分类存档: 拳击

奥奎因在 10 月继续攀登前世界冠军挑战者克里斯蒂安·埃斯基维尔 26 在底特律

在周五, 十月 26, 在汽车城赌场酒店, 底特律复兴拳击界最有前途的年轻拳手之一, 不败雏量级 Ja'Rico “Great Lakes King” O'Quinn (9-0-1, 6 科斯), 将与墨西哥的前世界冠军挑战者克里斯蒂安“意大利人”埃斯基维尔进行六轮比赛 (30-15-1, 23 科斯).




O'Quinn, 去年 6 月在底特律的四轮比赛中最后一次看到老将 Yaqub Kareem, 在他的家乡摩城享有极高的人气. 作为一个业余爱好者, 他在最轻量级上赢得了美国全国锦标赛和 2013 美国拳击青年全国锦标赛.




反对埃斯基维尔, 然而, 他会很艰难. 这位墨西哥老将是一名 12 年的专业人士,也是前 NABF, WBC 美洲大陆, WBC 青年洲际酒店, WBC FECOMBOX, 和 WBC 银雏量级冠军.




“我很高兴在我的家乡球迷面前在底特律战斗!”兴奋的奥奎因说. “我期待着再次取得令人印象深刻的胜利,并将底特律作为世界上最好的战斗城市之一登上地图。”




奥奎因的发起人, 德米特里Salita, 说他在这场比赛中对他 23 岁的前景寄予厚望.




“Ja'Rico O'Quinn 是目前在美国出生的拳击界最有成就的职业前景之一. 他不败的职业战绩和无数的全国业余锦标赛不言而喻. 他正在家乡球迷面前以一位经验丰富的拳手进行另一场严峻的考验,我相信这将是另一场精彩的表演。”




活动门票价格介于 $180-$25 并且可通过调用 718.612.5207. MotorCity 赌场酒店位于 2901 底特律的大河. 搏击之夜, 门在开启 6:30 下午 7 点开始第一场比赛. 所有客人必须至少 21 年满并持有有效的附照片身份证件.


愤怒的宝贝与 GUERRA DE GALLOS 一起重返太阳赌场: 詹森·拉米雷斯 VS. 托马斯·瓦尔迪兹

阿方索·奥尔维拉回归, 克里斯·冈萨雷斯对阵犹大·埃斯特拉达


图森, 亚利桑那 – 十月 16, 2018 – 继她于 7 月 17 日在屡获殊荣的 Casino Del Sol 度假村举办的活动门票全部售完之后 & 赌场, 米歇尔·罗萨多 (Michelle Rosado) 的《愤怒的宝贝》(Raging Babe) 将于周六重返同一场地, 11月17日, 当图森的超级羽量级选手詹森·拉米雷斯, 和诺加利斯的托马斯·瓦尔迪兹在主赛事中发生碰撞, AVA 露天剧场的户外. 图森的阿方索·奥尔维拉 (Alfonso Olvera) 在七月卡上与威尔伯斯·洛佩兹 (Wilberth Lopez) 的精彩对决之前回归, 图森的克里斯托弗·冈萨雷斯对阵诺加莱斯’ 犹大·埃斯特拉达(Judas Estrada)参加四轮次中量级比赛.




主赛事拳手詹森·拉米雷斯 (6-2-3, 1KO) 和托马斯·瓦尔迪兹 (16-4-2, 6KO), 都把图森称为家, 但两者之间的相似之处仅此而已.




拉米雷斯, 26, 不打架时是一位屡获殊荣的纹身艺术家. 他在 Raging Babe 的 7 月活动中击败了 Sierra Vista 的 Jesus Arevalo, 经过两年的裁员后, 在 6 轮多数决定中战胜了经常被回避的 Arevalo. 如果他与阿雷瓦洛的比赛是关于救赎, 他即将与瓦尔迪兹的比赛是为了向图森展示, 以及整个亚利桑那州, 他属于该州顶级超级羽量级选手.




瓦尔迪兹, 29, 最后一次战斗是十二月 1, 2017, 当他在八回合比赛中与经验丰富得多的墨西哥选手丹尼尔·巴伦苏埃拉(Daniel Valenzuela)取得一致判定时. 手部受伤使他只能上架. 来自战斗家庭, 瓦尔迪兹由他的叔叔训练和管理, 奥斯卡·巴尔德斯, 老, 他也是 WBO 羽量级冠军奥斯卡·瓦尔迪兹的父亲, JR. 托马斯·瓦尔迪兹(Thomas Valdez)将自退役以来首次在亚利桑那州参加比赛 2013 六回合判定输给不败新星维克多·卡斯特罗, 凤凰, 亚利桑那.



瓦尔迪兹和拉米雷斯都将于 11 月 17 日走进拳击场,带着一些东西来证明 – 致图森拳击迷, 以及对他们自己.




图森最受欢迎的阿方索·奥尔维拉 (10-5-1, 4KO) 将于11月回归 17. 奥尔维拉的目标是最终与威尔伯斯·洛佩兹重赛 (23-9,15KO), 但不能承受一路上的绊脚石. 两人在 7 月份的卡牌主要赛事中让 Guerro De Gallo 的观众兴奋不已, 最终以有利于洛佩兹的分歧决定告终. 在售完的人群中,这个决定让一些人感到高兴,而另一些人则感到失望, 自从比赛以来, 当晚到场的双方阵营和球迷都呼吁重赛. 对于他的部分, 奥尔维拉无意忽视他 11 月 17 日的对手.



冈萨雷斯-埃斯特拉达比赛中有两名当地新秀,他们在七月份在 Guerra De Gallos 分别进行的比赛中让球迷站了起来. 路 (1-1, 1 KO) 那天晚上输给了何塞·巴雷拉, 凤凰, 但分歧的决定引起了人群的骚动. 冈萨雷斯那天晚上也很紧张, 赢得对塞尔吉奥·洛佩兹的多数决定.




“当战士们战斗时 – 当当地战士战斗时, 并且不害怕与朋友一起踏入擂台, 前陪练伙伴或硬汉, 你将会经历一场精彩的战斗,” Raging Babe 总裁兼发起人米歇尔·罗萨多 (Michelle Rosado) 说道. “这就是我的意义,这就是我的活动的意义. 当拳击比赛进行时,拳击运动处于最佳状态 50-50 打架, 当粉丝们的钱物有所值时, 他们确实在七月卡上做到了这一点. 这次活动也不例外. 向这些愿意挺身而出、在家乡奋斗的人致敬. 图森, 如果你渴望美好, 现场拳击, 11 月 17 日准备好喝一大杯水吧。”




重量级埃德加·梅迪纳首次职业亮相, 曼尼·瓜哈多, 尼克·罗兹, 迈克·马丁内斯回归, 阿图罗·雷森迪斯 (Arturo Resendiz) 首次亮相美国.




Guerra De Gallos 门票起价为 $25, 并于周四开始发售, 十月 18 在 10:00 A.M. 门票可在 Casino Del Sol 礼品店购买, 在线 www.casinodelsol.com, 或致电 520-333-5150.


Heavyweight MMA Title Bout Headlines FFC 32THIS FRIDAY IN LAS VEGAS

Shelton Graves takes on Tony Johnson for the FFC MMA Heavyweight Championship

LAS VEGAS, NV, (十月. 16, 2018)Final Fight Championship follows up its historical Las Vegas debut (10月. 12日) with a Heavyweight MMA title fight on Oct. 19日. “FFC 32” will be an all-MMA fight card featuring some of the most talented mixed martial artists in the country, 超越.




In a clash between two hungry heavyweight sluggers, 谢尔顿 “掘墓人” 格雷夫斯 (8-3-0), 巴尔的摩, MD 将面临 托尼 “废墟” 约翰逊 (11-4-1), 纳什维尔, TN 在主要事件 “FFC 32”, 其中发生星期五, 十月. 19 at Fight Dome Las Vegas located at Rio Las Vegas. Graves and Johnson will fight for the vacant FFC MMA Heavyweight Title.




In the night’s Co-Main Event, it will be another heavyweight bash between experienced wrestler, 罗德尼 - 华莱士 (26-16-1), Bamberg, 标准委员会, 和 Carl Seumanutafa (11-8-0), 旧金山, 例如, a veteran muay thai competitor and the quintessential knockout artist.




在次中量级, 埃德米尔森·弗雷塔斯 (7-2-0), Manaus, 亚马逊, 巴西 发生在 奥斯汀Vanderford (5-0-0), 波特兰, OR. Branko Busick (2-1-0), Steubenville, OH 战斗 Ivan Erslan (6-0-0), Zagreb, 克罗地亚 in the light heavyweight division, and in the lightweight division, 亚当·斯密 (11-9-0), Langley, WA 打架 Brandon Ricetti (8-2-0), 男孩, 例如, to round out the main card.




“FFC 32” 将在哥伦比亚广播公司体育网播出, Friday evening, 十月. 19, check your local listings for more information.




During the undercard portion of the evening, 次中量级 Javahn Matthews, West Linn, OR will make his pro debut when he faces 乔丹·克里斯滕森, 拉斯维加斯, NV.




In their most recent event, “FFC 31 冠军之夜”, Final Fight Championship made history becoming the first combat sports promotion company to feature three different disciplines (拳击, kickboxing and MMA) in one fight card, all fights were for the title.




Tickets are available at any Las Vegas Caesars Entertainment Box Office, 通过调用 702-777-2782 或 855-234-7469 或在网上 Tick​​etmaster.com. For groups of 10 or more call 866-574-3851 或电子邮件 EntertainmentGroupSales@Caesars.com.




有关《最终之战锦标赛》的更多信息, 请访问 Finalfightchampionship.com, Facebook:Facebook.com/FFCFighting, 并在 Instagram/Twitter 上关注@FFCFighting.

Sena Agbeko-Bryan Vera头条新闻“ Boro的垮台” 8

Agbeko Vera.jpg


纳什维尔, TN (十月 16, 2018) –三星级拳击促销活动将举办Murfreesboro, TN在四分之一世纪以来的第一张专业拳击卡,星期六他们在现场表演“ Berodown in the Boro”, 十二月 8 在田纳西州中部博览中心.




门开处 6 下午,Tristarboxing.com上将出售“ Brodown in the Boro”门票.




头条新闻是纳什维尔的塞纳“非洲刺客”阿格贝科和奥斯丁的长期竞争者布莱恩·维拉之间有趣的八轮超级中量级对决, TX.




最初来自阿克拉, 加纳, 笨拙的Agbeko杰出的专业记录是 21-1 同 18 胜淘汰赛. 三月, 阿格别科(Agbeko)在纳什维尔(Nashville)淘汰了劳伦斯·布雷基(Lawrence Blakey),并表示他渴望与更强大的反对派接触. 自从击败布雷克, Agbeko花了很多时间在拉斯维加斯与世界各地的顶级战斗机一起训练.




被公认为是地球上最艰难,最令人兴奋的战斗机之一, Vera从未因挑战而退缩. 他的专业分类帐是 26-13 同 16 以淘汰赛获胜,他多次进入拳击界的最大舞台. 薇拉(Vera)击败前世界冠军塞尔吉奥·莫拉(Sergio Mora)取得了两场胜利,并击败了前山雀歌手塞尔吉(Sergiy Dzinziruk)和安迪(Andy Lee).




坚强的德州人还与詹姆斯·柯克兰(James Kirkland)分享了平方圆, 塞萨尔查韦斯JR. (两次), 威利·梦露小, Matt Korobov和Rocky Fielding等. 在 36, 薇拉(Vera)希望击败Agbeko,并在高层再创佳绩.




“这将是相当长一段时间以来对当地拳击手的最大战斗,在我的家乡举办超过25年以来的第一张战斗卡确实是一种荣幸。,”马特·杨(Matt Young)说, Murfreesboro本地人和Tri-Star Boxing的创始人. “塞纳坚决地告诉我们,他想加强比赛,而布莱恩·维拉(Bryan Vera)是他一直在寻找的那种对手. 我们期待看到迄今为止最好的Sena Agbeko,但他仍在艰苦奋斗中。”




默弗里斯伯勒(Murfreesboro)的Rydell“ Super” Mayes, 1-0 (1 KO), 在四轮重量级比赛中将面对对手被提名. 里弗代尔高中的杰出足球运动员, 梅斯在7月的职业比赛中首次亮相就给人留下了深刻的印象 28.




轻量级奥斯汀“梦想”杜莱(Dlay)面对职业生涯的第一场失利后,看起来将重返胜利之路. 生于纳什维尔, 杜莱(Dulay)有出色的表现 11-1 创纪录 8 KO取得的胜利.




受欢迎的纳什维尔本地人爱德华多·“查奇”·阿吉拉尔相遇 15 搏击老兵罗宾斯的卡尔·居里, 四个回合的IL. 两人相遇了七月 28 并进行了激动人心的抽奖.




不败的孟菲斯, 田纳西州初级中量级Mike Cook, 9-0 (4 KO的), 和重量级的迪伦·库森(Dylan Courson), 2-1 (2 KO的), 罗马, GA预计将在针对对手TBD的单独比赛中出现.








欲了解更多信息, 请访问Tristarboxing.com或Facebook.com/Tristarboxing.

Anvar Yunusov takes on Joshua Davis in main event on Friday, November 16th at Sands Bethlehem Event Center

Undefeated fighters meet as Martino Jules takes on Daron Williams
Undefeated fighters square off as Kendall Cannida takes on Travis Toledo
Undefeated Alejandro Jimenez, 乔沙法特·奥尔蒂斯, 迈克尔Coffie, 约瑟夫·乔治, Yeuri Andujar and Christian Montano in action


伯利恒, PA (十月 16, 2018) –Three-time Olympian and undefeated 安瓦尔·尤努索夫 发生在 Joshua Davis in the eight-round super featherweight main event on 周五晚上, 11月16日金沙伯利恒活动中心.








尤努索夫, who competed in the 2008, 2012 和 2016 Olympics for his native Tajikistan, 现 5-0 with two knockouts as a professional.




该 31 year-old fights out of Philadelphia, and turned professional in 2017. He has registered his two knockouts in his last two outings with a 4th round stoppage over former contender Mike Oliver, and in his last bout when he destroyed Angel Monreal in one-round on September 14th in Philadelphia.




Davis of Washington, DC has a record of 11-3 五击倒.




该 27 year-old Davis is a seven-year professional, who has an impressive 7th round stoppage win over Carlos Rosario (7-1). Davis is looking to get back into the wins column as he has dropped his last two outings. 在他的最后一个回合, Davis was stopped by undefeated Steven Ortiz on January 26th in Philadelphia.




A full undercard of top prospects in action-packed matchups will entertain the fans in attendance in Bethlehem.









儒勒·马蒂诺 (5-0) of Bethlehem fights Daron Williams (7-0, 4 科斯) 华盛顿, DC in a featherweight bout.






乔沙法特·奥尔蒂斯 (5-0, 3 科斯) 读, PA打架 乔伊阿罗约 (3-5-1) 布朗克斯, 纽约在轻量级比赛中.






迈克尔Coffie (4-0, 3 科斯) 打架 胡安·古德 (8-8, 6 科斯) of Taylor, MI in a heavyweight bout.


约瑟夫·乔治 (7-0, 6 科斯) 打架 Andre Espuet (4-7, 3 科斯) 锡达拉皮兹, IA in a super middleweight fight.






Christian Montano


Christian Montano (7-0, 6 科斯) 盒子 Paul Holley (6-1-1, 5 科斯) 萨拉索塔, FL in a light heavyweight bout.






Jonathan Torres 伯利恒, PA会打 史蒂文·洛佩兹 (0-2) of Philadelphia in a bantamweight affair.





亚历杭德罗·希门尼斯 (3-0, 1 KO) 新希望的, PA takes on debuting Francisco Santiago读, PA在最轻量级比赛中.


Yeuri Andujar (1-0, 1 KO) of San Cristobal, Dominican Republic fights 布莱恩·佩雷斯 (2-11-1, 1 KO) 北卡罗来纳, Puerto Rico in a featherweight affair.






In a battle of undefeated light heavyweight, 肯德尔·坎尼达 (2-0) 费城的战斗特拉维斯·托莱多(Travis Toledo) (2-0, 2 科斯) 巴尔的摩.


努诺·瑞奇 (2-1, 1 KO) 伯利恒, PA boxes Jonathan Burrs (0-1) of Hagerstown, MD in a welterweight bout.




门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $50, $75 和 $100, 不包括适用的服务费和税收,现已公开发售. Tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.com. 要通过电话特玛在充电 (800) 745-3000.

Everlast Worldwide and Clark partner to take ‘Protect Yourself at All Timesglobal; educational symposium for fighters

图片由: 大卫西班牙


纽约, 纽约 – 十月 16, 2018 – Everlast全球, 世界领先的制造商, 营销和拳击的许可, MMA and fitness equipment and Protect Yourself at All Times (PYaAT) creator, Adrian Clark are partnering up to introduce the first ever PYaAT symposium.




In nearly all major sports there are player associations or governing bodies that control contracts, agent fees, health benefits, retirement plans and even regulates athlete representation. Boxing remains the only major sport without an organized association, nor a system to help the athletes within the business of the sport.


Partnering with Everlast Worldwide to push the issue on educating the fighters and protecting them outside of the ring is a genius move. It will provide PYaAT a global platform and longer reach. Education is key, no matter where you’re from. We will make sure the knowledge is available for the fighters.Clark stated.




PYaAT breaks the mold of the fighters beginning; and navigating their careers in the dark. The symposium will serve as a continuing education tool for fighters and their families. Along with the symposium, PYaAT will be providing exclusive merchandise and issuing a monthly newsletter with updated information in the boxing business.




Protect Yourself at All Times will also be included in Everlast most recent worldwide ad campaign, “Be First”. Clark will join the likes of Heavyweight champ, Deontay怀尔德, Dustin Poirier and Mikaela Mayer as trailblazers; not afraid to go against the grain and be the first to do, or start something.


Everlast’s Be First global ad campaign is committed to showcasing and supporting individuals that break ground and find unique ways to reach their goals.said Chris Zoller, Vice President of Marketing and Product Development for Everlast. “Not only is Adrian blazing a new path for himself but for boxers everywhere. 我们是 100% behind him and what PYaAT does for the sport of boxing.




Everlast and Adrian Clark have been collaborating on educating fighters on the business of boxing since 2016. The PYaAT Symposium will be a continuation of a multi-year partnership between Everlast and Clark which included a best-selling book, podcast and documentary.




Clark ended by saying, Everlast has supported the entire PYaAT campaign from the beginning. Us taking our partnership to another level helps me reach my goal to educate as many fighters as possible, all over the globe. This is game-changing for fighters.



关于Everlast全球公司. 卓越的品牌在拳击比赛中,因为 1910, 的Everlast是全球领先的制造商, 营销和拳击的许可, MMA和健身器材. From legendary champions Jack Dempsey and Sugar Ray Robinson to current superstars Dustin Poirier and Deontay Wilder, 的Everlast是首选品牌的世界冠军的职业运动员代. 建立在实力的品牌传承, 奉献, 个性和真实性, 的Everlast是无数冠军的生活的必要组成部分. 总部设在曼哈顿, 安能公司的产品分布在多卖 75 国家和 6 大陆. 欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.everlast.com.



About Adrian Clark: Owner of AC Sports Management, LLC and best-selling author from Dallas, 得克萨斯州. Clark earned his degree from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. 在 2016, he was named to Forbes: 30 在下面 30 (体育) as a game-changer for the sport of Boxing. For more information on PYaAT, 访问 www.acsportsm.com/pyaat.





Instagram的 – ac_clark

叽叽喳喳 – @TheAdrianClark

Facebook的 – 阿德里安·克拉克 (AC)




鲁本别墅 (14-0, 5 科斯) Shines in Front of Hometown Fans on Saturday Night

费城, 佩恩. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (十月. 15, 2018) – Featherweight Ruben Villa (14-0, 5 科斯) returned to his hometown for the second time in his career and delivered a thrilling, one-sided performance against the game Miguel Carrizoza (10-4, 2 科斯) Saturday night from a sold-out Storm House in Salinas, 加利福尼亚州.




别墅, 21, used terrific footwork to find the angles against Carrizoza in route to a sweep of the scorecards in the 8-round main event. 整个战斗, Villa hammered Carrizoza with a stiff jab, followed by a thundering left hand. It was an outstanding display of accuracy for the southpaw in his fifth fight of the year.




I felt great tonight,” 说别墅, who is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “Everything was clicking. The guy was tough. I landed a lot of good shots and he came coming back. 我很高兴我的表现. I put on a great show for my hometown fans.




To watch a replay of Villa’s dominant performance, please click here




别墅, who has been as active as possible since joining the professional ranks in 2016, looked as comfortable as he ever has.




I’m gaining more and more confidence with each win,” Villa said. “I like where I’m at right now.





关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing





Photos by Carlos Baeza / 汤普森拳击


(all pictures courtesy of Final Fight Championship)

LAS VEGAS, NV, (十月. 14, 2018) The debut of the all-new Fight Dome Las Vegas delivered an explosive night of fireworks at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino on Friday night. “FFC 31 冠军之夜” was certainly a night to remember.




The Scorpion StingMladen Brestovac delivered the knockout of the night, with a blistering high left kick to the head of Jhonata Diniz at the two-minute mark of Round 3.




The trademark left head kick of Brestovac sent Diniz crashing to the canvas. 凭借这场胜利, Brestovac retains the FFC Heavyweight Kickboxing title and improves his record to (55-14-1.). Diniz, who was the aggressor for most of the fight and showcased his exciting come-forward style, 下降到 (16-6-0.)




Brestovac Retains FFC Kickboxing Heavyweight Title




ShkodranThe Albanian WarriorVeseli (83-18-1) won the FFC Welterweight Kickboxing Title with a 4th Round KO stoppage vs. 弗朗索瓦 “嘭嘭” Ambang (18-8-1). A series of solid punches from Veseli rocked Ambang and sent him to a kneeling position at the 1:23 mark of the Round number four.




In the boxing portion of the evening, 肖恩·米勒, of Troy, 纽约 (19-4-1) won a unanimous decision victory in his ten round title fight with DennisMongooseMorris (14-3-1). Miller won by the scores of 100-90, 97-93, 97-93, earning him the WBU Cruiserweight Championship.




In the FFC MMA Welterweight Championship, Ben Egli lived up to his reputation as an expert submission artist by choking out Roberto Neves at the 3:21 在第一轮的标记. Egli won the fight by rear naked choke, something he has done a total of five times in his pro MMA career. The championship victory brings Egli’s record to (11-2-0) while Neves falls to (10-3-0).




“FFC 31 冠军之夜” was broadcast live on CBS Sports Network and the event made history as Final Fight Championship, one of the fastest growing combat sports promotion companies in the world, became the first promotion company to hold a multi-discipline event (拳击, 跆拳道和综合格斗) in Las Vegas history.


完成 “FFC 31 冠军之夜” 结果如下:







Ben Egli (11-2-0), 波特兰, 俄勒冈

Win by Submission Rear Naked Choke, 3:25 路 1

Roberto Neves (10-4-0), Sao Palo, 巴西

(Egli wins FFC Welterweight Title)



肖恩·米勒 (19-4-1, 7 科斯), 特洛伊, 纽约

Win by UD 10 路数 (100-90, 97-93, 97-93)

Dennis Morris (14-3-1, 12 科斯), 密尔沃基, 威斯康星州

(Miller wins WBU Cruiserweight Title)





姆拉登·布雷斯托瓦茨(Mladen Brestovac) (55-14-1), 冠军, Zagreb, 克罗地亚

Win by KO (头踢), 2:00 路 3

约纳塔·迪尼兹(Jhonata Diniz) (16-6-0), Curitiba, 巴西

(Brestovac retains FFC Heavyweight Title)


Shkodran Veseli (83-18-1), Zurich, 瑞士

Win by KO (拳), 1:23 路 4

弗朗索瓦·安邦| (18-8-1), Mechanicsville, VA

(Veseli wins FFC Welterweight Title)

Undefeated Ruben Villa weighs in for Tonight’s battle with Miguel Carrizoza

卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击

费城, 佩恩. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (十月. 13, 2018) – 不败轻量级前景 鲁本别墅 (13-0, 5 科斯) weighed in at 127.2 磅. 而他的对手 Miguel Carrizoza (10-3, 2 科斯) checked in at 127.9 磅. 为 今晚的 eight-round main event in at the Salinas Storm House in Villa’s hometown of 萨利纳斯, 加利福尼亚州.




别墅, 21, returns to the Salinas Storm House for the second time this year. Villa vs. Carrizoza is the the 8-round “新鲜血液” 主要事件.




Villa last fought from the Storm House in April, when he routed fellow prospect Marlon Olea in route to winning the vacant WBO Youth featherweight championship. It was Villa’s first title since turning professional in July 2016.




The two-time national Golden Gloves winner fights for the fifth time this year after registering six wins in 2017.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




门票 “新鲜血液” 售价为 $40, $75, & $125, 并可通过致电购买 714-935-0900, 或访问 ThompsonBoxing.com 在线.




The Salinas Storm House is located at 185 Maryal Drive in Salinas, 例如 93907.




门开处 4:30 P.M. local time with the first bout at approximately 6 P.M.




All fights will be live streamed on our Facebook page.




直播开始于 6:00 P.M. PT / 9:00 P.M. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




“新鲜血液” is presented by Thompson Boxing Promotions and Banner Promotions and sponsored by Everlast.





关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing




雷耶斯阻止加尔塞斯; 席尔瓦在圣保罗举行的“冠军之夜”比赛中击败弗雷罗. 圣彼得堡


圣. 圣彼得堡, FL (十月 11, 2018) – 次中量级小马克·雷耶斯. 周六,墨西哥选手胡安·加尔塞斯在第三轮比赛中被阻止,夺得了 ABF 美洲大陆锦标赛冠军, 十月 6.




“冠军之夜”由 Fire Fist Boxing Promotions 和 11 比赛卡发生在圣彼得堡体育馆,只有站着的人群面前。. 圣彼得堡, FL.




该卡片在 Fite.TV 上进行了现场直播,并由 Fire Fist Boxing Promotions 的康纳“小子”科伊尔 (Connor “The Kid” Coyle) 进行场边评论.




手头上有一大群支持者, 雷耶斯起步很快,在开场的时候就用一脚右路传中击败了加尔塞斯. 这位受欢迎的 22 岁坦帕本地人拥有明显的速度优势,并且能够在第二局中持续击败 Garces, 尽管加尔塞斯确实打出了一些好球.




在第三轮开始时, 雷耶斯投出一记身体射击,不小心击中了加尔塞斯的大腿内侧. 加尔塞斯立即摔倒在画布上,看上去非常痛苦. 经过长时间的延迟后, 格蕾丝无法继续,雷耶斯TKO获胜.




“这是一次意外的低击,但我击中了他的大腿,”雷耶斯在胜利后说道. “我在第二秒伤害了他的身体,他试图以此为契机退出,因为他不想战斗。”




雷耶斯将他的胜利献给坦帕儿童癌症中心. 雷耶斯队通过捐赠拳击之夜商品销售的所有收益为儿童癌症中心筹集资金.




雷耶斯现在是 8-0 同 6 加尔塞斯滑倒时KO 28-22 (18 KO的).




普兰特城的轻量级竞争者“娃娃脸”威廉·席尔瓦, 巴西队 FL 在击败巴拿马选手何塞·福雷罗 (Jose Forero) 的途中统治了比赛,成为 ABF 大陆轻量级冠军。 9 回合暂停. 席尔瓦展现出出色的拳击技术,前八回合完全掌控局面. 在 9, 席尔瓦(Silva)对弗雷罗(Forero)进行了猛烈的攻击,后续的弹幕迫使比赛暂停 1:49.




席尔瓦改进了他的职业分类账 26-2 同 15 KO取得的胜利. 福雷罗是 13-8-1 (11 KO的).




“我对马克和威廉的表现非常满意,”火拳拳击促销的乔迪Caliguire说. “马克正在取得一场胜利,我真的相信他的对手在大腿被击中后希望通过添加一些戏剧性的动作来获得取消资格的胜利. 威廉表现得非常出色,并希望在不久的将来能与顶级对手重回巅峰。”




迈阿密海滩最轻量级艾薇儿·马蒂, 佛罗里达州,途径澳大利亚和达拉斯, 德克萨斯州的萨曼莎·萨拉查 (Samantha Salazar) 在女子 ABF 大陆美洲赛的比赛中激烈地进行了六轮平局 118 磅重的冠军. 毫无疑问,在当晚的战斗中, 马蒂和萨拉查在整个比赛中无所畏惧地互殴. 最后的钟声响起后, 两位女士都赢得了热烈的掌声.




得分 58-56 Mathie, 58-56 萨拉查和 57-57.




这是马蒂厄 2-0-1 同 2 KO和萨拉查的记录是 5-5-1.




迈尔斯堡少年中量级奥佐德贝克·阿里波夫, 佛罗里达州以六回合绝杀战胜了顽强的迈阿密队, 佛罗里达州本地人克利福德·格雷. 阿里波夫, 具有大众友好风格的身体格斗家, 两次击倒并且从未停止前进.




三位裁判均对本场比赛打分 60-52 对于阿里波夫, 现在是谁 4-0 (2 KO的).




2016 阿根廷奥运选手阿尔贝托·帕尔梅塔, 9-1 (5 KO的) 阻止了老将哈维尔·加西亚, 8-18-1 (3 KO的), 在六轮次中量级比赛的第三场比赛之后. 自信的帕尔梅塔展示了华丽的技巧和令人印象深刻的擂台指挥能力, 开场钟声中重击加西亚.




火拳拳击促销活动周六重返体育馆, 二月 16 并以康纳·科伊尔的回归为特色. 欲了解更多信息和更新, 请访问Firefistboxing.net, Facebook.com/firefistboxing 或在 Instagram 上关注@Firefistboxing.








超级蝇量级: 水晶霍伊 (6-8-4, 3 KO的 – 拉斯维加斯, NV) TKO3 诺埃米森林 (11-12-3, 2 KO的 – 圣. 圣彼得堡, FL)




青少年次中量级: 约瑟夫·费尔南德斯 (8-3-3, 1 KO – 圣. 圣彼得堡, FL) UD6 托比亚斯·格林 (7-3, 2 KO的 – 西棕榈滩, FL)




权重股: 赫克托·霍奇 (2-3 – 迈阿密, FL) DQ1 何塞·梅迪纳 (4-1, 1 KO – 威尔士湖, FL)




welterweights的: 拉蒙·德拉巴斯 (5-0, 2 KO的 – 坦帕, FL) UD6拉里·亚涅斯 (4-11-2 – 迈阿密, FL)




青少年轻量级: 安东尼奥·莫兰 (1-0, 1 KO – 坦帕, FL) KO1 小本尼·罗德里格斯. (0-2, 迈阿密, FL)




轻重量级: 马科斯·埃斯库德罗 (5-0, 4 KO的 – 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷) TKO1 布莱恩·史蒂文斯 (1-6, 1 KO – 马拉松, FL)