Caleb “SWEET HANDS” PLANT vrača v ring sobota avgust 15 V Quebecu

Photo By Team Krško



NASHVILLE, TN (Avgust 4, 2015) – Neporažen super-srednji pričakovanje, Caleb “Sladko-Hands” Rastlin (8-0, 7 Kos), bo kar svojo pot nazaj na obroč next Saturday Avgust, 15, 2015na PBC na NBC dogodka, headlined ga Lucian Bute (31-2, 24 Kos) vs. Andrea Di Luisa (17-2, 13 Kos). The fight takes place at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec. Rastlin, ki je predviden za boj v 6. krogu dvoboj z, se bodo soočile nasprotnika TBA.


Upravlja Al HAYMON, Rastlina čuti njegova kariera je vzletanje. Plant’s fight will serve as the swing bout for the PBC broadcast. Fighting in Canada for the first time, Rastlina želi, da bi trdno izjavo.


“Zelo sem zadovoljen z vse, kar se dogaja v moji karieri,” dejal Caleb rastlin, Nashville, Tennessee je vzhajajoča zvezda. “This will be my fourth bout of the year and I’m very happy to be staying busy. Fighting for Al Haymon and the PBC is a dream come true for my team and me. This will be my first time fighting in Canada so I want to give the fans a great night of action while making a statement.


Znan po težkih roke, Caleb rastlin je videti, da razširi na svoji 6-boj Knockout streak, štirje, ki je prišel s prvo okroglo KO.


“Nikoli nisem šel v boj išče Knockout, ampak sem bil boli moje nasprotnike v prvih krogih,” nadaljeval Caleb rastlin. “Če vidim je moj nasprotnik poškodoval, then I go for the knockout. I love to pound the body in those situations. I know with a lot of hard work I can become a world champion. I’m going to take it one fight at a time and give the fans exciting fights. On 15. avgust, Bom najemnin moje roke letenje!”

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