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Kalvin HENDERSON Iš išperka ANTOWYAN Aikens trimis etapais

Brandonas Robinsonas laimi split sprendimą per DeVaun Lee

Raeese Aleem ir Alycia Baumgardner rezultatas 1 turas KO s

Umberger ir Kroll lieka nenugalėtas su 1 turas sustojimų

Filadelfija, PA (Gegužė 11, 2019)–Augančios super vidutinio svorio varžovasKalvin Hendersonas sumažėjo Antowyan Aikens penkių kartų mažiau kaip trys šoviniai, ir sustojo Aikens į 3 rėmo jų numatytą aštuonių apvalios Super vidutinio svorio bijau, kad apšvietimas aštuonių bijau kortelę 2300 Arena Filadelfijoje.

Kortelė, kuris buvo inauguracinis renginys, kuris buvo transliuojamas iki Warfare Sportas, buvo paaukštintas iki Karaliaus Akcijos ir titanai bokso Akcijos.

Hendersonas sumažėjo Aikens su smaigstyti apskritojo dviejų. Tai atvėrė Aikens už Henderson onsluaught, kaip kovotoją pravarde “Aštrus padažas” įdėti Aikens žemyn du kartus prieš 2 turas gali baigtis. Jau Shaky kojų, Tai buvo dar vienas dūris, kuri išsiuntė Atlantic City gimtoji žemyn ketvirtą kartą. Hendersonas negaišo laiko šalinimo Aikens, kaip jis baigėsi dalykus su sunkiai dešinėje penktą ir paskutinę triuškinantis ne 2:14. 

Hendersonas iš Fayetville, Arkanzasas laimėjo 2-ąją bijau ne 2300 Arena, ir dabar 12-0 su aštuonių Knockouts. Aikens iš Atlantic City yra dabar 13-7-1.

Be bendro funkcija, Brandonas Robinsonas išgyveno 1 turas parbloškimo į renesansą ir priima sprendimą per DeVaun Lee aštuonių apvalios padalytas į super vidutinio svorio konkursas.

Lee nusileido overhand teisę atidarymo rėmo, kad nukirpti Robinson smakro, ir Robinsono kelio ganomi už triuškinantis drobės. Jis papurtė, kad ne, ir abu kovotojai buvo pakaitomis diktuoja veiksmų. Abu galėjome nusileisti gerų galios kadrus, ir kova buvo labai trumpas, jie visą kelią kartu suteikiant gerą veiksmus visoje.

Kai balai buvo skaičiuojami, jie skaito 77-74 ir 77-75 už Robinson. Lee laimėjo vienoje kortelėje 76-75.

Robinsonas Filadelfijoje dabar 13-2. Lee Jamaika Queens, Niujorkas yra 10-6-1.


Good looking Super Gaidys perspektyvaRaeese Aleem nustojo normaliai patvarus Ramiro Robles atidarymo rėmo jų numatytą aštuonių apvalios bijau.

Aleem sumažėjo Robles tris kartus, su skyryba kulka yra kairysis kablys prie kūno, kad išsiuntė Robles žemyn 1:51.

Aleem arba Las Vegasas 14-0 su aštuonių knockouts.Robles iš Queretaro, Meksika yra 15-9-2.

Alycia Baumgardner padarė greitai dirbti Gabriella Mezei, kaip ji reikia tiesiog 68 sekundžių jų numatytą šešių apvalios junior lengvas konkursas.

Baumgardner įmetė parbloškimų kūno kadrų ant overmatched Mezei.

Baumgardner iš Fremont, Ohajas yra 7-1 su penkiais Knockouts. Mezei Covasna, Rumunija 9-18-5.

Ne transliuojamas seansų:

Buvęs JAV verslas. OlimpinisPaulius Kroll iškovojo 3-iąją iš eilės sustabdymas, kaip jis paėmė Vincent Floyd atidarymo turo tvarkaraštyje numatyto šešių apvalios Papildsvars bijau.

Kroll sužeistas Floyd su dešine ranka, kad atsarginės kopijos Floyd prie lynų. tada Kroll nusileido iš elektros štampus užtvaros, ir bijau buvo sustabdytas 2:27.

Kroll yra 3-0 su trimis Knockouts. Floyd Filadelfijos yra 4-7-1.

Ryanas Umberger sumažėjo Darryl Fenton du kartus pakeliui į 1 turas sustabdžius jų planuojama keturių pusių vidutinio svorio kovoje.

Iš sustabdymo laikas buvo 1:34

Umberger Filadelfijos yra 2-0 su dviem Knockouts. Fenton Vašingtono, DC 1-5-1.

Antonio DuBose laimėjo daugumos sprendimą šešių turas per Weusi Johnson į lengvas bijau.

DuBose Filadelfijos laimėjo dešimtys 59-55, 58-56 ir 57-57, ir dabar 11-2-1. Johnson Wilmington, Delaveras yra 3-12-1.

Hectoro Mercado laimėjo daugumos sprendimu keturių pusių virš LaQuan Evans jaunesniuoju vidutinio svorio kovoje.

Rinka Veracruz, Meksika laimėjo dešimtys 40-36, 39-37 ir 38-38 ir dabar yra 3-10. Evans Filadelfijos yra 1-1.

Nuotraukos Deborah Carbone / Karaliaus Akcijos





„ICEMAN’ JONAS SCULLIS GAUTI Kario kodo apdovanojimas

Nuotrauka kreditų: Emily Harney / Kova

Springfildas, Masačusetsas (Gegužės 11 d, 2019):

Pirmajame Murphys Boksas kelių kovų susitarimo įvykis UFC kovos leidimas, gerbėjai stebėjo „NABA Super Featherweight“ čempioną, Abraomas Nova (15-0, 11 Kos) sustabdyti ArgentinosMario Ezequielis Sayalas Lozano (18-3-1, 9 Kos) numatytame antrame ture 10 rato kova praėjusią naktį Springfilde, Masačusetsas gyvena nuo MGM Springfildas.

Nova, kuris šiuo metu yra reitinguojamas #10 WBA super plunksnų svorio pasaulio reitinge, atlikite beveik tobulą pasirodymą priešais sausakimšą minią „Super’ šalininkų. Po preliminaraus pirmojo raundo iš abiejų kovotojų, Nova rado savo nuotolį įpusėjus antram ir sprogo ant Lozano. Sukurkite daugybę greitų ir galingų kūno ir galvos derinių, Nova numetė vienintelį dukart sumuštą, Lozano verčia teisėją kviesti sustabdyti varžybas 2:26 į antrą turą.

“Aš pasiruošęs bet kam. Viršus 10. Viršus 2. Čempionas. Bet kas gali tai gauti. Aš esu geriausiai saugoma bokso paslaptis. Atėjo laikas debiutuoti nacionalinėje televizijoje ir pranešti pasauliui, kas Abraomas ‘Superas’ Nova yra.”, sakė pasitraukianti ir pasitikinti savimi jaunoji perspektyva, kuri sportuoja šviesiai šviesiaplauke barzda ir turi vieną kūrybingiausių žiedinių pasivaikščiojimų visame bokse.

„Novos“ propaguotojas, Murphys Boxing įkūrėjas, Kenas Casey buvo sujaudintas Novos pasirodymo ir nori gauti 25 metų amžiaus titulo eliminatoriuje su kitu „Top“ 10 užėmė kovotojas.

“Jis turi visą paketą. Žvilgsnis. Įėjimas. Talentas. Pasirodymas. Gerbėjų bazė. Jis yra tikslus ir aštrus, tačiau taip pat muša blogus ketinimus. Galite tiesiog pasakyti, kad jis yra kitame lygyje. Jis yra pasaulinės klasės kovotojas.”

Kalbant apie artimiausią Novos ateitį, Casey patvirtino, kad debiutuos nacionalinėje televizijoje kitoje kovoje.

“Šią vasarą baigiame nacionalinės televizijos transliuojamą Abraomo kovą prieš kitą „Top“. 10 kovotojas, kurį netrukus paskelbsime. Tada norėčiau, kad iki metų pabaigos jis kovotų dėl privalomojo. Manome, kad jis gali laimėti didžiąją dalį, taigi laikas gauti jam galimybę. Mes nepaprastai džiaugiamės Novos ateitimi. Jis pasiruošęs tapti žvaigžde.”

Bendrame pagrindiniame renginyje dalyvavo Murphys Boxing Viljamas Fosteris III (10-0, 7 Kos) absoliučiai dominuoti ir numesti Argentinos ramon viltis (22-16-1, 11 Kos) kelis kartus, kol teisėjas paragino sustabdyti kovą 2:39 į ketvirtąjį plano turą 8 apvalios bijau. Skatinti, dabartinis Jr. NABF „Super Featherweight“ čempionas ir jaunesnis NABA lengvo svorio kategorijos čempiono brolis, Charlesas Fosteris, atrodė sensacingai, pasitelkdamas nenumaldomą kūno ataką, kad nuo atidarymo varpo užgožtų labiau patyrusį varžovą. „Foster“ šurmulys ir toliau stiprėja Naujojoje Anglijoje, ir jis atvedė balsingą minią iš savo gimtojo miesto netoliese esančio Hartfordo, Konektikutas.

Naujausias Murphys bokso varžybų dalyvis, Venesuelos olimpietis, Luisas Arconas Diazas (7-0, 7 Kos) tęsė savo nokauto seriją ir sustabdė Argentinos Chosė Aubelis (8-4, 7 Kos) į 2:36 į ketvirtąjį plano turą 6 apvalios jaunių pusvidutinio svorio varžybos.

Vietinis Springfildo kovotojas, Derekas Whitley jaunesnysis. (5-1-1) laimėjo vieningą sprendimą dėl Filadelfijos Bryanas Goldsby (5-11) į 4 apvali pusvidutinio svorio kova. Goldsby turėjo keletą akimirkų per visą kovą, tačiau MMA veteranas nebuvo pakankamai užimtas prieš kontratakuojančią „Southpaw“, kuri laimėjo priimdama sprendimus. 39-27 ir 40-36 dvigubai.

2x olimpietis iš Ekvadoro, Carlos Gongora (16-0, 12 Kos) laimėjo sunkiai kovojamą vieningą sprendimą dėl žaidimo ir grubaus veterano, Damienas Ezequielis Bonelli (23-6, 20 Kos) į 10 apvali vidutinio svorio kova su balais 99-91 ir 98-92 dvigubai. Gongora, kuris pasirašytas su Murphys Boxing, yra dabartinis WBC Pietų Amerikos vidutinio svorio čempionas.

Springfildo paties Anthony Velazquezas (6-0, 6 Kos) tęsė savo įspūdingą KO seriją prieš vyrą Bruno Diazas (0-6) du kartus per mažiau nei minutę jį numetęs į pirmąjį a turą 4 apvalios vidutinio svorio varžybos prieš teisėjui pametant varžybas 1:32 1-ajam TKO turui.

Sunkiai pasiekiamas Ray Jay Bermudez (7-0, 5 Kos) kas yra kilęs iš netoliese esančio Albany, Niujorkas atskleidė sunkių kabliukų užtvarą, numesdamas bejėgį Patrickas Lealas (0-6) tris kartus už pirmojo turo TKO 1:35 sekundžių į suplanuotą 4 apvali pusvidutinio svorio kova.

Bostone veikiantis mėgėjų išsiskyrimas, Jamesas Perella (3-0, 3 Kos) padarė lengvą darbą Paulo DeSouza (0-14) du kartus numetė jį per pirmąjį raundą, kol teisėjas iškvietė sustabdymą 16 sekundžių į antrą numatyto turo etapą 4 apvali pusvidutinio svorio kova po to, kai DeSouza buvo labai sužeistas tiesia dešine. Tai buvo trečioji Perelos kova per pirmuosius du jo, kaip profesionalo, mėnesius.

Renginyje taip pat pristatytas „Murphys Boxing’s“ Kario kodo apdovanojimas kuris buvo įsteigtas pagerbti legendinius Naujosios Anglijos kovotojus.

Naujausias apdovanojimas buvo įteiktas lengvo svorio kategorijos varžovui ir dabar sėkmingam komentatoriui bei treneriui, Jonas Scully. Scully, kuris gyvena iš netoliese esančio Hartfordo, Konektikutas kelis kartus per savo karjerą kovojo Springfilde.

„Ledininkas’ ringe įteikė Murphys Boxing’s lentą Kenas Casey irŠonas Salivanas ir jis sulaukė ovacijų iš dėkingos minios, pasidalijęs keliais skaudžiais žodžiais apie savo karjerą.


„Murphys Boxing“ įkūrė Dropkickas Murphysas’ frontmanas, Kenas Casey 2014. Tiesiog 5 trumpi metai, „Murphys Boxing“ tapo svarbiausiu bokso propaguotoju Naujosios Anglijos rajone ir viena karščiausių jaunų reklamų šalyje. 2018 buvo prasibraunantys metai „Murphys Boxing“, nes jie iškovojo savo pirmąjį kovotoją iki pasaulio čempionų titulo. Kartu su pirmuoju akcijos čempionu, keli „Murphys Boxing“ kovotojai užsitikrino pasaulio čempionų galimybes ir šalies televizijos kovas 2018. „Murphys Boxing“ uždarė savo reklaminius metus, kartu reklamuodamas WBO vidutinio svorio čempionato varžybas tarp Demetrius Andrade ir Walterio Kautondokwa priešais 10,000 gerbėjų „TD Garden“, legendiniai Bostono „Celtics“ namai, kuris buvo transliuojamas tarptautiniu mastu per DAZN. Dabartiniame „Murphys Boxing“ sąraše yra pasaulio reitingo varžovų, tokių kaip Markas DeLuca, Charlesas Fosteris, Gregas Vendetti, Gary ‘Smaigalys’ O'Sullivan, Abraomas Nova ir tokie potencialūs klientai kaip Niallas Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, Viljamas Fosteris III, Mike'as Ohanas jaunesnysis. ir dar daugiau!

Daugiau informacijos rasite:

Kalbėti su bet kuriuo mūsų sąraše esančiu kovotoju – mesk mums eilutę info@murphysboxing.comir mes jį sukabinsime.

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LAS VEGAS, NV (Gegužė 11, 2019)Last night at the 2300 Arena Filadelfijoje, Prince Ranch Boxing’s undefeated super bantamweight prospect, Raeese Aleem (14-0, 8 Kos), remained undefeated with a first round knockout over Ramiro Robles (15-7-2, 9 Kos). The scheduled 8-round bout was promoted by Marshall Kauffman’s King’s Promotions.

After my last two fights fell through, I really wanted to make a statement in this fight and I got the KO in the first round,” said Aleem. “I’m hoping to get right back with after this momentous victory.

Aleem looked fantastic last night scoring a first round knockout,” said manager Greg Hannley apie Princas Ranch Boksas. “He’s certainly one of the top prospects in the super bantamweight division. We’ll be looking to get him right back in there.

All the hard work in the gym paid off for Aleem.said trainer Kaulai Adamsas. “He looked sensational last night. We are ready to fight anyone in the division. Raeese is the real deal, he’s going to be a world champion some day soon.


Undefeated Prospect Michael Dutchover Knocks Out Rosekie Cristobal in First Round; Saul Sanchez KOs Brandon Benitez In Eighth Round of Telecast Opener

Catch The Replay Monday, Gegužė 12 Į 10 p.m. ET / PT Dėl Showtime EXTREME®

Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų; Credit Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

KORONA, Kalifas. – May 10, 2019 – Undefeated prospect Ruben Villa stayed true to his calm and consistent style, recording a unanimous decision over Luis Alberto Lopez in his first main-event appearance on ShoBox: Naujos kartos Friday from Omega Products Events Center in Corona, Kalifas.

Skaityta teisėjų rezultatų kortelė 98-92, 97-93 ir 96-94 in the featherweight bout, although all three ShoBox commentators had Villa winning each round except the 10oji turas, giving the final round to Lopez (17-2, 8 Kos) in a fight that saw nearly 1,400 punches thrown.

“I give myself a ‘C’ grade,” said Villa, making his second consecutive ShoBox išvaizda. “He was a tough opponent and had a real awkward style and wasn’t really a boxer. It took me awhile to adjust to him and it was hard not to get frustrated.”

Taken the 10-round distance for the first time in his career, the 22-year-old Villa (16-0, 5 Kos) of Salinas, Kalifornijoje., took the first two rounds to get used to the top-15 ranked contender Lopez’s awkward style before he began landing heavy body shots to dominate the third round.

In the seventh round, Villa out-jabbed Lopez and continued the onslaught of body punches in the ninth round, but was not able to get the knockout against the game Lopez.

“I agreed with the judges’ scorecards,” the two-time National Golden Gloves Amateur Champion Villa said. “I still got the unanimous decision win so I have no problem with that. I can take a whole lot from this fight tonight.”

Lopez was coming off an upset victory over Ray Ximenez in his U.S. debut in February but could not repeat the feat against the highly regarded Villa.

“I hit him with the better shots,” Lopez said. “I was consistently throwing and landing the power shots while he was just jabbing. Aš jaučiausi gerai. It’s a complicated to fight a lefty, but I thought I landed the punches that scored.”

Be bendro funkcija, undefeated 21-year-old rising prospect Michael Dutchover (13-0, 10 Kos) made quick work of late replacement Rosekie Cristobal (15-4, 11 Kos) Filipinų, connecting on a right-left combination to Cristobal’s liver that sent him to both knees before being counted out by referee Zachary Young at 1:46 of the first round of a scheduled eight-round super lightweight contest.

Savo ShoBox debiutas, Dutchover of Santa Fe Springs, Kalifornijoje., by way of Midland, Teksasas, recorded six body connects among his 11 landed power punches in the fight that lasted just 109 sekundžių.

“I have to be able to adjust,” said Dutchover, a runner-up at the 2016 National Golden Gloves and a bronze medalist in the 2016 Olimpinės apibūdinimų. “I was given a tall lefty on short notice due to the original opponent dropping out. Part of being a professional is being able to adapt. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. I’ve seen pretty much every style through the amateurs and now during sparring sessions as a pro.”

Dutchover added: “I was patient and waited for the open shots. He wasn’t covering up the body so that was my target. The plan from the beginning was to break him down. I’m just happy I was able to end it early and give the fans something to talk about.”

Atidarymo bijau dėl tripleheader, undefeated bantamweight prospect Saul Sanchez (12-0, 7 Kos) recorded an eighth-round knockout against Brandon Benitez (14-2, 6 Kos) in an entertaining and all-action fight.

After an even first round, Sanchez and Benitez continued to trade shots over the first three rounds before Benitez’s legs began to betray him and he tired midway through the fourth, slowing the pace of the fight considerably. Sanchez, of North Hollywood, Kalifornijoje., landed three huge punches that staggered Benitez as the fourth round came to a close, stoking the undefeated prospect with confidence as the fight reached progressed to the later rounds.

In the seventh round, Mexico’s Benitez suffered an injury over his right eye from a Sanchez punch, and referee Raul Caiz Jr. warned Benitez prior to the eight round to protect himself. At the start of the eighth round, a flush right hand by the 21-year-old Sanchez connected cleanly and Caiz Jr. stepped in and stopped the fight after just 18 sekundžių.

“I felt strong throughout the fight,” Sanchez said. “Benitez was tough so I had to be careful and aggressive at the same time. I know I hurt him a handful of times, but I know I can do better. My conditioning was great. I was ready to go the distance.”

Sanchez out-landed the 21-year-old Benitez 145-94 overall and 123-78 in power connects while landing 42 percent of his power shots to Benitez’s 29 procentų.

“I was responding well in every round,” said Benitez from Queretaro, Meksika. “I don’t know why the referee stopped it. I had a lot more left. I’m just disappointed I wasn’t allowed to finish the fight.”

Middleweight contender and 2018 champion of Pretendentas champion Brandon Adams was interviewed during Friday’s telecast to discuss his June 29 Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® showdown with undefeated Jermall Charlo, which was announced earlier on Friday.

“I’m a new face,” Adams told Hall of Famer Steve Farhood. “I’m in the top 10. I’m in the discussion and I think that’s enough to shake everything up. The guy that comes out to nowhere is a great story for boxing.

“I hope I get the best Charlo because I’m bringing the best ‘Cannon.’ I’m very fan friendly and I definitely go for the kill. When I get in the ring I like to entertain myself. I’m very much looking forward to fighting Charlo. It’s going to be exciting.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. The full telecastwill replay on Monday, Gegužė 12 į 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®.

Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Chuck McKean directing.

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Apie ShoBox: Naujos kartos

Nuo savo veiklos pradžios liepos 2001, kritikos Showtime bokso serija, ShoBox: Naujos kartos yra matomas jaunas talentas atitiko kietas. The ShoBox filosofija yra televizijų įdomu, minios malonus ir konkurencingos atitikmenų tuo pačiu užtikrinant poligonas už norinčių perspektyvas pasiryžusi kovoti už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Kai kurie iš augančios sąrašą 79 kovotojai, kurie atsirado dėl ShoBox ir pažangios kaupti pasaulio čempiono titulus apima: Errol Spence Jr, Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russellas Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devono Aleksandras, Carl Froch, Robertas Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čadas Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paulius Williams ir daugiau.

tony penecale’s Box Fan Expo Ringside report

Iki: Tonis Penecale

Quick video intro here:

Last weekend’s middleweight title showdown between Canelo Alvarez and Daniel Jacobs also featured the annual Box Fan Expo, held at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The amazing memorabilia on display and live amateur boxing action complemented an array of past and present world champion fighters available for quick meet and greets.

As a lifelong boxing fan, it was a shame that I only had a little over two hours to spend at the event before heading back to the T-Mobile Arena for the start of the undercard bouts. The time I was able to spend was thoroughly enjoyable. The prices were reasonable to meet these fistic legends and have a few moments to talk and take photos. The average $20 -$25 price for a photo op was significantly less than what would have been lost at the casino in a single roulette spin.

James Toney was there in a suit, proving that he can even make plaid look stylish. For a guy known for a surly nature, he was very accommodating and mentioned he will be in Philadelphia for a live show on June 7 and hopes to see me there.

In the booth next over was Hall-of-Fame broadcaster Al Berstein, who I had the privilege of interviewing in 2011. When told of my admiration of his classy work and being a fan since his days with Barry Tompkins on ESPN’s Thursday Night Fights, he was humble and appreciative.

The line to meet Roy Jones Jr. was long but worth the wait. While the time to talk with Roy was short, I was able to mention what an honor it was to meet one of the greatest performers of my generation and how I sat only a few feet from him when he was on the Creed II set.

While the line to meet the legendary Sugar Ray Leonard was exceptionally long, you could see he was truly enjoying himself, flashing that million-dollar smile and doing his famous fists-raised photo op with fans. Unfortunately, with time running short, I did not have the opportunity to meet one of my favorite fighters growing up. I would have loved to have shown him a photo when I was four-years-old, swinging away on the Sugar Ray Leonard punching bag I was given.

A few feet away was one of Sugar Ray’s most-famous rivals, the great Thomas “Hitman” Hearns. While the Hitman has shown some slowing as he has aged, he still proves to be an imposing figure, but he now replaces that fearsome glare with a warm smile.

Also coming up to meet Thomas Hearns was current IBF Super-Featherweight Champion Tevin Farmer, a fellow Philadelphian, who I’ve had the opportunity to watch grow from a 7-4-1 journeyman boxer to a 29-4-1 pasaulio čempionu.

My visit wouldn’t be complete without stopping to see “The Pazmanian Devil” Vinny Paz, always one of my favorite action fighters and charismatic personalities. Instead of a handshake, he greeted me with a big hug and expressed disappointment that my dad didn’t join me at the expo.

In the short time frame, it was impossible to meet all of the great fighters there including Michael Spinks, Riddick Bowe, Errol Spence, Anthony Dirrell, and Earnie Shavers. With it being Cinco de Mayo weekend, the lines for some of the Mexican legends wrapped around the convention center floor. Mikey Garcia, Marco Antonio Barerra, Erikas Moralesas, and Juan Manuel Marquez all proved to be exceptionally popular. But nothing compared to the roar of the pro-Mexican crowd when the great Julio Cesar Chavez was introduced.

Attending this event was a dream come true and I could only wish I had more time to spend at the event. Everything was so professionally done and those in attendance were beyond accommodating.

Kudos to Dėžutės Ventiliatoriaus Expo " for such an exceptional event.

Listen to our radio show episode from earlier this week for more insight from Tony “Tornado” Penecale about this event.

Full Gallery:


Unified 154-Pound Champion Hurd & Top Contender Williams
Square-Off Before Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event This Saturday Night from EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, Virginia Live at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Stephanie Trapp / TGB Akcijos

ARLINGTON, V.. (Gegužė 9, 2019) – Unified 154-pound world champion “Greitai” Jarrett Hurd and top contender Julian “J-Rock” Williams previewed their showdown at a final press conference on Thursday evening before they headline Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes this Saturday night from EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, Virdžinija.

Also squaring-off at the press conference and stepping into the ring Saturday in action beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT were unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario “Aztekas” Gyvenamieji and Argentina’s Juan “„Pitbull“” Chosė Velasco, who meet in a 10-round fight, and middleweight contenders Matt Korobov ir Imanuelis Aleem, who battle in a 10-round attraction.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster (

Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Arlington, Virdžinija:


This has been a great week. This is the homecoming I always wanted. It’s even better than I imagined and I can’t wait to step into the ring.

You can tell a lot about a fighter when you see them in the lead up to a fight. Julian Williams looks confident and he looks ready. It’s going to be a classic on fight night.

It’s been fun to have this support from the city and my hometown. It’s fueled me. The love and support motivated me in the gym to make sure I go out there and put on a show.

I’m a big 154-pounder but I know how to cut the weight and get it off right. We’re still eating and we’ll be strong come fight night.


I really don’t think too much about fighting in his hometown. I’ve fought on the road my whole career. I just focus on the fight, not what’s going on outside of the ring.

We touched on a lot of different things in training camp. We left no stone unturned. It sounds cliché and I’ve never said this before, but this was the best camp I’ve ever had. I’m ready to go get this win.

I just see a man over there. His crowd can’t fight for him. That’s all it’s going to be Saturday night.

The jab is always a key. It’s the most important punch in boxing and it’s the key for me no matter who I fight. I always work with bigger guys in camp so the size is going to be nothing new.


We focused on being explosive in training camp. Working with Virgil Hunter was great as always. This is a big opportunity and I’m excited to put on a great show for these fans.

“Jis yra alkanas kovotojas. That’s the main thing. He’s tasted defeat and he doesn’t want to again. I’m blocking his path. Šeštadienio naktį, he’s not getting past me.

I’m getting stronger and better every camp. There’s not too much to say, but I’m just looking forward to getting in the ring Saturday.


The fight against Regis Prograis was very tough and important for me. I want to be champion of the world and it showed me what I need to do to achieve that goal. I’m going to put what I learned on display Saturday.

We’ve watched him and we know what he’s capable of doing. We know we have to be prepared to get this victory.


I took the fight against Jermall Charlo as a win because people know me better now and know where I stand in this division with my performance on short notice. I’m happy to be back and have this fight. My team did a great job preparing and we’ll be ready on Saturday night.


My trainer George Peterson has always stressed to train year round. We’re not part time fighters. I’m always in the gym working. When the fight comes, we’re always prepared.

Korobov is another opponent who’s in my way to becoming a world champion. I’ve gotten some good work with southpaws to get ready for him and I feel fully prepared.

# # #

Hurd vs. Williams pits IBF and WBA 154-pound world champion Jarrett Hurd against top contender Julian Williams in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Gegužė 11 from EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, Virdžinija.

Unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario “Aztekas” Barrios battles Argentina’s Juan “„Pitbull“” Jose Velasco in a 10-round fight and middleweight contender Matt Korobov clashes with Immanuwel Aleem in a 10-round bout as part of televised action beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Gerbėjai gali tiesiogiai transliuoti kovas „FOX Sports“ programoje, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku".

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Oscar Valdez-Jason Sanchez Headlines Top Rank on ESPN Card June 8 at Reno-Sparks Convention Center

Sullivan Barrera and Michael Seals to clash in 10-round light heavyweight co-feature

LIVE on ESPN and ESPN Deportes at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Bilietai jau prekyboje

RENO, Nev. (Gegužė 9, 2019) — Boxing’s preeminent action superhero, Oskaras Valdez, will make the sixth defense of his WBO featherweight world title Saturday, Birželis 8 against the upset-minded Jason “El Alacrancito” Sanchez at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center.

Valdez-Sanchez and the 10-round light heavyweight showdown between title-hungry contenders Sullivan Barrera and Michael Seals will be televised live on ESPN and ESPN Deportes at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT. Undercard bouts will stream live on ESPN+, the leading multi-sport streaming service, pradedant nuo 6:30 p.m. IR / 3:30 p.m. PT. Gabriel Flores Jr. (13-0, 6 Kos), fresh off his third-round knockout over Eduardo Pereira Reis in front of more than 10,000 fans in his hometown of Stockton, Kalifornija, will see action on the undercard.

Promoted by Top Rank, in association with Let’s Get It On Promotions and Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, tickets for this world championship event priced at $103, $68 ir $43 (including facility fees) are on sale now and can be purchased via or in person at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa gift shop.

“Jason Sanchez is the real ‘Cinderella Man,’” said Top Rank chairman Bob Arum. “He is young, hungry and capable of pulling off a major upset. It should be an exciting battle.”

I’m excited to be back in the ring for the sixth defense of my world title. I know there is a big target on my back because I’m the champion, but nobody is going to take this title away from me,” Valdez said. “This will be my second fight training with Eddy Reynoso. Training with Eddy, I feel the best I’ve ever felt. I felt great in the ring during my first fight with Eddy in my corner. I know that I will look even better this time out. The fans in Reno and watching on ESPN and ESPN Deportes can expect a great showing from me on June 8.”

“I am truly honored and blessed to have an opportunity like this,” Sanchez said. “Coming from Albuquerque, Naujoji Meksika, I knew I had to work extra hard to be noticed and to get where I’m at right now. I will be bringing this belt home to Albuquerque, to my family, my supporters, and most of all, my late brother Alan Sanchez. I believe he guided me down this road and that my journey is only beginning.”

Valdez (25-0, 20 Kos), Mexico’s first two-time Olympian, has thrilled boxing fans with his go-for-broke style. He won the WBO featherweight title in July 2016 and proved his mettle with a trio of 12-round bloodbaths against Miguel Marriaga, Genesis Servania and Scott Quigg in consecutive bouts. Valdez outlasted an over-the-weight Quigg last March by unanimous decision despite fighting more than half the bout with a severely broken jaw. Following the Quigg bout, Valdez took nearly a year off, returning Feb. 2 in Frisco, Teksasas, to knock out then-unbeaten Italian challenger Carmine Tommasone in the seventh round.

The 24-year-old Sanchez (14-0, 7 Kos) enters this championship fight as one of the featherweight division’s fastest-rising young guns. Last October, he stunned then-unbeaten Jean Carlos Rivera via unanimous decision in Panama City, Panama. Following the Rivera victory, Sanchez signed a long-term promotional contract with Top Rank. He impressed in his Top Rank debut Feb. 2 in Frisco, Teksasas, knocking out Daniel Olea in the second round. Sanchez hopes to become only the fifth men’s boxer from New Mexico to win a world title.

Barrera (22-2, 14 Kos), a former Cuban amateur standout, defected to the United States in 2009 and turned pro later that year. The Miami-based bruiser won the first 17 bouts of his career before dropping a decision to pound-for-pound great Andre Ward. A perennial contender, Barrera holds victories over Joe Smith Jr., Viačeslavas Shabranskyy, Karo Murat and former super middleweight world champion Jeff Lacy. He challenged Dmitry Bivol for a light heavyweight world title last year and fought valiantly before being stopped in the 12oji ir paskutinis turas.

Ruoniai (22-2, 16 Kos), a former linebacker for Alabama A&M University, traded in his cleats for trunks and turned pro after a five-fight amateur career. Jis buvo 19-0 when he clashed with Edwin Rodriguez in November 2015. In a seesaw battle that included five knockdowns, Rodriguez knocked out Seals in the third round of a Fight of the Year contender. Seals is 3-1 since the Rodriguez battle, the lone loss coming via disqualification after he hit his opponent while he was on the ground. The winner of this can’t-miss action fight will be in line for a potential world title opportunity.

“I am very excited to have signed with Top Rank, a world-class organization with the best light heavyweights in the world,” Barrera said. “I am excited about the future, but the first step is to handle business June 8 and then I can look forward to a shot at a world title. My ultimate goal is Sergey Kovalev. I’ve been chasing him my whole career. Tikimės, kad, we can finally fight this year.”

“This means everything to me. I had a great opportunity with Edwin Rodriguez, but I went into that fight with a torn rotator cuff. I was basically fighting with just my right hand,” Seals said. “Dabar, Aš esu 100 percent healthy. Tai mano laikas. Barrera had his time. Jaučiuosi gerai. I feel sharp. I feel young. I have sacrificed so much and have had a lot of time to reflect on the decisions I’ve made and all of the hardships I’ve gone through. Birželio 8, I’m going to unleash all of my frustration on Barrera. I don’t want to take anything away from Barrera. He’s a world-class fighter, but I am as well.”

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American Champion Wilder Fights To Join
Hall Of Fame Heavyweights Joe Louis, Muhammadą Ali, Mike Tyson And More As Only The 10oji Heavyweight In History With Nine Or More Successful Consecutive Title Defenses

Šeštadienis, Gegužė 18 Against Top Contender Dominic Breazeale Live on SHOWTIME® iš "Barclays Center" Brukline & Pristato
Premier Boksas Čempionų

BROOKLYN (Gegužė 8, 2019) – When WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Bronzos bombonešis” Wilder defends his title against mandatory challenger Dominykas “Bėda” BREAZEALE šeštadienį, Gegužė 18, he will not only seek to continue his run as the only American heavyweight champion, but also cement himself into the historic company of heavyweight legends that came before him.

In an event taking place live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai, Wilder will attempt to defend his WBC title for the ninth time since first capturing the belt in January 2015. Wilder’s triumph marked the return of heavyweight prizefighting in America and the end of an eight-year drought without an American heavyweight world champion, the longest in the history of the sport.

There has been a long line of great American heavyweight champions who represented our country with pride, strength and honor in the ring,” Sakė Wilder. “I take the responsibility very seriously to pick up where they left off and continue to show every young fighter who looks up to me, that they one day can be the heavyweight champion of the world.

I’m a champion of the world, but I represent for the entire country and everyone in it,” Sakė Wilder. “I’ve fought challengers from all around the world, knowing in my mind how important it was to keep this title in the U.S.

If successful on May 18, Wilder will become just the 10oji fighter in the more than 135-year history of heavyweight boxing to make nine or more consecutive successful heavyweight title defenses. Wilder would join an impressive list of Hall of Famers who dominated the sport during their reignTommy Burns, Džo Luisas, Joe Frazier, Muhammadą Ali, Larry Holmes, Mike'as Tysonas, Lennox Lewis, Vitali Klitschko and future Hall of Famer Wladimir Klitschko. *Pastaba: number of title defenses listed beloį

Fighters like Jack Johnson, Džo Luisas, Muhammadą Ali, Mike Tyson and more have paved the way for me,” Sakė Wilder. “Now I’m going to take what they started and make sure that the heavyweight world championship stays in America for a long time.

Wilder’s successes in the ring have seen him skyrocket toward the kind of recognition that heavyweight champions have garnered throughout history. Į 2018 he was ranked 34 on ESPN’sWorld Fame 100list, the top spot of any boxer in the world.

Being the heavyweight champion and holding that title on the American sports landscape is a huge deal,” Sakė Wilder. “There was a time where that person was as well-known as the president. I’m going to keep leaving a path of destruction inside the ring, so that everyone knows I am the one name and one face of the heavyweight division.

List of fighters with nine consecutive heavyweight title defenses (listed chronologically):
1.) Tommy Burns (11)
2.) Džo Luisas (25)
3.) Joe Frazier (nine)
4.) Muhammadą Ali (nine in first run, 10 in second reign)
5.) Larry Holmes (20)
6.) Mike'as Tysonas (nine in first run)
7.) Lennox Lewis (nine in second run)
8.) Vitalijus Vardas (11 in second run)
9.) Vladimiras Vardas (18 in second run)

# # #

Wilder vs. Breazeale is headlined by Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder defending his WBC title against top contender Dominic Breazeale Saturday, Gegužė 18 gyvena Showtime iš "Barclays Center", Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai, ir pateikė Premier bokso čempionai.

Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features
WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. ginti savo titulą nuo buvusio pasaulio čempionas Kiko Martínez, plus unbeaten super lightweight contender
Juan Heráldez squaring-off against former world champion Argenis Méndez in a 10-round attraction.

Tickets for this BombZquad event can be purchased at Bilietus taip pat galima įsigyti American Express kasoje "Barclays Center". Grupė nuolaidos paskambinę 844-BKLYN-GP. The Heraldez vs. Mendez fight is co-promoted with Mayweather Promotions.

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Šį penktadienį, Gegužė 10 Live Showtime® į 10:30 p.m. ET/PT from Omega Products International in Corona, Kalifas.

Žiūrėti, Dalis & Embed:

KAS: Ruben Villa will return for his second consecutive ShoBox: Naujos kartos appearance of 2019, but this time the undefeated featherweight prospect will be the headline attraction when he takes on top-15 ranked contender Luis Alberto Lopez this Friday, Gegužė 10 (10:30 p.m. ET / PT) from Omega Products International in Corona, Kalifas.

SHOWTIME Sports released a “DAY IN CAMP: Ruben Villa” video feature that captures Villa’s humble mindset, grueling training regimen and hunger for success as he prepares for the toughest test of his career. The latest installment of the “DAY IN CAMP” digital franchise is available for viewing ČIA:

Villa’s training begins in the morning at the Robert Garcia Boxing Gym in Riverside, Kalifornijoje., where the 22-year-old works on his footwork and technique under the guidance of trainer Max Garcia and ends with a 5-mile run through the Riverside hills. In between, Villa goes through an intense sparring session and watches tape from his last fight where he dispatched then-unbeaten Ruben Cervera in the first ShoBox Televizijos ir 2019.

Although he’s still early in his professional career, the two-time National Golden Gloves Amateur Champion has big aspirations.

“Once I’m able to call my own shots and have a world title, I want to be able to say I fought the best and I beat the best.”

In the co-feature of this Friday’s ShoBox televizijos laida, fast-rising 21-year-old Texan Michael Dutchover (12-0, 9 Kos) will take on fellow undefeated prospect and former Chilean National Champion Ramon Mascarena Jr. (10-0, 5 Kos) į aštuonių apvalios lengvo konkursas. Atidarymo bijau dėl tripleheader, undefeated bantamweight prospect Saul Sanchez (11-0, 6 Kos) battles Mexican Brandon Leon Benitez (14-1, 6 Kos) į aštuonių apvalios bijau.

Penktadienio ShoBox telecast immediately follows the premiere of Visi prieigos: WILDER prieš. BREAZEALE į 10 p.m. ET / PT apie Showtime.


Latest Installment Of Award-Winning Series Premieres This Friday At 10 p.m. ET/PT On SHOWTIME®



NEW YORK – May 6, 2019 -SHOWTIME Sports released an exclusive clipfrom ALL ACCESS: WILDER prieš. BREAZEALE in advance of the premiere this Friday, Gegužė 10 į 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME.VAIZDO:

The latest installment of the Sports Emmy® Award-winning series immerses viewers into the lives and training camps of Deontay Wilder and Dominic Breazeale as the 6-foot-7 heavyweights approach a grudge match that has been brewing for more than two years. Wilder will attempt to make the ninth successful defense of his WBC Heavyweight World Championship on Saturday, Gegužė 18 live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in a matchup of two American heavyweights with a combined 90 percent knockout ratio.

Visi prieigos: WILDER prieš. BREAZEALE immediately precedes aShoBox: Naujos kartos tripleheader headlined by undefeated blue-chip featherweight prospect Ruben Villa taking on Luis Alberto Lopez.

Papildomai, the network will offer digital daily installments ofALL ACCESS DAILY: WILDER prieš. BREAZEALE during fight week. The digital shorts will deliver the franchise’s signature access and storytelling in the final days before the heavyweight showdown beginning Wednesday, Gegužė 15 on the network’s social media channels.