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Peb sab saum toj zeem muag nyob rau hauv Cov kev ua si Yeej Management banner rau zaub no Saturday nyob rau hauv Michigan


New York(Lub Xya hli ntuj 16, 2015)–Qhov no Saturday at the Warren Valley Golf and Banquet Center in Warren, Michigan, Three prized fighters under the Victory Sports & Lom ze tswj banner yuav muab rau cov zaub.
Undefeated Hnav, Sonny Fredrickson yuav tsum nyob rau hauv txiav txim tawm tsam tawv qub tub rog Marteze Logan nyob rau hauv 6-round bout.

Undefeated Featherweight Tyler McCreary yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv John Willoughby nyob rau hauv ib tug 4-round bout.

Tsis tas li ntawd Cleveland lub Yaundale Evans will be making his return to the ring against Dwayne Wisdom in a 6-round Super Featherweight bout.

Fredrickson ntawm Toledo, Ohio thiab txhawb los ntawm Roc teb chaws kev ua si muaj ib tug zoo meej cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 9-0 with six knockouts and is coming off a 2nd round stoppage on June 20 nyob rau hauv Oakland, California over Juan Santiago. Uas bout yog ib feem ntawm Roc teb chaws tus Andre Ward- Paul Smith card.

It has been difficult to find opponents opponents willing to step in the ring with the 21 year-old Fredrickson as his combination of size and power has most opponents reluctant to face him.

McCreary, kuj ntawm Toledo, Ohio thiab kuj txhawb los ntawm Roc teb chaws kev ua si muaj ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 5-0 nrog 5 knockouts. He will be taking on the the 30-fight veteran Willoughby of Selma, Alabama.

Tyler McCreary

McCreary yog los tawm ib tug 1 puag ncig stoppage tshaj Donny Miller rau Tej zaum 8
is looking to make another statement as this most likely will be his last four-round bout.

Evans yuav ua kom nws thawj lub nplhaib zoo li nyob rau hauv cia li tshaj peb-xyoo. Nws muaj ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 16-1 nrog 12 knockouts.

Tom qab kev txom nyem nws tus thawj tsis Javier Fortuna, Evans had promotional and managerial issues that kept him sidelined. Now that he is signed with Victory Sports he is planning to get active again and get back on track as prospect to keep an eye on in the Jr. Featherweight and Featherweight divisions.

Hais Rick Torres, Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm yeej Cov kev ua si, “Victory Sports is excited to have 3 of our fighters in action this Saturday. Each fighter brings a unique set of skills to the ring, from the raw power of Sonny Fredrickson to the blazing speed of Tyler McCreary. Tsis tas li ntawd, Yuandale Evans is a fighter everyone was taking note of until he was sidelined. We are excited to get him in the ring so that he can show the world that he is back better than ever.

Yeej kev ua si & Lom ze yog ib tug tshiab khiv tsim kis las tswj tuam txhab uas chaw ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv New York thiab Las Vegas. Founded by noted boxing attorney Rick Torres and boxing trainer Michael Leanardi, Victory has steadily built an impressive stable of young prospects that it is grooming for future stardom. Yeej kev ua si’ website yog

Churcher Npaj Rau Tsov rog tiv thaiv McEwan Nyob rau lub yim hli ntuj 15th

Ib tug lub qhov ncauj ywg domestic clash, nruab nrab ntawm Newport lub Lee Churcher thiab Edinburgh lub Craig McEwan, yog teem rau feature nyob rau hauv lub undercard ntawm tus tom ntej Thomas Melville lub Colloseum Promotions LUB Comeback tshwm sim nyob rau hauv lub pas dej Leisure Centre nyob rau hauv Paisley, Scotland rau hnub Saturday 15th Lub yim hli ntuj 2015, uas yog headlined los ntawm lub Craig Docherty-Michael Kelly WBU ntiaj teb Super Welterweight Championship showdown.


Churcher (12-3-1), uas ruaj lub BBBofC Welsh cheeb tsam title nrog ib tug cuaj puag ncig stoppage kov yeej Barrie Jones nyob rau hauv 2012, tab sis yeej tsis tau txais los mus tiv thaiv nws ua ntej switching siab rau lub MBC, los rau hauv lub sib ntaus tawm ib tug rau yeej streak.


Nws tus nrog sib ntaus, McEwan (22-4-1) yuav ua nws thawj lub tsev zoo li txij li thaum rov qab los ntawm America, qhov uas nws tiv thaiv nrad lwm tus lub ntiaj teb no Champions Andy Lee thiab Peter Quillin.


Rau ntawm daim ntawv lub bout zoo teem kom tau ib tug stormer li ob protagonists yog heev npaum li cas 'nres yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws daim ntawv kws muaj txuj ci' minded, li thiaj li hais tias ib tug xov tooj ntawm on-line pundits tau mooted hais tias qhov no yog yuav mus yuav ib tug tawm thiab tawm ntiv taw-mus-ntiv taw tsov rog, heev npaum li cas nyob rau hauv ib tug zoo xws li cov vain rau cov classic battles ntawm Arturo Gatti thiab Mickey Ward rov qab nyob rau hauv 2002/3.


Ib tug tsheb ciav hlau uas yog kev xav uas zoo tsom iav Churcher tus kheej, raws li tau ua kom meej thaum nws hais lus ua ntej lawm.


"Qhov no yog ib tug loj heev kev sib ntaus rau kuv, Kuv yeej nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau sib ntaus sib tua nws, nws yog tawv thiab ib tug loj Puncher, npaum li cas zoo li kuv tiag tiag.


Cov no yog cov hom ntawm fights tiag tiag fighters xav, nyuaj rau muab tso rau nws mob me, fights zoo li no yog ua rau cov loj lub sij hawm thiab lawv tsis tau loj ntau dua no, zoo nyob rau hauv Scotland uas tseeb, muaj lub Craig Docherty-Michael Kelly title sib ntaus headlining thiab Scott Harrison yuav tau ua nws rov qab nyob rau hauv lub qhia tau tias dhau.


Uas hais tias, Kuv xav tias peb yuav muaj tej kev sib ntaus tus kiv cua yuav tham txog feem ntau, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tom qab, Nws mus yuav ib tug tsov rog nyob rau hauv muaj.


Yeah nws tau nyob rau hauv nrog ib co zoo npe, tab sis hais tias tsis txhob txhawj rau kuv, nws yog ib qho kev xaiv rau kuv, Kuv tsis tau poob, nws yog li yooj yooj yim li uas.


Kuv yuav muab lub sib ntaus rau nws, muaj los yeej, nws sab tes xis muab ib tug ntsoog loj heev tshuab, yog li yuav tsum tsis txhob muab nws rau hauv lub chav yuav siv nws, Kuv twb tau txais kom tau nyob rau hauv muaj thiab muab rau nws ua ntej.


Kuv tsis txhawj xeeb txog lub sij hawm los yog hais tias nws yog nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev turf, OK yog li ntawd kuv yuav tau txais ib tug hostile txais tos, tab sis hais tias yog qhov zoo nrog kuv.


Hais tias muaj yog ib co kiv cua los txog los pab txhawb kuv, obviously nws yog ib tug ntev mus txawv tebchaws rau kuv tus kivcua ntsawj, nws yog ib tug loj heev cov lus rau lawv, Kuv txaus siab rau ntawd thiab yuav tsis ua tsaug rau lawv kom txaus rau koj mus txawv tebchaws tag nrho cov uas txoj kev uas yuav Scotland mus saib kuv tua. "


Lee Churcher vs Craig McEwan nta rau lub undercard ntawm lub Craig Docherty-Michael Kelly ntiaj teb Boxing Union (WBU) Super Welterweight ntiaj teb Championship bout uas muaj nuj nqis lub Thomas Melville lub Colloseum Promotions LUB Comeback tshwm sim nyob rau hauv lub pas dej Leisure Centre nyob rau hauv Paisley, Scotland rau hnub Saturday 15th Lub yim hli ntuj 2015.


Sanctioning rau qhov kev tshwm sim yog courtesy of tus Malta Boxing Commission (MBC)


Daim pib, luv nqi £ 40, £ 50 thiab £ 75 (VIP) yog muaj nyob rau ntawm tej yam ntawm cov boxers noj ib feem los yog hu 07932 069376 thiab yog tseem muaj on-line ntawm


M-1 ntiaj teb no Thawj Tswj Hwm Vadim Finkelchtein: “Fedor sib ntaus sib tua dua yuav yog ib lub zoo khoom plig rau MMA cov kiv cua”

M-1 Global President Vadim Finkelchtein talks about Fedor’s possible match-ups and expectations from his long-awaited return to MMA

(L) Nyob MMA lus dab neeg Fedor Emelianenko thiab M- Ntiaj teb no tus thawj tswj hwm Vadim Finkelchtein

Yog koj xav tsis thoob thaum koj hnov ​​txog Fedor rov qab mus rau kev sib ntaus sib tua?


VF: “Zoo, muaj, Kuv xav tsis thoob. Kuv poob kev cia siab rau nws comeback tom qab ib los yog ob lub xyoos ntawm kev sib khom lus. Kuv cia li ua tsis tau nws. Ib lub sij hawm nws nug kuv hais tias tsis txhob tham txog qhov no ntxiv lawm. Tab sis hais txog ib lub lim tiam dhau los nws hais rau kuv hais tias nws yuav ua ib tug comeback. Kuv yuav tsis ntseeg tias yog dab tsi kuv tau hnov. Kuv twb zoo siab hnov ​​tias, tab sis qhov tiag kev txiav txim siab nws tau tsuas yog ib tug ob peb hnub dhau los.”


Yuav Fedor ntxiv nws ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv Lavxias teb sab MMA Union?


VF: “Yog, Kuv paub hais tias kev sib ntaus yuav tsis ua ib tug cuam tshuam los ntawm nws ncej ntawm Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm MMA Federation.”


Yuav ua li cas Fedor Emelianenko qhia rau koj txog nws tau match-ups thiab tw?


VF: “There’s no definite information yet. The only thing he told me is that he needed to prepare well enough to become as dangerous as he used be. Hlwb, nws yog npaj txhij rau kev sib ntaus; his attitude about fighting is great. I think he has good chance to show the best version of himself.

Yuav ua li cas koj xav txog nws tom ntej no kev sib ntaus? Thaum yuav peb pom nws?

VF: “Kuv yuav qhia tsis tau rau koj raws nraim li txoj cai tam sim no. Kuv yuav nyiam nws ua kom nws thawj kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv Russia, ntawm chav kawm, tab sis qhov no yog tag nrho cov mus rau nws, tom qab tag nrho cov. Tab sis nws yuav ua tau zoo kawg yog tias ua ntej nws yuav ua rau nws rau nws Lavxias teb sab kiv cua. Lawv yuav muaj kev zoo siab.”


Koj yuav ua li peb M-1 ntiaj teb no kev tshwm sim nrog Fedor li cov headliner?

VF: “Kuv xav tias, ntawm chav kawm. Nws yuav txaus ua ib tug qhia tau tias nyob rau hauv “Olimpiyskiy” zoo li peb tau thaum nws twb tawm hauv. Uas qhia tau tias sib sau 22,000 saib thiab yog ib tug zoo tam sim no rau tag nrho nws cov kiv cua. Thiab ces nws yuav mus txawv teb chaws. Qhov no yog ntawm cov hoob kawm yog tsuas kuv muaj siab rau tam sim no. Kuv yuav ua hauj lwm rau nws. Tej zaum peb yuav ua rau nws tshwm sim.”


Leej twg ua koj saib raws li nws tom ntej no tus nrog sib ntaus?

VF: “Kuv xav tias tej M-1 heavyweight yuav txais no sib ntaus. Ua tau, nws muaj peev xwm fim tej SAUM heavyweight los ntawm tag nrho cov tshaj lub ntiaj teb no.”


Yuav ua li cas ntev yuav Fedor yuav tau mus tua nyob rau hauv koj lub tswv yim?


VF: “I think for a couple of years, yooj yim.”


Ntaub ntawv


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Lub teeb heavyweight contenders Maro Perak & Viktor Nemkov Yuav tawm xov xwm M-1 Challenge 60 Lub yim hli ntuj 5 nyob rau hauv Orel, Russia

ST. Petersburg, Russia (Lub Xya hli ntuj 15, 2015) – Ib tug khub ntawm yav dhau los M-1 Challenge championship contenders, Brown “Txhais li cas Tshuab” Nyiaj thiab Viktor Nemkov, yuav sib ntaus sib tua Lub yim hli ntuj 5 nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab tshwm sim nyob rau M-1 sib tw 60 nyob rau hauv Orel, Zog ntawm Guj kuj nrog tus khiav tso nws tus kheej rau ib tug tej zaum title txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv M-1 Challenge teeb heavyweight yeej Stephan Puetz..

Nyiaj (R) unsuccesfuly fought Denis Smoldarev for the coveted M-1 Challenge heavyweight title earlier this year

Nyiaj (23-5-1, 12 KO / TKO, 7 Sub), sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Croatia, yog los tawm tawv, kev sib tw fights tiv thaiv ob yam ntawm cov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no heavyweights, lwm yav dhau los M-1 Challenge title challenger, Denis Smoldarev, thiab reigning M-1 sib tw yeej Marcin Tybura.

Qhov no yav tas los ob hlis ntuj rau M-1 sib tw 55, Perak poob los ntawm cuav (txhais caj npab-lock) rau Smoldarev nyob rau hauv lub qhib puag ncig. Perak xwb title sib ntaus rau hnub tim yog Plaub Hlis Ntuj 4, 2014, nyob rau hauv uas nws raug nres nyob rau hauv lub thib peb puag ncig los ntawm Tybura lub punches.

Tom qab nws aforementioned fights, Perak txiav txim siab mus poob rau cia nyob rau hauv hnyav mus tua li ib lub teeb heavyweight. Nws twb teem lub ntsej muag Rashad Yusupov kawg Tej zaum thaum M-1 sib tw 57, Txawm li cas los, ib tug hauv caug phais yuam Perak tawm ntawm uas sib ntaus thiab nws yuav es tsis txhob ua kom nws M-1 teeb heavyweight debut tiv tiag Nemkov. Perak yuav tau nrhiav nws thawj yeej nyob rau hauv M-1 ntiaj teb no kev sib tw, sib ntaus sib tua rau lub sij hawm uas plaub nyob rau hauv ib tug kev tshwm sim los ntawm cov heev respected Lavxias teb sab promotional lub tuam txhab.

Nemkov (nyob rau hauv sab saum toj) muab M-1Challenge teeb heavyweight yeej Stephan Puetz tag nrho nws yuav lis nyob rau hauv lawv cov bout

Ib tug neeg uas Kazakhstan, tam sim no sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Belgorod, Russia, Nemkov (16-8-0, 9 KO / TKO, 4 Sub) vam lub sij hawm peb yog lub povhaum rau nws. Nws tau poob ob M-1 Challenge teeb heavyweight title fights, Lub peb hlis ntuj 14, 2014 toPuetz los ntawm split kev txiav txim siab ntawm M-1 sib tw 46, thiab rov qab nyob rau hauv 2011 rau Vinny Magalhaes los ntawm peb-round cuav (zawm caj pas yog) ntawm M-1 sib tw 25.

Ib tug qub tub rog ntawm 16 M-1 ntiaj teb no sib ntaus (9-7-0), Nemkov tau sidelined yav dhau los 1 ½ xyoo recovering los ntawm ib tug series ntawm kev raug mob.

Nemkov rov qab thiab Perak tus debut raws li ib lub teeb heavyweight ntxiv rau ib tug heev sib ntaus rau hauv txoj cai cam Puetz.

Peb lwm fights tau tshaj tawm no deb M-1 sib tw 60: Sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv Orel. Tag nrho cov sib ntaus thiab tua hluav taws yuav raug hloov, ntxiv bouts yuav sai sai no yuav tau tshaj tawm.

Polish teeb heavyweight Marcin Zontek (14-8-0, 6 KO / TKO, 5 Sub) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Maxim qhia, ntawm Russia, Zulfikar Usmanov (7-4-1, 1 KO / TKO, 4 Sub) ntsej muag Alexey “Assignment” Makhno (9-3-0, 4 KO / TKO, 1 Sub) nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm Lavxias teb sab lightweights, thiab Fabkis bantamweight Moktar Benkaci (11-6-0) raws li Evgeni Lazukov (7-2-0, 1 KO / TKO, 1 Sub), ntawm Russia.

Zontek (14-8-0, 6 KO / TKO, 5 Sub) (pictured mus rau sab laug) npaj ib tug spectacular comeback los ntawm nws 2012 ntshav sib ntaus nrog Sergey Korneev rau cov M-1 Challenge teeb heavyweight title. Zontek yuav tsum tau ntau tshaj li 2 ½ xyoo rau siab rov qab los ntawm nws tsis tab sis nws yeej nws ob fights mus rau hauv nws lub Aug. 5 sib ntaus.

Ib tug ob-lub sij hawm ntaus Sambo yeej thiab European vice-zus, Twj tso kua mis (4-2-0, 4 KO / TKO) yog ib qho exciting fighter uas feem ntau spars nrog Vyacheslav Vasilevky. Futin yog yeej ib txwm nyob rau hauv zoo kawg zoo thiab lub npe hu ua ib qho zoo heev Striker.

Usmanov (pictured hauv qab no tshuav) yog ib tug tej MMA fighter ntawm St. Petersburg.

Ib tug haib Striker, nws tau ob zaug tau muab tsub “Sib ntaus ntawm cov Hmo ntuj” nyiaj tau tshaj. Caij ib tug tsib-sib ntaus yeej streak, Makhno yog ib tug pheej prospect uas nws M-1 Challenge debut twb nrog ib tug sensational knockout kov yeej Rakhman Makhazhiev (pictured hauv qab no txoj cai).

Nyob rau hauv nws feem ntau tsis ntev los no sib ntaus, Benkaci (11-7-0, 3 KO / TKO, 7 Sub) muab Nikita Chistyakovtxhua yam nws yuav lis, albeit nyob rau hauv ib tug tsis los ntawm feem ntau txiav txim. Benkaci (pictured hauv qab no tshuav), uas nws yav dhau los fights tau ntawm featherweight, yog nyob rau hauv ib tug disadvantage sib ntaus sib tua Chistyakov ntawm sib. Thaum M-1 ntiaj teb no launched nws cov bantamweight faib lub hli tas los, poob mus ua ib tug ntau npaum li cas xis ceeb thawj hoob kawm rau nws.

Ib tug xya-lub sij hawm European Universal ntaus yeej, Lazukov (pictured hauv qab no txoj cai) tsom nws tej thaum ntxov, defeating UFC flyweight contender Ua Begautinov thaum lub sij hawm nws tus hluas kev ua hauj lwm.

M-1 sib tw 60 yuav tsum tshwm nyob ntawm Orel nyob rau hauv siab cov lus txhais nyobwww.M1Global.TV. Cas rau cov neeg yuav tsum tau mus saib qhov ua nteg fights thiab cov ntsiab card los txiav rau sau npe rau hauv www.M1Global.TV. Kiv cua yuav saib tag nrho cov ntawm qhov kev txiav txim nyob rau hauv lawv cov computers, raws li zoo raws li nyob rau andriod thiab kua ntse xov tooj thiab cov ntsiav tshuaj.

Sib ntaus Network yuav pa ya M-1 sib tw 60 nyob rau Cablevision lub Zoo TV, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable thiab Armstrong Cable nyob rau hauv lub U.S., raws li zoo raws li nyob rau hauv teb chaws Canada, Roku li thoob plaws North America, thiab thooj plawv nyob rau hauv ntau tshaj li 30 lub teb chaws thoob plaws hauv cov teb chaws Europe, Teb chaws Africa thiab Middle East.



Ntaub ntawv


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Tshiab Hnub thiab Venue rau Rising Star Promotions: Saturday, YIM HLI NTUJ 1 AT VANDETTA BOXING HAUV Vineland, NJ

Rau Tam Sim Tso

Vineland, NJ (Lub Xya hli ntuj 15, 2015)–Vim muaj ib tug teeb meem nrog lub New Jersey Motorsports Park, lub Xya hli ntuj 25 Rising Star Promotions kev tshwm sim muaj tau tsiv mus rau hnub Saturday lub yim hli ntuj 1 ntawm Vendetta Boxing (217 West Txiv duaj Street) nyob rau hauv Vineland, New Jersey.

Hais tias Debbie LaManna ntawm Rising Star Promotions, “Kuv cia li xav mus ua tsaug rau cov neeg nyob rau Vandetta Boxing. Peb muaj ib tug ob peb tsi xam pom tej teeb meem nrog rau cov New Jersey Motorsports Park thiab peb twb muaj hmoo tau pom ib tug zoo venue los host qhov kev tshwm sim.”

Ob tug co-nta yuav tawm xov xwm daim card.

Nyob rau hauv lub rau-round Heavyweight co-feature, John Lennox (13-2, 5 KO lub) ntawm Carteret, New Jersey yuav tua Dan Pasciolla (3-1) ntawm Cib, New Jersey

Nyob rau hauv ib tug 6-round co-feature, Jeff Lentz (5-0, 1 KO) ntawm chaw nres nkoj Lanoka, NJ yuav tua Marlon Brown (4-0, 2 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm undefeated Welterweights.

Nyob rau hauv 4-rounds bouts:

Edgar Flores Philadelphia, PA yuav ua kom nws debut pro tiv thaiv Alshmar Johnson (0-0-1) ntawm Vineland, NJ nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Middleweight bout.

Carlos Rosario (2-1, 1 KO) ntawm Pennsauken, New Jersey yuav noj nyob rau hauv Yausua Arocho (3-10-4, 2 KO lub) ntawm Vineland, NJ nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm South Jersey raws li Lightweights.

Quian Davis ntawm Vineland, New Jersey yuav ua kom nws debut pro tiv thaiv khub pro debuter willy James ntawm Newark, NJ nyob rau hauv ib tug Heavyweight bout.

Mathais Gonzalez (2-0) ntawm Vineland, NJ yuav tua Eddie Edmond (2-4-2, 1 KO) ntawm Newark, NJ nyob rau hauv ib tug Middleweight bout.

Edgar Cortes (1-1) ntawm Vineland, NJ yuav tawm tsam ib tug Arthur Parker (1-13-2, 1 KO) ntawm Lancaster, PA nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Bantamweight sib ntau sib tw.

Zhang Zhilei (4-0, 2 KO lub) ntawm Las Vegas, NV ntawm Zhoukou, Tuam Tshoj yuav saib txiav txim nyob rau hauv ib tug 4-round Heavyweight bout tawm tsam ib tug nrog sib ntaus lub npe hu ua.

Qhov rooj qhib: 5:30 Thawj Tswb 6:00pm
Daim pib: $40 GA & $60 Ringside
Daim pib yuav raug muas hauv internet ntawm



Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Esaiah Gomez / Mayweather Promotions

Las Vegas (Lub Xya hli ntuj 15, 2015) – Yav tas los lub ntiaj teb champion Shumenov Beibu (15-2, 10 Kos) tuav ib lub xov xwm workout thaum ib tug ntiag tug gym nyob rau hauv Las Vegas rau hnub Tuesday raws li nws npaj rau nws Premier Boxing Champions rau NBCSN showdown nrog B.J. Paj (31-1-1, 20 Kos) rau Saturday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 25 nyob ntawm lub Pearl ntawm teg twv txiaj yuam pov Resort nyob rau hauv Las Vegas.


Televised kev pab them nqi pib thaum 9 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. PT nrog ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm undefeated cruiserweights ntawm Jordan Shimmell (19-0, 16 Kos) thiab Isiah Thomas (14-0, 6 Kos).


Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Mayweather Promotions yog luv nqi tom $100.50, $75.50, $50.50, thiab $20.50, ntxiv uas siv nqi, thiab yog muag tam sim no. Daim pib yuav raug muas ntawm los yog los ntawm kev hu mus rau lub chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm Pearl Box 702-994-3200 los yog Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000.


Ntawm no yog dab tsi Shumenov yuav tsum tau hais rau hnub Tuesday:




“B.J. Flores yog ib tug zoo, tawv cruiserweight uas muaj ib tug ntau ntawm zoo. Kuv twb npaj mus tua nrog tej style thiab tawm tsam tej yam style.


“Kuv npaj txhij rau txhua yam nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib thiab kuv xav kom nws ib tug zoo sib ntaus rau lub kiv cua.


Nyob rau kev ua hauj lwm nrog lub taub hau tus kws qhia Ismael Salas rau ib tug thib ob sib ntaus: “Ismael yog tus qhia kuv ua npau suav txog kev sib ntaus. Peb muaj ib tug ntau zoo sib xws nyob rau hauv peb boxing haiv. Kuv kawm nyob rau hauv lub Soviet Union system thiab lub Cuban system uas Ismael qhia yog heev uas zoo sib xws.


“Kuv thiab Ismael muaj zoo Science News for KIDS tam sim ntawd los ntawm cov thawj hnub ntawm kev kawm.


Nyob rau sib ntaus sib tua ntawm cruiserweight: “Tag nrho cov kuv xav txog tau ua qhov hnyav thaum kuv tiv thaiv ntawm 175. Muaj ntau heev nyob rau hauv kev nyuaj siab kuv lub cev kom poob ceeb thawj thiab nws twb tseem rau kuv psychologically vim hais tias tag nrho cov kuv xav txog yog poob phaus.


“Tam sim no, raws li ib tug cruiserweight, Kuv tsis muaj teeb meem ua qhov hnyav. Yog tsis muaj kev nyuaj siab ntawm tag nrho cov.”


Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas, thiab,follow rau TwitterPremierBoxing, Beibut_Shumenov, BJFloresBoxing, MayweatherPromo, NBCSports, and @PearlAtPalms and become a fan on Facebook at, thiab

NTIAJ TEB SERIES NTAWM sib ntaus sib tua tshwm sim POB pawg ntseeg thiab Andreas SPANG

Las Vegas (Lub Xya hli ntuj 15, 2015) -World Championship Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) nce qib ntiaj teb Series ntawm Sib ntaus ( tshaj tawm hnub no hais tias nws tau nthuav nws cov roster dua nrog cov kos npe rau ntawm ob tug tshiab ncaws pob - xim liab-kub featherweight (145 phaus) Adas Ward thiab sib ntaus sib tua-kuaj, teeb heavyweight (205 phaus) finisher Andreas "Qab zib Swede" Spang- Mus kom, multi-sib ntaus ntawv cog lus.

"Peb zoo siab heev zoo siab txais tos Adas thiab Andreas - ob txhoj puab heev thiab exciting competitors uas nws cov hauj lwm nyob rau ntawm lub upswing - mus rau lub sai expanding WSOF roster ntawm lub ntiaj teb no-chav kawm txuj ci,"Hais tias WSOF Thawj Tswj Hwm Leej Txiv Chiefs.

Pawg ntseeg thiab Spang lub WSOF debuts yuav muab tshaj tawm sai.

Lub 29-xyoo-laus Ward (15-6) ntawm Chicago, Mob. yog ib tug ntau yam thiab muaj menyuam coob coob competitor uas yog nyob rau hauv lub midst ntawm ib tug rau-sib ntaus yeej streak sib tam rov qab mus rau Cuaj Hli Ntuj Tim. 27, 2013 thaum lub Gilbert grappling pab neeg ua ceev ua hauj lwm ntawm Pedro Velasco, xa Velasco nrog ib tug rear-liab qab caj pas nyob rau hauv cia li 46 vib nas this.

Nyob rau hauv nws cov nag pib, Pawg ntseeg khwv tau ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj Strikeforce qub tub rog Rey "Lub Warrior" Trujillo.

Spang (9-3) yog ib tug 36-xyoo-laus ib txwm nyob ntawm Sweden uas nyob rau hauv Las Vegas thiab u nyob rau hauv "Ib tug Kick" Nick Blomgren. A former amateur boxer who amassed a career record of 15-5, Spang kuj dabbled nyob rau hauv kev kickboxing qhov uas nws tau mus 1-0 rau ib zaug zoo Japanese kickboxing qib, K-1.

Rau hnub tim, Spang tus zoo tshaj plaws conquest yog tej zaum nws ob puag ncig (3:34) KO (punch) ntawm Brian “The Professional Predator” Rogers on Plaub Hlis Ntuj 20, 2012. When he enters the WSOF cage for the first time, Spang yuav tau nrhiav rau thais nws ob ncaj yeej tom qab ua haujlwm tau nyiaj ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab dua J.A. Dudley on Dec. 5, 2014.

Hais txog “Lub ntiaj teb no Series ntawm Sib ntaus” (WSOF)
“Lub ntiaj teb no Series ntawm Sib ntaus” (WSOF) yog ib lub ntiaj teb dav premier kev Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sib ntaus qib siab rau delivering zoo tshaj plaws nkaus-packed fights rau kev sib ntaus kiv cua los ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws tau match-ups ntawm cov neeg tseem ceeb tua hluav taws los ntawm ib ncig lub ntiaj teb no. Yog xav paub ntxiv, thov mus xyuas Ua raws li cov “Lub ntiaj teb no Series ntawm Sib ntaus” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries thiab “Lub ntiaj teb no Series ntawm Sib ntaus” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.


Lewiston, Maine (Lub Xya hli ntuj 15, 2015) - Tshiab England Fights (NEF), America lub xov tooj-ib regional sib ntaus qib, yuav tuav nws puas tawm mixed martial--kawm (MMA) kev tshwm sim, “NEF XIX,” nyob rau hnub Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12, 2015 nyob rau Androscoggin txhab nyiaj Colisée nyob rau hauv Lewiston, Maine. Nyuam qhuav pib hnub no, the promotion announced the addition of a professional bout to the fight card. Tollison Lewis (0-4) tau kos npe rau lub ntsej muag “Shatterproof 2.0” Derek Shorey (2-2) ntawm ib tug sib ntaus luj ntawm 150-phaus. NEF further announced that Lewis had signed a long term, multi-sib ntaus daim ntawv cog lus nrog rau lub tuam txhab.


Tom qab ib tug lengthy pib xyaum ua hauj lwm uas pom nws lwv nyob rau hauv lub tawb tsug kaum peb lub sij hawm, Tollison Lewis got off to a slow start in his professional career. He has been known throughout his career to take the toughest fights he can find, thiab Lewis plaub losses tau tag nrho cov tuaj nyob rau hauv ob txhais tes ntawm fighters uas tam sim no muaj cov ntaub ntawv yeej, nrog ib tug ua ke yeej-tsis tally ntawm 16-6. Last fall, ntawm NEF thawj boxing kev tshwm sim, Lewis defeated veteran boxer John Webster (8-7-1) after taking the bout on just a day’s notice. With a brand new NEF contract in tow, ib tug me nyuam nyob rau hauv txoj kev, thiab ib tug respite los ntawm kev ua si nawv qab nws, Lewis will now look to carry his success from the NEF boxing ring over to the MMA cage. The 150-pound catchweight will be the first step in Lewis’s transition from the lightweight to featherweight division.


“Thawj zaug off kuv xav ua tsaug rau NEF rau lub sij hawm dua,” hais tias Lewis. “Kuv twb tau nyob rau hauv ib tug so ntev nrog kuv tus me nyuam ntxhais nyob rau hauv txoj tau npaj rau txiv, tab sis kuv rov qab tam sim no. I’m super excited for this fight and also making my way down in weight. Shorey yog ib tug tawv txiv leej tub thiab kuj heev txoj neeg. He’s as dangerous as any man who steps in that cage. I’ll be ready and I know he will be coming hard and dangerous with bad intentions behind everything and when that cage door closes, nws yog tsis muaj phooj ywg – nws yog tag nrho cov ua lag ua luam. Be ready Derek, vim hais tias kuv yuav tsum. Let’s give these fans a show and test ourselves to the limit.


Qhov tus tsim thiab lub taub hau ntawm lub Shatterproof ntaus Club, Derek Shorey is looking to bounce back from what he considers the worst loss of his career. Tseeb, Jeremy DiChiara (2-0) unleashed ib offensive barrage rau Shorey ntawm “NEF XVIII” last month that resulted in a first-round stoppage. Like Lewis, Shorey is also an NEF-signed athlete. Also like Lewis, Shorey yog tab tom nrhiav rau muab NEF kiv cua ib tug qhia tau tias yuav tau nco ntsoov thaum “NEF XIX.”


“Qhov no yog ib tug sib ntaus kuv twb pom los thiab kuv twb xav kom ib tug ntev lub sij hawm,” Hais Shorey. “Tollison yuav tsis rov qab cia, thiab nws tsis yog ntshai tau ntaus. I’m coming off the worst performance of my career, thiab kuv tsev neeg, cov phooj ywg thiab cov kiv cua tsim nyog zoo dua li ntawd. I’m excited to get in there and mix it up with Lewis and give the NEF fans the best performance of my career.


Tshiab England Fights’ tom ntej no cov kev tshwm sim, “NEF XIX,” yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw nyob rau Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12, 2015 nyob rau Androscoggin txhab nyiaj Colisée nyob rau hauv Lewiston, Maine. Daim pib rau “NEF XIX” pib ntawm cia li $25 thiab yog muag tam sim no nyob los yog los ntawm hu rau Colisée chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm207.783.2009 x 525. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv cov kev tshwm sim thiab kev sib ntaus card tshiab, thov mus saib cov qib lub website ntawm Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, koj yuav saib NEF yeeb yaj duab ntawm, ua raws li lawv nyob rau Twitternefights thiab koom nrog cov nom Facebook pab pawg neeg "New England Fights."


Hais txog Tshiab England Fights


Tshiab England Fights ("NEF") yog ib tug sib ntaus txheej xwm promotions lub tuam txhab. NEF lub hom phiaj yog los tsim lub siab tshaj plaws zoo txheej xwm rau Maine lub tua hluav taws thiab cov kiv cua zoo tib yam nkaus. NEF lub thawj pab neeg no muaj nws kim heev kev nyob rau hauv nqe ntaus rog kev ua si tswj, txheej xwm ntau lawm, xov xwm kev sib raug zoo, marketing, kev cai lij choj thiab advertising.


Premier Boxing Champions nyob rau hauv CBS: Saturday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 18 ntawm 4 p.m. THIAB/1p.m. PT

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®: Saturday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 18 ntawm 10 p.m. THIAB/7 p.m. PT

Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

STEP, Texas (Lub Xya hli ntuj 15, 2015) – Fight week kicked off with media workouts at the Redstar and Castro Chiropractor Center in El Paso Wednesday rau cov loj loj hnub ntawm boxing nyob rau hnub Saturday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 18 raws li Premier Boxing Champions rau CBS thiab SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coj ib tug tag nrho hnub thiab hmo ntuj ntawm cov kev txiav txim mus rau lub Don Haskins Center.


Cov yav tsaus ntuj cov kev tshwm sim rau SHOWTIME® nta Mexican superstar Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. (48-2-1, 32 Kos) rov qab los rau lub nplhaib rau lub ntsej muag Marcos Reyes (33-2, 24 Kos). Nyob rau hauv lub yav tsaus ntuj tus co-ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Puerto Rico Olympian McJoe Arroyo (16-0, 8 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauvArthur Villanueva (27-0, 14 Kos) ntawm lub Philippines rau lub IBF Junior Bantamweight ntiaj teb Championship. Televised kev pab them nqi pib thaum 10 p.m. THIAB/7 p.m. PT nrog undefeated 140-phaus contender Amir “Hluas Tswv” Kuv muaj (17-0, 14 Kos) kev noj nyob qub tub rog qub ntiaj teb no title challenger Fernando “Lub Fair” Angulo (29-9, 16 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib lub ntiaj teb title eliminator.


Yav tav su ua tus PBC rau CBS kev tshwm sim yog headlined los ntawm undefeated Irish superstar Carl Frampton (20-0, 14 Kos) kev noj nyob Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Kos). Televised kev pab them nqi pib thaum 4 p.m. THIAB/1 p.m. PT nrog ib tug heavyweight showdown ntawm Chris “Lub Npau suav phem” Arreola (36-4, 31 Kos) thiab “Loj” Fred Miv, (18-3-0, 10 Kos).


Daim pib rau yav tsaus ntuj cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Chavez Promotions, nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog TGB Promotions thiab Warriors Boxing, yog luv nqi ntawm $200, $100, $75, $50 thiab $25 yog on muag tam sim no. Daim pib rau lub yav tav su kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm TGB Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Warriors Boxing thiab Cyclone Promotions, yog luv nqi ntawm $50 los yog $25 rau kev nkag mus yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no. Mus rau nqi los ntawm lub xov tooj nrog ib tug loj credit card, hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000 los yog lub tsev kawm ntawv pib Center ntawm (915) 747-5234. Daim pib no kuj muaj nyob rau hauv


Kiv cua yuav daim pib rau yav tsaus ntuj sib kho yuav kuj tau muab ib daim pib nyob rau hauv tib lub seem rau lub yav tav su card.


Ntawm no yog dab tsi lub tua hluav taws thiab lawv trainers yuav tsum tau hais rau hnub Wednesday:


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

“Kuv sim kom tau rov qab mus rau theem kuv ib zaug yog nyob rau hauv. Kuv siv ib tug ntau ntawm cov sij hawm tawm ntawm lub nplhaib uas tsis-boxing teeb meem, tab sis tam sim no kuv xav tias siab focused nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib.
I feel more comfortable in the ring and I feel like I have the right tools to win this fight on Saturday.
“Txhua tua koj yuav tsum ua pov thawj ib yam dab tsi, koj yuav tsum yeej thiab muab tso rau hauv ib tug zoo qhia. I think the fans will see a great fight on Saturday between two Mexican fighters. Thaum kuv tua kuv sim ua kuv qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib.
“Kuv xav hais tias 168 yog ib tug zoo ceeb thawj hoob kawm rau kuv. Mus rau hauv kuv lub xeem sib ntaus Kuv muaj ib lub sij hawm ntev ntawm lub sij hawm thiab kuv tsis paub yuav ua li cas kuv lub cev yuav teb.
“Kuv yuav muaj ob tug ntau fights xyoo no, but I can’t look past this Saturday. Kuv hwm kuv tus nrog sib ntaus, vim hais tias tag nrho cov kuv tw tab tom nrhiav tuav kuv.
“Kev kawm nrog Robert Garcia tau zoo. Kuv muaj ib tug yawm kev twb kev txuas nrog nws vim hais tias nws yeej paub yuav ua li cas tua hluav taws yog koj nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib.
“Kuv ua hauj lwm ntau rau kuv jab, Kuv tau hloov ib tug me ntsis ntawm kuv style nyob rau hauv Robert Garcia.”


Reyes Marcos

“Kev kawm camp tau qhov zoo tshaj plaws nws tau puas tau thiab kuv nyob rau hauv zoo kawg zoo los yeej muaj qhov kev sib ntaus.


“Kuv zoo siab heev rau lub sij hawm no mus tua Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Kuv tau suav cia lub hnub.


“Kuv tsis paub tseeb yuav ua li cas nws yuav xaus, tab sis kuv paub hais tias kuv xav kom cov knockout. Tab sis, Kuv muaj qhov kev npaj rau 10 rounds so I just know I am going to win.


“Kuv muaj qhov zoo tshaj plaws tus kws qhia nyob rau hauv kuv lub ces kaum [Nacho Beristain]. He’s trained the best for many years. This is no mistake that we are training together and there is no room for mistakes on Saturday.


“Nws yog ib tug zoo fighter. He doesn’t need to imitate Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., but he’s always trying to do it. He has skills, but as a boxer he keeps making the same mistakes imitating his dad. And that’s why he hasn’t done what he’s capable of in boxing.


I don’t know what’s going to happen Saturday. They only thing I can tell you is that I’m ready to win and I will win on Saturday.




“Kuv pog heev. Sib ntaus sib tua rau lub thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States nyob rau hauv CBS, qhov no yog ib qho zoo kawg lub sij hawm rau kuv kom tau zoo raug.
“Nws txiv yog ib tug zoo yeej, ib tug zoo fighter. Kuv hwm ob leeg Gonzalez Jr. thiab nws txiv.
“Nws yog cia li ntau yeej, thiab kuv yeej muaj ib tug zoo dua npaum li Alejandro Gonzalez Jr. Nws yog ib tug zoo fighter, Kuv muab nws credit. Nws yuav tuaj mus tua thiab ua rau nws nthuav, tab sis kuv muaj tag nrho cov cuab yeej tuav nws.
“Nws yuav sim ua kom nws ntev, feem ntau ntawm kuv tw ua. Kuv yuav tshum nyuaj heev thiab thaum kuv ntaus cov neeg uas lawv yuav mus rov mus.


“Los ntawm cov pib nws yuav sim kom nws ib tug ntev sib ntaus, tab sis nws yog rau kuv siv tactics uas yuav ua hauj lwm. Peb muaj txoj kev npaj A thiab npaj B, tab sis peb xav tias txoj kev npaj A yuav ua hauj lwm.”


Alejandro Gonzalez JR.

“Kuv ua hauj lwm twb mus yav tom ntej kom txog thaum kuv ua yuam kev thiab coj ib tug sib ntaus uas kuv yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj. Kuv pab qhia kuv tsis muaj thiab kuv coj lub sib ntaus rau nkawv noj uas coj mus rau kuv thawj zaug thiab tsuas tsis. Lawv hais tias 'yog dab tsi tsis tua koj yuav ua rau koj muaj zog,’ thiab kuv yeej ntseeg tias.


“Lawv hu Carl Frampton ib tug superstar nyob rau hauv lub UK. Nws muaj ib lub ntiaj teb championship. Kuv yog ib tug contender.


“Thaum kuv ua tau zus ib, Kuv yuav muaj ib tug nram qab no, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum kuv yeej Carl Frampton.


“Txhua leej txhua tus muaj ib tug txawv style. Kuv yog ib tug ntse fighter. Kuv yog ib tug Mexican uas cia li yuav siv sij hawm punches. Kuv yuav saib xyuas kuv tus kheej. Kuv 23-xyoo-laus thiab npaj txhij mus tua ib tug zoo sib ntaus tawm tsam ib tug zoo tus nrog sib ntaus.


“Kuv tau coj kom zoo dua ntawm lub sij hawm no. Nws yog ib tug zoo lub sij hawm rau kuv thiab kuv yuav tsis tos mus tua rau hnub Saturday tav su.


“Muaj weaknesses nyob rau hauv Carl Frampton tus kev ua si, tab sis kuv yuav tsis qhia rau koj nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv nws hnov ​​kuv txoj kev npaj.


“Nws yooj yim mus pom ib tug dav hlau tua rog thiab qhia rau lawv tias lawv yuav tsum tau ua no los yog tias. Nws yog txawv thaum koj nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. Kuv yeej ib txwm npaj 100 feem pua. Kuv yuav npaj 12 rounds.


“Kuv twb tsuas tiv thaiv sab nraum ntawm Mexico ib lub sij hawm thiab nws yog nyob ntawm no nyob rau hauv El Paso. Kuv khob kuv tus nrog sib ntaus tawm thiab kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau hais tias zoo.


“Muaj ib tug ton ntawm fighters nyob rau hauv kuv ceeb thawj hoob kawm thiab kuv yog ib tug uas tau txais lub sij hawm no.”


“Boxing rog koj yuav muaj zog. Nws yuav siv sij hawm ib tug ntau tau nyob rau hauv uas lub nplhaib.


“Qhov no sib ntaus yog nplooj siab mus Jake LaMotta. It is his birthday and a lot of people would get belts and not take them seriously, tab sis nws tuav koj cov menyuam uas muaj nuj nqis. Kuv yeej tsis tau ntsib nws, tab sis kuv cob no sib ntaus rau nws.


“Lub hom phiaj yog mus tua thiab yeej lub ntiaj teb no title.


“Kuv yog ib tug boxer-Puncher. Txhua sib ntaus koj kawm ib yam dab tsi.


“Angulo yog ib tug qub tub rog. Nws yog ib tug zoo fighter. Nws tau nyob rau hauv lub npe fights thiab tiv thaiv ib co npe. Kuv npaj rau ib tug zoo sib ntaus.”



“Qhov loj tshaj plaws yog kev muab kiv cua ib tug zoo qhia. Kuv yuav mus rau cov uas title. Kuv tabtom ua hauj lwm thiab kev sib tsoo.


“Kev kawm camp tau raug mus zoo heev. Kuv tau nyob rau hauv camp rau rau lub lim tiam. Qhov loj tshaj plaws txog qhov no sib ntaus yog kuv boxing kev kawm. Kuv yuag yog dab tsi nws yog, qhov no yog kuv.


“Tej zaum kuv yuav tsis muaj rau cov-pob, tab sis kuv yuav muaj lub punch mus khob leej twg tawm.


“Kuv cog lus rau boxing. Kuv hlub boxing, thiab qhov kev kawm no yeej rog tau zoo rau kuv.


I would be a fool to say that it doesn’t cross my mind to fight again for the title. Nyob rau ntawm lub kawg ntawm lub hnub, Saturday is much more important than a title shot.


“Kuv xav kom kuv tus nrog sib ntaus tawm ntawm uas lub nplhaib sai li sai tau.”


Robert Garcia, Chavez Jr. tus kws qhia

“Kuv yuav tsis hais tias kuv tau pom dab tsi txawv vim hais tias kuv tsis tau nyob rau hauv nws yav dhau los camps. Txhua yam kuv tau hais tias yog hais tias nws tau pom kuv ib yam dab tsi uas kuv tsis tau xav tias yuav.

“Txhua yam kuv hnov ​​los ntawm tus kiv cua thiab cov xov xwm yog txoj kev nws ua nws txoj kev kawm camps, tab sis kuv xav tsis thoob. Kuv tau txais ib yam dab tsi tab sis zoo tshwm sim. Nws tau qhia mus txog rau lub gym txhua txhua hnub thiab ua txhua yam uas nws yuav tsum ua.
“Nws tau sparred cia li nyob ib ncig ntawm 100 rounds, uas yog ntau tshaj li uas nws tau ua nyob rau hauv tej lwm yam kev kawm camp. Cov kev kawm camp yog yooj yim npaum li kuv yuav tsum.
“Kuv cob Julio tsis yog los yeej Marcos Reyes, tab sis kuv cob Julio tau nws zoo dua rau peb los yog plaub sib ntaus los ntawm tam sim no mus nrhiav ib yam dab tsi tiag tiag loj.
“Qhov no yog qhov loj tshaj lub caij nyoog nyob rau hauv Reyes’ cov hauj lwm, li ntawd peb yuav tsum tau npaj kom txhij rau nws. Nws kuj muaj ib tug yawm tus kws qhia nyob rau hauv Nacho Beristain, uas tej zaum yuav qhov zoo tshaj plaws tus kws qhia puas tau, li ntawd peb yuav tsum tau npaj kom txhij rau cov uas dhau.
“Txoj cai tom qab Julio tus poob [Andrzej] Fonfara, nws tau txais txoj cai rov qab nyob rau hauv lub gym los npaj rau no sib ntaus. He wants to fight on Saturday and then have two more fights before the end of the year. Kuv xav tias qhov no yog raws nraim li cas Julio xav tau kev pab, nyob active. Cov neeg tua hluav taws uas tua cia li ib zaug los yog ob zaug ib xyoos poob lawv cov atherosclerosis.”


SR Julio Cesar Chavez.


“Lub Xya hli ntuj Jr. yog nyob rau hauv zoo heev zoo. Nws muaj ib tug heev zoo kev kawm camp nrog Robert Garcia thiab kuv zoo siab heev nrog nws raws li ib tug kws qhia.

“Qhov no sib ntaus yog ib tug yuav tsum-yeej sib ntaus rau kuv tus tub. Nws yuav tsis poob. Nws yuav ua mob rau nws cov hauj lwm heev npaum li cas rau poob dua.”



“Carl nrhiav sensational. Nws tab tom nrhiav zoo dua txhua txhua lub sij hawm nws u. Nws maturing. Koj tsis tau hais mav uas paub tab thaum lawv twb yeej lub npe. Lawv feem ntau paub tab raws li ib tug dav hlau tua rog ua hauj lwm lawv txoj kev mus, tab sis nws yog nyob ntawm inexperienced.

“Nws tsuas muaj 20 fights, but he had an extensive amateur career. He’s a very talented guy. Chronologically, nws yog 28, tab sis physiologically nws yog ntau zoo li nyob rau hauv nws twenties ntxov.

“Nws yog hugely pog txog nws U.S. debut thiab hnub no tus turnout tau tsuas amped tias mus txog. Peb paub tias peb nyob li tawm tsam ib tug yooj yim cov me nyuam.

“Peb xav hais tias nws mam li yuav ntau nyuaj tshaj nws kawg yuav tsum tau tiv thaiv tawm tsam Chris Avalos. Peb xav hais tias nws mam li yuav cuter tshaj Avalos thiab sib ntaus ntau defensively. Carl yog yuav tau mus tau nws. Cov kab hauv qab no yog peb tau ua ib tug hneev taw.

“Nws muaj yuav exciting thiab ua ib qho kev cuam tshuam thiab ces peb mam li rov qab tuaj ntxiv St. Patrick hnub thiab ua kom tau tus khiav ntawm cov raug Cruz thiab mares.”

Nacho Beristain, Reyes’ KWS QHIA


“Qhov no yuav ua tau kuv peb sib ntaus kev kawm Marcos Reyes. Tus lwm yam ob lub sij hawm kuv kawm nws, Marcos yeej los ntawm knockout.


“Txawm tias nws tau zoo nyob rau hauv cov ob fights, Kuv yuav saib tau ib tug loj sib txawv nyob rau hauv Marcos. Nws yog nkaus teem rau boxing thiab yog ntau npaum li cas paub tab. His mind is completely on his opponent and that’s what will make the difference on Saturday.


“Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. yog sim heev nyuaj rau ua cia li zoo li nws txiv thiab nws tau cov nyiaj tib lub koob meej uas nws tau txais leej txiv. Qhov tshaj plaws xwb kuv muaj peev xwm qhia rau koj yog hais tias Julio Cesar Chavez yog lub loj tshaj nyob rau hauv fighter Mexican keeb kwm; nws yog zoo kawg thiab ua rau nws lub npe ua hauj lwm nyuaj heev.”


# # #


Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas,, raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, @ Jccchavez1, RealCFrampton, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions ThiabSwanson_Comm thiab ua raws li cov kev sib tham siv #ChavezReyes thiab #FramptonGonzalez ua ib cov kiv cua hauv Facebook ntawm thiab los yog mus saib lub Showtime Boxing Blog



Raug Monica, California. (Lub Xya hli ntuj 15, 2015) - Melvin “The Young Assassin” Guillard’s (32-14-2 2 NC) first bout under the Bellator MMA banner will come in lightweight action against Brandon "Mob khaub thuas Yob" Girtz (11-4) rau Friday, Aug. 28 ntawm Pechanga Resort & Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Temecula, California.


Lub contest ua hauj lwm pab raws li lub headlining sib ntau sib tw ntawm “Bellator MMA: Guillard vs. Girt,” uas airs nyob rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I, thaum tej yam xub thawj bouts yuav kwj rau ntawm 7 p.m. THIAB. Ntxiv bouts yuav qhia tawm uas tsocai.


Daim pib rau Bellator 141, uas pib ntawm cia li $50, mus ntawm kev muag khoom no hnub Friday ntawm thiab cov Pechanga Resort & Twv txiaj yuam pov thawv chaw ua hauj lwm. Qhov rooj rau cov kev tshwm sim qhib 4 p.m. PT hauv zos lub sij hawm, thiab cov thawj contest yuav siv sij hawm muab ib teev tom qab.


"Txij li thaum kos npe rau Melvin [Guillard] nyob rau hauv Tej zaum, peb tau txhawj xeeb kom tau nws hauv lub Bellator tawb,"Bellator MMA Thawj Tswj Hwm Scott Coker hais tias. "Brandon Girtz tau ua zoo rau peb thiab yuav fim nws stiffest sib txeeb mus rau hnub tim thaum nws muaj raws li lub 50-sib ntaus qub tub rog. Kuv yeej nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau cov kev tshwm sim, raws li tau zoo raws li rov qab mus rau ib qho ntawm peb nyiam venues nyob rau hauv Pechanga Resort thiab twv txiaj yuam pov. "

Tsuas 32 xyoo ntawm hnub nyoog, "Tus Hluas neeg tua neeg" tau amassed 50 kev bouts nyob rau hauv ib txoj hauj lwm uas hnub rov qab mus rau 2002. Nrog 21 yeej los ntawm KO, Guillard tau generated ib tug loj kiv cua puag nrog nws sib ntaus sib tua exciting style.

Yug nyob rau hauv New Orleans, lub knockout artist tau honed nws txawj ib co ntawm cov saum toj kawg nkaus MMA gyms nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no xws li: Jackson lub MMA, Blackzilians, Grudge Training Center thiab American sab saum toj Team, qhov uas nws tam sim no u. Thaum lub sij hawm nws 22-sib ntaus stint nrog qhov kawg sib ntaus Championship, Guillard tsoo MMA zoo BJ Penn cov ntaub ntawv rau feem ntau KO tus nyob rau hauv lub khaub-ncaws nyias faib nrog yim, ib tug accolade hais tias nws tseem tuas rau hnub no.

Ib NCAA Division II All-American ntawm Minnesota State University, Girtz tau sib rau Bellator MMA txij li thaum 2012, accruing ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 4-2. Nws yog muaj kev ruaj ntseg hais tias lub Northway Martial Arts-product yog ib tug "cuav kws khomob tshwjxeeb,"Nrog nws xya tus 11 kev yeej los ntawm txoj kev ua nws tus nrog sib ntaus siv tawm.

"Mob khaub thuas Yob" raug officially cleared mus rov qab mus rau active kev sib tw nyob rau hauv Tej zaum tom qab kev txom nyem ib ACL raug mob thaum lub sij hawm txoj kev kawm. Qhov no rov qab bout yuav Girtz thawj tsos nyob rau hauv 2015, thiab yuav pab raws li thawj zaug lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv ib tug headlining lub luag hauj lwm.