Pou katoa e FNU47

Gerald Washington ME Amir MONSOUR Tuhinga KI whakangahau KI 10-rauna Split utu

Ahmed Elbiali Ka riro whakatau loto Neke atu i te Mariano Hilario I roto i Co-Main Takahanga
Michael Hunter pata Jason Douglas wha Times En Route Ki taumahamaha Knockout
Pāwhiritia HERE FOR Whakaahua
Credit Photo: Jennifer Rutledge / Pirimia mekemeke Champions
Shelton, Washington (October 14) – Pirimia mekemeke Champions TOE-TO-TOE Tūrei i runga i FS1 me FOX Deportes haere ki te Pacific NorthwestRātū po i Little Creek Casino Resort ki toru pāngia whakaongaonga e ua hope ki te kēmu ki runga taumahamaha oaoa e mutu i roto i te Unuunu wahia.
Gerald Washington (i teie nei 16-0-1, 11 Koó) mana te mahi ki tona roa, me te aravihi mekemeke pai wawe engari te southpaw iti Amir Mansour o (i teie nei 22-1-1, 16 Koó) ka anga pēhanga ta'etuku ki te wahia iho Washington rite kopia e ia te wahi pakaru i ū lefts overhand. Ki te whawhai ki runga mo hopu hokohokona te heavyweights rua ngā matā pakeke i roto i te 10, me te whakamutunga a tawhio noa e arahina nga kaiwhakawa ki te tohutohu i te whawhai i te afa 10-a tawhio noa whakatata te kaute i te a'ee 97-93 Washington, 96-94 Mansour me 95-95.
“Whakaaro ahau te mea he whakatau e wehingia ana,” ka mea a Washington. “Riro tino ahau te whawhai. No feaa e pā ana ki te reira. Riro ahau i te rauna tuatahi e wha mo te tino. Okioki ahau ake he iti moka i roto i te waenganui. Ko te whakamutunga e toru ranei e wha, kihai i ara e pa ia ki ahau. I ia whai ahau a tawhio noa. Kihai i ū ia i tetahi pupuhi i te katoa.
“I korero ahau toku kokonga ki tika werohanga a maka nifó tika. I ū ahau nga matā pai katoa. Kihai i ia tetahi matā pai whenua. He aha e meatia e ahau he rematch ki te haere e ratou ki te mahi i ahau kia rite ki taua? Titiro ki tona mata, titiro i tona taringa. Titiro i toku mata, Kihai i tangohia e ahau tetahi whiu. Pouaka ahau atamai ia. I ia te pukuriri, engari i ū ahau nga matā katoa.”
“U Washington etahi pakūtanga pai i roto i reira, engari u ahau te nuinga o nga matā. I pupuri ahau i te whawhai hohe,” Said Monsour. “I hoatu e ahau te tahi mea mano e hiahia ana ratou ki te kite. I hoatu e ahau te oaoa mano. Ko te aha e oaoa ratou i ahau, me e booing ratou ia. Ahau kaimekemeke te mea powhiriwhiri o te mekemeke.

“Ko Washington he bit tuke, I tika ahau e ngana ana ki te tātari i te rerekētanga teitei me i muri i toru rauna tihi o te ine he te tawhiti i waenganui i a ia, me ahau, Ahau ite rite tīmata ahau te pēhi ia, akina te mahi, ū te nuinga o matā, a haehae tona tinana ake. Kihai i taea e ia te nifó tinana, I rere ia i roto i te hau. Kihai i hoatu e ia te mano i te whawhai. Kihai i hoatu e ia he whawhai ia me e te tika te ara rawakore o te toa i te whawhai ranei ara whiwhi i te Unuunu.”

Kite te hui tahi-matua waru-a tawhio noa Kairo, Ihipa a Ahmed Elbiali (i teie nei 11-0, 11 Koó) whakahaere i te whawhai i te tīmatanga ki te mutu rite ia faaruru Mariano Hilario(i teie nei 13-4, 5 Koó) i roto i te pupūtanga taumahamaha marama. Ahakoa e rua-ara mahi puta noa i te katoa o te a'ee, Noho Elbiali atu hohe, i mua, ia tamata Hilario ki te whenua nifó counter hua kore. E noho tūturu Elbiali i muri kuru nga kaiwhakawa te ōrite te whakatau loto i roto i tona manakohia.
I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te ahiahi, Michael Hunter (i teie nei 10-0, 7 Koó) outclassed fellow cruiserweight Jason Douglas (i teie nei 11-6, 4 Koó) maturuturu ia i roto i te rua, rauna toru, te wha. Haere mai te knockdown tuatahi i te mutunga o te rua o a tawhio noa mā te kaha te ringa matau. Kite te tuatoru a tawhio noa te mau pato'iraa a te nifó ano i te mutunga o te a tawhio noa e tonoa Douglas ki te koaka. Heoi, i roto i te wha o tawhio noa, Aki Hunter Douglas noa te pere, maturuturu ia mo te wha o nga wa mā te matau kaha maui. Ko te rata ringside ka karanga te kopa ki te whakataetae, e whai ake nei i te mutunga o te wha o tawhio.
# # #
Washington vs. I whakatairangatia ana e TGB Whakatairanga Monsour ora i Little Creek Casino Resort.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.TGBPromotions.com a http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / kāinga, Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, gwgallonegro, hardcoremansourTGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/Little.Creek.Casino.Resort www.facebook.com/foxdeportes a i roto iww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.

Fonfara VU. I totoa e PREMIER BOXING toa ON Koi MEDIA korukī īngoa & Whakaahua

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit Photo: Przemek Garczarczyk
MANHOLE (October 13, 2015) – “A Chicago Polish Prince” and top light heavyweight contender Andrzej Fonfara (27-3, 16 Koó) me tona hoa, toa o mua te ao Natana i totoa e (29-2, 15 Koó); me kingi toa mā super ao Kohei Kono (30-8-1, 13 Koó) me te toa o mua ao Koki Kameda (33-1, 18 Koó), mahi i roto i mo te pāpāho i teie mahana i roto i te mua o to ratou Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i Koi showdowns tenei Rāmere, October 16 i UIC ti'ahapa i roto Chicago.
Fonfara vs. Totoa e mahi rite te hui matua 12-a tawhio noa, ia Kono vs. Ka waiho Kameda te kaiwahi i 12-a tawhio teata. Haamata te Koi haapurororaa i 9 p.m. AND/PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Warriors Mekemeke i feohi ki Matchroom Mekemeke, E utu i $151, $101, $51, $41 a $31, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei UIC ti'ahapa Box Office i (312) 413-5740. Wātea i he hoki Tickets www.ticketmaster.com ranei mā te toro i te Tari UIC Pouaka ti'ahapa (Rāpare ranei Rāmere 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).
Kei raro ko te mea i te whawhai i ki te mea Rātū:
Andrzej Fonfara
“Kua riro ahau etahi whawhai nui me ahau whakakake o taua ahau, engari i ahau ki te noho arotahi ki runga ki te hākinakina, me te haere tonu ki te mahi i toku pai. Ahau tika te taata noa. Ahau i te kaimekemeke, me te toa, me te ki te whakapai ake ki nga whawhai tonu ahau. Ko atu i te karanga a te whetū i roto i te mekemeke te nui ki ahau.
“I totoa e te kupu te ia slick rawa hoki i ahau, engari ka kite tatou i te mea tupu i roto i te whakakai i runga i te Paraire. E kore koe e matau ki ta e tupu i roto i te whawhai. Pea ko tere me te Slicker ia, engari au e ahau kaha me te whakaaro e ahau au e ahau he toa pai tika i teie nei.
“Ko te mahere, ko te ki te whiua ia i runga i te Paraire, engari ki te whiwhi ahau i te rave'a ka patoto ia e ahau i roto i. Ko te hākinakina e tatou i roto i tenei: toto me te werawera.
“Totoa ko te taahiraa tino nui hoki ahau. E mohio ana ahau ki te ia he taata mātanga. Te ia te taata hangarau pai. Te nohopuku me te huna ia, engari e hiahia ana ahau ko eé rite ia. E kore ahau e hiahia bums nei te whakaatu ake ki te kia utua, me te haere ki raro i roto i te rua o te toru ranei a tawhio noa. E hiahia ana ahau ki te taata nei parau i ahau i mua i te whawhai e taea whiua e ia ki ahau. Ko tura'i ahau.”
Natana i totoa e
“Te haere ki te waiho i te pārekareka wheako whawhai i roto i tona iāri o Chicago. Te reira i te moka o tētahi mahinga mōrearea. Ko te pēhanga ko atu i roto i te ara no te mea ia i nga tūmanako o te mano te kāinga. Au noa ahau haere mai ki konei ki te mahi i toku mahi, me te riro i te whawhai.
“Ahau māia ka waiho te reira i te whawhai pai, me te ahau rite.
“Fonfara Ko te toa pai. Te roroa me te rangy ia. Te ia te puncher pai, me te kaha. Te ia e tau. Kua maka e ia tika, nifó mārō, engari e whakapono ana ahau ka riro ahau no te mea kua ka noa ahau atu taputapu me i mahi ai ahau atu ki toku kēmu. Ahau koi ki atu kaupapa. E nui rawa hoki ia toku pahaki pahekotanga.”
“Kua tonu ahau i te moe ki te whawhai i roto i te United States. Ka meatia e ahau toku pai ki te mahi ki runga ki te āhua hītori o tenei whawhai.
“Kameda ta ko ia he 'poto whai mana.’ Te kore ahau a ahau konei kia whakamatau he ia. Ka whakamatau ahau i te reiraRāmere po e ahau te kaha pono.
“Ahau whakakake o toku haamahu me mahi auau, me te mana toku pahaki ahau. Ko te aha e riro ahau i tenei whawhai.”
“Ko ahau i roto i te āhua pai o toku mahi mekemeke katoa tika i teie nei. Pau ahau e rima wiki i roto i te whakangungu Las Vegas ki Ihimaera Salas a ko taua mea pai i meatia nei e taea e ahau. Kihai i meatia e ahau tetahi mea, engari te faaineine no te tenei whawhai.
“Fafau Kono te press Japanese me ona pā e pai patoto ia ahau i roto i… e te e pā ana ki te mea whakamutunga te haere e ki te hoko i roto i tenei whawhai. Kitea e ahau e rorirori.
“Ko te wā tuatahi e rua Japanese kua whawhai mo te taitara ao i roto i te United States tenei, otiia e kore ahau e whai tetahi mana'o motuhake e pā ana ki te āhua hītori. He tika tetahi whawhai hoki ahau tenei no te mea he rite nui ki ahau nga whawhai kotahi ahau i roto i. Ahakoa he whawhai wha-a tawhio noa, ko te ora ranei te mate mo ahau.”
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-mekemeke-toa, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, Andrzej_Fonfara, NathanClev, WarriorsBoxProm ASpikeTV, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, iwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromoawww.Facebook.com/Spike.


Lewiston, Maine (October 13, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, Ko te whakakake ki te kauwhau i rua o kingi ngaio whakauru-hōia-toi te whakatairanga o te (MMA) Ka whakataetae toa i runga i te Series Ao o Fighting (WSOF) kāri tenei Rāhoroi, October 17, 2015. “WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami” ka päpäho ora i Foxwoods Resort Casino i Mashantucket, Connecticut a ka ngā NEF MMA Ngaio Kōmāmā Champion Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington(10-8) a NEF MMA Ngaio Heavyweight Champion Tyler “Ko te ope” King (9-3) on the undercard. The undercard is scheduled to begin at 7 pm EST a taea te titiro i www.WSOF.com.


Ka tutaki Boyington he Rodrigo rawa uaua “Ko te Young Lion” Almeida (13-2) i roto i te whakataetae mā. It will be Boyington’s first trip to the national stage of the sport after having competed in MMA regionally for some six years. Next month, Whakaritea Boyington ki te paruru i tona taitara NEF ki Jimmy “Jimbo Poro” Davidson (7-1) i “NEF XX” i roto i te Lewiston, Maine. He is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine me hoki te kaiwhakaū me te matenga kaiako o te Boyington Taekwondo Academy (BTA).


“Kahore i ahau atu oaoa i roto i toku mahi Arts Mixed, a kore i tangohia e ahau te puni atu taumaha, tautautefito ka tae mai te reira ki toku kai, me te āhua i te rota o te oaoa i ahau i roto ano homai hoki te mea e haere ahau ki te tiki ki te mahi i runga i te atamira o te motu Rāhoroi po,” Said Boyington. “Kua i ahau he rōpū nui e karapoti ana i ahau, a kua panaia e ratou ki ahau ki toku rohe, so everyone will surely get to see the best Bruce Boyington to date and I have zero excuses for not performing. I have one word in mind entering that cageRōrahi.


“Kua New Ingarangi whawhai he tino kai i roto i toku mahi me kua te tūāpapa e kua e ahau te haamaitairaa o te raveraa i runga i rite Matiu ratou ki ahau mo te atamira o te motu. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai Matt ko Nick mō te tango tonu tiaki o toku matea me te āwhina meinga ahau nei ahau i tenei ra. New Ingarangi whawhai nei nga mea timatanga katoa i roto i te wahi ki te āwhina i te tae toa te tihi.”


Kua puritia Tyler Kingi te NEF taitara taumahamaha mai i Mei o 2013 ka patua e ia Travis Bartlett (8-4). I mua i tēnei tau, Pai te awhina Kingi te taitara ki Terry Blackburn (4-3) i “Nef XVI.” King was a football standout at the University of Connecticut where he recorded 19 peke ano he mutunga ārai. He later played in the National Football League (NFL) mo e rave rahi kapa, tae atu i te peihana San Diego me te St. Louis hipi toa. I “WSOF 24,” Ka fehangahangai Kingi Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) hōia Pat Walsh (6-2).


“Ahau rawa oaoa ki te tiki i te whai wāhi ki te whawhai i runga i te atamira nui e ko World Series o te Fighting vs te taumata tiketike, UFC hoariri hōia,” said King. “Less than a year ago I was out of the sport and had a very uncertain future as far as ever getting to compete again. I’m grateful to Matt Peterson, Nick Disalvo me te era atu o te kapa i New England whawhai hoki hoatu ahau he atamira ki te manga hoki ki te hākinakina aroha ahau, in a main event title defense no less. This fight has ‘Fight of the Night’ tuhituhia katoa ki runga taua mea. You have two determined fighters with competitive fire coursing through their veins ready to go out and lay it all on the line. I look forward to having my hand raised.


“NEF kua tino riro i te papa whakarewa ki te whakatairanga motu,” said NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “Kei pera whakakake ki te kore tetahi matou, but two of our champions fighting on the WSOF card. It really says something about the caliber of athlete gracing the NEF cage. These fighters are earning their stripes with NEF and then getting the call up to the UFC, Bellator, Titan and WSOF. Nothing gives us more satisfaction than to see these guys succeed in the sport they love.


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

Takahanga London Wahine World whakakotahitanga a'ee Co-Headlines Dec 6


London, Kei te whakaturia o Ingarangi Marianne Marston mo te whawhai uaua o tona mahi ki te rā, ka tapawhā ia atu ki Mdantsane, Unathi Āwherika ki te Tonga anake i roto i te whakataetae o te Ao whā Tuhinga, i York Hall i London, i runga i te Sabati 6th Hakihea.


British #1, Marston I tumanako ki te wero wā WBC whā Champion Christina Mc Mahon mo tona taitara tenei nuku, Heoi i patua Mc Mahon te whai wāhi ki te wero Alicia Ashley mo te karauna WBC Super whā i roto i te New York i runga i te 29th October, te whai koura te pūmanawa Irishwoman e kore e tika i taea e tahuri iho.


Ki te kahore he a'ee aito i runga i te pae tonu faaoti Marston i ki te tango i runga i te a'ee aito-kore i York Hall i runga i Oketopa 23RD, Na i mua i tenei marama whakaekea ia te whai wāhi ki te wero Myekeni i Awherika ki te Tonga wawe i roto i 2016, e mekemeke Federation World te peresideni Howard Goldberg.


Ētahi slick whiriwhiringa i te kapa o Marston me Rānana kaiwhakatairanga Mark Lyons, haere ki te tautoko i ona kaitautoko Monarch Communications, BoxFit UK, Optimax ko 3x Sports, hokona te whakataetae i mua ki Hakihea, ka nekehia ki Rānana.


Marston, nei noaa te taitara MBC International, me te te Ao #24 rangatira ★, i roto i te nuku o tērā tau ki te tutakina atu ngā riro mo Marianna Gulyas, ki te raina a ia ake mo te pere i te taitara o te Ao, Heoi mai i taua wikitoria kua Marston anake whawhai te kotahi, te patu ia Riga, A Latvia Jekaterina Lecko i te rua o Tuhinga hoki a tawhio i roto i August.


Tona hoariri i runga i te 6th Hakihea, Tatou anake, Kei te ite i tawhiti atu, whakataetae e rua whakaaro, me te Championship whakaaro nui, a kua puritia i mua taitara me te rua te mekemeke Federation World a World Mekemeke Foundation International te Mekemeke Federation World Super whā World Karauna.


I roto i tona whakataetae whakamutunga, Whawhai Myekeni ka ngaro i te nuinga whakatau ki hoa South African Gabisile Tshabalala mo te taitara WBFed Super whā.


Korero mua korero Marston poto e pā ana ki te whawhai ka ū mai,


"E kore e taea e ahau timata ki te whakapuaki i pēhea te pai ahau ki te tiki tonu ki te whawhai mo te taitara o te Ao i tenei tau, me te meka e riro te reira i te whakakotahitanga o te wha taitara hanga motuhake atu te reira noa.


A ka korerotia ki Christina tatou nei ia i te whai wāhi ki te whawhai i roto i Amerika mo WBC te taitara tonu me rite taua tatou whawhai e kore e haere i mua i tēnei tau, I tino ahau e whakama.


Kaua e tiki i ahau he Au manakohia ana hoki e Christina ahau, engari i te ra kotahi o te kōrero ki a ia te whakahaere i te faaineine ia tatou no te taua whawhai, nga mea katoa i tatou kua mahi i runga i ko ki te whawhai ia, tamata noa tatou ki te tiki i te hoariri e ko rite i roto i te kāhua ki ia mo te whawhai Akuhata, engari na haere te reira.


Kāore e kore ahau i kite i tetahi o o Unathi whawhai kia kore e mohio ki te nui rawa e pā ana ki a ia, tūmanako ka whai tatou te tahi ataata o te taitara ona whawhai tenei wiki, me te ka taea te tīmata tatou rapu mō hoa mākutu e tika ana, me te tino tiki tīmata te puni.


E kore e taea e ahau te whakawhetai Howard (Goldberg) nui mō te hoatu i tēnei faingamālie ahau, me te Ryan (WIBA te peresideni Ryan Wissow) ko Don (WBU & WIBC te peresideni Don Lewis) mo ratou te tuku i ahau ki te whawhai mo to ratou taitara rawa, me te Mark (Kaiwhakatairanga Mark Lyons) a Monarch oku kaitautoko faahiahia Communications, Optimax, Boxfit UK ko 3x Sports mō te te ratou tika ki muri i ahau, me te hoatu i te faingamālie o te whai wāhi ki ahau i roto i tenei a'ee whakakotahitanga hītori, he aha te ake tika konei i roto i Rānana.


Ano i ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku pā faahiahia, ratou tino e fantastic, na tautoko, me te rawa, rawa ngangau, tūmanako ka whai tatou te whare ki tonu i i York Hall i runga i Hakihea 6th, ki te meatia e tatou ka whakaara ratou te tuanui, ina whawhai ahau, e te no te tino. "


Marianne Marston vs Unathi anake mo te WBU Unified, WBFed, Whā Toa WIBA me WIBC Ao tahi-kupu matua te kia hui Mark Lyon e Marianne Marston tahi-ka whakanekehia Tuhinga ka timata i York Hall, Bethnal Green, London runga i te Sabati 6th Hakihea 2015.


Sanctioned tēnei hui te angalelei o te Mekemeke Komihana Malta (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Tickets, utu £ 35 (paerewa noho) a £ 65 (Ringside) E wātea ana i tetahi o nga boxers tango wahi, i runga i te raina-iwww.letbattlecommence.com a www.mariannemarston.com karanga ranei 07960 850645

PREMIER BOXING toa ON ESPN korukī MEDIA tūmomo I mua o Devon Alexander VU. Aron Martinez AT Gila RIVER Arena I Glendale, AZ ON OCTOBER 14

Kapinga I ESPN haamata te I 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. MT / PT
Glendale, THE. (October 12, 2015) – Whawhai teata i runga i te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i ESPN kāri whawhai tango te wahi tenei Wenerei i roto i te Glendale, Ka mau AZ wa i roto i to ratou tarena teimaha ki te manaaki i te īngoa pāpāho i Central Street mekemeke.
Devon Alexander “Ko te nui” (26-3, 14 Koó) Ka tangohia i runga i whakamatauria whawhai-Mexican Aron Martinez (19-4-1, 4 Koó) i roto i te a'ee headlining i Gila awa Arena. Inumia kapinga teata ki te timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. MT / PT ki te U.S. tuatahi o te toa mā ao Lee Selby (21-1, 8 Koó) rite e ia i runga i toa mua toru-wehenga aoFernando “Cochulito” Montiel (54-4-2, 39 Koó).
Tenei ko te aha te whawhai i ki te mea i roto i te anaanatae o to ratou pāngia:
Devon Alexander
“Kua tēnei puni kua katoa e pā ana ki te whiwhi nga mea tika. I ahau ki te kia tino tika toku mentality. E kore te mea he kōwhiringa Ngaro a muri ake. I roto i toku mate ki Amir (Khan), ehara i te mea e tika ai ia ki te hanga ngaro ahau. Nga parekura katoa e kua ahau i whakaaro ahau i taea e kua pera me ngāwari riro ahau te hunga whawhai. Ko te kēmu hinengaro tenei, a kihai i ahau i reira hinengaro mo te hunga whawhai.
“I ahau ki te maka o te mau faaoaoaraa a tawhio noa te puni i pupuri i ahau i kakato arotahi i runga i te mahi i te ringa me te faufaa mekemeke he ki ahau. I ahau ki te arotahi me te ka anō-arotahi ki runga i te nui tikanga o tenei ki ahau. Me katoa ki te reprogram ratou kotahi i roto i te ia ki te āwhina mahara koe he aha te nui.
“E mohio ana ahau kei te haere Aron Martinez kia haere mai ki te whawhai. E mohio ana ia ki toku record me e kua mea patu ahau etahi o te pai. Na e mohio ana ia te haere i te reira ki te kia uaua hoki ia, a au e mōhio e kawe e ia tana pai ki te mowhiti ki a ia, engari haere kore te reira ngā kia nui ki te. A, no te au e rite tenei tangata arotahi ahau e taea e whiua i ahau.”
Aron Martinez
“Taku kāhua ko ki te whawhai, me te tūmanako e tu ana ia, me ngā whakawhitinga ki ahau, engari ki te kore e to tatou e ia i te mahere kēmu pai ki te pouaka a ia. E matau ana matou te ia he kaimekemeke kia Au ahau tino mohio, e te mea ta ka kite tatou i.
“Kua ahau ki te tango i te tiaki o Alexander. E hiahia ana ahau ki te hoatu i te whawhai pai, me te ka haere i runga i ki nui whawhai. Au ahau konei kia whawhai te tangata i hoatu e ratou i roto i mua o ahau. Ahau rite ki te whawhai tangata.
“Kotahi e kore i tutaki ahau tangata kotahi nei kihai i whakaaro riro ahau i te whawhai Robert Guerrero, engari e te te mua. Whakapono ana ahau whiua e ahau ki a ia, engari te reira mekemeke me ahau rite ki te whawhai i te momo rerekē ara o te toa.
“Ua ite te reira pai ki te patoto iho Guerrero no underestimates katoa toku kaha. Whawhaitia e ahau te rota o te eé kaha, me te kua ongo'i ratou toku nifó. Whakangungu tatou ki nga whiu pouaka hokohoko ranei.”
LEE Selby
“Ahau tino harikoa. Ko tuatahi toku pa taitara ao tenei a te reira ki te wero uaua e kore e tangohia e te nuinga o eé. Ehara i te he wikitōria ngāwari, rawa ki ia ahau ki te haere mai i tāwāhi.
“Kua whiriwhiria e ahau he hoariri o Taare, me te ki te whiua e ahau te taata rite ia me te titiro pai, kia whakaarahia taku pō kōtaha.
“E kore e ako tino ahau te whawhai, Tika ana ahau ki te mohio ki te iti moka e pā ana ki to ratou kāhua. Ka taea e Montiel e rave e rua, he doesn’t have a typical style. I like to keep it simple because you don’t want to prepare for one thing and then have your opponent come out doing something different.
“Montiel Ko te puncher nui, engari kua ahau ki te rota o punchers pai. Kua mea patu ahau e rave rahi eé hinga kore, me te whai ahau kawenga o te wheako mo toku matahiti taitamariki.
“Oku ou whakamahia ahau ki te haere mai i roto i konei mo puni whakangungu, me te rite noa e kore ia i te painga mano te kāinga, Kua riro ahau taitara i roto i te kino mano i mua i na e kore e waiho hei raruraru.
“Pea au ki reira ahau ki te pai i roto i te wehenga. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai ki nga eé runga, me te whakaaro e ahau, ki te whiwhi ahau i te wikitōria nui, me te titiro pai konei, Ka waiho e ahau i roto i te ranunga.
“Ki enei whawhai te i runga i T.V. free, atu iwi whiwhi ki te kite i ahau, me toku kōtaha ka huri tere rite te roa rite te mahi ahau ahau pakari o te mea.”
Fernando Montiel
“Ahau tika whakapono e (Selby) whiriwhiria e te taata he ki te whawhai. Kua ahau i faaineineraa nui hoki tenei whawhai. Te mahi katoa kua hoatu kua i roto i. Ia tika whiriwhiria he te taata ki te hanga i tona tuatahi US ki.
“Tino hari Ko ahau, no te rongo ahau i haere matou ki te whawhai i roto i Arizona. He rota o Mekisikoú konei, na e mohio ana ahau ka whai ahau i muri i ahau he rota o te iwi i runga i te Wenerei. Te haere ki te kia nui ki te whawhai konei.
“Ahau e kore e tino e ite rite tonu nei tetahi ki te mahi ki tenei whawhai. Titiro i ahau. Au rite ki te haere ahau.”
# # #
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$2000 Throwdown Fantasy mekemeke Game Golovkin vs. Lemieux Matua āhuatanga rōpū Next 5 taitara ao whawhai, 12 toa te ao & 1 Mētara koura Olympic

NEW YORK (October 12, 2015) – E rima ao aito whawhai, miramira e teGennady “GGG” Golovkin vs. Rawiri Lemieux ao pupūtanga whitu whakakotahitanga, E ngā ki runga ki te muri $2,000 Throwdown Game mekemeke Fantasy, online iwww.ThrowdownFantasy.com, powered e Compubox.
A feruri e mohio ana koe e pā ana ki te katoa Golovkin me Lemieux? Go here to take this short quiz to prove it:
Tetahi faingamālie ki te hoki ake to ratou matapae whawhai pā Mekemeke i, me te whiwhi whakamanamana whawhai me toahanga moni, mā te rēhita ki te tākaro i te nui rawa ana noa (Oketopa. 13-17) rōpū kēmu o te wa.
Whakatika Class ki te runga mo tenei kēmu rōpū rite 12 toa hakari mua ranei ao, me te mētara koura Olympic, are showcased. Kei raro kitea te oti Oketopa. 13-17 aho-ake ki te utu toa:
E toru-wā, toa e rua wehenga te ao Devon Alexander Kei te titiro atu ki te hinga Welterweight Aron Martinez, IBF mā whitu taitara-taata tei mau Lee Serby hanga ana korero taitara tuatahi e rima-wā versus, toa e toru wehenga ao Fernando Montiel, ao mua toa marama taumahamaha Natana i totoa e Ko te underdog vs. ao kaiwero taitaraAndrzej Fonfara, a toru-wā, toa e toru-wehenga ao Koki Kameda Kei te titiro atu i runga i te parururaa i WBA titlist mā super Kohei Kono.
-Wā e rua Sharing Welterweight marama ao Lamont Peterson tutaki 2008 Mētara koura Olympic Pirika Diaz ki te ao pānga taitara-whawhai mo te toa, i toa whitu super mua Andre Dirrell hoki mai ki te mahi puhoi titiro atu ki Blake Caparello.
Kia ka te ao mekemeke kakato e arotahi ana ki te Oct. 17th Whakaatu HBO PPV i Madison Square Garden rite e rua o nga punchers tino taikaha i roto i te ao, WBA Super/Interim WBC champion Golovkin and IBF title-holder Lemieux square-off in one of the most highly anticipated fights of the year. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, hou te kingi pauna-no-pauna, Roma “Chocolito” Gonzalez, tohe tona karauna mā WBC ki-wā e wha, e rua wehengatoa ao Brian Viloria. Cuban heavyweight Luis Ortiz Ko te tino tōtika ki te hinga Matias Dondo mo te takitaro WBA taitara.
E toru nga huarahi ngāwari ki te tākaro Throwdown Fantasy: 1. Tīpakohia rima whawhai i te rōpū kēmu, te whakamahi i te $25,000 te taupoki utu (kite i runga); 2. Na ka aru i piro i roto i te wā tūturu, kowhetetia ngā mō te whakauru, knockouts me Compubox tatauranga (kite rā tauira i raro nei); 3. Te kaute i te nuinga o ngā toa. Te nuinga o ngā kēmu muri i te wiki tonu, me te he toa maha ia.
Ngā Toa o farii ngā hāngai ana hoki te pehea ratou te mahi, utu ia kāhua o te mekemeke, a
Compubox E wātea ana mō te rangahau i ngā tatauranga whawhai www.ThrowdownFantasy.com.
Kaitākaro New nei haina ake inaianei farii urunga FREE ki Throwdown Fantasy o ia marama Mekemeke Freeroll kēmu. Throwdown Fantasy also provides a $250 pukapuka noa kia tomo kaitākaro te whakamahi Piro Throwdown (3 katoa free ki runga ki rēhita) a $25.00 free game. Waitohu ake a te tākaro he utu. Ha faingamālie ki te rēhita me te tākaro mō te kore utu, me te ka neke ki kēmu utua te iwi i.
Twitter: @Throwdownfan
Instagram: throwdownfantasyboxing

Tata NEF SIGNEE hanga i tona tuatahi PRO MMA AT NEF XX



Kia tukuna tonutia atu: Lewiston, Maine (October 12, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. I mua i teie mahana, the promotion announced the addition of a professional flyweight bout to the MMA portion of the fight card. Kevin “.50 Cal” Barrett (0-0) ka tutaki Jimmy Alexander (1-10) i te taimaha o te 125, pauna whawhai.


Ko te a'ee e tuatahi ngaio a Barrett i roto i te whare herehere MMA i muri i te haere 2-1 as an amateur fighter. I mua i tēnei tau, na'e fanongonongo ai i hainatia Barrett he whakawhanake maha-whawhai ki NEF.


“Ko taku whakaaro i runga i tetahi mea anake,” i kīia Barrett. “Ki te riro i te kaitoi pai hōia taea e ahau. Ko e te reira. Day i a ra i roto i taua te katoa Ahau arotahi ki runga ki ahau. E kore ahau e rapu i ahau mo te rongo. Kei te rapu ahau ki te kitea i roto i te hunga e ahau, a kua toi kia tawhiti hōia kua ahua o tenei marama arahina e ngā ahau te tekau tau whakamutunga ki te taime rawa tenei. Ka waiho e ahau rite.”


Haere mai e rua o te whakauru a Pārete hei runaruna i roto i te whare herehere NEF, and he hopes to continue that success in the professional ranks. While he has been inactive from competition for the past two years, Barrett he māia e tona kaiako me hoa tākaro i MMA o Young i roto i te Bangor, Ka whai rite ia mo tona matchup ki Alexander i runga i Maine Whiringa 21.


“Aroha ana ahau ki toku kaiako me oku hoa tākaro. Whakapono ana ratou i roto i ahau, i roto i te hokinga mai ki ahau te whakapono i roto i ahau hanga. Whakangungu ahau i te omaoma pai i roto i New England i nga ra katoa. Au manaakitia ahau. Ko tango ahau i tenei hākinakina ra, i tenei ra. Toku whāinga tika inaianei ko te ki kia rite mo te tangata pai Jimmy Alexander kua kite ake. I muri Whiringa ka noho ahau ki raro, ki toku kaiako, me te haere i reira.”


Vili Barrett e, i kore ai e whai Alexander he lekooti toa, e kore e tangohia e ia te Floridian whakahawea i “NEF XX.” Alexander trains at F2 Arena under the guidance of Ryan Hodge (6-10). Hodge and his team are recognized as dangerous opponents, a maha tākaro e ratou te tūranga o te “kaipahua” ina haere ki New England ki te whakataetae.


“Aroha ana ahau ki te meka i ahau i te taata e rere i tetahi atu kāwanatanga ki ahau te whawhai,” tonu Barrett. “Ahau i roto i kahore ara titiro mua Jimmy. E mohio ana ahau ia he rota o te wheako, te ia rawa taikaha, te ia tonu ki raro, ki te tu me te hokohoko. Kua ka koe ki te faatura e. E kore ahau e whai i te matapae ahakoa. I te mutunga o te ra, katoa e taea e ahau he arotahi ki runga i taku e mea ahau, e kore te mea kei te mahi i Jimmy, me te au mohio ngā fakakaukau ia te mea ano. Riro ngaro mohio ahau ki reira te he haapiiraa i roto i tenei hoki ahau vahi ranei. Au noa tamata ahau ki te noho mārama hina, me te tuwhera ki te mea e riro ai.”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

Buchinger tonu M-1 Challenge taitara mā whakataunga Barnaoui

M-1 Challenge 62 Hua
Ivan Buchinger (R) vs. Mansour Barnaoui
Sochi, Russia (October 11, 2015) – Toa mā M-1 Challenge John “Ko tenei te” Buchinger successfully defended his title last night with a hard fought five-round unanimous decision over Mansour “Tarzan” Barnaoui i roto i te M-1 Challenge 62
hui matua i te Ice Cube Curling Center i Sochi, Russia.
Buchinger (30-4-0, 7 KO / TKO, 16 SUB), whawhai i roto i Slovakia, pai ake tona lekooti Global M-1 ki te tino 5-0 ki tona wikitoria korero taitara tuarua. Horo te tuatahi ia tona whitiki taitara i te tau i mua, ka tu Pūnaha Nizami i roto i te wha o tawhio i M-1 Challenge 52.

Barnaoui (12-3-0, 4 KO / TKO, 7 SUB), o Paris, relinguished tona M-1 Challenge whitiki taitara Kōmāmā riro ia tenei Mei mua i roto i tona M-1 Global tuatahi, , no te patototanga i ia Maxim Divnich mā nifó i M-1 Challenge 57.

Toa taumahawaenga M-1 Challenge mua Vyacheslav Vasilevsky (27-3-0, 11 KO / TKO, 7 SUB), o Russia, whakamahia he kowaowaotia tahanga muri mo te wini i te tāpaetanga tuarua-a tawhio noa ki hoariri CroatianKristijan “Pacman” Silver (8-2-1, 3 KO / TKO, 2 SUB).

Tekau mā Russian Ko te rbanali Abdusalamov (6-2-0, 1 KO / TKO, 3 SUB) riro te whakatau i runga i kokiri ana American Lee “American Bulldog” Morrison (14-6-0, 4 KO / TKO, 4 SUB), i whero-wera Russian amanaki taumahamaha o te marama Arama “Ko te Beard” Yandiev (9-0-0, 3 KO / TKO, 6 SUB) patuaDemitry Voitov (10-5-0, 4 KO / TKO, 4 SUB) i ara o te ratchet kaki tuwhera-a tawhio noa.

Te whakaawhiwhi i te kāri matua, Welterweight Russian Alexey Kunchenko (10-0-0, 8 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) tonu i runga i tona pukapuka, meke i Beresiria Alexandre “Toto” Ramos (9-3-0 (1 KO / TKO, 7 SUB) i roto i te taka noa tuatahi.

Whawhai i runga i te kāri tuatahi, Spainard Solves Enoc Torres (17-9-0) riro e armbar i roto i te kohao a versus whitu Hōriana Nodar Kudukjasvili (10-2-0), Ukrainian featherweight Andrey “Iron” Leshnev (8-4-0) riro te whakatau e toru-a tawhio noa i runga i tino Russian Nikita “Piranha” Chistyakov (4-2-1), a Russian Delgat Kudbudinov (3-0-0) tuku Italian Georgia Belsanti (4-5-0) i ara o te ratchet kaki.

Hoki whawhai i runga i te kāri tuatahi, Ukrainian Kōmāmā Sergey Astapov (6-4-0) kiia he kowaowaotia tahanga muri i runga i Russian Nikolay Kaushansky (6-3-0) mo te tuatoru-a tawhio noa riro i te tāpaetanga. Taumahamaha marama Ukrainian Boris Polezhay (9-5-0) tuwhera te po ki te tuatahi-a tawhio noa tāpaetanga mā te ringa-pae wikitoria i runga mua hinga kore Russian Alexey Shop (3-1-0).

Hua oti i raro:


Ivan Buchinger (30-4-0), Slovakia
Mansour Barnaoui (12-3-0), Kaiwero, France
(Mau Buchinger M-1 Challenge taitara mā)

Vyacheslav Vasilevsky (27-3-0), Russia
WSUB2 (Rear tahanga kowaowaotia iho – 1:02)
Kristijan Silver (8-2-0), Croatia2

Arama Yandiev (9-0-0), Russia
WSUB1 (Neck Ratchet – 4:34)
Dmitry Voitov (10-5-0), Peraruhia

Alexey Kunchenko (10-0-0), Russia
WKO / TKO1 (Nifó – 4:32)
Alexandre Ramos (9-3-0), Brazil

Ko te rbanali Abdusalamov (6-2-0), Russia
Lee Morrison (14-6-0), USA


Boris Polezhay (9-5-0), Ukraine
WSUB1 (Armbar – 4:39)
Alexey Shop (3-1-0), Russia

Solves Enoc Torres (17-9-0), Spain
WSUB1 (Armbar – 1:54)
Nodar Kudukjasvali (10-2-0), George

Sergey Astapov (5-4-0), Ukraine
WSUB3 (Rear tahanga kowaowaotia iho – 3:26)
Nikolay Kaushansky (6-2-0), Russia

Andrey Leshnev (8-4-0), Ukraine
Nikita Chistyakov (4-2-1), Russia

Giorgio Belsanti (5-4-0), Italy
WSUB1 (Neck Ratchet – 3:25
Delgat Kudbudinov (2-1-0), Russia

Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Te tangata i runga i te ahi: "Hot Rod" faka'auhamālie Domingos i Lakeland!

Hot Rod Wins.JPG

Lakeland, FL (October 11, 2015) – Undefeated light heavyweight Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic wasted no time in getting rid of Brazilian power puncher Gilberto Domingos yesterday evening at the Florida Orange Event Center in Lakeland.
Headlining Mad Angatonú whawhai Sports’ "Bombs atu 4," he rōpū waiata o kaitautoko tautoko ia ia i Kalajdzic a ko i runga i te whakaekenga i te pere te whakatuwheratanga. Kalajdzic hono ki nifó tere ki Domingos’ waenganui wāhanga, pupuri ia tika hēkona ki te whawhai. He Domingos kino ia faahitihia ēngari whakamātau ki te neke me te whakakikī i tona kaitiaki, te kimi ia ia i runga i te he angalelei koaka o te huinga stinging. Moments i muri mai, te rongonui Saint Petersburg, I tukua FL noho tetahi huinga ki te rahoraho Domingos mo te wa tuarua, te aroha hamani maitai te akina te mutu i 1:32 i roto i te tuatahi o te whakaritea e waru rauna.
"Mahue ia tona tinana tuwhera, me te mohio ahau ki te hono ahau te haere hiahia ia ki raro,,"Ka mea a Kalajdzic, nei neke ake ki te Cruiserweight mo tenei whawhai ki te hāngai Domingos me he inaianei 20-0 ki 13 te whakauru ia i te knockout. "Mana'o i te reira nui ki te whawhai (tata ki te kāinga) a e aroha ahau ki te pupuri i whawhai konei. E kore ahau e tiaki nei whawhai ahau rite te roa rite te moni e tika ana, engari ka tukua e ahau (toku kaiwhakatairanga) Lou DiBella hapai i taua. "
Hoki Domingos ki Sao Paulo, Brazil ki te lekooti o 24-4 (21 KO o).
I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, riro tino oire Leanthony "Tyga" Fleming he whakatau whakataetae ki te kēmu rawa Randy Hedderick. Haere mai i roto i te i te tika, me te rite 146.2 lbs, Whakakitea Fleming pai kaupapa mowhiti generalship, ārahi ki tona werohanga puta noa i te a'ee. Kihai i Hedderick wehi e whawhai i runga i te ara, me te whai hua tenge te Māori Lakeland i roto i spurts.
Kaute i 40-36 a 39-37 rua. Fleming Ko inaianei 1-1 i tona Gulfport, MS hāngai hoariri pahure ki 0-5.
Armando o Miami "te Pūwhero" Alvarez, 8-0 (4 KO o) te nuinga hōia kotingotingo Juan Aguirre, 6-16-1, o Jacksonville, FL. Ko te roa, me te kikokore Alvarez wā hono ki koi nifó, te whakaū i te tere faahiahia puta noa i te ono tawhio whitu teina whakataetae. Aguirre, i mau ia maha nifó ma, Ko e kore i roto i te ati nui o te mutu, ka whakaaturia he kauwae nui.
Piro katoa kaiwhakawa e toru te whakataetae 60-54.
I roto i te whawhai o te po, Clearwater, Piro o FL Alex Nicholson he knockout tuarua whakaari a tawhio o te hoa taumahamaha debuting Hohepa White. Nicholson, i outweighed e 40 pauna, tata maturuturu iho White mo i te mutunga o te tuatahi, engari te Miamian te tatau i hanga hoki e ia ki tona waewae i te afa tuarua i te aroaro o whakatangi te pere. I roto i te rua, White poto tahuri nga tai e nekeneke Nicholson. Tūkinotia otiia e kore e patua, I tukua Nicholson he matau nanakia e hoatu White iho mo te tatau i 2:24.
I roto i te tahi atu pāngia undercard, rua maturuturu teina Kōmāmā Michael Guillen me te nuinga Curtis Vert, i matarua Wytama Faulk i Clark Brightwell i roto i te whakataetae Kōmāmā.
I mua ki te hui matua, Angatonú Mad Whawhai Sports te aroaro he keke huritau ki te kati hoa me te nguha whitu teina "silky" Wilky Campfort i te āhukahuka whawhai nui i roto i te haereraa i te tae atu toa Kōmāmā teina uncrowned Edner Cherry. I tukinotia ano Fans ki te Beneath faahiahia roa o te waiata motu e American Idol whiringa Jeremy Rosado.
"Katoa i roto i te haereraa i te i te wa pai,"Ka mea a Joey Orduna o Mad Angatonú Whawhai Sports. "I pāngia whakaongaonga me etahi ngā tino e pūmanawa whawhai ki runga, me te haere mai tatou. He kua he rota o te mahi i roto i te Central Florida rite o te mutunga o me te titiro tatou i mua ki te whakatairanga i roto i tenei rohe tonu. "
Hoki te rongo hou i runga i Mad Angatonú whawhai Sports, toro Facebook.com/MadIntegrityFightSports.


Pāwhiritia HERE FOR Whakaahua
Credit Photo: Ed Diller / DiBella mahi whakangahau
Lowell, Mass. (October, 10 2015) – Brooklyn Welterweight Gabriel “Tito” Bracero(24-2, 5 Koó) haere ki te rohe kaikiri a te patototanga i oire tino Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-3, 10 Koó) anake 41 hēkona ki te rauna tuatahi, headlining o utaina te po Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBCSN kāri i Lowell hītori Memorial Auditorium i Lowell, Massachusetts.
Bracero, nana nei i tuku O'Connor tona mate pro tuatahi e wha tau ki muri, whakamahia he tika overhand e O'Connor, whawhai i roto i te Framingham tata (MA) did not see coming. O’Connor was out cold before he hit the mat.
“Mahi ahau i runga i taua tokua mō ono wiki,” Bracero said after the fight. “I roto i toku whawhai whakamutunga, I fought a southpaw and made some mistakes. I specifically worked on that punch because Danny’s a southpaw. I slipped to the side and threw the right. This was the first time I went away to camp, atu i toku hapu.
“Ahau na whakaiti me te mauruuru noa. Ahau i mohio e haere mai ana i roto i konei ko te pēhanga katoa i runga i a ia (O'Connor); e tamata i te mano ki te tango i te kararehe i roto i ahau, ka maka ai ahau e ki runga ki te korero.
Mea katoa kei te haere ki te mahi i roto i (e pā ana ki tona whawhai i muri mai). I’ll let Tommy Gallagher aLou DiBella take care of my next fight. I’m ready to go right back in the gym.
I tangohia O'Connor i te waka tūroro ki te Hospital Lowell General tata mō te mātakitaki.
Hero whenua “Irish” Micky Ward me te kaitātari National Hockey League Hall-o-Famer NBCSN “Sugar” Ray Leonard hoki ki te whare ano i roto i i riro ia he taitara National Golden karapu Tournament i roto i 1973.
Tūturu Dominican whā super KO kaitoi Honatana “Salomon Kingi” Guzman (20-0, 20 Koó), whawhai i roto i o Lawrence tata (MA), hanga ana e ia he tino tika 20 whawhai, 20 Toa KO mā te mutu te iwa-a tawhio noa o te kēmu Danny Aquino (17-3, 10 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga.
Maturuturu iho Guzman Aquino, he whawhai taketake Mexican i roto o Connecticut, i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa. The badly hurt Aquino, Heoi, lasted until the ninth round when Guzman ended the show with a brutal left hook. Aquino, tetahi New England Golden karapu toa nei riro tona taitara i roto i tenei whare tino, i kahore kua mutu ano he ngaio.
Quincy (MA) tekau mā Ryan “Ko te Polish Prince” Kielczweski (24-1, 7 Koó), nei riro New England Golden karapu taitara rua i Lowell Memorial Auditorium, riro te 10-a tawhio noa, whakatau whawhai pakeke i runga i Brooklyn o Rafael “DYNAMITE” Vazquez (16-2, 13 Koó).
Kielczweski i pouaka Vazquez i roto i te rauna tuatahi e wha, engari ka haere Vasquez tohutohutia hoki a whakatuwheratia he tapahia i runga i te kanohi matau o Kielczweski i roto i te waru, ka ru te toa rohe i roto i te whakamutunga 30 seconds of the fight The judges had Kielczweski winning the entertaining fight by scores of 97-93 rua me te 96-94.
Korukī toa
Gabriel BRACERO:
“Manaaki te Atua Danny O'Connor. Te ia te toa. Just no te mea ngaro ia i konei i tenei ra, Matamata ano e ahau toku pōtae atu ki a ia. E te reira i te toa mau ki te haere mai i roto i konei, ka mahi i te mea e ia e. E hiahia ana ahau ki a ia i te pai.
“Ko te he mana'o mīharo. Ko te pono ko te, Ko ahau he toa i mua i haere ahau i roto i te whakakai. Kei te tae mai pono tenei te moe. I moe ai ahau e pā ana ki tenei ra mo te wa roa. Hanga e ahau te tahi mau hape i roto i toku whawhai mua, engari hoki i haere ahau ki te poari tuhi, haere ki te puni, whakaritea toku hape, a haere i roto i konei super arotahi i teie mahana.
I te mea ka mea ia ki a O'Connor i muri i te whawhai…
“Toku karere ki Danny ko, i muri i toku whawhai whakamutunga, i muri i toku mate whakamutunga, Ko iho ahau. Haere ahau i roto i te whārua. Ka korerotia e ahau ki a ia kia kaua e tukua e pa ki a ia. Ki te tiki ia ia hoki ake, ki te kia whakakake o ia. Hei haere te kāinga ki tana wahine me ngā tamariki ataahua, me te oaoa i te oraraa. Kihai ahau i hiahia te mea taua ki te pa ki a ia, i pa ki ahau.”
A Honatana Guzmán:
“Whakamatauria ahau e taea e ahau te whawhai, a taea e ahau te Kilisimasi. Ko tenei whawhai he tauira o te aha ahau e nehenehe e rave.
“Mai i te rua o a tawhio noa ahau i whawhai ki e rua ringa mamae. Kihai i mea faufaa te reira ki oku ringa, I haere ahau ki te mutu ia.”
“I mua i tenei whawhai, I mohio ahau i taea e ia Kilisimasi. Whakaaro ahau karohia e ahau i te reira mo te whawhai katoa, engari i roto i te taka noa 10, ka eke ia ki ahau. Ua ite te reira pai tino ki te kia Ru mo te wa tuatahi, tika ki te mohio ki te mea mana'o te reira rite.”
“Ahau ahua o tīmata atu puhoi, engari i roto i te rauna waenganui, Tīmata ahau e maka tahi oku nifó, i whiua e wha, e rima, e ono nifó i te wa, a mahi i te reira. Otira ka haere mai hoki ia wa katoa, ka tīmata te hokohoko ki te ahau.
(I haere 10 rauna…)
“Ko te katoa te taua. Kei koe rite tonu ngenge i muri i te whawhai, e wha-a tawhio rite kei muri ono koe, eight or 10. You leave it all till the end of the fight. Te reira i katoa mana'o te taua.
(I te pae kino ia i roto i te 10….)
“Kihai ahau i matau ki te wahi i oku waewae. Ko te he ongo ke, I ahau e mohio ki ta e ua rite. Mau e ia ki ahau, a i kite ahau i tika, engari ite au i haere ahau ki maui, me te tika.
He’s a tough guy. I really needed that fight.
We knew he wasn’t much of a volume pincher. It didn’t surprise us when he came on in the middle rounds.
“Kihai Ko te toto i roto i toku kanohi. Kahore ahau i mohio i hatepea atu e ahau a tae noa mai te kaitautoko mo.
I like to entertain in the ring. I don’t need to do this. I do it because I like to fight and entertain.
This was my favorite venue to fight in as an amateur. I fought here 10-15 wa hei runaruna.”
Rafael Vazquez:
“Ko ia he toa slick, neke ia ka i ia te kaha nui. Ko ia i roto i te āhua nui. Ko ia te kuao, Ka ahau 38 i tēnei tau. Kāore he kupu, Neke ahau ki runga ki te 126 pauna ki te kanohi ki a ia, Ahau 122 pauna.
“Whakaaro ahau riro ahau i te toru rauna whakamutunga. Rawa te iwa me te tekau a tawhio noa. Ko nui te tekau tawhio. Ia pea hono tekau nifó i roto i katoa te a tawhio noa. Ru ahau ia. I mamae ai ahau ki a ia. Ko, e whawhai tatou i roto i tona whenua, a ka mauruuru nei au ki a ia mo te hoatu i te faingamālie ahau.”
Taumahamaha Polish Arama Kownacki (12-0, 10 Koó), whawhai i roto i Brooklyn, i pupuri i tona record tūturu tonu, tahuri i roto i te kaha workmanlike ki te riro i te whakatau loto waru-a tawhio noa (78-73 X 3) mo Rodney Hernandez (8-3-1, 1 KO).
Irish teina Kōmāmā Patrick “Ko te Punisher” Hyland (31-1, 14 Koó), te 2012 Ao Interim kaiwero taitara mā, lived up to is nickname. The Dubliner dropped toughRawiri “El finito” Martinez (18-7-1, 3 Koó) kotahi i runga i tona ara ki te whawhai tokotahá-kotahi e mutu i 18 hēkona o te waru o tawhio ka mau Hyland Martinez ki te matau maui nanakia.
Toa whitu Irish Gary “Koi” O'Sullivan (22-1, 15 Koó) Raniera hōia taumahamaha o te marama Rawiri Toribio (21-16, 14 Koó) a mutu te whawhai ki te knockout tuarua-a tawhio noa. Toa Pākehā mua Stephen “Ko te Kamaka” Ormond (19-2, 10 Koó) maturuturu mua kaiwero taitara ao Michael “Toto mātao” Clark rua en huarahi ki a tawhio noa te wikitoria whatitoka i te knockout.
New York amanaki Kōmāmā Taituha Williams (3-0, 2 Koó) noho hinga, ka tuArthur Parker (1-14-2, 1 KO) i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa, i rua-wā kaiwero taitara aoFernando “Ko te Basque” Saucedo (57-6-3, 10 Koó) rēhitatia te knockout hangarau tuarua-a tawhio noa i runga i Kōmāmā Carlos Fulgencio (19-7-1, 12 Koó) i roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te ahiahi.
O'Connor vs. I whakatairangatia ana e DiBella Entertainment Bracero i roto i te feohi ki a Murphy Mekemeke.