Photo Team Landare By



NASHVILLE, TN (Abuztua 4, 2015) – Undefeated super-middleweight perspectiva, Caleb “Sweet-Eskuak” Landare (8-0, 7 Kos), egingo bere bidean atzera egiteko eraztuna Datorren larunbatean Abuztua, 15, 2015NBC ekintzarik PBC on, headlined Lucian Bute (31-2, 24 Kos) vs. Andrea Di Luisa (17-2, 13 Kos). The fight takes place at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec. Landare, nor programatuta 6-biribilak bout batean borrokatzeko, Aurkari zehazteke bat aurre egingo.


Jabepean Al HAYMON, Landare sentitzen zuen bere ibilbidea aireratzen da. Plant’s fight will serve as the swing bout for the PBC broadcast. Fighting in Canada for the first time, Landare soinu adierazpen bat egin nahi du.


“Oso pozik nago guztia nire ibilbidean gertatzen ari,” esan Caleb Landare, Nashville Tennessee goranzko izar. “This will be my fourth bout of the year and I’m very happy to be staying busy. Fighting for Al Haymon and the PBC is a dream come true for my team and me. This will be my first time fighting in Canada so I want to give the fans a great night of action while making a statement.


Esku heavy izateagatik ezaguna, Caleb Plant da bere 6-borroka knockout marra gainean hedatzen ari da, horietatik lau lehen txandan KO etorri zen.


“Inoiz ez dut borroka batean sartu knockout bila baina nire aurkaria izan dut mina Nik egin aurreko txandetako,” segitu Caleb Plant. “Ikusten badut nire aurkari duela, then I go for the knockout. I love to pound the body in those situations. I know with a lot of hard work I can become a world champion. I’m going to take it one fight at a time and give the fans exciting fights. On Abuztuaren 15ean, I izan dezazun nire esku hegan!”

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