All posts by FNU47

Sergei Kharitonov vs. Kenny garner Video Review & Saib ua ntej ntawm rematch

Headlining M-1 Challenge 59, Lub Xya hli ntuj 3 nyob rau hauv Astana, Kazakhstan

The Heavyweight SuperFight rematch between Russian Sergei “Cov tus tub rog dhia nyob hoom” Kharitonov (22-5-0) and American Kenny “Deuce” Garner (16-8-0) will headline the July 3rd M-1 sib tw 59: Sib ntaus sib tua ntawm Nomads 5 nyob rau hauv Astana, Kazakhstan.

Garner yog ib tug hloov rau raug mob Satoshi Ishii no yav dhau los Kaum Ib Hlis Ntuj 25 tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv Beijing Kharitonov. The game Garner dominated the opening round and Kharitonov took the second round. The fight was stopped in the third round an Kharitonov declared the winner due to safety concerns for the badly cut Garner.

M-1 sib tw 59 yuav tsum tshwm nyob ntawm Kazakhstan nyob rau hauv siab cov lus txhais nyobwww.M1Global.TV. Cas rau cov neeg yuav tsum tau mus saib qhov ua nteg fights thiab cov ntsiab card los txiav rau sau npe rau hauv www.M1Global.TV. Kiv cua yuav saib tag nrho cov ntawm qhov kev txiav txim nyob rau hauv lawv cov computers, raws li zoo raws li nyob rau andriod thiab kua ntse xov tooj thiab cov ntsiav tshuaj.

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Chazz Witherspoon rau xov xwm nyob rau hnub Saturday, Lub yim hli ntuj 15 nyob rau hauv Lub Chaw Ua Si nyob rau hauv Atlantic City

Atlantic City, NJ (Lub rau hli ntuj 23 2015)–Nyob rau hnub Saturday tsaus ntuj, Lub yim hli ntuj 15, Silverspoon Promotions yuav qhia ib tug lossis loj hmo ntuj ntawm boxing uas yuav feature ntau li 10 kev bouts ntawm lub Chaw Ua Si (Yav tas los lub Caesars Pier) nyob rau hauv Atlantic City.

Paub tseeb hais tias rau lub 10-round ntsiab tshwm sim yuav muaj Heavyweight contender Chazz “Cov zoo” Witherspoon.

Witherspoon (33-3, 25 KO lub) uas nyob ze ntawm Paulsboro, New Jersey tsim nws tus kheej li ib tug ntawm cov saum toj kawg nkaus American heavyweights li cov St. Yauxej cov University graduate yeej nws thawj nees nkaum peb bouts nrog yeej tshaj cov yam koj nyiam uas Michael Alexander (11-0), Talmadge Griffis (24-6-3), Jonathan Haggler (18-1) ua ntej kev txom nyem nws 1 swb rau yav tom ntej ob-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb no title challenger Chris Arreola ntawm muaj teeb meem kev tsis phim.

Witherspoon mus nyob rau los yeej peb yeej ib kab uas tseem ceeb los ntawm ib tug entertaining 8 puag ncig stoppage tshaj Adas “Lub Hav iav zag” Richards (21-1). Uas sib ntaus twb tau pom zoo nplhaib Magazine tus 2008 Heavyweight sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo. Witherspoon ces muab ib tug sib ntaus rau yav tom ntej ob-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb no title challenger Tony Thompson.

Witherspoon mus tau 4-sib law liag knockouts uas muaj ib tug devastating 3-round kev puas tsuaj tshaj Tyson Cobb (14-2).

Witherspoon ces coj nyob rau undefeated prospect Seth Mitchell nyob rau hnub tim 28, 2012 nyob rau hauv ib tug bout qhov twg Witherspoon tau Mitchell raug mob nyob rau hauv ob peb lub sij hawm ntawd ua ntej Mitchell tuaj deb nrog lub yeej.

Nyob rau hauv nws cov nag sib ntau sib tw, Witherspoon tua nkag ib tug 5 puag ncig stoppage tshaj Galen Brown nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis 18 nyob rau hauv Pennsauken, New Jersey.

Tsis tas li ntawd slated tshwm nyob rau hauv daim card yuav Super Hnav Malik Hawkins (4-0, 4 KO lub) ntawm Baltimore, MD; Super Hnav Courtney Blocker (6-0, 6 KO lub) ntawm Pensacola, IBCE; Welterweight Parris Chisholm (2-0, 1 KO) ntawm Washington, D.C.; Super Bantamweight Vidal Rivera (2-0, 2 KO lub) ntawm Camden, NJ.; Hnav Jerome Conquest (2-1) ntawm Philadelphia, PA; Pro debuting Scott Kelleher; Welterweight Anthony Hluas (10-1, 5 KO lub) ntawm Atlantic City, NJ; Erik Kitt (5-1, 2 KO lub) ntawm Pensacola, IBCE ntxiv ntau neeg tua hluav taws yuav tsum tau tshaj tawm.

Mus saib lub chaw ua si nyob rau hauv Atlantic City, Nias lub video:

Lub Playgorund Atlantic City
Lub Playgorund Atlantic City


Cov chaw ua si yog ib brand-tshiab, lub xeev ntawm cov kos duab kev lom zem txoj qhov twg lub khw nyob rau Pier siv yuav. Cov chaw yog 500,000 square taw

Daim pib rau no kuj zoo kawg hmo ntuj ntawm boxing yuav ntau los ntawm $45 – $100 thiab yuav tsum tau muas ntawm

Tas nrho cov paub meej yuav tau muab tshaj tawm sai

Lub Tornado Daim ntawv qhia txog los ntawm Lub Valley forge Twv txiaj yuam pov – Lub rau hli ntuj 20, 2015

Wilson KO lub Caputo rau Yeej PA lub xeev Cruiserweight Title

By Tony “Lub Tornado” Penecale (Ringside)



Thaum koj kos npe rau ib tug boxing match ntawm combatants npe hu ua "Lub phaw" thiab "Lub qhov kawg Warrior,"Nws yog inevitable hais tias ib tug slugfest yuav xyuas kom meej. "Lub phaw vs qhov kawg Warrior." Nyob rau hauv cov lus ntawm Apollo Creed, nws "suab zoo li ib tug dab movie."

Nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm ib tug zoo siab pawg neeg nyob rau Valley forge Twv txiaj yuam pov, nrog lub tsis muaj Pennsylvania lub xeev cruiserweight title ntawm ceg txheem ntseeg, Garrett "Lub qhov kawg Warrior" Wilson thiab Anthony "Tus phaw" Caputo Smith waged ib tug 8-feeb slugfest, xaus nrog ib tug highlight-lus knockout.


Wilson (saum toj no txoj cai), 195, ntawm Philadelphia, tuaj mus rau hauv lub bout tawm ib tug tub uas qhia tiv thaiv cov undefeated Vyacheslav Shabranskyy. Nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib yog ib tug nyob ze clone ntawm nws tus kheej nyob rau hauv lub stocky thiab txhoj puab heev Caputo Smith, 197, los ntawm Kennett Square, PA. Nws yog ib tug intriguing matchup ntawm ob muab-rov qab tua hluav taws sim thaws los ntawm ib co tawv losses thiab ua ib qhov chaw raws li ib tug contender.


Lub bout qhib nrog ob fighters them tawm ntawm lawv cov ces kaum zoo ib yam li ib tug ob peb high-roob rams thiab txhav tas tshuab raj nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ntawm lub nplhaib. Neglecting muaj ib tug tag nrho lub nplhaib rau koj khiav lag luam nyob rau hauv; Wilson thiab Caputo Smith sawv lawv av, trading punches nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ntawm lub nplhaib.


Thaum Smith yog ntau nruj, Wilson zoo yeej tus thawj puag ncig los ntuav ib tug ntau dua volume ntawm punches nyob rau hauv, winging cai ob txhais tes mus rau lub taub hau thiab tsaws luv luv lub cev txhaj tshuaj. Wilson txoj kev vam meej tseem nyob rau hauv lub 2nd puag ncig, raws li nws tsaws ib tug ntim ntawm hard chopping cai rau lub cev, tawm hauv welts nyob ib ncig ntawm Caputo Xamiv tav.


Thaum lub sij hawm ib tug pauv sab laug hooks, Wilson tsaws cia li ib tug me ntsis cuam sai, xa me nyuam rov Caputo Smith mus rau ib tug hauv caug. Caputo Smith bounced thiab yog npaj txhij mus rov pib dua nws lub taub hau-thawj nres. Wilson pib hloov nws tactics, siv ib tug txhav jab los mus negate Caputo Xamiv aggression, nqus ntshav los ntawm Caputo Smith lub qhov ntswg.


Underage Terre–thiab nrog ib tug tub rog-ntsuj plig ntawm nws tus kheej–Caputo Smith khaws cia ua ntawv thov lub siab thiab pib Wilson nyob rau hauv. Dua, zoo li ob tug rams, lawv xauv tshuab raj nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ntawm lub nplhaib. Nyob rau hauv ib tug flash, Wilson tshaj rov qab thiab unleashed ib tug homerun uppercut, depositing Caputo Smith ncaj nraim rau nws rov qab, nws lub taub hau thudding tawm ntawm lub canvas. Raws li lub referee Shawn Clark suav, Caputo Smith vainly rub nws tus kheej rau nws ob txhais taw. Txawm tias ua siab tawv qhawv ntaus cov suav, nws yog nyob rau hauv tsis puab mus ntxiv, yuam Clark kom txhob lub bout ntawm lub 1:41 cim.


Wilson, lub tshiab PA lub xeev cruiserweight yeej, yog tam sim no 14-9-1 (8 KO lub) thaum Caputo Smith ntog rau 15-5 (10 KO lub).


Nyob rau hauv lwm yam bouts:


* Milton Santiago, tsuas ib lub lim tiam tom qab nws high-tsev kawm ntawv kawm tiav, muaj ib tug nyuag scare nyob rau hauv winning ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj Jose Miguel Castro.


Santiago, cia li 18 xyoo, tau sib tw nyob rau hauv nws 11th kev bout, thiab nws hluas zog tuaj kom loj hlob thiab cog qoob loo yog reminiscent ntawm ib tug hluas Wilfred Benetiz, uas yog lub ntiaj teb champion thaum nws tsuas yog 17.


Santiago, 140, ntawm Philadelphia, Boxed zoo thiab tswj lub tempo tiv thaiv Castro, 138, ntawm Carolina, Puerto Rico. Sim raws li nws zaum, Castro yuav tsis nrhiav tej yam tiv thaiv cov atherosclerosis stylish Santiago.


Cov tsuas ntsos rau Santiago tuaj nyob rau hauv lub 2nd puag ncig, thaum raws li nws tau thaub; nws clipped rau lub puab tsaig, xa nws mus rau lub hom ntaub khov heev rau ib tug nyuag count. Thaum nce, Santiago regained tswj, boxing masterfully.


Rau nws ib feem, Castro yeej tsis nres sim, tsaws ib tug zoo uppercut nyob rau hauv lub 4th puag ncig, thiab txuas ntxiv nws xav ua kom tau aggression los ntawm lub 5th thiab 6th. Tab sis tsis muaj teeb meem dab tsi nws tau ua, Santiago yog cia li ib kauj ruam los yog ob tug ua ntej ntawm nws thiab cruised cia lub stretch, winning rau tag nrho peb cov ntawv teev lus los ntawm tib cov qhab nia ntawm 59-55.


Santiago pab txoj kev mus 11-0 (3 KO lub) raws li Castro ntog rau nyob rau hauv .500 thiab yog tam sim no 4-5 (2 KO lub).


* Cov yav tsaus ntuj lub feem ntau entertaining bout yog ib tug rau-round slugfest ntawm undefeated Erik Caij nplooj ntoos hlav, 153, Nyeem paj, thiab chim siab-minded Robert Sweeney, 154, Hampton VA.


Lub dueling-southpaws pib sai sai, ob sawv nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm txhua lwm yam, trading punches rau nyob ze-txawm cov ntsiab lus nrog caij nplooj ntoos hlav yog ib tug me ntsis zoo dua. Sweeney nias qhov kev txiav txim nyob rau hauv lub 2nd puag ncig, thiab caij nplooj ntoos hlav yog kam sawv nws av thiab counter punch.


Lub khaus thiab co-tw bout txuas ntxiv raws li ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm txoj cai-hooks nyob rau hauv lub 3rd puag ncig nrog cov neeg coob coob enjoying lub entertaining seem. Raws li cov 4th puag ncig pib, lub breathtaking pace twb noj nws tus xov tooj hu nrog ob fights noj sib sib zog ua pa raws li lawv txuas ntxiv mus pauv hwj chim punches.


Lub sib ntaus tau ze mus rau hauv lub kawg ob rounds, tab sis caij nplooj ntoos hlav yog cia li ib tug me ntsis zoo dua cia lub stretch. Qhov kawg tswb yog ib tug txais tos respite rau tus Cawmseej warriors.


Caij nplooj ntoos hlav tau txais koob hmoov nrog ib tug unanimous kev txiav txim siab yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 58-56, 59-55, thiab ib tug kuj ceeb tias dav 60-54, kev txhim kho nws undefeated cov ntaub ntawv rau 6-0 (1 KO), raws li Sweeney ntog rau 3-3.


* Hafiz Montgomery coj kev zoo siab pab pawg neeg ntawm UFW rau nws kev taw qhia thiab nws sprinted rau lub nplhaib kom tau raws li tawm tsam tawv journeyman Brian Donahue.


Montgomery, 207, ntawm York, PA, yog sai thiab ntau yam ntxiv polished tshaj lub flabby Donahue, 203, ntawm Philadelphia. Donahue yog cov ntsiab lus tau muab ntau, ib punches. Montgomery rov nyob rau hauv lub 2nd puag ncig thiab tsaws ib tug ob peb lub cev txhaj tshuaj tab sis nws pace pib qeeb raws li tus puag ncig loj nrog Donahue tsaws ib tug ob peb jabs.


The pace considerably tub ceevxwm nyob rau hauv lub 3rd thiab 4th rounds nrog ib tug nkees Montgomery tsaws ib tug ob peb punches thiab lub qeeb qeeb Donahue muab ib tug ob peb sneers nyob rau hauv rov qab. Nws yog tsis muaj surprise raws li tag nrho peb cov txiav txim tau qhab nia 40-36, awarding Montgomery nws debuting yeej, xa nws pab mus rau hauv ib tug cheering frenzy.


Montgomery yeej nws pro debut thiab yog tam sim no 1-0 thaum Donahue ntog rau 3-13-2.


* John Madge coj lub kauj ruam tom ntej nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm kev, muab nws undefeated cov ntaub ntawv tawm tsam cov tawv thiab kev paub 35-sib ntaus qub tub rog Dionisio Miranda.


Madge, 167, ntawm Rutherford, NJ, pom ib lub tsev thaum ntxov rau nws southpaw ncaj sab laug, splitting nws tus nrog sib ntaus tus neeg zov thiab tsaws dej ntws yaug tiv thaiv Miranda, 169, ntawm Miami, IBCE. Yuav tsum tsis txhob poob siab, Miranda tsaws ib tug ob peb cai ob txhais tes lig nyob rau hauv lub round.


Lub bout poob mus rau hauv ib tug qauv nrog Madge tsaws ib tug ob peb zoo sib txuas punctuated nrog nws laser tes laug thaum lub qeeb qeeb Miranda sim zaum thiab counter nrog nyuaj tab sis tsis ntau cai ob txhais tes.


Miranda muaj nws qhov zoo tshaj plaws kev vam meej nyob rau hauv lub 4th round nrog ib tug ob peb zoo cai ob txhais tes thaum ntxov, tab sis Madge sai sai regained lub momentum. Nws superior kev txawj thiab kev ua hauj lwm tus nqi twb txaus los tswj qhov kev txiav txim dua zaum kawg ob rounds.


Madge cruised mus rau ib tug unanimous kev txiav txim siab yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 59-55 thiab 60-54 ob zaug thiab tseem undefeated ntawm 11-0 (7 KO lub), thaum Miranda dauv mus 22-12-2 (19 KO lub)


* Lwm undefeated prospect, Earl Newman, ua rau feem ntau ntawm nws lub sij hawm los impress ntawm kev rhuav tseg qub tub rog Lamont Capers nyob rau hauv tsib phem rounds.


Newman, 177, ntawm Brooklyn, NY, pib lub bout es maj mam, uas Capers, 177, ntawm Hawley, PA, mus cuam tshuam nws momentum by clinching tom qab txhua punch ces muab pov tseg. Newman pib sov ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lub 2nd puag ncig, ua hauj lwm tom qab ib tug txhav jab thiab tob tob Capers tiv thaiv nrog thudding lub cev txhaj tshuaj. Ib tug thunderous lub cev txhaj tshuaj mam li nco dheev tsav tsheb huab cua los ntawm Capers, folding nws mus rau lub hom ntaub khov heev.


Newman khaws cia zuj lub sab sab Capers nyob rau hauv lub 3rd puag ncig, thiab tsuas yog respite tuaj thaum Capers coj ib tug tsawg tshuab. Lub ntxiv feeb rov qab ua heev me ntsis rau nws raws li nws txuas ntxiv mus rau noj rau txim. Los ntawm 4th puag ncig, Capers yog nyob rau hauv cov ntshiab ciaj sia taus hom nrog Newman tsaws ib tug series ntawm tsib ncaj uppercuts, xa Capers mus rau lub hom ntaub khov heev rau lub 2nd lub sij hawm.


Newman tuaj nrhiav tus tua nyob rau hauv lub 5th puag ncig, punishing Capers thoob plaws hauv lub round ua ntej thaum kawg flooring nws rau lub sij hawm peb nrog ib tug loj uppercut. Capers tswj kom nce mus rau nws ob txhais taw, tab sis qhia rau referee Blair Talmadge hais tias nws muaj txaus, kev tshoov siab uas ib tug tam sim ntawd stoppage nyob rau 2:56 cim.


Newman tseem undefeated 6-0 (5 KO lub) nrog Capers slipping mus 5-7.


* Tawm mus rau showcase nws txawj yog lwm undefeated prospect; Stephen Fulton yog impressive nyob rau hauv dismantling Pablo Cupul tshaj peb tug-ib tog rounds.


Fulton, 123, ntawm Philadelphia, tsis nkim sij hawm nyob rau hauv kev noj lub sib ntaus rau Cupul, 120, ntawm San Diego, XWS LI. Fulton sai sai nrhiav tau ib lub tsev tsaws nws jab rau lub cev thiab arching nws sab tes xis tshaj Cupul tus uas tsis muaj sab laug tes, tsaws nws tau yooj yim. Txawm tias nws ua siab tawv qhawv, Cupul yog cias qeeb heev thiab dav-qhib rau lwv.


Nws los ua zuj zus rau lub mus xyuas fighter nyob rau hauv lub 2nd puag ncig, raws li Fulton txiav txim siab los ntxiv ib tug tshuav sib ntsib thiab lub cev punches rau nws arsenal, tsaws txhua punch nws txawb. Cov ntaus txuas ntxiv los ntawm lub 3rd round nrog Fulton nyob rau hauv dominating hais kom ua, tawm hauv ib tug heev o thiab nrua ntaus Franco wobbling rov qab mus rau nws lub ces kaum. Nws lub ces kaum thiab tus kws kho mob txiav txim siab rau txim rau peb lub rounds yog ntau tshaj li txaus, siv ceev xwmphem lub bout ua ntej lub 4th puag ncig.


Fulton kuj yuav nws undefeated cov ntaub ntawv fwm thiab yog tam sim no 6-0 (3 KO lub) thiab cov qub tub rog Cupul dips rau 8-18 (5 KO lub).



* Samuel Quinones coj lub foob pob hluav taws rau Valley ntaus ib ob peb lub lis piam ua ntej lub 4th ntawm Lub Xya hli ntuj, thiab Shiwone Gortman yog tus tsis muaj hmoo tau txais kev pabcuam ntawm nws grand finale.


Quinones, 149, ntawm York, PA tau ciaj sia ib thaum ntxov onslaught ntawm Gortman, 147, ntawm Grand Prairie, KUV, uas nyob rau saum ntawm lub ces kaum ntuav qus, ices punches. Quinones tsim tswj lig nyob rau hauv lub round nrog ib tug ua ke ntawm lub tswb.


Quinones pib av thudding lead tshuav hooks nyob rau hauv lub 2nd puag ncig thaum Gortman twb txo mus rau ntuav qeeb, ib punches. Nrog Gortman ua pa hnyav ncawv, Quinones tshaj nyob rau hauv nrog ib tug vicious overhand cai nyob rau hauv lub 3rd puag ncig, depositing Gortman ncaj nraim rau nws rov qab. Nws tsis kav ntev npaum li cas raws li Quinones rov nws raug mob raug tsim txom, yuam Blair Talmadge mus rau halt lub bout.


Quinones seb puas tsimnyog nws cov ntaub ntawv mus 9-3 (4 KO lub) thaum Gortman yog tam sim no 4-8-1 (2 KO lub).


Nyob rau hauv ib tug dog dig yi, Jack Grady thiab Kevin Garcia ua rog rau ib tug disputed plaub-round kos.


Grady, 138, Twm NY, ib tug siab thiab lanky fighter nrog txawv txawv zog thiab amateurish muaj peev xwm pib sai sai, ntuav ntev thiab dog dig punches. Garcia, 135, Phoenixville PA, tsaws ib tug ob peb txee.


Garcia maj mam tau tswj raws li Grady nkees nrog cov bouts spiraling rau hauv ib tug nyoos yi. Tom qab plaub uninspiring rounds, nws ciali raws li Garcia tau ruaj nws ob kev yeej. Ib tug kws txiav txim plaub pom zoo, awarding nws lub yeej los ntawm qhov qhab nia ntawm 39-37. Tu siab rau nws, cov lwm yam ob txiav txim yuav tsis txiav txim siab rau ib tug khiav, xa nyob rau hauv cov qhab nia ntawm 38-38, nrog lub bout raug tshaj tawm hais tias ib feem ntau kos.


Garcia yog tam sim no 1-1-1 thiab Grady yog tseem winless ntawm 0-1-1.


Cov kev tshwm sim, txhawb los ntawm Marshall Kauffman tus kav cov vaj ntxwv Promotions, yog dua ib tug entertaining qhia tau nrog ib tug Appreciative pawg neeg. Lub Valley forge Twv txiaj yuam pov yog ib tug kiv cua-phooj ywg qhov chaw mus ntsib ib tug boxing match thiab muaj yog ib tug ntau ntawm mingling yuav mus nyob rau tom qab tus yeeb yam. Garrett Wilson tau hnav nws tshiab khiv-yeej siv, tuav ob txhais tes, thiab noj cov duab nrog cov phooj ywg thiab cov kiv cua. Nws cov hauj lwm muaj lawm rejuvenated thiab nws luag pom ib tug txiv neej uas twb zoo siab yuav rov qab nyob rau hauv txoj kev. Nws ob lub qhov muag pom ib tug txiv neej uas paub tias nws yog tam sim no ib lub hom phiaj nrog uas siv nyob ib ncig ntawm nws lub duav rov sauv. Nws yog exciting saib leej twg nws yuav tua tom ntej no thiab nyob qhov twg "qhov kawg Warrior" yuav mus los ntawm no.




'Bout Lub sij hawm: Plaub Yam ua ntej scraps Txais Kev Pom Zoo rau Bellator 140 nyob rau hauv Uncasville, Connecticut



Raug Monica, California. (Lub rau hli ntuj 22, 2015) - Plaub tshiab ua ntej bouts yuav txhawb lub welterweight ntsiab card showcase ntawm "Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov. "Tub rog Striker Josh "Tus Kws Kho Hniav" Neer (36-14) ntsib cuav artist Matt Secor (6-2) ntawm welterweight, Blair "Tus phaw Shark" Tugman (7-5) battles Rodrigo "Tus Hluas Tsov ntxhuav" Almeida (12-2) ntawm 135 lbs., Ilya Kotau ua rau nws kev taw qhia opposite Nicolas Sergiacom(1-0) ntawm 170 lbs., thiab Parker Porter (5-4) ntsej muag Eric "muaj hmoo Strikes" Bedard (6-5) nyob rau hauv lub heavyweight division.


Bellator 140 nta tsib lub ntiaj teb no-chav kawm welterweight bouts xws li ntiaj teb tau zus ib Douglas Lima (26-5) thiab Andrey Koreshkov (17-1), Chris Honeycutt (6-0) vs. Paul Bradley (22-6), Michael "lom" Nplooj ntawv (7-0) kev noj nyob Rudy Bears (16-13), Brennan "Lub Irish Phem Tub" Pawg ntseeg (10-3) scrapping nrog Gavin "Tsov rog nees" Sterritt (6-1), thiab knockout artist Paul "Semtex" Daley (36-13-2) nyuaj Dennis Olson (14-8).


Cov ntsiab card airs nyob thiab dawb nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj 17th nyob ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 P.M. EST thaum lub tshaj tawm ua ntej bouts cub rau ntawm 7 P.M. EST.


Daim pib rau “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov,” uas pib ntawm cia li $25, yog ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no thiab yuav tau muas ntawm tus Mohegan Tshav Arena Box Office los


Qub tub rog Striker Josh Neer rov qab los rau Bellator MMA tom qab mus 3-1 nyob rau hauv nws cov nag fights plaub. Neer muaj tshaj 50 fights ntawm kev rau nws credit thiab ua ke 32 yeej los ntawm knockout thiab cuav. Neer poob ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab tsis mus Paul Bradley ntawm Bellator 129 thiab thov kom rov qab los tsis tau nrog ib tug commanding kov yeej Secor.

Matt Secor txoj kev sib tw Neer caij ib tug ob-sib ntaus yeej streak. Secor yog ib tug txawj ntse grappler uas tau nyiaj rau yeej los ntawm cuav ua ntej ntawm Bellator 140. Nws yuav tsum tau tso saib nws zoo tshaj plaws av ua si tactics yuav xa cov tsim MMA qub tub rog thiab rau impress nyob rau hauv nws debut Bellator.


Blair Tugman yuav sib tw nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub xeev ntawm Connecticut thiab yuav taw rau txoj hlua ua ke nws thib peb sib law liag Bellator yeej. Lub bantamweight fighter kawg sib nyob rau hauv Lub ob hlis ntuj lub "British ntxeem tau" kev tshwm sim thiab khwv tau ib cov nyuaj-tiv thaiv kev txiav txim siab unanimous kov yeej Marvin Maldonado. Tugman lub bantamweight competitor, Rodrigo Almeida ua rau nws promotional debut rau lub heels ntawm xya ncaj yeej. Almeida pom dominating ciav hwj chim nyob rau hauv nws feem ntau tsis ntev los no sib ntaus thiab khwv tau ib tug 15-ob kev knockout yeej.


Ilya Kotau ua rau nws kev taw qhia ntawm 170 phaus. opposite Nicolas Sergiacomi nyob rau hauv ib tug yeeb yam ntawm neeg tham East ntug dej hiav txwv tej txuj ci.


Hartford lub Parker Porter yuav siv sij hawm nws ob heavyweight sib ntaus nyob rau hauv Bellator MMA thiab yuav tsum tau nrhiav kom txhiv nws tus kheej los ntawm ib tug Bellator 98 debut tsis. Sawv rov qab Porter yog Eric Bedard, uas tau tiav lawm tag nrho rau ntawm nws kev yeej thiab nrhiav kev mus ntxiv lub streak nyob rau hauv nws debut promotional.


Main Card (9 P.M. EST)

Bellator Welterweight Title sib ntaus: Douglas Lima (26-5) vs. Andrey Koreshkov (17-1)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Chris Honeycutt (6-0) vs. Paul Bradley (22-6)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Michael Page (7-0) vs. Rudy Bears (16-13)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Brennan Ward (10-3) vs. Gavin Sterritt (6-1)
Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Paul Daley (36-13-2) vs. Dennis Olson (14-8)


Preliminary Card (7 P.M. EST)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim sib ntaus: Josh Neer (36-14) vs. Matt Secor (6-2)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim sib ntaus: Blair Tugman (7-5) vs. Rodrigo Almeida (12-2)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim sib ntaus: Ilya Kotau (debut) vs. Nicolas Sergiacomi (1-0)

Bellator Heavyweight Prelim sib ntaus: Parker Porter (5-4) vs. Eric Bedard (6-5)

Sib ntaus NETWORK BOXING cajmeem SIJ HAWM (Lub rau hli ntuj 22-28, 2015)

Sib ntaus Network yog ib tug 24/7 TV channel nplooj siab mus ua kom tiav kev pab them nqi ntawm nqe ntaus rog kev ua si. Nws airs cov kev pab cuam teem rau tag nrho txhua cheeb tsam ntawm nqe ntaus rog kev ua si ib hom ntawv nyeem, xws li nyob sib ntaus thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb xov xwm thiab tsom xam rau boxing, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, kev sib mog, tsoos martial arts, sib ntaus xov xwm, raws li zoo raws li kev sib ntaus-themed ua yeeb yam series, documentaries thiab feature films.


Hauv qab no nrhiav tau highlights ntawm lub lim tiam no tus programming:

Monday, Lub rau hli ntuj 22

6:30 p.m. THIAB – Sib ntaus Tshiab Tam sim no ntxiv– Qhov tseeb xov xwm, recaps, nta thiab hauv tsom xam ntawm lub sib ntaus kev ua si.

Tuesday, Lub rau hli ntuj 23

5:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. THIABKOTV Boxing Classics – Reliving nco boxing fights los ntawm yav dhau los ob xyoo lawm.

8:30 p.m. THIAB – Sib ntaus xov xwm Tam sim no Ntxiv – Qhov tseeb xov xwm, recaps, nta thiab hauv tsom xam ntawm lub sib ntaus kev ua si.

Wednesday, Lub rau hli ntuj 24

7:00 a.m. & 8:00 p.m. THIABKOTV Boxing Classics – Reliving nco boxing fights los ntawm yav dhau los ob xyoo lawm.

6:30 p.m. THIAB – Sib ntaus xov xwm Tam sim no Ntxiv – Qhov tseeb xov xwm, recaps, nta thiab hauv tsom xam ntawm lub sib ntaus kev ua si.

Thursday, Lub rau hli ntuj 25

1:00 a.m., 2:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. THIABKOTV Boxing txhua lub limtiam Npog tag nrho qhov tseeb xov xwm nyob rau hauv kev boxing, featuring tag nrho tsis ntev los no sib ntaus thiab highlights ntawm lub qab zib science.

8:30 p.m. THIAB — Sib ntaus xov xwm Tam sim no Ntxiv – Qhov tseeb xov xwm, recaps, nta thiab hauv tsom xam ntawm lub sib ntaus kev ua si.

Friday, Lub rau hli ntuj 26

12:30 p.m. THIABKOTV Boxing txhua lub limtiam Npog tag nrho qhov tseeb xov xwm nyob rau hauv kev boxing, featuring tag nrho tsis ntev los no sib ntaus thiab highlights ntawm lub qab zib science.

6:30 p.m. THIABSib ntaus xov xwm Tam sim no Ntxiv – Qhov tseeb xov xwm, recaps, nta thiab hauv tsom xam ntawm lub sib ntaus kev ua si.

Saturday, Lub rau hli ntuj 27

3:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m. THIABSquare nplhaib Boxing: Jones vs. Sheik – Featuring Roy Jones. Jr. vs. Omar Sheika rau lub tsis muaj WBO NABO teeb heavyweight npe los ntawm Pensacola, Florida.

Sunday, Lub rau hli ntuj 28

8:00 p.m. THIAB – Qhov kawg Classic Boxing: Summerlin vs. Carter 1 – Featuring Johnny Summerlin vs. Harold Carter 1 nyob rau hauv ib lub ntiaj teb heavyweight title eliminator los ntawm Tej zaum 23, 1956 nyob rau hauv Detroit, Michigan.




Twitter & Instagramfightnet

Wilson yuav siv sij hawm tawm Caputo Smith nyob rau hauv peb; Yeej Pennsylvania lub xeev Cruiserweight title

Caij nplooj ntoos hlav, Santiago, Newman, Magda, Fulton, Quinones thiab Montgomery qhab nia yeej rau undercard

Saib fights rau kev thov nyob rau hauv

Rau Tam Sim Tso

Valley Ntaus, PA (Lub rau hli ntuj 22 2015)–Qhov no yav tas los hnub Saturday tsaus ntuj thaum lub Valley forge Twv txiaj yuam pov Resort, Garrett Wilson tau qhab nia ib tug sensational 3 puag ncig stoppage tshaj Anthony Caputo Smith mus ntes tus Pennsylvania lub xeev Cruiserweight title.

Cov qhia tau tias yog txhawb los ntawm huab tais Promotions thiab tshwm nyob ntawm

Wilson ntawm Philadelphia tsaws ib tug vicious cai uppercut uas xa Caputo Smith ncaj nraim rau nws rov qab nrog nws lub taub hau bouncing tawm lub canvas. Caputo Smith sim tau rau nws ob txhais taw, tab sis txoj kev sib ntaus hu ua tawm nyob rau 1:41.

Wilson ntawm Philadelphia yog tam sim no 14-9-1 nrog 8 knockouts. Caputo Smith ntawm Kennett Square, PA. yog tam sim no 15-5.

Erik Caij nplooj ntoos hlav ua hauj lwm ib qho nyuaj rau yeej ib tug 6-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj Robert Sweeney nyob rau hauv ib tug Jr. Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.

ob tug hloov pauv punches thiab muab zoo nkaus li tsis coj ib tug rov mus kauj ruam. Lub sib ntaus tau tiv thaiv rau ntawm ze quarters thiab muaj kev zoo ob-txoj kev txiav txim thoob plaws hauv lub sib ntaus.

Caij nplooj ntoos hlav ntawm kev nyeem ntawv, PA. yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 60-54, 59-55 thiab 58-56 tsa nws tus cim rau 6-0. Sweeney ntawm Hampton, Virginia yog 3-3.

Milton Santiago Jr. raug kev txom nyem ib tug flash knockdown tab sis yog heev zoo ib yam thoob plaws nws lub 6-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj Jose Miguel Castro nyob rau hauv ib tug Jr. Welterweight sib ntau sib tw.

Santiago tau luv luv xa mus rau lub hom ntaub khov heev thaum nws pheeb rov qab thiab yog ntau tshaj ib tug tshuav nyiaj li cas knockdown. Nws kom meej meej tsis raug mob thiab los ntawm hais tias taw tes rau siv nws txhais tes ceev thiab tsaws kom ntau ob peb ua ke thiab tuaj hauv tsev nrog tus yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 59-55 rau tag nrho cov phaib.

Santiago yog tam sim no 11-0. Castro ntawm Puerto Rico yog 4-5.

Earl Newman (6-0, 5 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY. tseem zoo meej los ntawm kev siv ceev xwmphem Lamont Capers (5-7) nyob rau hauv round tsib ntawm lawv tau teem rau-round teeb Heavyweight bout. Lub sij hawm ntawm lub stoppage yog 2:56

John Magda (11-0) yog workmanlike thiab pounding muab ib tug 6-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab dua qub tub rog Dionisio Miranda (22-12-2) nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Middleweight sib ntaus. Cov qhab nia tau 60-54 ob zaug thiab 59-55.

Stephen Fulton tseem undefeated raws li nws tua nkag ib tug stoppage tom qab puag ncig peb ntawm nws 6-round Featherweight bout. Lub bout raug nres tom qab Fulton (6-0, 3 KO lub) ntawm Philadelphia qhib li ib qho kev txiav tshaj txoj cai lub qhov muag ntawm Capul (8-18).

Samuel Quinones Jr. tua nkag ib tug thib 3 puag ncig stoppage tshaj Shiwone Gortman nyob rau hauv ib tug teem tseg 6-round Welterweight bout. Quinones poob Gortman nrog ib tug nyuaj overhand txoj cai nyob rau puag ncig peb thiab tas nws tsocai tom qab 38 vib nas this ntawm puag ncig peb. Quinones ntawm York, PA yog tam sim no 9-0 nrog 4 knockouts. Gortman ntawm Grand Tiaj pom khab, Texas yog tam sim no 4-8-1.

Hafiz Montgomery ntawm Atlantic City ua ib tug zoo pro debut ntawm winning ib tug 4-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab dua qub tub rog Brian Donahue nyob rau hauv ib tug Heavyweight bout.

Montgomery yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 40-36 rau tag nrho cov phaib. Donahue yog tam sim no 3-13-2.

Kevin Garcia (1-1-1) ntawm Pheonixville, PA. thiab Jack Grady (0-1-1) twm, NY tiv thaiv rau ib feem ntau kos nyob rau hauv ib Jr. Welterweight sib ntau sib tw. Cov qhab nia tau 39-37 rau Garcia thaum ob txiav txim tau qhab nia 38-38.

King txoj kev Promotions rov no hnub Saturday nrog ib tug packed 10-bout card los ntawm lub Sands Twv txiaj yuam pov Npelehees uas yuav feature undefeated Jamal James noj rau Mike Balasi

Jamal James tau noj nyob rau Mike Balasi nyob rau hauv 8-round ntsiab kev tshwm sim no hnub vas xaum, Lub rau hli ntuj 27 nyob rau Sands Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov Npelehees

Plus undefeated Antonio DuBose, Alex Martin, Caleb tsob nroj, Christian Molina, Kyrone Davis, Carlos Gongora thiab Chris Colbert

Npelehees, PA (Lub rau hli ntuj 22 2015)–Nyob rau hnub Saturday tsaus ntuj, King txoj kev Boxing yuav nthuav hmo ntuj ntawm boxing nyob rau Sands Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov Npelehees..

Nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, undefeated Welterweight Jamal James yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Mike Balasi nyob rau hauv ib tug bout teem rau 8-rounds.

James ntawm Minneapolis, Minnesota muaj ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 16-0 nrog 9 knockouts.

Lub 26 xyoo-laus James muaj ib co zoo yeej tshaj Patrick Boozer (5-1), Mohammed Kayongo (17-2-1) los yeej muaj cov Minnesota lub xeev Welterweight Title, Colby Courter (4-1) thiab Wayne Martell (25-4-1).

James yog los tawm ib tug 2nd round stoppage tshaj Daniel Sostre nyob rau hnub tim 18 nyob rau hauv Valley Ntaus, PA.

Balasi ntawm Honolulum Hawaii muaj ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 10-6 nrog 7 knockouts thiab tau tiv thaiv sab saum toj txheem.

Nws muaj ib tug yeej tshaj yav tas los undefeated Van Oscar Penovaroff (6-0-1). Lub southpaw, Balasi yog tab tom nrhiav kom tau rov qab nyob rau hauv lub yeej kem nram qab no xwb mus rau ib tug ntxhib lub sij hawm ntawm fighters uas muaj xws li Alex Theran (10-0), Giovanni Santillan (10-0), Plua plav Hernandez Harrison (20-0), Jonathan Garcia (14-0) thiab nws kawg bout thaum nws poob ib tug 8-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab rau Karim Mayfield (18-2) nyob rau hauv Kaum ib hlis 8, 2014 nyob rau hauv San Francisco

Nyob rau hauv 6-round bouts:

Alex Martin (8-0, 5 KO lub) ntawm Harvey, Illinois yuav noj nyob rau hauv Pavel Miranda (19-10-1, 9 KO lub) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Welterweight bout.

Caleb tsob nroj (7-0, 6 KO lub) ntawm Ashland, TN yuav tua Oscar Rojas (8-1, 3 KO lub) ntawm Laredo, Texas nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Middleweight bout.

Christian Molina (4-0, 3 KO lub) ntawm Allentown, PA yuav noj nyob rau hauv Justin Johnson (6-8) ntawm Pittsburgh, PA nyob rau hauv ib tug Jr. Welterweight sib ntau sib tw.

Kyrone Davis (7-0, 3 KO lub) ntawm Wilmington, DE yuav noj nyob rau hauv Jose Alberto Leal (9-7-1, 4 KO lub) ntawm Guadalajara, Mexico Middleweight bout..

Nyob rau hauv 4-round bouts:

Robert Ramos (1-3-1, 1 KO) ntawm Allentown, PA yuav tua Ismael Serrano (2-1) ntawm Npelehees, PA nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav bout.

Desmond Moore ntawm Npelehees, PA yuav tua Mike Heffilfinger ntawm Pennsylvania nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm Featherweight pro debuter tus.

Carlos Gongora (1-0, 1 KO) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav thawv Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 KO lub) ntawm Tlaxcala, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug teeb Heavyweight yi.

Chris Colbert (1-0, 1 KO) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav tua Antwan Robertson (9-14-1, 6 KO lub) ntawm Minneapolis, MN nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Bantamweight bout.

Antonio DuBose (7-0, 2 KO lub) ntawm Philadelphia yuav tua Yexus Lule (7-12-1, 1 KO) ntawm Fort Myers, IBCE nyob rau hauv ib tug Featherweight bout.

Daim pib no yog luv nqi ntawm $100, $75 thiab $50 thiab muaj peev xwm yuav tau hauv ticketmaster thiab

Lub 1 sib ntau sib tw yuav pib thaum 6:45 PM nrog lub qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 6 PM.

Tus yeeb yam yuav tsum tshwm nyob rau

Canada lub Tony Luis Txheej rau nplhaib Rov qab rau hnub Friday, Lub rau hli ntuj 26, ntawm Seneca Niagara Resort & Twv txiaj yuam pov thiab Nyob rau CBS Cov kev ua si Network


Tom qab ib tug zoo tig raws li ib tug televised boxing commentator, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada lub Tony “Xob Laim” Luis yog teem rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv lub co-featured bout ntawm “Championship Boxing rau CBS kev ua si Network”, teem rau Friday, Lub rau hli ntuj 26, 2015, los ntawm lub Seneca Niagara Resort & Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Niagara Falls, New York.

Nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj kev sib ntaus vim nws heev muaj teeb meem “tsis” mus ces tus Derry Matthews rau lub WBA ntiaj teb Championship xeem lub Plaub Hlis, WBA # 14-nyob Luis yuav fim New York (ntawm cov koom pheej Dominican) qub tub rog Edward Valdez (13-10-2, 3 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-rounder.

Daim pib rau “Championship Boxing rau CBS kev ua si Network” yog luv nqi ntawm $35 thiab $45, thiab ringside zaum yog $75 thiab yuav tsum tau muas nrog ib tug loj credit card los ntawm kev hu mus rau Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000, online ntawm los yog los ntawm lub Seneca Niagara Twv txiaj yuam pov Box Office: 716-501-2444.

Los ntawm Greg Cohen Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Adas Wilcock lub sib ntaus Card Promotions, Vito Mielnicki lub GH3 Promotions, Dmitriy Salita lub Star Ntawm David Promotions thiab tsim los ntawm David Schuster lub Khiav Noj Tag nrho Productions, lub hmo 10-round ntsiab kev tshwm sim yuav feature WBA #11- thiab IBF # 6-nyob Dennis “Nag xob nag cua” Hogan (21-0-1, 7 Kos) ntawm Queensland, Australia (ntawm Kildare, Ireland) ua tus thawj tiv thaiv ntawm nws WBA-NABA US Super Welterweight Championship tiv thaiv zos nyiam Kenny Abril (14-7-1, 7 Kos) ntawm Rochester, New York.

“Kev kawm yog mus zoo!” hais tias ib tug upbeat-sounding Luis. “Edward Valdez yog ib tug tawv, seasoned veteran uas yuav surprise leej twg yog tias koj pw tsaug zog nyob rau hauv nws. Nws muab Ivan Redkach yim nyuaj rounds thiab hais tias yog lub Valdez kuv npaj rau.”

Luis tau ib tug zoo txoj hauj lwm nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj txoj hauj lwm raws li xim commentator. Nws tau ua hauj lwm Kayode vs. Kisner tshaj tawm hauv xov los ntawm Beale Street lub hli tas los. “Lub commentating gig nyob rau hauv Memphis yog ib tug zoo kev. Kuv yeej ib txwm xav tias txoj hauj lwm raws li ib tug me nyuam yaus thiab nws muaj zoo li kuv twb tau ua nws tag nrho kuv lub neej. Kuv kawm tau ntau heev thiab enjoyed kuv tus kheej thiab saib rau pem hauv ntej rau ua nws dua nyob rau hauv lub neej yav tom ntej.”

Ib tug nrov duab nyob rau hauv nws hometown thiab thoob plaws hauv nws ib txwm nyob Canada, Luis kuj ntxiv hais tias nws yog tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau ib tug muaj zog qhia los ntawm nws countrymen, raws li Niagara Falls yog ib tug heev luv luv deb ntawm Canada.

“Sib ntaus sib tua nyob ze ze rau lub Canadian ciam teb kuv tabtom hoping rau ib tug zoo turnout los ntawm kuv cov khub Canadian ntawm UFW! Kuv npaj rau muab nyob rau hauv ib tug zoo qhia rau lawv thiab lub teb chaws TV viewers. Kuv vam thiab cia siab lub dag lub zog ntawm qhov no ua tau zoo yuav tshoob kuv mus rau lwm lub ntiaj teb no title sib ntaus thiab lub sij hawm no kuv npaj nyob rau hauv kev noj lub siv tsev.”

Thiab nyob rau hauv ob qho tshwj xeeb ntxiv nta, American heavyweight knockout artist Jarrell “Loj Tus me nyuam” Miller (13-0-1, 10 Kos) yuav rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib xwb 22 hnub tom qab nws lub ntsiab-kev tshwm sim TKO 2 tshaj Damon McCreary tau noj nyob rau hauv zos Slugger Excell Holmes ntawm Twm nyob rau hauv ib tug rau-rounder; thiab ntev-lub sij hawm sab saum toj middleweight contender “Txhais tau hais tias” Joe Greene (25-1, 16 Kos) yuav rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib rau thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv ntau tshaj li ob lub xyoos rau lub ntsej muag Michigan lub txiv leej tub nyob rau hauv Packer ib tug rau-rounder.

Nyob rau hauv lub undercard, ob lub zos cov prospects yuav ua rau lawv pro debuts, raws li Rochester, New York super featherweight Hashuan Sambolin yuav mus nws thawj plaub tiv thaiv Cincinnati lub Mikha-ee; thiab twm sib Daniel DeJesus yuav ua kom nws debut tiv thaiv TBA.And pub muab kwv yees qhov kev txiav txim, Kazakhstan lub undefeated Bakhtiyer Eubov yuav saib kom nws zoo meej 5-0, 5 Kos cov ntaub ntawv lawm tiv thaiv New York welterweight Jason Thompson (5-10-4, 4 Kos).




Lub Seneca Niagara Twv txiaj yuam pov & Hotel yog nyob rau ntawm 310 4th Street nyob rau hauv Niagara Falls, New York. Yog xav paub ntxiv, hu 716.299.1100, los yog mus Cov twv txiaj yuam pov chaw ua hauj lwm yog qhib los ntawm 12pm- 8pm Tshav-Thurs. & 12pm – 12 yog Friday & Saturday thiab yog nyob rau hauv lub caij Khoom plig kav nyob rau hauv sab qaum teb tis ntawm cov twv txiaj yuam pov. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv Greg Cohen Promotions, mus ntsib los yog mus saib peb tawm nyob rau hauv Facebook GCPBoxing

Hais txog Greg Cohen Promotions


Ib tug ntawm boxing premier promotional outfits, Greg Cohen Promotions (GCP) yog ib tug zoo-hwm lub npe rau staging world-class kev boxing cov txheej xwm thiab kev qhia cov neeg tseem ceeb kev tua hluav taws thoob plaws hauv lub ntiaj teb no.


Tus tsim thiab CEO Greg Cohen tau muab kev koom tes nrog kev boxing nyob rau hauv ntau yam ntawv Tuition Waiver txij li thaum lub caij 1980s, honing nws khoom siv tes ua thiab tsim kom muaj nws tus kheej raws li ib tug shrewd thoob ntiaj teb boxing businessman.


Txawv los ntawm nws muaj peev xwm pom tej thiab tsim nyoos txuj ci, Cohen ua muaj nuj nqis rau nws cov kws muaj txuj kev taw qhia ntawm, cov ntau lwm tus neeg, yav tas los WBA Junior Middleweight zus Austin “Tsis muaj ntseeg” Trout, uas Cohen pab qhia los ntawm tsis paub hais tias New Mexico zeem muag rau cov neeg tseem ceeb them-ib-saib theem superstar.


Nyob rau hauv Ntxiv nrog rau qhov trout, Greg Cohen Promotions tau ua hauj lwm nrog tsim npe xws li yav tas los unified thiab ob-lub sij hawm Heavyweight yeej Hasim “Pob Zeb” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 Kos); thiab tag nrho cov sij hawm-zoo ntau-ceeb thawj hoob kawm ntiaj teb no yeej James “Teeb Out” Toney (74-7-3, 45 Kos).


Tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob contenders nyob rau hauv lub GCP roster xws li Arash Usmanee, universally pom zoo raws li ib tug saum-10 super featherweight; yav tas los WBA International Middleweight yeej thiab ntiaj teb no-nyob Middleweight contender Jarrod Fletcher; sab saum toj-nyob featherweight Joel Brunker; cruiserweight Lateef Kayode; Canadian sib thiab TV txiav txim hero Tony Luis, thiab WBA thiab tsib-lub sij hawm Irish National Amateur zus, Dennis Hogan; thiab Rising Welterweight nov ntawm nqaij tawv Cecil McCalla.


Greg Cohen Promotions tau tuav world-class boxing cov txheej xwm nyob rau hauv lub finest venues thoob plaws hauv lub tebchaws United States thiab lub ntiaj teb thiab kuj tau hais khov kho muab txuj ci thiab / los yog cov ntsiab lus rau ob peb TV tes hauj lwm xws li HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Cov kev ua si Network, CBS kev ua si Network, MSG thiab HMA LIAB Cov kev ua si Net.

Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus ntsib Nrhiav peb rau hauv Facebook Twoo: GCPBoxing.

Mammoth 17 sib ntaus card theem nqi rau cov nyiaj


Josh Goodwin rau Goodwin kev ua si txhawb nqa kawg Goodwin card ntawm lub caij nrog ib lub qhov ncauj ywg dej 17 sib ntaus daim card "Independence Day" nyob rau hauv York Hall nyob 4th Lub Xya hli ntuj 2015.

Nyob rau hauv raug Goodwin zam ib tug nqi rau cov nyiaj card rau cov kiv cua pib ntawm 5pm thiab yog tsis yuav tsum tau tas mus txog rau thaum ze li ntawm Ib tag hmo.

Sab saum toj ntawm cov nqi yog cov eagerly awaited rematch ntawm Freddie Turner (yas dhos) thiab Kris Agyei-sab laj (Challenger) rau lub yav qab teb cheeb tsam teeb-Middleweight title. Lub sib ntaus mus txog ib tug unsatisfactory xaus thawj lub sij hawm nyob ib ncig ntawm tom qab lub referee adjudicated muaj twb tau ib tug yuam clash ntawm hau. Qhov no rov qab match yuav xaiv tej yam uas tawm ib zaug thiab rau tag nrho cov.

Cov kev pab txhawb nqa rau cov npe no sib ntaus yog koj.

Txhua leej txhua tus hlub Heavyweight boxing thiab tus yeeb yam muaj ob Heavyweight bouts.

AJ Carter (6-1) rov los rau lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv ib tug tshiab tus kws qhia, Richard Williams, tab tom nrhiav kom rov tsim kom muaj nws tus kheej raws li ib tug loj heev contender.

Dominic Akinlade yog unbeaten nyob rau hauv peb fights thiab zoo los tsim kom tau momentum ntawm nws lub npe dee.

“Cov Tshuab” Rakeem "lub Noble" Ashaye muaj 8 yeej los ntawm 8 kev sib tw thiab yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv uas nws toughest xeem rau hnub tim thaum nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv teak tawv Lee Connelly tshaj 8 rounds.

Tilbury lub Matt McCarthy tau yeej 11 los ntawm 12 bouts thiab yog kaw nyob rau hauv yav qab teb nyob rau hauv Cheeb Tsam / Askiv npe. Matt muaj ib tug 8 puag ncig International contest.

Yav tas los rau yav qab teb cheeb tsam title challenger thiab tam sim no British Masters zus Ryan “Crash Bang” Taylor zoo kom muaj nws 100% cov ntaub ntawv txij li thaum kos npe rau nrog lub Goodwin thiab tsiv mus teeb-Welterweight. Ryan yog kaw nyob rau hauv nyob rau hauv lwm qhov chaw los yog lus Askiv title txhaj tshuaj thiab yuav siv sij hawm ib feem nyob rau hauv ib tug 6 puag ncig International contest nyob rau ntawm nws qhov hnyav tshiab.

Heev Cruiserweight Biola Kudus 2 fights ob yeej 2 stoppages muaj nws thib peb them contest. Txhob blink!

Matchroom qub Aba zus Reece Belotti muaj nws ob them contest nyob rau hauv lub Super-Featherweight division.

Yav tas los rau yav qab teb cheeb tsam title challenger Jack “13” Morris muaj ib tug teeb-Heavyweight contest nyob rau hauv kev npaj rau nws dabtsi ntsiv contest rau lub yav qab teb cheeb tsam title.

“Superman” Louie Darling 1-0 muaj nws ob lub kev contest xa me nyuam rov mus cia rau Cruiserweight. Nws ntsib Preston tus tawv Paul Morris.

Ob tug ntawm cov teb chaws saum Cruiserweight zeem muag ua kom lawv kev debuts Ossie Jervier thiab Nick Parpa, tiv thaiv unconfirmed tw.

Txhua leej txhua tus yog tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau lub debut ntawm yav tas los pib xyaum ua lub hnub qub Ollie Pattison ntawm teeb-Heavyweight. Ollie kawm los ntawm nws tus txiv Mark yog tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau kev qhia tau tias nws yuav ua tau ib tug quab yuam nyob rau hauv nws division.

Lwm exciting debutant yog Bradley Smith los ntawm Cambridge. Bradley yog ib tug exceptional pib xyaum ua thiab yuav xav ua kom impress nws pab tub rog ntawm cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv nws Super-Featherweight debut.

Hemel Hempstead lub Mickey Diggin ua nws tus kheej ib tug loj lub koob npe nrov yog cov tsis them nyiaj ibyam thiab ua rau nws pro debut nyob rau hauv ib tug 4 puag ncig Super-Featherweight contest.

Thaum kawg cov exciting Scott Douglas yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv tam sim no British Masters zus James Conroy ntawm Super-Middleweight.

Yuav ua li cas ib hmo mus kaw lub Goodwin boxing lub caij.

Daim pib yuav raug muas ntawm


Saib cov xovxwm sablaj no








Sammy Vasquez Yeej nkaus-packed Slugfest Nyob Wale Omotoso

Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing Champions

Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions

Las Vegas (Lub rau hli ntuj 21, 2015) – Rances “Kid Blast” Barthelemy (23-0, 13 Kos) yeej thiab poob Antonio DeMarco (31-5-1, 23 Kos) rau nws txoj kev mus rau ib tug dav unanimous 10-round kev txiav txim siab nyob rau hauv Premier Boxing Champions rau CBS Sunday tav su nyob rau MGM Grand vaj Arena li pab txhawb ntawm cov kev tshwm sim thiab Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm Mayweather Promotions Floyd “Nyiaj” Mayweather saib los ntawm tus thawj kab.


Barthelemy muaj zog nyob rau hauv nws 140-phaus debut, tsaws nrog nws sab laug tes los ntawm txhua lub, xws li ib tug ncaj sab laug uas khob qhov rooj DeMarco cia nyob rau hauv lub plaub puag ncig. Barthelemy tswj qhov kev sib ntaus, yeej tsis tas cov southpaw DeMarco rau kev nce mus saum kev loj li lub siab los yog tsaws dab tsi tseem ceeb.


Txawm tias raug rho tawm ib tug taw tes nyob rau hauv lub cuaj puag ncig, Barthelemy yeej los ntawm qhov qhab nia ntawm 99-89 rau tag nrho peb cov txiav txim’ scorecards.


Nyob rau hauv lub televised opener, Sammy “Lub Sergeant” Vasquez (19-0, 13 Kos) yog heev ceev thiab tibneeg hu tauj coob rau qhov hnyav fisted Wale “Muaj hmoo Tub” Omotoso (25-2, 21 Kos) raws li nws yeej ib unanimous 10-round kev txiav txim siab los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 98-92 nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov scorecards.


Vasquez tau txais tawm mus rau ib tug ceev ceev pib winning rau hauv thawj peb rounds los ntawm kev siv ib tug nruj southpaw style kom xa heev heev ob peb ua ke rau lub taub hau thiab lub cev. Omotoso yog nws thiaj li tau mus qeeb Vasquez ib tug me ntsis nrog ib tug muaj zog offensive tso zis thiab muaj zog txee.


Txawm tias cov ntshav pouring down tshaj nws lub ntsej muag, Vasquez tiav lawm muaj zog rub deb. . Vasquez tawm-tsaws Omotoso 162-134 thaum tsaws 50 feem pua ​​ntawm cov nws lub hwj chim punches, ib CompuBox.


RANCES Barthélemy


“Kuv ua hauj lwm nyuaj heev nrog kuv tus kws qhia los npaj rau no sib ntaus thiab hais tias kev npaj pab kuv ntes DeMarco nyob rau hauv lub plaub puag ncig thiab kuv poob nws.


“Kuv sab laug pab kuv heev hmo no. Kuv nyob yeej muaj tseeb rau cov Cuban boxing tsev kawm ntawv, thiab thaum twg kuv pom ib tug qhib kuv txawb lwm tus txhais tes rau kom nws guessing.


“Kuv foom koob hmoov rau yuav tsum nyob rau hauv cov chaw no. Los ntawm ib tug impoverished upbringing nyob rau hauv teb chaws Cuba mus sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv ib tug PBC card rau CBS yog unbelievable.


“Kuv xav Omar Figueroa tom ntej no. Nws yuav zoo li ib tug niaj hnub version ntawm Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo.”




“Kuv twb tos rau counter thiab nws tsaws ib tug muaj zog sab laug nyob rau hauv lub plaub thaum kuv mus down.


“Kuv tiv thaiv kuv sib ntaus thiab kuv style. Ib tug muaj rau kawm tau li cas rau lis poob, thiab nws yog ib lub zoo fighter hmo no.


“Qhov no yog ib tug zoo lub caij nyoog nyob rau hauv CBS, tiam sis hmoov tsis peb tsis muaj peev xwm ua kom tiav peb lub hom phiaj.


“Txoj cai tam sim no kuv cia li xav mus tsev rau kuv tsev neeg. Kuv tsis paub dab tsi ntxiv. Kuv yuav xav nyuaj txog seb puas yuav so num lawm los yog mus sib ntaus sib tua.”




“Wale tus ib tug tawv competitor. Obviously kuv tsis tau soj ntsuam kuaj li no yav tas los.


“Kuv lub hom phiaj yog cia li mus thawv nws, txav nyob ib ncig ntawm thiab tsis cia nws ntaus kuv vim hais tias kuv paub nws muaj lub hwj chim uas nws cov ntaub ntawv qhia tau hais tias. Nws ntaus hom nyuaj, tab sis nws tsis yog txhua yam uas kuv tsis tau pom ua ntej.


“Kuv paub kuv tau nws raug mob nyob rau hauv lub cuaj thaum kuv kev cob cog rua rau ib tug khoom cev txhaj tshuaj.


“Kuv nqa Pittsburgh thiab Monessen rau kuv rov qab. Kuv xav yuav sib ntaus sib tua muaj, tab sis Las Vegas yog lub Mecca ntawm boxing thiab tag nrho cov greats tau tiv thaiv no. Kuv muaj ib tug zoo siab sib ntaus sib tua style thiab kuv nyiam mus nqa rau kuv tus nrog sib ntaus li kuv showcased hnub no. Kuv vam thiab cia siab hais tias kuv tsim ib co ntau kiv cua uas xav ua raws li kuv.


“Nrog txhua leej txhua tus menyuam nyob rau hauv CBS no yog ib qho zoo kawg lub sij hawm rau kuv thiab kuv ua hauj lwm. Kuv xav ua tsaug rau tag nrho cov kiv cua uas saib pab kuv loj hlob kuv kiv cua puag.


“Nws yog txaus mus tua rau txiv hnub. Kuv txiv tau kuv caj qaum los ntawm heev thaum pib. Kuv pib boxing vim hais tias kuv twb tau thab. Peb twb muaj ib co teeb meem nyob rau hauv qhov kev ua si, thiab txhua yam kuv twb tau nrog kuv ob tug tours ntawm Iraq. Nws yog ib txwm tau kuv caj qaum thiab kuv ces cia li foom koob hmoov rau kom muaj nws nyob rau hauv kuv lub ces kaum.


“Kuv tsis paub tias dab tsi tom ntej no tsis tau. Kuv tsis muaj ib txog kev tus nrog sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub siab thiab kuv tsis xav kom hu rau leej twg tawm. Beating Wale zoo, tab sis peb yuav rov qab mus rau lub kos duab board thiab xav txog leej twg yog tawm muaj rau kuv.”




“Kuv xav tias nws yog ib tug los ze zog sib ntaus, tab sis hais tias yog lub tsev hais plaub’ txoj hauj lwm. Nws yog ib tug zoo sib ntaus tseeb.


“Kuv twb ua phem rau nws nrog cov sab laug jab thiab ntau yam kev nyuaj cai. Uas yog vim li cas nws los ntshav.


“Nws ntes tau kuv nrog ib tug zoo txoj cai, tab sis kuv twb tsis mob. Nws yog ntse nws sab laug ho thiab khaws cia rau kuv ib tug me ntsis tawm tshuav nyiaj li cas.


“Qhov no yog ib tug zoo lub sij hawm rau kuv. Nws yog zoo raug thiab cov neeg yuav paub kuv tam sim no.


“Kuv mam li sib ntaus leej twg lawv xav kom muab tso nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm kuv.


“Kuv xav mus xav ib Happy txiv hnub rau tag nrho cov txiv tawm muaj thiab ib tug zoo siab txiv hnub rau kuv tus tub. Kuv hlub nws heev li.”


Lub card tau nce los ntawm Mayweather Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog TGB Promotions.


Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas thiab raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, MayweatherPromo , TGBPromotions ThiabMGMGrand thiab ua ib cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv Facebook ntawm thiab los yog