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Undefeated Super-featherweight nov ntawm nqaij tawv Mario Barrios Rov Sept 6 nyob rau hauv Corpus Christi

Photos By Lucas Noonan – PBC
San Antonio, TX (Lub yim hli ntuj 26, 2015) – Unbeaten nce hnub qub, Super-Featherweight Mario Barrios(10-0, 5 Kos), yuav tau ib tus ceev rov qab rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib rau Sunday, Cuaj hlis 6, 2015 tiv thaiv Jonathan “Popeye” Perez (33-12, 27 Kos). The 8-round bout will take place at the American Bank Center, nyob rau hauv Corpus Christi, Texas.
Qhov no yav dhau los Lub Xya hli ntuj, Barrios mus rau hauv lub deb nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj yim puag ncig bout, tseeb tiag rau nws tus kheej hais tias nws yuav tua zoo nyob rau hauv lub tom qab rounds yog xav tau.
“Kuv lub xeem hmo kuv mus yim rounds rau thawj lub sij hawm, thiab muaj kev ncaj ncees, Kuv xav tias kuv yuav tau mus kaum ob yooj yim. Uas yog ib tug ua tim khawv rau kuv pab neeg thiab txhua leej txhua tus nyob ib ncig ntawm kuv uas yog pab kuv tau zoo. Kuv tseem muaj ib tug ntau mus kawm tab sis kuv xav tias kuv jab yog tau txais ntau npaum li cas zoo dua. Kuv tabtom pib mus teem kuv ob peb ua ke nrog kuv jab thiab kuv yuav saib yog vim li cas uas punch tseem ceeb heev. Kuv tabtom tshee ua hauj lwm nyob rau kev siv kuv qhov siab thiab ncav cuag kom zoo dua.”
Tswj los ntawm Al HAYMON, Barrios is staying busy as this will be his fourth fight of the year. As his career is ascending, Barrios yog xav thov ua tsaug rau cov poj pab neeg nyob ib ncig ntawm nws.
“Kuv ua tsaug rau yuav sib ntaus sib tua li sai. Kuv xav ua tsaug rau Al Haymon, raws li tau zoo raws li kuv cov tub ntxhais pab, rau tag nrho cov zog ua hauj lwm. Everyone is doing a fantastic job guiding my career and I couldn’t be more pleased with my progress. I know I’m a long way from my dream of becoming a world champion, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. With a lot of hard work, Kuv paub tias kuv yuav ua kom tiav npau suav.”
Qhov kev tshwm sim yog headlined los ntawm yav tas lub ntiaj teb champion Anthony “Tus aub” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 Kos) kev noj nyob Mexico lub Marco Antonio “Cov Tshuaj Lom” Rubio (59-7-1, 51 Kos) thiab nta lub rematch ntawm bantamweight lub ntiaj teb champion Jamie McDonnell (26-2-1, 12 Kos) thiab exciting brawler Tomoki “Lub Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 Kos). Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) rau CBS yuav ya cov kev tshwm sim nyob ntawm lub American Bank Center nyob rau hauv Corpus Christi, Texas Sunday, Cuaj hlis 6. Lub telecast pib tawm ntawm 4 PM ET/1 PM PT.
Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog nce los ntawm Vauj Battah Promotions thiab Warriors Boxing, yog luv nqi ntawm $109, $93, $49, $38 thiab $15, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab them se thiab yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no. Daim pib muaj nyob rau ntawm, lub American txhab nyiaj Center Box Office los yog los ntawm kev hu mus rau Leija Battah Promotions ntawm (210) 979-3302. Yuav kom them los ntawm lub xov tooj hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000

Travis Kauffman yuav siv sij hawm rau Epifanio Mendoza rau hnub Friday, Cuaj hlis 18 nyob rau Claridge nyob rau hauv Atlantic City

Ntxiv rau qhov rov qab los ntawm yav tas los Heavyweight title challenger Eddie Chambers li zoo raws li undefeated Dauren Yeleussinov, Keith Tapia, John Magda, Earl Newman thiab Carlos Gongora
Rau Tam Sim Tso

Nyeem ntawv, PA (Lub yim hli ntuj 26, 2015)– Nyob rau hnub Friday hmo ntuj, Cuaj hlis 18, boxing rov mus rau lub Claridge Hotel thiab Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Atlantic City raws li vaj Promotions rov rau ib tug loj hmo ntuj ntawm cov kev txiav txim.
Nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Travis Kauffman yuav siv sij hawm rau yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no title challenger Epifanio Mendoza.
Kauffman ntawm Reading, PA muaj ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 29-1 nrog 21 knockouts thiab yog caij ib tug 11-sib ntaus yeej streak uas tau tsim 5 thiab ib tug ib nrab xyoo.
Kauffman tau yeej cov yam koj nyiam uas Malachy Farrell (16-1), William Shahan (7-1), Chris Koval (24-6), Vincent Thompson (13-1) thiab nyob rau hauv nws cov nag bout nws coj tawm Richard Carmack nyob rau hauv ib tug-round rau Lub yim hli ntuj 14 nyob rau hauv Newark, New Jersey.
Mendoza yog ib tug qub tub rog grizzled tau tiv thaiv txhua leej txhua ntawm Jr. Middleweight rau Heavyweight. He has prodigious knockout power as his record stands at 41-21-1 nrog 35 knockouts.
Cov neeg uas Baranquilla, Colombia muaj yeej tshaj Tukunbo Olajide (17-0), Rubin Williams (19-0), Alejandro Garcia (7-1), Carlos Negron (13-0) & Ray Recio (6-0). He is coming off a 3rd round stoppage over Tomas Orozco Rodriguez on Lub Xya hli ntuj 25 nyob rau hauv Barinquilla, Colombia.
Cov co-feature yuav ua tau ib tug 8-round Heavyweight bout uas yuav feature American rov qab los ntawm yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no title challenger “Fast” Eddie Chambers (41-4, 22 KO lub) kev noj nyob Galen Brown (41-31-1, 25 KO lub) ntawm St. Yauxej, Missouri.
Tsis tas li ntawd tshwm nyob rau hauv ib tug 8-round bout yuav Heavyweight Keith Tapia (15-0, 10 KO lub) ntawm Santurce, Puerto Rico kev noj nyob Roberto Santos (12-2, 5 KO lub) ntawm Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

Ivan Golub (8-0, 6 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav tua Javier Castro (27-8, 22 KO lub) ntawm Chihuahua, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Welterweight bout.

John Magda (11-0, 7 KO lub) ntawm Rutherford, NJ yuav tua Francisco Reza (14-14, 11 KO;s) ntawm Nuevo Laredo, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Middleweight bout.
Nyob rau hauv 6-round bouts:
Convict Yuleussinov (3-0, 2 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY sib ntaus sib tua Miguel Munguia (31-33-1, 25 KO lub) nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Middleweight sib ntaus.
Earl Newman (6-0, 5 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav tua Ricardo Campillo (9-8-1, 7 KO lub) ntawm Sonora, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Cruiserweight bout.
Danny Kelly (8-1-1, 7 KO lub) ntawm Washington, DC yuav sib ntaus sib tua Jimmy Suarez (3-6, 3 KO lub) ntawm Aguada, PR nyob rau hauv ib tug Heavyweight bout.
Yav tas los Olympian, Carlos Gongora (2-0, 2 KO lub) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Liab Juan Carloss (10-12-1, 8 KO lub) ntawm Saltillo, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Middleweight bout.
Daim pib yuav raug muas $100, $75 thiab $50 los ntawm txhajwww.claridgeboxing.eventbrite.nrog los yog los ntawm hu hu 610 587 5950 los yog 609 868 4243
Duab los ntawm Joe Tarlecky

51-XYOOS wrestling Tsheb loj thauj neeg rov qab los rau MMA TAWB

Lewiston, Maine (Lub yim hli ntuj 26, 2015) - Tshiab England Fights (NEF), America lub xov tooj-ib regional sib ntaus qib, yuav tuav nws puas tawm mixed martial--kawm (MMA) kev tshwm sim, “NEF XIX,” nyob rau hnub Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12, 2015 nyob rau ntawm lub Androscoggin Bank Colisee nyob rau hauv Lewiston, Maine. Nyuam qhuav pib hnub no, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the fight card. Pat Kelly (3-0) yog teem kom tau raws li Ken Dunn (0-1) ntawm ib tug sib ntaus luj ntawm 160-phaus.


Kelly yog lub 51-xyoo-laus qhia ntawm lub Camden Toj Regional High School wrestling pab neeg nyob rau hauv Rockport, Maine, where he has led the team to three state championships. He also teaches at the school. Kelly is a 2007 inductee of the Maine Amateur Wrestling Alliance Hall of Fame. He won a state title wrestling for Camden-Rockport High School in the early 1980s. He later wrestled for the University of Maine, winning the New England Championship and competing in the NCAA championships in 1986. Kelly made his MMA debut in the fall of 2014 nyob rau ntawm lub hnub nyoog ntawm 50 raws li ib tug neeg ntawm Bangor, Maine’s Young’s MMA. Nyuam qhuav pib lub xyoo no, nws yog qhov raug ntawm thoob ntiaj teb muaj nuj nqis tom qab tua yeej cov txiv-tub duo ntawm 46-xyoo-laus Dr. Steve Bang (0-1) thiab Steve Bang, Jr. (3-3) ntawm cais NEF cov txheej xwm.


Kelly tus nrog sib ntaus Ken Dunn yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm Maine Kyokushin Karate (MRC) nyob rau hauv Norway, Maine. As a practitioner of Kyokushin, Dunn is well-versed in full-contact sparring and will no doubt bring his striking skills to bear against the wrestler Kelly. He will be making his debut in the NEF cage on Cuaj hlis 12 nyob rau hauv Lewiston.


Tshiab England Fights’ tom ntej no cov kev tshwm sim, “NEF XIX,” yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw nyob rau Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12, 2015 nyob rau ntawm lub Androscoggin Bank Colisee nyob rau hauv Lewiston, Maine. Daim pib rau “NEF XIX” pib ntawm cia li $25 thiab yog muag tam sim no nyob los yog los ntawm kev hu mus rau lub chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm Colisee 207.783.2009 x 525. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv cov kev tshwm sim thiab kev sib ntaus card tshiab, thov mus saib cov qib lub website ntawm Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, koj yuav saib NEF yeeb yaj duab ntawm, ua raws li lawv nyob rau Twitternefights thiab koom nrog cov nom Facebook pab pawg neeg "New England Fights."


Hais txog Tshiab England Fights


Tshiab England Fights ("NEF") yog ib tug sib ntaus txheej xwm promotions lub tuam txhab. NEF lub hom phiaj yog los tsim lub siab tshaj plaws zoo txheej xwm rau Maine lub tua hluav taws thiab cov kiv cua zoo tib yam nkaus. NEF lub thawj pab neeg no muaj nws kim heev kev nyob rau hauv nqe ntaus rog kev ua si tswj, txheej xwm ntau lawm, xov xwm kev sib raug zoo, marketing, kev cai lij choj thiab advertising.

Hluas zeem muag Sambou thiab Ntoo sib ntaus sib tua Rau Supremacy no hnub vas xaum

Nyob rau hnub Saturday hmo ntuj, nyob York Hall nyob rau hauv London, ob tug hluas zeem muag, Matar Sambou thiab Chris Ntoo yog teem mus ntiv taw-mus-ntiv taw tiv thaiv txhua lwm yam, nyob rau Mark Lyons thiab Billy James-Elliott nce Lords NTAWM LUB NPLHAIB II kev tshwm sim.


Yuav ua li cas refreshing saib ob tug hluas zeem muag kam mus ntiv taw-mus-ntiv taw tiv thaiv txhua lwm yam li ntawd, thaum ntxov nyob rau hauv lub ua cov hauj lwm, es lub txais normality ntawm txojkev tawm tsam ib tug journeyman rau cov thawj rau los sis xya fights ntawm lawv cov hauj lwm.


Kent raws li Senegalese Sambou, uas nyob rau hauv nws pro debut sensationally nres Lithuanian nyuaj-txiv neej Tadas Stulginskas nyob rau hauv cia li ib feeb thiab plaub caug vib nas this ntawm cov thawj puag ncig, twb ua li ib tug heev lub koob npe nrov, ntawm kev ua ib tug ntawm cov toughest, loj xuas nrig ntaus youngsters nyob ib ncig ntawm, thaum lub sij hawm nws kim heev kev pib xyaum ua hauj lwm rov qab mus tsev nyob rau hauv Senegal, uas nws tau pom los ntawm tsis muaj tsawg tshaj li yav tas los Heavyweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib David Haye, raws li tau zoo raws li nyob rau unlicensed Circuit Court no nyob rau hauv lub UK.


Nws tus nrog sib ntaus nyob rau hnub Saturday, Middlesbrough lub Chris Ntoo, uas nws cov ntaub ntawv sawv ntawm ob yeej thiab tib cais kev txiav txim siab tsis, kuj tau ua li ib tug heev lub koob npe nrov li ib tug nyuaj hluas fighter uas yog kam mus tua leej twg, nyob qhov twg, txhua lub sij hawm, thiab tsis zoo siab kam mus nkag rau hauv lub Qhov Tsov Ntxhuav qhoc chaw nkaum twb zoo thiab tiag tiag muaj pov thawj, thaum nws mus rau Scotland rau lub thawv qub koom ua ib lub ntiaj teb Kick Boxing zus Sam Allan nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev qhia nyob rau ntawm Wishaw xwb nws ob pro bout.


Promoter Mark Lyons hais ua ntej lawm hais txog lub zeem muag ntawm xws li ib tug mouthwatering match up noj qhov chaw nyob rau nws tom ntej kev tshwm sim.


"Kuv yuav hais li, qhov no yog yuav yuav ib tug tiag tiag nco sib ntaus, tej zaum yuav yog tus sib ntaus ntawm qhov tsaus ntuj raws li cov no ob tug hluas yeej muaj tseeb tiag warriors.


Peb paub tag nrho txog Matar, peb paub hais tias nws yog li nyuaj raws li lawv tuaj thiab yog ib qho ntawm feem zam hluas boxers nyob ib ncig ntawm, tsis muaj leej twg xav tua nws, zoo feem ntau yog tsis muaj leej twg xav mus.


Peb tau hnov ​​ntau yam thiaj li zoo yam uas hais txog Chris, tab sis thaum nws tau mus kev los ntawm Matar lub matchmaker Ben Frankham peb tseem tsis tau puas xav tias kom nws coj kev sib ntaus, tab sis nws ua li ntawd.


Kuv yuav hais, Chris yog ib tug tiag tiag fighter, nws tsis saib rau artificially tsim nws cov ntaub ntawv, nws xav mus tua qhov zoo tshaj plaws, nws xav tuav qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab tau nws tus kheej mus rau lub sab saum toj los ntawm sib ntaus sib tua lwm prospects, tsis tau mollycoddled rau rau los sis xya fights, koj yuav tsis pab tab sis hwm cov me nyuam yaus rau cov uas.


Tau hais, peb txhua tus yeej nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau cov menyuam no ob warriors tiv thaiv txhua lwm yam, nws yuav ua tau ib tug tawm thiab tawm tsov rog, yog tseeb. "


Matar Sambou tiv tiag Chris Ntoo nta rau lub Mark Lyons thiab Billy James-Elliott Wise mav promotions Lords NTAWM LUB NPLHAIB II kev tshwm sim uas yuav muab qhov chaw nyob York Hall, Bethnal Green, London tom ntej no hnub vas xaum, lub 29th Lub yim hli ntuj 2015.


Qhov kev tshwm sim raug txiav courtesy of tus Malta Boxing Commission (MBC)


Daim pib, luv nqi £ 35 (txheem zaum) thiab £ 65 (Ringside) yog muaj ncaj nraim ntawm ib yam ntawm cov boxers noj ib feem, on-line thiab los yog hu rau 07960 850645 los yog 07807 282559.

GSS qhia hais tias xov tooj cua Rahim, Diego Magdaleno thiab Rebecca Grant yuav ua li tshaj tawm hauv xov pab rau inaugural kwj no hnub Friday hmo “Qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv Boxing”card nyob ntawm Tijuana, Mexico

11 bout card Nyob rau YouTube ntawm
10:30 PM ET
Tam sim TSO TAWM

Las Vegas, NV (Lub yim hli ntuj 25, 2015)No hnub Friday hmo ntuj, nws yuav tsum yog ib tug tshwj xeeb tsaus ntuj ntawm boxing thaum Ntiaj teb no kev ua si Streaming (GSS) yuav pov thawj tawm ntawm ib hom tshuaj tshiab cov kev ua si streaming kev pab cuam thiab cov premier tsab ntawm zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv Boxing (Tiag caj dab)
Tus thawj tawm rau Friday, Lub yim hli ntuj 28, 2015 will feature the IBU Middleweight title bout ntawm Tony Hirsch (18-6-2, 8 KO lub) kev noj nyob Rolando Paredes (9-2-2, 8 KO lub)
Tag nrho 11 bout card, uas yog nce los ntawm Borizteca Promotions, yuav kwj nyob pib ntawm 10:30 PM ET rau YouTube thiab yuav feature cov yam koj nyiam uas nrov poj niam lub teeb Flyweight Kenia Enriquez (13-1); khaub-ncaws nyias Demond Brock (9-3) raws li tau zoo raws li undefeated zeem muag super featherweight Yexus Trujillo thiab Jorge Escalante (2-0)
GSS yog txaus siab ncha moo tias boxing reporter xov tooj cua Rahim, lub ntiaj teb no title challenger thiab Diego Magdaleno thiab actress Rebecca Grant yuav comprise cov tshaj tawm hauv xov pab.
Xov tooj cua Rahim tau ib tug boxing reporter los ntawm lub Bay cheeb tsam thiab tau yuav tsum vov lub qab zib science rau ntau tshaj nees nkaum xyoo. He is known for his hard-hitting interviews and was on hand in Macau, Tuam Tshoj thaum lub teeb meem skirmish tsoo tawm ntawm lub camps ntawm Manny Pacquiao thiab Brandon Rios. Rahim was the first reporter on the scene with exclusive interviews with members of both teams. Rahim is a respected journalist whose work can be found on thiab
Magdaleno yog lub xov tooj-ib ranked Hnav nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no thiab nyob rau Lub kaum hli ntuj 10, nws yuav tsum ua lub 2nd los ntawm ib lub ntiaj teb title thaum nws yuav siv sij hawm rau undefeated Terry Flanagan rau lub WBO Hnav ntiaj teb no nyob rau hauv Manchester title, Hais. In his previous title opportunity he lost a split decision to WBO Jr. Sib champion, Rocky Martinez nyob rau hauv Macau, Tuam Tshoj.
Grant yog ib tug American actress uas tau ua nws kim heev kev ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv TV cov kev ua si. She worked as a host for the Buffalo Bills on the Empire Sports Network. She then went on to work as a reporter for the NFL on Fox and ESPN and then worked on the popular NFL Under the Helmet.
Grant tau ib tug staple rau Network TV raws li ib tug actress thiab tau rau 3 Pob Zeb los ntawm Nyob rau hauv lub hnub raws li tau zoo raws li peb Watch. She also has appeared on many shows on major networks NBC, CBS thiab ABC li zoo ua hauj lwm rau movies xws li kwv tij.
Nyob rau hauv 8-round bouts:
Demond Brock (9-3, 3 KO lub) ntawm Kenner, Louisiana yuav sib ntaus sib tua Hector Garcia (4-3-1, 3 KO lub) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav bout.
Brian Jones (11-3, 5 KO lub) ntawm Los Angeles, CA yuav sib ntaus sib tua Andres Valdez nyob rau hauv ib tug Welterweight sib ntau sib tw,
Kenya Enriquez (13-1, 6 KO lub) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico yuav noj nyob rau hauv Lorena Arias (3-7) ntawm Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in a female Light Flyweight bout.
Nyob rau hauv 6-round bouts:
Jorge Ruiz (8-2, 3 KO lub) ntawm San Diego, California yuav muab rau Antonio Villa (1-14, 1 KO) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Featherweight sib ntaus.
Michael Ruiz Jr. (9-4-2, 3 KO lub) ntawm Fresno, California yuav square tawm nrog Alfonso Sandoval (0-8) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Bantamweight sib ntaus.
Amaris Quintana (8-2-2, 1 KO) ntawm San Diego, CA yuav sib ntaus sib tua Lesley Villanueva (0-1) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug teeb Flyweight sib ntaus.
Nyob rau hauv 4-round bouts:
Yexus Trujillo (1-0, 1 KO) ntawm Los Angeles, CA yuav noj nyob rau hauv Ulises Jimenez (0-1-1) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Featherweight yi.
Armando Tovar ntawm San Diego, California yuav ua kom nws debut tiv thaiv pro Andres Marroquin (0-1) ntawm Rosarito, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Welterweight clash.
Michael Haigood (0-3) ntawm San Diego, California yuav thawv Manuel Sandoval (0-3) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Featherweight sib ntaus,
Jorge Escalante (2-0,1 KO) ntawm San Diego, California yuav rumble nrog Angel De Yexus Estrada (0-3) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug Cruiserweight sib ntaus sib tua.
Tag nrho bouts Subject hloov


Premier Boxing Champions nyob CBS yog Headlined By Super Middleweights
Anthony Dirrell and Marco Antonio Rubio With The Co-Main Event Featuring
Jamie McDonnell vs. Tomoki Kameda 2
Corpus Christi, Texas (Lub yim hli ntuj 25, 2015) – Former two-time world champion Daiki Kameda (29-4, 18 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm nyob Mexican Slugger Victor Ruiz (19-5, 14 Kos) nyob rau hauv bantamweight txiav txim nyob rau hauv ib tug stacked lineup ntawm undercard attractions li Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) rau CBS airs nyob ntawm lub American Bank Center nyob rau hauv Corpus Christi, Texas Sunday, Cuaj hlis 6. Lub telecast pib tawm ntawm 4 PM ET/1 PM PT.
Qhov kev tshwm sim yog headlined los ntawm yav tas lub ntiaj teb champion Anthony “Tus aub” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 Kos) kev noj nyob Mexico lub Marco Antonio “Cov Tshuaj Lom” Rubio (59-7-1, 51 Kos) thiab nta lub rematch ntawm bantamweight lub ntiaj teb champion Jamie McDonnell (26-2-1, 12 Kos) thiab exciting brawler Tomoki “Lub Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 Kos).
Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Leija Battah Promotions thiab Warriors Boxing, yog luv nqi ntawm $109, $93, $49, $38 thiab $15, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab them se thiab yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no. Daim pib muaj nyob rau ntawm, lub American txhab nyiaj Center Box Office los yog los ntawm kev hu mus rau Leija Battah Promotions ntawm (210) 979-3302. Yuav kom them los ntawm lub xov tooj hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000.
Qhov kev txiav txim hauv lub arena yuav feature sab saum toj undefeated zeem muag muab lawv unblemished cov ntaub ntawv rau ntawm txoj kab Miguel Flores (16-0, 7 Kos) ntsej muag John “Bam Bam” Johnson(31-10, 23 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib yim-round super featherweight bout, Mario “Golden Tub” Neighborhoods (10-0, 5 Kos) battles Jonathan “Popeye” Perez (33-12, 27 Kos) nyob rau hauv yim rounds ntawm super featherweight kev txiav txim thiab Ryan “Cowboy” Karl (8-0, 6 Kos) competes nyob rau hauv ib tug rau-round welterweight yi.
Ntxiv thaum ntxov txiav txim yuav saib tau 25-xyoo-laus New Jersey-yug Rickey Edwards (7-0, 2 Kos) tiv thaiv 19-xyoo-laus Marco Solis (3-1, 1 KO) ntawm Round Pob Zeb, Texas nyob rau hauv ib tug rau-round sib attraction, 23-xyoo-laus Corpus Christi-yug Jeremy Longoria (7-5, 1 KO) squaring tawm tiv thaiv 28-xyoo-laus Alberto Espinoza ntawm San Antonio nyob rau hauv rau rounds nyob rau hauv lub super featherweight faib thiab Corpus Christi tus kheej Robert Vela nyob rau hauv ib tug rau-round super featherweight contest.
Roj hmab-off lub undercard yuav 23-xyoo-laus Kingsville haiv neeg Omar Rojas (3-3, 1 KO) raws li nws yuav siv sij hawm rau 30-xyoo-laus Alberto Espinoza (3-7) ntawm Laredo, Texas nyob rau hauv rau ib ncig ntawm super welterweight kev txiav txim thiab Rickie Gutierrez (1-0) ntawm Robstown, Texas nyob rau hauv ib plaub-round super featherweight bout tiv thaiv San Antonio tus Raws li Johnson (1-8).
Qhov nruab nrab kwv tij ntawm lub sib ntaus sib tua Kameda cov kwv tij, lub xwb cov pab pawg neeg ntawm cov kwv tij mus ib txhij tuav lub ntiaj teb no lub npe, 26-xyoo-laus Daiki yuav ua kom nws U.S. debut rau Cuaj hlis 6 nyob rau hauv Corpus Christi. Sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Tokyo, nws yeej lub ntiaj teb no lub npe nrog victories tshaj Denkaosan Kaovichit thiab Rodrigo Guerrero. Nws yuav rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib rau thawj lub sij hawm txij li thaum 2013, nrhiav kom lwm khiav ntawm ib lub ntiaj teb title pib nrog lub 24-xyoo-laus Ruiz tawm ntawm Tijuana, Mexico uas tsis ntev los no tauj ib tug thawj round knockout tshaj Felix Rubio.
Ib undefeated fighter ntawm Michoacan, Mexico, tab sis sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Houston, Flores tsis tau poob vim txoj siav nyob rau hauv pro 2009 ntawm cia li 17 xyoo. Lub 23-xyoo-laus ua nws 2015 debut nyob rau hauv Tej zaum nrog ib tug yeej tshaj German Meraz thiab ua raws li uas los ntawm defeating Juan Ruiz nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj. Nws yuav siv sij hawm rau Johnson uas fights tawm ntawm San Antonio.
Sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub xeev thiab cov sawv cev San Antonio, Barrioslooks rau nws plaub yeej ntawm 2015 rau Cuaj hlis 6. Lub 20-xyoo-laus vam los tsim kom tau rau nws momentum thiab mus txuas ntxiv kom loj hlob nws kiv cua puag nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub xeev thaum nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau 28-xyoo-laus Colombian Perez.
Ib undefeated prospect uas sawv cev rau Houston, Karl muaj ib qho zoo heev pib xyaum ua hauj lwm uas twb nrog nws ranked thib peb nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws nyob rau hauv lub 141-phaus division. Lub 23-xyoo-laus twb yeej nyob rau hauv peb lub sij hawm 2015 thiab tsis ntev los nres Rigoberto Flores nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj.
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas, follow rau TwitterPremierBoxingAnthonyDirrell, MAVenenoRubio, @ JamieMcDonnell1, TomokiKameda, SHOSports, WarriorsBoxingProm, LeijaBattahPR, AmericanBankCtr ThiabSwanson_Comm,

GH3 Promotions O'Shanique Foster thiab Lavarn Harvell tau 1 puag ncig knockouts nyob rau hauv Washington, DC

Nutley, NJ (Lub yim hli ntuj 25, 2015)No yav dhau los Saturday hmo ntuj ntawm North Hall ntawm East lag luam nyob rau hauv Washington, D.C, ob fighters nyob rau hauv lub GH3 Promotional ruaj khov qhab nia thawj round stoppages thiab yog tam sim no tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau loj sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub caij nplooj zeeg.

Lub card tau nce los ntawm Jeter Promotions.
Lub teeb Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell (15-1, 8 KO lub)ntawm Atlantic City, Tshiab Jersey coj tawm Quincy Miner ntawm Kansas City, while Jr. Sib O'Shanique Foster (7-0, 4 KO lub) ntawm Houston, Texas nres Frank Jordan.
Lub bout yog tus thawj rau Foster nyob rau hauv lub GH3 Promotional banner. He registered two knockdowns in the 86-second fight.
Harvell poob Miner nrog ib tug nyuaj sab tes xis thiab Miner yuav tsis yeej cov suav thiab kev sib ntaus raug nres ntawm 2:35 ntawm puag ncig ib.
“Ob leeg Lavarn & O'Shanique ua cov hauj lwm zoo nyob rau hnub Saturday thiab tam sim no lawv yog ob leeg teem tuaj txoj cai rov qab rau hauv lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj. We tentatively have Lavarn penciled in forCuaj hlis 26 nyob rau hauv Puam Haven, Tshiab Jersey thiab O'Shanique yuav tsum tau rov qab rauCuaj hlis 18 thiab ces nyob rau hauv Kaum Ib Hlis Ntuj 6,” Hais GH3 Promotions, Vito Mielnicki
GH3 Promotions nta undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight lub Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adas Lopez li zoo raws li Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight zus John Thompson, Jr., undefeated Welterweight lub Jerrell Harris & Keenan Smith,undefeated Super lightweight Bienvenido Diaz, Heavyweight Natu Visinia, Lub teeb Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell, Jr. Hnav O'Shanique Foster & Super Middleweight Andrew Hernandez rau lub GH3 Promotions ruaj khov.

Inspired los ntawm cov phooj ywg Broner thiab Warren, Brandon Bennett inching ze zog mus rau lub ntiaj teb no title txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv


Brandon Bennett yuav siv sij hawm rau Jonathan Maicelo nyob rau hauv 10-round Main kev tshwm sim no hnub Friday yav hmo ntuj ntawm Walter E. Washington Convention Center nyob rau hauv Washington, DC


Rau Tam Sim Tso

Washington, DC (Lub yim hli ntuj 25, 2015) Qhov no Friday yav hmo ntuj, Lub yim hli ntuj 28 nyob rau Walter E. Washington Convention Center nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws lub peev ntawm Washington, DC, King txoj kev Promotions yuav muaj ib tug kev spectacular hmo ntuj ntawm boxing uas yuav feature ib co ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv txuj ci hauv lub tebchaws United States.

Nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Brandon Bennett (19-1, 8 KO lub) yuav square tawm nrog qub ntiaj teb no title challenger Jonathan Maicelo (21-2, 12 KO lub) nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav bout teem rau 10-rounds.

Bennett ntawm Cincinnati, Ohio tau cob ib qho nyuaj rau Maicelo, uas tau sib tw rau ib tug nruab nrab ntiaj teb no title.

“Kev kawm tau zoo. Kuv tau nyob rau hauv qhov ceeb thawj rau ib tug ob peb hnub. Nws tau 2 nyuaj lub hlis tab sis qhov tsis yooj yim yog ib feem ntawm txoj kev kawm thiab dieting yog tshaj thiab kuv yog npaj txhij mus tua,” hais tias Bennett.

Thaum nug txog Maicelo, Bennett twb tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb nrog nws tus nrog sib ntaus, txawm Maicelo muaj yeej tshaj Art Hovhannisyan thiab yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no title challenger Fernando Angulo.

“Nws yog ib qho orthodox fighter. Nws nyiam tuaj nyob rau hauv thiab nws nyiam rau counter punch. Nws yuav tau tiv thaiv rau lub title tab sis kuv yog tus ntau txog tej fighter. Kuv tau tawm tsam zoo hais mav thiab kuv tau txais qhov zoo tshaj plaws sparring. Tag nrho cov uas tsis muaj nqi, vim hais tias thaum kawg ntawm lub hnub, peb yuav tsum sib ntaus sib tua. ”

Bennett realizes hais tias ib tug yeej tshaj Maicelo yuav thawb nws heev ze rau ib tug sib ntaus rau ib lub ntiaj teb title thiab ib tug yeej nyob rau hnub Friday yuav muab nws rau lwm tus zoo yeej ntxiv rau nws lub hnab los khaws.

“Hopefully nyob rau hauv lub tom ntej no kev sib ntaus los yog ob tug, Kuv yuav nyob rau hauv txoj hauj lwm. Beating nws yuav tsum tau kuv xav tau ib sab saum toj contender.”

Yog hais tias yog cov ntaub ntawv, Bennett yuav koom gym mates thiab cov phooj ywg, Adrien Broner thiab Rau'Shee Warren li cov tom ntej no fighter ntawm tus kws qhia, Mike Stafford lub Cincinnati gym sib ntaus rau ib lub ntiaj teb title. Bennett tau txais ntiaj teb no hauv chav kawm ntawv sparring thiab tswv yim txhua txhua hnub los ntawm Broner, ib tug peb-kev faib lub ntiaj teb champion thiab Warren, ib tug peb-lub sij hawm U.S. Olympian thiab lub ntiaj teb no title challenger.

Lub peb tau inseparable ob xyoo lawm

“Kuv tau txais mus rau hauv boxing thaum muaj hnub nyoog yim. Kuv yog ib tug neeg uas ua ntawv football. Rau'shee nyob down txoj kev ntawm kuv thiab nug kuv mus taug kev mus rau lub gym nrog nws. Nws twb tau boxing thiab Mike Stafford hais kom peb spar. Nws tau txais qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm kuv hais tias hnub tab sis kuv yeej nrog nws. Ironically, Adrien tuaj nyob rau hauv lub tom ntej no hnub thiab pib boxing hnub tom qab thiab Rau'shee sparred nrog nws zoo li. Yog ib ncig ntawm lawv yog twv yuav raug hu ib qho kev tshoov siab. Kuv pom dab tsi kuv cov phooj ywg tau ua li cas thiab tiav thiab kuv paub tias kuv yuav yuav tom ntej no mus muaj cov neeg accolades.”

Ib tug zoo kawg li undercard noj zoo uas yuav feature ib co ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv zeem muag rau lub teb chaws.

Nyob rau hauv 10-round bouts:

Phil Jackson-Benson (15-2, 14 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav noj nyob rau hauv Jinner Guerrero (8-5, 4 KO lub) ntawm Sucumbios, Ecuador nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Middleweight bout.

2012 U.S. Olympian Jamel Herring (12-0, 7 KO lub) yuav sib ntaus sib tua Ariel Vasquez (12-8-2, 8 KO lub) ntawm Managua, Nicaragua nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav bout.

Robert Easter (14-0, 11 KO lub) ntawm Toledo, OH yuav noj nyob rau hauv Osumanu Akaba (32-8-1, 25 KO lub) ntawm Accra, Ghana npe nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav bout.

Nyob rau hauv 8-round bouts:

Demond Nicholson (13-1, 13 KO lub) ntawm Laurel, MD battles Antonio Baker (8-12, 4 KO lub) ntawm Fayetteville, NC nyob rau hauv ib tug Middleweight bout.

David Grayton (11-0, 8 KO lub) ntawm Washington, DC yuav tua Jose Valderrama (4-10, 3 KO lub) ntawm Arecibo, Puerto Rico nyob rau hauv ib tug Welterweight clash.

Nyob rau hauv 6-round bouts:

Kareem Martin (5-0-1, 3 KO lub) ntawm Washington, DC battles Anthony Prescott (5-6-2, 2 KO lub) ntawm Cherry Hill, NJ nyob rau hauv Welterweight bout.

2012 U.S. Olympian Raynell Williams (8-0, 4 KO lub) ntawm Cleveland, OH yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Jose Miguel Castro (5-5, 3 KO lub) ntawm Carolina, Puerto Rico nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav qaij.

Patrick Harris (6-0, 4 KO lub) ntawm Washington, DC yuav coj Irvin Hernandez (3-12-2, 1 KO) ntawm Carolina, Puerto Rico nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav bout.

Leo Hall (6-0, 6 KO lub) ntawm Detroit, Npe Nruab Nrab yuav thawv tiv thaiv Edgar Perez (6-15, 3 KO lub) ntawm Carolina, PR nyob rau hauv ib tug teeb Heavyweight bout.

Nyob rau hauv ib tug 4-round Bout:

Shynggyskahn Tazhibay (1-0, 1 KO) ntawm Karaganda, Kazakhstan yuav sib ntaus sib tua ib tug oppont lub npe hu ua nyob rau hauv ib tug Welterweight bout

Tag nrho bouts Subject hloov

Daim pib yog nyob rau hauv kev muag khoom rau $100 (Pem hauv ntej Tshais); $75 (Ringside) $50 (General Nkag) los ntawm hu xov tooj 301-899-2430 los yog los ntawm txiav rau

Ntau sib ntaus ntaub ntawv muaj nyob rau ntawm



Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab

Yees duab Credit: Noob Belvins-HoganPhotos / Roc teb chaws kev ua si / Golden tub Promotions

Saib tag nrho Xovxwm sablaj no:

Daim pib rau muag khoom Niaj hnub no 10 a.m. PT!


LOS ANGELES (Lub yim hli ntuj 25, 2015) - Reigning WBC, Nplhaib Magazine thiab Lineal Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus, Miguel Cotto, thiab yav tas los WBC thiab WBA Super Welterweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib Canelo Alvarez, launched lawv plaub-nroog xovxwm ncig saib nag hmo nyob rau hauv Los Angeles, nyob rau Hollywood thiab Highland Center ua ntej ntawm lawv mas muab championship showdown. Lub sib ntaus yuav muab qhov chaw Saturday, Nov. 21 nyob rau Mandalay Bay Txheej xwm Center nyob rau hauv Las Vegas thiab yuav tau ua thiab faib nyob los ntawm HBO Them-Ib-Saib. Thaum nag hmo tshwm sim, Siav, thawj haiv neeg ntawm Puerto Rico mus ua lub ntiaj teb champion nyob rau hauv plaub txawv hnyav chav kawm, , thiab Mexican Superstar Alvarez twb koom los ntawm lawv promoters thiab pua pua ntawm pumped-up, chanting kiv cua.


Daim pib rau lub mega sib ntaus yuav mus rau ntawm kev muag hnub no, ntawm 10:00 a.m. PT, nws twb tshaj tawm qho, thiab yog luv nqi ntawm $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 thiab $150, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab cuam nqi, thiab yuav tsum tau muas ntawm tus Mandalay Bay chaw ua hauj lwm,,, tag nrho cov Ticketmaster qhov chaw los yog los ntawm kev hu mus rau (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Hauv qab no yog dab tsi lawv cov neeg tua hluav taws thiab pab ua ke yuav tsum tau hais.


Miguel COTTO: Qhov, Nplhaib Magazine thiab Lineal Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus:

"Kuv tsis tshua tu dab tsi lub critics hais. Kuv twb npaj mus muab Canelo ib tug sib ntaus rau Kaum ib hlis 21stthiab hais tias yog tag nrho cov uas tseem ceeb.


"Kuv tsis nyob ntawm no nug rau tej pab koj tu siab. Kuv paub kuv yog leej twg thiab kuv nyob ntawm no mus yuav Miguel Cotto rau Kaum ib hlis 21st thiab muab tus kiv cua ib tug zoo sib ntaus.


"Kuv muaj kuv lub qhov muag rau kuv cov hauj lwm thiab qhov no yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws kev sib ntaus rau kuv cov hauj lwm txoj cai tam sim no, li ntawd kuv thiaj yuav npaj mus ua dab tsi yuav tsum tau ua kom tau nyob rau saum toj. "



Canelo Alvarez: Yav tas los WBC & WBA Super Welterweight ntiaj teb tau zus:

"Kuv xav tau no mus yuav ib tug historic sib ntaus. Kuv tabtom honored yuav tsum tau sib ntaus sib tua ib tug yeej muaj tseeb warrior.


"Nws yog ib tug yawm thiab kuv yuav mus npaj zoo heev vim hais tias kuv xav los yeej muaj qhov kev sib ntaus.


"Muaj ib tug zoo keeb kwm ntawm Mexico thiab Puerto Rico thiab qhov no yog yuav mus yuav ib historic sib ntaus, lwm ib qho rau lub storybooks. I have a lot of pride to be fighting for my country. Nws yuav yog ib lub zoo sib ntaus.


"Kuv yog ib tug disciplined fighter thiab ib tug qhuab ntuas neeg thiab kuv xav hais tias nrog txoj ntawm tsav kuv mam li yuav tau mus cuag ib tug ntau.


"Kuv tsis nyiam twv seb knockouts, tab sis kuv yuav tsum tau npaj txhij rau qhov no sib ntaus. Kuv yuav tsum zoo npaj.


"Kuv yog ib tug muaj zog, paub tab fighter. Rau kuv, lub sij hawm yog txoj cai rau qhov no. "



MICHAEL YORMARK: Thawj Tswj Hwm thiab Chief ntawm Branding & Lub tswv yim, Roc teb chaws:


"Qhov no yog qhov sib ntaus uas tus kiv cua xav. Nyob rau lub kaum ib hlis 21st peb yuav tau tus 'sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo.'


"Roc teb chaws thiab Golden tub muab ib tug mob siab rau kev tsim lub biggest fights nyob rau hauv keeb kwm. Peb xav muab boxing kiv cua dab tsi lawv yuav tsum tau txais: ib tug qhia tau tias ntawm epic proportions. "



Oscar DE LA Hoya: Chairman thiab CEO ntawm Golden tub Promotions:


"Boxing kiv cua thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb yog tos rau ib tug sib ntaus. Nws yog tsis muaj daim card uas cov neeg raug chim los ntawm Tej zaum 2nd. Lub ntiaj teb no kev sib ntaus zej zog yuav tsum reignited los ntawm no kev sib ntaus.


"Qhov no yuav tsum yog ib ntawm cov feem ntau exciting match ib ce. Yog hais tias kuv yuav tsum tau txuas rau qhov no los yog ib tug ntawm kuv tus kheej fights, Kuv xav hais tias nws zoo li kuv sib ntaus nrog [Fernando] Vargas. Lub qub zog thiab mob siab rau yuav muaj tshwm no.


"Canelo tsis xav los ua pov thawj dab tsi ntawm no. Nws cia li xav mus khob Cotto tawm.


"Lub ntiaj teb no yog tham txog qhov no sib ntaus. Lub keeb kwm ntawm Mexico thiab Puerto Rico ua no lawm tiag tiag exciting. "



Freddie laum: Hall ntawm koob meej tus kws qhia, Xya-Lub sij hawm tus kws qhia ntawm lub xyoo puav pheej khiav thiab tus kws qhia ntawm Miguel Cotto:


"Peb muaj ib qho nyuaj npaj ua ntej ntawm peb, tab sis peb yuav tsum tau npaj thiab Cotto yuav yeej los ntawm knockout. "



EDDY REYNOSO: Lub taub hau tus kws qhia ntawm Canelo Alvarez:


"Thaum koj tham txog keeb kwm, no sib ntaus yuav tsum hais raws li ib tug kuj zoo kawg thiab fights thiab cov ob fighters yuav tsum hais raws li ob tug ntawm cov greats.


"Canelo yog ib tug fighter nrog ib tug ntau ntawm kev qhuab qhia thiab ib tug ntau ntawm lub plawv."



Hector SOTO: Vice President ntawm Miguel Cotto Promotions:


"Nws yog tsis yog ib tug super sib ntaus sib tua ntxiv lawm, nws yog ib tug super kev tshwm sim!


"Qhov no yog ib tug yeej muaj tseeb classic sib ntaus. Puerto Rico vs. Mexico thiab nyob rau lub kaum ib hlis 21st, Cotto yuav coj Canelo rau lub tsev kawm ntawv!"



Reynoso CHEPO: Manager thiab tus kws qhia ntawm Canelo Alavrez:


"Ob tug tub rog yuav yuav nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib rau Kaum ib hlis 21st thiab cov neeg coob coob yuav tau txais ib tug tsov rog. Tus khiav yuav Mexico. "


KOS CIM TAFFETT: Senior Vice President ntawm HBO Them-Ib-Saib:


"Qhov no yog ib tug sib ntaus uas peb txhua tus yuav tsum sib tham txog rau lub xyoo yuav tuaj."



MAURICIO PAJ NTAUB, Pneeg nyob ntawm lub ntiaj teb Boxing Council:


“When there is a Puerto Rican in the ring it’s guaranteed to be something exciting.It will be no different here.


"Kuv ntseeg hais tias Canelo tau ua hauj lwm tsis tau qhov twg nws yog. Nws yog heev nrov. He signs autographs. Nws yog zoo heev tab tom nrhiav, tab sis thaum nws tau txais nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib, nws yog ib tug tshuab.


"Thaum nws Mexico vs. Puerto Rico, koj paub cov ntshav yog mus yuav boiling ob leeg nyob rau lub nplhaib thiab nyob rau hauv cov neeg coob coob. "



Cotto vs. Canelo, ib tug 12-round sib ntaus rau Cotto tus WBC thiab Nplhaib Magazine Middleweight ntiaj teb Championships, yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw Saturday, Nov. 21 nyob rau Mandalay Bay Txheej xwm Center nyob rau hauv Las Vegas. Lub sib ntaus yog los ntawm cov Roc teb chaws kev ua si, Golden Tub Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions thiab Canelo Promotions thiab txhawb nqa los ntawm Corona ntxiv; Mexico, Nyob rau Ntseeg tias nws!; O'Reilly pib xeem thiab Tequila Cazadores. Lub Cotto vs. Canelo xovxwm ncig xyuas yog kev txhawb nqa los ntawm JetSmarter. Cov kev tshwm sim yuav raug tsim thiab muab faib nyob los ntawm HBO Them-Ib-View pib thaum 9:00 p.m. THIAB/6:00 p.m. PT. Ua raws li cov kev sib tham siv #CottoCanelo.


Aug 25, Reno, — Flyweight Oscar "Marquee" Vasquez (9-1 2 Kos) khwv tau nws cuaj yeej los siv ceev xwmphem San Diego tus Jose Toribio (6-2) Saturday hmo ntuj nyob rau hauv Fallon, NV.


The scheduled eight-round contest was action packed from the opening bell with both fighters having their moments. Vasquez’s stuck to boxing while Toribio pushed the action. As the bout moved to the final rounds, Toribio began to land more punches than he had been able to in previous rounds. In the seventh round, uncharted chaw uas zoo heev rau ob leeg tua hluav taws, Vasquez tsaws ib tug vicious sab laug sib ntsib rau lub cev, which paralyzed Toribio. He was unable to recover.


This was the first scheduled eight-round contest for both. It was a tough and entertaining fight that got the Northern Nevada crowd on it’s feet. Although Fallon is practically Vasquez’s hometown, tus kiv cua enthusiastically qhia lawv txaus siab rau qhov kev ua si Toribio tom qab ntawd.


Nrog lub yeej, Vasquez tseem yog nws impressive yeej-streak, thiab kuj tseem loj hlob tuaj nws profile nyob rau hauv lub Flyweight faib.


Saturday lub sib ntaus card twb hais los ntawm sab saum toj nyob qib Inc., Wb Tau Nws Nyob Promotions, thiab lub nroog ntawm Fallon raws li ib feem ntawm lub xyoo "Nyob deb nroog Rumble."


Yees duab credit: Erik Killin

Duab 1. Vasquez launches nres rau Toribio.

Duab 2. Vasquez nrog promotional pab (sab laug rau xis) Vasquez advisor, Jesse Carstairs. Vasquez lub Promoter Tommy thiab Terry Lane ntawm LGIO.






Reno, Nevada raws li “Wb Tau Nws Nyob Promotions "twb nrhiav tau nyob rau hauv 2000 los ntawm Hall koob meej boxing referee Mills Lane. Nyob rau hauv thaum ntxov 2005 nws twb koom los ntawm tub Terry thiab Tommy nyob rau hauv lub khiav hauj lwm ntawm lub tuam txhab. Sine ces, lawv tau nce boxing thiab tov martial arts cov txheej xwm thoob plaws hauv tebchaws. Lawv tau ua hauj lwm nrog ob peb ntawm lub ntiaj teb sab saum toj zeem muag, thiab tau ua neeg tua hluav taws rau lub ntiaj teb title lub sij hawm.