Kategoria Artxiboak: Warrior


LOS ANGELES — Bellator harro dago MMA errusiar bikaina dela iragarri duelako Fedor Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) borroka anitzeko kontratu luzapen esklusiboa sinatu du bere ibilbidea Bellator kaiolan amaitzeko.

Emelianenkoren agurreko birak Bellatorren pisu astuneko dibisioan jarraitzen du promozioko zortzi gizonezkoen pisu astuneko Munduko Sari Nagusian burututako final baten harira. Stary Oskoletik, Belgorod oblasta, Errusiak, "Azken Enperadoreak" duela gutxi lehen itzuliko kanporaketak lortu zituen Chael Sonnen eta Frank Mir torneoko finalerdietan eta hasierako txandan, hurrenez hurren.

«Pozik nago Fedor fitxatu ahal izan dugulako, garai guztietako pisu astun handiena, kontratu luzapen berri batera,"Bellator presidente Scott Coker-ek esan zuen. "Negozio honetako lagun bat dela uste dudan norbait da eta are pozik nago Bellatorrekin bere ibilbide historikoa amaitzea erabaki duelako.. Badira berarentzako jokaldi zirraragarriak Bellator-en, iraganeko zaleei erakarriko dietela, baita txapelketan azkenaldian egindako zale berriak ere. Kirol garaian behera egin ahala, Pozik nago bere ibilbidea bere baldintzekin ixten ikustean ".

“Scott Cokerrekiko nire adiskidetasun eta errespetu sendoak kontratuaren luzapenera iristea prozesu sinplea bihurtu zuen,”Esan du Fedor Emelianenkok. "Bellator nire etxea da. Espero dut Bellatorri hazten eta bere potentzial osoa lortzen laguntzea munduko MMA promozio goren gisa.”

PRIDE pisu handiko txapelduna izandakoa eta PRIDE 2004 Pisu astunen Munduko Sari Nagusiko txapelduna, Emelianenko mundu osoko zaleek "AHUNTZA" deitu ohi dute. Antônio Rodrigo Nogueiraren aurkako garaipenak biltzen dituen kirolaren historiako ikusgarrienetakoa den karreraren curriculuma., Mirko Cro Cop, Mark Hunt, Mark Coleman eta Andrei Arlovski, batzuk aipatzearren. With 29 karrerako garaipenak helmugan amaitu arte, botere zulatzailea eta mundu mailako klase errusiar estoikoaren Sambo-k beti izan dezakete beste aitorpen bat bere ibilbide ospetsuan.

Emelianenko Bellator kaiolara itzultzea oraindik zehazteke dago, baina aurten ekintzetara itzultzea espero da.

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.



NEW YORK – The line-up for the highly anticipated Warrior 222: MacDonald vs. Gracie Ekitaldia has been completed with two title fights and 18 electric bouts in total filling out Bellator’s return to Madison Square Garden this Friday, June 14 – only on DAZN. The star-studded card is headlined by a double main event that will see a Welterweight World Grand Prix semi-final matchup between current Bellator welterweight world champion Rory MacDonald (20-5-1) defending his title against the unbeaten Renzo Gracie-trained Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt Neiman Gracie (9-0), as well as two of the sport’s biggest names in Lyoto Machida (25-8) eta Chael Sonnen (31-16-1) finally meeting after years of parallel careers in the MMA world.

The main card of Warrior 222 will stream live exclusively on DAZN at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, while preliminary action begins at 6:30 p.m. EST/3:30 p.m. PST and will also stream onDAZN or globally on the Bellator Mobile App.

Limited tickets remain available and can be purchased online from Ticketmaster.com, MSG.com eta Bellator.com.

The DAZN-streamed main card also features Darrion Caldwell (13-2) defending his Bellator bantamweight world title against Rizin Fighting Federation’s bantamweight championKyoji Horiguchi (27-2) in a true “champion vs. champion” matchup, following a Horiguchi submission victory when the two met in Rizin’s ring this past December in Japan, as well as a 175-pound catchweight contest between polarizing grappling ace Dillon Danis (1-0) and Max Humphrey (3-2). Gainera, fans will see an intriguing featherweight bout featuring former Bellator 135-pound champion Eduardo Dantas (21-6) making the leap to 145-pounds in an attempt to hand Juan Archuleta (21-1) the first loss of his Bellator career, bitartean Ricky Bandejas (11-2) welcomes unbeaten Patrick Mix (10-0) bantamweight at.

Preliminary action for Warrior 222 is also must-see and features many of Bellator’s rising stars. Those who tune in will see bouts highlighted by Aaron Pico (4-2) versus Adam Borics (12-0) at 145-pounds, as well as a second inter-promotional contest pitting Rena of Rizin (8-2) aurka Lindsay VanZandt (5-1) in a 112-pound catchweight fight. Warrior 222will also see the return of “The Heat” to MSG, when world champion boxer Heather Hardy (2-1) aurpegiak Taylor Turner (3-5) at flyweight. Familiar faces in Mike Kimbel (2-1), Robson Gracie Jr. (1-0) eta Haim Gozali (10-6) will all also compete, while former Ultimate Fighter Parte-hartzaile Phil Hawes (4-2) will make his promotional debut. Azkenik, it was recently announced that undefeated Taekwondo Master Valerie Loureda (1-0) will make her sophomore appearance when she welcomes Larkyn Dasch (0-1) to the Bellator cage on Friday night at Madison Square Garden.

Warrior 222 Txartel nagusia:

Welterweight World Grand Prix Semifinal Title Bout: Rory MacDonald (20-5-1) vs. Neiman Gracie (9-0)

Light Heavyweight Co-Main Event Bout: Lyoto Machida (25-8) vs. Chael Sonnen (31-16-1)

175-Pound Catchweight Bout: Dillon Danis (1-0) vs. Max Humphrey (3-2)

Bantamweight Bout: Ricky Bandejas (11-2) vs. Patrick Mix (10-0)

Featherweight Bout: Eduardo Dantas (21-6) vs. Juan Archuleta (22-1)

Bantamweight World Title Bout: Darrion Caldwell (13-2) vs. Kyoji Horiguchi (27-2)


Featherweight Bout: Aaron Pico (4-2) vs. Adam Borics (12-0)

Emakumeen flyweight Bout: Heather Hardy (2-1) vs. Taylor Turner (3-5)

Emakumeen flyweight Bout: Valerie Loureda (1-0) vs. Larkyn Dasch (0-1)

Welterweight Bout: Robson Gracie Jr. (1-0) vs. Oscar Vera (Pro Estreinaldia)

Bantamweight Bout: Mike Kimbel (2-1) vs. Sebastian Ruiz (2-2)

175-Pound Catchweight Bout: Haim Gozali (10-6) vs. Gustavo Wurlitzer (22-22, 1 NC)

Women’s 112-Pound Catchweight Bout: Rena Kubota (8-2) vs. Lindsay VanZandt (5-1)

Middleweight Bout: Phil Hawes (4-2) vs. Michael Wilcox (6-3)

Arina Bout: Marcus Surin (5-1) vs. Nekruz Mirkhojaev (4-2)

flyweight Bout: Brandon Medina (Pro Estreinaldia) vs. Brandon Polcare (1-2)

165-Pound Catchweight Bout: Kastriot Xhema (2-3) vs. Whitney Jean Francois (2-6-1)

Featherweight Bout: John Beneduce (2-2) vs. Kenny Rivera (2-1)

*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.

Emaitzak & Photos For Bellator 221: Chandler vs. Pitbull


Warrior 221: Chandler vs. Pitbull Txartel nagusia:

Patricio “Pitbull” (28-4) garaitu Michael Chandler (19-4) KO bidez (punches) at 1:01 Bat txandan

Douglas Lima (31-7) garaitu Michael "Venom" Page (14-1) KO bidez (punches) at :35 Kopako bi of

A.J. McKee (14-0) garaitu Pat Curran (23-8) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)

Jake Hager (2-0) vs. T.J. Jones (1-1) aurkezteko (head and arm choke) at 2:36 Bat txandan

Tywan Claxton (5-0) garaitu James Bennett (4-2) TKO bidez (punches) at 2:09 txandan hiru

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Cris Lencioni (5-2) garaitu Adil Benjilany (5-2, 1 NC) aurkezteko bidez (triangelu choke) at 4:55 Bat txandan

Chris Gonzalez (2-0) garaitu Charlie Radtke (2-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-28 x3)

Rob Fenicle (2-0) garaitu Bryan Bautista (1-1) aurkezteko bidez (orpo kako) at 1:42 Bat txandan

Amartuvshin Khuukhenkhuu (10-4) garaitu Adam Ward (18-12) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-28 x3)

Christian Rodriguez (1-0) garaitu Jose Leon (0-1) aurkezteko bidez (armbar) at 4:39 Bat txandan

Robert Morrow (29-24-1) garaitu James Bochnovic (9-4) KO bidez (punches) at 1:18 Bat txandan

Dave Latoria (0-0, 1 NC) eta Jason Belyew (0-1, 1 NC) was ruled a no-contest due to an unintentional low blow

Jesse Bazzi (10-6) garaitu Joey Diehl (12-10) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27 x3)

Josh Streacker (6-2) garaitu Scott Writz (2-1) KO bidez (zulatu) at 3:33 Kopako bi of

Warrior MMA

Bellator mundu osoko borroka arte eta kickboxing mistoen promozio nagusia da, munduko kirolari onenetako asko dituena. Beteranoa borroka sustatzailea Scott Coker zuzendaritzapean, Bellator-eko gertaerak mundu osoko hiri garrantzitsuetan gertatzen dira eta telebistan ikus daitezke 160 herrialdeek mila milioi bat pertsona baino gehiagoko audientzia eskuragarri izateko. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan, Bellator Paramount Networken eta DAZNn ikus daiteke, munduko lehen zuzeneko kirol zuzeneko zuzeneko zerbitzua. Bellator telebistako produkzioan sektoreko profesional nagusiak biltzen dituen talde exekutibo batez osatuta dago, zuzeneko ekitaldi orkestazio, Borrokalari garapena / harremanak, Euskalduna Jauregian kontratazio, babesari / garapenerako, nazioarteko lizentzien, marketing, publizitatea, publizitatea eta batzorde harremanak. Bellator Hollywooden du egoitza, Kalifornia. eta Viacom entretenimendu erraldoiaren jabetzakoa, munduko ataria entertainment marka ikusleak konektatu telebista zehar eduki sinesgarria bidez hasiera, mugimenduaren irudi, plataformen online eta sakelako.

DAZN-i buruz:

DAZN is the largest global sports streaming platform in the world. Urtean abiarazi zenetik 2016, DAZN had expanded across four continents with the service available in the United States, Kanadan, Alemanian, Austria, Suitzan, Italian, Espainiako, Japonian, and Brazil. DAZN guarantees no long-term contract, no bundles, just affordable access to all the service’s sports on connected devices including smart TVs, smartphones, pilulak, joko kontsolak eta ordenagailuak. AEBetan, DAZN-k arrastoa egin du borroka-kirolaren industriaren barruan ordainketarako alternatiba erakargarri gisa. The platform features more than 100 fight nights per year from Matchroom Boxing, Golden Boy Promozioak, GGG Promociones, Warrior MMA, World Boxing Super Series eta Combate Americas. DAZN-k denboraldiko egun guztietan MLB zuzeneko ekintza ere eskaintzen du bere eguneroko ikuskizun berriarekin, ChangeUp.

Full Results & Photos for Bellator 220: MacDonald vs. Fitch

Complete Fight Night Photos

Txartel nagusia:

Rory MacDonald (20-5-1) eta Jon Fitch (32-7-2, 1 NC) gehiengo berdinketarekin borrokatu (48-46, 47-47, 47-47) – MacDonald retains the welterweight title and advances in the Welterweight World Grand Prix

ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) garaitu Veta Arteaga (5-3) TKO bidez (doctor ETEN) at 1:50 of round three to retain the women’s flyweight title

Benson Henderson (27-8) garaitu Adam Piccolot (11-3) split erabaki bidez (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Phil Davis (20-5, 1 NC) garaitu Liam McGeary (13-4) TKO bidez (grebak) at 4:11 txandan hiru

Gaston Bolanos (5-1) garaitu Nathan Stolen (8-5) KO bidez (zulatu) at 2:21 Bat txandan

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Aviv Gozali (2-0) garaitu Travis Crain (0-1) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 2:15 Bat txandan

Brandon Faumui (5-3) garaitu Chris Avila (6-8) split erabaki bidez (30-27, 29-28, 28-29)

Matt Perez (5-2) garaitu Justin Fork (2-2) KO bidez (punches) at 4:52 Bat txandan

Cass Bell (3-0) garaitu Peter Ishiguro (1-1) KO bidez (punches) 2:59 Kopako bi of

Chuck Campbell (2-0) garaitu Bruno Casillas (0-1) KO bidez (belauneko) at 1:45 Bat txandan

Hyder Amil (3-0) garaitu Paradise Vaovasa (6-4, 1 NC) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 2:34 Bat txandan

Josh San Diego (9-4) garaitu Brandon Laroco (5-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)

Jordan Williams (8-2, 1 NC) garaitu Diego Herzog (4-3-1) TKO bidez 1:21 txandan hiru

Abraham Vaesau (5-2, 1 NC) garaitu Justin Roswell (3-3, 1 NC) TKO bidez 1:59 Bat txandan

Chris Inocencio (1-1) garaitu Boris Novachkov (0-1) split erabaki bidez (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Thomas Ponce de Leon (3-0) garaitu Jamario Mulder (2-4) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 29-27, 29-27)

Ignacio Ortiz (2-0-1) eta Roger Severson (3-3-1) fought to a unanimous draw (28-28, 28-28, 28-28)

Erik Gunha (2-0-1) eta Jon Adams (0-0-1) gehiengo berdinketarekin borrokatu (29-27, 28-28, 28-28)

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.


SAN JOSE, Kalifornia. - Guztiak 18 bouts for the highly anticipated Warrior 220: MacDonald vs. Fitch Ekitaldia, streamed exclusively on DAZN, have been announced when Bellator returns home to the SAP Center at San Jose on Saturday, April 27.

Two title fights sit atop the card, as Bellator welterweight champion Rory MacDonald (20-5) defends his title world against Jon Fitch (31-7-1, 1 NC) in the final opening round bout of the Welterweight World Grand Prix, while undefeated Bellator flyweight champion ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane (9-0) returns to action against Veta Arteaga (5-2) in the evening’s co-headliner.

Bellator220: MacDonald vs. Fitch will stream live exclusively on DAZN, the fastest-growing sports streaming service in the world, at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, aurretiazko ekintza egingo Bellator.com bitartean airetik eta orokorrean the Bellator Mobile App on.

Limited tickets remain available at the ThreatMetrix Ticket Office at SAP Center at San Jose, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.

Three former world champions will also appear on the main card, bezala Benson Henderson (26-8) takes on the Bay Area’s own Adam Piccolot (11-2) arin at, bitartean Phil Davis(19-5, 1 NC) will run it back with Liam McGeary (13-3) heavyweight ekintza argitan. Gainera, luma Gaston Bolanos (4-1) looks to add to his impressive highlight reelwhen he kicks off the main card versus Nathan Stolen (8-4).

Preliminary action for Warrior 220: MacDonald vs. Fitch will feature the U.S. debut of second-generation Israeli fighter Aviv Gozali (1-0) in his sophomore appearance againstTravis Crain (Pro Estreinaldia).

Bellator osoa 220: MacDonald vs. Fitch Txartel nagusia:

Welterweight World Grand Prix Title Bout: Rory MacDonald (20-5) vs. Jon Fitch (32-7-1, 1 NC)

Women’s Flyweight World Title Bout: ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane (9-0) vs. Veta Arteaga (5-2)

Karta Nagusien Arina: Benson Henderson (26-8) vs. Adam Piccolot (11-2)

Light Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Phil Davis (19-5, 1 NC) vs. Liam McGeary (13-3)

Luma pisuko karta nagusia: Gaston Bolanos (4-1) vs. Nathan Stolen (8-4)

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Lightweight Undercard Bout: Aviv Gozali (1-0) vs. Travis Crain (Pro Estreinaldia)

160-lb. Catchweight Undercard Bout: Chris Avila (6-7) vs. Brandon Faumui (4-3)

Flyweight Undercard Bout: Justin Fork (2-1) vs. Matt Perez (2-2)

140-lb. Catchweight Undercard Bout: Cass Bell (2-0) vs. Peter Ishiguro (1-0)

Featherweight Undercard Bout: Hyder Amil (2-0) vs. Paradise Vaovasa (6-3, 1 NC)

140-lb. Catchweight Undercard Bout: Josh San Diego (8-4) vs. Brandon Laroco (5-1)

Middleweight Undercard Bout: Diego Herzog (4-2-1) vs. Jordan Williams (7-2, 1 NC)

Welterweight Undercard Bout: Justin Roswell (3-2, 1 NC) vs. Abraham Vaesau (4-2, 1 NC)

Featherweight Undercard Bout: Ignacio Ortiz (2-0) vs. Roger Severson (3-3)

Light Heavyweight Undercard Bout: Chuck Campbell (1-0) vs. Bruno Casillas (Pro Estreinaldia)

Featherweight Undercard Bout: Boris Novachkov (Pro Estreinaldia) vs. Chris Inocencio (0-1)

Welterweight Undercard Bout: Thomas Ponce de Leon (2-0) vs. Jamario Mulder (2-3)

Flyweight Undercard Bout: Erik Gunha (Pro Estreinaldia) vs. Jon Adams (Pro Estreinaldia)

*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.


Sarrerak salgai orain!

LOS ANGELES – Bellator’s return to WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, Okla. ostiralean, Uztailaren 12 will be headlined by a women’s featherweight title fight featuring Canada’s Julia Budd (12-2) defending her title for a third time against undefeated Olga Rubin (6-0) of Israel.

Gertaera zuzenean eta doan emango da Paramount Network helbidean 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT, as well as DAZN.com, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com eta mundu mailan Bellator Mugikorretarako aplikazioa. Sarrerak are on sale now and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino and Resort box office, as well as through Ticketmaster and Bellator.com. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.

Fighting out of Port Moody, British Columbia, Kanadan, Budd is set to enter the Bellator cage for the first time in 2019 and for the third time since claiming the inaugural Bellator women’s featherweight world title in 2017. Currently riding a winning streak of 10 muturretan, including six straight since joining forces with Bellator in 2015, “The Jewel” has her eyes set on a third consecutive world title defense when she challenges the undefeated Rubin on July 12. Since knocking off Dutch legend Marloes Coenen for the 145-pound strap at Warrior 174, the Gibson MMA-product has since collected back-to-back victories over top contenders Arlene Blencowe eta Talita Nogueira. With six of her 12 karrera irabazi datozen knockout edo aurkezteko bidez, the former kickboxing standout will look to hand Rubin the first loss of her professional career.

Making her fifth appearance since signing with Bellator in 2017, Rubin looks to protect her unblemished professional mark en route to her first career women’s featherweight world title on July 12. Following a pair of notable knockouts in her first two promotional appearances at Warrior 164 eta Warrior 188, the 29-year-old prospect has bolstered her resume with dominating victories over the likes of Cindy Dandois and Iony Razafiarisonin each of her past two bouts. Now residing in Holon, Israel, Rubin splits her time training between Tel Aviv and London’s Team Titan under the tutelage of veteran Brad Pickett. “Big Bad” will look to become the first fighter to beat Budd in almost eight years and join a select group of women that includes just Ronda Rousey and Amanda Nunes, who have succeeded against the champ in the past.

Updated Bellator: Budd vs. Rubin Borroka Txartela:

Women’s Featherweight World Title Bout: Julia Budd (12-2) vs. Olga Rubin (6-0)

*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.




Warrior 218: Sanchez vs. Karkhanyan 2 Txartel nagusia:

Emmanuel Sanchez (17-4) garaitu Georgi Karakhanyan (28-8-1) (29-28 x3)

Valentin Moldavsky (8-1) garaitu Linton Vassell (18-8) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-27 x3)

Anatoly Tokov (28-2) garaitu Gerald Harris (25-7-1) aurkezteko bidez (gillotina choke) at 0:37 Kopako bi of

Nobert Novenyi Jr.. (3-0) garaitu Will Lavine (1-2) aurkezteko bidez (head and arm choke) at 4:05 Kopako bi of

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Deborah Kouzmin (2-0) garaitu Ky Bennett (1-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27 x3)

Johnny Eblen (5-0) garaitu Chauncey Foxworth (9-8) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27 x3)

John Macapa (22-4-3) garaitu Kevin Croom (18-12) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-26, 30-26, 29-27)

Jordan Newman (1-0) garaitu Joseph Holmes (0-1) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Vladimir Tokov (4-0) garaitu Ryan Walker (8-5) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-28 x3)

Victoria Leonardo (5-1) garaitu Malin Hermansson (2-1) aurkezteko bidez (armbar) at 4:49 Bat txandan

Nation Gibrick (3-0) garaitu Nick Page (0-3) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 3:14 Bat txandan

Isaiah Gutierrez (5-1) garaitu Aaron Vickers (3-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

Luis Erives (2-1) garaitu Craig Fairley (2-2) TKO bidez 2:40 bigarren txandan


LOS ANGELES – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s return to WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, Okla. Ostiral honetan, March 22 has been completed with a stacked four-fight main card and a total of 10 preliminary contests.

The main event of Friday’s card at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT on Paramount Network, and simulcast on DAZN, will feature a 145-pound headliner, when former featherweight title contender Emmanuel Sanchez (17-4) rematches the returning Georgi Karakhanyan (28-8-1, 1 NC). Rounding out the stacked main card will see a heavyweight matchup pitting England’s Linton Vassell (18-7, 1 NC) in his divisional debut against Russia’s Valentin Moldavsky (7-1), the always-game Gerald Harris (25-7-1) returning to action against the surging Anatoly Tokov (27-2) in a middleweight contest and an intriguing middleweight contest between undefeated London Shootfighters-prospect Norbert Novenyi (2-0) and Kansas’ Will Lavine (1-1).

The prelims for Warrior 218: Sanchez vs. Karakhanyan 2 will be highlighted by multiple bouts featuring recent Bellator signings, including Duke Rufus-trained prospect Jordan Newman, the professional debut of Christian Edwards of Jackson-Wink MMA Academy in Albuquerque, N.M., Sweden’s Malin Hermansson (2-0) eta Johnny Eblen (4-0), who brings his undefeated record to Bellator. Anatoly Tokov’s younger brother, Vladimir Tokov (3-0), will also enter the Bellator cage for the first time when he competes at lightweight against Ryan Walker (8-4). Gainera, seven-fight Bellator veteran John “Macapa” (21-4) meets 30-fight veteran Kevin Croom (19-11) luma at.

Warrior 218: Sanchez vs. Karakhanyan 2 will be broadcast Friday, March 22 on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT and will stream LIVE on DAZN. Preliminary action for both events will stream on Bellator.com and globally on the Bellator Mobile App.

Bellator osoa 218: Sanchez vs. Karakhanyan 2 Txartel nagusia:

Featherweight Main Event Bout: Emmanuel Sanchez (17-4) vs. Georgi Karakhanyan (28-8-1, 1 NC)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Valentin Moldavsky (7-1) vs. Linton Vassell (18-7, 1 NC)

Pisu ertaineko txartel nagusiaren kontra: Anatoly Tokov (27-2) vs. Gerald Harris (25-7-2)

Pisu ertaineko aurrez aurrekoa: Nobert Novenyi (3-0) vs. Will Lavine (1-1)

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Pisu ertaineko aurrez aurrekoa: Johnny Eblen (4-0) vs. Chauncey Foxworth (9-7)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Christian Edwards (Pro Estreinaldia) vs. Roman Huerta (1-0)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Vladimir Tokov (3-0) vs. Ryan Walker (8-4)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: John “Macapa” (21-4-2) vs. Kevin Croom (19-11)

Pisu ertaineko aurrez aurrekoa: Jordan Newman (Pro Estreinaldia) vs. Joseph Holmes (Pro Estreinaldia)

Women’s Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Malin Hermansson (2-0) vs. Victoria Leonardo (4-1)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Nick Page (0-2) vs. Nation Gibrick (2-0)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Aaron Vickers (3-1) vs. Isaiah Gutierrez (4-1)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Craig Fairly (2-1) vs. Luis Erives (1-1)

Women’s 130-lb. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Deborah Kouzmin (1-1) vs. Ky Bennett (1-1)

*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.


LOS ANGELES – Bellator is proud to announce that both Patricio and Patricky Freire, better known to fans as the infamous “Pitbull Brothers,” will continue to compete inside the Bellator cage after signing exclusive multi-year, multi-fight extensions to remain with the promotion.

Fighting out of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasilen, the brothers have become synonymous with Bellator throughout their prolific careers. Having held titles and established themselves among the elite, there are very few names that appear in the Bellator record books more often than current featherweight champ Patricio Pitbull (28-4) and his older brother Patricky Pitbull (21-8).

“When I think about the talent on the Bellator roster, the Pitbull brothers are two of the fighters that immediately come to mind,"Esan Bellator presidente Scott Coker. “They started early on in their careers here, have climbed to the top of their respective divisions and have come to represent what this promotion is all about. I’m thrilled that we’ll continue to see them compete inside the Bellator cage for our fans around the world for many years to come!"

“There are a lot of people on the Bellator roster I want to put my hands on – the first on the list, I’m fighting on May 11th, so renewing made perfect sense for me,” said Patricio. “I’m happy with the agreement and the plans for the future. Of all the fighters currently active on the promotion, I’m with Bellator the longest and the most successful. I plan to set that bar even higher. Urtez, I said ‘I’d become the number one in the world here.’ If anyone still has any doubt, keep an eye on the next chapters.”

Patricky added, “Bellator is growing and so am I. I’m in the best moment of my career and the same can be said of the promotion with the quality of shows, the new TV deals and names under the roster. I’ve set the goal of becoming world champion and setting records. I already am the fighter with most finishes and fights in the organization and I don’t plan to let anyone catch up with me. I have grudges to settle and names to add to my belt. If things line up well, I’m looking at making noise in three weight classes in the near future, so expect the best of me! I’m glad to have reached a new agreement with Bellator and very excited for the new things to come.”

A two-time featherweight champion, Patricio “Pitbull” has competed for the promotion 20 times – winning 16 of those outings – and has successfully defended his belt three times since reclaiming the championship at Warrior 178 aurka Daniel Straus. Azkenaldian, Patricio defeated Emmanuel Sanchez, edging out his opponent via unanimous decision at Warrior 209 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Having earned a finish in 20 bere 28 profesional gisa irabazi du, the reigning champion always brings an exciting style and fans can certainly expect more fireworks as he continues his run in Bellator. Patricio will now move up in weight to challenge current champ Michael Chandler for his lightweight crown in a long-awaited grudge match at Bellator’s return to Allstate Arena in Chicago on May 11.

A perennial lightweight contender since joining Bellator in 2011 at Warrior 36, the 33-year-old Patricky made an immediate impact by emphatically knocking out two true veterans of the sport and eventually competing in two tournament finals. Gainera, he holds the Bellator record for most fights with 21 and knockout wins with 10, including highlight-reel finishes over Ryan Couture eta David Rickels. Hala ere, his most impressive run has come as of late, stringing together seven wins in eight bouts and winning his last five against Josh Thomson, Benson Henderson, Derek eremuak, Roger Huerta eta oraindik orain aurka Ryan Scope at Bellator Newcastle Feb on. 9.

Please visit www.Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.





LOS ANGELES – Bellator’s return to Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Ill. larunbatean, Maiatza 11 is stacked with a must-see lineup of fights, headlined by current lightweight titleholder Michael Chandler (19-4) in his attempt to become the only man to defeat both Pitbull Brothers and put an end to their years-long rivalry, when he defends his belt against Bellator’s 145-pound champ Patricio “Pitbull” (28-4) ekitaldi nagusian Warrior 221 - which will be streamed live exclusively on DAZN.

The co-headliner will see former two-time Bellator welterweight champion Douglas Lima (30-7) face undefeated Michael "Venom" Page (14-0), better known to fans as “MVP,” in the first semi-final matchup in Bellator’s Welterweight World Grand Prix. Each fighter has their eyes set on moving one step closer to becoming Bellator welterweight champ and taking home one million dollars.

Horrez gain, arguably one of the world’s top featherweight prospects A.J. McKee (13-0) will face the stiffest test of his young career when he fights two-time former Bellator featherweight champion Pat Curran (23-7) on Curran’s home turf. Azkenik, former WWE champion Jake Hager (1-0) returns to the Bellator cage for the first time since his first-round submission victory in January looking to continue his early dominance inside the cage.

An exclusive online presale for Warrior 221: Chandler vs. Pitbull takes place between Wednesday, Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. CT and Thursday, Feb. 21 at 10 p.m. CT, with tickets going on-sale to the general public on Friday, Feb. 22 at 12 p.m. CT. Tickets for the event will be available at the Allstate Arena box office, baita Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.

Warrior 221: Chandler vs. Pitbull will be broadcast live on DAZN at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, aurretiazko ekintza egingo Bellator.com bitartean airetik eta orokorrean the Bellator Mobile App on. bouts osagarria izango da datozen asteetan jakinaraziko da.

Bellatorren historiako borrokalari apainduenetako bat, Michael Chandler reclaimed the lightweight championship this past December to become a three-time titleholder. "Burdinak" dibisio bat irabazi du dibisioaren elite artean, Barne Brent Primus, Benson Henderson, Patricky Pitbull (x2), Goiti Yamauchi eta Eddie Alvarez. The former University of Missouri wrestler from High Ridge, Mo., orain Nashville etxera deitzen duena, has had a slow-building feud with his May 11 Aurkari, verbally sparring with his foe following wins over Patricio’s brother Patricky and on social media. Orain, the time for talk is over and both will enter the Bellator cage to finally settle the score.

Hailing from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasilen, two-time featherweight champ Patricio “Pitbull” will enter the Bellator cage for a promotional record 21th time. With impressive wins to his name over Daniel Straus (x3), Daniel Weichel (x2) eta Pat Curran, he most recently defeated Emmanuel Sanchez tan aho batez erabaki bidez Warrior 209. Moving up a weight class for the first time since Warrior 160 when he met Benson Henderson, “Pitbull” is planning to leave his mark in a new division and go down as one of the all-time greats. Having earned a finish in 20 bere 28 profesional gisa irabazi du, the reigning champion has become synonymous with excitement and fans can certainly expect more fireworks when looks to become a simultaneous two-division champion on May 11.

Fighting out of Atlanta, Ga., by way of Goiania, Brasilen, Douglas “The Phenom” Lima has been a mainstay at the top of the 170-pound division for the better part of three years. With wins against the likes of Lorenz Larkin, Andrey Koreshkov (x2), Paul Daley and Ben Saunders, the 31-year-old advanced to the semifinals of the Welterweight World Grand Prix after a technical submission win against Koreshkov. A winner of nine out of his last 11 lehiaketak, the American Top Team product remains set on showing the world how dominant he truly is.

One of the most unorthodox strikers to ever compete, “MVP” has steadily worked his way up the welterweight ranks since signing with the organization in 2013. Known for his unique style and personality both inside the cage and out, every Michael Page fight is must-see entertainment. With an undefeated record of 14-0, eta 11 of those victories coming by stoppage, the 31-year-old out of London Shootfighters advanced to the semifinals following a closely contested unanimous decision win against rival Paul Daley at Warrior 216.

Fighting out of Long Beach, Kalifornia., A.J. McKee puts his undefeated record on the line against the former champ on May 11. Currently training alongside the likes of Aaron Pico,“Baby Slice” eta Joey Davis at The Body Shop under the tutelage of his father, MMA veteran Antonio McKee, the second-generation fighter has been making quite the name for himself since joining the professional ranks. Besterik 23 urtetik, “Mercenary” has set the Bellator record for consecutive wins at 13, having defeated Daniel Crawford, Brian Moore, John “Macapa, Justin Lawrence and Dominic Mazzotta bidean. Known for his highlight-reel finishes, McKee will look to remain unbeaten and keep his name etched in the record books when he meets Curran at Warrior 221. A former two-time Bellator world featherweight champion, Pat Curran returns to the cage near his hometown looking to earn another shot at gold. Fighting out of Crystal Lake, Ill., “Paddy Mike” is in the midst of a three-fight win streak that includes victories over Emmanuel Sanchez, John “Macapa”and Georgi Karakhanyan. The longtime Bellator veteran, who debuted at Warrior 14 in 2010, owns additional wins over Patricio “Pitbull,” Joe Warren, Roger Huerta eta Daniel Straus. Era, a two-time Bellator tournament winner, the 31-year-old’s return to the top of the 145-pound division begins with a tough test against McKee.

A native of Perry, Okla., Hager emphatically showed the world that he belongs in the sport of MMA with a submission win over J.W. Kizer at Warrior 214 urtarrilean. A collegiate wrestler at the University of Oklahoma, where he was an All-American and set the school record for most pins at the 285-pound weight class in a single season with 30. Following graduation and a conversation with legendary pro wrestling announcer and fellow Oklahoma Sooner, Jim Ross, Hager made the transition to professional wrestling and signed with World Wrestling Entertainment. While in WWE, Hager would go on to claim multiple coveted professional titles during his time with the organization, including the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, ECW Championship and WWE United States Championship. Orain, the man also known to fans around the globe as “Jack Swagger” will return to action MMA action in Chicago against a soon-to-be-announced heavyweight opponent.

Eguneratua Warrior 221: Chandler vs. Pitbull Card:

Lightweight World Title Bout: Michael Chandler (19-4) vs. Patricio “Pitbull” (28-4)

Welterweight World Grand Prix Semi-final: Douglas Lima (30-7) vs. Michael "Venom" Page (14-0)

Luma pisuko karta nagusia: A.J. McKee (13-0) vs. Pat Curran (23-7)

Pisu astuneko txartel nagusia: Jake Hager (1-0) vs. TBA

*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.