Kategoria Artxiboak: Warrior




Ordu aldaketa: 'BELLATOR 153' AIR at 8 P.m. ETA/7 P.m. CT


SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (March 24, 2016) - Welterweight uztartu egin pitting A Michael Page (9-0) aurka Jeremie Holloway (7-1) txartel nagusia osatuko du "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " on April 22 MOHEGAN eguzkia Uncasville Arena, Conn.


Horrez gain, pilatuta aurretiazko gertaera zati orain hamar matchups, arteko 170 kiloko intrigazkoa matchup bat barne Chris HONEYCUTT (6-1) - Taldekide Josh Koscheck — eta Matt SECOR (7-2), jatorriz ziurrenik zen aurre egin ahal izateko "Kos" at "Bellator 148: Daley vs. Uhrich. "


Bout oso aurreikusi Bellator debuta ezaugarriek txartel nagusi bat elkartzen Benson "Smooth" Henderson (23-5), welterweight txapeldun erronka gisa zuen Andrey Koreshkov (18-1) bere gerriko. Ohia luma titlist Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (24-3) cumple John "Macapa" Teixeira (19-1-2), Connecticut propioa "Irlandako" Brennan Ward (13-3) ekintza itzultzen, zenean ongietorria Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos (20-16) Bellator MMA 170 libera Fray sartu eta "Toninho Furia" (27-5) aurpegiak Brent Primus (6-0) Ekintza arinen.


For "SarrerakWarrior 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " besterik etan hasiko $30 eta dagoeneko salgai daude Bellator.com at, Ticketmaster.com eta Mohegan Sun leihatiletan. Ekitaldia AIRS zuzeneko eta Spike on free at 8 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. CT, berriz, aurretiazko bouts zuzeneko airetik egingo Bellator.com eta The Bellator Mobile App. Emisioa berehala jarraian egingo aitzindari arabera, inaugurazio "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " Ekitaldia.


London Shootfighters camp batera Prestakuntza, Michael "Venom" Page point borroka aditua onena siglak ezagutua "MVP." 28 urteko dauka oraindik oraindik galera bat entregatu behar zuen bere ibilbide profesionala hasi da, unblemished bat barne 5-0 marka Bellator banner azpian. Page entregatu du bere bederatzi garaipenen sei datozen KO / TKO bidez, eta hura atera tiro eta odol gehiago bila espero dezakezu. Hartu at "MVP-ren" begirada bat berriena akabera Charlie Ontiveros at "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho. "


Bere Matt SECOR aurka debuta sustapen at Aurretik "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho," Holloway bere lehen zazpi borrokak profesional bidez unetan gertatu zen, mistoa arte martzialak komunitatearen artean laudorio handiko eta errekonozimendu Gol. 31 urteko North Carolina jaiotzez bere esku apirilaren 22an osoa izango dute, oldarkorra Page elkartzen denean hura zer da ziur kaiola batean Arratsaldeari borrokak gehien dibertigarri bat izan nahi du.


Bete "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson "Borrokatzeko txartela:

Bellator MMA Welterweight World Izenburua Bout: Andrey Koreshkov (18-1) vs. Benson Henderson (23-5)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Co-Main Event: Patricio Freire (24-3) vs. John Teixeira (19-1-2)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Film Bout: Brennan Ward (13-3) vs. Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos (20-16)

Bellator MMA heavyweight Film Bout: Michael Page (9-0) vs. Jeremie Holloway (7-1)

Bellator MMA arin Film Bout: Brent Primus (6-0) vs. Gleristone "Toninho Furia" Santos (27-5)


Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Bellator MMA Welterweight aurrematrikula Bout: Chris HONEYCUTT (6-1) vs. Matt SECOR (7-2)

Bellator MMA Welterweight aurrematrikula Bout: Djamil Chan (11-2) vs. Richard Patishnock (6-3)

Bellator MMA arin aurrematrikula Bout: Sam Watford (1-0) vs. Dean Hancock (2-0)

Bellator MMA Featherweight aurrematrikula Bout: Chris Foster (8-4) vs. Felipe Lavandoski (5-0)

Bellator MMA arin aurrematrikula Bout: Jason Bakanowski (3-2) vs. T.J. Hepburn (4-2)

Bellator MMA Featherweight aurrematrikula Bout: Pete Rogers (2-3) vs. Mike Mangan (0-3)

Bellator MMA Argia Heavyweight aurrematrikula Bout: Mike Zichelle (7-4) vs. Joe Cronin (19-16)

Bellator MMA Featherweight aurrematrikula Bout: Matt Bessette (17-7) vs. Keith Richardson (14-6)

Bellator MMA middleweight aurrematrikula Bout: Tim Caron (3-0) vs. Justin Sumter (0-0)

Bellator MMA bantamweight aurrematrikula Bout: Blair Tugman (7-6) vs. Jay Perrin (2-1)

BELLATOR MMA ADIERAZPENA legeztatzea mistoa arte martzialak IN NEW YORK ON


SANTA MONICA (March 22, 2016) - gaur egun, New York estatuko legedia gainditu duten arteen mistoa kirola darizkio emango du "Empire State."


Bellator MMA presidenteak Scott Coker Izan honek mugarri iragarkia buruz esateko:


"The New York Batzar botoa MMA legeztatzeko arroak kirol hau sinestezina unea da. norbait izan da borroka kirol sustatzeko baino gehiago dagoen bezala 30 urte, hau mistoa arte martzialak denbora oso zirraragarria da. dira oso aurrera begira ekitaldi bat hosting 'Crown of America Jewel batean Bellator MMA at dugu,’ New York. Two Bellator champions, Liam McGeary eta Marcos Galvao deitu New York etxean eta bioi asko esan da, ez dakit, egiten duen bezala sustapen osoa da. Dagoeneko kontaktuan egon ditudan barclays Center pertsona handia eta beste hainbat sinestezina aretoak, eta ezin dugu itxaron ekarri gure mundu-mailako kirolariak eta ekintza-kit ikuskizunak Empire State en arena bati laster.”



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (March 22, 2016) - Txartel nagusiaren line-up The "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " on April 22 hazten jarraitzen du, Gaur egungo gain batera Brent Primus (6-0) versus "Toninho Furia" (27-5) Mohegan Sun Arena ekintza arin Uncasville hasi, Conn.


Bout ekitaldi nagusi bat oso aurreikusi Bellator debuta ezaugarriek elkartzen Benson "Smooth" Henderson (23-5), welterweight txapeldun erronka gisa zuen Andrey Koreshkov (18-1) bere gerriko. Ohia luma titlist Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (24-3) cumple John "Macapa" Teixeira (19-1-2) co-kartel eta Connecticut-en egin ere "Irlandako" Brennan Ward (13-3) ekintza itzultzen, zenean ongietorria Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos (20-16) Bellator MMA 170 libera Fray sartu.


For "SarrerakWarrior 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " besterik etan hasiko $30 eta dagoeneko salgai daude Bellator.com at, Ticketmaster.com eta Mohegan Sun leihatiletan. Ekitaldia AIRS zuzeneko eta Spike on free at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT, berriz, aurretiazko bouts zuzeneko airetik egingo Bellator.com eta The Bellator Mobile App. Lehiaketak gehigarria laster jakinaraziko dugu.


Zabalduena kirola, bere goi irtenbideak bat jotzen, Primus borrokalaria duten fledging lorezaintza enpresa bat da jabetzako ordenan zuen bere MMA urrezko ametsak jarraitzea sakrifikaturik da. Primus baino Bellator MMA kaiola itzultzen freskoa gogor borrokatu garaipena off Derek Anderson at "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Girtz.” Orain, Brasilgo jiu-jitsu gerriko beltza bere artisau aplikatzeko Bellator banner azpian bosgarren aldiz begiratu egingo - bere lehen itxura egiten du Spike-telebistako txartel nagusia zehar.

Bere sustapen debuta Jarraitzen, "Toninho Furia" erabaki du, luma-tik 155 kiloko zatiketa arin bueltan egiteko, non azken lehiatu zen. 27 urteko brasildarra Top Team Produktua lehiatu da profesionalki geroztik 2005 eta irabazi du bederatzi bere azken hamar matchups daudelarik. Furia borrokak bukatzen hasieran afinitate frogatua dauka, bere garaipen zortzi inaugurazio markoaren datozen.


bi irtenbideak hauei buruzko informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, beren profilak bakoitzaren begirada bat Bleacher Report hartu:

Brent Primus - "Irabiatutako Bidea: Prospect Brent Primus negoziatzen bere negozioa MMA Eskularruak for"

"Toninho Furia" - "Irabiatutako Bidea: Longtime Prospect Gleristone Santos Bellator Estreinaldia prest dago"

"Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson "eguneratua Borrokatzeko txartela:

Bellator MMA Welterweight World Izenburua Bout: Andrey Koreshkov (18-1) vs. Benson Henderson (23-5)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Co-Main Event: Patricio Freire (24-3) vs. John Teixeira (19-1-2)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Film Bout: Brennan Ward (13-3) vs. Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos (20-16)

Bellator MMA arin Film Bout: Brent Primus (6-0) vs. Gleristone "Toninho Furia" Santos (27-5)


Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Bellator MMA arin aurrematrikula Bout: Sam Watford (1-0) vs. Dean Hancock (2-0)

Bellator MMA Featherweight aurrematrikula Bout: Chris Foster (8-4) vs. Felipe Lavandoski (5-0)

Bellator MMA arin aurrematrikula Bout: Jason Bakanowski (3-2) vs. T.J. Hepburn (4-2)

Bellator MMA Featherweight aurrematrikula Bout: Pete Rogers (2-3) vs. Mike Mangan (0-3)

Bellator MMA Argia Heavyweight aurrematrikula Bout: Mike Zichelle (7-4) vs. Joe Cronin (19-16)

Bellator MMA Featherweight aurrematrikula Bout: Matt Bessette (17-7) vs. Keith Richardson (14-6)

Bellator MMA middleweight aurrematrikula Bout: Tim Caron (3-0) vs. Justin Sumter (0-0)

Bellator MMA bantamweight aurrematrikula Bout: Blair Tugman (7-6) vs. Jay Perrin (2-1)

MARCOS Galvao SET DEFENDATZAILE bantamweight TITLE AURKAKO EDUARDO Dantas gertaera nagusia »BELLATOR 156 'buruz ekainean 17


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (March 21, 2016) - Bellator MMA-ren bantamweight Txapelketan izango errebantxa pitting batean lerroan izango Marcos "Loro" Galvao (17-6-1) eta txapeldun ohia Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (17-4) bat ekitaldi nagusia ere elkarren aurka "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " Ekainaren 17 Save Mart Center Fresno barruan, Kalifornia.


bout jatorriz ziurrenik zen lekua hartzeko at "Bellator 150: Kongo vs. Spartan " otsailean, baina gaur egungo txapelduna behartu zuten lehiaketa erretiratuko gaixotasun.


"Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " doinu Spike bizi at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT, berriz, aurretiazko bouts zuzeneko airetik egingo Bellator.com eta The Bellator Mobile App. Borrokak gehigarria laster jakinaraziko da.


Gertaera sarrerak bakarrik hasiko $25 eta salgai ostegun honetan daude, March 24 with a special pre-sale this Tuesday and Wednesday at Ticketmaster, Bellator.com eta Save Mart Center leihatiletan.


"Dute,"Nork du mundu osoan ezagunak diren promozioak alde borrokatu zen World Extreme Cagefighting eta Shooto gustuko geroztik 2003, alde egingo dira lehian 11garrenBellator MMA pankarta pean denbora. 33 urteko da gaur lau borrokan irabazlearen marra erdian, eta sortu zen garaile bere azken zortzi scrap zazpi. Bere azken txangoa, Galvao amaitu Joe Warren at "Bellator 135: Warren vs. Galvao " aurkezteko bidez bere lehen inoiz txapelketa irabazteko.


Bien bitartean, Galvao aurka izan zuen arrakastaren bikoiztu bere lehenengo bilera batean Dantas bila izango, bigarren-jiran Azken bat emaitzarekinWarrior 89. The 27-year-old Nova Uniao product bounced back from his unanimous decision loss against Warren to defeat Mike Richman at era berean "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove. " Bellator denboraldia 5 Bantamweight Txapelketako irabazlea da berak deitu bi-time bantamweight txapeldun etorriko ekainaren bila 17.


Eguneratua "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 "txartela:

Bellator MMA bantamweight Izenburua Bout: Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)



SANTA MONICA, ESATERAKO. (March 18, 2016) – Bellator Kickboxing’s groundbreaking inaugural event, "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino," has been finalized with the opponents for Kevin Ross (30-9), Raymond Daniels (10-3) eta Denise Kielholtz (43-2). Ross will square off against Matteo Taccini (24-3-1), while Daniels takes on Francesco Moricca (15-2-1) and Kielholtz goes head to head with Veronica Vernocchi (31-6-1) at the historic Pala Alpitour in Torino, Italy on April 16.

The trio of Italy natives join a card that already features some of the top athletes in kickboxing, including one of the most accomplished knockout artists in all of combat sports, Melvin Manhoef (37-12), who takes on the always dangerous Alexandru Negrea (8-2). Era, a 165-pound ISKA title fight between Mustapha Haida(37-3-3) eta Karim Ghajji (95-12) will take place in the co-main event slot. “No Mercy” is also scheduled to return to MMA when he challenges for the Bellator MMA middleweight title against Rafael Carvalho at“Warrior 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef” on Maiatza 20.

The debut of "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " will take place on April 16 and be televised Friday, April 22 at 11:00 p.m. ET / PT, immediately following "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " on SPIKE. Bien bitartean, "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” airs on SPIKE Saturday, April 16 at 10 p.m. ET / PT.

American Muay Thai standout Ross is also referred to as “The Soul Assassin,” and he will look to live up to that name come April 16. Ross and his opponent, who is a 2014 ISKA Champion out of Rome are currently scheduled to be the very first fight in Bellator Kickboxing history. The two will undoubtedly look to kick off the promotion’s first event with an emphatic, memorable performance.

The pair of flyweights will come out swinging when Kielholtz and Vernocchi bring their impressive skill sets to the cage in an enticing matchup. Dutch striking specialist Kielholtz recently went “5 Rounds” in a Bellator digital piece.

In the welterweight division, Daniels, a 35-year-old American southpaw will be opposite Moricca, an Italian slugger and winner of the 2015 Ring Rules tournament, looking to impress in front of his home crowd. Daniels has made a name for himself as one of the top karate fighters in the USA and through his numerous knockouts by way of spinning-kick, translating to an instant fan-favorite wherever he fights.

For additional information about the "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” Ekitaldia, klikatu hemen.

Complete “Bellator Kickboxing: Torino” Fight Card:

Bellator Kickboxing Middleweight Main Event: Melvin Manhoef (37-12) vs. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)

Bellator Kickboxing 165-Pound Feature Bout: Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) vs. Karim Ghajji (95-12)

Bellator Kickboxing Welterweight Feature Bout: Raymond Daniels (10-3) vs. Francesco Moricca (0-0)

Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight Feature Bout: Denise Kielholtz (43-2) vs. Veronica Vernocchi (31-6-1)

Bellator Kickboxing Bantamweight Feature Bout: Kevin Ross (30-9) vs. Matteo Taccini (0-0)

Bete "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” Fight Card:

Warrior MMA Lightweight Main Event: Patricky Freire (15-7) vs. Derek eremuak (16-6)

Warrior MMA Argia Heavyweight Co-gertaera nagusia: Alessio Sakara (17-11) vs. Brian Rogers (12-8)

Warrior MMA Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (3-0) vs. Danilo Belluardo (5-1)

Warrior MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (2-0) vs. Anjela Pink (Estreinaldia)

Warrior MMA Featherweight Feature Bout: Daniele Miceli (2-0) vs. Daniele Scatizzi (6-2)


SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (March 17, 2016) – A heavyweight bout between Dan "Man" Charles (10-3) eta Augusto Sakai (9-0) has been added to the main card of "Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef " CenturyLink Arena Boise at, Idaho maiatzaren 20.


The fight joins a card that already features an enthralling Middleweight World Championship main event, denean Rafael Carvalho (12-1) defends his belt against the explosive power of Melvin "No Mercy" Manhoef (30-12-1). Horrez gain, ohia Bellator MMA Featherweight titlist Pat Curran (21-7) egingo ekintza itzultzeko ekainaren geroztik lehen aldiz, when he faces the always-dangerous Georgi Karakhanyan (24-5-1) txartel co-nagusia ekitaldi batean.


Sarrerak "Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef " besterik etan hasiko $25 eta dagoeneko salgai daude Bellator.com at, du CenturyLink Arena leihatiletan edo CenturyLinkArenaBoise.com.


"Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef " Airs zuzeneko eta Spike on free at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT, berriz, aurretiazko bouts zuzeneko airetik egingo Bellator.com etaThe Bellator Mobile App. Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.


After an injury bumped Sakai from the co-main event of "Bellator 150: Kongo vs. Spartan," the 24-year-old Brazilian heavyweight is ready to return to action and has his sights set on remaining unbeaten in his 2016 debut. Sakai is coming off of another flawless year under the Bellator MMA banner, recording victories in each of his two appearances, including a unanimous decision win over Alex Huddlestonen in his most recent bout at "Bellator 145: Mendeku batekin. "


Dan "Man" Charles, enters his sixth fight with Bellator MMA and looks to add to his impressive 10-3 record profesionalak. The 30-year-old Phoenix native, capped off 2015 with an emphatic knockout of Chase Gormley at "Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis," irailean.

Eguneratua "Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef "Borrokatzeko txartela

Bellator MMA middleweight World Izenburua Fight: Rafael Carvalho (12-1) vs. Melvin Manhoef (30-12-1)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Co-Main Event: Pat Curran (21-7) vs. Georgi Karakhanyan (24-5-1)

Bellator MMA heavyweight Film Bout: Dan Charles (10-3) vs. Augusto Sakai (9-0)


SANTA MONICA, ESATERAKO. (March 15, 2016) – Bellator Kickboxing is set to make its world premiere in just over a month on Ostirala, April 16 batera "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino.” The event will be broadcast in America on April 22 at 11:00 p.m. ETA/PT, immediately following the"Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " event on SPIKE. Today the promotion is pleased to announce its official weight classes and rule set.


The Pala Alpitour, which has been the home to several amazing events including the 2006 Winter Olympic Games, will host the inaugural "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " Epaileak txartel. The groundbreaking evening of fights will be headlined by one of the most accomplished knockout artists in combat sports, Melvin Manhoef (49-12), Nork hartzen Alexandru Negrea (8-2). The co-main event features Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) hartzea Karim Ghajji (95-12) for the 165-pound ISKA title. Kickboxing sensations Raymond Daniels (10-3), Denise Kielholtz (43-2) eta Kevin Ross (30-9) will round out the card of the initial event against yet to be announced opponents.


Traditionally, kickboxing has never had a set amount of weight classes, with the number differing by promotion. In Bellator Kickboxing, the weight classes will be identical to those utilized in mixed martial arts, starting with heavyweight and ending with flyweight. Generally, there is a one-pound allowance for non-title fights, although that allowance may vary depending on the regulatory body sanctioning the event.


Heavyweight: 265 kilo

Argia Heavyweight: 205 kilo

Middleweight: 185 kilo

Welterweight: 170 kilo

Arina: 155 kilo

Featherweight: 145 kilo

Bantamweight: 135 kilo

Flyweight: 125 kilo


Horrez gain, below is an overview of Bellator Kickboxing’s rule set, which will make for the most explosive kickboxing action on the planet.


The competitors will attack and defend using punches (including spinning backfists), kicks and knee strikes.


Each non-title fight is scheduled for three, three-minute rounds with the potential for an extra sudden victory round if the bout is scored a draw. Title fights will be scheduled for five, three-minute rounds.


Prohibited techniques include: elbow strikes, throws, takedowns, and submission attempts or striking a downed fighter. Fighters may only clinch if they immediately attack with a knee strike.

Three judges will score Bellator Kickboxing using the “10-Point-Must” system applying a prioritized criterion that values knockdowns, impact on the opponent and clean scoring strikes.

Updated “Bellator Kickboxing: Torino” Fight Card:

Bellator Kickboxing Middleweight Main Event: Melvin Manhoef (49-12) vs. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)

Bellator Kickboxing 165-Pound Feature Bout: Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) vs. Karim Ghajji (95-12)

Bellator Kickboxing Welterweight Feature Bout: Raymond Daniels (10-3) vs. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight Feature Bout: Denise Kielholtz (43-2) vs. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Bantamweight Feature Bout: Kevin Ross (30-9) vs. TBA


About Warrior MMA:

Warrior MMA mistoa arte martzialak erakundeko liderra onena borrokalari askoren protagonista da munduan. Beteranoa borroka sustatzailea Scott Coker zuzendaritzapean, Warrior eskuragarri dago ia 500 mundu osoan milioi etxe baino gehiagotan 140 Herrialde. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan, Bellator izango Spike ikus daiteke, MMA telebista lider. Warrior MMA da biltzen dituen top industria telebista ekoizpen profesionalen exekutibo talde bat osatzen dute, zuzeneko ekitaldi orkestazio, Borrokalari garapena / harremanak, Euskalduna Jauregian kontratazio, babesari / garapenerako, nazioarteko lizentzien, marketing, publizitatea, publizitatea eta batzorde harremanak. Warrior da Santa Monica oinarritutako, California eta entretenimendua erraldoi Viacom jabetzako, munduko ataria entertainment marka ikusleak konektatu telebista zehar eduki sinesgarria bidez hasiera, mugimenduaren irudi, plataformen online eta sakelako.

Spike buruz:

Spike dago eskuragarri 98.7 milioi etxe eta Viacom Media Sareak dibisio bat da. Viacom unitatea (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Sareak munduko programazio eta eduki sortzaile garrantzitsuenetako bat media plataforma guztietan dago. Spike en Internet helbide da www.spike.com eta up-to-the-minutuko eta artxiboko prentsa informazioa eta argazkiak, bisitatu Spike prentsa gunea http://www.spike.com/press. Jarraitu Twitter spiketvpr berriak hautsi azken egiteko, atzean-eszenak informazioa eta argazkiak.


SANTA MONICA (March 14, 2016) – Last week, top mixed martial art’s free agent Matt Mitrione (9-5) joined Ariel Helwani’s “MMA Hour” show and revealed that he had been fielding offers from multiple promotions, including a great bid he had received from Bellator MMA. In a very rare move, Helwani had Mitrione rejoin his popular talk show for a second straight week to announce that the paperwork has been finalized, making Mitrione the newest member of Bellator MMA’s heavyweight division.


“There comes a time in every athlete’s life, where the scenarios change and the landscape has eroded from what made you fall in love with it initially,” said Mitrione. “It has become that time for me. After a mutually beneficial free agency period, I’ve decided to move my career to Bellator. I’ve enjoyed almost every second of my career and unlike most that switch organizations due to being cut or no longer being able to perform at the sports highest levels, I am bringing a body and skillset that are only getting better and I cannot wait to test my abilities against the best Bellator has to offer.”


Lovingly referred to as “Meathead,” Mitrione is one of the few fighters to have started his professional career with the UFC without previously competing on the regional circuit. His 14-bout stint with that promotion began in 2009, where he faced formidable opponents the likes of: KIMBO Slice, Gabriel Gonzaga, Ben Rothwell, Derrick Lewis, Brendan Schaub, Roy Nelson, Shawn Jordan and Travis Brown amongst others.


Prior to competing in MMA, Mitrione earned a scholarship to play defensive tackle for the Purdue Boilermakers football team, not far from where he grew up in Springfield, Ill. Bidelan ondoren, he played in the NFL for the New York Giants, San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings until 2005.


At the conclusion of his professional football career, the Shotokan Karate Black Belt focused all of his attention on the sport of MMA. Mitrione spent time training with Duke Roufus and the highly-respected Roufusport team before landing with the famed Blackzilians camp in Boca Raton, FLA, where he trains today.


The extremely popular and well-spoken Mitrione has allowed the judges to determine the result of his fight only twice, aurka Joey Beltran eta Cheick Kongo, both of whom currently fight for Bellator MMA. His entertaining fighting style has earned him recognition with “Gaueko emanaldia” (bitan) eta “Gauaren Fight” sari.


Prior to his last fight with his former promotion, Mitrione was forced to participate in a media session barefoot, as his shoes didn’t adhere to the strict company uniform policy. He will have no such problems at Bellator, where he is free to secure his own sponsors and keep his feet warm with the footwear of his choosing.


Bellator has been bolstering their heavyweight division as of late, and Mitrione becomes the second heavyweight free agent the promotion has signed in as many months, bezala Sergei Kharitonov joined the fray in February. The division is currently championed by Vitaly Minakov, and includes other top names like Slice, Bobby Lashley, Cheick Kongo, Vinicius “Spartan,” Tony Johnson, Justin Txepetxa, Dan Charles eta Augusto Sakai.


SANTA MONICA, ESATERAKO. (March 11, 2016) – Broadcast details for Bellator’s groundbreaking, inaugurazio, international event have been finalized. "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” eta "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " will both emanate from the Pala Alpitour in Torino, Italy on April 16, but be broadcast separately.

"Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” airs on SPIKE Larunbata, April 16 at 10 p.m. ETA/PT, while the debut of "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " will be televised Ostirala, April 22 at 11:00 p.m. ETA/PT, immediately following the broadcast of "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " on SPIKE.

For more information on the card, you can view the most recent event press release by clicking here, edo bisita Bellator.com.


Bete "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” Fight Card:

Warrior MMA Lightweight Main Event: Patricky Freire (15-7) vs. Derek eremuak (16-6)

Warrior MMA Argia Heavyweight Co-gertaera nagusia: Alessio Sakara (17-11) vs. Brian Rogers (12-8)

Warrior MMA Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (3-0) vs. Danilo Belluardo (5-1)

Warrior MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (2-0) vs. Anjela Pink (Estreinaldia)

Warrior MMA Featherweight Feature Bout: Daniele Miceli (2-0) vs. Daniele Scatizzi (6-2)

Updated “Bellator Kickboxing: Torino” Fight Card:

Bellator Kickboxing Middleweight Main Event: Melvin Manhoef (49-12) vs. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)

Bellator Kickboxing 165-Pound Feature Bout: Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) vs. Karim Ghajji (95-12)

Bellator Kickboxing Welterweight Feature Bout: Raymond Daniels (10-3) vs. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight Feature Bout: Denise Kielholtz (43-2) vs. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Bantamweight Feature Bout: Kevin Ross (30-9) vs. TBA





SANTA MONICA, ESATERAKO. (March 9, 2016) – The mixed martial arts portion of Bellator MMA’s first event overseas has been finalized, batera Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (15-7) versus Derek eremuak (16-6) ekitaldi nagusian "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” at Pala Alpitour in Torino, Italy on April 16.

Era, Anastasia Yankova (2-0) will make her promotional debut against Anjela Pink in MMA flyweight action and Oktagon competitors Daniele Miceli (2-0) eta Daniele Scatizzi (6-2) will round out the MMA card with a featherweight showdown.

"Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” will also include the promotional debut of Italian fan-favorite Alessio Sakara (17-11), nor aurpegiak Brian Rogers (12-8) in a light heavyweight matchup and one of MMA’s most promising young prospects, A.J. McKee (3-0), Borrokak Danilo Belluardo (5-1) at 145-pounds.

Broadcast information for "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” and the debut of "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " will be available shortly.

Fresh off an emphatic knockout of Ryan Couture at "Bellator 148: Daley vs. Uhrich” to kickoff 2016, “Pitbull” will look to extend his current winning streak when he takes on a streaking Derek Campos. Also known as the “The Stallion,” Campos is riding a wave of momentum into Italy, as he is returning to action following a finish of Melvin Guillard during main card action at the rating’s-shattering "Bellator 149: Shamrock vs. Gracie " Ekitaldia. With 15 TKO/KO’s between them, expect these two lightweights to trade leather in the center of the cage on April 16garren.

It’s easy to classify Yankova as “just another pretty face,” but the 24-year-old Russian Muay Thai Champion has the fighting skills to more than match her good looks. Undefeated thus far in her budding MMA career, the Moscow native will face Pink in her Bellator debut. Azken batean, both women will look to make a statement as the Scott Coker-led promotion continues to build its women’s flyweight division.

In addition to five mixed martial arts contests, The Pala Alpitour, which hosted several amazing events during the 2016 Winter Olympic Games, will be the home of the inaugural "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " Epaileak txartel, which will be headlined by one of the most accomplished knockout artists in combat sports, Melvin Manhoef (49-12), Nork hartzen Alexandru Negrea (8-2). “No Mercy” is also scheduled to return to MMA when he challenges for the middleweight title against Rafael Carvalho at "Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef"On Maiatza 20.

Raymond Daniels (10-3), Denise Kieholtz (43-2) eta Kevin Ross (30-9) will also be competing at the groundbreaking "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino "gertaera April 16 against yet to be announced opponents.

Bete "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos” Fight Card:

Warrior MMA Lightweight Main Event: Patricky Freire (15-7) vs. Derek eremuak (16-6)

Warrior MMA Argia Heavyweight Co-gertaera nagusia: Alessio Sakara (17-11) vs. Brian Rogers (12-8)

Warrior MMA Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (3-0) vs. Danilo Belluardo (5-1)

Warrior MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (2-0) vs. Anjela Pink (Estreinaldia)

Warrior MMA Featherweight Feature Bout: Daniele Miceli (2-0) vs. Daniele Scatizzi (6-2)

Updated “Bellator Kickboxing: Torino” Fight Card:

Bellator Kickboxing Middleweight Main Event: Melvin Manhoef (49-12) vs. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)

Bellator Kickboxing 165-Pound Feature Bout: Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) vs. Karim Ghajji (95-12)

Bellator Kickboxing Welterweight Feature Bout: Raymond Daniels (10-3) vs. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight Feature Bout: Denise Kieholtz (43-2) vs. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Bantamweight Feature Bout: Kevin Ross (30-9) vs. TBA