Vse objave FNU47

Robert Guerrero joins BFC Foundation Granting Wishes to Chronically ill Children





GILROY, KOT (April 30, 2015)Please join Robert “Ghost” Warrior in remembering Caley while raising much needed funds to help families with the financial struggles that comes with caring for children with an illness and granting wishes to these kids. Carnival rides, food, zabava, shopping all in one place!!!! Admission is FREE but you can purchase your unlimited rides wristbands at a discounted price. Wristbands will be $30 at the event.
This event is dear to my heart and I want to encourage everyone to come out and support this great cause.” je dejal Robert Guerrero. “Granting wishes to children who are chronically ill can be costly to their families. My goal is to make these wishes come true for these kids.
KJE: Uesugi Farms Pumpkin Park
14485 Monterey Road
San Martin, KOT 95046

KDAJ: Sobota, Junij 13, 2015 pri 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Nedelja, Junij 14, 2015 pri 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM


Socialni mediji:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ghostfans

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GHOSTBOXING

Instagram: https://instagram.com/ghostboxing




ZA TAKOJŠNJO OBJAVO: Lewiston, Maine (April 30, 2015) - New England Fights (NEF), Ameriški številka ena regionalna promocija boj, bo imel svojem osemnajstem mešane borilne-umetnost (MMA) Dogodek, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki,” na Sobota, Junij 13, 2015 na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine. Že danes, spodbujanje napovedal dodajanje strokovni bantamweight dvoboj za boj kartice. Tekmovanje bo funkcija Elias “Danger Mouse” Leland (2-1) odskočna v kletki nasprotje Chad “Strojna Gun” Kelly (3-2) na meji bantamweight 135-funtov.


“Chad Kelly in Eli Leland sta dva fanta, ki ne bi dal na dolgočasen boj, če so poskušali,” dejal NEF solastnik in promotor Nick DiSalvo. “Chad je imel "boj noči’ na enem od prvih kartic, kar sem jih kdaj napredoval v Massachusettsu leti. Sem sledil kariero leta in videli, kako daleč je prišel. bori Eli je vedno ukradel show o dogodkih NEF. Oboževalci bodo morali samo rob svojih sedežev za to.”


Kelly je bila nazadnje pojavil v NEF kletki v jeseni 2013 pri “NEF X.” Tisto noč, je premagal NEF redno Ernesto Ornelas (1-5) po drugem krogu oddaje. Kelly je redno tekmoval v Optimizacija učinkovitosti 125 funtov delitev vsej svoji karieri, ampak on in njegovi trenerji v hotelu The Fighting Arts Academy (FAA) v Leominster, Massachusetts odločila, da bo prehod do bantamweight začetek s prihajajočo boju proti Leland.


“Zelo sem navdušena, da se borijo za NEF v Lewiston, ponovno Maine,” navedeno Kelly, ko je dosegel za komentar. “Boril sem se za njih mojega drugega pro boj in sem ljubil, kako obravnavajo svoje borce in kako gladko je šlo vse – bolj, pridobivanje "W’ je bilo lepo. Ta boj sem se gibljejo do bantamweight. Moje trenerji in sem mislil, da je pravi čas. sem začel boj na 19 in so le zredila in imajo veliko rez na 125, plus treniram z dobrimi 35ers in 45ers in bolje, ko sem težji. Elias Leland je težka grappler z dobrimi vlog. Prepričan sem, da bo težko, ampak mislim, da bodo imeli prednost povsod boj gre.”


Leland, brazilski Jiu-Jitsu rjav pas na Akademiji za MMA v Portlandu, Maine, bo videti, da bi maščeval izgubo je utrpel v začetku tega meseca Jay Perrin (2-0) pri “NEF XVII.” Izguba je bila njegova prva od svojega amaterskega prvenec proti Ray Wood (5-1) v septembru 2011. Leland je postal znan kot končno obdelavo v preteklih letih, predložitev štiri nasprotnike in premagal enega preko tehnične Knockout (WHO) na prejšnjih NEF dogodkov.


“Nimam nič drugega kot spoštovanje vsakogar, ki je pripravljen za boj me,” Said Leland. “Vendar, snele izgubo, Sem jezen in lačen kot hudič. To bo zanimiv boj za vsakogar, ki ga vidi. Torej si vse bolje, je bilo videti neverjetno predstavo.”


Naslednji MMA dogodek Nef je, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki” bo izvirajo iz ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine junija 13, 2015. Vstopnice za “NEF XVIII” začeti na samo $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525. Za več informacij o posodobitvah dogodkov in boj kartic, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.


"Mayweather VS. Pacquiao "

To Sobota, Maj 2, Živijo na Pay-Per-View

Kliknite TUKAJ Za fotografije iz Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions

Kliknite TUKAJ Za fotografije iz Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promotions

Kliknite TUKAJ Za fotografij s Chrisom Farina / Top Rank

Kliknite TUKAJ For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Kliknite TUKAJ Za fotografije iz Esther Lin / Showtime


LAS VEGAS (April 29, 2015) - Floyd "Money" Mayweather in Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao faced off for only the third time Sreda during the final press conference for their long-awaited welterweight world championship unification fight this Sobota, Maj 2, v MGM Grand Garden Arena, živijo na pay-per-pogled.


The last time the boxing superstars met face-to-face was at the Los Angeles press conference to formally announce the mega-fight on Marec 11. The first time they were photographed up close and personal came at a Miami Heat basketball game in January.


In the most eagerly awaited showdown in years – and the richest fight in boxing historythe undefeated and universally recognized No. 1 pound-for-pound boxer Mayweather (47-0, 26 Kos), an 11-time world champion in five weight divisions, will take on the fighting pride of the Philippines, Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 Kos), the only boxer to capture world titles in eight weight classes.


Here is what the fighters and executives said Sreda at the KÀ Theatre at the MGM Grand:

FLOYD Mayweather

“The only thing I can do is take it one day at a time. When the fight gets here I will go out there and do what I do best and that’s go out and fight.


“From the beginning of my career, I’ve always had a game plan. It’s just like chess. We make calculated moves in the ring and outside the ring. I got with the right team and surrounded myself with the right chess pieces.


“I’m a lot wiser than I once was. This fight sells itself. Our ultimate goal was to get to this point, whether it was Manny or another fighter.


“I don’t take anything away from Manny Pacquiao. He’s a solid fighter; a solid competitor and it will be an intriguing matchup come Saturday.


“Everything takes time, it’s all about timing. I’m glad that we had patience and didn’t rush. The time is now, this is the right time for this fight.


“I want to thank all the writers for being here. Some have been around since I was 10-years-old, some have been here for my 19 years in this sport. I’m thankful for all the writers, whether the stories were good stories or bad, you guys kept me relevant for 19 let.


“This fight is about one fighter who is at the top fighting another fighter who is at the top. It’s about giving you guys excitement. We don’t know how this fight is going to play out, but I believe in my skills. I believe I am going to be victorious.


“When I went to training camp I worked extremely hard to win this fight and I’m pretty sure Manny did the same. That’s why this is an intriguing matchup.”


“I don’t have a prediction, but I’m excited. I’m confident and I feel for the first time that I’m ready for the fight.

»I’m so happy because that feeling and that focus that I had many years ago, se je vrnil. I’m confident and relaxed.

“My love and eagerness for this fight has made me especially interested.

“I would like to invite everyone to witness the great fight between Floyd and I this Saturday.

“I want to be an example and inspiration to people.

“Before I became a boxer, I used to sleep on the street. I can’t believe that I am in this position. The boy who didn’t have food and slept on the street can have this life.

“On Saturday our goal is to make the fans happy with our performance. Both of us will work very hard to entertain the fans and give a good fight.

“I hope that both Floyd and I do our best on Saturday and to put our name in boxing history.

“The most important thing I hope for is that after the fight I can talk with Floyd about being an inspiration to people all around the world.”

FLOYD Mayweather SR., Mayweather je Oče & Trainer


“Whatever happens on Saturday, it’s going to be one-sided. Pacquiao is going to sleep.


“I’m a trainer, I know what’s going on with fighters. Pacquiao doesn’t have it.


“Everybody can say what they want to say. I’ve said it before, Pacquiao can’t punch. I’m not worried about it. I’m going to have Floyd walk him down.”


Freddie Roach, Pacquiao je Trainer

“When this fight was announced, Manny’s training level went way up. He’s really excited about this fight.


“I think we will win a decision and outpoint this guy. If the knockout comes then that will be a bonus.

“I think Manny likes to be the underdog. We like pulling upsets and doing things we’re not supposed to do. Manny is going to be that guy.

“We will put a lot of pressure on Floyd. Manny likes to exchange and with his hand speed, this fight will go in our favor.

“Manny is reckless, but that’s his style. He tries to win fights and people enjoy his fights. He gives it his all and sometimes you get knocked out, that’s part of boxing.”


LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather Promotions


“The worldwide attention and interest in this event has been unbelievable and Floyd and Manny deserve it.


“Las Vegas has a rich history of hosting the biggest and best fights in the sport. Over the years Floyd Mayweather has made the MGM his home. This will be his 11th consecutive fight at MGM Grand and the 14th in his career.


“There are two great fighters that will be fighting on Saturday night and the focus needs to be on the fighters, no one else. The focus is on the fighters on Saturday night.


“On May 2, Floyd faces another huge challenge in fellow world champion Manny Pacquiao, in a fight that the whole world is waiting to see. Once again Floyd is out to prove that he is The Best Ever and I know he will on Saturday night.”


BOB ARUM, Hall of Fame Promoter, Top Rank


“This is a great promotion with two great fighters. I hope that this fight will help elevate the rest of boxing. I think based on the interest in this fight, there has been increased interest in boxing as well, and that’s great.


“People have spent a lot of time during this event watching Manny train, but more importantly, watching Freddie teach. It’s great to see two guys on the same wavelength, working on the strategy and then working it out in the ring.”


KEN Hershman, Predsednik, HBO Sports


“The journey to this fight has been a remarkable one. In addition to the great writing and reporting that all the media has been doing, HBO has been putting on terrific programs for fight fans to enjoy and bring them closer to the sport.


“One important note for everyone, please order the pay-per-view Saturday night early, or if possible today or tomorrow. We expect that the ordering systems will be overwhelmed. Prav tako, there will be two undercard events starting at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and those events can end at any time. We want to make sure that no one misses any of the main event. Tune-in and tune-in early.”


STEPHEN Espinoza, Izvršni podpredsednik in generalni direktor, Showtime Šport


“This event is about two world-class athletes, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, who have been working for weeks and weeks, all of their lives really, to get to this precise moment.


“These two fighters have worked their entire lives to get to this moment.


“Floyd and Manny have great teams. Floyd will be the first one to tell you that his team deserves a lot of the credit for his success and I’ve heard Manny say very similar things.


“What makes this event so special and so historic, is that we have two once-in-a-generation athletes who will be meeting in the ring in about 72 ur. We are so proud to have been given the opportunity to be a part of such a highly anticipated event.”


RICHARD STORM, Predsednik Entertainment & Šport za MGM Resorts International


“It is an honor for the MGM Resorts to house this highly anticipated event. Sports fans around the world will have the unique opportunity to watch two of boxing’s top champions, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, as they go toe-to-toe at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.


“Excitement for this event has resonated throughout our MGM Resorts properties and the entire Las Vegas community.


“We have created additional programming at the resorts including closed circuit viewing that gives fans the chance to experience MGM’s great championship fights.


“We just want to thank everybody involved in this great event. We’re excited, we’re proud and we can’t wait for Saturday night.”


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., in ga sponzorira Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions –Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Produkcije Skydance predstavljajo MISIJO NEPOSREDNO: ROGUE NATION, v gledališčih & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company in novi film Southpaw, v vlogi Jakea Gyllenhaala, in theaters everywhere July 24 in Mehika, Živite za Verjeli. The three-fight pay-per-view telecast is co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® in HBO Pay-per-view® z začetkom ob 9 p.m. IN / 6 p.m. PT.


Za več informacij obiščite www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com/boxing in www.mgmgrand.com in sledite na Twitterju nafloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing InSwanson_Comm, in postal oboževalec na Facebook-u na www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports inwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

George Foreman on CBS Sports Radio’s “The Doug Gottlieb Show” on the Pacquiao vs. Mayweather Match

“Boxing was invented for the underdog… That’s why I give it to Pacquiao.”


Včeraj (April 28), two-time World Heavyweight Champion George Foreman was on CBS Sports Radio’s “The Doug Gottlieb Show” with host Doug Gottlieb, where he talked about the Manny Pacquiao versus Floyd Mayweather Jr. fight on Sobota, May 2nd v Las Vegasu. Below are somehighlights from the interview:


On the Pacquiao vs. Mayweather Fight:

Talking honestly about what he thinks about “The Fight of the Century”,Foreman je dejal: “This is major… boxing deserves something like this… I’m just happy the fight is happening, and it’s happening right now. Because everyone will get a chance to see what they wanted to see. If it had happened five years ago, there would have been some too young to enjoy [in] some old enough to say, "Hej, there was better days.’ But now everyone’s hungry for the matchup of the century. [These are] evenly matched fighters. It’s a fan’s fight, and it should be. It’s big.”


Foreman continued later on in the interview: “That’s true… [Mayweather’s] got everything to lose. But boxing was invented for the underdog – for the smaller guy who doesn’t have a chance – to come up with a way to beat the bigger, stronger guy. That’s why I give it to Pacquiao. The sport was invented… for the lesser.”


On Advice He would Give Pacquiao:

Gottlieb asked what advice Foreman would give to Pacquiao for this match: “Hey, just win this roundForeman je dejal. “Every time you come back to the corner, you sit down on the stool, wave the towel over him and don’t say anything. The bell rings, go get him again. Do the same thing you did the first round all the way through the sixth or seventh round, and you’ll win.”


Full audio from the interview can be found tukaj.

Fight Network is Destination for Mayweather vs. Pacquiao Fight Week Coverage

TORONTO | NEW YORK (April. 29, 2015) – Boj omrežje, svetovna premiera 24/7 televizijski program namenjen za dokončanje pokritosti borilne športe, is the destination for Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao fight week coverage for the megafight v soboto night live on pay-per-view.


It kicks off today, Sreda, April 29 pri 4 p.m. ET with a live broadcast of the final Pre-Fight Press Conference from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, including roundtable analysis from Fight Network studios.


Potem, Fight Network’s original Boj News Now: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao preview show will debut on Wednesday, April 29 pri 7:30 p.m. IN, featuring analysis, predogledi, Lastnosti, grand arrivals, workouts and more. Check listings for additional airings throughout the week.


Airing exclusively in Canada, Fight Network presents the latest installment of Golden Boy živo! naČetrtek, April 30 pri 10 p.m. IN od Fantasy Springs Resort Casino v Indio, Kaliforniji., headlined by former lightweight world title challenger Mercito “No Mercy” Gesta (28-1-1, 16 Kos) battling Los Angeles area standout Carlos Molina (17-2-1, 7 Kos). V drugih izrazit borbah, Puerto Rican rising star Jeffrey Fontanez (14-1, 11 Kos) will take on former WBC Youth super featherweight champion Jose “El Loco” Hernandez (15-9-1, 7 Kos) in an eight-round lightweight brawl, Brazilian standout Yamaguchi Falcao (5-0, 2 Kos) clashes with tough Texan Gerardo Ibarra (14-2, 8 Kos), while fan favorite and Irish power puncher Jason Quigley (5-0, 5 Kos) meets Pennsylvania native Joshua Snyder (9-11-1, 3 Kos).


Fight Network Canada is also the destination for classic Mayweather and Pacquiao fight marathons airing throughout the week, featuring some of their most memorable victories, including Mayweather’s triumphs over Oscar De La Hoya, Juan Manuel Marquez, Ricky Hatton and Shane Mosley, plus Pacquiao’s wins over Marquez, Hatton and Marco Antonio Barrera. The fight marathons will air v soboto morning beginning at 6 a.m. IN. Check listings for additional airings throughout the week.


The live coverage continues on Petek, Maj 1 pri 6 p.m. IN with a live broadcast of the official Mayweather vs. Pacquiao Weigh-ins, as the two superstars tip the scales and go face-to-face one last time before squaring off v soboto noč. The show will include live analysis and roundtable discussion from Fight Network studios.


V soboto zvečer, Maj 2, Fight Network will present a Live Pre-Show pri 7 p.m. IN, featuring exclusive interviews with some of Saturday’s marquee participants, highlights from all the fight week festivities and last-minute previews and predictions for the most anticipated fight in boxing history.


Fight Network will televise the Odštevanje v živo pri 8 p.m. IN, leading right into the blockbuster pay-per-view that kicks off at 9 p.m. IN.


Immediately following the pay-per-view extravaganza, Fight Network is your destination for the Live Post-Show, including fight highlights, reakcije in živo post-boj novinarska konferenca iz Las Vegasa.


Za celoten seznam boju mreže oddajnega urnik, obiščite tv.fightnetwork.com, sledite nam na Twitterfightnet, Postani fan na Facebooku in nas obiščite na Instagramfightnet.


BROOKLYN (April 29, 2015) – Boxing superstar Amir “King” Khan (30-3, 19 Kos) vrne na obroču o Maj 29 to take on former world champion Chris Algieri (20-1, 8 Kos) pri Barclays Center v Brooklynu, NY, as the headliner of an exciting Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) card on Spike TV.


Opening up the televised action, which is set to begin at 9 p.m. IN/PT, will be the return of Brooklyn’s own two-time world champion Paulie Malignaggi (33-6, 7KO je) as he faces Boston’s Danny O'Connor (25-2, 9KO je) in a 10-round welterweight attraction.

With the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao welterweight championship showdown just days away, Khan, Algieri, Malignaggi and O’Connor gave their take on how the most anticipated fight of this era will go down.


Amir Khan: This is a fight that the world has been wanting to see for so long and it’s great that it is now upon us. Floyd and Manny are two legendary fighters and it is only right that we get to see them share the ring together. I have no doubt that this is going to be a tremendous matchup and will be extremely exciting for as long as it lasts. Manny has hand speed and fast feet that will cause Floyd some problems early on, but as it progresses I expect Floyd to make the adjustments he tends to make to counter that before pulling away on the scorecards. Both fighters still have so much to give and v soboto night I’m sure they’re going to produce something very special for the fans.


Chris Algieri:Styles make fights and I believe this is a style that suits Floyd. Floyd is the smartest fighter in the game. He will be able to pick up on certain flaws and exploit them. Manny is going to make him work in there and I believe that the first few rounds are going to be very interesting. Manny is a different and smarter fighter than he was before the Marquez knockout. If Manny comes in shape the way that he did against me, and if Floyd has missed a step at all, then I see Pacquiao giving him all kinds of trouble. Ultimately though, I see Mayweather winning a decision.


Paulie Malignaggi: “I am taking Mayweather by wide decision or a late-round stoppage. He has too much variation to his arsenal. Pacquiao is fun to watch, but his one-dimensional approach won’t be enough v soboto noč.”


Danny O'Connor: “I am going with Mayweather. He is too smart to fall into anyone’s game plan, other than his own. I predict a decision based off of his superior boxing ability.


Tickets for the live event on Maj 29 pri Barclays Center, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, stanejo $250, $150, $75 in $45, ne vključno z veljavnimi stroškov storitev in davkov, in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice so na voljo nawww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com in na blagajni American Express v Barclays Centru. Zaračunati po telefonu, pokličite na Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Za skupinske vozovnice, pokličite 800-GROUP-BK.


The televised action begins on Spike at 9 pm ET/6 p.m. PT. Doors at Barclays Center open at 6 p.m. IN.


# # #

Za več informacij, Obisk www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-prvaki,www.barclayscenter.com in www.dbe1.com. Sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage, www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieri inwww.Facebook.com/Spike. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #BrooklynBoxing.

4th annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame Induction dinner honors Class of 2015 plus The late Joe Dwyer & Tony Mazzarella

Za takojšnjo objavo

Sedeči (L-R) – Lonnie Bradley, Bruce Silverglade, Tommy Gallagher, Joey Giambra and Saul Mamby; Stoji (L-R) Bob Duffy, Bob Miller and Harold Weston

(Vse slike Petra Frutkoff / Ring 8)

NEW YORK (April. 28, 2015) – Več kot 300 people attended this past Nedeljaafternoon’s fourth annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) indukcija večerja, sponzorira Ring 8, na Russo je na zaliv v Howard Beach, New York.

NYSBHOF razred 2015


WBC junior welterweight prvak & Vietnam Veteran Saul Mamby Bronx/Brooklyn

WBA junior srednji naslov challenger Joey Giambra Buffalo

1961 National Golden Gloves prvak Johnny Persol Brooklyn

Dvakratni svetovni naslov welterweight challenger Harold Weston New York City

WBO prvak v srednji kategoriji Lonnie Bradley Harlem


Svetovna luč prvak Paul Berlenbach Astoria

“Nekrunisan” svetovni prvak welterweight Billy Graham Manhattan’s Eastside

2-Čas Svetovni prvak optimizacijo učinkovitosti Frankie Genaro New York City

Svetovna srednji & welterweight prvak Tommy Ryan Redwood/Syracuse

Svetovna luč prvak Jimmy Slatterv Buffalo


NYSBHOF & Ring 8 Predsednik Bob Duffy Manhattan’s Westside/Massapequa Park

Novinar Mike Katz Bronx

Trainer Tommy Gallagher Howard Beach

Promotor / cutman Bob Miller Albany

Gleason je Gym lastnik Bruce Silverglade Brooklyn


Trainer Charley Goldman Brooklyn

MSG Provodadžija Harry Markson Kingston

Promotor Cedric Kushner Manhattan

MSG Provodadžija Jimmy Johnson New York City

Novinar Damon Runyon Manhattan

Manager / Provodadžija Al Weill New York City

Renowned ring announcer David Diamante once again served as the event’s Master of Ceremonies.

The 2015 inductees so člani imenovanje odborov NYSBHOF izbrana: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair in Neil Terens.

Each inductee received a custom-designed belt signifying his induction into the NYSBHOF. Vse NYSBHOF plošče so na ogled v Atletsko komisijo državnega New York.

All boxers had to have been inactive for at least three years, da bi bili upravičeni do NYSBHOF indukcijo, in vsi inductees mora imeti stalno prebivališče v državi New York za znaten del svojih boksarske kariere.

Harold Weston and Melvina Latham

Harold Weston:I guess there’s no comeback for me because I’ve been told when you go into the Hall of Fame, it’s over. Thanks for this honor. I wondered how long it was going to take (jokingly), you got it right this time. Boxing is my family. Moj oče, Gil Clancy and Emile Griffith, these guys brought me up. Boxing always got me to where I needed to go. Boxing made us the person we are today. This is an honor because there’s no Hall of Fame bigger than New York. Thanks a lot. I’m looking forward to the future.

(L-R) – Bob Duffy, Bobby Cassidy, Lonnie Bradley, Melvina Latham and Bobby Cassidy Jr. David Diamante is in back to far left.

Lonnie Bradley:I’d like to thank everyone, especial these two guys (Bobby Cassidy and Bobby Cassidy, Jr.). I called Bobby for advice. We met and then had a good ride for four years. He wanted a world champion, I wanted to be world champion, and we made the most of it. I’m happy that they’re part of my life and for me to be part of the Cassidy family. The bond is there because it’s a family affair.

(L-R) – Henry Hascup, Saul Mamby and Melvina Latham

Saul Mamby:I fought all over the world; one way to see the world. Most do it by taking a vacation. Me, I went around the world fighting people. I went to South Korea and won the world title but nobody knew. In my first title defense against Estephan Jesus, people were stunned to hear Saul Mamby was champion of the world. A lot of people who fought never had a chance to fight for the championship of the world. I lost the title butI was really ripped off. Thanks for putting me in the Hall of Fame. It’s an honor that I didn’t think would ever happen. I’m too old, 67, to fight but I still go to the gym. I think I can still do it but I’m not going to try. I appreciate this.

G. & Mrs. Bruce Silverglade

Bruce Silverglade:I’d like to thank Ring 8 and everybody on the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame nominating committee. I grew-up in Trenton, New Jersey, and my father was a police officer who liked boxing the best. After graduating from college, I worked at Sears Roebuck for 16 let. I called my father asking how I could get involved in boxing. I resigned from Sears Roebuck the next day and bought 50-percent of a gym with my profit sharing.I took over Gleason’s Gym in 1985. My concept of a gym was not just to train fighters, but for politics, heart and sports to come together. We’ve had concerts, off-Broadway plays, weddings and chamber music there. We founded a charity, ‘Give A Kid A Dream,’ v 1981 for kids 8-18 let. These kids could come from schools, orphanages, parole officers, or from mothers of troubled kids. Boxing is about discipline. They can go thee seven days a week. We’re not building champions as boxers, but champion citizens in New York City. The inspiration comes from my wife who is the driving force behind the gym. Thank you for this tremendous honor to be a Hall of Famer.

Tommy Gallagher and his wife, Maureen

Tommy Gallagher:Thank you to so many people. Boxing has been my life and I wanted my first gym in 1951. I was friends with Rocky Graziano and Billy Graham, who’d drop by my gym to tell us about fighters. This is a wonderful time in my life. I want to thank my wife and family.

(L-R) – Joey Giambra and his son, Joey Giambra, Jr.

Joey Giambra:Thank you all for coming out. I want to thank Bob Duffy and Ring 8. I’m honored and thank them for voting me in. I’m so honored and humbled.


(L-R) – Bob Duffy, Bob Miller, Melvina Latham and Miller’s wife, Linda

Bob Miller:Thanks for inducting me into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. The people who’ve come before makes you realize what this means, I’ve trained, managed, promoted and been a cut-man. The best part is the relationships with fighters from so many different backgrounds. I have so many stories. I thank them for allowing me to be part of their lives and see things most wouldn’t. I’m humbled to be inducted in this class.

Bob Duffy and his wife, Mary

Bob Duffy:I want to thank Ring 8’s nominating committee for voting me into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame and everybody who helped put this together like Keith Sullivan, Ron McNair, Melvina Latham, Jack Hirsch and so many others. I want to congratulate the guys sitting up here. I had an office in Gleason’s Gym and worked Bobby Miller’s shows upstate. I’m very humbled. I grew up on the East Side of Manhattan in the projects. Na 14, I had a chance to go to fights at The Garden because I lived only eight blocks away. This is a labor of love. I want to thank my family that has always been supportive. I’ve always felt family first, boxing second, and that’s been my life.

During the NYSBHOF ceremonies, Svetovni boksarski Svet (WBC) and Ring 8 honored the late Joe Dwyer and Tony Mazzarella, both longtime Ring 8 members who passed away earlier this year. WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman made a special presentation to Dwyer’s family. Ring 8 made presentations to the Dwyer and Mazzarella families. Dwyer was president of the North American Boxing Federation (NABF). Mazzarella, who served many years as Ring 8’s treasurer, was a major influence in the founding of the NYSBHOF.

Joe Dwyer’s widow, Linda, accepts a special NYSBHOF belt in memory of her husband 

Ring 8 presented WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman (center, red tie) with its Father & Son Award 

WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman and WBC Cares Jill Diamond are shown presenting an award to the late Joe Dwyer’s wife, Linda, and son, Joe Dwyer, Jr.


The WBC presented Ring 8 & NYSBHOF president Bob Duffy with its Certificate of Excellence plaque and medal

Ring 8’s Board of Directors presented this NYSBHOF belt to the family of the late Tony Mazzarella


NYSBHOF Notebook

On behalf of FDNY (New York Fire Department), Bob McGuire made a $1000.00 donation to Ring 8.

Boxers in attendance included Iran Barkley, Heather Hardy, Vito Antuofermo, Juan LaPorte, Vinny Maddalone, Alicia Ashley, Sonja Lamonakis, Shawn Miller. Other boxing dignitaries there were Roc Nation CEO David Itskovich, HBO analyst Harold Lederman, NY State Athletic Commission chairperson Melvina Latham.

Hirsch announced that any area at the NY State Athletic Commission will serve as the NYSBHOF home. NYSBHOF fighter plagues and other memorabilia will be on display there.

Razred 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Sladkor” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo in Arthur Mercante, Sr.

Razred 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Sedlar, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Mohamed, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard in Don Dunphy.

Razred 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon in Tom O'Rourke.

Pojdi na spletu na www.Ring8ny.com Za dodatne informacije o državi New York Boxing Hall of Fame.


O RING 8: Oblikovane v 1954 z ex-Profesionalen pevec, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 postal osmi podružnica, kar je bilo takrat znano kot National Veteran boksarji združenja – zato, RING 8 – in danes moto organizacije še vedno ostaja: Boksarice Pomoč boksarice.


RING 8 je v celoti zavezana podpori manj srečnim ljudem v boksu skupnosti, ki bi lahko zahtevala pomoč v smislu plačilne najem, zdravstveni stroški, ali karkoli upravičeno potrebo.


Pojdi na vrsti za www.Ring8ny.com Za več informacij o RING 8, največja skupina te vrste v Združenih državah z več kot 350 Člani. Letne pristojbine za članstvo je samo $30.00 in je vsak član pravico do buffet večerjo v RING 8 Mesečna srečanja, razen julij in avgust. Vsi aktivni boksarice, amaterski in profesionalni, so upravičeni do brezplačne RING 8 letno članstvo. Gostje Ring 8 člani so dobrodošli po ceni samo $7.00 na osebo.

Championship Boxing At York Hall Followed By Mayweather-Pacquiao Live Via Satellite This Saturday.

Have you got your tickets for the Boxing event of the Century yet? If the answer is no, then promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott may just have the perfect alternative lined-up for Boxing fans – a night of Championship Boxing at York Hall, in Bethnal Green, followed by MAYWEATHER-PACQUIAO live by satellite from Las Vegas.


Kicking off the whole night of pugilistic action, sees a full card of Boxing at the famous Home Of Boxing in the Capital, including two Championship Battles.


Hackney, London based Turkish unbeaten star SIAR OZGUL makes his first tilt at a title when he takes on Nottingham’s MATT SCRIVEN for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship.


Main support sees Bradford’s sensational TASIF KHAN challenge for the International Masters Bantamweight crown, against Georgian #1 MIKHEIL SOLONINKINI


Heading up the support for the two Championship bouts sees Chester’s WBF Intercontinental Champion PAUL ECONOMIDES take on Nottingham’s GARFIELD MUSHORE in a non-championship six rounder.


Champions TKO’s unbeaten Light Heavyweight prospect ONDER OZGUL takes on the highly entertaining JODY MEIKLE, from Scunthorpe, v šestih vsestranska.


Making his first visit to the Capital City will be Liverpool based unbeaten Russian star DAVID AGADZHANYAN, who will take on Czech Republic’s JOSEF REDLICH in a six round contest.


Former American Basketball Star, turned professional Boxer, MANNY MUHAMMAD will also be in action against a yet to be named opponent.


Making their debuts on the night are exciting young local talents ANDY CONA and DANIEL MENDES in action against each other.


Once the action is over at York Hall, then the lucky boxing fans attending the event can either go to the free after party at Spearmint Rhino, or go direct to the function rooms to watch the entire build up and of course the main event of the night MAYWEATHER – PACQUIAO


The cost for this whole night of Boxing heaven, believe it or not is just £45 or £75, as the cost for standard seats for the boxing at York Hall are £35 (Standard seated) in £ 65 (Ringu) and the cost for attending the function room to watch the Big Fight Live is just £10 extra (payable on the night)


Siar Ozgul versus Matt Scriven, for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship, headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) are available on the night, or to ensure a seat buy on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645

Poškodbe sile Georgi Karakhanyan od peresno naslov boja – Champion Patricio Pitbull zdaj sooča Daniel Weichel na "Bellator: Unfinished Business "


Easy Tweet: "NEW FIGHT: @danielweichel soočiti @PatricioPitbull za #Bellator peresno prvenstvo v juniju 19 #UnfinishedBusiness "


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (April 28, 2015) - Zaradi poškodbe kolena po nazivu izzivalec utrpela Georgi Karakhanyan, Bellator MMA lahka stvar svetovni prvak Patricio Pitbull (23-2) bo sedaj soočajo z nemško oddajo as Daniel “podlasica” Weichel (35-8) v so-glavni primeru “Bellator: Unfinished Business,” ki poteka Petek, Junij 19 na St. Louis’ Scottrade Center.


Poleg enega najbolj pričakovanih bojev v zgodovini tega športa z Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, "Bellator: Unfinished Business "ima tudi Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14) in Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4), s peto in zadnjo izrazit dvoboj bo objavila v kratkem.


27-year-old "Pitbull,"Natal, Brazilija, je 13-čas veteran promocije, ki je zajela Bellator MMA lahka stvar svetovnega naslova s ​​septembrom zmago nad takrat prvak Pat Curran. "Pitbull" in nato ubranil pas v januarju z grozo oddajo zmago nad nekdanjega prvaka Daniel Straus. V 24 karierne nastopov, "Pitbull" je izgubil le dve borbi, in tako so bili posledica britev-tanek, split-odločitve.


"Pitbull" zdaj izpolnjuje Nemčije Weichel, ki je pravkar 30 let že lahko pohvali z več kot 35 profesionalne zmage. V svoji zadnji boj, Weichel zaslužili trdo borili zmago nad nekdanji prvak Pat Curran prinaša svoj zapis 12-1 v njegovi preteklosti 13 izleti. Weichel je turnir zmagovalec Bellator MMA, polic do zmage nad Desmond Green, Matt Bessette in Scott Cleve V procesu. od tistih, 35 zmaga, neverjetna 21 od njih so prišli s pomočjo oddaje.


5-boj televizijskem kartice sporedu v živo na Spike na 9 p.m. IN / 8 p.m. CT, z predhodni bori pretakanje na Spike.com na 7 p.m. IN / 6 p.m. CT.


Vstopnice za “Bellator: Unfinished Business,” ki se začnejo na samo $30, Trenutno na naprodaj Ticketmaster.com.


“Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” - Petek, Maj Junij 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, You.

Glavni Card

Bellator Težji Main Event: Kimbo Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Bellator lahka stvar Naslov Fight: Polje Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Oblikovan Težji Boj: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Oblikovan Lightweight Boj: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4)


Predhodni Card

Bellator Velterska kategorija Prelim Fight: Justin Guthrie (17-8) vs. Steven Mann (10-1)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Fight: Miles McDonald (0-1) vs. Dan O'Connor (5-4)

Bellator Lahki Prelim Fight: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Bellator lahka stvar Prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)


We are just over two weeks away from probably one of the best non TV shows shown in London in many years.

16th May is the massive “Master Class” Goodwin Boxing bill featuring Seven title fights including four Southern Area title fights in a 13 fight card worthy of TV coverage.

With only a few tickets remaining this is the last chance to get tickets for what will be a sold out show on the night.

26 year old “The Genius” Jamie Speight has a wish come true on 16th Maj 2015 when he co-headlines the massive Goodwin Boxing “Master Class” bill at York Hall defending his Southern Area Featherweight title against Ian Bailey.

Speight has regularly travelled on the road to fight the best including Josh Warrington but after signing with Steve Goodwin, Jamie finally gets his chance to defend his title as the home fighter. His opponent Bailey is ranked above him in the UK rankings so this going to be one competitive fight.
The Speight v Bailey clash is one of four 50/50 intriguing Southern Area title fights on the bill with tri masters titles

Adam Dingsdale defends his Southern Area Lightweight title against Prizefighter finalist Michael “Chunky” Devine. Dingsdale has only two losses in his career coming against current Interim World champion Derry Mathews and former WBO European Champion Stephen Ormond. Devine takes a step up in class after reaching the final of Sky Sports’ Prizefighter.

Philip “Quicksilver” Bowes (9-1) challenges for the Light-Welterweight Southern Area title against the unbeaten former Prizefighter Champion Johnny Coyle

Johnny Garton makes his second defence of the Welterweight Southern Area title against former English title challenger Martin Welsh.

The charismatic Danny Connor competes for the International Masters Lightweight title whilst Hampshire’s “Dangerous” Danny Goode fights for the Masters Super Middleweight Title.

Adam Salman completes the trio of Masters title bouts when he competes for the Light Welterweight version.

Two of Ricky Hatton’s “Upton Clan” Paul and Anthony continue their rise to the top with 6 round contests.

The exciting Light Middleweight Joey Vaughan (1-0) has his first contest since signing with the Goodwin’s whilst the show sees the eagerly awaited debuts of Andrew Joicey (Welterweight) and Mwenya Chisanga (Light-Welterweight).

Jamie Arlain (1-0) also has his first contest after a long year break from the sport and after signing with the Goodwin’s whilst exciting unfefeated Light-Middleweight John Cash (4-0) has a six round contest.

The card is completed with Dean Byrne (4 krogi) and David Leo (4 krogi) all facing selected opposition.

Tickets are available from any of the boxers directly or on line at www.iboxingtickets.com