Zonke izikhala by FNU47

Melson akhulume enikeza Sase e Washington!

I-New York, NY (June 17, 2015) - Njengoba ukuhlangana Christian Zaccagnino e 2002, UCaptain Boyd "Wemvula" umgomo Melson ibilokhu ukubona uhambe wakhe aphinde. Ukuze ukuhola imizamo yakhe, Melson kwaphakamisa imali ethe ukuthi xaxa ngokunikela 100% lokulwa kwakhe zemali ukuze ithimba Ukulwa Hambani futhi lokho kuzolekelela run ezimbili yimpumelelo charity galas.


Sengikushilo ngokoqobo iye ngesibhakela emlonyeni ngemizamo yakhe ngesikhathi 17 iziqubu career pro, Imizamo Melson asebenzayo ukubona Christan ukutotoba futhi belaphe Chronic Spinal Cord Ukulimala ayibanga lula.


On Tuesday, June 23, Melson will have the opportunity to lobby congress when he serves as a speaker at an upcoming Congressional Briefing at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. Dr. Young Wise, udokotela ohlinza izinzwa kanye nezwe ehola Cord Spinal ukuvuselelwa umcwaningi, uyophinde ukuthamela ukuxoxa inqubekelaphambili kanye nesithembiso zokwelapha ngaphambi Congressman Chaka Fattah. Uvivinyo ezingase zenzeke endaweni yakini uma konke kuhambe njengoba kuhlelwe.


"Le bell imayelana ring ukuqala emzuliswaneni olandelayo kule mpi ukusiza ukwenza zokwelapha kwenzeke. Lena mission ngiye ngibeke ukuphila kwami ​​yonke towards wonke lochwepheshe wesibhakela career yami,"Kusho Melson ngokomzwelo kakhulu. "Sisebenze kanzima kakhulu ukuze ngifinyelele kuleli qophelo nosopolitiki ukuzifunela ukuxhaswa kombono, fundraising, yokuqwashisa kanye nezinye izinto eziningi kangaka. Iqiniso liwukuthi lena mzuzu ezinkulu kunazo zonke ezake for Team Fight Sihambe futhi emakhulwini ezinkulungwane baseMelika ukuthi uhlushwa Chronic Spinal Cord Ukulimala. "


"Ngikholelwa ngempela ukuthi Representative Fattah uyomangala nalokho Dr. Mina Young ukwethula kuye. Dr. Young olwenziwe lokhu ngqo kwecala ngeziguli China eminyakeni embalwa edlule. The amazing results from the trial in Chinaare what we are trying to replicate here through the FDA’s approval to conduct this trial in America. I would love all of Team Fight to Walk’s loyal supporters to attend the briefing June 23rd."


Isithangami ibanjelwe ekamelweni 2226 of the Rayburn House Office Building, located at East Capitol St NE & Okokuqala St SE, Washington, DC 20004.


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe noma banikele, sicela uvakashele Teamfighttowalk.com. Any questions about the pending trial or briefing can be emailed to Bamstrong81@gmail.com.


Ama ifotho: Andre Ward vs. UPawulu Smith Final Press Conference For June 20 Yilwa On BET Networks & TIDAL.com

(From Left to Right) Trainer Andre Ward sika Virgil Hunter, Imenenja Andre Ward uJames Prince, COO of Boxing for Roc Nation Sports David Itskowitch, WBA Super middleweight World Champion Andre Ward, owabe isihloko emhlabeni inselele Paul Smith, Smith trainer uJoe Gallagher futhi Oakland City Council President Lynette Gibson McElhaney pose ngoJuni 17, 2015 e Oakland, California at the press conference wokugcina Ward futhi June Smith 20, 2015 ukulwa Oracle Arena e Oakland okuzokwenziwa isiqephu bukhoma BET Networks and bethutheleka omhlaba on TIDAL.com. (Photo By: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sports)


WBA Super middleweight World Champion Andre Ward (kwesokunxele) futhi owabe isihloko emhlabeni inselele Paul Smith (kwesokudla) pose on June 17, 2015 e Oakland, California at the press conference wokugcina thier June 20, 2015 ukulwa Oracle Arena e Oakland okuzokwenziwa isiqephu bukhoma BET Networks and bethutheleka omhlaba on TIDAL.com. (Photo By: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sports)



Oakland, NJENGE (June 17, 2015) – Ngolwesibili, June 17, Olympic Gold medalist futhi WBA middleweight World Champion Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO sika) futhi owabe World Title Challenger Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO sika) of England iqhaza Amazing nabezindaba Gym King ngo-Oakland, California kusengaphambili of June zabo 20 ukulwa Oracle Arena e Oakland in a 12-round impi ongeke isiqephu bukhoma isiqephu bukhoma BET futhi kusakazwe jikelele on TIDAL.com at 10:00 PM ET / 7:00 PM PT. Fighters undercard Wang Zhimin, Meng Fanlong no-Aroni Coley futhi ayidla endle ukuqeqeshwa kumhlangano.




PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sports



https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3ha7kllmuc2yyvw/AAAB10itDL-u9DBopLKnWNzRa?dl = 0

VIDEO CREDIT: Roc Nation Sports



Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO sika) – Olympic Gold Medalist futhi WBA Super middleweight World Champion

"Angizange ngizizwe ngale umuzwa, ukulwa ngesonto Oakland, e awhile. Ngesonto eledlule labo imizwelo waqala asibeka. Bengilokhu ugxile futhi ukuzilungisa, kodwa impi ngeviki nje ezahlukene. Kungakhathaliseki ubukhulu bale mpi kufanele uzizwe kanje. Ngijabulile. Ngithathe esetshenziswa lolu hlobo lokucindezeleka. '


"Smith is a iqhawe European. Unebandla ayikho inkinga ojikelezayo. Akanandaba uma kuchitheka igazi. Uma amlahle phansi kwakhe, yena uyeza ukunqoba, yingakho thina yamthola. Sasingalindeli usiyise ngoba kukhona yini soft ngaye. We yamthola ngoba yena nathi ezinzima. Ngiyajabula ukuthi konke kusenjalo waqala ukukhuluma njengaye ngesonto eledlule. Ngacishe ukubanjwa wacasula ukuthi akazange wathi lutho. Ngithathe kanjalo esetshenziswa guys ukukhuluma okuningi. Ngakho, Ekugcineni waqala ukukhuluma futhi ngangikuthanda. Akukona ukuthi ngangidinga ugqozi more, kodwa kungcono nje kancane kancane extra. "


"Ngibuyela off of nokudilizwa ezimbili. Ngalesi ekamu esidlule, Ngazizwa ngingcono kakhulu kunami esikhathini esedlule. Ngenza ngaphezulu. Ehlombe lami uzizwa kunamandla futhi ngicabanga nonke uya ukubona ukuthi ngoMgqibelo ebusuku. "


"Fighter ngalunye lunamandla zabo siqu zimpi siqu. Awukwazi ukubikezela ukuthi lezo zinselele nemizabalazo abazobe futhi awukwazi ukubikezela esingakanani basuke abazobe. Ngakwazi siphikelele ngalowo. UPawulu Smith is hhayi nje ukulwa Andre Ward off of an ekamu amasonto angu, uye ekulweni Andre Ward off konke nje Ngabhekana. Zonke ezikhungathekisayo, zonke ukubambezeleka, bonke labo imizwelo ... yena belwa ukuthi umfana sifike ngoMgqibelo ebusuku. "


"Wonke ekulweni kimi Super Bowl. Angizange lost in a isikhathi eside kakhulu. Salungiselela konke uPawulu Smith uzoba nakho konke uya ulethe etafuleni. Kuyinto enhle uma ukulwa ngesonto kufika emhlabeni futhi wazi ukuthi awuzange ukusika noma yikuphi emagumbini. Njalo Ziqubu abaliwe kimi kuleli kamu. Njalo round abaliwe kimi. I kwaphoqa esedlulile kulokho umqeqeshi wami ayefuna ukwenza. Kwakungekho lutho ukukhanya ngalokhu kwekamu. I ukuzwa ekamu Smith ekhuluma okuningi wendandatho nokugqwala uma kuyilokho basuke yasebhange, baye the game plan okungalungile ukuza June 20. "


"Loluhlelo umdlalo razzle, dazzle, kube obhubhisayo konke. I kufanele uqaphele njengoba professional. Virgil angitshela lonke leli kamu 'Akukho plan game for Paul Smith. Mawuze kuwe. Ubulokhu Boxing eside ngokwanele ukuthi uma uthola esiyingini nizokwazi yini ukukwenza. 'Sizokwenza izinguquko endleleni, kodwa akukho umdlalo thize cebo ngoba uPawulu Smith. Ngicabanga uya ukubona konke sifike ngoMgqibelo ebusuku. Angiyi ukuliphoqelela. Ngiya nje Let It Flow. "


"Leli dolobha lena impi isikhathi enkulu. Akukona nje Oakland. Kuba San Francisco. Kuba Haywayd. Kuba Stockton. Kuba yonke imizi ezungeze. Noma nini benayo eyabo phambili, bayaqhubeka besekela futhi yilokho Ngiyakuthanda mayelana Bay Area. "



Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO sika) – Owabe World Title Challenger

"Wokugcina omkhulu gym session Nganginesudu lokhu Friday esidlule. Konke engangingayenza mhlawumbe kwenziwa kwenzeka ngesikhathi ikamu yami ukuqeqeshwa. Ngesonto eledlule imayelana ukuphumula, yokuphumula, ekwazini kwakho amazinga amandla up and isisindo sakho phansi. "


"Nini [trainer] Joe [Gallagher] uthola in [Oakland], sizobe uhlale phansi futhi uyobe aveze izinto wahle ukuthi sidinga ukuba zifezeke ... Iziphi izidingo zabantabakhe ukusunduza, the plan umdlalo. Gxila plan game and amaqhinga. Sizobe ukubukela opholile of Ward kanye sokuhlaziya kubo. "


"Kuyinto enkulu abantu kokuba ejimini namuhla. Izolo, safika Gym King ukwenza umsebenzi phandle kwaba kancane ethule more. Kuyinto nice kokuba nesimo esihle like this in the gym. Wonke umuntu uyazi kukhona ukulwa kuleli sonto futhi kuhle kokuba izingane (kusukela Boys and Girls Club of Oakland) lapha. "


"Ngiyakuthanda Oakland. Kunzima, kodwa ezinzima ngivelaphi kakhulu. Liverpool kunzima. Ngithathe ngempela lokuthi Finals ukuya umdlalo eziyisikhombisa ngakho-ke impelasonto elikhulu Oracle Arena. It esingabulethela ezinye emkhathini enkundleni ebusuku ngaphambi ukulwa. I cishe ngeke uthole ubuthongo ngenxa umsindo. "


"Kukhona yini nakakhulu engingakwenza ukuze alungiselele manje. Akukho lutho Andre ongayenza namuhla ukusiza ukushaya kimi ngoMgqibelo ebusuku. Whatever siye kokubili kwenziwe kusasele amasonto yilokho siyaphi in the indandatho. Angikwazi asithole kufanelekile more. Loluhlelo Umdlalo kwenziwa. Ngingumfana usesimweni lapho sengiba ukulwa fighter umhlabeleli esigabeni yami kule planethi. Ngiyazi ukuthi ngaphezu kwanoma ngubani owayengaphambi. Akekho kudingeka ngizikhumbuze ukuthi, kodwa ngiyazi mina abe nethuba emshaya. Ngiyazi ukuthi enginakho nje ukwenza lokho enginakho ukukwenza futhi sinamathele plan umdlalo. "



Aaron Coley (9-1-1, 6 KO sika) – Junior middleweight Prospect

"Ngiye ukuqeqesha ejimini kuyafana Andre Ward for kule mpi. Kuba mnandi kakhulu kimi ukulwa Oakland. Enginakho mayelana 200 abantu abeza ukulwa. Ngibheke a umisiwe kule mpi, ngempela. Ngiyeza off yokulahlekelwa lokuqala career yami kanye Ngithathe ukulwa okokuqala ngo Oakland, kanjalo Ngibheke ezaziyenzile ukuze zikhange. Ngifuna ukuthola ukuthi umisiwe ekuseni. "


Meng "Igazi Cold" Fanlong (1-0) – Light Heavyweight Prospect


"Ngijabule kakhulu futhi ngihloniphekile ukuba lo mcimbi omkhulu Oracle Arena ngoMgqibelo, June 20 featuring Andre Ward. I am kakhulu ahlonishwe ukuba ukulwa ekhadini kuyafana World Champion Andre Ward. "



Wang 'Jimmy "Zhimin (9-1) – Junior Welterweight Prospect

"Ngibheke phambili impi yami ngoMgqibelo, June 20 at Oracle Arena e Oakland. I am very happy to be on this great card with Andre Ward and Go Warriors.”


Ward vs. Smith, a 12 round eyethulwe Roc Nation Sports iziqubu, senzeka ngoMgqibelo, June 20 at Oracle Arena e Oakland, California, uzobe isiqephu bukhoma BET futhi kusakazwe jikelele on TIDAL.com at 10:00 PM ET / 7:00 PM PT futhi uvezwa sikanye Matchroom Sport. Le mpi lixhaswe ngezimali yi-Waterfront Hotel, Kings Venue, Shoe Palace, CTMS Travel, U-Boat, FanDuel, Fandango, Q 102.1, 95.7 the GAME and KBLX 102.9. Ngaphezu kwemizamo emikhulu ngaphakathi esiyingini, mcimbi izoba eziningana esiphawulekayo Roc Isizwe kuthintwa ukuthi kuzokwandisa akhonze izibukeli nge fan ulwazi olungeziwe, kuhlanganise Nipsey Hussle ukuthatha kuze ring for a ukusebenza ekhethekile ngaphambi umcimbi main. Lo mcimbi uzobe ebesihlelwe esiphawulekayo emcee Sway Calloway futhi uyophinde isici hit master DJ Franzen abayokhonza eceleni Sway ubusuku. Amathikithi ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $250, $125, $90, $60 futhi $30, hhayi kuhlanganise kusebenza amacala service nezintela, ezisendalini manje futhi kuyatholakala zonke izindawo Ticketmaster, online at Ticketmaster.com futhi icala ngocingo ngesikhathi (800) 745-3000. Doors evulekile at 3:00 PM, ukulwa lokuqala luqala at 3:30 PM kanye BET telecast futhi TIDAL.com stream niqale 10:00PM ET / 7:00 PM PT.


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe sicela uvakashele www.rocnation.com. Landela Roc Nation on Twitter and Instagramrocnation kanye on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation.

Marcus Upshaw kunjalo nokujaha iphupho lakhe Sekuphuthuma Lanell Bellows lokhu ngeSonto ngo Las Vegas yakhe DEBUT


Miami (June 17, 2015) – Anamuhla warrior road Marcus “Arilli” Upshaw (17-13-4, 8 Kos) Namanje nokujaha boxing yakhe iphupho. Isitolimende elilandelayo indaba yakhe ngokungavamile lokhu ngeSonto ngokumelene langakubo intandokazi Lanell “KO” Izifutho (17-1-1, 7 Kos) at MGM Omkhulu Las Vegas.


“Ngithathe nokujaha iphupho kodwa, ngesikhathi esifanayo, the dream is ingijahe,” Upshaw wathi. “Ingqondo yami ekugcineni ngakwesokudla futhi manje mina nomqeqeshi enkulu (Orlando Cuellar) onesifo emuva yami. It nje Besingakafiki isikhathi sami phambi kodwa lokhu kube. Ngiye balwa yonke indawo kodwa lokhu isikhathi sami sokuqala silwa Las Vegas. Sekuyisikhathi! Bengilokhu ngifuna ukulwa in Vegas. Ngiya ukuba ukulwa phambi Floyd Mayweather Jr. iza away nge ukunqoba.”


A Floridi bomdabu owazalelwa e Jacksonville futhi siqeqesha in Miami, the Upshaw oneminyaka engu-34 ubudala 2-1-2 e wakhe wokugcina emihlanu neziqubu. In yakhe yokugcina 11 ukulwa, Upshaw ulwisane kabili e Mexico, Washington D.C., Minnesota kanye Dominican Republic, kanye kanye Texas, Canada, futhi Connecticut. Cishe wonke amacala walwa noma a fighter langakubo kanye / noma boxer ukwenziwa yizitho umgqugquzeli the show sika.


Phakathi oneminyaka engu-career yakhe professional, uye futhi ngalwa Mississippi, Illinois, California, Rhode Island, I-New York, Maryland, South Carolina and North Carolina. Kuphela 11 of yakhe 34 zokuxabana bebelokhu in Florida, iningi labo ngasekuqaleni kwenkonzo yakhe. Uma udonsa noqhekeko kanye / noma close isinqumo ukulahlekelwa izimbangi’ emagcekeni ngokuvamile zibhekwa “kwi” in boxing, Irekhodi Upshaw kungasho kahle ehlukile kakhulu 25-5.


Yingakho ukuthi kuqala yakhe Las Vegas kuyoba lokhu Sunday, yokulwa Umphikisi ngubani kugqugquzelwa Mayweather Promotions, okuyinto co-nokukhuthaza Premier Boxing Champions kuyi-CBS khadi ngamandla TBG Promotions, engiyalela enamandla Al HAYMONabanjani, HAYMON Boxing, presents uchungechunge PBC.


Ngaphezu emphemeni esesikhulume ngazo embondelene ngokumelene naye, Upshaw kuyinto middleweight ophilayo, kwaphinda lokho, uzobe ukulwa a super middleweight. “Anginandaba ngalowo izinto njengoba nje impi kunengqondo,” Upshaw wachaza. “Otherwise, Bengingeke uzinqumele. Ngingumfana middleweight oye alwa izikhathi ezimbalwa ngesikhathi 168 amakhilogremu futhi wenza kahle ngokumelene Aaron Pryor Jr. (impikiswano 8-round draw), Uhulumeni Biosse (WTKO8) futhi Durrell Richardson (WDEC6). I kuyoba abaphikisi eziqine Bellows owake wabhekana. Walahlekelwa i 8-9-2 guy and waba draw nge Umphikisi owayenonembeza 5-6-1 irekhodi. Akakaze balwa ubani eduze ubukhulu fighters Ingihlabe in with. Ngingumfana middleweight futhi nakuba lwempi yakhe ephakeme a ekilasini isisindo, I uyoba kunamandla, fighter kangcono. Pressure, ingcindezi, kontanga ipulani game for kule mpi. Angiyi ukuvumela amajaji ukungibamba inkunzi futhi. Leli yithuba awesome for me, okuningi, Ngithathe ukulwa Las Vegas okokuqala!”


Upshaw sika isignesha win, Kanjalo kude, kwaba in 2010 lapho baya Quebec City and ecasukile 21-1-1 hero wendawo URenan St. Right ngendlela isinqumo 10-round, uphakamisa Marcus umhlaba middleweight rankings ku IBF #6, WBO #9 futhi WBC #11.


Upshaw uye wabonisa ikhono lakhe, iyawuhlonipha GUTS ngokuya ibanga ephelele e emahlandla, siqala ukulahlekelwa, kanye ukuthandwa of Mario Antonio Rubio, David Lemieux,Gilberto Ramirez Sanchez, Edwin Rodriguez, Patrick Majewski futhi Tarvis Simms.


“Marcus linomlando ukhohlisa kakhulu,” kuphawuliwe Cuellar abayoba ekhoneni Upshaw for kuphela ukulwa yesibili. “Umbhalo wakhe ogciniwe kungcono kunokuba okubukeka ephepheni. Hlola ezinye guys yena waba ibanga noma alwa udonsa nge. Imbangi yakhe iwukuba engahloliwe kodwa lokho akusho ukuthi ngeke lulethwe. Ngezinye izikhathi fighters zivikelwe bokudla yabo kodwa ukwandisa ukulwa emelene nokuncintisana kangcono. Fighters ngezinye izikhathi like a ibhokisi loshokoledi, ungazi ukuthi yini nithatha uthole uze ulivule bese uthatha bite.


“Marcus ufana ikati yamelana odongeni. Umphikisi wakhe akazi lokho ngempela ukwenza in the ring. Marcus ukulungele flip script, ukuvula itafula lokhu umfana langakubo. Ngamtshela ukuthi lokhu umfana kuba endleleni yakhe yokwenza imali enhle, ngakho-ke isikhathi sokuba ukulawula kube boss. Marcos kufanele ukunqoba le mpi ngaphakathi izindophi kodwa, ngoba ukulwa intandokazi langakubo on show umgqugquzeli yakhe, Marcus kudingeka athathe amajaji nge Knockout, noma ukusebenza obukholisayo kakhulu ukuze bangaboni ukuthatha win kude kuye.”


Upshaw uye waba njalo, emi 6′ 4″, a size advantage to go with his rich athletic bloodlines; umalume wakhe, the late Gene Upshaw, kwaba an NFL Hall of Fame yabalindi offensive for the Oakland Raiders. Manje, sekuyisikhathi sokuba makaye bonke futhi imali phandle big-time in okokuqala Las Vegas empini yakhe, registering a career-defining triumph to set him up for a major showdown in the not too distant future.




TwitterMarcusUpshaw nomaMarcusArilliusUpshaw


www.facebook.com/pages/Marcus-Upshaw / 260365894066319



Kelly Swanson

Thanks everyone for calling in. We have an exciting conference call today to talk about an unbelievable boxing weekend coming up in Las Vegas. We’re going to hear more about that from Leonard Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions, who will run the call.


First on the call we’re going to talk to Errol Spence, Jr., futhi umphikisi wakhe, Roberto Garcia, was also supposed to join the call but, ngeshwa, he had a last minute medical appointment that he had to get in before he departed for Las Vegas, so he won’t be able to join us.


This other young gentleman is a fantastic fighter, and I’m certainly looking forward to seeing him fight. I’m going to go ahead and turn it over to Leonard Ellerbe, who will make the introductions and open it up.


Leonard Ellerbe

Ngiyabonga, Kelly. I’d like to thank everyone for joining us on this afternoon’s call. PBC on NBC returns to primetime network television this Saturday, June 20th. The telecast uqala at 8:30 p.m. KANYE / 5:30 p.m. PT. We’ll be coming to you live from MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This event will be sponsored by Corona, and I’d like to thank them for their support.


Our main event will feature a 12-round showdown between former world champions Adrien Broner and Shawn Porter. The co-main event features hot prospect Errol Spence, Jr. and veteran Roberto Garcia in a 10-round welterweight fight. Following the fights on NBC, we will switch over to NBCSN for more great action.


The tickets for the live events, which will be promoted by Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions, ezisendalini manje. The tickets are available through Ticketmaster and mgmgrand.com. With the purchase of a ticket to the June 20th fight this Saturday, fans will also have access to the PBC on CBS card taking place on Sunday at the MGM Grand. That bout will feature, kwenzeka main, Rances Barthelemy versus Antontio DeMarco, and Sammy Vasquez will fight Wale Omotoso, oqala ngaso 4:00 p.m. ET/1:00 p.m. PT on CBS.


I’d like to start out introducing the co-main event, and I’d like to start out with Errol Spence. Errol Spence is coming to us from Desoto, Texas. He is a 2012 US Olympian. He most recently dominated Samuel Vargas on the April 11 on PBC on NBC card. I’m very familiar with this young, exciting prospect. He’s a very talented fighter and he will be a force to be reckoned with for quite some time. He’s a future world champion. He’s coming to us at 16-0 kanye 13 Kos. Errol?


Errol Spence Jr.

Hi, I’m glad to be here. It’s a big opportunity for me on a huge stage. I’m going to go in and do like I always do, put on a great show and a great performance and raise my stock. Sethemba, emva le mpi, after this great performance, I can be the main event on NBC.



Do you feel like you’re moving the way you want to be moving? Faster? Slower? Where you’re supposed to be? Bese, how soon do you think, that if you can take care of your opponent, Roberto Garcia, ngale mpela sonto, that you can get into an even more significant fight, perhaps for a title at some point?


Futhi. Spence Jr.

I feel like I’m moving the way I want to move. I’m fighting when I want to and I’m fighting on the regular, so everything’s been consistent and how I want it to go. I’m stepping up the competition, and I’m fighting on the big stage that I wanted to fight on. After I get rid of Roberto Garcia, I think it will be another step up fight. Sethemba, I can get a more name-known opponent, hopefully a former world champion in there, and then by sometime early next year, I can fight for a title.



According to most people, you were the most talented fighter on the United States Olympic Team in 2012 and the guy with the most potential as a professional. Is that a distraction for you? Does it motivate you? Do you believe your clippings? How do you stay focused? Because it seems like you are a pretty focused guy, the way you’ve been going about your business.


Futhi. Spence Jr.

For one thing, staying focused is just something I naturally do, but I also want to live up to the hype and to the high standards that a lot of boxing writers and a lot of people have of me. I’ve just got to go out there and perform and look great, and I want to look great, so I have to stay focused and work hard. That’s the only way that I’m going to get where I want to be and get to the top and get to fighting these name-known opponents. I just have to stay focused and just stay dedicated, and I’ll be definitely fighting more known opponents, like Robert Guerrero or Keith Thurman or Amir Khan or somebody like that.



What then does victory against Garcia do in terms of getting you there?


Futhi. Spence Jr.

Roberto Garcia, yena ezinzima, he a veteran, and I think me being a prospect and on the verge of being a contender, I had to face a guy like that, a guy with a lot of experience and a really good record, so I can go into that contender level and contender status where I can start fighting more name-known guys. I think it’s just a process I have to go through so I can get to where I want to be. Roberto Garcia is a tough fighter. He’s not as known as the guys I would like to fight, but I have to fight him to get to those guys.



With the emergence of a lot of the Eastern European fighters, who fight for a title in their second or third professional fight, do you feel pressure to sort of step up your own process and take tougher fights and develop a little bit quicker than we’ve normally seen American fighters in the past?


Futhi. Spence Jr.

Ungenzi. I don’t necessarily feel pressured. Everybody has their own path that they have to take. What those guys did was great, and that’s extraordinary and really unheard of, but everybody has their own path, and everybody grows differently.



Errol, since PBC has started broadcasting fights, in 2015, you’ve had, the one fight on the Garcia-Peterson undercard, but your fighter commercial or your bio, that’s been getting a lot of exposure. Can you tell me what that’s been like to see yourself on TV and what the reaction has been to that exposure?


Futhi. Spence, Jr.

It’s been great. Ngijabulile. It shows that my hard work’s been paying off, and it shows how my manager believes in me. I’ve only been a pro fighter for three years and some change and I’m already being broadcast in with guys that have been pro eight, ten years, eleven years, and I’m head-to-head with these guys. It just shows a lot of people believe in me and I’ve got a lot of people behind me who support me.



You mentioned Robert Guerrero, Keith Thurman, and Amir Khan as potential opponents that you’re looking at. Do you see them as stepping stones to something bigger, or are those the fights you want? It sounded like you might have been alluding to a different fight. What I’m wondering is if you see those guys as in your way to fight Mayweather?


Futhi. Spence Jr.

Not necessarily. These are the guys that are in the top ten, that are in the top five. These are the guys that are supposed to be there after Floyd retires in September, these are the guys that are going to be supposedly running the division, so these are the guys I’m looking at. I’m nowhere near close to fighting Mayweather, because I haven’t even gotten in the top ten yet. These are the guys thatI’m looking at that are in the top ten that are supposedly running the weight class after Floyd’s gone and retired.



I want to ask you about what you know of your opponent, Roberto Garcia? Do you consider, as a pro, Garcia to be the toughest fighter that you’ve faced?


Futhi. Spence, Jr.

I see him as the most experienced fighter. It could be the toughest. It all depends. One of my tough fights was against Emmanuel Lartey. Ube kade 15-0, futhi ngineminyaka 8-0 ngaleso sikhathi. But I mean it could be. Muhle ezinzima, he’s experienced, and he’s gritty. I know he’s going to come to fight, so this will be one of my toughest fights to date.



Manje, you’ve gone back and forth in the last year or so between welterweight and super welterweight. Is there one of those weight classes you particularly want to focus upon?


Futhi. Spence Jr.

I’m staying at 147, and welterweight is my weight class. A lot of times I might fight at 148 or something like that, kodwa 147 is the weight class that I’m fighting at.


K. Swanson

Okay, that was your last question, Errol, but I have one for you that I’d like to add here. The weekend is Father’s Day weekend, and from what I’ve read about you, your dad was pretty instrumental in making sure you had a boxing career. I’m wondering if you could share with us a little bit about your relationship with your dad, how important he was to the development of your boxing abilities, and if he’ll be with you this weekend in Las Vegas.


Futhi. Spence Jr.

My dad, he got me started in boxing. Wayengumuntu umshayeli weloli, ngakho esetshenziswa ukushayela ubusuku, bese yena Uzothola ekhaya 12:00 p.m. noma kamuva ke bangiyisa ejimini. Then after that he’d come from the gym, kwakungathi 5:00 noma 6:00 p.m., futhi uhlala ihora elilodwa noma amabili kanye iya ngqo ukusebenza. Ngaleso sikhathi, Ngangingazi ukuthi ngempela ngakho, kodwa njengoba ngikhula futhi kancane kancane sihlakaniphe, eqaphela yonke imihlatshelo kangangokuthi wadela kimi ukuba bakwazi ebhokisini bese uya yonke lemidlalo kazwelonke kanye nabo bonke lemidlalo esimweni and Izinto. He had to pay for the hotel, ukukhokhela ukudla futhi izinto abanjalo ekhukhwini. We didn’t have any sponsors and stuff like that.


Udlala ingxenye enkulu isibhakela yami career. He’s my supporter. That’s my mentor. That’s like my best friend. For Father’s Day, Ngiya ukumenza a win, futhi kuzoba yinto win umxhwele ukuthi uzoba siziqhenye futhi uzoba nithanda. He played a big part in my career. Without him, Ngiyazi bengingeke ngibe boxing.


K. Swanson

Great. Thanks for sharing that. I know he was an important part of your story. Ngakho, Leonard, that is it on the side for Errol. We appreciate you taking the time out of your training. Best of luck to you, and we look forward to watching you on PBC on NBC.


L. Ellerbe

The fans are going to be in for a great treat with this fight. Garcia comes with a lot of experience, and Errol is the new guy on the block. He’s making a name for himself. Big things are expected out of Errol, and he’ll be looking to come through on Saturday night with a great performance.


Futhi. Spence Jr.

Ngiyabonga. I’d like to thank everybody for their questions and stuff and everybody tuning in and listening. Just make sure you tune in Saturday. I’m going to put on a great performance and a great show.


L. Ellerbe

In the umcimbi main, sinawo mpi esijabulisayo. We have two gentlemen who are very familiar with each other. They both come out of the state of Ohio. They both have extensive amateur backgrounds. I think it’s going to be an excellent fight.


We have Shawn Porter. Like I said, he’s coming to us from out of Akron, Ohio. He’s now fighting out of Las Vegas. His most recent win was on Spike in March when he fought Eric Bone. He has fought a number of good fighters, including big wins over former world champions Devon Alexander and Paulie Malignaggi. He comes to us with a record of 25-1-1, kanye 16 Kos, none other than the former welterweight world champion, “Isikhathi Sombukiso” Shawn Porter.


Shawn Porter

What’s up, everybody? Thanks for having me on.


Ken Porter

Thank you guys for the wonderful introduction, Leonard. We really appreciate you guys having us on today. As far as our training camp, Shawn has been preparing for this fight and the previous fight and the previous fight before that ever since he turned professional. We never really go into a camp, per se. We just continue with what we were already doing. I have been blessed with an athlete who understands that this is his lifestyle, it’s year-round, and he just works like that. So when it was time to turn up the heat a little bit, we were already ready to go. When it was time to bring down the weight a little bit, that wasn’t a problem either.


He’s strong. He’s happy. He’s feeling really good. Today we did a little bit of track work. We headed to the gym, and then we were reminded that we had this conference call with you guys, so it was absolutely no problem for us to go back home and sit down for a little bit and take this call because all of our hard work has already been done, not just in this fight or this camp, but in previous fights and previous camps that we’ve had before this. Everything is on point. Everything is exactly where we want it to be, and we’re looking forward to a great fight on Saturday night against a great fighter.



What have you done differently in this training camp to prepare yourself for this fight and the speed of Adrien Broner?


S. Gqoka

Uyazi yini, I’ll let you know. Yebo, he is skillful and fast. We haven’t really done much different to try to offset that or anything. The reason being is because we know that I’m just as fast and just as quick as he is. There haven’t been any special workouts that we’ve incorporated this camp or anything like that to do anything differently to offset his speed. We’ve just really focused more so on my skills and also the different techniques that are required to cut off and slow down a fast fighter like him. Ngakho, it’s what we’ve been doing, just at a higher level. We’re not overlooking his speed. We’ve just done more of what we need to do to prepare for it, which is what we’ve always done.


K. Gqoka

Just to give you guys a little info, I think Devon Alexander is one of the fastest boxers in boxing, isikhathi. I know that Manny Pacquiao is one of the fastest boxers in boxing. I know that Andre Dirrell is one of the fastest boxers in this sport. Shawn has been able to compete against those type of guys in professional fights, in sessions, in camps. We don’t have a problem with anyone’s speed. He’s just as fast as anybody that comes in the ring with him, so when you talk about a guy’s speed, that’s not something we’re concerned with.


The problem that that guy will have to deal with is we’re fast, and we’ve got power to come along with that. Ngakho, we’re prepared for that. Just like Shawn said, we just continue doing what we’ve already done. At this point in time, that is not a concern at all, so we’re ready for that.



Have you in any way prepared yourself for maybe the antics that come along in the ring with an Adrien Broner?


S. Gqoka

Uyazi yini, I haven’t. I understand that could arise during the fight. My whole thing is this, and it’s something that my dad has always pressed upon me, is being professional at all times. Being professional means maintaining your composure and staying poised and sticking to the game plan no matter what. Ngakho, no matter what he may do or say during the fight, more than likely that means I’m doing something right, and I’ll just continue to do what I’m doing and what my corner’s asking me to do. I’m not worried about it at all. I am who I am, and I get the job done.


K. Gqoka

Shawn’s coming to knock Adrien’s head off. He’s in a real fight, and this is a big fight. I think it’s going to be a very entertaining fight. They both have contrasting styles. Both have certain strengths that they do certain things very well. It’s going to be a very competitive and exciting fight.



You’re an Akron guy. Broner’s a Cincinnati guy. They’re saying it’s the battle of Ohio, and we’re going to Las Vegas, a great place for big fights all the time, a tremendous place to have fights, but did you think maybe that you guys would be duking it out in Ohio to settle the bragging rights for the state?


S. Gqoka

I’m a northeast Ohio guy, not just Akron, not just Cleveland. It’s a blessing to be able to represent northeast Ohio, and I’ve done that for a very long time with pride. I’ve made everyone proud back home along the way. Again, everything I’ve learned, I learned from my dad. He told me a long time ago, he says if you want to improve, if you want to get better and do things at the highest level, you’ve got to move on and sometimes leave home alone and take care of your business.


With ukuthi kusho, Las Vegas is the Mecca of boxing. It’s where we all want to be. I’ve been blessed enough to move out here two years ago, and this is where I always wanted my career to go. A fight of this magnitude is happening where it’s supposed to happen at. The bragging rights will come after the fight.



How hard is it going to be for you to get down to 144? What was the reason that you guys made the fight for significantly under the welterweight limit when both of you guys have been welterweight champions and not had any issues with 147?


S. Gqoka

I’ll answer the first question first. Khona manje, we’re Cadillacing, and what I mean by that is we’re taking it one day at a time. We’re moving slow so everybody can see us, and we’re feeling good doing it. It’s coming along exactly the way we wanted it to, and it’s been a blessing. We were called and told that we were asked to be 144 pounds by Adrien Broner. That was not our decision. As soon as it was announced to me from my dad, I told him, whatever we need to do to make the fight.


I guess there’s a little kid from Cincinnati who’s afraid of fighting at 147, even though that’s a weight that he’s even fought for a championship at. That’s neither here nor there. The weigh-in is Friday. We’ll be there. We’ll be on weight, and we’ll be excited to get on that scale and look him in the eyes at that weight and let him know that we’re feeling good. Whatever advantage he thought could come from that, he’s not getting any.


The good thing about it is I’m blessed that I have a great body, and somehow we can get my body to do what it needs to do. Ekupheleni kosuku, all I can do is give it up to God. It’s been great along the way and, like you said, I fought as high as 165 in the amateurs and even 154 upon turning pro, futhi manje 147 for the last about four or five years. It’s been great, and going down a few more pounds won’t be a problem.


K. Gqoka

I call it addition by subtraction. As he loses weight, he increases his opportunity for big fights. Ngakho, we came from 154 to 147, and there’s big fights there and big fight names there. Here we’ve been asked to come down a few more pounds, and it just so happens he’s living this way year round so he didn’t have to go into some crazy I’ve got to get this weight off type thing. This morning, he was very light. He’s eaten twice this morning already. He’s feeling really good. We’re able to do this, and we’re confident that it’ll continue throughout the week to come off like it is. We’re looking forward to this big fight at a lighter weight. Ngakho, that’s why I call it addition by subtraction. We get more out of coming down in a lower weight than we did being in the higher weight class.



Shawn, both of you and Adrien have been in some exciting fights, but you’re also both very good boxers also. What is your take on how this is going to play out?


S. Gqoka

I think this fight’s going to go everywhere. You’ve seen me fight. You know that I want to dictate everything. I want to dictate the pace. I want to be the commander in the ring. With ukuthi kusho, we’re versatile, which is great, and we can box from the outside. There will also be points where we look to move in and get really physical. We’re just going to play it one round at a time and we’ll look to box and also look to punch and put it all together. That’s what you want in a big fight, when you can do so many things and this fight requires you doing so many things. We look to put it all together on Saturday night-the boxing, the punching, the pressure, the countering, all of it.



When you look at Adrien Broner’s record, you see he had that loss to Marcos Maidana. Is there anything you’ve learned from that fight with Maidana that you can apply for yourself in your fight with Adrien?


S. Gqoka

Yebo. We’ve taken a look at a number of his fights, not just the bad, but also the good. I’m steadily reminding myself not to underestimate him, not to think that I’m going to come in there and do everything that Maidana did to him, and that’s it and I’ll get the win. We look to do so much more than what Maidana did, but the pressure that Maidana applied that entire fight was great and was what he needed.


We will look to do some of that. I’ve also taken a look at his earlier fights when he looked really sharp and superb, just to remind myself of what he can do. There were lot of things he didn’t do against Maidana, but there were a lot of things he did do well against some of his other competitors earlier in his career. We look to do a lot of different things this fight. It’s going to take a lot to win this one, and we’re ready for it.



Have there been specific things that you’ve learned or changed in your approach since your fight last year with Kell Brook?


S. Gqoka

Yes and no. I think with that fight, the things that we’ve changed and worked on more have become more, inombolo yokuqala, mental and then number two, the basics. I bayothi, inombolo yokuqala, the mental because there were a lot of things that were asked of me in the corner that I didn’t incorporate during the match. Ekupheleni kosuku, I can only look at myself, and that’s the reason those things didn’t show up. We worked on a lot of mental preparation since that fight, being able to not only listen to the corner and implement those instructions during the fight and then the basics.


There were a lot of things I didn’t do in that fight. I got a little wild at points. Emva fight, once we got back training, we went back all the way to the basics like we always do, but we put a little more emphasis on the mental aspect along with the basics.



This fight’s going to be Saturday night, Umcimbi main, prime time, on NBC in virtually every home in the country, and it’s going to be televised internationally. Tell us about how that affects you, being in such a marquis fight.


S. Gqoka

Uyazi yini, I can promise you this, this is something that I’ve always envisioned and I’ve always looked forward to. My fight with Julio Diaz, when I first found out it was at MGM Grand, I was really excited. Then I was told it was going to be in one of the conference rooms. The whole entire bubble didn’t bust, but a little bit of the air came out. I’ve just always marveled at the crowd, how loud it gets, the lights, the whole nine. I love every part of the ambiance of a big MGM Grand fight. I’m taking it with a lot of excitement and obviously not over enthused, but I do understand the moment that I’m about to have. The great part about it is it’s a moment that I’ve always wanted, and I’m looking forward to it, so I’ll take it with no problem at all.


Is there any legit animosity between you and Adrien?


S. Gqoka

Uyazi yini, there was no animosity about the weight up until the press conference that we had last week. We had the press conference. We’ve known for weeks now that the contracted weight is supposed to be 144. Here we are doing everything that we need to do as professionals to be on weight, be on point, be 100%, and the kid who chose to make the contract, isisindo 144, wishes not to talk about the contracted weight, wishes not to talk about any rehydration clause, wants to avoid any conversation involving weight limits or anything like that.


The more and more we talk about it, the more and more the animosity starts to set in because I’m a professional doing what I do. I’ve done it at this high level for so long, and my weight class is 147 for so long. You want to move up into my weight, then move up. Don’t be scared. Don’t be worried. Don’t be afraid. Put your skill on the line along with your record. Put everything on the line. Put it all on the line at 147. Don’t put it at 144 and then not want to talk about it.


I’m not going to worry about it. We still maintain our professionalism and come into this fight and this weigh-in the way we’re supposed to. No personal animosity towards Adrien Broner. I know him, but I know him from a distance.


With ukuthi kusho, it’s always been more of a, “Hey, how are you doing?” type of a relationship, not aLet’s go to the club tonighttype of relationship and also, not aWhy are you talking to me you? I could be fighting you sometime,” relationship. Ngakho, we’re cool. The night of the fight, we will be foes for 12 emahlandla, or however many rounds it lasts. Ngemva kwalokho, I will be who I am and be professional and let the boxing take care of itself.



Does this weight feel good, or do you see yourself moving right back up to welterweight after this?


S. Gqoka

Obviously we made this move for a reason, and that was to fight the kid. Ngemva kwalokho, I don’t think there’ll be any other reason for me to move any lower than 147. It’s not going to be a problem this fight, but it’s not something that I want to entertain in the future. I’m a 147-pound fighter, simple as that. Anyone I fight will be a strong 147-pound fighter, not a blown-up 140-pound fighter and not a took-down 154-pounder. We look to fight everyone at their best, and my best is going to be 144 ngomgqibelo.


K. Swanson

Okay. That actually was your last media question, but I’m going to ask you a question myself, something that I actually shared with Errol Spence too. It’s Father’s Day weekend for the big boxing weekend in Las Vegas. I think everybody in boxing knows about the close, intimate relationship that the Porters have. I’d like, Shawn, for you to share with us what your dad means to you and what you are planning for Father’s Day after Saturday night.


S. Gqoka

Honestly, I’m happy that this fight has come at this time. My dad and I have worked extremely hard together for a very long time doing this sport. What better way to celebrate or wake up and just be proud of what we’ve done the night before, as a family, as a team? I’m excited about having this fight be the night before Father’s Day, and I’m looking forward to being able to wake up and go over into the next room and wake up my dad and just marvel at what we’ve done, kusobala, not only in the ring but what we have now as a family and as a team.


He means the world to me, yena-ke uyazi ukuthi. I definitely know I mean the world to him. I’ve said this before, the love that we have, that we share, we carry that to the ring with each other, and it’s unparalleled. You can’t match it. That means a lot. That makes a difference during the fight.


K. Swanson

Leonard, I’d like to turn it over to you for last comments.


L. Ellerbe

Okay. I just want to clear up this whole weight issue. It seems that there’s a lot of back and forth about the weight. Both fighters have agreed to fight this fight Saturday at 144 pounds max. I want to be clear with that, 144 pounds max. Both fighters agree upon that. The fans are expecting a great fight, and I think that both fighters will be at their best come Saturday night. Both fighters have had an excellent camp and have prepared to fight at the weight, and both fighters know what to expect from each other. They know each other very well. They both have great strengths, and I think it’s going to be a very exciting fight come Saturday night.


I’m very impressed with Shawn Porter, with what he’s been able to do as a professional. What I like the most about Shawn is his confidence. As a young veteran, he’s willing to get in there with anybody and those are the things that are a rare attribute when what you see with young fighters. A lot of fighters talk the talk, but they’re not willing to step up. Like I said, one of the most impressive things that I personally admire about Shawn is that he’s willing to get in there with anybody. He’s even called out Floyd Mayweather. He’s willing to get in there with Floyd, and that’s what I like. The guy’s willing to put it on the line, lay it on the line, do what it takes to feed their family and to give the fans what they want.


We look forward to Saturday night, a great fight for the fans. Thank you all for tuning in.


K. Gqoka

You guy’s had a great session there, good questions. We’re feeling good, so we’re looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday. Thanks for having us.

Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing futhiwww.mayweatherpromotions.com, ukulandela on TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, AmenazaGarcia, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, and @MGMGrand and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions futhi www.facebook.com/NBCSports.


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Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.com futhiwww.dbe1.com. Landela on TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter FuthiSwanson_Comm bese uba ngumlandeli ku-Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia, www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi, www.facebook.com/barclayscenterfuthi www.facebook.com/ESPN. Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #PBConESPN and #BrooklynBoxing.

Spike TV KANYE BELLATOR MMA ukwethula BHEKA esichazayo ngehora lesibili fighters kunazo owaziwa ngokungenakulinganiswa neyinkimbinkimbi ngokungaphezulu IN MMA UMLANDO "FINALLY: KIMBO vs. Shamrock "


Spike TV and Bellator MMA ukwethula look esicindezelayo futhi anokuqonda kwelinye kakhulu wakhuluma mayelana nokulwisana of 2015 in "Ekugcineni: Kimbo vs. Shamrock. " Ezivezwa Leigh Simons, the documentary ihora elilodwa debuts on Spike ULWESITHATHU, JUNE 17 at 11:00pm ET/PT.



Ken Shamrock futhi Kimbo Slice wathatha izindlela ezahlukene kakhulu stardom. Kimbo Slice kwaba i ukuzwa internet ukwelulela engena spotlight esasibonakala ubusuku lapho Ken Shamrock kwaba iphayona MMA owalwa eya phezulu ukuzimisela isisebenzi-like nokuzinikela.


Izindlela zabo ezimbili okwakufanele ukuwela ku yezinyoni eminyakeni eyisikhombisa edlule. Nokho, ngalolo suku Wezigigaba of October 4, 2008, a engozini engavamile inkunzi emhlabeni MMA omunye ukulwa kulindelwe kakhulu emlandweni sport. A impi enkulu engakaze ibonwe ukuthi asikaze – Manje ekugcineni kuyoba khona ukuzwana. On Friday, June 19, elidumile ukulwa emgwaqweni nganekwane ukuzwa YouTube Kimbo Slice futhi “Emhlabeni Iningi Dangerous Man,” Manje Ken Shamrock uzohlangana kwenzeka main of “Bellator: Business Unfinished.”


"FINALLY" kuzothatha esinzulu look at the izenzakalo eminyakeni eyisikhombisa edlule futhi ukhuluma imibono zungu ehlukahlukene ephathelene ukwesulwa ukulwa sika. The show uhamba ezitaladini enamatshana of Miami lapho Kimbo wenza igama yena eSan Diego ukuvakashela ayinamthetho ukuqeqeshwa Facility Ken Shamrock sika. Ababukeli uzothola amazwibela ezingavamile la maqhawe nzima ngaphandle kwe-yezinyoni nomuntu akhawunti lokuqala emzabalazweni wabo siqu futhi impumelelo.


About Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA kuyinto ekuholeni Mixed Martial Arts inhlangano enesihloko eziningi fighters best in the world. Ngaphansi kokuqondisa esingumakadebona impi umgqugquzeli Scott Coker, Bellator kuyatholakala cishe 500 amakhaya million emhlabeni kuka 140 amazwe. In the United States, Bellator kungabonwa Spike, the MMA umholi ithelevishini. Bellator MMA sakhiwe yiqembu executive oluhlanganisa top emkhakheni ukukhiqizwa ithelevishini, live umcimbi orchestration, ukuthuthukiswa fighter / ubudlelwano, kwempahla kwenkundla yokudlalela, Indalo uxhaso / ukuthuthukiswa, kwamalayisensi international, marketing, ukukhangisa, emphakathini kanye nobudlelwane ikhomishana. Bellator isekelwe Santa Monica, California futhi ephethwe ukuzijabulisa giant Viacom, ekhaya UNdunankulu ukuzijabulisa brand zezwe ukuxhuma izilaleli kokuqukethwe esicindezelayo yonkana ithelevishini, motion picture, intanethi and mobile.

Mayelana Spike:

Spike itholakala 98.7 amakhaya million futhi is a division of Viacom Media Networks. A iyunithi Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks ungomunye Abadali emhlabeni anothile lwezinhlelo kanye nokuqukethwe kuzo zonke izingxenyekazi media. Ikheli le-inthanethi Spike sika www.spike.com kanye up-to-minute the-nolwazi press ezigciniwe kanye nezithombe, vakashela Spike sika press indawo at http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter spiketvpr yakamuva in izindaba updates, ngemuva-the-izigcawu ulwazi nezithombe.


Plus Amathemba Akumnandi Complete Full undercard Of

Premier Boxing Champions kuyi-CBS

Las Vegas (June 16, 2015) – Super middleweight Olwa J'Leon Love (19-1, 10 Kos) iphindela ring ukuze abhekane New Jersey sika Jason Escalera (15-3, 12 Kos) in a 10-round super middleweight iziqubu njengengxenye usuku egcwele isinyathelo Sunday, June 21 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.


The undercard azokusizana Premier Boxing Champions on CBS khombisa kuqalwe 4 p.m. KANYE/1 p.m. PT ne Ukungqubuzana phakathi welterweight Sammy Vasquez futhi Wale Omotoso followed by the showdown between former world champions Rances Barthelemy futhi Antonio Demarco.


Futhi bengena ring Olwa Ezingakanqotshwa Lydell Rhodes (23-0, 11 Kos) ngubani izohlangana Jared Robinson (15-2, 7 Kos) in an nesishiyagalombili round welterweight junior iziqubu


Esinye isinyathelo izici Ezingakanqotshwa Knockout artist Andrew “The Beast” Tabiti (9-0, 9 Kos) ngokumelene Thomas Hanshaw (6-5, 4 Kos) in an nesishiyagalombili round Cruiserweight impi, Ronald “The Thrill” Gavril (12-1, 9 Kos) ukuthatha on Jessie Nicklow (24-6-3, 8 Kos) e bafika eziyisishiyagalombili super middleweight action kanye Lanell “KO” Izifutho (12-1-1, 7 Kos) squaring off against Marcus Upshaw (16-13-4, 7 Kos) in an nesishiyagalombili round super middleweight ukuthatheka.


Ukuqoqa out usuku ukulwa ziya Juan Heraldez (7-0, 5 Kos) futhi Charvis Holifield(2-1, 1 KO) e neziqubu ahlukene.


Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma, lapho kugqugquzelwa Mayweather Promotions sikanye TGB Promotions ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $100, $75, $50, futhi $25 hhayi kuhlanganise esebenzayo amacala service kanye nezintela on ukudayiswa manje. Ukushaja ngocingo nge credit card enkulu, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Amathikithi ayatholakala at www.mgmgrand.com nomawww.ticketmaster.com.


A Olwa once-washaywa at 168-amakhilogremu, Uthando oneminyaka engu-27 ubudala uzokwenza ekuqaleni wakhe wesibili 2015 on June 21. He bounced emuva ekunqotshweni yakhe lone ukuba linqobe Scott Sigmon ngoMashi. The Inkster, Michigan bomdabu ungumnikazi onqobayo phezu Marco Antonio Periban, Derrick Findley and Lajuan Simon. Uyokwethaba abhekane Escalera engu-30 ubudala kusuka Hoboken, E-New Jersey.


A multi-sport athlete ekhula oye ligcwaliswe ngo kokubili isibhakela exubile karate efanele Rhodes Oklahoma City ubheka ukuhlala unbeaten on June 21. Lo mdlali oneminyaka engu-27 ubudala ulwela okwesibili ngo Las Vegas kanye okokuqala ngo 2015. He last ngalwa Nov. 2014 lapho wathola isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Miguel Huerta. Uthatha on engu-32- Robinson out of Sumter, South Carolina.


Wazalelwa e Chicago kodwa ekulweni out of Las Vegas, Tabiti has a iphesenti Knockout okuphelele njengesihlengo pro futhi ngifuna Knockout yakhe yesithathu at MGM Grand. Lo mdlali oneminyaka engu-25 ubudala last ngalwa Dec. 2014 futhi bazobhekana Ashland engu-30 ubudala, Kentucky-owazalelwa Hanshaw.


A ukulwa engu-28 ubudala Romanian out of Las Vegas, Gavril bounced emuva ekunqotshweni yakhe yokuqala by out-boxing ngaphambili unbeaten Oscar Riojas ngo-Ephreli. Uyokwethaba Square off ngokumelene Nicklow abanolwazi engu-28 ubudala kusuka Baltimore.


Ngelika “KO” ngenxa yamandla akhe okukhulu, Izifutho engu-29 ubudala ubheka ukwakha ayisithupha impi ngokuwina streak yakhe phezu June 21. The Las Vegas-bomdabu liba Upshaw engu-34 ubudala out of Jacksonville.


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela www.premierboxingchampions.com futhiwww.mayweatherpromotions.com futhi www.TGBPromotions.com ukulandela on TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, MayweatherPromo , TGBPromotions FuthiMGMGrand bese uba ngumlandeli ku-Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions futhi www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing nomahttp://shosportspoundforpound.tumblr.com/.

Zonke imibukiso at York Hall kuphela £ 199

Goodwin Boxing sethule elinye icebo ezintsha kanye kwethulwa "ithikithi Season Goodwin Boxing".


Ungazitholela nje £ 199 kule sizini ithikithi ngamunye bazonikeza ulwazi oluthe ukufinyelela umnikazi ukuba okungenani 12 kukhombisa ku 12 ngenyanga esikhathini mlando York Hal, Bethnal Green.


Umnikazi ithikithi ngesizini uyophinde bakwazi ukuthola amathikithi ehlisiwe abangane nomndeni, ukulungiswa ehlisiwe ukuba agodliwe ringside futhi VIP namaphakheji abe nazo kanye nokufinyelela kanye ngonyaka ngemva kwesiteji ukuhlangabezana okwakwenza abashayi-sibhakela.


Umnikazi ithikithi ngesizini uyophinde mema eya eSikhumbuzweni saminyaka yonke Goodwin Boxing party lapho uzohlangana abaqeqeshi kanye okwakwenza abashayi-sibhakela.


Steve Goodwin wathi: "Siye sazakhela database enkulu isibhakela abalandeli futhi siyakholwa iphasela like this ngeke nje ivumelane amaklayenti ethu ekhona kodwa ngeke futhi bakhuthaze base entsha fan for embonini wesibhakela. Siye kakade trial elitholakalayo lokhu kwezebhizinisi futhi imiphumela yalokhu iyababazeka kanjalo thina manje ngomumo ukuqalisa lona umphakathi. "


Goodwin waqhubeka "Lezi uyokwenza usuku lokuzalwa ekahle futhi Christmas samanje kanye njengesipho corporate. Bathi angathengwa online, mathupha emahhovisi ethu noma ngesheke. Thina njalo ngifuna izikimu ezintsha ukusiza ukuthuthukisa isibhakela base fan yayo futhi sikholwe kulo mqondo uyophumelela kakhulu ".

Izenzakalo Ezintathu Big at Gleason sika Gym Lokhu Weekend


RE: Izenzakalo Ezintathu Big at Gym Gleason sika

Ngale Mpela Sonto


The kuthanda Gym


at 4:00 pm


Friday futhi Saturday

June 19th 20.

Thina ukusingatha

Gleason sika International Master Tournament


Lokhu Friday futhi Saturday,

June 19th 20 at 6:00PM

We lizosingatha

Gleason sika International Master Tournament



Omunye namakhulu ayisikhombisa namadoda nabesifazane emhlabeni World ungene ngemvume midlalo kulo nyaka.


Zonke iziqubu zethu kugunyazwe USABoxingMetro. Zonke punjab kumele babe ncwadi boxing wabo ukuze ubambe iqhaza.


The nesisindo-in for the imibukiso uzoqala at 4:00PM futhi iziqubu lokuqala uzoqala at 6:00PM.


Intengo ithikithi $20 ngomuntu ngamunye. Izingane 6 nangaphansi kungukuthi icala. Wonke amalungu gym kanye nayizimfundamakhwela ebhalisiwe nge izincwadi zabo esandleni pay $15 ngomuntu ngamunye.


P.S. Uma ungeke wenze kodwa basafuna ukubona ukulwa, they’ll be streaming at Gleason’s Gym website: www.gleasonsgym.net


Sunday, June 21



Edition First

Italian-American Boxing Awards


A tale of abathutha, Culture, Ithemba and Boxing.


6:00 pm

Inkulumo yokwamukela abakhona.


6:30 pm


Rise of the Italian boxer American, ukuhlola izimo zenhlalo nezomlando wonke

Italian American ebhekene futhi abanqoba.

Conference kusukela bayashintshana ekubeni osihlalo be by Prof. Joseph Perricone kusukela FORDHAM



7:15 pm

Ukuqabuleka nemikhiqizo Italian.


8:00 pm

Boxing Bonisa Exhibition phakathi ezimbili Italian Champions Floriano Pagliara futhi

Francesco Tamburiello.


8:30 pm

Award Ceremony, Isiphetho and Mayelana.