All posts by FNU47


紐約, 紐約 (六月 17, 2015) - 由於在滿足基督教Zaccagnino 2002, 博伊德上校“造雨”梅爾森的目標一直看她走路了. 為了把矛頭指向他的努力, 梅爾森的捐贈提出了一個顯著的金額 100% 他拼皮包給球隊打去走,同時也幫助運行兩個成功的盛會慈善.


在一個已經被字面上砸出在嘴裡,他的努力 17 布特職業生涯, 梅爾森的積極努力,看看Christan重新走路和治療慢性脊髓損傷並非易事.


星期二, 六月 23, Melson will have the opportunity to lobby congress when he serves as a speaker at an upcoming Congressional Briefing at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. 博士. 楊詠威, 神經外科醫生和世界領先的脊髓再生研究, 也將出席,討論眾議員法塔赫查卡之前的進展和臨床試驗的承諾. 這些試驗可能發生,如果一切按計劃進行.


“鐘聲即將開始環下一輪在這場鬥爭中,以幫助使臨床試驗的發生. 這是一個任務我已經把我的整個生命對我的整個職業拳擊生涯,“一個很感性的說,梅爾森. “我們已經與遊說政客千辛萬苦拿到了這一點, 籌款, 認識和許多其他的事情. 事實是,這是有史以​​來團隊的最大瞬間撲滅走路,成千上萬的美國人,從慢性脊髓損傷吃虧。“


“我確實認為,代表法塔赫會驚訝什麼博士. 年輕,我向他. 博士. 楊幾年前進行的這一確切的臨床試驗在中國. The amazing results from the trial in Chinaare what we are trying to replicate here through the FDA’s approval to conduct this trial in America. I would love all of Team Fight to Walk’s loyal supporters to attend the briefing June 23RD.”


該通報正在舉行房 2226 of the Rayburn House Office Building, located at East Capitol St NE & FIRST ST SE, 華盛頓, DC 20004.


欲了解更多信息或捐贈, 請訪問 Any questions about the pending trial or briefing can be emailed to


照片: 沃德VS. 保羅·史密斯決賽新聞發布會六月 20 打在BET網絡 &

(從左至右) 沃德的教練維吉爾獵人, 沃德的經理詹姆斯·普林斯, 拳擊首席運營官大鵬民族體育大衛Itskowitch, WBA超中量級世界冠軍沃德, 前世界冠軍挑戰者保羅·史密斯, 史密斯的教練喬·加拉格爾和奧克蘭市議會主席吉布森編劇姿勢McElhaney六月 17, 2015 奧克蘭, 加州在最後的新聞發布會沃德和史密斯的六月 20, 2015 在甲骨文球館奧克蘭將被現場直播的BET網絡和全球TIDAL.com爭流. (圖片由: 湯姆·霍根 – Hoganphotos /大鵬民族體育)


WBA超中量級世界冠軍沃德 (左) 和前世界冠軍挑戰者保羅·史密斯 (權) 姿勢六月 17, 2015 奧克蘭, 加州在最後的新聞發布會thier六月 20, 2015 在甲骨文球館奧克蘭將被現場直播的BET網絡和全球TIDAL.com爭流. (圖片由: 湯姆·霍根 – Hoganphotos /大鵬民族體育)



奧克蘭, 例如 (六月 17, 2015) – 週二, 六月 17, 奧運金牌得主和WBA中量級世界冠軍沃德 (27-0, 14 KO的) 和前世界冠軍挑戰者保羅·史密斯 (35-5, 20 KO的) 英格蘭參加了媒體的鍛煉,在國王的健身房奧克蘭, 在加利福尼亞州的提前六月 20 在奧克蘭在12輪的戰鬥將被電視實況轉播電視直播的BET和流在全球範圍內,在TIDAL.com在甲骨文球館打 10:00 PM ET / 7:00 PM PT. UNDERCARD戰士王志民, 孟番嚨和亞倫也科萊在partook的公開訓練課.



圖片來源: 湯姆·霍根 – Hoganphotos /大鵬民族體育



HTTPS://​​tDL-u9DBopLKnWNzRa?DL = 0

視頻信貸: ROC國家體育



沃德 (27-0, 14 KO的) – 奧運金牌得主和WBA超中量級世界冠軍

“我沒有感覺到這種感覺, 本週打在奧克蘭, 在一段時間. 上週,這些情緒開始設置. 我一直在關注,並準備, 但本週的鬥爭只是不同. 無論鬥爭的幅度,你應該覺得這. 我很興奮. 我已經習慣了這種壓力。“


“史密斯是一個歐洲冠軍. 他有沒有問題旅行. 如果他流血,他不關心. 如果你把他打倒, 他的到來贏得, 這就是為什麼我們選他. 我們沒有接他,因為有什麼軟關於他. 我們選擇他,因為他是一個強硬的競爭對手. 我很高興,突然之間,他開始說話像他上星期. 我幾乎得到冒犯,他並沒有說什麼. 我習慣了的傢伙談了很多. 所以, 他終於開始說話,我喜歡它. 這並不是說我需要更多的動力, 但它只是一點點額外的。“


“我回來過兩裁員. 在過去的這個陣營, 我感覺好了很多,比我在過去. 我做了更多. 我的肩膀感覺更強,我想你們都將要看到,在週六晚上。“


“每個戰士都有自己的個人奮鬥. 你無法預測這些挑戰和鬥爭將是你無法預測他們會如何長須. 我能夠堅持通過. 保羅·史密斯不只是戰鬥沃德關八週的訓練營, 他的戰鬥沃德關閉一切我經歷只是去. 所有的挫折, 所有的延誤, 所有這些情緒......他的戰鬥那傢伙來星期六晚上。“


“對我來說每場戰鬥是一個超級杯. 我還沒有在一個很長的時間損失. 我們準備了一切,保羅·史密斯將不得不和一切他會帶來的表. 這是當週打一個美麗的東西來臨時,你知道,你沒有削減任何角落. 在這個營地計數我每代表. 每一輪計數我. 我把過去的東西我的教練希望我做的. 沒有什麼光這個營地. 我聽到史密斯的陣營談了很多關於環銹,如果這就是他們的指望, 他們錯了比賽計劃來6月20日“


“比賽計劃是拉扎勒, 炫, 是爆炸性的,做這一切. 我必須要知道作為一個專業. 維吉爾曾告訴我這全營“沒有保羅·史密斯的比賽計劃. 讓它來找你. 你已經拳擊足夠長的時間,當你在擂台上讓你知道該怎麼做。“我們會沿途進行調整, 但沒有對保羅·史密斯具體的比賽計劃. 我想你會看到的一切來星期六晚上. 我不會強迫它. 我只是要讓它流動。“


“這個鎮是一個重大的戰鬥時間. 這不只是奧克蘭. 這是舊金山. 這是Haywayd. 這是斯托克頓. 這是所有周邊城市. 任何時候,他們有自己的一個在前列, 他們支持,而這正是我喜歡的灣區。“



保羅·史密斯 (35-5, 20 KO的) – 前世界冠軍挑戰者

“最後一個大的健身房會議上,我曾是這個過去的星期五. 一切我可以做可能在我的訓練營發生. 上週是所有關於放鬆, 休息, 讓你的能量水平和你的體重下降“。


“什麼時候 [訓練者] 喬 [加拉格爾] 在得到 [奧克蘭], 我們坐下來,他會指出東西直線距離,我們需要制定出...什麼需要推, 比賽計劃. 專注於比賽計劃和戰術. 我們將拭目以待病房磁帶和解剖他們“。


“這是偉大的今天人們有在健身房. 昨天, 我們來到了國王的健身房做工作了,這是一個有點更安靜. 這是很好的有在健身房的良好氛圍像這樣. 每個人都知道這週有一個戰鬥,這是偉大的有孩子 (從奧克蘭的男孩和女孩俱樂部) 這裡。“


“我愛奧克蘭. 它太硬, 但它是艱難的,我是從太. 利物浦是艱難. 我真的希望在總決賽去比賽七所以這是一個大週末的甲骨文球館. 它在戰鬥前會帶來一些氣氛,舞台夜. 我可能不會得到,因為噪音的睡覺。“


“沒有更多的我現在能做的準備. 沒有什麼安德烈今天可以做些什麼來幫助我擊敗上週六晚. 無論我們在之前的幾個星期都做了什麼,我們將在環. 我不能讓任何更適合. 遊戲策劃是做. 我是在一個位置,我越來越爭取最好的戰鬥機在我司的星球. 我知道,比任何人都更. 沒有人需要提醒的是我, 但我也知道我有擊敗他的機會. 我知道,我只是做我必須做的,堅持比賽的計劃。“



亞倫科萊 (9-1-1, 6 KO的) – 超次中量級前景

“我一直在訓練,在同一健身房沃德這場鬥爭. 這是非常令人興奮的,我在奧克蘭打. 我有 200 人來打. 我在尋找一個停止在這場鬥爭中, 真正的. 我度過了我職業生涯的第一次虧損的,我爭取第一次在奧克蘭, 所以我在尋找打動. 我想提前拿到停工。“


萌“冷血”帆隆 (1-0) – 輕重量級的前景


“我很高興和榮幸,對在甲骨文球館上週六這個偉大的事件, 六月 20 擁有沃德. 我非常榮幸能夠在同一卡作為世界冠軍沃德在戰鬥。“



王“吉米”志敏 (9-1) – 初中量級前景

“我期待著我上週六的戰鬥, 六月 20 在甲骨文球館奧克蘭. I am very happy to be on this great card with Andre Ward and Go Warriors.”


沃德VS. 工匠, 一 12 回合回合由中華民國國家體育呈現, 發生星期六, 六月 20 在甲骨文球館奧克蘭, 加利福尼亞州, 將電視直播的BET和全球流上TIDAL.com在 10:00 PM ET / 7:00 下午PT和呈現相關聯地Matchroom的體育. 拼的是在海濱酒店贊助, 國王地點, 擦鞋宮, CTMS旅遊, U-BOAT, FanDuel, 凡丹戈, Q 102.1, 95.7 遊戲並KBLX 102.9. 除了環內的大動作, 該活動將有幾個顯著的大鵬民族接觸,這將進一步成為觀眾與增強型風扇體驗, 包括拼勁Nipsey採取到環的專場演出之前的主要事件. 本次活動將由著名主持人搖擺卡洛威主辦,還將打主DJ弗倫岑誰將會​​成為搖擺一起徹夜. 門票分 $250, $125, $90, $60 和 $30, 不包括適用的服務費和稅款, 現已公開發售,並可以在所有票務地點, 在網上Ticketmaster.com和充電通過電話 (800) 745-3000. 門開處 3:00 PM, 第一次戰鬥開始於 3:30 PM和BET電視節目和TIDAL.com流在開始 10:00PM ET / 7:00 PM PT.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 按照國家大鵬在Twitter和Instagram的@rocnation並在Facebook上



MIAMI (六月 17, 2015) – 現代武士之路 馬庫斯 “Arilli” Upshaw (17-13-4, 8 科斯) 還在追逐他的拳擊夢想. 他的不尋常的故事的下一部分是對家鄉的喜愛這個星期天 Lanell “KO” 風箱 (17-1-1, 7 科斯) 在米高梅大酒店在拉斯維加斯.


“我追逐夢想,但, 同時, 夢想是追我,” Upshaw說. “我的心終於權利,現在我有一個偉大的教練 (奧蘭多奎利亞爾) 誰擁有我的背. 它只是不是我之前的時間,但是這是它. 我已經轉戰各地,但是這是我第一次在拉斯維加斯戰鬥. 這是關於時間! 我一直想在拉斯維加斯打. 我要在前面的戰鬥 梅威瑟JR. 和未來的客場用一場勝利。”


誰是出生在傑克遜維爾和火車在邁阿密的佛羅里達本土, 34歲的Upshaw是 2-1-2 在他過去五年的較量. 在他的最後 11 打架, Upshaw已經在墨西哥兩次戰鬥, 華盛頓, 明尼蘇達州和多明尼加共和國, 還有一次,在得克薩斯州, 加拿大, 和康涅狄格. 在幾乎所有情況下,他轉戰無論是家鄉的戰鬥機和/或該節目的啟動處理的拳擊手.


在他九年職業生涯中, 他還轉戰密西西比州, 伊利諾伊, 加利福尼亞州, 羅得島, 紐約, 馬里蘭, 南卡羅來納州和北卡羅來納州. 只 11 他 34 戰鬥一直在美國佛羅里達州, 多數那些他職業生涯的早期階段. 如果平分裂和/或密切的決定損失對手’ 後院通常被認為是 “勝” 在拳擊比賽中, Upshaw的戰績很可能是一個很大的不同 25-5.


令人驚訝的是他的第一次在拉斯維加斯將是 這個星期天, 對誰是梅威瑟促銷推廣對手, 這是共同促進在CBS卡TBG促銷英超冠軍拳擊, 並建議通過強大 鋁海蒙他的公司, 拳擊海蒙, 呈現中國人民銀行系列.


除了對他的上述甲板堆放, Upshaw是一個自然量級誰, 再次, 將爭取一個超中量級. “我不關心這些東西,只要打有道理,” Upshaw解釋. “否則, 我不會把它拿走了. 我是誰一直在打了幾次量級 168 磅,做得很好反對 亞倫普賴爾JR. (爭議8輪抽籤), 政府Biosse (WTKO8) 和 達雷爾·理查森 (WDEC6). 我將波紋管有史以來面臨的最棘手的對手. 他失去了一個 8-9-2 的傢伙,曾與對手誰了平局 5-6-1 記錄. 他從來沒有打過任何人接近戰機的口徑,我一直在與. 我是一個量級,即使他打架了較高的權重類, 我會更強, 更好的戰鬥機. 壓力, 壓力, 壓力是這場戰鬥的遊戲計劃. 我不會讓評委搶我一次. 這對我來說是一個真棒機會, 更多, 我打在拉斯維加斯首次!”


Upshaw的招牌勝利, 迄今, 在 2010 當他前往魁北克市和不安 21-1-1 當地的英雄 雷南聖. 權 通過10輪的決定方式, 在世界中量級排名提升馬庫斯國際羽聯 #6, WBO #9 和WBC #11.


Upshaw已經展示了他的潛力, 人才和膽量,從而走上了完全距離輪, 儘管在虧損, 與喜歡 馬里奧·安東尼奧·魯比奧, 大衛·勒米厄,吉爾伯托·拉米雷斯·桑切斯, 埃德溫·羅德里格斯, 帕特里克·馬耶夫斯基 Tarvis西姆斯.


“馬庫斯有一個非常欺騙紀錄,” 注意奎利亞爾誰將會在Upshaw的角落只有第二次戰鬥. “他的戰績是比它看起來在紙上. 查了一些他已經距離或打的傢伙與借鑒. 他的對手是未經測試,但並不意味著他不會來通過. 有時戰機是由他​​們處理保護,但加強在打架對更好的競爭. 戰士有時就像一盒巧克力, 你不知道你會得到什麼,直到你打開它,咬一口.


“馬庫斯是像貓靠在牆上. 他的對手不知道他是真正能夠做的環. 馬庫斯是準備翻轉腳本, 打開這個表就家鄉的傢伙. 我告訴他,這傢伙是在他取得良好的生財之道, 所以它的時間讓他採取控制和被老闆. 馬科斯應該贏得的繩索裡面這場戰鬥,但, 因為他的戰鬥家鄉的喜愛上他的子秀, 馬庫斯需要取出法官淘汰賽, 或者非常令人信服的表現,使他們無法從他身上取一勝之遙。”


Upshaw一直有, 身高6′ 4″, a size advantage to go with his rich athletic bloodlines; 他的叔叔, 已故 基因Upshaw, 是名人堂的進攻後衛的NFL廳的奧克蘭突襲者隊. 現在, 是時候讓他去所有和兌現大牌在他的第一個拉斯維加斯的鬥爭, registering a career-defining triumph to set him up for a major showdown in the not too distant future.




Twitter的@MarcusUpshaw或@MarcusArilliusUpshaw / 260365894066319




Thanks everyone for calling in. We have an exciting conference call today to talk about an unbelievable boxing weekend coming up in Las Vegas. We’re going to hear more about that from Leonard Ellerbe, 梅威瑟促銷的CEO, who will run the call.


First on the call we’re going to talk to Errol Spence, 小, 而他的對手, 羅伯托·加西亞, was also supposed to join the call but, 可惜, he had a last minute medical appointment that he had to get in before he departed for Las Vegas, so he won’t be able to join us.


This other young gentleman is a fantastic fighter, and I’m certainly looking forward to seeing him fight. I’m going to go ahead and turn it over to Leonard Ellerbe, who will make the introductions and open it up.



謝謝, 黃綠色. I’d like to thank everyone for joining us on this afternoon’s call. PBC on NBC returns to primetime network television this Saturday, 六月 20. 電視節目開始在 8:30 P.M. AND / 5:30 P.M. PT. We’ll be coming to you live from MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This event will be sponsored by Corona, and I’d like to thank them for their support.


Our main event will feature a 12-round showdown between former world champions Adrien Broner and Shawn Porter. The co-main event features hot prospect Errol Spence, JR. and veteran Roberto Garcia in a 10-round welterweight fight. Following the fights on NBC, we will switch over to NBCSN for more great action.


The tickets for the live events, which will be promoted by Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions, 現已公開發售. The tickets are available through Ticketmaster and With the purchase of a ticket to the June 20 fight this Saturday, fans will also have access to the PBC on CBS card taking place on Sunday at the MGM Grand. 那場比賽將以, 在主要事件, Rances Barthelemy versus Antontio DeMarco, and Sammy Vasquez will fight Wale Omotoso, 它開始於 4:00 P.M. 與 / 1:00 P.M. PT on CBS.


I’d like to start out introducing the co-main event, and I’d like to start out with Errol Spence. Errol Spence is coming to us from Desoto, 得克薩斯州. He is a 2012 US Olympian. He most recently dominated Samuel Vargas on the April 11 on PBC on NBC card. I’m very familiar with this young, exciting prospect. He’s a very talented fighter and he will be a force to be reckoned with for quite some time. He’s a future world champion. He’s coming to us at 16-0 同 13 科斯. 埃羅爾?



你好, I’m glad to be here. It’s a big opportunity for me on a huge stage. I’m going to go in and do like I always do, put on a great show and a great performance and raise my stock. 希望, 這場戰鬥後, after this great performance, I can be the main event on NBC.



Do you feel like you’re moving the way you want to be moving? Faster? Slower? Where you’re supposed to be? 然後, how soon do you think, that if you can take care of your opponent, 羅伯托·加西亞, 本週末, that you can get into an even more significant fight, perhaps for a title at some point?


和. 斯彭斯JR.

I feel like I’m moving the way I want to move. I’m fighting when I want to and I’m fighting on the regular, so everything’s been consistent and how I want it to go. I’m stepping up the competition, and I’m fighting on the big stage that I wanted to fight on. After I get rid of Roberto Garcia, I think it will be another step up fight. 希望, I can get a more name-known opponent, hopefully a former world champion in there, and then by sometime early next year, I can fight for a title.



According to most people, you were the most talented fighter on the United States Olympic Team in 2012 and the guy with the most potential as a professional. Is that a distraction for you? Does it motivate you? Do you believe your clippings? How do you stay focused? Because it seems like you are a pretty focused guy, the way you’ve been going about your business.


和. 斯彭斯JR.

For one thing, staying focused is just something I naturally do, but I also want to live up to the hype and to the high standards that a lot of boxing writers and a lot of people have of me. I’ve just got to go out there and perform and look great, and I want to look great, so I have to stay focused and work hard. That’s the only way that I’m going to get where I want to be and get to the top and get to fighting these name-known opponents. I just have to stay focused and just stay dedicated, and I’ll be definitely fighting more known opponents, like Robert Guerrero or Keith Thurman or Amir Khan or somebody like that.



What then does victory against Garcia do in terms of getting you there?


和. 斯彭斯JR.

羅伯托·加西亞, 他的強悍, he a veteran, and I think me being a prospect and on the verge of being a contender, I had to face a guy like that, a guy with a lot of experience and a really good record, so I can go into that contender level and contender status where I can start fighting more name-known guys. I think it’s just a process I have to go through so I can get to where I want to be. Roberto Garcia is a tough fighter. He’s not as known as the guys I would like to fight, but I have to fight him to get to those guys.



With the emergence of a lot of the Eastern European fighters, who fight for a title in their second or third professional fight, do you feel pressure to sort of step up your own process and take tougher fights and develop a little bit quicker than we’ve normally seen American fighters in the past?


和. 斯彭斯JR.

別. I don’t necessarily feel pressured. Everybody has their own path that they have to take. What those guys did was great, and that’s extraordinary and really unheard of, but everybody has their own path, and everybody grows differently.



埃羅爾, since PBC has started broadcasting fights, 在 2015, you’ve had, the one fight on the Garcia-Peterson undercard, but your fighter commercial or your bio, that’s been getting a lot of exposure. Can you tell me what that’s been like to see yourself on TV and what the reaction has been to that exposure?


和. 斯彭斯, JR.

It’s been great. 我很興奮. It shows that my hard work’s been paying off, and it shows how my manager believes in me. I’ve only been a pro fighter for three years and some change and I’m already being broadcast in with guys that have been pro eight, ten years, eleven years, and I’m head-to-head with these guys. It just shows a lot of people believe in me and I’ve got a lot of people behind me who support me.



You mentioned Robert Guerrero, 基思·瑟曼, and Amir Khan as potential opponents that you’re looking at. Do you see them as stepping stones to something bigger, or are those the fights you want? It sounded like you might have been alluding to a different fight. What I’m wondering is if you see those guys as in your way to fight Mayweather?


和. 斯彭斯JR.

Not necessarily. These are the guys that are in the top ten, that are in the top five. These are the guys that are supposed to be there after Floyd retires in September, these are the guys that are going to be supposedly running the division, so these are the guys I’m looking at. I’m nowhere near close to fighting Mayweather, because I haven’t even gotten in the top ten yet. These are the guys thatI’m looking at that are in the top ten that are supposedly running the weight class after Floyd’s gone and retired.



I want to ask you about what you know of your opponent, 羅伯托·加西亞? Do you consider, 作為一個親, Garcia to be the toughest fighter that you’ve faced?


和. 斯彭斯, JR.

I see him as the most experienced fighter. It could be the toughest. It all depends. One of my tough fights was against Emmanuel Lartey. 他是 15-0, 我是 8-0 當時. But I mean it could be. 他的強硬, he’s experienced, and he’s gritty. I know he’s going to come to fight, so this will be one of my toughest fights to date.



現在, you’ve gone back and forth in the last year or so between welterweight and super welterweight. Is there one of those weight classes you particularly want to focus upon?


和. 斯彭斯JR.

I’m staying at 147, and welterweight is my weight class. A lot of times I might fight at 148 or something like that, 但 147 is the weight class that I’m fighting at.


ķ. 斯旺森

好, that was your last question, 埃羅爾, but I have one for you that I’d like to add here. The weekend is Father’s Day weekend, and from what I’ve read about you, your dad was pretty instrumental in making sure you had a boxing career. I’m wondering if you could share with us a little bit about your relationship with your dad, how important he was to the development of your boxing abilities, and if he’ll be with you this weekend in Las Vegas.


和. 斯彭斯JR.

My dad, he got me started in boxing. 他是一名卡車司機, 所以他用來驅動隔夜, 然後他會回家 12:00 P.M. 或更高版本,然後帶我去健身房. Then after that he’d come from the gym, 它像 5:00 或 6:00 下午, 他會休息一兩個小時,直接去上班. 當時, 我真的沒有去想它, 但是當我老了一點點更聰明, 意識到一切,他犧牲了我能框和去這些國家比賽的犧牲,所有這些比賽外州和東西. He had to pay for the hotel, 支付食品和類似的東西的口袋. We didn’t have any sponsors and stuff like that.


他扮演我的拳擊生涯的一個重要組成部分. He’s my supporter. That’s my mentor. That’s like my best friend. For Father’s Day, 我打算讓他一個雙贏, 而這將是一個令人印象深刻的勝利,他將感到驕傲,他會愛. He played a big part in my career. Without him, 我知道我不會拳.


ķ. 斯旺森

偉大. Thanks for sharing that. I know he was an important part of your story. 所以, 倫納德, that is it on the side for Errol. We appreciate you taking the time out of your training. Best of luck to you, and we look forward to watching you on PBC on NBC.


L. Ellerbe

The fans are going to be in for a great treat with this fight. Garcia comes with a lot of experience, and Errol is the new guy on the block. He’s making a name for himself. Big things are expected out of Errol, and he’ll be looking to come through on Saturday night with a great performance.


和. 斯彭斯JR.

謝謝. I’d like to thank everybody for their questions and stuff and everybody tuning in and listening. Just make sure you tune in Saturday. I’m going to put on a great performance and a great show.


L. Ellerbe

在主要事件, 我們有一個非常令人興奮的戰鬥. We have two gentlemen who are very familiar with each other. They both come out of the state of Ohio. They both have extensive amateur backgrounds. I think it’s going to be an excellent fight.


We have Shawn Porter. 就像我說的, he’s coming to us from out of Akron, 俄亥俄. He’s now fighting out of Las Vegas. His most recent win was on Spike in March when he fought Eric Bone. He has fought a number of good fighters, including big wins over former world champions Devon Alexander and Paulie Malignaggi. He comes to us with a record of 25-1-1, 同 16 科斯, none other than the former welterweight world champion, “開演時間” 肖恩·波特.



What’s up, 每個人? Thanks for having me on.


Ken Porter

Thank you guys for the wonderful introduction, 倫納德. We really appreciate you guys having us on today. As far as our training camp, Shawn has been preparing for this fight and the previous fight and the previous fight before that ever since he turned professional. We never really go into a camp, per se. We just continue with what we were already doing. I have been blessed with an athlete who understands that this is his lifestyle, it’s year-round, and he just works like that. So when it was time to turn up the heat a little bit, we were already ready to go. When it was time to bring down the weight a little bit, that wasn’t a problem either.


He’s strong. He’s happy. He’s feeling really good. Today we did a little bit of track work. We headed to the gym, and then we were reminded that we had this conference call with you guys, so it was absolutely no problem for us to go back home and sit down for a little bit and take this call because all of our hard work has already been done, not just in this fight or this camp, but in previous fights and previous camps that we’ve had before this. Everything is on point. Everything is exactly where we want it to be, and we’re looking forward to a great fight on Saturday night against a great fighter.



What have you done differently in this training camp to prepare yourself for this fight and the speed of Adrien Broner?


S. 穿

你知道嗎, I’ll let you know. 是的, he is skillful and fast. We haven’t really done much different to try to offset that or anything. The reason being is because we know that I’m just as fast and just as quick as he is. There haven’t been any special workouts that we’ve incorporated this camp or anything like that to do anything differently to offset his speed. We’ve just really focused more so on my skills and also the different techniques that are required to cut off and slow down a fast fighter like him. 所以, it’s what we’ve been doing, just at a higher level. We’re not overlooking his speed. We’ve just done more of what we need to do to prepare for it, which is what we’ve always done.


ķ. 穿

Just to give you guys a little info, I think Devon Alexander is one of the fastest boxers in boxing, 期. I know that Manny Pacquiao is one of the fastest boxers in boxing. I know that Andre Dirrell is one of the fastest boxers in this sport. Shawn has been able to compete against those type of guys in professional fights, in sessions, in camps. We don’t have a problem with anyone’s speed. He’s just as fast as anybody that comes in the ring with him, so when you talk about a guy’s speed, that’s not something we’re concerned with.


The problem that that guy will have to deal with is we’re fast, and we’ve got power to come along with that. 所以, we’re prepared for that. Just like Shawn said, we just continue doing what we’ve already done. At this point in time, that is not a concern at all, so we’re ready for that.



Have you in any way prepared yourself for maybe the antics that come along in the ring with an Adrien Broner?


S. 穿

你知道嗎, 我沒有. I understand that could arise during the fight. My whole thing is this, and it’s something that my dad has always pressed upon me, is being professional at all times. Being professional means maintaining your composure and staying poised and sticking to the game plan no matter what. 所以, no matter what he may do or say during the fight, more than likely that means I’m doing something right, and I’ll just continue to do what I’m doing and what my corner’s asking me to do. I’m not worried about it at all. I am who I am, and I get the job done.


ķ. 穿

Shawn’s coming to knock Adrien’s head off. He’s in a real fight, and this is a big fight. I think it’s going to be a very entertaining fight. They both have contrasting styles. Both have certain strengths that they do certain things very well. It’s going to be a very competitive and exciting fight.



You’re an Akron guy. Broner’s a Cincinnati guy. They’re saying it’s the battle of Ohio, and we’re going to Las Vegas, a great place for big fights all the time, a tremendous place to have fights, but did you think maybe that you guys would be duking it out in Ohio to settle the bragging rights for the state?


S. 穿

I’m a northeast Ohio guy, not just Akron, not just Cleveland. It’s a blessing to be able to represent northeast Ohio, and I’ve done that for a very long time with pride. I’ve made everyone proud back home along the way. 再次, everything I’ve learned, I learned from my dad. He told me a long time ago, he says if you want to improve, if you want to get better and do things at the highest level, you’ve got to move on and sometimes leave home alone and take care of your business.


有了這樣說, Las Vegas is the Mecca of boxing. It’s where we all want to be. I’ve been blessed enough to move out here two years ago, and this is where I always wanted my career to go. A fight of this magnitude is happening where it’s supposed to happen at. The bragging rights will come after the fight.



How hard is it going to be for you to get down to 144? What was the reason that you guys made the fight for significantly under the welterweight limit when both of you guys have been welterweight champions and not had any issues with 147?


S. 穿

I’ll answer the first question first. 現在, we’re Cadillacing, and what I mean by that is we’re taking it one day at a time. We’re moving slow so everybody can see us, and we’re feeling good doing it. It’s coming along exactly the way we wanted it to, and it’s been a blessing. We were called and told that we were asked to be 144 pounds by Adrien Broner. That was not our decision. As soon as it was announced to me from my dad, I told him, whatever we need to do to make the fight.


I guess there’s a little kid from Cincinnati who’s afraid of fighting at 147, even though that’s a weight that he’s even fought for a championship at. 牛逼hat’s neither here nor there. The weigh-in is Friday. We’ll be there. We’ll be on weight, and we’ll be excited to get on that scale and look him in the eyes at that weight and let him know that we’re feeling good. Whatever advantage he thought could come from that, he’s not getting any.


The good thing about it is I’m blessed that I have a great body, and somehow we can get my body to do what it needs to do. 在一天結束時, all I can do is give it up to God. It’s been great along the way and, like you said, I fought as high as 165 in the amateurs and even 154 upon turning pro, 現在 147 for the last about four or five years. It’s been great, and going down a few more pounds won’t be a problem.


ķ. 穿

I call it addition by subtraction. As he loses weight, he increases his opportunity for big fights. 所以, we came from 154 到 147, and there’s big fights there and big fight names there. Here we’ve been asked to come down a few more pounds, and it just so happens he’s living this way year round so he didn’t have to go into some crazy I’ve got to get this weight off type thing. This morning, he was very light. He’s eaten twice this morning already. He’s feeling really good. We’re able to do this, and we’re confident that it’ll continue throughout the week to come off like it is. We’re looking forward to this big fight at a lighter weight. 所以, that’s why I call it addition by subtraction. We get more out of coming down in a lower weight than we did being in the higher weight class.



肖恩, both of you and Adrien have been in some exciting fights, but you’re also both very good boxers also. What is your take on how this is going to play out?


S. 穿

I think this fight’s going to go everywhere. You’ve seen me fight. You know that I want to dictate everything. I want to dictate the pace. I want to be the commander in the ring. 有了這樣說, we’re versatile, which is great, and we can box from the outside. There will also be points where we look to move in and get really physical. We’re just going to play it one round at a time and we’ll look to box and also look to punch and put it all together. That’s what you want in a big fight, when you can do so many things and this fight requires you doing so many things. We look to put it all together on Saturday night-the boxing, the punching, the pressure, the countering, all of it.



When you look at Adrien Broner’s record, you see he had that loss to Marcos Maidana. Is there anything you’ve learned from that fight with Maidana that you can apply for yourself in your fight with Adrien?


S. 穿

是的. We’ve taken a look at a number of his fights, not just the bad, but also the good. I’m steadily reminding myself not to underestimate him, not to think that I’m going to come in there and do everything that Maidana did to him, and that’s it and I’ll get the win. We look to do so much more than what Maidana did, but the pressure that Maidana applied that entire fight was great and was what he needed.


We will look to do some of that. I’ve also taken a look at his earlier fights when he looked really sharp and superb, just to remind myself of what he can do. There were lot of things he didn’t do against Maidana, but there were a lot of things he did do well against some of his other competitors earlier in his career. We look to do a lot of different things this fight. It’s going to take a lot to win this one, and we’re ready for it.



Have there been specific things that you’ve learned or changed in your approach since your fight last year with Kell Brook?


S. 穿

Yes and no. I think with that fight, the things that we’ve changed and worked on more have become more, 第一, mental and then number two, the basics. 我會說, 第一, the mental because there were a lot of things that were asked of me in the corner that I didn’t incorporate during the match. 在一天結束時, I can only look at myself, and that’s the reason those things didn’t show up. We worked on a lot of mental preparation since that fight, being able to not only listen to the corner and implement those instructions during the fight and then the basics.


There were a lot of things I didn’t do in that fight. I got a little wild at points. 戰鬥結束後, once we got back training, we went back all the way to the basics like we always do, but we put a little more emphasis on the mental aspect along with the basics.



This fight’s going to be Saturday night, 主要事件, prime time, on NBC in virtually every home in the country, and it’s going to be televised internationally. Tell us about how that affects you, being in such a marquis fight.


S. 穿

你知道嗎, I can promise you this, this is something that I’ve always envisioned and I’ve always looked forward to. My fight with Julio Diaz, when I first found out it was at MGM Grand, I was really excited. Then I was told it was going to be in one of the conference rooms. The whole entire bubble didn’t bust, but a little bit of the air came out. I’ve just always marveled at the crowd, how loud it gets, the lights, the whole nine. I love every part of the ambiance of a big MGM Grand fight. I’m taking it with a lot of excitement and obviously not over enthused, but I do understand the moment that I’m about to have. The great part about it is it’s a moment that I’ve always wanted, and I’m looking forward to it, so I’ll take it with no problem at all.


Is there any legit animosity between you and Adrien?


S. 穿

你知道嗎, there was no animosity about the weight up until the press conference that we had last week. We had the press conference. We’ve known for weeks now that the contracted weight is supposed to be 144. Here we are doing everything that we need to do as professionals to be on weight, be on point, be 100%, and the kid who chose to make the contract, 重量 144, wishes not to talk about the contracted weight, wishes not to talk about any rehydration clause, wants to avoid any conversation involving weight limits or anything like that.


The more and more we talk about it, the more and more the animosity starts to set in because I’m a professional doing what I do. I’ve done it at this high level for so long, and my weight class is 147 for so long. You want to move up into my weight, then move up. Don’t be scared. Don’t be worried. Don’t be afraid. Put your skill on the line along with your record. Put everything on the line. Put it all on the line at 147. Don’t put it at 144 and then not want to talk about it.


I’m not going to worry about it. We still maintain our professionalism and come into this fight and this weigh-in the way we’re supposed to. No personal animosity towards Adrien Broner. I know him, but I know him from a distance.


有了這樣說, it’s always been more of a, “哎, how are you doing?” type of a relationship, not aLet’s go to the club tonighttype of relationship and also, not aWhy are you talking to me you? I could be fighting you sometime,” relationship. 所以, we’re cool. The night of the fight, we will be foes for 12 發, or however many rounds it lasts. 之後, I will be who I am and be professional and let the boxing take care of itself.



Does this weight feel good, or do you see yourself moving right back up to welterweight after this?


S. 穿

Obviously we made this move for a reason, and that was to fight the kid. 之後, I don’t think there’ll be any other reason for me to move any lower than 147. It’s not going to be a problem this fight, but it’s not something that I want to entertain in the future. I’m a 147-pound fighter, simple as that. Anyone I fight will be a strong 147-pound fighter, not a blown-up 140-pound fighter and not a took-down 154-pounder. We look to fight everyone at their best, and my best is going to be 144 週六.


ķ. 斯旺森

好. That actually was your last media question, but I’m going to ask you a question myself, something that I actually shared with Errol Spence too. It’s Father’s Day weekend for the big boxing weekend in Las Vegas. I think everybody in boxing knows about the close, intimate relationship that the Porters have. I’d like, 肖恩, for you to share with us what your dad means to you and what you are planning for Father’s Day after Saturday night.


S. 穿

老老實實, I’m happy that this fight has come at this time. My dad and I have worked extremely hard together for a very long time doing this sport. What better way to celebrate or wake up and just be proud of what we’ve done the night before, as a family, as a team? I’m excited about having this fight be the night before Father’s Day, and I’m looking forward to being able to wake up and go over into the next room and wake up my dad and just marvel at what we’ve done, 明顯, not only in the ring but what we have now as a family and as a team.


He means the world to me, 他知道,. I definitely know I mean the world to him. I’ve said this before, the love that we have, that we share, we carry that to the ring with each other, and it’s unparalleled. You can’t match it. 這意味著很多. That makes a difference during the fight.


ķ. 斯旺森

倫納德, I’d like to turn it over to you for last comments.


L. Ellerbe

好. I just want to clear up this whole weight issue. It seems that there’s a lot of back and forth about the weight. Both fighters have agreed to fight this fight Saturday at 144 pounds max. I want to be clear with that, 144 pounds max. Both fighters agree upon that. The fans are expecting a great fight, and I think that both fighters will be at their best come Saturday night. Both fighters have had an excellent camp and have prepared to fight at the weight, and both fighters know what to expect from each other. They know each other very well. They both have great strengths, and I think it’s going to be a very exciting fight come Saturday night.


I’m very impressed with Shawn Porter, with what he’s been able to do as a professional. What I like the most about Shawn is his confidence. As a young veteran, he’s willing to get in there with anybody and those are the things that are a rare attribute when what you see with young fighters. A lot of fighters talk the talk, but they’re not willing to step up. 就像我說的, one of the most impressive things that I personally admire about Shawn is that he’s willing to get in there with anybody. He’s even called out Floyd Mayweather. He’s willing to get in there with Floyd, and that’s what I like. The guy’s willing to put it on the line, lay it on the line, do what it takes to feed their family and to give the fans what they want.


We look forward to Saturday night, a great fight for the fans. Thank you all for tuning in.


ķ. 穿

You guy’s had a great session there, good questions. We’re feeling good, so we’re looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday. Thanks for having us.

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保險開始在ESPN在 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT


布魯克林 (六月 17, 2015) – 中量級世界冠軍 丹尼爾 “奇蹟的人” 雅各布 (29-1, 26 科斯) 返回到環在他的家鄉布魯克林採取前世界冠軍 塞爾吉奧 “拉丁蛇” 猜拳 (28-3-2, 9 科斯) 作為電視開門紅 總理拳擊冠軍ESPN 黃金時段 星期六, 八月. 1 在巴克萊中心與電視報導在開始 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT.


這場鬥爭將先不敗的超級巨星之間的對決 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 (30-0, 17 科斯) 和布魯克林自己 保利 “魔人” Malignaggi的 (33-6, 7 科斯).


“我只是高興能夠成為這個偉大的卡,並能夠在巴克萊中心執行是一種榮譽,” 雅各布說. “我很期待製作出最好的機會,最重要的是我想給布魯克林的球迷一場精彩的演出. 我現在能去我自己的後院工作。”


“我又回到了“畫板,’ 努力工作,現在我很幸運成為這個偉大的事件的一部分,” 莫拉說, “I don’t plan to let this opportunity get by me. 上 八月 1, 我來布魯克林取勝。”


門票現場活動, 這是由DiBella娛樂與斯威夫特促銷推廣協會, 售價為 $250, $150, $75 和 $45, 不包括適用的服務費和稅款, 現已公開發售. 門票可在, www.ticketmaster.com並在美國運通票房在巴克萊中心開始 星期四, 六月 18 中午. 要通過電話進行充電, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000. 對於團體票, 請致電800-GROUP-BK.


鼓舞人心的數字誰將會在巴克萊中心爭取第四次, 布魯克林的雅各布完成了他從路癌症倖存者的冠軍去年八月,當他擊敗了賈羅德·弗萊徹的中量級冠軍. 在 2011, 同時追求在環總冠軍, 癌症威脅他的生命,讓他在場邊 19 個月. 當他回來, 他拿起他離開的地方,此後一直沒有失去. 這位28歲的看起來保住自己的勢頭,當他面對莫拉上八月. 1.


美國全國廣播公司的優勝者 “競爭者” 系列, 34歲的莫拉是前世界冠軍,在超中量級,尋找到一個量級冠加入到他的名字. 洛杉磯本地擁有戰勝ISHE史密斯, 彼得·曼弗雷多JR. 和弗農阿甘並進入在五拼連勝這場戰鬥. 他最近擊敗亞伯拉罕漢在今年二月將他的第一個職業開始在布魯克林 八月. 1.


除了晚上的重頭戲和合作的主要事件, 選擇的undercard較量將現場直播ESPN3進行. ESPN Deportes體育場也將轉播的鬥爭作為生活的一部分,其 夜戰鬥 系列和ESPN國際將在其在拉丁美洲的網絡呈現現場報導, 巴西, 加勒比和太平洋地區. 現場直播也將可通過WatchESPN計算機上, 智能手機, 平板電腦, 亞馬遜消防電視和消防電視棒, 蘋果電視, 的Chromecast, 年, 的Xbox 360 並通過下屬的視頻提供商之一的Xbox.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, @ESPNBoxing, @BarclaysCenter和@Swanson_Comm,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在,,, 按照使用#PBConESPN和#BrooklynBoxing談話.



斯派克電視和Bellator MMA呈現出令人信服的和有見地看看最受關注的戰鬥之一 2015 在 “最後,: KIMBO VS. 三葉草“。 由利西蒙斯生產, 一小時的紀錄片亮相穗上 星期三, JUNE 17 在 11:00下午ET/PT.



肯三葉草和Kimbo切片了非常不同的路徑摘星. Kimbo切片是一個互聯網的感覺推到了聚光燈似乎一夜之間,而肯三葉草是一個MMA的先驅誰打他的方式頂端與工人一樣的決心和奉獻精神.


他們兩個路徑被認為在籠子裡七年前跨越. 然而, 在十月的那個災難性的一天 4, 2008, 一個奇怪的事故搶MMA世界上最令人期待的戰鬥之一,在運動的歷史. 百年難遇的從來都不是一拼 – 現在終於將. 上 星期五, 六月 19, 臭名昭著的巷戰傳說和YouTube的感覺Kimbo切片和 “世界上最危險的人,” 肯三葉草現在會的重頭戲滿足 “Bellator: 未竟的事業。”


“終於”將採取在深入了解事件七年前和解決有關戰鬥的取消各種陰謀論. 展會前往邁阿密的堅韌不拔的街道上KIMBO做了一個名字為自己和聖地亞哥參觀肯三葉草的非正統的訓練設施. 觀眾將獲得這些複雜的戰士了難得一見的籠子外面與他們的個人奮鬥和成就的第一人帳戶.


關於Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA是一家領先的混合武術組織擁有眾多最好的戰鬥機在世界. 在老將拼子斯科特·科克爾的方向, Bellator提供近 500 全球萬戶家庭超過 140 國家. 在美國, Bellator上可以看到穗, 在MMA電視龍頭. Bellator MMA是由一個執行團隊,其中包括頂尖行業人士在電視節目製作, 現場活動編排, 戰鬥機研製/關係, 會場採購, 贊助創建/開發, 國際牌, 市場營銷, 廣告, 宣傳及佣金的關係. Bellator總部設在聖莫尼卡, 加利福尼亞州和娛樂巨頭維亞康姆所擁有, 家與觀眾通過電視對面引人注目的內容連接世界上首屈一指的娛樂品牌, 影, 在線和移動平台.


在可 98.7 萬個家庭,是維亞康姆媒體網絡的一個部門. 維亞康姆的單位 (納斯達克: VIA, VIAB), 維亞康姆媒體網絡是全球領先的節目和內容的創造者在所有的媒體平台之一. Spike的互聯網地址 和達到了分鐘和檔案新聞信息和照片, 參觀斯派克的新聞網站 跟隨我們的Twitter spiketvpr 最新的新聞的更新, 背後的幕後信息和照片.




LAS VEGAS (六月 16, 2015) – 超中量級競爭者 J'Leon愛 (19-1, 10 科斯) 返回到環面對新澤西的 傑森埃斯卡利拉 (15-3, 12 科斯) 在10輪超中量級回合的行動一整天的一部分 星期天, 六月 21 在米高梅大花園球館.


在undercard將補充 總理拳擊冠軍CBS 顯示在開始 4 P.M. AND/1 P.M. 與PT之間的次中量級衝突 薩米瓦斯奎茲 甘文維OMOTOSO followed by the showdown between former world champions Rances繆 安東尼奧·德馬科.


還進入環是不敗的競爭者 Lydell羅茲 (23-0, 11 科斯) 誰將會採取 賈里德·羅賓遜 (15-2, 7 科斯) 在八輪初中量級回合


進一步行動的特點不敗淘汰賽藝術家 安德魯 “野獸” Tabiti (9-0, 9 科斯) 針對 托馬斯·Hanshaw (6-5, 4 科斯) 在八輪重量級的鬥爭, 羅納德 “喧” Gavril (12-1, 9 科斯) 承擔 傑西Nicklow (24-6-3, 8 科斯) 在八輪超中量級和行動 Lanell “KO” 風箱 (12-1-1, 7 科斯) 對現蕾 馬庫斯Upshaw (16-13-4, 7 科斯) 在八輪超中量級的吸引力.


四捨五入了打架的日子都 胡安Heraldez (7-0, 5 科斯) 和 Charvis Holifield(2-1, 1 KO) 在單獨的較量.


門票現場活動, 這是由梅威瑟促銷推廣聯同TGB促銷價格為 $100, $75, $50, 和 $25 不包括適用的服務費和稅款現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000. 門票也可在


一個168磅一次挨打的競爭者, 27歲的愛會使他的第二個開始 2015 上 六月 21. 他從反彈他唯一的失敗回到主宰斯科特Sigmon三月. 在英克斯特, 密歇根州的擁有戰勝馬爾科·安東尼奧Periban, 德里克 - 芬德利和Lajuan西蒙. 他將面臨30歲,從埃斯卡利拉霍博肯, 新澤西州.


一個多運動的運動員成長起來誰也都在拳擊和混合武術專業競爭俄克拉何馬城的羅德看起來保持不敗的 六月 21. 這位27歲的爭取第二次在拉斯維加斯的第一次 2015. 去年,他在戰鬥十一月. 2014 當他贏得了米格爾·韋爾塔一致決定. 他對32年- 羅賓遜出來的薩姆特, 南卡羅來納州.


出生在芝加哥,但戰鬥了拉斯維加斯, Tabiti有一個完美的淘汰賽百分比作為一個親和正在尋找他在米高梅大酒店第三淘汰賽. 這位25歲的最後轉戰12月. 2014 並且將面臨30歲的阿什蘭, 肯塔基州出生的Hanshaw.


一名28歲的羅馬尼亞的戰鬥拉斯維加斯, Gavril在四月反彈從他的第一次失敗回來了拳擊此前保持不敗的奧斯卡Riojas葡萄酒. 他將對陣經驗豐富的28歲Nicklow從巴爾的摩廣場下車.


綽號 “KO” 因為他相當大的權力, 29歲的波紋外觀的基礎上他的六戰連勝的 六月 21. 拉斯維加斯本地發生在34歲Upshaw出傑克遜維爾.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @SHOSports, @RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, @MayweatherPromo , @TGBPromotions和@MGMGrand,並成為一個風扇在Facebook上




可僅為199英鎊本賽季套票將提供持有人獲得最低 12 在顯示 12 在歷史悠久的紐約哈爾個月內, 貝斯納爾格林.


季票持有者也將能夠獲得折扣票為朋友和家人, 優惠升級預留馬戲團和VIP套餐,以及有機會獲得每年一次的後台滿足拳手.




史蒂夫·古德溫說,“我們已經建立了拳擊迷的大型數據庫,我們相信一個包這樣不僅會滿足我們現有的客戶,但也將鼓勵新的風扇基地拳擊行業. 我們已經試銷售本的商業世界,結果已經驚人的,所以我們現在準備推出它給公眾。“


古德溫繼續說:“這將成為一個理想的生日和聖誕禮物以及一個企業禮品. 他們可以在網上購買, 親臨辦事處或支票. 我們一直在尋找創新方案,以幫助發展拳擊和它的球迷基礎,並相信,這種概念是非常成功的“.



RE: 三大活動在格里森的健身房





4:00 下午















我們所有的較量都被USABoxingMetro認可. 所有的拳手必須要有自己與他們的拳擊書為了參加.


在稱重的節目將開始在 4:00PM 和第一回合將在開始 6:00PM.


門票價格 $20 每人. 孩子們 6 而在不帶電. 所有的健身房會員和註冊愛好者與他們在手的薪酬書籍 $15 每人.


P.S. 如果你不能讓它但還是希望看到的打架, they’ll be streaming at Gleason’s Gym website:


星期天, 6月21日




Italian-American Boxing Awards


移民的故事, 文化, 希望和拳擊.


6:00 下午



6:30 下午


意大利的美國拳擊手的興起, 探索社會歷史條件下,所有的


會議開始與主持由教授. 約瑟夫·裴禮康福特漢姆



7:15 下午



8:00 下午




8:30 下午

頒獎典禮, 結論和問候.