Pou katoa e FNU47

Gibbs Jr. ki te whakatau ia Raines January 9 i roto i te Oklahoma!

Jan 9 poster.jpg
No te Tonu Tuku
Oklahoma City, OK (Whiringa 18, 2015) - Whitu Tūturu Bo "te rima o te Pakanga" Gibbs Jr. Ka fehangahangai tona wero uaua ki te rā, ka anga ia Delray "te Rainmaker" Raines i roto i te a'ee a tawhio tekau Rāhoroi, January 9 i te Firelake Arena i Shawnee, OK.
Whakatairangatia ana te kāri e HD mekemeke a ka waiho tīkiti wātea tata i runga i cpnboxoffice.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 405-273-1637.
He runaruna totoka nana nei i hanga te reira ki te Toa US me National Golden karapu, Gibbs Jr. He tino 14-0 lekooti ki whitu te whakauru i te knockout. Ka whawhai katoa o tona pāngia i roto i Oklahoma, Gibbs Jr. hopoi mai he rahi te hui ki a ia i ia wa e tomo ai ia ki te porohita porowhā. Na tawhiti, kua te whenua-tau 24-tawhito Carney kua tino rite ki te pro me te ia māia ka tonu tona string o te angitu ki Raines.
"Ko te he taahiraa ake i runga i te taumata pro engari i ahau i runga i 100 whawhai runaruna a fehangahangai te rota o te eé runga. E mohio ana ahau ki te whawhai ia he rota o te hoariri pai engari ngā kahore kua ia i roto i te whakakai ki ahau. Whakamahere ahau ki te whakaatu ki a ia nga mea e kore kua kite ia i te aroaro o. Au kaha ahau, taitamariki, me ahau nohopuku engari tino nui au atamai ahau. E whakapono ana ahau e taea e ahau te reira katoa i roto i te whakakai. Ka kite i nga pā aha taku e no te kī ahau ka riro ahau i runga i te 9th."
He mata waia roto kāinga, Delray Raines, 19-11-2 (14 KO o), Kei te tūturu i roto i te State Maoro. Ora, whawhai i roto i Paris, AR, Hanga Raines kupu matua mā te patuki i nguha rohe Tracy Sneed me whawhai ki kumea ki hīanga, NABA mua George Tahdooahnippah me runga tauanga Carson Jones. Kaua rawa e tetahi ki te hoki iho i te wero, Kua fehangahangai Raines WBA toa whitu teina Erislandy Lara, titlist mua Rawiri Lemieux, Joe Greene, Tarvis Simms, Arona Mitchell, Alfredo Angulo, Dominik Britsch ko Ronald Hearns. Ara ki te painga wheako i faahitihia, Whakapono Raines Gibbs Jr. Ko te toa pai.
"E kore ahau e patoto tangata ngā fehangahangai ia, a kahore ahau e titiro mua ia,"Ka mea a Raines. "E kore e ahau e mahara tenei ki te waiho i te whawhai ohie no te mea te ia he puncher nui a ko te runaruna pai. E matau ana ahau ki tona kaiwhakatairanga e whakapono i roto ia ia te kore kihai ratou i pai ki te takahi ia ake. I runga i tetahi atu tuhipoka, Ahau te tuatahi i Oklahoma, a Hiahia aroha ahau ki te tiki faatura atu i konei hoki kua mea i mahia e ahau i roto i te whakakai ki te whawhai oire. I runga i te 9th, Kei te whakamahere ahau ki tonu toku pūkenga o te angitu i konei mā te whakamahi i taku wheako, tae me te matauranga en huarahi ki te wikitoria ".
"Ko te whawhai rawa ngā tenei,"Ka mea a Kaiwhakatairanga Bobby Dobbs o HD Mekemeke. "Raines Ko te taahiraa ake nui mo Bo. Ngā tokomaha o whawhai ia o pai i toru o ana mahi pai i konei i roto i Oklahoma te ao. Bo Ko te toa tino pūmanawa, me te ngā riro ia katoa o tona whawhai handily. I te wa ano, e kore ia ngā kanohi tangata ki te wheako o Delray. Hoatu e ahau ki a ia he ton o te nama e hiahia ana ki te whakamātau i ia. Ko te whawhai uaua mō te takatu e rua, me te a'ee mea whakanoho iho ki āu e ka pārekareka ki pā tenei. "
Roto i te pāngia undercard motuhake, a Ākuira he mā wahine Nikki Burleson o Oklahoma City tūtaki Tiffany Alexander, Rawa ake Dennis Knifechief o Shawnee mata huamo haere California Martin Morales me toi knockout Kōmāmā Nico Venetis i Hamburg, Germany ki te kanohi i te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa.
Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia tahi atu tata me te hoki ētahi atu mōhiohio, haere ki te hdboxing.net.

Mua AO TOA Victor Ortiz PLUS Tuhinga STARS Terrell GAUSHA, Hugo rai JR., MARIO Barrios & Ngā Brandon FIGUEROA I pāngia motuhake ON Tiro NIGHT o PREMIER BOXING toa MAHI ON NBCSN

WITH kapinga i 6 P.M. AND – 7:30 P.M. AND &
MEI 11 P.M. AND – Midnight ET
San Antonio (Whiringa 18, 2015) – Toa o mua te ao “Nanakia” Victor Ortiz(30-5-2, 23 Koó), 2012 U.S. Häkinakina Terrell Gausha (16-0, 8 Koó), whitu tekau tūturu Hugo “Te tōku” Bevan Jr. (23-0, 12 Koó), tūturu amanaki whanau Antonio-San Mario Barrios (13-0, 7 Koó) and undefeated bantamweight prospect Brandon Figueroa (3-0, 2 Koó) ka whakataetae i roto i te pāngia undercard motuhake hei wāhanga o te ki tonu te po o te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC)i runga i NBC a NBCSN mahi i runga i Rāhoroi, Hakihea 12 i te AT hou whakahou&Center T i San Antonio.
Ka Tokopuka te kapinga NBCSN te PBC i te NBC hui headlined e whetū tūturu Omar “Panterita” Figueroa (25-0-1, 18 Koó), o Weslaco, Texas, tango i runga i te toa o mua ao Antonio DeMarco (31-5-1, 23 Koó). Kapinga i runga i NBC haamata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT a ka whakaatu hoki i te rua o showdowns taumahamaha rite tūturu 2012 U.S. Häkinakina Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (16-0, 14 Koó) kanohi“Prince” Charles Martin (22-0-1, 20 Koó) a pakeke-patu Mexican-American Chris “Ko te moepapa” Arreola (36-4-1, 31 Koó) whawhai Travis “Toku Time” Kauffman (30-1, 22 Koó).
NBCSN kapinga ka timata i 6:00 p.m. AND/3:00 p.m. PT a ka haere tae noa ki 7:30 pm ET/4:30 pm PT. Ka tīmata anō NBCSN kapinga i 11 p.m. AND/8:00 p.m. PT e whai ake nei i te haapurororaa NBC me rere ki waenganui po ET/9:00 p.m. PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Leija Battah Whakatairanga, E utu i $220, $112, $85, $58 a $31, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.attcenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. Ka taea hoki e Tickets te hokona e te īmēram@leijabattahpromo.com karanga ranei (210) 979-3302.
He toa whakaongaonga nei e kore Irirangi atu i te mahi, Hoki Ortiz ki te mowhiti kotahi tau i muri i maru tona ringa i roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga, te mutu a tawhio toru o Manuel Parete. Ko te-tau 28-tawhito i te toa ao 147-pauna ka patua e ia Andre Berto i roto i 2011 ki te whakaturia ake te pupūtanga ki Floyd Mayweather. Kua pau te Kansas-Māori wā i roto i te tau tata ki te kiriata tūranga i roto i te kiriata pērā i “Southpaw” a “Ko te Expendables 3” engari ka hokiHakihea 12 hauora, me te rite ki te whawhai ki tona ara hoki ki te keokeonga o tona hākinakina.
I whānau a whakaarahia i roto i te Cleveland, Gaushawas he runaruna whakapaipai nei i riro mētara koura i te US. Toa National i roto i 2009 a 2012 me te kanohi i te US hei wāhanga o te 2012 Team Olympic. Ko te-tau 28-tawhito tūturu te mai tahuri pro i roto i 2012. I roto i te 2015 kua piro ia te wikitoria knockout mo Norberto Gonzalez, a patua Luis Grajeda ko Erietere Gonzalez i te whakatau.
Oxnard, California’s Centeno has long been one of boxing’s top prospects with victories over Ayi Bruce, Keandre Leatherwood, Angel Osuna and Gerardo Ibarra. I roto i te Hakihea 2014 he faced his stiffest test to date against James De La Rosa and passed with flying colors, scoring a spectacular fifth-round knockout. Te nuinga tata, ka mau te-tau 24-tawhito iho Lukasz Maciec i Mahuru, me te titiro ki te whakaoti i te tau ki tētahi atu mahi kaha.
Fighting i tona whenua o San Antonio, Barrioslooks mo te whitu o tona wikitoria o 2015 i runga iHakihea 12. Te tūmanako o te 20-tau-tawhito ki te hanga i runga i tona torohaki i muri i toa tana a'ee waru-a tawhio tuatahi i runga i Enrique Tinoco i runga i Noema 10.
Ko te teina o matua whai wāhi hui, me te mua toa ao Omar, tahuri pro te Figueroa-tau 18-tawhito i roto i te Mei i te hinga Hector Gutierrez me kua aru e ake i te tu Ricardo Mena ko Ramiro Ruiz. Ko te Weslaco, Titiro Texas-hua ki te hanga i te reira i te tino 2015 ka tomo ia ki te mowhiti i runga i Hakihea 12.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.premierboxingchampions.com a www.nbcsports.com/boxing, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, , OmarFigueroaJr, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionsa www.facebook.com/NBCSports. Highlights wātea i www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

UFC STAR KI KIA i te āheinga o mua AT NEF XX; MEET-ME-Oha atu ki a Fanongonongo

Lewiston, Maine (Whiringa 18, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” tenei Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. The fight promotion announced earlier today that Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) whitu Tim “Ko te he Tautangata” Boetsch (18-9) would be the guest of honor at the event. It was further announced that Boetsch will be available to meet fans in attendance and sign autographs from 6:00 ki 7:00 pmmua ki te whawhai tuatahi.


Boetsch te tangata whenua o Lincolnville, Maine. He is a lifelong wrestler, having won four state championships while attending Camden Hills Regional High School. Boetsch was inducted into the Maine Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2012. After high school, Boetsch e haere i runga i ki te whakataetae mō te Lock University Haven o Pennsylvania wahi parau tu'ite ia ki te tohu i roto i te ture toihara.


He is currently in his second stint with the UFC. Boetsch holds victories over many of the sport’s biggest names like Kendall Grove (22-15), Brad Tavares (13-4) ko Yushin Okami (30-10) just to name a few. Te nuinga tata, headlined ia “UFC whawhai Night 68” i roto i te New Orleans, Louisiana ki Rana Henderson (31-14). Boetsch is scheduled to face Ed Herman (23-11) i “UFC whawhai Night 81” i runga iJanuary 17, 2016 i roto i te Boston, Massachusetts. He is currently training with fellow UFC veteran Marcus “Ko te Irish Hand pohu” Davis i Davis’ Team Irish wāhi i roto i Brewer, Maine i roto i te faaineineraa no te te a'ee ka ū mai.


“Tino fiefia ki te tautoko Maine MMA,” ka mea Boetsch o tona ahua ka ū mai i NEF XX. “Titiro whakamua ki te mātakitaki i te kāri ki tonu i te nui whawhai me te whakatutuki i pā katoa i puta mai i roto ki te kite i te whakaatu whakaongaonga!”


"Kua ahau matakitaki ana Tim whakataetae ano he tangata whātōtō me te toi hōia whakauru mo tata 20 tau,"Tahi-rangatira NEF me matchmaker kī Matt Peterson. "Te tiaki ahau fakafefeka'i ia tona tukufakaholo i Maine runaruna nonoke mā te toa e wha taitara kāwanatanga te kura nui, ka ngakau ia i runga i rite ki whawhai ia tona ara ki hoko tetahi o nga tangata baddest i runga i te ao i roto i te Championship Ultimate Fighting. Tim, haere ki a Marcus Davis, Mike Brown me Tim Sylvia, hanga ake te Maunga Rushmore o Maine MMA, a ka waiho hei honore ki te whai ia ia, a Marcus e rua i roto i te haereraa i te i te 20th instalment o New England whawhai i runga i Noema 21st."


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” tu'asino tuu tenei Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei i www.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

Whakapono Murray kua tae mai tona wa kia karaunatia World Champion

Aperahama – Murray wahi o te taitara doubleheader ritua-pae tenei Rāhoroi i runga i RIARIA-te te rawa o whakangahau i 3 PM ET / 12 poutumarotanga PT

San Diego, Pērā i – Whiringa, 17 2015 -Martin Murray (32-2-1, 15 Koó) whakapono, kua tae mai te wa mo ia kia karaunatia World Champion rite faaineine ia mo te wha o tona honga taitara Ao ki WBO World Super whitu Champion Arthur Aperahama (43-4, 29 Koó) i runga i Whiringa 21 i te Tui Arena i Hannover, Germany., Tenei Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, ora i runga i WehiA WEALTH OF Tuhinga
Ko te whawhai ka waiho wahi o te taitara doubleheader ritua-pae e ka faatito hoki WBA toa Kōmāmā Darleys Parete parururaa i tona taitara ki Anthony Crolla i Manchester, Ingarangi timata i 3 PM ET / 12 Poutumarotanga PT
Ko te St. Helens tangata he waimarie kore ki te whai kē kī hōnore Ao, ka oti puritia ki te utu e Pirika Sturm i roto i 2011 a tupono atu ko ia ki runga ki te mutunga o te whakatau ngā tonu ki Sergio Martinez i he 2013.

Photo e Lawrence Lustig

He mahi toa ki Gennady Golovkin whai i 2015, otiia kihai i nui ki te hopu taitara whitu o te Kazakh. Na, whakapono ana te Champion Ingarangi me Commonwealth mua he tika te 'wā’ rite e hiahia ana ia ki te utu i runga i te wheako o mua ki te dethrone te Tiamana Champion.

”Ko Aperahama he toa nui, me te Ahau e tatari ahau he whawhai uaua engari ite tika ahau e te mea tika hoki ahau i te wā i teie nei,” heheu Murray. ”Whakaaro ahau kia kua mai toku whawhai taitara Ao tuatahi ki Sturm he iti bit wawe rawa. Peke ahau tonu i motu ki te taumata te ao, na ahakoa i reira ko te tautohe ki te mea riro ahau e whawhai, Whakaaro ahau i haere mai te reira ki hohoro hoki ahau.

”Ki Martinez, I mohio ahau i taea e ahau riro engari haere ki te whawhai i reira i tonu ētahi feaa. Notemea tenei wa, E mohio ana ahau i ahau ki reira i roto i ahau ki te riro. Kua hokona e ahau te wheako mowhiti, Kua hokona e ahau te mohio-pehea, a ite tino ahau, ahakoa i roto i te Germany, Kei te haere ahau ki te tiki i te kapiti ataahua o te whiu.”

Murray, nei te tuhituhi kua toru te whakauru i roto i te tawhiti mai i neke ake ki te whitu super, ta te tatari ia i te 'pai Arthur Aperahama’ ka mīharo ki ngā tata a te Champion.

”Titiro Arthur kua nui i roto i tona whakamutunga e rua mahi,” Na ka mea te 33 tau-tau. ”Whakaaro ahau ka kia anga ahau te pai Arthur Aperahama i runga i Rāhoroi po. Kia o wareware ia Paora Smith he iti moka i roto i to ratou whawhai tuatahi, otiia e kore e whakaaro ahau kei te haere ia ki te kaitirotiro ahau. E mohio ana ia he he whawhai nui hoki ia, me te whawhai meá tenei, na Ua papû te haere ia ki te tahuri ake i roto i runga huru ahau.”

Ka taea e pā mekemeke oaoa i tenei kāri mīharo i runga i te wehi wātea i runga i AT&T U-Verse, ch 147 a 1147 i roto i te HD, Verizon FiOS TV, ch 169 a 669 i roto i te HD, me te maha kaiwhakarato taura rohe puta noa i te iwi. Koa tirohia www.awetv.com no te mekemeke whakahōu.

RIARIA LIVE Mekemeke āhuatanga taitara ora ao aito me whakakorenga pāngia whakaatu whawhai whakaongaonga tino o tenei ra. Mai te tīmatanga o ngā mekemeke ora o te RIARIA i roto i 2011, Kua roaa RIARIA maha Mekemeke Writers Association o Amerika köharinga “Whawhai o te Tau” a ngā Kua runga ngā mekemeke te piha haapiiraa e toru tekau te ao. I roto i te 2013, Whakaaturia RIARIA pāngia ora katoa ngā taumahamaha Rawiri Price. RIARIA Whakapāho ora nga raruraru auheke o Tony Thompson mo Rawiri Price, me kāri Tamutu Stevenson me Tony Bellew, i whawhai tahi i te tahi no te te taitara taumahamaha marama; 2008 Olympic Gold Medal toa James DeGale. Kawea mai RIARIA pā mekemeke e rua o te pāngia tino tautohetia i kite Ricky Burns pupuri ana i tana taitara Kōmāmā ki Ray Beltran. Pā RIARIA kua ite i te mana taikaha o te taumahamaha tūturu Tyson riri wa maha i runga i te whatunga, tae atu te wikitoria a riri ki runga ki Kevin Johnson. I roto i te 2014, RIARIA teata te whakakarauna o toa Kōmāmā Terence Crawford ki tona win mo Burns te rematches whakaongaonga i waenganui Carl Frampton ko Kiko Martinez me te Tony Bellew hinga a Natana i totoa e me te.

Mō RIARIA – He taonga e o Entertainment

He taonga e o Entertainment (“Wehi”) āhuatanga i te whānuitanga o ngā āhua noho, me te whakangahau hōtaka i te haere tāwāhi me utuafare rutaki te ki te ora te ao mekemeke aito whānui. Ngā RIARIA te i runga i runga i te rau kaiwhakarato taura, tae atu AT&T U-Verse, ch 147 a 1147 i roto i te HD ko Verizon FiOS TV, ch 169 a 669 i roto i te HD. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, tirohia www.awetv.com.


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Brooklyn (Whiringa 18, 2015) – New York City Fire Department (FDNY) Kamupene Engine 234 i roto i te Brooklyn tāmate Will Rosinsky (19-2, 10 Koó) Ko te rite ki te tohu i te FDNY ina e ia i runga i Joe Smith Jr. (19-1, 16 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa tukinga marama taumahamaha i runga i Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5 i Center Barclays i Brooklyn.
Rosinsky ka fehangahangai tetahi o nga wero mai- o tona mahi i roto i te tūturu Semita tamaiti, engari ia e kipaina i runga i te tangata maia mahi ia ki waho te mowhiti i runga i te rā, “Ite e ahau kia rite ki ahau te tari katoa ahi ki te tohu me e te mea kei te haere ki te pei i ahau i roto i te whawhai,” ka mea a Rosinsky.
“Fighting i roto i New York, tautautefito Brooklyn, te wahi i toku whakangungu tīmata tuatahi, homai ki ahau he tikanga o te whakamarie me te hihiri. Te riroraa i te koati o te rohe me te mahi i roto i taua paro, Ite e ahau kia rite ki e te FDNY i Barclays Pirihitini katoa ki te tautoko i ahau i te taha o toku pā ra-kotahi.”
A 2005 U.S. toa runaruna, Riro Rosinsky nga karapu Golden New York whakataetae he wha nga wa faka'ohovale i mua i te tahuri pro i roto i 2008. Puta noa i tona mahi pro, I te mahi ia tamau i rite te mātanga EMT.
Heoi, i muri i te wikitoria i roto i te Hakihea 2012, I takoha Rosinsky ki te manga atu i te takaro i whakawhiti ki te hoko ko ha mēmipa taimi kakato o te FDNY. I te mutunga o tona wā'ahi'ahi'anga i te FDNY, Rosinsky ko te mutunga taea ki te tīmata anō tana mahi mekemeke i roto i te puna o tenei tau. Na, Whakapauhia e ia wa i runga i rua o ona hihiritanga ngaio.
“Kua ahau ki te whai fakatapui rite ki toi e rua, me te taea e tino rite te faaineineraa,” ka mea a Rosinsky, nei ka timata tana mahi 14-0. “E koe ki te faaineine no te te wheako take kino i roto i te tauira e whawhai a kino take ki te ahi. He nui atu kino te hunga ahi ahakoa.”
Tikiti mo te a'ee Rosinsky-Smith, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Joe DeGuardia o Star Mekemeke, tīmata i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays.
Te Hakihea 5 headlined hui e te hui matua SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING e rua toa whitu ao Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó) ki te toa o mua te ao Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó) ki te kapinga teata timata ora i runga i SHOWTIME i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

TANIELU JACOBS, Yuri kaiwhakahauhau & Heather Hardy Brooklyn korukī MEDIA workout & Whakaahua

(Photo Credit Rosie Cohe / SHO)
“WÄTEA KATOA: Jacobs vs. Quillin” Premieres te pō nei I SHOWTIME®
Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Watch Jacobs Kauwhautia mai tona Walk Ring Ki Marching Band
I Brownsville Recreational Center: http://s.sho.com/1H7jcVC
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME
Brooklyn (Nov. 17, 2015) – WBA whitu World Champion Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs, toa o mua te ao Yuri Foreman me te super tūturu whā nguha Heather “Ko te Heat” Hardy whakahaerehia te īngoa pāpāho Rātū i a Gleason Faleva'inga i to ratou whenua o Brooklyn faaineine ratou mo o ratou whawhai rātou ki runga i Rāhoroi, Dec. 5 i Center Barclays.
Jacobs ka tiakina e tona taitara ki toa tūturu mua Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin i roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® hui matua ki te kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND/PT. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, WBA mā World Champion Ihu Cuellar (27-1, 21 Koó) Ka fehangahangai nguha Puerto Rican whakaongaonga Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo (26-4, 16 Koó).
“WÄTEA KATOA: Jacobs vs. Quillin,” e lēkooti te buildup ki te katoa-Brooklyn pupūtanga, premieres tenei po i 8:30 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME. This clip features Jacobs as he watches The Approaching Storm marching band rehearse his ring walk music at the Brownsville Recreational Center: http://s.sho.com/1H7jcVC
Ei tuhaa o te undercard tāpae ki runga taranata NYC, Ka tangohia Hardy i runga i Naomi Forests i roto i te waru-a tawhio rematch whā super o te wikitoria a Hardy ritua whakatau mo bosques i Mei. Hoki mai Foreman ki te mowhiti i muri i tango atu te wa i mekemeke ki te riro i te lāpai fakanofo a ka whakataetae i roto i te waru-a tawhio whakataetae super Welterweight.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, tīmata i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com mā te karanga ranei 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays.
Tenei ko te aha te whawhai i ki te mea Rātū:
“Whakaaro ahau oku pūkenga e he painga. Skills utu i nga pire. I te mutunga o te ra i ahau he rota o te pūkenga mo 'Chocolate Kid.’ Tere he kotahi. Te ia pea he puncher nui me fakanatula taimaha. Ki te taua katoa mana, nei ia ki te tiki ki ahau. E ia ki te e taea ki te whenua te hunga pupuhi.
“Kei te haere ahau ki te whakarite. Aroha ahau knockouts. Ki te taea e mutu e ahau ki te knockout e te aha e meatia e ahau. Ko te whai ahau ki te whakamahi i taku pūkenga me oku painga.
“Hanga Quillin taimaha i roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga a kua pera tūmanako ia he kaiako hou kaha i hanga e ia taimaha mo tenei tetahi. E hiahia ana ahau ki a ia kia ki 110 ōrau kia kahore he ngatahi ka taea e hoatu e matou te pā he whawhai nui.
“Au ahau i pā ana ki 170 pauna tika i teie nei, kia whai ahau 10 pauna ki te haere. Ko te wai te nuinga kia ka haere te reira hohoro a ka riro matou pai i te po whawhai.
“Ko Time te wheako nui taea e koe. I tata katoa tangohia atu te reira i ahau. Hinengaro, Ahau i reira. Te pae tino, Ahau i reira. Ko te toku wa, me te tika i ahau ki te kia rite Dec. 5.
“Kua hāngai ahau i roto i Long Island, a Brooklyn mo te puni whakangungu. Whiwhi ahau ki te kite i Brooklyn i nga ra katoa. Ahau i roto i te huarahi, me te ki te iwi faata'i-i roto i. Te i konei te tikanga o atu a tae noa ki ahau.
“Te haere ki te waiho i te pai, whawhai tahi-friendly. Kua rongo ahau i rota o rerekē whakaaro e pā ana ki te tangata e haere ki te riro, me ahau i rite e. I te mutunga o te ra, te reira e pā ana ki ata mohiotia tatou nei e te toa.
“Kua kua ahau whakahau mo tenei whawhai mo te wa roa. Kihai i whakaaro ahau e pā ana ki te hunga e hiahia ana ahau ki te haere i muri i te mea te riro ahau engari haere ahau ki te whawhai i te pai, me te mahi i toku ara ki te i te pai i roto i te wehenga.”
Yuri kaiwhakahauhau
“Mekemeke Ko te hākinakina rawa varua. Whai ara rerekē tatou katoa. Toku whakapono Nā faatumuhia i ahau, ka arotahi. Taea e koe te tangata. Ka taea e koe te rabbi, me te tonu kia whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i Center Barclays.
“Ko te te mahi taua, (Kua ahau i) mahi pakeke mai i Pipiri me te maka ana i roto i te rota o te haora i roto i te omaoma. I roto i ngā o te faaineineraa, Te tamata tonu ahau ki te pana ahau. A, no te whiwhi ahau ngenge, E hiahia ana ahau ki te pana ahau uaua noa.
“Ka rite te tango koe i te reira ngāwari ki runga ki koe, e te ka whai koe i te raruraru. Rawa i roto i te mekemeke. Kua kore tangohia e ahau tetahi pokatata. Ki te tangohia e koe pokatata i roto i tenei hākinakina e haere koe ki te tiki kino ia.
“He rerekē katoa kaimekemeke kotahi rite e ahu whakamua ana, na e kore ahau e arotahi ana ki te titiro tetahi e taea e te taata e hoatu ki ahau. Arotahi ahau ki runga ki ahau, me te mahi ki te hei i te pai Yuri Foreman taea e ahau.
“Ko te motuhake rawa ki te whawhai i Center Barclays no te mea ko toku whare tenei a mau e ora ana ahau tika poraka atu i te ao. Nōku te ahau ki te kia a tawhio noa kia maha whawhai nui te hunga i runga i tenei kāri. Taea e te katoa te haere mai tahi i raro i tetahi tuanui ki te mataara i te hākinakina nui.
“Au noho ahau pai e pā ana ki Dec. 5. E kore e taea e ahau matapae no te mea te reira mekemeke a taea tetahi mea tupu. Te reira e anake kotahi pere. Kei te pėhea e ahau he po angitu me te wikitoria mīharo hoki ahau.”
Heather Hardy
“Kihai i Holly Holm whakamatau e kore i taea e Ronda Rousey whawhai, no te mea ko Ronda he toa pai. Ia tika whakamatauria e reira he rota o whawhai wahine pai. He wahi katoa whawhai wahine pai, me te tūmanako ka whiwhi tatou i te āhukahuka i reira tetahi wai kaukauranga kei nui o kaitäkaro wahine e kore e e mōhiotia.
“Ko te he whawhai nui te wa whakamutunga. To tatou tahi momo hoa, ka hoatu e matou a ratou he whakaatu. He aroaro nui i roto i te whakakai ia na koa ana au ki te hoatu ki a ia he rematch.
“Ite e ahau kia rite ki ahau ki te hanga i te tauākī taime atoa e haere e ahau i roto i reira tika ki te whakamatau e no te mau vahine i roto i te whakakai. Te reira tonu te whawhai ki te whakamatau e no tatou. He pera maha whawhai wahine pai i roto i reira.
“Kua pai kia ki ahau Brooklyn mekemeke, kua me ahau lāngilangi'ia ke e taea ki te whawhai i Center Barclays. Kau Quillin riro taua whawhai i roto i te Hakihea tīmata ahau te ani Lou DiBella ki te hoatu i ahau i runga i te kāri, me te inaianei kei konei tatou.
“Whakaaro ahau kei te haere i te hui matua ki te waiho i te whawhai nui. E kore e taea e ahau te tiki i te toa. E kore koe e taea e tatau i roto i te toa. He toa he ngakau nui, me te taea te whawhai tahuri i tetahi taime.”
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

E kore Frank De Alba titiro mua Ihu nita tenei Rāmere, Whiringa 20 i te 2300 Arena i roto i te South Philadelphia

Plus tūturu Antowyan Aikens, Terrence Williams, Hafiz Montgomery me Scott Kelleher

Philadelphia , PA (Whiringa 17, 2015)–Ki te whawhai nui te titiro ia ia i roto i te mata, E kore te Frank De Alba titiro mua Ihu nita Tenei Po te Paraire, Whiringa 20 as King’s Promotions will present a big night of professional boxing at the 2300 Arena i roto i te South Philadelphia.

De Alba o te Reading, PA e ha lekooti o 16-1-2 ki ono knockouts me kua riro 14 pāngia tika me he hinga kore i roto i tona whakamutunga 16.

Nita o Fort Myers, Florida he lekooti o 7-14-1 ki 1 knockout.
“He nui nga mea katoa. My weight is good and I am just waiting for Friday,”Said De Alba.
“E mohio ana ahau, kua whawhai nita te rota o te opuaraa me contenders. He is a tough Mexican and I won’t underestimate him. I trained for this fight 100% rite titiro ahau i a ia kia rite ki pai s ahau ki te ko ia he toa tūturu.”
Ka tae mai taua aho o te whakaaro i roto i te pepa rite ki te wini, Penciled De Alba te roto ki te whawhai amanaki tūturu Omar Douglas i runga i Hakihea 29.
De Alba a Douglas i whakaritea ki te whawhai i runga i August 1, engari ka whakatika te take hauora tuarua whakamutunga mō De Alba a kua ki kia hiki te whawhai.
“Ko ahau te taata pai, engari ko ahau e whakama. I lost a big opportunity, engari ite e ahau e kore te auraa te whawhai ki te hei i runga i taua rā mana'o ahau. I just stayed positive and got right back in the gym as soon as possible. If everything goes well, ka Hakihea 29 Ko te rā e whawhai ki ahau, ko Omara. I am certainly not looking past Rāmere. I just want everyone to come out and see a great fight on Friday.
Kua tētahi undercard Kikī o te taranata rohe kua huihui.

I roto i te 6-a tawhio noa Super a'ee, Antowyan Aikens (10-0, 1 KO) o Atlantic City, Ka tangohia nj i runga i Tahir Thomas (4-0, 3 KO o) o Salisbury, MD.
I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio noa:

Christopher Brooker (4-1, 4 KO o) o Philadelphia, Ka whawhai PA Jade Ealy (1-2, 1 KO) o Atlanta, GA i roto i te a'ee Super whitu.

Terrence Williams (4-0, 1 KO) o Harrisburg, Ka tangohia PA i runga i hōia Edgar Parete(6-16, 3 KO o) o Chicago, IL i roto i te a'ee Super whitu.

Ryan Bivins (0-1) o Philadelphia Te pakanga debuting pro Daryl Bunting o Vineland, NJ i roto i te a'ee Super whitu tekau.

Hafiz Montgomery (1-0) o York, Ka whawhai PA Devon Mosley (0-3-1) o Capitol Heights, Maryland i roto i te take Cruiserweight.

Tyrell Colston ka meinga tona tuatahi pro o Philadelphia ki Hector Perez (2-1, KO ') o Atlantic City, Nj i roto i te whawhai Cruiserweight.

Ely Mendez (1-1) o te Reading, Ka tangohia PA i runga i Derrick Bivins (1-3-2) o Philadelphia, PA i roto i te whakataetae mā whitu.

Corey Morley ka meinga tona tuatahi pro o Philadelphia ki Brian Donahue (3-13-2) o Philadelphia i roto i te whawhai taumahamaha.

Scott Kelleher (2-0, 1 KO) Ka pouaka o Philadelphia Jack Grady (0-1-1) o Buffalo, NY i roto i te whakataetae Kōmāmā.

Ka taea te hokona tikiti mo $100, $75 a $50 e ka kia hokona mā te pāwhiri

Miguel cotto VU. Canelo Alvarez - WHO Ka autu te ON NOVEMA 21?

Rongonui, SPORTS ATĀTĀ ME kaituhi MEDIA FAI rātou matapae NO TE EPIC Puerto Rico VU. Mexico Showdown

ORA MAI TE Mandalay BAY mua CENTER I Las Vegas AND hua, ka tohaina e HBO UTU-PER-VIEW

Las Vegas (Nov. 17, 2015) - Kei te hanga i Buzz mo te huinga pupūtanga hautoa mō tenei Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21 ka Ring Magazine whitu World Champion Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Koó) a mua e rua-wā Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Koó) ka whakatau i roto i te whakakai i te Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas mo te Ring Magazine whitu World Championship.

Home ki etahi o nga whawhai nui ki te ake reihi e ake nga karapu, Kua roa kua he tino o te pā mekemeke no te whai wāhi ki te mataara whawhai ki huinga pūkenga ahurei, me te të whäwhä o te wehenga whitu whakataetae i runga i nui ngā wāhanga o te hākinakina o.


Ka rite ki 20-wa toa whitu ao Bernard Hopkins mea kua o te wehenga i kingi ai ia mo neke atu i te tekau tau, "E te mana o te heavyweights te wehenga whitu, me te tere o te flyweights. Ko te aha te wehenga whitu ka tonu kia kotahi o te whaimana wehenga o te katoa-wā. "


I roto i te 2015, he rōpū o Middleweights kei roto i te waenganui o te titauraa ki te tāpiri i to ratou ake ingoa ki te rārangi i faahitihia, a timata ki te Whiringa 21 whawhai mega i waenganui i Puerto Rico o Miguel cotto me o Mexico Canelo Alvarez i te Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i Las Vegas; te wā o te "New Kings o te Division whitu" Kua tīmata te.

Cotto vs. Canelo Kei te te auaha ake ki te hei i te whawhai nui i roto i te mekemeke i tēnei tau, me te whawhai nui i roto i te hītori o te rongonui Puerto Rico vs. Mexico totohe. Raro nei te mea rongonui, tau hākinakina, kaituhi pāpāho me ētahi atu whawhai i ki te mea e pā ana ki o ratou te rakaraka mo te putanga o cotto vs. Canelo i runga i Nov. 21:


Sugar Ray Leonard , E ono-Time World Champion me Olympic Gold fetia:

"Ahau i rite ki cotto no te mau tumu hoê mana'ona'oraa, me te mo te mea kua auraa ia ki te hākinakina me te mekemeke pā! Kua whakawhanakehia Canelo ka tupu haere te ara, ka tangohia ki te kura ki tetahi o te pai i roto i Mayweather. Ki te riro cotto e Miguel cotto mahara ahau, ka riro ia i te atamai, whakatau hangarau, me te mātātoa. "


Lennox Lewis, Motuhake World Heavyweight Champion me Olympic Gold fetia:


"Au kato ahau cotto mo Canelo no te mea kua ia te wheako tino."


George Foreman, E rua-Time Heavyweight Champion me Olympic Gold fetia:


"Ka riro te reira i te pakanga o te wira rite ratou e te taurite ki āu. I roto i toku whakaaro, Ka tīmata mea ki te wehe i muri i. Canelo Alvarez nifó rite te muera. Cotto e kore e tika i te ngakau ki te rere; ka tu ia ki te whawhai i muri i ono rauna me i te iwa o tawhio ka tino pea e KO'D ia e Canelo. "


Tom Loeffler, Te whakahaere i Kaiwhakahaere o K2 Whakatairanga me Gennady "GGG" Golovkin,Nāianei Unified WBA, IBF, WBC ko IBO whitu Champion:


"Kia waiho hei whawhai nui i waenganui i rua toa me toa tamatahia e rua. Haere te mata ki Canelo rite ko ia to muri, ka pae tino nui atu i cotto, heoi e kore e taea e koutou tatau i roto i cotto ki Freddie Roach i roto i tona kokonga. Kite Tom reira rite Canelo i te whakatau, a te whakaaro Gennady ka mutu Canelo cotto mutunga. "


Sylvester Stallone, Academy Tohu Kaitakawaenga titiro i roto i "Creed":


"Ka riro tetahi o te hunga eé e rua mo te tino."


Mario Lopez, Kaihautū o "anō":


"E haere ana matou mo Canelo. Taku mateaki ko ki Oscar De La Hoya me Whakatairanga Boy Golden. Ko te nui Puerto Rico, me te totohe Mexican tenei. "


Rosie Parete, Manohi Kareena American:

"Kei te piripiri ahau ki toku hoa Boricua. Win ngaro te utu ranei, Miguel cotto te ara katoa!”


Kate Del Castillo, Manohi Kareena Mexican titiro i roto i "Te 33":

"Aue, e toku gosh, e kidding koutou ahau? Canelo, o te akoranga! O te akoranga!"


John Rawiri Washington, Star o te raupapa HBO "Ballers":


"Tatou i te pā he mo te whawhai mahi hihiri Kikī i roto i. Kia tutu me te whakaari. Aroha ana ahau ki cotto no te mea he ngakau katoa ia. Canelo Ko te kararehe me te ake ite i teie nei. I can’t call it. He aha e taea e ahau te matapae he pono ka tenei hei whawhai ratarata, me te tahi tetahi o nga whawhai tino ngahau hiahiatia kahore hype tenei tau. Ka whiwhi tatou utu tatou moni o. "


Bruce Buffer, Official Tapawaru kaipāho mō UFC:


"Riro rua cotto me Canelo pūkenga mekemeke me ngā momo e ka meinga he whawhai nui-tia'ihia i roto i te whakakai tapawha rite ka kawea mai e ratou te whawhai ki tahi i te tahi. Hoatu e ahau i te mata ki Miguel cotto a kia te tangata pai i taua po win. "


Claudio Sanchez, Arahina Singer ko kutā mo Coheed me Cambria:


"Miguel cotto. Tona wheako, tona kaiwhakangungu hou Freddie Roach me ia mahue matau ki te tinana ka waiho te kī ki te patu Canelo Alvarez. Viva Puerto Rico!"


Erick Aybar, Kāti poto hoki te toa Atlanta:

“Ahau rite cotto no te mea ko ia he kaimekemeke atu mātanga, he puncher uaua me te ārahi tonu te whakaeke. "

Angie Martinez, American Personality Radio me "Te reo o New York" i runga i Power 105.1:


"Cotto, i te whakatau. "


Rusney Castillo, Kaihopu Matau mo te Boston Red Sox:


"Whai ahau ki te tautoko i to tatou melo o te utuafare Roc Nation, Miguel Cotto, i roto i tona whawhai ki a Canelo Alvarez i runga i Nov. 21. Kia kaua ahau e mōhio he aha a tawhio noa, ka taea e ia Canelo, ko ahau māia e ka tangohia cotto te po ahau!"


Larry Merchant, Fuoloa mekemeke Kaitātari me te kaikōrero mō te HBO Sports:

"Kupu Tahito, 'Te tikanga kia mahi Tupú.' Canelo, 25, i te TKO i roto i te taka noa 10.


Kupu Old hoki e mea, 'Tonu i whawhai nui kotahi whawhai nui mahue i roto ia ratou.' Cotto, 35, i te whakatau.


I faataotohia Canelo, anuhea vs. Mayweather; toheroa pono vs. Kirkland. Cotto anō-whakatapua, ka whakahokia e ia vs. pato'iraa pera-na. Na reira, Kua hokona e ahau Canelo. "


Rana Rafael, ESPN.com:


“Cotto is a great fighter who will be in the Hall of Fame someday but Canelo might join him there eventually and he is 10 tau teina, me te katoa rota ngawari. Boxing is usually a young man’s game so I am going with Canelo by a late knockout.”


Kevin Iole, Yahoo! Sports:


"Canelo i te whakatau. He rota o te iwi ngaro whakapono i roto i te Canelo i muri i ngaro ia ki Floyd Mayweather Jr. Mayweather i taua ki te rota o te whawhai. Alvarez Ko te toa lahi pūmanawa nei kua ako te rota mai i taua whawhai. He punches well with both hands and is increasingly putting his punches together well. Te ia te tangata fakanatula nui me he to'u tupú i runga i tona taha. Kua a cotto te mutunga o-mahi anō kua pupü, i roto i te wahi, e iti iho i te pato'iraa oranga. Sergio Martinez ko i te mutunga o te raina ka whawhai ratou. Ahau nui faatura cotto, a ka te haere ia ki te hanga i te reira i te whawhai, ko ahau te whakaaro i te nui, ka riro to muri, ka kaha te tangata ki reira. "


Tim Dahlberg, Associated Press:


"Whakaaro ahau e waiho hei whawhai pai wawe ki te whawhai e rua tango etahi whiu. I roto i te mutunga, Whakaaro ahau e kakahu iho cotto Alvarez ka riro i te TKO i roto i te 11th a tawhio noa. "

Lyle Fitzsimmons, CBSSports.com:

"E kore e taea e ahau haamana'o i te whawhai-kōtaha tiketike tata e mea rite kia nui te 50/50 whakaaro haere i roto i. Cotto nei te anō me te huinga pükenga. He Canelo te taitamarikitanga, me te rahi. I roto i te mutunga, Whakaaro ahau tenei e waiho te whawhai i roto i nei te taitama nei te akapapu e no ia i roto i nga kiea, te whakamahi i te painga i roto i te pūngao ki te kawe ia ki te wini kuiti i roto i te whawhai whiunga. Canelo e whakatau. "

Lance Pugmire, Ko te Los Angeles Times:

"Kia whakatau to'u tupú Canelo Alvarez o me te mana i tenei whawhai.


Ahakoa, ki te he te mātau Miguel cotto, atu toa rauhanga, Ko te pea ki te e unu ki te whawhai i reira, ka whiua Alvarez ia ia, a pea ka tupu te reira maha nui ki te hua i roto i te wikitoria mutu te mutunga o. Ka mea ahau, 11a tawhio th. "


Jeff Powell, Ko te Daily Mail:


"Canelo i te whakatau.


Ahakoa kua āta whakangungu Freddie Roach o whakapai ake cotto, Ka taea te taitamarikitanga, me te kaha i roto i te mea pea ki te waiho i te whawhai tata i roto i te whitu waru ranei tuatahi rauna ki Canelo toia atu i roto i te wāhanga i muri mai. "


Sergio Machado, NBCDeportes.com:


"Kua Miguel cotto kua me tonu ko te kaimekemeke nui, mau tetahi o te pai i roto i te aamu. Heoi, mekemeke, rite tino nui nga mea katoa atu i roto i te oraraa, He huringa whakatupuranga, me kia te wa mo ki Canelo Álvarez tango i te rama, me te whakapumau ia kia rite ki tetahi o nga mata tino rongonui o te hākinakina tenei. Canelo tohu i te raruraru nui mō te cotto no o tona kaha. I roto i te torutoru ona parekura, a tae noa i roto i te tahi mau toa, Kua whakakitea cotto raruraru ina tangata patua ia ki te kaha. Cotto pai ki te whai wāhi me te me te tahi mea tino mōrearea ki te hoariri ki te rongonui ringa taimaha tenei. Whakaaro ahau Canelo he tupono pīrahi ki KO cotto i roto i te rauna i muri ".


Francisco Cuevas, NBC Sports:


"A, no te whakatau rua kaimekemeke rite Canelo ko cotto i roto i te mowhiti ko te hui nui mō te mekemeke. Kia riro no te mea o tona wheako, me te haamo'araa cotto engari kia hoki riro no te mea o tona tamarikitanga, me te kaha Canelo. I te mutunga o te ra, ka riro i te i kārangarangatia huri noa i te ao, mamata ki ha ōrite matarohia pono i waenganui i toa e rua. "


Brian Campbell, ESPN.com:


"Cotto i te whakatau.


Painga o Canelo i roto i te rahi me te taitamarikitanga he pakeke ki te tau'a ore. Ko mata o cotto i roto i te wheako e te mutunga hei te tauwehe faaotiraa. Ka taea e te atu cotto whakamahi tona matau kaha mahue ki te werowero i Canelo i tahuri i te whawhai ki te whawhai, te nui te whakatuwheratanga, ka waiho mo te ata Puerto Rican ki te pupuri i te reira i te kēmu mekemeke, e nui ki tona manakohia. "

Steve Kim, UCNLive.com:


"I roto i te mea e whakapono ana ahau ko te whawhai rawa whakanoho iho ki āu, Whakaaro ahau faifai ka taea te taitamarikitanga, me au e kato e ahau a Haora Alvarez ki niao Miguel cotto i roto i te mea e riro i te whakataetae pakeke-whawhai e ka kite whitiki o te mahi nui me te hīrere i roto i te torohaki.”


Steve Springer, Kaituhi me mua Los Angeles Times Award-Winning Sports Kaituhi:


"Canelo i te whakatau wahia.


Kihai ko Canelo rite hoki te wa pirimia ka whawhai Mayweather, engari ko tana wa tenei.

I 35, Tonu kua ētahi whawhai i mahue i roto ia ia cotto, engari ka whakaatu tona matahiti Rāhoroi po.

I roto i te uaua, whakataetae, kēmu maha nanakia, Ka te rama e haere. "


Robert Littal, BlackSportsOnline.com:


"Whakaaro ahau Miguel cotto te haere ki te ohorere etahi iwi, me te hoatu i te haapiiraa mekemeke i runga i Canelo. Freddie Roach is one of the best of putting a game plan together and exploiting weaknesses, Whakaaro ahau kua kite ia pehea Canelo he raruraru ki te kaupapa me te kaimekemeke pai. You are going to see a combination of excellent boxing, korero me te mana ki pahaki i cotto me ia e ipu ki te whakatau pule loto. "


Rawiri Avila, TheSweetScience.com:


"I mua i cotto timata whakangungu ki Freddie Roach, E kua e ahau tangohia Canelo e KO. Ko meinga cotto kua he toa hangarau ake a rautaki i raro i Roach. Na, I consider it a deadlocked even fight. I see it ending in a draw.”


Cotto vs. Canelo, he whawhai 12-a tawhio mō cotto o Ring Magazine whitu World Championship, e wahi Rāhoroi, Nov. 21 i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas. Te aroaro o te whawhai e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, ka tautoko e Corona tāpiri; Mexico, Ora i te reira ki te Tui i te reira!; O'Reilly Wāhanga Aunoa; Made Tequila Cazadores me Corporate Travel Simple (CTMS). Ano i runga i te telecast utu-ia-tirohanga ka waiho Takashi Miura vs. Francisco Vargas i roto i te tahi-ngā whawhai 12-a tawhio mo te WBC Super mā whitu World Championship te aroaro i roto i te feohi ki Teiken Whakatairanga; Guillermo Rigondeaux vs. Drian Francisco i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa whā super a'ee te aroaro i roto i te feohi ki Caribe Whakatairanga; a Jayson Vélez vs. Ronny Rios Ko te whitu a'ee 10-a tawhio noa e whakatuwhera te telecast utu-ia-tirohanga. Ka hua te hui, ka wehea ora e HBO Pay-Per-Tiro timata i 9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT.


Randy Caballero vs. Lee Haskins, he whawhai 12-a tawhio mo te IBF whā World Championship, Kei te te aroaro i roto i te feohi ki Bristol Mekemeke Ltd. a ka kia ngā hei wāhanga o te undercards tuatahi e wātea ana i runga i ngä tüäpapa mamati tīmata i 7:00 p.m. AND/4:00 p.m. PT.


I tua atu ki te mahi nui i roto i te whakakai, Ka ngā te hui he mahi ora motuhake e 2015 Latin Grammy tautapa Yandel. Ka hua te mahi, me te tohaina ora e HBO Kia-Per-Tirohia muri i te whawhai tuarua o te telecast utu-ia-tirohanga.


He iti te maha o tīkiti utu i $2,000, $1,750, $1,250 a $650, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, Ka taea te hokona i te tari pouaka Mandalay Bay, ticketmaster.com,mandalaybay.com, ngā tauwāhi katoa Ticketmaster ranei i karanga (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Tikiti mo viewings ara iahiko kati o cotto vs. Canelo i tīpako Resorts MGM utu āhuatanga International i Las Vegas e i $75, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, and can be purchased at all MGM Resorts International Ticket Offices, http://www.ticketmaster.com, ngā tauwāhi katoa Ticketmaster ranei i karanga (800) 745-3000.


Miguel cotto vs. Ka kia te aroaro Canelo Alvarez ora ki te rapu Events i roto i te whare tīpako te motu. Tikiti mo whakaaturanga whare tapere o cotto vs. Canelo Ka taea te hokona ipurangi mā te torowww.FathomEvents.com ranei i whai wāhi tari pouaka whakaari. Hoki te rārangi katoa o ngā wāhi whare tapere e hahaere nei www.fathomevents.com/event/cotto-vs-canelo-live.


Sports tutaki, wharekai, hōtera (waho o County Clark, NV) a taea ētahi atu ngä arumoni tono cotto vs. Canelo mā te whakapā Joe Ringa Whakatairanga i 1-800-557-4263 toronga ranei www.JoeHandPromotions.com. Joe Ringa Whakatairanga Ko te distributor motuhake arumoni mō cotto vs. Canelo puta noa i te United States me Canada.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.rocnation.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.canelopromotions.com.mxwww.hbo.com/boxing awww.mandalaybay.com; te whai i runga i Twitter iRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, koMandalayBay; riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/RealMiguelACotto, www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxinga www.facebook.com/MandalayBay; me te whai i runga i Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing KoMandalayBay. A pee i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #CottoCanelo.

Arthur Aperahama – Martin Murray WBO Super taitara a'ee tapiritia ki Parete – Crolla This Saturday on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment at 3 PM ET

San Diego, Pērā i – Whiringa, 16 2015 -Tenei SATURDAY!! Ka riro te reira i te doubleheader aito i runga i RIARIA- He taonga i o mahi whakangahau rite te Arthur Aperahama – Martin Murray WBO Super taitara a'ee i Hanover, Germany has been added to the already announced broadcast featuring the rematch between WBA Lightweight champion Darleys Perez and Anthony Crolla from Manchester, Ingarangi.

“Ahau pai ai, kia taea ki te kawe i tenei whawhai ki nga pā mekemeke American ahau,” ka mea a Charles Herring, Peresideni o te RIARIA

Kua Aperahama kua he toa i roto i taumahawaenga ko Super whitu wehenga mo te wahi pai o te tekau tau whakamutunga, He lekooti o 43-4 ki 29 knockouts.

Riro ia te taitara IBF whitu ki te Tuhinga 5 tawhio noa ki runga Kingsley Ikeke i runga i Hakihea 10, 2005 a ka mau te taitara 10 wa i whakaurua 7 knockouts. Ia ka tomo te Super 6 Patototanga Super whitu whakataetae, me te i roto i te toa whitu motuhake o mua Jermain Taylor i roto i 12 rauna.

Whanau ake ta Aperahama he papatu rua-wehenga ao ka riro ia te whakatau loto 12-a tawhio noa ki runga ki Robert Stieglitz i runga i August 25, 2012. I muri kotahi korero angitu, ngaro ia te taitara ki Stieglitz, engari e toru whawhai i muri mai riro hoki te reira mā ritua whakatau 12-a tawhio noa. Kua awhina a Aperahama i te whitiki pai te toru nga wa e ngā te mutu a tawhio 6 mo Stieglitz i roto i to ratou a'ee 4 i runga i Hōngongoi 18.

Murray o St. Helens, Ingarangi he lekooti o 32-2-1. Riro ia tona tuatahi 26 pāngia i kitea e te toa i te whakataetae Prizefighter i roto i 2008 a hinga rua whawhai tūturu i roto i te tukanga. Toa ano Murray mo Kevin Concepcion (14-1), Sergey Khomitsky (22-5-1), Shalva Jomardashvili (26-1, Carlos Nascimento (25-2), John Anderson Carvalho (21-4-1), Nick Blackwell (8-0). I ia te Unuunu ki te toa mua ao Pirika Sturm (36-2-1).

Murray riro te WBA taitara whitu Interim ki te mutu a tawhio 6 mo Jorge Navarro. Whakahaerehia e win Murray ki te whawhai ki te toa WBC Middlweight Sergio Martinez.

Ko te a'ee, i tangohia e wahi i runga i April 27, 2012 i roto i te mua o te runga 50,000 i roto i te Argentina kite Murray patoto iho Martinez i roto i te taka noa waru. I roto i te kotahi tekau ma tahi a tawhio noa, Titiro reira rite maturuturu iho Murray Martinez ano engari i kingi reira he pepa ka ko e taea ki te riro i te whakatau kikokore heu Martinez.

Wero kotahi ano Murray mo te taitara whitu, a mutu i roto i 11 rauna ki WBA & Interim toa WBC Gennady Golovkin i runga i Hui-tanguru 21, 2015 i roto i te Monte Carlo.

Mai taua a'ee, Neke ake Murray ki Super whitu, a riro e toru whawhai i roto i te rarangi, tae atu i tona haerenga whakamutunga ka mutu ia Jose Miguel Torres (31-6) i roto i te rauna e ono i roto i te rima rauna i runga i Mahuru 5 i roto i te Leeds, Ingarangi.

Ka waiho te wā tīmata 3 PM ET / 12 Poutumarotanga PT.

Ka taea e pā mekemeke oaoa i tenei kāri mīharo i runga i te wehi wātea i runga i AT&T U-Verse, ch 147 a 1147 i roto i te HD, Verizon FiOS TV, ch 169 a 669 i roto i te HD, me te maha kaiwhakarato taura rohe puta noa i te iwi. Tēnā tirohia www.awetv.com hoki mekemeke whakahōunga.


Pāwhiritia HERE & HERE Hei Tikiake Photos


Credit Photo: Frank Coppi / Matchroom Mekemeke

LONDON (Nov. 16, 2015) - E rua nga ra i te aroaro o te mawehe ia mo Canada, IBF Super whitu World Champion James "whakairohia" DeGale (21-1, 14 Koó) puritia te tūmomo pāpāho tuwhera i te Stonebridge Mekemeke Club i Rānana rite fatata ia otinga o te wiki puni whakangungu 10-tāpiri mo tona korero taitara ki te toa ao mua, me te tino tahi Canadian, Lucian Bute (32-2, 25 Koó), o Montreal, i runga i Rāhoroi, Nov. 28, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (11 p.m. AND/PT) i te Videotron Centre o Quebec City.


Ko te hui i karangatia "TE reclamation" ko te whakaaturanga o Vidéotron i mahi tahi ki a Mise-e-Jeu.


Tenei te aha DeGale i ki te mea i runga i te Mane:



"Ahau whakaaro ahau te whitu super pai i roto i reira e tika i teie nei. There are hard fights in the division. Badou Jack is a good fighter, engari e ahau whakaaro whiua e ahau a ia, ka whiu ia ia te pai ki te ū ahau kē i runga i mo te ki tonu i 12 rauna.


"Ko tonu Arthur Aperahama he kiritaki uaua, me te tūmanako e taea Martin Murray e rave i te mahi. Whakaaro ahau e whiua ia ia, ahakoa te uaua ki te riro i roto i Germany.


"E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakamatau ahau i te pai, Ka haere ahau ki hea ki te rave i te reira, me e te aha ahau te parururaa i ahau toku taitara i roto i Canada. Toa katoa te ao i roto i Ingarangi i nui tāwhai i runga i te paepae, na te reira i te wa tino whakaongaonga te motu me te mo te mekemeke i roto i Ingarangi tika inaianei - ko ahau ti'aturi papû whiua e ahau katoa i roto i tenei wehenga.


"Ahau rite mekemeke atu i te kāinga – maybe it’s time I started being called ‘the road warrior’. I won my world title in Boston and now I am defending it in Canada against a classy opponent in Lucian Bute. I know it’s going to be a hard fight but I am ready for that. My sparring has been great, Ahau patu ahau nga wa nui i runga i te aroturuki, Ite ahau kaha i roto i te omaoma me ahau tika titiro whakamua ahau ki reira.


"Kahore e taui i raro i Jim McDonnell – te reira katoa e pā ana ki te mahi pakeke, rere roa ake Hampstead Heath, 15 ngā wā mākutu a tawhio, e rima rauna meneti i roto i te omaoma – Au tonu ahau i roto i te āhua nui. We haven’t changed anything really. Ki te ki tetahi mea, we’ve had to just adjust the mindset and train like a challenger even though I am the champion. That’s the way you have to think.


"Ahau ite hou, koi me te rite. Haere ahau i runga i te Wenerei and I am raring to go. I just can’t wait to get in there now. Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te haere atu i reira i te pai 10 days early to acclimate to the weather and the time. Once I am there, Ite ahau ara ake kē i runga i ".


# # #


I roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Nov. 28 co-āhuatanga, tūturu Eleider Alvarez (18-0, 10 Koó) tutaki Ihaka Mark (24-2-2, 10 Koó) in a 12-round WBC Light Heavyweight Title Eliminatorn. Riro te toa i te kaiwero whakahauanga ki WBC toa 175-pauna Tamutu "Superman" Stevenson.


Mua i te telecast SHOWTIME e whawhai i runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME(9 p.m. AND/PT): Tūturu, ao-runga Amir ahau (18-0, 15 Koó) kanohiAdrian Granados (14-3-2, 9 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa kēmu super Kōmāmā, hinga kore Oscar Rivas (17-0, 12 Koó) tuki ki Curtis Harper (12-4, 8 Koó) i roto i te mau taumahamaha 10-a tawhio noa, me te, wā tukua e, Custio Clayton(4-0, 3 Koó) Ka ātete e Ivan Pereyra (19-5, 13 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight a'ee e waru / ono-a tawhio noa.


He tīkiti runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Vidéotron Centre, i runga iwww.ticketmaster.ca, i te omaoma (514) 383-0666, i InterBox (450) 645-1077 ranei i karapu mekemeke Champion (514) 376-0980.

butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, interboxca,stormalvarez, SHOsports,