ua kom cov me nyuam tawm ntawm txoj kev thiab hauv chav ua si.”



Otha Jones III (xiav)





Jones kuj tau sau tseg tias nws yeej nyiam txoj kev kawm hauv Colorado Springs, tsis yog tsuas yog vim muaj cov chaw zoo thiab kev cob qhia, tab sis rau nws txoj kev thaj yeeb ntawm lub siab.




“Kuv xav tias kuv tau nyob hauv kev ua haujlwm siab tshaj hauv Toledo,” Jones ntxiv, “tab sis koj tuaj ntawm no, thiab huab cua sib txawv. Tom qab kev cob qhia tom hiav txwv theem, koj tau nkees kawm ntawm no. I love it here. Muaj ntau cov tsev zoo nkauj thiab chaw nyob, nws zoo li lub nroog me, tsuas yog tsis muaj tub sab tub nyiag. Kuv tuaj yeem yog kuv tus kheej ntawm no.”




Otha Jones, III ua rau muaj kev cuam tshuam rau hauv thiab sab hauv lub nplhaib, seb nws puas nyob hauv tsev hauv Toledo, kev cob qhia hauv Colorado Springs, lossis sib tw thoob ntiaj teb.


Twitter: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


Fan-friendly, interactive FREE series Powered by Everlast looks to add to 2.2 million fans served with Hard Hitting card live from 2300 Arena.

TSHIAB YORK (Oct. 3, 2018)With almost 800,000 views across its first two Fall shows, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast heads back to Philadelphia on Saturday to showcase a Hard Hitting Promotions card live from 2300 Arena. Saturday Night’s alright for fight fans, who can catch all of the action on Oct. 6 pib thaum 7 p.m.




We always love coming to the Fighting City of Philadelphia. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE is off to a strong start in Season II, with great fights and interactive commentary that has driven significant viewership, and Saturday will showcase another excellent and explosive card,” hais tias Mark Fratto, Principal and Director of Business Development, Linacre Media. “We’re pleased to highlight the heavyweight Rocky in the main event as well as some of the young talent known in the Philly area now being given a global platform to show what they can do in the ring.




Qhov no Saturday, Hard Hitting Promotions is back at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia with a terrific eight-bout card featuring some of the brightest fighters from The City of Brotherly Love. Nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, undefeated heavyweight prospect Darmani Rock (12-0, 7 Kos) takes on veteran Pedro Julio Rodriguez (23-5, 19 Kos). Terrific area prospects in Jeremy Cuevas (10-0, 8 Kos), Branden Pizarro (11-1, 5 Kos), Gadwin Rosa (7-0, 6 Kos) thiab Christian Tapia (5-0, 5 Kos) will put their impressive records on the line in front of a raucous hometown crowd.




Hard Hitting Promotions is excited to team with FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on Saturday’s event,” said Manny Rivera of Team Hard Hitting. “This will add excitement to the show, as it will give Hard Hitting Promotions a platform to showcase our talent around the world.




Now in its second season, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast is the fan-friendly series thatamong other aspectsprides itself on the real-time conversations held between fight commentators and the viewing audience. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has showcased more than 360 fighters and 11 promotions during 19 live event broadcasts since May 2017, and in doing so, the interactive platform has generated the loyal interest of fight fans from across the United States and around the globe, including significant audiences in Mexico, the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, and even fans in South America, Asia and Australia.




At more than 2.2 million views for the series, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has continued to deliver impressive numbers throughout its first 19 shows:




  • Since May 2017, the numbers on the 19-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 116,551 views per event and more than 2.2 million total viewsfor the franchise.




  • The Sept. 2018 “Kings Boxing Tuesday Night Fights” (594,447) from the Sands in Bethlehem, lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj Tim. 2017 “Real Deal Promotions: faj tim teb chaws State” los ntawm Resorts World Twv txiaj yuam pov (225,000), the August 2017 CES “Super Saturday” los ntawm Foxwoods (203,000), lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj Tim. 2018 “Card Fit For Kingsfrom Philadelphia (195,620), lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj Tim. 2017 CES “Twin River Twinbill” los ntawm Lincoln, R.I. (157,000) and the March 17, 2018, Murphy’s “St. Patrick’s Day Clash” (151,253) all logged 150,000 or more views, and collectively the 19-show series has seen a total of2,214,461 views across all devices.




  • Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd mus rau lub nyoos viewership xov tooj, lub siab-sib tham sib, fan-friendly productions have seen ntau tshaj 191,000 collective nyob ncej engagements(ntau tshaj 10,325 per show), nrog rau ntau tshaj 132,000 “yam koj nyiam” los yog “hlub,” ntau tshaj 35,000 comments and more than 11,000 shares.




  • The Sept. 2018 “Kings Boxing Tuesday Night Fightsfrom the Sands in Bethlehem set a new bar with594,447 views and the Sept. 2017 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Sept. 2017 DiBella card saw ntau tshaj 40,000 tuav cov kev sib tshuam including almost 39,000 “yam koj nyiam” los yog “hlub” and the March 17, 2018, Murphy’s “St. Patrick’s Day Clashset a new high-water mark for shares with 2,182.




  • The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE page on Facebook has more than 85,000 followers.




For tickets to the live event, log on to




Tsim thiab ua los ntawm Linacre Media tawm ntawm New York City, lub FIGHTNIGHT NYOB series nta kev announcers, ntau cov koob yees duab ces kaum, TV graphics, replays thiab qab-lub-scenes saib thiab sib tham. Lub streamed qhia tau hais tias yog muaj thooj plawv peb txog qhov twg Facebook yog muaj. Cov teg num tsis tau tsuas yog ua tom kiv cua los ntawm ib ncig ntawm lub ntiaj teb no mus tune nyob rau hauv, tab sis kuj muab-thiab-los tua hluav taws lub ntiaj teb no platform rau showcase lawv lub peev xwm, muab promoters ib tug siv tau “broadcast” tov thiab muab sponsors cov muaj peev xwm mus cuag ib tug loj cov neeg tuaj saib ntawm cov khoom muaj npe ntsiab lus.




More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Fall and Winter 2018 hnub xeem yuav muab officially tshaj tawm nyob rau hauv lub tuaj lub lis piam.




FIGHTNIGHT NYOB muaj nyob online ntawm:




Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Rau qhov tseeb Linacre Media txheej xwm thiab tshaj tawm hauv xov lub sij hawm, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.




About Everlast Worldwide Inc.

The preeminent brand in boxing since 1910, Everlast is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer and licensor of boxing, MMA and fitness equipment. From legendary champions Jack Dempsey and Sugar Ray Robinson to current superstars Deontay Wilder and Dustin Poirier, Everlast is the brand of choice for generations of world champion professional athletes. Built on a brand heritage of strength, txoj kev mob siab, individuality and authenticity, Everlast is a necessary part of the lives of countless champions. Based in Manhattan, Everlast’s products are sold across more than 75 countries and 6 continents. Yog xav paub ntxiv,


Tempers Flare In Final Stop Of International Press Tour As Heavyweight Giants Clash for Third Straight Day Ahead of December 1 WBC Heavyweight World Championship LIVE on SHOWTIME PPV ®

“When I knock him out I can say I knocked someone out that was fearless.” – Deontay Wilder

“Only in dreams does Deontay Wilder ever knock Tyson Fury out” – Tyson Fury

Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab; Credit Amanda Westcott / Showtime

Watch the Full Press Conference NTAWM NO


LOS ANGELES (Lub kaum hli ntuj 3, 2018) – Three days of a boisterous, tension-fueled international press tour came to a close on Wednesday in downtown Los Angeles when heavyweight giants Deontay Wilder thiab Tyson Fury had to be separated by security after the verbal sparring threatened to turn physical in front of a large contingent of both Wilder and Fury supporters.




In the closing moments of the third-straight press conference ahead of their December 1 showdown for the WBC Heavyweight World Championship at STAPLES Center, emotions appeared to boil over as both fighters had to be held back (See the scuffle NTAWM NO). To watch Wednesday’s press conference in full, visit the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel:




With the whirlwind press tour in the rear-view mirror, the fighters now have 58 days to prepare for the biggest heavyweight fight on U.S. soil since Lennox Lewis KO’d Mike Tyson in June 2002. Wilder vs. Fury is the latest major heavyweight event to take place in the Southland, expanding an already deep history of heavyweight boxing featuring Hall of Famers Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali, Lennox Lewis and Vitali Klitschko, the last of whom faced off at Staples Center in 2003, with Klitschko also stopping Chris Arreola at Staples Center in 2009.




Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, which is promoted by BombZquad Enterprises and Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, are ON SALE NOW. Tickets are priced starting at $75, ntxiv uas siv nqi, and are available via




Below are flash quotes from today’s event at The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Nyob:






“I fought one of the best and I think I’m fighting the next best in line in the heavyweight division, and I do think he’s tough. The thing about Tyson, he’s mentally tough. He’s the Gypsy King and you know what they say about Gypsies; they’re traveling people and they’re fearless people. And that’s why he’s the perfect opponent for this situation, for this occasion of bringing the heavyweight division back. So when I knock him out I can say I knocked someone out that was fearless.




“He’s great for the heavyweight division. He’s charismatic, he can talk, I’ve got a great dancing partner. He’s fearless in the ring and he’s got a background of boxing in his blood; he’s named after Mike Tyson and all that is great. It’s good that he’s from another country so you get to see different cultures, different personalities from the two of us. You’ve got one from America and you’ve got one from Great Britain. So that’s going to make it even more pleasurable for me when I knock him out.




“All this adds up. This is exciting for me and I can’t wait to get back to L.A. What I’m saying is I’m going to knock him out.




“You know what I come to do and you know what I’m coming to do December 1. When you come to see fights you come to see somebody get knocked out. You’re not coming to see 12-round fights. I know you’re coming to see some skills but you’re coming to see this man’s body on the canvas and that’s what I’m going to deliver to you.”






“There isn’t a man born from his mother that Tyson Fury is afraid of, and especially not a man who wears pigtails every day. I don’t fear anything about him; I don’t fear anything he can do.




“It’s a fight. We can do all this stuff on stage, I can walk around here and I can talk as good as any man in the country. But when it comes to a fight, it’s going to be a hell of a fight. Deontay Wilder: massive puncher. Kuv: skillful boxer. It’s going to be an epic night. This is a legacy fight and I do believe that’s true. And after I win, he’s going to hire me as his publicist because I do believe I can promote Deontay Wilder back to being heavyweight champion of the world in no time. But there’s no shame in losing to me because I am the greatest boxer of my generation and I can’t be beat, especially not by him.




“There have been many, many fighters before like Deontay Wilder, but there’s never been a Tyson Fury before in the history of boxing. I know that because I studied the game inside out.




“I’m giving [Wilder] the opportunity to fight The Gypsy King. I have the claim to the throne that goes back years and years so I’m giving him the opportunity to become something.




“Only in dreams does Deontay Wilder ever knock Tyson Fury out. Only in his dreams




“Deontay Wilder needs Tyson Fury but Tyson Fury doesn’t need Deontay Wilder. I chose Deontay Wilder as an easy victim. This is going to be the easiest fight of my career.”






“It’s going to be a great fight. Lately, I’ve seen Tyson fury singing the song, ‘There’s only one Tyson Fury’. I think he stole that from Ricky Hatton and you saw what happened to him. I think that trend will continue.”






“I think Tyson is one of the best, he’s certainly one of the most colorful heavyweights that has come out of Britain. His skills are sublime, he does the impossible. He went over to Germany, he took Klitschko to school; a good Klitschko. He fought the guy and like he said, he’s the lineal champion. He loves the challenge and he’s a traveler. That’s why he’s coming to Deontay’s backyard. He’s coming to the States, he’s fighting one of the most explosive heavyweights in recent years, a guy who can punch. I think styles make fights, and everybody is saying that Tyson is going to be running and Deontay is going to be coming after him. I don’t think that’s going to happen; I think on the night, you’re going to see Tyson stand his ground and you’re going to see some serious fireworks take place.




"Qhov no yog ib tug zoo sib ntaus, it’s a fight for the fans, it’s great to be here in L.A. to do this fight. It’s great that we are in America to bring another Brit over here to take the belt back.




“This is the best fighting the best; the two top heavyweights in the world who have stepped up to the plate and made a fight like that.”






“We have a very special event. What makes it so special? Clearly, it’s a big heavyweight title fight but there’s a different kind of mystique and buzz for a heavyweight title fight. We’ve got a heavyweight title fight between two elite athletes. We’ve got the hardest puncher in boxing against one of the most skilled boxers in the sport, certainly in the heavyweight division. It’s a fascinating matchup of styles. We have two huge personalities and the two tallest fighters in the heavyweight division.




“In a city of big events, we have the biggest of events. L.A. has certainly had its share of big fights – Henry Armstrong, Art Aragon, Bobby Chacon, Oscar tsib La Hoya, Shane Mosley – they’ve all fought here. And L.A. has even hosted its share of heavyweight fights. Jim Jeffries, Jack Johnson fought here, Muhammad Ali fought here as well. But in terms of major heavyweight title fights in Los Angeles, the list is very short. There have been three Vitali Klitschko fights vs. Chris Arreola, Corrie Sanders and Lennnox Lewis. Tus ntawd yog nws. Four fighters have fought for the heavyweight world title in Los Angeles in its history. This is a rare event in Los Angeles. Not since 2009 have we seen a heavyweight title event in L.A. and in a city of can’t-miss events, this is the pinnacle. There’s more than the WBC title at stake, more than pride, this is about legacy and history.”

Hot Prospect Jeremy Cuevas looking to knock out Jerome Rodriguez Saturday night in Philadelphia

Darmani Rock takes on Pedro Julio Rodriguez in main event
Branden Pizarro to see action
Also featuring undefeated Gadwin Rosa, Christian Tapia, Marcos Suarez and Marcel Rivers



Philadelphia, PA (Lub kaum hli ntuj 2, 2018) – This Saturday night, undefeated lightweight prospect Jeremy Cuevas is looking to make a statement by knocking out veteran Jerome Rodriguez in the six-round co-feature bout at the 2300 Arena nyob rau hauv Philadelphia.




The eight-bout card is promoted by Hard Hitting Promotions.




In the eight-round main event, undefeated heavyweight Darmani Rock (12-0, 7 Kos) of Philadelphia takes Pedro Julio Rodriguez ntawm Miami, Florida, via Cuba in an eight-round bout.




Cuevas of Philadelphia is on the cusp of higher profile fights, but he 1st must get by the tough southpaw, Rodriguez from Allentown, PA.




“Kuv txoj kev kawm yog zoo. My weight is great. I got awesome sparring with (IBF Junior Lightweight World champion) Tevin Yawg, (Undefeated prospect) Joseph Adorno, and some other good southpaws,” said Cuevas.




In Rodriguez he is facing a 19-fight veteran, who has faced 10 undefeated opponents, which includes wins over world-ranked Avery Sparrow and then-undefeated puncher Tre’shawn Wiggins.




Rodriguez is a tough fighter. He has been in there, and has defeated good fighters. The challenge for me is not to beat him, but stopping him. My objective is to knock him out cold.




Cuevas is now starting to get recognized on some prospect lists, and those acclaims are very motivating to the 22 xyoo-laus.




“Qhov no yog ib tug npau suav tuaj tseeb. I have been blessed to be with the right team of people. That has helped me to start to get noticed. People fear me because I am a slick southpaw that can punch.




With bigger fights and names on the horizon, Cuevas is just taking one fight at a time, as he knows his time will be coming in the near future.




I want the top guys, but my coach tells me that there is no rush. I am just 22 xyoo-laus, thiab, I am going to take my time. This should be my last six-round fight, and my next fight should be an eight-rounder.




Cuevas wants to follow in the footsteps of Farmer and Danny Garcia to become the next world champion from the historic fight town of Philadelphia.




I look up to those guys, and being from Philadelphia, you have a standard. This city has such a rich history of boxing, that is has given me a pathway to become a world champion.




Cuevas has fought all but one of his fights in Philadelphia, and this has given him the opportunity to start and grow a sizable fan-base that will root for their hometown fighter.




It means the world to me to fight at home. Every fighter is not lucky enough to build themselves up at home, so it’s great that I have fans, and soon it will be time to expand my following outside of Philadelphia. I am ready to go on Saturday, and I am coming to put a hurting on my opponent.




Cuevas, who is promoted by Hard Hitting promotions can be followed on Instagram at jeremy_King_Cuevas thiab nyob rau Facebook ntawm Jeremy Cuevas


Branden Pizarro (11-1, 5 Kos) ntawm Philadelphia yuav noj nyob rau 30 fight-veteran Justin Johnson of Pittsburgh in a six-round junior welterweight fight.


Gadwin Rosa (7-0, 6 Kos) of Ocala, Florida takes on David Berna (16-5, 15 Kos) of Budapest Hungary in a super featherweight bout.




Nyob rau hauv plaub-round bouts:


Christian Tapia (5-0, 4 Kos) of Coamo, Puerto Rico fights Hector Marengo (7-13-4, 4 Kos) ntawm Arecibo, Puerto Rico in a lightweight bout.


Marcos Suarez (5-0-1,1 KO) ntawm Bronx, New York battles Neeg Ixayees Suarez (4-6-2, 1 KO) ntawm Luquillo, Puerto Rico in a lightweight bout.


Benny Sinakin of Philadelphia makes his pro debut against Alexander Lara in a light heavyweight bout.


Marcel Rivers (6-0, 4 Kos) of Philadelphia takes on an opponent to be named in a welterweight bout.




Tickets available now! $50 GA , $70 Premium, $125 VIP +fees



Purchase Tickets online at ; los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj 267.758.2173 raws li zoo raws li lub 2300 Arena Box Office.


Doors 6PMFirst bout 7PM


Tempers Flare For Second Straight Day As Three-Day International Press Tour Continues In New York City Ahead of December 1 WBC Heavyweight World Championship LIVE on SHOWTIME PPV ®

“We’ve brought the sport back to life in the heavyweight division.” Deontay Wilder

“You’re very nervous right now because all the pressure is on you.” Tyson Fury

Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab; Credit Amanda Westcott / Showtime

Watch the Full Press Conference NTAWM NO


TSHIAB YORK (Lub kaum hli ntuj 2, 2018) – The Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury international press tour continued on the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum on Tuesday and the heavyweight giants wasted no time getting up close and personal with one another once again ahead of their December 1 showdown for the WBC Heavyweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME PPV from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.




The fighters were led on to the stage by the Brooklyn Nets Beats Drumline and immediately met face to face. Just like a day before in London, the 6-foot-7 Wilder and the 6-foot-9 Fury had to be separated midway through the press conference when Fury ordered Wilder to take his sunglasses off so he could see his eyes. Watch one of the confrontations NTAWM NO. To watch Tuesday’s press conference in full, visit the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel:



Wilder vs. Fury, the biggest heavyweight event in the U.S. since Mike Tyson-Lennox Lewis in 2002, tests the raw power of Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of Fury. America’s only heavyweight champion since 2007, Wilder has 39 knockouts nyob rau hauv 40 kev sib ntaus, including knockouts in all seven of his title defenses. Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight world champion who is undefeated in 27 professional fights and holds boxing’s coveted lineal heavyweight title.



Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, which is promoted by BombZquad Enterprises and Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, go on sale tomorrow/Wednesday, Lub kaum hli ntuj 3 ntawm 12 p.m. PT. Tickets are priced starting at $75, ntxiv uas siv nqi, and are available via




The Wilder vs. Fury International Press Tour concludes Wednesday at The Novo By Microsoft at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles.




Below are flash quotes from today’s event at Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York:




“This fight means everything to the heavyweight division. This division was once in a dark place. A lot of people considered the division boring and not entertaining and not enough great fighters. Koj paub, people always look back at the past and say, ‘Where are the golden days? Where has it gone?’ And now today’s era is different… We’ve brought the sport back to life in the heavyweight division.




“We all know with me it comes with power and with knockouts. And that’s what I do. I get you guys motivated and I get you guys inspired to come and see a heavyweight fight. Because what you guys come to see in a heavyweight fight is a knockout. And I deliver that each and every time. Like I’ve said before, when I say I promise you, I promise you I’m going to knock out the Gypsy King, raws li zoo. TIMBERRRRRR!"




“I’m the one who brought him back. I’m the one who encouraged him when he was in that dark place. Kuv hais rau nws, ‘You can do it.’ I dared him to come back. I dared him for this very moment. I want him to have confidence. I want him to have energy. As you can see, that’s nerves. That’s all nerves. Because he knows what’s going to happen. He knows his face is going to get smashed in. And he knows his body will be on the pavement. Let him burn out this energy. It’s entertaining. Because when we get in the ring he’s gonna be all by himself and his demeanor will change. His mannerisms are going to change. He’s so nervous right now. He don’t know what do to with himself.




“Don’t give people false promises. I was born off of false promises and got nothing for free. I promise I’m going to knock you out. I speak it, believe and receive it and it’s mine. I don’t have to show so much energy, baby.”





“Even Deontay Wilder knows to sit in the presence of greatness. Why I am going to beat this bum is because he can’t box. He’s a big swinger and he’s knocked a few bums out. He’s been in 40 fights thiab 35 of them have been against total tomato cans who can’t fight back. So really he’s only had five fights. If he thinks a five-fight novice is going to land one of those big swinging windmills onto my chin, then he can think again. After he feels a bit of power and a few stiff jabs in the face his ass is going to fall out. This is what’s going to happen: At about round five or six I’m going to start landing the overhand right and going downstairs to the body. And then around eight, nine 10, the championship rounds then it’s welcome to my world. He’s only been 12 rounds once in his career, and I’ve been 12 rounds championship distance many, many times.




“I’m very experienced and I’ve come back against all odds. I’m here today having beaten so many, many problems. How am I going to let this little spaghetti noodle beat me? How am I going to do that? They don’t call me the Gypsy King for nothing. I didn’t come to New York and Los Angeles and all these press conferences to be embarrassed by this little skinny runt. I’m going to knock him spark out.




“I’m a big, fat, bearded man who can fight like hell. You don’t need to see this fat. We all know I’m the master of disaster. We all know I have a fat stomach. But it’s going to look even worse for you when you get beaten by a fat man.




“I don’t want the Deontay Wilder belt. I want the Tyson Fury belt. I want the limited edition WBC belt. There’s only one Tyson Fury!




“You are on a suicide mission. You know I’m a CRAZY man. I’m gonna make this bum quit. I’m going to make him quit. I’m going to show him what’s it’s like to fight a real man. A real world champion. Does he even know they don’t just give lineal champion belts away? This man has never beaten a world champion. He fought some bum [Bermane] Stiverne that no one’s ever heard of.




“You already know you’ve lost the fight. You’re very nervous right now because all the pressure is on you.”





“On Dec. 1 on the floor of the Staples Center it’s going to be bombs away. You’re going to get to see the Power, and the Fury when the undefeated, hardest punching and most feared heavyweight of the world, the WBC champion, the Bronze Bomber Deontay Wilder faces the fearless Gypsy King, the undefeated linear heavyweight champion of the world.




“There’s no magic to making a fight of this magnitude. All it takes is for each champion to want to fight. On December 1 two of the three best heavyweights in the world are fighting each other, and the winner can walk away saying, ‘I AM the man!’ Until proven otherwise. That’s what this is all about. As the heavyweights go, so goes boxing. And the heavyweight division is heading for big things. On December 1 you are going to see a heavyweight fight for the generations.”




“There is something undeniably unique about a heavyweight title fight. Not just unique in boxing, but unique across sports. There’s a mystique, a mythical quality. Boxing’s heavyweight champions have always been heroic figures; almost super heroes. There’s a feel, a buzz in a heavyweight championship fight that is unique across all sports. And there’s certainly a unique feel to this fight, raws li zoo. We have the two tallest men, the biggest men in the heavyweight division – 6-foot-9 and 6-foot-7; two huge figures both literally and figuratively.




“Deontay Wilder: 40 fights, 39 Kos, most in devastating fashion. He’s one of the hardest punchers not just in boxing today, but modern boxing history. In Tyson Fury we certainly have a unique skill set. You do not see athletes who are 6-foot-9 who move the way Tyson Fury moves. He has a unique set of skills with athleticism. Outside of the NBA there’s not another more athletic 6-foot-9 athlete on the planet. It’s a fascinating clash of personalities and it’s a fascinating clash of styles and we are happy to bring it to you on SHOWTIME Pay-Per-View.”

Unbeaten Ruben Villa Fights in Hometown of Salinas, CA on Saturday, Oct. 13

Photo by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxing

Philadelphia, PENN. / TXIV YAWG, California. (Oct. 1, 2018) – Promising featherweight prospect Ruben Villa (13-0, 5 Kos) headlines a talent rich card from his hometown of Salinas, California. rau Saturday, Oct. 13.




Vaj Ncaim, 21, returns to the Salinas Storm House for the second time this year. The talented southpaw faces Mexico’s Miguel Carrizoza (10-3, 2 Kos) in the 8-round “Tshiab ntshav”ntsiab kev tshwm sim.




Villa last fought from the Salinas Storm House in April, when he routed fellow prospect Marlon Olea in route to winning the vacant WBO Youth featherweight championship. It was Villa’s first title since turning professional in July 2016.




The two-time national Golden Gloves winner fights for the fifth time this year after registering six wins in 2017.




It’s incredible how fast I’ve developed,” hais Villa, who is managed by Danny Zamora and trained by Max Garcia.It feels like it was yesterday that I was in four round fights and now I’m routinely headlining shows.




The lefty, who sometimes conducts training camps in the sparring rich city of Riverside, California., decided to stay close to home for this fight. Him and his team have zeroed in on what is required to defeat Carrizoza.




He fought my stablemate, Michael Dutchover [undefeated junior sib], last year so Mike gave me a pretty detailed scouting report on him,” Villa said. “He’s a bruiser. He likes to come forward and get you onto the ropes or just backpedaling. I know how to fight guys like that. I’ve fought against guys like that before and I’ve seen a bunch of them in previous training camps. We are really comfortable in our game plan.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




Daim pib rau “Tshiab ntshav” yog luv nqi ntawm $40, $75, & $125, and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, or online at




The Salinas Storm House is located at 185 Maryal Drive in Salinas, XWS LI 93907.




Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 4:30 p.m. local time with the first bout at approximately 6 p.m.




All fights will be live streamed on our Facebook page.




The livestream starts at 6:00 p.m. PT / 9:00 p.m. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




“Tshiab ntshav” is presented by Thompson Boxing Promotions and Banner Promotions and sponsored by Everlast.





Txog cov qhia tshiab rau peb cov neeg sib ntaus, txheej xwm, thiab kev txhawb nqa tawm, please check Daim Ntawv Qhia Txog Vaas Naus Facebook , thiab ua raws li peb Instagram thiab Twitter BannerBoxing





Photos by Prince Ranch Boxing

TIJUANA, MX (Lub kaum hli ntuj 1, 2018)Prince Ranch Boxing heavyweights, Kye Brooks (4-0, 3 Kos) and fellow stablemate, Heavyweight Jonathan Rice (9-3-1, 5 Kos), both who are managed by Greg Hannley, were victorious this past Saturday in Tijuana, MX.




Jonathan Rice scored a first-round knockout against, Juan Carlos Moreno. After a few explosive exchanges, Rice caught Moreno with a counter right hand that sent him to the canvas. Moreno got up and came firing back, only to get caught again with a strait right cross, forcing the referee to stop the bout at the 2:19 mark of round one.




Fighting in Mexico is a challenging experience when the whole crowd is against you,” said Rice. “After a few exchanges I got comfortable in there and took him out. I’m thankful to my manager Greg for keeping me busy. I’m ready to get right back in the ring and keep this momentum going.




Brooks, who hails from Las Vegas, scored a first-round knockout over Jorge Jimenez. After dropping him twice with two powerful left hooks, a barrage of punches followed, forcing the referee to stop the bout at the 2:37 cim.




I came out here and got the knockout out,” stated Brooks. “After being out of the ring for a few months, it felt good to get back in there. I’m hoping to return to the ring at least one more time before the year ends.




Fighting in Mexico is something we plan on doing moving forward as I want to keep my guys busy.said Greg Hannley, CEO ntawm tub huabtais Ranch Boxing. “Kye and Jonnie both got knockout victories and the march continues. Both these heavyweights got the talent to compete with anyone. I’m just going to move them one fight at a time.




This even was promoted by Gonzalez Boxing Promotions, nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog GM3 Boxing.

MMA Title Bout Headlines FFC 31 Night of Champions at Fight Dome

Clay Collard battles Dave Courchaine for the FFC MMA Lightweight Championship on Oct. 12

Las Vegas, NV, (Oct. 1, 2018) – The main event is set for “FFC 31 Night of Champions” and it will consist of two rising stars in Mixed Martial Arts as Clay “Cassius” Collard (16-7-1) of Price, UT, battles Dave “Insane” Courchaine (20-7-0) of Cheney, WA, for the FFC MMA Lightweight Championship at the all-new Fight Dome Las Vegas at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino.




After suffering two straight losses under the UFC banner in 2015, Collard returned to MMA in 2018 and responded with two straight victories, a TKO win over Troy Dennison, and a submission win (by triangle choke) against Carson Gregory.




As for Courchaine, he was on a five-fight win streak dating back to 2014 before losing to Arthur Estrazulas by 1st round KO in January of 2017. Both fighters are hungry and both fighters have something to prove when they step into the ring on Oct. 12.




There will be one other MMA title bout on the “Night of Champions” as Ben Egli (10-2-0) of Tigard, LOS YOG, takes on Brazilian, Roberto Neves (10-3-0) for the FFC Welterweight Title. The remainder of the multi-discipline fight card will consist of championship bouts involving boxing and kickboxing.




The WBU cruiserweight title will be up for grabs in boxing as Dennis Morris (14-2-1) ntawm Milwaukee, WI, goes up against Shawn Miller (18-4-1) of Troy, NY.




In Kickboxing, Glory veteran, François Ambang (18-7-1) of Mechanicsville, VA (via Cameroon), will fight battle-tested Albanian, Shkodran Veseli (83-18-1) for the FFC Welterweight Title, and Brazilian, Jhonata Diniz (16-5-0) faces off against, Croatian sensation, Mladen Brestovac (54-14-1).




“FFC 31 Night of Champions” will broadcast live on CBS Sports Network, Friday, Oct. 12 ntawm 7 p.m. (PST) thiab 10 p.m. (EST).




General ticket prices begin at $69. Tickets are available at any Las Vegas Caesars Entertainment Box Office, los ntawm hu xov tooj 702-777-2782 los yog 855-234-7469 lossis hauv online ntawm For groups of 10 or more call 866-574-3851 los yog email




For more information about Final Fight Championship, thov mus saib, Facebook at, and Follow on Instagram/Twitter @FFCFighting


Tensions Rise As Two Larger-Than-Life Personalities Trade Verbal Jabs In Kick-Off Of International Press Tour Ahead of December 1 WBC Heavyweight Title LIVE on SHOWTIME PPV ®

Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab; Credit Mark Robinson/SHOWTIME

Watch the Full Press Conference NTAWM NO

Nyob (Lub kaum hli ntuj 1, 2018) – The Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury Press Tour got off to a combative start as the two heavyweight giants went face-to-face in London on Monday, exchanging verbal jabs ahead of their December 1 showdown for the WBC Heavyweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME PPV from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.




Amidst the back-and-forth jawing, the 6-foot-7 Wilder and the 6-foot-9 Fury had to be separated when Wilder refused to back down from Fury’s challenge to engage in a sparring session.




“I want to feel the power,” Fury said to Wilder. “You’re going to feel the Fury, I want to feel the Alabama slammer.”




“I’m going to show you the full power”, Wilder quipped back. “This ain’t no game!” Watch the confrontation NTAWM NO




To watch Monday’s press conference in full, visit the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel:



Wilder vs. Fury tests the raw power of Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of Fury. America’s only heavyweight champion since 2007, Wilder has 39 knockouts nyob rau hauv 40 kev sib ntaus, including knockouts in all seven of his title defenses. Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight world champion who is undefeated in 27 professional fights and holds boxing’s coveted lineal heavyweight title.



Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, which is promoted by BombZquad Enterprises and Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, go on sale Wednesday, Lub kaum hli ntuj 3 ntawm 12 p.m. PT. Tickets are priced starting at $75, ntxiv uas siv nqi, and are available via




In anticipation of the biggest heavyweight event in the U.S. since Mike Tyson-Lennox Lewis in 2002, the Wilder vs. Fury International Press Tour continues Tuesday at Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York and concludes Wednesday in Los Angeles.




Below are flash quotes from today’s event at BT Sport Headquarters in London:




“I believe every word that I say. When I say I’m going to knock a man out and tell him where and how he may lay, it comes to pass. I’m all about devastating knockouts, that’s what I do. There’s no pressure on me. You just need to be there to witness it.




“He has two months to get ready. He’s lost a lot of weight but he needs to lose a little bit more. He already knows he’s going to get knocked out. He can hoot and holler, he can build himself up but he needs to take my advice and speak it, believe it, receive it. He’s going to feel pain he’s never felt before.




“Some people don’t even think I should be fighting Fury at this point in time. Whether they want to see another fight or they don’t think he’s ready right now, we can’t live off other’s opinions. When you come to see a Deontay Wilder fight, you’re only coming to see one thing and that’s me knocking somebody out. You all are looking at the 41st person that’s going to be knocked out.




“The antics aren’t going to work against me. Kuv tsis (Wladimir) Klitschko, this is Deontay Wilder.




“I definitely think I’m the No. 1 heavyweight in the world. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t feel I was the best. I’m not worried about any other fighters or what they’re saying or how they are hyping themselves up. I already know I’m the part. All you have to do is tune in. I’m about to put him in the oven and make a muffin.”





“I am no challenger for no man. I am the lineal heavyweight champion of the world. That means I’m the best of the best. The elite champion. This is two champions colliding, this is equal-rights champion vs. champion.




“I’m savoring nothing. The only thing I’m savoring is smashing Deontay Wilder’s teeth in. The press has all turned up today to see the biggest fight of our generation between two undefeated giants, and boy are you going to get a fight. You’re in for a real treat, don’t worry about that. I’m in no mood to dance around the ring. There’s not a 15 stone man on the planet that can beat Tyson Fury.




“I have no concern at all about my lack of fights in recent years. If you can fight, you can fight. I picked this fight. I said to Frank, get me this fight. I could have fought another 10 bums and won them too. Nobody forced me to fight Deontay Wilder, I picked him because I believe he’s an easy touch.”




“I will stand right in front of him and prove what I will do. I will punch his face seven days a week and twice on a Sunday. If we fought 30 lub sij hawm, I’d win 30 times.”





“It’s been a long time since the heavyweight division has had two giants like this. Two champions at the top of their game, at the top of their division willing to fight one another. It’s not rocket science making a fight. Deontay spent a lot of time trying to make a fight with another guy from England who didn’t want to fight. When Fury got himself back into the ring and got himself in the shape he is in now, Shelly (Finkel) and Frank (Warren) were able to make this fight very quickly.




“When two great champions want to make a fight, the fight happens. That’s why December 1 is happening. We’re going to know right then and there who the best heavyweight on the planet is until proven otherwise. The winner of this fight will be the best heavyweight on the planet.




“Fury is an interesting guy who has had to overcome a lot of adversity. I think he should be proud of himself for getting his life in order and being able to turn things around. What he’s done in the last six months has been remarkable. I’m still going to admire him after he gets knocked out on December 1.”





“I have nothing but respect for our challenger, Fury. When I was handling Klitschko, we didn’t think Fury had a chance against him. He proved me wrong. He won’t prove me wrong twice.




“We didn’t pick to fight Tyson because we thought he was easy, we believe he’s the best out there. We want to fight the best, and only the best. We have respect for you because your countryman didn’t want to fight even though he was offered a fortune to fight. When it was presented, he said no. I commend you for stepping right in.”





“These are the two best heavyweights because they’re willing to step in the ring together. That’s what great fighters do. We are going to see something special on December 1. I think it’s going to be a fight that nobody expects. This is not going to be cat and mouse, nws mus yuav ib tug tsov rog. Tyson has a fighter’s mentality. He’s not trying to duck out through contracts, through a backdoor method. He wanted the fight and Shelly and I worked together to make this happen. You cannot miss it. This will be one of the best heavyweight fights for a long time.




“Fury is traveling to the other guy’s backyard like he did when he went to Germany and took Klitschko to school. He’s going to take Deontay’s belt and this is a fight you cannot afford to miss.”





“This is a fight that has captivated America and will continue to captivate America. We have two mythical figures and that’s what people love about the heavyweight division; they are almost superheroes. In particular, these two individuals are the two largest men in the heavyweight division and I mean that in a physical sense as well as their personalities. Rau ntawm daim ntawv, nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib, on the press tour, it’s a phenomenal matchup.”