Category Archives: Amateur MMA

OF iqhude & EZINKOMO: LOKUQALA Boxing MATCH umemezele FOR NEF 21

Lewiston, Maine (December 9, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, izobamba umcimbi walo olandelayo, “NEF 21: THE abafi” on Saturday, February 6, 2016 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The fight card is scheduled to feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Ngasekuqaleni namuhla, NEF wamemezela lokuqala professional isibhakela umdlalo usayine ngokusemthethweni for the “NEF 21” fight ikhadi. Joel “Baby Bull” Bishop (0-0-1) ziyohlangana Crowsneck Boutin (0-0) in a ezine-round umncintiswano ukukhanya-sosondonzima.


Joel Bishop kuyinto 2004 iziqu Upper Kennebec Valley Senior High School in Bingham, Maine. It was during high school that Bishop began boxing. He put together an amateur boxing record of 10-4, futhi 2009 won the New England Tournament of Champions Heavyweight Sub Novice championship. Bishop has twice made it to the finals of the Northern New England Golden Gloves. In October 2014, Bishop wenza DEBUT yakhe professional ngomunye njalo NEF MMA, Jarod Lawton (0-0-1) futhi balwa draw e Lewiston kulokho kwaba emuva-naphambili slugfest.


I’m very excited to get back in the ring at NEF 21,” kubabaza Bishop. “I was at the last dual show and there was a ton of energy and excitement. On February 6, Ngizobe ukulwa enzima kakhulu, fighter asebenzayo in Crowsneck Boutin, futhi ngizokwenza okusemandleni ami ukunikeza abalandeli an iziqubu ethokozisayo.”


Crowsneck Boutin kuyinto kuwumgogodla uhlelo NEF, sebezivumisile ligcwaliswe e akukho ngaphansi kuka 14 of the promotion’s previous MMA events as both an amateur and a professional. In 2014, yena wavotelwa “Fighter of the Year” by the NEF fans after going undefeated with three wins that year. Boutin will be making his professional boxing debut atNEF 21,” kodwa nakanjani kufanele alungele umsebenzi, ukuqeqeshwa ngaphansi nomqeqeshi wesibhakela Jon Pinette, i international sibhakela okhokhelwayo ngokwakhe, at the Choi Institute e Portland, Maine.
“Thankful kakhulu, nenhlanhla kakhulu leli thuba,” wathi Boutin. “UJoel Umphikisi onzima, kodwa akuyona inhloso yami ake impi ukufinyelela scorecards. Kuyoba injabulo yami ukuma futhi gun.”


New England ayalwa’ umcimbi olandelayo, “NEF 21: THE abafi,” ithatha indawoSaturday, February 6, 2016 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. Amathikithi for “NEF 21” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa noma ngokumemeza Colisée box office at 207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.

Record iqhaza iinomboro 2015 World MMA Championship Testimony ekukhuleni WMMAA ngokushesha

Monte Carlo, Monaco (December 9, 2015)- Ukukhula okusheshayo World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) eminyakeni emine esifushane khona kwaba umhlabeleli wabonisa ngo last nyanga 2015 World MMA Championship (WMMAA) e Prague, I-Czech Republic.
Cishe 200 abasubathi, ezimele 49 amazwe (bheka uhlu ngezansi), bahlanganyela irekhodi-setting 2015 World MMA Championship, which was dominated by team champion Russian Federation. Heavyweight Zaur Gadzhibabaev, owaba ngowokuqala esigcwele ezimbili WMMAA iqhawe, wanika Azerbaijan ngendondo yegolide kuphela hhayi bathunjwa Russian Federation, ezazinamacilongo abawinile muntu eziyisithupha isisindo amakilasi eziyisikhombisa.
“Lo nyaka World Championship kwaba umcimbi umhlabeleli siye saba kude kangaka,” WMMAA Director of Communications Mikhail Mazur wathi. “Isibalo esiphezulu of amazwe, kanye abahlanganyeli, ligcwaliswe kulo nyaka. WMMAA isencane isakhasa yayo kodwa sigcina socwaningo. Ungabona ngokucacile ukuthi unyaka ngamunye. Singeze ezintsha izigaba isisindo futhi wasamukela amazwe amasha njengoba amalungu non-profit inhlangano yethu. Lona umsebenzi kunzima kodwa kwanelise kakhulu ukubona abasubathi fly in ezivela kuwo wonke umhlaba ukuze ukuncintisana ngokumelene umhlabeleli fighters amateur ngubani ngamunye waya ngokusebenzisa kanzima Ukukhetha inqubo ezweni lakubo.
Prague was a great host and the WMMAA is extremely happy to have held the championship in this beautiful European capital. A lot more needs to be done next year. We expect more Asian and Pan-Am countries to enter the WMMAA family as our continental presidents put a lot of effort looking for the best National Federations to work as hard and as diligent as our current members do. We kuphela gearing up. I’m thrilled to see what the next year will bring us and the sports of amateur MMA in general.
Afganistan Argentina Armenia Azerbaijan
Belarus Brazil Bulgaria China
Chinese Taipei Columbia Croatia Cuba
Czech Republic France FYR of Macedonia Georgia
Germany Greece Hungary India
Iran Italy Kazakhstan Republic of Korea
Kyrgyzstan Latvia Mexico Moldova
Monaco Morocco Netherlands Netherland Antilles
Nicaragua Nigeria Paraguay Romania
Russian Federation Serbia Singapore Slovakia
Spain Suriname Tajikistan Turkey
Turkmenistan Ukraine United States Uzbekistan
(L-R) Tajikistan MMA President Pulod nazarov, WMMAA Honorary President fedor Emellianenko, WMMAA President Vadim Finkelchtein futhi Anatoly Kim, UMengameli we-Kazakhstan MMA Federation


Lewiston, Maine (December 8, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, izobamba umcimbi walo olandelayo, “NEF 21: THE abafi” on Saturday, February 6, 2016 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The fight card is scheduled to feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Ngasekuqaleni namuhla, NEF announced the main event of the MMA portion of the fight card. Bruce “Umfana Omuhle” Boyington (12-8) uyovikela the NEF MMA Professional uHlelo Championship inselele inombolo-one Olwa Jon Lemke (5-3). Both Boyington and Lemke are veterans of the United States Marine Corps (USMC).


Boyington is riding high on a three-fight win streak. Earlier this fall, wenza DEBUT yakhe esiteji kazwelonke, lanqoba Rodrigo Almeida (13-3) on a Series World of Fighting (WSOF) card in Connecticut. Boyington followed up that win with a decisive third-round TKO victory over Jimmy Davidson (7-2) ngenyanga edlule ngesikhathi “NEF XX” in a successful defense of his title. A product of Young’s MMA, futhi ikhanda Boyington sika Taekwondo Academy, kokubili elise Bangor, Maine, Boyington ubelokhu i izinyembezi unstoppable kusukela yokulahlekelwa a fight non-isihloko Jamie Harrison (6-1) early in 2015. He has won six of his last seven in the MMA cage, futhi uphethe omunye ukunqoba NEF isibhakela ring phakathi ukuthi run.


“Angifuni ukuba Jon Lemke kokuya ukuthi yezinyoni nami right manje, lokho engikucabangayo, uma Ngithathe ukwethembeka,” Said Boyington. “Angazi ngempela ukuthi kungani yena uyofuna nilwe nami manje, futhi angikholelwa uzobonisa up and anikeze okusemandleni akhe, kodwa bengingeke ufuna ukulwa nami njengamanje. Ngikhathazekile esiyingozi, futhi ithemba lami iwukusebenzisa ophahleni futhi uma kunjani lokhu, uyaphi ukuthatha ophambili emhlabeni ngingayeka, futhi ingqondo yami yonke le ikamu kuyoba phezu esele abathobekile futhi egxile. Nini February 6 kuza, I kuyoba yingozi kakhulu Bruce Boyington eyake wagibela unyawo yezinyoni, futhi ngiyazi uma ngifuna ukuba khona manje, Ngithathe ngempela kuzoba ulambile ke.”


The bout is one that Maine fight fans have waited a long time to see. Boyington and Lemke have stood atop the NEF lightweight division together for several years now, their careers paralleling one another. With Lemke competing out of Marcus Davis’ Team Irish e Brewer eseduze, Maine, the imbangi cross-edolobheni MMA Young, Boyington and Lemke seemed like natural rivals. But they often passed like ships in the night, and the stars never aligned for an encounter between the two. That was until “NEF XX” ngenyanga edlule uma, ngaphambi nje kokuba Boyington wathatha yezinyoni ngokumelene Davidson, Lemke ezinqotshiwe Math Denning (2-1) in that evening’s co-main event. It was an impressive performance that saw Lemke overwhelm a game Denning as the first round went on. With both Lemke and Boyington scheduled to appear on the February card, futhi kokuba abaphikisi esayinwe, kufika isikhathi sokuba “Battle for Bangor,” njengoba abalandeli elika it, ukuze ekugcineni zenzeke.

“Ngijabule ngendlela emangalisayo sibonge futhi ejabule ukuba ulwela NEF waphinda futhi ikakhulukazi ithuba ukulwela isicoco,” wathi Lemke. “Labo abamaziyo indaba yami ukuthi yini umgwaqo eside lokhu okuye kwangijabulisa, which makes it all the more special. Bruce is the man and has done a phenomenal job promoting himself as champion, and in the process brought a lot of attention to the rest of the MMA community in the area. He has a couple of titles with different promotions and had fights on the national stage. He presents a unique and explosive set of challenges that I very much look forward to rising up and meeting that challenge head on. Lokhu kuzoba empini enkulu ukuthi abalandeli Ngeke ufune ukuba miss, ukuze uthole amathikithi zakho uye phansi.”


“Angazi uma kukhona noma yisiphi impi abalandeli single cela sibone ukwedlula lena,” exclaimed NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “Kubonakala like okungenani izikhathi ezimbalwa ngesonto sisaqalisa imiyalezo ecela 'lapho ukubona Battle for Bangor phakathi Lemke futhi Boyington esizoxoxa?’ Well, ukuthi kwenzekaniFebruary 6 at ‘NEF 21,’ futhi wonke umuntu enhlanganweni yethu nje njengoba ejabule njengoba abalandeli ukuwubona!”


“Indaba emuva kule iziqubu Amazing,” washo NEF co-umnikazi futhi wabantu Math Peterson. “Nothing is ekhiqizwa – it’s completely authentic and gut wrenching. This fight has been a long time coming, futhi ngiba nomuzwa wokuthi ukuhola-in to February 6 kuyoba ngokungafani lutho esake wayibona Countdown to a Yimpi yalesi ezidlula lapho kangaka ngaphezu amalungelo nje ngokuzigabisa kukhona emgqeni.”


New England ayalwa’ umcimbi olandelayo, “NEF 21: THE abafi,” ithatha indawoSaturday, February 6, 2016 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. Amathikithi for “NEF 21” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa manje noma ngokumemeza Colisée box office at 207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


IFUNA adumile iwina OUT; Rematch NGOKUSHESHA wayala NEF 21

Lewiston, Maine (December 2, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, izobamba umcimbi walo olandelayo, “NEF 21: THE abafi” on Saturday, February 6, 2016 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The fight card is scheduled to feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Ngasekuqaleni namuhla, NEF announced the addition of an amateur female strawweight fight to the MMA portion of the card. Randi Beth Boyington (1-2) Kulindeleke ukuba abhekane Erin Lamonte (5-0).


The iziqubu kuyoba rematch kusuka “NEF XX” last month in Lewiston. The previous fight ended with a first-round submission victory for Lamonte. Veteran referee John English stopped the bout when it appeared as though Lamonte had an armbar locked in deep on Boyington. Per the Unified Rules of Amateur MMA, njengoba eyamukelwa Maine, unompempe uvunyelwe ukuba ayeke iziqubu on a ukuzithoba lobuchwepheshe ukuvimbela ukulimala a fighter.


Ngokushesha ngemva English wayeka ukulwa, Boyington popped out of the armbar and began to vehemently protest the call. Her fans and supporters in the audience were incensed. They contended that Boyington was in the process of breaking free of the hold, ngakhoke impi kufanele aye aqhubeka.


“Ngaphambi impi esilandelayo senziwa ngisho yona yezinyoni, esasinakho imiyalezo okungenani isigamu-kweshumi ekhasini lethu Facebook bafuna rematch,” ukhumbule omunye wabanikazi be-NEF nophromotha uNick DiSalvo. “Our fans are passionate. If the fans want it, kanye fighters likufuna, then we will do a rematch. It’s as simple as that.


The February 6 rematch will not be the first time a Boyington has had the opportunity to avenge a controversial submission finish in the NEF cage. Randi’s husband and trainer, lamanje NEF MMA Professional MMA Esilula Champion Bruce “Umfana Omuhle” Boyington (12-8), wanqoba John “Class First” Ray (2-8) earlier this year via second-round TKO. That bout was a rematch of a February 2014 Yilwa lapho Raio sithunyelwe Bruce in a stoppage impikiswano by umahluleli Jimmy Bickford.


Lamonte ubona izinto ehluke, futhi eqinisekile ukuthi uyosinqoba Randi for the okwesibili ngesikhathi “NEF 21.”


I’m excited to get back in there with Randi Beth for NEF 21,” Said Lamonte. “I ezilethwe wakhe phambi abalandeli bakhe once ngaphambi, I sure don’t mind doing it again. Lesi sikhathi ngizolahlekelwa uzwela factor njengoba ngibona Ref ejikeleza, futhi Ngizovele ihambe ngasesandleni sekugcineni 100%. Kufanele simbonge njalo kimi futhi Ref ukuthi wayengamzaleli abagogekile ngalobobusuku. I kungaba sport ompofu bese usho izinto ezimbalwa mayelana Randi, njengoba yena nabalandeli bakhe babe ngami futhi sekugcineni, kodwa umama kwangifundisa engcono kunalokhu.February 6, I will prove, aphinde, ngubani fighter kungcono in the yezinyoni NEF.”


I’m ecstatic to be closed in the cage with Erin Lamonte on Feb 6th,” kubabaza Randi Beth Boyington lapho baphawule. “I’ll be returning with a vengeance to correct a fight that was stopped too early. I’m looking to end this fight the way it should have ended on November 21st because my parents taught me: when you start something, ayiqede!”


New England ayalwa’ umcimbi olandelayo, “NEF 21: THE abafi,” ithatha indawoSaturday, February 6, 2016 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. Amathikithi for “NEF 21” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa noma ngokumemeza Colisée box office at 207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.

New England ULWA umemezela imiphumela NEF XX

Lewiston, Maine (November 22, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, aphethwe umcimbi walo yakamuva, “NEF XX: UMLANDO KOBUDLOVA” ngomgqibelo ebusuku Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. Some 2,500 zazigcwele Colisée for the mlando exubile-karate-arts yokuqala ngqa hybrid (MMA) futhi professional boxing ikhadi Maine.


Esimweni isibhakela main of the kusihlwa, Brandon “The Cannon” Berry (10-1) waya eziyisishiyagalombili-emahlandla okokuqala emsebenzini wakhe, defeating gritty Mexican veteran Roberto Valenzuela (72-70-1) nge isinqumo ngazwilinye.


On the professional MMA ingxenye ikhadi, Bruce “Umfana Omuhle” Boyington(12-8) wanqoba sokuvikela NEF MMA Professional Esilula Championship Jimmy “Jimbo Slice” Davidson (7-2).


Ngaphezu kwalokho, NEF yamemezela umcimbi walo olandelayo, “NEF 21: THE abafi” kuyokwenzeka ngoFebhuwari 6, 2016 e Lewiston. Another hybrid MMA-pro boxing event, “NEF 21” izoba Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (6-4) ukuthatha on Devin Powell (4-1) in a lightweight contest. Already announced to be competing the boxing card are Brandon Berry and Joel “The Baby Bull” Bishop (0-0-1). Erin “Usayizi Fun” LAMONTE, ngubani ngcono 5-0 tonight, iyobuyela on the amateur MMA ingxenye February 6 ikhadi.


Imiphumela kusuka Lewiston, Maine:



150 Brandon Berry def. Roberto Valenzuela nge isinqumo abavumelene

155 Inch Lewis def. Zénon Herrera nge TKO, round 3

135 Josh Parker drew Elias Leland

Catch Ernesto Ornelas def. Brandon Ali Garvin nge TKO, round 2



155*TITLE Bruce Boyington (c) def. Jimmy Davidson nge TKO, round 3

Catch Jon Lemke def. Matt Denning nge TKO, round 1

170 Matt Bordonaro final. Crowsneck Boutin nge edolweni bar, round 1

Catch Matt Andrikut def. Jesse Baughman nge TKO, round 1

145 Damon Owens def. Derek Shorey nge Gogoplata, round 1


Amateur MMA


125*TITLE Ryan Burgess def. Dustin Veinott (c) nge isinqumo unanimious

145*TITLE Aaron Lacey def. Caleb Horner nge isinqumo abavumelene

125 Justin Witham def. Brent Ouellette nge TKO, round 2

155 Rafael Velado def. Ken Dunn nge Kimura, round 1

155 CJ Ewer def. Jason Lachance nge isinqumo abavumelene

S.HWT Nick Gulliver def. Jason Field nge TKO, round 1

145 Caleb Hall def. Matt Tamayo nge armbar, round 1

265 Mike Williams def. Joe Krech nge armbar, round 1

200 Victor Irwin def. Anthony Spires nge TKO, round 1

Catch Ricky Dexter def. Steve Bang nge KO, round 1

140 David Thompson def. Richmond Pierce Wiegman nge TKO, round 1

121 Erin Lamonte def. Randi Beth Boyington nge armbar, round 1

185 Caleb Farrington def. Ruben Redman nge guillotine, round 2

265 Bryce Bamford def. Bryce Locke nge TKO, round 1

170 Caleb Swoveland def. Taylor Carey nge ingalo triangle, round 2

155 Levi Sewall def. Matt Hanning nge TKO, round 2


New England ayalwa’ umcimbi olandelayo, “NEF 21: THE abafi,” ithatha indawoSaturday, February 6, 2016 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. Amathikithi for “NEF 21” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa noma ngokumemeza Colisée box office at 207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.

UFC STAR UKUBA esikhethekile AT NEF XX; UKUHLANGANA-KANYE-Khonzani umemezele

Lewiston, Maine (November 18, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, izobamba umcimbi walo olandelayo, “NEF XX: UMLANDO KOBUDLOVA” lokhu Saturday, November 21, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – exubile-bokulwa-ubuciko (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. The fight promotion announced earlier today that Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) middleweight Tim “The iqaba” Boetsch (18-9) would be the guest of honor at the event. It was further announced that Boetsch will be available to meet fans in attendance and sign autographs from 6:00 to 7:00 pmngaphambi impi yokuqala.


Boetsch ungowokuzalwa of Lincolnville, Maine. He is a lifelong wrestler, having won four state championships while attending Camden Hills Regional High School. Boetsch was inducted into the Maine Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2012. After high school, Boetsch wayeqhubeka ezidla Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania lapho iziqu nge degree in lwezobulungiswa.


He is currently in his second stint with the UFC. Boetsch holds victories over many of the sport’s biggest names like Kendall Grove (22-15), Brad Tavares (13-4) futhi Yushin Okami (30-10) just to name a few. Iningi muva, yena isihloko esikhulu “UFC Fight Night 68” e New Orleans, Louisiana ngokumelene Dan Henderson (31-14). Boetsch is scheduled to face Ed Herman (23-11) at “UFC Fight Night 81” onJanuary 17, 2016 e Boston, Massachusetts. He is currently training with fellow UFC veteran Marcus “The Irish Hand Grenade” Davis at Davis’ Team indawo Irish e Brewer, Maine belungiselela iziqubu oluzayo.


“Ejabule kakhulu ukuba asekelayo Maine MMA,” kubabaza Boetsch of ukubukeka kwakhe oluzayo ngesikhathi NEF XX. “Uma sibheka phambili ukubukela ikhadi egcwele ukulwa ezinkulu nokuhlangana zonke abalandeli ukuthi baphume ukubona i show ethokozisayo!”


"Bengilokhu ukubukela Tim ukuncintisana njengoba wrestling futhi exubile amasosha artist ngoba cishe 20 Eminyakeni,"Washo NEF co-umnikazi futhi wabantu Math Peterson. "Ngabukela kuye ukuqinisa igalelo lakhe ku Maine amateur ekubambaneni ngokuwina esikoleni esiphakeme isimo Imiqhudelwano ezine by wajabula naye phezu njengoba walwa ephikelele ekubeni munye nowayengomunye wamadoda baddest on the iplanethi Championship Ultimate Fighting. Tim, kanye Marcus Davis, Mike Brown and Tim Sylvia, kwenza up the eNtabeni Rushmore of Maine MMA futhi kuyoba njengelungelo ukuba naye futhi Marcus kokubili ababekhona ngesikhathi 20th isitolimende of New England Ulwa ngoNovemba 21st."


New England ayalwa’ umcimbi olandelayo, “NEF XX: UMLANDO KOBUDLOVA,” senzeka ngoMgqibelo, November 21, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Amathikithi for “NEF XX” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa manje noma ngokumemeza Colisée box office at207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.


Lewiston, Maine (November 16, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, izobamba umcimbi walo olandelayo, “NEF XX: UMLANDO KOBUDLOVA” lokhu Saturday, November 21, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – exubile-bokulwa-ubuciko (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. In a featured lightweight amateur MMA bout, Jason “2nd Chance” Lachance (2-2) kuzothatha on CJ Ewer (4-2) at a isisindo ukulwa 155-amakhilogremu.


Lachance siyeza off lokuqala nxazonke ukuzithoba phezu David Thompson ukunqoba (0-1) at “NEF XIX” this past September. He is confident in his abilities and predicts victory over Ewer when they meet this weekend. While Lachance’s future in the sport appears brighter every day, ufunga hhayi ukuba singazinaki umsebenzi owenziwayo kanye ukuvumela ukholo lwakhe lobuKristu khaphi him ngokusebenzisa career yakhe.


“I zizishaya CJ nganoma iyiphi indlela,” wathi Lachance. “MMA is a sport where anything can happen. I am fully prepared for whatever may come on the 21st. I will focus on my next opponent when this fight is out of my way. I ngeke ungasikhohlwa esitheni sami. UNkulunkulu uyomisa ikusasa for me, njengoba kuze kube yimanje.”


Lachance credits his faith and the sport of MMA with helping him conquer his much-publicized addiction to heroin. He began training over two years ago at MMA Athletix in Bath, Maine, lapho futhi wajoyina Victory Church inkonzo ke-yomnikazi ejimini sika Ryan Cowette (2-3).


“Ngabusiswa ithuba amazing, and I couldn’t be more grateful. The fight game is the highest of highs and lowest of lows. I zikhathi UKUCHAZISISA kakhulu career yami iDemo ungazange zivela ngaphakathi yezinyoni, kodwa ngokufunda ekhula usuku nosuku njengoba umuntu futhi njengoba fighter.”


Muva, Lachance futhi enibambisene Norman Fox (4-2) purchased the MMA Athletix gym from Cowette after Cowette decided to redirect his focus to his roofing business. When the challenges of small business ownership reared its head, Lachance waphinda lets ukholo lwakhe khaphi him.


“Okuthenga ejimini kwaba isikhashana omkhulu kokubili Norman nami,” washo Lachance. “Kwadingeka ukuba ahlale emuva kanye nokulinganisa ngempela lokho sasifuna ukuphuma imisebenzi yethu, and also out of our business. We quickly realized that with full time jobs, thina akudingeki isikhathi ukuba abaqeqeshi, Abaqeqeshi, fighters and business owners and still expect to succeed. We prayed on it and God sent us the perfect team of coaches and trainers, kanye neqembu elisha lamasosha up and iza.


“MMA uye ukuphila kwami ​​kakade yashintsha ngezindlela eziningi. Ngilindele ukuthatha phezulu, njengoba umnikazi ibhizinisi futhi njengoba fighter. UNkulunkulu unginike ithuba lokuphila iphupho lami, usuku nosuku.”


New England ayalwa’ umcimbi olandelayo, “NEF XX: UMLANDO KOBUDLOVA,” senzeka ngoMgqibelo, November 21, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Amathikithi for “NEF XX” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa manje noma ngokumemeza Colisée box office at207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.


Lewiston, Maine (November 13, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, izobamba umcimbi walo olandelayo, “NEF XX: UMLANDO KOBUDLOVA” on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – exubile-bokulwa-ubuciko (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. In a featured professional welterweight MMA bout, Crowsneck Boutin (1-1) ziyohlangana Matt Bordonaro (2-0) at a isisindo ukulwa 170-amakhilogremu.


Ngeke kube umhlangano wokuqala phakathi Lubec, Maine-native Boutin kanye Buffalo, New York’s Bordonaro. The two faced each other as amateurs at “NEF IX” e Biddeford, Maine. Bordonaro came away with the victory that warm summer night in 2013, kokuthumela Boutin in the emzuliswaneni wokuqala.


"Ngiyabonga kakhulu leli thuba azolwa Math,"Kusho Boutin. “Bordanaro is a tough fighter that is game to go the distance, okuyinto uhlobo ukulwa I ukhule ukujabulela kakhulu – izimpi ukuthi zisenze sifune onqenqemeni njengoba abadlali kanye izimbangi. Exciting the fans means everything. With my body and mind where they need to be, I’m ready to finish this year with a bloody war. I want to earn that ‘W.’”


Ngemva DEBUT yimpumelelo professional kuleli hlobo esidlule, Boutin ngabe uphonsa iziqubu yakhe yesibili professional Mike Hansen (3-2). Not satisfied with the outcome of the first fight, Boutin licele rematch kanye Hansen ngonyaka ozayo.


“In 2016, Ngizwe rematch kanye Mike Hansen,” washo Boutin. “Angazi ukuthi yini isisindo ukunakekela. I ngempela ufuna ukuthi mpi emuva, futhi uma yena akuyona ngesaba, uvele umuzwe izaba futhi bavuliwe.”


Boutin cut his teeth on the New England amateur MMA circuit prior to turning professional. He competed in a total of thirteen amateur contests to gain experience in the sport. In 2014, ekupheleni kwenkonzo yakhe amateur, Boutin wavotelwa the "Fighter of the Year 'by NEF abalandeli emva ngokubeka ndawonye an umxhwele 3-0 record with the promotion that year. He rode that win streak into the pro ranks where he downed veteran Ryan Cowette (2-3) at “NEF XVIII.” Boutin notes the stark difference between competing as an amateur and competing as a professional.


"Izinga ngalinye kunezinselele yayo siqu ethile, kokubili ngaphakathi nangaphandle yezinyoni, kodwa ukulwa efanele uthela nalo izingozi okukhulu futhi ethe xaxa, ngizwa. Wonke umuntu ukuthi kungaba engase ubuhlungu wena uyeba inkazimulo yakho, akusho ukuthi labo cats abekho ezingeni amateur, ngoba benza, kodwa mhlawumbe ezimbalwa futhi okunye-phakathi, futhi nemithetho iphephe futhi nemingcele. "


The upcoming fight with Bordonaro will be Boutin’s first in the 170-pound welterweight division. Having spent most of his career competing as a light-heavyweight and a middleweight, Boutin uthemba ukuthola ekhaya, okungenani esikhathini esizayo, e lighter welterweight division.


"Ukuphuca isisindo kancane a pisser, kodwa okwenza 170 Ngomhla ka-20 (November 20 – nesisindo-in ngosuku for the mpi Bordonaro) ngeke isaba yinkinga. I’m a professional and will continue to evolve. It’s what we’re here to do. 55 (the 155-iphawundi division engasindi) akuyona ngaphandle kombuso kungenzeka, kodwa ngoba manje futhi cishe isikhashana, Ngifuna ukugxila division welterweight. Sizobona ukuthi ikusasa liphetheni. "


Yini engase ibe isici esijabulisayo kakhulu “NEF XX” ngoba Boutin siya ukuncintisana ekhadini efanayo kanye ababili Choi Institute yakhe nabalingani, Caleb Hall (5-3) futhi Ernesto Ornelas (0-0). Ornelas, i kufezeke amateur boxer ngaphambilini, will be making his professional boxing debut that evening after having competed in MMA for the past four years. The three teammates have not fought on the same card together since “NEF VII” in May 2013.


"U-Ernesto noKalebi kokubili ufuna evelele,"Kusho Boutin. “We all push ourselves and one another hard in training. Caleb lithuthuka luhluke cishe masonto onke futhi usebenza like a horse, ngenkathi Ernesto, I ngokwethembeka bazizwa, kuyinto Igugu elifihlekile ukuthi wonke imayelana ukubona inkazimulo. 3-0."


New England ayalwa’ umcimbi olandelayo, “NEF XX: UMLANDO KOBUDLOVA,” ithatha indawo November 21, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Amathikithi for “NEF XX” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa noma ngokumemeza Colisée box office at 207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.

NEF umemezela FREE YOKUTHOLA giveaway FOR abombutho

Lewiston, Maine (November 10, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, izobamba umcimbi walo olandelayo, “NEF XX: UMLANDO KOBUDLOVA” on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – exubile-bokulwa-ubuciko (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. Ngasekuqaleni namuhla, the promotion announced a free ticket giveaway for all past and present United States military personnel to coincide with Veterans Day. Ngasekuqaleni kwalo nyaka, inkampani wagijima giveaway efanayo ngokuhlanganyela Day Memorial ngempelasonto.


“We cabanga ngala giveaways wezempi ukuba enye yezinto ezibaluleke kakhulu senza njengoba inkampani,” wathi NEF co-umnikazi futhi umgqugquzeli Nick DiSalvo. “Being able to give back a little to those who have given so much means a great deal to us. God bless all who serve our country.


The giveaway ithikithi kuyokwenzeka ngesikhathi Androscoggin Bank Colisée ibhokisi ihhovisi kusukela amahora 9:00 nginguye 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. The Colisée is located at 190 Birch Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240. The giveaway is open to all branches of the military. Personnel must present a valid military identification card at the box office window. There will be a limit of one ticket per identification card.


New England ayalwa’ umcimbi olandelayo, “NEF XX: UMLANDO KOBUDLOVA,” ithatha indawo November 21, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée e Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Amathikithi for “NEF XX” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa noma ngokumemeza Colisée box office at 207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.

Nqoba Ukulwa Championships debuts e Richmond, California on November 21, 2015

November 5, 2015 - Nqoba Ukulwa Championships (CFC) bayoba Mixed umcimbi wabo wokuqala Martial Arts, CFC 1, on November 21, 2015 at the Craneway inkundla in Point Richmond, California. Izici Umcimbi 11 Professional futhi 4 Ukulwa Amateur.


145 IPharadesi Vaovasa vs Chris Avila

155 Brandon Faumui vs Bren O'niel

135 Tom Ni vs Stephone Taylor

170 Doyle Childs vs Richard Brooks

205 Mike Ortega vs Marty Farmer

170 Angelo Trevino vs demarco Villalona

185 Joseph Vidales vs Zack Ellis

145 Juan Quesada vs Walter Patterson

125 Derrick Easterling vs Hector Sandoval

135 Stephen Cervantes vs Shawn Bunch

115 Jaimelene Nievera vs Angela eDanzig


145 Allison Schmidt vs Keelin Gallup

205 Nick Jones vs Chris Moore

155 Patrick Yáñez vs Mathewu Cordineros

170 Sammy McFarland vs Raymond Lopez

UMengameli kanye sole umdlalo-umenzi Nqoba Fighting, Trever Johnson,

"Ingabe unethemba lokuthi ukugqugquzelwa ngeke nje kube yimpumelelo, kodwa zikhule zibe omunye ukukhushulwa phezulu in the sport. "

Kuzophinde kube namathuba umbhalo wesandla kanye UFC uHlelo Champion Daniel Cormier, futhi zangaphambili UFC fighters Josh Thomson kanye Tyson Griffin.


Nqoba Ukulwa Championships kuyinto ukukhuthazwa Pro-Am MMA based in Bay Area of ​​California. UMengameli Trever Johnson ubuye umdlalo-umenzi and Umsunguli. Umkhankaso in November 2015.