Pou katoa e FNU47

Adrien Broner oroko UP MŌ tona mahi, Hape o te taure'are'ae MO HONO KAHA'Ú I BOXING

* * * VIDEO Matohi * * *
You have to learn from your mistakes. When you understand and you know why you’re losing, then you can fix it. This next half of my career I’m going to be the AB that’s about business and about boxing.” – Adrien Broner
Pāwhiritia te hononga i whakaahua i raro nei e aore ki te whanga ki, te hora me te / ranei tāmau i tenei ataata
Credit Photo: SHOWTIME
SHOWTIME Sports® tutaki ki Adrien Broner i HeadBangers Faleva'inga i Washington, D.C., rite faaineine ia ki te kanohi Khabib Allakhverdiev tenei Rāhoroi i runga i SHOWTIME®. During the lengthy interview Broner spoke candidly about his approach to the sport and learning from past mistakes. We found the interview compelling and, i roto i te whakakapi o kōpipiri te whai wāhi ki Broner i roto i te arahi ake ki tenei hui, ua te reira e tika ana ki te faaite i tenei putanga roa puka i roto i te faaineineraa no te kōrero matatau koutou kia mahi ai i runga i.
Broner vs. Allakherdiev mo te wātea WBA Super Kōmāmā World Championship tenei Rāhoroi ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT) i U.S. Bank Arena i Cincinnati.
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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports a www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner

TAE MAI Miguel cotto i Los Angeles FOR TRAINING CAMP WITH kaiwhakangungu Freddie Roach AT WILD KĀRI BOXING CLUB FOR NOV. 21 HBO UTU-PER VIEW Showdown AGAINST Canelo Alvarez


Credit Photo: Hector Santos Guia / Roc Nation Sports / Miguel cotto Whakatairanga, LLC


Credit Ataata: Team cotto / Roc Nation Sports


Los Angeles (Mahuru 30, 2015) – Ka kingi nei WBC, Ring Magazine ko Lineal whitu World Champion Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Koó) Kua tae i roto i te Los Angeles ki te timata puni whakangungu i Wild Kāri Mekemeke Club ki kaiwhakangungu Freddie Roach mua o tona Rāhoroi, Nov. 21pupūtanga ki mua WBC me WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Koó) ka e kia hua, ka wehea ora i HBO Totongi-Per-Tiro i Ko te Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas.


Raro nei te mea i cotto ko Roach ki te mea e pā ana ki te tīmatanga o te puni:


Miguel cotto: WBC, Ring Magazine ko Lineal whitu World Champion

"Neke atu i rite ahau ki te tiki ki te mahi, me te kakato māia e te mahere nei Freddie Roach roto i te wahi mo to tatou kapa kei te haere ki te whakarite ko ahau mateuteu ki te maukati i roto i tenei wikitoria i runga i ahau Whiringa 21."

Freddie Roach: Hall o Rongonui Trainer, E whitu-Time Trainer o te Winner Tau Award me Trainer o Miguel cotto


"Ko te pūngao i Wild Card he i te katoa-wā teitei. Miguel Ko tetahi o nga tangata faingataa mahi mohio ana ahau, a kihai ia i ururua tetahi wa ki te mowhiti ki ahau whiwhi. E mohio ana ahau kei a tatou nga taputapu e ti'a ia tatou mo te puni whakangungu angitu e ka hoatu Miguel i roto i te pai te tūnga taea ki te whiua Canelo ".



Ka taea te hokona tīkiti e toe ana i te tari pouaka Mandalay Bay, ticketmaster.com,mandalaybay.com, ngā tauwāhi katoa Ticketmaster ranei i karanga (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Cotto vs. Canelo, he whawhai 12-a tawhio noa mo te WBC o cotto me Ring Magazine whitu tekau World Toa, e wahi Rāhoroi, Nov. 21 i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas. Te aroaro o te whawhai e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, ka tautoko e Corona tāpiri; Mexico, Ora i te reira ki te Tui i te reira!; O'Reilly Wāhanga Aunoa, Tequila Cazadores ko Corporate Travel Whakahaere Solutions (CTMS). Ka hua te hui, ka wehea ora e HBO Pay-Per-Tiro timata i9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT. A pee i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #CottoCanelo.

Peltz Mekemeke faahanahana 46 Tau Anniversary

I roto i te timatanga…
I he teuteu ki he Rāmere o Puerto Rican mekemeke Classic i te 2300 Arena i roto i te Philadelphia, kaiwhakatairanga J Russell Peltz, International Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui , te piha haapiiraa o 2004, manatu tona timatanga i roto i te mekemeke 46 matahiti i ma'iri a'e.

I teie mahana whakanui-ranei ahau pea mau-te huritau 46 o toku whawhai tuatahi i rite ki te kaiwhakatairanga mekemeke. I taea kua tatari tetahi tau e wha e ahau ki te tuhituhi tenei kōrero, engari e mea rite te wa roa i teie nei, me te bet noa roa ki te tae i taua taumata.

Ka kite ahau i anake i te meneti torutoru o toku kāri mekemeke tuatahi. Ko te Hepetema. 30, 1969, i te Blue Horizon-kore ano rongonui-a ko ahau femo'uekina i roto i te tari pouaka ki te mama, hoko tīkiti ki te whakamutunga o te 1,606 iwi romia e matou i roto i reira i taua po ki te whanga ki whitu Bennie Briscoe whakangaro Tito Marshall i roto i to ratou rematch. Mau tatou ka tahuri atu te iwi i taua po, me e te tahi mea e kore ahau e mahi i ano. He aha I whakaaro ahau?

Tera tetahi miscommunication ki te uniana i tukuna nga kaihoko titeti na ka taka ratou ki te whakaatu, Utua e ahau mama-gratis, o te akoranga-a tauturu ia ki te hoko i te tīkiti.

Ko ahau 22 tau, 15 marama i muri i tu'ite i te fare temepara me iti iho i te 30 tangohia ra i mahi-wa tonu i runga i te tokotoko hākinakina i Ko te Evening Bulletin. I hiahiatia e ahau te mekemeke whiua i Ko te Bulletin, engari ka e ahau te manawanui ai ka Jack Parai, te kaituhi mekemeke, ka te toronga i runga i tana whakatānga whakahauanga i pakeke 65 a kihai i ahau e pā ana ki ki te whakairi a tawhio noa tatari ki a ia mo te mutu ranei, rite papa e mea, whana i te peere.

Na ka meatia e ahau ta nga Grad kāreti-tau 22-tau nei i whakaarahia i runga i te whaimana Raina Main e rave-e ahau riro te kaiwhakatairanga mekemeke.

I whakaorangia ahau e pā ana ki $5,000 i roto i te kāreti mai ahau i-wa tonu i runga i te mea ka karangatia e ratou i te mahi Kōura Shift i Ko te Bulletin, tīmata i te raumati i muri i toku tau teina i te hiero. Mahi ahau i po ki 8 ahau, kōrero whakatika, tuhituhi tapanga me matua, me te mahi i re-tuhi. Katahi Hiahia peia ahau i 30 & Market Street ki Te Tai Tokerau Broad Street mo toku tau matua i te hiero, haere ki te piha haapiiraa i 9 ahau ki te 1 pm, Na peia home ki Piriha Cynwyd ki te haere ki te moe.

Ko te he tau pou-Olympic i roto i Philly me i reira ko taranata i runga i nga ara katoa. Mahara ahau te mutunga o te raumati o 1969, peia ake Columbia Avenue-i teie nei Cecil B. Moore-a tahuri tika muri 22d Street wahi tahuri Columbia ki Ridge. E rua ngā whare i te koki tu te kapi, ko Café o Roach. I te tihi o te Roach Café, ake te rere pari o arawhata, ko Champs Faleva'inga, rere e Quenzell McCall, nana nei i hanga whakangungu Percy Bassett ko Leotis Martin me Kitten Hayward me Briscoe me te maha atu whawhai Philly runga ona wheua.

Tutaki ahau Sam Horomona, he tangata a tawhio-hinana friendly nei fatuhia te horoi kākahu i roto i Te Hau-ā-uru Philadelphia, a faaite ahau e ia ki tona toa hou, he momo-tau 17-tau nei i titiro ki te tahuri pro. Ko tona ingoa Eugene Hart. Tapaina a Sam ia Huripari.

He tau mua, i te omaoma i te whawhe o te Ekalesia Faaiteraa i 12 & Norris, tika atu wānanga o te hiero, I uiui e ahau tetahi atu kuao kaimekemeke amateur mō te kōrero i tuhituhi ahau mo Ko te Bulletin. Ko tona ingoa Bobby Watts. Ka karanga ratou ki a ia Boogaloo.

Kihai i reira kua he kāri whawhai pro i roto i Philly mai Mei, ka i rite mo te tahi mahi pā rohe.

I moe ahau o ia toku whakapakoko apîraa, Hall-o-Famer Harold Johnson, i roto i te hui matua, engari e kore e taea e ahau te ringa i te $2,000 hiahia ia. I riro ahau hoa ki a Pat Duffy, ka tuhituhia ētahi kōrero e pā ana ki runaruna mekemeke i ahau i Ko te Bulletin. Mana Duffy te amateurs i roto i te rohe tri-kāwanatanga, ka i ia tona ringa i roto i te AtAKi rite te pai. I whai wāhi ia ki Leotis Martin ko Sammy Goss ko Bennie Briscoe me mo te taurangi o $1,000 ki te ōrau o te rihīti kuwaha ka e ahau Briscoe ki te whawhai i te rematch ki Marshall, nei i mea patu Bennie wha nga tau i mua.

Duffy ano i te taumahamaha Jerry Tiati ingoa, i te wāhanga Kensington o Philly, a tapiritia e ahau ia ki te kāri i roto i tona tuatahi pro. I runga i te pānui i tāutuhia e ahau te whakawa i rite te Kensington Heavyweight Champion. Tino!

George Hill, i te whakangungu i Champs Faleva'inga, whakaae ki te hanga i tona ake tuatahi pro ki Tiati.

Jimmy Toppi, Jr., fatuhia te Blue Horizon. Whakanuinga ia whawhai i ngā wāhi Philly i roto i te 1940, me te 1950, me te taenga atu ano i rongo ia e pā ana ki toku hui matua, tohu ia he sellout. Toppi e kati tana mahi i nga ra katoa i 2 pm, na e peia e ahau i runga i ki te Blue Horizon i toku fare i roto i te wāhanga Germantown o te pa, waka ki waho, ka tatari ki te kite, ki te e whakaatu tetahi kiritaki ake ki te hoko tīkiti. Taime atoa kite ahau i te tangata waea te opani i te Blue Horizon, Hiahia te puta atu ahau o toku motokā, karanga i runga ki a ratou, ka hoko ia ratou tikiti i roto i toku kātua.

Ka huihui te kāri, ahakoa Watts’ hoariri taketake, Te Tai Tokerau Philly hoa Lloyd News kino Nelson, whakakorea atu te rua wiki i mua i te whakaaturanga, a ehara i te mea noa tata ki Hepetema. 30 e kitea e ahau Ron Nesby, i te whakangungu i omaoma Gil Clancy o roto i New York.

Papa ko i te paipa, whakawera, me te rangi-conditioning pakihi, a tangohia ana e ia 100 tīkiti ringside a hoatu ratou e ia i ki tona hoa pakihi. Utua e ia ki ahau mo te katoa o ratou-e ratou i $5 o tetahi,. Te mana'o nei au ko ia hoha'a e kore e meinga e ahau te reira i roto i te mekemeke. Ka haere mai toku matua keke Bob ki te whawhai, a ka eke ia mate i muri i te kai i te hotdog Blue Horizon.

Ko ahau i te kori nga po, Champs me te PAL 23 i roto i Te Tai Tokerau Philly, Passyunk me te Juniper Faleva'inga i South Philly. Na, i reira etahi engari i te hunga Fab Whā.

Malcolm “Flash” Gordon, he junkie mekemeke New York roa-rouru nei i hokona e te mīhini mimeograph ki tona moni mua tau Pae whakahau, whakaae ki te hoko i ana ngā hōtaka i teie nei-rongonui i te whawhai mo 25 sēniti ia.

Tom Cushman, te kaituhi mekemeke mo te Daily News, Ko te kaitākaro matua. I tutaki ahau Cushman i Oklahoma City i te tau torutoru mua. I mutu ia i reira–i runga i tona ara Te Tai Rāwhiti i Denver ki te tīmata i tana mahi hou i te Daily News-ki te taupoki ana te kapa poitūkohu o hiero i roto i te whakataetae Kirihimete, a ko ahau i reira, ano he kaituhi mō Ko te Bulletin.

Mohio Cushman e kaituhi mekemeke i ētahi atu nūpepa i roto i te pa ka tango moni i raro i te tepu i ngā kaiwhakatairanga ki te tuhituhi kōrero whawhai-mua, a ka korerotia e ia ki ahau, ki te ake ake ia mau te mahi ki ahau e taea e kihi ahau to tatou poroporoaki auhoaraa. Ehara i te mea tupono noa!

Ko te Inquirer kupu matua te ra i te aroaro o toku kāri: He Peltz Rite Hei Tiki i tihore?

Hokona matou i roto i. I te wa, te 1,606 pā i roto i te haereraa i māngai te mano nui i roto i te aamu i te Blue Horizon o. Ko te kuwaha ko $6,010 ki tīkiti utu i $3 a $5. Haere mai ōrau o Briscoe ki $1,314.58 a haere atu Marshall ki $788.75.

Whiua whitu Oscar Coor Clarence Finney i roto i te-rounder wha katoa-rohe ki te whakatuwhera i te kāri-i runga i te wā, fakanatula, i 8 pm-a Huripari Whakatangihia atu South Philly o Sheldon Moore Hart, kihai nei i whakahoki te pere mo te a tawhio noa e rua. Mahi pakeke Jerry Tiati, a mutu George Hill i roto i te wha o tawhio noa, me Boogaloo Watts-pouaka i roto i Ron Nesby i roto i te 6. I roto i te hui matua, Briscoe i te hau. Ripekatia ia Marshall i raro i te whitiki wawe a ka amuamu Tito ki te tohutoro, Haere Bennie runga, a ko reira katoa i runga i roto i 60 hēkona. E kore Marshall pouaka ano.

Columnist Sandy Grady ko reira i Ko te Bulletin. Tona kōrero te ra i muri mai–Mai True haurangi Dream–korerotia e pā ana ki toku matapae i roto i te kāreti e te ra kotahi oku hoa kia haere mai ki toku kāri whawhai. Ia i tuhituhi ano hoki e toku (tuatahi) wahine a i noho ahau i roto i te fare i roto i Germantown me nga mea anake i roto i te reira i te moenga, he huinga TV, me te ngeru, ko Ophelia. Ki te moni i hanga tatou i taua po ($1,438.83), I tuhituhi Grady e pea inaianei e hoko tatou i te tahi taonga.

He marama ruarua mua, ui toku wahine i ahau te whakaaro ki ahau, i taea e ahau hei angitu i roto i tenei mahi te mea i hanga. Ka korerotia e ahau ki a ia kia tangohia te reira ahau e pā ana ki ono marama ki te whakatangi oku penapena engari hiahia whai i ahau he scrapbook nui te ra kotahi ki te faaite i to tatou tamariki e pā ana ki te wa ratou Teti ko te kaiwhakatairanga mekemeke.

KA kaipara TE RETURN KIA he tohu aituā NO SHOREY AT NEF XX?

Lewiston, Maine (Mahuru 30, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. I mua i teie mahana, the promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the MMA portion of the fight card. “Shatterproof 2.0” Derek Shorey (3-2) Kua hainatia ki te kanohi i te hoki mai Damon “Ko te Omen” Owens (2-0) i te taimaha o te 145, pauna whawhai.


Ko te kaiwhakarewa, me te matenga kaiako o te Karapu aro Shatterproof i roto i Dexter, Maine, Derek Shorey has been impressive in his professional career thus far. All three of his wins have come by first-round stoppage, tae atu hinga o Shorey o Tollison Lewis (0-5) mua i tenei marama, i “NEF XIX.” Riro ngaro ranei, E kore e Shorey whakapono i roto i te tuku whawhai haere ki te kaiwhakawa’ scorecards. All fifteen of his combined amateur and pro fights have ended by either knockout, knockout hangarau (WHO) tukunga ranei.


“Ua mauruuru vau i ki hei wahi o tenei hui o mua e ko NEF XX,” Said Shorey. “Thank you Matt Peterson and Nick DiSalvo for providing a platform for me to chase this ridiculous dream. Damon is an interesting matchup for me because, stylistically, we are very similar. I’m excited to get in there and mix it up with him and I think the fans will be the biggest winners on this night because they’re in for a hell of a show. Kua anake tika timata ahau ki te pato i toku pūmanawa tonu, me te ki te wahia te 'W’ i runga i te toa i te puni pai i roto i Maine, e riro te taime rawa whakakake hoki ahau.”


I mua ki te neke ki Colorado i Maine i roto i 2013, Damon Owens was on the verge of becoming a breakout star on the regional MMA scene. Owens put together a pair of solid, hoki-ki-hoki te whakauru ia ki a Hoani Raio (2-8) ko Josh Parker (4-8). Like Shorey, Owens came into his own after leaving the amateur ranks. Also like Shorey, Owens does not believe in letting the judges decide the outcome of his fights. Only one of his bouts out of seven has gone the distance. Owens is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine. Returning home, he has been welcomed back with open arms to his team. Owens has been inactive from competition since moving to Colorado two years ago.


“Tāpiri tenei whawhai ki te taua hui rahi rite 'NEF XX’ ko te kore-brainer,” said NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “Derek and Damon have both proven themselves to be big finishers. They match up very well and they’re both incredibly exciting fighters. This fight has a very good shot at stealing the show!”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.


Tūturu Super Welterweights DOMONIQUE DOLTON ME OSCAR Molina FIGHT KI nuinga utu
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Lucas Noonan / Pirimia Boxing Champions
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Idris Erba / Whakatairanga Mayweather
Highlights Whawhai wātea HERE
Las Vegas (Mahuru 29, 2015) – Javier “Ko te Abejon” Fortune (29-0-1, 21 Koó) used a relentless attack to stop Carlos “Māhanga Dream” Velasquez (19-2, 12 Koó) in the tenth-round and retain his super featherweight world title on Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i FS1 me Mekemeke Champions i runga i FOX Deportes i te Pearl Pikitia i Palms Casino Resort.
Blitzed Fortuna Velasquez i te pere te whakatuwheratanga, te whakamahi i tana kāhua rorirori-pēhanga ki te whakatuwhera ake i ngā whai wāhitanga ki te whenua nifó. I roto i te rua o a tawhio noa, U Fortuna te rua o mahue matau i tonoa Velasquez ki te koaka. I roto i taua tawhio, I timata Velasquez te toto i te ihu e tika ana ki te reke matenga, a kia mea kua pakaru i tona ihu.
Ano i roto i taua tawhio tuarua, Whara Fortuna tona ringa maui, ka ko e taea ki te maka i te reira no te nui o te toenga o te whawhai. Whakamatauria tonu ia kia ki rawa nui mo Velasquez Heoi, -ū i roto i ia 168-51 i ū tata 40 ōrau o ana nifó.
Haere mai ia i roto i kaha kotahi ano i roto i te tekau o tawhio, ū te raupapa o ngā matā karapīpiti e ue'i kaitautoko Russell Mora ki te aukati i te whawhai, e toru tekau ma rima hēkona ki te a tawhio noa. I te wa o te Tuhinga, nga kaiwhakawa’ kaute i 88-82, 87-83 a 86-84 katoa hoki Fortuna.
I roto i te hui tahi-matua, Welterweights super tūturu Domonique Dolton (17-0-1, 9 Koó) a Oscar Molina (13-0-1, 10 Koó) whawhai ki te Unuunu nuinga i roto i te whakangahau, hoki-a-atu mau.
Maka Dolton atu nifó atu Molina, engari ka u Molina i te ōrau teitei a ko kaha ki te whenua i tona nifó mana ki runga 50 ōrau o te wā. I roto i te taka noa, e toru, Molina i ona taime pai ka kōemiemi ia Dolton ki te ringa matau, engari Dolton whai tona marino, ka oti te kaha a tawhio noa. Tonu nga tangata e rua ki te rû i i mau taime puta noa i te toe, a rauna i whiua e nifó te ara katoa ki te pere whakamutunga.
Ko te kaiwhakawa’ tapeke i 95-95 rua me te 97-93 mo Fortuna. I roto i te katoa, U Dolton 145 i roto i 479 nifó i ū Molina 134 i roto i 326.
Javier Fortuna
“I tika ahau e tatari ki te haukoti i tokua Velasquez. Ko te manawataki o te whawhai, ko faufaa. Ko ahau i roto i te mana o te whawhai no te mea i taea e ahau te whakahaere i te manawataki.
“Kua ahau i tenei kāhua ake mai ko ahau he runaruna. Kua ahau ako atu e pā ana ki te pehea, ki te kia pukuriri me kua tamata tonu ahau ki te pēhi i te mahi puta noa i toku mahi.
“I mohio ahau ka ia e ahau ki te pere pai, no te patototanga ahau ia ia ki raro. Ano ahau i kino toku ringa maui i muri i engari ko te reira i te mea noa o te wā tae noa ki a eke ana ano ahau ia. Kihai ahau i maka toku toe rawa nui i muri i.
“I kite ahau i ona matā haere mai. E kua e ahau tangohia painga mua ko ahau i kino toku ringa. Ki te kore ahau i kino ia toku ringa, kihai i pai ia kua roa e rima rauna.
“Titiro ahau i tona kokonga i pupuri ahau ia ia, no te mea ua hinaaro ratou e ahau ki te mohio e taea e ahau te haere ki te ki tonu i 12 e kore e haere ahau rauna, a ki te mutu noa te mowhiti pere whakamutunga.”
CARLOS Velasquez
“Ko te upoko take, Kei anga koutou wahia e ahau toku ihu wawe i roto i te whawhai, tupu te reira o toku manawa, puta noa i te a'ee.
“Ahau e tango atu tetahi mea i Fortuna, te ia he toa nui. Mahue ahau nga mea katoa i roto i te whakakai me kore e ahau te whakamutu. Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te hoatu i te reira taku katoa me e te mea i mea ai ahau.”
“I mohio ahau ko reira he whakatau tata. E kua pai kua reira rānei ara. Katia whawhai. U ia etahi pakūtanga, U ahau etahi pakūtanga. E kore e ahau i haurangi rānei ara.
“Ko te mahere kēmu ko ki te hanga e taha ia ki te ringa maui, a ka whiwhi ia ki te tika overhand. Ka e ahau i roto i reira, ka tīmata te hunanga e ia. Faaoti ahau ki te kararehe tika ia. Whakaaro ahau e whakaoti ahau kaha i te mutunga o te whawhai.
“Kei a ia wā tino pai. Kei kaihangarau e rua matou. Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te hanga e taha ia, hinaaro ia ki te hanga mahue ahau. U ia etahi atu matā mana engari i hanga e ahau ki a ia te mahi mo reira i te mutunga.”
OSCAR Molina
“Tukua ahau te tiki i te reira tata rawa, na e kore e taea e ahau te amuamu e pā ana ki te whakatau. Ka haere au i te fare, me te mataara i te whawhai, engari e tika ana inaianei e kore e taea e ahau te amuamu. Ka kite nga kaiwhakawa ta kite ratou.
“Ko te mahere kēmu ki te noho māhorahora, engari hinga ahau i roto i te mahere kēmu. I mamae ai ahau ia i roto i te toru o tawhio noa, me te reira ahua o messed ake ahau. Tīmata ahau rapu mo e tetahi pere ki te mutu te reira. I ki te mahi i runga i noho on me te māhorahora ahau.
“Tūturu mahi waewae pai Dolton i, mau e ia ki ahau i roto i lunging. Kua mohio ahau ki a ia, no nga ra runaruna kia mohio ahau ki te pai ko ia.
“Au hihiri ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te omaoma, me te tīmata haere ahau 20, 30 rauna, kahore whiwhi ngenge. Ua kāhi ahau i te mutunga engari te reira i te iteraa akoranga.”
# # #
PBC Rātū TOE-TO-TOE was promoted by Mayweather Promotions.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportesPearlAtPalms KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions a,www.facebook.com/foxdeportes



E ora i 5:45 p.m. AND/ 2:45 p.m. PT ki te Whakaaturanga Encore i 9 p.m. AND/PT


NEW YORK (E whitu. 29, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports® ka tapae te IBF Welterweight Ao Championship i waenganui i wawao i te taitara tūturu Brook Kell me te nguha Diego Chaves i runga i Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 24, ora i runga i SHOWTIME i 5:45 p.m. AND / 2:45 p.m. PT i Motorpoint Arena i roto i te Sheffield, Ingarangi.


Te SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL whakaaturanga o te Sky Sports telecast will feature analysis from SHOWTIME boxing experts before and after the world championship showdown. An encore presentation of the bout will air on SHOWTIME later that evening at 9 p.m. AND/PT.


"Ahau e pai ki te kia whakakitea i roto i te US e toku whawhai ki a Chaves te haere ahau," ka mea a Brook, who hails from Sheffield and will be the favorite in this fight. “I was thrilled when I saw my name in the top 10 o te rārangi i roto i te Ring Magazine pauna-no-pauna, a inaianei ko te wa e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaatu i te pā i roto i te US. ko ahau te toa pau-kite.


"Chaves He kaimekemeke katoa-mahi e haere mai ana i nga wa katoa ki te whawhai, me e ko te kāhua tino ki ahau mo whiti runga i Oct. 24. I look forward to putting on an explosive performance and making the U.S. e tu ki runga, ka tango pānui e ahau te Welterweight pai i roto i te ao nei ".


"Brook matau ana matou he toa uaua, tino hangarau,"Ka mea a Diego Chaves. "Otiia e kore e he ia he toa nohopuku me te ngāwari hēmanawa ia e nifó tinana, which is one of our strengths. I believe he has problems going backwards, a e haere tatou ki te whakamātau i tona kaha pahaki, rawa.


"Ite ahau e tupu taku e whakawhirinaki ki tenei wero, knowing that I will have to face a champion like Kell Brook in his home country in England. This raises the stakes for me, going up there as an Argentine and as a huge underdog. We know all the bad blood that exists between Argentina and England and this will give me much more strength. I will make history if I defeat an Englishman in his own country.”


"E hiamo matou ki kia hoki i roto i te mahi ki a Brook Kell, Matchroom mekemeke me Eddie Hearn a ki te whakaora i tenei matchup whakaongaonga o runga 10 Welterweights ki te U.S. whakarongo,"Ka mea Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice peresideni me Kaiwhakahaere General o SHOWTIME Sports. “Kell won the world title on SHOWTIME in an action-packed victory over Shawn Porter last fall, te whakatū ia ia kia rite ki tetahi o nga Welterweights runga i roto i te ao - engari Diego Chaves ko te toa tiketike nei i kï hoki e taea te whakataetae ia ki te whiriwhiri o te wehenga ".


Brook (35-0, 24 Koó) ka meinga e tona toru karapīpiti taitara korero o 2015 i roto i tona whenua Ingarangi i muri i haere mai ki te U.S. a dethroning mua tūturu IBF Welterweight World Champion Shawn Porter i roto i te August 2014 i runga i SHOWTIME. The Sheffield native has scored knockouts in each of his defenses – a fourth round TKO of Jo Jo Rana i runga i March 28 me te TKO a tawhio ono o Frankie Gavin i runga i Kia 30. Brook aims for a similar result against the veteran Chaves, nana nei i faaruru etahi nga whawhai runga o roto i te wehenga 147-pauna.


Chaves (23-2-1, 19 Koó), o Buenos Aires, Argentina, kua he toa huarahi i roto i whawhai tata, facing favored Americans on the road in three of his last four bouts. He challenged 147-pound titlist Keith Thurman i roto i te Hōngongoi 2013 a, i muri i toa i te knockout i roto i te whenua te whawhai i roto i Argentina, ko mua i runga i scorecards te kaiwhakawa, ki Brandon Riosi roto i te August 2014 until he was disqualified for an intentional elbow to the face. I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga, Whawhai Chaves ki te Unuunu ki te toa Welterweight te koiora Timothy Bradley.



Ora i runga i NBCSN i Foxwoods Resort Casino i Mashantucket, Conn.

Las Vegas (E whitu. 29, 2015) -World Series o te whawhai (WSOF.com) i tenei ra kauwhautia e ka karaunatia reira ona mā tuatahi (125 pauna) toa i roto i te aamu - te toa o te matchup i waenganui tūturu, nei ona whetu Magomed "Gladiator" Bibulatov a Donavon Frelow - I Foxwoods Resort Casino i Mashantucket, Conn. i runga i Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 17, ora i runga i NBCSN i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT.

Ko te a'ee tohu tetahi o rua matchups taitara ao e ka kauwhau i "WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami,"Te tuarua te he kauwhautia mua whakataetae aito taumahamaha i waenganui i kingi hīanga, Blagoy Ivanov (12-1) o Sofia, Bulgaria me kaiwero Derek "Caveman" Mehman (19-6) o Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
"Kei te titiro whakamua matou ki te karauna i te toa tuatahi ake i roto i to tatou wehenga mā nohopuku-te tipu, me te tino-whakataetae, i runga i October 17,"Ka mea a World Series o Fighting peresideni Rangatira Matua.

"Ka rite ki e rua o te piha haapiiraa taimaha 'whetu tino hihiri te hunga whai ano ki te kia whiua, Kua roaa Magomed me Donavon ratou wahi mahi i roto i tenei whawhai tangaroa hītori, a he māia e ka faahoho'a nei te toa aha te he papatu, i roto i te Ao Series o te whawhai e pā ana ki tatou. "

Tohu te whawhai te U.S. tuatahi o te Bibulatov-tau 27-tawhito (9-0) o Grozny, Chechnya Russia, e whai ake nei i te tino, oma tau-rua whakataetae ki hoariri i roto i tona kāinga me te i roto France me Portugal, iku kowhetetia te hiahiatia, tau kotahi rangatira i roto i tona piha taimaha i roto i Europe.

Bibulatov, he mahi o te toi hōia, tae atu Sambo me mamau, no tona tamarikitanga wawe, e noho anake te toa i mea patu ki te UFC whetu Taylor Lapilus, ki runga nei roaa Bibulatov te whakatau loto i runga i Oketopa 12, 2013 i roto i te hui matua o te kāri whawhai tū i roto i te Lapilus 'whenua te kāinga o France.

I roto i tona tīmatanga whakamutunga i runga i March 14, Piro Bibulatov he a tawhio tuatahi (1:30) KO (meke) i runga iEduardo Felipe i roto i te tahi-matua mahi kaupapa i roto i te whenua o Bibulatov o Grozny.

He mema o te kōrero MMA Wanderlei Silva'S vaunted, Las Vegas-rōpū whawhai e hāngai ana, te Frelow-tau 30-tawhito (5-0) kua kāniwha e wha o tona whakaora mahi ngaio e rima, ko te kupu tenei i tawhiti, i te ara o te tāpaetanga.

I muri i te mahi tata-tino runaruna e kite ia ia te tönuitanga, te lekooti whānui o 5-1 i waenganui o Aperira 2011 ko Oketopa 2013, Whakaae Frelow tona whawhai pro tuatahi i runga i te tika wha ra 'pānui me i te rohe mā o 125 pauna, 10 pauna i raro i taua i mua i te whakataetae ia i.

Iu tonu Frelow i roto i tona tīmatanga pro tuatahi, ahakoa, hinga George Garcia i te ara o te tāpaetanga (kowaowaotia iho pororere) i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa (:30) o to ratou a'ee i runga i Maehe 6, 2014.

I roto i tona haerenga pro toru i runga i Hakihea 20, 2014, E hiahiatia ana Frelow anake 25 hēkona ki te tuku Donald Belcher with an armbar. Frelow has since recorded two straight wins in the World Series of Fighting decagon cage.

Utu i $39.99, tīkiti mō "WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami "kei runga i te hoko i Ticketmaster.com me WSOF.com.

I roto i te hui matua Welterweight, Jon Fitch (26-7-1, 1 NC) o Fort Wayne, I roto i te. Ka fehangahangai superstar tāwhai me te grappling kaitoi Yushin "whatitiri" Okami (30-9) o Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan.

Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau i te tapere Grand i Foxwoods Resort Casino i 4:30 p.m. ANDno te WSOF 24, a ka timata te a'ee kāri tuatahi tuatahi i 5:30 p.m.

Ka rere ora katoa o te kāri whawhai tuatahi i runga i te kaitākaro ataata embeddable i runga i WSOF.com.

Ko te kaupapa ki te huringa i te kāri.

KĀRI MAIN (Ora i runga i NBCSN)

Takahanga Main Welterweight: Jon Fitch vs. Yushin Okami

Ao Series o Fighting taumahamaha Championship Co-Main Takahanga:
Blagoy Ivanov vs. Derek Mehman

Kōmāmā: Nick Newell vs. Tom Marcellino

Marama Heavyweight: Vinny Magalhaes vs. Matt Hamill

Ao Series o Fighting mā Championship
Magomed Bibulatov vs. Donavon Frelow

KĀRI PRELIMINARY (Ora i runga i WSOF.com)

Mā whitu: Rick Glenn vs. Arama Ward
Mā whitu: Alexandre Almeida vs. Haora Almeida
Taumahamaha: Juliano Coutinho vs. TBA
Mā whitu: Rodrigo Almeida vs. Bruce Boyington
Welterweight: Washington Nunes Da Silva vs. Colton Smith
Whitu: Justin Torrey vs. Rex Harris
Whitu: Louis Taylor vs. Nicolai Salchov
Taumahamaha: Pat Walsh vs. Tyler King


Lewiston, Maine (Mahuru 29, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. I mua i teie mahana, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the MMA portion of the fight card. CJ tiaka (4-2) Kei te whakaritea ki te kanohi Jason “Tuarua Chance” Lachance (2-2) i te taimaha o te 155-pauna whawhai.


CJ Ewer is a veteran of the United States Air Force security forces. He is a product of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine where he has honed his craft under coach Chris Young. Ewer had one of the most explosive starts to a career in NEF history, winning his first three amateur bouts in a matter of just ten weeks. Earlier this month at “NEF XIX,” Whawhai karaehe a patua he tino uaua Ricky Dexter (3-2). All of Ewer’s fights to date have been in the welterweight and middleweight divisions. The cut to 155-pounds will be a first for Ewer.


“I muri i te mātakitaki ataata o Lachance, te mahino mai ia ki te whare herehere pai rite,” tuhia karaehe o te hoariri i tana. “Te ngaro anake ia ki Jarod Tyler me Dom Cofone, who are both hardcore fighters, and his win against Steve Bang shows that he has a lot of different skills and drive. It’ll be a great opportunity to show how I can compete at 155.


Jason Lachance Ko te mema o MMA Athletix e hāngai ana i roto i te Patehepa, Maine. He has faced stiff competition in the first several fights of his career, rite karaehe tuhia, so Lachance is accustomed to standing across the cage from the cream of the crop. He is coming off a first round submission victory over David Thompson (0-1) mua i tenei marama, i “NEF XIX.” Lachance will look to continue his winning ways when he meets Ewer at “NEF XX” i runga i Noema 21.


“Oaoa nei au no ki tetahi faingamālie tiki i roto i te whare herehere,” Na ka mea a Lachance. “I expect an exciting fight no matter where it ends up. Ewer is tough competition. I am looking forward to this one.


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Lewiston, Maine (Mahuru 28, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. I mua i teie mahana, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur flyweight bout to the MMA portion of the fight card. Dustin Veinott (4-3) ka tiakina e te NEF MMA Amateur mā Championship ki Ryan Burgess(1-0).


Kua Dustin Veinott kua te kōrero ongo'i-pai o 2015 in NEF. After going 0-3 ki te timata i tona mahi runaruna, Haere Veinott i runga i te pūkenga win e wha-whawhai tumutumu ia i roto i te wikitoria ritua whakatau mo Norman Fox (4-2) this past June to claim the inaugural flyweight title. Veinott is a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) i roto i te Lewiston, Maine. He predicts a finish over Burgess on Whiringa 21.


“Ko te he honore ki te whawhai i te kuao ki runga, me te Comer rite Burgess,” ka mea te toa kingi. “He looked like he had solid wrestling in his last fight with Witham. Heoi, Kua whakama ahau i roto i toku whawhai whakamutunga. Fight fans will want to see this one. I will get the finish.


Ryan Burgess he, pono, an accomplished wrestler. A veteran of the Mountain Valley High School (MVHS) mamau hōtaka o Rumford, Maine, Kaiwawao ake i te mīharo Burgess 150 wins and captured three state titles. I muri mai, tonu ia i tona mahi nonoke i Plymouth State University i Plymouth, New Hampshire. Burgess joined Berserkers MMA along with other MVHS wrestling alumni and won his amateur MMA debut this past June.


“Dustin he rota o te wheako i roto i te whare herehere, a i ki te whiwhi i tana wahi i te tihi, but he has yet to fight someone at flyweight with the same skill set and intensity that I bring to the cage,” Said Burgess. “I’m very excited for this opportunity and it will be a great chance to show how much I have improved over the last six months.


It’s not very often that you witness a fighter with a 1-0 record whawhai mo te taitara, but Burgess brings with him a lifetime of competitive wrestling and training,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “He was so good at Mountain Valley High School that they retired his singlet when he graduated. Veinott has found his groove and really come into his own as a champion fighter. This is a bout between two guys with a ton of drive and determination, and I can’t wait to watch to see who strikes first in this fight.


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

Heavyweights Bobby Lashley me James Thompson ki te whakatau RATOU Score AT 'Bellator 145: Te rapu 'NOVEMA 6 ON titi

Santa MONICA, Calif. (Mahuru 25, 2015) - Tenei Pipiri mua, pā i roto i te St. Louis i tangohia o te rematch tino tūmanako taumahamaha i waenganui i Bobby "Ko e Dominator" Lashley (13-2) a James "Te Colossus" Thompson (20-14, 1 NC), when Thompson was forced to withdraw from the bout due to injury. I Rāmere, Whiringa 6, ka pae hopea tapawha te heavyweights e rua atu i "Bellator 145: Te rapu," i te Center Scottrade i roto i te Gateway City.


Ko te whakataetae whakaoti te kāri matua o “Bellator 145: 'Rapu,” e te pahiatia e ora i runga i te Koi i 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT, ia ka rere pāngia tuatahi i runga i Spike.com i 7 p.m. AND.


Namanama Top i te Whiringa 6 takahanga āhuatanga e rua pāngia taitara ao, no te Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (24-2) tohe tona here kiDaniel Straus (23-6) a E "te kino E" Brooks (16-1) tutaki mātanga tukunga Marcin Held (21-3) ki te whitiki 155-pauna i runga i te raina. "Bellator 145: Te rapu " runga i te Koi Ka ngā ano he pitting rematch "Iron" Michael Chandler (13-3) ki Rawiri "Ko e Caveman" Rickels (16-3, 1 NC).


Tīkiti mō "Bellator 145: 'Rapu," e tīmata i tika $30, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei i runga i Ticketmaster.com me i te Ford Pouaka Tari i Center Scottrade. Tatau mo tuwhera i te hui 5:00 p.m. CT wā rohe, me te whakataetae tuatahi e wahi i muri tata.


Titiro Lashley ki te takitaki i te 2012 split decision loss to Thompson. The unfinished business between the two giant heavyweights was originally scheduled to be settled at "Bellator 134: Ko te whakaekenga Ingarangi " a ano i "Bellator 138: Pakihi kia oti," engari he wharanga paturuhia e te tangata e rua i meinga nga whawhai ki te anö.


Thompson, he mātanga 6-waewae-5 a Tūrongo, hails i Ingarangi, a kua whawhai ngaiotanga mai 2003. He mua kaitākaro whutupaoro me te tukuna, "Te Colossus" kitea tona piiraa pono i roto i te MMA me kua whakataetae huri noa i te ao tonu mai. Fighting etahi o nga Heavyweights pai i roto i te hākinakina, whai wāhi Kimbo Poro, Alexander Emelianenko, Don Frye, Alistair Overeem, Mariusz Pudzianowki, Bob Sapp, Rana Severn ko Hidehiko Yoshida, i roto i ētahi atu, Kua reirahia Thompson ake 11 te whakauru i te knockout me tetahi e whitu i te tāpaetanga.


He 6-waewae-3, superstar WWE mua, Tīmata Lashley whakangungu i roto i te toi grappling i pakeke 12 a e haere i runga i ki te riro e rave rahi taitara, whai wāhi: e toru Toa National i Missouri Valley College, he NAIA National Championship, he e ti◊aturi World Championship Silver Medal me rua Armed Forces Toa Wrestling i te takiwa ia tona i roto i te US. Army. I tua atu ki te mahi mamau ngaio ki Kapo i WWE, ECW a TNA, Timata Lashley tona mahi MMA i roto i 2008, a kua hanga he anō faahiahia e ngā Bellator MMA tāpaetanga toa mo Karl Etherington, Josh Burns a tino tata, he knockout hangarau o Rana Charles.


"Bellator 145: Nga utu e "Whakahōu Kāri Fight

Bellator tekau mā Taitara a'ee Ao: Patricio Freire (24-2) vs. Daniel Straus (23-6)

Bellator Kōmāmā Taitara a'ee Ao: Will Brooks (16-1) vs. Marcin Held (21-3)

Bellator tekau mā Āhuahira a'ee: Pat Curran (21-7) vs. Justin Lawrence (7-2)

Bellator Āhuahira Kōmāmā a'ee: Michael Chandler (13-3) vs. Rawiri Rickels (16-3, 1 NC)

Bellator Heavyweight Āhuahira a'ee: Bobby Lashley (13-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14, 1 NC)


Kāri hukihuki:

Bellator Āhuahira Kōmāmā a'ee: Vince Eazelle (9-2) vs. Chris Heatherly (9-3, 1 NC)

Bellator whā Āhuahira a'ee: Scott Ettling (2-0) vs. Garrett Mueller (2-0)

Bellator Āhuahira Kōmāmā a'ee: Garrett Gross (6-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)