همه پست های FNU47


با این قفل همه گیر همه کاره تقریباً در سراسر جهان, بسیاری از دعواها قبلاً لغو شده است, از بزرگترین, مانند آنتونی جوشوا در مقابل كوبرات پوولف, درست در بسیاری از رویدادهای کوچک سالن.

در حالی که به وضوح ، قفل عقب افتادگی بر همه افراد درگیر در ورزش محبوب ما تاثیر می گذارد, این باعث شد من به کسانی که برای اولین بار در رشته بوکس حرفه ای خود آماده شده اند فکر کنم, مانند قربانی امروز, متاسفم مهمان, کیتلین فروان, که به دلیل اولین حضور در Orkney در تاریخ 25 آوریل برگزار شد.

کیتلین ده بار قهرمان کیک بوکسینگ جهان است, کاملاً دستاوردی برای کسی که هنوز عادل است 19 سال, بیایید با آن روبرو شویم که در هر ورزش در چنین سنی جوانی به چنین موقعیتی والایی دست پیدا کند کاملاً دستاوردی است و بدون شک تجربه گسترده ورزش های رزمی او با تمام شدن این بیماری همه به نفع او خواهد بود و او را به موفقیت می رساند..

در واقع من از ملاقات با کیتلین در ماه مارس در رویدادی در Barrow-in-furness لذت بردم, جایی که او هنگامی که او به چالش کشید ، از Paul Peers حمایت می کرد, و ضرب و شتم, نیکاراگوئه میلتون آراوز برای شورای حرفه ای بوکس (PBC) عنوان بین المللی, و همیشه در نظر داشت که اولین بازی حرفه ای او را بپوشاند, اما با توجه به شرایط فعلی تصمیم گرفته شد که به جای او تصمیم بگیریم مصاحبه ای با او ترتیب دهیم.

کافیه وفل من, بیایید کمی با این ستاره شگفت انگیز نوجوان آشنا شویم.

(GDC) سلام کیتلین, متشکرم که وقت گذاشتید تا به چند سوال برای ما پاسخ دهید. اولین سؤال من این است که می فهمم شما یک کیک بوکسر قهرمان چند جهانی هستید, می توانید لطفاً کمی در مورد حرفه Kick Boxing خود به خوانندگان ما بگویید?

(CF) بنابراین من شروع به کیک بوکسینگ کردم 2008 در سن هشت سالگی, در آن زمان که مشغول دست زدن به کیک بوکسینگ با بسیاری از ورزش ها و فعالیت های دیگر بودم اما با گذشت زمان توجهم به کیک بوکسینگ گیر افتاد و این به زندگی من تبدیل شد.

من مطمئناً یکی از این افراد نبودم که استعداد ورزشی داشته باشد. من انعطاف پذیر نبودم, من هیچ اعتمادی نداشتم, اما تنها چیزی که من تا به امروز مرا تحریک کرده است ، عزم و اراده است.

زندگی در یک جزیره ما نتوانستیم به همان اندازه سایر مسابقات در سرزمین اصلی به مسابقات برسیم ، این بدان معنی بود که می دانستیم باید واقعاً تلاش بیشتری را برای جبران کمبود تجربه انجام دهیم.

همچنین از خانواده بزرگی که مادر من در آن والدین مجرد بود ، آمده است 5 بچه ها به این معنی بودند که من به ندرت توانستم از دور رقابت شوم و واقعاً تا زمانی که کمربند مشکی خود را درگیر نکنم واقعاً به درستی رقابت نمی کردم 2011.

سپس من معمولاً یک بار در ماه با اولین بزرگ مسابقات قهرمانی WKA اسکاتلند در گلاسکو که در آن موفق به کسب طلا 2x شدم رقابت کردم., این اولین تقویت کننده اعتماد به نفس بزرگ من بود و بیشتر با کسب عناوین اسکاتلندی و انگلیس و اروپا بیشتر به رقابت پرداختم.

سپس به اولین مسابقات جهانی خود دعوت شدم 2013 در ایتالیا جایی که من با یک مدال برنز دور شدم.

من همیشه هنگام مسابقه دادن امتیازات را ترجیح می دادم, این یک سبک کاراته است, 'شروع پایان’ سبک مبارزه, اما در دومین مسابقات جهانی من در پراگ در 2014, یک زن بدون دعوا برای حلقه خود در بخش مداوم وجود داشت ، بنابراین از من سؤال شد که آیا من دعوا را خواهم کرد.

من هرگز کسی نبودم که یک دعوا را کنار بگذارم ، بنابراین من این جنگ را پشت سر گذاشتم و به برنده شدن آن و همچنین دو نفر دیگر پایان دادم ، بنابراین من با سه عنوان اول جهانی ام و عشق جدید به حلقه مبارزه کنار رفتم..

از 2014 به 2017 من در ادامه به کسب هفت عنوان جهانی دیگر در کشورهای مختلف رسیدم.

توسط 2016/17 کار کیک بوکسینگ من واقعاً شروع شد و من به زودی به دنبال حرفه ای شدن هستم, با این حال در پایان 2017 مربی من رایان رفل با ناراحتی گذشت و این کار را به کار خود در کیک بوکسینگ پایان داد.

(GDC) چه چیزی شما را تحت تأثیر قرار داد از Kick Boxing به بوکس حرفه ای تغییر دهید?

(CF) همانطور که قبلاً هم اشاره کردم, من هرگز فردی به طور طبیعی انعطاف پذیر نبوده ام ، به همین دلیل در کیک بوکسینگ پاهایم عمدتاً برای لگد های قدرتمند بدن استفاده می شد.

در حالی که من همچنان به عنوان بخشی از Nemesis Kickboxing با رایان تمرین می کردم, در پایان 2015 تصمیم گرفتیم که با دستانم بهتر شود و شروع به فکر کردن در مورد تغییر بوکس کردم.

این باعث می شود رایان کلاس های بوکس را از دوشنبه شب و همچنین کلاس های کیک بوکسینگ در هفته آغاز کند.

به من دعوا شدم که اولین سپتامبر با آن انجام شد 4 روزها عنوان قهرمانی بین المللی UKBC را نشان می دهد. من در مسابقه پیروز شدم و در دسامبر 2007 در مسابقه برگشت از آن دفاع کردم.

2017 زمانی بود که من واقعاً بیشتر روی بوکس و کمتر در کیک بوکسینگ تمرکز کردم و دو دعوا بیشتر داشتم, با آخرین مبارزه در حرفه غیرمجاز من ، یک جنگ پنج عنوان قهرمانی در ماه آوریل است 2017 که سابقه من را به ارمغان آورد 4-0-0.

من فکر کردم که کار بوکس من در آن زمان به پایان رسیده است, تا زمانی که پل پیرز به Orkney در آنجا نقل مکان کرد 2018 از آنجا که وی علاقه زیادی به بوکس من نشان داد و به من کمک زیادی کرد تا عشق من به ورزش برگردد ، نشان داد که او به من اعتقاد دارد و باعث می شود اعتماد به نفس بیشتری داشته باشم و خودم را اعتماد کنم. دوباره قبل از امضای قرارداد حرفه‌ای من در ژانویه امسال دوباره به آموزش صحیح برگردید.

(GDC) شما قرار بود در 25 آوریل اولین کار بوکس حرفه ای خود را در Orkney انجام دهید, بدیهی است که این امر به دلیل بیماری همه گیر COVID-19 تنظیم شده است, بنابراین اولاً که اقدامات شما چگونه پیش رفته است?

(CF) بله, از زمان شروع این همه کار ویران کننده بود ، اما من مطمئن هستم که با تمرین روزانه و تمرینات خانگی و استفاده از فضای کوچکی که در خانه دارم می توانم به همان اندازه فعال باشم..

(GDC) آیا دولت دستور داده است که تعطیلی تأثیر در آماده سازی های شما باشد؟?

(CF) ما قبل از اینکه قفل کنیم حداقل یک یا دو بار در هفته در این باشگاه می گشتیم و مشارکت خود را با لی مکالیستر در بوکس Assassin در Aberdeen شروع کرده بودیم تا بتوانیم مبارزان کلوپ های Orkney Boxing Club را با بعضی از آنها در آخر هفته بپیوندیم..

ما فقط یک بار این مسئله را مدیریت کردیم که آب و هوا بد نیست و قایق های مشخصی برای اجرای آن در نظر نگرفته اند اما قصد داشتند بیشتر از قبل به نمایش بپردازند.

(GDC) هنگامی که قفل قفل به پایان رسید و تاریخ جدید اعلام می شود, گفته می شود حریف شما کارلی مکنزی است, آیا شما چیزهای زیادی در مورد او می دانید?

(CF) من در اصل به دلیل مبارزه با کارلی مکنزی بودم اما طرف مقابل من اخیراً به شورای حرفه ای بوکس تغییر یافته است (PBC) جیمی بیتس والیس قهرمان بین المللی نقره. من درباره جیمی صادقانه نمی دانم اما از آنچه دیدم او یک بوکسور ارتدوکس قوی با جرم قوی و دفاع تند است.

من این دعوا را در پیش گرفتم و می دانستم که این یک چالش خواهد بود خصوصاً اولین مبارزه من در این مسابقه 3 سال.
او ثابت شده است که یک قهرمان است بنابراین برای اینکه من قهرمان شوم باید قهرمان شوم.

(GDC) دور شدن از حرفه خود تا به امروز, بوکسور مورد علاقه شما کیست, مرد یا زن, و چرا?

(CF) بوکسور مورد علاقه من تا به امروز کیتی تیلور بوده است. او نقش مهمی در گرفتن بوکس بانوان به آنجا که امروز است بازی کرده است و الهام بخش واقعی برای هر ورزشکار در آنجا است زیرا نشان داده است که اگر واقعاً چیزی بخواهید می توانید بر روی آن مانع شوید..

(GDC) در همین راستا, که تمام وقت جنگ مورد علاقه شماست, و چرا?

(CF) انتخاب مبارزات مورد علاقه بسیار دشوار است اما باید او آخرین مبارزات کیتی تیلور علیه کریستینا لینارداتو باشد زیرا او به رکورد پیروزی خود ادامه داد و عنوان جهانی WBO فوق العاده سبک را به لیست روز افزون دستاوردهای خود اضافه کرد.. معمولاً تیلور درگیر جنگ می شود, شلیک پس از شلیک. با این حال او این بار به بیرون نگاه می داشت و بوکس هوشمند می کرد و انرژی خود را هدر نمی داد.

(GDC) متشکرم که وقت خود را برای پاسخ به سوالاتم سپری کردید, سرانجام کسی است که شما می خواهید با توجه به اولین بازی آینده خود از آنها یاد کنید?

(CF) من می خواهم از اسپانسر خود تشکر کنم, گری ساترلند در GSRI, استیون لگی در استحکام 101 بخاطر حفظ من و پال پیرز برای هر کاری که در طول یک سال و نیم انجام داده است تا اعتماد به نفس خود را جبران کنم و دوباره عشقم را برای بوکس بازنویسی کنم. من همچنین می خواهم به همه هم تیمی های قدیمی ام در آکادمی کیک بوکسینگ نمسیس و سالن بوکس نیمیسیس بدون آنها فریاد بزنم و من امروز آنها جایی نخواهم بود.

Beat The Streets ‘Grapple At The Garden’ تا بعداً موکول شود 2020

رویداد سالانه برای ماه مه برنامه ریزی شده بود 28 در تئاتر هولو در باغ مدیسون

(نیویورک, آوریل 2, 2020)-خیابان ها را بزنید, بزرگترین برنامه کشتی درون شهری در ایالات متحده, امروز اعلام کرد که "دست و پنجه نرم در باغ,”جمع آوری بودجه سالانه آن که قرار بود روز پنجشنبه برگزار شود, مه 28, به دلیل شیوع COVID-19 فعلی به تعویق افتاده است. این سازمان چندین تاریخ و قالب را برای یک رویداد برنامه ریزی شده در اواخر تابستان سرگرم می کند.

"تمرکز اصلی ما سلامت و ایمنی همه افراد درگیر است, به خصوص طرفداران ما, ورزشکاران و کارکنان ما, و به منظور آماده بودن مناسب برای آنچه همیشه یک جشن درجه یک برای همه است, ما تصمیم گرفتیم تاریخ اواخر ماه مه خود را به تعویق بیندازیم,گفت: " برندان باکلی, مدیر اجرایی خیابانها را بزنید. "ما در حال کار با شرکای خود در باغ مدیسون و تمام سهامداران خود هستیم تا موثرترین تاریخ را در ماه های آینده پیدا کنیم."

"درگیری در باغ" بسیار موفق بود, اولین فروش کامل در تئاتر هولو در 2019 پس از نزدیک به یک دهه در مکانهای مختلف نمادین دیگر شهر نیویورک.

درباره Beat the Streets

ماموریت Beat the Streets توسعه کامل پتانسیل جوانان شهری و تقویت فرهنگ کشتی شهر نیویورک است.. BTS به طور مستقیم با همکاری وزارت آموزش و پرورش شهر نیویورک در یک مشارکت دولتی و خصوصی کار می کند تا ورزش کشتی را تغییر دهد و زندگی را به پایان برساند 3,000 دانشجویان-ورزشکار شهر نیویورک برای کمک به آنها در رسیدن به اهداف شخصی و ورزشی خود. از طریق اجرای برنامه های کشتی در مدارس راهنمایی و دبیرستان در پنج منطقه, BTS و DOE یک گاوصندوق را ارائه می دهند, جو مثبتی که در آن جوانان محروم و در معرض خطر می توانند درس های اساسی زندگی شن و ماسه را یاد بگیرند, مسئولیت شخصی و کار گروهی, آمادگی جسمانی و تغذیه, و یادگیری مادام العمر. هدف پرورش قوی, دانش آموزان-ورزشکاران کاملاً گردآوری شده از طریق مربیگری تحویل داده می شوند, برنامه های بعد از مدرسه, کارگاه های مهارت های زندگی, و اردوهای تابستانی. اطلاعات بیشتر را می توان در یافت www.btsny.org.

بوکس بوکس ایالت ایالت نیویورک & حلقه 8 تأسیس صندوق برای کمک به بوکسورها و پرسنل بوکس در نیویورک

نیویورک (آوریل 1, 2020) - تالار مشاهیر بوکس ایالتی نیویورک (NYSBHOF) و حلقه 8 امروز به طور مشترک اعلام کرد همکاری برای ایجاد صندوق COVID-19 برای کمک به بوکسورهای نیویورک و نیوجرسی و پرسنل بوکس که در طول بیماری رنج کرونور ویروس مورد نیاز مالی هستند..

هر پرسنل بوکس (مشت زنان, مربیان, مردان برش خورده, غیره) کسانی که پیمانکار مستقلی هستند و در نیویورک یا نیوجرسی زندگی می کنند ممکن است با پر کردن فرم درخواست ارسال شده در این کشور ، برای دریافت کمکهای پولی اقدام کنندwww.NYBoxingHOF.org وwww.Ring8tv,با, یا درخواست فرم درFightpublicist@gmail.com به طور مستقیم از طریق ایمیل ارسال شود.

همه متقاضیان باید دارای مجوز باشند (NYSAC, بوکس NJSAC یا USA) فرم ها باید از طریق ایمیل به رئیس جمهور NYSBHOF ارسال شوند (depcomish@aol.com) یا او را صدا کنید (1.516.313.2304) با اطلاعات لازم.

"سالن های بدنسازی تعطیل هستند, و بوکس به طور نامحدود به حالت تعلیق در آمده است,باب دافی ، رئیس جمهور NYSBHOF گفت. "بیشتر مربیان بوکس, برش مردان و سایر پرسنل بوکس پیمانکاران مستقلی هستند, بنابراین در حال حاضر در طول این بیماری همه درآمدی ندارند. آنها خانواده هایی دارند که از آنها حمایت کنند, اجاره به پرداخت, غذا را روی میز بگذارید, و سایر هزینه های مهم ما می خواهیم با ایجاد این صندوق به آنها کمک کنیم. ما این توانایی را نداریم که به هر متقاضی اعتبار بزرگی بدهیم,  اما ما قادر به پرداخت مبلغ کمی هستیم تا به طور موقت کمی به آنها کمک کنیم. ما متعهد به انجام این کار برای ماه آوریل هستیم, حداقل, و پس از آن ما بازپرداختهای پرداخت را تا زمان بازگشت بوکس دوباره بررسی خواهیم کرد, تا زمانی که پول در این صندوق موجود باشد این کار درستی است!"

"حلقه 8 در حال پیشبرد اهداف ما برای کمک به بوکسورها و بوکسورهای نیویورک در این بحران است," حلقه 8 رئیس جمهور چارلی نورکوس, جونیور. اضافه. "این از همان ابتدا ماموریت ما بوده است. ما خوشحالیم که در این تلاش به سالن مشاهیر بوکس نیویورک بپیوندیم. "

مدیر بوکس آدریان کلارک به شبکه مبارزه می پیوندد

کانال پیشرو ورزش های رزمی جهان برنامه جدید بوکس را راه اندازی می کند و برنامه موبایل خود را برای پشتیبانی از رشد در سیستم عامل های جدید راه اندازی می کند

آزادی فوری

تورنتو | نیویورک – مبارزه با شبکه, یک شرکت تابعه از سرود ورزشی & سرگرمی و شبکه ورزش برتر جنگی جهان, امروز آن نویسنده را اعلام کرد, مدیر و تولید بوکس آدریان کلارک به عنوان مشاور برای توسعه برنامه های اصلی و مشارکت های استراتژیک با تمرکز بر محتوای بوکس حرفه ای و آماتور به سازمان پیوست., و همچنین حمایت از رسانه های اجتماعی و رشد جامعه در سراسر سیستم عامل های دیجیتال و اجتماعی Fight Network.
کلارک مشتریان مختلفی را مدیریت کرده است, از جمله جری بلمونتس, جیمز دو لا روزا, ویلی مونرو جونیور. و فرانک گالارزا. کلارک همچنین با جارل همکاری نزدیک داشته است “بزرگ کودک” میلر و قهرمان فعلی وزن سبک وزن جهان ارول اسپنس. وی نماینده معتبری برای انجمن ملی بازیکنان بسکتبال بود (NBPA) از 2012 به 2014. کلارک در فوربس مورد تقدیر قرار گرفت “30 زیر 30 سال” برای 2016 در ورزش. کلارک همچنین چندین کتاب منتشر کرده است, از جمله ‘من’ راهنمایی برای کارآفرینان جوان,در تمام اوقات از خود محافظت کنید: راهنمای بوکسورهای حرفه ای, بوکس = زندگی و اسب تاریک.

کلارک راه اندازی کرد در تمام اوقات از خود محافظت کنید ابتکار عمل در فوریه 2016, از جمله کتاب, وبلاگ پادکست و فیلم. همیشه در سراسر جهان, تولید کننده پیشرو در جهان است, بازاریاب و مجوز بوکس, تجهیزات MMA و تناسب اندام, با کلارک در همکاری داشت 2018 برای راه اندازی اولین بار در تمام اوقات از خود محافظت کنیدسمپوزیوم, یک ابزار آموزشی برای مبارزان و خانواده های آنها که هدف آنها آموزش و اطلاع رسانی به بوکسورهای حرفه ای در مورد ماهیت تجارت در بوکس است. کلارک علاوه بر سایر برنامه نویسی های اصلی شبکه ، این مفهوم را به یک سریال تلویزیونی برای شبکه Fight تبدیل خواهد کرد.

“من مشتاقانه منتظر همکاری با Fight Network در زمینه افزایش عمق پوشش بوکس آن هستیم,” سعید کلارک. “از نزدیک با شبکه ارتباطات صنعت من و تیم اصلی تولید FN Studios همکاری می کنم, ما برنامه نویسی جدیدی را ایجاد خواهیم کرد تا کانون توجه دانش شیرین و مباحثی که غالباً تحت پوشش سایه اصلی سایه انداخته می شود. با تجدید حیات اخیر در محبوبیت اصلی, این به عنوان یک فرصت مناسب برای مشترکان Fight Network پوشش بی سابقه ای از ستاره های بوکس مورد علاقه خود را فراهم می کند, هم در داخل رینگ و هم در پشت صحنه.”

“افزایش محبوبیت بوکس در سالهای اخیر قابل اغماض نیست,” گفت آریل شنرر, جنرال موتورز تازه تاسیس از Fight Network. “با روش های بیشتر برای مصرف دعوا از قبل و به دنیا آمدن ستارگان جدید, این ورزش در مقیاس جهانی رشد شگرفی را تجربه کرده است. ما مشتاقانه منتظر همکاری با آدریان در ابتکارات جدید برنامه نویسی و فرصت های حمایت مالی هستیم زیرا تمرکز تازه ای را برای پوشش خود در این ورزش به وجود می آوریم, نه تنها از طریق برنامه های خبری هفتگی ما و دعوا های زنده, اما با تولید محصولات اصلی که بینندگان ما را به دعوا و مبارزانی که دوستشان دارند نزدیکتر می کند, و همچنین برنامه نویسی آموزشی در مورد تجارت بوکس.”

برای اطلاعات بیشتر, بازدید www.fightnetwork.com.

برای مبارزه با عدم فعالیت قرنطینه, تبلیغات Salita سری جدید YouTube را "آموزش مانند یک بوکسور" اعلام کرد

کلیک کنید اینجا برای تماشای سریال هایی که در قالب ویژگی های تاریخ سازنده FAMALE FAMALE WAR CHAMPION CLARESSA SHIELDS

جوایز Salita, پیشرو در شرکت تبلیغات بوکس است, امروز اعلام کرد از پخش سری جدید YouTube خود خبر داد “آموزش مانند یک بوکسور,” شامل بنیانگذار شرکت دمیتری سالیتا و مدال آور طلای المپیک و قهرمان وزن چند وزن جهان کلرسا شیلدز, و همچنین سایر مبارزان برتر تحت پرچم سالیتا از جمله اتو والین, شوجهون ارگاسف و کلبین کریستینسون.

شروع با یک قسمت جدید وب چهارشنبه, آوریل 1, 2020, در کانال های YouTube Salmon Promotions و Claressa Shields, “آموزش مانند یک بوکسور” با ارائه توصیه های مربوط به تناسب اندام و کارهای روزمره مربوط به بوکس ، برای افرادی که حداقل تجهیزات کمتری دارند و فضای کافی برای ورزش دارند ، می خواهد افراد را در فعالیت در قرنطینه فعال کند..

قبل از تبدیل شدن به جدیدترین مرکز تبلیغاتی بوکس با ثبات چشمگیر قهرمانان جهان, مدعیان برتر و چشم اندازهای جدید چشمگیر, دمیتری سالیتا سالها در برخی از شناخته شده ترین سالن های ورزشی در ورزش به عنوان قهرمان دستکش های طلایی ایالت نیویورک و مدعی برتر حرفه ای گذراند.

"در طول این بحران جهانی کرونا, این سریال با درگیری با مبارزان ما در این فعالیت های سرگرم کننده و سالم به هواداران بوکس در وضعیت جسمی و روحی خود کمک خواهد کرد,"سعید ورد. وی گفت: "تمرین بوکسور برای این اوقات سخت بسیار مناسب است زیرا در انزوا اردوگاه تمرین انجام می شود. مبارزان ما می خواهند در طی این دوره "اردوگاه انزوا" در سراسر جهان با هواداران خود عقب نشینی کنند و با آنها ارتباط برقرار کنند و به زودی همه ما با هم خواهیم توانست از پیروزی بزرگ غلبه بر کووید 19 لذت ببریم. "

شیلد قهرمان جهان WBC و WBO Super Welterweight سه بخش و فعلی, که دید که پیشنهاد او برای اولین بوکسور در دوره چهار کمربندی است که در دو بخش وزنه برداری قهرمان مسلم جهانی شود اما در ضمن قهرمان بدون شکست IBF سوپر واتر وزنه بردار ماری-ایو دیسایر هفته گذشته به طور رسمی موکول شد, او ابراز امیدواری می کند این فیلم ها به همه کمک کنند در این مواقع امتحان از نظر جسمی و روحی متناسب باشند.

"با تمام آنچه دنیا اکنون در حال گذر است, من می خواهم به هر شکلی که می توانم به مردم کمک کنم تا در خانه بمانم تا زمانی که این بیماری همه گیر نشود ، احساس بهتری داشته باشم,شیلد گفت. "این فیلم ها - حتی 20 به 40 دقیقه در روز - می تواند کمک کند. بیایید در کنار هم قوی باشیم!"

بررسی کنید جوایز Salita و کلارسا شیلدس کانال های YouTube اغلب برای قسمت های جدید!

کلیک کنید اینجا برای تماشای سریال هایی که در قالب ویژگی های تاریخ سازنده FAMALE FAMALE WAR CHAMPION CLARESSA SHIELDS

کشتی ایالات متحده رویدادهای مجازات شده و رویدادهای ملی را تا ماه مه به حالت تعلیق درآورد 10

مارس 31, 2020 - با حمایت وحدت رویه کمیته مشورتی کشتی ایالات متحده COVID-19, کشتی ایالات متحده آمریکا همه رویدادهای مجازات شده و رویدادهای ملی را تا ماه مه به حالت تعلیق درآورده است 10.

این برنامه تعلیق قبلی فعالیتهای اعلام شده در مارس است 16, که وقایع تحریم شده را تا آوریل متوقف کرد 6 و رویدادهای ملی را تا آوریل به تعویق انداخت یا لغو کرد 20.

برای کشتی ایالات متحده آمریکا, اولویت شماره یک ما همیشه ایمنی ورزشکاران و خانواده های آنها است, همه اعضای ما, کارکنان ملی و کل ایالات متحده. جامعه کشتی.

این تصمیم کشتی ایالات متحده را با ایالات متحده همسو می کند. راهنمایی مرکز کنترل بیماری از مارس 16 که هیچ تجمعی از آنها نیست 50 یا تعداد بیشتری از افراد طی هشت هفته بعد برگزار می شوند.

کمیته مشاوره کشتی COVID-19 ایالات متحده شامل دکتر است. تام پرایس, پزشکی که از ایالات متحده گذشته است. وزیر بهداشت و خدمات انسانی و عضو گذشته کنگره; دکتر. برنارد فلدمن, عضو کمیسیون پزشکی UWW و پزشک کشتی تالار مشاهیر; و جان باردیس, گذشته آمریکا. دستیار وزیر بهداشت و خدمات انسانی, و یک رهبر قدیمی کشتی ایالات متحده آمریکا که در صنعت پزشکی حرفه ای موفق است.

رئیس جمهور کشتی ایالات متحده ، بروس باومگارتنر ، نیز در تماس های کمیته مشورتی COVID-19 گنجانده شده است, مدیر اجرایی ریچ بندر و کلیه کارکنان USA Wrestling, بنابراین آنها می توانند مستقیماً با گروه های تشکیل دهنده خود ارتباط برقرار کنند.

علاوه بر هفت رویداد ملی و منطقه ای کشتی ایالات متحده آمریکا که در مارس و آوریل به تعویق افتاد, سه رویداد اضافی به تعویق افتاده است:

o مسابقات منطقه ای شمال شرقی, مانالاپان, N.J. - ممکن است 1-3, 2020

o مسابقات ملی کشتی زنان ایالات متحده آمریکا, ایروینگ, تگزاس - مه 8-10, 2020

ای ایالات متحده. مسابقات ملی ساحل و کمربند, ساحل کارولینا, N.C.– مه 8-9, 2020

کارهای زیادی وجود دارد که اعضای کشتی ایالات متحده آمریکا می توانند در کوتاه مدت انجام دهند. کشتی آمریکا TheMat.tv را راه اندازی کرده است, یک پورتال ویدیویی گسترده, و همچنین بخشی از COVID-19 در وب سایت خود TheMat.com با منابع دیگر. بسیاری از انجمن های ایالتی و باشگاه ها در حال انجام اقدامات آنلاین هستند. بسیاری از سازمانهای همکار کشتی ایالات متحده نیز برنامه ها و مطالبی را ارائه می دهند. آموزش در منزل, آموزش متقاطع و دویدن نیز ایده های عالی است که توسط دولت محلی و مقامات بهداشتی مجاز است.

کشتی ایالات متحده آمریکا روزانه این وضعیت را رصد می کند. لطفا درک کنید که این وضعیت سیال است, و ممکن است تغییرات بیشتری در این سیاست و سایر سیاست های کشتی ایالات متحده آمریکا بر اساس مقررات دولت ملی و محلی و توصیه های متخصصان پزشکی ایجاد شود, از جمله مرکز کنترل بیماری, و سازمان بهداشت جهانی, و کمیته مشاوره کشتی ایالات متحده COVID-19. علاوه بر این, کشتی ایالات متحده به همه اعضای خود توصیه می کند که برای راهنمایی در مورد وضعیت COVID-19 در منطقه خود به آژانس های بهداشتی محلی و ایالتی خود مراجعه کنند.

کشتی ایالات متحده بوده است, و به ملاقات منظم با رهبران دولت ادامه خواهد داد, ورزشکاران تیم ملی و دیگران برای اطلاع و حمایت از آنها, و همچنین ورودی آنها را دریافت کنید.

کشتی ایالات متحده متعهد شده است که ارتباط مستقیم خود را با اعضای خود در حال حرکت به جلو افزایش دهد, از جمله فرصتهای دریافت مستقیم اطلاعات از اعضای کمیته مشورتی COVID-19.

کشتی ایالات متحده در حال به روز رسانی صفحه ای در وب سایت خود است که فقط به COVID-19 در اختصاص داده شده استHTTPS://www.teamusa.org/AAAAAAAAAAAAA/Ustrestling/Features/2020/Mar/14/COVID-19-Special-Section. این صفحه شامل پیوندهایی به منابع برای جامعه کشتی است, و همچنین لیست اظهارات, اطلاعیه های مطبوعاتی و مقالاتی که به اطلاع کلیه اعضا در مورد بیماری همه گیر COVID-19 می پردازد.

بیانیه MMA Bellator در مورد رویدادهای ماه مه

با توجه به نگرانی های ایمنی مداوم در مورد شیوع COVID-19, و همچنین فدرال فعلی, دستورات دولت ایالتی و محلی, مقامات Bellator MMA امروز اعلام کردند که سه رویداد زنده آینده که قرار است در ماه مه برگزار شود به تعویق افتاده است.

این وقایع شامل می شود:

  • Bellator 242 - ممکن است 9 در سن خوزه, کالیفرنیا.
  • Bellator سری اروپا لندن - ممکن است 16 در لندن
  • Bellator 243 - ممکن است 29 در Temecula, کالیفرنیا.

این سازمان همچنان از نزدیک وضعیت را رصد می کند و به طور کامل قصد دارد در اسرع وقت وقایع را برنامه ریزی مجدد کند.

مثل همیشه, سلامت و ایمنی ورزشکاران ما, طرفداران, شرکا و کارکنان همچنان اولویت اصلی ما هستند. ما درک و صبر همه افراد درگیر در این زمان فوق العاده دشوار را درک می کنیم.

بازپرداخت برای صاحبان سهام این رویدادها, و همچنین Bellator 241 در ابتدا برای ماه مارس برنامه ریزی شده بود 13 در Mohegan دو آرنا, در نقطه اصلی خرید در دسترس خواهد بود.

لطفاBellator.com برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر.

درمانی برای سیستم ایمنی شما که اکنون بدون نسخه قبلی در دسترس است

توسط: غنی برگرون

The recent Corona Virus (Covid-19) این موقعیت فرصتی مناسب برای بازگشت به نوشتن کتابی است که مدتها بود قصد نوشتن در مورد تقویت کننده سیستم ایمنی بدن به نام 714X را داشتم. The world was just not ready to accept the truths that I planned to reveal when I first set about writing my book over 15 سالها پیش, but things have changed. I’m including the basic nuts and bolts of my book project here first, where everyone can access what could be life changing information for the right person suffering from a degenerative condition or disease that this treatment could have a tremendously positive effect on.

Before we go any further, I want to let everyone reading this know that I have absolutely zero financial interest in this product. I am not writing this tosellanything but the truth. This product is categorized as quackery if you believe what is written online and accepted in most of the search engines as relevant. I’m simply asking you to accept the fact that lying about this treatment’s effectiveness makes it easier to keep selling harmful, toxic pharmaceuticals that have pages of horrific side effects and complications from long term use. It’s not as much a conspiracy as it is a blacklisting of all so-callednaturalproducts or anything that takes a biological approach to what medical doctors consider to be medical problems that will only respond to medicinal solutions.

When I set about my plan to write the new age story of this miraculous immune system booster, I knew I had to take it myself. I had to experience first hand what it could do for the human body. I will be writing a very important follow up piece explaining and illustrating the effects of my ongoing cycle of 714X (21 روز, one injection per day).

I first stumbled upon the story of 714X when I was a teenager. The more I learned about the promise of the treatment and the technology behind it-and the more traditional medicine’s most common failures played a factor in killing my loved ones-the more I wanted to call attention to this revolutionary non-toxic phenomenon.

Cancer and medical negligence combined to kill almost every loved one I’ve lost throughout my entire life. Only my younger sister died of a different fate, driving under the influence of alcohol at 22 ساله. I have seen cancer strike, the trail it leaves, and the physical and mental wounds it opens. My own mother battled Hodgkin’s Disease (Cancer of the lymph) when she was training to be a registered nurse and dating my father. She beat the cancer and survived to give birth to three children. Amy and Maryjane are my two older sisters, each of us born just over a year apart.

What made Mom’s situation remarkable was not that just that she won her fight. The truly inspiring story revolved around the tenacity she displayed when she faced her fate. “I’m not planning to die yet,” she wrote in a 1979 American Journal of Nursing article, “I have to continue with a lot of plans.

Her fight with Hodgkin’s showed her resolve, and it also gave her a unique understanding of what it was like to be a helpless patient dealing with out of touch doctors. At the time of her radiation treatments she was working as a candy striper for a local hospital. She later completed nursing school. Her harsh experience with the doctors who treated her left her committed to dealing with her own patients differently, with much more compassion and courtesy. If her life had a theme song it would probably beHold My Handby Hootie and The Blowfish:

Mom began to feel sick again about 15 years after she conquered Hodgkin’s. This time it was one complication after another. The downward spiral left her right side paralyzed by a stroke. She learned to write with her left hand even though she was born right handed. Amazingly, she not only understood her condition, but she was able to communicate that to my father.

Did I have a stroke?” She asked him in writing one day.

“بله,” he told her.

Another day found Mom biting down on her oxygen tube, attempting to breathe on her own.

At one point she had a nightmare that no one was helping her at the hospital. A crowd of doctors and nurses stood around her in the dream as she cried for help. They didn’t budge, and when she woke up she feared that her dream would become reality and the hospital staff was just going to stand by and let her die.

Essentially, her premonition was eerily correct, though it didn’t happen exactly the way she dreamed it. One Sunday she did die, and she was resuscitated only to later succumb to her deteriorating condition. Infection was the official cause of death, but incompetence coupled with her previous radiation exposure were the true causes of her downfall.

In the aftermath of Mom’s loss, I immediately began to realize how many lives she touched in her 35 years on Earth. The funeral procession was miles long, and my first ride in a limousine was quite an event, though tragic. I can vividly remember how long it took for every car to wind down the narrow cemetery roads and find parking. I was amazed by the crowd. Even more stunning were the vast displays of flowers that completely covered her coffin as it sat atop the grave. I will never forget that day, and I can’t imagine what it would have been like had she enjoyed a full life.

A negligence trial swept through our lives when Amy, Maryjane, and I were all still in high school. The later settlements from our cases against her doctor and two hospitals yielded trust funds that put each of us through college, but the money couldn’t bring mom back, which was what we all really wanted.

I was six-going-on-seven when she died and almost sixteen when the trial began. While I don’t retain many memories from her time with us, I do know she set a powerful example. She was one of those true, selfless and saintly women that the world could not afford to lose so young, اما شد. The health care system and the people within it she trusted delayed and dragged their feet in making the correct diagnosis and setting the right course of treatment. Inadequate testing led to all her major early issues going completely undetected and/or overlooked.

If this sounds like some of the same arguments we’re hearing today about Covid-19, it’s because adequate testing has ALWAYS been an issue with almost every disease and condition under the sun. The most fascinating part of the science behind 714x (which we’ll learn more about later) is the test that can be done with the microscope that Gaston Naessens created before he came up with 714x. It was theSomatascopethat led to him creating his all-natural, detoxifying treatment to be used for a wide variety of diseases and degenerative conditions. Looking at the blood of patients with this incredible tool, he predicted up to 18-24 months before a degenerative disease or condition would begin to elicit the first symptoms in a particular person.

During my first year of college I learned that my seven-year-old cousin, Katie Hartley, my mother’s niece, was stricken with something called an Undifferentiated Sarcoma. The tumor in her brain did not respond well to chemotherapy, and Katie would reach the brink of exhaustion long before her doctor proclaimed she had only three weeks to live.

Katie’s diagnosis seemed so grim at first, and I set myself up for another tragedy. My doubts were close to becoming a reality when she suddenly bounced back due to a last ditch, desperate effort. She had refused more chemotherapy and her doctors claimed her survival was hopeless.

سپس, she met Billy Best. Seventeen-year-old Billy Best lost an aunt to cancer, his father’s sister, on the very same day doctors diagnosed his Hodgkin’s Disease. A media circus descended on the Best Family when Billy fled his suburban Massachusetts home to avoid undergoing any further chemotherapy treatments.

His parents appealed to reporters who then showed the public his picture over the airwaves with his mother and father’s plea for their son to return home or contact them. Billy ended up in Texas, and he came home only after he and his folks agreed he didn’t have to endure any more chemo.

Billy then began his recovery with Essiac tea as his family investigated other alternative treatments to fulfill their promise not to put him back on chemo. A Current Affair featured the Best family’s story, and the dramatic turn of events gained national headlines. Bombarded with supportive mail from all over the country, the family prayed together for guidance. A phone call from a financial advisor to the Clinton White House, answered their prayers by introducing the family to 714-X, a controversial non-toxic cancer treatment.

714-X was helping Richard Aitken ride out Lou Gehrig’s disease with surprising grace and a much better quality of life. Billy and his father visited Aitken at his Burlington, Vermont home and saw that the man could still drive and perform skills that a patient at his stage should have been unable to accomplish. The visit convinced both Billy and his father to try 714-X for Billy’s cancer.

They were led to French-born Canadian biologist گاستون نایسن, the creator of 714-X. Naessens was a doctor of biology. He received his degree from a temporary school set up in Southern France during World War II. He never sought an equivalency degree from the post-war government, but Naessens lived a long, healthy life as a model of what doctors should be. He devoted more than 50 years to intense hematology research. He managed to defy the odds over the years, and his product brought some patients back from the very brink of certain death.

Because of the well-publicized story of seventeen-year-old Billy Best, Katie’s aunt Maryanne relayed his story to Paul and Julie Hartley, Katie’s parents. A meeting was arranged at the Best home in Pembroke. My cousin asked Billy some questions about 714-X.

Does it hurt?” Katie asked.

“نکن,” Billy replied.

Does it make you throw up?” she asked next.

“نکن,” او گفت.

She thought for a moment and then posed her last question, “Does it make you lose your hair?”

“نکن,” Billy told her.

I’ll try it,” Katie told her parents. Katie saw how healthy Billy looked and knew 714-X was worth a shot.

Katie’s father Paul, still a bit hesitant, decided to ask doctors about the treatment. They told him if his daughter tried it she would be ineligible for any further treatment at the hospital. Frustrated, Paul locked eyes with one of the physicians he knew had children and asked, “Father to father, what do you really think I should do?”

What do you have to lose? There’s nothing else she can stand right now traditionally,” the doctor replied. Paul and Julie both later agreed to give the treatment a chance.

Katie began her first 714-X cycle on January 17th, 1996. Because of Katie’s fateful meeting with the Best family, she was able to travel to Canada in 2001 to personally thank Gaston Naessens for creating the product that she and her family believe saved her life.

Naessens came to Boston for a press conference a few weeks later, and Katie and Billy spoke on his behalf. I sat in the audience wondering why this promising treatment still wasn’t getting the attention and credit it deserved. Both Katie and Billy stopped painful treatments and turned to the biologist and his homeopathic remedy as a last hope. Both are still alive today and very healthy, both still use 714-X, and both are among 16 case studies Naessens submitted to the National Cancer Institute for evaluation in August of 2001.

The kind of pain and suffering that is inflicted upon the victims of cancer due to chemotherapy and radiation is appalling and outright shocking. More surprising is that the cancer industry reaps hundreds of millions of dollars from the lucrative sale of countless toxic drugs. The law firms and the pharmaceutical executives feed off each other. While there is a commercial for a particular drug on one channel, another network will be showing a commercial for a high-powered law firm gunning for that drug’s manufacturer for the most outrageous side effects up to and including horrible sounding things likegangrene of the genitalia.

I truly believe the methods of sapping the body’s strength in order to halt the spread of cancer and ultimately kill it off completely are or at least should be outdated. It is time for better ways of treatment. I grew up in the eighties and saw inventions like the Walkman sweep the country. Today that machine is deemed obsolete by portable and wireless devices that play music, make phone calls and access the Internet. Yet we’re still using medical technology and treatment methods that are decades old? چرا?

Computer systems are outmoded after a year in many instances. Why is it that the same innovative and evolving results can’t be achieved in the world of cancer treatment? Why are there so many different cancer tests? Why are bald children filling hospital beds in cancer wards? People like Dr. Ralph Moss claim it is the industry in place that blocks new advances that will doom chemotherapy and radiation to the past.

The industry is entrenched against alternative medicine’s painless and non-toxic approaches for reasons that principally involve money and jobs, Moss asserts, and he has the evidence to back it up.

Instead of giving patients a product that causes pain, nausea, and humiliating hair loss, Naessens invented a treatment with extremely minimal side effects. دکتر. Naessens advocated an entire lifestyle change, vitamin supplements, a special diet, his camphor based liquid injection in 21-day cycles, and the ever-important ingredients of family support and faith. Instead of a simple cure, he offered a solution on many fronts, a combination that gives the patient the reigns and lets him blaze his own path.

Naessens recommended a package that builds the body back up, jolting the immune system back into the fight against invading cancer cells. When Katie’s tumor disappeared after treatment with 714-X, her full story came to me one small piece at a time.

I first met Billy at the same Boston press conference where Naessens submitted his 16 best cases for study by the National Cancer Institute. I later sat down and spoke at length with Billy’s parents. I communicated with Dr. Naessens through his wife Jacinte. He speaks very little English, and I speak no French, so the bridge was necessary.

My confidence in traditional methods of killing cancer was already weak when my father’s sister began to notice a change in her husband’s health. After asuccessfuloperation to remove a benign brain tumor, my uncle Don became a bit detached. Complications from the surgery and a horrible infection consumed him seven years later.

Uncle Don died at the age of 45, shortly after the last time I visited with him and his family. He took 714-X when there was no other hope, after the damage had been done. I firmly believe he’d be alive today if he took it instead of undergoing the surgery or at least before the procedure was done. He and his wife were just following what they thought was sound medical advice when they agreed to the operation. Neither of them were prepared for the risks coupled with the procedure and the painful aftermath.

Uncle Don was quiet in the twilight of his life. Pain medication and 714-X alleviated his suffering, but when I saw him he seemed to know he was approaching the end. When I came down from school to visit him one last time I knew he was days from his demise. I shook Don’s hand before I left, and he thanked me for coming. I don’t remember what I said back, but it was difficult to hold back the tears I felt building up.

I never saw him again. His wife and two children lost him forever not long after I left him standing with them at the top of their front staircase. This time I faced a loss when old enough to know just how devastating death can be to a family.

I wept often for Uncle Don and for his family. He was a great man, much too young to die, and too kind to deserve his fate. His family and I still miss him tremendously.

I look forward to the day when 714-X and other drugs like it replace surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation as standard treatments for cancer. I can imagine the first US patient being prescribed Naessenspackage, the insurance companies agreeing to pay for it, and all of the government agencies finally coming together to put a stamp of long awaited approval on the treatment. I can see the day when our husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, sons and daughters, cousins and friends will not fade so quickly from our lives at the hands of the scourge that is cancer and other degenerative diseases and conditions.

I am so confident in 714-X, because I took it myself. The homeopathic treatment is valuable in preventing any degenerative disease. As a long time smoker, I decided to quit, change my lifestyle, and protect myself against heart disease and cancer. I quit smoking and gave myself 2 cycles of 714-X injections, though I would later take up the habit again and have to quit once more. I’ve since taken a 3rd cycle since then, and I am on day 14 of cycle number four as I write this article.

A strong sense of spiritual faith and a background of family support combined with the right treatment can help anyone beat disease. They were shaken and shattered at their lowest points, but Billy Best and Katie Hartley resolved to live full, vibrant lives even as doctors told them that would be impossible. My mother struggled to raise a family and keep her health. Struck with further health complications years after beating Hodgkin’s, she hung on to the last breath.

Previous radiation treatments may have initially brought mom to the hospital, but ultimately her death at the age of 35 was a sad result of substandard care. Uncle Don was a victim of poor surgical work and regretful medical advice. His world-renowned doctors told him and his wife that his relatively small tumor would take another 50 years to double in size, yet they still recommended removing it. He died at 45. He might have been better off just taking his chances with another fifty years of benign growth.

Katie Hartley and Billy Best knew their cancer might kill them. My uncle and my mother knew death was near at some point during their struggles. Millions of cancer patients who have been diagnosed with the worst forms of the disease have known well before their death that their chances of survival were slim to none.

Katie’s doctor told her that she might just go to sleep one day and not wake up. Because of Dr. Naessens and his life’s work, Katie can fall asleep at night without having to worry about missing another sunrise. She has her own family now, something she never thought would be possible before taking 714X.

When standard medicine wakes up to the possibility of seeing things another way, we may all behold the day when people with cancer will no longer have to suffer going bald, losing weight, and wasting away under a regimen of life-draining chemo and radiation. The same day will bring testing that can predict degenerative diseases and conditions up to two years before their onset. I embrace that vision, because I know, به موقع, 714-X’s emergence as a powerful method of compassionate treatment will become reality.

گاستون نایسن, Somatids, and 714-X (History and Relevant Background):

If Naessens is right, biologists won’t have to rewrite their textbooks. They can throw them away.Ralph W. Moss, MD, The Cancer Chronicles, دسامبر, 1994

Gaston Naessens was born in the northern France textile town of Roubaix in 1924. He was the youngest boy in his family. He had two older sisters and an older brother who was nine years his senior and the closest in age to him.

جای تعجب نیست, he became somewhat of a loner early on in his life. At the tender age of four Gaston used his alarm clock to make his Meccano set into a moving, motorized device. بعد, as a teenager, he built a functional airplane. His mother subsequently torched it before its maiden flight. As soon as she learned it could actually fly, she knew she had to destroy it.

During World War II, Naessens even conquered the gas shortage by modifying his motorcycle to run on wood. بازگشت در 1935, when Gaston was only 11 ساله, he lost his father, a popular banker in their hometown. His mother raised him thereafter. During his teenage years he studied at the University of Lille, but the family’s relocation to southern France after the German invasion suspended his quest for a degree.

Some of the professors from his former school formed the Union Scientifique Nationale Francaise that operated during the war in the south of France. Naessens acquired a biological engineering degree from the temporary school, but he never sought an equivalency degree from the new government after the war.

For that reason, those who try to discredit Naessens say he has no official degree.

Naessens was drawn early to the field of Hematology, the study of blood. While a student in this field, he claimed he could see small particles in blood plasma that were dismissed by his mentors. Everyone he asked about them called them artifacts: false or man made images created by manipulation of the specimen.

Naessens remained committed to proving that the particles he saw were real and significant. To study them better he thrust himself into a new field of study: microscopy. Maintaining his career in hematology, Naessenshobby became designing his own new microscope. He began this process in 1950, and it evolved into a nine-year mission.

Once completed in 1959, with the help of artisans from Germany, his microscope achieved a resolution of 150 angstroms. 1 angstrom is 100 millionth of a centimeter. The sharpness of the image produced by his microscope soared above and beyond any other in existence. It allowed him 30,000 x magnification. With his new tool he could also view live specimens. He called his invention the Somatoscope.

The somatoscope uses two sources of light. Incandescent and ultraviolet light combine to produce a third wavelength. The new wavelength passes through a monochromator which generates a ray of light. That ray then hits an electrical field that breaks it into three new parallel rays. This process is called the Zeeman effect. One of these new rays then passes through a Kerr cell, increasing the frequency. The light source, completely invisible to the naked eye, analyzes the specimen.

Because his own original somatoscope was a behemoth, Naessens also invented a condenser in 1998. The condenser can be fitted to conventional microscopes and allows a similar picture to that available under the original somatoscope. With a new world opened to him, Gaston observed thousands of specimens.

Even in the early stages of his research with his new scope, he was able to confirm his earlier suspicions. In live blood he could certainly distinguish an unknown element, a tiny brilliant particle that maintained a unique rhythm of movement between the blood cells.

His first inclination was to attempt to isolate the particle in a growth medium (an ideal biological environment) to prove it was alive. This was a very difficult procedure for him to master, and it was a frustrating struggle that encompassed several years. He finally accomplished this feat, opening a door to a fascinating new realm of research. He later named the new particle he discovered the somatid.

The word comes from two Greek words: soma, which means body, and tidos, which means creating or building. Once isolated in the growth medium, Naessens discovered his particle was indeed alive. Its development evolved through 16 stages every 90 ساعت, an always identical regular cycle. The somatid was able to transform itself rapidly from one form to another in reaction to its biological environment. The transformation was spontaneous and occurred without cellular division, a process called polymorphism.

Watching somatids allowed Naessens to discover many different qualities the particles possessed. He discovered they were electromagnetic. He concluded that somatids do not contain DNA, yet they are carriers of genetic information. His research ultimately proved to him that somatids are the smallest unit of life capable of transforming energy into matter, and they are the most basic condenser of energy needed to sustain life. He came to believe that cell division is impossible without the growth promoters somatids produce.

While a person is alive, the somatid sustains life. After a person’s death, somatids transform the body into its basic ingredients (carbon, mineral salts) and they become dormant in their resistant form. In that stage they are indestructible, and they can survive for years. Perhaps because of these qualities, these tiny particles may even hold the key to realizing the ultimate goal of Cryogenic research.

Excited about his new discovery, Naessensnext shocking breakthrough allowed him to predict disease. He observed in the living blood of sick people some of the same forms his somatids took in their growth medium. To further explore this development, Naessens enlisted the help of several French doctors and laboratories.

The same group of people underwent both traditional testing for disease and Naessenslive blood testing. Naessens would confirm or deny the presence of disease from his observations of a particular patient’s blood seen under his scope. Doctors would not tell Naessens what their own diagnosis was until he’d finalized his live blood analysis of each patient. In more than 10,000 cases Naessensestablished a link between the somatid forms and the state of disease in the patient.

He had created his own screening test, and it proved reliable. Conventional lab tests confirmed the biologist’s conclusions on the state of each patient’s health. Further research allowed Naessens to observe that there was a fundamental difference between the somatids of healthy people and those of sick people.

He observed the first three stages of somatid growth in fit people with no disease. The final thirteen stages existed in people in various stages of disease. Naessens concluded that he could use this new information to discover what causes somatids to change from stage 3 (سالم) to stage four (the onslaught of disease). He called the point between the third and fourth stages the protection gate. In theory, the protection gate sustains equilibrium and prevents disease from taking hold in healthy people.

This theoretical protection gate somehow restrains the further polymorphism of the somatid beyond stage three. Now it was clear to Naessens that his microscope and his research would make the screening and prevention of degenerative diseases possible. He could look at a person’s blood and tell that person if he or she would develop any kind of degenerative disease. His test would be so sensitive that he would be able to predict the beginning of a disease before any conventional medical test could. He could identify the weakening of a person’s natural defenses 18 به 24 months before the localization of any disease or medical condition.

It is therefore understandable that the world of traditional medicine would go to great lengths to discredit Naessensresearch. The somatoscope essentially makes countless conventional testing theories and machinery obsolete. The live blood test Naessens perfected would cost less, involve much less risk, and give a patient much more time to decide how to treat the oncoming disease. Millions, maybe even billions of dollars worth of equipment and services will have to be scrapped if Naessenstesting protocol ever reaches full potential.

Since even conventional medicine dictates that early diagnosis means a better prognosis, Naessens became overjoyed. His new test would be a preventive detection method to help patients long before traditional doctors would be able to assist them.

While the test is currently restricted to fundamental and clinical research, Gaston and his staff are committed to making this detection method just as available to the public as current traditional testing methods are.

Observation and intense study led Naessens to discover exactly what factors are responsible for the progressive weakening of the protection gate. He concluded that five major factors influence the breakdown of the gate: the progression of stage 3 somatids to stage 4.

اول از همه, toxic products represent great risk. Continuous or extended exposure to toxins can negatively effect the protection gate. Examples are asbestos and cigarettes. Physical traumas can also cause a breech in the gate. Bruises, fractures, sprains, deep cuts, and serious burns are some examples. Even something as subtle as jetlag can disturb the protection gate, though the gate will repair itself within a few days after a long flight. Sudden psychological traumas can also destabilize a person’s equilibrium. An unexpected emotional shock can be responsible for the gate becoming susceptible to a breakdown. The abrupt loss of a loved one, an unpredictable deception, or any psychologically crippling experience that happens without a warning is enough to dismantle the gate.

Such situations that are recurring would also present a threat. An ongoing feeling of being trapped can exhaust the natural defenses of the body.

سرانجام, simple thoughts or beliefs contribute to breaches in the gate. Whether conscious or unconscious, the brain acts upon thoughts, and sometimes that can be dangerous. For instance, if the thought I wish I were sick so I wouldn’t have to work were to be transmitted to the brain, it could change the body enough to allow sickness to overtake it. Essentially this follows the principle of mind over matter. If you will it, it may happen. This is why the technique of visualizing the destruction of a tumor can sometimes be an effective way to treat it.

Naessens-armed with the knowledge of decades of research-then set about creating a product that could restore the protection gate and possibly even reverse the natural polymorphism of the somatidian cycle.

His next invention would need to meet three requirements. First it had to be non-toxic and have no negative side effects. It would need to sustain life instead of compromising it. Second, the product had to act directly and immediately on the lymph. This condition meant the final creation would have to be a liquid capable of absorption into the lymphatic system. Naessens associated the clogging of the lymphatic system with the onset of disease. The lack of fluidity of the lymph fluid encourages stagnation of cellular toxins. When stagnant, the toxins can no longer be sent into the large blood circulation which eliminates them. سرانجام, the product would ultimately have to contain Nitrogen. Naessens believed Nitrogen is widely misunderstood, and it was his belief that the element is of paramount importance to our living cells.

Naessens worked from 1972 از طریق 1976 on his liquid. He perfected the product and called it 714-X. The seven stands for the seventh letter of the alphabet: G. The 14 stands for the fourteenth letter: N. The X is the 24th letter of the alphabet and stands for the year of Naessensbirth: 1924. Therefore he named the product after his initials and birth year. He secured the first patent for his mixture in 1980. The scientific name of the product is a lengthy one: Trimethylbicyclonitraminoheptane Chloride. It is also sometimes called Camphorminium Chloride.

714-X has many ingredients, the most important of which is nitrogen carried by camphor. It also includes the mineral salts ammonium chloride and sodium chloride. Eighteen trace elements make up the rest of the product. آن ها هستند: Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Bore, Cadmium, Calcium, Chrome, Cobalt, Copper, اتو کشیدن, Lead, Magnesium, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Phosphor, and Zinc. The PH of the mixture is 7, making it acceptable for injection.

It is essentially a booster shot, and it is not to be confused with a vaccine. 714-X is no vaccine. It does not stimulate antibodies. It does not act directly upon disease. 714-X instead detoxifies and repairs the body’s cells. It contains nothing designed to destroy diseased cells. Rather, it holds vital and essential elements that promote life. It helps fortify the immune system, and the immune system can then fight off disease itself.

The more pronounced the disease is, the more toxins pollute the body. These toxins are either introduced by the disease itself or by the treatments for the disease. The more toxins present, the longer it will take to detoxify and repair the diseased cells.

714-X aims to accomplish three tasks. اولین, it is designed to liquefy the lymph. The ammonium chloride and sodium chloride accomplish this goal in a matter of five days in most patients. The proper flow of the lymph allows for the removal of toxins that have stagnated within the lymph. Before tumors develop, calcification often occurs. Like tumors, calcification can be benign or malignant. When the lymph is liquefied, calcifications are broken up and flushed out. بعد, 714-X provides Nitrogen. Nitrogen is an essential component of living matters such as carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. It is also an integral part of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. Nitrogen facilitates the normal growth and cellular repair of damaged tissues and organs.

Nitrogen therefore helps maintain bones, muscles, and other physical aspects of the body. Nitrogen is also important to cancer cells. Healthy cells require oxygen to proliferate. Cancerous cells have a different type of metabolism. They require nitrogen. Cancerous cells secrete CKF, a substance that paralyses the immune system. Once the immune system is disabled, the cancer cells steal nitrogen from healthy cells.

714-X gives the cells the nitrogen so they don’t have to destroy the immune system and raid healthy cells to find it. Instead of destroying the diseased cells, 714-X saturates them with nitrogen and saves the immune system. Unhindered, the immune system carries on its regular duties and helps the body kill the cancer cells naturally.

سرانجام, the trace elements in 714-X act to facilitate the smooth communication between cells. The essential trace elements aid intra and extra cellular interaction. They also maintain the PH of the blood and other body fluids. Since the body does not manufacture these trace elements, they can only be brought in by nutrition or otherwise. 714-X satisfies the body’s need for these elements and promotes proper metabolic function.

714-X is a successful product only when the right conditions are present. The moment biological imbalances become apparent in live blood, the proper elements must be provided to remedy the situation. 714-X accomplishes this task and allows the human body to step in and heal itself.

It is primarily designed to be injected into the lymph node in the groin area, and it travels through the large lymphatic circulation once injected. This irrigates three quarters of the body. If the disease is located in the upper right side of the body, the product must be administered to the small lymphatic circulation by a nebulizer.

714-X is also available in ampoules for use with nebulizers, but this procedure is recommended for administration in addition to injections and not in lieu of. Lung, brain, or breast cancer located on the right side are some examples of when inhaled 714-X is required or recommended.

714-X should be administered in 21 day cycles. One shot is administered per day, and between cycles there should be a minimum two day break. This allows the body to begin the next cycle of restorative activity. For preventive treatment (no diagnosis made but natural defenses are weakened) one to three cycles of 714-X are recommended. That should be enough to restore health.

714-X is most beneficial during this stage. It was designed specifically to return the somatidian cycle to its healthy stages before disease has set in and secured a significant foothold. Just like in traditional medicine, the earlier the detection and treatment, the better the results.

Effectively curing a certain advanced state of disease could potentially take six to eight cycles. An advanced state of disease will require more time for 714-X to clean your system and repair the damage. The progression of the disease and the level of the toxic therapy given for it will ultimately determine how long it will take for 714-X to complete its mission.

714-X always encourages vitality and renewed energy. اما, to maximize its potential the product must be combined with a diet that does not interfere with the digestive system. Overloading the digestive organs just leads to energy being taken away from cellular cleansing and repair to be used solely for digestion purposes. بنابراین, food items that are difficult to digest should be cut out of any 714-X user’s diet. Foods that carry any kind of toxins should also be cut. Any beverages that meet these conditions should be put aside as well. 714-X is complemented only by a diet that brings nutrients in and doesn’t further intoxicate the body.

It is not absolutely necessary to ingest dietary supplements in conjunction with 714-X, but each case is different. Some patients may want to use supplements, and there are only a few supplements that should never be used with the product. Those are: Vitamin B-12, Vitamin E, and anything with shark or bovine cartilage. If small quantities of these discouraged substances are digested in food, it does not present a problem. 714-X users must only avoid the supplements.

714-X does not interfere with any conventional therapies. در حقیقت, 714-X aids the healing process. It promotes the return to normal metabolic function after intense conventional therapy has run its course. In most scenarios, particularly in cases of cancer, 714-X should always be administered before surgery if possible. Surgery can cause infection, and the fluidity of the lymph during and after surgery will eliminate any toxins that are introduced to the body as a result of any invasive surgical procedure. 714-X taken prior to surgery reduces the likelihood of metastasis. Since 714-X’s first priority is to deep clean the cells, intensive therapies such as toxic chemotherapy may delay tissue repair. Repairing is the second priority and occurs after cleansing is complete. Gaston Naessens always claimed that the patient must do 50 percent of the work, and 714-X does the other 50.

Each patient must come to terms with the cause of his/her condition. What caused the protection gate to break down in my body? That is the question each patient should ask and try to find the answer to. If the person is a smoker and he/she develops lung cancer, the answer is simple. It may not be as simple if there is a psychological factor involved in the collapse of the protection gate. بنابراین, family support, faith, and spirituality are integral factors in recovery. If there is a problem or set of problems impacting negatively on the life of the 714-X patient, he must do his best to correct the issues or baggage that put the unnecessary strain on his life.

از 1976 به 1989, Gaston Naessens operated his own clinic attached to his Rock Forest, Quebec lab. The clinic was shut down in 1989 when Naessens was arrested and charged with murder. Even though Naessens was absolved of the crime after a three week jury trial, the clinic was never allowed to re-open. Naessenstrial is fully illustrated in Christopher Bird’s Book: The Gallileo of the Microscope.

In January of 1990 714-X was made available in Canada through the Emergency Drug Release program. As of March, 2001 13,574 authorizations were issued by the Canadian government. 4,039 patients were granted the chance to try 714-X due to the requests of 1,484 پزشکان.

Former Iowa congressman Berkley Bedell, who believed Naessensproduct helped cure his prostate cancer, designed the law that now protects 714-X in the United States and allows patients here access to it without prescriptions. Bedell, probably more well known for founding the Berkley fishing company, passed away last December at the ripe old age of 98.

متاسفانه, Naessenssomatoscope is not as highly regarded in today’s microscopy world as it should be. It is not used widely enough, though even some government facilities utilize the condenser Naessens invented. It was developed at nearly the same time as electron microscopy. The electron microscope gained a bigger foothold over time, and more scientists swear by it today because they are familiar with it. This is much the same case as the medical establishment being used to their own treatments and tests.

Naessenssomatoscope, blood test, and degenerative disease treatment have unlimited potential. According to Naessenstranslator, wife, and assistant, Jacinte Levesque Naessens, cancer and most degenerative diseases would drop dramatically over the next five years if medical professionals and research scientists would adopt her husband’s inventions and theories.

Naessens, who died at home on February 16th, 2018 (در سن 94), was everything the current pharmaceutical juggernaut’s brainwashed medical slaves aren’t: فروتن, honest, and selfless. Naessens was always in practice to help people. This absolute genius of biology will someday get the respect and reverence his inventions, theories, and practices deserve. A whole new world of medicine will emerge. A revolutionary new perspective on cancer treatment and overall disease detection and prevention will unfold. When Naessens earns a fair shake, he will be heralded with the Isaac Newtons, Albert Einsteins, and Thomas Edisons of the world. There is a Nobel Prize in the future with his name all over it.

Please stay tuned to this site for my follow up article on the last 14 days of 714x and the final 7 ahead of me in the midst of the most threatening virus outbreak in modern history. This treatment could have a monumental effect on our current state of affairs in the world, and it’s not going to cause any harmful side effects or fatalities.

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عکس های اعتباری: تام کازینو / SHOWTIME

تماشای 2007 دور از سال اینجا

NEW YORK - مارس 26, 2020 - SHOWTIME Sports به بایگانی غنی خود از رویدادهای تاریخی بوکس می رود تا حماسه Israel Vázquez vs. سه شنبه رافائل مارکز این شنبه, مارس 28 در 10 p.m. ET / PT در SHOWTIME. این telecasts همچنین از طریق سرویس پخش جریان SHOWTIME و SHOWTIME ANYTIME در دسترس خواهد بود®.

رقبای سرسخت مکزیکی در سه مبارزه متوالی برنده جایزه که به صورت زنده از SHOWTIME پخش می شد در میدان 2007 و 2008 قبل از جلسه برای چهارمین و آخرین بار در 2010. سه دوره اول همه با مسابقات قهرمانی جهان WBC Super Bantamweight در مسابقات برگزار شد.

توسط استیو فارودیت ، تحلیلگر تالار مشاهیر شبکه به عنوان توصیف شده است, "انفجار خشونت هنری,"Vázquez-Márquez من یک انتخاب آرا بود 2007 مبارزات سال و هواداران و مبارزان را به صدا در می آورد تا در یک بازی برگشت سر و صدا کنند. این دو جنگجو در جلسه دوم خود فقط پنج ماه بعد در یک مسابقه خونین دیگر که یک برنده دور سال و یک نتیجه که خواستار یک مسابقه لاستیکی بود دوباره بار دیگر تحویل دادند. وازکز-مارکز سوم, رقابت فقط 363 روز از اولین جلسه خود, تنها مسابقه مسابقه بود که مسافت را طی می کند و عنوان شد 2008 مبارزه از سال.

در باز پخش مجدد سه گانه شنبه شب, لوک توماس و برایان کمبل ، تحلیل گران ورزش مبارزه ، یک قسمت زنده از برنامه گفتگوی دیجیتال محبوب این دو را برگزار می کنند, صبح KOMBAT با LUKE THOMAS و BRIAN CAMPBELL در صبح کانال کمبت YouTube. توماس و كمبل در زمان واقعی دعوا را تماشا كرده و به آن واكنش نشان می دهند و Q را انجام می دهند&جلسه ای با طرفداران.

سری وازکز-مارکز توسط SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING فراخوانده شد® اعلام تیم, هر چهار عضو تالار مشاهیر بوکس بین المللی: میزبان و بازی به بازی از استیو آلبرت, آل برنشتاین تحلیلگر محبوب حلقه حلقه, جیم گری گزارشگر برنده جایزه امی و جیمی لنون جونیور گوینده مشهور جهانی.

"همه ما می دانستیم که اولین مبارزه عالی خواهد بود, و بیش از حد انتظارات را برآورده کرد,"گفت برنشتاین, که هر چهار دعوا را خواند. "مبارزه دوم هیجان انگیز بود, و هنگامی که جنگ سه آمد, فکر نمی کردم آنها بتوانند شماره های برتر را بالای سر ببرند. 1 و 2, اما آنها این کار را کردند. این یکی از پنج مبارزه برتر است که من اعلام کرده ام یا دیده ام. فرورفتگی فوق العاده بود, و تقریباً احساس کردید که مهم نیست چه کسی در نهایت تصمیم گرفت ، زیرا آنها هر دو بسیار عالی بودند. من نمی توانم بیش از این دو نفر بوکسور را تحسین کنم. "

طرفداران جدید SHOWTIME® که از طریق آزمایش 30 روزه رایگان که اخیراً اعلام شده قبل از ماه مه ثبت نام می کنید 3 می تواند این دعواها را تماشا کند, سری اصلی شبکه, مستند, فیلم های ویژه و آنلاین از طریق سرویس پخش SHOWTIME در SHOWTIME.com یا برنامه SHOWTIME, در همه دستگاه های پشتیبانی شده موجود است.


Raskin and Mulvaney Examine The State of Boxing And What May Lie Ahead

Listen to SHOWTIME BOXINGاینجا

چی: This week’s installment of SHOWTIME BOXING WITH ERIC RASKIN AND KIERAN MULVANEY podcast features an interview with Stephen Espinoza, رئيس جمهور, ورزش و برنامه نویسی رویداد, پی اس شبکه های وارز. In the new episode, veteran boxing reporters Raskin and Mulvaney discuss a wide-range of topics with Espinoza, including the current state of boxing and what may lie ahead for the network’s boxing programming once the current hiatus comes to an end. For the full interview, click on the following linkhttps://s.sho.com/3bkvFp1.

Below are excerpts from the interview with Espinoza:

On SHOWTIME Sports’ interim content plan…

Espinoza – “It is therapeutic to look forward to and make plans for things that are more reflective of normal life for us, کاملا. Our goal is to fill that gap with a lot of the stuff we have. We have a deep library of documentaries and we are definitely surfacing a lot more of the archive bothدر خواست and we will look at it on linear more regularly.”

On what lies ahead when boxing resumes…

Espinoza – “It’s going to be a wild ride. There’s a lot to be made up. There are a lot of fighters that need fights to happen, and I think we could be in for a pretty interesting period of time where there’s a lot of activity in a relatively short windowI think we’re going to see an action-packed, jam-packed schedule whenever we return, whether it’s in three, six or nine months – and we may see people taking a different tact on taking fights.”

On what fight you wish you could go back in time to attend live …

Espinoza – “Chavez vs. Haugen on February 20,1993 for the WBC Light Welterweight Title at Azteca Stadium in Mexico City… It wasn’t a great fight or great opponent but it’s my pick because of the legendary status that fight has within Showtime’s hallways. وجود داشت 132,000 مردم در حضور و غیاب, you had Chavez taking the presidential helicopter to events [و] you had Don King getting robbed on his way from the airport to the hotel as soon he got into town. There were so many things around the atmosphere. It was one of those legendary events I would’ve loved to be at for the atmosphere.”

The weekly SHOWTIME BOXING podcast features Raskin and Mulvaney diving deep into the boxing and SHOWTIME boxing events. New episodes are release in all major podcast platforms every Monday, از جمله Radio.com.