Kategori Achiv: Amateur mma

Fanm k'ap kalòj la mma AT nef XIX NAN LEWISTON


Kira Innocenti (l) ak Angela Young (r) koutwazi foto nan Tracey McCue
Kira Innocenti (l) ak Angela Young (r), koutwazi foto nan Tracey McCue

Lewiston, Maine (Out 31, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, pral kenbe diznevyèm melanje-masyal-boza li yo (Mma) evènman, “Nef XIX,” nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. The fight card will feature two amateur women’s bouts. Angela Young (0-0) a se mma Young nan nan Bangor pwograme yo fè premye li kont Rachèl Reinheimer (1-0) from team Sityodtong. Young’s teammate Kira Innocenti (0-0) se tou pwograme yo fè premye li kont Hannah Sparrell (0-0) soti nan premye klas mma nan Brunswick.


Angela Young se madanm lan nan Chris Young – owner and founder of Young’s MMA. She views her debut fight as a way of testing herself.


It’s important for me to test myself,” di Young, “se pa sèlman nan kalòj la viniSeptember 12th, but also through the fight that’s happened the last eight weeks leading up to the NEF event. I feel the fight is essentially a showcase and representation of the grueling training sessions and endless hours in the gym that took place prior to fight night. Living the MMA lifestyle to me meant more than diet modifications and strict training schedules. Athletically, li te plis sou andire nan obstak yo ak pouse limit mwen kòm yon konkiran nan yon fason ki pa t 'janm fè tès. Li te sou pwouve tèt mwen, antrenè m 'ak koekipye mwen pou m' te touche dwat mwen nan etap nan kalòj la.”


Ki kote nan fanm ki sot pase yo yo te rlege nan atraksyon ak kado pòsyon yo nan espò konba evènman, tankou boksè, Mma fanm pa te sèlman leve soti vivan nan sitiyasyon egal ak gason an mma, li gen, nan kèk fason, surpassed it. One has to look only to the highest level of the sport to see this trend. Women’s fights are now routinely present on the main cards of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (Ch). The promotion’s top star, epi ki pi wo li yo peye atlèt, se bantamweight chanpyon fanm li yo nan ronda Rousey (12-0). The women competing on the September 12 kat ap fèt nan forefront de yon mouvman yo elaji opòtinite pou fanm nan nivo rejyonal.


“Mma pou fanm se pa lajman diferan pase sa li se pou gason,” deklare Young. “Li evidan, Mma se yon espò majorite gason, but successful women in the MMA world are on the rise. Atravè sa a kan batay mwen te grappled, sparred ak batay kont mma ekip batay Young la ak yo te bay sipò inègzorableman. Pou ou kab vin youn nan premye konbatan yo ki fi soti nan Young a sètènman gen presyon li yo (osi byen ke yo te marye ak Mr. Young) but it’s also a spotlight I’m hoping will inspire other women who otherwise wouldn’t have pursued MMA. I would bet the women’s fights on September 12th won’t be unlike the others we’ve seen at prior NEF events. Mwen atann mwen fanm yo mete yo sou yon montre gwo paske nou gen yon bagay yo pwouve. Mwen mete san, swe ak dlo nan je nan fòmasyon ak ou pi bon kwè mwen an konsideran opozan m 'fè menm bagay la tou. Sa yo te di, fanm yo yo ale nan mache dèyè li ki plante poto yo nan kalòj la nef.”


Koekipyèr Tou de Young a, Kira Innocenti, osi byen gen opozan li nan “Nef XIX,” Rachèl Reinheimer, sanble yo dakò ak opinyon Young la sou kwasans lan rapid nan mma fanm.


“Mma Fanm se nan monte la,” Di Innocenti. “Chak disiplin anseye yon yon bagay fanm li pa konnen sou tèt li. Mwen te wè li bati konfyans nan tèt mwen ak anpil lòt moun. Fanm yo plis sou tapi yo, the better. Fans can expect my teammate, Angie, ak tèt mwen bay li nou an tout ak ale nan lagè jis tankou vanyan sòlda yo gason an mma Young yo fè. Nou te travay di ki reprezante jimnastik nou an. Nou pral goumen ak fyète, pasyon, epi ki gen kwen yo pi fò kap soti pou nou. Mwen kapab asire ou ke epizod fanm yo pral inoubliyab.”


“Mma Fanm se yon espò jis tankou nenpòt ki lòt,” deklare Reinheimer nan Everett, Massachusetts. “Li pa yon fim aksyon kote ewo a kouri soti nan Woods yo pandan twa jou nan tren ak yon mèt masyal atis ak Lè sa a defèt yon lame tout antye. Li pa yon tapaj ba. Li pa yon ale al kache kò tounen. Fanm sa yo se atlèt grav ki tren avèk dilijans pou ane lè l sèvi avèk fòmasyon an pi bon, ekipman ak resous ki disponib. Fanm ki konpetisyon nan espò konba depanse dè milye de èdtan nan san, swe ak dlo nan je achevman espò yo. Yo fè bèt pou touye. Anplis de sa, gen règ ak limit tan ak prekosyon pou sekirite. Lè yon moun se abitye avèk lide a nan mma fanm, Mwen li konpare l ak boksè oswa kloti, something else that people are more familiar with. The pool of women fighters in New England is deepening fast and the fact that there are more women’s bouts on fight cards reflects that. Opozan mwen ak mwen, yo toulède yo soti nan grav, kan travay di. Nou tou de se manman ak li pran yon anpil nan detèminasyon ak kondwi fè sa a espò pandan y ap jungle travay ak timoun. Mwen t ap travay san pran souf ak ekip mwen an depi batay dènye mwen amelyore jwèt mwen nan tout aspè. Mwen se konsa rekonesan pou fòmasyon an etonan ak koekipye nan Sityodtong ki pouse m 'sa difisil. Sou Sèptanm 12, ou kapab atann yon lagè.”


Pifò moun, tou de gason ak fanm, who join MMA gyms do not do so initially intending to become an active cage fighter. On any given day, one can walk into any MMA gym and find a diverse population of trainees. Men and women, fin vye granmoun ak jenn ti gason, kolye ble ak kolye blan, all train side by side. Most will never step foot in a cage in front of thousands of screaming fans. Most are there to get in shape or learn self-defense. Some, sepandan, yo mòde pa pinèz la konpetisyon.


“Mwen te prezante nan mond lan mma aprè yo te siyen pitit fi mwen moute pou klas jyu jitsu panse li ta benefisye nan li pou aspè nan defans pwòp tèt ou patisipe nan espò a,” raple Hanna Sparrell. “Mwen wè jan li tonbe nan renmen ak jwèt la, pran fòs ak konfyans, and was quick to decide that it was something I needed to be doing too. It didn’t take long before I fell in love with Jiu Jitsu myself, Lè sa a, finalman te vle ak yo eksplore lòt aspè yo nan mond lan mma. Pou ou kab vin nan jimnastik la te vin devni yon dezyèm kay pou m 'ak pitit fi mwen, patnè fòmasyon mwen, a second family. Every day I walk through the doors of the gym is a test, li nan yon egzamen sou Atletisme, osi byen ke yon egzamen sou kondwi mantal ak emosyonèl. Depi ke yo te prezante yo melanje mond lan Arts masyal mwen mete kò mwen an, kè, ak nanm nan fòmasyon, ak konpetisyon nan bout sa a se enpòtan nan m 'pou plizyè rezon, pa sèlman nan reprezante tèt mwen ak travay di mwen, men tou, yo reprezante tout travay la difisil, dedikasyon, ak ankourajman mwen te resevwa nan men zanmi m ', enstriktè, patnè fòmasyon, and fellow fighters along the way. I think MMA training for woman is a great outlet for many reasons, li fizikman se yon gwo antrennman, epi tou se yon fòm bon nan "terapi" nan fen yon jou petèt estrès. Mwen gen anpil fanm mwen tren ak, pa tout nan yo se planifikasyon sou batay, men benefis ki genyen nan espò a se toujou la, epi yo renmen li jis menm bagay la.”


Innocenti, tankou anpil, te vin patisipe nan espò batay kòm yon fason jwenn nan, epi rete nan, shape. Little did she know when her journey started some two years ago that it would take her into an MMA cage with thousands watching her compete.


“Tès tèt mwen nan yon melanje bout Arts masyal se enpòtan nan m 'nan anpil konsidere. De zan de sa, Mwen te twò gwo epi difikilte yo jwenn yon an sante, chemen ranpli. Yon jou, Mwen leve, li pran lavi pa sèl wa yo ak nan mwatye nan yon ane, pèdi swasant liv sou pwòp mwen. Mwen akeyi ki defi, plas, e yo te vle yon lòt. Arawon “Inplakabl” Lacey di m 'sou Mma Young nan epi mwen te ke yo oblije tcheke li soti. Apre kite nan pòt yo, ap eseye soti tout nan klas yo, ak satisfè fanmi an ki te fè li tèlman espesyal, Mwen te branche. Mwen te fè li yon objektif yo dwe youn nan premye konbatan yo ki fi nan ekip la batay joui pi dominan nan New England. Mwen te toujou te yon konkiran. Mwen renmen defi tèt mwen ak pouse limit ke yo te panse yo dwe enposib reyalize. K ap viv melanje fòm nan Arts masyal se difisil. Li mande plis devouman pase mwen janm imajine sa posib. Li kraze ou menm ak bati ou tounen moute nan moun nan ou se vre wi: yo. Sa a batay se yon bagay enpòtan paske mwen te gate ak yon ekip etonan bò kote m 'ki anseye pa antrenè yo ki pi motivasyon ak ankouraje. Se mwen menm ki detèmine ki fè yo fyè ak di yo mèsi avèk men mwen te leve soti vivan.”


“Melanj Martial Arts se tès la ultim nan lespri imen an sou chak nivo: fizikman, mantalman, ak emosyonèl,” di Reinheimer. “Mwen gen yon dezi boule konnen ki jan lwen mwen ka ale. I like exceeding expectations and pushing my limits and that’s MMA in a nutshell. Since I started training in martial arts, te lavi m 'vin fwontyè-mwens. Lavi m 'sou kabann lan vin pi bon lavi mwen an kabann ak vis vèrsa nan. Li nan dezabiye lwen tout distraksyon yo nesesè ak distile lavi m 'desann nan sa ki vrèman enpòtan, nan ak soti nan bag la. Mwen santi mwen tankou li nan te ede m 'vin pi pi pre pwòp tèt ou natif natal mwen. Li nan pi bon an nan Arts masyal ak ansyen lavi modèn.”


Nan kat fanm yo goumen sou mòn lan “Nef XIX” kat, only Reinheimer has actively competed in the past. She dominated her opponent this past spring on her way to a unanimous decision victory in her debut. All of the women fighting on September 12 nan Lewiston kontan pou opòtinite a.


“Nef se yon pwomosyon solid ak yon gwo repitasyon,” di Reinheimer. “I was a spectator at their very first fight card back in 2012. I love Maine and the crowd is awesome there. Mwen pa ka tann!”


“Mwen panse ke fanatik yo ka atann yon montre gwo tout bon,” sèksklama Sparrell. “Pi souvan pase pa batay fanm yo yo te pwouve yo dwe trè amizan, nou nan kou vle pwouve tèt nou merite nan espò evidans gason ki domine sa a. Sa a se premye a pou twa nan kat nan fanm yo sou kat sa a, Se konsa, mwen konnen gen a pwal yon anpil nan kè ak detèminasyon jete nan batay sa yo. Mwen konnen, pèsonèlman, Mwen trè eksite yo reprezante! I couldn’t be more excited to be making my MMA debut in the NEF cage; Mwen te ap gade anpil nan konbatan yo ki mwen idolatre ak gade jiska nan espò sa a soti nan pozisyon yo nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan, gen opòtinite a kounye a dwe soti la ak yo vrèman se yon onè vre.”


“Kòm mwa septanm 12yèm rapidman apwòch, M 'ap vin pi plis eksite ak pare jwenn nan kalòj la,” di Young. “Sa a te gen byen yon vwayaj ak mwen se rekonesan pou opòtinite pou fè amatè mma premye mwen ak nef.”


“Se mwen menm ki vwèman emosyone fè premye mma mwen ak nef mwa septanm 12yèm sou,” Di Innocenti. “Mwen te travay san pran souf yo ka resevwa opòtinite sa a epi mwen menm mwen kontan ke lè a rive.”


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX,” pran plas nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nan www.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisée nan 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.


Lewiston, Maine (Out 27, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, se fyè anonse siyen an nan “Sleepy” Norman Fox (4-2) to an NEF developmental deal. The deal will see Fox make his professional debut with the promotion in the flyweight division in early 2016.


“Mwen te gen yon kouri bèl siksè kòm yon amatè ak nef, but it’s time to take things to the next level,” di Fox. “No one has seen what I’m fully capable of, but they will soon enough. The flyweight division is mine.


Yon manm nan mma Athletix nan Bath, Maine, Fox debuted with NEF as an amateur in the summer of 2013. He won his first four fights in NEF all via stoppage. Fox is considered a rising star in a very thin, men devlope, divizyon Mouch rejyonal.


“Nou pa ta ka pi kontan yo gen Norman avèk nou kòm yon pwofesyonèl,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Norman te devlope kòm yon amatè andedan kalòj la nef e se kounye a pare yo atake divizyon an Mouch pro. Norman se yon siyen enteresan epi nou ap fyè yo gen l 'kòm yon pati nan lis la nef. Genyen yon bon chans ke 2016 yo pral ane a nan Fox la.”


I couldn’t ask for a better promotion to kick off my pro career with than NEF,” Fox di.


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX,” pran plas sou Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisee la nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nan www.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisee nan 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.

51-YEAR-OLD WRESTLING COACH retounen nan mma kalòj

Lewiston, Maine (Out 26, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, pral kenbe diznevyèm melanje-masyal-boza li yo (Mma) evènman, “Nef XIX,” nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisee la nan Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the fight card. Breve Kelly (3-0) se pwograme al kontre Ken Dunn (0-1) Yon pwa batay nan 160-liv.


Kelly se antrenè a 51-zan nan ekip la lit Camden Hills Rejyonal High School nan Rockport, Maine, where he has led the team to three state championships. He also teaches at the school. Kelly is a 2007 inductee of the Maine Amateur Wrestling Alliance Hall of Fame. He won a state title wrestling for Camden-Rockport High School in the early 1980s. He later wrestled for the University of Maine, winning the New England Championship and competing in the NCAA championships in 1986. Kelly made his MMA debut in the fall of 2014 a laj de 50 kòm yon manm nan Bangor, Maine’s Young’s MMA. Nan kòmansman ane sa a, li te sijè a nan tit entènasyonal apre bat Duo a papa-pitit gason 46-zan Dr. Steve Bang (0-1) ak Steve Bang, Jr. (3-3) a apa evènman nef.


Opozan Kelly a Ken Dunn se yon manm nan Maine Kyokushin Karate (MRC) sitiye nan Nòvèj, Maine. As a practitioner of Kyokushin, Dunn is well-versed in full-contact sparring and will no doubt bring his striking skills to bear against the wrestler Kelly. He will be making his debut in the NEF cage on Septanm 12 nan Lewiston.


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX,” pran plas sou Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisee la nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nan www.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisee nan 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.


Lewiston, Maine (Out 24, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, pral kenbe diznevyèm melanje-masyal-boza li yo (Mma) evènman, “Nef XIX,” nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisee la nan Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, pwomosyon nan te anonse ke Sidney “Da zam” Outlaw (4-1) te te demisyone nan ranplase Brandon Chagnon (5-4) in a professional welterweight bout against Darrius Heyliger (4-2).


Outlaw se yon veteran nan sèn nan nasyonal, li te gen konpetisyon pou la ap, Mondyal seri de Goumen (WSOF) ak kaj kòlè Goumen chanpyona (CFFC) in the past. He trains out of Dante Rivera BJJ. Prior to going professional, Outlaw te gen yon gwan distribisyon karyè amatè nan 7-1 , epi yo pran plizyè tit rejyonal atravè Nòdès la ak Mid-Atlantik.


“Sa a se yon batay elit,” said NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “You have two athletes who are maybe one or two solid wins away from getting the call up permanently to the major leagues of the sport. We always tell our fans to come see these guys now before you can see them on national TV and pay-per-view. This fight definitely falls in that category.


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX,” pran plas sou Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisee la nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nan www.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisee nan 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.

HARVEY predi goumen nan fini an ak DIBARTOLOMEO

POU PIBLIKASYON IMEDYAT: Lewiston, Maine (Out 21, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, pral kenbe diznevyèm melanje-masyal-boza li yo (Mma) evènman, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Headlining the amateur portion of the fight card will be Josh Harvey (4-1) defann Tit la nef mma Amateur lejè kont Ryan Dibartolomeo(4-3). Dènyèman, Harvey te envite nan nef ko-pwopriyetè ak promoteur Matt Peterson sou nef Podcast a.


Harvey was introduced to the mats early in life. He started wrestling in junior high school and continued through his high school years. He began boxing at the age of 15 and trained in the ring for the next seven years. It was not until he attended “Nef VIII: Nasyon fè kolizyon” nan Bangor ki Harvey reyalize li te kapab gen yon tan kap vini nan espò a nan mma.


“Lè nef rive Bangor ak mwen ap gade Ray Bwa pran tit la, ak mwen vin chonje l 'soti nan lit lekòl segondè, sa ki te Replik mwen an jwenn nan sou sa a,” Di Harvey. “I knew it was a true possibility to go somewhere in MMA. Apre kolèj, there’s nowhere for wrestlers to go. Mma, that’s the outlet. That’s why you see wrestlers dominating in MMA all the way to the top.


Byento apre evennman an, then Young’s MMA wrestling coach Mark Heathcote reached out to Harvey through Facebook to invite him to train with the team. Harvey quickly found a home at the Bangor gym founded by Chris Young. He joined in on the massive success the team had already found in the MMA cages of New England.


“Mwen te akeyi trè cho nan Young a,” Harvey recalled. “Everyone was very kind over there. Bruce (Boyington, aktyèl nef mma Pwofesyonèl lejè chanpyon) te premye moun ki pran m ', pa vle di anba zèl li, but to get together outside of the gym and we became friends. As far as the success Young’s has had as a team, Mwen pa pral di ou ka lakre li tout moute nan antrenè siperyè, men nou te gen pi bon nan alantou, omwen nan eta sa a, petèt nan New England.”


Sou wout li nan reklame nef mma Amateur lejè chanpyona a sa a mwa Jen sot pase, Harvey finished all three of his NEF opponents in a total of just over three minutes. Harvey, sepandan, wè lavni l 'nan espò a nan divizyon an plum.


“Mwen pa tren fini yo tout nan premye tou an,” Di Harvey. “That’s just how it wound up. Maybe you’ll see me go the distance as the competition gets thicker. That’s why I love this fight with Ryan (Dibartolomeo). Li se, Mwen kwè, Nimewo-de klase, so this is a good way to find out where I lay in that level. I’m not a 55er. As far as I’m concerned, I’m a 45er that’s fighting at 55. Best 45er? Amateur in New England? Wi. The game’s gonna change when I go professional. We’ll see where I stack up there.


Lè Harvey te kòmanse diskite sou opozan potansyèl pou “Nef XIX” ak matchmakers nef, he was very clear that he wanted the toughest opponent they could find for him. If he wanted tough, he will get just that in Ryan Dibartolomeo. Dibartolomeo is out of John Fain’s Team Triumph/Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire. After dropping his first three, Dibartolomeo te genyen kat dènye batay l 'nan yon ranje, yon tras enpresyonan ki te kòmanse nan “Nef X” nan mwa septanm nan 2013.


“Tout batay l 'ke li te te genyen yo te pa desizyon,” Di Harvey. “Nan lide m ', he let the judges win those fights for him. Fights aren’t won by judges. Fights are won by fighters. My prediction is it’s gonna be a finish. I’m gonna go out there, kill or be killed. He’s either gonna finish me or I’m gonna finish him. That’s how it’s gonna happen.


Ou ka koute entèvyou a tout antye nef Podcast awww.NewEnglandFights.com/Podcasts/


Ou kapab swiv Josh Harvey sou ofisyèl Facebook paj fanatik l ' “hookonharvey.” For more information on Young’s MMA, tanpri vizite paj Facebook yo “Young nan mma.”


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” pran plas souSamdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX: REZIDAN” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nan www.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisée nan 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.

DEXTER RESEVWA SECOND chans pou pou genyen lò nan yon klas pwa NEW

Lewiston, Maine (Out 19, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, pral kenbe diznevyèm melanje-masyal-boza li yo (Mma) evènman, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. That night, Ekip Irish la Ricky Dexter (3-1) se pwograme al kontre CJ egyèr (3-2) in an NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Title eliminator. Dènyèman, Dexter te envite nan sou nef Podcast a akomode pa nef ko-pwopriyetè ak promoteur Matt Peterson.


Yon veteran nan Etazini Marin a, Dexter rejwenn ekip Irish jimnastik Marcus Davis la apre yo fin demenaje lakay yo nan Bangor, Maine at the conclusion of his military service. Evantyèlman, Dexter te pran plis pase pwogram nan kondisyon fizik nan gym la, kounye a li te ye kòm “207 Atlèt.” Dexter touched on his progression from joining the gym to becoming a trainer.


“Mwen te vle kontinye travay deyò epi yo kenbe nan fòm ki bon,” said Dexter of his return home to Maine from military service. “I figured I’d go work out with the guys at Team Irish. I started doing their workout regimen. I dabbled a little bit with MMA training. Slowly I got more into it over time. It was a good workout. As time went on, I got better at it. I got more addicted with the more I learned, ki gen konesans Marcus a, I got addicted to it. He hired me to run his fitness class. Apre sa, I figured I’d take a fight. I was in pretty good shape.


Nan kòmansman ane sa a, Dexter angaje nan yon riks sevèr ak Cory Jijman (1-1) nan “Nef XVI.” It was just Dexter’s second fight in the MMA cage. The bout ended in a knockout victory for Dexter. The highlight-reel knockout will, pa gen dout, dwe nan kouri a pou yon nominasyon pou “KO pou Ane a” nan la “Nef 2015 Ane-Fen Prim.”


“Premye tou an mwen bèl anpil sonje,” recalled Dexter. “The second round I kind of went into a trance. I don’t really remember much of it, just from watching the video. When you get to that point your training takes over. You kind of black out and, anvan ou konnen li, w ap vin men ou leve soti vivan.”


Nan tout, Dexter fini premye twa epizod amatè l 'sou wout li nan ap resevwa yon bal nan chanpyona a nef mma Amateur lejè nan “Nef XVIII Atik” sa a jen sot pase kont Josh Harvey (4-1). Dexter would lose the bout by first-round submission. Nan “Nef XIX” sou Septanm 12, Dexter pral gen yon chans yo regle zafè ke pèt lè li satisfè Havey nan Young a Mma koekipyèr CJ egyèr nan yon bout ki pral gen yon eliminateur tit pou nef mma Amateur koup la wèltèr.


“Li nan yon wrèstle reyèlman bon, yon gwo nèg,” Dexter said of Ewer. “He looks like he’s pretty skilled. He comes from a respected school in Young’s. We all know what he’s gonna do, ak nou tout konnen ki sa mwen dwe fè.”


Ou ka koute entèvyou a tout antye nef Podcast awww.NewEnglandFights.com/Podcasts/


Pou plis enfòmasyon sou Ekip Irish Fòm Akademi an, tanpri vizite sit entènèt yo www.TeamIrishMMA.com. You can also follow “207 Atlèt” sou Facebook yo aprann plis sou pwogram fòmasyon Ricky Dexter a.


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” pran plas souSamdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX: REZIDAN” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nan www.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisée nan 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.

CROWSNECK Boutin: “Li toujou plezi frape moun soti”

Lewiston, Maine (Out 17, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, pral kenbe diznevyèm melanje-masyal-boza li yo (Mma) evènman, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Featured on the professional portion of the card will be a light-heavyweight matchup between Crowsneck Boutin (1-0) ak Mike “Moustach nan” Hansen (2-2). Both men are competing under NEF developmental deals.


Dènyèman, Boutin was NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson’s guest on the NEF Podcast. Boutin discussed, nan mitan lòt sijè, ap grandi nan LUBEC, Maine, bout la k ap vini ak Hansen, and his recent signing to a multi-fight NEF development deal. Boutin and Peterson touched on their first meeting some three-and-a-half years ago, yon ti tan anvan Boutin te fè premye li nan amatè “Nef III.”


“Mwen te pandye soti ak yon kopen kèk moun ki te resevwa tikè a ou (Nef) premye evènman, Se konsa, mwen te ale nan sa ki epi li te bagay la pi gran,” recalled Boutin. “I remember talking with people and then contacting you. I really wasn’t doing anything at that time. I was feeling kind of lost. I was kind of clinging to the feeling of want. I just wanted to do something. Plis, I liked to fight and scrap. I always watched the sport. I guess it just all came together at that time.


Ki pa gen okenn fòmasyon fòmèl, Boutin would lose his first bout. Yon ti tan apre, Peterson mete Boutin an kontak ak antrenè Jon Pinette nan Enstiti a Choi nan Portland, Maine. It is there that Boutin found his footing in the martial arts while, an menm tan an, tou, tankou zanmi fò ak relasyon ak koekipye.


“Li se yon atmosfè trè pè,” said Boutin of the Choi Institute. “Mwen pa janm te te rete nan yon sèl kote trè long tout lavi m ', except for this place. I don’t see myself leaving. It’s a great atmosphere over here. I called Jon. I remember being really nervous to call Jon, Mwen te panse sou sa a pi bonè, men li te vrèman envite… Tout moun isit la ki te reyèlman envite, really supporting. There’s a really good mix of people here. We have young to old. We have everything in between. It’s a very accepting place to be. It’s a great place to train. Everyone gets along inside and outside the gym.


Boutin te pran desizyon an yo vire pwofesyonèl pi bonè ane sa apre li fin konpetisyon nan yon total de 13 batay amatè. He would defeat MMA Athletix head coach Ryan Cowette (2-3) in his debut. In doing so, Boutin te vin jwenn yon mezi nan tire revanj kòm li te protégé Cowette nan Brent Dillingham (1-1) ki moun ki te lage Boutin premye pèt li nan amatè premye Boutin a nan “Nef III.” Boutin says that there really was no animosity between himself and Cowette, men echanj la pòs-batay ant Boutin ak Dillingham nan “Nef III” nan 2012 is still in the back of his mind. He admits that he would love a rematch with Dillingham in the near future.


“Osi lwen ke Brent Dillingham ale, li se yon moun mwen ta vrèman renmen al goumen byento nan 205 si li ka jwenn nan fòm yo ak kontre avè m 'gen,” Boutin declared. “Mwen ta renmen genyen ki nenpòt moman batay byento.”


Boutin pral gen travay li koupe soti pou l 'ak Hansen sou Septanm 12 nan Lewiston. Hansen is an accomplished wrestler, li te gen te genyen yon chanpyona eta a pou Lekòl Segondè Mountain Valley nan RUMFORD, Maine in 2004. Boutin, sepandan, se konfyans nan kapasite pwòp tèt li tou de kanpe ak sou kabann lan.


“Mwen santi mwen pare pou tout kote batay la ale,” di Boutin. “Si li rete sou de pye yo, evantyèlman plis pase twa jij, I’m gonna try to knock him out. It’s always fun to knock people out. If it goes to the ground, Mwen pral met la.”


Ou ka koute entèvyou a tout antye nef Podcast awww.NewEnglandFights.com/Podcasts/


Pou plis enfòmasyon sou Enstiti a Choi, tanpri vizite sit entènèt yowww.choishindo.com.


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” pran plas souSamdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX: REZIDAN” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nan www.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisée nan 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.


Lewiston, Maine (Out 14, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, pral kenbe diznevyèm melanje-masyal-boza li yo (Mma) evènman, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, pwomosyon an te anonse kat la batay pou evènman an prezante yon adwaz plen nan pwofesyonèl ak amatè matchups mma.


Se evènman an justesse ki gen tit “Rezidan” as it will feature the returns of several athletes who have either been recently inactive or competing outside the NEF umbrella. One such return will feature Darrius Heyliger (5-2) soti nan Ithaca, New York. Maine and the NEF cage became a home-away-from-home for Heyliger and several of his Bombsquad teammates during the early days of the promotion. Heyliger competed regularly for NEF in 2012 and early 2013. His last appearance in the cage was in May 2013 kont Marcus “Ilandè men grenad a” Davis (22-11) nan evènman an prensipal la “Nef VII.” Heyliger will make his return on Septanm 12 kont Brandon Chagnon (5-4) nan Sityodtong.


Bò la pwofesyonèl nan kat la pral tou prezante Homecoming a Matt “Ken poupe” Denning (1-0) after a 10-month extended layoff from action. Denning made his professional debut last November with a win over Derek Shorey (2-2). He will return in front of his hometown crowd against Zenon “Ka-bar” Herrera(0-1).


Pale de avyon de gè peyi, Izayi “Viking a” Erickson (5-4), yon natif natal nan vwazen Auburn, Maine, pral gade pou yon ekstansyon pou l 'genyen-tras nan twa lè li ap fè fas Ricky “Savage” Sylvester (2-1). Sylvester’s previous appearance in NEF ended in controversy when many felt he held an armbar a little too long on Tollison Lewis (0-4).


Sou bò amatè nan kat la, Josh Harvey (4-1) is scheduled to headline in the first defense of his NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Title. Harvey will meet the stiff challenge of Ryan Dibartolomeo (4-2) soti nan Ekip Triumph / Boston BJJ Jan byen renmen la nan Nashua, New Hampshire. Harvey won the vacant title this past June with a first-round submission of Ricky Dexter (3-1).


Pòsyon nan amatè nan kat la pral tou prezante pa yon sèl, but two women’s contests. Young’s MMA of Bangor, Maine will be represented in both bouts with Angela Young (0-0) ak Kira Innocenti (0-0) making their respective debuts. Angela is the wife of Young’s MMA founder and head coach Chris Young. She will meet Rachèl Reinheimer (1-0) soti nan Sityodtong pandan y ap Innocenti pral kare nan kont Hannah Sparrell nan premye klas mma.


Kat la batay plen (sijè a chanje ak apwobasyon nan konba espò Otorite a nan Maine):


265 Matt Andrikut 0-0 (Kondanasyon Arts masyal) vs Artie Mullen 1-14 (Southern Maine mma)

205 Michael Hansen 2-2 (Berserkers mma) vs Crowsneck Boutin 1-0 (Choi Enstiti)


170 Darrius Heyliger 5-2 (Bombsquad) vs Brandon Chagnon 5-4 (Sityodtong)


155 Izayi Erickson 5-4 (CMBJJ) vs Ricky Sylvester 2-1 (Ekip Flo)


155 Matt Denning 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Zenon Herrera 0-1 (Endepandan)


150 Derek Shorey 2-2 (Enkasabl Club Konbat) vs Tollison Lewis 0-4 (CMBJJ)


135 Zek Lange 2-1 (Bombsquad) vs Jay Perrin 2-0 (Boston BJJ NH)




205 Ryan Glover 1-1 (Berserkers mma) vs Zak Bergeron 0-0 (CMBJJ)


200 Chaz Gray 0-1 (Mma Young nan) vs Dominique Bailey 0-0 (Endepandan)


200 Ian Milligan 0-0 (Ekip Kaze) vs Anthony Spires 0-0 (Endepandan)

185 Ruben Redman 1-2 (Endepandan) vs Nick Shea 1-0 (Premye Gwoup mma)


185 Kalèb FARRINGTON 2-0 (Ekip NEW) vs Jon McNeil 1-0 (Boston BJJ NH)

170 Ricky Dexter 3-1 (Ekip Ilandè) vs C.J. Egyèr 3-2 (Mma Young nan)


170 Scott Godbois 0-0 (Berserkers mma) vs Phil Pearson 0-0 (Mma Athletix)


155*Tit Josh Harvey 4-1 (Mma Young nan) vs Ryan Dibartolomeo 4-3 (Boston BJJ NH)


155 Cory Jijman 1-1 (San fwa ni lwa mma & Boksè) vs Rafael Velado 0-0 (Premye Gwoup mma)


150 David Thompson (Enkasabl Club Konbat) vs Jason Lachance 1-2 (Mma Athletix)


150 Kira Innocenti 0-0 (Mma Young nan) vs Hannah Sparrell 0-0 (Premye Gwoup mma)

145 Mike Pietersen 2-0 (Mma Young nan) vs Alex Johnson 2-2 (San fwa ni lwa mma & Boksè)

140 Fred Lear 3-1 (Mma Young nan) vs Henry Clark 2-1 (Choi Enstiti)

135 Clifford Redman 0-2 (Endepandan) vs Wil Carrero 0-1 (Mma Athletix)


130 Angela Young 0-0 (Mma Young nan) vs Rachèl Reinheimer 1-0 (Sityodtong)


125 Ryan Burgess 1-0 (Endepandan) vs Michael Crespo 3-2 (Mma Athletix)


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” pran plas souSamdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX: REZIDAN” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nan www.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisée nan 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.

ENTERESAN bantamweight BOUT ajoute nan nef XIX kat batay

Lewiston, Maine (Out 13, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, pral kenbe diznevyèm melanje-masyal-boza li yo (Mma) evènman, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the fight card. Jay Perrin (2-0) pral retounen nan pwomosyon nan pran sou Zek Lange (2-1) nan yon pwa batay nan 135-liv.


Jay Perrin is undefeated in two previous NEF appearances. Kòm yon amatè, li te bat Nick Spencer (5-4) via inanim desizyon nan mwa fevriye 2013 on his way to becoming the top-ranked amateur bantamweight in New England. Perrin returned to Maine this past spring as a professional and scored a second-round TKO victory over a very tough Elias Leland (2-1). He is a member of John Fain’s Team Triumph/Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire, yon ekip ki gen yon repitasyon pou travèse fwontyè a nan delivre moman memorab nan kalòj la nef.


“Mwen trè eksite yo dwe retounen nan Maine pou goumen pou nef,” Di Perrin. “Yo te toujou te bon m ', epi mwen pa ka tann al goumen Zek Lange, he’s a tough opponent for anyone and people sleep on him a little. Men,, Mwen kwè ke mwen menm ak pi bon an nan divizyon sa a, so come fight night I intend to prove just that. The fans in Maine are always so amazing, Mwen pa ka tann yo mete yo sou yon lòt gwo pèfòmans pou yo.”


Baze soti nan Ithaca, New York, Zek Lange se yon manm nan Ekip Bombsquad, another out-of-town team known for bringing their best to the cages of Central Maine. Lange had a stellar amateur career, akumulasyon yon 5-1 dosye. Kòm yon pwofesyonèl, li kenbe ranport sou Thane Stimson (2-3) ak veteran Dann Bonnell (11-10). Lange has been inactive from MMA competition for the past three years. He is eager to get back in the cage and move forward in his career.


“Mwen se rekonesan nef pou bay m 'yon opòtinite yo goumen yon opozan merite nan Perrin,” Di Lange. “I look forward to the challenge, and have never been so excited to be back.


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX: REZIDAN,” pran plas souSamdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nanwww.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisée nan 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.


Lewiston, Maine (Jiyè 23, 2015) - New England Goumen (Nef), Nimewo-yon sèl batay pwomosyon rejyonal Amerik la, pral kenbe diznevyèm melanje-masyal-boza li yo (Mma) evènman, “Nef XIX,” nan Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the fight card. Cory Jijman (1-1) la pwograme yo fè fas a debu nan Rafael Velado (0-0) nan yon pwa batay nan 155-liv.


Jijman an ap vini sou yon gwo genyen nan “Nef XVIII Atik” mwa pase a. He knocked out Corey Hinkley (2-4) in just seven seconds of the first round. In doing so, Trial became the new holder of the NEF fastest knockout record. The finish was so brutal that Hinkley was taken from the cage on a stretcher by paramedics. Trial trains under coach Josh Parker at Ruthless MMA & Boksè nan Benton, Maine. He is confident that he will repeat his knockout performance on Velado at “Nef XIX.”


“Mwen se eksite yo ka resevwa tounen nan kalòj la,” di Jijman. “Having a seven second knockout and breaking the NEF record was nice, men li pa t 'ase. I’ve been busting my ass in the gym with the best coach and I’m ready for anything – men li la inevitab. Sa a batay pral fini menm jan an yon sèl ki sot pase a te fè sa.”


Pandan ke Rafael Velado ka fè ofisyèl li mma premye a “Nef XIX,” he is no stranger to combat sports. Velado is an accomplished practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Training in the sport since 2005, Velado touche senti nwa li nan 2012 soti nan mond pi popilè lejand BJJ, ak ch veteran, Joe Moreira. He was raised in Skowhegan, Maine and now resides in neighboring Norridgewock. Velado represents John Raio’s First Class Fitness & Mma nan Brunswick, Maine.


“Li te difisil jwenn yon amatè ki pral pran yon batay kont yon senti nwa BJJ, so I decided to call out the guy who is riding high from an impressive victory,” Di Velado. “Mwen si ke li te santi l irézistibl kounye a, e ke ta dwe fè sa a batay trè enteresan. I don’t know if I would call it a classic striker versus grappler match-up, men si sa a, se li montre kouman li a voye bòdwo bay konpayi, Mwen pa fache a sa.”


New England Goumen’ evènman pwochèn, “Nef XIX,” pran plas sou Samdi, Septanm 12, 2015 nan Androscoggin Bank Colisée nan nan Lewiston, Maine. Tikè pou “Nef XIX” kòmanse nan jis $25 epi yo sou vant kounye a nan www.TheColisee.com oswa lè w rele biwo nan bwat Colisée nan207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Anplis de sa, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, swiv yo sou Twitternefights yo ak rantre nan ofisyèl Facebook gwoup la "New England Goumen."


Sou New England Goumen


New England Goumen ("Nèf") se yon batay evènman pwomosyon konpayi. Misyon nef la se yo kreye evènman yo bon jan kalite pi wo a pou avyon de gè Maine a ak fanatik sanble. Egzekitif ekip nef an gen anpil eksperyans nan jesyon espò konba, evènman pwodiksyon, medya relasyon, maketing, legal ak piblisite.