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Mednarodni spopad v polni težki kategoriji je premagal Michaela "Venom" proti Rudyju "Bad News", ki so ga dodali Medvedi “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov”


Easy Tweet: "SLABE NOVICE! Britanska superzvezdnica @ Michaelpage247 vrne proti Rudyju “Slabe novice” Medvedi ob #Bellator140, v živo in brezplačno naprej @Spike

SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (April 24, 2015) - Michael Page "strup" (7-0) se bo trudil, da bo njegov nepremagljiv niz ostal živ, ko bo srečal veterana Rudy "Bad News Bears" (16-13) v nagibnem nagibu pri “Bellator: Lima vs. Koreshkov,” ki poteka Petek, Julij 17, na Mohegan Sun Arena v Uncasville, Conn.


The Julij 17 dogodek se oblikuje kot izjemen prikaz dobrega talenta, že predstavljajo že napovedane dvoboje med svetovnim prvakom v Bellatorju MMA v težki kategoriji Douglas “Fenomen” Lime (26-5) in ruski knockout umetnik Andrey “Špartanski” Koreshkov (17-1), kot tudi Chris Honeycutt (6-0), ki prevzame Paul Bradley (22-6).


Dva 170 funtov se srečata na glavni kartici “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov,” ki je na sporedu v živo in brezplačno na Spike na 9 p.m. IN / 8 p.m. CT.


Vstopnice za dogodek so zdaj v prodaji, in so na voljo v blagajni Mohegan Sun Arena oz Ticketmaster.com.


Page je nedvomno ena najhitreje vzhajajočih zvezd v vseh mešanih borilnih veščinah. Pokaže hitrost utripa in natančnost, "Venomov" neortodoksni presenetljiv slog se je skozi življenje učil v različnih samostojnih disciplinah. 28-letnik ima že tri zmage Bellator MMA, vključno z odločitvijo o zmagi nad Nah-Shonom Burrellom lani oktobra, pa tudi knockout zmage nad Rickyjem Raineyjem in Ryanom Sandersom. Šest od sedmih zmag na strani v karieri je prispelo v končnici prvega kroga.


36-letni domačin iz Missourija, Medvedje je začel svoj bojni športni trening v srednji šoli. Boj profesionalno, saj 2007, Medvedi so se že sedemkrat pojavili pod zastavo Bellator MMA in se zdaj vračajo k napredovanju, potem ko so na regionalnem prizorišču prikolesarili z zmagami od zadnjega kova.. Medvedi so tekmovali proti MMA-jem, kot je Zak Cummings, Paul Daley, Jason Visoka, Ryan Jensen, Isaac Vallie-Flagg in Tyron Woodley, med drugim.


Dodatni natečaji za “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” bo objavljen v kratkem.


“Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” - Petek, Julij 17, Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Conn.


Bellator Velterska kategorija Naslov Fight: Champ Douglas Lima (26-5) vs. Andrey Koreshkov (17-1)

Bellator Velterska kategorija Feature Fight: Chris Honeycutt (6-0) vs. Paul Bradley (22-6)

Bellator Velterska kategorija Feature Fight: Michael Page (7-0) vs. Rudy Bears (16-13)

Po 28-mesečnem odpustu, neporaženi lahki Angel Ocasio se vrača to soboto v Harrahs Philadelphijo

Omar Douglas v glavnem turnirju prevzema nekdanjega izzivalca za svetovni naslov Daniela Attaha in neporaženega, Christopher Brooker, Earl Newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephen Fulton, Jovontae Starks in Raynell Williams
Chester, PA (April 24, 2015)–JUTRI ZVEČER!!, April 25, boks vrne v Harrahs Philadelphia z izjemno kartico, ki jo promovirata King's Promotions in XFE.

V glavni dogodek, neporažen lahki Omar Douglas akcijo bo videl v dvoboju s šestimi krogi, ko se zdaj bojuje z nekdanjim izzivalcem za svetovni naslov Daniel Attah (28-19-1, 11 KO je) Washington, Enosmerno.

V enem od pričakovanih spodrsljajev, neporažen lahki Angel Ocasio (7-0-2, 2 KO je) bo prevzel težkega veterana Justin Johnson v borbi predvideno za šest krogov.

Bilo je pred več kot dvema letoma, ko je bil Ocasio, veljal za naraščajočo perspektivo v Filadelfiji, je bil zadnji v ringu, ko je v dveh krogih decembra ustavil Estebana Rodrigueza 8, 2012.

“Vzela sem si prosti čas in našla gospoda in se poročila,”je dejal 25 letni Ocasio.

“Bil je prepotreben prosti čas. Pomagal sem si spoznati, da so potem bolj pomembne stvari, da sem samo boksar. Vem, da so druge stvari, kot je boks, samo začasno. Če boksa ni bilo tukaj, Še vedno bi bil isti fant. ”

Ocasio ve, da ima talent v ringu in po njem hiatus, ni imel veliko težav, da bi se vrnil v zamah stvari.

“Trening vidik ni bil tako težaven. Dober sem s težo in tek je bil dober. Predvidevam, da je bilo potrebno le čas. Vendar sem se odlično zaposlil (neporažen lahki) Milton Santiago Jr. in se je lepo vrnil.”

Ocasio ni izbral lahkega kupca za svojega povratnega nasprotnika v Johnsonu. Johnsonov zapis je pravkar prebran 6-7-4 vendar ima zmage nad štirimi neporaženimi obeti plus spoštovanje Phillyjevega borca ​​Hasana Younga.

“Justin je težek. Premagal je štiri neporažene borce in prepričan sem, da se dobro pripravlja. Samo s tem, da se bori s fantom s takšnim rekordom, ne dobiva borb. Je izkušen borec, tako da vem, da se bo dobro boril.”

“Videti sem, da sem zelo aktiven preostanek leta. Iščem pet skupnih bojev v 2015. Mogoče še dva dvoboja in moj cilj je, da se do konca leta spopadem z osmimi krogi. Mislim, da sem približno osem spopadov od tega, da sem eden tistih televizijskih bojev, ki me bodo spravili na najvišjo raven.”

Dobro izgovorjen Ocasio je poudaril, da kljub odsotnosti, kmalu bo v športu veliko ime.

“Sem nazaj. Pridem po svoje. Ljudje, ki že dolgo dvomijo o meni, se lahko še vedno vključijo v ekipo!”

V osmih krogu dvoboja z, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO je) Minneapolis, MN. bo Jeremiah Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO je) Newport News, VA v welterweight dvoboja..
Tudi v šestih okroglih borbah:
Kyrone Davis (6-0, 3 KO je) Wilmintonda, DE bo na Carlos Garcia (7-13-1, 7 KO je) Portorika v dvoboju Super srednje teže.
Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO je) Brooklyna, NY bodo poskušali ohraniti njegovo odlično knockout streak dogaja, ko se bori Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO je) od Sunbury, PA v težki borbi.
Stephen Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) Philadelphia bo boj Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO je) sv. Louis, MO v peresno dvoboja.
Nekdanji U.S.. Olympian, Raynell Williams (6-0, 3 KO je) Cleveland, OH bo kvadratni off z Alfred Hall (4-8-2, 2 KO je) od Jackson, Michigan v lahkem dvoboju.
V štirih okroglih borbah:
Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) Philadelphia, PA prevzamejo Maurice Amaro (2-8, 1 KO) Philadelphia, PA v super srednji dvoboja.
Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO je) sv. Louis, MO bo boj Zachary Bunce (2-1, 1 KO) Las Vegas, NV v težkem dvoboju.
Earl Newman (4-0, 3 KO je) Brooklyna, NY bo boj Julio Garcia (6-8-3, 3 KO je) podjetja Rincon, PR v lahkem težkem dvoboju.

Vstopnice za ta veliki noči stroškov boks $100, $75 in $50 in jih je mogoče kupiti s klicem 610-587-5950 ali www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

DUZENE stvari, ki jih niste vedeli o plavutih, ki so lahko v maju in marsikaterem pakvi

Vrhunski borci te generacije se pripravljajo na kvadrat

On Sobota, Maj 2 V dvorani Grand Garden Arena MGM

LAS VEGAS (April 24, 2015) – Do tedna je nekaj več kot en teden Floyd “Denar” Mayweather in Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao odkrito za svoje epske dvoboje v polni kategoriji Sobota, Maj 2 v Grand Garden Areni MGM, ki jo bo koproduciral in koproduciral HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® z začetkom ob 9 p.m. IN/ 6 p.m. PT.


Medtem ko oboževalci dobijo utrinke v življenje teh borcev s predoglednimi oddajami in objavami na družbenih medijih, še vedno obstaja veliko vidikov njihovega življenja, o katerih javnost nič ne ve. Preden se trening kamp zaključi in se borci privežejo na borbeno noč, poglejte nekaj zanimivosti, ki jih morda ne veste o Mayweatherju in Pacquiau.


FLOYD Mayweather

1. Twizzlerji so eden njegovih najljubših prigrizkov

2. Ramen juha z rezanci je eden njegovih najljubših obrokov in ga ne mara 5 zvezdne restavracije

3. Povprečja čez 1000 sedenje na dan med vadbenim taborom

4. Ne uporablja kečapa ali gorčice na vročih psih, ampak uporablja BBQ omako

5. Krivi užitek je igranje Mega Touch in ima najvišje rezultate v vsaki tekmi tam- njegovi favoriti so Spades, Domino in besedne prepirke.

6. Film Troy z Bradom Pittom je tisti, ki ga rad opazuje vedno znova.

7. Vsak sok, ki ga pije med vadbenim taborom, je narejen iz nič

8. Kdaj ven jesti, Vedno naroči kozarec z vročo vodo, da pusti, da se njihova srebrna posoda namoči v kozarcu, preden jih začne uporabljati.

9. The krošnje dreves ki ga uporablja za sekanje lesa, je prinesel iz velikega medveda in skoraj tehta 700 funtov vsak.

10. Enkrat na teden doma dobi manikuro in pedikuro med treningom

11. Ne uporablja mikrovalovne pečice, samo jedi kuhano in segreto hrano na štedilniku in v pečici.

12. Njegova jutranja rutina vključuje ščetkanje zob za 10 naravnost minut.



1 Skoraj ob vsakem obroku jedo beli riž na pari in piščančje ali goveje juhe


2. Manny bo pil samo vročo ali sobno temperaturo. Nikoli hladne vode, ker se mu zdi, da ni zdrava


3. Manny povprečno presega 2,500 vsakodnevne posedovanja med vadbenim kampom


4. Manny poje pet obrokov in zaužije 8,000 kalorij na dan, da ohrani svojo težo in energijo


5. Manny redno ima 500 oboževalci ga spremljajo na njegovih jutranjih vožnjah v Los Angelesu


6. Vsako jutro začne z branjem Biblije


7. Obožuje svoje skodelice masla iz arašidovega masla


8. V preteklosti 12 mesecev se je Manny srečal s predsednikom Obamo, Predsednik Clinton in princ Harry


9. Pacman, Mannyjev devetletni Jack Russell terier in ljubljeni spremljevalec, spremlja Mannyja na vseh njegovih jutranjih tekih in pri njegovih treningih pri Wild Cardu. Ima celo svoj račun za pogoste letalce


10. Manny je poročnik. Polkovnik v rezervni enoti filipinske vojske


11. Floyd Mayweather bo tretji zaporedni neporaženi svetovni prvak, s katerim se je v preteklosti soočal Manny 13 mesecev


12. Manny je velik ljubitelj fotografij. Ta teden je kupil dve Canon vodilni kameri – 1DX — skupaj z lečami in dodatki.



* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., in ga sponzorira Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures in Skydance Productions - Terminator Genisys, v gledališčih Julij 1st, Paramount Pictures & Produkcije Skydance predstavljajo MISIJO NEPOSREDNO: ROGUE NATION, v gledališčih & IMAX Julij 31st, The Weinstein Company in novi film Southpaw, v vlogi Jakea Gyllenhaala, povsod v gledališčih Julij 24 in Mehika, Živite za Verjeli.


Za več informacij obiščite www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Šport,www.hbo.com/boxing in www.mgmgrand.com in sledite na Twitterju nafloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing InSwanson_Comm, in postal oboževalec na Facebook-u na www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports inwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Lewiston, Maine (April 24, 2015) - New England Fights (NEF), Ameriški številka ena regionalna promocija boj, bo imel svojem osemnajstem mešane borilne-umetnost (MMA) Dogodek, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki,” na Sobota, Junij 13, 2015 na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine. Že danes, the promotion announced that the inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Flyweight Champion will be determined that evening when Dustin Veinott (3-3) rematches “Sleepy” Norman Fox (4-1) at the flyweight limit of 125-pounds. Veinott and Fox initially met in their double amateur debut at “NEF IX” v BIDDEFORD, Maine nearly two years ago with Fox taking the win via first-round technical knockout (WHO).


Dustin Veinott, a striking coach at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) v Auburn, Maine, got off to a slow start in his MMA career, losing his first three bouts in the NEF cage. Not one to give up due to a setback, Veinott came roaring back and is currently on a three-fight win streak. Dejansko, he has defeated all three of his most recent opponents in the first round, two by submission and one by TKO. Veinott was considering retiring from the cage after his most recent victory over Dave Brown (1-3), but decided against it when the chance to fight for the flyweight title was presented. Regardless of the outcome this time around, Veinott predicts an exciting contest against Fox.


This is going to be a very entertaining fight,” said Veinott of the rematch. “Don’t blink though because this fight will not go the distanceeither Norman or myself will be finished during the fight. So expect a high-action fight between two guys that are at the top of their game right now.


Norman Fox is undefeated in the NEF cage. The only loss of his career to date came on a fight card in Plymouth, Massachusetts on which Fox was competing for a regional title. He is currently a member of Ryan Cowette’s (2-2) MMA Athletix gym, as well as Cowette’s Victory Church ministry. Fox realizes that he and Veinott are not the same fighters who stepped into the cage for the first time on that balmy night in the summer of 2013.


Normally I don’t like rematches, but Dustin and I have grown as fighters so anything can happen,” said Fox when reached for comment. “Once they lock the cage door, it’s all in God’s hands.


Naslednji MMA dogodek Nef je, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki” bo izvirajo iz ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine junija 13, 2015. Vstopnice za “NEF XVIII” začeti na samo $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525. Za več informacij o posodobitvah dogodkov in boj kartic, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

North Philly’s Own Cheesesteak, Sumo Steaks, is Proud of Philadelphia Boxers, Bryant Jennings and Jesse Hart

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, April 24, 2015North Philly’s Own Cheesesteaks, Sumo Steaks, is proud to announce that their friends, fellow North Philadelphians, and big-hearted local community role models, Bryant Jennings in Jesse Hart, will both soon be making major career defining strides. Bryant Jennings will be fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship and Jesse Hart will be fighting on the undercard of the most anticipated Fight of the Century, Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas.

Bryant Jennings enjoying a Sumo (Vegetarian Seitan) Cheesesteak
To Sobota, 25. april, Philadelphia’s own undefeated American boxer, Bryant “By-By” Jennings, (19-0, 10 Kos) takes on Wladimir “Dr. Steel Hammer” Klitschko (63-3, 54 Kos) from Kiev, Ukraine at the famed Madison Square Garden. Jennings will be joined by the legendary trainer Fred Jenkins and promoter Gary Shaw. “Bryant is very focused with a strong work ethic. We believe he’s going to upset Klitschko and are looking forward to “By-By” bringing the World Heavyweight Championship belts back to Philadelphia.said Billy Creagh of Sumo Steaks.

Jesse Hart (levo); Sumo Steaks owner Billy Creagh and Eugene “Cyclone” Hart

Sumo Steaks is equally excited for Jesse Hart (16-0,13 Kos) and D&D Management Team (Doc Nowicki & David Price) who will be fighting Mike Jimenez (17-0,11 Kos) from Chicago IL, on the biggest boxing card in history, Mayweather vs. Pacquiao. They will come together on May 2nd, v Las Vegasu, NV. at the MGM Grand for the USBA Super Middleweight Title. He will be joined by his cornermen, Fred Jenkins Sr, Danny Davis, Corey AKA Hundew MacDonald and Jesse’s father, Eugene “Cyclone” Hart, along with his promoter Top Rank’s Bob Arum.

Coincidentally In 1971, North Philadelphia’s Joe Frazier beat Muhammad Ali and won the World Heavyweight Championship at Madison Square Garden in which was calledthe Fight of the Century.It was so big the ring announcer said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are not going to introduce the celebrities at ringside Nocoj, because everybody is here Nocoj.”

Located in North Philadelphia, home to boxing champions, Bernard Hopkins, Danny Garcia and the late Joe Frazier, Sumo Steaks opened in 2013 and was recently voted top Cheesesteak in Philly. They have been fortunate to get to know both Jesse and Bryant and their teams through various charity events and other activities. Sumo Steaks is also a proud sponsor of boxing events in Philadelphia. Za več informacij, pojdi na sumosteaks.com.




NEW YORK — April 23, 2015 — BET Networks is pleased to announce that it is stepping into the ring with Roc Nation Sports as their exclusive broadcast partner to air live throne boks events on the network. The partnership between BET Networks and Roc Nation Sports is the first of its kind for the network and includes airing up to nine live, two-hour telecasts of Roc Nation Sports throne boks events over the next 18 mesecev. The first main event fight to air on BET Networks will feature WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO je) facing former World Title Challenger Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO je) of England in a 12 round bout on Sobota, Junij 20, 2015 na Oracle Arena v Oaklandu, California. Poleg velikega ukrepov znotraj obroča, the telecast will feature several notable Roc Nation touches that offer an unprecedented fan experience, including a live musical performance and a name DJ to keep the energy at a high level throughout the night. Fans can catch the action live on BET in the United States and globally on TIDAL.com, novo začela pretakanje glasbe storitev, ki združuje najboljše visoke zvestobe kakovost zvoka, High Definition glasbenih videov in strokovno kurator editorial.

Vstopnice po ceni $250, $125, $90, $60 in $30, ne vključno z veljavnimi stroškov storitev in davkov, go on sale Petek, April 24 pri 10:00 AM PT and will be available at all Ticketmaster locations, na spletni strani Ticketmaster.com in naboj po telefonu na (800) 745-3000.


“BET is constantly searching for ways to expand its portfolio of content with the sole goal of satisfying our audiences,” said Stephen G. Hill, President of Programming, BET Networks. “Roc Nation is doing very exciting things in the entertainment space and we are excited to partner with them on this groundbreaking deal positioning BET Networks as a go-to destination for premier live boxing events. Skupaj, we’ll provide unique entertainment.”


“We’re thrilled to not only be introducing our newest broadcast partnership with BET Networks, but also to use this new platform to telecast Andre Ward’s highly anticipated return to the ring,"Je dejal David Itskowitch, COOBoxing of Roc Nation Sports. "On Junij 20, we will once again provide fans a night of exciting Prestol boks pretepi, live musical entertainment and an unprecedented fan experience.”


“I’m very excited to be coming back on Junij 20 at Oracle Arena in my hometown of Oakland which has been a long time coming,"Je dejal Ward. “I’m equally excited to be fighting on BET in front of a potential viewership of over 90 milijonov domov. Kot borec, this diversifies my portfolio and puts me in front of a whole different audience. I have an extremely tough fighter in front of me in Paul Smith who’s looking to pull the upset, but I can’t let that happen. I have to be on my best game to turn Smith away and beat him the way I want to beat him. Kot vedno, I’m ready to put on a tremendous performance in front of my hometown fans and those watching on BET. This is a fight you don’t want to miss.”


“I cannot wait to get back in the ring and test myself against a class act like Andre Ward. I proved that I belong at the top level with my performances against Arthur Abraham and this is a challenge that I am relishing,"Je dejal Smith. “Andre is a top pound-for-pound fighter and someone I respect a lot, but he has only boxed once in almost three years and I will give it everything I have got. I am fresh and confident going into this fight. It’s a massive opportunity for me and one that I took with both hands when it was offered. I have spent a lot of time boxing in the United States and I look forward to returning for this fight.”


Known for his strong character and integrity outside the ring and his killer instinct inside it, Andre Ward’s skill and talent were apparent early in his outstanding amateur career. He racked up every title in the books, vrhunec z zlato medaljo v luči težki oddelka na 2004 Olimpijske igre v Atenah. As the only male American boxer to claim Olympic gold since 1996, Ward je pridružil všeč Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard in Oscar De La Hoya. Obrnil se je strokovno na december 18, 2004, scoring a second round technical knockout victory over Chris Molina at Staples Center in a fight that was televised live on HBO. He has gone on to rack up 26 more victories since then, building an ever-growing legion of fans in the process. Po postane Ring Magazine in WBA super srednji svetovni prvak, rising to the number two spot on the pound-for-pound list and winning the 2011 Fighter of the Year Award (ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Ring Magazine in Združenje Boksarske Writers of America), je bilo napovedano, da Ward podpisala ekskluzivno promocijsko pogodbo z Roc Nation Sports januarja 2015, odpira novo poglavje v svoji kadjo boksarski karieri. Now the Bay Area product is ready to return to the ring on Junij 20 na Oracle Arena pred njegovo rojstno mesto oboževalcev v Oaklandu, California.


Paul “Real Gone Kid” Smith enters his fight against pound-for-pound star Ward coming off of two heroic performances against WBO Super Middleweight World Champion Arthur Abraham. Smith challenged the Armenian-German for his title in Kiel, Germany in September 2014 and put on the performance of his career in his world title first shot. The 32-year-old native of Liverpool was the clear winner of large parts of the fight and celebrated at the bell in front of a hushed partisan crowd that thought that Abraham had been dethroned. Smith was not expecting the wide scorecards that were read out in favor of the hometown fighter and, judging by the far-reaching outrage at the lopsided numbers, neither were the majority of the boxing world and beyond, with Smith receiving support from some of Britain’s biggest sports stars on social media. A rematch was the only possible scenario and, like a true champion, Abraham duly obliged. Smith returned to Germany in February of this year to face Abraham again, this time in Berlin, but Abraham was a different fighter the night of their second fight, successfully defending his belt against a brave challenge from Smith. Once again the judges’ were forced to give a verdict and this time a decision win by Abraham was met with no outcry of controversy. On Junij 20, “Real Gone Kid” will return to the ring and once again venture into hostile territory to take on one of boxing’s best, looking to silence the crowd.


Ward vs. Smith, a 12 round bout z Roc Nation Sports predstavila, poteka Sobota, Junij 20 na Oracle Arena v Oaklandu, California, se bo na televiziji v živo na BET in pretočili globalno na TIDAL.com na 10:00 PM ET/7:00 PM PT in je predstavljen v povezavi z Matchroom šport.


BET Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIA.B), is the nation’s leading provider of quality entertainment, glasba, news and public affairs television programming for the African-American audience. The primary BET channel reaches more than 90 million households and can be seen in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom and sub-Saharan Africa. BET is the dominant African-American consumer brand with a diverse group of business extensions: BET.com, a leading Internet destination for Black entertainment, glasba, culture, in novice; CENTRIC, a 24-hour entertainment network targeting the 25- to 54-year-old African-American audience; BET Digital NetworksBET Gospel and BET Hip Hop, attractive alternatives for cutting-edge entertainment tastes; BET Home Entertainment, a collection of BET-branded offerings for the home environment including DVDs and video-on-demand; BET Event Productions, a full-scale event management and production company with festivals and live events spanning the globe; BET Mobile, which provides ringtones, games and video content for wireless devices; and BET International, which operates BET in the United Kingdom and oversees the extension of BET network programming for global distribution.



Roc Nation Sports, sub-delitev Roc Nation, začela spomladi 2013. Founder Shawn “JAY Z” Carter’s love of sports lead to the natural formation of Roc Nations Sports, pomagajo športnikom na enak način, Roc Nation je bil pomagati umetnikom v glasbeni industriji za let. Roc Nation Sports focuses on elevating athletes’ career on a global scale both on and off the field. Roc Nation Sports konceptualizira in izvaja tržne in priznanja obravnava, doseg skupnost, dobrodelne tie-ins, odnosi z mediji in strategije blagovne znamke. Roc Nation Sports začela svoj boks delitev, popolno storitev promocijsko podjetje, ki zastopa svetovne prvake Miguel Cotto in Andre Ward, v avgustu 2014. Roc Nation Sports’ roster includes premiere athletes such as Robinson Cano, Skylar Diggins, Kevin Durant, Geno Smith, Victor Cruz, CC Sabathia, James Young, Dez Bryant, Ndamukong Suh, Rusney Castillo, Yoenis Cespedes, Jaelen Strong, Todd Gurley, Wilson Chandler, Erick Aybar and Frances Tiafoe. For more information please visit www.rocnation.com. Follow Roc Nation on Twitter and Instagram @rocnation and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation.



Oracle Arena and O.co Coliseum, managed by AEG Facilities, are the premiere sports and entertainment complexes in Northern California. Home of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, the NFL’s Oakland Raiders and MLB’s Oakland Athletics as well as host to concerts, family shows and special events. Additional information on Oracle Arena and O.co Coliseum, including a complete schedule of events can be found online at www.coliseum.com. Follow Oracle Arena on Twitter, Instagram, Vine and Snapchat @OracleArena and on Facebook www.faecbook.com/OracleArenaO.coColiseum.


‘It’s Really Happening’ Builds on Original ‘Week of Greatness’ Spot

Foot Locker, Inc. (NYSE: FL)
April 23, 2015

NEW YORK, April 23, 2015 Foot Locker, Inc. (NYSE: FL), the New York-based specialty athletic retailer, today debuted a new television spot, »It’s Really Happening,” in celebration of the highly-anticipated and long-awaited bout between champion boxers on Sobota, Maj 2.

The new spot builds on Foot Locker’s “Week of Greatness” commercial from November 2014, which played on enduring attempts to schedule the oft-rumored mega fight, ending with Pacquiao believing that the fight was happening back then. In this newest commercial, Pacquiao’s business manager tells him that the fight really is going to happen, which at first surprises Pacquiao, then he again reacts with his signature elation made famous in the original spot.

“Our original ‘Week of Greatness’ spot with Manny Pacquiao last November was a big hit with our customers. It parodied the well-documented opposition of the fighters to agree upon a deal,” said Stacy Cunningham, Executive Vice President of Marketing for Foot Locker. “So when the two sides finally announced that a deal had been made, we saw an opportunity to follow up, tapping into the hilarity of the original spot. We are excited to launch ‘It’s Really Happening,’ as part of Foot Locker’s signature ‘Approved’ marketing platform.”

The spot was created by worldwide agency BBDO.

About Foot Locker:

Foot Locker is part of Foot Locker, Inc., a specialty athletic retailer that operates approximately 3,500 stores in 23 države v Severni Ameriki, Evropa, Avstralija, in Nova Zelandija. Through its Foot Locker, Footaction, Lady Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Champs Sports, SIX:02, Runners Point, and Sidestep retail stores, as well as its direct-to-customer channel, Vključno footlocker.com, Eastbay.com, SIX:02.s,runnerspoint.com, in sidestep-shoes.com, the Company is a leading provider of athletic footwear and apparel.

Additional information may be found at footlocker.com | Twitter: @footlocker | Instagram: @footlocker | YouTube: youtube.com/footlocker | Blog:unlocked.footlocker.com | Facebook: facebook.com/footlocker #Approved


Closed Circuit Locations Available at all MGM Resorts International Properties Along The Strip

LAS VEGAS (April 22, 2015) – Tickets for the highly anticipated world championship showdown betweenFloyd “Denar” Mayweather in Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao poteka Sobota, Maj 2 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena will be available jutri for both in-arena and closed circuit viewing.


Vstopnice za dogodek v živo po ceni $7,500, $5,000, $3,500, $2,500 in $1,500, ne vključno z ustreznimi stroški storitev, go on sale Četrtek, April 23 pri 3 p.m. IN/12 p.m. PT. Tickets are limited to four (4) na gospodinjstvo. Zaračunati po telefonu ali z velikim kreditno kartico, pokličite na Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Tickets also will be available for purchase at www.mgmgrand.com ali www.ticketmaster.com.


The closed circuit telecast will be available at all MGM Resorts International properties in Las Vegas. General admission tickets for closed circuit viewing will be $150, not including handling fees, and will go on saleČetrtek, April 23 pri 6 p.m. IN/3 p.m. PT. Tickets will be available for purchase at the individual property’s box office outlets, by phone with a major credit card at (866) 799-7711 or through Ticketmaster by calling (800) 745-3000. Closed circuit tickets are limited to eight (8) na gospodinjstvo.


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Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate. The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® in HBO Pay-per-view® z začetkom ob 9 p.m. IN/ 6 p.m. PT.


Za več informacij obiščite www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Šport,www.hbo.com/boxing in www.mgmgrand.com in sledite na Twitterju nafloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing InSwanson_Comm, in postal oboževalec na Facebook-u na www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports in www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.




Tickets Go On Sale Jutri


LAS VEGAS (April 23, 2015) – The official weigh-in for the world championship matchup between Floyd “Denar” Mayweather and Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao is set for Petek, Maj 1 v MGM Grand Garden Arena. Due to the expected demand for access to this event, fans will be required to purchase a ticket ahead of time in order to attend the weigh-in. All funds raised through ticket sales will benefit Susan G. Komen and the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health on behalf of the promotion.


Tickets for the weigh-in are priced at $10 with a total ticket limit of 10, in so na prodaj Petek april 24 pri 3 p.m. IN/12 p.m. PT. Tickets can be purchased through the MGM Resorts Call Center at (866) 740-7711 or at any MGM Resorts Box Office.


The weigh-in is always the grand finale of fight week activities.” povedal Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promotions. “And with the massive interest in this fight, the number of fans looking to attend the official weigh-in is going to be something we’ve never seen before. We’re excited to be able to use the enthusiasm around this event to provide donations to two very deserving charities.


The charge of $10 for the weigh-in will benefit two great charities. All proceeds will go right to them. This is a win-win situation for all,” je dejal Hall of Fame promotor Bob Arum Top Rank.


Fans in attendance can expect an electric atmosphere coupled with a full show featuring music and entertainment as the two fighters meet one last time before their historic fight Sobota, Maj 2 v MGM Grand Garden Arena.


* * *

Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout that is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., in ga sponzorira Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures in Skydance Productions - Terminator Genisys, v gledališčih July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Produkcije Skydance predstavljajo MISIJO NEPOSREDNO: ROGUE NATION, v gledališčih & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company in novi film Southpaw, v vlogi Jakea Gyllenhaala, povsod v gledališčih Julij 24 in Mehika, Živite za Verjeli. The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® in HBO Pay-per-view® z začetkom ob 9:00 p.m. IN/ 6:00 p.m. PT.



Za več informacij obiščite www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Šport,www.hbo.com/boxing in www.mgmgrand.com in sledite na Twitterju nafloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing InSwanson_Comm, in postal oboževalec na Facebook-u nawww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports inwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

Kyrone Davis looks to shut down Carlos Garcia this Saturday at Harrahs Philadelphia

Omar Douglas v glavnem turnirju prevzema nekdanjega izzivalca za svetovni naslov Daniela Attaha in neporaženega, Angel Ocasio, Christopher Brooker, Earl Newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephen Fulton, Jovontae Starks in Raynell Williams
Chester, PA (April 23 2015)–This Saturday noč, April 25, boks vrne Harrahs Philadelphia z grozen kartico s kraljevih Promocije in XFE spodbuja.

V glavni dogodek, neporažen lahki Omar Douglas akcijo bo videl v dvoboju s šestimi krogi, ko se zdaj bojuje z nekdanjim izzivalcem za svetovni naslov Daniel Attah (28-19-1, 11 KO je) Washington, Enosmerno.

In the co-feature bout, undefeated super middleweight Kyron “Ga Zaustavitev” Davis will look to remain perfect when he takes on veteran Carlos Garcia v borbi predvideno za šest krogov.

Davis Wilmington, Delaware will be making his second start of 2015 as he is coming off six-round unanimous decision over Jonathan Garcia on Januar 31 v Philadelphii.

Training has gone real well. I have been doing a lot of roadwork and I feel good,” said the 20-year old Davis.

In Garcia, he is facing a tested fighter who has been in the ring with eleven undefeated fighters including Michael Anderson. Jermell Charlo, Charles Hatley, Lanard Lane, Jonel Tapia, Yordenis ugas, Glen Tapia, Daniel Rosario and in his last bout when he was stopped in five rounds

I don’t know too much about him other than he has about 20 fights and he is six-feet tall.

After a great amateur career, Davis is continuing to learn and grow into the professional ranks.

I have been learning patience, timing and ring generalship. I am getting comfortable without using the headgear and fighting with the smaller gloves and creating my identity as a fighter.

This will be the second consecutive fight in the Philadelphia area for Davis as Harrahs Philadelphia is just up I-95 from DavisWilmington home.

I like that everyone can come see me fight. Other than that I just go about my business and prepare like any other fight.

Davis believes that he will be ready for bigger stages in the next year.

We are progressing. We are hoping for a television spot later in the year. I just want everyone to come out and support us v soboto. I will shut it down like I always do and put on a great show.

Said Davisadviser Stephen Edwards, “Kyrone is progressing great. He has has 20 round of professional experience and he has not lost any of them, He is right on schedule and is getting used to the professional ranks.

V osmih krogu dvoboja z, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO je) Minneapolis, MN. boJeremiah Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO je) Newport News, VA v welterweight dvoboja..

Tudi v šestih okroglih borbah:

Angel Ocasio (7-0, 2 KO je) Philadelphia bo na Justin Johnson (6-7-4) Pittsburgh, PA v Jr.. welterweight bout.

Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO je) Brooklyna, NY bodo poskušali ohraniti njegovo odlično knockout streak dogaja, ko se bori Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO je) od Sunbury, PA v težki borbi.

Stephen Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) Philadelphia bo boj Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO je) sv. Louis, MO v peresno dvoboja.

Nekdanji U.S.. Olympian, Raynell Williams (6-0, 3 KO je) Cleveland, OH bo kvadratni off z Alfred Hall (4-8-2, 2 KO je) od Jackson, Michigan v lahkem dvoboju.

V štirih okroglih borbah:

Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) Philadelphia, PA prevzamejo Maurice Amaro (2-8, 1 KO) Philadelphia, PA v super srednji dvoboja.

Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO je) sv. Louis, MO bo boj Zachary Bunce (2-1, 1 KO) Las Vegas, NV v težkem dvoboju.

Earl Newman (4-0, 3 KO je) Brooklyna, NY bo boj Julio Garcia (6-8-3, 3 KO je) podjetja Rincon, PR v lahkem težkem dvoboju.

Vstopnice za ta veliki noči stroškov boks $100, $75 in $50 in jih je mogoče kupiti s klicem 610-587-5950 ali www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

1. dvoboj se bo začel ob 7 PM z vrata odpira na 6 PM.