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RFA alaghachi Ugwu Rushmore steeti abụọ aha ịlụ ọgụ


RFA 25 – Lawrence vs. TOOMER

Isi ihe omume:

Justin Lawrence vs. Sam TOOMER


Ngalaba-isi omume:



Friday, April 10th Ndụ AXSTV
Ndụ na Sanford Pentagon,Sioux Falls, SD.
Tiketi na Sale site

Las Vegas, Nevada – Mbilite n'Ọnwụ-alụ ọgụ Alliance (RFA) president Ed Soares mara ọkwa taa na nkwalite ga-alaghachi na ala nke South Dakota na April na a stacked kaadị. RFA 25 – Lawrence vs. Toomer ga-Njirimara a isi omume n'etiti abụọ RFA akwado ọkacha mmasị. RFA featherweight onye mmeri Justin “The American Kidd” Lawrence na-alaghachikwuru ụlọ na ọ merie ya aha ikpeazụ n'oge okpomọkụ. Ya mbụ aha agbachitere ga-emegide #1 contender “Super” Sam Toomer, onye ga-achọ ịnọgide na-undefeated ndekọ emebibeghị. Na ngalaba-isi omume, Gabriel “Zangief” Checco osobo ibe Brazil ala na RFA pụọ Francisco “Kiko” France maka middleweight aha. Na ihe na-ewe ebe Friday, April 10th na Sanford Pentagon na Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Dum isi kaadị ga-televised ndụ na mba na AXS TV na 10 p.m. NA / 7 p.m. Pt.

I’m excited to announce that the RFA is returning to South Dakota with two title fights at RFA 25,” Kwuru Soares. “Justin Lawrence bụ onye mbụ na-emeri a ruru Emmanuel ụwa aha na steeti South Dakota. Ọ ga-chebe ya maka oge mbụ megide undefeated Sam Toomer na isi ihe omume. Na ngalaba-headliner, Gabriel Checco na Francisco France ga-alụ ọgụ maka ohere iputa RFA middleweight aha.”

Tiketi maka RFA 25 – Lawrence vs. Toomer are available for purchase NOW through ma ọ bụ site na-akpọ 605.312.7900. Tiketi ahịa na-amalite mgbe $25, mee oche dị maka $30-$40, na cageside aba bụ $125.

Lawrence (6-2) laghachi na saịtị nke nnukwu mmeri nke ya ọrụ. Ikpeazụ August na RFA 17, 24 afọ pụtara ìhè stalwart weghaara ohere iputa RFA featherweight aha site besting Mark Dickman site Olu Mkpebi na ihe bụ ihe South Dakota dị nnọọ mbụ ruru Emmanuel ụwa aha agha. The mmeri bụ Lawrence nke abụọ ogologo mmeri ebe n'isonyere RFA. Before that he had gained worldwide notoriety as a star on the fifteenth season of the UFC’s hit reality show The Ultimate Fighter, ebe ọ bụ nke mbụ n'ozuzu ghota. Na show, Lawrence e dere isi ukwu ko si nke RFA alum na ugbu a UFC kpakpando James Krause nakwa dị ka NGANGA pụọ ma na-emesị UFC fighter Cristiano Marcello. Lawrence, a bụbu abụọ oge Golden uwe onye mmeri na mma kickboxer, nanị a 3-0 ndekọ na Emmanuel n'oge, ma ruru nkeji iri na ise-finals tupu ịkpata “Ọgụ nke Night” na “Ko nke Night” bonuses ya ajọ ko nke John Cofer ya UFC mpụta mbụ. Lawrence, onye ọgụ nke Alliance Emmanuel na Chula Vista, California, dị ọkụ ọzọ ngosi ya vaunted pụtara ìhè nkà ya mbụ RFA featherweight aha agbachitere.

“Ozugbo m nụrụ m ga-ịgbachitere m belt na South Dakota, M chere na nke a bụ egwu,” Lawrence kọwara. “The Sanford Pentagon bụ otu n'ime ndị kasị mma venues m mgbe agha ke. M chere na ala, Mkpuchi ụlọ dị ukwuu, na ìgwè mmadụ bụ ihe dị egwu. Sam Toomer bụ oké na-eme egwuregwu na ezi n'aka nri. Aga m iji m kicks, footwork, and out-finesse him. Ọ na-pụtara ruru eru ịbụ ịma ya aka, ma m na-atụ anya na-enye ya mbụ ya ọnwụ.”

Toomer (9-0) ga-nwoke aka Lawrence maka RFA gold. Unlike most top mixed martial artists, like Lawrence, ndị na-abịa pụọ ​​ma ọ bụ pụtara ìhè nsio, Toomer bụ a na ndụ football ọkpụkpọ. Otú ọ dị, 27 afọ mahadum football nzere azụ mere ka a ọma Transition Emmanuel site tinye n'ọrụ ya eke egwuregwu, ịdọ aka ná ntị, and unbreakable work ethic to compile an impressive 9-0 ndekọ ebe na-eme ka ya pro mpụta mbụ afọ atọ gara aga. Two of those wins have come in the past eight months after Toomer signed with the RFA. Toomer merie ya RFA mpụta mbụ na RFA 15 na June na a kasị arụmọrụ. The otu kwadoro agha hụrụ ya onye iro Daniel Aguiar ina disqualified na nke atọ gburugburu mgbe jụrụ na-eguzo na-alụ ọgụ Toomer. The DQ mmeri n'elu Aguiar site ihere na-etinye Toomer aha na RFA featherweight map ka a ziri ezi aha contender. Na December, Toomer sikwuo ike ya ikpe n'ihi na a aha ogbugba na a dike comeback mmeri n'elu Lyoto Machida protégé Altair Alencar na RFA 21. Toomer, onye ọgụ nke The Arena Emmanuel na San Diego, California, ugbu a gearing maka nnukwu ọrụ nke ya egwuregwu ọrụ April, ka ọ na-aka ahụ ukwuu-touted RFA onye mmeri Lawrence ya aha.

“Ọ na-adị oké na-alụ ọgụ maka ihe RFA ụwa aha,” kwuru Toomer. “My di na nwunye mbụ nke ahụmahụ na RFA ndidi akwa, ma nke a bụ mbụ m oge dị ka isi ihe omume m na-atụ anya na-emeri aha. Justin Lawrence bụ ihe magburu onwe iro na onye mmeri ihe kpatara. M na-atụ anya inwe ihe na-akpali akpali agha na ya na RFA 25 na South Dakota.

The ngalaba-isi omume nke RFA 25 ga-Njirimara a aha agha n'etiti abụọ ruzuru RFA vets, onye-eme ma na akụ mmiri ígwé si Brazil. Gabriel “Zangief” Checco (8-1) mere ya mba mpụta mbụ ke October na isi ihe omume nke RFA 19. Mgbe abịa obere mbụ ya ikele maka RFA middleweight utu aha nke na n'abalị iji Jake Collier, bụ onye na-ozugbo aka site na UFC, Checco rebounded ke akamba ụzọ mbụ nke ọnwa na RFA 23. He made a huge statement with a blistering first round knockout of the highly-touted The Ultimate Fighter 11 cast member Joseph Henle. Checco ga-enwe ugbu a ibe ya obodo na ibe jiu-jitsu nwa belt Francisco “Kiko” France (11-3-1) aha. France enters the fight with a ton of momentum after steamrolling his first two opponents in the RFA. Ikpeazụ August, na RFA mbụ njem South Dakota, France submitted local standout Isaac Appel with a first round Kimura. O elu na ihe ịga nke ọma ọzọ na mbụ gburugburu imecha na RFA 21 na December. O mere ya ikpe n'ihi na a aha gbara n'abalị site ọ na-ezipụ Bellator pụọ Mikey akon na a mbụ gburugburu Ogwe aka-Triangle ịkpagbu.

RFA 25 ga-akara na nloghachi nke abụọ ọzọ RFA vets na flyweight nkewa. Abel “The Silent ogbu” Cullum (20-6) ga-idobe ala 125-pound maka oge mbụ ya storied Emmanuel ọrụ na ihu Sioux Falls ala Josh “Ọnụma” Ịja mma (24-11). Cullum mere a storybook comeback a gara aga ọdịda mgbe a atọ afọ hiatus si egwuregwu. Ya RFA mpụta mbụ na RFA 18, Cullum osụk UFC pụọ Ulysses akon na 89 sekọnd. Anọ izu ka e mesịrị na RFA 19, ọ osụk top atụmanya Carl Deaton III na abụọ gbaa gburugburu. Cullum now tụlee ala ka flyweight nkewa na ihu ịja mma, bụ onye kasị mezuru flyweight Emmanuel fighter na South Dakota akụkọ ihe mere eme. Ịja mma ga-n'elu ọkụ n'isi n'ime nke a agha. O meriwo atọ nke ikpeazụ ya na anọ oké ebe na-eme ka ya RFA mpụta mbụ na RFA 2.


Na fechaa nkewa, RFA 25 ga-Njirimara nloghachi nke T.J. “The Carnivore” Hepburn (4-0), bụ onye a nọteworo RFA akwado mmasị. Ọ bụkwa 2012 NCAA Division II wrestling national champion at 157 lbs. Hepburn ga na-enwe a ibe undefeated fechaa atụmanya LaRue “The orianu mmadu” Burley (5-0), onye ga-eme ka ya ukwuu-atụ anya RFA mpụta mbụ. Burley-a maara dị ka nwoke bụ onye nyere acha anụnụ anụnụ mgbawa Emmanuel atụmanya Bubba Jenkins mbụ ya ọnwụ na Emmanuel.


Jenkins coincidentally fought on the same RFA 3 kaadị dị ka Hepburn na ọ bụ 2011 NCAA Division m atụgharị mba onye mmeri na 157 lbs.

The main card will be rounded out with a middleweight bout pitting Anderson Silva protégé Khalil “Agha Ịnyịnya” Rountree (2-0) megide Roufusport atụmanya Cameron Olsen (2-0) na a flyweight n'obi na ga-ahụ n'elu-họọrọ flyweight atụmanya Geane Herrera (7-0) agha a n'ogbu Ben Nguyen (13-5). Nguyen a ugbu a n'elu a asaa agha mmeri streak na a ga-alaghachi n'ụlọ Sioux Falls mgbe na-eme onwe ya aha na Australia.

The mbido kaadị na-kwajuru. Obodo akwado ọkacha mmasị na RFA vets Jordon Larson (5-1), Devin Clark (3-0), na Devin Turner (2-2) na-na-alọta na-alụ ọgụ na RFA si ukwuu-atụ anya lawara ha n'obodo nke Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Larson defeated Donavon Winters in his RFA debut at RFA 17 na August na a ukwuu ụtọ welterweight n'obi. He will face Jarrod L’Heureux (7-1) na-atụ anya rematch. All seven of L’Heureux’s wins have come via submission with his lone loss coming against Larson.

Clark, Larson si teammate na-esote Edge Academy na Sioux Falls, na-ndibọhọ ehieghị na RFA 17. The ìhè-heavyweight powerhouse ndibọhọ site TKO n'elu 2012 NFL gbara ghota Aaron Brown. Clark ga-Omaha dabeere fighter Jaquis Williams (4-2). Ka ọ dịgodị, Turner ga-ele anya ịtụtụrụ ya mbụ RFA mmeri megide RFA pụọ na ukwuu-touted Emmanuel atụmanya Matt Lopez (4-0) na a 140-paụnd catchweight n'obi.

Dum isi kaadị nke RFA 25 – Lawrence vs. Toomer ga-televised-ebi ndụ na AXS TV malite na10 p.m. NA / 7 p.m. Pt on Friday, April 10th. RFA 25 ga-nkwalite nke abụọ omume na steeti South Dakota mgbe mba mbụ ruru Emmanuel omume na “Ugwu Rushmore State” ikpeazụ August. More ịlụ ọgụ na RFA 25 agha kaadị ga-mara ọkwa na ndị na-abịa izu.

Biko gaa na n'ihi na bayere mmelite na ọmụma. RFA bụkwa na Facebook na, Instagram naRFAfighting, and Twitter at RFAfighting.

Banyere RFA:
RFA bụ ọkachamara mbuaha karat nkwalite nke na-enye na-ebili kpakpando na top contenders ohere igosi na ha talent Fans na ndị ndú na njem. The RFA ọnọde ruo 10 ọgụ kwa afọ gburugburu United States gụnyere Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Denver na Milwaukee. RFA nwere ike hụrụ ndụ na n'elu 40 nde obibi mba site na telivishọn ndibiat AXS TV. Dabere na Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA bụ otu n'ime ihe ndị kasị arụsi ọrụ ike na-akwanyere ùgwù Emmanuel òtù na kasị na-eto eto egwuregwu n'ụwa. (The Octagon, Jisọs alụ ọgụ Championship®, UFC®, na asatọ kwadoro mpi ute na onu imewe na-ụghalaahịa edenyere n'akwụkwọ ikikere ekesịpde nanị Zuffa, LLC. Ikike niile echekwabara).
Banyere AXS TV alụkarị ọgụ:
AXS TV ọgụ onyinye ọzọ LIVE weere karat na kickboxing ihe karịa ihe ọ bụla ọzọ na telivishọn na netwọk na 40+ LIVE ụwa-klas agha kaadị n'afọ ọ bụla. “The Voice” Michael Schiavello na UFC Ụlọ Nzukọ nke Famer Pat Miletich akpọ niile edinam dị ka ihe akaebe, challengers, na n'elu atụmanya na-center ogbo ọ bụla Friday n'abalị 10pE / 7pP. AXS TV Fights can be found online, na Facebook na na Twitter. AXS TV is widely distributed in the U.S. via AT&T Na-amaokwu, Gaa, Comcast / Xfinity, DIRECTV, Efere, Suddenlink, Verizon FiOS, na ndị ọzọ na cable, satellite na telco enye. The network is also carried in Canada, Mexico na Caribbean.

Dominic “Mfịna” BREAZEALE ewe ntụpụ ụkwụ ke Mmo

Las Vegas, Nevada (March 4, 2015) Nke a Saturday evening marks a historic night as the sweet science returns to prime time network television on NBC after over thirty years. Al Haymon’s “Premier Boxing agbachitere” usoro ga-eme ka ya mpụta mbụ na ọtụtụ nde obibi gafee mba ma ọ bụ n'aka iru ukporo agha Fans na ọkpọ aficionados. Nke a bụ oké maka egwuregwu dị ka ọ na-egosi a ikpo okwu maka ndị na-ekiri nọ n'afọ ndụ nile na-maara na egwuregwu nke ịkụ ọkpọ na ọdịnihu ya ga-kpakpando.


Ọ bụkwa a ikpo okwu maka ọkachamara alụso ghọọ ezinụlọ aha na-enwe ọha maara na onye ha na-na zụlite ha. Otu onye dị otú fighter bụ top U.S. heavyweight atụmanya, Dominic “Nsogbu” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 Ko si). BREAZEALE, ugbu a 29, was introduced to boxing at a relatively late age. After playing quarterback for the University of Northern Colorado, Breazeale mere a mkpebi na-ahapụ okporo ígwè na-abanye na ọkpọ mgbaaka 2008.


N'ime atọ na ọkara afọ, Breazeale merie ọtụtụ tournaments na amu amu n'ohu emecha ọdịda ya a ntụpọ na 2012 United States Olympic Team competing in the Super Heavyweight division. Several months later, Breazeale ga banye na akpa Ndụmọdụ Al Haymon na-atụgharị pro n'okpuru tutelage nke mbụ na-amu amu kpakpando na ọkachamara heavyweight John bere akwa.


Vector C /

Ke akpa itoolu oké, Breazeale plowed through his opposition in four rounds or less including the dismantling of heavyweight veteran Lenroy Thomas. In his tenth professional bout, Breazeale would go the distancefor the first time in his career against a tough veteran in Nagy Aguilera. Although the bout would last all eight scheduled rounds, Breazeale gosiri na o nwere ike igbe irè peppering Aguilera na uche na n'ịgwa nke jabs, ogologo ikike, ekpe hooks na uppercuts.

His next three bouts ended in familiar fashion with his opponents being stopped in three rounds or less. It has been a great start to Breazeale’s career and he is learning everyday with trainer John Bray. “M afọ ojuju ebe m ugbu a na ọrụ m, but I know I still have a lot to improve on in order to be ready to become the heavyweight champion of the world. I trust and believe in John’s ability to take me to that level. John has been in camps with the likes of Tyson, Lewis na Holyfield ma e zụọ kpara ọzụzụ dị ka mma.”


Breazeale laghachi mgbanaka a Saturday mgbede megide ya toughest iro ka ụbọchị, Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 Ko si), a 2004 Olympian from Puerto Rico. The opportunity to fight in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Arena on NBC is a dream come true and the 2012 Olympia dị njikere maka nke a

Photo C / O Adrian Jiménez

ịma aka. “I am truly excited to be fighting this weekend on such a huge platform and I am looking forward to this challenge and making my name a household name. I know Victor is coming prepared and I am definitely prepared as well. Ọ na-aga na-a oké n'abalị ọkpọ maka Fans”, Kwurula Breazeale.


Trainer John Bray is also excited for this opportunity as he knows this fight can take his pupil from prospect to contender. “Victor Bisbal bụ a vetiran na a nnọọ ezu fighter dị ka ihe Olympia na a ndekọ nke 21-2 na 15 knockouts. Dominic will have to be on his “A” game to shine and as his trainer I can tell you that he will be that and more. By out-boxing and beating Bisbal in an impressive fashion, a ga-eme ka ọkpọ ụwa ahụ mara na Dominic Breazeale dị adị nakwa na njikere maka ibu ma ihe ndị ka mma.”


PBC na NBC na-akwalite Goossen n'ọkwá na tiketi maka nke a dị ịtụnanya n'abalị ọkpọ nwere ike zụrụ na ma na-ọnụ na $400, $300, $100 na $50.

“Lee Abịa Nsogbu!



Salita inks Kazakh Knockout artist Bakhtier Eubov

Brooklyn, NY (March 3, 2015)–Salita si n'ọkwá bụ obi ụtọ ịkpọsa ọzọ ga-eme n'ọdịnihu kpakpando e kwukwara ka ha na roster.
Now opponents who will be getting in the ring with Bakhtiyar Eyubov, ha nwere ike ịbụ ya mere obi ụtọ, n'ihi na atụmanya bụ site n'ihe niile a ike hitter.
Yeyubov, 5-0 dị ka a ọkachamara, na ise knockous ya n'aka, na-abịa site Kazakhstan, otu n'ala nna dị ka middleweight superstar Gennady Golovkin. Dị ka Golovkin, Eyubov anya na-ewepụ ndị ikpe si akụkụ. N'ezie, ọ na-etinye na-aga site mmeghe mgbịrịgba, dị ka anọ nke ya ise Kos Abịawo gburugburu otu.
Na n'elu 150 -enweta nkwanye na-enwechaghị ahụmahụ-, a ka nnọọ ọtụtụ site ko, o doro anya na ya ịke ga dabara n'ime Uru nnọọ nke ọma, na Salita bụ obi ụtọ ka New York City-ebe ụtọ sayensị Fans elele ya n'ọdịnihu dị nso.
Eyubov esesịn ụtọ a aha dị ka a na-eyi egwu banger, ya mere, ọ na-ama na-ekweta na ịlụ ọgụ si 147 pound ụzọ niile ruo ìhè heavyweight, 175 pound, ịrata iro ka uwe elu na ya. The 28-afọ hitter a chịkọtara thusly site ume Salita: “Ọ bụ ihe ike ike ahu puncher na Aims na-ko oge ọ bụla. Eyubov nwere na-akpali akpali ịke na ọ bụ nnọọ agụụ na-agụ ịrị n'elu na-abụ ụwa onye mmeri.”
Eyubov ga-jisiri site Wilson Naranjo, onye ejisie bụbu onye mmeri Luis Collazo na ụwa na-gosiri contender Raphael Vasquez.
Salita ga-adịghị anya gwa ya ọzọ ọkachamara agha kaadị, na mgbe anyị pụrụ ịhụ talent atụmanya Eyubov maka anyị onwe anyị. Ruo mgbe ahụ lelee video
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE vs  Cliff Newton USA   February 17, 2012
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE vs n'elu ugwu Newton USA February 17, 2012
N'ihi na ihe Ama lelee


Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – The fan favorites participating on the inaugural Premier Boxing agbachitere (PBC) on NBC fight card on Saturday, March 7 shared their progress today on how training camp is going and the importance of the return of boxing to primetime network television.


Tiketi maka ndụ omume na-ọnụ na $400, $300, $100 na $50, bụghị gụnyere ọdabara ọrụ ebubo na ụtụ isi, ndị na ere now. Iji chajịa site na ekwentị na a isi kaadị, na-akpọ Ticketmaster na (800) 745-3000. Tiketi ndị dịnụ na ma ọ bụ


As they prepare to open a new chapter in boxing history, Keith “Otu Ugboro” Thurman,Robert “The Mọ” Warrior, Adrien “Nsogbu Ahụ” Broner, John “The Gladiator” Molina Obere. na Abner Mares took some time out of their busy training schedules to discuss the debut of PBC.




Ẹdọhọ: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for the fourth time?


A: I love MGM Grand. The last time when I fought there as the co-main event was an honor. This is an even greater honor to be the main event. Many world-class fighters have performed there and Floyd Mayweather has made it his home. Nke a na-nrọ-emezu.


Ẹdọhọ: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: It’s a blessing and I’ve been working towards this for 19 afọ. Al Haymon could have picked any of his great fighters for this moment and I’m honored be part of this night and kick things off right.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: With NBC coming back to primetime boxing it gives us boxers a chance to shine again on the biggest stage. We’ve been continuing to fill up arenas for years, but boxing is returning to the mainstream spotlight with an even bigger punch on March 7.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think of your opponent?

A: His father had a few comments, and some things were said, but I’m expecting him to come out throwing punches and looking to execute his game plan when we enter the ring. We’re going to show him that he never should have signed this contract. There’s a different side of Keith Thurman inside that ring and he’s going to learn the hard way.

Ẹdọhọ: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: He hasn’t fought anyone with extreme power like me.

Ẹdọhọ: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: He’s been in the ring with some great fighters, but every fight is itsown learning experience. We work hard in training every time to outbox boxers, outpunch punchers, and I’m expecting to be ready to do everything better than him.

Ẹdọhọ: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: It’s actually a very mundane lifestyle. I’m resting, getting acupuncture or massage therapy. I like to go out and find good hip-hop. I’ve been eating some good sushi and seaweed salad, but just staying on my diet and resting and recovering before my late night run and maybe a session in my hyperbaric chamber.


Ẹdọhọ: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: I’ll be honest, I’m going to stand there and exchange with him for six rounds, and if he’s still standing there we’ll see. With my punching power the KO can come at any time with that one punch. If he walks into it or I lunge at himit can even be a body shot. I’m just looking to get him out of there. I’m going to do what I need to do to stay a champion and we’re looking to move on past March 7 na a mmeri.



Ẹdọhọ: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: MGM Grand is the Mecca of boxing venues and I’m very excited to be performing in the main event against an undefeated young lion like Keith Thurman.

Ẹdọhọ: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: Oh yeah, I'm extremely motivated to be the first fighter to bring boxing back to NBC on primetime. Al Haymon is doing a fantastic job with the PBC. I want to show the world I'm an elite fighter and what better way to do it then against an undefeated world champion.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It's so great in so many ways. Mbụ, anyone with a TV can watch this fight, so millions of more people can tune in. The number of new fans that will be gained will be unbelievable. For those hardcore fans who can't afford cable, this will be a breathe of fresh air to see a top notch fight on regular network TV. Fans who are just hanging at a restaurant or sports bar, who don't even like boxing will be tuning in, and they will all become new fans with the action they'll be seeing. It's going to be great for everyone.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think of your opponent?

A: Thurman has a lot of power and that's something I must be aware of.

Ẹdọhọ: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: Ọ bụ ezigbo fighter, but I’ll be prepared for whatever he brings into the ring na satọde.

Ẹdọhọ: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: I'm doing a few different things but nothing I can talk about at the moment.

Ẹdọhọ: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Spending time with my family. They're my motivation. 

Ẹdọhọ: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: In Spanish we say "Chingasos." That's what the fans can expect from me on March 7th. My hands will be raised at the end of the fight and you'll hear the referee say "And the new..."



Ẹdọhọ: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: You know I love the big moment with the spotlight. March 7 is going to be my time to shine and MGM Grand is the place to do it.


Ẹdọhọ: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: N'ezie, Al Haymon has lots of guys who could have fought on this first card and I’m honored to have been chosen.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: This is a huge deal. This is our chance to get the attention of a whole new crowd of people. This is going to make boxing bigger than ever.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think of your opponent?

A: John Molina Jr. is a true warrior. His nickname suits him. He’s like a punching bag that can hit back with power. He’s a deadly fighter. It can only take a second for a fight to change dramatically with a guy like that, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.


Ẹdọhọ: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?


A: It can only take a second for a fight to change dramatically with a guy like that, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.

Ẹdọhọ: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: We’re just doing what we always do, putting in hard work. It’s been great having this experience with my newborn son, but I’m very focused on March 7.

Ẹdọhọ: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Well actually I just had a son born, Adrieon, a couple weeks ago. I was supposed to go out to Washington D.C. towards the end of my training camp, but I ended up staying in Cincinnati to be with his mother and to see him be born. Ọ bụ oké ahụmahụ.


Ẹdọhọ: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: There’s going to be lots of heavy hitting. I’m looking forward to stopping John Molina Jr., and if I don’t stop him it will be a bloody massacre.



Ẹdọhọ: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’m very excited to be back there again. This is going to be a great night of boxing for the world to see.


Ẹdọhọ: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: I’m always motivated, but I don’t want to dig too much into the hype and risk getting distracted. Being on this platform on NBC is great for the sport. I just don’t want to psych myself out.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It doesn’t get any bigger. We’re back in the mainstream section of sports. Being back on NBC and in 120 million homes is huge. For us fighters who put our lives on the line this is very exciting.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think of your opponent?

A: He’s a very talented three-time world champion, but he’s just another fighter like me.

Ẹdọhọ: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: Not really, I’ll be looking to come out victorious like any other time that I step into the ring.

Ẹdọhọ: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: I’m not doing anything special, but this is the best camp I’ve ever had. There are no excuses going into this one. We obviously have a game plan because we know every fight is different, but there’s nothing necessarily special aside from preparing 110 percent.

Ẹdọhọ: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I like to spend time with my family. It’s important to remember why and who I’m doing this for. So on days off I like to be with my wife and child. There have been lots of emotional hiccups during this camp with the passing of my grandfather, and then my best friend lost his battle with Cystic Fibrosis. So it’s been tough finding the time to mourn those important people properly, but it’s just further motivation for me to perform well.


Ẹdọhọ: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: It’s going to be an amazing match. Every time I enter the ring it’s a fight of the year candidate and I’m going to win.



Ẹdọhọ: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’ve fought at MGM Grand over 10 ugboro – it feels like homeand I’ve won there every time, thank God. I’m looking forward to winning there again on March 7.


Ẹdọhọ: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card?

A: Ee, n'ezie! I’m looking forward to fighting on the PBC inaugural card on NBC and on national TV. It’s an amazing opportunity to showcase my talent to new viewers as well as boxing fans.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It’s huge for the sport. If you go back to the Sugar Ray Leonard days, all these fights were televised on broadcast TV, and on NBC, so the history is there. To have it kick off on Saturday, March 7 in primetime is a real boost for the sport and the fans. People are going to appreciate the sweet science of boxing through this fight and series.

Ẹdọhọ: What do you think of your opponent?

A: Maka m, I’m ready for the fight. I don’t underestimate him; he’s a dangerous fighter in that he is an ex-Olympian so he has that amateur background.


Ẹdọhọ: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: He’s had a good record and has fought some tough opposition. He brings lots of experience into the ring. I’m ready for him though.

Ẹdọhọ: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: This is not about one fight but about a career. We approach this fightand every fightwith dedication and commitment. Not only to the sport and its history, but our training program. My team and I are focused on winning and earning my fourth belt.

Ẹdọhọ: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I think everyone knows that I’m a family man. When I’m not in the gym or training I’m spending time with my wife and two daughters.


Ẹdọhọ: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: Fireworks. I’m not just fighting my opponent that night; I’m fighting towards my fourth belt.

# # #

Maka ozi ndị ọzọ nleta, na, eso ha na TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports NaMGMGrand ma na-akwado na Facebook na na

Paul Andrade, Nna / ọzụzụ nke WBO Obere. Middleweight champion Demetrius Andrade responds to Erislandy Lara

Providence, RI (March 3, 2015)–Ndị na-esonụ bụ a nzaghachi WBA Super Welterweight onye mmeri Erislandy Lara si Paul Andrade, nna / ọzụzụ nke undefeated WBO Obere. Middleweight onye mmeri Demetrius Andrade:
Ezigbo Mr. Erislandy Lara:
Ná nzaghachi nye gị kwuru, onye ọ bụla dere gị omume ga-enweta ha eziokwu ziri ezi.
Mgbe anyị na-ege gị ntị, anyị na-ahụ mmeri n'ikpeazụ nke nzuzu na nke a ụwa. You are the only boxer that successfully brainwashed himself with false facts.
Ọ dịghị mgbe anyị ná ndụ anyị na-achụ ọgụ na ESPN 2 na-alụ ọgụ ị. N'ezie, mgbe m zutere ị na ụlọ oriri na ọṅụṅụ New York, anyị ọbụna kwuru na Demetrius ga ka ọrụ ya ịzụlite na-alụ ọgụ gị maka ihe ndị ọzọ bara uru ego karịa $15,000. When was the last time you fought for $15,000? And you agreed with me.
Ugbu a bụ oge bụ ebe a ka anyị na-ọnụ ma ihe niile ị na-ekwu okwu banyere bụ a efu agha ná mba ọzọ na na ị merie dị nnọọ anọ ihe mgbe Demetrius bụ nanị 17 na ị bụ 21. Na n'elu nke, ị mara mgbe otu American na-aga mba ọzọ ya onye iro mgbe ọkọkpọhi onye amara ihe ise. We saw it at the Pan Am Games, na Olympics na mgbe ọ bụla anyị na-agha n'ala ọzọ na.
Mgbe ọ hụrụ Demetrius’ talent larịị, ị kpebiri na-aga Olympics gaara a okpu mgbalị na kpebiri ime pro.
Dị ka anyị niile maara, ọtụtụ ugboro ụmụ okorobịa ndị a na amia site otu onye na-enwechaghị ahụmahụ-azụ ma na-emeghe elu a nwere ike whoop ịnyịnya ibu mgbe ha na-alụ ọgụ ka ọkachamara.
M na-ahụ gị gwa gị ogologo ndepụta rụzuru, anyị nile bụ ndị na mgbanyụ na mmepe mgbe anyị na-amalite ma na ị na-ekwu na anyị na-adịghị agha onye ma na ị nwere.
The nanị iro na anyị nwere na-ahụkarị bụ Vanes Martirosyan. We have the utmost respect for him and the best you can do was pull out a draw. I guess you were happy that headbutt occurred because Vanes was on his way to knocking you out. Then comes Angulo. The moment he trapped you, ọ ama esịn ị ugboro abụọ na ọzọ mgbe ị na gbapụrụ n'ihi a kechioma isi mkpịsị aka na mụbara ruo Angulo anya. How many times will luck be on your side?
Ugbu a, ọ bụ oge gị na mmadụ na-ewere ihe ịma aka. Forget the cheap talk, ị chọrọ-enweta ya na? Yes or No? A real man and a real champion would answer yes.
Paul Andrade
Soro Pụrụ Iche n'ọkwá na-elekọta mmadụ media maka ihe niile ndị ọhụrụ Pụrụ Iche mmelite
BannerBoxing #TeamBanner ;;

Mara ụlọikwuu na-ekwu: BRONCO Billy Wright



Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – 50-year old WBC #17 heavyweight contender, “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 Kos), bụ ihe na-erughị izu abụọ n'ebe ya na-abịa 10-gburugburu isi omume n'obi na Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 Kos). The bout takes place at the Anyị Ko pa cha cha in Fort McDowell, Arizona on the RJJ Boxing n'ọkwá kaadị March 13, 2015. Bronco Billy Wright gives his thoughts on training camp and defending his WBC Latin America na FECARBOX utu aha.


Bronco Billy ọzụzụ mara ụlọikwuu preparations….

Training camp has been tough this time around. I’ve been working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. My trainer Rafael Garcia Jr. has me doing some out of the box training methods that has been real beneficial to my boxing style. We are finishing up our last days of sparring this week. I’ll be ready to bring it Friday na-esonụ.


Bronco Billy enye echiche ya na ya n'obi na Domingos….

“M maara Domingos na-aga na-achọ knockout dị ka am m, so we’ll see who lands the first bomb. Like in all my fights, I’ll be looking to end the fight early. If I need to go some extra rounds, M mma na na, dị ka m na-ezi ọkpọ udi. Ọ na-aga nụrụ ụtọ ụfọdụ ike m, nke a bụ n'ezie.


Bronco Billy banyere ịgbachitere ya WBC utu aha….

“Ịgbachitere m WBC Latin America na FECARBOX titles is a pretty big deal for me. It’s my leverage to compete at the top level as I try to crack the top ten in the WBC. Right now I’m at #17, ma m na-eme atụmatụ ịkwaga elu na onye ọ bụla ọgụ afọ a.


Bronco Billy eneme ịbụ a 50-afọ heavyweight contender….

At this age I feel stronger then I was when I was younger. It’s that old man strength I guess you can call it. M echeta, wiser and more discipline at this stage in my career. I have a goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world and motivation is greater than ever. A lot of these top contenders are shying away from fighting me. I just want to earn my opportunity and fight the best.


# # #


Tiketi ọnụ $20 n'ozuzu mbanye, $35 na $50, ndị na ere ugbu a na ike zụrụ ndikot Bronco Billy Wright na (702) 524-3331.


The Anyị Ko pa cha cha na emi odude ke 10424 North Fort McDowell Road, Fort McDowell, IHE 85264. Ụzọ na-emeghe na 6:00 P.M. mbụ agha bụ na 7:00 P.M.

Showtime SPORTS® na-asọpụrụ ncheta Izrel VAZQUEZ-Rafael MARQUEZ RIVARLY nwere kpochapụwo ịlụ ọgụ, Agba, Foto, Stats & ỌZỌ

Full alụkarị ọgụ na-Wepụta On showtime Oke®, Showtime oge obula®

& Showtime NA-enwe Ịnụrụ® Mmalite na Vazquez-Marquez m

N'abalị a 10 p.m. NA/Pt On showtime Oke


Pịa oyiyi na-ekiri ndị 2007 Gburugburu nke Year

Photo Ebe E Si Nweta: Tom cha cha / showtime


NEW YORK (March 3, 2015) - Showtime Egwuregwu will offer boxing fans a chance to relive one of boxing’s most intense and brutal rivalries as it rolls out content in celebration of the classic showdowns between Mexican legends Israel Vazquez na Rafael Marquez.


Tonight, na asatọ ncheta nke ha The Epic mbụ agha, Showtime Oke (10 p.m. NA/Pt) ga-eweta Vazquez-Marquez m, otu olu nhọrọ nke 2007 Ọgụ nke Year. Mgbe ahụ na wenesde, Vazquez-Marquez II, otu agadi-school slugfest na-emepụta a Gburugburu nke Year-eto eto, ga-ikuku na 11 p.m. NA/Pt. The third installment, na 2008 Ọgụ nke The Year, ga-ikuku on Thursday na 10 p.m. NA/Pt na showtime Oke


Ọzọ, Vazquez-Marquez m na-IV ga-ikuku na a "-eche nche" a Saturday na showtime Oke-amalite na Chiefs na ET/Pt.


Na nsọpụrụ nke ịma aka, Showtime Egwuregwu ga-hapụ kpochapụwo photos, ngwa-ọkụkụ Isi, stats as well as full rounds. The third round from Vazquez-Marquez I and the third round from Vazquez-Marquez II (2007 Gburugburu nke Year) ga-abụ dị na YouTube, Facebook and the SHOWTIME Sports website. Ọzọkwa, The Boxing Blog ga-nyak atọ posts si showtime ọkpọ nyocha na akụkọ ihe mere eme Steve Farhood dị ka ọ na-ese azụ na atọ ndị mbụ The Epic nzukọ n'etiti 122-paụnd dike.


All anọ Vazquez-Marquez ọgụ ga-abụ dị na Showtime oge obula naShowtime NA-enwe Ịnụrụ na-amalite Monday, March 9. Below is the full schedule of action on SHOWTIME EXTREME:


TAA / Tuesday, March 3

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez m, 10 p.m. NA/Pt


Wednesday, March 4

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez II, 11 p.m. NA/Pt


Thursday, March 5

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez III, 10 p.m. NA/Pt


Saturday, March 7

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez m,Chiefs na ET/Pt

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez II, 1 p.m. NA/Pt

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez III, 2 p.m. NA/Pt

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez IV, 3 p.m. NA/Pt


Kọwara Farhood dị ka "Ihe mgbawa nke nkà obi ọjọọ," their first meeting had all the action and drama of a Hollywood blockbuster and left fans –and the fighters– clamoring for a rematch. Vazquez and Marquez delivered yet again in their second meeting just five months later in yet another old-school, ọbara slugfest na-emepụta a Gburugburu nke Year-eto eto bụ third- na a n'ihi na choro a roba egwuregwu.


Vazquez-Marquez III, contested dị nnọọ 363 ụbọchị si ha nzukọ mbụ, bụ a ememe nke ọkpọ na ya kasị mma, naanị egwuregwu na ịma aka na-aga n'ebe dị anya na 2008 Ọgụ nke Year. The two would meet for the fourth and final time again in 2010.

# # #


Banyere showtime Netwọk Inc.:

Showtime Netwọk Inc. (SNI), a kpam kpam-ekesịpde enyemaka nke CBS Corporation, nwere na-arụ ọrụ na-adịchaghị telivishọn netwọk showtime®, Ihe nkiri ọwa na FLIX®, nakwa dị ka multiplex ọwa showtime 2, OGE IHE NKIRI® Ngosi, Showtime Oke®, Showtime karịrị®, Showtime OZ®, Showtime NDI INYOM®, Showtime EZINỤLỌ Mpaghara® na ihe nkiri ọwa XTRA. SNI nakwa awade showtime HD, Ihe nkiri ọwa HD, Showtime NA-enwe Ịnụrụ® na ihe nkiri ọwa A NA-ACHỌ, na netwọk si Nyocha ọrụ showtime oge obula®. SNI na-ejisie Smithsonian Netwọk, a na nkwonkwo ịmalite n'etiti SNI na Smithsonian Hiwe, nke awade Smithsonian ọwa. All SNI azụ nye enwekwukwa ụda iji Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI ahịa ma na-ekesa egwuregwu na ntụrụndụ ihe n'ihi ngosi ka debanyere aha na a na-akwụ-kwa-ele ndabere site showtime PPV®.

Bellator MMA World Middleweight Champion Brandon Halsey meets Kendall Grove at California’s Pechanga Resort & Cha cha – Friday, Ka 15 na ọgọ TV

Santa Monica, Calif. (March 3, 2015)Undefeated Bellator MMA World Middleweight Champion Brandon “Ehi” Halsey (8-0) anya iji chebe ya na ájị ya maka oge mbụ mgbe ọ na-towering Hawaiian scrapper Kendall “The Spyder” Grove (21-14).


Zoo eje ozi dị ka headlining n'obi nke “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,” nke na-ewe ebeFriday, Ka 15, na Pechanga amalite & Cha cha na Temecula, Calif. The n'abalị isi kaadị airs ndụ ma free na ọgọ TV, mgbe mbido oké strimụ na


Tiketi maka “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,” nke na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $50, nwere ugbua na-ere na na Pechanga amalite & Cha cha igbe ọrụ.


Ụzọ maka “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” emeghe na 4 p.m. Pt obodo oge, na mbụ zoo-ewe ebe otu awa mgbe e mesịrị. Agbakwunyere oké ga-mara ọkwa obere oge.


“Anyị na-n'ezie na-atụ anya na-eweta ihe ọzọ na-akpali akpali ụwa egwuregwu na ọgụ a oké ere-esi ìgwè mmadụ na Pechanga amalite & Cha cha a May,” kwuru Bellator President Scott Coker. “Anyị middleweight onye mmeri Brandon Halsey kemgbe nnọọ mmasị site na ya mbụ 8 ịlụ ọgụ, ma m na-atụ anya na-ele ya chebe ya na ájị ya maka oge mbụ megide Kendall Grove.”


Halsey, si Huntington Beach, Calif., bụ onye bụbu onye Division m mgba na Cal-State Bakersfield bụ onye mesịrị ya ntị weere karat na 2012 na nọ ya ọkachamara ndekọ-enweghị mmerụ site na mbụ asatọ matchups nke ya ọrụ. Mgbe dị nnọọ 28 afọ, Halsey ama nwere isii mmeri n'okpuru Bellator Emmanuel ọkọlọtọ, gụnyere a anọ na-nwoke ndorondoro mmeri irite a ogbugba na ájị na a pụtara, 35-abụọ stoppage nke ahụ-champ Alexander Shlemenko na-ekwu na Bellator Emmanuel World Middleweight Asọmpi Onye Mmeri.


Atọ n'ime Halsey si anọ gara aga Enwee Mmeri na-site n'ụzọ nke mbụ gburugburu stoppage.


Ka ọ dịgodị, 32 afọ Grove e na-alụ ọgụ professionally fọrọ nke nta ka 12 afọ. Hawai-mụrụ Brazil jiu-jitsu nwa belt bụ onye bụbu onye eto eto, nke “Ihe Jisọs Agha,” onye akwụ 15 nke ya 21 ọrụ mmeri site stoppage, na-agụnye 10 Enwee Mmeri site nrubeisi.


The 6-ụkwụ-6 Grove banyere na Bellator Emmanuel na 2013 na akwụ ya ogbugba na ájị na October nrubeisi mmeri n'elu mbụ Bellator Emmanuel World Ìhè Heavyweight mmeri Christian M'Pumbu.


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” – Friday, Ka 15, Pechanga amalite & Cha cha, Temecula, Calif.


Bellator Middleweight Mbụ Ọgụ: Champ Brandon Halsey (8-0) vs. Kendall Grove (21-14)


Banyere Bellator Emmanuel

Bellator Emmanuel bụ a na-eduga weere Mara Arts nzukọ featuring ọtụtụ n'ime ndị kasị mma alụso n'ụwa. N'okpuru nduzi nke vetiran agha ume Scott Coker, Bellator dị ka fọrọ nke nta 400 nde obibi n'ụwa nile na n'elu 120 mba. Na United States, Bellator nwere ike hụrụ na ọgọ TV, na Emmanuel telivishọn ndú. Bellator Emmanuel na ugbua nke onyeisi ìgwè ahụ na-agụnye n'elu ụlọ ọrụ ọkachamara na telivishọn mmepụta, ndụ omume orchestration, fighter mmepe / mmekọahụ, ebe mgbakọ ị nweta, nkwado e kere eke / mmepe, mba ikikere, ahịa, mgbasa ozi, bu na ọrụ mmekọahụ. Bellator dabeere na Santa Monica, California na ekesịpde ntụrụndụ ibu Viacom, n'ụlọ ka ụwa Premiya ntụrụndụ ụdị na jikọọ na kiriri site gbara ọkpụrụkpụ ọdịnaya gafee telivishọn, emegharị, online na mobile nyiwe.


Banyere ọgọ TV:

Ọgọ TV dị na 98.7 nde obibi na bụ nkewa nke Viacom Media Netwọk. A unit nke Viacom (NASDAQ: Site na, VIAB), Viacom Media Netwọk bụ otu nke ụwa na-eduga creators nke mmemme na ọdịnaya gafee niile media nyiwe. Spike TV si Internet adreesị bụ na na-na-na-nkeji na archival pịa ọmụma na foto, gaa Spike TV si pịa saịtị na Soro anyị na Twitter spiketvpr n'ihi na ndị ọhụrụ na-agbasa ozi ọma mmelite, n'azụ na-Mpaghara ọmụma na foto.

Unu akpọla IT A comeback: The Jeff Curran Story

Jeff CURRAN: Unu akpọla IT A comeback!

RFA 24 NA Minnesota

Friday MACH 6 Ndụ AXS TV

BY K. David Bena


UFC, NGANGA, WEC, WFA, IFLA, Strikeforce. Naanị otu fighter ka agha nke isii nke ndị a n'ọkwá na-ugbu a n'okpuru Zuffa nche anwụ. Nke ahụ fighter? Jeff “Big Frog” Curran.

Curran mechie ya 19-ọnwa ezumike nká na-abatakwa octagon na RFA 24 na Friday, March 6 na omimi Lake cha cha & Hotel na Tupu Lake, Minnesota. Ihe a ga-televised ndụ na mba na AXS TV. The vetiran bantamweight, Curran (36-16-1) ga-anwale ya mettle na ngalaba-isi omume megide n'ogbu Melvin Blumer (11-2) onye na-touting a 5-agha mmeri streak.

Chee echiche azụ na 1991… Gịnị ka unu na-eme? Ọfọn, Curran bụ a obosara-eyed afọ 14 ochie na kpebiri zụọ jiu-jitsu. Curran akọwa, “My mbụ na klas, Ihe m mụtara na-akpọ 'agba n'ala’ -mara dị ka ihe Americana na m maara na nke ahụ bụ ihe m chọrọ ime na m nnọọ aka iso ọzụzụ jiu-jitsu kemgbe. M nọ na-elekwasị anya na onwe m dị ka onye na-eme egwuregwu na a fighter na otu ihe nọ na-edu ọzọ.”

Ngwa-ngwa-atụ August 16, 2013 na RFA 9, Curran furu efu a gbawara n'etiti mkpebi a bantamweight aha agha megide Pedro Munhoz. “M lara ezumike nká mgbe ikpeazụ m ọgụ na RFA. M na-agha nke a ụwa na aha na kemgbe ke ọ bụla isi show na egwuregwu na kemgbe na-alụ ọgụ, n'oge ahụ, maka 17 afọ. M nnọọ chere na na azụmahịa m na mgbatị, ebe m nọ na ogbo ná ndụ m, m ụmụaka na ezinụlọ, Echere m na ọ bụ oge ịla ezumike nká.”

Curran agbakwụnye, “Ma, tumadi, Achọghị m na-abụọ kasị mma, Ọ dịghị mgbe m chọrọ ịbụ nkezi dị ka a fighter. Ozugbo m chere nrọ nọ na-arahụ ma ọ bụ ohere na-arahụ ịrị azụ ka UFC, na-alụ ọgụ ndị kasị mma ụmụ okorobịa na ụwa, M chere na ọ bụ ihe kasị mma na-akwụsị ebe m praịm nwere ụdị ebe.”

Otú ọ dị, mgbe anya introspection na smoldering ọchịchọ-anọgide na-alụ ọgụ, Curran kpebiri kwụpụ azụ n'ime onu. “M chọrọ imeri n'ọgụ, emeri belt, na-aga n'elu. M chere na ọ ga-abụ a n'ezie nti ụzọ ịla ezumike nká, ma, ọ bụghị na-aga m ụzọ m. N'ihi ya, m lara ezumike nká – na ọ dịghị mgbe ọ nọdụrụ ọma na m,” Curran kọwara. “Na ihe oge na wee na-, M chere na ọ dị mkpa na-alụ ọgụ. M malitere ịchọ ohere na RFA hụrụ ohere ka m na-alụ ọgụ ọzọ. Ya mere, ebe m.”

Ụma ọrụ dị ka ezinụlọ nwoke, azụmahịa nwoke, nchịkwa, na fighter nwere ike ime ka ụfọdụ ndị isi atụ ogho, ma Curran akọwa, “M nwere m mgbatị tupu mbụ m agha, otú ahụ ka m mgbe niile na-eji ibu ọrụ nke kewara oge m, ma ugbu a ọ bụ a otutu ihe na-omimi karịa ka ọ na-eji na-n'ihi na m na mgbanyụ na ọkwa dị iche iche na-achọ oge. Business bụkwa na a dị iche iche ozo – na m nwere ụmụ nwoke abụọ na-eto eto ngwa ngwa site ụbọchị na m nwere nwunye m. E nwere ihe ibu ọrụ gafee osisi na ọ bụ ihe karịrị ọ bụ oge-maara ihe karịa azụ mgbe m na-emeghe a akwụkwọ. Yeah, ọ bụ a otutu juggle, ma m na-eme ya.”

Site niile ibu ọrụ ya, Curran ekwusi anya ya na-abịa ọgụ na ize ndụ Melvin Blumer, “Ya mmeri streak ekwu mpịakọta, karịsịa na Midwest n'ihi na a otutu nke ụmụ okorobịa gị na-alụ ọgụ ndị mara mma yiri ike na nkà set, otú ị ga-esi siri ike mpi na mpaghara na-akwalite na Midwest na-mgbe na-achọ na-etinye na ezi ọgụ. A Ihọd na 11-2 (Blumer) na a 5-agha mmeri streak bụ kemmasi m na ọ bụ kpọmkwem ihe m chọrọ.”

Curran akọwa n'ihu, “Achọghị m ka m na-alụ ọgụ ụfọdụ ike ma ọ bụ na-alụ ọgụ onye m maara na m nwere ike iti. M chọrọ ịlụ agha na onye nwere ike-amakwa m aka ka m mara ma ọ bụrụ na m ka na-nwe na egwuregwu ma ọ bụ na-enye m nri nke ịrụpụta ihe ma ọ bụrụ na m merie, otú Blumer bụ oké iro. Blumer siri ike. M na-enye ya ezuru ùgwù zụọ m ịnyịnya ibu anya ma na-emeso ya dị ka a top iri Ihọd. Ma na a na-ekwu, M maara m n'elu iri caliber, ya mere m na-eweta ihe niile m nwetara na m chere na ọ ga-eme ka ihe a mma agha.”

Na ihe na-Curran ọzọ nzọụkwụ a mmeri? Ọbụna na ọ bụ n'aka, “Amaghị m ihe m na-esote aga bụ. M emeghị ka a anya mkpebi otu ụzọ ma ọ bụ ọzọ. Ikwu eziokwu, M maara mgbe m furu efu, ezumike nká mere dabara nke ọma na m, ma na nri-emeri ya yikarịrị ike, ma n'otu oge ahụ na nri mmeri, M nwere ike inwe uche nke UFC na-ekpebi ma ọ bụrụ na m chọrọ ịchụ mbụ m UFC mmeri.”

On Friday, March 6, Curran na onye ọ bụla na-ekiri ga-eche ihe na- “Big Frog si” ọzọ ịmalite ná ndụ ga-.

Banyere RFA:
RFA bụ ọkachamara mbuaha karat nkwalite nke na-enye na-ebili kpakpando na top contenders ohere igosi na ha talent Fans na ndị ndú na njem. The RFA ọnọde ruo 10 ọgụ kwa afọ gburugburu United States gụnyere Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Denver na Milwaukee. RFA nwere ike hụrụ ndụ na n'elu 40 nde obibi mba site na telivishọn ndibiat AXS TV. Dabere na Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA bụ otu n'ime ihe ndị kasị arụsi ọrụ ike na-akwanyere ùgwù Emmanuel òtù na kasị na-eto eto egwuregwu n'ụwa. (The Octagon, Jisọs alụ ọgụ Championship®, UFC®, na asatọ kwadoro mpi ute na onu imewe na-ụghalaahịa edenyere n'akwụkwọ ikikere ekesịpde nanị Zuffa, LLC. Ikike niile echekwabara).
Banyere AXS TV alụkarị ọgụ:
AXS TV ọgụ ama maka ya nile ghọtara Friday Night weere Mara Arts na Kickboxing ihe. Dị ka gị Home N'ihi Emmanuel, AXS TV utilizes ihe mbara netwọk nke n'ọkwá si United States, Canada, na Europe. Na Asia ka ohuru ihe LIVE ịlụ ọgụ karịa ihe ọ bụla ọzọ na telivishọn na netwọk. “The Voice” Michael Schiavello na ise oge Emmanuel ụwa-mmeri Pat Miletich nye ndị na-ekiri ọkachamara play-site-play, na-omimi fighter mkpuchi, na ọtụtụ analysis ka onye ọ bụla agha kaadị. AXS TV mgbasaozi ụwa-klas LIVE agha ihe si RFA, Odum Ọgụ, Hapụrụ FC, na MFC ọ bụla Friday n'abalị 7 p.m. Pt / 10 p.m. NA.

NY Daily News 88th Kwa Afọ Golden uwe finals Tiketi dị ugbu a na Gleason si.

April 1 na 2, 2015

NY Daily News 88th Kwa Afọ Golden uwe

Finals Tickets are now available.



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$65 n'ihi na tiketi (Ngalaba 8)

$42 n'ihi na tiketi (Ngalaba 121)




Anyị nwere Thursday, April 2nd:

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Paul Anthony Enwee Mmeri


Jose Gonzalez


Khadlid Twaiti-enweta nkwanye

Nwanyi Golden uwe n'obi