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Box Fan Expo este evenimentul final al experienței fanilor care oferă fanilor boxului posibilitatea de a întâlni și întâlni luptători de top, actuali și foști campioni mondiali, vedete de box și oameni din industrie într-un cadru personal de aproape.

Tickets On-Sale Now at EventBrite


Las Vegas (Mai 1, 2019) – Boxing Icon &Eight-time world champion Thomas Hearns hasconfirmed that he will appear, have a booth and hold a meet and greet with his fans at the fifth annual Box Fan Expo on Saturday May 4, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.The Expo is open from 10 a.m. pentru 5 p.m., during Cinco De Mayo weekend. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the highly anticipated fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Danny Jacobs, that will take place later that evening at the T-Mobile Arena.

Tickets to the Box Fan Expo are available at Eventbrite

Hearns will make his 4th appearance at this yearsExpo and will be signing gloves, fotografii,personal items and also have merchandise for sale for fans to enjoy. Boxing Fans will also have an opportunity to take pictures with this Boxing Living Legend also known as “Hitman”.

Hearns joins Roy Jones Jr., Promoții Mayweather, Anthony Dirrell, WBA, Julio Cesar Chavez, Riddick Bowe, Mikey Garcia, Errol Spence Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Mia St,Ioan, Juan Manuel Marquez, Vinny Paz, Devin Haney, Earnie ras, Al Bernstein, Michael Spinks, WBC, Erik Morales, James Toney and Jessie Vargas as an early commitment to this year’s Box Fan Expo, with more Boxing stars to be announced.

About Thomas Hearns
Hearns mult mai cunoscut ca “Hitman”, a devenit primul boxer din istorie care a câștigat titluri mondiale în patru divizii. El va deveni, de asemenea, prima luptator din istorie care a câștigat cinci titluri mondiale în cinci divizii diferite. Hearns was named Ring Magazine fighter of the year in 1980 și 1984 și este cel mai bine cunoscut pentru luptele sale cu Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvin Hagler și Roberto Duran. El a fost introdus în Hall of Fame în box 2012.

Despre Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo este evenimentul final al experienței fanilor de box, which allows fans to meet-and-greet boxing superstars of today, actuali și foști campioni mondiali, legends of the sport and other boxing celebrities. Fans can expect to experience various interactions such as autograph and photos sessions, FaceOff cu boxerii tăi preferați, pictures with the Ring Card Girls, Live DJ Music, chance to win prizes, purchase merchandise and memorabilia from different booths Exhibitors, “TOȚI SUB UN ACOPERIȚ“. You won’t want to miss this must-attend Expo!

Box Fan Expo a fost un succes uriaș cu fanii și oamenii din industria boxului. Many boxing stars have attended the last four Expos such as Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales, Errol Spence Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab lui Iuda, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Patience, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie ras, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios și mulți alții…

Exhibitors include: boxing promoters, gear, haine, equipment, energizante, supliment produse, mass-media de difuzare, sanctioning bodies, and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans and the boxing industry.

Bilete la Expo Box Fan sunt disponibile online la:

Throughout the next several days leading up to the event, there will be more updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo. Și pentru oricine din industria boxului sau pentru alți expozanți (non-industrial), care ar dori să fie implicat și să rezerve un stand, contactați Box Fan Expo:

Număr de telefon: (514) 572-7222 sau numărul din Las Vegas (702) 997-1927

Pentru orice întrebări, vă rugăm e-mail:

For More information on Box Fan Expo visit:

Follow Box Fan Expo on Twitter and Instagram: @BoxFanExpo

Follow Box Fan Expo on Facebook at:

Participare record la cina de inducție a Hall of Fame a boxului din New York State

NYSBHOF Clasa de 2019: (L-R – aşezat) – Bob Jackson, John McKaie, Dick DiVeronica, Regilio Turr, Don King și Michal Olajidfe; (L-R – în picioare) – Inel 8 președintele Charles Norkus, Jr., Monte Barrett, Arthur Mercante, Jr., Steve Albert și președintele NYSBHOF, Bob Duffy

(toate imaginile lui Peter Frutkoff / NYSBHOF)

Promotorul inimitabil Don King a condus clasa de 24 de membri 2019 în NYSBHOF

NEW YORK (Aprilie 30, 2019) – O participare record a onorat Clasa de 2019 la cea de-a opta sală a renumelui de box din New York State (NYSBHOF), sponsorizat de Ring 8, la Russo’s On the Bay din Howard Beach, New York.

“Am avut cea mai mare participare, 402 oameni,” un președinte fericit și mândru NYSBHOF Bob Duffy a spus la eveniment. “Acesta este modul în care ne arătăm aprecierea cu această centură specială pentru acești newyorkezi pentru ceea ce au dat de-a lungul anilor. Mulțumesc multor oameni’ eforturi acesta este al optulea an. Sper că putem face altul 50. Aș dori să mulțumesc tuturor acestor recrutați, și membrii familiei lor pentru sprijinul lor. Este vorba despre familie.”

boxeri care trăiesc în poziția NYSBHOF includ (Născut în Bronx) de trei ori, campion mondial de două diviziune Wilfredo Benitez (53-8-1, 31 KO), (Hempstead) WBO super campion mondial cu greutatea pană Rogelio Tuur (46-4-1, 30 KO), (Bronx) 1968 S.U.A.. Olimpic Davey Vasquez (19-15, 6 KO), WBO super provocator al titlului mondial de greutate medieMichael Olajide (27-5, 19 KO), din Manhattan, Greutatea welter din New York Dick DiVeronica(44-13-1, 13 KO), și Queens’ provocator al titlului mondial la categoria grea Monte Barrett (35-11-2, 20 KO).

Participanții postumiți care sunt incluși sunt (Bronx) de trei ori campion mondial ușorJimmy Carter (84-31-9, 34 KO), Brooklyn semimijlocie Al “Bummy” Davis (65-10-4, 46 KO), (Schenectady) campion mondial semimijlocie Marty Servo (47-4-2, 14 KO), (Bronx) provocator al titlului mondial la categoria grea Roland LaStarza (57-9, 27 KO), Campion mondial la greutate la Brooklyn Paddy DeMarco (75-26-3, 8 KO )și greutățile ușoare din Lower East Side din Manhattan sID Terenuri (94-13-5, 12 KO) și Leach “Dentistul luptător” Cruce (35-10-4, 22 KO).

Neparticipanții vii care se îndreaptă către NYSBHOF sunt promotori din New York Don King, Judecător roșu John McKaie, arbitru Arthur Mercante, Jr. Sportscaster din BrooklynSteve Albert, și antrenor Bronx Bob Jackson.

Angajații postumiți neparticipanți sunt matchmaker Utica Dewey Fragetta, Coroană, Arbitru Queens Johnny LoBianco, Arbitru Garden City Wayne Kelly, Sportiv roșu Harry Hill, jurnalist premiat Jimmy Cannon, din Upper East Side din Manhattan, și oficial NYSAC / fost președinte NABF Joe Dwyer, Brooklyn.

Fiecare inductee participa (sau descendent direct al) a primit o centură personalizată care indică intrarea în NYSBHOF.

The 2019 Fame au fost selectate de către membrii comisiei nominalizarea NYSBHOF:Randy Gordon, Henry Hascup, Don Majeski, Ron McNair, și neil Terens.

Toate boxeri necesare pentru a fi inactiv timp de cel puțin trei ani pentru a fi eligibil pentru inducerea NYSBHOF, iar toate inductees trebuie să fi avut reședința în statul New York, pentru o parte semnificativă a carierei lor de box sau în timpul carierei lor prim respective.


Bob Jackson: “Este greu să vorbești în astfel de momente când ești onorat de prieteni. A fost o cursă grozavă. Trăiesc din amintiri și am mii. Mă continuă. Nu cedati niciodata, continuă să dai cu pumnul.”

(L-R) prezentator Vinny Maddalone & 2019 NYSBHOF, angajat Bob Jackson

Regilio Tuur: “Eram un copil negru din Olanda care lupta la olimpiadă. Aproape o nimeni care se luptă cu SUA. campion. Mi-au cumpărat biletul de avion de întoarcere înainte ca eu să mă lupt chiar pentru că, deși adversarul meu era incredibil. M-am antrenat să lupt cu el, un southpaw, timp de un an și a avut o mână mare de luptă pe care nimeni nu o știa. Am vrut să vin în american și să mă fac mândru de tată. M-am retras din profesioniști) neînvins și câștigă mulți bani. Sunt onorat astăzi. Am avut un manager grozav, Stan Hoffman, cine este un om care ne-a făcut bărbați. Stând aici astăzi este un vis.”

(L-R) — 2019 NYSBHOF angajat Regilio Tuur & prezentator Stan Hoffman

John McKaie: “Am o treabă grozavă și să fiu onorat pentru ceva ce îmi place cu adevărat să fac este o mare onoare. Aș dori să mulțumesc diferitelor comisioane pentru acordarea licenței mele, dar New York este casa mea. Aș dori să mulțumesc tuturor boxerilor pentru că a fost o plăcere să-i judec.”

L-R) – Prezentatoare Melvina Latham, 2019 NHSBHOF angajat John McKaie și
Președintele NYSBHOF, Bob Duffy

Monte Barrett: “Felicitări tuturor celor de sus. Există atât de multă istorie în această cameră. Am fost la box 18 ani și au o memorie selectată, dar au existat atâtea experiențe și realizări uimitoare. îl iubesc pe tipul asta (antrenor Jimmy Glenn). Mulți manageri nici măcar nu vă întreabă ce mai faceți. Managerul meu a fost marele Stan Hoffman. El mi-a dat $50,000, $3000 o lună și alta $1000 pentru asigurare fără contract. Spuse Stan: 'Ce mai faci? Cred în tine și te iubesc.’ În 2005, Mă certam cu Don King despre bani. El a spus, ‘Viața este o negociere.’ Bine, Negociez acum, și sunt în Hall of Fame.”

(L-R) – Prezentatoare Melvina Latham, 2019 NHSBHOF, angajat Monte Barrett și soția sa, Shaneka, și președintele NYSBHOF, Bob Duffy

Arthur Mercante, Jr.: “Ce mare onoare este să fii recunoscut de Ring 8 și comunitatea boxului. În 2012, tatăl meu a fost introdus în sala de faimă a boxului din New York. Acum se uită în jos azi și este atât de mândru. Am intrat în Mănușile de Aur la vârsta de 17. În sferturile de finală am pierdut în fața unui mare luptător și a Hall of Famer, Juan LaPorte. Ca orice boxer, Am crezut că am câștigat, și a vrut o revanșă. Tatăl meu mi-a spus că nu-mi place munca rutieră și că am pierdut doar o luptă în trei runde. El a întrebat dacă aș vrea să fiu arbitru. Am început în 1979 iar tatăl meu m-a făcut să lucrez cu cinci ani înainte să devin profesionist. Am continuat să referez atâtea lupte grozave, inclusiv unul pe același card cu tatăl meu la Radio City Music Hall. Cea mai mare luptă a mea a fost Lennox Lewis împotriva lui Evander Holyfield.”

(L-R) – 2019 NYSBHOF, angajat Arthur Mercante, Jr. și prezentatorul James Mercante

Michael Olajide: “Sunt cu adevărat onorat să fiu aici astăzi. Istoria mea în box se întoarce puțin acum. Nu este nimic mai bun să fii onorat de cei care fac parte din profesia ta. Mulțumesc. Am avut o călătorie incredibilă: Liverpool către Canada la New York. Boxul mi-a dat atât de mult. Nu aș fi persoana care sunt fără box. A trăi înseamnă a lupta. Boxul și viața sunt sinonime”

(L-R) – Prezentatorul Jack Hirsch și 2019 Reclamat de la NYSBHOF Michael Olajide

Steve Albert: “Este o onoare extraordinară să fii onorat de acești luminari. A fi recunoscut în propriul stat este special. Aceasta este o sărbătoare a întregului New York. am lucrat 23 ani pentru Showtime Championship Boxing, de la 1987-2010, iar cea mai dramatică a fost Corrales-Castillo I, una dintre cele mai mari lupte din toate timpurile. Am vazut lumea din cauza boxului, dar au fost momentele mai ușoare pe care mi le amintesc cel mai mult. Doar în box ai aceste personaje și experiențe uimitoare.”

(L-R) – Prezentatorul Randy Gordon și 2019 NYSBHOF, angajat Steve Albert

Don King: “Numai în America, dreapta? Mă bucur să fiu introdus în sala de renume a boxului de stat din New York. Am intrat în box cu Muhammad Ali pentru prima sa luptă și a rămas cu mine. Un negru și un evreu, eu și Al Braverman, a revoluționat boxul. Mario Cuomo mi-a dat licența mea de promovare în New York. Unul dintre cele trei birouri ale noastre era la 30 Rockefeller Center cu vedere la acest mare oraș. New York este un oraș minunat și a rămas, atât de bine l-au numit de două ori, New York, New York. Sunt mândru și privilegiat pentru toți tinerii și bărbații onorați aici. Sunt atât de mândră că sunt inclusă cu ei astăzi. Sunt aici pentru că New York a jucat un rol atât de vital în cariera mea. Sunt fericit că sunt aici astăzi pentru a accepta acest premiu. Mi-am luat centura!”

Prezentator Don Majeski, 2019 NYSBHOF angajat Don King și
Maestrul de ceremonii Dave Diamante


CLASA de 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Zahăr” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo și Arthur Mercante, Sr.

CLASA de 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Prieteni” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard și Don Dunphy.

CLASA DE 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou Dibella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon și Tom O'Rourke.

CLASA DE 2015: Saul Mamby, Joey Giamba, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Goldman Charley, Jimmy Johnston, Cedric Kushner, Harry Markson, Damon Runyon si Al Weill.

CLASA DE 2016: Aaron Davis, Charles Murray, Vilomar Fernandez, Edwin Viruet, Fanfaron “Macho” Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Rocky Kansas, Joe Lynch, Joe Miceli, Ed Brophy, Joe DeGuardia, Randy Gordon, Dennis Rappaport, Howie Albert, Freddie Brown, Howard Cosell, Ruby Goldstein și Jimmy Jacobs.

CLASA DE 2017: Gaspar Ortega, Renaldo “Dl.” Snipes, Doug Dewitt, “Bombardierul Bronx” Alex Ramos, Dick Tiger, Jose Torres, “nonpareil” Jack Dempsey, Don Majeski, Ron Katz, Stan Hoffman, Bobby Bartels, Hank Kaplan, Al Gavin, Arthur Donovan și Dan Parker.

CLASA DE 2018: Lou “Honey Boy” Vale, Jake Rodriguez, Terrence Alli, “Copil” Joe Mesi, Ciocolata Kid, James J. “gentleman Jim” Corbett, Jack McAuliffe, Billy Costello, Melio Bettina Ralph “Tigru” Jones, Charley Norkus, Dave Anderson, Pete Brodsky, Herb Goldman, Bobby Goodman, Melvina Lathan, Ron Scott Stevens, Johnnie Addie, Johnny Bos, Murray Goodman, Bert Randolph Sugar și Sam Taub.


Box Fan Expo este evenimentul final al experienței fanilor care oferă fanilor boxului posibilitatea de a întâlni și întâlni luptători de top, actuali și foști campioni mondiali, vedete de box și oameni din industrie într-un cadru personal de aproape.

Tickets On-Sale Now at EventBrite


Las Vegas (August 29, 2019) – Boxing’s Four-Time World Champion Abner Mares has confirmed that he will appear and hold a meet and greet with his fans at the fifth annual Box Fan Expo on Saturday May 4, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.The Expo is open from 10 a.m. pentru 5 p.m., during Cinco De Mayo weekend.The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the highly anticipated fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Danny Jacobs, that will take place later that evening at the T-Mobile Arena.

Tickets to the Box Fan Expo are available at Eventbrite

Mares will make his third appearance at this yearsExpo, where he will be selling his own branded Team Mares merchandise, signing gloves and taking photos with fans. Mares is a commentator on Telemundo’sBoxeo Telemundoseries and a co-host of FOX and FS1’sInside PBC Boxing.

Mares joins Roy Jones Jr., Promoții Mayweather, Anthony Dirrell, WBA, Julio Cesar Chavez, Riddick Bowe, Mikey Garcia, Errol Spence Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Juan Manuel Marquez, Vinny Paz, Devin Haney, Earnie ras, Al Bernstein, Michael Spinks, WBC, Erik Morales, James Toney and Jessie Vargas as an early commitment to this year’s Box Fan Expo, with more Boxing stars to be announced.

About Abner Mares
Mares was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. la vârsta de 7. Having been raised in both Los Angeles and Mexico. Mares is a Mexican-American professional boxer who formerly held the WBA (Regulat) Featherweight Championship Title. Mares is a four-time world champion in three weight classes. Some of Mares most notable and exciting fights were against top level fighters, such as Vic Darchinyan, Joseph Agbeko, Anselmo Moreno, Daniel Ponce De Leon, Jhonny Gonzalez, Leo Santa Cruz and Jesus Cuellar from whom he won the WBA title on December 10 lea, 2016. He is presently the co-host of FOX and FS1Inside PBC Boxingand Telemundo’sBoxeo Telemundo.

Despre Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo este evenimentul final al experienței fanilor de box, which allows fans to meet-and-greet boxing superstars of today, actuali și foști campioni mondiali, legends of the sport and other boxing celebrities. Fans can expect to experience various interactions such as autograph and photos sessions, FaceOff cu boxerii tăi preferați, pictures with the Ring Card Girls, Live DJ Music, chance to win prizes, purchase merchandise and memorabilia from different booths Exhibitors, “TOȚI SUB UN ACOPERIȚ“. You won’t want to miss this must-attend Expo!

Box Fan Expo a fost un succes uriaș cu fanii și oamenii din industria boxului. Many boxing stars have attended the last four Expos such as Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales, Errol Spence Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab lui Iuda, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Patience, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie ras, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios și mulți alții…

Exhibitors include: boxing promoters, gear, haine, equipment, energizante, supliment produse, mass-media de difuzare, sanctioning bodies, and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans and the boxing industry.

Bilete la Expo Box Fan sunt disponibile online la:

Throughout the next several days leading up to the event, there will be more updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo. Și pentru oricine din industria boxului sau pentru alți expozanți (non-industrial), care ar dori să fie implicat și să rezerve un stand, contactați Box Fan Expo:

Număr de telefon: (514) 572-7222 sau numărul din Las Vegas (702) 997-1927

Pentru orice întrebări, vă rugăm e-mail:

For More information on Box Fan Expo visit:

Follow Box Fan Expo on Twitter and Instagram: @BoxFanExpo

Follow Box Fan Expo on Facebook at:





Boston, Massachusetts (Mai 1, 2019):

Murphys Box is proud to announce that the next recipient of the Warrior’s Code Award will be New England boxing legend, ‘Iceman’ John Scully.

The Hartford, Connecticut based Scully was one of the most popular fighters in the region during the 1990s and he went 38-11 in a professional career in the light heavyweight division that included challenging for the world title against Henry Maske in Germany.

After his professional career, ‘Icemanachieved fame calling rebroadcasts of fights for ESPN Classic as well as writing a popular column in the British magazine, Știri de box.

However Scully has achieved his most success as a trainer being instrumental in helping take fighters like Jose Antonio Rivera și Ciad Dawson to world titles.

Scully is now a co-trainer of the Russian, now Canadian based, undefeated light heavyweight world champion, Artur Beterbiev, who defends his title this Saturday in California live on ESPN.

In addition to his work as a trainer he has been an passionate advocate and champion for the rights and well being of retired fighters.

I’m extremely honored to receive this recognition and I really appreciate Murphys Boxing for thinking of me.”, says the 51 year old Connecticut resident.

It’s particularly special because it will come in the city of Springfield where I spent the majority of my amateur boxing career training at the old Central City Gym at the X under Coach John Tynan. I’m looking forward to a great night.

Murphys Boxing founder, Ken Casey explains the promotion’s decision to name Scully as the latest recipient of the award named after one of the Dropkick Murphy’s signature songs, “The Warrior’s Code” which is a tribute to another New England boxing hero, Micky Ward.

“John Scully is the epitome of the Warrior’s Code Award.”, says Casey.

John’s career in boxing, from being a world class fighter to his work as an analyst to his success as a trainer, is inspirational. It shows young fighters there is opportunity for them in the sport after their in ring career is over. By giving back as a trainer and a mentor, he also represents the bridge from New England’s past boxing history to the present. Murphys Boxing is honored to acknowledge and celebrate John Scully’s many achievements in the sport.

Scully will be third recipient of the award established this year by Murphys Boxing to celebrate those fighters who contributed to the rich and diverse history of boxing in New England. Scully joins 2019 International Hall of Fame Inductee, Tony DeMarco and decorated Massachusetts’ amator, Mike D’Ampolo who received the first awards at Murphys Boxing’s last event in Melrose, Massachusetts this past March.

The presentation of Murphys Boxing’s Warrior’s Code Award will take place during Murphys Boxing’s UFC Fight Pass debut event next Friday, May 10th which features NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Abraham Nova (14-0, 10 KO) vs. Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano (18-2-1, 9 KO) în 10 round main event as well as a packed undercard of undefeated fighters from the Murphys Boxing stable including WBC South American Middleweight Champion, Carlos Gongora (15-0, 12 KO), NABF Jr. Super Featherweight Champion, William Foster III (9-0, 6 KO), Venezuelan Olympian, Luis Arcon Diaz (6-0, 6 KO), Boston based amateur standout, James Perella (2-0, 2 KO) și mai.

Nova vs. Lozano and The Warrior’s Code Award Presentation takes place next Friday, May 10th at MGM Springfield in Springfield, Massachusetts (1 MGM Way). Doors open at 7pm. Biletele sunt în vânzare acum la: The event will be streamed live on UFC Fight Pass at


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. În doar 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Abraham Nova, Greg Vendetti, Gary ‘SpikeO’Sullivan and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, Luis Arcon Diaz, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr. și mai!

Pentru mai multe informații vizitați:

For credential requests for May 10 or to speak with any of the fighters on our roster for coverage – e-mail and we will hook it up!

Follow Murphys Boxing on Social Media!


Portland, Maine (Aprilie 28, 2019) - Lupte New England (NEF) returned to Aura in Portland on Saturday night with its latest mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 38: STORMBORN.”  The event was in homage to the HBO seriesGame of Thrones complete with ring girls attired as theMother of DragonsDaenerys Targaryen and Sansa Stark, as well as a cello player opening the event with music from the hit show’s soundtrack. A capacity crowd of over 1100 was on hand for the action.

În evenimentul principal, Ras Hylton (4-2) defeated Charles Penn (0-1) in a heavyweight contest. The ringside physician stopped the bout in the first round when a cut on Penn’s forehead could not be closed. Hylton landed a perfectly-placed straight right hand that opened the gash on Penn’s head and left blood pouring to the mat in a gruesome stream of crimson.

Caleb Hall (3-0) remained undefeated to start his professional career with his third straight win. Hall submitted journeyman Jay Ellis (15-86) in the first round of the co-main event of the evening.

On the amateur portion of the fight card, four titles were at stake.

In the first championship bout of the evening, Tom Pagliarulo (3-1) captured the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight strap with a unanimous decision victory over Zac Richard (3-1-1).  In doing so, Pagliarulo, a native of Haverhill, Massachusetts, handed Richard the first loss of his career.

Duncan Smith (5-3) defended the NEF Amateur Welterweight Title against Jon Tefft (2-1).  After five hard-fought rounds, Smith was declared the winner on all three judgesscorecards. It was a good night for Smith’s team of Evolution Athletix. The Saco, Maine-based team went 4-0 on the evening with Smith’s teammates Adina Beaudry (3-0), Keegan Hornstra (4-11), and Megan Rosado (1-1) all picking up wins.

Taylor Thompson (4-0) made short work of Michigan’s Andrea Howland (2-1) to become the first-ever NEF Women’s Amateur Bantamweight Champion. Thompson submitted Howland in the first round with an armbar. The fight was brought to Portland by NEF in conjunction with Queen MMA Media.

In the fourth, and final, championship bout on the amateur card, Kam Arnold (5-0) kept his knockout streak alive with a first-round downing of Henry Clark (5-5).  It was the fifth straight knockout for Arnold who retained the amateur bantamweight belt.

The fight promotion also announced several fights for its long-awaited return to Lewiston on June 22 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. The event is titled “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.

Hometown favorite Jesse Erickson (9-7) will take on Lewis Corapi (8-5) that evening in a lightweight contest. Erickson is a mainstay of the NEF cage and a perpetual top contender to the promotion’s professional 155-pound title. MassachusettsCorapi is a seasoned veteran of the New England MMA circuit, finally making his NEF debut on June 22.

Josh Harvey (6-0-1) announced that he would return to the cage atNEF 39to take on Jordan Downey (5-4) from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Harvey will defend the NEF Pro Featherweight Title that evening looking for his first successful defense since capturing the belt last February in Bangor. Downey is on a two-fight win streak.

Nate Boucher (4-3) will take on Robert Presley (5-4) for the vacant NEF Amateur Flyweight Title. Boucher has finished his last two opponents in the first round to move himself back into contention for another shot at the 125-pound belt. Presley represents the Lancaster Academy of MMA in Lancaster, Ohio.

In a solemn moment to open the event, NEF paid tribute to longtime staff member Casey Main with a ten-bell salute. The Wiscasset, Maine resident passed away unexpectedly late last week. The promotion dedicated the event to his memory.

The full results from Portland, Maine:


Ras Hylton def. Charles Penn via doctor stoppage, rotund 1
Caleb Hall def. Jay Ellis via submission, rotund 1
Keegan Hornstra def. Zenon Herrera via submission, rotund 1
Bryant Bullock def. Fred Lear via submission, rotund 2


Kam Arnold def. Henry Clark prin KO, rotund 1
Taylor Thompson def. Andrea Howland via submission, rotund 1
Duncan Smith def. Jon Tefft via unanimous decision
Tom Pagliarulo def. Zac Richard via unanimous decision
Arii Fernandez def. Ryan Savage via submission, rotund 1
Titus Pannell def. Justin Philbrook via TKO, rotund 2
Brian Cosco def. Garry Carr via TKO, rotund 1
Megan Rosado def. Amanda Bennett via split decision
Jason Landry def. Justin Boraczek via submission, round 1
Brandon Maillet-Fevens def. Jesse Fitzsimmons via submission, rotund 1
Jordan Norman def. Greg Ishihara via TKO, rotund 2
Nate White def. Clifford Redman via tapout to strikes, rotund 1
Schuyler Vallaincourt def. Dillon Henry via ref stoppage, rotund 2
Adina Beaudry def. Traci Baldwin via TKO, rotund 2

următor eveniment mixt de arte marțiale ale FEN, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” va avea loc sâmbătă, Iunie 22, 2019 la Colisee Androscoggin Bank din Lewiston, Maine cu un timp de clopot de 7 pm. Tickets are on sale now

Full Results & Photos for Bellator 220: MacDonald vs. Fitch

Complete Fight Night Photos

Card de principal:

Rory MacDonald (20-5-1) și Jon Fitch (32-7-2, 1 NC) fought to a majority draw (48-46, 47-47, 47-47) – MacDonald retains the welterweight title and advances in the Welterweight World Grand Prix

Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) învins Veta Arteaga (5-3) prin TKO (doctor oprire) la 1:50 of round three to retain the women’s flyweight title

Benson Henderson (27-8) învins Adam Piccolot (11-3) prin decizie divizat (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Phil Davis (20-5, 1 NC) învins Liam McGeary (13-4) prin TKO (greve) la 4:11 de turul trei

Gaston Bolanos (5-1) învins Nathan Stolen (8-5) prin KO (lovi cu pumnul) la 2:21 de o rundă

Card de preliminară:

Aviv Gozali (2-0) învins Travis Crain (0-1) prin depunerea (sufoca-spate gol) la 2:15 de o rundă

Brandon Faumui (5-3) învins Chris Avila (6-8) prin decizie divizat (30-27, 29-28, 28-29)

Matt Perez (5-2) învins Justin Tenedora (2-2) prin KO (pumni) la 4:52 de o rundă

Cass Bell (3-0) învins Peter Ishiguro (1-1) prin KO (pumni) 2:59 de runda a doua

Chuck Campbell (2-0) învins Bruno Casillas (0-1) prin KO (genunchi) la 1:45 de o rundă

Hyder Amil (3-0) învins Paradise Vaovasa (6-4, 1 NC) prin depunerea (sufoca-spate gol) la 2:34 de o rundă

Josh San Diego (9-4) învins Brandon Laroco (5-2) prin decizie unanimă (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)

Jordan Williams (8-2, 1 NC) învins Diego Herzog (4-3-1) prin TKO la 1:21 de turul trei

Abraham Vaesau (5-2, 1 NC) învins Justin Roswell (3-3, 1 NC) prin TKO la 1:59 de o rundă

Chris Inocencio (1-1) învins Boris Novachkov (0-1) prin decizie divizat (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Thomas Ponce de Leon (3-0) învins Jamario Mulder (2-4) prin decizie unanimă (30-27, 29-27, 29-27)

Ignacio Ortiz (2-0-1) și Roger Severson (3-3-1) fought to a unanimous draw (28-28, 28-28, 28-28)

Erik Gunha (2-0-1) și Jon Adams (0-0-1) fought to a majority draw (29-27, 28-28, 28-28)

Vă rugăm să vizitați pentru mai multe informații.


Viktor Postol Outclasses Mohamed Mimoune In WBC Super Lightweight Eliminator & Efe Ajagba Knocks Out Michael Wallisch In Co-Featured Bouts

Catch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 p.m. ET / PT

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Ryan Hafey/PBC

Faceți clic pe AICI pentru Fotografii din Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/
Promoții Mayweather

LAS VEGAS – Aprilie 27, 2019 – Robert Paste Jr. and Rances Barthelemy fought to a split-draw in their matchup for the vacant WBA Lightweight World Title Saturday on SHOWTIME from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

The challenging fight to score was ruled 115-113 Barthelemy, 115-113 Easter and 114-114. The WBA 135-pound title remains vacant following the split decision.

With both former world champions needing a win in a crossroads affair, neither fighter was able to pull the trigger in a matchup of talented counterpunchers. The tall, rangy lightweights competed on the outside for much of the 12-round bout, and while both relied on their reach to keep their opponent at bay, they failed to land many effective shots from the outside.

The switch-hitting Cuban Barthelemy (27-1-1, 14 KO), who fought defensively for most of the fight, transitioned to mostly southpaw in the third. The former two-division world champion’s most effective punches appeared to be body shots from the southpaw stance, while Easter (21-1-1, 14 KO) was at his best when he countered with his right.

As the 12-round affair progressed, the corners of both fightersRobert Easter Sr. and former Cuban champion Joel Casamayorpleaded with their pugilists to increase their output to little avail. Neither fighter landed 10 punches in any round, and while Easter was slightly more active they combined to throw just 743 pumni. They combined to land just 106 totalul pumni.

I feel I did enough to win this fight but the judges saw it differently,” said Easter, who was fighting for the first time since losing to pound-for-pound great Mikey Garcia in a unification last summer. “They saw it a different way. Rances is a crafty fighter, an elusive fighter. I tried to take the fight to him but he wouldn’t take it. It was hard to land my shots.

Barthelemy, who was returning to lightweight after losing a rematch to Kiryl Relikh in his bid to become Cuba’s first three-division world champion, was frustrated with the decision.

Robert was absent in the ring tonight,” Barthelemy said. “I wanted him to land his right and he didn’t. I wanted him to come forward and he didn’t. We were prepared for a different Robert Easterthe one that attacksbut he didn’t show up so I couldn’t deliver my strategy.

I landed the cleaner and more accurate shots. I feel I threw more punches. I was the busier fighter. I won the fight. I think this was a missed opportunity for me. I really feel I won this fight.

Former 140-pound world champion Viktor Postol outclassed Mohamed Mimoune in a WBC Super Lightweight Eliminator, winning via unanimous decision 98-92, 97-93, 99-91 in the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION co-feature.

Postol fought off a stiff jab and utilized his reach advantage to keep the fight at range. The Ukrainian, who was working with Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, was the more active fighter from bell to bell, aruncare 587 punches compared to just 306 for the French Mimoune. While Mimoune was elusive and able to slip many of Postol’s power shots, he never left himself in a position to effectively counter his taller and more aggressive opponent. The southpaw Mimoune (21-3, 2 KO) averaged just 30 punches per round and was off balance for much of the fight, throwing wide looping shots that rarely landed.

După lupta, Postol attributed his victory with being able to remain disciplined and stick to the game plan of Roach.

I always try to be disciplined,” Postol said. “I did well tonight. My opponent’s style was a little awkward, but I did okay. If I could fight a guy like (Terence) Crawford, I can handle Mimoune. And I did.

După lupta, Postol, who’s only losses came against top fighters Terence Crawford and Josh Taylor, promised to chase the elite of the 140-pound class.

I want the next big fight,” Postol said. “Doesn’t matter whoWBC Champion Jose Ramirez would be a great choice. I was away for two years so I was a little bit worried before, but now I feel like I’m back. Sunt 100 percent back and ready for the next test.

Hall of Famer Steve Farhood, who served as unofficial ringside scorer for the SHOWTIME telecast, gave Postol all 10 of the rounds in the WBC Eliminator.

În meciul de deschidere al transmisiunii, fast-rising heavyweight Efe Ajagba added another knockout to his resume with a second-round TKO of previously once-beaten Michael Wallisch.

Ajagba (10-0, 9 KO) was aggressive from the outset, aruncat aproape 100 punches in the opening round. Utilizing a steady diet of 1-2 combos, Ajagba landed at will in the second against Wallisch, who fought behind a high guard but couldn’t prevent the Nigerian’s power shots from landing. After eating a series of combos in the second, Wallisch (19-2, 12 KO) took a knee and was given time to recover after Ajagba appeared to throw and land a punch with his opponent on his knee. Wallisch got back up but was defenseless against Ajagba’s onslaught, forcing referee Tony Weeks to step in to stop the contest at 1:40.

I took my time in there, I used my jab a lot and it worked,” said Agjaba, care a aterizat 43 sută de fotografii sale de putere. “When I shot my right hand and he took it, I decided to keep unloading. I kept throwing combinations and I knew I was hurting him so I kept doing it.

I’m happy to be training with Ronnie (Shields). He is one of the best trainers in the world. He helped me with my jab and he’s helping me develop as a fighter.

Said trainer Ronnie Shields: “I think we still have a lot to learn. You saw he’s a busy guy and for a big guy to throw 93 punches in the first round, it’s a lot. He may be about a year away to becoming a contender. He will get there.

Tonight’s live event was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions.

An encore presentation of the tripleheader will air Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available via the network’s On Demand platforms.

# # #

Former lightweight world champion Robert Easter Jr. and former two-division champion Rances Barthelemy will meet for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title in the main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION Saturday, Aprilie 27 from The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions. Acoperire televizate începe la 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will also feature former super lightweight champion Viktor Postol taking on France’s Mohamed Mimoune in a WBC Super Lightweight Title Eliminator, while rising heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba looks to remain unbeaten against once-beaten German Michael Wallisch in a 10-round heavyweight attraction.

Pentru mai multe informații vizitați,,
followon Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions și @Swanson_Comm sau deveniți fan pe Facebook, ș


Los Angeles, California, Aprilie 25 – 2019 – Ringstar Sports is proud to announce the signing of the most prominent Mexican Amateur fighter, Fernando Molina. La doar 16 ani, Molina has one of the best amateur records in Mexico. Născut în Guadalajara, Jalisco, Molina started boxing at the age of 6. De atunci, Molina has compiled an amazing record including 200 amateur wins. Among those wins were 4 State Championships, 4 Regional Championships, and Gold in the 2017 National Junior Championship.

Discovered by world renowned boxing manager, Shelly Finkel, the young talent has all the tools to become a superstar. “Fernando Molina is a rare talent with an exciting style. Although only 16 ani, he impressed me with his maturity in and outside the ring. I am happy to work with him and help make his dream of becoming a world champion a reality,” said Finkel.

World-renowned promoter Richard Schaefer, Chief Executive of Ringstar Sports, will promote Molina. “I am blessed to have had the opportunity to promote some of the biggest names in the sport over the past 20 an. Most of them I built up from the beginning and many were managed by Shelly Finkel. Shelly has without a doubt the best eye for boxing talent. With Molina, we have a generational super talent who will certainly stamp his name in the history books alongside the names of Barrera, Morales, and Marquez. I am proud to welcome Fernando to Ringstar Sports and start his journey of becoming a superstar of boxing,” said Schaefer.

Molina added, “I am delighted to have been able to secure an All Star team with Shelly Finkel and Richard Schaefer to guide my career in the pro ranks. I have worked hard since I was a young boy to eventually become a professional boxer. Acum este timpul! I am committed to hard work and dedication to uphold the rich boxing tradition of my native Mexico.Molina is planning to turn professional in the lightweight division limit 135 de lire sterline. Further information about Molina’s debut will be announced soon.


De: Bogat Bergeron

Adapt to Life with Hybrid Gear

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I am also the author of a book about Representing Yourself in Court, so I have to dress up in a fancy suit every now and then. I’m currently working on a battle with UHAUL, and I had the chance to test out this shirt as an undergarment. It passed with flying colors. It was very comfortable, not a hassle to tuck in with my dress shirt, and didn’t cause me to overheat in the courtroom.

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Former Two-Division World Champion Barthelemy Takes on Robert Easter Jr. for WBA Lightweight Title This Saturday, Aprilie 27 Live pe SHOWTIME® from The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/
Promoții Mayweather

LAS VEGAS (Aprilie 23, 2019) – Fostul campion mondial de două diviziuni Rances Barthelemy and France’s Mohamed Mimoune continued preparations for their respective showdowns at a media workout in Las Vegas Tuesday before they step into the ring this Saturday, Aprilie 27 live on SHOWTIME from The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Barthelemy faces off against former lightweight world champion Robert Easter Jr. for the vacant WBA Lightweight title in the main event, while Mimoune takes on former champion Viktor Postol in a WBC 140-pound title eliminator as part of the action live on SHOWTIME beginning at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

Biletele pentru eveniment, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, pot fi achiziționate de la or through Ticketmaster.

Here is what the workout participants had to say Tuesday from Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas:

Rances Barthélemy

The key thing for me to get back to the top, is to get back to my roots. It’s about using what made me a champion and getting back to that. We’ve gone back to our Cuban roots in training with Joel Casamayor and left any distractions behind. You’ll see all of that in my performance on Saturday night.

Easter and myself are both on the road to redemption coming off of our first defeats. I expect the same Robert Easter Jr. that I’ve seen on tape. He comes forward and tries to fight it out. There’s nothing overly impressive about him to me.

I’m ready for whatever Robert Easter Jr. wants. If he wants a war, we’ll have a war. Everyone knows I’ve never backed down, but I’m going to win this fight with the intelligence that made me a world champion.

Casamayor comes from the same streets as me, he knows my style, how I think and how I need to work. We identify with one another a lot so we don’t have to confront each other. With a simple look, I know what he’s trying to tell me. Between him and my brother, Yan, I feel blessed to have two Olympians in my corner.

To the Cuban people, this will be my best fight and and a strong performance for the Cuban boxing community. I’m going to focus and work hard like us Cubans always have since we were born. I had to grow up through hardships and I’ve worked to show that anything is possible coming from Cuba.


Postol is one of the best that I will face but I am not afraid. I am confident I will win. I’ve studied him together with my coach and we have a strategy in place that you will see on Saturday.

“Sunt foarte entuziasmat de această oportunitate. It is every boxer’s dream to fight in Las Vegas and I am happy and ready to show the Americans what I have.

I have no issues with Postol’s height advantage. I am prepared for it. It is not my first time facing off against a boxer that is taller than me. I have a very good reach as well, but it is my speed that will beat him.

I have worked very hard after my losses and put all my effort into bettering my performance. I’m stronger and more mature now than ever. I know I have to win and I will win.

I’m looking forward to the opportunity to fight for the world title after I win on Saturday night. I’m dedicating this fight too all French people and I hope they make sure to not miss it on Saturday.

JOEL CASAMAYOR, Barthelemy’s Trainer

We’ve been training since mid-February for this fight. It’s been a long three months in the gym together. I see a different Rances. He’s fighting smarter and he’s gotten back to his Cuban roots. That’s what made him a two-time world champion.

It’s hard to predict, but if it were up to me of course I’d say Rances will win by knockout. From what I’ve seen in training camp, Rances is going to put on a great performance Saturday night. He knows what he has to do.

We have a great connection throughout camp. I just have to look into his eyes and I feel like I know what he’s going to bring. All the hard work has been done and he’s 100 percent ready for Saturday night.

MEHDI OUMIHA, Mimoune’s Trainer

Mohamed Mimoune is an improved fighter who’s shown a lot of new and different skills in training. We have the right tactics to earn this victory on Saturday.

We are prepared for what Postol can bring, but we’re focused on Mohamed Mimoune being at his best. Everything I have seen in training camp makes me very confident that we’re going to win Saturday and go on to fight for the title.

LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO al Mayweather Promoții

Rances has a tremendous amount of experience. If you look at his earlier fights before he became champion and during his championship runs, he’s fought on the big stage time and time again.

I think Rancesexperience will help in a fight like this, but Robert Easter Jr. has also been in big fights. They both bring a lot of background in exciting, high-quality fights. You have two fighters with something to prove looking to do just that live on SHOWTIME Saturday night.

# # #

Former lightweight world champion Robert Easter Jr. and former two-division champion Rances Barthelemy will meet for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title in the main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION Sâmbătă, Aprilie 27 from The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Acoperire televizate începe la 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will also feature former super lightweight champion Viktor Postol taking on France’s Mohamed Mimoune in a WBC Super Lightweight Title Eliminator, while rising heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba looks to remain unbeaten against once-beaten German Michael Wallisch in a 10-round heavyweight attraction.

Pentru mai multe informații vizitați,,
urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions și @Swanson_Comm sau deveniți fan pe Facebook la, și