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LOS ANGELES (Febbraio. 16, 2022) -Due straordinari scontri mondiali. Quattro dei migliori combattenti libbra per libbra di BELATOR MMA. Una rivincita attesissima. Il più grande atleta di tutti i tempi della promozione che si sforza di vendicare una perdita sui rulli dei momenti salienti della superstar nostrana dell'azienda. Una finale del torneo che assegna un jackpot a sette cifre al vincitore.

La quarta fenomenale carta di combattimento di BELATOR 2022 promette di essere uno per i secoli.

Fresco di una distruzione di 117 secondi del suo prossimo avversario e rivendicando il $1 un milione di taglie al BELATOR MMA Featherweight World Grand Prix Finale, imbattuto BELATOR detentore del titolo mondiale dei pesi piumaA.J. McKee (18-0) spera di fare il prossimo passo per diventare il più grande combattente di questo sport mentre combatte l'ex campione libbra per libbra e due divisioniPatricio Pitbull (32-5) per la seconda volta in meno di nove mesi il venerdì, Aprile 15, a10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT in diretta su Showtime.

Nella co-caratteristica diBellator 277: McKee contro. Pitbull 2 presso il Centro di SAP a San Jose, Calif., attuale campione del mondo di MMA BELATOR da 205 libbreVadim Nemkov (15-2) difenderà il suo titolo per la terza volta e punta a portarsi a casa il $1 milione di premi tre giorni prima degli Stati Uniti. Tax Day quando si confronta con l'impennata n. 1-classificato contendenteCorey Anderson(16-5)nella finale del Gran Premio mondiale dei pesi massimi leggeri BELATOR MMA.

BigliettiBELLATOR MMA 277: McKee contro. Pitbull 2 in vendita questo Venerdì, Febbraio. 18 ad entrambiTicketmaster.com eBellator.com con una speciale prevendita a partire dal giorno prima.

Inoltre, sono stati annunciati quattro incontri preliminari, incluso un incontro appetitoso tra due pesi massimi di alto livello come n. 5-classificatoTim Johnson (15-8) facce in aumento n. 6-classificatoTyrell Fortune(11-2, 1 NC) in una rivincita daBellator 239. Il loro primo incontro si è concluso con Johnson che si è assicurato una vittoria che ha guadagnato grande considerazione per il 2020 KO dell'anno. Gli attacchi preliminari saranno trasmessi in streaming dal vivo tre ore prima a7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT sul canale YouTube di BELLATOR MMA, Canale YouTube di SHOWTIME Sports e Pluto TV.

Nel loro storico incontro iniziale al Forum di Inglewood, Calif., McKee ha sbalordito Pitbull sferrando un calcio punitivo alla testa con la gamba sinistra 1:40 della strofa di apertura aBELLATORE MMA 263luglio 31, 2021. Il campione ha poi continuato l'assalto scatenando una serie di brutali colpi di testa senza risposta che hanno messo a terra la leggenda brasiliana.

Pochi istanti dopo, McKee alzò prematuramente le braccia in segno di festa, Pitbull è risorto dalle profondità della sconfitta solo per essere accolto da un combattente deciso a rubare la sua corona e rivendicare il $1 premio di un milione. Con il 25 volte veterano di BELATOR MMA contro il recinto, Il giovane combattente più brillante di MMA rinchiuso in una ghigliottina. Con Pitbull che sembra perdere conoscenza, l'arbitro Mike Beltran ha interrotto le cose 1:57 del telaio apribile.

"Ospitare i migliori artisti marziali misti del mondo nella grande città di San Jose è qualcosa che è stato importante per me durante la mia carriera di promotore di combattimenti e sono felice di continuare con la nostra carta il 15 aprile", il presidente di BELATOR Scott Coker disse. “La rivincita tra A.J. McKee e Patricio Pitbull per il titolo dei pesi piuma, così come la nostra finale del Gran Premio mondiale dei pesi massimi leggeri con Vadim Nemkov contro Corey Anderson sono due incontri che potrebbero essere gli headliner di qualsiasi evento da soli, ma stiamo portando entrambi al SAP Center di San Jose la stessa notte per mostrare ai fan qui che apprezziamo davvero il loro supporto nel corso degli anni.”

Nativo di Long Beach, Calif., Il combattente libbra per libbra più votato di BELATOR ha superato le alte aspettative riposte su di lui dal suo debutto professionale tre giorni dopo il suo 20th compleanno. Armato con sei knockout e sette sottomissioni, il prodotto Team Bodyshop, che compirà 27 otto giorni prima della sua rivincita contro Pitbull, ha mostrato un talento per garantire finiture fulminee con 10 arrivando al primo turno. "Mercenario" ha ottenuto vittorie dominanti su ogni combattente che si è opposto a lui, compreso l'ex campione del mondo Pitbull, Pat Curran, e Darrion Caldwell, che McKee ha presentato con una manovella del collo modificata in modo raro che in seguito è stata soprannominata "McKee-otine". Il vincitore del 2020 Il premio Submission of the Year per i suoi 71 secondi di annientamento di Caldwell ha combattuto un totale di 33 giri trasversali 18 concorsi di carriera (1.8 round per incontro), registrando meno di 41 minuti totali nella gabbia BELATOR da quando è diventato professionista ad agosto 2012.

Una metà del decantato duo dei Pitbull Brothers, Patricio è stato a lungo considerato il gioiello della corona di BELATOR MMA, dove attualmente siede al n. 3 nella classifica libbra per libbra maschile di BELATOR MMA. In possesso di un notevole 32-5 record con vittorie su competizioni d'élite, tra cui artisti del calibro dell'ex campione del mondo Pat Curran, Juan Archuleta, e Daniel Straus (due volte). In 2019, il 34enne brasiliano ha conquistato il campionato mondiale dei pesi leggeri BELATOR da Michael Chandler, diventando solo il secondo atleta BELATOR a detenere due titoli contemporaneamente. Con 23 finisce nel 37 combattimenti professionali, Pitbull ha dimostrato ripetutamente di possedere le abilità a tutto tondo necessarie per regnare su più classi di peso.

Attualmente il combattente libbra per libbra di BELATOR MMA secondo classificato, Nemkov ha conquistato la corona dei pesi massimi leggeri BELATOR MMA sconfiggendo Ryan Bader tramite TKO al secondo round aBELLATOR MMA 244 nell'agosto 2020. In sella a una serie di nove vittorie consecutive risalenti a giugno 2016, il feroce 29enne mette in mostra sette ko al primo turno, con due nel minuto iniziale di azione. Dopo aver difeso con successo la sua cintura dei pesi massimi leggeri guadagnandosi una dura decisione unanime su Phil Davis, l'orgoglio di Belgorod, La Russia e il protetto Fedor Emelianenko hanno segnato una sottomissione al quarto round del sostituto in ritardo Julius Anglickas nelle semifinali del Gran Premio mondiale dei pesi massimi leggeri BELATOR durante la sua ultima uscita a ottobre. 16, 2021.

Anderson, di Robbinsville, N.J., è salito in cima alla classifica BELATOR da 205 libbre sconfiggendo sette dei suoi ultimi otto avversari, inclusa un'interruzione del terzo round di Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov aBELLATOR MMA 257 aprile 16, 2021. Esattamente sei mesi dopo aBELLATOR MMA 268, il Rockford, Ill., nativo entrò nella gabbia al suono affascinante di "Five to One" dei Doors,” e ha preso letteralmente il titolo della canzone eliminando la leggenda del wrestling dell'Arizona State University Ryan Bader 51 secondi davanti alla folla della città natale di Bader al Footprint Center di Phoenix, Ariz. Nella sua prima apparizione promozionale, "Overtime" ha registrato un TKO al secondo round sulla leggenda del kickboxing olandese Melvin Manhoef aBELLATOR MMA 251 nel mese di novembre 2020. Prima di entrare in BELATOR, Anderson ha contato a 10-5 record con una promozione rivale, vincere il torneo "The Ultimate Fighter 19" in 2014, e vantando impressionanti vittorie su Glover Teixeira, Jan Blachowicz e Johnny Walker, tra gli altri.

Sequenza temporale

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Attacchi supplementari saranno annunciati a breve.


Venerdì, Aprile 15 – continua a vivereORARIO DELLO SPETTACOLO

10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Campionato mondiale pesi piuma: CA.J. McKee (18-0) contro n. 1-Patricio Pitbull (15-5)

 Finale del Gran Premio mondiale dei pesi massimi leggeri: C-Vadim Nemkov (15-2) vs. Non. 1-Corey Anderson (16-5)


Canale YouTube di BELLATOR MMA | Canale YouTube sportivo di SHOWTIME | Plutone TV

7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT

Dei pesi massimi Bout: Non. 5-Tim Johnson(15-8) contro n. 6-Tyrell Fortune(11-2, 1 NC)

Welter: Non. 10-Kyle Crutchmer(8-1) vs.Michele Lombardo(12-2, 1 NC)

Welter: Shane Keefe(2-0) vs.Tyson Miller (2-0)

140-Libbra contratto peso attacco: Gaston Bolanos (5-3) vs.Cass Campana(5-2)

*Carta soggetta a cambiamento.

Si prega di visitareBellator.com per ulteriori informazioni.

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Programma aggiornato degli eventi BELLATOR

Sat., Febbraio. 19 // Bellator 274: Grazia vs. Storley // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.

Gratis. Febbraio. 25 // Bellator 275: Mousasi vs. Vanderford // 3Arena // Dublin, Irlanda

Gratis. Mare. 12 // Bellator 276: Boric vs. Burnell // L'Arena della Famiglia // St. Louis, Voi.

Gratis. Aprile. 15 // Bellator 277: McKee contro. Pitbull 2/Nemkov vs. Anderson // Centro SAP // San Jose, Calif.

Gratis. Maggio 6 // BELLATORE PARIGI: Bader contro. Kongo 2 // Accor Arena // Parigi, A PARTIRE DAL

Gratis. Maggio 13 // BELATOR LONDRA: Amosov vs. MVP // L'OVO Arena di Wembley // Londra

Undefeated Christian Tapia takes on Luis Lebron for the WBC Continental Super Featherweight Title on Saturday, March 12th at Live! Event Center at Live! Casinò & Hotel Philadelphia


Philadelphia (Febbraio 16, 2022)–Championship boxing comes to Live! Event Center at Live! Casinò & Hotel Philadelphia as undefeated rising star Christian Tapia assume Luis Lebron in a 10-round contest for the WBC Super Featherweight title su sabato sera, 12 Marzo.

The card is promoted by Hard Hitting Promotions.

Tapia of Coamo, Puerto Rico, has an impressive record of 13-0 con 12 ko. Il 27 year-old is a five year veteran who has stopped his last eight adversaries. Nel luglio 31, 2021, Tapia won the NABA Super Featherweight title with a 2nd round demolition over former world-ranked contender Mason Menard (36-5). Nel suo ultimo incontro, Tapia took out previously undefeated and highly regarded Iron Alvarez (14-0) in the 10th and final round on December 4, 2021 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. In quella lotta, Tapia dominated the previously undefeated Alvarez, as he was up on all cards with Alvarez barely winning a round, before Tapia ended the fight in the 10th.

Lebron of San Juan, Puerto Rico is 18-2-1 con 11 ko. Il 28 year-old Lebron is a nine-year veteran has wins over Glenford Nickey (2-0-1), Pedro Marquez Medina (1-0), Joshua Santos (2-0-1), Manuel Botis (23-0-1), Alan Guzman (19-3), Luis Ruiz (9-1) and his last bout when he stopped Frank Diaz (9-0) in the 7th round to win the WBA Fedecento Super Featherweight title on November 20, 2021 a Miami, Florida.

Also seeing action will be super lightweight Brandon Pizarro (16-1, 9 KO) di Philadelphia; welter Alex Perez (18-3, 10 KO) di Newark, NJ; welter Dezmond Lucas (5-0, 2 KO) di Bronx, NY; welter Tahmir Smalls (6-0, 3 KO) di Philadelphia; welter Jan Carlos Rivera (4-1, 4 KO) di Philadelphia; Pro debuting bantamweight Jeffrey Villanueva di Reading, PA and junior welterweight Anthony Ramirez of Connecticut.

Opponents will be named shortly
Ticket Pre-sale on Feb 17th with full on-sale on Feb 18th.
I biglietti sono in vendita per $150, $100, $75 e $60 e può essere acquistato pressohttps://www.axs.com/events/426183/hard-hitting-boxing-tickets?skin=livecasinohotelphiladephia

PALESTRA & Titov Promotions reach agreement Oscar Rivas-Evgeny Romanov WBC Bridgerweight World Championship purse bid avoided

MONTREAL (Febbraio 15, 2022) – Today’s scheduled World Boxing Council (WBC) purse bid has been avoided as Groupe Yvon Michel (PALESTRA) announces an agreement has been reached with Titov Promotions, which promotes undefeated mandatory challenger Evgeny Romanov (16-0, 11 KO), di Russia, for WBC Bridgerweight World Champion Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas’ first title defense.

Under this agreement, GYM obtained the rights to promote Rivasfirst WBC defense. “We are very happy with this outcome,” GYM President Yvon Michel said. “I would like to thank Mr. Alex Titov for his co-operation. We intend to hold this world championship in June, in Montreal or possibly in Colombia, where discussions are currently taking place. It was important for us that Oscar defends his crown in a familiar environment.”

Trained by Marc Ramsey, Rivas captured the WBC World title last October 22,winning a unanimous decision over Ryan Rozicki (13-1, 13 KO) at the Olympia in Montreal.

Colombia-native Rivas, who represented his country at the 2008 Olimpiadi, became the first WBC World Champion in the history of the Bridgerweight Division. Romanov, for his part, became the mandatory contender by virtue of his 12-round dominance over compatriot Dmitry Kudryashov (24-5, 23 KO) last May in Khimki, Russia. Romanov had an excellent amateur career, even registering a knockout victory over Deontay Wilder, the future WBC World Heavyweight Champion, in an international tournament.

“I am happy to be able to defend my WBC bridgerweight belt in familiar terrain and quickly,” Rivas commented. “I intend to keep this belt for a long time. In aggiunta, whether my promoter GYM has obtained the rights to promote in my adopted city, Montreal, or in my native country, Colombia, I feel confident and surrounded by the best. It helps me stay focused on my goals.

ABOUT THE YVON MICHEL GROUP (PALESTRA): Groupe Yvon Michel is a professional boxing promotion organization, founded in 2004 by Yvon Michel, Alexandra Croft and Bernard Barré, all still active within the company, which is the most prolific organization in the history of professional boxing in Canada. Since its founding GYM has organized 160 events in Quebec, participated in 37 international galas outside of Quebec. Seven boxers became world champions: Joachim Alcine, Jean Pascal, Adonis Stevenson, Artur Beterbiev, Eleider Alvarez, Marie-Eve Dicaire and Oscar Rivas. Seventeen of the organization’s boxers have fought in 51 world championship bouts with an excellent record of 27 vittorie, 22 losses and 2 disegna. During this period major American television networks were more active than ever in coming to Quebec to broadcast GYM’s most important events. Su 35 occasions major American networks presented a GYM event, an exceptional showcase of Quebec knowledge including HBO (8), Orario Dello Spettacolo (7), ESPN2 (10), Wealth TV (4), Spike TV (2), ESPN (3), CBS (1) and NBC Sports (1).

Facebook::  @groupeyvonmichel
Instagram:  @groupeyvonmichel
Cinguettio:  yvonmichelGYM


Former Title Challenger John Salter Meets Undefeated Johnny Eblen During Main Card of BELLATOR 276 marzo 12



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LOS ANGELES - A plethora of fantastic fighters armed with world-title aspirations have joined the stackedBELLATOR MMA 276: Boric vs. Burnellcard on Saturday, Marzo 12. SHOWTIME will televise the mammoth main card live from inside the Family Arena in St. Charles, Mo., a9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Former title challenger and No. 2 classificato-John Salter (18-5), as well as undefeated BELLATOR MMA No. 3-classificatoJohnny Eblen(10-0), and women’s No. 2 piumaTabelle del gatto(12-4) hope to take the next step toward BELLATOR MMA gold as they join the four co-headline brawlers currently ranked among the upper echelon of their respective divisions.

Featured among the magnificent MMA melees will be three of the top-ten middleweights, five undefeated and one unblemished amateur, four top-two contenders, and ten fighters ranked along with BELLATOR MMA’s elite.

Nel main event della serata, Adam Borics (17-1) eMads Burnell(16-3), two featherweights currently tied at No. 2 in the official BELLATOR MMA rankings, will square off for a future shot at the BELLATOR 145-pound world title. Nella co-optional attacco, former BELLATOR Light Heavyweight Champion, 13-time BELLATOR veteran, e No. 2-classificatoPhil Davis (23-6, 1 NC) will open his 2022 campaign against No. 4 Julius Anglickas(10-2), who most recently challenged for the 205-pound title. Inoltre, the main card will spotlight an international lightweight extravaganza as undefeated New Alliance Jiu-Jitsu team memberJay-Jay Wilson (8-0) of Auckland, Nuova Zelanda, moves up in weight to meet Dagestan, RussiaGadzhi Rabadanov(16-4-2), who is coming off a first-round knockout in his promotional debut atBELLATOR MMA 263 nel mese di luglio 2021.

Prior to the consequential co-featured contests, a pair of top middleweights will round out the main card as Salter and Eblen square off for a shot at the winner of the upcoming world title bout pitting 185-pound Champion Gegard Mousasi against No. 1-classificato Austin Vanderford a BELLATOR MMA 275 later this month in Dublin, Irlanda.

Armed with an 8-2 BELLATOR record, Salter, a 15-year pro MMA veteran out of Nashville, Tenn., holds the promotional record for most submissions in BELLATOR MMA middleweight history, and has stopped 17 della sua 23 avversari. Nicknamed “Diamond Hands” due to his love for crypto currency and willingness to hold onto his investments, Eblen is coming off a 71-second annihilation of Collin Huckbody atBELLATOR MMA 272nel mese di dicembre 2021. The six-time BELLATOR MMA veteran and American Top-Team product, who recently signed a six-fight BELLATOR contract extension, has secured six opening-round stoppages, including two of his three 2021 avversari.

In addition to the magnificent main card, a veritable cornucopia of pulsating preliminary punch ups will commence the preeminent night of action, including a Minnesota midwestern melee pitting former UFC title challenger and Winona, Da., native Zingano against No.7-ranked lightweightPam Sorenson(9-4) of Blaine, Da.

Set to make her third straight BELLATOR MMA appearance with aspirations of challenging BELLATOR MMA Women’s Welterweight World ChampionCris Cyborg, Zingano has had a decorated fighting career. The former NCAA Division III All-American wrestler became the first mother to compete in the UFC and initial woman to capture the company’s “Fight of the Night” award, counting victories over Miesha Tate, Amanda Nunes, Marion Reneau, and Gabrielle Holloway. Recentemente, “Alpha” was featured in the series “Double Duty” that chronicled the attempts to maintain a balance between the daily responsibilities of parenthood and earning a living as a pro athlete.

A former Invicta FC women’s featherweight champion, Sorenson started kickboxing after the passing of her best friend. After vacating her crown and requesting a release from Invicta in July 2021, the Minneapolis mauler signed a multi-fight deal with BELLATOR MMA in mid-2021. Soon after joining the pioneering company, the 35-year-old recorded a hard-fought split decision over Roberta Samad atBELLATOR MMA 264 in Uncasville, Conn.

Also featured will be a bruising brawl pitting two hard-hitting heavyweights with seven career stoppages apiece as No. 8-classificatoAlex “Eazy” Polizzi (9-1) of Madison, Wisc., clashes with Team Pitbull’sJose “Guru” Augusto (7-3, 1 NC). Inoltre, San Diego, Calif. nativo, 11-time BELLATOR MMA veteran, e No. 6-classificato“Barbaric” Derek Anderson(17-4, 1 NC) will mix it up with submission specialist, BELLATOR Brazilian bruiser, and Japanese-bornGoiti Yamaguchi (26-5), in a worldwide welterweight war.

Inoltre, added toBELLATOR MMA 276: Boric vs. Burnellis a memorable middleweight match pitting undefeated, Non. 6-ranked 185-pounder and owner of three consecutive stoppagesRomero Cotton (5-0) of Hutchinson, Kansas, who will bravely battle the horrors of“The Boogeyman” Lance Wright (5-2). Inoltre, former Division II All-American wrestler and fantastic featherweightCody Law(5-0), fresh off his third opening-round finish, strives to avoid being scared off by“Phantom” Johnny Soto (5-2) di Escondido, Calif.

Continuing the unforgettable night of amazing action, undefeated welterweight and American Top-Team memberRoman Faraldo (6-0) will make his fourth consecutive promotional appearance when he challenges BELLATOR MMA rookieKelvin Rayford (5-3), while local combatantJordan Howard (10-5) of Jefferson City hopes to thrill the Missouri faithful against Athens, Illinois’ ownTrevor Ward(5-5). Two flyweights will test their skills as well, quandoDiana Avsaragova(4-0) of Russia welcomesAshley Deen (5-6) to BELLATOR. da ultimo, a Show-Me State lightweight showdown between BELLATOR beginnerDan Busch (4-1) makes his sixth straight Missouri appearance by confronting St. Louis’Josh Augustine (5-2).

The thrilling preliminary fights will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports canale YouTube e Pluto TV a partire da6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT.

BigliettiBELLATOR MMA 276: Boric vs. Burnellare on sale now at bothTicketmaster.com eBellator.com

BELLATOR MMA 276: Boric vs. Burnell Main Card:

Sabato, Marzo 12 – continua a vivere ORARIO DELLO SPETTACOLO

9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Featherweight Main Event: #2-Adam Borics (17-1) vs. #2-Mads Burnell (16-3)

Light Heavyweight Co-Main Event: #2-Phil Davis (23-6, 1 NC) vs. #4-Julius Anglickas (10-2)

Medi Bout: #2-John Salter (18-5) vs. #3-Johnny Eblen (10-0)

Leggero Bout: Jay-Jay Wilson (8-0) vs.Gadzhi Rabadanov (16-4-2)


Canale YouTube di BELLATOR MMA | Canale YouTube sportivo di SHOWTIME | Plutone TV

6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Piuma Bout: #2-Tabelle del gatto (12-4) vs. #7-Pam Sorenson (9-4)

Light Heavyweight Bout: #8-Alex Polizzi (9-1) vs.Jose Augusto (7-3, 1 NC)

Welter: #6-Derek Anderson (17-4-1) vs.Goiti Yamaguchi (26-5)

Medi Bout: #6-Romero Cotton (5-0) vs.Lance Wright(5-2)

Peso mosca Bout: Diana Avsaragova (4-0) vs.Ashley Deen (5-6)

Piuma Bout: Cody Law (5-0) vs. Johnny Soto (4-2)

Welter: Roman Faraldo (6-0) vs.Kelvin Rayford (5-3)

Pesi Gallo Bout: Jordan Howard (10-5) vs.Trevor Ward (5-5)

Leggero Bout: Dan Busch (4-1) vs.Josh Augustine (5-2)

*Carta soggetta a cambiamento.

Programma aggiornato degli eventi BELLATOR

Sat., Febbraio. 19 / / BELLATOR MMA 274: Grazia vs. Storley // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.

Gratis. Febbraio. 25 // BELLATOR MMA 275: Mousasi vs. Vanderford // 3Arena // Dublin, IRE

Sat. Marzo 12 // BELLATOR MMA 276: Boric vs. Burnell //L'Arena della Famiglia // St. Louis

Gratis. Maggio 6 // BELLATORE PARIGI: Bader contro. Kongo 2 // Accor Arena // Parigi, A PARTIRE DAL

Gratis. Maggio 13 // BELATOR LONDRA: Amosov vs. MVP // The SSE Arena, Wembley // Londra



BELLATOR MMA is a leading global mixed martial arts organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Sotto la direzione del veterano promoter lotta Scott Coker, BELLATOR events take place in major cities worldwide and can be seen on television in over 160 paesi ad un pubblico a disposizione di oltre un miliardo di persone. Negli Stati Uniti, BELLATOR can be seen on SHOWTIME. BELLATOR is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, orchestrazione evento dal vivo, sviluppo combattente / Relazioni, procurement locale, creazione di sponsorizzazione / sviluppo, licensing internazionale, marketing, pubblicità, pubblicità e della Commissione relazioni. BELLATOR is based in Hollywood, Calif. and owned by entertainment giant ViacomCBS, patria di marchi premier di intrattenimento del mondo, che si collegano con il pubblico attraverso contenuti interessanti attraverso la televisione, film, piattaforme online e mobile.

Hagler teams with Roach

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(L-R) - Il tardo, great Marvelous Marvin Hagler, his grandson James Jr., and son James

BOSTON (Febbraio 15, 2022) – There are few family names in boxing, especially in New England, as universally revered as Hagler and Roach.
They are part of boxing royalty.

There is a new connection as James Hagler, Jr., the grandson of the late Hall of Famer Marvelous Marvin Hagler, has signed an exclusive managerial contract with Fighter Locker, owned and operated by the nephew of Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, Boston-based Ryan Roach.

The plan is for Roach to have Hagler fight in Massachusetts, ideally in Brockton, the City of Champions in which Hagler as well as another Hall of Famer, Rocky Marciano, fought out of during their professional careers.

“I was looking for a manager and read about Ryan,” Hagler said. “I looked him up online, talked with him, and met him last weekend for the first time. He is not a greedy person. By far, he offered me the best deal I have ever received. He really wants to help me. Ryan’s a cool dude. I feel good about signing with him.

“Fighting someday in Brockton and Boston means a lot to me, because of my grandfather’s background, and that’s one of the reasons I signed with Ryan. My mother and father are from that area, and I still have a lot of family living on both sides living there. I’ll be the third member of the Hagler family to fight in New England, joining my grandfather and uncle (Robbie Simms)."

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(L-R) – Ryan Roach & James Hagler, Jr.

“I’m excited to be managing James,” Roach commented. “Right away, I was interested in a fighter with the Hagler name. I spoke with James and he’s a good kid who is all in. He wants to prove himself on his own and I get that, because I want to make it on my own terms, not my last name.
“We’re excited to get him fighting in New England. We’re going to do great things together. We plan on having him fight in Brockton, hopefully this summer, to bring boxing back to Brockton.”

The 31-year-old Hagler, who fights out of Atlanta, didn’t start boxing until he was 24. Why did he start so late?

“My grandfather didn’t want any of us (in the Hagler family) to box,” James explained. “I wanted to be a boxer since I was 3 o 4. He didn’t want anybody in his family to go through what he did in the Sugar Ray Leonard fight. Mio padre (a boxing promoter in Atlanta) was an amateur boxer who fought in the Olympic Trials. He stopped boxing because my grandfather wouldn’t watch him fight. My father didn’t want to continue fighting.

“There’s a lot of pressure on me fighting because people expect me to be like my grandfather or want me to live up to the Hagler name. I feel good following in my grandfather’s footsteps. When guys fight me, it’s like their championship fight, because they want to say they beat a Hagler for bragging rights. I know that they will always have their best fight against me.”

Giacomo (2-1, 1 KO) had a relatively brief amateur career, fighting in Alabama and Georgia, and the southpaw made his pro debut December 14, 2019, in Ohio, when he stopped Michael Widmer in round one. He’s only had two fights since, winning one and losing the other, the latest this past November.

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James Hagler, Jr. in azione

Hagler will fight as a super middleweight for now, but he intends to campaign as a middleweight in the same division his legendary grandfather owned for so many years. He does have a dream fight in mind, detto, “I met Muhammad Ali’s grandson (Nico Walsh). I’d love to fight him someday.”

La crescente scuderia di pugili dotati di Fighter Locker include anche i pesi mosca super californiani Rocco "So Cal Kid" Santomauro (21-1, 6 KO), Il super leggero Ray Jay "The Destroyer" Bermudez dell'ABF American West di New York (16-0, 11 KO), Il super welter ABF USA del Connecticut Jimmy "Quiet Storm" Williams (18-5-2, 6 KO), Il campione dei pesi medi ABF American West del Colorado "The Amazing" Shawn McCalman (10-0, 6 KO), Il super leggero del Massachusetts Adrian "Tonka" Sosa (12-0, 9 KO), Florida super bantamweight Daniel “The Dedication” Bailey, Jr. (10-0, 5 KO), Troy Anderson, peso piuma del Massachusetts, Jr. (4-0, 2 KO), 2-tempo olimpico brasiliano & 2016 Medaglia d'argento olimpica Yuberjen Martinez, L'olimpionico brasiliano Jorge Vivas, 2-time Dominican Olympian, leggero Leonel de los Santos (5-0, 5 KO), Pesi da crociera dominicani Roki “Rocky” Berroa (2-0, 1 KO), Super welter dominicano Juan Solano Santos (1-0, 1 KO), Il dominicano dei pesi piuma Orlando Perez Zapata (10-0, 8 KO), Il dominicano leggero Isaelin Florian Henriguez (8-1, 4 KO), Robert Daniels dei pesi massimi leggeri della Florida, Jr. (6-0, 5 KO), Irlandese dei pesi massimi leggeri Tommy "The Kid" O'Toole (3-0, 2 KO), Miranda "La Alacrana" Reyes del Texas super leggero (5-1-1, 2 KO), Il super peso piuma del Massachusetts Alex Rivera (3-0, 2 KO), fratelli Kansas, peso welter Marco (3-0, 3 KO) e Marcell super leggero (1-0), e fratelli Utah, Il campione dei pesi leggeri ABF American West Ignacio Chairez (9-0-1, 5 KO) e il leggero Gabriel Chairez (4-0-1, 2 KO).

SITO WEB: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
FACEBOOK: /combattente, /jameshaglerjr
TWITTER: @RoachRyan
INSTAGRAM: @RyanRoach82, @JamesHaglerJr

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: Fondata nel 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.
Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.

UK’s Laura Pain set to Challenge Nigeria’s Mary Abbey for International Title Honours 18th Feb

Former Team GB star Laura Pain is set to challenge for her first International Championship honours, when she faces Nigeria’s Mary Abbey for the World Boxing Foundation (WBF) International Super Flyweight Crown, on the Cestus Events promoted event at City Coast Centre in Portslade, East Sussex this coming Friday, the 18th February 2022.

Pain, who pro debuted just seven months ago in July ’21, is on a fast track for World Championship honours, and quite rightly so as she oozes serious talent from every pore, and what’s more is willing to take on all-comers, as proved by her decision to go toe-to-toe with Mary Abbey, whose record stands at 3-0-0 with all victories coming by way of KO, after her original opponent Ghana’s Leticia Abbott failed to receive her visa in time.

Speaking from her home earlier Pain said, “I can’t wait to get in the ring on Friday.

“I’ve got a tough girl in Mary, but I’m in boxing to climb the rankings and overcome anyone that’s in my way to get to the top.

“I train hard and sacrifice a lot so I’m excited to show my talent and make my mark on the pro scene”

In addition to the exciting Pain versus Abbey World Boxing Foundation (WBF) Championship fight, Promoter Trevor Lake has put together a mouthwatering International undercard that features boxers from Africa, India, Poland and of course the UK.

Main support sees Mark Ellins versus Poland’s Pawel Sowik in an eight round Heavyweight Contest.

Co-Main support sees India’s Sandeep Kumar (5-0-0) in action against Ghana’s Ishmael Nettey (3-0-0) in a six round Super Middleweight contest.

Local Light Heavyweight John Marvin is set to make his professional debut against India’s Nishant Sharma and Londoner Henry Johnson is set to make his debut against India’s Akashdeep Singh, also in action will be Indian Heavyweight Ranjeet Singh and Parmod Kumar, contro avversari ancora da nominare.

Laura Pain versus Mary Abbey, for the vacant World Boxing Foundation (WBF) Super Flyweight International Championship headlines the Trevor Lake Cestus Events promoted Friday Fight Night event at the City Coast Centre in Portslade, East Sussex this coming Friday, the 18th February 2022.

The event will be streamed live at www.youtube.com/CestusEventsTV

Tickets are available from any of the boxers competing or please call the Cestus Ticket Line on 07473 173634


WBA Super Featherweight Champion Roger Gutierrez Forced To Withdraw After Positive COVID-19 Test

Biglietti in vendita ora!

LAS VEGAS – February 14, 2022 – Undefeated rising star Chris "Primetime" Colbert will now square off against unbeaten Dominican Olympian Hector Luis Garcia in un 12 round WBA Super Featherweight World Title Eliminator da headliner dal vivo su SHOWTIME sabato, Febbraio 26 in un evento Premier Boxing Champions dal Chelsea all'interno del Cosmopolitan di Las Vegas.

The southpaw Garcia replaces WBA Super Featherweight World Champion Roger Gutierrez, who was forced to withdraw after a positive COVID-19 test.

IL CAMPIONATO DI BOXE SHOWTIME® la trasmissione televisiva inizia alle 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT e presenterà un altro giovane fenomeno imbattuto nel co-main event. Gary Antuanne Russell, un 2016 U.S. Olimpionico, affronta l'ex campione del mondo Viktor Postol in un 10 round attacco super leggero, mentre IBF Junior Campione del Mondo dei pesi gallo Pioli di Jerwin difende il suo titolo contro l'imbattuto argentino Fernando Martinez nell'apertura televisiva del tripleheader caricato.

I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promossa da Promozioni TGB, sono in vendita ora e possono essere acquistati tramite Ticketmaster.com.

Representing his native Brooklyn, N.Y., Colbert (16-0, 6 KO) has quickly shot up the 130-pound rankings, taking on high-level competition in his first 16 lotte pro. Already established as a fighter with dazzling boxing skills, Colbert showcased his ability to fight toe-to-toe with an 11th-round stoppage of Jaime Arboleda in December 2020 before most recently besting Tugstsogt Nyambayar in July 2021. Il 25-year-old pro tornite in 2015 and defeated three unbeaten fighters in his first eight contests. Prior to the Arboleda fight, Colbert scored a highlight-reel first-round knockout against Miguel Beltran Jr. nel mese di settembre 2019 and a dominant 12-round decision victory over former champion Jezzreel Corrales in January 2020.

Tall and rangy with good power in his left hand and a dedicated body attack, the 30-year-old Garcia (14-0, 10 KO) scored the most impressive victory of his career in his last fight, when he defeated Isaac Avelar by unanimous decision in December 2021. Il 5-9 Garcia, who sparred with Devin Haney and Rolly Romero for the Avelar win, represented his native San Juan de la Maguana, Repubblica Dominicana, nel 2016 Olympics before turning pro in December that year. Garcia is trained by the highly respected Ismael Salas, who has guided a long list of standouts, including Yordenis Ugás, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Nonito Donaire, e Jorge Linares. Garcia will be fighting for just the third time in the U.S. febbraio 26, having defeated Avelar in Minneapolis. He was zeroing in on facing a top contender in 2022. Now he will get his chance.

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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, follow #ColbertGarcia, seguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing e @TGBPromotions su Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing e @TGBPromotions o diventa fan su Facebook su www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

Teen Sensation Hollie Towl Secures European Crown After Battle Royale Against Italy’s Nadia Flalhi

Hollie Towl may only be 18 anni, but already she is competing at the highest level in the professional game, just as she did as an amateur, winning no less than five National championships as well as many other regional accolades.

Since turning pro in September 2020 the sensational teen has racked up an impressive 6-0-0 record and is the youngest World Champion, of either gender, having secured the Women’s International Boxing Association (WIBA) Featherweight World Championship back in September 2021, with a win over Argentina’s Cristina Del Valle Pacheco.

On Sunday afternoon Towl stepped up a division to challenge and beat former Italian Amateur National Champion Nadia Flalhi to secure the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Super Featherweight European Championship by unanimous decision; winning every round on judges Carla Fox and Steve Tighe’s scorecards and winning all but three rounds which judge Adrian Thorne scored as drawn on his card.

On paper this was as as close to a genuine fifty-fifty contest you possibly wish for, exceptional amateur careers and both unbeaten as professionals, so no surprise then that the actual fight soon became a full on Battle Royale.

Right from the opening bell both sensational young warriors went into battle, it was breathtaking watching the contest unfold, initially Flalhi took full advantage of her height and superior reach to keep Towl at bay, but Towl is as savvy as they come and it wasn’t long before she used her exceptional ring craft to neutralise the Italian’s height and reach advantage, before letting rip with scintillating flurries and big shots to head and body.

As the fight progressed Flalhi adapted her game plan and drew the feisty teen to the inside, a plan that may have worked on others with less ability, but not with Towl, she was just as happy to go to war up close and took advantage of every opportunity that came her way.

In addition to the sensational Towl versus Flalhi finale of the Boyle Pro Boxing promoted event, the fans in attendance were treated to five further closely matched contests.

Worksop’s Eleanor Coulson extended her record to 5-1-0 after her opponent Aimee Moody was forced to retire at the end of the first with a serious knee injury.

Middleweight Cameron Moran took his record to 2-0-0 with a close victory over the extremely tough Afghan born Londoner Zahir Bennett. Moran versus Bennett was without doubt a leading candidate for Fight of the Night, as with Towl versus Flalhi it was an all action affair.

Cruiserweight Alvis Berzins extended his unbeaten record to 3-0-1 with a closely fought victory over debuting Owen James. After four sensation rounds Referee Lee Murtagh scored the contest 39-38.

Chesterfield Super Middleweight Luke White endured a baptism of fire on his pro debut against Chessington, Surrey hard man Richard Harrison. White securing his first win as a pro by a 40-37 points victory.

Worksop’s Ben Gore made a surprise appearance, following debuting Jayden Harris pulling out the day before, and faced Belfast’s Marty Kayes. Clearly was worthwhile stepping up to the plate for Gore as Referee Adrian Thorne scored the contest in his favour 40-37.

Boxing fans will not have to wait long to watch these young warriors in action again, as Boyle’s Pro Boxing has another event planned at the Shirebrook Leisure Centre in Mansfield on the 26th March 2022, and as with Sunday’s event will be broadcast exclusively live on FITE, in association with KC Sofas, and word is Chris Boyle is contemplating Hollie Towl making her first defence of her WIBA Featherweight World titlewatch this space!

TOP-FIVE Welterweights Neiman Gracie & Logan Storley to Headline Bellator 274 Sabato, Febbraio. 19



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LOS ANGELES -BELLATOR MMA ha confermato la carta di lotta completa perBELLATOR MMA 274: Grazia vs. Storleyquesto Sabato, Febbraio. 19, presso il Mohegan Sun Arena di Uncasville, Conn. SHOWTIME will televise the phenomenal main card live at9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Inoltre, nine thrilling preliminary fights will stream live three hours earlier on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports canale YouTube e Pluto TV a partire da6 p.m. ET/3p.m. PT

Nel main event della serata, Non. 4-classificatoNeiman Gracie(11-2) will strap on the BELLATOR gloves for the 12th consecutive time when he takes on former four-time collegiate All-American wrestler and No. 5-classificatoLogan Storley(12-1) in a five-round clash of top-5 welterweights. Nella co-optional attacco, former BELLATOR Welterweight Champion and No. 9-classificatoAndrey Koreshkov (24-4) will return to action and open his 2002 campaign against Alliance MMA product and owner of seven first-round finishesChance Rencountre(16-4) of Pawhuska, Okla.

The updated and complete listing of bouts can be found below.

BigliettiBELLATOR MMA 274: Grazia vs. Storley are on sale now at bothTicketmaster.com eBellator.com.


Sabato, Febbraio. 19 – continua a vivereORARIO DELLO SPETTACOLO

9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Welter Main Event: #4-Neiman Gracie (11-2) vs. #5-Logan Storley (12-1)

Welter Co-Main Event: #9-Andrey Koreshkov (24-4) vs.Chance Rencountre(16-4)

Leggero Bout: Georgi Karakhanyan(31-12-1) vs.Adam Piccolot(12-4)

Dei pesi massimi Bout: #8-Davion Franklin (4-0) vs.#9Said Sowma(8-2)


Canale YouTube di BELLATOR MMA | Canale YouTube sportivo di SHOWTIME | Plutone TV

6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Leggero Bout: Mandel Nallo (8-1, 1 NC) vs.Nick Browne(12-1)

175-Libbra contratto peso attacco: Brennan Ward (14-6) vs.Brandon Bell (10-10)

Pesi Gallo Bout: Jaylon Bates (4-0) vs.Chris Disonell (6-4)

Leggero Bout: #9-Aviv Widodo (6-0) vs. Bobby King(10-4)

Peso mosca Bout: #7-DeAnna Bennett (11-7-1) vs.Justine Kish(7-4)

Medi Bout: Jordan Newman (3-0) vs.Cody Herbert(2-0)

Leggero Bout: Justin montalvo(4-0) vs. Corey Samuels (3-2)

Piuma Bout: Isaiah Hokit (0-1) vs.Theodore Macuka(1-2)

Welter: Orlando Mendoza (0-1) vs.Jonathan Di Lorenzo (1-0)

*Carta soggetta a cambiamento.

Si prega di visitareBellator.com per ulteriori informazioni.


Programma aggiornato degli eventi BELLATOR

Sat., Febbraio. 19 // Bellator 274: Grazia vs. Storley // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.

Gratis. Febbraio. 25 // Bellator 275: Mousasi vs. Vanderford // 3Arena // Dublin, Irlanda

Sat. Marzo 12 // BELLATOR MMA 276: Boric vs. Burnell //L'Arena della Famiglia // St. Louis

Gratis. Maggio 6 // BELLATORE PARIGI: Bader contro. Kongo 2 // Accor Arena // Parigi

Gratis. Maggio 13 // BELATOR LONDRA: Amosov vs. MVP // L'OVO Arena di Wembley // Londra

Brandon Valdes steps in to fight Jordan White in main event on Saturday, February 19th at Live Casino & Hotel Maryalnd

TICKETS ON SALE AT AXS.COM  Demond “D’Bestatit” Nicholson takes on Gabriel Pham in Co-Feature Also Jeter Promotions Fighters Brandon Chambers, AJ Williams, Victor Williams and Mansaborie Conde Appearances by Jaqeem Hutcherson, Colby Madison, Thyler Williams, Ahmad Muhammad Jones and Joseph Veazey
Hanover, MD (Febbraio 14, 2022)Brandon Valdes will step in for Gadwin Rosa to take on Jordan White in the 10-round junior lightweight main event for the WBC USNBC Title on Saturday night, February 19th at The HALL at Live! Casinò & Hotel in Hanover, Maryland.

Jeter Promotions is back at Live! Casinò & Hotel Maryland for the 7th time and 1st of 2022 on the heels of a near capacity show on October 23rd. The co-feature is a 10-round super middleweight clash pitting Demond Nicholson (24-4-1, 20 KO) di Laurel, Maryland battling Gabriel Pham, 15-2 with eight knockouts of Atlantic City, New Jersey.

White, 24, is a seven year-professional and has wins over Ronaldo Solis (4-0-1), Misael Lopez (11-0), and his last bout when he stopped Joe Perez on October 23rd at The HALL at Live! Casinò & Hotel in Hanover, Maryland.

Valdes, 23, of Barranquilla, Colombia, ha un record di 14-2 con sette knockout. The six-year professional has plied his trade in his native Colombia, Mexico and the The United States. In the highest profile fight, Valdes was stopped in six-rounds to former two-time Olympic Gold Medal winner Robeisy Ramirez. In quella lotta, Valdes was ahead on one scorecard at the time of the stoppage. Nel suo ultimo incontro, Valdes won an eight-round unanimous decision over Adalberto Garcia Covarrubias on September 11, 2021 in Nuevo, Messico.

Nicholson, 28, is a nine-year professional, who has wins over German Perez (11-1-3), Joshua Okine (28-5-1) and Isaac Rodriguez (25-2). Nicholson is coming off a unanimous decision over Victor Darocha on October 23rd at The HALL at Live! Casinò & Hotel in Hanover, Maryland.

Pham, 32 è un 13 anno professionale, has big victories over Michael Glenn (2-0), Chauncey Fields (4-1), Jaba Khositashvili (4-0), Derrick Webster (28-2), Rafael Fernandez Sosa (8-0) and his last contest when he stopped Israel Valerio Nino(15-3) on October 16th in the Dominican Republic.

In periodi di sei rotonde:

Promozioni Jeter signee, Brandon Chambers (6-0-1, 3 KO) of Gwynn Oak, Maryland fights Paul Carroll (4-2,4 KO) of Colombia, South Carolina for the ABF USA Featherweight title.

Jeter Promotions signee and Penn State Graduate, AJ Williams (5-1, 2 KO) di Baltimora, Maryland takes on Brent Oren (4-7, 1 KO) di Harrisburg, PA for the ABF Atlantic Light Heavyweight title

Thyler Williams (5-0, 4 KO) of Philadelphia takes on Maurice Anthony (3-3, 3 KO) of Ypsalanti, Michigan in a junior welterweight fight.

Colby Madison (9-3-2, 6 KO) di Baltimora, MD assume Antonio Robertson (4-7-1, 2 KO) of Raleigh, NC in a heavyweight bout.

In four-round fights:

Jeter Promotions signee, and former Dartmouth star Wide Receiver, Victor Williams (3-0, 3 KO) di Washington, DC takes on Jeremiah Kendrick (1-0) of Philadelphia in a super welterweight fight.

Jeter Promotions signee, Mansaborie Conde (4-0, 3 KO) di Laurel, MD takes on pro debuting Malcolm Phillips of Cole Bay, Sint Martins in a middleweight bout.

Ahmad Muhammad Jones (1-0, 1 KO) di Baltimora, MD assume Tyree Arnold (1-3) of Philadelphia in a super lightweight bout.

Joseph Veazey (5-0, 3 KO) of Baltimore fights an opponent to be named in a welterweight contest

Jaqeem Hutcherson (3-1) of Forestville, MD fights Jalen Woodmore (0-1) of Pontiac, MI in a super bantamweight contest.

Tickets for this great night of boxing are priced at $65-$150 e può essere acquistato presso AXS.COM

The HALL at LIVE! is a 75,000-square-foot, three-story multi-use concert and event venue that features some of the nation’s best touring acts, comedians, championship boxing and other show-stopping entertainment. With a capacity of up to 4,800 persons, the state-of-the-art performance venue features three levels of seating: a main orchestra level, intimate loge-level boxes and a plush VIP Level with private bar, lounge and balcony. Each of these options afford spectacular views and immerse audiences in audio visual systems unparalleled in the region. Il $10 million state-of-the-art audio and visual system provides absolute acoustic perfection combined with stunning visual displays. The built-in performance stage, surrounded by massive, high resolution LED screens, è 60 feet wide by 40 feet deep and, from a technological standpoint, rivals the largest and most advanced performance venues anywhere.

The HALL is the largest theater in any casino in the state of Maryland, as well as in Anne Arundel County. The HALL at Live! Casinò & Hotel Maryland is located at 7002 Arundel Mills Circle, Hanover, Maryland 21076.