kategorie Argief: amateur gemengde martial arts

“Round 7, Operasie Knockout” liefdadigheidsgeleentheid vir die G.I van Randy Couture. Stigting Sondag te lug, November. 27 op CBS Sports Network

LAS VEGAS (November 22, 2016) – Die “Round 7, Operasie Knockout” amateur gemengde-vechtkunsten en kaarte, aangebied deur Tuff-N-Uff in samewerking met Neon Star Media, sal die lug Sondag, November 27 (11 namiddag. EN / 8 namiddag. PT) op CBS Sports Network.
Die sewende jaarlikse “Operasie Knockout,” die afgelope November gehou. 19ste by die Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, is geskep om die G.I van Randy Couture te help. Stigting samel geld in en bewustheid vir gewonde soldate en hul gesinne.
Hierdie opwindende, 'n unieke liefdadigheidsgeleentheid was 'n aand van ongelooflike gevegte en 'n wonderlike stille veiling waarin handskoene onderteken is Randy Couture, Luke Rockhold, Miesha Tate en Grey Maynard, kaartjies na Criss Angel, Rots van Eeue en Legendes in konsert, en nog vele meer artikels. Daar was iets vir almal met nege amateur MMA-gevegte, waarvan vier vir titelgordels was, en ses super-fight worstelende bouts met Bellators Ryan Couture, oud-UFC vegter Ulysses Gomez en huidige UFC vegter Anthony Birchak, voormalige Bellator-vegter en aktiewe weermag, Michael Parker, voormalige Lion Fight vegter Fanny Tommasino, en huidige Combate Americas vegter en voormalige Tuff-N-Uff vegter, Kyra Batara.
Veteraan-MMA-omroepers Sean Wheelock, Joey Varner en die lewende legende Couture het al die aksie lewendig van die kant af genoem.
“Tuff-N-Uff is geëerd om 'n handjie te gee om fondse in te samel vir en bewusmaking aan ons dapper dienslede wat soveel opgeoffer het vir ons groot land,” Tuff-N-Uff, uitvoerende hoof Jeff Meyer gesê. “'N Klein bietjie help en die minste wat ons kon doen, was om 'n vegkaart saam met die Future Stars van MMA op te stel, asook 'n paar groot name in MMA wat deelgeneem het. Ons kan nie almal genoeg bedank dat hulle hierdie wonderlike gebeurtenis help saamstel vir 'n goeie doel nie.”
Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation bied nodige ondersteuning en dienste vir gewonde soldate en hul families, baie van wie kom met traumatiese amputasies, skietwonde, brandwonde en ontploffing beserings. Eenhonderd persent van die opbrengs word gegee terwyl Operasie Knockout voortbou op sy pogings om meer geld in te samel en meer gewonde soldate en hul gesinne te help. Met die hulp van sy ruim borge en donasies, “Operasie Klop” het meer as $170,000 gaan hierdie jaar se geleentheid aan.
“Ek kan nie sê hoe dankbaar ek is vir die ondersteuning van Tuff-N-Uf nie, Las Vegas sentrum sentrum en die D Las Vegas van 'Round 7, Operasie Knockout’ en gewonde veterane deur xcgif.org,” Couture lewer kommentaar. “Ons by XCGIF waardeer u hulp en ondersteuning aan hierdie saak.
“Ons lei ons krygers op om sterk emosionele reaksies te onderdruk ten spyte van teenspoed, om fisiese en emosionele pyn te verdra, en oorkom die vrees vir beserings en die dood. Die weermag kan nie die intensiteit van daardie kondisionering verlaag sonder om die weermag van ons weermag negatief te beïnvloed nie. Dit is 'n Catch-22. 'N Koelende waarheid is dat dienslede is, eenvoudig gestel, meer in staat is om hulself dood te maak as gevolg van hul professionele opleiding en ons verloor 22 n dag. Dit moet verander. Ons moet ons krygers weer leer oor wat die sukses vir hulle bepaal.”
“Dit gaan 'n wonderlike nag wees van baklei en worstel. Baie dankie vir u bydraes.”
CBS Sports Network is regoor die Verenigde State via plaaslike kabel beskikbaar, video en telco verskaffers en via satelliet op DirecTV Channel 221 en Dish Network Channel 158. Vir meer inligting, insluitend 'n volle ontwikkeling skedule en hoe CBS Sports Network te kry, gaan www.cbssportsnetwork.com
Twitter: @tuffnuff, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture


Oor Tuff-N- UFF: 'N 22-jarige gevegsportorganisasie, die Las Vegas-gebaseerde TUFF-N- UFF bied die beste gemengde vegkuns aan amateur aan (Plaasmoorde) optrede in die nasie. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot van die grootste sterre in die sport vandag, insluitend die voormalige UFC-bantamgewigkampioen Ronda Rousey, asook die UFC- en die Strikeforce-veteraan Ryan Couture en die UFC weltergewig Alan Jouban. TUFF-N-UFF het gehelp om die loopbaan van baie ander MMA-atlete, waaronder Jessamyn Duke, te laat groei, Ashlee Evans-Smith, Tonya Evinger, Jon Fitch, Jesse Forbes, Chris Holdsworth, Brad IME, Jimmy Jones en Jesse Taylor. In 2013, Tuff-N- UFF het die eerste gevegsportorganisasie geword wat opgeneem is in die UFC International Fight Week-skedule van gebeure. In 2014,

Tuff-N- UFF het 'n tweede geleentheid aangebied Donderdag, Julie 3 leef van Texas Station, verdien status as die eerste byeenkomspromosie wat twee jaar agtereenvolgens op die UFC International Fight Week-skedule verskyn. Tuff-N- UFF het Saterdag sy historiese 20ste bestaansjaar gevier, Junie 7, 2014, met meer as 15,000 fans, in 'n verkoop-out lewende gebeurtenis in die Thomas en Mack Center. In 2014, Tuff-N- UFF was 'n vennootskap met die International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) aan te bied, as deel van UFC internasionale stryd Week 2014, die eerste-ooit amateur MMA Wêreldkampioenskappe. Jeff Meyer is die uitvoerende hoof van TUFF-N- UFF en bestuur die organisasie in toewyding aan sy oorlede broer, Barry Meyer, wat TUFF-N gestig het- UFF in 1994. Tuff-N- UFF is daartoe verbind om die sport van MMA te kweek en om die “Toekomstige sterre van MMA”.
Oor Neon Star Media LLC: Neon Star Media is 'n bemarkings- en inhoudonderneming wat hoogs effektiewe handelsmerkintegrasie-ervarings vir ons kliënte skep, uitgevoer deur 'n unieke “storievertelling” benadering wat die kliënt se produkboodskappe bemagtig om te styg terwyl hy resultate lewer. By Neon Star Media, ons maksimeer besteding aan klante-media deur ons verhoudings met verskillende sportbyeenkomste te benut, kabelkanale, digitale platforms en ander sosiale media-afsetpunte. Ons werk saam met ons kliënte om betrokke te raak, onderskryf en bevorder hul boodskap met gehore op alle platforms 24/7.
Oor die D Las Vegas: die D Las Vegas lewer die vars, energieke houding en pret atmosfeer sinoniem met die sentrum Las Vegas. Die nuwe casino Hotel spog 629 opgeknapte kamers en suites en 'n unieke casino op twee vlakke met moderne en oesjaarvloere. Cocktails, bier en bevrore drank in oorvloed in die casino op LONGBAR en op die Fremont Street Experience by D Bar. die D bied moderne Amerikaanse kos by D Grill aan, Legendariese Coney Detroit se Honde op Amerikaanse Coney Island en premie steaks en outentieke Italiaanse geregte op Joe Vicari se Andiamo Italiaanse Steakhouse. Die Showroom by die D Las Vegas funksies uitstaande vermaak wissel van bekroonde aandete teater en Broadway-produksies musiek, komedie en meer. Volg die D aan Facebook en Twitter.
Oor Downtown Las Vegas Events Center: Geleë op die hoek van Derde St. en Carson Ave. oorkant die D Las Vegas, die Downtown Las Vegas Events Center kan akkommodeer tot 11,000 gaste en funksies state-of-the-art stadium, klank en beligting. Die opelug-ontwerp nooi beide toeriste en plaaslike inwoners en bied die ideale plek vir konserte, konvensies en ander groot gebeurtenisse. Die aanvaarding van die ongeremd gees van Downtown Las Vegas, die nuwe venue speel gasheer vir 'n line-up van kurator gebeurtenisse, waaronder premier konserte, kos feeste en meer. Die venue is ook die eerste vermaak arena in Las Vegas om Bitcoin aanvaar as betaalmiddel. Vir meer inligting, besoek www.dlvec.com of volg op Facebook, Instagram en Twitter by @dlveventscenter.




VIR ONMIDDELLIKE VRYSTELLING: Lewiston, Maine (November 19, 2016) - New England Fights (NEF) het sy nuutste gemengde-vechtkunste gehou (Plaasmoorde) gebeurtenis, “NEF 26: oppergesag” Saterdagaand in die Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Maine. Die promosie het altesaam aangebied 14 MMA bots voor 'n sterk skare aanhangers.


Bloed het vroeg gevloei en dit het deur die nag vrylik gevloei.


In die belangrikste gebeurtenis van die aand, Ryan Sanders (12-8) verslaan Jon Lemke (5-7) via eenparige tegniese besluit. Die geveg is in die derde ronde gestaak toe Lemke 'n diep sny aan sy kop opgedoen het. Met die geveg in die derde ronde, onder die verenigde reëls van MMA die beoordelaars’ telkaarte is gevra vir 'n uitspraak. Sanders het gewen 20-18 op al drie beoordelaars’ telkaarte, na slegs die eerste twee rondes.


Die mede-hoofgebeurtenis is gesien Josh Parker (5-8) Indien Derek Shorey (4-8) in die eerste ronde van 'n hoogs verwagte “afrigter vs. afrigter” stryd.


Afronding van die professionele deel van die kaart, Aaron Lacey (4-0) onoorwonne gebly met 'n mondelinge oorwinning oor veteraan Taylor Trahan (6-7).


Nick Gulliver (4-0) van Farmington, Maine verower die NEF Amateur Heavyweight Titel met 'n oorwinning Quilt DeCastro (2-3) as die voorblad van die amateurkaartjie.


Die resultate van Lewiston, Maine:



Ryan Sanders def. Jon Lemke via eenparige tegniese besluit

Josh Parker def. Derek Shorey via guillotine, ronde 1

Aaron Lacey def. Taylor Trahan via mondelingse voorlegging, ronde 1




Nick Gulliver def. Yorgan DeCastro via TKO, ronde 3

Chris Smith def. Nash Roy via guillotine, ronde 1

Angelo Rizzitello def. Ken Dunn via TKO, ronde 1

Fred Lear def. Robby Fraser via staande guillotine, ronde 2

Mike Williams def. Mike Swan via TKO, ronde 2

Ras Hylton def. Kevin Smith via TKO, ronde 2

Tom Burgess def. Darren Ducharme via TKO, ronde 1

Fernanda Araujo def. Hannah Sparrell via armstang, ronde 2

Shawn Lunghi def. Alex Clark via agternaakse verstikking, ronde 2

Jessica Borga def. Brianne Genschel via eenparige besluit

Chad Pierce def. Lyman Curtis via eenparige besluit


NEF se volgende geleentheid, “NEF 27: herlewing” vind plaas op Saterdag, Februarie 11, 2017 by 7 namiddag. Kaartjies begin by $25 en is nou te koop by www.TheColisee.com of deur die Colisee loket by 207.783.2009, uitbreiding 525.


Vir meer inligting oor die geleentheid en stryd kaart updates, Besoek gerus die bevordering se webwerf by www.NewEnglandFights.com. Daarbenewens, jy NEF videos kan kyk op www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, volg hulle op Twitter @nefights en sluit aan by die amptelike Facebook-groep “New England Fights."


Kazakstan oorheers die World MMA Association 2016 Asiatiese kampioenskappe

Monte Carlo, Monaco (Augustus 12, 2016)- Kazakhstan oorheers die onlangse tweede jaarlikse World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) Asiatiese kampioenskappe, verower die beste in vyf van sewe gewigsklasse, in die Hwasoon-kultuur- en sportsentrum in die Republiek van Suid-Korea.
Die individuele Kazak-wenners was bantamgewig Azama Markabayev, veergewigtitel Ismail geroyev, weltergewig Goyti dazaev, lig swaargewig Eerkinbek Injel en swaargewig Mohmad Sulimanov. Die ander 2016 individuele kampioene is Kirgisië liggewig Ilias Chyngyzbek Uulu en Oesbekistan se middelgewigNursultan Ruziboev.
Individuele spankompetisie is gehou in ooreenstemming met die “Amptelike reëls vir gemengde vegkuns-kompetisie, onderhewig aan WMMAA-goedkeuring. Dit sluit hersienings in, aanvullings en toeligtings van sekere klousules. Wedstryde is gehou in ooreenstemming met die Olimpiese stelsel, waaronder twee derdeplekke in elk van die sewe gewigafdelings.
Na Kazakhstan in die finale span was die punteleer, in orde, Suid-Korea en Kirgisië. Sien onder:
Finale span punteleer
1ste 2de 3de 4de 5de 6de 8ste totaal
Kazakhstan 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 66
Suid-Korea 0 1 7 0 2 0 0 0 58
Kyrgyzstan 1 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 49
Oesbekistan 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 32
Tadjikistan 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 21
China 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 19
Die puntetelling van die span is toegeken deur die maksimum aantal punte wat deur individuele spanlede op die volgende basis behaal is: 1st – 10, 2nd – 8, 3rd – 6, 4ste – 5, 5ste – 4, 6ste – 3, 7ste – 2, 8ste – 1
Klik hier om die aksie te sien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = FAYR04B4Dvc
BANTAMWEIGHTS (134 ½ LBS. / -61.2 KG):
1. Azama Markabayev (Kazakhstan)
2. Alimarden Abdykaarov (Kyrgyzstan)
3. Lee Jongkwan (Suid-Korea)
3. Rustam Magdiev (Oesbekistan)
1. Ismail geroyev (Kazakhstan)
2. Alisher Garibshoev (Tadjikistan)
3. Kim Jongkwan (Suid-Korea)
3. Yang Jihwan (Suid-Korea)
Liggewigte (154 ½ LBS. / -70.3 KG):
1. Ilisas Chyngyzbek Uulu (Kyrgyzstan)
2. Neimat asadov (Kazakhstan)
3. Alihon Khasanov (Oesbekistan)
3. Broer Jang (Suid-Korea)
WELTERWEIGHTS (169 ½ LBS. / -77.1 KG):
1. Goyti dazaev (Kazakhstan)
2. Mavlonzhon Balataev (Kyrgyzstan)
3. Im Jin Yong (Suid-Korea)
3. Jiang Tao (China)
Middleweights (185 LBS. / -84.0 KG):
1. Nursultan Ruziboev (Oesbekistan)
2. Baurzhan Kuanyshbayev (Kazakhstan)
3. Tologon Rakhmanberdi Uulu (Kyrgyzstan)
3. Kim Yi Sak (Suid-Korea)
LIG swaargewigte (205 LBS. / -93.0 KG):
1. Erkinbek Injel (Kazakhstan)
2. Kwak Yun Sub (Suid-Korea)
3. Dilovar Nasyrov (Tadjikistan)
3. Daniiar Zarylbek Uulu (Kyrgyzstan)
Swaargewigte (+205 LBS. / +93.0 KG):
1. Mohmad Sulimanov (Kazakhstan)
2. U betaal Musabaev (Kyrgyzstan)
3. Amin Ergashev (Oesbekistan)
4. Kim Changhee (Suid-Korea)
Aan al die individuele wenners in die eerste plek is spesiale kampioenskapsgordels en medaljes toegeken, die tweede en derde plek het 'n medalje en sertifikaat ontvang. Spanne wat onder die top drie geëindig het, het bekers en sertifikate ontvang.
Bylae van majoor 2016 MMA-geleenthede
Sewe. 14-16 – Europese MMA-kampioenskappe in Tbilisi, Georgia
Oktober. 7-9 – Die eerste Amerikaanse Amerikaanse kampioenskappe in Santiago, Chili
Oktober. 20-21 – MMM Kampioenskappe in Sint Petersburg, Rusland
Twitter: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa


Bangor, Maine (Julie 28, 2016) – Die toegewyde afvaardiging van Young se MMA van Bangor hou gewoonlik van hul reputasie as vegkrygers in die New England Fights.

Lewiston is lank gevestig as die middestad vir die organisasie, trek deelnemers en toeskouers uit albei rigtings op die Maine Turnpike. Vegters en aanhangers uit die Penobscotriviervallei vind dat vier tot vyf keer per jaar vir daardie vegkaarte verloof is, groter toewyding verg as die meeste.

Vir die tweede keer in sy geskiedenis, die plaaslike bevordering sal sy hok na die Queen City bring. “NEF bied aan: Dana White Lookin 'for a Fight' word beplan vir Vrydag, Augustus 5 by Cross Insurance Centre.

Young se, die gimnasium is net 'n paar blokke verder geleë 127 Hammondstraat, sal vier deur een van sy vegters in vier van die agt geskeduleerde beroepswedstryde ten toon te stel. Slaggetoets Ryan Sanders en relatiewe nuwelinge Aaron Lacey, Josh Harvey en CJ Ewer is almal gereed om hul beste skoot te neem met die ondersteuning van 'n skelm, partydige skare.

'Dit is die opwindendste deel vir my, afkomstig van Brewer. Ek het na Brewer High School gegaan,'Sê Lacey. 'Dit was beslis 'n reuse, groot trekking vir my, persoonlik te sien. Ek het geveg toe NEF by Darling's Waterfront Pavilion kom (Julie 12, 2013) en al wat ek kon dink, is, Die mens, Ek wil dit doen. 'Dit was al 'n lang doelwit van my.'

Sanders (10-7) sal teen Derrick Kennington veg (11-7) in 'n botsing van lelike liggewigte wat by die gewilde besienswaardighede op die dak sal wees.

Sy drie stalmate het elk gewen in hul enigste vorige pro-wedstryd. Lacey sal saam met John Santos sluit (3-3) van Derry, N.H., in 'n veergewig stryd. Harvey het 'n afspraak met veergewig. Ewer, wat 'n amateurwedstryd op die buitelugkonsertlokaal in Bangor gewen het, sal deur Ruben Redman getoets word (0-1) in 'n weltergewig afval.

Selfs met talle vriende wat bywoon, die vier mans weet dat dit die teenwoordigheid van White UFC-president is, wat in die nabygeleë Hermon grootgeword het, wat gevolge vir loopbaanveranderings kan hê.

'Dit is 'n wonderlike geleentheid. Dit is ongelooflik om te weet dat iemand soos 'n bakleiery in die gebou gaan wees,'Sê Sanders. 'Maar vir my is dit net nog 'n geveg. Ek wil nie in alles vasgevang raak nie. Laat dit net ontvou. ”

Wit en kohorte Din Thomas en Matt Serra reis die land in die strewe na onontdekte MMA-talent in 'n realiteitsprogram wat op White se YouTube-bladsy uitgesaai word, sowel as op die UFC Fight Pass-inskrywinggebaseerde gestroomde videodiens.

Ja, die Maine-verbindings van die entrepreneur is goed gedokumenteer. White het ook voorheen UFC Fight Night gebring 47 aan Bangor. Young se talentpoel vermoed dat die jongste byeenkoms meer is as net 'n geval dat White 'n been na sy tuisbasis gooi, egter.

'Ek is dankbaar dat hy dit hierheen gebring het. Ek is seker hy het in sy vrye tyd film uit NEF gekyk. Hy moet iets sien in NEF waarvan hy hou om dit te doen,'Het Harvey gesê. 'Dit maak my nie meer senuweeagtig nie. Ek is opgewonde, want dit. Ek gaan probeer om dit alles opsy te sit en op die taak te fokus. ”

Onder toesig van mede-eienaars Chris Young en Ernie Fitch, Ongeveer vyf of ses professionele persone en 'n dosyn amateurs fiets deur die gimnasium in enige gegewe oefenkamp.

'Vier van ons veg, dit wys net dat ons die beste gimnasium in die omgewing is. Drie van ons is onoorwonne. Ons produseer studs. Mense sien dit en wil oefen met die beste ouens wat hulle kan,'Sê Sanders. 'Ons druk mekaar beslis. Julle het ouens wat elke dag u gat skop. Ons wil die beste vir mekaar hê. Daarom is ons hier. ”

Harvey verwag dat die getalle en toewyding sal groei ná White se besoek. Hy oefen al drie jaar by Young's. Die hok se sysitplek by die waterkant het hom geïnspireer om sy eie oefenprogram te verhoog. Dit is 'n ingeboude voordeel, Harvey het opgemerk, wat tot nou toe byna uitsluitlik aan Lewiston behoort het.

'Dit is wat die meeste mense aan die gang kry. Hulle gaan kyk na die gevegte en wil dit probeer,'Het Harvey gesê. 'Daarom sien jy plekke soos Central Maine BJJ (Lewiston) en Eerste klas MMA (Topsham) groei so baie. Die gevegte is daar in hul agterplaas. ”

Lacey karakteriseer Young's as ''n gimnasium vol moordenaars'.

Die statistiek beklemtoon die punt van Lacey. Die drie prosesse met ongeplakte rekords het almal hul debuut gewen oor twee minute of minder.

“Ryan het net een keer in sy loopbaan besluit wat ek dink. Hy is 'n afwerking. Josh het sy stryd gewen in die eerste ronde. CJ is super sterk,'Sê Lacey. 'Hulle daag my uit om die beste te wees wat ek elke dag kan wees. Hulle hou my gefokus, nie net in die gimnasium nie, maar ook in die spel buite die hok. ”

Alhoewel hy 'n teenstander met aansienlik groter ervaring in die gesig staar, Lacey verwag dat 'n nuttige adrenalienstormloop soveel bekende gesigte agterop sal hê.

'Dit is anders. Ek het in Lewiston sewe keer baklei tussen amateurgevegte en my prodebuut,"Het hy gesê. 'Dit gee my die kans om in my gemaksone te wees. En baie van my aanhangers kan dit nie daar benut nie. Teen die tyd dat u op reis is, die prys van die kaartjies, miskien oornag, hulle kan dit net nie doen nie. '

Harvey het ingestem, en daarop gewys dat dit die aanvanklike geveg is waarvoor hy nie nodig gehad het om 'n tas te pak nie.

'Dit is die eerste keer dat ek die aand voor 'n geveg in my eie bed geslaap het. Ek dink dit is 'n groot voordeel,'Het Harvey gesê. 'Party mense dink miskien dat daar meer druk by jou aanhangers is, maar ek dink dit bou jou net op. ”

“NEF bied Dana White aan: Op soek na 'n geveg ”vind plaas Vrydag, Augustus 5, 2016 by Cross Insurance Centre in Bangor, Maine. Kaartjies is te koop nou op www.CrossInsuranceCenter.met of deur die loket te skakel by 800.745.3000.

Vir meer inligting oor die geleentheid en stryd kaart updates, Besoek gerus die bevordering se webwerf by www.NewEnglandFights.com. Daarbenewens, jy NEF videos kan kyk op www.youtube.com/NEFMMA en www.flocombat.com, volg hulle op Twitternefights en sluit aan by die amptelike Facebook-groep "New England gevegte."


Lewiston, Maine (Junie 16, 2016) – As the only girl in a rough-and-tumble household with three older brothers in Mexico, Maine, Nicole Burgess learned how to fight for pride, for respect, sometimes even just for fun.

Sometimes such sibling rivalries are a challenge and burden. In Nicole’s case, egter, the arrangement furnished three built-in fans and best friends. And the closest bond of all naturally formed with the family’s youngest boy, Ryan, exactly one year and three days older than his sister.

“We were born pretty much back-to-back,” said Ryan Burgess, the pride becoming perceptible in his voice. “She’s always been tough. She’s really strong, just very athletic.”

Ryan, 22, has backed up his three high school championships as a wrestler with a pair of impressive mixed martial arts wins and the New England Fights amateur flyweight title.

Not to be outdone, multi-sport athlete Nicole, 21, finished fourth against primarily male competition in the state wrestling meet her sophomore, junior and senior years of high school. She has carved out a successful college field hockey career at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire.

Similarly accomplished, so close in age, rarely seen apart from one another in childhood, Ryan and Nicole’s athletic and life stories remain intertwined as young adults. Nicole will follow her brother into the NEF cage on Saterdag, Junie 18, making her debut against Alex Walker (0-1) in a 115-pound women’s bout at “NEF 24: Promised Land.”

Anybody who grew up with a brother or a sister probably can imagine the good-natured ribbing that has taken place in training camp.

“He thinks I’m probably going to want to throw up,” Nicole said with a laugh.

Ryan, who will defend his strap on the same card against Dustin Veinott in a rematch of their split-decision title tilt from November 2015, knows there is no substitute for experience in the cage.

Although he was one of the most accomplished wrestlers in the history of his proud community, Ryan discovered in his first two cage confrontations that the variety of skills and size of the crowd at an MMA event demanded a quantum leap.

“You don’t know what to expect,"Het hy gesê. “Before my debut, I had never been in a fight in my life. I thought I had, but I really hadn’t. I told myself ‘It’s just another wrestling match,’ but it’s not.”

Burgess stuck with what he knew best and ground out a unanimous decision over Justin Witham in June 2015.

He was introduced as an independent. His studies at Kennebec Valley Community College interfered with his training schedule, and Burgess’ coaches at Berserkers MMA didn’t want him representing the stable until he spent a full cycle under their watchful eyes.

The same night, he scouted out Veinott’s win over Norman “Sleepy” Fox and felt that he compared favorably to both fighters. He proved it in a championship setting five months later, albeit by an on-paper verdict that most cage-side observers felt could have gone either way.

After struggling to find an opponent worthy for the title shot in his weight class, Burgess was eager to extend Veinott (4-4) a second chance.

“I’ve already been in the cage 18 minute, which is more fight time than a lot of guys who’ve been in four of five fights can say they’ve had,” Ryan said. “I’m completely confident now with the venue, die ondersteuners. The only person I hear now is my coach.”

He doesn’t even hear Nicole, although little sister was so enamored with the environment as a spectator that she couldn’t wait to resume her own combat sports career.

“I always watched UFC and stuff like that,” she said. “I actually started boxing before Ryan even got into it.”

Nicole donned the gloves in high school after giving up softball. In sixth grade, she made a similar transition from basketball to wrestling after waiting for a ride home, watching one of Ryan’s grueling mat practices and deciding that it looked fun.

“It was weird at first. I didn’t want to touch the guys,” Nicole said. “Then you heard things like, ‘Oh, it’s just a girl.’ Often times the guys would be stronger, but I had good technique.”

Walker brings experience, in the form of a loss to Randi Beth Boyington, and a tough stand-up game.

Speaking with the typical subtlety of a big brother, Ryan said that Nicole “should be OK as long as she doesn’t get kicked in the head.”

He quickly noted that she has the poise and talent to enjoy a successful debut if she can shake off the requisite whirlwind of emotions.

“As long as she can put together everything she’s learned. You have to overcome the nerves and the adrenaline dump,” Ryan said. “I remember that from my debut. It stunk.”

Nicole said she would like to end the fight early but predicted that it probably will go the distance.

Her brother aims for his first stoppage and forecasts that his improved striking will catch Veinott and everyone else by surprise.

“Up until now, I was focused on school, just graduating in May, and trying to get my career started,” Ryan said. “I was working 40 hours a week for free as an internship and working 20 more hours on the weekend trying to make ends meet. Dustin is going to see a completely different fighter this time.”

Die opening klok op Junie 18 is vir 7 namiddag. The current docket includes five pro boxing fights, four pro MMA bouts and eight amateur MMA skirmishes. Tickets for “NEF 24: Promised Land” start at $25 en is beskikbaar bywww.TheColisee.com of deur die Colisee loket by 207.783.2009, uitbreiding 525.

For more information on the events and fight card updates, Besoek gerus die bevordering se webwerf by www.NewEnglandFights.com. Daarbenewens, jy NEF videos kan kyk op www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, volg hulle op Twitternefights en sluit aan by die amptelike Facebook-groep "New England gevegte."

Oor New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om die hoogste gehalte gebeure vir Maine se vegters en fans te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.


Lewiston, Maine (Junie 13, 2016) – Combat sports gave Mike Bezanson (1-0) direction. They also helped him cultivate the relationship with his father that he always coveted but could never seem to grasp.

Nou, on the eve of Father’s Day, less than a week past the four-year anniversary of his dad’s untimely death, Bezanson is poised to take another step in the career that was their shared dream.

Bezanson, 21, van Lancaster, N.H., returns to the New England Fights hexagon to take on Shawn Bang (1-1) of Auburn, Maine, in a welterweight bout at “NEF 24: Promised Land.” Their amateur bout is one of the many attractions on theSaterdag, Junie 18 card at Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.

“I think this fight is going to be good for me, because I’ll be able to show my skills against an opponent with more in-cage experience than I have,” Bezanson said. "ook, the fact that Junie 18 is the day before Father’s Day makes this a sentimental and emotional fight for me.”

The encore comes almost a year to the day after Bezanson stopped Jeff Dustin (0-1) by technical knockout via strikes in his mixed martial arts debut on June 13, 2015. Bang has split his first two verdicts in the NEF cage.

Bezanson’s showboating, stick-and-move style drew mixed reviews from the large crowd that witnessed his rookie effort. Some booed the relative lack of action, perhaps suspecting that Bezanson was toying with an overmatched opponent.

It was all part of his plan to relish the moment and take advantage of the opportunity.

“Truthfully we had a game plan to get experience,” Bezanson said. “If I have any thoughts of going pro, I need to get as much experience as I can. If you go in there and knock a guy out in 10 sekondes, don’t get me wrong, you got a knockout and that’s great, but you’re not learning what it takes to get comfortable on the other side of that 10 sekondes. You don’t know how much energy you’re going to need.”

Bezanson never lacked energy, or personality, from childhood. He describes himself as a young man who never got into any serious trouble, and never experimented with drugs or other disorderly conduct, but one who freely challenged authority.

He gravitated to the boxing ring as a freshman in high school. It gave him direction. It also provided a foundation for the on-again, off-again relationship with his father, Jamie.

“Before I took up boxing, my dad wasn’t really involved much in my life. He would come and go, jy weet, for personal reasons,” Bezanson said. “When I started boxing, we got really close. Boxing and racing were his things. He would tell anybody and everybody that I was boxing and how proud he was, and that meant a lot to me.”

Jamie Bezanson never had the chance to watch his son develop as a fighter. Op Junie 15, 2012, during annual “Bike Week” in Laconia, his motorcycle crossed the center line and struck another vehicle.

The elder Bezanson succumbed to his injuries. Hy was 37.

“I lost it for a while. I stopped boxing. Geestelik, I was just in a very emotional place,” Bezanson said. “Then right next to my house, Kaze Dojo opened up. Ek het gesê, ‘That’s something I could do.’”

Bezanson began training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Greg Williams. He proved himself a natural talent, winning the gold medal in his debut at the Vermont Open.

Then came the natural progression to MMA, where his stand-up skills proved too difficult for Dustin to defend. Bezanson commanded the cage with the poise and surgical precision of a veteran.

“I’m a pretty confident guy all around. I really wasn’t that nervous. I figure why be scared if you’re prepared and you’ve put in all that training?"Het hy gesê. “Ninety percent of fights are lost before you even get into the cage. If you let the emotions get to you, you’re not going to perform to the best of your ability.”

Bezanson suffered a catastrophic knee injury in training shortly thereafter. He has spent most of the past year recovering from surgery to repair a torn ACL and meniscus.

Once he returned to the gym, Bezanson spent much of his time focused on his evolving ground game. It should be tested royally by Bang, a former high school wrestler from a renowned regional fighting family.

“Striking is definitely one of my strengths. I’m a lanky dude, and I try to use that to my full advantage,” Bezanson said. “But I’ve worked really hard on my ground game in training. I didn’t really get a chance to show it in my first fight, but I know I will this time.”

Bezanson sees his second foray into the cage as the true beginning of what he hopes will be a prolific career.

In addition to the many fans who will make the four-hour round trip from the North Country to watch him, Bezanson knows he will have one special set of eyes in his corner.

“Boxing taught me a lot of discipline. MMA is the same thing. People can use it however they want, but that’s what it does for me,"Het hy gesê. “It’s something I like to do and something that I know makes my father proud all at the same time.”

Die opening klok op Junie 18 is vir 7 namiddag. The current docket includes five pro boxing fights, three pro MMA bouts and eight amateur MMA skirmishes. Tickets for “NEF 24: Promised Land” start at $25 en is beskikbaar bywww.TheColisee.com of deur die Colisee loket by 207.783.2009, uitbreiding 525.

For more information on the events and fight card updates, Besoek gerus die bevordering se webwerf by www.NewEnglandFights.com. Daarbenewens, jy NEF videos kan kyk op www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, volg hulle op Twitternefights en sluit aan by die amptelike Facebook-groep "New England gevegte."

Oor New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om die hoogste gehalte gebeure vir Maine se vegters en fans te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.


Lewiston, Maine (Junie 7, 2016) – In an international boxing match-up, Ireland’s undefeated Steve Collins, Jr. (7-0-1, 3 Uitklophoue) will face his stiffest test yet as a pro when he takes on Mexico’s Jose Humberto Corral (19-21, 12 Uitklophoue) in a six-round cruiserweight fight on Junie 18, 2016 at The Androscoggin Bank Colisée. The bout will take place as part of New England Fights’ (NEF) volgende byeenkoms “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.


Collins, Jr., the son of former world champion and Irish boxing legendThe Celtic WarriorSteve Collins (36-3, 21 Uitklophoue), will be fighting in the United States for the third consecutive time after having each of his first six fights in Ireland and Great Britain.


I’m happy to be back over in the States fighting,” said Collins, Jr. “The crowd and the fans have really seemed to enjoy my fighting and style that I bring to the boxing world. I’ve been training hard at the Celtic Warriors Gym here in Ireland, and I’m looking forward to putting my knowledge to use in the ring. My next opponent has got a lot of fights under his belt, but I’m looking forward to giving him another loss.


Jose Humberto Corral is a former amateur standout on the Mexican national team who has made a career as a pro as a journeyman giving solid tests to future world champions like Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin and regional prospects like Chris Traietti, Vinnie Carita and Paul Gonsalves.


I’m looking forward to the opportunity to fight Steve Collins in Maine,” said Corral recently through a translator. “Sure he’s an undefeated prospect and son of a former world champion, but I’ve got way more ring experience, and you can’t teach that. If I had a peso for every time I got beat up by the son of a former world champion, I would have zero pesos. I look forward to showcasing my skills in the same building Muhammad Ali fought in and leaving with all the American boxing fans looking forward to me coming back.


Collins Jr. is promoted by Murphy’s Boxing USA, a boxing organization headed by Ken Casey of the popular rock band The Dropkick Murphys who are well known for hit songs likeI’m Shipping up to Boston,” “The State of Massachusetts” en “Skinhead on the MBTA.


It’s wonderful to be able to have Steve Jr. here so often,” said Ken Casey when reached for comment from Cork, Ireland during the band’s latest European tour. “This will be his third fight here in the States in less than a year, and we are all excited to see where it goes from there. He’s proven that he can step out of his father’s shadow and legacy, and make a career and name for himself. It’s going to be interesting to see where he ends up in another year from now, but we’re all excited to be part of his journey, and seeing what Steve Jr. can do.


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Maine op Junie 18, 2016 met “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 en is nou te koop by www.TheColisee.com of deur die Colisée loket by 207.783.2009 x 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, Besoek gerus die bevordering se webwerf by www.NewEnglandFights.com. Daarbenewens, jy NEF videos kan kyk op www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, volg hulle op Twitternefights en sluit aan by die amptelike Facebook-groep "New England gevegte."


Oor New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om die hoogste gehalte gebeure vir Maine se vegters en fans te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.



Lewiston, Maine (Mei 18, 2016) - Op Junie 18, 2016 New England Fights (NEF) will return to Lewiston with the fight promotion’s latest fight card, “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.A full slate of professional and amateur mixed-martial-arts (Plaasmoorde) and professional boxing is planned for the event. Vroeër vandag, NEF announced the addition of an amateur MMA welterweight bout to the fight card. Shawn Bang (1-1) will return to take on Mike Bezanson (1-0) op 'n stryd gewig van 170-pond.


Shawn Bang is a member of the famous Bang family of fighters from nearby Auburn, Maine. Along with his father and brothers, Bang is 'n lid van Sentraal Maine Brasiliaanse Jiu Jitsu- (CMBJJ). It has been nearly three years since he last competed in the NEF MMA cage. Bang has spent the last two years serving as a missionary in accordance with his Mormon faith. Finally back home and reunited with both his natural family and gym family, Bang is ready for his return to the cage.


After two years of amazing missionary service, I cannot begin to express how excited I am to reunite with my CMBJJ brothers,” Said Bang. “I have only spoken with my own family on Christmas and Mother’s Day, and to have the opportunity to rejoin the ‘Bang Clanin battle on June 18th is a fitting reunion. Since childhood our father has always told us, ‘The first rule of brothers is to stick together.’ Uiteindelik, it will be me alone in the cage to battle my opponent but it is family, both immediate and extended, that gets me there and beyond.


Lancaster, New Hampshire’s Mike Bezanson debuted in the NEF MMA cage one year ago atNEF 18.Early in the fight, it became evident that his opponent that evening, Jeff Dustin (0-1), was outmatched against the Team Kaze product. Although Dustin hung in there for almost two full rounds before the referee stopped the fight, Bezanson put on a striking clinic that left his opponent bloodied. Bezanson took his time and looked like a cat toying with its prey. Some in attendance saw his performance as showboating, while others were impressed by his pinpoint striking. Like it or not, no one could deny that Bezanson provided the entertainment that night.


I received a lot of mixed reviews from my debut fight at NEF,” recalled Bezanson. “Staying true to myself, Ek is wie ek is – in and out of the cage. I love to entertain, keep people on their toes. Some might say my style of fighting is cocky and unorthodox, but it’s who I am, what I doand I’m comfortable fighting that way. It is in no way meant to belittle or disrespect my opponent, it’s merely a technique. I have a great deal of respect for all fighters, trainers and fans. One of the reasons I train to fight is the self discipline. I push myself to be the best I can be and I love to compete! Wen of verloor, I take away whatever I can from the experience to better myself and grow. You know what they say, ‘There’s no losing, you either win or learn.I’m excited to get in the cage in June, and put all my hard work to the test! It’s going to be an entertaining show!”


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Maine op Junie 18, 2016 met “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 en is nou te koop by www.TheColisee.com of deur die Colisée loket by207.783.2009 x 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, Besoek gerus die bevordering se webwerf by www.NewEnglandFights.com. Daarbenewens, jy NEF videos kan kyk op www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, volg hulle op Twitternefights en sluit aan by die amptelike Facebook-groep "New England gevegte."


Oor New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om die hoogste gehalte gebeure vir Maine se vegters en fans te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.

Wêreld MMA Association 2016 Asian Championship RESCHEDULED Aug. 17-21 in Suid-Korea


Monte Carlo, Monaco (Mei 8, 2016)- The World MMA Association (WMMAA) has announced that, due to venue availability issues, its second annual Asian Championship has been rescheduled from Mei 27-30 te Augustus 17-21 at the same site, the Hwasoon Culture and Sports Center. in the Republic of South Korea.
The Asian MMA Championship will feature the top amateur MMA fighters in six different weight classes.
We had to postpone our annual Asian Championships but this way we’ll have even more time to prepare for the biggest amateur MMA event of the year on the Asian continent,” WMMAA president Vadim Finkelchtein gesê. “The location and venue remain the same, which is great news because the site our South Korean Federation was able to find really suits our championship very well.
An international judgesseminar will be held Augustus. 17-20, to certify and accredit judges. Only accredit judges will be allowed to work during the Asian MMA Championships. Preliminary and semifinal matches will be Aug. 19, followed by the championship final matches.
The official weigh-ins and competition draws will be conducted Aug. 27,
The Asia Division Congress: Battle of the Nomads of the WMMAA Pro Asian Division will be held Aug. 20.
Individual team competition will be held in accordance with the “Amptelike reëls vir gemengde vegkuns-kompetisie, onderhewig aan WMMAA-goedkeuring. Dit sluit hersienings in, aanvullings en toeligtings van sekere klousules. Matches will held in accordance with the Olympic system with two third-places in each of the six weight divisions.
Team scoring is awarded by the maximum amount of points scored by individual team members on the following basis: 1st – 10, 2nd – 8, 3rd – 6, 4ste – 5, 5ste – 4, 6ste – 3, 7ste – 2, 8ste – 1.
All individual first-place winners will be awarded special championship belts and medals, second and third-place finishers will receive a medal and certificate. Teams finishing among the top three in the final standings will be awarded cups and certificates.
In addition to the host, Suid-Korea, other eligible countries to compete in the Asian MMA Championship include Afghanistan, China, Chinese Taipei, Indië, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Singapoer, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Wêreld MMA Association 2016 Asian Championship May 27-30 in Suid-Korea

Monte Carlo, Monaco (April 19, 2016)- The second annual World MMA Association (WMMAA) Asian Championship will be held Mei 27-30 at Hwasoon Culture and Sports Center in the Republic of South Korea.
The Asian MMA Championship will feature the top amateur MMA fighters in six different weight classes.
This year’s Asian MMA Championship is a significant milestone for our association,” WMMAA president Vadim Finkelchtein gesê. “We strive to educate people from each country in which we hold regional championships. This time will be no different with more people learning the beauty of Mixed Martial Arts. We’re also organizing a judges and referee seminar within a certification process. We are looking forward to this event and hope to have as many Asian countries participating as possible.
An international judgesseminar will be held Mei 24-27, to certify and accredit judges. Only accredit judges will be allowed to work during the Asian MMA Championships. Preliminary and semifinal matches will be May 28, followed by the championship final matches.
The official weigh-ins and competition draws will be conductedMei 27,
The Asia Division Congress: Battle of the Nomads of the WMMAA Pro Asian Division will be held Mei 29.
Individual team competition will be held in accordance with the “Amptelike reëls vir gemengde vegkuns-kompetisie, onderhewig aan WMMAA-goedkeuring. Dit sluit hersienings in, aanvullings en toeligtings van sekere klousules. Matches will held in accordance with the Olympic system with two third-places in each of the six weight divisions.
Team scoring is awarded by the maximum amount of points scored by individual team members on the following basis: 1st – 10, 2nd – 8, 3rd – 6, 4ste – 5, 5ste – 4, 6ste – 3, 7ste – 2, 8ste – 1.
All individual first-place winners will be awarded special championship belts and medals, second and third-place finishers will receive a medal and certificate. Teams finishing among the top three in the final standings will be awarded cups and certificates.
In addition to the host, Suid-Korea, other eligible countries to compete in the Asian MMA Championship include Afghanistan, China, Chinese Taipei, Indië, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Singapore and Tajikistan