Pou katoa e FNU47



RFA 25 – Lawrence vs. TOOMER


Justin Lawrence vs. SAM TOOMER

WORLD mā whitu TITLE




Ora i te Sanford Taparima,Sioux Falls, SD.
Tīkiti i runga i te Sale i roto i Ticketmaster.com

Las Vegas, Nevada – Raa te riri Alliance (RFA) peresideni Ed Soares ua faaara i tenei ra e, e te whakatairanga kia hoki mai ki te āhua o South Dakota i roto i te Paenga-whāwhā, me te kāri tāpae. RFA 25 – Lawrence vs. Ka ngā Toomer he hui matua i waenganui i te rua makau tahi RFA. Toa mā whitu RFA Justin “Ko te American Kidd” Hoki Lawrence ki te whare i riro ia tona taitara whakamutunga raumati. Ka tona korero taitara tuatahi ki #1 nguha “Super” Sam Toomer, ko wai e te titiro ki te pupuri i ana record tūturu tonu. I roto i te hui tahi-matua, Gabriel “Zangief” Tutaki Checco hoa Brazil Māori me RFA vet Francisco “Kiko” France mo te taitara whitu. Ko te hui e wahi Rāmere, April 10 i te Sanford Taparima i Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Ka teata te kāri matua katoa ora me te motu i runga i AXS TV i 10 p.m. AND / 7 p.m. PT.

I’m excited to announce that the RFA is returning to South Dakota with two title fights at RFA 25,” Ua parau Soares. “Justin Lawrence Ko te tangata tuatahi ki te riro i te taitara te ao MMA fakangofua ia i roto i te āhua o South Dakota. Ka tiakina e ia a reira mo te wa tuatahi ki tūturu Sam Toomer i roto i te hui matua. I roto i te tahi-headliner, Gabriel Checco a Francisco France ka mo te wātea RFA taitara whitu whawhai.”

Tikiti mō te RFA 25 – Lawrence vs. Toomer are available for purchase NOW through Ticketmaster.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 605.312.7900. Tīmata utu tīkiti i $25, E wātea ana hoki tūru kua whakatārewatia $30-$40, me te nohoanga cageside ko $125.

Lawrence (6-2) hoki ki te pae o te win nui o tona mahi. I RFA Last August 17, riro te itoito a Tūrongo-tau 24-tau te wātea RFA taitara mā whitu mā te besting Mark Dickman mā Decision Lototaha i roto i te mea he nui rawa te tuatahi fakangofua ia whawhai taitara MMA te ao South Dakota o. Ko te win he tika tuarua wikitoria o Lawrence mai hono i te RFA. Before that he had gained worldwide notoriety as a star on the fifteenth season of the UFC’s hit reality show The Ultimate Fighter, te wahi i ia te huri tuatahi whānui. I te whakaaturanga, Lawrence reel miramira i hopukina Tari o o RFA konumohe, me te whetu UFC o nāianei James Krause KO me te whakapehapeha, e iku toa UFC Cristiano Marcello. Lawrence, he rua-wā Golden karapu toa mua, me te meke whakapaipai, anake i te 3-0 record i MMA i te wa, engari tae te hauwhā-whiringa i mua i te imiraa “Whawhai o te Po” a “KO o te Po” mōhio hoki tona nanakia KO o John Cofer i tona tuatahi UFC. Lawrence, nei whawhai i roto i Alliance MMA i Chula Vista, California, he vēkeveke ki te whakaatu kotahi ano ana pūkenga Tūrongo vaunted i roto i tona korero RFA taitara mā whitu tuatahi.

“Kia ahau i rongo e te parururaa i ahau toku whitiki i roto i te South Dakota, Whakaaro ahau he whakamataku tenei,” Ua haamaramarama Lawrence. “Ko te Sanford Taparima ko tetahi o nga wāhi pai i ake whawhai ahau i roto i. Ua ite au whakamarie, he nui te rūma, a ko fantastic te mano. Sam Toomer Ko te maona nui ki te pai te ringa matau. Ka whai ahau ki te whakamahi i taku whana, hīkoinga, and out-finesse him. E tamatahia ia ki te waiho i te kaiwero tika, engari titiro atu ahau ki hoatu ki a ia tona mate tuatahi.”

Toomer (9-0) ka te tangata e wero Lawrence mo RFA koura. Unlike most top mixed martial artists, like Lawrence, e haere mai i te grappling papamuri Tūrongo ranei, Toomer he mo'uí kaitākaro whutupaoro. Heoi, kua hanga hoki te ārai whutupaoro kolisí-tau 27-tau te whakawhiti pai ki MMA mā te whakamahi i tana toa tūturu, ako, and unbreakable work ethic to compile an impressive 9-0 record mai i te tona tuatahi pro e toru tau ki muri. Two of those wins have come in the past eight months after Toomer signed with the RFA. Riro Toomer tona tuatahi RFA i RFA 15 i roto i te Pipiri ki te mahi ngoi. Kite te whawhai tokotahá-tetahi tona hoariri Daniel Aguiar kia akiri i roto i te toru o tawhio noa i muri fakafisi ki te tu me te whawhai Toomer. Ko te win DQ mo Aguiar mā mamahu hoatu ingoa o Toomer i runga i te rima tekau mā whitu mahere RFA rite te nguha taitara tika. I roto i te Hakihea, Ua haapuai Toomer tona take mo te pere taitara ki te pō ngahau win toa mo Lyoto Machida ākonga ia Altair Alencar i RFA 21. Toomer, nei whawhai i roto i te Arena MMA i San Diego, California, E whakarite inaianei ake mo te kupu whakaari nui o tona mahi sipoti i roto i te April, rite wero ia ia te toa RFA tino-tauā Lawrence mo tona taitara.

“Mana'o te reira nui whiwhi ki te whawhai mo te taitara RFA te ao,” Toomer kī. “Kua tuatahi toku tokorua o ngā wheako ki te RFA kua nui, engari ko toku wa tuatahi i rite ki te hui matua tenei a titiro atu ahau ki toa i te taitara. Justin Lawrence He hoariri pai, me te toa mo te take. E rapu ana whakamua ahau ki te mea he whawhai whakaongaonga ki a ia i RFA 25 i roto i te South Dakota.

Ko te hui tahi-matua o RFA 25 Ka ngā ano he whawhai i waenganui i te rua taitara vets RFA ta'na, nei pa ki a whatu e rua i Brazil. Gabriel “Zangief” Checco (8-1) hanga ana tuatahi ao i roto i te Oketopa i roto i te hui matua o RFA 19. I muri haere mai poto ake i roto i tona tono tuatahi mo te taitara whitu RFA i taua po ki Jake Collier, i haina tonu i te UFC, I turapa Checco i roto i te ara nui mua i tenei marama, i RFA 23. He made a huge statement with a blistering first round knockout of the highly-touted The Ultimate Fighter 11 cast member Joseph Henle. Na, Checco e fehangahangai tona hoa teina, me te hoa Jiu-Jitsu whitiki pango Francisco “Kiko” France (11-3-1) mo te taitara. France enters the fight with a ton of momentum after steamrolling his first two opponents in the RFA. Last August, i roto i te haerenga tuatahi o te RFA ki South Dakota, France submitted local standout Isaac Appel with a first round Kimura. Aru ia i taua angitu ki tetahi mutu a tawhio tuatahi i RFA 21 i roto i te Hakihea. I hanga ano e ia tona take mo te taitara koperea i taua po i te tuku i Bellator Tari Mikey Gomez ki te tuatahi a tawhio noa Whitiki-Triangle kowaowaotia.

RFA 25 Ka tohu te hokinga mai o te rua atu vets RFA i roto i te wehenga mā. Apera “Ko te Silent kaikōhuru” Cullum (20-6) Ka maturuturu iho ki te 125-pauna mo te wa tuatahi i roto i tona mahi MMA ngā papa ki te kanohi Sioux Falls Josh taketake “Ko te riri” Rave (24-11). Hanga Cullum he pō ngahau Storybook tenei hinga mua i muri i te faafaaearaa i te hākinakina tau e toru. I roto i tona tuatahi RFA i RFA 18, Tuku Cullum UFC Tari Ulysses Gomez i roto i 89 hēkona. E whā wiki i muri mai i RFA 19, tuku ia runga amanaki Carl Deaton III i roto i te rua o a tawhio. Cullum inaianei makaka ki raro, ki te wehenga mā ki te kanohi Rave, ko wai te mea te mā toa MMA tino rite i roto i te hītori o te tonga Dakota. Ka hoki te eke Rave whakauka ahu ki tenei whawhai. Kua riro ia toru o ona pāngia whakamutunga e wha mai i te tona tuatahi RFA i RFA 2.


I roto i te wehenga Kōmāmā, RFA 25 Ka ngā te hokinga mai o T.J. “Ko te kaikiko” Hepburn (4-0), ko wai te mea he maoro RFA tahi tino. Ko ano hoki te ia 2012 NCAA Division II wrestling national champion at 157 lbs. Hepburn ka fehangahangai he hoa 'amanaki Kōmāmā tūturu i roto i te LaRue “Ko te kai” Burley (5-0), hanga e tona tuatahi RFA tino-tapoko nei. Burley te mohiotia whānuitia rite te tangata nana nei i hoatu maramara puru MMA amanaki Bubba Jenkins tona mate tuatahi i roto i te MMA.


Jenkins coincidentally fought on the same RFA 3 kāri rite Hepburn me ko te 2011 NCAA Division ahau tohe toa motu i 157 lbs.

The main card will be rounded out with a middleweight bout pitting Anderson Silva protégé Khalil “War Horse” Rountree (2-0) ki Roufusport amanaki Cameron Olsen (2-0) me te a'ee mā e ka kite amanaki mā runga-runga Geane Herrera (7-0) te whawhai i te huamo Ben Nguyen (13-5). Kei te noho ana i tēnei wā Nguyen he win pūkenga e whitu-whawhai, a ka hoki mai ki te kāinga ki a Sioux Falls i muri i hanga i te ingoa hoki ia i roto i Ahitereiria.

Kei te utaina hoki te kāri tuatahi. Makau tahi Local me RFA vets Jordon Larson (5-1), Devin Clark (3-0), a Devin Turner (2-2) Kei te hoki mai ki te whawhai i runga i haerenga hoki tino-tūmanako o te RFA ki to ratou whenua o Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Larson defeated Donavon Winters in his RFA debut at RFA 17 i roto i te August i roto i te a'ee Welterweight tino ngahau. He will face Jarrod L’Heureux (7-1) i roto i te rematch hanganaki fiefia atu. All seven of L’Heureux’s wins have come via submission with his lone loss coming against Larson.

Clark, Hoa tākaro o Larson i muri Edge Academy i Sioux Falls, hoki i riro papau i RFA 17. Riro te powerhouse te marama-taumahamaha mā TKO mo 2012 NFL hukihuki huri Arona Brown. Clark e fehangahangai Omaha hāngai toa Jaquis Williams (4-2). Na, Ka titiro Turner ki te tiki ake i tona win tuatahi RFA ki RFA Tari, me te tino-tauā MMA amanaki Matt Lopez (4-0) i roto i te catchweight a'ee 140-pauna.

Ko te kāri matua katoa o RFA 25 – Lawrence vs. Ka teata Toomer ora i runga i AXS TV tīmata i10 p.m. AND / 7 p.m. PT i te Rāmere, April 10. RFA 25 Ka hei takahanga tuarua o te whakatairanga a i roto i te āhua o South Dakota i muri i te manaaki i te tuatahi hui MMA fakangofua ia i roto i “Ko te State Mount Rushmore” August whakamutunga. Whawhai atu i runga i te RFA 25 kia ka kauwhautia kāri whawhai i roto i nga wiki e haere mai.

Haere ki RFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. RFA is also on Facebook at Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram iRFAfighting, and Twitter at RFAfighting.

RFA Ko te whakatairanga toi hōia whakauru ngaio e homai maranga whetu, me te runga contenders te faingamālie ke fakamo'oni'i ratou taranata ki te pā me te feia faatere i roto i te ahumahi. He hakari te RFA ki runga ki te 10 whawhai tau a tawhio noa te United States, tae Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Denver a Milwaukee. Ka taea te kite i RFA ora i roto i runga i 40 miriona mau fare motu i roto i tona mahi pouaka whakaata ki AXS TV. I roto i te Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA Ko tetahi o nga whakahaere tino kaha, me te whakaaro MMA i roto i te hākinakina e tipu tere i roto i te ao. (Ko te Tapawaru, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, me te-iu waru whakataetae moenga, me te hoahoa whare herehere rēhita e tohu whenua anake e Zuffa, LLC. Pūmau te mana).
Mō whawhai TV AXS:
AXS TV e whawhai hakari atu LIVE konatunatua toi hōia, me ngā kaupapa kickboxing atu tetahi atu whatunga pouaka whakaata ki 40+ LIVE-ao te piha kāri whawhai ia tau. “Ko te reo” Michael Schiavello a UFC Hall o Famer Pat Miletich karanga i te mahi katoa rite toa, challengers, a runga opuaraa tango wāhanga pokapū katoa Rāmere po i 10pE / 7pP. AXS TV Fights can be found online, i runga i Facebook a ki runga ki Twitter. AXS TV is widely distributed in the U.S. via AT&T U-irava, Tūtohinga, Comcast / Xfinity, DIRECTV, Rihi, Suddenlink, Verizon FiOS, a te tahi atu taura, pee'utari me te telco ratonga. The network is also carried in Canada, Mexico me te Karipiana.


Las Vegas, Nevada (March 4, 2015) Tenei Rāhoroi tohu ahiahi he po hītori rite nga hoki pūtaiao reka ki te wä tönui pouaka whakaata whatunga i runga i NBC tau i runga i te toru tekau i muri i. tau “Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions” ka meinga tona tuatahi raupapa i roto i te miriona o te mau utuafare puta noa i te motu, me te he tino ki te tae pā whawhai tūao me aficionados mekemeke. He nui hoki te hākinakina tenei rite he hakari he atamira mō te kaimātakitaki o ngā reanga katoa ki te mōhio ki te takaro o te mekemeke me ona whetu heke mai.


Ko reira ano he tūāpapa mō ngā whawhai ngaio ki te riro ingoa whare, me te whai i te waia whānui ki nei e ratou, me o ratou papamuri. Ko runga U.S Mea taua toa. amanaki taumahamaha, Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 KO o). BREAZEALE, i teie nei 29, i whakaurua ki te mekemeke i te tau ngā mutunga. Muri i te tākaro quaterback mo te University o Northern Colorado, Hanga Breazeale he whakatau ki te waiho i te rino mātiti me te tomo i te papa mekemeke i roto i 2008.


I roto i nga tau e toru me te hawhe, Riro Breazeale maha whakataetae i roto i te rarangi runaruna te mutunga ū ia he wahi i runga i te 2012 United States Team Olympic whakataetae i roto i te wehenga Super Heavyweight. He maha ngā marama i muri mai, Breazeale e haina ki te kaitohutohu mana Al Haymon, ka tahuri pro raro i ngā akoranga o te whetu amateur mua, me te taumahamaha ngaio John Bray.


Pere C / bStunt.com

I roto i ona pāngia tuatahi e iwa, Breazeale parautia na roto i tona fakafepaki i roto i te wha rauna iti ranei tae atu i te tuuraki o te hōia taumahamaha Lenroy Thomas. I roto i tona a'ee ngaio whakatekau, Breazeale e haere i te distancefor te wā tuatahi i roto i tona mahi ki te hōia uaua i roto i te Nagy Aguilera. Ahakoa te a'ee e muri rauna katoa waru whakaritea, Whakakitea Breazeale taea e ia pouaka tōtika peppering Aguilera i te hinaaro ki ngā o ārai, tika tonu, matau maui me uppercuts.

Mutu ana pāngia e toru i muri mai i roto i te ahua maheni ki ona hoariri mutu te i roto i te toru ngā wāhanga iti iho ranei. Kua riro te reira i te tīmatanga nui ki te mahi a Breazeale me kei te ako ia rā ki te kaiwhakangungu John Bray. “Au makona ahau te wahi e ahau te tika i teie nei i roto i toku mahi, engari e mohio ana ahau ki i tonu ahau i te rota ki te whakapai ake i runga i roto i te tikanga ki te kia rite ki te riro i te toa taumahamaha o o te ao. Whakawhirinaki ahau, kia whakapono ai i roto i te aravihi o John, ki te tango ahau ki taua taumata. Kua John kua i roto i puni ki nga momo o Tyson, Kua Lewis me Holyfield, kua whakangungua e kaiwhakangungu rongonui me.”


Hoki Breazeale ki te mowhiti tenei Rāhoroi ahiahi ki tona hoa tauwhainga uaua ki te rā, Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 KO o), te 2004 Häkinakina i Puerto Rico. Ko te whai wāhitanga ki te whawhai i roto i te Las Vegas i te MGM Grand Arena i te NBC ko te moemoea mai pono, me te 2012 Ko te rite hoki tenei Häkinakina

Photo C / e Adrian Jiménez

wero. “Ko ahau pono fiefia ki te whawhai i tēnei wiki i runga i te taua turanga nui, me te ahau titiro ahau i mua ki tenei wero, me te hanga i tetahi ingoa whare toku ingoa. E mohio ana ahau ki te haere mai Victor ineine me ahau tino rite i ahau kia rite ki te pai. Te haere ki te waiho i te po nui o mekemeke mo nga pā”, Said Breazeale.


Ko te oaoa hoki tenei faingamālie hoki Trainer John Bray rite matau ana ia ki tenei whawhai e taea te tango i tona tauira i amanaki ki te nguha. “Victor Bisbal Ko te whiro, me te toa tino ta'na hei Häkinakina ki te lekooti o 21-2 ki 15 knockouts. Ka whai Dominic ki te hei i runga i tona “A” kēmu ki te tiaho me te rite ki tana kaiwhakangungu e taea e ahau te korero ki a koutou e ka ke e a ake ia. Na i roto i-mekemeke me te te patu Bisbal i roto i te ahua faahiahia, ka meinga te pānui tango te ao mekemeke e Dominic Breazeale he mo'oni, me te rite hoki nui me te pai nga mea i tenei.”


Whakatairangatia ana te PBC i te NBC e Goossen Whakatairanga me tikiti mo tenei po mīharo o te mekemeke e taea hokona i www.mgmgrand.com a kei te utu i $400, $300, $100 a $50.

“Here Mai te pouri!



Salita inks Kazakh Knockout artist Bakhtier Eubov

Brooklyn, NY (March 3, 2015)–Whakatairanga a Salita he fiefia ki te kauwhau i tetahi whetu i mua nei kua tapiritia ki to ratou rārangi.
Now opponents who will be getting in the ring with Bakhtiyar Eyubov, e kore ai e ratou pera oaoa, no te mea i te anga i ngā pūkete katoa i te hai te mana.
Yeyubov, 5-0 ano he ngaio, ki te rima knockous ki tona nama, mai i katatānga, te kāinga rite whitu superstar Gennady Golovkin. Ka rite ki Golovkin, Titiro Eyubov ki te tango i te kaiwhakawa i te whārite. Ko e mo'oni, tangata ia ia e haere i te pere te whakatuwheratanga, rite kua tae mai wha o ona Koó e rima i roto i te kotahi a tawhio.
Ki te mo 150 toa i roto i te amateurs, he nuinga e KO nui, Ko reira mārama e ka uru tona kāhua ki te AtAKi i tino pai, a Salita he hihiri ki te kia pā New York City-rohe pūtaiao reka tirohia ia ia i roto i roto i te heke mai e tata ana.
Eyubov Kua koa kē he ingoa ano he banger wehi, na i ngā ia ki te whakaae ki te whawhai i 147 pauna te huarahi katoa ki runga ki te taumahamaha te marama, 175 pauna, ki te whakawai hoariri ki te rimarima i ki a ia ki runga. Whakarapopototia te hai-tau 28-tawhito te ake thusly i te kaiwhakatairanga Salita: “Ko ia he puncher tinana kaitaua, me te whāinga ki te tiki i te KO wa katoa. Eyubov he kāhua whakaongaonga, me te ko ia rawa hiakai ki te piki ki te tihi, me te kia i te toa ao.”
Ka e Wilson Naranjo te whakahaere Eyubov, nei whakahaere toa ex Luis Collazo me nguha te ao-tauanga Raphael Vasquez.
Ka hohoro Salita kauwhau i tona kāri whawhai ngaio muri, a ka taea te kite tatou i te mau taleni o te 'amanaki' Eyubov hoki tatou. Tae noa ki reira tirohia i te ataata
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE vs  Cliff Newton USA   February 17, 2012
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov Aze vs Cliff Newton USA February 17, 2012
Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio tirohia i roto i Salitapromotions.com

Whawhai SUPERSTAR ON THE tuatahi toa PREMIER BOXING ON NBC'ilo FIGHT KĀRI Tuhinga Tuhinga CAMP mua o to ratou MATI 7 SHOWDOWNS AT MGM GRAND i Las Vegas

Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – Ko te makau tahi whai wāhi i runga i te tuatahi Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBC whawhai kāri i runga i Rāhoroi, March 7 faaite ratou i te ahunga whakamua i tenei ra i runga i te āhua o te haere puni whakangungu me te faufaa o te hokinga mai o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime.


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets www.mgmgrand.com ranei www.ticketmaster.com.


A faaineine ai ratou ki te whakatuwhera i tētahi vahe hou i roto i te hītori mekemeke, Keith “Kotahi te Time” Thurman,Robert “Ko te Varua” Warrior, Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner, John “Ko te Gladiator” Molina Jr. a Apanere Merehe ka tango i etahi wa i roto i to ratou tarena whakangungu femo'uekina ki te matapaki i te tuatahi o PBC.




Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena mo te wha o nga wa?


A: Aroha ana ahau ki MGM Grand. Ko te wa whakamutunga i te whawhai e ahau ki reira rite te hui tahi-matua ko te honore. Ko te honore noa rahi ki te hei i te hui matua tenei. Whakamana reira a rave rahi whawhai-ao o te piha haapiiraa i hanga Floyd Mayweather kua reira tona fare. Kei te tae mai pono tenei te moe.


Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi i runga i NBC i roto i te primetime?

A: It’s a blessing and I’ve been working towards this for 19 tau. Al Haymon could have picked any of his great fighters for this moment and I’m honored be part of this night and kick things off right.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: Ki te NBC hoki e haere mai ki te mekemeke primetime homai te reira kaimekemeke tatou he faingamālie ki te whiti ano i runga i te atamira nui. We’ve been continuing to fill up arenas for years, engari kei te hoki mai mekemeke ki te whāiti auraki ki te tokua ara nui i runga i March 7.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: I tona papa, i te tahi kōrero, a ka mea te tahi mau mea i, but I’m expecting him to come out throwing punches and looking to execute his game plan when we enter the ring. We’re going to show him that he never should have signed this contract. There’s a different side of Keith Thurman inside that ring and he’s going to learn the hard way.

Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?

A: He hasn’t fought anyone with extreme power like me.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: He’s been in the ring with some great fighters, ko nga whawhai ko tona’ ake wheako akoranga. Pakeke tatou mahi i roto i te whakangungu wa katoa ki te pae waho kaimekemeke, outpunch punchers, and I’m expecting to be ready to do everything better than him.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: It’s actually a very mundane lifestyle. I’m resting, whiwhi mahi werowero ngira mirimiri ranei therapy. Ahau rite ki te haere ki waho, ka kite i te pai hip-hop. I’ve been eating some good sushi and seaweed salad, engari tika e noho i runga i toku kai, me te takoto me te ora i te aroaro o toku oma te mutunga o te po, me te pea te wātū i roto i toku ruma hyperbaric.


Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: I’ll be honest, I’m going to stand there and exchange with him for six rounds, and if he’s still standing there we’ll see. Ki te kaha toku ki pahaki te KO e ahei te haere i tetahi wa ki taua kotahi tokua. Ki te haere ia ki reira te wero i ahau i a ia, e aore…Ka taea e ara te mea he pere tinana. I’m just looking to get him out of there. I’m going to do what I need to do to stay a champion and we’re looking to move on past March 7 ki te wikitoria.

ROBERT “Te Varua” Guerrero


Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: MGM Grand is the Mecca of boxing venues and I’m very excited to be performing in the main event against an undefeated young lion like Keith Thurman.

Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi i runga i NBC i roto i te primetime?

A: Aue yeah, Ahau hihiri tino ki te hei i te toa tuatahi ki te kawe mekemeke hoki ki NBC i te primetime. Kei te mahi i Al Haymon te mahi whakaharahara ki te PBC. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaatu i te ao ahau he toa whiriwhiri, me te aha te huarahi pai ka ki te rave i te reira ki te toa tūturu ao.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: Ko te nui i roto i te huarahi kia maha. Tuatahi, tetahi ki te TV e taea mataara i tēnei whawhai, kia mirioni o atu iwi taea rangi i roto i te. Ka maere te maha o pā hou kia e ka riro. Hoki aua pā hardcore kore nei e taea e tona ringa taura, tenei ka he manawa o te rangi hou, ki te kite i te whawhai kakari runga i te TV whatunga auau. Fans e tika iri i te pae wharekai hākinakina ranei, e kore e nei noa rite, ka Mätauranga i roto i te mekemeke, a ratou, ka riro katoa pā hou ki te mahi ka te kitenga o ratou. Te haere ki te kia nui mō te katoa.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: Thurman he rota o te mana, me e te tahi mea kia noho ahau mōhio o.

Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?

A: Ko ia te toa pai, but I’ll be prepared for whatever he brings into the ring i runga i Rāhoroi.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: Au te mahi ahau i te torutoru nga mea rerekē, engari kahore e taea e ahau te kōrero e pā i te taime.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Wā te haamau'araa ki toku utuafare. Kei toku hihiri ratou. 

Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: I roto i te Spanish mea tatou "Chingasos." Ko te aha te pā e taea e titau i ahau i runga i March 7. Ka oku ringa kia whakaarahia i te mutunga o te whawhai, a ka rongo koe i te kaitautoko e mea "Na ko te hou ..."

Adrien “THE PROBLEM” Broner


Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: E mohio ana koe ki te aroha ahau ki te taime nui ki te whāiti. March 7 Kei te haere ki te hei toku wa ki te whiti me te MGM Grand ko te wahi ki te rave i te reira.


Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi i runga i NBC i roto i te primetime?

A: O te akoranga, Al Haymon has lots of guys who could have fought on this first card and I’m honored to have been chosen.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: Ko te mahi nui tenei. Ko to tatou faingamālie ki te tiki i te aro o te mano hou katoa o te iwi tenei. Kei te ana tēnei haere ki te mekemeke nui atu ake ake.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: John Molina Jr. Ko te toa pono. Tika ia tona ingoa. He’s like a punching bag that can hit back with power. He’s a deadly fighter. Ka taea e anake te tango te reira i te tuarua mo ki te whawhai te huri tino ki te taata rite taua, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.


Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?


A: Ka taea e anake te tango te reira i te tuarua mo ki te whawhai te huri tino ki te taata rite taua, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: We’re just doing what we always do, maka ana i roto i te mahi pakeke. It’s been great having this experience with my newborn son, but I’m very focused on March 7.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Well mau ahau i whanau noa, he tama, Adrieon, he wiki tokorua i mua. I was supposed to go out to Washington D.C. ki te mutunga o toku puni whakangungu, engari mutu i ahau ake noho i roto i te Cincinnati ki te hei ki tona whaea, me te kia kite e whanau ia. Ko ha a'usia nui.


Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: There’s going to be lots of heavy hitting. I’m looking forward to stopping John Molina Jr., and if I don’t stop him it will be a bloody massacre.



Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’m very excited to be back there again. Kei te ana tēnei e haere ana ki te waiho i te po nui o mekemeke mo te ao ki te kite.


Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi i runga i NBC i roto i te primetime?

A: I’m always motivated, but I don’t want to dig too much into the hype and risk getting distracted. Te riroraa i runga i tenei turanga i runga i NBC he nui hoki te hākinakina. I just don’t want to psych myself out.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: It doesn’t get any bigger. We’re back in the mainstream section of sports. Te riroraa hoki i runga i NBC me i roto i 120 miriona mau fare he nui. Hoki matou whawhai wai ranei i maka to tatou oraraa i runga i te raina, ko te tino whakaongaonga tenei.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: He’s a very talented three-time world champion, but he’s just another fighter like me.

Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?

A: Kāore i tino, I’ll be looking to come out victorious like any other time that I step into the ring.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: I’m not doing anything special, but this is the best camp I’ve ever had. Kāore he ngatahi haere ki tenei tetahi. Mārama to matou he mahere kēmu no te mea e matau ana tatou he rerekē katoa whawhai, but there’s nothing necessarily special aside from preparing 110 ōrau.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Ahau rite ki te noho taime e to'u utuafare. It’s important to remember why and who I’m doing this for. Na i runga i nga ra atu ahau rite ki te hei ki taku wahine, me te tamaiti. He kua rota o hiccups aronganui i roto i tenei puni ki te paahitanga o toku papa ruau, a ka ngaro taku hoa pai tona whawhai ki a whēwhē Simi. So it’s been tough finding the time to mourn those important people properly, but it’s just further motivation for me to perform well.


Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: It’s going to be an amazing match. Every time I enter the ring it’s a fight of the year candidate and I’m going to win.

Apanere uwha


Q: Aha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i te MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’ve fought at MGM Grand over 10 wa – mana'o te reira, ano he te kāinga – and I’ve won there every time, whakawhetai te Atua. I’m looking forward to winning there again on March 7.


Q: He reira tetahi anō te hihiri whawhai i runga i te kāri PBC tuatahi?

A: Ae, o te akoranga! I’m looking forward to fighting on the PBC inaugural card on NBC and on national TV. It’s an amazing opportunity to showcase my talent to new viewers as well as boxing fans.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro ki te hoki o te mekemeke ki te pouaka whakaata whatunga primetime taea e rave i mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke?

A: It’s huge for the sport. Ki te haere koe hoki ki te Sugar Ray Leonard ra, teata enei whawhai katoa i runga i te TV haapurororaa, a ki runga ki NBC, na te hītori, ko reira. Ki te whai whana atu i runga i Rāhoroi, March 7 i roto i te primetime Ko te whakanui mo'oni mo te hākinakina, me nga pā. E haere te tangata ki te mauruuru i te pūtaiao reka o te mekemeke i roto i tenei whawhai, me te raupapa.

Q: He aha koe e whakaaro o tou hoa tauwhainga?

A: Hoki ahau, I’m ready for the fight. I don’t underestimate him; he’s a dangerous fighter in that he is an ex-Olympian so he has that amateur background.


Q: He tetahi ki reira, e ia i roto i te whakakai e āwangawanga koe?

A: He’s had a good record and has fought some tough opposition. Hopoi mai rota o te wheako ia ki te mowhiti. I’m ready for him though.

Q: E mahi ana koutou i tetahi mea motuhake ki te faaineine no te tenei matchup ngā?

A: E kore te mea e pā ana ki tetahi whawhai, engari e pā ana ki te mahi tenei. Whakatata tatou i tenei whawhai – me nga whawhai – ki te tainga me te fafauraa. Ki te hākinakina, me tona hītori Ehara i anake, engari to tatou hōtaka whakangungu. Ahau toku rōpū, ā, e arotahi ana ki te toa, me te kowhetetia toku whitiki wha.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I think everyone knows that I’m a family man. When I’m not in the gym or training I’m spending time with my wife and two daughters.


Q: He aha me tatari te pā i runga i March 7? E whai koe i te matapae?

A: Pahū. I’m not just fighting my opponent that night; I’m fighting towards my fourth belt.

# # #

Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com, WWw.nbcsports.com/boxing a www.goossenpromotions.com, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports AMGMGrand, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions a www.facebook.com/NBCSports.

Paora Andrade, Matua / kaiwhakangungu o WBO Jr. Middleweight champion Demetrius Andrade responds to Erislandy Lara

Providence, RI (March 3, 2015)–Ko te whai ake ko te whakautu ki te toa WBA Super Welterweight Erislandy Lara i Paora Andrade, te papa / kaiwhakangungu o tūturu WBO Jr. Toa taumahawaenga a Rimitiriu e Andrade:
Mr here. Erislandy Lara:
I roto i te pahonoraa i ki o koutou kōrero, te tangata i tuhituhi tou whakautu kia whiwhi tika ratou meka.
A, no te whakarongo matou ki a koutou, kite tatou i te whakamanamana hopea o te wairangi i roto i teie nei ao. You are the only boxer that successfully brainwashed himself with false facts.
I matou e kore e patua ana i roto i to tatou ora i te whawhai i runga i ESPN 2 ki te whawhai ki a koe. I roto i te meka, ka tutaki ahau ki a koe i roto i taua wharekai i New York, ka mea ara matou e, e ko Rimitiriua te tuku i tona mahi whakawhanake, ka whawhai ki a koe mo te moni nui atu e whai hua ana i te $15,000. When was the last time you fought for $15,000? And you agreed with me.
Na ko konei te wa mo ki te tiki ia tatou tahi ko paraparau koe e pā ana ki te katoa ko te whawhai horihori i roto i te whenua ke e riro ia koutou e tika e wha ngā ka ko Rimitiriua te tika 17 a ko koe 21. I runga o taua, e mohio ana koe, ina haere ki te whenua ke whiwhi tonu hoariri tona he anō e rima ngā tētahi American. We saw it at the Pan Am Games, i roto i nga Olympics me te wa i whawhai matou i runga i te oneone ke.
I muri i te kitenga a Rimitiriu e’ taumata taranata, faaoti e koe te haere ki nga Olympics e kua he kaha i taka, ka whakatau ki te tahuri pro.
I matau ana tatou katoa, he maha nga wa hoki takatu nei kua mea patu e te takitahi i roto i te amateurs mai me te whakatuwhera ake i te kēne o te kaihe whoop ka whawhai ratou rite ngaio.
Kite ahau i whakairi e koe tou rārangi roa o te mau ohipa, Ko tatou katoa whawhai i roto i te whanaketanga i te tīmata matou, engari titau koe kihai i whawhai matou tangata, me te whai koutou.
Ko te hoariri anake e to tatou i roto i te noa ko te Vanes Martirosyan. We have the utmost respect for him and the best you can do was pull out a draw. I guess you were happy that headbutt occurred because Vanes was on his way to knocking you out. Then comes Angulo. The moment he trapped you, maturuturu iho ia koutou rua, a ano ka mawhiti koe, no te o te koromatua waimarie i pupuhi ake te kanohi o Angulo. How many times will luck be on your side?
Na ko te wa hoki ki a koutou te tangata ake, ka tangohia i te wero. Forget the cheap talk, mahi e hiahia ana koe ki te tiki i te reira i runga i? Yes or No? A real man and a real champion would answer yes.
Paora Andrade
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Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – 50-year old WBC #17 nguha taumahamaha, “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 Koó), he iti iho i te rua wiki atu i tona 10-a tawhio a'ee kaupapa matua ka ū mai ki Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 Koó). The bout takes place at the Tatou Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona on the Whakatairanga RJJ mekemeke kāri March 13, 2015. Bronco Billy Wright gives his thoughts on training camp and defending his WBC Latin AMERICAN a FECARBOX taitara.


Bronco Billy i te whakangungu taka puni….

Training camp has been tough this time around. I’ve been working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. My trainer Rafael Garcia Jr. has me doing some out of the box training methods that has been real beneficial to my boxing style. We are finishing up our last days of sparring this week. I’ll be ready to bring it Rāmere muri.


Homai Bronco Billy i ona whakaaro i runga i tona a'ee ki Domingos….

“E mohio ana ahau ki Domingos kei te haere ki te titiro mo te knockout rite am ahau, so we’ll see who lands the first bomb. Like in all my fights, I’ll be looking to end the fight early. If I need to go some extra rounds, Ua ok ki taua ahau, rite ahau i roto i te āhua mekemeke pai. Te haere ia ki te pangia e te tahi toku kaha, e te no te tino.


E korero ana Bronco Billy i runga i te parururaa i ona taitara WBC….

“Te Wawao ia toku WBC Latin AMERICAN a FECARBOX titles is a pretty big deal for me. It’s my leverage to compete at the top level as I try to crack the top ten in the WBC. Right now I’m at #17, engari whakamahere ahau ki te neke ake i ki ia whawhai i tēnei tau.


Bronco Billy matapaki he nguha taumahamaha-tau 50 tau….

At this age I feel stronger then I was when I was younger. It’s that old man strength I guess you can call it. Ahau kia mātau, wiser and more discipline at this stage in my career. I have a goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world and motivation is greater than ever. A lot of these top contenders are shying away from fighting me. I just want to earn my opportunity and fight the best.


# # #


Tickets utu $20 whakauru whānui, $35 a $50, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona e te karanga Bronco Billy Wright i (702) 524-3331.


Te Tatou Ko Pa Casino Kei i 10424 Te Tai Tokerau Fort McDowell Road, Fort McDowell, THE 85264. Doors tuwhera i 6:00 P.M. Ko te whawhai tuatahi i 7:00 P.M.

SHOWTIME SPORTS® ia faatura Tuhinga o ISRAEL VAZQUEZ-Rafael Marquez RIVARLY WITH whawhai Tauhira, Rauna, Whakaahua, Stats & MORE

Whawhai Full e tahuna ki SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME te Wā®

& SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® Timata With Vazquez-Marquez ahau



Pāwhiritia te te whakapakoko ki te mataara i te 2007 Te rauna o te tau


Credit Photo: Tom Casino / SHOWTIME


NEW YORK (March 3, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports will offer boxing fans a chance to relive one of boxing’s most intense and brutal rivalries as it rolls out content in celebration of the classic showdowns between Mexican legends A Iharaira Vazquez a Rafael Marquez.


I teie pô,, i te waru o nga tau o to ratou whawhai tuatahi epic, SHOWTIME EXTREME (10 p.m. AND/PT) Ka tapae Vazquez-Marquez ahau, he kōwhiringa loto o 2007 Whawhai o te Tau. Na i runga i te Wenerei, Vazquez-Marquez II, he slugfest i hua he rauna o te Winner Tau tawhito-kura, Ka AIR i 11 p.m. AND/PT. The third installment, te 2008 Whawhai o te Tau, Ka AIR i runga i Rāpare i 10 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME EXTREME


Ētahi atu, Ka Air Vazquez-Marquez ahau-IV i roto i te "rave'a haamahutaraa i" tenei Rāhoroi i runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME timata i Poutumarotanga ET/PT.


I roto i te honore o te totohe, Ka tukua ano SHOWTIME Sports photos matarohia, ngā tere-patu, stats as well as full rounds. The third round from Vazquez-Marquez I and the third round from Vazquez-Marquez II (2007 Te rauna o te tau) Ka wātea i runga i YouTube, Facebook and the SHOWTIME Sports website. I tua atu, Ko te Blog mekemeke Ka tukua e toru nga pou i te kaitātari mekemeke SHOWTIME me te kōrero Steve Farhood rite titiro hoki ia i runga i te tuatahi e toru hui epic i waenganui i nga toa 122-pauna.


Katoa e wha Vazquez-Marquez ka wātea i runga i whawhai SHOWTIME te Wā aSHOWTIME ON DEMAND timata Rāhina, March 9. Below is the full schedule of action on SHOWTIME EXTREME:


TODAY / Rātū, March 3

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez ahau, 10 p.m. AND/PT


Wednesday, March 4

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez II, 11 p.m. AND/PT


Rāpare, March 5



Rāhoroi, March 7

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez ahau,Poutumarotanga ET/PT





Fakamatala'i e Farhood rite "Te pahūtanga o te faito toi," their first meeting had all the action and drama of a Hollywood blockbuster and left fans –and the fighters– clamoring for a rematch. Vazquez and Marquez delivered yet again in their second meeting just five months later in yet another old-school, slugfest toto e hua i te rauna o te toa tau -te tāngata me te hua e ui te kēmu rapa.


Vazquez-Marquez III, whakataetae tika 363 ra i to ratou hui tuatahi, Ko te whakanui o te mekemeke i tona pai rawa, anake te tukinga i roto i te totohe, ki te haere i te tawhiti, me te 2008 Whawhai o te Tau. The two would meet for the fourth and final time again in 2010.

# # #


Mō Showtime Networks Inc.:

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), he āpiti whakapau ki te-ngā o CBS Corporation, nona a mahi nga kupenga moni pouaka SHOWTIME®, THE Whitiāhua Channel a Flix®, me te pai kia rite ki te awa multiplex SHOWTIME 2, SHOWTIME® Showcase, SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME TUA®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, SHOWTIME WOMEN®, SHOWTIME FAMILY Rohe® me te kiriata Channel Xtra. SNI tuku SHOWTIME HD hoki, THE Whitiāhua Channel HD, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® me te kiriata Channel ON DEMAND, me te motuhēhēnga ratonga SHOWTIME wā o te whatunga®. SNI whakahaere hoki Smithsonian Networks, he mahi ngātahi i waenga SNI me te Smithsonian MoE, e tuku Smithsonian Channel. Whāngai SNI katoa whakarato tangi whakarei te whakamahi i Dolby Digital 5.1. Markets SNI a tohatoha hākinakina, me ngā kaupapa whakangahau mo te whakaaturanga ki kaiohauru i runga i te kaupapa utu-ia-tirohanga i roto i SHOWTIME PPV®.

Bellator MMA World Middleweight Champion Brandon Halsey meets Kendall Grove at California’s Pechanga Resort & Casino – Rāmere, Kia 15 i runga i Spike TV

Santa MONICA, Calif. (March 3, 2015)Undefeated Bellator MMA World Middleweight Champion Brandon “Bull” Halsey (8-0) titiro ki te paruru i tona whitiki mo te wa tuatahi, ka e ia i runga i tiketike scrapper Hawaiian Kendall “Ko te Spyder” Grove (21-14).


Kaimahi te whakataetae rite te a'ee headlining o “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,” e e wahi i runga iRāmere, Kia 15, i Pechanga Resort & Casino i roto i te Temecula, Calif. Matua Tags kāri o te po ora me te free i runga i Spike TV, i te awa pāngia tuatahi i runga i Spike.com.


Tikiti hoki “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,” e tīmata i tika $50, kua runga i te hoko i Pechanga.com me te Pechanga Resort & Casino tari pouaka.


Doors hoki “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” tuwhera i 4 p.m. PT wā rohe, a ka tango i te whakataetae tuatahi tuu kotahi te haora i muri. Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia tahi atu mau tata.


“Tino tatou e titiro atu ki te mau mai i tetahi whawhai aito te ao whakaongaonga ki te nui hokona-i roto i te mano ki Pechanga Resort & Casino tenei May,” Na ka mea a Bellator te peresideni Scott Coker. “Kua to tatou toa taumahawaenga Brandon Halsey kua tino mīharo i roto i tona tuatahi 8 whawhai, a ka rapu ahau i mua ki te mātakitaki i te paruru ia tona whitiki mo te wa tuatahi ki Kendall Grove.”


Halsey, i Huntington Beach, Calif., Ko te Division mua whātōtō ahau i Cal-State Bakersfield nei tahuri tona whakarongo ki konatunatua toi hōia i roto i 2012 Kua puritia me tana whakaatu ngaio kohakore i roto i nga matchups tuatahi waru o tona mahi. I tika 28 tau, Kua nona Halsey e ono whakaora i raro i te kara Bellator MMA, tae atu ki te wikitoria whakataetae e wha-te tangata ki te whiwhi i te pere i te whitiki, me te auheke, 35-Tuhinga tuarua o reira-Sharing te Alexander Shlemenko ki te titau i te Bellator MMA World whitu Championship.


Toru o te whakauru e wha o Halsey mua kua tae mai na roto i te ara o te mutu matamua-a tawhio.


Na, Kua te Grove 32-tau-tawhito, kua whawhai ngaiotanga hoki meimei 12 tau. Ko te whitiki pango whanau Hawaiian-Jiu-Jitsu ko te toa o mua o te “Ko te Ultimate Fighter,” ko wai roaa kua 15 o tona 21 whakaora mahi i te mutu, ngā 10 te whakauru ia i te tāpaetanga.


Haina te 6-waewae-6 Grove ki a Bellator MMA i roto i 2013 a roaa tona pere i te whitiki ki te Oketopa tāpaetanga win mo mua Bellator MMA World Light Heavyweight Champion Christian M'Pumbu.


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” – Rāmere, Kia 15, Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula, Calif.


Whawhai Bellator whitu Taitara: Champ Brandon Halsey (8-0) vs. Kendall Grove (21-14)


Mō Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA Ko te Mixed whakahaere Arts ārahi ngā tokomaha nga whawhai pai o roto i te ao nei. I raro i te aronga o te kaiwhakatairanga whawhai hōia Scott Coker, Ko te wātea Bellator ki meimei 400 miriona mau fare te ao i roto i runga i 120 whenua. I roto i te United States, Ka taea te kite i Bellator i runga i te Koi TV, te rangatira pouaka MMA. Uru Bellator MMA te o te rōpū whakahaere e ngā runga ngaio ahumahi i roto i te hanga pouaka, rōpū takahanga ora, whanaketanga whawhai / whanaunga, ähua wāhi, i hanga e tautoko / whanaketanga, raihana ao, marketing, pānuitanga, publicity me te kōmihana whanaunga. Hāngai Bellator i roto i Santa Monica, California, ka puritia e te whakangahau Rapa Viacom, home ki rama pirimia whakangahau o te ao e hono ki te hunga i roto i te ihirangi mālohi puta noa i te pouaka whakaata, nekehanga pikitia, ipurangi me te pūkoro tüäpapa.


Mō Spike TV:

Koi TV Kei te wātea i roto i te 98.7 miriona mau fare, e ko te wehenga o Viacom Networks Media. He waeine o Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Networks Media he tetahi o kaihanga ārahi o te ao o te hōtaka, me te ihirangi puta noa i tüäpapa päpähomaha katoa. Wāhitau Internet Spike TV a ko www.spike.com a hoki ake-ki-te-miniti me te mōhiohio press pūranga me ngā whakaahua, 'a'ahi ki press pae Koi TV o i http://www.spike.com/press. A pee i tatou i runga i Twitter spiketvpr mo te hou i roto i whawhati whakahōunga rongo, muri-te-scenes mōhiohio me ngā whakaahua.

KAUA E KARANGA IT A te pō ngahau: The Jeff Curran Story

JEFF Curran: KAUA E KARANGA IT A te pō ngahau!



BY K. David Bena


UFC, Whakapehapeha, WEC, WFA, IFLA, Strikeforce. Anake kua whawhai KOTAHI toa mo te ono katoa o enei mahi whakatairanga e te hunga i raro i te maru Zuffa tēnei wā. Taua toa? Jeff “Big Frog” Curran.

Mutu Curran tana 19-marama tūranga me tomo te tapawaru i RFA 24 i runga i Rāmere, March 6 i te maerehia e Lake Casino & Hotel i roto i te Lake mua, Minnesota. Ka teata te hui ora me te motu i runga i AXS TV. Ko te whā tautōhito, Curran (36-16-1) Ka whakamātau i tona mettle i roto i te hui tahi-matua ki te huamo Melvin Blumer (11-2) te tangata e touting i te win pūkenga 5-whawhai.

A feruri hoki ki te tau 1991… He aha i mahi i a koutou? Well, He koroheke-tau 14 whanui-kanohi i faaoti ki te whakangungu Jiu-Jitsu Curran ko. Whakamārama Curran, “Toku piha haapiiraa tuatahi, Ua haapii mai au i te tahi mea i huaina 'peita i te patunga witi’ hoki e mohiotia ana ko te Americana, a i mohio ahau e te aha hiahia ahau ki te mahi me te tika tonu ahau whakangungu Jiu-Jitsu ake mai. I pupuri ahau i te arotahi ki runga ki ahau hei kaitäkaro me te toa, ka pupuri i tetahi mea ārahi ki tetahi.”

Nohopuku-whakamua ki August 16, 2013 i RFA 9, Curran ngaro te whakatau wahia i roto i te whawhai taitara whā ki Pedro Munhoz. “Mutu ahau i muri i toku whawhai whakamutunga i roto i te RFA. Kua whawhai ahau mo te taitara ao, a kua i roto i nga whakaaturanga nui i roto i te hākinakina me te kua whawhai, i taua wa, hoki 17 tau. Ahau ongo'i tika e ki toku mahi, me te omaoma, te wahi i ahau i taua wā i roto i toku ora, toku kuao me te utuafare, Whakaaro ahau ko te wa ki te hoki atu.”

Tāpiri Curran, “Ko, te nuinga, E kore ahau i hiahia ki te kia tuarua pai, E kore ahau hiahia ki te kia toharite rite ki te toa. Kia ahau ongo'i kua te moe i haere i te whai wāhi i ki te piki hoki ki te UFC ranei, ki te whawhai i te takatu pai i roto i te ao, Ua ite au i te reira pai ki te mutu mai, kua haere ia ahua o toku pirimia.”

Heoi, i muri i tupato hifo me te hiahia ngā rīriri i ki tonu te whawhai, Curran faaoti ki te manga hoki ki te whare herehere. “Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te riro i te whawhai, riro i te whitiki, a ka haere ki runga ki runga. Ite au e riro i te ara tūturu faahiahia ki te mutu i te reira, otiia kihai i haere ki reira toku ara e. Na mutu ahau – a kahore te reira noho pai ki ahau,” Ua haamaramarama Curran. “Na, ko te atu te wa i haere i runga i, Ua ite au i te hiahia ki te whawhai. Kamata e ahau ki te titiro mō ngā whai wāhitanga me te whai wāhi ki ahau mo te whawhai ano RFA kitea. Na konei ahau i ahau.”

Maminga tūranga rite te tangata utuafare, te tangata pakihi, kaiako, me te toa kia meinga upoko whatu o etahi iwi, engari whakamārama Curran, “I ahau i toku whare hākinakina o te aroaro o i ahau toku whawhai tuatahi, na i nga wa katoa e ahau whakamahia ki te hopoi'a o te wāwāhi i toku wa, engari inaianei te mea he rota atu whakamahia te reira ki te kia no te mea kei i ngā taumata rerekē toku whawhai, me rapu utu wā atu ake i roto i-hohonu. Ko te hoki Pakihi i runga i te taumata rerekē – a ka whai i ahau e rua mau tamaroa e te tipu tere i te ra, me te whai ahau taku wahine. He te kawenga puta noa i te poari me te te mea nui atu i te reira hōtaka-whakaaro atu hoki, i ahau te whakatuwheratanga i te kura. Yeah, te reira i te rota ki te juggle, engari e ahau rave i te reira.”

Na roto i ona kawenga katoa, E whakaū ana Curran arotahi mo tona whawhai ka ū mai ki te kino Melvin Blumer, “Tona pūkenga win korero pukapuka, rawa i roto i te Midwest no te mea he tino rite i roto i te kaha me te mohio i whakaritea he rota o te takatu whawhai koe, kia whiwhi koutou whakataetae uaua me kaiwhakatairanga rohe i roto i te Midwest e titiro tonu ana ki te hoatu i te pai whawhai. Ko te taata e te mea 11-2 (Blumer) a ki runga ki te win pūkenga 5-whawhai he faahiahia ki ahau, a te reira rite te mea ahau e hiahia ana.”

Whakamārama atu Curran, “E kore ahau e hiahia ki te whawhai etahi nono te whawhai te tangata e mohio ana ahau e taea e ahau whiua ranei. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai i te hoê taata e taea wero i ahau, ka kia mohio ki ahau, ki te no ahau tonu i roto i te kēmu homai ki ahau te tikanga tika o te fakahoko ki te riro ahau ranei, na te Blumer he hoariri nui. Ko te uaua Blumer. Hoatu ki a ia e ahau nui faatura ki te whakangungu i toku kaihe atu, ka hamani ia ia, ano he tekau taata runga. Otiia ki te he i mea, E mohio ana ahau ki au runga ahau tekau ërä, na au kawea mai e ahau nga mea katoa ka e ahau, a whakaaro ahau e meinga ana e ia mo te whawhai pai.”

Na he aha te taahiraa i muri o Curran ki te wikitoria? Ahakoa e kore e he ia tino, “E kore ahau e mohio ki te mea i toku tere i muri ko. Kihai ahau i hanga ai i te whakatau kotahi tino ara ranei tetahi. Hei faitotonu, E mohio ana ahau i ahau i ngaro, kihai i faatuhaaraa pai uru ki ahau, engari ki te tika riro te reira tino pea taea, engari i te wa ano ki te wikitōria tika, Ka taea e te tiki i ahau i te aro o te UFC, ka whakatau ki te hiahia ahau ki te whai toku wikitoria tuatahi UFC.”

I Rāmere, March 6, Ka miharo te mea te Curran me te katoa e tiaki “Big Frog o” umanga o muri mai i roto i te ora e.

RFA Ko te whakatairanga toi hōia whakauru ngaio e homai maranga whetu, me te runga contenders te faingamālie ke fakamo'oni'i ratou taranata ki te pā me te feia faatere i roto i te ahumahi. He hakari te RFA ki runga ki te 10 whawhai tau a tawhio noa te United States, tae Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Denver a Milwaukee. Ka taea te kite i RFA ora i roto i runga i 40 miriona mau fare motu i roto i tona mahi pouaka whakaata ki AXS TV. I roto i te Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA Ko tetahi o nga whakahaere tino kaha, me te whakaaro MMA i roto i te hākinakina e tipu tere i roto i te ao. (Ko te Tapawaru, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, me te-iu waru whakataetae moenga, me te hoahoa whare herehere rēhita e tohu whenua anake e Zuffa, LLC. Pūmau te mana).
Mō whawhai TV AXS:
Rongonui mo ona aotia AXS TV whawhai he Rāmere Night hanumi Arts hōia me ngā kaupapa Kickboxing. I tou Kāinga hoki MMA, AXS TV e faaohipahia te whatunga whwhi o whakatairanga i te United States, Canada, a Europe. Na ka ki a Asia päpäho whawhai atu LIVE atu tetahi atu whatunga pouaka whakaata. “Ko te reo” Michael Schiavello rima-wa MMA-toa ao Pat Miletich whakarato kaimätakitaki tākaro-i-tākaro tohunga, i roto i te-hohonu toa kapinga, me te whānui tātaritanga ki ia kāri whawhai. AXS TV i paoho ngā kaupapa-ao o te piha haapiiraa whawhai LIVE i RFA, Lion Whawhai, FC tawhito, a MFC katoa Rāmere po i 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. AND.

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Jose Gonzalez


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