Категорија Архива: Bellator



LOS ANGELES – Fans can now take Bellator with them wherever they go with the launch of a next generation mobile app that makes keeping up with all things Bellator as simple as the touch of a button on your smartphone or tablet.


With a sleek new design that provides an engaging user experience through the convenience of persistent navigation, the brand-new Bellator global app is tailored to be fan-focused and content-driven.


За прв пат, Bellator fans can now watch LIVE main card fights within the app, through television provider authentication, allowing them to keep up with the action as it happens. Дополнително, Bellator MMA’s preliminary cards will be available worldwide and will stream LIVE, without geo-restrictions, within the global app.


Fully integrated with Apple AirPlay, users can also wirelessly stream all of the content available in the global app, including LIVE preliminary action, LIVE main card action (through television provider authentication) and Bellator’s exclusive digital content, directly to their televisions at home.


The next-gen mobile app also features the rich history of Bellator MMA and its athletes. With detailed fighter bios and stats, as well as the most up-to-date information on Bellator MMA’s upcoming events, the app is editorialized daily and delivered straight to fans looking to stay in the know.


Seamless integration allows fans to also easily purchase tickets to upcoming events and visit BellatorShop.com without ever needing to leave the app interface.


Now available for download in the App Store and Google Play. Android 4.2 and higher, as well as iOS 9.0 and higher, required for download.


Ве молиме посетете ја Bellator.com information.

Bellator 185: Mousasi vs. Shlemenko Official Results & Фото-Галерија

Gegard Mousasi (43-6-2) поразен Александар Shlemenko (56-10, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)


Фото-Галерија: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iaobj6dqfk4jq1y/AADPZmjhtmreJ-7mNCkqEKvua?dl=0


Ниман Gracie (7-0) поразен Zak Bucia (18-9) преку поднесување (neck crank) на 2:27 на вториот круг

Фото-Галерија: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kvl101uwhi2zi3p/AABH7yRjFJHzNnRgDcEeGI23a?dl=0

Kristina Williams (1-0) поразен Хедер Харди (1-1) преку TKO (прекин лекар) на 2:00 на вториот круг

Фото-Галерија: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/09r32tj0p0lfrlh/AAA2wiI3m1-pTHGaePuJeR5Ta?dl=0

Рајан Квин (14-7) поразен Маркус Сурин (4-1) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)


Фото-Галерија: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uzsfhmp09sbgh7r/AADZyyNKyuqDKiWfZW1F1MkAa?dl=0

Lisa Blaine (2-0) поразен Ana Julaton (2-3) преку Сплит одлука (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)


Фото-Галерија: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/meae709iunpv7rt/AAAvcWOCHh0R5N0K9UT8o-Jna?dl=0

Прелиминарна картичка Резултати:

John Lopez (6-4) поразен Били Giovanella (9-5) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 30-27, 30-26)

Kevin Carrier (1-0) поразен Jose Antonio Perez (0-1) (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Vovka Clay (4-2) поразен Frank Sforza (6-1) преку поднесување (гилотина) на 1:17 на вториот круг

Don Shainis (4-1) поразен Matthew Denning (5-7) преку TKO (штрајкови) на 4:50 на првиот круг

Jordan Young (7-0) поразен Алек Hooben (5-4) преку поднесување (триаголник задави) на 2:44 на првиот круг

Costello van Steenis (9-1) поразен Steve Skrzat (8-10) преку поднесување (штрајкови) на 2:52 на првиот круг

Joaquin Buckley (8-1) поразен Vinicius de Jesus (5-2) преку Сплит одлука (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Пит Роџерс (3-4) поразен Timothy Wheeler (1-5) преку поднесување (гилотина) на :37 на првиот круг

Дин Хенкок (3-1) поразен John Beneduce (2-2) преку TKO (штрајкови) на 3:38 на првиот круг



ШТО: Ограничено издание на Ренди Котур Боблхед Подарок и запознајте се & Поздравете


Bellator MMA ќе подарува бесплатно ограничено издание на Randy Couture боб-глава Петок, Ноември. 3 до првиот 5,000 навивачи на присуство во центарот Брис Jordanордан во кампусот на Државниот универзитет Пен за Bellator 186: Полошо vs.. Vassell. Подарокот за боб-глава е ограничен на еден по лице и ќе им биде достапен на сопствениците на продавници само по влегувањето во арената.


Дополнително, Latorубителите на Bellator MMA се поканети да присуствуваат на единствена можност да се сретнат со MMA и одлично борење пред тоа Bellator 186: Полошо vs.. Vassell. Средбата и поздравувањето ќе се одржат на самото место на центарот Брис Јордан на Петок, Ноември. 3, од 6:30-8:30 вечер. И. Просторот е ограничен и навивачите се охрабруваат да пристигнат рано за да го резервираат своето место во редот.


***Подароци и средби и поздрави на Боблхед се исклучиво за Bellator 186 држачи за тикет ***

***Bobbleheads дистрибуирани на местата каде што се влегува, само додека резервите траат на секој влез ***

КАДЕ: Центар Брис Jordanордан

127 Центар Брис Jordanордан

Универзитетски парк, Pa. 16802


КОГА: Запознајте се & Поздравете

Петок, Ноември 3 од 6:30-8:30 вечер. И


СЗО: Ренди Couture


Ренди Couture (19-11)

Ренди „Природната“ мода остави свој белег во спортот на борење, а подоцна и во ММА, каде што беше повеќекратен светски шампион и во тешка и во тешка категорија. Во текот на неговата 14-годишна кариера, Составена мода 19 победи, додека исто така се натпреваруваше во 15 титула се бори. Пред професионалната кариера во мешани боречки вештини, пензионираниот наредник на армијата на Соединетите држави имал влијание врз средношколската и колегиумската заедница за борење заработувајќи државен шампионат додека одел во средното училиште Линвуд во државата Вашингтон и историска колегиерска кариера што го видел да стане трикратен НЦАА ДИ-Американец во Оклахома Државен универзитет. Couture служи и како тренер за неговиот син, Рајан Couture, кој во моментов се натпреварува во дисциплината полутешка категорија на Bellator MMA.


БОРБА ИНФО: Bellator 186: Полошо vs.. Vassell ќе се емитува ВО ИВО и БЕСПЛАТНО на Спајк, Петок, Ноември. 3 на 9 вечер. И/8 вечер. КТ, додека прелиминарната акција ќе се пренесува на Bellator.com и апликацијата Bellator Mobile. Билетите за настанот се на продажба сега и може да се купат Bellator.com, како и билетарата на Центарот Брис Jordanордан и Тикетмастер.


Заврши Bellator 186: Полошо vs.. Vassell Карта за борба:

Светски меч за титули во лесна категорија во тешка категорија: Рајан Бадер (23-5) наспроти. Линтон Vassell (18-5, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави)

Светски меч за титула во мува категорија за жени: Ilima-Леи Macfarlane (6-0) наспроти. Емили Дукот (6-2)

Лесен меч во тешка категорија: Фил Дејвис (17-4, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) наспроти. Лав Лејт (10-0)

Функција за средна категорија: И Рут (3-0) наспроти. Крис Демпси (11-5)

Лесен меч за одлики: Вие Авад (20-9) наспроти. Зак Фримен (9-2)


Прелиминарните картички:

Прелиминарен меч во тешка категорија: Логан Сторли (6-0) наспроти. Мет Secor (9-4)

Прелиминарен меч во перо категорија: Тајван Клакстон (Про дебитантски) наспроти. Они Бонила-Боуман (1-0)

Прелиминарен меч во Бантам категорија: Доминик Мацота (12-2) наспроти. Мет Лозано (8-5)

160 lb. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Брет Мартинез (6-4) наспроти. Мајк Вилкинс (7-4)

Прелиминарен меч во перо категорија: Франк Буенафуенте (7-4) наспроти. Франсис Хили (7-4)

Прелиминарен меч во перо категорија: Мајкл Тризано (4-0) наспроти. Мајк Отвел (3-1)

150 lb. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Скот Климер (Про дебитантски) наспроти. Мајк Путнам (1-1)

Прелиминарен меч во перо категорија: Ендру Салас (3-1) наспроти. Итан Гос (3-3)

Прелиминарен меч во средна категорија: Oshош Фремд (1-0) наспроти. Мајк Диорио (1-0)





ЛОС АНЏЕЛЕС – Bellator MMA is set for its return to Dublin, Ирска, as undefeated sensation A.J. Меки (9-0) will look to play the role of spoiler against Brian Moore (10-5), a teammate of James Gallagher at Dublin’s SBG, in the featherweight main event of Bellator 187: McKee vs. Мур at 3Arena on Ноември. 10.


In addition to the new main event, Ирска Sinead Kavanagh (4-2) ќе се борат Maria Casanova (2-4-1) in a women’s featherweight main card bout, а Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson Jr. (1-1) will compete against Fred Freeman (1-0) во 165 pound-catchweight contest.


James Gallagher was initially slated to headline against Еремија Монаган, but was forced to withdraw from the card after suffering an injury during training, leaving room for his divisional rival to headline an event in hostile territory. Moore’s previously scheduled opponent, Andre Goncalves (3-1), will now face Northern Ireland’s Decky Dalton (7-3) во Bellator 187 featherweight matchup.


Bellator 187: McKee vs. Мур will be broadcast free on SPIKE at 9 вечер. И/ 8 вечер. КТ. Tickets for the event are on sale now and currently available at Ticketmaster.ie.


Labiano will now move to Bellator 188: Pitbull наспроти. Weichel 2 one week later in Tel Aviv, where he is set to take on Israel-born Ноад Лахат (11-3) in a main card featherweight bout. Bellator 188 takes place inside Menora Mivtachim Arena and airs on SPIKE at 9 вечер. И/ 8 вечер. КТ на Ноември. 17.


The son of respected MMA veteran Antonio McKee, A.J. Меки spent his entire childhood in the gym soaking up every bit of knowledge and experience available to him. The 22-year-old prodigy has applied that knowledge inside the Bellator cage and has made quite a statement in his first nine fights as an MMA professional, racking up seven finishes in nine outings. The Long Beach, Calif.-native now heads to Ireland, a country that is all too familiar with “Mercenary” due to his feud with Gallagher.


Known around “The Emerald Isle” as “Pikeman,” Brian Moore will be making his third appearance in the Bellator cage and his first main event. Having previously competed against top-rated competition the likes of Даниел Weichel and Mike Wilkinson, the 30-year-old SBG Ireland standout most recently stopped Michal Horejsi via punches at Bellator 177 this past April. Moore grew up 90 minutes from 3Arena and will undoubtedly have home field advantage against McKee on Ноември. 10.


Fresh off his first-round TKO finish of D.J. Griffin, на Bellator 179 во Лондон, the son of the legendary Kimbo Slice will return to Europe in search of his second victory as professional. Also training under the tutelage of Antonio McKee at Team Bodyshop in Long Beach, Калифорнија., Slice is one of the main sparring partners for A.J. Меки, Арон Пико и Joey Davis. Fighting out of St. Луис, Fred Freeman made his professional debut in March, finishing his opponent with punches in the second round of their regional matchup. Before turning pro, Freeman laced up the gloves nine times as an amateur.


Set for her fourth Bellator appearance, Sinead Kavanagh returns to the site of her promotional debut, a venue that saw her defeat Elina Kallionidou with a decisive victory at Bellator 169. A three-time veteran of BAMMA, “KO” most recently took on Арлен Blencowe, who now fights Јулија Искористете for the women’s featherweight title. A native of France, Maria Casanova has competed professionally since 2015. With two submission victories on her resume, the KTP Scola-product will look to hand Kavanagh the first submission loss of her career.


Заврши Bellator 187: McKee vs. Мур Карта за борба:

Featherweight Main Event: A.J. Меки (9-0) наспроти. Brian Moore (10-5)

Women’s Featherweight Main Card Bout: Sinead Kavanagh (4-2) наспроти. Maria Casanova (2-4-1)

165 lb. Меч на главната картичка во тешка категорија: Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson Jr. (1-1) наспроти. Fred Freeman (1-0)

Пет категорија во главната карта: Charlie Ward (3-3) наспроти. John Redmond (7-12)


Прелиминарните картички:

Прелиминарен меч во перо категорија: Decky Dalton (7-3) наспроти. Andre Goncalves (3-1)





Darrion Колдвел (11-1) поразен Eduardo Dantas (20-4) преку едногласна одлука (48-47, 48-47, 50-45)


Quote from Darrion Caldwell: "I have been waiting for this moment for my whole life. Darrion Caldwell is the Bellator bantamweight champion, that has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? I want to be an active champion, I want to bring some prestige to this belt. You’ll be hearing from me very soon.”


Емануел Санчез (16-3) поразен Даниел Штраус (24-8, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) преку поднесување (триаголник задави) на 1:56 на три тркалезни


Quote from Emmanuel Sanchez: “Since I signed with Bellator I’ve always taken on everyone Scott Coker has put in front of me. Nothing is changing now, so tell me, who’s next? It doesn’t matter what weight class, or who it is, I’ll fight anyone.”

Пет Curran
(23-7) поразен John “Macapa” (21-3-2) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 30-27, 30-26)


Quote from Pat Curran: “It felt so great to get back inside the Bellator cage. This was the calmest, most composed I’ve ever felt while competing. Сега, one job is done and I can focus on my other. But let me make one thing clear, I want that belt.”


Leandro Higo (18-3) поразен Joe Taimanglo (23-8) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)


Quote from Leandro Higo: "Tonight was my first step towards getting back to where I belong. During my debut, I was filling in on short notice and unfortunately missed weight. За оваа борба, I made sure to come in at 135-pounds to show my commitment to becoming a world champion. It doesn’t matter who wins tonight’s main event, the bantamweight belt will be mine.”


Manny Muro (9-3) поразен Emmanuel Rivera (6-2) преку едногласна одлука (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Шон Холден (6-2) поразен Shakir McKillup (7-6) преку TKO (тупаници) на 4:39 на вториот круг

Carrington Banks (7-0) поразен Стив Козола (8-1) преку едногласна одлука (30-27, 30-25, 30-25)

Chance Rencountre (11-2) поразен Џастин Патерсон (9-4) преку поднесување (D’Arce choke) на 2:58 на првиот круг

Teagan Dooley (6-2) поразен DeMarcus Simmons (1-1) преку поднесување (Американа) на 2:12 на вториот круг

Westin Wilson (5-2) поразен L.J. Hermreck (3-3) преку поднесување (задните гол задави) на :55 на вториот круг

Kendall Carnahan (6-1) поразен Daniel Carey (3-2) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Ernest James (1-0) поразен Ray Jones (0-1) преку TKO (тупаници) 2:53 на првиот круг




ЛОС АНЏЕЛЕС – The Bellator women’s featherweight championship will be up for grabs on Петок, Декември. 1 кога Јулија Бад (10-2) defends her title in a rematch against Арлен Blencowe (10-6) на Bellator 189 inside WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, Okla., the same venue where Budd captured the inaugural belt earlier this year.


Во прилог, the co-main event of Bellator 189: Бад наспроти. Blencowe 2 will feature a middleweight contest pitting rising contender Крис Honeycutt (10-1) против непоразен Рафаел Ловато помладиот. (6-0). Additional main card and preliminary bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.


Настанот ќе се емитува во живо и бесплатно на SPIKE на 9 вечер. И/8 вечер. КТ, додека прелиминарната акција ќе се пренесува на Bellator.com и апликацијата Bellator Mobile. Билети за Bellator 189: Бад наспроти. Blencowe 2 are on sale now and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino and Resort box office, as well as Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.


A STRIKEFORCE veteran, Budd enters the Bellator cage on Декември. 1 as the first and only women’s featherweight champion in promotional history. Currently in the midst of an eight-fight, six-year winning streak, the British Columbia native owns victories over the course of her career against Marloes Coenen, Germaine de Randamie, as well as Gina Carano in kickboxing. Budd has also previously competed at bantamweight, going toe-to-toe with both Amanda Nunes and Ronda Rousey during her tenure in STRIKEFORCE. Continuing the trend of taking on top-flight competition, Budd meets Blencowe at Bellator 189, in her second main event with Bellator.


The fighting pride of New South Wales, Австралија, Arlene Blencowe enters her fight with Budd riding a three-fight winning streak, most recently edging out a split decision against Sinead Kavanagh во август. A former world champion boxer under the World Boxing Federation and Women’s International Boxing Association, “Angerfist” nearly defeated Budd during their previous meeting at Bellator 162. A proud mother of two, the 34-year-old now has a chance to add more gold to her mantle, this time coming in the form of a Bellator MMA championship.


Since making the jump from welterweight to middleweight, the Fresno, Calif.-based Chris Honeycutt feels as though he is right at home in his newfound division. Riding a wave of momentum, which most recently culminated in a vicious stoppage against Кевин Кејси, “The Cutt” must now get through BJJ ace Rafael Lovato Jr. The undefeated Lovato Jr. has experienced his own wave of success since signing with Bellator, including a submission victory over Mike “Biggie” Rhodes. These two middleweights will meet in the co-main event of Bellator 189: Бад наспроти. Blencowe 2 in an exciting battle between a two-time NCAA Division I Wrestling All-American at Edinboro University taking on a World Jiu-Jitsu and World No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu champion.


Ажурирано Bellator 189: Бад наспроти. Blencowe 2 Карта за борба:

Women’s Featherweight World Title Main Event: Јулија Бад (10-2) наспроти. Арлен Blencowe (10-6)

Middleweight Co-Main Event: Крис Honeycutt (10-1) наспроти. Рафаел Ловато помладиот. (6-0)



Исто така,, Appearances by Former Bellator Champ and Monster Energy Athlete Michael Chandler and Heavyweight Fan-Favorite Roy Nelson

ЛОС АНЏЕЛЕС - На Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series heads to the legendary Talladega Superspeedway in Talladega, Ала. for its third event on Петок, Октомври. 13. За прв пат, fighters will step into the cage after the sun has set on Friday evening, kicking off an exciting weekend for fans that culminates with the fifth race of the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Playoffs во неделата.


Ahead of the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Alabama 500 во неделата, Октомври. 15, the Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series will feature MMA action во петокот evening beginning at 8:30 вечер. КТ at the Monster Energy Fan Zone in the Talladega Infield, immediately following the track’s “Big One on the Blvd” parade and party. Talladega Infield access is required for admission.


Дополнително, на Петок, Октомври 13 од 3-4 вечер. КТ, fans will have the opportunity to meet former Bellator lightweight champion and Monster Energy athlete "Железо" Мајкл Чендлер, as well as heavyweight fan-favorite Roy “Big Country” Nelson, at the Monster Energy Fan Zone in the Talladega Fan Zone, directly outside admission gates behind the north end of the frontstretch grandstands.


“The Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series has been a great way for us to share MMA, as well as the Bellator brand, with an entirely new fan base this year,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “With the support of Monster Energy, we’ve already seen the crossover appeal these events offer. I’m excited to head to one of the most iconic tracks in motorsports with Hans Molenkamp, Aaron Quesada, Austin Hodges and the entire Monster Energy team to bring Bellator MMA action to the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Playoffs at Talladega.


Through Bellator MMA, alongside longstanding partner Monster Energy, mixed martial arts will be included as a pre-race activation exclusively for fans in attendance. The lineup во петокот will consist of four MMA bouts featuring some of the best regional up-and-coming talent, with the main event prospects in consideration to be signed to a multi-fight Bellator MMA contract.


The Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Alabama 500 at Talladega takes place Недела, Октомври 15 на 1 вечер. КТ. Tickets to the race are available at ‪NASCAR.com/tickets, TalladegaSuperspeedway.com/tickets or by calling Talladega Superspeedway at 1-855-518-RACE (7223).


Ажурирано Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series at Talladega Superspeedway Fight Card:

Лесен главен настан: Omar Johnson (8-1, Бирмингем, Ала.) наспроти. Jonathan Pearce (5-3, Johnson City, Десет.)

Тешкаш Бу: Frank Tate (4-4, Бирмингем, Ала.) наспроти. Kem Oti (2-1, Decatur, Ала.)

Средна Бу: Марсел Поштенски марки (1-0, Бирмингем, Ала.) наспроти. Derek Wilson (Про дебитантски, Атланта, Ga.)

Heavyweight Amateur Bout: Christian Echols (2-0, Cullman, Ала.) наспроти. Billy Swanson (7-1, Кливленд, Десет.)


Please visit Bellator.com for details.

*Event schedule subject to change.




ЛОС АНЏЕЛЕС – One year removed from its previous event at the world-famous Forum, Bellator returns to Los Angeles to kick off its 2018 schedule with a championship bout on Saturday, Јануари 20.

The main event features two of the best 170-pounders in the world, as champ Даглас Лима (29-6) defends his Bellator welterweight world title against Рори МекДоналд (19-4) in a thrilling five-round matchup.

A special Bellator Nation presale takes place Среда, Седум. 27 and Thursday, Седум. 28, while tickets go on sale to the general public starting Петок, Седум. 29 на 10 изутрина. Португалија and can be purchased at the Forum box office, како и Ticketmaster.com. The event will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network (formerly named Spike TV) на 9 вечер. И/8 вечер. КТ, додека прелиминарната акција ќе се пренесува на Bellator.com и апликацијата Bellator Mobile. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.

Fighting out of Atlanta, Ga., Douglas “The Phenom” Lima has been ruling the roost at 170-pounds in Bellator for the better part of three years. With wins against the likes of Lorenz Larkin, Андреј Koreshkov, Пол Дејли and Ben Saunders, the 29-year-old has quietly placed himself among division’s elite. A winner of 17 од неговите последни 19 натпревари, the American Top Team product remains set on showing the world how dominant he is.


Over the last several years, “The Red King” Rory MacDonald has become the most popular Canadian mixed martial artist due to his classic stand-up wars and wins over some of MMA’s best in Nate Diaz, Tyron Woodley, B.J. Penn and Demian Maia. A training partner of Georges St-Pierre at the world-renowned TriStar Gym in Montreal, the 28-year-old joined Bellator’s welterweight fray in 2016 and immediately made an impact by submittingПол Дејли на Bellator 179 во вториот круг.


Updated Bellator Card:

Welterweight World Title Main Event: Даглас Лима (29-6) наспроти. Рори МекДоналд (19-4)




About Bellator:

Bellator is a leading mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Под раководство на ветеран борбата промотор Скот Coker, Bellator е достапен за речиси 1 billion people worldwide in over 160 земји. Во Соединетите Американски Држави, Bellator can be seen on SPIKE, the combat sports television leader. Bellator is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, живеат настан оркестрација, борец развој / односи, место набавки, спонзорство креирање / развој, меѓународни дозволи, маркетинг, рекламирање, Комисијата за односи со јавност и. Bellator is based in Hollywood, Калифорнија. and owned by entertainment giant Viacom, дом на светски премиерот забава брендови кои се поврзете со публиката преку релевантни содржини преку телевизија, филм, интернет и мобилни платформи.

За Спајк:

Спајк  is available in 98.7 million  homes and is a division of Viacom Media Networks. Една единица на Viacom (Посети: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks is one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. Spike’s Internet address is  www.spike.com and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, visit Spike’s press site at  http://www.spike.com/press.  Follow us on Twitter  spiketvpr  for the latest in breaking news updates, зад сцената информации и фотографии.


Bellator 183 Results and Photos

ПАТРИК “Pitbull” defeated Benson Henderson via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
I want the champion. I want Brent Primus. Tonight I took down another former champion and I want my shot at that belt,” Patricky Freire said. “He keeps running from me but now it’s time. I want that belt and after tonight I earned my shot at it. Benson Henderson is a good, тешка борец, but I’ve got my mind on the division title now. You can’t keep running Primus.
Paul Daley defeated Lorenz Larkin via knockout at 2:40 на вториот круг
The fight went as planned. I felt great and I knew how this would end,” Paul Daley said. “Lorenz Larkin was acting very uncharacteristically leading up to the fight and when I saw all of his antics and what not, I knew the fight would only end one way and that’s with him flat on the canvas.
Roy Nelson defeated Javy Ayala via unanimous decision (30-26, 29-28, 29-28)
The goal was just to go out there, get the win, and work my game a little bit. It felt good to throw some bombs for these fans in San Jose. I had to give Bellator some footage to use, especially since the UFC doesn’t license anything out,” Roy Nelson said. “It was a tough fight and Javy’s a talented fighter. Навистина, any heavyweight has power and if you connect the other person is definitely going to get knocked out and that is exactly what these fans come to see.
Overall I was pretty happy with my performance. I thought I was doing a good job with my stand up against him, but he’s really tough,” Javy Ayala said. “I just wasn’t able to stop the takedowns and his top control was at the elite level. But again I’m pretty pleased with my performance and I’m already looking forward to getting back into that cage for Bellator.
Aaron Pico defeated Justin Linn via knockout at 3:45 на првиот круг
Aaron Pico Quote: “Прво на сите, hats off to Justin [Linn]. He’s a great competitor and I knew it was going to be a tough fight. It feels good fighting at 145-pounds. This is my natural weight and it felt great. I’m going to have to watch the replay of this fight because I’m not even sure how I hit him, it was just very instinctual. I always knew that I had very powerful hands and I’m not being cocky, I’m just confident because I spar with some of the best boxers in the world over at Team Bodyshop in Long Beach. The key to this fight was just relaxing because I knew that as long as I was relaxed in there, my skillset was going to show.
Goiti Yamauchi defeated Adam Piccolotti via submission (задните гол задави) на 3:19 на првиот круг
Quote from Goiti Yamauchi: “I’m ready to sign the contract for my next fight right now,” Yamauchi said. “I feel that I’m one fight away from a title shot, after another win like the one tonight, I don’t think there’s any way that Bellator can deny that I’m the number one contender.

FNU Борбен спортови Прикажи: Canelo/GGG controversy, Featured Guest Eddie Barraco

This episode of the FNU Combat Sports Show features special guest Eddie Barraco. Eddie was a fighter who last connected with us when MySpace was still cool (проверете Eddie’s Facebook page Here), and it’s been too long. We cover a wide range of issues and catch up on what he’s been up to as a first class MMA trainer in Las Vegas. Том, Tony and Rich also discuss the abhorrent judging of Adelaide Byrd, who scored the Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin fight 118-110 in favor of Canelo, who by most accounts lost a close fight at best. Additionally we touch on Ana Julaton’s transition from boxing to MMA, Conor McGregor’s upcoming appearance before congress, and former heavyweight champion boxer Michael Moorer’s new job punching out looters in Florida.


Part One and Show Close:


Eddie’s Interview: