Категорія Архіви: Bellator




Повна Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Fight Card Results:

Michael McDonald (18-4) переможений Peter Ligier (8-2-1) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Фото: HTTPS://www.dropbox.com/sh/8acndyoa13mtgs7/AABOlDgJCtycBa-bPH8L1e8Qa?DL = 0


McDonald Quote: “I was happy with the performance. He ate some heavy punches. I hit him hard enough to break my right hand again, so he’s very durable and I expected that from him. I’ve seen him get put down and keep coming. He was very impressive, I’m honored to have fought him and he really stepped up to the occasion. I think that I have some pretty high accolades for a bantamweight, but I really have no idea how that stacks up to the other guys in my division. We will let this hand heal up and find out soon.”


Valerie Letourneau (9-6) переможений Кейт Джексон (9-3-1) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Фото: HTTPS://www.dropbox.com/sh/xv8mhtcx9eku5p9/AAB94OCwYqOCIUbHyTcU3chUa?DL = 0


Letourneau Quote: “I never feel like I’m doing enough. That’s the first thing I ask my coach: ‘Was it a good fight?’ I think experience has taught me to be patient in the fight and to fight smart. You always want to put on a show, but sometimes it can cost you the fight. У мій останній бій, I didn’t do enough because I was too careful. I wanted to bring all that experience together and make the best of it.”


“This was a very important fight for me. Я 34, my daughter’s a teenager now. I’ve sacrificed a lot of things for my career. But I want this Bellator belt so bad. It was really hard for me to watch Ilima Macfarlane and Emily Ducote fight for it first. I have so much respect for both of them, but I wanted to be the first one to fight for the title. На жаль, that didn’t happen but to me that’s the only thing I have on my mind right now. Ilima knows I want to fight her and she had a really good performance in her last fight. When it happens, I think it’s going to be a really good matchup. It’s going to be an exciting fight.”

Mohammad Yahya (4-1) переможений Ash Griffiths (4-5) через TKO за адресою 3:26 першого раунду


Фото: HTTPS://www.dropbox.com/sh/62fh9s38lo1de3x/AAAF5NCgKybT6v1HG9qYJOaHa?DL = 0


Yahya Quote: “This is what we trained for and we executed exactly as we planned. I was very confident in the opening round. I said that I was going to win in the first round by TKO and I did just that. It’s confidence, but this is also a product of hard work. I was training very hard for this and I executed. I knew that I had the best team in the world and we’re on to the next one now.”


Philip De Fries (14-6, 1 Північна Кароліна) Def. Джеймс Томпсон (20-17, 1 Північна Кароліна) за допомогою представлення (гільйотина) на 1:33 першого раунду


Фото: HTTPS://www.dropbox.com/sh/efcurjmp6k10j2q/AADd556tK8j6Lg-T7Te54Z_ma?DL = 0


De Fries Quote: "Я прекрасно себе почуваю, the less damage the better. I’m not getting any prettier. Hats off to James, he’s a legend. It’s a shame it was over so quick, it could have been a barn burner. But I’m happy. I want to climb the ladder here in Bellator. If there is an opening in this tournament, I’ll gladly step in. I feel great at the moment. Fighting is 90 percent mental and the first half of my career, I didn’t have the head for it. But now I’m putting everything together, I feel great and I’m performing. Я готовий, Я буду битися з будь-яким.


Jeremy Petley (12-8) Def. Lewis Monarch (9-3) за очками (29-28 x2, 27-30)


Фото: HTTPS://www.dropbox.com/sh/q1gw2zn80ujf2ps/AABweE-l4KMFb00-hvR7CExDa?DL = 0


Petley Quote: “I was prepared to do the job and really demonstrate my skills. He put up a tough fight and made me work for it. I was prepared for a war, and that’s what he gave me so I had to dig deep. Lewis was a good opponent but I knew no matter what the situation or adversity, that I have a big heart, I have work ethic, a good skillset and a good corner behind me. I knew that no matter what happened, I would come out with the victory.”


“This is a fraction of my potential. Я хочу великих боїв, I want the Bellator title. I want to move up, I want to move forward and fight late in the night. I have what it takes, so I’ll take anybody. This was not the most convincing win, but no matter who I face, I can win. I don’t care who it is up against me, I can always find a way. I find a way to win. That’s what I do.”

FNU Спортивні єдиноборства Показати: Звільнювачі ніколи не перемагають

Ця трансляція FNU Combat Sports Show починається з однієї з найбільш суперечливих історій тижня. Багато спортивних експертів швидко висміюють Гільєрмо Рігондо за ухилення від його боксерського поєдинку з Василем Ломаченком минулої суботи. ESPN, Стівен А.. Сміт не втрачав часу під час трансляції, вторгнення в кубинського боксера за відмову вийти на сьомий раунд одностороннього бою. Тедді Атлас, вигнаний з обов'язку звітувати за ринком завдяки своїм відвертим поглядам на корупцію у боксі та його абразивному ставленню до менш досвідчених коментаторів, вийшов на захист Ріго. Атлас сперечався зі Смітом із власної домашньої студії, в основному пояснюючи, що кожен - людина. Том, Тоні та Річ пропонують свої власні думки щодо ситуації та свої думки щодо “бій.”

Ми також відстежуємо останні новини з бойових видів спорту, підсумуйте події минулого тижня та попередньо перегляньте змагальні події UFC та Bellator цієї суботи. Ми навіть торкаємося декількох сюжетних рядків, за участю Флойда Мейвезера-молодшого. які обходяться в спортивних ЗМІ цього тижня. “Гроші” стверджує, що може заробити до мільярда доларів, якщо піде в UFC на три-чотири поєдинки. Добре, Щасти, Флойд. Я чую, що CM Punk хоче ще одного поєдинку.

Послухайте трансляцію з двох частин нижче.


Частина 1:


Частина 2:






NEWCASTLE, Англія – Only one main event competitor is sure to be smiling after their matchup завтра night when Michael McDonald(17-4) makes his Bellator debut against Peter Ligier (8-1-1) in the headlining bout of Bellator 191.

Another high-profile free agent signing in Valerie Letourneau (8-6) is also set to make her long-awaited promotional debut, бойову стійку проти Кейт Джексон (9-2-1) in the co-main event at Newcastle, England’s Metro Radio Arena.


Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier will be broadcast free on SPIKE П'ятниця, Грудня. 15 на 9 p.m. І/ 8 p.m. Коннектикут. The event marks the last time Bellator will air on SPIKE before the network rebrands itself as Paramount Network in January.


Tickets for the event can be purchased from Ticketmaster.co.uk & event.co.uk


Повна Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Картка боротьби:

138 Pound Catchweight Main Event: Michael McDonald (137.6 кг.) проти. Peter Ligier (135.8 кг.) Фото

Women’s Flyweight Co-Main Event: Valerie Letourneau (125.8 кг.) проти. Кейт Джексон (125.5 кг.) Фото

Супер важка вага: Джеймс Томпсон (266 кг.) проти. Phil De Fries (261 кг.) Фото

Поєдинок у напівважкій вазі: Mohammad Yahya (163 кг.) проти. Ash Griffiths (170.5 кг.) Фото

Попередній поєдинок у напівважкій вазі: Jeremy Petley (146.4 кг.) проти. Lewis Monarch (146 кг.) Фото





FLORENCE, Італія – A sold out crowd was on hand for Bellator’s return to the Nelson Mandela Forum in Florence, Italy to cheer on their national hero, Алессіо Sakara, in his bid for the middleweight title at Bellator 190. Однак, reigning champion Rafael Carvalho emerged victorious in his third defense of the belt with yet another exciting performance. З перемогою, Carvalho is now tied with Alexander Shlemenko for most title defenses in promotional history.


Додатково, Bellator has announced plans for a summer return to Italy in the country’s capital city of Rome on Липня 7 with an event that will air on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network. The date marks the company’s first trip to Rome, after hosting multiple events in both Torino and Florence.


“After the success of our events in Torino and Florence, Italy over the last two years, we knew that it was time to do a show in Rome, a city rooted deep in combat sports history,”- сказав президент Bellator Скотт Кокер. “The Italian fans have shown their passion for the sport and we look forward to bringing a huge card to Rome next year on Липня 7."


Additional details about the card, including matchups, ticket and broadcast details will be announced shortly.


Bellator 190: Карвалью проти. Sakara Результати:

Рафаель Карвалью (15-1) переможений Алессіо Sakara (19-12, 2 Північна Кароліна) via KO at 0:44 першого раунду


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1mimwbtlv7zjc8q/AAATYi5x1XR6AT9CWR9XW1aNa?dl=0

Quote: “I trained really hard for this fight. I made many sacrifices to get here and get ready for a tough fight with [Alessio] Sakara. With my preparation, I was able to get a good result quickly and I’m happy about that. I hurt my hand a little bit in the final sequence, maybe I punched the mat, but I hope to get back in the cage as soon as possible to continue defending my belt.”


Брендон Girtz (15-7) переможений Luka Jelcic (10-3) через TKO за адресою 1:57 першого раунду


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/42f9tpuq9tlmmo2/AAAVZtpCY5RiOtfhqwGxQ2oIa?dl=0

Quote: “I was just going out there to throw bombs and put him away quickly and that’s exactly what happened. That’s what I usually do. Тренувальний табір був великий, I was able to actually prepare for my opponent and it worked out well. I’ve had a great experience out here in Italy, it has been a journey and I treated it like an adventure. It was my first time fighting out of the country so everything was an adjustment and I came out nine days in advance to get acclimated. I want another tough opponent. Luka [Jelcic] was a tough guy, he was no slouch whatsoever. I want another top guy, that’s why I’m here – to fight the top guys and that’s what I’ve been doing since I got here to Bellator.”


Алехандра Лара (7-1) переможений Lena Ovchynnikova (12-5, 1 Північна Кароліна) via rear-naked choke at 4:09 першого раунду


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j0e20cweikosmcr/AACc1OTFCsi6xmFNIxCRdFTwa?dl=0

Quote: “I was very excited for my Bellator debut and to be the first Colombian female in the promotion. I’ve been training incredibly hard, I felt that I was very well prepared for this fight. I just wanted to show the world how tough I am and I think I did that сьогодні ввечері. I spent half of my camp in Guadalajara with Alexa Grasso and Team Grasso there, and then I also went up to work with Roufusport Academy in Milwaukee to prepare for the fight. Both camps were amazing for me, and I learned a great deal, I just want to keep learning and competing. I am prepared for whatever is next. I look forward to big challenges in Bellator.”


Carlos Miranda (11-3) переможений Mihail Nica (6-1) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h2xekntid4tt03r/AAB1CBdvVX4cfuFA3FWKTDgva?dl=0


Григорій Бабене (19-11) переможений Tony Zanko (1-5) via arm bar at 2:04 першого раунду


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqyfbyrdps1oejo/AABdgCAaFdb7u-MeN_ONq8ITa?dl=0


Video Highlights Here: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f


Bellator Kickboxing 8 Результати:


Реймонд Деніелс (13-3) переможений Giannis Boukis (27-2) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dacqyn8gk1t6ov1/AABXyk_AvcaG8WUVZM3bWLJTa?dl=0


Quote: “Speed is definitely my advantage every time I get in the ring, and it was no different сьогодні ввечері. В першу чергу, I’d like to give all the glory to God, because through him, all things are possible. I’d like to thank my opponent for taking this fight. It’s an honor to come here and fight in front of the Italian people. This is an incredible country with beautiful people, beautiful food, beautiful wine, great history. This is a fighting country. I think I might have some Italian in my DNA because every time I come here my blood boils and I feel like I’m ready to spar, Я готовий до бою. To anyone who wants it: come on, take a number and stand in line. You have seen my highlight reel, if you want to be part of it – Я обіцяю тобі, I can make you famous.”


Джо Шилінг (23-9) переможений Filip Verlinden (44-19-1) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/liprom6xnlsvco3/AABPJD0B3Pe8d_8Gm5LmbNYua?dl=0

Quote: “I’ve got to watch the replay again. I thought Filip did a really good job and I was really excited to be fighting somebody of his caliber. Going into the fight, I thought he was the toughest guy Bellator has given me. When we were both with my last promotion, we were both top three the entire time I was there. I knew he was going to be a tough opponent, that’s why there was no trash talk from either one of us, I think we were both ready for a great fight and we delivered. I honestly was pretty frustrated with my performance and after the fight I told Jimmy (Коваль) that I thought he had won. Now I’m back here in the locker room and everyone is telling me that I’m crazy for that take. I’d love to fight him again and finish him off. Maybe for a world championship. That’d be nice. But for now, I’m excited to go enjoy my vacation.”


John Wayne Parr (98-32) переможений Piergiulio Paolucci (24-6-1) через TKO за адресою 2:32 три раунди з


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/er6m9gzbvk7knb5/AAAqbhlfJSLrXjwPsBMetIe9a?dl=0


Quote: “I’m very excited coming off of this performance. I thought my opponent was a bit awkward. I wanted to give him respect because I knew he had heavy hands. But once I felt that I could win, I started walking forward more and I threw a couple spinning back kicks just for fun, just to entertain. I had the one spinning heel kick that landed and thought that was pretty cool. I was pretty excited about that. I was just happy to get the stoppage really, because nobody wants to win by points. I’m inching closer to 100 victories and I’d love to hit that milestone here in such a major promotion like Bellator. Especially at my age of 41, being able to fight on the big stage is so surreal. I can’t believe that I’m still here competing in this sport that I love, and more than just competing, I’m being successful. I’ve got to thank Scott Coker, everyone at Bellator and Spike, and everyone that follows the sport for giving me the opportunity to do what I do. I’m really scared to be 41 and know that one day I’m going to have to retire, але зараз, I’m having too much fun to stop.”


Hamza Imane (50-12-2) переможений Kevin Ross (45-13) за очками (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tz29hlhly6x48b6/AAC3AugQrbNxNWFAQXtIvc-2a?dl=0

Габріель Варга (14-5) переможений Roberto Gheorghita (30-7-3) через TKO за адресою 2:49 два тури

Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7s75mm0hl33pzse/AAD-U3845d0GcdY83eBB0EM6a?dl=0


Video Highlights Here: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f



We’re Back! FNU Combat Sports Show Returns!

After a couple weeks off, we come back this week to talk about the combat sports world. Том, Tony and Rich catch up and discuss the events of the past couple weeks and preview upcoming boxing and MMA action. Том, Tony and Rich pay special attention to last weekend’s awesome UFC card with two of the best fights of the year in MMA to chat about. Eddie Alvarez’s masterful performance against Justin Gaethje was exciting enough, but add in the performance of Yancy Medeiros against Charles Oliveira and that put this card into a category all its own. We also discuss the latest boxing news and Miguel Cotto’s retirement fight. Listen to the broadcast in the player below.





Повна Bellator 189: Budd vs. Blencowe 2 Основні результати Карткові:

Юлія Бадд (11-2) переможений Арлін Blencowe (10-7) за очками (46-49, 48-47, 49-46)

Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sch58s8ehmtwnjr/AAAx69mIvHYsMWb1iukNObqea?dl=0

Рафаель Ловато-молодший. (7-0) переможений Кріс Honeycutt (10-2, 1 Північна Кароліна) одноголосним рішенням суддів (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tcr1yg7q1e190fc/AAA7RYTKz1PLenoBmmjKaluTa?dl=0

Чіді Njokuani (18-5, 1 Північна Кароліна) переможений Hisaki Като (8-3) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xbk2nyzieavcgcm/AADm9fwL3c9TniJiK-gb-u4oa?dl=0


Девід Rickels (19-4, 2 Північна Кароліна) переможений Адам Piccolot (9-2) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jz0hx1wjmz82s11/AAB-PokM2z8vn211Lmv9WojZa?dl=0


Попередні результати Карткові:

Сем Сицилія (16-8) переможений Маркос Гальван (18-9-1) одноголосним рішенням суддів (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Гастон Боланос (2-1) переможений Rick Gutierrez (0-2) via knockout at 1:13 першого раунду

Mandel Nallo (6-0) переможений Alec Williams (6-2) через TKO за адресою 0:18 першого раунду

Джуліана Веласкес (6-0) переможений Na Liang (6-2) за допомогою представлення (arm bar) на 0:32 два тури

Cris Williams (3-0) переможений Thomas Lopez (1-3) за допомогою представлення (triangle) на 1:39 першого раунду

Stephanie Geltmacher (2-0) переможений Ky Bennett (0-1) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-25, 30-25, 30-27)

Брайан Ґріннел (9-7) переможений Kemmyelle Haley (7-6) via submission at 0:39 першого раунду

Brandon Phillips (7-3) переможений Jordan Howard (10-4) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Andrew Parker (7-2) переможений Frank Patterson (4-5) за допомогою представлення (triangle) на 3:03 першого раунду




АНГЕЛИ - Two of Bellator’s top recent free agent signings, Michael McDonald (17-4) і Valerie Letourneau (8-6), will both make their long-awaited promotional debuts during Bellator 191 at Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle, England on П'ятниця, Грудня. 15.


“Mayday” will take on Peter Ligier (8-1-1) in a bantamweight main event, while “Trouble” will compete at flyweight against Кейт Джексон (9-2-1) в со-головній події. На додаток, British heavyweights collide when James “The Colossus” Thompson (20-16, 1 Північна Кароліна) returns to the Bellator cage where he meets Philip De Fries (13-6, 1 Північна Кароліна). В кінці кінців, two lightweight contests have also been added, as Jeremy Petley (11-8) battles Lewis Monarch (9-2) and Ash Griffiths (4-4) takes on Mohammad Yahya (3-1).


Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier will be broadcast free on SPIKE П'ятниця, Грудня. 15 на 9 p.m. І/ 8 p.m. Коннектикут. Tickets for the event can be purchased from Ticketmaster.co.uk & event.co.uk.


В тільки 26 років, McDonald will enter the Bellator cage with experience against some of the top bantamweights the sport of MMA has to offer, including Renan Barao, Джон Лінекер, Urijah Faber and Brad Pickett. A veteran of the WEC and UFC veteran, the Modesto, Calif.-native signed with Bellator following a nine-fight, five-year run with his former promotion. З 15 finishes in his 17 виграє як професіонал, McDonald will look to hand Ligier his first stoppage loss of his career.


Hailing from Paris, Франція, Ligier turned pro in 2013 and has competed exclusively on the European circuit throughout his 10-fight career. Also known as “BadAzz,” the 31-year-old has finished his opponent in five out of eight opportunities, amounting to an impressive finishing rate of 63%. Now making his debut with Bellator, Ligier formerly competed for BAMMA in 2014.


The Canadian-born Létourneau, a former UFC strawweight title challenger, carries an impressive track record of thrilling fights, highlighted by a world title contest against former champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk. Зараз, moving up to her more natural weight class, the 34-year-old American Top Team product will make her debut for Bellator. On Dec. 15, “Trouble” will look to improve upon her eight victories as a professional, a tally that includes five finishes, with four coming by way of knockout.


Fresh off a victory over Colleen Schneider at Bellator 182 в серпні, the victory gave Jackson five wins in a row, including four stoppages. Jackson hasn’t lost since May of 2013, a period which also included a run on reality television show Ultimate Fighter сезон 23. Hailing from Lostwithiel, Корнуолл, Англія, Jackson will have the home crowd to her advantage at Bellator 191.

Повна Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Картка боротьби:

Bantamweight Main Event: Michael McDonald (17-4) проти. Peter Ligier (8-1-1)

Women’s Flyweight Co-Main Event: Valerie Letourneau (8-6) проти. Кейт Джексон (9-2-1)

Супер важка вага: Джеймс Томпсон (20-16, 1 Північна Кароліна) проти. Philip De Fries (13-6, 1 Північна Кароліна)

Легкий поєдинок: Jeremy Petley (11-8) проти. Lewis Monarch (9-2)


Попереднє Card:

Полегшений попередній поєдинок: Mohammad Yahya (3-1) проти. Ash Griffiths (4-4)







ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС –The bracket for the Bellator MMA World Grand Prix 2018 Heavyweight Tournament has been set.


На Bellator 192: Ліма проти. MacDonald на Січень 20, 2018 at The Forum in Los Angeles, the tournament will begin with former champ Куинтон "Rampage" Джексон (37-12) taking on renowned trash-talker Соннен (30-15-1) in an exciting first-round matchup. The event will air on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network.


Незабаром після цього, Мітріон (12-5) зустрінеться Рой Нельсон (23-14) на Лютого 16 на Bellator 194, an event which will emanate from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Коннектикут. In April, the greatest heavyweight of all time Федір Ємельяненко (36-5, 1 Північна Кароліна) battles former UFC champ Френк Світ(18-11) inside Allstate Arena in Chicago in a long-awaited clash. The final first round bout will feature current Bellator light heavyweight champion Райан Бадер (24-5) taking on former STRIKEFORCE champ "Король Мо" Лаваль (21-6, 1 Північна Кароліна) at San Jose, California’s SAP Center in May.


Dates for both the semi-finals and final will be determined, as will tournament alternates who will be available to fill in due to any unforeseen circumstances. The year-long World Grand Prix Heavyweight Tournament will culminate in the winner becoming the new Bellator world heavyweight champion.


Нижче, you will find the official trailer for the Bellator MMA World Grand Prix 2018 У суперважкій турнір. Please feel free to share:

Watch video here


Bellator Heavyweight Grand Prix First-Round Matchups:

Bellator 192 at The Forum – Січень. 20, 2018: Куинтон "Rampage" Джексон (37-12) проти. Соннен (30-15-1)

Bellator 194 at Mohegan Sun Arena – Лютого. 16, 2018: Мітріон (12-5) проти. Рой Нельсон (23-14)

Bellator at Allstate Arena – April, 2018: Федір Ємельяненко (36-5, 1 Північна Кароліна) проти. Френк Світ (18-11)

Bellator at SAP Center – May, 2018: Райан Бадер (24-5) проти. “King Mo” Лаваль (21-6, 1 Північна Кароліна)



ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС – Bellator returns to Florence, Italy on Субота, Грудня 9, when both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing, along with Oktagon, emanate from the Nelson Mandela Forum for another huge evening of combat sports action.


Bellator 190 will air free on SPIKE at 8 p.m. І/7 p.m. CT and will be immediately followed by Bellator Kickboxing 8. Tickets for the event start at just €30 and are available at Bellator.com.


Bellator 190 will be headlined by current middleweight champ Рафаель Карвалью (14-1), who will defend his title against Italy’s popular knockout artist, Alessio “Legionarius” Sakara (19-11, 2 Північна Кароліна). На додаток, Брендон Girtz (14-7) бере на себе Luca Jelcic (10-2) в легкій вазі, в той час як Mihail Nica (6-0) відповідає Carlos Miranda (10-3) in second lightweight clash. A women’s flyweight offering rounds out the card when Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 Північна Кароліна) бої Алехандра Лара (6-1).


Тим часом, Bellator Kickboxing 8 boasts a pair of world champions in Реймонд Деніелс (12-3) і Kevin Ross (45-12) приймаючи на Giannis Boukis (27-1) і Hamza Imane (49-12-2) відповідно, in non-title fights. Other kickboxing stars are on display as Joe “Stitch ‘Em Up” Schilling (22-9) challenges Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1), Aussie legend John Wayne Parr (97-32) competes for the 130ї time versus Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1) and Canadian featherweight Габріель Варга (13-5) rounds out the card in a matchup with Roberto Georghita (30-6-3).


Повна Bellator 190: Карвалью проти. Sakara Card:

Middleweight World Title Main Event: Рафаель Карвалью (14-1) проти. Алессіо Sakara (19-11, 2 Північна Кароліна)

Легкий поєдинок основної картки: Брендон Girtz (14-7) проти. Luka Jelcic (10-2)

Women’s Flyweight Main Card Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 Північна Кароліна) проти. Алехандра Лара (6-1)

Легкий поєдинок основної картки: Mihail Nica (6-0) проти. Carlos Miranda (10-3)


Попереднє Card:

Попередній поєдинок середньої ваги: Григорій Бабене (18-11) проти. Tony Zanko (1-4)

Повна Bellator Kickboxing 8: Daniels vs. Boukis Card:

Головна подія в напівсередній (non-title): Реймонд Деніелс (12-3) проти. Giannis Boukis (27-1)

Сутичка основної карти середньої ваги: Джо Шилінг (22-9) проти. Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1)

161 фунт. Catchweight Main Card Bout: John Wayne Parr (97-32) проти. Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1)

Легкий поєдинок основної картки (non-title): Kevin Ross (45-12) проти. Hamza Imane (49-12-2)

Сутичка основної карти в напівважкій вазі: Габріель Варга (13-5) проти. Roberto Gheorghita (30-6)





Noad Lahat (12-3) переможений Єремія Монаган (11-6) одноголосним рішенням суддів (29-27 x3)


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lqlr8xxw8peeomk/AAAKwiHgTm33fMz6nJjFBDbga?dl=0


Haim Gozali (8-4) переможений Arsen Faitovich (4-2) за допомогою представлення (трикутник дросель) на :45 першого раунду


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ee0vjzs70r57iaw/AAB-nPS5o_IWkiN2zzcGpkQ5a?dl=0


Джон Солтер (15-3) переможений Jason Radcliffe (12-5) за допомогою представлення (задній удушення) на 1:55 першого раунду


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zeo87htbnc43m3h/AACnythlTH09nBjv1br0AlYIa?dl=0


Деніз Кільгольц (1-1) переможений Jessica Middleton (2-3) за допомогою представлення (армбар) на 1:16 першого раунду


Фото: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7smow9ic1rokft0/AADpDDq3mRQt3Pj2CTpjcdFxa?dl=0


Попереднє Card:

Luiz Rocha (4-1) переможений Almog Shay (2-2) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Assaf Batan (1-0) переможений Mor Attias (0-1) за допомогою представлення (задній удушення) на 4:08 три раунди з

Matan Levi (3-0) переможений Erik Sianov (0-1) за допомогою рішення більшістю (28-28, 29-27, 29-27)

Raz Bring (3-0) переможений Nadim Kablan (1-1) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Moshe Ben Chimol (2-0) переможений Ivan Solomatov (0-1) за допомогою представлення (армбар) на 4:00 першого раунду

Adam Keresh (1-0) переможений Римський Kushnir (0-1) технічним нокаутом (удари ) на 3:00 два тури

Natanial Parisi (1-0) переможений Or Eliov (0-1) за допомогою представлення (дросель анаконда) на 3:45 першого раунду

Gad David Abisror (Дебют) проти. Alexander Trofimov (1-0) – Немає Конкурс (accidental foul)

Alexander Nikulin (3-0) переможений Rami Abuhav (0-1) via KO at 1:57 першого раунду

Oron Kahlon (3-0) переможений Julian Maloku (0-1) за допомогою представлення (triangle) на 2:08 першого раунду

Ольга Рубін (4-0) переможений Joana Filipa (0-1) технічним нокаутом (страйку) на 3:46 два тури

Shimon Gosh (6-2) переможений Francisco Silva (1-1) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)



About Bellator:

Bellator is a leading mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Під керівництвом ветерана Промоутер Скотт Кокер, Bellator доступний майже 1 billion people worldwide in over 160 країни. У Сполучених Штатах, Bellator can be seen on SPIKE, the combat sports television leader. Bellator is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, в прямому ефірі оркестровка подія, розвитку боєць / відносини, Місце проведення закупівлі, створення спонсорство / розвиток, міжнародного ліцензування, маркетинг, реклама, рекламні та комісійні відносини. Bellator is based in Hollywood, Халіф. and owned by entertainment giant Viacom, Початок у світі прем'єра розважальних брендів, які з'єднують з аудиторією через переконливого змісту через телебачення, кінофільм, онлайн і мобільних платформ.


Про Spike:

Шип is available in 98.7 million homes and is a division of Viacom Media Networks. Блок Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks is one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. Spike’s Internet address is www.spike.com and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, visit Spike’s press site at http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter spiketvpr for the latest in breaking news updates, за кадром інформація та фотографії.