Kategorija Archives: Bellator




Baigta Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Fight Card Results:

Michaelas McDonaldas (18-4) nugalėjo Peter Ligier (8-2-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8acndyoa13mtgs7/AABOlDgJCtycBa-bPH8L1e8Qa?dl, = 0


McDonald Quote: “I was happy with the performance. He ate some heavy punches. I hit him hard enough to break my right hand again, so he’s very durable and I expected that from him. I’ve seen him get put down and keep coming. He was very impressive, I’m honored to have fought him and he really stepped up to the occasion. I think that I have some pretty high accolades for a bantamweight, but I really have no idea how that stacks up to the other guys in my division. We will let this hand heal up and find out soon.”


Valerie Letourneau (9-6) nugalėjo Kate Jackson (9-3-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xv8mhtcx9eku5p9/AAB94OCwYqOCIUbHyTcU3chUa?dl, = 0


Letourneau Quote: “I never feel like I’m doing enough. That’s the first thing I ask my coach: ‘Was it a good fight?’ I think experience has taught me to be patient in the fight and to fight smart. You always want to put on a show, but sometimes it can cost you the fight. Mano paskutinio kovos, I didn’t do enough because I was too careful. I wanted to bring all that experience together and make the best of it.”


“This was a very important fight for me. Aš 34, my daughter’s a teenager now. I’ve sacrificed a lot of things for my career. But I want this Bellator belt so bad. It was really hard for me to watch Ilima Macfarlane and Emily Ducote fight for it first. I have so much respect for both of them, but I wanted to be the first one to fight for the title. Deja, that didn’t happen but to me that’s the only thing I have on my mind right now. Ilima knows I want to fight her and she had a really good performance in her last fight. When it happens, I think it’s going to be a really good matchup. It’s going to be an exciting fight.”

Mohammad Yahya (4-1) nugalėjo Ash Griffiths (4-5) per TKO adresu 3:26 apvaliosios vieną


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/62fh9s38lo1de3x/AAAF5NCgKybT6v1HG9qYJOaHa?dl, = 0


Yahya Quote: “This is what we trained for and we executed exactly as we planned. I was very confident in the opening round. I said that I was going to win in the first round by TKO and I did just that. It’s confidence, but this is also a product of hard work. I was training very hard for this and I executed. I knew that I had the best team in the world and we’re on to the next one now.”


Philip De Fries (14-6, 1 NC) def. Jamesas Thompsonas (20-17, 1 NC) per pateikimo (giljotina) į 1:33 apvaliosios vieną


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/efcurjmp6k10j2q/AADd556tK8j6Lg-T7Te54Z_ma?dl, = 0


De Fries Quote: "Jaučiuosi puikiai, the less damage the better. I’m not getting any prettier. Hats off to James, he’s a legend. It’s a shame it was over so quick, it could have been a barn burner. But I’m happy. I want to climb the ladder here in Bellator. If there is an opening in this tournament, I’ll gladly step in. I feel great at the moment. Fighting is 90 percent mental and the first half of my career, I didn’t have the head for it. But now I’m putting everything together, I feel great and I’m performing. Aš pasiruošęs, Aš kovoti niekam.


Jeremy Petley (12-8) def. Lewis Monarch (9-3) per split sprendimą (29-28 x2, 27-30)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q1gw2zn80ujf2ps/AABweE-l4KMFb00-hvR7CExDa?dl, = 0


Petley Quote: “I was prepared to do the job and really demonstrate my skills. He put up a tough fight and made me work for it. I was prepared for a war, and that’s what he gave me so I had to dig deep. Lewis was a good opponent but I knew no matter what the situation or adversity, that I have a big heart, I have work ethic, a good skillset and a good corner behind me. I knew that no matter what happened, I would come out with the victory.”


“This is a fraction of my potential. Noriu didelių kovų, I want the Bellator title. I want to move up, I want to move forward and fight late in the night. I have what it takes, so I’ll take anybody. This was not the most convincing win, but no matter who I face, I can win. I don’t care who it is up against me, I can always find a way. I find a way to win. That’s what I do.”

FNU Kovinis sportas Rodyti: Metantysis niekada nelaimės

Ši FNU kovinio sporto šou transliacija prasideda viena iš labiausiai prieštaringų savaitės istorijų. Daugelis sporto ekspertų greitai pasityčioja iš Guillermo Rigondeaux, kad jis nusileido praėjusį šeštadienį įvykusioms sėkmingoms bokso rungtynėms su Vasilu Lomachenko.. ESPN Stephenas A.. Smithas nepraleido laiko transliacijos metu, įsiplieskęs į Kubos boksininką, nes jis atsisakė išeiti į septintąjį vienpusės kovos raundą. Teddy Atlas, buvo ištremtas iš savo pranešimo pareigų dėl savo atviro požiūrio į bokso korupciją ir šiurkštaus elgesio su mažiau patyrusiais komentatoriais, atėjo į gynybą Rigo. Atlas ginčijosi su Smithu iš savo namų studijos, iš esmės paaiškina, kad visi yra žmonės. Tomas, Tony ir Rich visi siūlo savo požiūrį į situaciją ir savo mintis “kovoti.”

Taip pat stebime naujausias kovos sporto naujienas, pakartokite praėjusios savaitės įvykius ir peržiūrėkite konkuruojančius UFC ir „Bellator“ įvykius šį šeštadienį. Mes net paliečiame kelias istorijas, kuriose dalyvauja Floydas Mayweatheris jaunesnysis. kurie šią savaitę sukasi sporto žiniasklaidoje. “Pinigai” teigia, kad gali uždirbti iki milijardo dolerių, jei pateks į UFC dėl trijų ar keturių kovos sandorių. Gerai, sėkmės, Floyd. Girdžiu, CM Punk nori dar vienos kovos.

Dviejų dalių transliaciją klausykite žemiau.


Dalis 1:


Dalis 2:






NEWCASTLE, Anglija – Only one main event competitor is sure to be smiling after their matchup rytoj night when Michaelas McDonaldas(17-4) makes his Bellator debut against Peter Ligier (8-1-1) in the headlining bout of Bellator 191.

Another high-profile free agent signing in Valerie Letourneau (8-6) is also set to make her long-awaited promotional debut, suvedimas išskaitytas Kate Jackson (9-2-1) in the co-main event at Newcastle, England’s Metro Radio Arena.


Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier will be broadcast free on SPIKE Penktadienis, Gruodis. 15 į 9 p.m. IR/ 8 p.m. KT. The event marks the last time Bellator will air on SPIKE before the network rebrands itself as Paramount Network in January.


Tickets for the event can be purchased from Ticketmaster.co.uk & event.co.uk


Baigta Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Kovos kortelė:

138 Pound Catchweight Main Event: Michaelas McDonaldas (137.6 Svoris.) vs. Peter Ligier (135.8 Svoris.) Nuotraukos

Women’s Flyweight Co-Main Event: Valerie Letourneau (125.8 Svoris.) vs. Kate Jackson (125.5 Svoris.) Nuotraukos

Sunkiasvoris „Feature Bout“: Jamesas Thompsonas (266 Svoris.) vs. Philas De Friesas (261 Svoris.) Nuotraukos

Welterweight Feature Bout: Mohammad Yahya (163 Svoris.) vs. Ash Griffiths (170.5 Svoris.) Nuotraukos

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Jeremy Petley (146.4 Svoris.) vs. Lewis Monarch (146 Svoris.) Nuotraukos





FLORENCE, Italija – A sold out crowd was on hand for Bellator’s return to the Nelson Mandela Forum in Florence, Italy to cheer on their national hero, Alessio Sakara, in his bid for the middleweight title at Bellator 190. Tačiau, reigning champion Rafael Carvalho emerged victorious in his third defense of the belt with yet another exciting performance. Su pergalės, Carvalho is now tied with Alexander Shlemenko for most title defenses in promotional history.


Be, Bellator has announced plans for a summer return to Italy in the country’s capital city of Rome on Liepa 7 with an event that will air on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network. The date marks the company’s first trip to Rome, after hosting multiple events in both Torino and Florence.


“After the success of our events in Torino and Florence, Italy over the last two years, we knew that it was time to do a show in Rome, a city rooted deep in combat sports history,- sakė „Bellator“ prezidentas Scottas Cokeris. “The Italian fans have shown their passion for the sport and we look forward to bringing a huge card to Rome next year on Liepa 7."


Additional details about the card, including matchups, ticket and broadcast details will be announced shortly.


Bellator 190: Carvalho prieš. Sakara Rezultatai:

Rafael Carvalho (15-1) nugalėjo Alessio Sakara (19-12, 2 NC) per KO adresu 0:44 apvaliosios vieną


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1mimwbtlv7zjc8q/AAATYi5x1XR6AT9CWR9XW1aNa?dl=0

Quote: “I trained really hard for this fight. I made many sacrifices to get here and get ready for a tough fight with [Alessio] Sakara. With my preparation, I was able to get a good result quickly and I’m happy about that. I hurt my hand a little bit in the final sequence, maybe I punched the mat, but I hope to get back in the cage as soon as possible to continue defending my belt.”


Brandonas Girtz (15-7) nugalėjo Luka Jelcic (10-3) per TKO adresu 1:57 apvaliosios vieną


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/42f9tpuq9tlmmo2/AAAVZtpCY5RiOtfhqwGxQ2oIa?dl=0

Quote: “I was just going out there to throw bombs and put him away quickly and that’s exactly what happened. That’s what I usually do. Mokymo stovykla buvo puikus, I was able to actually prepare for my opponent and it worked out well. I’ve had a great experience out here in Italy, it has been a journey and I treated it like an adventure. It was my first time fighting out of the country so everything was an adjustment and I came out nine days in advance to get acclimated. I want another tough opponent. Luka [Jelcic] was a tough guy, he was no slouch whatsoever. I want another top guy, that’s why I’m here – to fight the top guys and that’s what I’ve been doing since I got here to Bellator.”


Alejandra Lara (7-1) nugalėjo Lena Ovchynnikova (12-5, 1 NC) per galinio nuogas droselis ne 4:09 apvaliosios vieną


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j0e20cweikosmcr/AACc1OTFCsi6xmFNIxCRdFTwa?dl=0

Quote: “I was very excited for my Bellator debut and to be the first Colombian female in the promotion. I’ve been training incredibly hard, I felt that I was very well prepared for this fight. I just wanted to show the world how tough I am and I think I did that šįvakar. I spent half of my camp in Guadalajara with Alexa Grasso and Team Grasso there, and then I also went up to work with Roufusport Academy in Milwaukee to prepare for the fight. Both camps were amazing for me, and I learned a great deal, I just want to keep learning and competing. I am prepared for whatever is next. I look forward to big challenges in Bellator.”


Carlos Miranda (11-3) nugalėjo Mihail Nica (6-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h2xekntid4tt03r/AAB1CBdvVX4cfuFA3FWKTDgva?dl=0


Gregory Babene (19-11) nugalėjo Tony Zanko (1-5) via arm bar at 2:04 apvaliosios vieną


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqyfbyrdps1oejo/AABdgCAaFdb7u-MeN_ONq8ITa?dl=0


Video Highlights Here: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f


„Bellator“ kikboksas 8 Rezultatai:


Raymondas Danielsas (13-3) nugalėjo Giannis Boukis (27-2) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dacqyn8gk1t6ov1/AABXyk_AvcaG8WUVZM3bWLJTa?dl=0


Quote: “Speed is definitely my advantage every time I get in the ring, and it was no different šįvakar. Pirmiausia ir svarbiausia, I’d like to give all the glory to God, because through him, all things are possible. I’d like to thank my opponent for taking this fight. It’s an honor to come here and fight in front of the Italian people. This is an incredible country with beautiful people, beautiful food, beautiful wine, great history. This is a fighting country. I think I might have some Italian in my DNA because every time I come here my blood boils and I feel like I’m ready to spar, Esu pasirengęs kovoti. To anyone who wants it: come on, take a number and stand in line. You have seen my highlight reel, if you want to be part of it – Aš jums pažadu, I can make you famous.”


Joe Schillingas (23-9) nugalėjo Filip Verlinden (44-19-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/liprom6xnlsvco3/AABPJD0B3Pe8d_8Gm5LmbNYua?dl=0

Quote: “I’ve got to watch the replay again. I thought Filip did a really good job and I was really excited to be fighting somebody of his caliber. Going into the fight, I thought he was the toughest guy Bellator has given me. When we were both with my last promotion, we were both top three the entire time I was there. I knew he was going to be a tough opponent, that’s why there was no trash talk from either one of us, I think we were both ready for a great fight and we delivered. I honestly was pretty frustrated with my performance and after the fight I told Jimmy (Kalvis) that I thought he had won. Now I’m back here in the locker room and everyone is telling me that I’m crazy for that take. I’d love to fight him again and finish him off. Maybe for a world championship. That’d be nice. But for now, I’m excited to go enjoy my vacation.”


John Wayne Parr (98-32) nugalėjo Piergiulio Paolucci (24-6-1) per TKO adresu 2:32 apvalios trijų


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/er6m9gzbvk7knb5/AAAqbhlfJSLrXjwPsBMetIe9a?dl=0


Quote: “I’m very excited coming off of this performance. I thought my opponent was a bit awkward. I wanted to give him respect because I knew he had heavy hands. But once I felt that I could win, I started walking forward more and I threw a couple spinning back kicks just for fun, just to entertain. I had the one spinning heel kick that landed and thought that was pretty cool. I was pretty excited about that. I was just happy to get the stoppage really, because nobody wants to win by points. I’m inching closer to 100 victories and I’d love to hit that milestone here in such a major promotion like Bellator. Especially at my age of 41, being able to fight on the big stage is so surreal. I can’t believe that I’m still here competing in this sport that I love, and more than just competing, I’m being successful. I’ve got to thank Scott Coker, everyone at Bellator and Spike, and everyone that follows the sport for giving me the opportunity to do what I do. I’m really scared to be 41 and know that one day I’m going to have to retire, bet dabar, I’m having too much fun to stop.”


Hamza Imane (50-12-2) nugalėjo Kevinas Rossas (45-13) per split sprendimą (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tz29hlhly6x48b6/AAC3AugQrbNxNWFAQXtIvc-2a?dl=0

Gabrielius Varga (14-5) nugalėjo Roberto Gheorghita (30-7-3) per TKO adresu 2:49 apvalios dviejų

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7s75mm0hl33pzse/AAD-U3845d0GcdY83eBB0EM6a?dl=0


Video Highlights Here: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f



Mes grįžome! FNU Combat Sports Show grįžta!

After a couple weeks off, we come back this week to talk about the combat sports world. Tomas, Tony and Rich catch up and discuss the events of the past couple weeks and preview upcoming boxing and MMA action. Tomas, Tony and Rich pay special attention to last weekend’s awesome UFC card with two of the best fights of the year in MMA to chat about. Eddie Alvarez’s masterful performance against Justin Gaethje was exciting enough, but add in the performance of Yancy Medeiros against Charles Oliveira and that put this card into a category all its own. We also discuss the latest boxing news and Miguel Cotto’s retirement fight. Listen to the broadcast in the player below.





Baigta Bellator 189: Budas vs.. Blencowe 2 Pagrindinės plokštės rezultatai:

Julija Budd (11-2) nugalėjo Arlene Blencowe (10-7) per split sprendimą (46-49, 48-47, 49-46)

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sch58s8ehmtwnjr/AAAx69mIvHYsMWb1iukNObqea?dl=0

Rafaelis Lovato jaunesnysis. (7-0) nugalėjo Chrisas Honeycutt (10-2, 1 NC) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tcr1yg7q1e190fc/AAA7RYTKz1PLenoBmmjKaluTa?dl=0

Chidi Njokuani (18-5, 1 NC) nugalėjo Hisaki Kato (8-3) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xbk2nyzieavcgcm/AADm9fwL3c9TniJiK-gb-u4oa?dl=0


Davidas RICKELS (19-4, 2 NC) nugalėjo Adomas Piccolot (9-2) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jz0hx1wjmz82s11/AAB-PokM2z8vn211Lmv9WojZa?dl=0


Preliminarūs Kortų rezultatai:

Samas Sicilia (16-8) nugalėjo Marcos Galvão (18-9-1) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Gastonas Bolanosas (2-1) nugalėjo Rick Gutierrez (0-2) via knockout at 1:13 apvaliosios vieną

Mandelis Nallo (6-0) nugalėjo Alec Williams (6-2) per TKO adresu 0:18 apvaliosios vieną

Juliana Velasquez (6-0) nugalėjo Na Liang (6-2) per pateikimo (arm bar) į 0:32 apvalios dviejų

Cris Williams (3-0) nugalėjo Thomas Lopez (1-3) per pateikimo (triangle) į 1:39 apvaliosios vieną

Stephanie Geltmacher (2-0) nugalėjo Ky Bennett (0-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-25, 30-25, 30-27)

Brian Grinnell (9-7) nugalėjo Kemmyelle Haley (7-6) via submission at 0:39 apvaliosios vieną

Brandon Phillips (7-3) nugalėjo Jordan Howard (10-4) per vieningu sprendimu (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Andrew Parker (7-2) nugalėjo Frank Patterson (4-5) per pateikimo (triangle) į 3:03 apvaliosios vieną




ANGELIAI - Two of Bellator’s top recent free agent signings, Michaelas McDonaldas (17-4) ir Valerie Letourneau (8-6), will both make their long-awaited promotional debuts during Bellator 191 at Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle, England on Penktadienis, Gruodis. 15.


“Mayday” will take on Peter Ligier (8-1-1) in a bantamweight main event, while “Trouble” will compete at flyweight against Kate Jackson (9-2-1) į bendrai Main Event. Papildomai, British heavyweights collide when James “The Colossus” Thompson (20-16, 1 NC) returns to the Bellator cage where he meets Philip De Fries (13-6, 1 NC). Pagaliau, two lightweight contests have also been added, as Jeremy Petley (11-8) battles Lewis Monarch (9-2) and Ash Griffiths (4-4) takes on Mohammad Yahya (3-1).


Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier will be broadcast free on SPIKE Penktadienis, Gruodis. 15 į 9 p.m. IR/ 8 p.m. KT. Tickets for the event can be purchased from Ticketmaster.co.uk & event.co.uk.


Tuo tik 26 metų, McDonald will enter the Bellator cage with experience against some of the top bantamweights the sport of MMA has to offer, including Renan Barao, Jonas Lineker, Urijah Faber and Brad Pickett. A veteran of the WEC and UFC veteran, the Modesto, Calif.-native signed with Bellator following a nine-fight, five-year run with his former promotion. Su 15 finishes in his 17 Laimėta kaip profesionalus, McDonald will look to hand Ligier his first stoppage loss of his career.


Hailing from Paris, Prancūzija, Ligier turned pro in 2013 and has competed exclusively on the European circuit throughout his 10-fight career. Also known as “BadAzz,” the 31-year-old has finished his opponent in five out of eight opportunities, amounting to an impressive finishing rate of 63%. Now making his debut with Bellator, Ligier formerly competed for BAMMA in 2014.


The Canadian-born Létourneau, a former UFC strawweight title challenger, carries an impressive track record of thrilling fights, highlighted by a world title contest against former champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk. Dabar, moving up to her more natural weight class, the 34-year-old American Top Team product will make her debut for Bellator. On Dec. 15, “Trouble” will look to improve upon her eight victories as a professional, a tally that includes five finishes, with four coming by way of knockout.


Fresh off a victory over Colleen Schneider at Bellator 182 rugpjūčio, the victory gave Jackson five wins in a row, including four stoppages. Jackson hasn’t lost since May of 2013, a period which also included a run on reality television show Galutinis kovotojas sezonas 23. Hailing from Lostwithiel, Kornvalis, Anglija, Jackson will have the home crowd to her advantage at Bellator 191.

Baigta Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Kovos kortelė:

Bantamweight pagrindinis turnyras: Michaelas McDonaldas (17-4) vs. Peter Ligier (8-1-1)

Women’s Flyweight Co-Main Event: Valerie Letourneau (8-6) vs. Kate Jackson (9-2-1)

Sunkiasvoris „Feature Bout“: Jamesas Thompsonas (20-16, 1 NC) vs. Philip De Fries (13-6, 1 NC)

Lengvas bruožas: Jeremy Petley (11-8) vs. Lewis Monarch (9-2)


Preliminari kortelė:

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Mohammad Yahya (3-1) vs. Ash Griffiths (4-4)







LOS ANGELES – „Bellator MMA World Grand Prix“ lenktynių laikiklis 2018 Buvo nustatytas sunkiasvorių turnyras.


Į Bellator 192: Lima vs. Makdonaldas apie Sausis 20, 2018 Forume Los Andžele, turnyrą pradės buvęs čempionas Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-12) imdamasi žinomo šiukšliadėžės Chael Sonnen (30-15-1) įdomiose pirmojo rato rungtynėse. Renginys bus transliuojamas netrukus pasirodysiančiame „Paramount Network“..


Netrukus po to, Mattas Mitrione (12-5) susitiks Roy Nelson (23-14) apie Vasaris 16 į Bellator 194, renginys, kuris vyks iš Unkasvilio „Mohegan Sun“ arenos, Conn. In April, didžiausias visų laikų sunkiasvoris Fiodoras Emelianenko (36-5, 1 NC) kovoja su buvusiu UFC čempionu Frankas Pasaulis(18-11) „Allstate“ arenoje Čikagoje per ilgai lauktą susirėmimą. Paskutinėje pirmojo rato kovoje dalyvaus dabartinis „Bellator“ pussunkio svorio čempionas Ryan Bader (24-5) užėmė buvusį STRIKEFORCE čempioną "Karalius Mo" Lawal (21-6, 1 NC) San Chosė mieste, Kalifornijos SAP centre gegužės mėn.


Pusfinalių ir finalų datos bus nustatytos, kaip ir turnyro pakaitiniai nariai, kuriuos bus galima užpildyti dėl bet kokių nenumatytų aplinkybių. Metus truksiantis Pasaulio Grand Prix sunkiasvorių turnyras baigsis tuo, kad nugalėtojas taps naujuoju Bellator pasaulio sunkiasvorių čempionu..


Žemiau, rasite oficialų Bellator MMA World Grand Prix anonsą 2018 Sunkiojo turnyras. Nedvejodami pasidalinkite:

Žiūrėkite vaizdo įrašą čia


„Bellator“ sunkiasvorių „Grand Prix“ pirmojo turo rungtynės:

Bellator 192 Forume – Sau. 20, 2018: Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-12) vs. Chael Sonnen (30-15-1)

Bellator 194 „Mohegan Sun“ arenoje – Vasaris. 16, 2018: Mattas Mitrione (12-5) vs. Roy Nelson (23-14)

„Bellator“ Allstate arenoje – balandžio mėn, 2018: Fiodoras Emelianenko (36-5, 1 NC) vs. Frankas Pasaulis (18-11)

„Bellator“ SAP centre – gegužės mėn, 2018: Ryan Bader (24-5) vs. “King Mo” Lawal (21-6, 1 NC)



LOS ANGELES – Bellator returns to Florence, Italy on Šeštadienis, Gruodis 9, when both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing, along with Oktagon, emanate from the Nelson Mandela Forum for another huge evening of combat sports action.


Bellator 190 will air free on SPIKE at 8 p.m. IR/7 p.m. KT ir iškart po jo „Bellator“ kikboksas 8. Tickets for the event start at just €30 and are available at Bellator.com.


Bellator 190 will be headlined by current middleweight champ Rafael Carvalho (14-1), who will defend his title against Italy’s popular knockout artist, Alessio “Legionarius” Sakara (19-11, 2 NC). Papildomai, Brandonas Girtz (14-7) įgauna Luca Jelcic (10-2) ne lengvas, o Mihail Nica (6-0) atitinka Carlos Miranda (10-3) in second lightweight clash. A women’s flyweight offering rounds out the card when Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 NC) mūšiai Alejandra Lara (6-1).


Tuo tarpu, „Bellator“ kikboksas 8 boasts a pair of world champions in Raymondas Danielsas (12-3) ir Kevinas Rossas (45-12) atsižvelgiant į Giannis Boukis (27-1) ir Hamza Imane (49-12-2) atitinkamai, in non-title fights. Other kickboxing stars are on display as Joe “Stitch ‘Em Up” Schilling (22-9) challenges Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1), Aussie legend John Wayne Parr (97-32) competes for the 130oji time versus Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1) and Canadian featherweight Gabrielius Varga (13-5) rounds out the card in a matchup with Roberto Georghita (30-6-3).


Baigta Bellator 190: Carvalho prieš. Sakara Card:

Middleweight World Title Main Event: Rafael Carvalho (14-1) vs. Alessio Sakara (19-11, 2 NC)

Lengva pagrindinė kortų serija: Brandonas Girtz (14-7) vs. Luka Jelcic (10-2)

Moterų „Flyweight“ pagrindinės kortos: Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 NC) vs. Alejandra Lara (6-1)

Lengva pagrindinė kortų serija: Mihail Nica (6-0) vs. Carlos Miranda (10-3)


Preliminari kortelė:

Vidutinio svorio preliminari kova: Gregory Babene (18-11) vs. Tony Zanko (1-4)

Baigta „Bellator“ kikboksas 8: Daniels vs. Boukis Card:

Negu vidutinis svoris Main Event (non-title): Raymondas Danielsas (12-3) vs. Giannis Boukis (27-1)

Vidutinio svorio pagrindinės kortos kovos: Joe Schillingas (22-9) vs. Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1)

161 LB. Pagrindinio svorio kortos kovos: John Wayne Parr (97-32) vs. Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1)

Lengva pagrindinė kortų serija (non-title): Kevinas Rossas (45-12) vs. Hamza Imane (49-12-2)

Plunksnų svorio pagrindinės kortos: Gabrielius Varga (13-5) vs. Roberto Gheorghita (30-6)





Noad All (12-3) nugalėjo Jeremijas Monaghan (11-6) per vieningu sprendimu (29-27 X3)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lqlr8xxw8peeomk/AAAKwiHgTm33fMz6nJjFBDbga?dl=0


Haim Gozali (8-4) nugalėjo Arsen Faitovich (4-2) per pateikimo (trikampis droselis) į :45 apvaliosios vieną


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ee0vjzs70r57iaw/AAB-nPS5o_IWkiN2zzcGpkQ5a?dl=0


Jonas Salter (15-3) nugalėjo Jason Radcliffe (12-5) per pateikimo (galinio nuogas droselis) į 1:55 apvaliosios vieną


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zeo87htbnc43m3h/AACnythlTH09nBjv1br0AlYIa?dl=0


Denise Kielholtz (1-1) nugalėjo Jessica Middleton (2-3) per pateikimo (armbar) į 1:16 apvaliosios vieną


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7smow9ic1rokft0/AADpDDq3mRQt3Pj2CTpjcdFxa?dl=0


Preliminari kortelė:

Luiz Rocha (4-1) nugalėjo Almog Shay (2-2) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Assaf Batan (1-0) nugalėjo Mor Attias (0-1) per pateikimo (galinio nuogas droselis) į 4:08 apvalios trijų

Matan Levi (3-0) nugalėjo Erik Sianov (0-1) per daugumos sprendimu (28-28, 29-27, 29-27)

Raz Bring (3-0) nugalėjo Nadim Kablan (1-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Moshe Ben Chimol (2-0) nugalėjo Ivan Solomatov (0-1) per pateikimo (armbar) į 4:00 apvaliosios vieną

Adam Keresh (1-0) nugalėjo Romos Kushnir (0-1) per TKO (štampus ) į 3:00 apvalios dviejų

Natanial Parisi (1-0) nugalėjo Or Eliov (0-1) per pateikimo (anaconda choke) į 3:45 apvaliosios vieną

Gad David Abisror (Debiutas) vs. Alexander Trofimov (1-0) – Ne konkursas (accidental foul)

Alexander Nikulin (3-0) nugalėjo Rami Abuhav (0-1) per KO adresu 1:57 apvaliosios vieną

Oron Kahlon (3-0) nugalėjo Julian Maloku (0-1) per pateikimo (triangle) į 2:08 apvaliosios vieną

Olga Rubin (4-0) nugalėjo Joana Filipa (0-1) per TKO (streikai) į 3:46 apvalios dviejų

Shimon Gosh (6-2) nugalėjo Francisco Silva (1-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)



Apie Bellator:

Bellator is a leading mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Pagal veteranas kova promotoriaus Scott Coker kryptimi, Bellator yra beveik 1 billion people worldwide in over 160 šalys. Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose, Bellator can be seen on SPIKE, the combat sports television leader. „Bellator“ sudaro vykdomoji komanda, kurią sudaro geriausi televizijos gamybos pramonės profesionalai, gyva įvykis instrumentuotė, kovotojas plėtra / ryšiai, vieta pirkimai, rėmimas kūrimas / kūrimas, Tarptautinis licencijavimo, prekyba, reklaminis, viešinimo ir Komisijos santykių. „Bellator“ yra įsikūrusi Holivude, Kalifas. ir priklauso pramogų milžinei „Viacom“., gyvena pasaulio premjeras pramogų ženklų, kad susisiekti su publikai įtikinamų turinį visoje televiziją, Filmuotos, internete ir mobiliųjų platformų.


Apie Spike:

Smaigalys is available in 98.7 million homes and is a division of Viacom Media Networks. Iš Viacom vienetas (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks is one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. Spike’s Internet address is www.spike.com and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, visit Spike’s press site at http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter spiketvpr for the latest in breaking news updates, užkulisinis informacija ir nuotraukos.