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Jamal James battles Jose Lopez in 10-round main event on Saturday, יוני 27 בייַ די סאַנדז קאַסינאָ רעסאָרט בעטהלעהעם

Plus undefeated Antonio DuBose, אַלעקס מארטין, קאַלעב פּלאַנט, קריסטלעך מאַלינאַ, קיראָנע דייוויס, קאַרלאָס גאָנגאָראַ און קריס קאָלבערט
פֿאַר באַלדיק מעלדונג
בעטהלעהעם, פּאַ (יוני 8, 2015)אויף שבת נאַכט, יוני 27 King’s Boxing will present night of boxing at the סאַנדז קאַסינאָ רעסאָרט בעטהלעהעם.
אין די הויפּט געשעעניש, undefeated Welterweight דזשאַמאַל יעקב וועט נעמען אויף דזשאָסע לאָפּעז in a bout scheduled for 10-rounds.
יעקב פון מיננעאַפּאָליס, מיננעסאָטאַ איז אַ רעקאָרד פון 16-0 מיט 9 קנאָקקאָוץ.
די 26 יאָר-אַלט יעקב האט עטלעכע קוואַליטעט ווינס איבער פּאַטריק באָאָזער (5-1), מאָהאַממעד קייַאָנגאָ (17-2-1) צו געווינען די מיננעסאָטאַ שטאַט וועלטערווייט טיטל, קאָלבי קאָרטער (4-1) און וויין מאַרטעלל (25-4-1).
James is coming off a 2nd round stoppage over Daniel Sostre on אַפּריל 18 אין טאָל פאָרגע, פּאַ.
Lopez of Torreon, Mexico has an impressive mark of 25-3-1 מיט 15 קנאָקקאָוץ.
די 24 year-old has wins over Zwan Alberto Ramirez (3-0), former world champion Cesar Soto to win the WBC FECOMBOX Interim Super Lightweight title, future world title challenger Jorge Paez Jr (27-3-1), Eliud Melendez Rocha (3-0-1), Juan Manuel Leal (4-0-1), Jose Emilio Perea (21-1) to win the vacant WBF Welterweight title, Mahonri Montes (27-1-1), Carlos Martinez (10-0) and Ismael Urieta (5-1).
לאָפּעז, ווער האט וואַן 8 in a row is, coming off an 8-round unanimous decision over Jonathan Duran on May 30 אין מעקסיקא סיטי.
In 8-round Bouts:
אַנטאָניאָ דובאָוז (7-0, 2 קאָ ס) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a Featherweight bout.
אין 6-קייַלעכיק באָוץ:
אַלעקס מארטין (8-0, 5 קאָ ס) פון האַרוויי, Illinois will take on פּאַוועל מיראַנדאַ (19-10-1, 9 קאָ ס) פון טידזשואַנאַ, מעקסיקא אין אַ וועלטערוועיגהט באַוט.
קאַלעב פּלאַנט (7-0, 6 קאָ ס) פון Ashland, TN will fight Juan Carlos Rojas (10-10-1, 8 קאָ ס) פון סאַלטיללאָ, מעקסיקא אין אַ יבער מידדלעוועיגהט באַוט.
קריסטלעך מאַלינאַ (4-0, 3 קאָ ס) פון אַללענטאָוון, פּאַ וועט נעמען אויף Justin Johnson (6-8) פון Pittsburgh, פּאַ אין אַ דזשוניער. וועלטערווייט באַוט.
קיראָנע דייוויס (7-0, 3 קאָ ס) פון ווילמינגטאָן, DE will take on an opponent to be named in a Middleweight bout..
אין 4-קייַלעכיק באָוץ:
ראבערט Ramos (1-3-1, 1 קאָ) פון אַללענטאָוון, פּאַ וועט קעמפן יסמאַעל סערראַנאָ (2-1) פון בעטהלעהעם, פּאַ אין אַ לייטווייט באַוט.
Desmond Moore פון בעטהלעהעם, פּאַ וועט קעמפן Mike Heffilfinger of Pennsylvania in a battle of Featherweight pro debuter’s.
קאַרלאָס גאָנגאָראַ (1-0, 1 קאָ) פון ברוקלין, NY וועט קעסטל Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 קאָ ס) פון טלאַקסקאַלאַ, מעקסיקא אין אַ ליכט כעוויווייט ייסעק.
קריס קאָלבערט (1-0, 1 קאָ) פון ברוקלין, NY וועט קעמפן Antwan Robertson (9-14-1, 6 קאָ ס) פון מיננעאַפּאָליס, מן אין אַ יבער באַנטאַמוועיגהט באַוט.
טיקקעץ זענען פּרייסט בייַ $100, $75 און $50 און קענען פּערטשאַסט בייַ טיקיטמאַסטער און
די 1 באַוט וועט אָנהייבן בייַ 6:45 PM מיט די טיר עפן בייַ 6 PM.

קאַמף נעץ ממאַ, דזשודאָ & קיקקבאָקסינג פּראָגראַממינג פּלאַן (יוני 8-14, 2015)

פייט נעטוואָרק איז אַ 24/7 טעלעוויזיע קאַנאַל דעדאַקייטאַד צו פאַרענדיקן קאַווערידזש פון קאַמבאַט ספורט. עס אַירס מגילה פאָוקיסט אויף די גאנצע פאַרנעם פון דער קאַמבאַט ספורט זשאַנער, אַרייַנגערעכנט לעבן פייץ און אַרויף-צו-דעם-מינוט נייַעס און אַנאַליסיס פֿאַר געמישט מאַרשאַל קונסט, קיקקבאָקסינג, פאַכמאַן ראַנגלערייַ, טראדיציאנעלן מאַרשאַל קונסט, באָקסינג, קאַמף נייַעס, ווי געזונט ווי קאַמף-טימד דראַמע סעריע, דאָקומענטאַריעס און שטריך פילמס.


ונטער געפינען כיילייץ פון דעם וואָך ס פּראָגראַממינג:

מאָנטיק, יוני 8

7:00 פּ.ם. און – 5 ראָונדס – האָסץ יוחנן ראַמדעען און ראָבין שווארצע פאַרבעטן ספּעציעל געסט צו ברעכן אַראָפּ די אָפּרוטעג פון ממאַ קאַמף.

7:30 פּ.ם. און – פייט נייַעס איצט עקסטראַ – די לעצט נייַעס, ריקאַפּס, פֿעיִקייטן און ין אַנאַליסיס פון די קאַמף שפּיל.

8:00 פּ.ם. אוןפינאַל פייט טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ 8 ממאַ: ראַדריגעז ווס. Galesic Featuring Rico Rodriguez vs. Zelg Galesic from Oct. 25, 2013 און זאַגרעב, קראָאַטיאַ.

10:00 פּ.ם. אוןפינאַל פייט טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ 8 קיקקבאָקסינג: Brestivac vs. Cenik – פעאַטורינג מלאַדען ברעסטאָוואַק ווס. Ali Cenik and Tomas Hron vs. Jahfarr Wilnis from Oct. 25, 2013 און זאַגרעב, קראָאַטיאַ.

דינסטיק, יוני 9

1:30 & 6:30 אַ.ם. אוןHip ווייַזן: אַרענאַ קאָמבאַט – טאַג-קאָלעקטיוו ממאַ ין אַ 12m דורך 12m ארענע מיט דרייַ-מדרגה שטערונג סטראַקטשערז.

2:30 בין. און – קספּטוו – קאַווערידזש פון רעגיאָנאַל יוז פּראָ און ליבהאָבער ממאַ.

7:00 & 7:30 פּ.ם. אוןקסטרעמע פייטינג טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ – פלאָרידאַ-באזירט פאַכמאַן ממאַ פיטשערינג שפּיץ אמעריקאנער פּראַספּעקץ, אינטערנאַציאָנאַלער שטערן און ופק וועטעראַנס.

8:00 פּ.ם. און – 5 ראָונדס – האָסץ יוחנן ראַמדעען און ראָבין שווארצע פאַרבעטן ספּעציעל געסט צו ברעכן אַראָפּ די אָפּרוטעג פון ממאַ קאַמף.

8:30 פּ.ם. און — פייט נייַעס איצט עקסטראַ – די לעצט נייַעס, ריקאַפּס, פֿעיִקייטן און ין אַנאַליסיס פון די קאַמף שפּיל.

10:00 פּ.ם. אוןשווער נאַקס פייטינג 43 – Featuring דזשייסאַן זענטגראַף ווס. ניק רינג, מישאַ סירקונאָוו ווס. Shaun Asher and Sergej Juskevicvs. לט נעלסאָן פון מייַ 22, 2015 אין קאַלגאַרי, קאַנאַדע.

מיטוואָך, יוני 10

3:00 אַ.ם. אוןטעקסאַס פייט נאַכט – ממאַ קאַמף פון טעקסאַס פעאַטורינג דער Lone שטערן שטאַט ס שפּיץ פּראַספּעקץ אין דער שטייַג.

6:00 פּ.ם. אוןבעסטער פון קאַגע ראַגע – פעאַטורינג קלאַסיש פייץ פון די וק-באזירט קאַגע ראַגע אָרגאַניזאַציע מיט אַנדערסאָן סילוואַ, אַנטאָניאָ סילוואַ, וויקטאָר בעלפאָרט, פאולוס דיילי און אנדערע.

7:00 פּ.ם. אוןפייט נייַעס איצט עקסטראַ: ממאַ אַדישאַן – קאָווערינג אַלע די כאַפּנינגז אין די ממאַ וועלט מיט ויסשליסיק אַנאַליסיס און פֿעיִקייטן.

7:30 פּ.ם. אוןפייט נייַעס איצט עקסטראַ – די לעצט נייַעס, ריקאַפּס, פֿעיִקייטן און ין אַנאַליסיס פון די קאַמף שפּיל.

9:00 פּ.ם. אוןשטייַג וואַרריאָרס פייטינג טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ 44 -Featuring Chris Fields vs. Jack Mason from Oct. 1, 2011 אין לאָנדאָן.

11:00 פּ.ם. אוןממאַ מעלטדאַון מיט גאַבריעל מאָרענסי – גאַבריעל מאָרענסי ברייקס אַראָפּ אַלע די כאַפּנינגז אין ממאַ, דיסקאַסינג שאַנסן, פֿאָרויסזאָגן, פּלוס ספּעציעל וואכנשריפט געסט און ויסשליסיק ינערוויוז.

11:30 פּ.ם. אוןטאַקעדאָוון ראַנגלערייַ – ברייט קאַווערידזש פון ליבהאָבער ראַנגלערייַ געשעענישן, אַרייַנגערעכנט די לעצט נייַעס, הינטער-דעם-סינז קאַווערידזש פון געשעענישן און ויסשליסיק ינערוויוז.

דאָנערשטיק, יוני 11

1:30 אַ.ם. אוןלעצט טשאַלאַנדזש ממאַ 11: Adrenaline Rush Featuring Mark Weir vs. Jack Mason from Mar. 27, 2010 אין לאָנדאָן.

6:00 פּ.ם. אוןטשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ פיגהטלינג אַלליאַנסע – פּראָ ממאַ פון פלאָרידאַ פיטשערינג די לייקס פון דזשאָש סאַמפּאָ, מייק קילע, יוחנן האָוואַרד, זענען מקקאָרקיע, לויס פּאַלאַמינאָו און אנדערע.

7:00 פּ.ם. אוןפייטינג רוקיז – אַספּיירינג קיקקבאָקסערס קריכן די לייטער פון הצלחה אין די ספּאָרט ווי ראָאָקיעס קאָנקורירן פֿאַר אַ געלעגנהייַט צו ווערן פּראָפעססיאָנאַלס און באַקומען דערפאַרונג דארף צו מצליח זיין אין אַ העכער מדרגה.

8:00 פּ.ם. אוןפייט נייַעס איצט: ממאַ אַדישאַן – קאָווערינג אַלע די כאַפּנינגז אין די ממאַ וועלט מיט ויסשליסיק אַנאַליסיס און פֿעיִקייטן.

8:30 פּ.ם. און פייט נייַעס איצט עקסטראַ – די לעצט נייַעס, ריקאַפּס, פֿעיִקייטן און ין אַנאַליסיס פון די קאַמף שפּיל.

9:00 פּ.ם. אוןב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 33: עמעליאַנענקאָ ווס. מאַגאָמעדאָוו 2 – פעאַטורינג אַלעקסאַנדער עמעליאַנענקאָ ווס. Ibragim Magomedov and Mukhamed Aushev vs. Ivica Truscek fro,m June 6, 2012 in Dzheirakh, רוסלאַנד.

פרייַטיק, יוני 12

2:00 אַ.ם. אוןפּאַנקראַסע קלאַסיקס – קלאַסיש פּייאַנירינג ממאַ באַטאַלז פיטשערינג קען שאַמראָקק, פראַנק שאַמראָקק, באַס ראַטאַן, נייט מאַרקוואַרדט, טשאַעל סאָננען און אנדערע.

4:00 אַ.ם. אוןבעסטער פון טיף – פעאַטורינג סאָרט פייץ פון די היסטארישן יאַפּאַניש טיף העכערונג אַרייַנגערעכנט שיניאַ אַאָקי, הייַאַטאָ סאַקוראַי און געגאַרד מאָוסאַסי.

5:00 אַ.ם. אוןבעסטער פון דזשעוועלס – קלאַסיש פייץ פון די אַלע-ווייַבלעך יאַפּאַניש ממאַ ליגע, דזשעוועלס.

12:00 פּ.ם. אוןבוקי בעאַטדאָוון – פאָרויסיקע ווייַזונג פון בעטינג שורות און העכסט פּיקס פֿאַר הויפּט ופק געשעענישן.

5:00 פּ.ם. אוןופק 188: Velasquez vs. Werdum Weigh-Ins – לעבן קאַווערידזש פון דער באַאַמטער וועגן-אין פֿאַר UFC 188: Velasquez vs. Werdum from Mexico City, מעקסיקא.

6:00 פּ.ם. אוןב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש – פּראָ ממאַ פון אייראָפּע פעאַטורינג Top רייזינג פּראַספּעקץ און אינטערנאַציאָנאַלער שטערן.

7:00 פּ.ם. אוןפייט נייַעס איצט: ממאַ אַדישאַן – קאָווערינג אַלע די כאַפּנינגז אין די ממאַ וועלט מיט ויסשליסיק אַנאַליסיס און פֿעיִקייטן.

7:30 פּ.ם. און פייט נייַעס איצט עקסטראַ – די לעצט נייַעס, ריקאַפּס, פֿעיִקייטן און ין אַנאַליסיס פון די קאַמף שפּיל.

8:00 פּ.ם. אוןצו 2 Toe with Cain Velasquez In-depth sit-down interview with UFC heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez.

8:30 פּ.ם. אוןHip ווייַזן: אַרענאַ קאָמבאַט – טאַג-קאָלעקטיוו ממאַ ין אַ 12m דורך 12m ארענע מיט דרייַ-מדרגה שטערונג סטראַקטשערז.

9:00 פּ.ם. און — נסס 21 – כאַלידאָוו ווס. גראָווע – פעאַטורינג ווס מאַמעד כאַלידאָוו. Kendall Grove and Michal Materia vs. Rodney Wallace from Dec. 1, 2012 אין ווארשע, פוילן.

שבת, יוני 13

1:00 אַ.ם. אוןSuperKombat Grand Prix Ploiesti 2015 – פעאַטורינג בנימין אַדעגבויי באריכטן, דניאל לענטיע, אַנדריי סטאָיקאַ ווס. Marcello Adriaansz and the New Heroes middleweight championshoip from Mar. 7, 2015 אין פּלאָיעסטי, רומעניע.

6:00 אַ.ם. אוןבעסטער פון טקאָ FeaturingJonathan Goulet vs. Shonie Carter from TKO 23.

7:00 אַ.ם. און – בעסטער פון גלאַדיאַטאָר טשאַלאַנדזש – פעאַטורינג דזשאָו סטיוואַנסאַן ווס. קייסי באַלקענבוש פון גלאַדיאַטאָר טשאַלאַנדזש 14.

8:00 אַ.ם. אוןבעסטער פון ספּאָרטפיגהט – Top קוואַליטעט ממאַ פון די פּאַסיפיק נאָרטוועסט, היסטעד דורך ופק וועטעראַנס מאַט לינדלאַנד און טשאַעל סאָננען.

7:00 פּ.ם. אוןופק 188: Velasquez vs. Werdum Pre-ShowLIVE pre-fight coverage and previews of UFC 188: Velasquez vs. Werdum from Mexico City.

8:00 פּ.ם. אוןב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 58: Battle in the Mountains 4 Featuring Marcello Brito vs. Murad Abdulaev for the vacant M-1 Challenge welterweight title, plus Lee Morrison vs. Pavel Vitruk from June 6, 2015 אין רוסלאַנד.

11:00 פּ.ם. און – מלך פון מלכים: וועלט גראַנד פּרי ווילנע 2015 – פעאַטורינג אַ איין-נאַכט, single-elimination light heavyeight tournament from Mar. 14, 2015 אין ווילנע, ליטע.

זונטיק, יוני 14

1:00 אַ.ם. אוןופק 188: Velasquez vs. Werdum Post-ShowLIVE post-fight coverage and post-fight press conference for UFC 188: Velasquez vs. Werdum from Mexico City.

6:00 אַ.ם. אוןפּאַנקראַסע קלאַסיקס – קלאַסיש פּייאַנירינג ממאַ באַטאַלז פיטשערינג קען שאַמראָקק, פראַנק שאַמראָקק, באַס ראַטאַן, נאָמען מאַרקוואַרדט, טשאַעל סאָננען און אנדערע.

10:00 אַ.ם. אוןבעסטער פון אַדקק – פעאַטורינג קאַמפּאַליישאַנז פון די גרעסטע גראַפּאַלינג שוועבעלעך אלץ געהאלטן, פיטשערינג טיטאָ אָרטיז, מאַט יוז, עדי בראַוואָ, פאַבריסיאָ ווערדום, מאַרסעלאָ גאַרסיאַ, Ronaldo סאָוזאַ און רוילער גרייסי.

11:00 אַ.ם. און – עליטע מוייַ טייַלענדיש: טיילאַנד ווס. טשאַללענגער – די ביגאַסט מוייַ Thai סעריע אין דער וועלט פעאַטורינג פּרעמיע אינטערנאַציאָנאַלער שטיין-אַרויף פיגהטערס גענומען אויף די באַרימט Thai נאַציאָנאַלער מאַנשאַפֿט

5:00 פּ.ם. אוןUSA ראַנגלערייַ וויקלי – האָסט סקאַט קאַסבער גיט וואכנשריפט נייַעס און אַנאַליסיס סענטערינג אַרום USA ​​ראַנגלערייַ, די ספּאָרט 'ס נאציאנאלע גאַווערנינג גוף, אַרייַנגערעכנט ינטערוויעווס, פֿעיִקייטן און קוקן צוריק בייַ די פאַרגאַנגענהייַט.

5:30 פּ.ם. אוןדזשודאָ גראַנד פּרי דוססעלדאָרף 2015 Highlights from the Judo Dusseldorf Grand Prix from פעברואר. 20-22, 2015 אין Germany.

6:30 פּ.ם. און – Hip ווייַזן: אַרענאַ קאָמבאַט – טאַג-קאָלעקטיוו ממאַ ין אַ 12m דורך 12m ארענע מיט דרייַ-מדרגה שטערונג סטראַקטשערז.

7:00 פּ.ם. און – פייטינג גייסט ממאַ סיזאַן 4Compilation of International fights from SFL, לעגענדע, פפק, ב-1 און מער.



טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַמפיגהטנעט


וועגן קעמפן נעץ: פייט נעטוואָרק איז די וועלט 'ס פּרעמיער קאַמבאַט ספורט נעץ דעדאַקייטאַד צו 24/7 קאַווערידזש, אַרייַנגערעכנט פייץ, פייטערז, קאַמף נייַעס און קעמפן לייפסטייל. דער קאַנאַל איז בנימצא אין דער יוז. אויף קאַבלעוויסיאָן אין פּאַרץ פון ניו יארק, קאָננעקטיקוט און New דזשערזי, טעקסאַס-באזירט גראַנדע קאָממוניקאַטיאָנס, אַרמסטראָנג קאַבלע אין פּעננסילוואַניאַ און מזרח אָהיאָ, ווי געזונט ווי אויף שענטעל קאַבלע אין ווירזשיניע, וועסט ווירזשיניע און פּאָרשאַנז פון מערב מאַרילאַנד. פייט נעטוואָרק איז אויך אויף ראָקו שטעלן שפּיץ באָקסעס אין די יו. און קאַנאַדע, סטרימד לעבן אויף וועבזייַטל, און בנימצא אויף אַלע הויפּט קעריערז אין קאַנאַדע און מער ווי 30 לענדער אַריבער אייראָפּע, אפריקע און די מיטל מזרח.

Emmanuel Sanchez Replaces Injured Goiti Yamauchi; Plus Four Additional Preliminary Bouts Complete 13-Fight “Bellator: קאָנגאָ ווס. Volkov” Card On June 26

סאַנטאַ מאָניקאַ, קאַליף. (יוני 8, 2015) – With an unfortunate injury forcing the withdrawal of יאַמאַוטשי אַרויף, עממאַנועל "אל מאַטאַדאָר" סאַנטשעז (10-1) receives the call to step in against former featherweight champion פּונקט "פּאַדי מייק" קורראַן (20-7). With this change of opponent, and four newly announced matchups, "בעללאַטאָר ממאַ: קאָנגאָ ווס. Volkov” on יוני 26 is now complete with 13 total scraps to sink your teeth into.


The additional fights include heavyweight bouts between אַלעקס הודדלעסטאָן (5-1) ווס. דזשאַווי אַיאַלאַ (8-3) און דערעק אָהי (5-4) ווס. פרעדעריקק ברוין (2-1) as well as featherweights גרעג סקאַט (3-3) ווס. גאַסטאָן ריינאָ (3-0) און ליגהטוועיגהץ Marcio Navarro (13-11) ווס. Cody Carrillo (8-11).


"בעללאַטאָר ממאַ: קאָנגאָ ווס. Volkov” is headlined by a heavyweight clash between French striking specialist Cheick “The Darkness” Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion אלכסנדר “דראַגאָ” וואָלקאָוו (24-5). די געשעעניש נעמט אָרט יוני 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, מייַ.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 פּ.ם. און/ 8 פּ.ם. קאָרט, בשעת פּרילימאַנערי באָוץ טייַך אויף בייַ 7 פּ.ם. און/ 6 פּ.ם. קאָרט. טיקקעץ פֿאַר “בעללאַטאָר: קאָנגאָ ווס. Volkov” start at just $17 and are currently available at


Additional announced pairings on the SPIKE-televised card include lightweights דייוו “The CavemanRickels (16-3) ווס.יוחנן “די נאַטירלעך” Alessio (35-17) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with דזשאָו “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) ווס. היסאַקי קאַטאָ (4-1).


The 24-year-old Sanchez is an explosive featherweight, fighting with Duke Roufus out of the famed Roufusport gym in Milwaukee. The two-time Bellator veteran has shined throughout his current six-fight winning streak, most recently scoring a first-round rear naked choke over Stephen Banaszak at Bellator 128 followed by a dominant unanimous decision over Costa Rican standout Alejandro Villalobos at Bellator 135 דעם פאַרגאַנגענהייַט מאַרץ. Sanchez faces stiff competition in former featherweight kingpin Curran, who has been involved in some of the most memorable Bellator fights of all time.


Huddleston, 28, is a key training has won four consecutive tilts since dropping the first fight of his professional career in 2011. רובֿ לעצטנס, “The Shaved Gorilla” stopped Derek Bohl at Bellator 130. Standing opposite Huddleston inside the cage will be the 26-year-old Ayala, who is on a three-fight promotional winning streak of his own. The California native has stopped his last three foes before reaching the judges’ discretion.


In the second added heavyweight feature, Bohl will seek his first win for the Southern California-based promotion. “Marshmallow” has won his first two bouts in 2015 on the regional circuit. Brown will have his second opportunity at success for Bellator against Bohl. The hometown fighter was finished by Daniel Gallemore at Bellator 113, which was his last time in action.


Undefeated at 3-0, Reyno will bring the tenacity he has shown on the independent MMA scene to the Bellator cage. “Tonga” has finished every fight he has been involved in and will look to make a mark on the featherweight division with his debut. סקאַט, a Whichita native, made his Bellator MMA debut in 2011 and has had a mixed bag of success.


Lastly, a pair of experienced lightweights will round out the preliminary portion of the card when Navarro and Carrillo tangle inside the steel mesh. מיט 43 professional bouts between them, both veterans will attempt to string together some wins under the Bellator banner.


“בעללאַטאָר ממאַ: קאָנגאָ ווס. וואָלקאָוו” - פרייַטיק, יוני 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, מולוואַנע, קאַנסאַס

הויפּט קאַרד (9 פּ.ם. און)


בעללאַטאָר כעוויווייט הויפּט געשעעניש: טשעיקק קאָנגאָ (22-10-2) ווס. אלכסנדר וואָלקאָוו (24-5)

בעללאַטאָר לייטווייט שטריך פייט: דייוו ריקקעלס (16-3) ווס. יוחנן אַלעססיאָ (35-17)

בעללאַטאָר פעדערווייט שטריך פייט: פּאַט קורראַן (20-7) ווס. עממאַנועל סאַנטשעז (10-1)

בעללאַטאָר מידאַלווייט שטריך פייט: דזשאָו שילינג (2-4) ווס. היסאַקי קאַטאָ (4-1)


פּרעלימינאַרי קאַרד

בעללאַטאָר פעדערווייט פּרעלים פייט: באַבאַ דזשענקינס (8-2) ווס. דזשאָו וואלף (18-10)

בעללאַטאָר באַנטאַמוועיגהט פּרעלים פייט: דזשעימעסאָן šאַודיņš (8-4) ווס. אהרן עלי (4-2)

בעללאַטאָר לייטווייט פּרעלים פייט: באַבי קופּער (12-5) ווס. פּאַבלאָ וויללאַסעקאַ (9-0)

בעללאַטאָר כעוויווייט פּרעלים פייט: דניאל גאַללעמאָרע (4-2) ווס. אַוגוסטאָ סאַקאַי (7-0)

Bellator Female Featherweight Prelim Fight: יאָנאַ ראַזאַפיאַריסאָן (2-0) ווס. בריאַננאַ פיססאָרי (1-0)

בעללאַטאָר כעוויווייט פּרעלים פייט: אַלעקס הודדלעסטאָן (5-1) ווס. דזשאַווי אַיאַלאַ (8-3)

בעללאַטאָר פעדערווייט פּרעלים פייט: גרעג סקאַט (3-3) ווס. גאַסטאָן ריינאָ (3-0)

בעללאַטאָר כעוויווייט פּרעלים פייט: דערעק אָהי (5-4) ווס. פרעדעריקק ברוין (2-1)

בעללאַטאָר לייטווייט פּרעלים פייט: Marcio Navarro (13-11) ווס. Cody Carrillo (8-11)


לעוויסטאָן, מיין (יוני 8, 2015) - ניו ענגלאַנד פייץ (נעף), אַמעריקע ס נומער-איינער רעגיאָנאַל קאַמף העכערונג, וועט האַלטן זייַן eighteenth געמישט-מאַרשאַל-קונסט (ממאַ) געשעעניש, “נעף ^ ךן: געמאכט אין אַמעריקע,” דעם שבת נאַכט, יוני 13, 2015 בייַ די אַנדראָסקאָגגין באַנק קאָליסעע אין לעוויסטאָן, מיין. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the fight card. קאַרל לאַנגסטאָן (4-8) איז סקעדזשולד צו טרעפן אַלעקס זשאנסאן (2-1) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


A fixture of NEF MMA amateur cards, Langston, of Young’s MMA in Bangor, מיין, replaces Johnson’s original opponent, and Langston teammate, אהרן לאַסעי (5-1), who was injured last week. The Lacey-Johnson fight was scheduled to determine the first-ever NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion. The bout between Langston and Johnson, אָבער, will be a non-title affair.


Langston is riding high off a victory over Sheldon Bang (2-2) last February. It was Langston’s first victory in the NEF MMA cage. Likewise, Johnson is looking to extend his own streak of two wins in a row to three in NEF action. A member of Ruthless MMA & Boxing of Benton, מיין, Johnson submitted Dustin Shorey (0-1) בייַ “נעף קסוויי” this past April.


NEF officials further announced today that the Langston-Johnson contest is currently scheduled to open the show at “נעף ^ ךן” דעם שבת.


טיקקעץ פֿאַר “נעף ^ ךן: געמאכט אין אַמעריקע” אָנהייב בייַ פּונקט $25 און ביסט אויף פאַרקויף איצט בייַ אָדער דורך פאַך די קאָליסעע קעסטל אָפיס בייַ 207.783.2009 רענטגענ 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at דערצו, you can watch NEF videos at, נאָכפאָלגן זיי אויף טוויטטערנעפיגהץ און פאַרבינדן די באַאַמטער פאַסעבאָאָק גרופּע "ניו ענגלאַנד פייץ."


וועגן ניו ענגלאַנד פייץ


New ענגלאַנד פייץ ("נעף") איז אַ קאַמף געשעענישן פּראַמאָושאַנז פירמע. נעף ס מיסיע איז צו שאַפֿן דעם העכסטן קוואַליטעט געשעענישן פֿאַר מיין ס פייטערז און פאַנס ענלעך. נעף ס אויספֿיר מאַנשאַפֿט האט ברייט דערפאַרונג אין קאַמבאַט ספורט פאַרוואַלטונג, געשעענישן פּראָדוקציע, מידיאַ באַציונגען, אָפּזעצערייַ, לעגאַל און גאַנצע.

דזשוליאַן “דזש ראַק” Williams returns this Saturday, יוני 13 against Armen Ovespyan on WilderMolina undercard in Birmingham, אַלאַבאַמאַ

Fight to be broadcast live on Showtime Extreme
פילאדעלפיע (יוני 8, 2015)–דעם שבת, יוני 13 one of the hottest names in boxing will be back in action as undefeated Jr. מידדלעוועיגהט, דזשוליאַן “דזש-ראַק” ווילליאַמס (19-0-1, 11 קאָ ס) וועט נעמען אויף Armen Ovespyan (14-4, 11 קאָ ס) in a 10-round bout for the WBC Continental America’s Jr. מידדלעוועיגהט טיטל.
The bout will take place in Birmingham, Alabama and be part of the Deontay WilderEric Molina WBC Heavyweight title card that will be televised on Showtime Championship Boxing.
ווילליאַמס – Ovespyan will be shown live on Showtime Extreme.
I wanted a bigger fight but if the other top guys are not available,” האט ווילליאַמס.
I can’t just sit around and be inactive. I’m still improving. I still have to work on my craft. I still have to make money. So sitting around is not an option for me. At one time people had high hopes for Ovespyan. He’s not a bum and I’m definitely not overlooking him,” האט דער 25 יאָר-אַלט. “At one point during camp I thought I was fighting Frank Galarza in Brooklyn so I was locked in. Then I thought it would be Jan Zaveck. Who is an ex world champion and took Keith Thurman the 12 round distance so I was still super focused. I’ve been told I will get a big fight in September maybe even a title shot, so there is no way I will have a let down against Ovespyan because if I don’t win I won’t get what I have been asking for. I haven’t lost a round in 2 years since the Joachim Alcine fight and I want to continue to build on that and perfect my craft.
Williams has earned the moniker, “מר. Do It Allfor his versatility in the ring. Williams has proven to be a master boxer and high quality banger when need be.
Williams is currently ranked #8 דורך די וובק, #10 by the WBA and #10 by
Williams of Philadelphia has been credited for willingness to take step up fights such as wins over former world champ Joachim Alcine (32-4) אָרלאַנדאָ לאָראַ (29-4-2), Freddy Hernandez (30-6), Michael Medina (26-4-2), אליעזר גאָנזאַלעז (14-0), דזשאַמאַר Freeman (13-3-2) and Joey Hernandez (24-2-1). Williams was also dominating undefeated Hugo Centeno (19-0) before the fight was stopped due to a cut and ruled a no-contest.


ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 58 Official Results


ב-1 אַרויסרופן 58: BATTLE IN THE MOUNTAINS 4

Marcelo Brito vs. Murad Abdulaev

Vacant M-1 Challenge Welterweight Championship

יוני 6, 2015 ● Ingushetia, רוסלאַנד

דרוק מעלדונג
פֿאַר באַלדיק מעלדונג

Mural Abdulaev decisions Marcello Brito

To capture M-1 Challenge welterweight title

New M- Challenge welterweight champion Mural Abdulaev is crowned by

M-1 Global president Vadim Finkelchtein


ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד (יוני 7, 2015) – Last night at ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 58: Battle in the Mountains 4,Mural “הונטער” Abdulaev won a unanimous 5-round decision over Marcelo Brito to capture the vacant M-1 Challenge welterweight title, outdoors in Ingushetia, רוסלאַנד.


Abdulaev (13-10, 6 קאָ / טקאָ, 2 סאַב), מלחמה אויס פון רוסלאַנד, remained unbeaten in M-1 Global competition with his third victory. בריטאָ (13-6-0, 2 קאָ / טקאָ, 5 סאַב), who replaced his injured Brazilian countryman Igor Fernandes, made his M-1 Global debut.


In main card action, Russian by way of Azerbaijan featherweight טוראַל ניזאַמי (10-2-0, 4 קאָ / טקאָ, 5 סאַב) דיפיטיד אַנטון “קיללער” ראַסיק (17-6-0, 0 קאָ / טקאָ, 13 סאַב), פון קראָאַטיאַ, by way of a late third-round submission via an arm-bar.


כעוויווייט AlexiBrickKudin (20-8-0, 16 קאָ / טקאָ, 1 סאַב), פון בעלארוס, kicked his way to a second-round knockout of Russian Baga Agaev (27-17-0, 5 קאָ / טקאָ, 2 סאַב).


American featherweight לי “אמעריקאנער בוללדאָג” מאָריסאַן (13-5-0, 4 קאָ / טקאָ, 4 סאַב) won a three-round majority decision from פּאַוועל וויטרוק (12-2-0, 3 קאָ / טקאָ, 2 סאַב), a native of Ukraine who fights out of St. פעטערבורג, רוסלאַנד.


בראַזיליאַן וועטעראַן טשאַרלעס “Gracie” אַנדראַדע (28-23-1, 6 קאָ / טקאָ, 22 סאַב) needed only 34 seconds to force previously undefeated Russian middleweight Abukar Yandiev (4-1-0, 1 קאָ / טקאָ, 2 סאַב) into submission with a heel hook.


רוסיש מידדלעוועיגהט Magomed Mutaev (6-2-0, 4 קאָ / טקאָ, 0 סאַב) won by technical knockout when Spaniard ענאָק סאַלווז טאָררעס‘ (16-9-0, 5 קאָ / טקאָ, 7 סאַב) corner-men halted the fight after the first round.


קאַמף אויף די פּרילימאַנערי קאָרט, כאָומטאַון באַליבט Adam Tsurov (2-1-0) stopped pro-debuting Tajikistan lightweight Bakhitoyor Ibragimov (0-1-0) on punches in the opening round, רוסיש לייטווייט Khamzat Dalziev (3-1-0) won a second round split decision from Russian Akhied Nazarov (0-1-0), רוסיש פעאַטהערוועיגהט Movsar Evloev (2-0-0) took a two-round decision from Lu Zhenhong (6-3-0), of China, רוסיש ליכט כעוויווייט אד"ם “Beast” יאַנדיעוו (8-0-0) remained undefeated with an early first-round submission of Lithuanian Valdas Pocevicius (33-32-0), and Russian lightweight Djambulat Kurbanov (7-1-`) won as previously undefeated Ukrainianאלעקסאנדער פּאַנאַסיוק (5-1-0) submitted due to an arm-bar in the first round.


רוסיש פעאַטהערוועיגהט די רבאַנאַלי אַבדוסאַלאַמאָוו (5-2-0) upset previously unbeaten Pierre Sauvage (6-1-0), punching out the Frenchman late in the final round, Ingushetia favoriteKhamzat Aushev (6-3-0) needed only 26-seconds to submit Spanish lightweight Javier פוענטאַס(6-2-0) with a heel lock, Arkamat Evkurov (3-1-0) punched his way to a first-round stoppage ofVladimir Bury (1-2-0) in a battle of Russian heavyweights, and featherweight רוסלאַן עסמורזיעוו(2-1-0) ruined the pro debut of fellow Russian Marat Kishaev (0-1-0), who was a KO victim of punches.


In M- Medieval knight fights heavyweight Evgeniy Gladkov (3-0-0) remained unbeaten with victory over Maxim Plaksin (0-2-0), while welterweight Rustam Kuhurkhev (1-0-0) won hi pro debut against Boris Dzhelilov (0-2-0).



גאַנץ רעזולטאַטן און בילד גאַלעריע ווייטער:




Mural Abdulaev (13-1-0)


מאַרסעלאָ בריטאָ (13-7-0), Brazil

(Abdulaev won vacant M-1 Challenge welterweight title)


הויפּט קאָרט



Alexi Kudin (20-8-0), Belarus

ווקאָ / טקאָ2 (Leg Kicks1:40)

Baga Agaev (27-17-0), רוסלאַנד



Charles Andrade (28-23-1), Brazil

ווסוב1 (Heel Hook0:34)

Abukar Yandiev (4-1-0), רוסלאַנד


Magomed Mutaev (6-2-0), רוסלאַנד

ווטקאָ1 (ווינקל סטאָפּפּאַגע – 5:00)

ענאָק סאַלווז טאָררעס (16-9-0), ספּאַין



טוראַל ניזאַמי (10-2-0), רוסלאַנד

ווסוב3 (אַרמבאַר – 4:27)

אַנטון ראַסיק (17-6-0), קראָאַטיאַ


לי מאָריסאַן (14-5-0), USA


פּאַוועל וויטרוק (12-2-0), רוסלאַנד

פּרעלימינאַרי קאָרט


אַקראַם עווקוראָוו (4-1-0), רוסלאַנד

ווקאָ / טקאָ1 (פּאַנטשיז – 1:43)

Vladimir Bury (1-2-0), רוסלאַנד


ליכט כעוויווייץ

אד"ם יאַנדיעוו (8-0-0), רוסלאַנד

ווסוב1 (RNC0:34)

Valdas Pocevisius (33-32-0), ליטע



Adam Tsurov (3-1-0), רוסלאַנד

ווקאָ / טקאָ1 (פּאַנטשיז – 4:16)

Bakhitier Ibragimov (0-1-0), Tajikistan


Khamzat Dalgiev (3-1-0), רוסלאַנד


Akhred Nazarov (0-1-0), רוסלאַנד


Dzambulat Kurbanov (7-1-0), רוסלאַנד

ווסוב1 (אַרמבאַר – 3:18)

אלעקסאנדער פּאַנאַסיוק (5-1-1), אוקריינא


Khamzat Aushev (6-3-0), רוסלאַנד

ווסוב1 (Heel Hook0:26)

Javier פוענטאַס (6-3-0), ספּאַין



Movsar Evloev (2-0-0), רוסלאַנד


Lu Zhenhong (6-3-0), טשיינאַ


Kurbanali Abdisalamov (4-2-0), רוסלאַנד

WKO3 (פּאַנטשיז – 4:25)

Pierre Sauvage (6-0-0), פֿראַנקרייַך


רוסלאַן עסמורזיעוו (2-1-0), רוסלאַנד

ווקאָ1 (פּאַנטשיז — 4:35)

Marat Kishaev (0-0-0) רוסלאַנד





Evgeniy Gladov (3-0-0), רוסלאַנד


מאַקסים פּלאַקסין (0-2-0), רוסלאַנד


Rustam Kuhurkhoev (1-0-0), רוסלאַנד


Boris Dzhelilov (0-2-0), רוסלאַנד


Mural Abdulaev has position on Marcelo Brito

New M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Mural Abdulaev


Tural Ragimov strikes Antun Racic


Charles Andrade shows his respect for Abukar Yandiev

פּאַוועל וויטרוק & Lee Morrison mix it up in the mountains

Alexi Kudin toses Baga Agaev

Magomd Mutaev & ענאָק סאַלווז טאָררעס

Khamzat Dagev& Akhred Nazarov

Rustam Kuhukhoev & Boris Dzhelilov

Djammbulat Kurbanov finishes off Alexander Panasyuk

Khmzat Aushev forces Javier Fuentas into submission

Movsar Eloev nails Lu Zhenhong right on the chin

Evgeniy Glakov attacks Maxim Plaksin

Ruslan Esmurziv & Marat Kishaev

Adam Yandiev defeated Valdas Pocevicius

Pierre Sauvage & די רבאַנאַלי אַבדוסאַלאַמאָוו

Vladimir Bury & Akromat Evkurov

אַפּקאַמינג געשעעניש: ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 59: Kharitonov-Garner II אין Astana, קאַזאַקסטאַן




טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:
@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס


@ מ1גלאָבאַל





וועגן ב -1 GLOBAL: געגרינדעט אין 1997, ב-1 גלאבאלע האט געגרינדעט זיך אין געמישט מאַרשאַל Arts (ממאַ) as the premier entity for discovering and developing the world’s next-generation of superstar fighters. מיט זייַן אָפיס אין סט פעטערבורג, רוסלאַנד, די ב-1 סאָרט האט סטיידזשד מער ווי 160 געשעענישן ווערלדווייד, אַרייַנגערעכנט ב -1 סעלעקציע, ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש, M-1 Global and M-1 Global HWGP events, אין דערצו צו גלויבנס-פּראַמאָוטינג סטריקעפאָרסע געשעענישן און ב-1 גלאבאלע אויף די יו. נעץ, שאָוטיים. קאַפּטיווייטינג לעבן, טעלעוויזיע און בראָדבאַנד אַדיאַנסאַז מיט זייַן העכער פּראָדוקציע וואַלועס און גלייַכן-אַפּס, ב-1 גלאבאלע געשעענישן האָבן פיטשערד עטלעכע פון ​​די ספּאָרט 'ס שפּיץ נעמען, אַרייַנגערעכנט לעדזשאַנדערי כעוויווייט פעדער עמעליאַנענקאָ, אַנדריי אַרלאָווסקי, געגאַרד מאָוסאַסי, אַליסטאַיר אָווערעעם, קיט דזשאַרדיין, בן ראָטהוועלל, מעלווין מאַנהאָעף, סערגעי כאַריטאָנאָוו, אַלעקסאַנדער עמעליאַנענקאָ, רוימער זענצאָוו, יושין אָקאַמי, מייק פּילע, דעניס קאַנג, מארטין קאַמפּמאַנן, Amar סולאָעוו, טשאַליד ינקערד און סטעפאַן סטרווו. 2015 הבטחות צו זייַן אנדערן סענסיישאַנאַל יאָר פון וועלט-קלאַס פאַרמעסט מיט אַ פול לוח פון טשאַלאַנדזש געשעענישן פיואַלד דורך אַ טאַלאַנט-רייַך קאַנטענשאַן סיסטעם ראַנגקינג ב-1 גלאבאלע טשאַמפּיאָנס צווישן די גרעסטע פייטערז אין די ספּאָרט.

וועגן M-1GLOBAL.TV: הנאה ממאַ קאַמף איצט אין הויך דעפֿיניציע געבראכט צו איר, קרבן בלויז די בעסטער פייץ פון ב-1 גלאבאלע און אנדערע ממאַ אָרגאַניזאַציעס. איז אַ גרויס פּלאַטפאָרמע דעוועלאָפּעד ספּאַסיפיקלי צו ברענגען צוזאַמען די מערסט יגזאָסטיוו קעמפן ווידעא דאַטאַבאַסע. עס אויך גיט אַ גרינג און ינטואַטיוו צובינד, העלפּינג אַלעמען צו אָנהייבן ניצן די פּלאַטפאָרמע אין קיין צייַט בשעת אַוווידינג קיין ספּוילערז. אויסערדעם וואַטשינג די פאַרגאַנגענהייַט פייץ אויף מאָנען בייַ קיין צייַט באַקוועם צו די קונה, וויוערז זענען ביכולת צו געניסן די אַקציע לעבן, אַלע בנימצא צו וסערס דורך אַ נידעריק-פּרייסט חודש צו חודש דיגיטאַל אַבאָנעמענט. דיין וועלט פון קאַמף. עניטיים!



דריקט דאָ פֿאַר פאָטאָס

פאָטאָ קרעדיט: סוזאַן טערעסאַ / פּרעמיער באָקסינג טשאַמפּיאָנס


Carson, קאַליף. (יוני 6) – Southern California boxing fans were treated to an afternoon of hard punches and quick action as Premier Boxing Champions (פּבק) on NBC took to the ring at StubHub Center in Carson, קאַליף. The Saturday afternoon fight card, part of a jam-packed day of sports action on NBC, showcased a heavyweight brawl between Dominic Breazeale and Yasmany Consuegra and a fast and furious welterweight bout between Robert Guerrero and Aron Martinez.


In the PBC on NBC main event, Guerrero and Martinez let their fists fly from the opening bell to the closing bell in a showdown that saw over 1,000 punches thrown between the two welterweights over 10 ראָונדס. It was clear from the beginning of the fight that Martinez was not intimidated by Guerrero’s skills or resume as he dominated the first several rounds, even dropping Guerrero in the fourth. But Guerrero was able to turn the table in his favor as the fight progressed and dominate the second half of the 10 round brawl. די ריכטער סקאָרד די באַוט 97-95 און 95-94 for Guerrero and 95-94 for Martinez in a split decision victory that brought the crowd to its feet.


ברעאַזעאַלע, אַ 2012 יוז. Olympian and Southern California-native, needed less than three rounds to defeat previously unbeaten heavyweight Conguegra. The referee called off the fight at 1:49 of the third round after Consuegra hit the canvas three times as Breazeale extended his professional record to 15-0 מיט 14 קאָס.


The featured fight on NBC SportsNet saw a featherweight battle between the once-beaten Argentinean Jesus Cuellar and former world champion Vic Darchinyan that came to a half when Cuellar knocked out Darchinyan at 1:04 of the seventh round.


NBCSN also featured the return of Alfredo Angulo, who scored a fifth-round knockout victory over Delray Raines in a middleweight contest that saw “הונט” raise his hand in victory for the first time since 2012.


Here is what the fighters had to say about Saturday afternoon’s fights:


ראבערט Guerrero


Aron Martinez came to fight and the fans got to see two warriors go at it.

I can’t explain why I go to war so much. I just love to get in there and mix it up.

When I got up off the canvas, I told myselfget up and win this fight.

Once I started boxing I felt I started dominating the fight.

We got the victory and now it’s time to move on to some big fights and give the fans the warrior type fights they deserve. I’m an action fighter and I’ll continue to be so.


There is something about this arena that makes you want to stand there and trade.


I just suffered the loss of my cousin. She passed away last week and this fight was for her.



אַראָן מאַרטינעז


“איך בין זייער צופרידן מיט מיין פאָרשטעלונג. I thought I won the fight.


I thought the third scorecard was way out of line.


It was a great experience fighting on NBC. I wanted to put on a great fight for the fans and me and Robert did that.


I look forward to being more active and fighting again as soon as possible.


דאָמיניק ברעאַזעאַלע


Its always a little different to fight in the afternoon. The fans came out to support me. I put on a big show and got the win.


He was putting his hand on his right side and I was hitting him with the upper cut.


“איך קען נישט פרעגן פֿאַר עפּעס בעסער.


I’d love to be back in the ring as soon as possible. Everybody did a great job putting this together. This was only three rounds right here and lets do it again in a couple months.


יאָשקע קועללאַר


I wasn’t hurt. It was more of a slip. Darchinyan is a very tough warrior and I’m glad I came out on top.


I want to fight again as soon as possible. I saw Abner Mares sitting in the first row and I want to fight him next.


Alfredo אַנגולאָ


I have so many fans and I want to thank them. They are here cheering for mecheering for the dog. I always say it’s for the fans and I want to thank them for the support.


This is my first fight coming back to my old trainer [Clemente Medina] and it was great.


A lot of people say ‘the dog is dead,’ but if you ask the people that saw my performance, they will all tell you the dog is alive and well.


פאָטאָס: Miguel Cotto vs Daniel Geale & Undercard Weigh-In for their June 6, 2015 fight on HBO +

וובק און רינג מאַגאַזין מידדלעוועיגהט וועלט טשאַמפּיאָן מיגועל קאָטטאָ (לינקס) and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (רעכט) פּאָזע אויף יוני 5, 2015 אין ברוקלין, New York at the weigh-in for June 6, 2015 world title fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn which will be televised live on HBO. (פאָטאָ קרעדיט: טאָם האָגאַן – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
וובק און רינג מאַגאַזין מידדלעוועיגהט וועלט טשאַמפּיאָן מיגועל קאָטטאָ (לינקס) and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (רעכט) פּאָזע אויף יוני 5, 2015 אין ברוקלין, New York at the weigh-in for June 6, 2015 world title fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn which will be televised live on HBO. (פאָטאָ קרעדיט: טאָם האָגאַן – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
וובק און רינג מאַגאַזין מידדלעוועיגהט וועלט טשאַמפּיאָן מיגועל קאָטטאָ (לינקס) and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (רעכט) פּאָזע אויף יוני 5, 2015 אין ברוקלין, New York at the weigh-in for June 6, 2015 world title fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn which will be televised live on HBO. (פאָטאָ קרעדיט: טאָם האָגאַן – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated welterweight prospect Dustin Fletcher (לינקס) and Karim Miller (רעכט) פּאָזע אויף יוני 5, 2015 אין ברוקלין, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (פאָטאָ קרעדיט: טאָם האָגאַן – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated junior lightweight prospect Jose Lopez (לינקס) and Angel Luna (רעכט) פּאָזע אויף יוני 5, 2015 אין ברוקלין, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (פאָטאָ קרעדיט: טאָם האָגאַן – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated light heavyweight prospect Junior Younan (לינקס) and Mike Sawyer (רעכט) פּאָזע אויף יוני 5, 2015 אין ברוקלין, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (פאָטאָ קרעדיט: טאָם האָגאַן – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Junior featherweight prospect Shawn Simpson (לינקס) and Damon Simon (רעכט) פּאָזע אויף יוני 5, 2015 אין ברוקלין, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (פאָטאָ קרעדיט: טאָם האָגאַן – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Former World Champion Wilfredo Vazquez (לינקס) and Fernando Vargas (רעכט) פּאָזע אויף יוני 5, 2015 אין ברוקלין, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (פאָטאָ קרעדיט: טאָם האָגאַן – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated heavyweight prospect Zhang Zhilei (רעכט) and Glen Thomas (Left) פּאָזע אויף יוני 5, 2015 אין ברוקלין, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (פאָטאָ קרעדיט: טאָם האָגאַן – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)

6-6-15 HBO WCB Bout Sheet



דריקט דאָ For Audio Link


קעלי סוואַנסאָן

Thanks everyone for joining us today. I’m excited about this call and this fight. Today we’re going to hear from both the fighters, Deontay Wilder and Eric Molina. Joining us as well is Lou DiBella, פרעזידענט פון דיבעללאַ פֿאַרווייַלונג, and also Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports.


אַזוי, to make the formal introductions, I’m going to turn it over to Lou.


Lou דיבעללאַ

אַ דאַנק, קעלי. It’s always a real pleasure and honor whenever you get to promote a heavyweight championship fight, and Deontay Wilder is the first American heavyweight champion in quite a while. He’s getting the opportunity to defend his title, his first defense in his hometown of Birmingham, אַלאַבאַמאַ, on the campus of UAB from the Bartow Arena.


This will be televised as a main event on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on Saturday night, יוני 13. This is an interesting time to be at the UAB campus because UAB just reversed a very controversial decision to disband its football program, so college football’s coming back to Birmingham and the campus of UAB and so is heavyweight championship boxing with Deontay Wilder.


טיקקעץ זענען פּרייסט בייַ $25, $50, $75, $100, $150, און $200, but there are less than 1,000 tickets left, and we expect a sold-out house of about 8,500 people and that tickets are going to sell out way before fight night. אַזוי, if anyone wants tickets, get them as soon as you can at and The doors will open at 3 אַקלאַק. די ערשטער באַוט וועט זיין בייַ 3:30 פּיעם, and then SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHP BOXING on the air at 9 פּ.ם. און, 8 פּ.ם. קאָרט, און 6 פּ.ם. פּט.


The opening bout on SHOWTIME is a terrific world championship fight itself between 130-pound title contenders, Jose Pedraza and Andrey Klimov. I’d like to invite Executive Vice President and General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports, סטיווען עספּינאָזאַ.


סטיווען עספּינאָזאַ

Thanks very much, לאָו. It’s an exciting day for all of us here at SHOWTIME. Earlier today, we announced the imminent launch of a new online streaming service, SHOWTIME Direct to Consumers, which means all our award-winning programming, including all of our live boxing telecasts, will be available on the live East and West Coast feeds for SHOWTIME as well as all of our on demand content. That service will launch in mid-July.


Later tonight, we have a great episode of 60 Minutes Sports, which includes a very revealing interview with some of the latest developments in the Pippa scandal. That’s followed by the premier of ALL ACCESS: דעאָנטייַ ווילדער. That’s at 10 פּ.ם. עט / פּט. We’ll take a look back at Deontay’s signature win, that which earned him the heavyweight title through the award-winning lens of the series, and we’ll also, as usual, be taking a closer look at the personal side and showing you some of the depth of Deontay’s character that fans might not be familiar with this fall.


As for Saturday the 13, we have a big night of fights, perhaps one of our strongest nights of the SHOWTIME Extremecards to date. That kicks off at 7 פּ.ם. עט / פּט. That will kick off with two undefeated fighters in a WBC 135-pound elimination bout, איוואן רעדקאַטש, who many of you have seen several times on ShoBox against Dejan Zlaticanin, who is a very tough challenger. אויך, one of the staples of Extreme and a very highly regarded prospect, Julian Williams of Philadelphia, will be in tough against a Russian welterweight prospect, Arman Ovsepyan.


Then it’s SHOWTIME, a championship double header, as Lou indicated. אין דער עפענונג באַוט, we have undefeated amateur standout, Jose Pedraza of Puerto Rico facing heavy hitter Andrey Klimov. פּעדראַזאַ, אַוואַדע, has represented Puerto Rico in the 2008 אָלימפּיקס, was a gold medalist at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean games. You’ve seen him featured on ShoBox. He’s a very skilled fighter.


אַנדריי קלימאָוו, also a top amateur, former Russian lightweight belt holder. His only loss, אַוואַדע, is to the current WBO 140-pound champion, טערענסע Crawford. Lou will give a little bit more into detail on main event and introduce the fighters, but allow me to say that we do expect a tremendous turnout for our first world champion boxing event and for our SHOWTIME Boxing telecast in the state of Alabama.


As we know, a packed arena adds a tremendous element of excitement to live television. We’re proud to present this compelling and refreshing world heavyweight title fight live on SHOWTIME.


Back over to you, לאָו.


ל. דיבעלאַ

דאנק איר זייער פיל, סטיווען. The heavyweight championship bout features Deontay Wilder being challenged by Eric Molina. Molina is 23-2 מיט 17 קאָס. He’s on a five-fight winning streak and a three-fight knockout streak, including a career best win over Davarryl Williamson. His only loss since his pro debut came against Chris Arreola. He’s ranked number 9 דורך די וובק.


He’s also a really interesting guy as I’ve gotten to hear him a few times over the course of this promotion, who does a lot to give back to his community, who has a great sense of charity and community, and he’s made it very clear that he’s got nothing to lose here. He’s viewing this as an opportunity of a lifetime, and that he’s going to do anything and everything to shock the world and take that world championship away from Deontay Wilder.


אַזוי, it’s my pleasure to introduce world title challenger, עריק מאַלינאַ.


עריק מאַלינאַ

העלא, גויס. Just like Lou just said, that was a good introduction of who I am and what I’m coming in to do. We’re very excited about the fight, the opportunity to go down to Alabama. We know it’s going to be a very hectic environment down there, very uncomfortable environment, but Wilder is the champion, and he gets to enjoy all these privileges of all the guidelines of where we fight and all the logistics of it, so we’re excited for the opportunity to fight for the heavyweight world title and we are very prepared.


Training camp is going extremely well. We’re closing up our training camp on Saturday, and we should be ready to go down to Alabama on Monday. Everything’s looking very good, and we’re ready to go.


ל. דיבעלאַ

אַ דאַנק, עריק. Fight week, next week, there’ll be a slew of events leading up to the fight, including a workout on Wednesday and a public weigh-in on Friday. I’d like people to follow for all details as they’re updated, including a lot of details about stuff that’s open to the public and that the people of Birmingham can enjoy during fight week, so that’s


One of the proudest sons and the greatest sons of Birmingham, אַלאַבאַמאַ, is a young man who’s a physical specimen. ער ס 33-0, with an incredible knockout rate of 32 KOs in 33 פייץ. Deontay Wilder had a brief but decorated amateur career that concluded with a trip to the Olympics where he won a bronze medal for the United States. He won a 12-round decision over Bermane Stiverne in January to become the WBC heavyweight champion.


In his professional career he’s knocked out former Olympic gold medalist, Audley Harrison in one round, former heavyweight title holder, Sergei Liakhovich in one round. He only began boxing in 2005, and his quick ascent in the sport was pretty amazing and actually the inspiration for a children’s book called Deontay the Future World Champ, and I guess that children’s book was prophetic because it’s now Deontay, the World Champ.


He was born in Tuscaloosa, grew up a diehard Crimson Tide fan, and he’s returning home to fight in Alabama for the first time in three years to defend his WBC heavyweight title for the first time.


אַזוי, it’s my honor and pleasure to introduce WBC heavyweight champion of the world, דעאָנטייַ ווילדער.


דעאָנטייַ ווילדער

העלא, גויס. I’m excited to have this opportunity to get back in the ring and display my talent more. All the people that are going to be watching and the people that are going to be in attendance, it’s a pleasure and an honor to be able to get in the ring to do something that I love to do and I have a very strong passion about, so I’m excited about June 13. I’m excited about coming to my home state of Alabama.


When I set forth becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, I got one part of it becoming the heavyweight champion, the WBC heavyweight champion of the world. I’ve still got a long way to go, but I’m honored and pleased to have my very first title defense in Alabama. We’re going to make history come June 13 by having the first title fight of any division in the state of Alabama, and that’s a pleasure and definitely an honor to me. אַזוי, me and Eric will definitely be witnessing and making history come June 13.


I appreciate him for signing the contract and accepting this opportunity. A lot of guys don’t get an opportunity to be able to fight for a world title, and I congratulate him on the opportunity. I know it’s going to be a great fight. He’s going to come to fight, and that’s what I expect. I expect a great fight. He’s someone that got a big bark but want a big bite in the ring as well too, so that’s what I expect. To all my fans, he’s coming to enemy territory. He’s coming to an arena filled with nothing but majority of hometown people in the state of Alabama, so that’s a tough environment to come into and then facing one of the most dangerous guys in the division to date.


אַזוי, I applaud him for that. I’m just ready. I’ve been waiting for a long time to get back in the ring. After my last fight, I want to stay consistent. I want to stay busy in fights. I love to do this. God gave me the opportunity to do this. I’m going to keep doing it, keep giving the fans what they want to see, and that’s great fights and defending my title as much as possible. You can tell by my voice that I’m super excited. איך קענען נישט וואַרטן. There’s nothing like what I do, my job, and that’s to whoop a**, and I can’t wait to get up in there come June 13.


ל. דיבעלאַ

אַ דאַנק, דעאָנטייַ. געזונט, now we’ll open it up for questions.



As my understanding is, דעאָנטייַ, a couple years ago, or three years ago, whenever it was, not that long after you turned pro, that the people in Alabama really created the boxing commission that is there to regulate the sport basically because they wanted their favorite son, דעאָנטייַ ווילדער, to be able to fight in the home state and to put on these kind of big shows.


When that happened, was the ultimate goal for you to put on a big event in your home state?


די. ווילדער

This definitely was the ultimate goal. My trainer and co-manager, Jay Deas, we set forth a goal to getting a commission here. We had a lot of great champions that’s from here but couldn’t get fight due to the fact that there was no commission here. I already had plans of after the Olympics turning pro and staying and residing here in my home state. I had a vision for this state. I wanted to make it bigger than just college football. I gave them opportunities to have a professional sport here, און אַז ס באָקסינג, so once we got our commission, it was uphill from there. A lot of people have gotten on board. A lot of people have never troubled with boxing, צייַט, in their life, until they read about the story of my movement, what’s going on, and a lot of people had lost interest in boxing until they read about my story, my movement. איצט, they’re on board.


אַזוי, it became a bit of a thing for the state of Alabama now, so they put me on top as far as the sport is concerned here in the state of Alabama because there’s nothing like a world sport, nothing. Nothing national can compete with a world-level sport.



I was wondering if you could mention who are some of those other top contenders that you guys looked to fight before you decided to make an agreement with Eric?


די. ווילדער

געזונט, at this moment, I feel like stating names is irrelevant right now. Next week will be fight week, and everything is focused on Eric Molina. That’s the main focus, and I love the guys. It wouldn’t do any good stating names. They had the opportunity. Eric stepped up to the plate, and we’ll congratulate him. We’re going to put on a great performance June 13.



How do you respond to the people who say, ‘Eric Molina, who’s that? And why should he be in a heavyweight championship fight?’

און. מאָלינאַ

Well there are a lot of casual boxing fans out there that really don’t know too much about Eric Molina. I have been in pretty big fights. I fought Tony Grano, the NABF champion, ranked in the top 10 in the world for over a year. If you look at my record, you see two losses. In the casual boxing sense, you see those two losses. Only a fighter knows how hard it is to bounce back from losses like those.


אַזוי, the casual fan doesn’t say ah, געזונט, they say he’s got these two losses, but I know what I’ve been through to come back from my losses, things that I’ve learned from my losses, and I positioned myself back into being a top contender in the world.


A lot of these fights on my resume, you see fights, but you don’t see the other angles of what’s on the table, how long I had to prepare, the things I had to go through outside of the ring, so I’m glad that June 13טה is coming up. We’ve had a very smooth training camp, and I’m coming in with everything. I’ve never been this prepared for a fight before. I’ve never had the privilege to come in this prepared for a fight, so we’re excited about it.



עריק, because your two defeats were in the first round, and because Deontay has so many first-round knockouts, he’s a fast starter, how pivotal is getting through the first round in this fight?


און. מאָלינאַ

געזונט, it’s definitely important. I think that this is definitely a fight that from the first bell, I think it’s going to be a fast-paced fight. Deontay Wilder’s a big puncher, but I feel that I’m a big puncher also, so I think that it’s very important to be ready from the first bell. Anything could happen at any given second. It’s a heavyweight world title fight.



Do you kind of feel that some pressure’s off of you to try to knock out everybody, or have to knock out everybody?

די. ווילדער

איך מיינען, you can say so, but I don’t live my life with pressure. I’m an easy-going person. I’m the type of person, people’s opinions about me doesn’t matter, especially when I’m in the ring because I know that everything I do, איך גרייטן פֿאַר, I train hard for each and every time, in camp, in training.


I’m always training, I never stop. I don’t take any days off. I’m always training because I love to do this. I love to box. I love to be able to get in there and perform for the fans, so I don’t have any days off. But you can’t please everybody. There are too many billions of people in the world to try to please every opinion, to try to please everybody. Even when people said things about me, what I couldn’t do, my last fight I proved everything to them. That made me an even more dangerous fighter because now people know what I’m capable of doing. Not only that I’m a puncher, but I can box. I can have fun. I can go 12 rounds and make it seem like it is nothing. I can take a punch. That’s nothing, but we’ve been telling people for years what I could do, just needed the right person in there for me to display my talents. There’s no pressure on me at all.


I don’t go in there and try to look for the knockout, anyway. I go in there and let my hands go, and if I get the knockout, I get it. I would prefer the knockout, אַוואַדע. This is a heavyweight division. It’s all based about power. When people get dressed up and come out to that fight, they come to see a knockout. They want to see a couple of rounds or whatever, to see what kind of skill and will that person has, maybe a little heart, and then they want to see the knockout because they’ve got other things planned for that night.


And when they come to see a Deontay Wilder fight, that’s what I want to bring them. I want to bring them knockouts, but that last fight, it meant so much more than just a knockout because I did, I wanted to prove to people what I was capable of doing. I think that particular night, winning a title, that was the perfect moment to prove what I’m capable of doing and what I’m all about.


אַזוי, now it’s time to get back on to my knockout streak like people expect from me, and that’s what I want to do, so here we go, בייבי.



לאָו, how were the ticket sales for the fight coming up?

ל. דיבעלאַ

The ticket sales have been fairly remarkable, פאקטיש, 7,500 tickets already sold. The capacity’s 8,500, so we’re not even in fight week and we’re looking at a sellout. We’re not in the last few days, and we’re looking at a sellout. I think we’re going to sell out before there’s a walk-up.



דעאָנטייַ, how does it feel just to go 12 ראָונדס? It’s something you hadn’t done yet in your professional career, and how did it feel just to not to say get the rounds, just to quiet a lot of the critics. That was the one knock against you, how would you do in a 12-round fight?


די. ווילדער

To go 12 rounds is, it’s something I do in training, I do in camp. The hardest part in boxing is not the part where you go out there and compete and fight your opponent. It’s the training part. That’s the hard part, the training, what people don’t really see.


They think fighters just go out there one night, they fight 12 rounds or less, and then that’s it, they get paid, טאַקע, אַז ס עס. But the hard part is in camp, what you do in training, what you do in camp. That’s the ultimate hard part of it and we-12 rounds is nothing. I’ve been telling 12 rounds is nothing to me. It’s an appetizer.


Most of the time, we go 15. After getting my belt, I was traveling for three months. I got right back in the gym and did 20 ראָונדס, easy, because I’m never out of shape. I’m always full of energy. I love to do this, so to go to 12 ראָונדס, that wasn’t anything. As you can see, I still had energy to go even six more, seven more rounds in that fight. But to silence the critics, איצט, we’re talking about something.


To silence the critics, that was such a joyful feeling for me. That right there meant a lot to me because like I said, we live in a world that’s based on opinions of many people. Some people know what they’re talking about. The majority of them and most don’t know what they’re talking about, and it was a remarkable feeling to be able to silence the critics. It was even enjoyable to see their faces, to see their voice, to have to eat their words. That was enjoyable right there.



Did you ever think that in your wildest dreams this fight next Saturday would be taking place?


די. ווילדער

I did dream it. Sometimes things start with a dream, and they say dreams do come true, but dreams only come true if you allow them to. It is not just going to come true just because you had dreamt it. You’ve got to dream it, and then you’ve got to apply some kind of ultimate goal to it. Then when you set a goal, you’ve still got to apply self-preservation, as far as gaining that goal and making that dream come true.


I dreamt it. I spoke it into existence. I believe in the power of the tongue, and I made my dream come true, and now we about to have it, about to make it the biggest thing in the state of Alabama. It’s just a blessing. I told people before, I’m a blessing to the state of Alabama, and a lot of people have agreed with me, אַז ס פֿאַר זיכער.


אַזוי, I am very honored to be able to fight in my state because a lot of fighters can’t fight in their state. A lot of fighters don’t have a home to come to, they have to fight elsewhere, but I have the honor and the privilege to have a state that’s behind me and has loved me, and I’m looking forward to it. And like I said, me and Molina are going to make history that night. געווינען, lose, or draw, we’re going to make history that night in the state of Alabama.



How do you try to eliminate the distraction of fighting at home, people talking about bigger fights for you in the future? How do you focus on this particular fight and not look forward or not get kind of caught up in the hoopla now of being the heavyweight champion?


די. ווילדער

געזונט, for me it’s just when I look at an opponent, the task that lies at hand, I automatically focus on that. I can’t look past nobody. I can’t put nobody aside. I treat every opponent that I get in the ring, no matter what their record is or what their resume may read, I look at this opponent as if he’s the most dangerous person in the world.


I look at an opponent as if I’m still a contender trying to gain me a world title, and that’s how I do all my opponents. And by doing that, it keeps me focused. It keeps me humbled as well too to do what I’ve got to do because this is boxing, and this is the heavyweight division. Anything can happen in boxing.


No man can ever feel like he’s bigger than the next person because once you start doing that, you start loosening up, your training starts to get a little lighter because you’re not training, you don’t have that hunger any more, and a lot of things will start to get exposed. People take advantage of that and feel confidence in themselves.


אַזוי, I don’t want to be that type of fighter that I feel like oh, I’m at the top now, I don’t have to train as hard as I was when I was a hungry fighter, because I’m still hungry. I’ve still got goals, I’m still looking to do things in this sport to make it bigger and better. I tell people all the time that even though I’m the WBC heavyweight champion of the world, my heart still feels like a contender, and by my heart still feeling like a contender, it keeps me humble. It keeps me grounded. It keeps me very, איך מיינען, זייער, very hungry.



To quote Ric Flair, ‘To be the man, you’ve got to beat the man.And you know, the man in the heavyweight division for the last decade or so has been Wladimir Klitschko. A lot of people are discussing you as the heir apparent to that, so while you’re staying hungry and moving up the chain and continuing to fight, is that something that’s in the back of your mind, and do you think that’s something that you’re going to have to conquer to truly be the full heavyweight champion of the world?


די. ווילדער

געזונט, I’m going to put it like this, that fight is titled not if it’s going to happen, but when it’s going to happen. אַוואַדע, that’s something I think about, but at this moment in time, I’m not focused on him. He will get his turn as well too, and last time I checked, I have the most prestigious, most well-known, most precious, beautiful belt in all of boxing, something that’s been around for a very long time, and that’s the WBC crown, it’s something that everybody wants.


אַזוי, I have that. I’m the owner of that, so I’m not worried about anything else. רעכט איצט, it’s all about Deontay Wilder and Eric Molina, and that’s what I’m looking forward to, Deontay Wilder versus Eric Molina.



עריק, is it motivating to you towhen you hear people say that you’re just someone to help Deontaya spotlight matchup, a homecoming match, someone that he can look good against? Does that give you even more motivation than just the fact that you’re fighting for the heavyweight championship of the world?


און. מאָלינאַ

It definitely motivates me more because people have their opinions, and like Wilder said, a lot of people don’t know too much about different angles of boxing, so people don’t want to give me a shot, people don’t think I have a shot, and that’s fine. I’ve used it as motivation. I’ve definitely trained hard. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been, and I’m not here to convince people to give me a shot or not. I know what I bring to the table. I know the size and strength that I bring to the table, and I don’t have to convince nobody to root for me or to give me a shot or to believe in me.


The people that love me, די מענטשן, my family and my fans, they believe in me, and I believe in myself, more importantly. אַזוי, we’re coming in, I’m coming in June 13טה, and I’m blessed to, געזונט, God has given me more strength than I’ve ever had, and I’m excited, and we’re good to go.



דעאָנטייַ, you had spoken about obviously being Alabama’s fighter, Alabama’s hero. There’s some deep divisions in the state there. You’re from Tuscaloosa. You’re an avowed Alabama fan. Have you united even the Auburn people behind you?


די. ווילדער

I’m representingAlabama football has its own rival and different things like that, but this is not Alabama football, this is a heavyweight championship world title fight, and I’m representing not only just Tuscaloosa, I’m representing the whole state. I’ve got the whole state behind me. This is a worldwide event, so I just can’t say I just got Tuscaloosa or have a rival with Auburn. צי ניט, I’m representing the whole state of Alabama, and the whole state of Alabama is behind me. That’s the unique and the special thing about it, that I’m representing the whole state, and people love that. I’m looking forward todefinitely it’s going to be a packed venue, אַז ס פֿאַר זיכער. I’m looking forward to that and moving on to an even bigger venue than the state of Alabama.


We’ve got even bigger venues, and I’m looking forward to packing everything out, but right now it starts with the Bartow Arena. I’m looking forward to displaying my talent there and making history right there, the first title fight in Alabama in any division right there at Bartow Arena.



Klitschko was extended a little bit in his last time out with Bryant Jennings. Did you see anything there that led you to believe that this guy’s not Superman?


די. ווילדער

איך מיינען, we all did. We all seen loose holes. We all see something that was there. If anybody says they didn’t, then they’re a liar. We all seen that, but when that time comes, I’m going to execute those things that I saw. But right now, it’s hard to talk about another fighter when you’ve got one fighter that you’re getting ready to face and is on the phone now.


My focus is not on another fighter because if I don’t get past him, we can forget talking about anybody else. It’s irrelevant to talk about anybody else if this fight isn’t done. It’s not over yet, so it’s hard for me to state or talk about another fighter when I’ve got a task that lies at hand.


Once I get finished with Molina, then we can come back and talk about Klitschko.


Do you give Tyson Fury much of a chance against Wladimir, and whether or not he gets wiped out against Wladimir, is that still something you’d like to do, come to England and take Furyon, shut his mouth up?


די. ווילדער

I give Tyson a great percent of the chance of coming in and being a new world champion. It’s all going to depend on him, how serious he takes this business, this game, how serious he takes training and the preparation for that. I wish him luck on everything he does and on becoming the world champion.


There’s nothing like setting a goal to become a world champion and being that, seeing your hand raised high with that belt saying you are the world champion. It’s a great feeling to be a world champion, so it’s going to be up to him. Like I said before, we’ve seen what Klitschko did in his last fight, and we’ll see how he can adjust to a bigger fighter. These are bigger guys now, and that’s what’s running division, the bigger guys. That’s fine. All the taller fighters in the heavyweight divisions are taking over, so we’ll see what Tyson has lies ahead, so we can only wait.



דעאָנטייַ, do you think you could be bigger for boxing than Floyd Mayweather?


די. ווילדער

טאַקע, באשטימט. Most definitely, and I say that with high confidence because the heavyweight division is the cream of the crop in the first place, and the things that I bring, the excitement, the personality that I have, everything about me is all me, is totally me. Some people, some guys when they have cameras in their face, they pursue to be a certain type of person. Their persona about them changes or whatever, and then when the camera is off, they’re a whole totally different person. I don’t have flip personalities. I’m not a fake person.


Everything about me is real, everything you see, even the ALL ACCESS (אויף שאָוטיים). איר וויסן, you all watch the ALL ACCESS, everything is me. Nothing is scripted. Nothing is planned out, nothing. I can’t sit back and let somebody script something out about my life and what it is because it’ll be fake, and I won’t be able to go through with it because it wouldn’t be me.


אַזוי, I think I bring a lot of excitement to this division. I have woken up a lot of people as far as friends to come back to the division and stuff like that, and I know I’m doing the right things. People love me. That’s what it’s all about, but I’m just glad to be a part of the movement because we’ve got a lot of other exciting heavyweights that have made itcome back alive again as well too, whether it’s bashing up the talking or whether it’s the excitement of the performance of their fights. אַזוי, the division is definitely on the rise, and I’m looking to be the biggest thing in boxing, צייַט.


דעאָנטייַ, you’ve said several times that your focus is just on this fight and Eric Molina and not anybody else in the heavyweight division. Could you talk a little bit about what you know about Eric Molina and why you think you’re going to be victorious in this fight?


די. ווילדער

געזונט, the only thing I know about Eric, he’s got a nice size as far as height-wise. His weight, I know the record about the guy, and he looks pretty exciting. He’s not the biggest, or tallest, but when people see two tall guys, I think he’s 6’5and I’m 6’7″, so when people see two big guys get in there, they automatically see the excitement and thrill, what they can bring. I’m not the type of guy that looks at any kind of films or nothing like that. I don’t believe in it. I’ve never done it in all of my career, and I’m not going to start now.


I like to have a challenge. I like to be surprised in the ring to see what they have so I can adjust to that fighter when I get them in the ring.



Why do you think you’re going to be able to win in this fight? What are your advantages? You’re the favorite, דאָך, but why do you think that’s going to play out?


די. ווילדער

געזונט, מיין צוטרוי איז בייַ אַ אַלע-צייַט הויך. I’m always confident in any opponent that I get in the ring with. That’s just my mentality. I feel like if you don’t believe in yourself, then it’s hard to convince or motivate somebody else to believe in you. You can have all the greatest trainers and all the strength trainers, the top of the line strength trainers in the world, but if they don’t really believe in what you’re doing, you don’t really believe in yourself first, then you can’t get those guys to be motivated to believe in yourself.


אַזוי, first and foremost, I believe in myself. My confidence has always been over the top, no matter what opponent I get in the ring with. A definite advantage I have is my speed, my footwork and the power that I bring. My defense is remarkable with my footwork. My athleticism kills a lot of the fighters, and that’s what I’m going to bring to the ring. אַזוי, I’ll come through anybody. They’re all going to try and come, and that’s what they’re supposed to do. I just hope they come in the hopes of really trying to take it. That’s what I’m looking for. I’m looking for a guy that’s very hungry, that’s really trying to take this belt, to make this exciting. I want the most challenging opponent that I can get.



עריק, obviouslywe know that Deontay’s the favorite. He’s going to have the crowd behind him. Why do you think you can win this fight being the underdog?


און. מאָלינאַ

I’ve realized one thing, that people keep saying Alabama this and Alabama that. We know how hectic it’s going to be going down there. That’s what the heavyweight world championship belt’s all about. You can’t expect to go in and fight no easy fights. איך מיינען, you want to become champion, you’ve got to go through hell to get it. I’m expecting to go down to Alabama. It’s going to be a hard situation, a very uncomfortable situation, his backyard, זיין מענטשן, his commission, his everything.


But to be heavyweight world champion, this isn’t easy, so I’m excited. I’m mentally focused to go down there and face all these things. נומער איין, I want to bring that title back. I want to bring it back home. And like I said, if people don’t give me a shot, I don’t got to convince them to give me a shot or not to give me a shot. I know what I’m bringing to the table. I know what I’m coming to do, and that’s all that counts.



עריק, howmuch do you think you’ve improved as a fighter in the last few years? Because you know everyone’s going to look at your record, they’re going to look at the loss to Arreola three years ago. How much do you think you’ve improved since then?


און. מאָלינאַ

געזונט, I’ve always believed that special fighters are able to learn from their losses, but not all fighters can learn from their losses. I believe I’m a special fighter because I’ve learned from my losses, and I know I’ve learned from my losses. I’ve been able to bounce back. I’ve been able to be a better fighter. I’ve been able to put things together better, and I mean, a lot of things about my record that people don’t really understand is how hard it is for somebody to bounce back from some of the losses that I’ve been through, how hard it really is.


אַזוי, I’ve definitely handled those things that were very challenging, and I’ve regrouped. I’ve put myself back together. I’ve become a contender again, and I’m definitely a stronger, more experienced, more confident fighter. And I’m ready.


Lou דיבעללאַ

That’ll be it, גויס. אַ דאַנק, דעאָנטייַ. אַ דאַנק, עריק. אַ דאַנק, יעדער יינער, for joining us. Just one more time, the event will be at the Bartow Arena on the campus of UAB in Birmingham, אַלאַבאַמאַ. טיקקעץ זענען $25, $50, $75, $100, $150, און $200, but there are less than 1,000 tickets left. We expect a sold-out house of about 8,500 shortly, so get your tickets quickly at and Showtime Championship Boxing will be on the air at 9 פּ.ם. מזרח צייט, 8 פּ.ם. Central Time, 6 פּ.ם. Pacific Time. The doors open to the arena at 3 פּיעם, first fight at 3:30 פּיעם, and thank you all for joining us.


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“ווילדער ווס. מאַלינאַ,” אַ 12-ראָונד קעמפן פֿאַר ווילדער ס וובק כעוויווייט טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ, נעמט אָרט שבת, יוני 13, בייַ די באַרטאָוו אַרענאַ אין בירמינגהאַם, אַלאַ. דיבעלאַ ובידור און ברונאָ געשעעניש מאַנשאַפֿט האָבן זיך פאָרסעס צו ברענגען דעם געשעעניש צו אַלאַבאַמאַ. אין די קאָ-הויפּט געשעעניש קאָ-ראָמאָטעד דורך דיבעלאַ אין פאַרבאַנד מיט וניווערסאַל פּראָמאָטיאָנס, דזשאָסע פּעדראַזאַ וועט פּנים אַנדריי קלימאָוו אין אַ 12-ראָונד באַוט פֿאַר די יבף דזשוניער. לייטווייט וועלט טיטל. עס וועט לופט לעבן אויף שאָווטימע® (9 פּ.ם. און / 6 פּ.ם. פּט). די טעלאַקאַסט וועט אויך זייַן בנימצא אין שפּאַניש דורך צווייטיק אַודיאָ פּראָגראַממינג (זאַפט). פּרעלימינאַרי באָוץ וועט זייַן טעלאַווייזד לעבן אויף שאָוטיים עקסטרעם (7 פּ.ם. עט / פּט, דילייד אויף די מערב קאָוסט).


פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט און נאָכפאָלגן אויף טוויטטער בייַשאָספּאָרץ, בראָנזעבאָמבער, לאָודיבעללאַ אוןסוואַנסאָנ_קאָמם, נאָכגיין די שמועס ניצן #ווילדערמאָלינאַ, ווערן אַ פאָכער אויף פאַסעבאָאָק בייַ אָדער באַזוכן http://שאָספּאָרצפּאָונדפאָרפּאָונד.


Rising Star Julian Williams Aims to Remain Undefeated

שבת, יוני 13 at Bartow Arena in Birmingham, אַלאַ.


נייַ יארק (יוני 5, 2015) – With a shot at a lightweight world title on the line, ונדעפעאַטעד וועלט-ראַנגקט קאַנטענדערז יוחנן “די שרעקלעך” רעדק און דעדזשאַן “די דינאַמיטע” זלאַטיקאַנין וועט קוואַדראַט אַוועק אין אַ 12-קייַלעכיק עלימינאַטאָר שבת, יוני 13, אין די הויפּט געשעעניש פון שאָוטיים באָקסינג אויף שאָ עקסטרעם® (7 פּ.ם. און/פּט, דילייד אויף די מערב קאָוסט) בייַ באַרטאָוו אַרענאַ אין בירמינגהאַם, אַלאַ.


אין די גלויבנס-שטריך, אַנביטאַן שפּיץ 10-ראַנגקט יבער וועלטערווייט דזשוליאַן “דזש ראַק” ווילליאַמס (19-0-1, 11 פּרייסיז, 1 נד), פון פילאדעלפיע, וועט זייַן קעגן דורך אַרמעניאַ ס נעבעך אָווסעפּיאַן (14-4, 11 קאָס), פון Glendale, קאַליף., in a ten-round bout. Time permitting, שווער-היטטינג ליכט כעוויווייץ אַהמעד עלביאַלי (10-0, 9 קאָס, 1-1 ווסב), פון מיאַמי, פלאַ, און אָפּטראָג וואָאָדס (8-4, 7 קאָס), פון אַטלאַנטאַ, will collide in a swing match.


שפעטער אַז אָוונט, אין די שאָוטיים טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ באָקסינג®הויפּט געשעעניש, undefeated WBC Heavyweight World Champion דעאָנטייַ “די בראָנזע באָמבער” ווילדער (33-0, 32 קאָס), פון טוסקאַלאָאָסאַ, אַלאַ., will make the first defense of his title when he faces עריק “דראַמער בוי” מאָלינאַ (23-2, 17 קאָס), פון רייַמאָנדוויללע, טעקסאַס, לעבן אויף שאָוטיים® (9 פּ.ם. און/6 פּ.ם. פּט).


דער געווינער צווישן רעדקאַטש (18-0, 1 נד, 14 קאָס), פון לאס אנדזשעלעס, און זלאַטיקאַנין (16-0, 9 קאָס), פון מאָנטענעגראָ, ווערט די מאַנדאַטאָרי טשאַללענגער צו דזשאָרגע לינערז, the WBC 135-pound world champion who registered a 10טה-round TKO over then-No. 1 קאַנטענדער Kevin Mitchell אויף מייַ 30. Zlaticanin and Redkach are the second- and third-rated contenders by the WBC at 135 פונט.


Redkach and Zlaticanin are talented southpaws who were both accomplished amateurs in Eastern Europe. רעדק, אַ 2008 Olympic Games alternate for his native Ukraine, is known for his aggressive and relentless style. The 29-year-old is coming off a sixth-round knockout over יאַקובו אַמידו לעצט Jan. 9 אויף שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן and has been angling for a title shot in 2015.


This is the most important fight of my life,” said Redkach, who made’s “שפּיץ 20 Prospects to Watch lists in 2012 און 2013. “I’ve never trained longer or harder for a fight. מיין טריינער, ראבערט גאַרסיאַ, has me totally prepared and in great shape.


It’s going to be a good action fight. I’ve watched tapes of [Zlaticanin’s] last two fights so I feel I’m familiar with him. He’s very strong and he throws a lot of punches. I thank him [זלאַטיקאַנין] for coming to the United States. I’m honored. But this is a good matchup for me. I want to thank my team for giving me this opportunity. This is another step closer to my dream, the world title. I’m confident in myself. I’m going to put on a great show.


דעדזשאַן (פּראַנאַונסט “DAY-han) זלאַטיקאַנין (silentz” – פּראַנאַונסט “la-ti-CAH-nin) is making his U.S. און 2015 דעבוט. Zlaticanin’s most significant victory of his career came two outings ago when, as a prohibitive underdog, he earned a well-deserved 12-round split decision over hometown favorite ריקי ברענט, a former two-division world champion.


The 31-year-old Zlaticanin, who moved training camps to the U.S. for his stateside debut, is an offensive-minded fighter who constantly pressures his opponents, outworks them and wears them down. זלאַטיקאַנין, of the Southeastern European country of Montenegro, represents the toughest opponent of Redkach’s career, though he’ll be giving away four inches in height to his opponent.


I think I will knock Ivan Redkach out,” Zlaticanin said. “I don’t like his behavior. Now that I’m training in America, I think I will be stronger and better than I was before.


The fast-rising Williams, 25, is making his sixth appearance on SHO EXTREME, more than any other boxer. Ranked in the top ten by multiple sanctioning bodies, the undefeated 154-pounder has won six consecutive fights, four by knockout since a bout with still-unbeaten הוגאָ סענטענאָ דזשוניער., ended in a fourth-round No Decision in September 2013. Williams was up, 3-0 אין ראָונדס סקאָרד, when the fight was halted due to an unintentional clash of heads. In his last start he scored one knockdown en route to a shutout 10-round decision over veteran דזשאָוי הערנאַנדעז אויף אַפּריל 4.


I’ve seen some tape on my opponent,” ווילליאַמס האט. “He seems to be a really good, solid fighter. I’m expecting a tough fight, and I’m prepared. איך בין גרייט.”


The 29-year-old Ovsepyan trains out of the Wild Card Boxing Club in Los Angeles and has campaigned for most of his career in California or Russia. The aggressive-minded Ovsepyan has had difficulty getting fights in the past and this will be his first ring assignment in 13 חדשים.


I’ve been training for a whole year now,” ער האט. “They kept telling me that I could get a fight at any minute. I was supposed to have a fight in December, but it was canceled.


I’ve seen Williams fight a couple of times, but it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t even want to know anything about my opponent. I just want to get back in the ring and get a win. I’m hungry and he better not be taking me lightly.


אין די שאָוטיים טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ באָקסינג קאָ-שטריך, ונדעפעאַטעד דזשאָסע “די סנייפּער” פּעדראַזאַ(19-0, 12 קאָס), פון סידראַ, פּאָרטאַ ריקאָ, וועט נעמען אויף אַנדריי קלימאָוו (19-1, 9 קאָס), פון קלימאָווסקי, רוסלאַנד, אין אַ 12-ראַונדער פֿאַר די ליידיק יבף יינגער לייטווייט וועלט טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ.


ברייאַן Custer will host the SHOWTIME EXTREME telecast with בערי טאַמפּקינז calling the blow-by-blow at ringside alongside expert analyst סטיוו פאַרהאָאָד.


טיקקעץ פֿאַר די געשעעניש, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Bruno Event Team are on sale now. Tickets start at only $25 with the best seats in the house going for $200. VIP packages are also available. To purchase tickets fans should visit Tickets are selling fast and a sellout is anticipated.


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“ווילדער ווס. מאַלינאַ,” אַ 12-ראָונד קעמפן פֿאַר ווילדער ס וובק כעוויווייט טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ, נעמט אָרטשבת, יוני 13, בייַ די באַרטאָוו אַרענאַ אין בירמינגהאַם, אַלאַ. דיבעלאַ ובידור און ברונאָ געשעעניש מאַנשאַפֿט האָבן זיך פאָרסעס צו ברענגען דעם געשעעניש צו אַלאַבאַמאַ. אין די קאָ-הויפּט געשעעניש קאָ-ראָמאָטעד דורך דיבעלאַ אין פאַרבאַנד מיט וניווערסאַל פּראָמאָטיאָנס, דזשאָסע פּעדראַזאַ וועט פּנים אַנדריי קלימאָוו אין אַ 12-ראָונד באַוט פֿאַר די יבף דזשוניער. לייטווייט וועלט טיטל. עס וועט לופט לעבן אויף שאָווטימע® (9 פּ.ם. און/ 6 פּ.ם. פּט). די טעלאַקאַסט וועט אויך זייַן בנימצא אין שפּאַניש דורך צווייטיק אַודיאָ פּראָגראַממינג (זאַפט). פּרעלימינאַרי באָוץ וועט זייַן טעלאַווייזד לעבן אויף שאָוטיים עקסטרעם (7 פּ.ם. און/פּט, דילייד אויף די מערב קאָוסט).


פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט און נאָכפאָלגן אויף טוויטטער בייַשאָספּאָרץ, בראָנזעבאָמבער, לאָודיבעללאַ אוןסוואַנסאָנ_קאָמם, נאָכגיין די שמועס ניצן #ווילדערמאָלינאַ, ווערן אַ פאָכער אויף פאַסעבאָאָק בייַ אָדער באַזוכן http://שאָספּאָרצפּאָונדפאָרפּאָונד