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Непереможний Міккуан Вільямс залишається у боксерській формі, наскільки це можливо в умовах пандемії

МАНЧЕСТЕР, Коннектикут. (Березня 23, 2020) – Як і більшість професійних боксерів, непереможна суперлегка вагова перспектива«Чудовий» Міккуан Вільямс (15-0-1, 7 КО) витягує максимум із складної ситуації, коли він готується до свого невідомого майбутнього в боксі.

Коронавірус зупинив бокс у всьому світі. Події призупинено на невизначений термін, боксери обмежені в термінах підготовки, і найближче майбутнє залишається в кращому випадку незначним.

Неможливо тренуватися у своєму спортзалі, Манчестер РОКІВ, яка закрита через розпорядження штату Коннектикут, 21-річний Вільямс справляється з цією пандемією зріло, що суперечить його молодості. Без ниття, немає почуттів «бідний я».

«Це важкий час для всіх, включно з нами в боксі,Іст Гартфорд (Коннектикут) - сказав житель Вільямс. «По телевізору боксу немає, ніхто не може конкурувати, і всі ізольовані. Це просто прикро, але я краще буду в безпеці, ніж шкодую. Турбота про здоров’я є і завжди має бути головним пріоритетом».

Вільямс не виходив на поле з 24 жовтня минулого року, коли він бився до сумнівної нічиї у восьмому раундіТре’Шон Віггінс, в якому Вільямс зберіг свою Всесвітню боксерську раду (WBC) США (USNBC) надлегка назва. Більшість спостерігачів вважали, що Вільямс заслужила перемогу рішенням суддів.

З поч 2020, Вільямс готувався до очікуваного бою в першій третині року, і він все ще тренується, щоб залишатися у формі, хоча це не так, якби він мав підтверджену дату бою.

«Я все ще трохи тренуюся,– пояснив Вільямс. «Мені потрібно залишатися у формі, коли прийде виклик після повернення боксу. Я в пристойній формі і коли отримаю дату наступного бою, Мені не доведеться йти з нуля, щоб підготуватися. Я хочу зберегти 50 для 60 відсоткової форми, а потім завершити тренування за розкладом для мого наступного бою».

«Я знаю, що Майкі все ще бігає,Головний тренер ВільямсаПол Сішон додано. «Незабаром ми повернемося до тренувань. Я вірю, що все відбувається з причини. Ми з Майкі провели телефонну конференцію (менеджер) Джекі Каллен і (промоутер) Лу Дібелла, і ми віримо в це, якнайшвидше, Майкі повернеться до строю».

Тому що Вільямс не повертається 22 до квітня цього року 6, на додаток до того, що вже майже чотири роки є професійним боксером, його молода боксерська кар'єра відновиться швидше та сильніше, ніж у багатьох старших боксерів. Втрата шести місяців не повинна заважати такій перспективі, як Вільямс, як ветерану, який може не мати майже стільки ж порівняльної якості, що залишилося на рингу..

«Я не впевнений, чи є вік такою великою перевагою,– заперечив Вільямс. «Якби деякі бійці вигоряли, тому що вони багато билися, брати відпустку, через вірус чи ні, перерва може допомогти їм повернутися кращими та сильнішими, ніж коли вони востаннє билися».

Вільямс був п'ятиразовим національним чемпіоном серед любителів, компіляції 45-13 любительські записи, підкреслюється трьома титулами чемпіона світу біля рингу, на додаток до золотих медалей на Національному чемпіонаті PAL та Національному чемпіонаті Silver Gloves.

«Я не знаю, коли повернеться бокс,– підсумував Вільямс, «Але бокс ніколи не помре. Люди завжди хочуть бачити, як хлопці б'ють один одного в обличчя. Бокс — це вид спорту з багатими традиціями, прямо зараз, попереду ще багато талантів».

І Міккуан Вільямс буде прямо на чолі наступної хвилі, коли заборону на бокс нарешті буде скасовано.


Щебет:  @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen

Instagram: @M.mkw_, @jackie.Kallen

Facebook: /Міккуан Вільямс, /Пол Сішон, /Джекі Каллен

Піднесення фітнесу до цифрової ери

по: Що Андз

WhatsApp пінг 10:00 ... ”Привіт, це твій тренажерний зал, через коронавірус тренажерний зал був закритий до подальшого повідомлення ".

Якщо ти такий, як я, і вам потрібен цей бігун, щоб тримати своє тіло і розум в руці, тоді вищезгадане повідомлення було сценарієм Судного дня. Забудьте про туалетний папір, Мені потрібні свої гирі!

Це для мене, відвідувач спортзалу…як щодо персональних тренерів, бійці ММА, борці, боксери, які заробляють на життя на всьому, до чого Covid-19 змушує нас не робити?

Ці професії не можуть бути “необхідною послугою”, як водії швидкої допомоги та супермаркети, але ці професіонали є важливою послугою на майбутні дні для розуму, тіло, і душа кожного, особливо під час епідемії з кожним днем ​​стають все більш важливими, навіть по годинах.

Хороша новина…цифрове спілкування фізичних мистецтв - НЕ нова річ. Відео для тренувань, боротьба та боротьба з ММА були оцифровані, починаючи з телевізійних роликів, YouTube і майже в будь-якому місці, де ви можете знайти екран.

Перший крок - це запитати себе, як ви пропонували свої послуги дотепер?

Зараз, Ви можете повторити це перед камерою? 

Зараз, Ви можете користуватися комп’ютером і розміщувати речі на сайті членства?
(заціни HTTPS://www.capterra.com/sem-compare/membership-management-software)

Привіт! Ви отримали бізнес!

Майже будь-яка послуга на основі освіти, навіть фізичне можна оцифрувати та представити. Чи не, це не буде так добре, як реальні речі, і ні, Ви не можете очікувати, що ваші клієнти матимуть обладнання, яке робить тренажерний зал…

…Але ось хитра частина і ось різниця між успішною кампанією та такою, яка не ...

Перше, що слід зрозуміти, це, люди заплатять за вартість, особливо в цю епоху, коли витрати повинні бути зроблені добре. Тож давайте зробимо це добре

Варіант А: Тон знижений. Обладнання переважно недоступне, так що змініть програму тренувань, щоб не потребувати цих вигадливих творів. Запитайте себе, що ви можете поміняти або вимкнути рутину і все одно отримати той ефект, якого шукаєте?

Східного майстра можна замінити сходами, гирі можна замінити камінням (обережно).

Якщо ви робите свої навчальні відеоролики за допомогою цього приглушеного обладнання, зробити це те, що може зробити кожен, на будь-який бюджет, ви отримали собі переможця.

Це також можливість поєднати в інших послугах, які працюють разом, таких як харчування під час ізоляції. Нескінченний рівень можливостей, можливо навіть більше, ніж звичайно.

Варіант Б: Апсел – Люди не мають цього обладнання, чому б їм не дістатися. Всі магазини страждають. Зверніться до цих магазинів і фабрик і укладіть угоду, яка допоможе полегшити продажі для них.

У свою чергу, ви рекламуєте спеціальну пропозицію зі знижкою на найкраще обладнання. Увесь час ви починаєте заробляти комісійні бали за ці продажі. Справжній безпрограшний варіант для всіх. Якщо вам потрібна допомога з цифровим маркетингом, поспілкуватися з цими хлопцями.

Майте на увазі свою аудиторію, його демографічні показники та як він продається.

Я знаю, що це новітні типи маркетингових тактик для відвідувачів простого тренажерного залу, це час, коли ми маємо навчитися пристосовуватися та змінюватися…або зникнути.


Ороно, Мен (Березня 20, 2020) - New England Бої (NEF) announced today that the fight promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) подія, "NEF 43: Буйство,” has been rescheduled to Saturday, Червень 13, 2020. Подія, which will originate from the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus, was originally scheduled to be held on April 18. Event organizers, проте, have decided to reschedule to June 13 based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recent recommendation that all events and gatherings consisting of 50 people or more be postponed for at least eight weeks due to concerns surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus contagion.

Раніше сьогодні, NEF released the following statement from its owners Nick DiSalvo and Matt Peterson via its Facebook page:

Due to ongoing concerns surrounding the coronavirus and public gatherings, NEF 43 has been re-scheduled to Saturday, Червень 13, 2020, at the Collins Center for the Arts in Orono. Doors will open at 6 pm and first fight will be at 7 вечора.

For tickets purchased through a fighter (or for those who plan to purchase tickets through a fighter): All tickets printed with the April 18 date will be honored at the door on June 13. If you cannot attend the event on the new date of June 13, please contact the fighter that originally sold you the ticket.

For tickets purchased through the CCA box officeAll tickets printed with the April 18 date will be honored at the door on June 13. If you cannot attend the event on the new date of June 13, please email the box office atccatix@maine.eduYou may also call 207.581-1755 and leave a message. The box office will take refund requests until next Friday, Березня 27, 2020, на 5 pm EDT.

Thank you all for your patience and continued support as we continue to monitor and adjust to this unprecedented situation. We wish all of our fans, бойовики, staff, and friends good health and safety at this difficult time.

– Нік DiSalvo & Метт Петерсон

Нью-Інгленд Бої’ наступна подія змішаних єдиноборств, “NEF 43: Буйство,” відбудеться в суботу, Червень 13, 2020, в Центрі мистецтв Коллінза в Умейн Ороно. Квитки вже у продажу вwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

New York State Boxing HOF Class of 2020 Induction Ceremony Postponed until September 20

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Березня 19, 2020) – The New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) announced today that its ninth annual induction dinner has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic from April 19ї дляВересень 20ї на Руссо On The Bay в Howard Beach, Нью-Йорк.

Money already collected for tickets and journal ads may be used for the Sept. 20ї event or returned in full upon request at point of purchase.

“Because of new city mandates and the uncertainty of the coronavirus,” NYSBHOF presidentБоб Даффі оголосила, “we have postponed our event until September 20. It would not have been fair to the honorees, their friends and guests, and general public to wait any longer. I must commend the ownership and management at Russo’s On The Bay for working with us during this crisis to give us a date that will hopefully work for us all.

“I’d like to thank everyone for their patience, advise and insight into making this decision. With the extra time I’m confident that we can make this award dinner our best ever.”

Other living boxers heading into the NYSBHOF include three-time World light heavyweight title challengerХорхе Смоуд (42-8-2, 22 КО), of Woodside, Queens by way of Argentina; (1975-78) WBC super featherweight World ChampionAlfredo “El Salsero” Escalera (53-14-3, 31 КО), of New York City by way of Puerto Rico; WBC super featherweight World title challengerFreddie “The Pitbull” Liberatore (20-4-1, 11 КО), of Bayside, Квінс; WBC middleweight World Champion and four-time New York Golden Gloves winnerDennis “The Magician” Milton (16-5-1, 5 КО), з Бронкса; World heavyweight title challenger and two-time New York Golden Gloves winnerЛу Savarese (46-7, 38 КО), of Greenwood Lake; and WBA super middleweight title World title challengerMerqui “El Corombo” Sosa (34-9-2, 27 КО), of Brooklyn by way of the Dominican Republic.

Posthumous participants being inducted are Brooklyn welterweightСолдат Бартфілд (51-29-8, 33 КО), who fought a reported 55 чемпіони світу; Bronx middleweightСтів Беллуаз (95-13-3, 59 КО); NYSAC and World lightweight champion (1925) Джиммі Гудріч (85-34-21 (12 КО), Буффало; World heavyweight title challengerТамі Мауріелло (82-13-1, 60 КО), з Бронкса; WBA light middleweight World champion (1982-83) and four-consecutive New York Golden Gloves titlistDavey “Sensational” Moore (18-5, 14 КО), з Бронкса; and World lightweight championФредді «Валійський чарівник» Велч (74-5-7, 34 КО), of New York City by way of Wales.

Living non-participants heading into the NYSBHOF are Wantagh journalist/producerБоббі Кессіді, Молодший, Oneida judgeДон Акерман, Buffalo managerРік Глейзер, Rockaway Beach journalistДжек Хірш, Bronx boxing broadcaster Max Kellerman, Ardsley ringside physician/NY Medical DirectorДоктор. Вільям Латан, Orangeburg judgeДжулі Ледерман, Hyde Park refereeРон Ліптон, and Staten Island/Catskill trainerКевін Руні.

Posthumous non-participant inductees are Brooklyn’s Ring Magazine editorLester Bromberg, New York City sportswriterДен Деніел, Brooklyn’s Gleason’s Gym founderБоббі Глісон, Sunnyside, Queens boxing writerГордон Флеш, Manhattan journalistA.J. коханий, Long Island City’s NYSBHOF co-founderТоні Mazzarella and New York City managerDan Morgan.




Due to the growing concerns over COVID-19, Premier Boxing Champions scheduled events for March and April have been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date. At this time there’s no information regarding future shows. “The health and safety of the boxers, fans and those working the events are of utmost importance to us,” said Tom Brown, President of TGB Promotions and lead promoter for the cancelled shows. “We are all disappointed and as we get more information we will address future events.

Ticket Refund Information All ticket orders will be refunded from your original point of purchase. If you have purchased online through Ticketmaster, all orders will be refunded automatically. Orders purchased with a credit card will be refunded to the credit card used for purchase. For third party purchases, please reach out to your original point of purchase for information regarding your credit. Please allow up to 30 days for this refund to reflect with your financial institution. If you have any questions, please contact Ticketmaster’s Customer Service line at 1-800-653-8000.


40ї anniversary of tragic airplane crash in Poland

22 members of Team USA Boxing perished

Колорадо-Спрінгс, Коло. (Березня 14, 2020) – One of the darkest days in American sports history occurred 40 years ago today, when Polish Airlines flight #7 that had departed John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City crashed a half-mile from Okecie Airport in Warsaw, Польща.
Всі 87 passengers died, у тому числі 14 boxers and eight officials on the USA Boxing team, due to a disintegration of a turbine disc in one of the plane’s engines that ultimately failed.
Team USA was traveling to Poland to compete in two international amateur boxing dual events. The average age of the 14 boxers was only 20 ½, ranging from 27-year-old Walter Harris to 16-year-old Byron Payton.
The potential Olympic dreams of the 14 boxers were destroyed in the horrific accident. Although most of the boxers were still in their developmental stage, outside of prospective medal challenger Lemuel Steeples, each member aspired to represent the United States in the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. (The United States eventually led a boycott of the 1980 Olympics because of the Soviet-Afghan War.)
I remember coming home from my boxing gym on March 14, 1980 and hearing the news of the plane crash on the evening news,” stated USA Boxing Executive Director Mike McAtee.
As an aspiring Olympic-style boxer I was shocked and felt a sense of loss like every American boxer, coach and official. Today we are reminded that life is precious, and every day is a blessing. On behalf of USA Boxing’s Board of Directors, 48,000 боксери, coaches and officials and the national office staff we remember the 1980 USA Boxing Team Members and Staff. Please keep them, their families and the worldwide Olympic-style boxing family in your thoughts and prayers.
Down But Not OutLost But Not Forgotten

USA Boxing Head Coach Billy Walsh remembers the crash to this day. “I remember it well, as I was a 16-year-old dreaming of the Olympics,” said Walsh. “It was massive news in Europe, a big tragedy with some of the world’s best boxers and staff wiped out. We lost a generation of great fighters, and most importantly loved ones.
Patricia Chavis was only seven years old when she learned her father, Sgt. Elliott Chavis, had perished in the crash. She was playing outdoors with friends when she noticed a lot of people crying as they entered and left her home. Her mother called her inside, sat her down with people watching, and said that her father wasn’t coming back because he had been killed in a plane crash.
She asked me if I understood and I did, because we had recently lost my great grandmother and paternal grandfather,” an emotional Patricia explained. “I went back outside and told my friends. They were a little older and they didn’t understand why I hadn’t stayed inside with family. It didn’t really hit me that my dad wasn’t coming home until my teenage years. I remember sitting in bed and writing letters to him.
Every year still affects me every March. We usually have a family dinner with my mom and grandchildren. They listen to stories about a man they never met. He’s buried in South Carolina and we’ve laid flowers on his grave. Every year on March 14ї it brings back memories and we celebrate his life.
Sgt. Chavis, who died at the age of 25, was stationed at Ft. Bragg (Н.З.), where he learned to box. Він був членом 118ї Military Police Company and during his boxing career, the light heavyweight was All-Army and All-Southeastern.
My parents married young,” Patricia continued. “My mom told me he was always athletic. He played football and was a pole vaulter on the track team in high school. But I didn’t know anything about his boxing until we went to a reunion at Ft. Bragg. Around the 30ї anniversary I got in touch with some of his Army buddies when I saw on Facebook that they were having a reunion. I went there with my mom and listened to stories they told me about his boxing career. I found it so interesting because I hadn’t known about that. There are quite a few memorials I’ve seen on Facebook and I try to get in touch with other family members (of her father’s teammates who died in the crash). We’ll never forget!”
Below is a complete list of the 1980 U.S. Boxing Delegation who died in the aforementioned plane crash in Warsaw:
The 1980 United States Boxing Delegation to Warsaw, Польща, Березня 14, 1980

Kelvin Anderson                    
        Heavyweight Hartford, Коннектикут
Elliott ChavisLight Heavyweight U.S. Армія / Ft. Bragg, Північна Кароліна
Walter HarrisLight Heavyweight San Francisco, ТАКИЙ ЯК
Andrea McCoyВ середньому
         New Bedford, Массачусетс
Byron PaytonLight Middleweight Troup, Техас
Chuck RobinsonLight Middleweight Port Townsend, Вашингтон
Paul PalominoСередня вага
         Westminster, ТАКИЙ ЯК
Lemuel SteeplesLight Welterweight St. Луїс, Міссурі
Byron Linsay
Light Welterweight San Diego, ТАКИЙ ЯК
Gary Tyrone ClaytonЛегкий
          Філадельфія, Пенсільванія
Jerome StewartНайлегша вага
      U.S. Військово-морський флот / Norfolk, В.А.
George PimentelЛегка вага
           Elmhurst, Нью-Йорк
Lonnie YoungЛегка вага
            Філадельфія, Пенсільванія
David RodriguezLight Flyweight
   Pomona, ТАКИЙ ЯК


Joseph F. Bland
Team Manager High Point, Північна Кароліна
Col. Bernard CallahanReferee/Judge
      Carlisle, Пенсільванія
Томас “Sarge” ДжонсонГоловний тренер
  Indianapolis, IN
John Radison
      Вулиця. Луїс, Міссурі
Junior Robles
Assistant Coach National City, ТАКИЙ ЯК
Steve Smigiel
           Boca Raton, Флорида
Delores Wesson
Team Assistant
  Ocean Springs, МІС
Доктор. Ray Wesson
Team Physician Ocean Springs, МІС

Go towww.USABoxing.org to watch a short video tribute
Memorial messages and letters of condolence were sent from friends and boxing organizations from around the world, including U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, Executive Director Col. F. Don Miller, Montana AAU, Oklahoma Boxing Association, Amateur Basketball Association of the USA, Salina Boxing Team, South Texas AAU, U.S. ВВС, U.S. Diving, U.S. Swimming, Wisconsin AAU, Wrestling Division of AAU, National AAU Boxing Committee, National AAU, Florida Boxing Commission, Hawaii AAU, U.S. Soccer Federation, Jacksonville (Флорида) Sports and Entertainment Commission, Georgia Amateur Boxing Association, WSOC Television, Alleghany Mountain Association, U.S. Центр олімпійської підготовки, Mack Truck, Inc., Southwestern AAU Boxing Commission, U.S. Olympic Committee, West Nally Group, Charlotte Motor Speedway, AAU Regional Coordinator, Council of Social Work Education, National Rifle Association of America, and Davidson County Department Boxing Team,
Also from the Greek Boxing Federation, Mexican Boxing Federation, New Zealand Boxing Association, Canadian Amateur Boxing Association, Nova Scotia Branch of Canadian Amateur Boxing Commission, Ontario Boxing Association, Ambassador of Poland, Polish Boxing Association, AIPS Boxing Commission, Canadian Amateur Boxing Association, Heretaunga Boxing Club of New Zealand, International Bobsled and Tobogganing Federation, Italian Boxing Federation, LOT Polish Airlines, La Crosse Amateur Boxing Club, Polish Olympic Committee, АІБА, Champion D’Afrique Magazine, African AIBA Board and Tunisian Boxing Federation, Venezuelan Boxing Federation, German Amateur Boxing Federation, Amateur Boxing Federation of England, Israel Sports Federation, Portuguese Amateur Boxing Federation, Romanian Boxing Federation, Rotunda A.B.C., Amateur Boxing Federation of Thailand, National Advertising Benevolent Society, Turkey Boxing Federation, AIBA France, El Salvador Boxing Federation, German Democratic Republic Boxing Association, Danish Amateur Boxing Union, Guatemalan Amateur Sports Federtion, Israel Olympic Committee, Oceana Boxing Federation, Nigeria Boxing Association, Old Actonian Association Amateur Boxing Club, Seychelles Amateur Boxing Federation, Council of Ministers of Cuba, Hungarian Boxing Federation, Norwegian Amateur Boxing Association, International Amateur Boxing Association, Claridad, Peru Amateur Boxing Association, Dominican Republic Department of Education, Health and Recreation, Panamanian Boxing Federation, Head of the Cuban Interests Section.
В 1984 a statue was dedicated to the USA Boxing Team members who died in Warsaw was placed on the training grounds in Colorado Springs. Names of the 23 members of Team USA are inscribed on the memorial.
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Brian Norman, Молодший. Wins Via Technical Unanimous Decision Over Flavio Rodriguez; Alejandro Guerrero and Aram Avagyan Earn Impressive Majority Decision Victories At Hinckley Grand Casino in Hinckley, Від.

Спіймати Replay понеділок, Березня 16 На 10 p.m. ET / PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Натисніть ОСЬ Фотографії для; Credit Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME

HINCKLEY, Minn. – March 14, 2020 - Undefeated 20-year-old super lightweight prospect Brandun Lee continued the impressive start to his career by scoring a third-round TKO over 33-year-old challenger Camilo Prieto in the ShoBox: Нове покоління main event Friday night from Hinckley Grand Casino in Hinckley, Від.

The knockout artist Lee, who had stopped 16 його першого 18 professional opponents, eased into Friday’s main event, seeking to take his time and add more rounds to his resume. But after just two rounds, Укриття (19-0, 17 КО) stunned the mobile but overly defensive Prieto (15-3, 10 КО) with a combination. Lee sensed he had injured his opponent and turned on the jets, scoring the TKO after unleashing a multi-punch barrage against the defenseless and against-the-ropes Prieto.

In a night where the four bouts were contested solely in front of the fighters’ friends and family, referee Mark Nelson intervened to stop the main event at the 2:34 mark of round number three. The numbers reflected the lopsidedness of the fight as Lee led 53-9 in overall punches landed, 17-8 in jabs connected and 36-1 on power shots. Lee landed more power shots in the fight (36) than Prieto attempted (34).

“I don’t think this was any kind of learning experience for Lee,” said SHOWTIME’s Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. “He needs tougher, more accomplished opponents who can at least give him rounds, if not a competitive fight.”

“I shouldn’t have gone three rounds with that guy,- сказав Лі, who was fighting on ShoBox for the second time. “I should have gotten him out of there in 40 seconds or a minute tops. But the guy had a game plan and his coach is a former world champion [Глен Джонсон] who knew I hadn’t ever been past the fourth round. He was just trying to tire me out. No one wants to watch two guys looking at each other. My defense was a nine out of 10 сьогодні ввечері. But overall I give myself a C-minus. I want to take it to the next level and I’m just super grateful to SHOWTIME and ShoBox for giving me these opportunities.”

У со-бій ознаками, an all-action affair between undefeated prospect Brian Norman, Молодший. (17-0, 14 КО) and Flavio Rodriguez (9-2-1, 7 КО) was cut short after an accidental headbutt caused a deep vertical laceration on the forehead of Rodriguez. At the advice of the ringside physician, referee Gary Miezwa stopped the fight at 57 seconds of round number seven. The fight went to the judges’ scorecards with the technical unanimous decision going in Norman’s favor, 69-64 і 68-65 двічі.

Norman broke open a competitive fight by out-landing Rodriguez 79-35 в цілому і 73-20 in power punches in rounds five through seven, a reflection of Norman’s superior activity (72.4 punches per round to Rodriguez’s 54.4), accuracy (33%-29% в цілому, 44%-32% потужність) and body punching (67-50 in connects).

The 19-year-old Norman, who turned pro at the age of 17 and is trained by his father and former pro fighter Brian Norman Sr., showed the skills that give him the reputation of a highly-regarded prospect, but still left the fight feeling unsatisfied.

“That headbutt was right before the knockout,” said Norman. “I’m pretty sure everybody saw it. That boy was dead but I give him respect. I believe that seventh round was the knockout round, either by TKO or knockout. I had him dead the round before and drained all the energy out of him.”

“I know I won more rounds than that,” said the 29-year-old Rodriguez, who also feels a knockout was imminent, but in his favor. “I definitely know I won more rounds. I was hitting him with power shots and if we didn’t have that accidental headbutt I felt I could have gotten him out of there.”

У другому бою на чотири бої телепередачі, undefeated lightweight prospect Alejandro “Pork Chop” Guerrero (12-0, 9 КО) won a closely-contested slugfest via majority decision over Jose Angulo (12-2, 5 КО). Судді забив бій 76-76, 79-73 і 78-74.

In the highly entertaining fight that pitted the aggressive Guerrero against the counter-punching Angulo, two of the judges were seemingly impressed more by Guerrero’s aggression and slightly better power punching (він вів 109-104 in power punch connects) than by Angulo’s activity (89.3 punches per round to Guerrero’s 68.9), mobility and diverse combination punching.

With both men going past six rounds for the first time in their careers, it was Guerrero who was able to finish with more energy. He hurt Angulo with a strong right hand in the sixth round and nearly closed the show late in the eighth and final round, but the Ecuadorian who was making his U.S. debut was able to stay on his feet.

“That was probably the toughest fight I’ve had,” said the 22-year-old Guerrero. “I’ve fought at 140 before so his punch power wasn’t too much. Just his heart; you can tell when a fighter has heart and they just want to sit there and bang it out. I didn’t think it was an even fight. I was landing the better shots and I was the better man out there. I gave myself a seven. I can do way better. I just need more conditioning. Whoever’s next, I’ll take on the best in my weight division.”

In a battle of unbeaten featherweights making their ShoBox дебюти в телепередачі ніж, Armenian Olympian Aram Avagyan (10-0-1, 4 КО) overcame knockdowns in both the first and second rounds to earn a hard-fought majority decision over Dominican Republic’s Dagoberto Aguero (15-1, 10 КО). Судді забив бій 75-75, 76-74 і 77-74.

For the second consecutive fight, Авагян, who is trained by SugarHill Steward at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit, started slow and was knocked down in the first round. The 29-year-old also hit the canvas in round two when Aguero connected on a chopping overhand right. Starting in the third round, through an impressive body attack (98-42 in connects), better power accuracy (39%-35%) and his ability to induce a rugged inside fight, Avagyan was able to gradually empty the gas tank of Aguero, who had never been past six rounds.

A heavy right cross appeared to score a knockdown of Aguero in the seventh, but referee Gary Ritter ruled it a slip. Aguero led 55-24 in overall connects and 55-20 in power punches landed after two rounds, but Avagyan came on strong in rounds six through eight (83-44 в цілому, 80-48 потужність) to score the comeback victory. Aguero became the 192ї fighter to lose their undefeated record on ShoBox.

“After the second knockdown I just knew I needed to settle down and it would be okay,»Сказав Авагян. “I had to just come back strong and keep applying the pressure and I did that. The knockdowns were big on points so I knew it would be tough to come back. I thought the performance was just okay. I can show more, and I will in the future.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by Salita Promotions in association with D & D боксу. Повний телепередача буде відтворено в понеділок, Березня 16 на 10 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME і буде доступний на SHOWTIME БУДЬ-ЯКИЙ ЧАС® і SHOWTIME на ПОПИТУ®.

Зал Слави Баррі Томпкинс називається дій з боку рингу з побратима Зал Слави Стів Farhood і екс-чемпіона світу Рауля Маркеса, яка виступає в якості експертів-аналітиків. Виконавчий продюсер є Гордон зал з Річардом Гога виробництва і Рік Філліпс режисури.

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ПРЕС-РЕЛІЗ: Ороно, Мен (Березня 12, 2020) - New England Бої (NEF) представить свої наступні змішані єдиноборства (MMA) захід у Центрі мистецтв Коллінза у флагманському містечку Ороно Університету Мен. Подія, під назвою „NEF 43: Буйство,”Відбудеться у суботу, Квітня 18, 2020, з дзвоном час 7 вечора EDT. Раніше сьогодні, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur strawweight bout to the card.BJ Garceau(1-1) планується до обличчяFatima Kline(1-0) at a fight weight of 115 фунти.

BJ Garceau will enter the NEF cage for the third and final time on April 18. Garceau, who was diagnosed with Type-1 juvenile diabetes in 1993, made headlines with her amateur debut and became an inspiration to many. She defeated Sarah Ziehm (1-2) via split decision at “NEF 32” in February 2018. Garceau returned to the cage later that year, losing to Chelsea Tucker (3-3) in the third round of an “NEF 36” contest. Garceau is a product of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Мен

“I’m so excited to be back in the cage in my hometown, for what will be my final fight this April,” said Garceau.  “I want to be able to leave my old stomping grounds with my hand held high at the end and walk away with a win for my fans, друзі, сім'я, тренери, team and myself. I’ll give it everything I’ve got one last time and this will be a fight you don’t want to miss. With that being said, I am beyond grateful for my opponent taking on the fight and every opportunity Young’s MMA, NEF and everyone in the mixed martial arts community has given me over the years. Спасибі, спасибі, спасибі!"

Fatima Kline will make the trek from her home in Hyde Park, New York for the fight. At just 19-years-old, Kline already holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She made her amateur MMA debut last fall with a unanimous decision win on a card in White Plains, New York. Kline represents Black Hole Jiu-Jitsu based in Wappingers Falls, Нью-Йорк.

“I would like to thank NEF for giving me the opportunity to showcase all of my hard work,” said Kline when reached for comment. “Being that this is my debut fight for the organization, I promise to be at the top of my game come fight night. Спасибі, BJ, for accepting this matchup, and I look forward to seeing you in the cage. The one message I would have for the crowd is: be prepared to be entertained.”

Нью-Інгленд Бої’ наступна подія змішаних єдиноборств, “NEF 43: Буйство,” відбудеться в суботу, Квітня 18, 2020, в Центрі мистецтв Коллінза в Умейн Ороно. Квитки вже у продажу вwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

Про Нової Англії боїв

Нью-Інгленд Бої ("NEF") є боротьба Рекламні акції компанії. Місія NEF полягає у створенні найякісніших заходів для бійців та вболівальників. Виконавча команда NeF має великий досвід в галузі управління єдиноборств, виробництво події, у зв'язках із ЗМІ, маркетинг, правової та реклама.


Shields To Face IBF Super Welterweight Champion Marie-Eve Dicaire With All Four Major Belts On The Line In 154-Pound Unification Bout

 SHOWTIME БОКС: SPECIAL EDITION Saturday, Травня 9 На 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT

НЬЮ-ЙОРК – March 11, 2020 – Undefeated three-division world champion Claressa Shields will attempt to become the first boxer in the four-belt era to become an undisputed world champion in two weight divisions when she faces unbeaten IBF Super Welterweight Champion Marie-Eve Dicaire in a 154-pound unification bout on Saturday, Травня 9, жити на SHOWTIME(9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) from the Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center in Shields’ hometown of Flint, мені.

The winner of the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION main event will walk away with Shields’ WBC and WBO titles, Dicaire’s IBF belt, and the WBA (Супер) crown. This is the first time in its 99-year history that the WBA has awarded a Super Champion belt to a female boxer.

Tickets for the Salita Promotions event start at $35 and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com and at the Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center box office.

“I can’t wait to make history again on May 9,” said Shields. “Fighting in Flint in front of all my fans has been a dream of mine since turning pro. Having the opportunity to make history by fighting for the undisputed title in a second weight division is something I’m very proud of. Fighting against undefeated IBF 154-pound champion Marie-Eve Dicaire continues my quest to fight the very best in women’s boxing. And headlining on SHOWTIME again will continue my goal to lift women’s boxing to new heights. I’m going to give Flint and fight fans all over the world a night to remember on May 9!"

“I am very excited for this opportunity and it is an honor to face an opponent like Claressa Shields,- сказав Дікер. “I am thankful to my promoter Yvon Michel and everyone involved in making this possible. For me, this is a dream come true. I will be prepared the best I can be and I am ready to leave everything in the ring to win the fight!"

In the four-belt era, only seven fighters have been undisputed in one division, including Shields, Кеті Тейлор, Сесілія Брххус, Бернард Хопкінс, Джермейн Тейлор, Теренс Кроуфорд, and Oleksandr Usyk.

 З січня 10 в Атлантік-Сіті, N.J., Shields made history by claiming the WBC and WBO 154-pound world championships with a dominating unanimous decision over Ivana Habazin. Shields became the fastest fighter in history, male or female, to win world titles in three different weight divisions, surpassing the records of Vasiliy Lomachenko and Kosei Tanaka, who both accomplished the feat in 12 бої.

The 24-year-old Shields (10-0, 2 КО) overpowered Habazin from the opening bell, utilizing a strong jab and a steady diet of body shots that left the Croatian mostly in defensive mode throughout the 10-round fight. In the sixth round, a series of body shots forced Habazin to take a knee in the first knockdown of her career.

“SHOWTIME has a long history of featuring the best in women’s combat sports, whether it was with Gina Carrano, Cris Cyborg and Ronda Rousey in MMA, or Laila Ali and Christy Martin in boxing,»Сказав Гордон Хол, Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: СПЕЦІАЛЬНЕ ВИДАННЯ. “More recently, we have shown Claressa Shields, Christina Hammer, Lightweight Champion Katie Taylor and seven-division champion Amanda Serrano. Shields vs. Dicaire will be our 12th women’s boxing event since 2017. Claressa’s bout with Dicaire represents another historic battle of unbeatens and attempt for another ‘first’ on SHOWTIME as Claressa looks to become undisputed in two weight classes.”

“I am excited to bring a historic night of boxing to fans in Flint at the Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center and to those watching on SHOWTIME,«Саїд Дмитро Саліта, Президент SALITA Promotions. “In Claressa Shields and Marie-Eve Dicaire, we have the two best junior middleweights in the world and two undefeated champions fighting for the undisputed world championship.  In addition to her already historic list of firsts, if victorious, Claressa will become the first two-division undisputed champion in the four-belt era. It will be a triumphant night in Flint on May 9.”

After becoming the first American boxer in history – male or female – to win two consecutive Olympic Gold Medals, Shields turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and headlined the first women’s boxing main event in premium cable television history in just her second professional fight in 2017. Shields, who will be headlining for the seventh time on SHOWTIME, now has her sights on making even more history.

“Claressa Shields continues to be a beacon of light and a trailblazer for women’s boxing, women’s sports, and boxing overall,” said Mark Taffet, Shields’ manager. “Being the only American to win back-to-back Olympic Gold in boxing, having won world titles in three weight divisions faster than any man or woman in boxing history, and now having the chance to be the first person – man or woman – to be an undisputed champion in two weight divisions in the four-belt era, Claressa will continue to add to her list of legendary, unprecedented and history-making accomplishments come May 9. I’m proud to be a part of her journey.”

The 33-year-old Dicaire (17-0) is from Saint-Eustache, Квебек, Канада, and started karate at the age of six. She worked her way up through the ranks until she obtained her black belt. After winning five world championship titles, Dicaire turned her attention to boxing and won the IBF Super Welterweight World Championship belt in December 2018 dethroning by decision the Uruguayan Chris Namus at the Quebec City Videotron Center. In her last fight in November of 2019, Dicaire defended her title for the third time beating experienced Venezuelan Ogleidis Suarez by unanimous decision. Dicaire will be fighting outside of the province of Quebec for the first time on May 9 and will be looking to score the upset victory in front of Shields’ hometown fans.

“Marie-Eve Dicaire against Claressa Shields, a battle of two undefeated champions for all the titles – you can’t get a better match in boxing,” said Yvon Michel, Dicaire’s promoter, Президент GY-. “We have great respect and admiration for all Shields has accomplished but there is no doubt Marie-Eve is the most skilled, strong and dedicated opponent Claressa has faced. We are very confident that all the belts will come back to Canada with us. Thanks to Salita Promotions and SHOWTIME for the opportunity. Marie-Eve Dicaire will provide a great fight for the fans and viewers.”

Barry Tompkins will call the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Виконавчий продюсер є Гордон зал з Річардом Гога виробництва і Рік Філліпс режисури.

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Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайтеwww.SHO.com/sports.  Follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Undefeated rising star JamaineThe TechnicianOrtiz In developmental process on way to top

All pictures by Emily Harney / Файтографія

Вустер, Маса. (Березня 11, 2020) – Fresh off his sensational hometown debut last month, JamaineThe Technician” Ортіс (13-0, 7 КО) is in the middle of a developmental process that is, сподіваюся, headed to the top of the 135-pound division by 2022.

The 23-year-old Ortiz, who will abdicate his World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World lightweight title next month when he turns 24 because he’ll be overage, headlined a Classic Entertainment and Sports (CES) show February 28ї at the famed Palladium in Worcester, Массачусетс.

Despite fighting for the first time in six months, Ortiz showed no signs of rust, forcing Mexican knockout specialist LocoLuis Ronaldo Castillo (22-6, 17 КО), a former WBC FECOMBOX lightweight champion, to take a knee after landing a crisp uppercut and then finishing him off later in the second round with three overhand rights.

Ортіс, за рейтингом Немає. 16 федерацією боксу Північної Америки (NABF), gained invaluable exposure headlining the CES event, which was streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, провідна у світі послуга цифрової передплати на бойові види спорту.

There was no reason of any rust,” Ortiz explained. “I had been working hard in the gym for several months, where I always do my best. Maybe the bright lights (fighting at home for the first time) affected me a little? It was a little different going through the fans (on his ring walk) to get to the ring (on stage). I picture much bigger things in my future, so I can’t let small stuff like that put me off my game. But I settled in quickly and felt comfortable.

I hit him with a good uppercut to the jaw. I figured he’d get up, because he had a late reaction when he went down, but I knew it was over when I hit him with three overhand rights. I really hurt him with the last punch as he was going down. I didn’t say it publicly, but I told some people that I would knock him out in the second round, and I did what I said I’d do. I knew early that it was only going to be a matter of time.

Ortiz displayed his lightning quick hands and feet, also switching effortlessly from orthodox to southpaw, Jamaine plans to return to work next week as a union carpenter and he’s already started running before he gets back in the gym.

A decorated amateur who had an impressive 100-14 запис, highlighted by consecutive New England Golden Gloves titles in 2015 & 2016, as well as a silver medal at the 2015 Національні Золоті рукавички турнір (he lost to current IBF World lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez у фінал чемпіонату) and reaching the semifinals of the 2016 U.S. Олімпійські ігри, Ortiz is a potential star on the rise.

Because he’s only 23 there is no legitimate reason to push Ortiz at this stage of his young pro career when his developmental process is in gear. First up is his initially scheduled 10-round fight, possibly for a regional title, likely against an accomplished, experienced opponent who will give Jamaine invaluable rounds (he only has 52 раундів під його поясом).

В 2021, the dream is for Ortiz to headline a major show at home in Worcester with world-ratings implications, at the new home of the Boston Red SoxAAA organization at Polar Park, which is being constructed now for an estimate construction cost of $100-million.

If all goes according to plans, Ortiz will challenge for a world title in 2022, at the latest.
The Ortiz Process has commenced with the goal of eventually developing him into a world titlist. Patience, хоча, is the key to building a champion!