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NEF_FNVXIII_madeinUSA_FB_final+(1)LEWISTON, Мејн (Април 16, 2015) - Нова Англија бори (NEF), Број еден регионалната борба промоција на Америка, ќе ја одржи својата осумнаесетта мешани боречки-Arts (МЛД) Настанот, “NEF XVIII: Made in America,” на Сабота, Јуни 13, 2015 на Colisee на Androscoggin банка во Lewiston, Мејн. Претходно денеска, the promotion announced that the first NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Champion will be crowned that evening when undefeated Рики Декстер (3-0), representing Marcus Davis’ Тимот на ирската, ќе ги преземе за Џош Харви (3-1) of cross-town rival Young’s MMA. The bout will be contested at the lightweight limit of 155-pounds.


Dexter and Harvey are regarded as two of the top prospects currently on the NEF MMA roster. Both athletes are undefeated in the promotion’s cage. На Јуни 13, they will carry on a rivalry that has raged in NEF between the Young’s MMA and Team Irish gyms for several years.


Both of these young athletes are a testament to their respective gyms, as well as to how far the sport has come in Maine,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “They both came along after NEF was established in the state, and we have seen both of them grow over the past year. We in the NEF front office unanimously believe that Josh and Ricky have a bright future ahead of them in MMA and look forward to this highly competitive bout set to be contested in Lewiston on Јуни 13та."


Dexter, currently the top-nine-ranked amateur lightweight in New England, is coming off a first-round submission victory over Zenon Herrera (3-6) last Saturday at “NEF XVII.” Dexter has taken the promotion’s lightweight division by storm since debuting last November. He has stopped all three of his opponents in the first round to earn his shot at becoming the first NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Champion.


I’m honored to be fighting for the NEF Lightweight Amateur Title,” stated Dexter. “To me there’s a lot more on the line than just a belt. На 13 јуни you better believe I’m bringing it.


When fans last saw Josh Harvey in the NEF cage, he had his arm raised in victory after mauling Caleb Hall (5-2) in the amateur opener of “NEF Шеснаесетти” минатата февруари. It took Harvey a mere 36-seconds to run through Hall, himself a two-time state wrestling champion for Dirigo High School in Dixfield, Мејн. Many insiders believe this will be one of Harvey’s final amateur fights before turning professional.


“Two top fighters from two top schools, this is a match to be excited about,” stated Harvey when reached for comment. “I have all the respect in the world for Ricky, but there is no where this fight goes that I don’t win.”


NEF следната МЛД настан, “NEF XVIII: Made in Americawill originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on June 13, 2015. Билети за “NEF XVIII” со почеток во само $25 и се на продажба сега www.TheColisee.com или со повик на благајните Colisee на 207.783.2009 X 525. За повеќе информации за настанот и борбата картичка надградби, Ве молиме посетете ја веб промоција е на www.NewEnglandFights.com. Во прилог, може да се види видеа на NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, да ги следи на Твитерnefights и се приклучат на официјалната Фејсбук групата "Нова Англија се бори против".


За Нова Англија бори


Нова Англија бори ("NEF") е борба настани промоции компанијата. Мисијата NEF е да се создаде со највисок квалитет настани за борците и навивачите Мејн е слично. Менаџерскиот тим NEF има долгогодишно искуство во борба спортски менаџмент, настани производство, односи со медиумите, маркетинг, правни и рекламирање.

Наградата Промоции Батерии Расел Peltz и Бретања “Бам” Роџерс за Matchmaking Должности

Danbury, КТ (Април 16, 2015)- На почетокот на април, ново лиценциран Конектикат бокс промотор A.J. Galante претстави својата компанија, Промоции награда. Galante зборуваше за неговата цел за покренување на “Стара школа” бокс во Конектикат.

Да докаже дека е сериозен во врска со неговата визија, Galante ја претвори својата matchmaking преку до салата на славните Филаделфија промотор, Расел Peltz заедно со еден од спортовите најмладата и ветувачки промотори и matchmakers, Британи “BAM”


“Расел е дефиницијата на старото училиште matchmaking, тој е еден од последните таму, па тоа е нема прилично очекувано за мене да се допрат до него, и Чест ми е што тој е подготвен да работи со мене.” Galante изјави, “Неговата биографија зборува за себе, Многу сум убеден дека работат заедно, ние ќе се стави на спектакуларен емисии” Galante исто така беше исклучително возбуден за да работат со Brittany “BAM” Роџерс, кој работи во врска со Расел Peltz,

“Јас сум често се нарекува како еден од најмладите бокс луѓе на бизнис од страна на нештата, но БАМ е, всушност, помала од мене, и е во спортот подолго од мене. Имам голема почит кон неа и биле учење многу низ работи со неа.”

На крајот на краиштата Galante рече дека она што го зацементира својот избор на неговиот matchmakers, беше патување во Philladelphia во октомври, да присуствуваат на шоу промовирани од страна на двете Peltz и Роџерс, “Кога ќе размислите Philly бокс, мислите интересен и возбудлив, и не можете да мислам Филаделфија бокс без Расел Peltz и Бретања Роџерс, и јас сум со нетрпение очекувам да се носат оние видови на емисии и таа средина тука за да се Конектикат.” Тоа нема да биде долго за Galante да го исполни своето ветување, како неговата прва изложба Danbury Борба Вечер, ќе се одржи на30 Мај на Danbury Арена, во неговиот роден град Danbury, КТ.

Картичка во моментов е земајќи облик, и ќе бидат објавени наскоро. Билетите може да се купат со посета www.prizepromotions.net – Цените: $100,$75, $50 & $25


Provodnikov Photos By Miguel Salazar
Matthysse & Arrival Photos by Golden Boy Promotions
Кликнете ТУКА да преземете фотографии
Верона,Њујорк (Април 15) – Training camp is going smoothly for former WBC Light Weight Champion Лукас “La Maquina” Matthysse and Former WBO Jr. боксер од полусредна категорија шампион “Сибирскиот Роки” Руслан Provodnikov as they continue to prepare for their showdown on Сабота, Април 18 на Осврнувајќи Стоун одморалиште казино. The junior welterweight fight will be televised as part of a split site doubleheader live on HBO боксерска По Dark®, со почеток во 9:45 вечер. И/Португалија.

Matthysse has been training out his gym in Argentina and Provodinkov has been training out of the famed Wild Card Gym in Hollywood, California under the watchful eye of International Boxing Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach.

Both fighters arrived at Turning Stone Resort Casino today and took some time to do a photo-op at the hotel and answer a few questions about their training camp.

Below is what they had to say:

How do you feel about the fight and when did you begin training?

Лукас Matthysse: I have been training non-stop, way before the fight was officially announced. I have been doing a lot of sparring to improve my speed and make sure I make as much contact with my opponent as possible.

Руслан Provodnikov: I am excited and motivated for this fight, I will not disappoint my fans and it will be a real war! Everything is going great with my training and will be ready for a really war in the ring.

How are you preparing to face each other?

Matthysse: Ruslan is a great fighter, he comes prepared for a war. My strategy against him will be to make sure to box and keep moving, that is why sparring has been really important in my training.

Provodnikov: I will be ready for whatever Matthysse does. Јас 100% percent believe that this fight will be the fight of the year. I always give everything I can in training camp and I’m very responsible. Јас не се некој лесно, but to answer your question: walking into the ring with a fighter that I know will fight back will definitely show that what I can do as a boxer than going up against a fighter who will just run.

What should fans expect to see on Април 18?

Matthysse: Fans can expect one of the greatest fights in the division. I know I am ready to win this fight and fans should expect a victory.

Provodnikov: I promise this is going to be the fight you guys are all waiting for.

Tickets for the show have been selling fast and expected to sell out. Limited tickets for the 18 април HBO Boxing After Dark event at Turning Stone Resort are still available and are on sale now at the $35, и $25 price range plus applicable fees and are available at the Turning Stone Resort Box Office by calling 315-361-7469 или на интернет во Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).

Овозможено од: Банер Промоции, Голден Бој Промоции во соработка со Arano кутија Промоции the 12-round junior welterweight bout and expected to be the sure-fire ‘Fight of The Yearcontender will take place on Сабота, Април 18 на Осврнувајќи Стоун одморалиште казино во Верона, New York and televised live on HBO Boxing After Dark ® beginning at 9:45 вечер. И/Португалија.

Домаќин на настанот, на Онеида нацијата Осврнувајќи Стоун одморалиште казино продолжува да се издвојува како премиерот дестинација за блокбастер боксерски мечови. На 18 април fight will mark Turning Stone Resort’s 15th nationally-televised boxing event in less than two years, бетонирање на одморалиштето како Мека за нокаут телевизија тепачки. Бокс легенди Мајк Тајсон и Флојд Mayweather Џуниор. have promoted televised fight cards at the resort within the last year. Се наоѓа во горниот дел од државата Њујорк, четири сезона дестинација одморалиште нуди светска класа за забава и игри, наградуваниот сместување, еклектичен микс на ресторани, луксузни бањи и голем број на опции за ноќен живот.

Matthysse наспроти. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions in association with Arano Box Promotions and is sponsored by Corona Extra, Мексико, Во живо тоа да го верувам! и Khortytsa Водка. Врати се во моментов се планира да се отвори во 6:00 вечер. И со првата рунда закажани за6:50 вечер. И and the HBO Boxing After Dark telecast will being at 9:45 вечер. И/Португалија.

Професионални медиуми бара ингеренциите за 18 април борбата да го контактирате Кели Abdo, Осврнувајќи Стоун одморалиште казино односи со јавноста менаџер во 315.366.9291 илиkelly.abdo@turningstone.com.

За повеќе информации, посета www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.banner-promotions.com, www.hbo.com/boxing и www.turningstone.com следат на Твитер воGoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @TurningStone and become a fan on Facebook at Golden Boy Facebook Page, www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing илиwww.facebook.com/Вклучување тонер Црна и посетете не на InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, @bannerboxing, @turningstone and @ruslanprovod.

За повеќе информации, посета www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.banner-promotions.com, www.hbo.com/boxing и www.turningstone.com следат на Твитер GoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @ Осврнувајќи Стоун и да стане фан на Фејсбук во Голден Бој ФејсбукСтрана, www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing илиwww.facebook.com/Вклучување тонер Црна and visit us on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, @ Банер бокс, @ Вклучување камен и ruslanprovod.



MatthyseeProvodnikov fight week Images and videos

Верона, Њујорк (Април 15, 2015)–Below are videos from Вторник media lunch and photos and a video from Средата Arrival by Руслан Provodnikov as he gets ready to face Лукас Matthysse оваа сабота in a sure-fire Fight of the Year candidate from the Turning Stone Resort Casino. The fight is part of a split site double header that will be televised on HBO Boxing After Dark® beginning at 9:45 ЕТ.

Matthysse - Provodnikov media lunch
Matthysse – Provodnikov media lunch
Ray Манчини 041415
Ray Манчини 041415
Ruslan Provodnikov arrives at Turning Stone Resort Casino 041515
Ruslan Provodnikov arrives at Turning Stone Resort Casino 041515

Photos by Raymond Flores

Three-for-one, Wednesday Matinee

“Bellator МЛД: Uncut” returns with a focus on this past week’s “Bellator: Брукс наспроти. Jansen” card. Take a behind-the-scenes look at the main card competitors before and after they go to war inside the cage. The eight minute video showcases all the hard work and personal sacrifice these individuals put into their craft.


Arguably one of the best fights on the “Bellator: Брукс наспроти. Jansen” card didn’t air on television, but instead took place during the preliminary portion of the event. Џои Белтран shined in his middleweight debut against Брајан Роџерс in a fight that featured a little bit of everything including a ferocious slugfest, a comeback as well as a showcase of toughness and will all rolled into one.


Во прилог, our post-lims featured Chad George’s финиш на Означи Vorgeas with a Von Flue choke, making it only the second time in Bellator history this technique was used to end a fight.

The two fights took place on the Spike.com-streamed preliminary card of “Bellator: Брукс наспроти. Јансен,” which aired this past Петок night during a Spike telecast that peaked with over 900K viewers.


Relive the oohs and aahs from last Fridays #BellatorMMA event with #BellatorUncut https://youtu.be/e26WvI7Eczk

.@Mexicutioner760 looked to be the first fighter to win in 3 different weight classes. In his way: @BRogthePredator! #Bellator136 https://youtu.be/l6L_acDCNd8

Watch hometown scrapper @Savage135’s rare Von Flue choke win from last Friday’s #Bellator136! https://youtu.be/XttOuAopLRA


Click on the images below to view the videos



“Bellator МЛД: Halsey наспроти. Grove” adds top bantamweights DarrionThe Wolf” Калдвел vs.. Рафаел “MorcegoSilva to evening’s Spike-televised main card


EASY TWEET: #BellatorMMA adds @morcego_mma and @thewolf_mma to the May 15 Event headlined by @BrandBullHalsey & @kendallgrovemma


Санта Моника, Калифорнија. (Април 15, 2015) – A four-fight Spike-broadcast main card for May’s “Bellator МЛД: Halsey наспроти. Grove” has received another thrilling contest, as undefeated bantamweight prospect DarrionThe WolfCaldwell (6-0) носи на Рафаел “Morcego” Силва (22-4).


The new addition finalizes the four-bout main card for “Bellator МЛД: Halsey наспроти. Grove,” which includes undefeated Bellator MMA World Middleweight Champion Брендон “Бул” Halsey (8-0) против високи хавајски scrapperКендал “На Spyder” Grove (21-14), former Bellator MMA World Champion Едуардо “Dudu” Dantas (16-4) наспроти. Мајк “Маринскиот” Ричман (18-5), и welterweights Фернандо “На Menifee манијак” Гонзалес (23-13) наспроти.“Curtious” Curtis Millander (7-1).


“Bellator: Halsey наспроти. Grove” се одвива на Петок, Мај 15, на Pechanga одморалиште & Казино во Temecula, Калифорнија. The night’s main card airs live on Spike at 9 вечер. И (6 вечер. Португалија по локално време), додека прелиминарните борби поток на Spike.com.


Билети за “Bellator: Halsey наспроти. Grove,” кој со почеток во само $50, се во моментов на продажба Pechanga.com и Pechanga одморалиште & Казино благајните.


Врати за “Bellator: Halsey наспроти. Grove” отворени во 4 вечер. Португалија по локално време, и на првиот натпревар се одвива 45 минути подоцна.


Two new bouts have also been added to the night’s preliminary card, with middleweights A.J. “The MercenaryMatthews (7-3) наспроти. Ben “Хантер” Reiter (15-0) и лесна категорија Стив “ThunderbeastKozola (5-0) наспроти. Иан Батлер (1-1).


Дополнително, a light heavyweight matchup of Вергилиј “Rezdog” Zwicker (13-4-1) наспроти. “Razor” Разак ал-Хасан (12-4) that was initially announced as a main-card matchup will now be featured on the night’s preliminary card, instead.


Дополнителни борби ќе биде објавен наскоро.


A New Jersey native now fighting out of Arizona, Caldwell was a Division I wrestler at North Carolina State. Caldwell made his MMA debut in 2012 and has kept his record perfect through the first six fights of his career, including Bellator MMA wins over Anthony Dizy, Joe Pingitore and Lance Surma. Previously competing as a featherweight, the 27-year-old Caldwell now moves down to the bantamweight division.


He now facesMorcego” Силва, a battle-tested 30-year-old fighter with championship-level experience in the Bellator MMA cage. With nearly a decade of professional fights to his name, Silva is an incredible 14-1 во неговото минато 15 overall appearances. His only loss during that run was a 25-minute decision against former Bellator MMA Bantamweight World Champion Joe Warren. Seventeen of Silva’s 22 во кариерата победи дошле од прекин, including eight knockouts and nine submissions.


A former cast member on Bellator MMA’sFight Master” серија, Matthews fought most recently in November, earning a decision win over Kyle Bolt. He now meets undefeated prospect Reiter, an intriguing individual who left Wall Street to pursue a career in MMA and now fights for the second time under the Bellator MMA banner after spending much of his early career in Peru.


Kozola, од Сан Диего, Калифорнија., fights for the second time under the Bellator MMA banner after debuting with a knockout victory over Jonathan Rivera in January. He now meets Butler, who returns to the promotion after a November Bellator MMA debut that saw him suffer a submission loss to Joao Paulo Faria.


“Bellator: Halsey наспроти. Grove” - Петок, Мај 15, Pechanga одморалиште & Казино, Temecula, Калифорнија.

Главната картичка (9 вечер. И)


Bellator средна Наслов борба: Шампионатот Брендон Halsey (8-0) наспроти. Кендал Grove (21-14)

Bellator Избрана bantamweight борба: Eduardo Dantas (16-4) наспроти. Мајк Ричман (18-5)

Bellator Избрана боксер од полусредна категорија борба: Фернандо Гонзалез (23-13) наспроти. Кертис Millender (7-1)

Bellator Избрана bantamweight борба: Darrion Колдвел (6-0) наспроти. Rafael Silva (22-4)

Прелиминарните картички (7:45 вечер. И)


Bellator средна Предходна борба: A.J. Matthews (7-3) наспроти. Бен Рајтер (14-0)

Bellator светлината во тешка категорија Предходна борба: Вергилиј Zwicker (13-4-1) наспроти. Разак ал-Хасан (12-4)

Bellator bantamweight Предходна борба: Joe Taimanglo (20-6-1) наспроти. Antonio Duarte (18-5)

Bellator featherweight Предходна борба: Јордан Парсонс (10-1) наспроти. Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (30-0)

Bellator боксер од полусредна категорија Предходна борба: Џеси Хуарез (22-9) наспроти. Рики Rainey (10-3)


Темно напади (прибл. 11 вечер. И)


Bellator Лесни темно Предходна: Стив Козола (5-0) наспроти. Иан Батлер (1-1)

Не. 6 Light Heavyweight in the World Phil Davis joins Bellator MMA


Phil Davis Signing

Санта Моника, Калифорнија. (Април 15, 2015) – Bellator MMA is pleased to announce the signing of the sixth* ranked Light Heavyweight in the world, Фил "Г-дин. Прекрасна "Дејвис (13-3, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави), на ексклузивна, мулти-борба договор.


“I can’t wait to be fighting in Bellator and wreck shop on everyone,", Рече Дејвис. “I am the absolute best and most dominant grappler to ever fight in MMA and I’m excited to get in there and compete at my new home.”

Born and raised in Harrisburg, Пенсилванија, Phil attended college close to home at Penn State University, where he became a four-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler for the Nittany Lions.


Davis had his first professional MMA fight in 2008 and accrued nine wins in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, including victories against the likes of Antônio Rogério Nogueira, Лиото Макида, Александар Густафсон, Brian Stann and Glover Teixeira.

A member of Alliance MMA in San Diego, Калифорнија., where he trains alongside Bellator stars like Michael Chandler and Joey Beltran, "Г-дин. Wonderful” joins the promotions Light Heavyweight division, which is currently upheld by champion Liam McGeary.


“Phil is a world class Mixed Martial Artist and we are very happy to be adding him to OUR roster of some of the best Light Heavyweights in the world,", Рече претседателот на промоција е, Скот Coker. “Bellator remains fully committed to building its world-class roster by signing top free agents like Davis, as well as grooming up-and-coming stars. We’ve got some amazing matchups in mind for ‘Mr. Wonderful’ that we will be announcing in the weeks to come.”

Bellator’s Light Heavyweight division is one of the deepest in the promotion, with stars like McGeary, Тито Ортиз, "Кралот Мо" Lawal, Квинтон "дивеење" Џексон, Emanuel Newton and Linton Vassell.


*Ranking according to www.sherdog.com




Недела, Април 19 Залез PARK во Лас Вегас

LAS VEGAS (Април 15, 2015) На Флојд Mayweather Џуниор. Фондацијата (FMJF) е горда да ви претстави на Борбата 4 Фитнес 5К Испратена / 2K прошетка, Забава Детска Run и Денот на Заедницата кои се случуваат Недела, Април 19 залез парк во Лас Вегас. На 5K Run / 2K прошетка и Забава Детска Испратена (една половина милја работи за деца 12 и под) почнува на 8 изутрина.и е проследена со церемонијата на доделување награди во чест на сите учесници. The presenting sponsors are Mayweather Promotions, The Money Team and Guy Ventures. It’s supporting sponsor is Soiree’s Event Planners and Caterers


Денот на Заедницата настан, веднаш по церемонијата на доделување награди ќе вклучува храна, музика, игри, raffled prizes, special performances from Lil Rome Diddy, Monster Kids and Innovations Dance Company Summerlin, plus health and fitness exhibitors offering their services to enhance fitness goals.


The event is emceed by hip-hop legend Doug E. Fresh and will have The Money Team’s own DJ Bling serve as the DJ.


“Мојата фондација навистина се грижи за Лас Вегас заедницата, и ние продолжуваме со ветување дека ќе се послужи со големи настани како овој,” Саид Mayweather. “Престојуваат вклопуваат и активен е толку важно. Се надеваме дека овој настан ги охрабрува луѓето од сите возрасти да работи кон добивање во форма и да живеат здрав начин на живот.”


Мисијата на Борбата 4 Фитнес is to form community alliances where awareness and empowerment serve as the nucleus for an improved quality of life. From children to adults, everyone is welcome to join the “Борбата” in reversing health trends that are adversely affecting our quality of life. Борбата 4 Фитнес is a movement toward good health through the possibilities of change that can enhance one’s own life and the lives of those around them. Учество во Борбата 4 Фитнес настан може да биде катализатор се потребни за да се создаде енергични, среќен, и здрава Лас Вегас заедницата. This unique experience invites all members of the community to run/walk independently or with friends, семејство, и соработници.


Целосниот распоред на настани се наведени подолу:


  • 8 изутрина. – 10 изутрина.5К Испратена / 2K прошетка & Забава Детска Испратена
  • 10 изутрина. – 11 изутрина.Награди на церемонијата
  • 11 изутрина. – 3 вечер. – Ден на Заедницата


Регистрација за сите и сите настани е во тек и може да се заврши www.runsignup.com/Fight4Fitness. Комплетна датуми регистрација и надоместоците се наведени подолу *:


  • Април 13та – Април 19та – $60 5К 45 / $ 2K / $20 KIDS FUN RUN/$25 Community Day


* CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT: A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Clark County School District. The funds will be divided among 10 назначени CCSD училишта кои покажаа потребата за поддршка во следниве области: спортски програми, физичко образование и образовни теренски патувања.


For more information follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather and @TFMJ become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/FloydMayweather и www.Facebook.com/TFMJF следат на Instagram на Instagram.com/FloydMayweather и Instagram.com/TFMJF и да додадете на снимки: Флојд Mayweather и TFMJF.



Билетите во продажба Утре!

BROOKLYN (Април 15, 2015) – Boxing superstar Амир “Кралот” Кан (30-3, 19 КО) returns to the ring to take on former world champion (20-1, 8 КО) на Петок, Мај 29, на Barclays Center во Бруклин, New York as the Main Event in an exciting Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) card on Spike TV.


The televised action begins live on Spike TV at 9 ЕТ/6 вечер. Португалија. Doors at Barclays Center open at 6 вечер. И.


I have happy memories of New York having made my successful U.S. debut there against Paulie Malignaggi in 2010,said Khan. “I’m delighted to now be fighting there once again against another champion in Chris Algieri. Algieri has shared the ring with some tremendous fighters and shown great skills in those fights so I know I will need to be at my very best when we meet. In all my fights I bring excitement, speed and skill and can guarantee more fireworks on Мај 29 at Barclays Center.


I am very excited to get back into the ring and to be fighting here in New York,” Саид Algieri. “Fighting at Barclays Center, where I won my world title just under a year ago, is an added bonus. Amir Khan is a tested champion and is the matchup that I wanted. I believe this is a fight that will bring the best out of me.


I am thrilled to be returning to Barclays Center for another terrific PBC event,” stated Lou DiBella, Претседателот на DiBella Забава. “Amir Khan is hands down one of the biggest names in the sport. Coming off a huge win over Devon Alexander, Khan is on the short list to participate in a future mega fight. He must first get by the hometown fan favorite, Algieri. This is a fight that Chris wanted. He is looking to show the world that he belongs, at the arena where he shocked the world and upset Ruslan Provodnikov for a world title. We expect an electric atmosphere come May 29та.”


We are excited to bring two outstanding fighters in Amir Kahn and Chris Algieri to Brooklyn,” рече извршниот директор на Баркли центар Брет Yormark. “Khan is among the most talked about and dynamic fighters in the sport, and Long Island’s own Algieri had his career defining win at Barclays Center last June. Our first PBC event in Brooklyn on April 11 was a huge success and we expect another big night on Мај 29. After less than three years in existence, Barclays Center is cementing itself as the premier boxing venue in the country.


We are thrilled to present this must-see matchup between of one of the sport’s true superstars, Амир Кан, and the tough-as-nails New Yorker, Крис Algieri, fighting in front of his hometown fans,” вели Џон Slusser, Постар Потпретседател, Спорт, Спајк ТВ.


Билети за настан во живо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, се по цена од $250, $150, $75 и $45, не се применуваат, вклучувајќи трошоци на услуги и даноци, и се на продажба утре, Четврток, Април 16та на 2 вечер. И. Билетите се достапни воwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com и во канцеларијата на American Express кутија на Баркли центар почеток Петок, Април 17 at noon ET. За да се наплаќаат по телефон, јавете се на Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. За група билети, Ве молиме јавете се 800-група-БК.


A 28-year-old star who first burst onto the scene with his silver medal-winning performance at the 2004 Олимписки игри, Khan is an exciting fighter who has shown incredible offensive skills and improved defensive technique since moving up to the welterweight division. His last two fights have come against former welterweight world champions Devon Alexander and Luis Collazo. He cruised to victory in those two contests and now looks to defeat another former champion when he battles the tough Algieri on Мај 29. Fighting out of Bolton, Велика Британија, the former super lightweight world champion is eager to make an impression in his first start at Barclays Center.


Algieri се искачи на слава во јуни 2014 на Баркли центар, кога тој се вознемири Руслан Provodnikov за супер лесни светската титула. The 31-year-old returns to the scene of his greatest triumph on Мај 29 to take on the British superstar Khan. Поранешната кик-бокс шампион од Хантингтон, Њујорк, built his undefeated boxing record on the strength of his excellent movement and skill with the jab. Неговата победа над Provodnikov му донесе една снимка на Мани Pacquiao во ноември. 2014, a bout that Algieri ultimately lost. He had previously defeated strong contenders Mike Arnaoutis and Emanuel Taylor on the way to his world title.


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За повеќе информации посетете ја страницата www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-бокс-шампиони, www.barclayscenter.com иwww.dbe1.com. Следете на ТвитерPremierBoxing, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieri и www.Facebook.com/Spike. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #BrooklynBoxing.

Team Dulorme is heading to Texas

Today at the Luis Munoz Marin Airport in Carolina, Порторико, Puerto Rican world title contender, Томас Dulorme ( 22-1, 14 КО ) alongside with his team, are heading to Arlington, Texas for the biggest fight of Dulorme’s career schedule for this Сабота, Април 18 against Terence Crawford ( 25-0, 17 КО ) of Nebraska, for the vacant WBO World super lightweight title.
The fight will air live on HBO as part of its series ‘HBO Boxing After Dark’, which starts from 9:45 часот (EST) во Колеџ Парк центар, located in University of Texas at Arlington.
I’m just two pounds over the weight limit. It is a matter of reaching Texas and continue the work plan for the fight,” said Thomas Dulorme who continued, “I will not let my people of Puerto Rico and the Latinos down”.
This fight is dedicated to all the Latinos and Caribbean people that day after day, and night after night, work very hard in the United States, especially those who work hard in the state of Texas,”, Dulorme concluded.


Кликнете ТУКА На фотографии од Естер Лин / Showtime

Кликнете ТУКА За фотографии од Идрис Erba / Mayweather Промоции

Кликнете ТУКА For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Кликнете ТУКА For Workout Highlight Reel

LAS VEGAS – (Април 15, 2015) – Повеќе од 200 accredited press members from around the world descended upon Mayweather Boxing Club for Вторник Флојд Mayweather Media Day. It was the 11-time world champion Mayweather’s first and only open training session before his welterweight world championship unification mega-showdown against Мани Pacquiao на Сабота, Мај 2, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas live on pay-per-view.


Superstars Mayweather (47-0, 26 КО) и Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 КО) is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., the live pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® со почеток во9:00 вечер. И/ 6:00 вечер. Португалија.


Several dozen television camera crews, колумнисти во весници, бокс писатели, радиодифузерите, web reporters, photographers and (видео) bloggers watched as Mayweather went through the paces during a 90-plus minute workout that included working the heavy bag, smacking the speed bag, hitting the mitts, jumping rope, stretching and doing calisthenics.


Before a training session streamed in high definition across multiple platforms, вклучувајќи и преку сателитски храна, YouTube и социјалните медиуми, Mayweather answered questions from the media inside a specially-constructed tent in a parking lot outside the gym.


What Mayweather, Мејведер Промоции извршен директор Леонард Ellerbe, тренер Флојд Mayweather Sr. and unbeaten WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Лео Санта Круз, who will fight in the top pay-per-view undercard bout on Мај 2, рече Вторник:


FLOYD Mayweather, 11-Светски шампион


My training camp is basically running the same way. I think it has been smoother than others. I feel very comfortable and happy with my performances. They push me hard at camp. They know what I need.


The timing for this fight is right. This fight is about legacy, fans and family. I surround myself with all of the right people.


I can’t say that this matchup is about hype. This is real life. This is two future Hall of Famers in a mega-fight.


I’ve done record breaking numbers before and it looks like we’re going to do it again.


Everything in life is about timing. I have no regrets that this fight didn’t take place five years ago. I didn’t think it was that big then, but it continued to get bigger and bigger. Not just in boxing, but outside of the sport. Pacquiao has continued to grow outside of the sport. We didn’t need to rush anything.


This is going to be an exciting fight. Our styles are totally different. He is very, very reckless. Every move I make is calculated. I’m always 5-10 steps ahead of my opponent.


We’ll see what happens when the fight starts. But when all is said and done I’m going to be the winner.


Pacquiao is strong and solid but I don’t know if he can make adjustments like I can. I feel tremendous.


This was a difficult fight to make happen, but we made it happen. This fight is one of the biggest ever in boxing.


I’m still going strong. The last time I looked, Бев 47 и 0.


Anyone can get hit with a great shot, but I can make more adjustments and Manny can’t.


I don’t think Pacquiao expected me to look as strong or big when we faced off (at the L.A. прес-конференција).


I walk around at 150-152 pounds to weigh 147 фунти. Other boxers weigh around 160-170 before coming down.


I’ve got one more fight on my contract. I couldn’t be happier with SHOWTIME and CBS.


Las Vegas is the boxing capital. During a Floyd Mayweather fight weekend, you can shop, party, stay out late and do anything you want. The city of Las Vegas has everything.


There were offers to fight other places, but MGM Grand is my home.


Anything I’ve asked of MGM Grand, they’ve done for me in a heartbeat. They’re all about making entertainers and athletes happy.


ЛАВ SANTA CRUZ, ВБЦ Супер bantamweight светски шампион


I’m very grateful for the opportunity to fight on such an unbelievably huge card. I really want to thank Floyd Mayweather.


Any boxer would like to be on this card where millions of people are watching. I’m happy to represent Mexico on this night and on this fight card.

I look at it as a key opportunity for me to make an even bigger name for myself, which is my goal because one day I want to become a superstar like Floyd. That’s why I train really hard all of the time.


There are no little fights for me. I consider every fighter dangerous. You lose when you think a fighter is not on your level and then he comes in hungrier than you. That will never happen to me.


I don’t know who I’m fighting yet, but I’m sparring different guys with different styles.


There’s always a lot at risk for me. People keep talking about all of these big fights, but if I don’t win now, there will be no big fights in the future.


I know who I want to fight, but I don’t pick my opponents; I leave it up to my team. They make those kinds of decisions. My job is to fight and win.


I have to stay concentrated. I have to maintain focus and concentration. I can’t get ahead of myself. Јас давам 100 percent in training and in the ring. I always want to put on a great fight for the fans.

LEONARD ELLERBE, Извршен директор на Mayweather Промоции


Boxing is at an all time high at the moment. There are a lot of great things going on. Between this fight and getting boxing back on network television, it’s all great for the sport.


This fight will not only elevate the sport in general, but it will bring in the casual fan to the sport and that’s a great thing.


The impact that Floyd Mayweather has had on this sport is immeasurable. People won’t be able to appreciate that until he retires. He’s done so much for this sport. He’s given fighters a platform to say to other promoters that they deserve the lion’s share of the money. He’s brought more sponsorships to the sport.


Floyd Mayweather is the highest paid athlete in all of sports and he happens to be a boxer.


I think the demand thus far only indicates how big this event is. This is a fight that’s been talked about for five years now and everyone is going to get exactly what they’ve been asking for.


Manny Pacquiao is a great fighter. He’s been in a number of great fights and he’s had a terrific career thus far. These are the two best fighters of this generation and come Мај 2 there will be one man standing and it will be Floyd Mayweather.


There’s no doubt it’s going to be a great fight. Јас сум навистина возбуден. I can see firsthand the day-to-day preparation that Floyd puts in and he’s working just as hard as ever. The fans are going to get a great fight that night.


I don’t know what Manny Pacquiao has to do on Мај 2, but I know what Floyd Mayweather has to do. He has to do what he normally does and go in there and execute his game plan and I really expect Floyd to knock him out.


FLOYD Mayweather SR., Mayweather’s Trainer & Father


Floyd is as well rounded a fighter as there has ever been, but he’s really still here because of his defense.


Other guys fight with their head and their mind and come up short. It’s his great defense that has kept him on top for so long.


I want you all to see it. It’s so plain and simple what he’s going to do. Even Ray Charles could see it.


I honestly never thought that this was going to happen. So many people were trying to say Floyd was scared. Lets see on Мај 2 who is scared.


I can’t tell you why or how, but here’s an update, Floyd is going to kick his a** and knock Pacquiao out.


I didn’t watch one tape on Pacquiao. There is no reason to study him. He’s not at this level.


Floyd is the best, I must confess. Nothing is going to stop Floyd Mayweather.


Pacquiao’s trainer Coach Roach (Фреди Роуч) is lying to you. Trying to trick you all. Floyd’s not getting knocked down in the gym. Floyd is the one knocking people down. Roach blows smoke with no hope.

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За повеќе информации посетете ја страницата www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com / бокс и www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing ИSwanson_Comm, and become a fan on Facebookatwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiaowww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing,www.facebook.com/SHOsports andwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.