Категория Архив: бокс

Kenneth Sims, Jr. returns Saturday night against Andrew Rodgers in Gary, Индиана

CHICAGO, НА., (Октомври 11, 2018) – Junior Welterweight Kenneth Sims, Jr. will be back in action this Saturday night when he takes on Andrew Rodgers in a six-round bout at The McBride Hall in Gary, Индиана.




Sims of nearby Chicago will be back in the ring for the first time since taking an eight-round split decision over previously undefeated Montana Love on July 20th in a bout that was nationally televised on ShoBox: Новото поколение на SHOWTIME.




Sims (12-1-1, 4 Нокаута) has been working in Houston, Texas with some top-notch sparring partners, which will help him go forward in his career.




“My лагер беше страхотно. It was a full camp with my strength and conditioning coach. I got great sparring with O’Shaquie Foster, Regis Prograis, and Taras Shelestyuk,” said Sims.




In Rodgers, Sims is taking on an unheralded opponent in what most a terming astay busy fight.




I really do not know much about him. I am taking this fight as it is close to home. I have been fighting in different places, so this is a good opportunity for my family and fans to see me fight.




After being injured for the better part of the last year, Sims is looking to stay active at the end of the 2018 and into 2019.




I hope to have another fight before the end of the year. It doesn’t matter if it another fight like this or something more significant. It all depends on the situation.




Sims, who is promoted by GH3 Promotions can be followed on Twitter and Instagram at @KennethSimsJr

Andrey Fedosov battles Joey Dawejko this Saturday in Ekaterinburg, Русия


PHILADELPHIA, PENN / CHICAGO, ILL. (Октомври 11, 2018)-Тази събота, 2015 Boxcino Heavyweight champion, Андрей Fedosov (30-3, 25 Нокаута) will take on tough Joey Dawejko in a 10-round bout in Ekaterinburg, Русия.




This will be Fedosov’s 2nd bout in the past four months after he defeated Francisco Mireles in the 1st round on June 30th in Phoenix, Arizona.




I have been hearing that Joey has been talking a lot on social media that he was going to knock me out, but on Saturday, he will find out that he is barking up the wrong tree,” Саид Fedosov.




The 32 year-old Fedosov will return to his home country of Russia for the 1st time in 10 years when he steps into the ring at the Ekaterinburg Expo.




I am very excited to be once-again fighting in Russia. It has been a while. I have a lot of family and friends who will be there and have not seen me fight in person for a long time, so I know that I cannot fail them.




With a win over the tough Dawejko, who was a former world amateur champion himself, Fedosov will once-again establish himself as one of the top heavyweights in the world, and will look for the biggest names in the division.




I believe that I am one of the top heavyweights in the world right now. I just need that opportunity to fight one of the top guys to prove that I belong there. След тази битка, I feel that I will get that opportunity.




This is a good step up for Andrey in his comeback, This is a big deal for him to be fighting in Russia on Match TV. След тази битка, there will be big opportunities for Andrey,” каза Матю Роуланд, Заместник-председател на Банер Промоции, who along with Hitz Boxing, co-promotes Fedosov.




We look forward to seeing Andrey fight on Saturday,” Said Bobny Hitz, President of Hitz Boxing. “He is in there with a good opponent in Dawejko, who is battle tested, so when Andrey wins on Saturday, it will serve notice to the rest of the heavyweight division that he is a contender for big fights.




It’s a great fight for Andrey. Dawejko believes that he will win the fight. Andrey can’t wait to meet him in the center of the ring. It will be a real exciting fight,” said Fedosov’s manager, Andrew Zak.




The fight will be aired live in Russia on Match TV.




За редовни актуализации на нашите бойци, събития, и промоции, Моля те, провери Страница за промоции на банери , и ни последвайте Instagram и Twitter @BannerBoxing




World Boxing Организация (WBO) President Francisco Valcárcel Mulero commented today on Billy Joe Saunders inability to defend his World Middleweight Championship, as per contractually agreed, against Demetrius Andrade on October 20th.


This after the Massachusetts State Athletic Commission voted today against granting him a boxing license following a failed doping test on August 30th.


It is unfortunate that a boxer as talented as Saunders is facing this controversy and will not be able to defend the title,” said Valcarcel today. “The WBO will examine the situation with due diligence and proceed according to its ‘Rules & Regulations’ decide which is the proper course of action”.


Valcárcel, a practizing attorney, added that if Andrade fights the first available contender, the WBO Championship Committee will consider sanctioning the bout.


OCTOBER 11th Update:


WBO Statement on Billy Joe Saunders


WBO President Francisco ‘Paco’ Valcárcel, Esq reacted on Billy Joe Saunderspublic comments regarding his world title status:


“B.J. Saunders has voluntarily vacated the WBO Middleweight Title, and publicly apologized for his violation of the Massachusetts Athletic Commission’s anti-doping regulations”.


“Therefore, the clash between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondonkwa scheduled for October 20th will now be for the vacant World Crown”.


“Also, I will recommend to the WBO Executive Committee that Saunders receives a six month suspension for his transgression”.

Голяма активност за скорошното 1-во събиране на Асоциацията на възпитаниците на бокса в САЩ на Западното крайбрежие

За незабавно освобождаване

Добре си прекараха всички, които присъстваха на учредителната асоциация на възпитаниците на бокса на САЩ на Западния бряг



Колорадо Спрингс, Скут. (Октомври 9, 2018) – Голяма група от бивши и настоящи боксьори аматьори, както и други, занимаващи се със спорта, наскоро се оказа в сила за първото събиране на Асоциацията на възпитаниците на бокса на САЩ на Западния бряг.


Встъпителното събиране на Западното крайбрежие на Асоциацията на възпитаниците на бокса на САЩ, проведено във Fortune Gym в Холивуд (Los Angeles), доведе до запомнящо се разказване на истории, добре дошли събирания, дори между минали врагове, в допълнение към значителното увеличение на членовете.


В допълнение към дългогодишния привърженик на аматьорския бокс, актьор/певец Франк Сталоун, заедно с кръстницата на аматьорския бокс, Мелани Лей, посещаващи бивши и настоящи боксьори и треньори, включително Мики Bey, Алекс Рамос, Морийн Ший, Рони Есет, Пол Банкс, Хорхе Хоули, Тъканите, Франк Васар, Дон Девергес, Майкъл и Анна Кеопухива, Закари Падила, Лени Гаргалиано, Тони Лесбьор, Феликс Нанс, Дерики Винс Хъдсън, Руди Гарза, Джъстин Форчън, Алън Сантана, Уили Тъбс, Ранди Крипен, Алън Сантана, Джаки Ричардсън, Стивън Стоукс, Мани Салсидо, Джейсън и Джереми Уилямс, Майк Симс, Джеф Бъмпус, настоящ отбор на САЩ в тежка категория Ричард Торес (Tulare, КАТО), и 2018 Световен шампион за младежи и местен в Лос Анджелис Ияна Вердуско. 1984 Олимпийски златен медалист Хенри Тилман също присъстваше и се регистрира като нов член на Асоциацията на възпитаниците.




Съветник на борда по бокс на САЩ и връзка с боеца, “Продавач на лед” Джон Скъли, беше отговорен за набирането на повечето от присъстващите.




“Асоциацията на възпитаниците на бокса на САЩ се събра в Холивуд напълно демонстрира нашата мисия: Свързване на поколения шампиони,” каза присъстващият Крис tofflemire, Изпълнителен директор на Асоциацията на възпитаниците на бокса в САЩ. “Докато бившите противници се събраха отново, след като напуснаха ринга преди десетилетия, двама от днешните шампиони и членове на отбора на САЩ, Ричард Торес и Рокси Вердузко, бяха гордо признати за скорошния си успех. Асоциацията на възпитаниците иска да благодари на Fortune Gym за домакинството на това събиране, и очакваме с нетърпение да се свържем с нашите членове от Западния бряг на бъдещи събития.”




Създаден за шампион през целия живот, взаимноизгодни отношения между САЩ Boxing и неговите възпитаници, –боксьори, служители, треньори и феновете на бокса — Асоциацията на възпитаниците свързва поколения шампиони, вдъхновяваща и предаваме на бъдещите шампиони по бокс САЩ бокса, в и извън ринга.




Асоциацията на завършилите боксови САЩ е отворена за всеки, който има любов към бокса и биха искали да останете във връзка с аматьорски бокс. На членовете се предоставя достъп до голямо разнообразие от специални събития, организирани от Асоциацията на възпитаниците, включително прием в Залата на славата на асоциацията на възпитаниците на бокса в САЩ в петък вечер.




Да се ​​присъедини към Асоциацията на завършилите бокс на САЩ, просто да се регистрират в alumni@usaboxing.org за $40.00 годишно членски внос. Нови членове ще получат фланелка, ключодържател и електронен портфейл.




Кикотене: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Houston featherweight Roma Martinez represents next wave of USA female boxers

За незабавно освобождаване
Out to make statement at Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Октомври. 6-18 в Аржентина


Колорадо Спрингс, Скут. (Октомври 8, 2018)Houston featherweight Roma Martinez, who represents the next wave of USA female boxers, is currently In Argentina to make a statement at the ongoing Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018.



The Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018 continues through Oct. 18 at Parque Polidesportivo Roca in Argentina.




The 18-year-old Martinez started boxing six years ago, when her step-father came into her life, taking her to a local boxing gym to help keep her out of potential trouble, as well to defend herself.




She is an online student at the University of Saint Thomas in Houston, planning to major in business, and Roma has been able to balance her busy schedule for a simple reason. “I don’t have much of a social life,” she admitted, “so it’s easy for me to train and study.



Argentina is the second foreign country she’s traveled to having competed last November in India. Although she has a relatively limited amateur career, Martinez has managed to capture top honors at six national events: 2016 Граждани на САЩ по бокс, 2014 & 2015 Batte lf the Universe, 20-15 Women’s Golden Glove, 2-15 Junior Olympics Nationals, и 2014 Brown Gloves.




Like many of her Team USA teammates, in addition to opponents from all over the world, Roma hopes she can parlay an impressive performance in Buenos Aires to improve her chances to eventually qualify for the 2020 Олимпиадата в Япония.




The Youth Olympics is the biggest thing in my career because I hope to compete in the 2020 Олимпиада,” Martinez said. “The Youth Olympics is almost as big as the Olympics, only younger athletes compete. I take things one day at a time, but I do have goals to make the Olympics, win a gold medal, and then turn pro and win a world title.



This is my last youth competition. This December I will move up to Elite Division. There will be a difference in age (of her opponents) and more international competition, but I need that experience to reach my goals.




Roma, she says, is a technical boxer who occasionally brings pressure. Her favorite boxer is the great “Захар” Ray Leonard and she looks up to Nicola Adams (2012 & 2016 Olympic gold medalist from Great Britain) и Микаела Майер (2016 USA Olympian). Roma has taken advantage of sparring sessions with Adams and Mayer, съответно, in Houston and Colorado Springs.




Martinez believes female boxing is on the upswing and she looks forward to its future. “The more top female boxers will mean bigger things for us,” Martinez added, “We’ll get more TV time and make more money.




Roma credits USA Boxing for her learning how to be disciplined and she’s grateful for the outstanding coaching she’s received. Martinez plans to travel a lot in the future and when she earns her business degree, Roma is determined to use it to her advantage, owning a restaurant and, възможно, a gym so that she can remain in boxing after she hangs up her gloves way down the road.



Кикотене: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Rock knocks out Rodriguez in four

Cuevas decisions Rodriguez in bloody co-feature
Pizarro stops Johnson
Rosa & Tapia remain undefeated
Sinkain wins pro debut

Филаделфия, PA (Октомври 8, 2018) – Миналата събота вечер, Darman Rock remained perfect by stopping Pedro Julio Rodriguez in round four of a scheduled eight-round heavyweight fight that headlined a seven-bout card at The 2300 Arena във Филаделфия.




The action-packed card was promoted by Hard Hitting Promotions.




The card was seen by a world wide audience on Facebook Fight Night Live, and can be viewed in demand BY CLICKING HERE




Rock focused on the body early-on. В четири кръгли, Rock landed a hard right to the body, and left hook that sent Rodriguez to the canvas. Rodriguez got to his knees, and that was it as he took the ten-count at 27 секунди.




Rock, 275.5 паунда на Филаделфия е сега 13-0 с осем нокаута. Rodriguez of Miami falls to 23-6.






Good looking prospect Jeremy Cuevas won a six-round unanimous decision over Jerome Rodriguez in a lightweight bout.




Cuevas was cut from around his left eye in the third round from an accidental headbutt. In was the right eye of Rodriguez that started leaking blood in the same round. Cuevas started putting his dazzling combinations together, but Rodriguez showed a good chin.




This was a solid learning experience for the 22 year-old Cuevas, as he fought an experienced foe and worked through adversity by having the cut.




В края, Cuevas won by scores of 60-54 и 59-55 twice to raise his perfect mark to 11-0. Rodriguez of Trenton, New Jersey falls to 7-10-3.




Branden Pizarro stopped veteran Justin Johnson in round two of their scheduled six-round junior welterweight bout.



Pizarro dropped Johnson three times in round two, и схватката се прекратява 2:21.



Pizarro, 141.2 lbs of Philadelphia, PA сега е 12-1 с шест нокаута. Johnson, 141.5 lbs of Pittsburgh is 6-19-6.




Gadwin Rosa необходима само 41 seconds to destroy Aldimar Silva in a scheduled six-round super featherweight bout.



Rosa scored two knockdowns, and the bout was stopped.



Rosa, 130.5 lbs of Ocala, FL is 8-0 със седем нокаути. Silva, 128.1 lbs of Sao Paulo, BRA is 21-14.




Christian Tapia stopped Hector Marengo in round two of their scheduled four-round lightweight bout.



Tapia dropped Marengo in round two with a right hand. Marengo did not beat the count at 2:02.



Стена, 133.3 lbs of Coamo, PR е 6-0 с нокаута. Marengo, 134.5 lbs of Arecibo, PR е 7-14-4.



Benny Sinakin won a four-round unanimous decision over Alex Lara in a light heavyweight bout.



At the end of round three, Sinakin dropped Lara with a left hook.



Sinakin, 172.8 lbs of Philadelphia, PA спечелен от десетки 40-35 на всички карти и сега е 1-0. Lara, 173.6 lbs of Manhattan, Ню Йорк е 1-1.






Marcos Suarez and Israel Suarez battled to a four-round majority draw in a lightweight clash.



В първи кръг, Marcos Suarez suffered a cut on his forehead.



Marcos Suarez took a card 40-36 while that was overruled by two even cards at 38-38.



Marcos Суарес, 133.3 lbs of Bronx, Ню Йорк е 5-0-2. Израел Суарес, 134.5 lbs of Luquillo, PR е 4-6-3.



2018 Източна Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships has Largest Turnout in USA Boxing History

CHATTANOOGA, Тенеси. (Октомври. 8, 2018) — The 2018 Източна Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships in Chattanooga, Тенеси. will begin tonight with the largest turnout in USA Boxing national tournament history.




After check-in and general weigh-in, общо 834 boxers and 550 boxers will take part in the weeklong national tournament at the Chattanooga Convention Center.




We have seen our national tournaments continually grow each event,” stated USA Boxing Executive Director Mike McAtee. “Тъй като 2017, USA Boxing has been providing extra opportunities with our regional qualifying tournaments for all boxers, aged 8-40, to step onto the national stage and box the best in the nation.




This marks the second year the Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open has been held in Chattanooga, which saw a total of 645 boxers and 307 coaches participate last year. The first regional qualifying tournament, на 2017 Western Elite Qualifier & Regional Open in Albuquerque, N.M., имал 302 boxers and 102 coaches and the 2018 edition had 719 boxers and 482 coaches attend.




With the large turnout in Chattanooga, the opening days of the event will include the addition of a fifth ring to hold the increased number of bouts.




USA Boxing will be providing a free live stream throughout the tournament, which can be found тук.




Кикотене: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


Video by Lucas Ketelle

СВЕТИ ШАРЛ, КАТО (Октомври 5, 2019) – След Били Джо Сондърс (26-0, 12 Нокаута) tested positive for the banned substance, Oxilofrine, a powerful stimulant from the amphetamine family, his WBO middleweight world title fight with Димитър Andrade (25-0, 16 Нокаута) became in jeopardy.




Since the news broke last week, more test samples have been collected from both boxers by ВАДА(Voluntary Anti-Doping Association). Виктор Конте, an outspoken anti-doping advocate, provides his opinion on what may come next in this saga of the defamed WBO world champion.




Bottom line is this, we’re just a few days away from the hearing, and boxing fans will get the opportunity to find out if this going to be a historic decision in the best interest of boxing, which means that they (Massachusetts State Athletic Commission) will uphold this positive drug test and rule in favor of Andrade. Both fighters signed the VADA enrollment contract. They received the prohibited substances list when they signed it. They both agreed to be tested at all times for the stimulant Oxilofrine. Така, BJ Saunders, or his promoters, or anyone else can’t come back and say he didn’t know about this prohibited substance. Let’s just hope that the Massachusetts Commission makes the right decision, and they abide by the true anti-doping gold standard in boxing called VADA.” – Виктор Конте, CEO of SNAC System.


Photo by Ardie Crenshaw / The Site Media Group


LAS VEGAS, NV (Октомври 5, 2018)Undefeated phenom, Девин “Мечтата” Хани(20-0, 13 Нокаута), is making noise in the lightweight division as the 19-year-old fighter is now ranked #8 by the WBA after his 10-round unanimous decision win over Хуан Карлос Бургос изображение на резервоар(33-3-2, 21 Нокаута) last Friday night on ShoBox: The Next Generation, broadcast worldwide by Showtime.




Хани, a blue-chip prospect, dominated the former three-time world title challenger Burgos in their recent clash. The impressive feat has many fans and media members alike clamoring for Haney to be in contention for a world title shot.




I believe in my skill and speed, I am second to none,” - каза Хейни. “I’m the next superstar in the sport. Точно сега, I am focused on each and every fight. The media and fans can bring up exciting fights for me to take or even mention my name amongst world champions, but the main goal for me is to focus on the fights presented in front of me.




Хани, who is not just a world title contender, but also a promoter, who promoted his fight last Friday night on Showtime under his promotional banner, Промоции на Девин Хейни.




I am doing things differently than others my age,” Хейни продължи. “I am a promoter and a world-class fighter, so it is important that I stay very focused. I’m knocking on the doorstep of a world title. My time is coming.


Deerfield Beach, FL (Октомври 4, 2018)—Hall of Fame boxing promoter Don King and heavyweight contender Bermane Stiverne hoped to settle things in the ring in Yekaterinburg, Russia with former Olympic gold medalist Alexander Povetkin on Dec. 17, 2016.




Stiverne never got the opportunity in the WBC heavyweight eliminator that morning, when WBC officials announced Povetkin had tested positive for the illegal substance ostarine and the WBC pulled the sanctioning and the fight was cancelled.




King and Don King Productions and Stiverne will now settle things in court as they have filed suit for $2 million in the Court of Arbitration for Sport against Alexander Povetkin and the World of Boxing.




Don King Productions and the World of Boxing came to an agreement on Nov. 6, 2016 for the WBC sanctioned fight between Stiverne and Povetkin scheduled for Dec. 17, 2016 with the winner facing Deontay Wilder.




Both fighters were to receive purses of $1,424,250 and the winner of the fight would have earned an additional $316,500. It was the second failed drug test by Povetkin in a seven-month period.




Stiverne hopes to return to the ring to fight for the world title again.




“Povetkin and Ryabinsky can’t play by the rules of the WBC and VADA,” said King, “and they denied Bermane the opportunity of a lifetime to become heavyweight champion. All the hard work leading up to the fight and then waking up the morning of the fight in Russia and being told that there wouldn’t be a fight is devastating.”