Pou katoa e FNU47

A Rimitiriu e “Boo Boo” Andrade Rite ki te whai wāhi i roto i te whakataetae WBC

Providence (Whiringa 12, 2015) – Undefeated super welterweight contender A Rimitiriu e “Boo Boo” Andrade (22-0, 15 Koó) Ko te rite ki te whai wāhi i roto i te Kaunihera mekemeke Ao whakaarohia (WBC) 154-whakataetae pauna wehenga ki te whakatau i tona mono no te mutu Floyd Mayweather, JR.
A 2008 U.S. Häkinakina me te 2007 AIBA World Toa mētara koura, Ko te hoki Andrade he mua Mekemeke Organization World (WBO) te toa Welterweight super, i huia o tona taitara mua i tenei tau e tika ana ki te hohekore.
Ko te southpaw-tau 27-tawhito i Providence motumotuhia he 16-marama mānawanawa i te mowhiti whakamutunga marama, tu toa South American mua Dario Fabian “Ko te Gallo” Pucheta (20-3, 11 Koó) in the second round for the vacant WBO International super welterweight championship. Ineligible to be world ranked during his stretch as WBO champion and then inactivity, Kei te whakatau i teie nei Andrade No. 3 i te WBC, me te No. 4 i te WBO.
“Ua oaoa vau i kia whakawākia Kahore. 3 i te WBC, a ka whai kororia ki te whai wāhi i roto i tona whakataetae,” Andrade said. “Te tūmanako, (Jermell) Charlo a (Austin) Taraute ka whakaae ki te whawhai i roto i te whakataetae, ka pena ano te mutunga mohio nga tangata katoa e No. 1 in the 154-pound division is. I’m ready to prove myself again and I hope they step up to the challenge, rawa.”
A pee i Rimitiriu Andrade i runga i TwitterAndradeATeam.


Whakatairanga Boy Golden KI Katia I 2015 WITH bang
Los Angeles (Whiringa 11, 2015) – Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i te feohi ki Star Mekemeke mahere ki ngā tētahi kāri tonu i runga i HBO Latin mekemeke i mua o tona kauwhautia mua HBO mekemeke I muri Dark® i runga i kāri Rāhoroi, Hakihea 19 ki te mutunga i te tau ki te ki tonu i te po o te matchups whakaongaonga i tahuri Stone Resort Casino, i roto i te Verona, New York.
I roto i te hui matua o te kāri HBO Latin Mekemeke ngā, Yunieski Gonzalez (16-1, 12 Koó) o Miami ka tangohia i runga i te nanakia, a tūturu Vyacheslav “Lion Heart – Chigonskyy” Shabranskyy (14-0, 12 Koó) o Los Angeles i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa attraction taumahamaha o te marama. Ao Mua nguha taitara, “King” Gabriel Rosado (21-9, 13 Koó) o Philadelphia e fehangahangai mua IBF Welterweight World Champion Hohua “Grand te Kaiwhakaako” Clottey (39-4, 22 Koó) o Accra, Ghana, i roto i te hui tahi-matua whitu teina 10-a tawhio rahi, i runga i te mahi Latin HBO tīmata i12:15 a.m. AND/PT (rīpene whakaroa) ranei e whai ake nei tonu te HBO mekemeke I muri telecast Pōuri.
Ka rite ki kauwhautia mua, me te wahi o te HBO mekemeke I muri Pōuri telecast, titan taumahamaha Bryant “By-By” Jennings (19-1, 10 Koó) will face recently crowned WBA Interim Heavyweight belt holder Luis “Ko te Real Kingi Kong” Ortiz (23-0, 20 Koó) i roto i te whawhai aito 12-a tawhio noa. I roto i te hui tahi-matua o te HBO mekemeke I muri telecast Pōuri, Nicholas “Tuaina ki te tangata” Walters (26-0, 21 Koó), hoki mai ki te mowhiti ki te tango i runga i te ofa'i-fisted Top-10 nguha Jason “El Canito” Sosa (18-1-3, 14 Kos) in a 10-round junior lightweight rumble. The HBO Boxing After Dark telecast begins live at 10:15 p.m. AND/PT.
“Tenei wa Au e kore mahue ahau i te reira ki runga ki nga kaiwhakawa ki te whakatau mehemea riro ai i ahau e kore e ranei!” ka mea a Yunieski Gonzalez. “E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku Kaiwhakatairanga, Joe DeGuardia, ko HBO, mō te whiwhi ahau tika hoki i runga i te whānau HBO.”
“Ko oaoa e pā ana whawhai Gonzalez i runga i HBO Latin ki runga ki ahau Dec. 19,” Mackenzie Vyacheslav Shabranskyy. “Faatura e ahau ki a ia ano he toa, me te Ua oaoa vau i hoki ki te whai wāhi kati te tau hei wāhanga o te hui o tenei te nui. Kua mahi ahau rawa pakeke toku mahi katoa, me ahau rite mo tenei whawhai. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku kapa mo katoa te mahi pakeke me te whakapono i roto i ahau. Ko ahau te tangata iti te kupu ahau, kaua kia mahi i aku karapu te korero katoa ina tae mai te reira ki te mekemeke.”
“Kei te kati Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i tetahi o tatou tau angitu te nuinga ki te rā ki te bang nui mā te atamira enei kāri matua e rua i runga i te po ano,” ka mea Whakatairanga Golden Boy Tiamana me te CEO Oscar De La Hoya. “Ki te Gabriel Rosado me Vyacheslav Shabranskyy, whiwhi koe oaoa, mahi, me whawhai e rua e kore e e hoki iho i roto i te whakakai. E kore e taea e ahau te whakaaro o te ara pai ki te kati i roto i 2015 i te noho tahi i enei whawhai headlining kāri e ka pahū.”
“Ahau pono titiro whakamua ahau ki Dec. 19 a pai e Yunieski Gonzalez a Hohua Clottey e hoki i runga i te whānau HBO o whatunga e rua,” Na ka mea a Joe DeGuardia, Peresideni o Star Mekemeke. “Both are in compelling fights on a spectacular night of boxing for fans. I expect both of our guys to emerge victorious in exciting matches.
“Kua ahau vēkeveke ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te whakakai,” ka mea a Kapariera Rosado. “Kua ahau te whakangungu, me te noho i roto i te āhua me oku whawhai torutoru whakamutunga i runga i BKB kua hoatu e ahau te māia ki te hoki ki te rapu utu. Whakamahere ahau ki te whakaatu katoa e whai ahau te mea e te reira ki te riro i te toa ao. Fernando Vargas toku kaiwhakangungu hou e whakapono ana ki ahau, a ite e ahau te ia te kaiwhakangungu e te haere ki te tango i ahau ki te taumata muri. Te e ia tatou he puni nui, Kei te ako ahau i te rota o te mea hou e ka whakaatu Dec. 19.

“Ko ahau rawa oaoa ki te hei i runga i ano HBO me te tino mauruuru ki toku kaiwhakatairanga Joe DeGuardia ko HBO me Golden Boy mo te faingamālie ahau,” ka mea a Hohua Clottey. “I am looking forward to fighting Gabe Rosado who I know is a very tough fighter. I know it will be a very good fight which I am confident I will win.
Te tuatahi i Pinar del Rio, Cuba, a whawhai i teie nei i roto i o Miami, Florida, Kua Yunieski Gonzalez kua he nguha wehi i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama. Ka tukua tona mate tuatahi ki te nguha taitara ao Jean Pascal roto i te Hōngongoi, Ko te hinaaro Gonzalez ki te whakamatau ia te mea e te reira ki te kia whakaaro i roto i te ngangare taitara ao. I mua, Tū Gonzalez he lekooti mele, tūturu mai i tona tuatahi ngaio i roto i 2010 a pupuri whakaora mo Brad Austin, Edgar Parete ko Jaison Palomeque. Na, ka te puncher mana e rapu ana hoki te wikitoria ki te Shabranskyy tūturu ina kupu matua ia i te hui HBO Latin Mekemeke i runga i Dec. 19.
Banger Ukrainian Vyacheslav “Lion Heart-Chingonskyy” Shabranskyy, Kei te whawhai nei inaianei i roto i Los Angeles, Ko te marama te nguha whakaongaonga taumahamaha tona mana knockout whiwhi pā oaoa wa katoa sitepu ia ki te mowhiti. I tēnei wā i te rangatira o te Ingoa USNBC Light taumahamaha, Ko te hoki Shabranskyy he toa ao e rua-wā o mua i roto i te kickboxing, i timata ia i te matahiti o 13, Tahuri Shabranskyy ki mekemeke, ia ia 16, a kua te pūtaiao reka i tona whare ake mai. I te Mahuru 20, 2012, Räkau Shabranskyy ki te knockout a tawhio tuatahi o Bryan McGlory, a ka kua puritia e ia tona tapatahi record, toa katoa 14 o ona pāngia, 12 i te knockout. Kei roto i runga i tona ūkui wikitoria he whakauru ia mo hoa opuaraa Emanuera Wright, D'Quan Morgan, a Rafael Valenzuela. 2015 kua rite i tangohia e ia i runga i a patua Garrett Wilson he pukumahi tau mo Shabransky, Fabiano Pena ko Paora Parker.
“King” Gabriel Rosado Ko tetahi o nga marohirohi whitu tino, me te rongonui i roto i te ao o. Mohiotia te Māori Philadelphia mo tona mataku i roto i te whakakai, he toa mau nei te ora ki runga ki tona kerēme ki te e pai ki te whawhai tetahi, wā i tetahi wahi. He victor knockout runga i nga momo o Ihu Soto Karass, Sechew Powell ko Charles Whittaker, Kua ngā ano Rosado te whakakai ki toa o te ao Gennady Golovkin, Pita Quillin a Rawiri Lemieux. Eager mo te whai wāhi ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te taitara kēmu ao, Ka Rosado e haere mai ana ki te mowhiti ki te utu i runga i Dec. 19.
Runga tēnei wā rite ki tetahi o te runga Middleweights teina i roto i te ao i te WBC, WBA a IBF, Hohua “Grand te Kaiwhakaako” Clottey Ko te powerhouse Kana kati i roto i runga i te pere taitara. He Welterweight toa IBF mua te tangata nona toa mo Zab Hura, Diego Corrales ko Jose Luis Cruz, te-tau 37-tawhito te whakauru tika wha mai i ana parekura whakatau ki greats mekemeke Manny Pacquiao me Miguel cotto. Ia tino arā riro te taitara WBA International Super Welterweight ki te wikitoria 12-a tawhio noa ki runga ki Anthony Mundine i April 2014 a mai i reira hoatu he mahi nui ki Jorge Silva i runga i Mei 9, 2015.
Gonzalez vs. Shabranskyy, Kei te he 10-a tawhio noa te marama taumahamaha a'ee te aroaro e te Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i te feohi ki Star Mekemeke. Haamata te telecast HBO Latin Mekemeke i 12:15 a.m. AND/PT (rīpene whakaroa).
Jennings vs. Ortiz Ko te 12-a tawhio taumahamaha whawhai a'ee mo te WBA Taitara taumahamaha takitaro te aroaro e te Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i te feohi ki Gary Shaw Productions. Walters vs. Sosa isa 10-a tawhio noa a'ee Kōmāmā teina te aroaro e Top Kapa i roto i te feohi ki Whakatairanga Peltz mekemeke me Whakatairanga Warriors Mekemeke. Doors tuwhera i 6:00 p.m., me te HBO mekemeke I muri telecast pouri haamata ora i 10:15 p.m. AND/PT.
Kaihautū o te kaupapa, tonu tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Oneida iwi o ki te wehewehe ake ka rite ki te ūnga pirimia mō ngā kēmu mekemeke whakawhitinga angitū. Te Hakihea 19 ka tohu whawhai tahuri hui mekemeke motu-teata Stone Resort Casino o 16 i roto i iti iho i te rua nga tau, cementing i te huihui ano he tūruhi mō knockout teata whawhai. Kei roto i te pae apatoerau no New York, tuku i te wha-wa ūnga huihui whakangahau-te ao o te piha haapiiraa, me te petipeti, Maatamaata tohu-toa, he ranunga kanorau o wharekai, kaukau papai me ngā kōwhiringa nightlife e rave rahi.
Pāpāho ngaio tono taipitopito tuakiri mo te Hakihea 19 Me whakapā whawhai Kelly Abdo, Tahuri Kaiwhakahaere Stone Resort Casino Public Relations i (315) 366.9291 ranei kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.
Tickets will go on sale soon. Additional ticket information will be announced soon.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.grayshawproductions.com,www.toprank.com,www.hbo.com/mekemekewww.starboxing.com a www.turningstone.com. Follow on Twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing, TRboxing, StarBoxing, HBOBoxing, TurningStone Ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing,www.facebook.com/Gary-Shaw-Productions-134758615997 /, www.facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/StarBoxing, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing ranei www.facebook.com/Tahuri Tatapau Black. Tirohia tatou i runga i InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, StarBoxing, TurningStone. A pee i te aparauraa na roto i te te whakamahi i #JenningsOrtiz me #WaltersSosa

Provodnikov rapu ana utu i roto i 2016 Te hinaaro nei Provodnikov pukaka tetahi kapiti i “Fireman” Bradley

Siberia, Russia (Whiringa 12, 2015)– I muri i tona mahi tino tenei muaRāhoroi ka mutu tūturu mua ia Ihu Alvarez Rodriguez, toa Welterweight teina o mua WBO, Ruslan Provodnikov he rite hoki te nui 2016 rite aro ia nga whawhai pai i Welterweight teina & Welterweight.
I te tihi o tona rārangi he toa WBO Welterweight, Timothy Bradley.
Mutu Provodnikov Rodriguez i roto i 4 rauna i roto i te hui matua i te 7th Edition Monte-Carlo Mekemeke Bonanza Po o Champions a Kei te titiro hoki te ika nui ki te parai rite embarks ia i runga i te Tau Hou.

Ko te whawhai ko tona rerenga kotiro ki te kaiwhakangungu hou Joel Diaz.

“Ko te wikitōria pai tenei mo ahau. Ua ite au i māia, me te ua pai kua korero aku. E mohio ana ahau e i roto i te puni muri ka haere mai tahi mea hoki ahau, me te whakangungu o Hoera. Toku whāinga mō te tau i muri mai ko te ki te ngaki i toku parekura ki Lucas Matthysse, Mauricio Herrera, Timothy Bradley ko Chris Algieri!”, Said Provodnikov.

Said Diaz, “Ko te whawhai tenei ki te tiki i a ia hoki i muri i te whawhai uaua. We had a strategy of working on defense and body punches. He did a little more of that then he did in previous fights. It will take a couple of fights to get him to where I want.”
“I muri i te whawhai ka mea ia hinaaro ia ki te hoko i tona parekura ki Matthysse, Bradley ko Herrera. Ahau rite e, me i reira e te tahi atu hoariri pērā i Danny Garcia. That would be a great fight because they are both heavy hitters.
Ko Bradley Ko i te tihi o te rārangi me te he rematch o te 2013 Whawhai o te Tau, a e te whawhai tino e minaminatia mō te pā mekemeke.
Bradley, i whakaakona hoki e rua tekau tau i raro i Diaz, riro hoki i runga i Rāhoroi rite mutu ia Brandon Rios i roto i 9 rauna i raro i te arata'iraa o te kaiwhakangungu hou Teddy Atlas.
“Teddy Ko te faa'anaanatae nui, a ka hopoi mai ia he rota o te pūngao ki te kokonga.”
Ko tētahi o nga momeniti fakangalongata'a i Rāhoroi o Bradley – Rios farereiraa ko te tirade spirited Atlas te wahi i te whakatairite ia Bradley ki te kaitou.
“Well, ki te he Bradley he kaitou, Ko reira Ruslan e hopoi mai te pukaka ki te whawhai. If they rematch it would be a tough fight. After the first fight, e mohio katoa i riwha Bradley i te a'ee. Bradley was damaged and in a rematch, ko e me'a e Bradley e whakaaro e pā ana, a kihai ia i pai kia arotahi. Ruslan would take the initiative and knock him out
“Titiro nui Ruslan. The collaboration between Ruslan and Joel Diaz is going well,” ka mea kaiwhakatairanga o Provodnikov Artie Pelullo.
“E whakatakoto ana tēnei win katoa ake mo te nui 2016. He indicated to me that he wants to avenge his losses and also seek the biggest fights. I think he is in prime position to do just that. I expect to have him in a big fight in the first quarter of 2016. “


Photo e Pirimia mekemeke Champions
San Antonio, TX (Whiringa 12, 2015) – I te Rātū i te Austin City Music Hall i Austin, Texas, sensation super-mā Mario Barrios (13-0, 7 Koó) noho tūturu tonu i muri i te takahi ki runga i roto i te piha haapiiraa ki te kanohi tona hoa tauwhainga uaua ki te rā i roto i Enrique Tinoco (15-2-2, 11 Koó), toa i te whakatau loto. Tinoco, nei i mea patu mua toru whawhai tūturu, e rua o nei i 14-0, I haere mai atu i te knockout pūkenga 4-whawhai. That streak was ended by Barrios.
Te hanga i tona Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i Fox Sports 1 tuatahi, 20-tau whakakitea Barrios koroheke ngakau rahi me te pūkenga i te patu Tinoco i muri i te mamae i te ihu toto i roto i te taka noa e rua. Having difficulty breathing, Barrios had to bite down and make the proper adjustments to finish the fight on top. Barrios did so in spectacular fashion.
Noho, nei whakamahia tona tiketike, me te tae ki tona painga i te ū nifó puai i roto i te whawhai, kino ia Tinoco runga i ngā wā maha. Although Tinoco used every veteran trick in the book against Barrios, ko ia kahore ōrite mo te kuao San Antonio taketake Barrios, nei kahakina nga rauna waenganui, me te i muri mai. Scorecards read 78-74 katoa i roto i te manakohia o Barrios
“I mohio e haere ana ahau ki tenei whawhai e Tinoco haere i toku whakamātautau uaua ki te kia, no te mea i ia te māia ētahi atu whawhai taumaha i roto i te mua,” Said Mario Barrios. “In addition he was getting top sparring in Mexico during training camp. But my entire team and I never had any doubts about my ability to be victorious. My head trainer Bob SantosHe rota o te wheako e pā ana ki nga aitua, a meatia ana e ia he mahi pai i pupuri i ahau i roto i marino te kokonga, no te tukua e ahau he ihu toto wawe i roto i te whawhai. My cutman Todd Harlib also did a great job stopping the blood from gushing out. This was a great learning experience and I want to thank my entire team, tautautefito toku papa Martin, mo ratou mahi pakeke katoa.”

TUAWARU whawhai hinga tapawha OFF ON ShoBox: THE NEW whakatupuranga AS DIBELLA Tuhinga Katia ai OUT 2015 WITH kahore e-MISS QUADRUPLEHEADER, FRIDAY, Dec. 11 MAI BAYOU CITY MAHINGA CENTER i Houston


Local Favorite Regis Prograis Headlines ki
Fellow Top Prospect in Main Event
E ora i runga i SHOWTIME® i 10 p.m. AND/PT

NEW YORK (Nov. 12, 2015) - ShoBox: Ko te Generation New hoki i runga i Rāmere, Dec. 11 ora i runga iSHOWTIME® (10 p.m. AND/PT), ki te quadrupleheader ngā waru opuaraa tūturu ki te lekooti ngā o 92-0-3 i roto i te whakamutunga ShoBox telecast o 2015.


Hui headlining te DiBella whakangahau me Savarese Whakatairanga-whakatairangatia ana i te Bayou City Takahanga Center i roto i te Houston e pūmanawa 140-pauna amanaki rohe Regis Prograis (15-0, 12 Koó), te tangata e anga Apera Ramos (14-0-2, 9 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa hui matua super Kōmāmā.


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Bryant Cruz (16-0, 8 Koó) e i runga i Wesley Ferrer (10-0, 5 Koó) i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā waru-a tawhio noa.


Te whakaawhiwhi i te telecast, nohopuku-maranga Ivan Baranchyk (8-0, 7 Koó) kanohi Andrew Ruiz (9-0, 5 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio noa a'ee super Kōmāmā me Hoiho Woodall (8-0-1, 5 Koó) a Steve Rārangi (12-0, 6 Koó) taupatupatu i roto i te whitu kēmu e waru-a tawhio noa.


"Ko oaoa ki te whakaatu i tētahi taua kāri rahi hoki SHOWTIME i runga i Tīhema ahau. 11 ngā waru hinga opuaraa ake-a-haere mai ki te lekooti ngā o 92-0-3, "ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. "Ki te titiro ia kaimekemeke ki te tae te taumata muri, enei momo o matchups e rite te mea ShoBox Ko e pā ana ki te katoa. "


"Au oaoa ki te rōpū ake ki DiBella whakangahau me SHOWTIME i runga i tenei hui nui Dec ahau. 11,"Mea kaiwhakatairanga Lou Savarese. "E kore matou e nehenehe e tatari ki ngā enei kuao waru, whawhai tūturu i roto i to ratou whakamātautau uaua ki te rā i wāhi pirimia o Houston, te Bayou City Takahanga Center. "


He tīkiti runga i te hoko, me te e utu i $40 GA, $60 GA, $150 Tūru Ripanga & $200 VIP Ringside. Ka taea e Tickets te hokona e te toro www.savaresepromotions.com ranei na roto i te te karanga (713) 658-0299.


Ki te rā, 135 kua tukua whawhai ratou parekura tuatahi i runga i ShoBox. Ki te waru whawhai tūturu i runga i te kāri, ahua ake o e wha e ki te haere i runga i Dec. 11. Ko te pātai, ko te, e wha nei?

Prograis vs. Ramos

Last Aug. 7, Hanga Prograis tona ShoBox tuatahi ki te whakatau waru-a tawhio noa faahiahia i runga reira-tūturu Amos Cowart. U te pakeke-patu Prograis te mīharo 381 i roto i 909 nifó katoa maka, te 18th-tapeke hono teitei mo te Welterweight te whawhai teina kiia e CompuBox runga waru rauna.


I pūtakea mai i New Orleans, Kua karangatia e Prograis me tona utuafare Houston fare mai te hūnuku e whai ake nei Hurricane Katrina. Ko te a'ee i runga i Dec. 11 e meinga ki mua Prograis 'i roto i Houston mai Pipiri 2014 a kua tūmanakohia ia ki te utu i te mano raucous. Ko te tino, i titiro Prograis te mana rahi me te tere, engari ki te haere ia ki te whakataetae ki te whiriwhiri o te wehenga 140-pauna, me te tuatahi tiki ia e Ramos.


"Ahau e hiahia ana ki te whakawhetai nga pa o New Orleans, a Houston — New Orleans mō te hanga ki ahau te hunga e ahau a Houston hoki i roto i tango i ahau, me te hanga ite ahau i te kāinga,” Prograis said. “I am glad to be fighting back in Houston; Ko te pono tenei toku whare tuarua. The city took me in as one of their own after I moved here during Hurricane Katrina. Houston is close enough to New Orleans and I am expecting a great turnout come fight night. My opponent is undefeated and that’s all I need to know. He’s coming to win, and I am sure he will be tough. I am preparing for this fight just like I do all of my fights, with the mindset that this is the toughest fight I will ever have. Pērā i Dec. 11, ka kite koe i te mahi mīharo. "


Ka rite ki Prograis, te Ramos-tau 24-tau ko te runaruna oranga, toa i te mētara parahi i te 2010 U.S. Boxing National Championships before turning pro the following year. Ramos ran his record to a perfect 8-0, a ka tutaki hoa amanaki tūturu Maurice Hooker (whakatau i tēnei wā No. 10 i te WBO) i runga iShoBox i roto i te Hānuere 2014. Ramos and Hooker slugged it out for eight rounds, whawhai ki te Unuunu nuinga i roto i tetahi o nga whawhai whakaongaonga tino i runga i ShoBox e tau. Ko te tahi atu koha anake i runga i record Ramos 'ko tetahi Unuunu nuinga ki Levan Ghvamichava (15-1-1, 12 Koó). Ramos has reeled off four consecutive victories with three by knockout, including an impressive second-round TKO over previously once-beaten Roberto Ramirez in June. The bout against Prograis will be his first since signing an exclusive promotional agreement with DiBella Entertainment. Ramos knows that a victory over Prograis will show the boxing world that he is one of the most talented up-and-comers in the division.


"Ko ahau te tino fiefia ki te kua hainatia ki Lou DiBella,'' Ka mea a Ramos. “He’s guided so many fighters to the championship level and I look forward to being added to that list. Right now though, Ko te katoa o toku arotahi ki teDec. 11 and Regis Prograis. He is unbeaten just like me. I am sure he will be my toughest fight, just as I will be his. I am ready to rise to the occasion and show the boxing world I am one of the best in the division.’’


Cruz vs. Ferrer

E rua whawhai i roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Cruz ko Ferrer, are New York natives. Cruz was a 2012 National Golden karapu kaikawe-ake i Ferrer (te 2009 a 2013 Toa Golden karapu) whakataetae i te 2012 USA mekemeke National Toa, hinga 2011 National champion Semajay Thomas. The matchup features two exciting come-forward boxers aren’t afraid to mix it up. Cross, i teie nei e noho ana, me te whakangungu i roto i Houston raro i ngā akoranga o Ronnie Shields, Kua whakakitea e whakapai nui mai i te hono ki te kaiwhakangungu rongonui ake. Ka waiho i te te a'ee ShoBox tuatahi hoki e rua taitamariki opuaraa, ko wai e titiro ki te whakaatu i ratou mea e te reira ki te whakataetae i te taumata muri.


"Te mutunga ahau i te whai wāhi ki te whakaatu i te ao nei ko ahau, me aha ahau e pā ana ki,” Cruz said. “I am excited to be stepping in there with another undefeated fighter who is going to bring the absolute best out of me. I have been working hard for an opportunity like this and it is finally here.’’


"Ka waiho e ahau tino arotahi, me te haere i roto i reira ki te mahi i te mea e ahau pai te mahi,” Ferrer said. “I know Bryant Cruz personally and he is a great fighter, engari i ahau he mahi ki te mahi, a e kore e kia tangohia e ia te wikitoria i ahau.”


Baranchyk vs. Ruiz

Prospects Baranchyk and Ruiz could produce “the fight of the night” in a matchup that has the makings of a slugfest. The Ukrainian Baranchyk, 22, kua whakamīharo mai tae i roto i te U.S. i roto i te 2014. He’s been on a tear this year, haere 5-0 ki te rima knockouts, all coming in three rounds or less. Baranchyk, he stablemate o Sergiy Derevyanchenko me Ievgen Khytrov, Kei te titiro maongo ina hanga e ia tona ShoBoxtuatahi ki tona hoa tauwhainga uaua ki te rā i roto i te Ākuira runga motu runaruna o mua, me te inaianei-whakangungua Garcia Robert Andrew Ruiz.


"Kihai i taea e ahau hei atu oaoa e pā ana ki tenei faingamālie,"Baranchyk Mackenzie. "E rapu ana ahau ki te whai i roto i te tapuwae o toku stablemates Sergiy me Ievgen, te hunga kua i etahi o ratou mahi pai ki runga ki ShoBox. I know that Ruiz is coming to fight, a ka te haere ia ki te hei i te hoa tauwhainga faingataa kua fehangahangai ahau, ko toku moe ke hoko ko i te toa ao, me te kahore he mea a kahore tetahi kei te haere e ki te tiki i roto i te ara o taua ".


Ruiz ko tetahi o te tino rapu-i muri i amateurs haere mai ana i roto i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru, ka tahuri ia pro i 18 i roto i te 2012. After his first year and half as a pro, Haere Ruiz i te tino 7-0, whiwhi nui te rongo whawhai i runga i te maha o ngā kāri tiketike taumata, included Pacquiao-Bradley I. Following a victory in August 2013, Ruiz took a break from the sport as he dealt with managerial and promotional issues. Ruiz signed with DBE last January and made his anticipated ring return in February, shaking off a bit of ring rust to get his career back on track. Ruiz, 22, whakamutunga whawhai i roto i te August, te kaute i te TKO te ono-tawhio noa ki runga Andres Bustamante, his fifth knockout in nine career victories. Ruiz is looking to prove that he is the top prospect that so many thought he was when he takes on the dangerous Baranchyk.


"Ko Baranchyk he runaruna ta'na me he tūturu wā, engari ko ahau rite mo te wero,” Ruiz said. “This is my shot to prove myself and I’m not going to let it slip away.”


Woodall vs. Rārangi

Ko te a'ee Woodall-Rolls poka rua standouts runaruna o mua i roto i to ratou whawhai pro uaua ki te rā. Woodall ko te toa Ingarangi National rima-wā, e rua-wā toa Ingarangi me te hauwhā-whiringa i roto i te Toa Youth Ao i mua i te hūnuku ki te US. and embarking on his professional career at the age of 19. Na 21, Woodall has relocated his training camp to Houston and linked up with world-renowned trainer Ronnie Shields. The always-exciting Woodall is an aggressive come-forward banger with good power in both hands. Woodall made his debut under Shields last Oketopa. 7 i roto i te New York City a titiro autaia ārahi Shields ki te whakapono e kua e ia te mea e te reira ki te ra kotahi hei te toa ao.


"E e ahau he rōpū nui te mahi ki ahau i te ra i muri i te ra i,” Woodall said. “I have had the chance to spar some of the best fighters in all of boxing, tae atu Edwin Rodriguez me Jermall Charlo, a ahau ka titiro atu ahau ki maka ana katoa i mahi ki te mahi mai Dec.11. I’ve been putting in the work in the gym and now is my chance to prove it in the ring.”


I te runaruna, Whakataetae Rolls i runga i rua i te 2009 a 2010 Kapa National mekemeke Canadian, te whakahiato i tētahi mīharo 83-14 record. I roto i te Mahuru 2009, haere ana ia ki te 2009 International mekemeke Association (AIBA) O nga tangata mekemeke Championship i roto i Milan, Italy, te wahi ngaro ia i roto i te a tawhio noa o 16 ki 2008 Olympic bronze medalist Vijender Singh of India. Rārangi, ko wai e meinga e tona ShoBox tuatahi, kei te haere mai atu i te whakatau loto whakamutunga E whitu. 19 i roto i tona whakaritea a'ee waru-a tawhio tuatahi.


"Haere mai te po whawhai, Ka waiho e ahau, nui atu i rite,” Rolls said. “I am looking forward to putting on a great performance in my national TV debut and showing the world I am a force to be reckoned with in the middleweight division.”


Ka karanga Barry Tompkins te ShoBox mahi i te ringside ki Steve Farhood me toa mua ao Raul Marquez te taviniraa ei mohio kaitätari. Ko te kaihanga matua ko Gordon Hall ki Richard Gaughan te whakaputa me Rick Phillips te arata'iraa.


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ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ki āu fifi kua ngā taranata taitamariki. Te ShoBox kaupapa, ko te ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 63 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox me te matatau ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.


Edwin Rodríguez & MICHAEL hiri TAE I Biloxi, Mississippi aparau i te PREMIER BOXING toa runga i te Koi Showdown PARAIRE, NOVEMA 13 MAI BEAU RIVAGE RESORT & Casino

E haamata te Kapinga teata i 9 p.m. AND/PT
Biloxi, MISS. (Whiringa 11, 2015) – Edwin “La Bomba” Lotilikuesí (27-1, 18 Koó)a Michael kekeno (19-0, 14 Koó) He tika ra atu i to ratou pupūtanga te marama taumahamaha i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga iKoi tango placeFriday, Whiringa 13 i Beau Rivage Resort & Casino i Biloxi, Mississippi.
Ko te po o te mahi tīmata i 9 p.m. AND/PT ki Thomas “Top Dog” Williams (18-1, 12 Koó) a Humberto Savigne (12-2, 9 Koó) i roto i te taupatupatunga taumahamaha marama.
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, E utu i $62.95, $48.95, $34.95 a $20.95, me utu tāke, me te mahi. He tīkiti runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona i te tari pouaka Beau Rivage Theatre, www.ticketmaster.com ranei i karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000.
Tae Rodriguez ko kekeno ki te Mississippi Gulf Tai Wednesday a ka i he rota ki te mea e pā ana ki Rāmerematchup po o.
Edwin Rodríguez
“Tenei taata [Michael kekeno] Ko tūturu. Ko tetahi titauraa te. Tona mentality. E kore ia e mohio ki te ngaro. Me ahau ki te haere mai ki waho, ka riria ia e taea e ia. Ko te te whawhai tuatahi. Me koe ia ratou ki te riria, te reira te wā hoki koe ki te ngaro i teie nei, Au pai atu koutou e ahau.
“Kei a ia te werohanga pai me te mana pai. Me ahau ki te kia mōhio e taea e Kilisimasi ia.
I have a nutritionist that I see every three weeks. I couldn’t make weight when I was going to fight Andre Ward. Making taimaha e te rota o te fakatapui.
“Haere ki toku whawhai ki a Andre Ward, puta ke toku mentality i. Ngaro kē koe ki te tauine i te aroaro o koutou marere noa i roto i te whakakai. Te korero te reira i to koutou tinana e kore e taea e hanga e koe taimaha koe, e kore e taea e koutou te reira i muri. E whakararuraru i te reira koutou.
“Te kore ahau ki te kupu i toku mate i runga i tetahi mea. Whakaaro ahau ko ia he toa pai i taua po. Te tamata nei ahau ki te hanga i toku tohu i 175 a pea iho te huarahi, Ka taea e te tiki i ahau i te rematch ki a ia.”
“Fighting kia tata ki te kāinga te tikanga o nga mea katoa ki ahau. Ko te whawhai nui o toku mahi tenei a haere ahau ki te tango i te rawa o tenei faingamālie.
“Toku ora katoa, Rite kua faataahia ahau mo nui ite e ahau, a ko taku tupono tenei.
“Te haamana'o ahau e haere mai ana ki te Beau Rivage ano he kuao koati ki toku papa, a e titiro ahau i tenei whare nui, me te korero ki a ia i haere ahau ki te noho i roto i te piha konei ahau, ina tupu ake, me te inaianei ko i runga i te mākī toku ingoa. Ko tōna moe i te haere mai pono.
“Edwin Ko te toa mātanga. Ngā whawhai ia etahi pato'iraa nui engari he mate i runga i tona lekooti ia. E kore ahau e rave me tona haere ki te noho i taua ara i runga i Whiringa 13.
“Whakangungu ahau atamai. I ahau i te tohu i roto i te mātauranga ā-tinana i whakaako nei ki ahau etahi tikanga whakangungu rerekē e kore e taea e ako ia koutou i roto i te omaoma.
“He wikitōria i runga i te Paraire tikanga tetahi taahiraa ki te pere taitara ao. Ko te whāinga. Ki te whawhai a ka hoki te taitara ao i ahau ki te whiua Edwin Rodriguez ki te tiki i te reira. Kei te tu ia i roto i toku ara.
“Ka e ahau toku ingoa mowhiti 'Cannonhandz’ hei runaruna ka tīmata ahau mekemeke i te pokapū hapori me i reira i te rota o te kuao iti i reira. E rongo ratou patua ahau nga mitts ranei te putea, ka mea 'A, no te Kilisimasi koe, rite te tangi ki reira he repo pihinga i roto o koutou karapu,’ a kua mau i te reira ake mai.
“E kore e taea e ahau e tatari hoki Rāmere po. Ko toku tupono tenei a ki te e taea ki te pupuri hoki i aku record tūturu me tango iho te tangata ki te ingoa mohiotia i roto i te hākinakina kia tata ki toku oire o Mobile ko te manaaki.”
# # #
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com a www.spike.com/shows/premier-mekemeke-toa, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaBombaBoxing, LouDiBella, SpikeTV MeSpikeSports, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/Spike. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

Tūturu WBC KORE. 1 Nguha Amir Imam ki te kanohi Adrian GRANADOS ON MAA, NOV. 28, ON SHOWTIME EXTREME®


Amir Imam vs. Adrian Granados - 10 Rauna Super Kōmāmā a'ee

Oscar Rivas vs. Curtis Harper - 10 Rauna taumahamaha a'ee


James DeGale vs. Lucian'okú - IBF Super Whitu World Championship

Eleider Alvarez vs. Ihaka Chilemba - WBC Light taumahamaha o Taitara Eliminator


NEW YORK (Nov. 10, 2015) -WBC No. 1 runga super Kōmāmā Amir ahau (18-0, 15 Koó) hoki ki te kanohi Adrian Granados (14-4-2, 11 Koó) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio runga Rāhoroi, Nov. 28 i runga i SHOWTIME BOXING i runga i Sho EXTREME.


Ko te Imam tūturu ko te kaiwero whakahauanga ki WBC toa 140-pauna Viktor Postol, nei riro i te taitara wātea ki te 10th TKO a tawhio o Lucas Matthysse i roto i te nuku.


Ko te SHOWTIME BOXING i runga i SHO EXTREME telecast haamata ora i 9 p.m. AND/PT i te Videotron Centre in Quebec City prior to that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast. In the SHO EXTREME opener, taumahamaha tūturu me whetu ao o mua Oscar Rivas (17-0, 12 Koó) Ka fehangahangai Curtis Harper (12-4, 8 Koó) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio.


IBF Super whitu World Champion James DeGale (21-1, 14 Koó) ka tiakina e tona whitiki ki mua Sharing 168-pauna Lucian Bute(32-2, 25 Koó) i roto i te hui matua o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® ora i runga i SHOWTIME® (11 p.m. AND/PT).


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, a te WBC No. 1-runga 175-pauna toa Ihaka Mark (24-2-2, 10 Koó) Ka tapawha atu ki No. 2-runga Eleider Alvarez (18-0, 10 Koó) i roto i te marama taumahamaha eliminator taitara ao. The winner earns the right to become the mandatory challenger for WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion A Tamutu Stevenson.


Te hui, i karangatia "TE reclamation", Ko te whakaaturanga o Vidéotron i mahi tahi ki a Mise-e-Jeu.


Ko tētahi o contenders tere-maranga o te mekemeke, kua patototanga i te Imam 25-tau-tawhito 15 o tona 18 professional opponents since turning pro in 2011. The Albany, N.Y., Kei te whenua e haere mai atu i te knockout te wha-a tawhio noa o mua kaiwero taitara ao Fernando Angulo i runga i Hōngongoi 18 i runga i SHOWTIME.


-Tau 26-tawhito te Granados, o Chicago, Kua riro e toru whawhai i roto i te rarangi mai i te tata, wahia mate whakatau ki amanaki Welterweight tūturuBrad Horomona i runga i te undercard o te Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao PPV whakamutunga Kia 2 i roto i te Las Vegas. Granados’ only other defeat since 2011 ko te mate whakatau nuinga ki reira-tūturu Pirika Diazi roto i te 2014. Granados, tei mau i te Unuunu ki te toa Welterweight mua ao Kermit Cintron, ka hoki neke ki raro, ki 140 pauna mo tona a'ee ki Imam.


Ko te Montreal-e hāngai ana Rivas kanohi Colombia i roto i te 2008 Olympic Games. The 28-year-old is coming off a three-knockdown, TKO matamua-a tawhio noa o Jason Pettaway i runga i Hōngongoi 26 i roto i tona U.S. waiata i runga i ShoBox: Ko te Generation New. Rivas returns to the province of Quebec, pae o 16 o tona 17 pito, ki te Harper-tau 27-tawhito, ko wai te mea 5-1 i roto i tona whakamutunga e ono whawhai.


Harper, o Jacksonville, Fla., kei te haere mai atu tata te mate whakatau ki-te wa roa nguha taumahamaha Chris Arreola i runga i March 13. Harper was knocked down in the first round against Arreola but rallied in an entertaining slugfest.


He tīkiti runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Vidéotron Centre, i runga iwww.ticketmaster.ca, i te omaoma (514) 383-0666, i InterBox (450) 645-1077 ranei i karapu mekemeke Champion (514) 376-0980.

butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, interboxca,stormalvarez, SHOsports,

Tūturu whitu Tuhinga SERGIY DEREVYANCHENKO & Taumahamaha te marama hinga kore DAVID Benavidez tapiritia TOSHOBOX: THE NEW whakatupuranga THIS MAA, NOV. 14, LIVE ON SHOWTIME®

Hinga Super Welterweights Frank Galarza & Jarrett Hurd Square Off I roto i Takahanga Main o Tripleheader Mai Hard Rock Hotel & Casino i Las Vegas

Ora I 10:45 p.m. AND/PT


NEW YORK (Nov. 10, 2015) - Mua Ukrainian Häkinakina me te tūturu amanaki whitu Sergiy Derevyanchenko (6-0, 4 Koó, WSOB: 23-1, 7 Koó) hoki ki te kanohi hōia Jessie Nicklow (25-7-3, 8 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio noa te tahi-āhuatanga o ShoBox: Ko te Generation New, tenei Rāhoroi, Nov. 14, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10:45 p.m. AND/PT) i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino i roto i te Las Vegas.


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te tripleheader, unbeaten light heavyweight Rawiri Benavidez (10-0, 9 Koó), o Phoenix, Ariz., ka meinga e tonaShoBox tuatahi ki hōia Felipe Romero (15-9-1, 9 Koó), o La Paz, Mexico, i roto i te a'ee a tawhio waru.


I roto i te ShoBox hui matua, Welterweights super tūturu Frank Galarza (17-0-2, 11 Koó), o Brooklyn, N.Y., a Jarrett Hurd (16-0, 10 Koó), o Accokeek, MD., ka Square atu i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio noa.


Derevyanchenko (korerotia der-koe-van-CHENK-oh) haaputuhia te maere record runaruna o 390-20 a kanohi tana Ukraine Māori i te 2008 Olympic Games. Derevyanchenko, runga nei E kore te. 9 i te IBF i 160 pauna, haere 23-1 i roto i te Series Ao o Mekemeke, a ko te 2012 WSB Team Champion me 2011 a 2012 WSB Champion takitahi. Ka meinga e tona tīmatanga tuatahi mai i toa i te whakatau waru-a tawhio noa i runga i mua kaiwero taitara ao te-tau 30-tawhito Elvin Ayala i runga i Aug. 7 i runga i ShoBox.


-Tau 28-tawhito te Nicklow, o Baltimore, MD., is experienced against solid opposition having faced former undisputed middleweight champion Jermain Taylor, Fernando Guerrero a Ronald Gavril. Nicklow is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Raymond Terry i runga iOketopa. 10.


-Tau 18-tawhito te Benavidez ko te teina o te wā WBA Super Kōmāmā World Champion Jose Benavidez. He’s knocked out nine of his 10 hoariri mai i tahuri ngaio i roto i 2013, largely against limited opposition. Benavidez will take on his most difficult opponent to date in the veteran Romero, he pai-turia, 31-tau-tawhito tautōhito nei kua whawhai i roto i te Mexico, Poland, China, Germany, Ukraine me te U.S.


# # #


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $155, $105, $80, $55 a $30, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Kia hokona ngā tīkiti i Hard Rock Hotel tari pouaka, na roto i te karanga 888-9-AXS-TIX, ranei online i www.axs.com.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Mō ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Kua ngā te Generation New āu uaua taranata taitamariki. Ko te kaupapa ShoBox ko ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 63 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox ka whakatu a ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.

PRO World Championship Superfights NOV 20 2015

Nov 20 Professional Superfights Derrick Oldensmith vs Deshawn Robinson…Eric Olsen vs Michael Corleone… Josh Germain vs Georgui Smaguin also a great under card… Ko te anake Whakaatu PRO i runga i ngā tīkiti Long Island e haere nohopuku …I TŪTOHI WHAKAHAERE Na wātea anake 6 nohoanga maui 10 people per table relax and enjoy the show