Pou katoa e FNU47

Q&A: Hinga Heavyweight JARRELL Miller IS MA'U HONO whana AS te kaimekemeke NGAIO

Mua meke ngaio Faces Ahror Muralimov I roto i

ShoBox: Ko te New Generation Quadrupleheader, TeneiRāmere, Oketopa. 23,

Ora i te SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. AND/PT) Mai i te Celebrity Theatre I roto i Phoenix


NEW YORK (Oketopa. 20, 2015) - Ka tamata te meke ngaio mua taumata-tiketike ki te haere tonu tana whakawhitinga faahiahia ki prizefighting ka tūturu taumahamaha Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller (14-0-1, 12 Koó) whanau Uzbekistan-mata-mea patu kotahi Ahrar "Ha" Muralimov (14-1, 11 Koó) i runga i ShoBox: Ko te Generation New tenei Rāmere, Oketopa. 23, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. AND/PT, roa i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru).


Ko te ake-a-haere mai Miller, te tangata e hanga ana ShoBox tuatahi, Kei te titiro ki te tango i te taahiraa i muri mai i roto i te haamauraa i ia ano he toa-ki-mataaratanga tika i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha. He pro mai Hōngongoi 2009, ka whawhai ia mo te rima o nga wa i roto i 2015. Riro-tau 27-tawhito te Miller tona whakamutunga e toru whawhai i te knockout, katoa i roto i nga rauna tuatahi e rua, tae atu ki te knockout tuatahi-a tawhio noa o Rawa ake Holmes i roto i tona a'ee tino tata i runga i Pipiri 26.


Miller Kei te tino arotahi Ahakoa te Brooklyn whanau a whakaarahia inaianei i runga i te mahi fistic, hails ia i te papamuri MMA me kickboxing. Hoki i te tau torutoru, whakataetae ia i roto i te K-1, tuatapaparaa pirimia whakahaere kickboxing o te ao, a rua whawhai te rongonui Mirko "Cro COP" Filipović.


I Miller iti rawa wheako mekemeke runaruna, engari kua sparred ia ngā ki toa taumahamaha Wladimir Klitschko.


Tenei te aha Miller i ki te mea i roto i te Q tata&He ki SHOWTIME Sports mua ki tona mau waru-a tawhio noa ki Muralimov:


Te aha e mea koutou to koutou umanga kei te haere?

"Tīmata te timatanga o toku mahi atu puhoi no te mea kua whai pānga ahau ki te takatu he, tena ko tenei ahau i roto i te wahi pai me kua tino tangohia atu toku mahi. Kei te neke matou i roto i te huarahi tika, me ahau rite ki te knockout katoa e haere mai ana i roto i toku ara. "

I iti rawa koe wheako runaruna. Tou hoariri ko te runaruna ta'na ki wheako ao. Nahea outou e mahi ki taua, Ko ranei e ara te take?

"E kore e tangohia e ahau te wheako runaruna mō homai, otiia e kore tona wheako runaruna he tino he take mo ahau. I have had some experience sparring current and former champions. I sparred with Wladimir Klitschko. I’m ready and I am going to knock him out.


"Whakaaro te Eastern Pakeha e ratou te mea pai mai te taro tapatapahi, engari Kei te haere ahau ki te whakaatu ki a ia te auraa te reira ki te waiho i te taumahamaha American mau ".


He aha koe e whakaaro o Ahror Muralimov me aha e tona pakaritanga me ngā ngoikoretanga?

"He kauwae tika me te matau maui pai Muralimov. Tona ngoikore ko e kua kore whawhai ia tetahi rite ahau. "


E koe i te painga teitei rima-inihi i roto i tenei tetahi. Ka pēhea e mahi i roto i to koutou manakohia?

"Ka mahi toku painga teitei hoki ahau. He toa roroa kei te haere ki te whawhai roroa. E kore e haere au e ahau ki te kawe ahau ki raro, ki tona taumata. Kei te haere ahau ki te tiki ia ia motu ke, ka patoto ia i roto i.


"Ko te mahi parakore tenei a te ia te pihikete i muri e ka hu'ahu'a, na Me ahau ki te maka atu ia i roto i te paru ".


Koe te tuatahi tahuri pro rite te meke, a i te mahi angitu. He aha koe i meinga te whakawhitinga ki te mekemeke?

"Kua tonu kua ahau hiahia i roto i te mekemeke, otiia kihai i tika te reira i te taime tika i te wa ki te tīmata mekemeke no te mea i te kimi ahau i roto i te angitu kickboxing. Ite au i teie rite e taea te tiki e ahau atu putanga i toku wāhi i mekemeke, na ahau e ahau arotahi whakatupato i runga i taua. I mua i Ahakoa tīmata ahau kickboxing mohio ahau tonu e pae hopea ahau e tahuri ki te mekemeke. ''

Rua kua riro koe e ono ki tonu i rauna. Whakaritea ana tēnei whawhai te mo e waru. Ko koe āwangawanga e pā ana te haamahu, me te haere e waru rauna, ki te tika?

"Ka taea e kuru ana ahau, e waru rauna i roto i toku moe. I’m not worried about eight rounds. I’m a warrior, I can go all night. I’ve been training for 12 tau, na whakangungu ahau uaua me te uaua mō ia te whawhai e whai ahau. Ko toku wa tenei a ahau e haere ana ahau mo te whāiti, wā. ​​"


Ko Deontay Wilder ano he hoa mākutu hoki Wladimir. A, no te whakaaro koe e pā ana ki heavyweights runga o tenei ra, he aha ingoa hohoro te haere mai ki te ngakau, me te mahi i ite koe e rite mo ratou koutou, e koe whakaaro ranei kia hiahia koe i he iti ake whakahā?

"E hiahia ana tino ahau ki te whawhai kotahi kotahi whawhai 12-a tawhio noa 10-a tawhio noa, me te aroaro o te whawhai mo te taitara. E hiahia ana ahau ki te tiki i roto i te whakakai ki te pai, hoariri roa nei i ngā pūkete pai te patukituki ratou i roto i te taka noa whakamutunga kia taea te tiki e ahau etahi rauna i roto i. Otiia ki te hiahia Wladimir Deontay ranei ki te whawhai apopo e tangohia e ahau te reira ".


Kaua e titiro koe i Wilder hei faaururaa?

"Ko ahau oaoa e riro Deontay te whitiki. Hoki tetahi American ki te hanga i taua mea i roto i o te tata ai ia, ka riro i te whitiki ko te faaururaa. "


Kua sparred ngā koe ki Wladimir Klitschko. Pehea te maha / hoki te tini o whawhai koutou i mahi ki a ia?

"Ko te wā tuatahi sparred ahau ki a Wladimir, Ahau anake whawhai ngaio e rua i raro i toku whitiki. Ko te puni whakamutunga sparred ahau ki a ia i mahara ahau ki reira mo ngā wiki e whā, otira ka whiua ia e ahau kino ake i muri i te rua wiki ka tonoa e ratou ki ahau te kāinga.


"Wladmir Ko te toa i roto i a waho o te whakakai. Tona huru te tahi mea e faahiahia ahau, engari e aroha ahau ki te patoto ia i roto i ".

Eaha te faufaa te reira no te ki a koe te hanga i tētahi tauākī i roto i tou tuatahi ShoBox? Ko te ahua o te whai wāhitanga tenei kua titiro koe / tatari hoki?

"Te mea nui ki ahau mo te hanga i te tauākī i runga i ShoBox. E kore e ha faingamālie rite tenei haere mai a tawhio noa maha rawa. Taku whāinga ko te ki te haere i roto i reira, ka titiro mahana. E hiahia ana ahau kia rite ki waitohu moni hou ki te titiro me te kuru i tenei taata.


"Kua rapu ahau mo ha faingamālie rite tenei mo te wa roa. Ko tenei toku wa, me te i ahau e kore i roto i toku ngakau e i muri i tenei whawhai e mohio iwi ki toku ingoa. ''

Tou matapae i runga i te Pakanga o Brooklyn, Daniel Jacobs ranei a Pita Quillin me aha?

"E rua o enei takatu ko oku dudes. I roto i toku whakaaro, Quillin Ko te puncher uaua, ko Jacobs Ko te kaimekemeke pai. Ki te patu a Raniera ki tona gameplan, ka taea e ia riro, engari ki te noho ia i reira, ka ringarehe nifó ki Quillin ka tukino i ia kia. Whakaaro ahau te whawhai he 50-50 ".


I roto i te hui matua o Rāmere o ShoBox quadrupleheader i te Celebrity Theatre i roto i te Phoenix, Ariz., tūturu Rob "Bravo" Brant (17-0, 11 Koó), o St. Paora, Mai., kanohi Louis "Te Unknown" Rose (13-2-1, 5 Koó), o Los Angeles, i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio mo wātea te taitara whitu WBC Continental Amerika.


I roto i te waru-a tawhio atu pāngia teata, hinga kore amanaki PhilipinoHarmonito "Hurricane Gensan" Dela Torre (16-0, 11 Koó) ka meinga e tona U.S. tuatahi ki Anahera "El keti" Luna (12-1-1, 7 Koó), o te Dominican Republic me Lavarn "Baby Bowe" Harvell (15-1, 8 Koó) o ka fehangahangai Atlantic City southpaw Hamuera "Takahanga te Main" Clarkson (16-3, 10 Koó), o hita Hills, Texas, i roto i te marama taumahamaha kēmu-ake. Hanga e katoa ko Clarkson kia ratou ShoBox debuts.

Barry Tompkins Ka karanga i te ShoBox mahi i te ringside ki Steve Farhood me te toa o mua ao Raul Marquez i te tavini ei tohunga kaitätari. Ko te kaihanga matua, ko te Gordon Hall ki Richard Gaughan te whakaputa me te Rick Phillips aratai.



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ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ki āu fifi kua ngā taranata taitamariki. Te ShoBox kaupapa, ko te ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 63 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox me te matatau ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.


GH3 Whakatairanga tohu Cuban a Ākuira he amateur Hector Frometa ki kirimana whakatairanga

E hanga tuatahi pro i runga i Whiringa 6 i roto i te Las Vegas

Nutley, New Jersey (October 20, 2015) – Ko pai Vito GH3 Whakatairanga Mielnicki o ki te kauwhau i te hainatanga o te Welterweight Hector Frometa ki te kirimana whakatairanga motuhake.

Frometa o Cuba i te mahi runaruna tino rite amenea mai e ia he lekooti o 195-22 mo te hōtaka runaruna taiea i roto i te ao.
Kua tere atu e ia te ao, a kua riro maha whakataetae runaruna.
“E hiamo tatou ki te tāpiri i Hector ki to tatou eu,”ka mea peresideni GH3 Whakatairanga, Vito Mielnicki. “Mai ia i te pūnaha runaruna Cuban nui, me te ki taua tuatapaparaa tupuna, me tona matekai ki te kia nui, ite tatou i tapiritia matou tetahi amanaki ki te kamupene runga.”
“Ko ahau rawa maitai e te oaoa ki te hei ki a GH3 Whakatairanga. Ko ahau rawa whakawhetai, me te ko ahau 150% arotahi i roto i te hoko i te toa ao,” Said Frometa.
Kua karangatia e Frometa he kaimekemeke pai nei he pukuriri.
Ka meinga e Frometa tona tuatahi pro i runga i Whiringa 6 i runga i te wahi atu-tv o te ShoBox: Ko te whakaaturanga New Generation i Las Vegas.
“Ko ahau kia hari e ka toku whawhai tuatahi i roto i Las Vegas. I will be able to show my skills in front of the best boxing people in the world.
Kua te toa Cuban National 2-wā i roto i te United States mō te toru marama, me te oaoa ki te hei i roto i tona whare whāngai o Miami.
“Ko te uaua i roto i Cuba. It was hard to live there. I had to fight like a dog just to get to the United States. I will make the most of this great opportunity. I consider myself a real student of boxing as I eat, inu me te moe i te hākinakina.”
“Hiahia noa ahau ki te mea kei te haere mai he tupuhi. I plan to take over the 147-pound division and show why Cuban boxers are the best,” oti te 24 Frometa tau-tawhito.
GH3 Whakatairanga ngā tūturu whitu Antoine Douglas, Super whitu o Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, tūturu Super whā Arama Lopez me te Boxcino 2015 JR. Whitu tekau Champion John Thompson, Jr., a Welterweight tūturu Jerrell Harris & Keenan Smith, Marama Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell, JR. Kōmāmā O'Shanique Foster & Super whitu tekau Andrew Hernandez ki te GH3 Whakatairanga eu.


Kia tukuna tonutia atu: Lewiston, Maine (October 20, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, Ko te whakakake ki te kauwhau i kingi i te whakatairanga o te ngaio whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) Ka whakataetae toa whitu i runga i te kāri Bellator tenei Rāmere, October 23, 2015 i te Mohegan Sun Arena i Uncasville, Connecticut. Reigning NEF MMA Professional Middleweight Champion “Nanakia” Mike Zichelle (7-3) Ka fehangahangai Kevin Haley (3-3) i runga i te kāri tuatahi o “Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho.” The bout will take place in the light-heavyweight division at a weight of 205-pounds. For those unable to make it to Mohegan Sun tenei Rāmere, ka timata te kāri tuatahi tarere ora i 7:00 pm i runga i www.Bellator.com.


Zichelle hono NEF MMA Ngaio Kōmāmā Champion Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington (11-8) a NEF MMA Ngaio Heavyweight ChampionTyler “Ko te ope” King (9-4) as the third NEF titleholder to compete on a national fight card in a six-day period. Both Boyington and King fought on the World Series of Fighting (WSOF) hui Rāhoroi whakamutunga i Foxwoods Resort Casino i Mashantucket, Connecticut. Zichelle has held the NEF middleweight title since winning it at “NEF XII” i roto i te Hui-tanguru 2014. He is a member of Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire.


“Fighting hoki NEF hoatu ahau he tūāpapa ki te hanga i te ingoa tawhiti atu i te kāinga, a hoatu ana ki ahau i te whai wāhi ki te whakapumautia te whanaungatanga ki etahi iwi mīharo i te āhua o Maine,” Said Zichelle. “Kua whakahonoretia ahau ki te tohu i te iwi o Maine no te ahau tino aroha te pehea ngākau e ratou e pā ana whawhai, pera ki te hei he whakamataku ratou toa. Time, me te wa ano, toa i NEF te tiki i te karanga ki te whawhai i roto i te whakaaturanga nui me ahau i tetahi atu tauira o taua. Kua anake kua tango ahau i tenei hākinakina fakamātoato mo toru whawhai, me ki he 3-0 lekooti a te te NEF Whitu Champion, Ka e ahau te karanga ki runga ki nga roopu nui! Ko ahau na fiefia ki te whakaatu nga mea katoa e kua e ahau te mahi i runga i a ki te mea he titiro atu ahau ki, te reira i te tauhohenga i te katoa ka kite ratou i ahau te whawhai i roto i tika i te wiki tokorua, me whakarite iwi i te putanga o te ahau i whawhai hoki te taitara i roto i 2014 no te mea ke i te rota, kua i waenganui i teie nei, a ka. Mauruuru koutou ki Matt Peterson (NEF co-rangatira, me te matchmaker) a ka whakawhetai ki a koutou ki NEF mo te whai wāhi ki te hoko i te toa i roto i tenei hākinakina me te tino nui whakawhetai ki a koutou ki te pā! Noho ngākau! Titiro atu ahau ki maka ana i runga i te whakaatu mo Maine iho te huarahi!”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

Myekeni e mutu Mai te Ao whakakotahitanga Battle Ki Marston Nā ki Injury.

Mdantsane, Kua Āwherika ki te Tonga Unathi Myekeni kua takoha ki te haere atu i te whā WBU Ao, WBFed, WIBA & WIBC World Championship whakakotahitanga whakataetae, ki London, A Ingarangi Marianne Marston, i ko e tika ana ki te tango i te wahi i York Hall i London, i runga i te Sabati 6th Hakihea.


World mekemeke Federation te peresideni Howard Goldberg wahia te rongo, ki te kapa o Marston mua i tenei ra, e tukua Myekeni he whara ringa nui i roto i te whakangungu e pai te ārai ia whakataetae i runga i Hakihea 6th.

Mr. Whakaarohia ano Goldberg he whakakapinga taea, reigningFECOMBOX Mexican National Champion Jessica Arreguin Muñoz, i Agua Pilietá, Mexico, tu nei lekooti i iwa toa, me te tika te mate kotahi.

I muri noa iho rongo korero Marston poto i runga i te āhuatanga i te rongo, me te pea o mekemeke Muñoz.


"I taku tuatahi whakaaro, oh kore konei e haere ano tatou.


E kore e taea e ahau e whakapono reira whakaaro ahau e ahau ake ake anake kua i tetahi whawhai i whawhai ahau te kotiro i te tuatahi matou whakamahere, nei toku whawhai whakamutunga ki te kia i te kino ahakoa, e iwa pullouts i mua i te mutunga whawhai Jekaterina Lecko i runga i te po.


Ite e ahau pouri mo tatou, e kore e taea e engari whakakahore rawa whakama ano ahau e rite ki inaianei to tatou ki te whai i te hoariri hou.


I nga mea katoa kōmaka matou mo te puni i runga i Unathi me tona kāhua whawhai, tena ko tenei kia ti'a ia tatou ki te rethink te hoa mākutu, rawa, ki te he te reira Jessica Muñoz ka e whawhai ahau ano te ia he southpaw rite ahau.


Ahau e matau kua e pā ana ki Jessica, Ua kitea e ahau tona whawhai taitara ki Lesly Morales, te ia he toa Mexican angamaheni, rite uaua rite mai ratou, ka pai ki te tu tika i reira i roto i te mua o koutou, me te whai i te slugfest tika.


Kia ki te mea, ki te he te reira Jessica e te pā i Ingarangi i runga i te waewae i te tīmatanga ki te whakaoti rite ka waiho hei whawhai i roto i te katoa, me te tino toto, me e tika pai noa ahau, rite, i te whakaakona ahau e Joe (te mutunga, nui Heavyweight World Champion Smokin 'Joe Frazier) ko Marvis (Marvis Frazier) i roto i te Philly, e te te ara whakaako ratou i ahau ki te whawhai.


Kua puta ke ai toku kāhua tino mai kua ahau kua hoki i roto i Ingarangi, engari e whakapono ki ahau ko tonu ake i ahau hari me te ake te faufaa hau atu i ahei ki te whai i te pai tawhito slugfest pupuku koromatua-ki-koromatua ina kia hiahia, whakapono ki ahau e kore ahau e tiaki ka meatia e ahau te mea e hiahia ana ahau ki te mahi i ki te riro te hunga taitara.


Na to tatou ki te kite, ki te Ryan (WIBA te peresideni Ryan Wissow) ko Don (WBU & WIBC te peresideni Don Lewis) e manako Jessica rite te whakakapinga mo Unathi, te kore te reira hoki ki te poari tuhi.


Hinaaro nei e ahau ki te mea i te nui whakawhetai ki a koutou ki toku kaitautoko, Monarch Communications, Optimax, Boxfit UK ko 3x Sports mō te te na te māramatanga o te āhuatanga me te ratou tonu ki te kia pera tautoko o ahau me tenei Ao takahanga nui. "


Marianne Marston, ki te hoariri kia ano ki te ingoa mo te WBU uouangataha, WBFed, Whā Toa WIBA me WIBC Ao tahi-kupu matua te kia hui Mark Lyon e Marianne Marston tahi-ka whakanekehia Tuhinga ka timata i York Hall, Bethnal Green, London runga i te Sabati 6th Hakihea 2015.


Sanctioned tēnei hui te angalelei o te Mekemeke Komihana Malta (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Tickets, utu £ 35 (paerewa noho) a £ 65 (Ringside) E wātea ana i tetahi o nga boxers tango wahi, i runga i te raina-iwww.letbattlecommence.com a www.mariannemarston.com karanga ranei 07960 850645


Tena ra, whakakitea koutou tautoko me te whai i Marianne Marston i runga i TwitterMarianneMarston ranei i runga i Facebook me te te kaupapa timata Kia Battle i runga i TwitterLondonBattle ranei i runga i Facebook.

PR Sports Whakatairanga me maha toa ao wā James “Rama Out” Toney hakari Whakatairanga…Tuhinga ROTO Burbank ngā etahi te hitters faingataa i roto i te mekemeke!

DATE / TIME: Rāhoroi, October 24, 2015. Doors tuwhera i 5:30pm, a'ee tuatahi i 6:30pm.
LOCATION: Marriott Hotel Burbank, Ballroom Grand – 2500 Te Tai Tokerau Hollywood Way. Burbank, Pērā i 91505
Ticket INFO: Tīkiti e wātea ana ipurangi hoki $35 (Te kuhu General), $55 (Tūru VIP), a $75 (Tūru Ringside) i JamesToneyPromotions.com a Sun Valley Fitness Center kei i 7630 Vineland Ave. Sun Valley, Pērā i 93152.
I roto i te hui matua tango Middleweights teina atamira pokapū rite hinga kore Nathaniel Gallimore (9-0, 8 Koó) e i runga i Urman Ryskeldiev (11-3-1, 7 Koó) i roto i te waru rounder mo te taitara WBU. Ka Gallimore Ko te amanaki tino tauā e hāngai ana i roto i o Illinois i te ara o Jamaica, kia takahi ki runga i roto i vs Ryskeldiev whakataetae.
E rave rahi atu whawhai oaoa i runga i te undercard pērā i Ernest Muhammad Jr., Kelin Sharpe, Hohua Greer Jr., a runga ao o mua 6'7 "taumahamaha Răzvan Cojanu (12-2, 7 Koó).
Tenei ka waiho i te mekemeke e kore e pā hui e hiahia ana ki te mahue!


Nguha Russian ki te uru atu Area pugilists i Oct. 29 Brooklyn Pakanga
Brooklyn, N.Y.. (Oketopa. 20, 2015) – Ka kotahi ano whakarato Mekemeke toa-tahuri-kaiwhakatairanga Dmitriy Salita NYC ki te po o te toa pugilistic rite te IBF mua, WBA ko NABA International Junior Welterweight Champion hopoi mai tona raupapa Brooklyn Pakanga hoki ki te tonga Brooklyn i runga i Rāpare, Oketopa. 29. Ko te Aviator Sports me Events Center Ka mahi rite te whenua whakamatautauranga i muri hoki maha New York City-e hāngai ana whetu maranga; tia whakaohoting kau whare undercard ki ngā ngā, te wahi teLycian “Apahinu” Ashley a Christina McMahon (7-0, 3 Koó) Ka tapawha atu mo te WBC Super whā taitara, me te runga-10 nguha whā ao-runga, Nikolay Potapov, hanga ana U.S.A. tuatahi.

“Tatou Oct. 29 Ka ngā whakaaturanga etahi nga whawhai pai o runga i te ao, pērā i world-raTed Nikolay Potapov. Ko ia tetahi o te rawa, tūturu opuaraa ao-runga i roto i te bantamweigTuhinga wehenga. Tenei ka waiho kāri tino tetahi mō pā mekemeke rohe ki te oaoa i,” Said Word, nei tahi-whakatairanga Potapov ki Pavel Popov o PBL Whakatairanga.

Doors tuwhera i 6 p.m. ki te a'ee tuatahi whakaritea hoki 6:30 p.m., rite te Brooklyn Pakanga titiro ki te faatîtî kotahi ano New York City ki fistic riri. Timata tīkiti i $20 a e wātea ana mā te karanga 1-844-890-2120 ranei i te toro SalitaPromotions.com.

Potapov – runga i tēnei wā rite te No. 14 whā i roto i te ao i te WBO me te tauanga i teie nei No. 13 ao e te WBC me No. 10 e BoxRec – ka hoatu e tona tūturu 13-0 record (6 Koó) i runga i te raina rite hanga e ia tona tuatahi i runga i U.S. oneone. Ko te battler nohopuku-aranga haupu ake, nui atu i 180 tītaha runaruna, i mahia ai te maha o te whakataetae whakaora motu, me te ao, a inaianei ano maumauria he pro 25-tau-tawhito, kua kore wa i roto i te takiuru ki runga ki hoki wha pāngia 10-a tawhio noa, me te 12-rounder ki mātanga, runga whakataetae. I roto i tona wikitoria pro whakamutunga, Popatov roaa te taitara WBA Āhia i te besting Jason Canoy, nei tauanga E kore te. 14 i roto i te WBC me No. 12 i roto i te IBF.

Noho matou ki raro, ki a Potapov ki te kitea i roto i pā ana ki tona hītori ki “te pūtaiao reka” a ki te ako atu e pā ana ki te mea e tia'i te nguha hinga kore i tona US. tuatahi:

Pātai: I pehea koe te tiki i to koutou timatanga i roto i te hākinakina o te mekemeke? He aha meinga koe e titiro ki te tahuri ngaio?

Nikolay Potapov: Tīmata ahau mekemeke, ina ko ahau he tamaiti. Ka mea toku papa, “Haapii Mekemeke ki a koutou hei tangata, a ka whakapakari i tō kaha roto, i waho.” I ahau taitamariki ko to tatou hoa i te kaiwhakangungu o Russia Hall o Rongonui mekemeke. Kihai toku papa i ki te whakaaro e pā ana ki te reira no te roa i mua i te tango ahau ki te omaoma, a ko e toku timatanga i roto i te mekemeke.

Pātai: He aha ko to koutou tamarikitanga rite?

Nikolay Potapov: Ahau tupu up i roto i Podolsk, Russia, e tata ana Moscow. Tīmata ahau te tākaro poikiri me te mahi whana mekemeke i te matahiti o te ono i mua i te mutunga tīmata ki te pouaka. E haere ahau ki te kura, me te ka haere ki rānei poikiri mahi mekemeke whana ranei. Ko ahau he kaitākaro poikiri tino pai, me te rangatira o taku kapa, i nga ra katoa e mahia e ahau i haere noa nga rama i roto i i 9 p.m.

Pātai: Kua i koe he ara tere kia whakarārangitia i roto i contenders whā me te Runga 15 i roto i te ao matau i teie nei. He aha kua koutou wahi tino ranei āhuatanga tino mīharo o koutou angitu wawe ngā?

Nikolay Potapov: I ahau atu 170 he nui nui o te wheako me te kaha ki te piki ake i te rarangi pro i te tere tere whawhai runaruna e whakapono ahau i hoatu ki ahau. Aroha ana ahau ki mekemeke, a tahuri ngaio ki te whai toku moe o te hoko i te toa ao, whawhai taitara whawhai me te pā oaoa ki toku pūkenga!

Pātai: He aha koe e titiro whakamua ki roto i te US? He aha e anga whawhai koutou i roto i te U.S. te haere ki te rite?

Nikolay Potapov: Tenei ka waiho i toku haerenga tuatahi ki te U.S.A. Kua moe tonu ahau e pā ana ki te whawhai i roto i te U.S. a i roto i te New York City, a kei te haere mai toku moe pono. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaatu i toku pūkenga ki te ao, me te hanga i toku Brooklyn Pakanga waiata he tetahi whakaongaonga. Ko ahau rawa arotahi i runga i toku mahi mekemeke, me te tino oaoa ki te ahu whakamua me te whawhai i te whawhai pai i roto i te ao nei ahau. Kua mahia e ahau ki hinga te tangata Kua ahau i roto i mua o ahau i roto i te whakakai. Ko te aha ahau tauanga kua ahau i roto i te tihi 15 i roto i te ao ki te anake 13 whawhai, no te mea e ahau e hiahia ana ki te whawhai i te pai i roto i toku wehenga. Whawhai ahau whawhai nei he teitei ake te ahau me te ki atu wheako i te tīmatanga i roto i toku mahi pro, Ahau tika e hiahia ana ki te wero i ahau, ka whawhai te pai!

Oketopa. 29 Haapurorohia Brooklyn Pakanga kia ka kauwhautia pārongo i te rā i muri mai. Me whakapā hoa rangatōpū Hiahia Mark Fratto imfratto@linacremedia.com.

No te tīkiti, atu e pā ana ki te whai wāhi me ngā whakahōunga atu i runga i te Rāpare, Oketopa. 29, Brooklyn Pakanga takiuru koa i runga i ki SalitaPromotions.com me AviatorSports.com. A pee i te mahi katoa mā pāpāho pāpori nui ki runga ki te hui – a ki runga ki te po, whawhai – iBrooklynBrawlNY i runga i Twitter, me te Instagram, ranei mā te whakauru i te hashtag #BrooklynBrawl

FIGHT Whatunga BOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (E whitu. Oketopa. 19-25, 2015)

(U.S. anake rārangi te kore te kore tohua. No te hōtaka Canadian, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com from your region.)
Whawhai ko Whatunga te 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō te mekemeke, whakauru toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.
Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:
Rāhina, Oketopa. 19
5:00 p.m. – KOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
7:30 p.m. & 11:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rātū, Oketopa. 20
4:00 p.m. – KOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Wednesday, Oketopa. 21
3:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m. & 10:00 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
7:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rāpare, Oketopa. 22
1 a.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.
9:00 a.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
8:30 p.m. AND

Whawhai Na Extra New

– Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

Rāmere, Oketopa. 23
7:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 24
1:00 a.m. ANDCANADA ANAKELIVE Boy Golden (e rua haora-rīpene whakaroa) i Indio, Calif., ngā Hohepa Diaz Jr. vs. Ruben Tamayo i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa whā super pupūtanga.
2:30 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.
Rātapu, Oketopa. 25
2:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.
5:30 a.m. AND – KOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.
8:00 p.m. AND – Ultimate Classic mekemeke: Jones vs. Humez – Ngā Ralph “Tiger” Jones vs. Charles Humez i Nov. 19, 1956 i te Palais des Sports i runga i Paris.
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Ruslan “Ko te Siberian Rocky” Provodnikov ki te whawhai tūturu Ihu Alvarez Rodriguez i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 7 i roto i te Monte Carlo

Philadelphia / Monte Carlo (October 19, 2015)--I Rāhoroi, Whiringa 7, WBO toa mua Welterweight teina ao, Ruslan “Ko te Siberian Rocky” Provodnikov whiwhi hoki i roto i te whakakai, ka kupu matua ia he po motuhake o te mekemeke, ina e ia ki runga ki tūturu slugger Mexican, Ihu Rodriguez Alvarez.

Ko te 10-a tawhio noa Welterweight a'ee hinaaro kupu matua te “Po o Champions” tournament event promoted by Rodney Berman’s Golden Gloves Promotions and takes place at the Salle Des Etoiles i Monaco

“Koa e whai ahau te mutunga he rā motuhake me te wāhi mo te whawhai ahau! Tenei ka waiho i te wheako nui hoki ahau no te mea te reira toku wa tuatahi whawhai i roto i Europe, a rongo ahau Monte Carlo he rota o te pā mekemeke,”Said Provodnikov. “E mohio ana ahau e tau i muri mai hoki i roto i te whakakai kia ahau, a ka pae hopea i te hoariri e ahau e whawhai a kihai te kupenga tika mea e hiahia ana ratou ki ahau te whawhai. Tūmanako e taea hanga tatou i te rematch ki Matthysse ranei te whawhai ki Brandon Rios,e pai rua hei whawhai nui mo nga pā!”

Mea, Lotilikuesí, “E kore ahau i whakaaro i haere ahau te tiki i te whawhai ki a Ruslan. Ko ia tetahi o oku kaimekemeke tino ki te mataara reira he whai wāhitanga nui hoki ahau i tenei, a ahau e hiahia ana ki te hanga i te pōrutu. Au e ahau rawa pakeke whakangungu no te mea e hiahia ana ahau ki te ao ki te mohio ko wai ahau.”

“Ko Provodnikov i roto i te āhua nui rite ko ia i roto i te whakangungu,” ka mea Golden karapu Rodney Berman, nei tae kawenata ki Art Pelullo o Kara Whakatairanga. “Provodnikov Ko te katoa-mahi, he toa hanga-no te-TV nei e tāpiri uara nui. Au whakama hinga te whawhai Braehmer-Oosthuizen kua i roto i ahau, engari ahau kua tawhio noa roa nui ki te mohio e pera nga mea e he mōrearea mahi.”

Said Arthur Pelullo, Peresideni o Kara Whakatairanga, “Ahau fiefia ki te kite Ruslan hoki i roto i te whakakai ki tona kaiwhakangungu hou Joel Diaz ahau. Titau tatou ki a ia te wehi i te pā i roto i Monte Carlo, ia nui te ara ano katoa huri noa i te ao. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku hoa Rodney Berman mo te whai wāhi ki te whawhai i runga i tenei whakaaturanga, a kia he hui matua nui ki te he kāri nui tenei.”

Provodnikov o Beryzovo, Russia e ha lekooti o 24-4 ki 17 knockouts me te whakaaro te toa whakaongaonga rawa i roto i te ao nei i teie mahana.

Tahuri ia ngaio i runga i Hakihea 3, 2006 a haere ana i runga i ki te riro tana whitu pāngia tuatahi. He scored a 2nd round stoppage over Victor Hugo Castro to win the WBO Intercontinental Super Lightweight title.. Kua patua e ia o mua toa ao Javier Jáuregui. I muri i te mamae tona mate tuatahi, Provodnikov riro e rima i roto i te rarangi ki te whakauru ia i runga tūturu Ivan Popoca (15-0-1), toa mua ao DeMarcus Corley, Rawiri Torres (21-2-2) ko Jose Reynoso (16-3-1).

I te Maehe 16, 2013, Wero Provodnikov toa WBO Welterweight tūturu, Timothy Bradley. Ko te whawhai ko tetahi o nga whawhai fakangalongata'a tino rite Provodnikov te aki te toa, puta noa i te whawhai. Haere mai Bradley hoki kaha, i te angitu i roto i te rauna waenganui o te mea ka tahuri atu ki te hei i te 2013 Whawhai o te Tau. Maturuturu iho te mutunga Provodnikov Bradley i taka noa kotahi tekau ma rua engari kihai i nui rite haere ia ki runga ki te mutunga poto o te whakatau loto.

I te Oketopa 19, 2013, Ko otohe, inaha, i roto i tona a'ee rawa muri Provodnikov, riro ia te WBO taitara ao Welterweight teina ki te mutu a tawhio 10 i runga i kingi toa Mike Alvarado i whenua te toa o te o Broomfield, Colorado.

Provodnikov ngaro tona whitiki i roto i te whakatau wahia i tautohetia ki Chris Algieri.

I Noema 28, 2014, Mutu Provodnikov toa mua ao Jose Luis Castillo i rima rauna i roto i te Moscow, Russia.

I roto i te a'ee whakamutunga o Ruslan, ngaro ia te nuinga whakatau 12-a tawhio noa ki Lucas Matthysse i roto i te a'ee e ko te kaikawe mua mo Whawhai o te Tau. Ka mau te a'ee te wahi i runga i April 18, 2015 i roto i te Verona, New York.

Alvarez o te pa e whawhai ana o Los Mochis, Te whai wāhi o te oraraa e hāngai ana i runga i tona record e na ô Mexico riro 14-0 ki 11 knockouts,

Te 23 Kua patototanga whakahihi tau-tawhito kua i roto rima o tona ono hoariri whakamutunga e ngā tona a'ee whakamutunga ka hanga e ia tona tuatahi American rite mutu ia Bryan Aperahama i roto i toru rauna i runga i Hui-tanguru 20, 2015 i roto i te Verona, New York

Kei te anake tenei hui piha haapiiraa te ao tohaina ao mā te ārahi distributor tika mekemeke me hākinakina hokohoko u, Kawa Sports Marketing. Ko te kamupene ko wawetia i roto i te kōrero ki te kaipäpäho runga te ao ki te whakarite kia te Whiringa 7 Ka taea te kite i telecast e pā hākinakina nga wahi katoa.

Tuhinga tīkiti
Monte-Carlo SBM
Teremera: (+377) 98 06 36 36
Mai 10ahau ki 19pm, 7 ra / wiki

Antonio Tarver te upoko whakamātautau tarukino rahua

Tampa (Oketopa. 19, 2015) – Toa e rima-wā te ao Anthony “Magic te tangata” Tarver (31-6-1, 22 Koó) kaha rawa hoki ta te upoko nga hua o tona tarukino whakamātautau Jersey Mekemeke Commission New rahua tangohia mua ki tona Unuunu 12-a tawhio noa ki te rua-wā toa IBFSteve “USS” Cunningham tenei August mua 14th i roto i te Newark.
A report claims Tarver tested positive for synthetic testosterone. He categorically denies taking any banned substance before his fight with Cunningham. “Kahore ahau e mohio pehea taku tauira mimi whakamatauria pai no te mea kihai i tangohia e ahau tetahi mea ture,” Na ka mea a Tarver. “Rānei poke te whakamātautau i, or mixed-up with another sample. We believe in the process and I will fully comply. Further analysis will prove I’m 100-percent innocent because I’ve done nothing wrong.


Tickets I te Sale Na!
Miami (October 19, 2015) – Sensation Cuban Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara (21-2-2, 12 Koó) ka tiakina e tona taitara super Welterweight ao ki te toa mua ao Jan Zaveck (35-3, 19 Koó) i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i ESPN Wednesday, Whiringa 25 i Hialeah Park Racing a Casino i Miami ki kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.
“Ahau rawa fiefia ki te parururaa i toku taitara i roto i toku oire o Miami,” Said Lara. “Getting in the ring with a former world champion and an experienced fighter like Jan Zaveck is something I’m very much looking forward to. I Whiringa 25 I will put on a show for all my fans and especially all my Cuban fans watching on ESPN.
“Ko mōhio ahau e ka tetahi o nga whawhai mai- o toku mahi tenei,” Said Zaveck. “Faatura ahau Lara, a ka whakamatau ahau e ahau i runga i te taumata i taua. Ko ahau mōhio ko ahau te underdog me e ahau e haere ki 'piha ora o Lara.’ Kua haere mai ahau ki Miami ki whai oku moe, me te maere katoa.”
Lara, e mohiotia ana ko tetahi o nga kaimekemeke hangarau pai i roto i te hākinakina, I te runaruna makehe mo te tīma o te motu Cuban i te aroaro o te mutunga tahuti i te whenua. Na, Ka whawhai Lara i Miami mo te wa tuarua tika i roto i tona mahi, he pa e whakamanamana te taupori Cuban nui i roto i te US.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te Warriors Boxing, E utu i $100, $75, $50, $35 a $25, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi i www.myticketforce.com, i te waea i (877) 840-0457 ranei i te whare herehere Casino Hialeah Park.
The 32-year-old Larais a slick boxer with the ability to deliver punishment while taking very little of it in return. Lara has notched victories over Alfredo Angulo, Austin taraute, Ishe Smith ko Freddy Hernandez puta noa i tona mahi. I te runaruna, Riro Lara maha taitara tae atu i te toa motu i te Welterweight, a whai wāhi hoki i roto i te 2007 Pan-Am kēmu. Ko te toa te tuatahi i GUANTANAMO, Cuba tino tata te nuinga Delvin Rodriguez i runga i te Pipiri 12 Kāri PBC.
He toa ao o mua i Welterweight, Zaveck ko te toa motu e whitu-wā i roto i tona Slovenia taketake, engari kua whawhai i roto i Germany mo te nuinga o tona mahi. Riro te-tau 39-tawhito te taitara ao na roto i te tu Ihaka Hlatshwayo, a haere ana i runga i ia paruru i to'na taitara ki, Rodolfo Martinez, Rafal Jackiewicz a Paora Delgado. Zaveck tomo i tenei whawhai i runga i te wini pūkenga e toru-a'ee tae tona whakamanamana tino tata ki runga i Sasha Yengoyan i April 2015.
No te toronga pārongo www.premierboxingchampions.com a www.hialeahpark.com, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxingWarriorsBoxingProm KoESPNBoxing ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions