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Brooklyn Brawl Series Featured nyob rau hauv Cov phab ntsa Street Journal

Ib zaug rau cov Ropes, Boxing heev nyob rau hauv New York Tsaug rau Local Fighters

Tiamsis ntawm lub nroog lub boxing scene yog muaj zog nyob rau hauv gyms thiab me me venues thoob plaws hauv lub nroog, txawm hais tias koj yuav tsis nrhiav tau nws nyob rau Madison Square Garden

Los ntawm
Alex Raskin
Yuav Rosinsky yog ib tug 30-xyoo-laus poj vaj haiv neeg uas ua hauj lwm raws li ib tug firefighter nyob rau hauv yas Heights, Brooklyn. Ib tug neeg uas coj tus paub zoo ntawm nws, Joe Smith Jr., yog ib tug 26-xyoo-laus siv neeg ua hauj lwm los ntev Island thiab ib tug tswv cuab ntawm lub zos 66 Tub Zog Union.
Nyob rau hnub Saturday hmo ntuj, lub ob yog mus Barclays Center nyob rau hauv Brooklyn rau ib hmo ntawm boxing ntais headlined los ntawm ib tug middleweight championship bout. Tab sis lawv yuav tsis tau zaum nyob rau hauv sawv. Rosinsky thiab Smith yuav tsum muaj mus tua txhua lwm yam nyob ib undercard mus rau lub title match ntawm Brooklynites Peter Quillin (32-0-1) thiab WBA middleweight zus Daniel Jacobs (30-1).
“Peb paub txhua lwm yam,” Rosinsky (19-2) hais tias ntawm Smith, nws tus qub sparring khub. “Muaj tsis muaj dab tsi sib txawv hais tias nws yog mus ua li ntawd kuv tsis tau pom nws ua twb.”
Rau nws ib feem, Smith (19-1) txawm coj ib co so lub sij hawm los ntawm nws lub hnub txoj hauj lwm nyob rau hauv thiaj li yuav tau npaj rau Saturday lub lub teeb-heavyweight bout. “Kuv paub hais tias ib tug ntau ntawm cov neeg tsis tau ua uas,” nws hais tias, “tab sis kuv muaj hmoo thiab kuv twb tau mus noj tawm thiab tseem them nqi kho mob rau kuv lub sij hawm.”

Tov martial arts tej zaum yuav nyob rau hauv sawv, tab sis lub boxing scene nyob rau hauv New York City yeej tsis tau muaj zog-raws li qhia los ntawm ib tug tsis ntev los no hmo ntuj ntawm nruab nrab-theem fights nyob rau hauv Marine Park, Brooklyn.

Tsis txhob yuav fooled los ntawm lawv cov “tiag tiag” cov hauj lwm, respectable raws li lawv tej zaum yuav. Rosinsky thiab Smith, ob Golden Cov hnab looj tes champions, tau boxing ntev ua ntej lawv nkag mus hauv cov tsoos ua hauj lwm. Lawv yog ib feem ntawm New York lub loj hlob pugilistic nruab nrab hauv chav kawm ntawv, taug kev cim ntawm lub ua si nawv tus Renaissance nyob rau hauv lub nroog.
Muaj ib lub sij hawm thaum New York yog synonymous nrog boxing. Madison Square Garden sim 28 sib ntaus sib tua phaib ib xyoos ntawm 1940 thiab 1950, thaum lub arena twb nyob rau Yim Avenue ntawm 49th thiab 50th txoj kev. Tus tam sim no vaj tuav tsuas yog ob tug phaib nyob rau hauv 2015, xws li Gennady Golovkin tus muag-tawm title tiv thaiv tawm tsam David Lemieux rau Oct. 17. Nws nyob ntawd boxing tau disappearing los ntawm lub nroog lub kev ua si scene.
“Peb tsis tau muaj ib tug tag nrho ntau yuav nyob rau hauv thawj ib feem ntawm tus tshiab xyoo pua,” piav Bruce Silverglade, tswv ntawm Brooklyn lub npe nrov Gleason lub Gym.
“Lub sib ntaus tshuav New York,” nws hais tias. “Nqi Se yog ib tug loj ib feem ntawm hais tias kev, tab sis cia li tus nqi ntawm ua ib tug qhia tau tias… New York yog ib qho kim lub zos. Koj muaj house lub tua hluav taws. Koj yuav tsum muab lawv ib tug rau ib diem. Yog hais tias koj noj tib yam loj sib ntaus thiab muab tso rau nws nyob rau hauv Las Vegas, los yog ib qho chaw nyob qhov twg yog ib tug twv txiaj yuam pov uas txhawb nqa boxing, lawv yuav muab koj ib qhov chaw them nqi rau los.”
'Raws li deb raws li cov muaj koob meej ntawm boxing nyob rau hauv lub nroog ntawm New York, nws yuav tsis tau zoo, as far as I’m concerned.’ -Bruce Silverglade, tswv ntawm Gleason lub Gym
Cov se thiab cov nqi nyob twj ywm, tab sis ua tsaug rau newer venues, midlevel ib ce, thiab laus sib ntaus phaib, lawv yog cov tsis raws prohibitive. Tam sim no hauv zos boxers muaj ib tug hometown kom zoo dua nyob rau hauv ib lub nroog uas yog, ib zaug dua, nurturing cov kev ua si nawv txhua qib.
Raws li Silverglade muab nws, “[boxing yog] pib rov qab los.”
Lub Barclays Center card nyob rau hnub Saturday nyeem zoo li ib lub zos dawb nplooj ntawv. Heather Hardy, neeg ua hauj lwm raws li ib tug kws qhia ntawm Gleason thiab boasts ib tug 14-0 kev cov ntaub ntawv, yog ua rau nws thib tsib tsos ntawm lub arena. “Kuv muag daim pib mus rau kuv cov neeg, co-neeg ua hauj lwm, lawv cov neeg. Kuv zoo ib yam li txhua leej txhua tus me nyuam tus muam,” hais tias lub 33-xyoo-laus niam thiab Brooklyn haiv neeg.
Tsis tas li ntawd tshwm yog nce lub teeb-heavyweight contender thiab Staten Island haiv neeg Marcus Browne (16-0) thiab Huntington, N.Y., haiv neeg Chris Algieri (20-2), ib tug welterweight. Raws li rau lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Jacobs yog ib yam khoom ntawm East New York lub Starrett City Boxing Club, thiab Quillin kuj nyob rau hauv lub Borough.
Nws yuav ua tau lub 28th thiab zaum kawg sib ntaus card ntawm lub xyoo nyob rau hauv New York, uas ntais ntawv xyoo tas los tus tag nrho cov, raws li lub New York State Athletic Commission. Raws li tsis ntev li 2009, tsuas 14 boxing phaib tau commissioned nyob rau hauv lub nroog txwv.
Tam sim no cov txheej xwm yog paab ntawm lub nroog nws tus kheej.
“Qhov zoo tshaj plaws txog New York yog hais tias tsis muaj teeb meem qhov twg nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no koj lawg los ntawm, koj yuav yeej ib txwm nrhiav ib tug 'tsev neeg coob coob’ nyob rau hauv New York vim nws xam qhovkev muaj ntau haiv neeg,” piav Tom Hoover, tus tswj ntawm lub New York State Athletic Commission.
Xws li yog cov ntaub ntawv rau nce zeem muag thiab tsis ntev los no neeg txawv teb chaws Bakhtiyar Eyubov (9-0) thiab peb-lub sij hawm Georgian lub teb chaws tau zus ib Giorgi Gelashvili (3-0), ob uas yeej sib ntaus nyob rau Oct. 29 “Brooklyn Brawl” showcase nyob rau Aviator kev ua si thiab tej yam Center nyob rau hauv Marine Park.
Tsaug nyob rau hauv loj ib feem mus rau lub Ukrainian-yug, Brooklyn-tsa boxer thiab pab txhawb Dmitriy Salita, ob tug tau pom ib lub tsev gym, Brooklyn lub sib ntaus Hoobkas, thiab ib lub sij hawm rau lub thawv nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lawv loj hlob tus naj npawb ntawm cov kiv cua, coob leej ntawm cov kuj lawg los ntawm yav tas los Soviet republics.
Lwm Starrett City khoom, Lo lus (35-2-1) wb nce lub toj lub ibyam li ib tug welterweight ua ntej poob rau Amir Khan nyob rau hauv 2013. Nws hais ntxiv hais boxing, tab sis tom qab nyeem ib phau ntawv txog cov neeg Ixayees txoj kev khwv nyiaj txiag hu ua “Pib-Up teb chaws,” Salita txiav txim siab los sim nws txhais tes rau kev qhia kev.
“Kuv ntsia ib ncig ntawm lub ntiaj teb no nyob rau hauv boxing New York City,” Hais lus, ib tug Orthodox neeg Yudais uas muaj ib qho orthodox sib ntaus sib tua stance. “Kuv ua ib tug ob peb ntawm tus xov tooj hu. Nws tag nrho cov tuaj ua ke es sai sai. Rau, tej zaum xya lub lim piam tom qab ntawd, Kuv muaj kuv thawj qhia tau tias nyob rau ntawm Cuaj Hli Ntuj Tim. 1, 2010. Ob peb zoo fighters tiv thaiv.”
Salita lub hnub qub ntawm David Promotions nws thiaj li launched rau Brooklyn Brawl series, uas theem fights ntawm midsize venues xws li Coney Island lub MCU Park, lub Paramount Theatre, thiab lub Aviator Center.
Txij thaum lub sib ntaus yog feem ntau muaj nyob rau ntawm lub MSG Network lossis hauv online ntawm ESPN3, Salita tus neeg tua hluav taws yog muaj yuav tsum tau raug tus kab mob. Lwm ntawm nws tua hluav taws, ib sim neej cov phooj ywg thiab heavyweight contender Jarrell “Loj Tus me nyuam” Miller, tauj ib qho impressive kev kawm nyob rau Showtime nyob rau hauv Lub kaum hli ntuj, xa me nyuam rov Akhror Muralimov nyob rau hauv peb rounds los txhim kho kom 16-0-1.
“Kuv xav hais tias muaj yog ib tug loj hauv nruab nrab hauv chav kawm ntawv nyob rau hauv boxing tshaj yog ua ntej muaj,” Hais lus.
“Muaj ntau cov neeg tam sim no uas ua $50,000 rau $100,000 ib lub xyoo.”
Uas nruab nrab hauv chav kawm ntawv tej zaum yuav tsis muaj nyob yog tsis ua si nawv tus VR. Niaj hnub no, txhua leej txhua tus yog stepping rau hauv lub nplhaib.
“Hnub no kuv yog ib ncig ntawm 80% ua lag ua luam neeg-txiv neej, cov poj niam, cov me nyuam,” hais tias Silverglade, uas nws cov neeg muas zaub ntau yam nyob rau hauv lub hnub nyoog ntawm 6 rau 87. Nws sau hais tias thaum Gleason tus twb nyob rau hauv Manhattan, “nws yog 100% boxers-amateurs thiab pros. Peb yeej muaj ob businessmen. Tsis me nyuam, tsis muaj poj niam.”
Tam sim no, raws li nyob rau hauv ntau gyms nyob rau hauv lub cheeb tsam, cov poj niam thiab cov me nyuam ua tau li ib tug loj ib feem ntawm cov Silverglade ua lag ua luam. “Raws li deb raws li cov muaj koob meej ntawm boxing nyob rau hauv lub nroog ntawm New York, nws yuav tsis tau zoo, kom deb li deb raws li kuv txhawj xeeb,” nws hais tias. “Kuv yuav tsis yuav nyob rau hauv kev ua lag luam niaj hnub no, Kuv yuav them tsis taus cov kev tuav pov hwm los yog cov nqi xauj tsev yog lwm yam.”

Nemkov decisions Puetz in exciting rematch Recaptures M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title Emeev stops Fioravanti Retains M-1 Challenge middleweight crown M-1 Challenge 63 RAUG RAWS NTAUB NTAWV TAU

Tshiab M-1 kev sib tw teeb heavyweight zus Viktor Nemkov yog crowned
ST. Petersburg, Russia (Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 4, 2015) – Nyob rau hauv ib tug ntau npaum li cas muab rematch, Viktor Nemkov recaptured lub coveted M-1 kev sib tw teeb heavyweight title, winning ib tug nyuaj-tiv thaiv tsib-round kev txiav txim siab dua tiv thaiv tau zus ib Stephan “T-800” Puetz, nyob rau hauv lub M-1 sib tw 63 ntsiab kev tshwm sim, nyob rau cov kev ua si thiab kev hais kwv txhiaj Complex nyob rau hauv St. Petersburg, Russia.
Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, M-1 sib tw Middleweight champion Ramadan Emeev ntse defended nws crown, raws li American challenger Luigi “Lub Italian Tank” Fioravanti yog tsis tau txuas ntxiv tom qab plaub rounds.
M-1 kev sib tw middleweight zus Ramazan Emeev muab khaws cia tseg nws lub npe
Undefeated nyob rau hauv plaub yav dhau los M-1 Ntiaj teb no fights rau hnub tim, Puetz (13-2-0, 5 KO / TKO, 4 Sub) yog tej lub M-1 kev sib tw title 1 ½ xyoo dhau los uas muaj ib qho kev lom zem tsib-round cais kev txiav txim siab dua tiv thaiv tau zus ib Nemkov, uas twb ua nws thawj title tiv thaiv tom qab swb Vasily Babich (SUB2 – txhais caj npab-lock) ob xyoos dhau los rau lub tsis muaj npe.
Puetz tuaj mus rau hauv nws rematch nrog Nemkov tawm ib tug sensational SuperFight yeej no yav dhau los zaum tiv thaiv M-1 kev sib tw heavyweight zus Marcin Tybura, uas nws loj tawg qhov ntswg nres qhov kev txiav txim nyob rau hauv lub thib peb puag ncig ntawm M-1 sib tw 57.
Kazakhstan-haiv neeg Nemkov, uas fights tawm ntawm Stary Oskol, Russia, tau yeej ob ncaj fights txij li thaum nws poob rau Puetz, ntawm lub teb chaws Yelemees, xws li ib tug impressive kev txiav txim siab nyob rau hauv nws cov nag txiav txim dua ib txwm tawv Maro Perak.
Ob-lub sij hawm M-1 kev sib tw middleweight zus, Emeev (13-3-0, 3 KO / TKO, 6 Sub) yog ib haiv neeg ntawm Dagestan uas fights tawm ntawm Makhachkala, Russia. Nws thawj yeej lub M-1 kev sib tw nyob rau hauv championship 2012 ntawm M-1 sib tw 35, noj ib qhov kev txiav txim los ntawm Mario Miranda, uas Emeev yeej plaub lub hlis tom qab ntawd los ntawm peb-round knockout ntawm M-1 sib tw 38. Ntawm M-1 sib tw 51, Emeev raug nres nyob rau hauv lub plaub puag ncig los ntawm Vyacheslav Vasilevsky, uas poob rau hauv lub npe rov qab mus rau Emeev los ntawm thib tsib-round cuav no yav dhau los Plaub Hlis Ntuj ntawm M-1 sib tw 56.
Fioravanti (26-14-0, 10 KO / TKO, 7 Sub), sawv cev rau American Sab saum toj Team, yog ib tug nrov fighter tawm ntawm Orlando, Florida. He was coming off a second-round win by submission (zawm caj pas yog) kawg Xya hli ntuj tiv thaiv Sergey Kovalev ntawm M-1 sib tw 59.
Georgian teeb heavyweight Raul Tutarauli (6-2-0, 5 KO / TKO, 1 Sub) sau npe ib tug lossis loj chim, khob tawm Lavxias teb sab Alexey “Assignment” Makhno (10-4-0, 4 KO / TKO, 1 Sub) nyob rau hauv lub thib ob puag ncig.
Lavxias teb sab lub teeb heavyweight prospect Rashid Yusupov (7-0-0, 2 KO / TKO, 2 Sub) tseem undefeated, noj ib tug peb-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab los ntawm German foe Martin “King Kong” Hnyav (26-14-1, 16 KO / TKO, 5 Sub)).
Unbeaten featherweights Mikhail Korobkov (9-0-1, 1 KO / TKO, 6 Sub), ntawm Russia, thiab Brazilian invader Rodrigo Magalhaes (7-0-1, 0 KO / TKO, 6 Sub) tiv thaiv mus rau ib tug peb-round kos.
Nyob rau hauv ua ntej daim ntawv txiav txim, qub tub rog Ukrainian hnav Alexander Butenko (39-11-2) thiab Lavxias teb sab featherweight Zalimbek Omarov (6-1-1) yeej peb-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab, feem, tshaj Heydar Mammadaleiv (8-2-0), ntawm Azerbaijan, thiab Ukrainian Artem “Hlau” Lezhnev (7-5-0). Ruslan Shamilov (1-0-0) nres Round Zhumabatov (0-1-0) nyob rau hauv lub thib ob puag ncig (tus kws kho mob stoppage) nyob rau hauv ib tug Super khob St. Petersburg match ntawm Lavxias teb sab middleweights.
Tsis tas li ntawd sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv lub ntej daim ntawv, Lavxias teb sab Middleweight Vasily Zubkov (9-4-0) yeej ib nyuaj tiv thaiv peb-round cais kev txiav txim siab los ntawm pro-debuting Uzbekistan-haiv neeg Sarvar Iskhakov, sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Russia, Lavxias teb sab welterweight Damila Prikaza (2-0-1) nres tej Ukrainian Artem “Shockwave” Shokalo (13-14-0), thiab Lavxias teb sab featherweight Mikhail Kuznetsov (5-1-0) yeej Ukrainian tus nrog sib ntaus Stanislav “Dawb Warrior” Reutsky (8-5-) los ntawm txoj kev ntawm ib tug rear liab qab caj pas rau ib tug thib ob-round cuav.
Sau kom tiav tau thiab yees duab gallery hauv qab no (tag nrho cov winners teev thawj):
Viktor Nemkov (23-5-0), Russia
Stephan Puetz Puetz (13-2-0), Lub teb chaws yelemees
(Nemkov recaptured M-1 kev sib tw middleweight title)
Ramadan Emeev (13-3-0), Russia
Luigi Fioravanti (26-14-0), TEB CHAWS USA
(Emeev khaws M-1 kev sib tw middleweight title)
LUB TEEB heavyweights
Rashid Yusupov (7-0-0), Russia
Martin Zawada (26-13-0), Lub teb chaws yelemees
Raul Tutarauli (5-2-0), Georgia
WKO / TKO2 (punches – 6:29)
Alexey Makhno, Russia
Mikhail Korobkov (9-0-1), Russia
Rodrigo Magalhaes (7-0-1), Brazi
Ruslan Shamilov (1-0-0), Russia
WKO / THO2 (tus kws kho mob stoppage – 2:15)
Round Zhumabatov (0-1-0), Russia
Sarvar Iskhakov (4-2-0), Russia
Vasily Zubkov (8-4-0), Russia
Damila Prikaza (2-0-0), Russia
WKO / TKO1 (punches – 2:15)
Artem Shokalo (13-14-0), Ukraine
Alexander Butenko (39-11-0), Ukraine
Heydar Mammadaliev (8-2-0), Azerbaijan
Zalimbek Omarov (6-1-1), Russia
Andrey Lezhnev (8-5-0), Ukraine
Mikhail Kuzenetsov (4-0-0), Russia
WSUB2 (rear liab qab caj pas – 3:00)
Stanislav Reutsky (4-2-0), Ukraine
(L-R) Puetz vs. Nemkov
(L-R) Puetz vs. Nemkov

(L-R) Nemkov vs. Puetz

(L-R) Fioravanti vs.. Emeev

Emeev txim Fioravanti
Alexey Makhno & Raul Tutarauli

Andrey Lezhnev & Zalimbek Omarov
Round Zhumabatov & Ruslan Shamilov

Alexander Butenko vs. Heydar Mammadaliev

M-1 kev sib tw Medieval Knight sib ntaus ntawm Dmitry Kovrizhin & Evgeniy Bedenko
Rodrigo Magalhaes & Mikhail Korobkov tiv thaiv rau ib tug kos
Ntaub ntawv
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Yexus Cuellar defends Featherweight Championship Nrog sawv daws pom txiav txim siab Nyob Jonathan Oquendo nyob rau hauv Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Co-Feature
Mos Lub Replay Qhov no Monday Ntawm 10 p.m. THIAB/PT Nyob SHOWTIME huab
Nyem NTAWM NO Download duab ntawm Esther Lin / SHOWTIME
Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Edward Diller / DiBella Lom ze
Brooklyn (Dec. 6, 2015) – WBA Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus Daniel Jacobs ceeb undefeated challenger Peter Quillin nrog ib tug thawj round TKO nyob rau hauv tag nrho-Brooklyn ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING nyob rau hnub Saturday nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm 8,443 kiv cua ntawm Barclays Center.
Brooklyn lub Jacobs (31-1, 28 Kos) yeej lub “Sib ntaus sib tua Rau Brooklyn,” ib tug matchup ntawm sab saum toj middleweights txojkev tawm nyob rau hauv lub prime ntawm lawv cov hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lawv cov hometown.
Ib feeb mus rau hauv lub sib ntaus, Jacobs tsaws ib tug ncaj txoj cai rau Quillin lub tuam tsev thiab pounced nrog ib tug onslaught ntawm punches thaum nws tus nrog sib ntaus yog tawm tsam cov ropes. Quillin dawm rau pem hauv ntej thiab kev sib tw Harvey ntsaws cov kab nrib ntsia nyob rau hauv Quillin lub qhov muag thiab halted qhov kev sib ntaus tsis muaj tus challenger puas tau kov lub hom ntaub khov heev.
Tom qab kev sib ntaus, Ntsaws cov kab nrib hais Showtime kev ua si reporter Jim Gray uas Quillin (32-1-1, 23 Kos) yuav tsis to taub qhov twg nws yog thiab “yog tsis muaj peev xwm mus txuas ntxiv.”
“Kuv vam thiab cia siab nws yog li cas,” Jacobs hais tias. “Kuv yog tus neeg mob thiab thaum kuv tau los nrog ib tug uppercut kuv paub kuv mob nws thiab hais tias thaum kuv mus rau tus tua tau.
“Kuv hais rau nws kuv hlub nws. Kuv thiab Peter mus rov qab mus rau lub Golden hnab looj tes hnub. Kuv hwm nws rau txoj kev tuag, but I knew this fight would be my night. There are no lucky shots in boxing. Obviously kuv ntes tau nws nrog ib tug txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv. Thaum kuv paub kuv tau nws ua mob rau kuv khaws cia mus.
“Kuv pom nws ob lub qhov muag thiab nws ntsia zoo li nws equilibrium yog tawm. Kuv tsis yog ib tug referee, tab sis hais tias kuv yog kuv tej zaum yuav muaj tseem muab nws lwm lub sijhawm.”
Lub sib ntaus, uas tsuas ntawd kub ntev li 1:25, thov rau lo lus nug ntawm ib tug tej zaum rematch.
“Kuv twv yuav raug hu yuav muab nws ib tug rematch,” Jacobs txuas ntxiv. “Kuv yeej txaus siab mus tua nws tom ntej no yog hais tias yog dab tsi tus kiv cua xav.”
Quillin ciali tsis pom zoo nrog cov stoppage kom txog rau thaum koj saib cov replay thaum lub sij hawm nws Showtime post-sib ntaus sib tham.
“Uas yog txoj cai hauv lub tuam tsev,” Quillin said. “Nyob rau hauv lub caij uas koj tsis paub dab tsi tshwm sim mus txog rau thaum koj saib nws nyob rau hauv lub replay.
“This is a time you sit with your family and figure out what you have to do. I have a lot of options, tej zaum ib tug rematch yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws kev xaiv.
“Kuv yuav tsis xav seb ib tug neeg zoo rau poob rau tshaj Danny Jacobs.”
Yexus Cuellar defended nws WBA Featherweight ntiaj teb Championship nrog ib tug sawv daws pom kev txiav txim siab dua Jonathan Oquendo nyob rau hauv lub Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING co-feature.
Cuellar (28-1, 21 Kos) yog tus busier fighter los ntawm cov nyuam, ntuav ze li ntawm 1,000 punches nyob rau hauv lub 12-round championship sib ntaus, piv rau xwb 637 for the challenger. Cuellar initiated the action and pressed forward, tab sis nws Puerto Rican tus nrog sib ntaus yuav tsis koom rau feem ntau ntawm cov bout.
“Peb paub tias lub sib ntaus yuav tsis yooj yim, tiam sis peb ua tiav txhua yam peb xav mus thaum lub sij hawm txoj kev kawm camp,” Cuellar hais tias. “Qhov tshaj plaws xwb uas tshuav yog tus knockout, tab sis vim yog lub zog ntawm nws lub taub hau nws yog tsis yooj yim sua.
Oquendo (26-5, 16 Kos), uas twb txiav tshaj nws sab laug qhov muag los ntawm ib tug lo clash ntawm hau nyob rau hauv lub thib tsib, was knocked down midway through the fourth. Replays showed that Oquendo tangled his feet with his southpaw opponent.
Lub yeej, uas twb tua nkag 116-111 ob zaug, 120-107, yuav teev tau ib tug loj sib ntaus ntawm 126 phaus rau lub Argentine Cuellar nyob rau hauv 2016.
“Ua ntej peb yuav mus so thiab ces peb yuav los mus txiav txim yog dab tsi tom ntej no,” Cuellar hais tias.
“We’ll have two more fights at featherweight and then move up in weight. Hopefully we get Leo Santa Cruz next.”
Tom qab kev sib ntaus, Oquendo muaj leej twg paub hais tias nws tsis zoo siv nws txoj kev npaj kev ua si.
“I have to give credit to Cuellar. I never got to use my game plan and he fought a good fight and he’s a good champion,” Oquendo hais tias. “Kuv yuav tsum tau mus pib ntau nruj tab sis kuv pib boxing. Uas yog kuv yuam kev. Lub taub hau taub qab ua nws nyuaj rau kuv mus saib li zoo.
“Kuv muaj sij hawm rov qab los thiab tau txais ib lub ntiaj teb no title sijhawm. Kuv poob siab, tab sis kuv yuav tsum tau rov qab nyob rau hauv lub gym npaj kom tau rov qab mus ua hauj lwm sai sai.”
Ntev kob Chris Algieri yeej Erick Pob Txha ntawm 10-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab (95-94, 97-92 ob zaug) nyob rau hauv ib tug ceev ceev-paced, tag nrho cov-txiav txim tua cov ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm Showtime BOXING rau Sho huab.
The back-and-forth fight featured plenty of in-fighting in the center of the ring. Algieri (21-2, 8 Kos), uas tsaws 49 feem pua ​​ntawm cov nws lub hwj chim txhaj tshuaj, floored Pob Txha (16-3, 8 Kos) nrog 20 seconds left in the eighth round. Txawm li cas los, raws li replay, the knockdown looked more like Bone’s foot became tangled with Algieri. The ninth-round featured non-stop action, nrog txhua fighter ntuav tshaj 100 punches, tab sis nws yog tseeb hais tias cov Ecuadorian Pob Txha twb gassed thiab tau me ntsis nyob rau hauv nws punches li kev sib ntaus qhia nws zaj lus kawg.
“Erick hais tias nws twb mus muaj surprises, tab sis kuv muaj ob peb tug kuv tus kheej nyob rau hauv muaj,” Algieri said. “Kuv boxed ib tug me ntsis me ntsis thiab slugged ntau tshaj kuv yuav tsum tau muaj, tab sis kuv twb cia li muaj kev lom zem. He’s got a good punch, nws yog ib tug underestimated fighter thiab koj yuav qhia rau nws yog nyob rau hauv zoo kawg zoo.
“Qhov no yog loj. Bone is a real tough guy and I felt in control. I thought the fight was mine the whole way. I wanted to get the knockout, tab sis nws yog nyob rau hauv zoo kawg zoo. I’m looking forward to big fights in 2016.”
Nyob rau hauv lub qhib bout rau Showtime BOXING rau Sho huab, Marcus Browne tua nkag ib tug thib plaub-round TKO tshaj Francisco Sierra.
Browne (17-0, 13 Kos) kom huv si yeej qhov kev sib ntaus los ntawm cov nyuam, tsaws ib tug astronomical 64 feem pua ​​ntawm cov nws lub hwj chim punches. The bout was halted after the third round upon request of ringside physician Dr. Barry Jordan vim tseem ceeb o ib ncig ntawm Sierra tus (27-10-1, 24 Kos) sab laug qhov muag.
“Kuv pom kuv txiav nws thaum ntxov, tab sis kuv yuav tsum tau nyob twj ywm pheej thiab zoo ib yam,” Hais Browne, ntawm Staten Island. “I had to work the jab and keep working it. I felt like I seized this opportunity to put my name out there.
“It is an honor to fight at Barclays Center for the 10th time. It was a nice stoppage – tsis tas lub siab zoo ntawm stoppage tias koj xav, tab sis ib tug stoppage yog ib tug stoppage.”
Nyob rau hauv uas tsis yog-televised undercard txiav txim, Ntev kob Joe Smith Jr. (20-1, 16 Kos) khwv tau ib tug nyuaj tiv thaiv unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj Brooklyn firefighter Yuav Rosinsky (19-3, 10 Kos) nyob rau hauv lawv cov 10-round lub teeb heavyweight bout. Tus txiv neej sib pauv hwj chim punches thoob plaws hauv lub sib ntaus, tab sis nws yog Smith cuag kom zoo dua uas tso cai rau nws tswj qhov kev txiav txim. Tag nrho peb cov kws txiav txim tau qhab nia rau hauv lub sib ntaus nyob rau hauv dej siab ntawm cov Xamiv los ntawm kev cov qhab nia ntawm 98-92, 97-93 thiab 96-94.
Nrov Brooklyn fighter Heather Hardy (15-0, 3 Kos) tseem undefeated nrog ib tug nkaus packed unanimous kev txiav txim siab kov yeej Noemi Forests (10-4-2, 2 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug rematch ntawm lawv tej zaum yuav sib ntaus yeej los ntawm Hardy. Lub tsev hais plaub’ tag nrho rau lub yim-round super featherweight bout yog 80-72 ob zaug thiab 79-73.
Yav tas los super welterweight lub ntiaj teb champion Yuri Foreman (33-2, 9 Kos) muaj ib tug kev vam meej rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv nws hometown raws li nws yeej Lenwood Dozier (9-9-1, 4 Kos) 77-75 nyob rau hauv lub qhov muag ntawm tag nrho peb cov txiav txim.
John Hernandez (6-1, 1 KO) shutout Jack Grady (0-2-1) tshaj plaub rounds los yeej 40-36 rau tag nrho peb cov txiav txim’ phaib nyob rau hauv lawv cov welterweight attraction. Cruiserweight Luis Garcia (13-0, 10 Kos) tseem undefeated los ntawm khob tawm Willie Williams (14-11-2, 4 Kos) 1:03 mus rau hauv tus thawj puag ncig.
Nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus uas pom txiv neej ntaus lub hom ntaub khov heev hauv round ib, Titus Williams (4-0, 2 Kos) zoo tu qab tso thiab cruised mus rau ib tug yeej Emmanuel Castro (2-2, 2 Kos) los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 60-53, 60-54 thiab 59-54.
Saturday lub Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast yuav rov-cua rau Monday, Dec. 7 ntawm 10 p.m. THIAB/PT rau Showtime huab thaum lub Showtime BOXING RAU Sho huab yuav rov-cua rauWednesday, Dec. 9 ntawm 11 p.m. THIAB/PT. Both telecasts will be available On Demand beginning hnub Sunday no.
Mauro Ranallo called the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action with Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former world champion Paulie Malignaggi commentating and Jim Gray reporting. Nyob rau hauv lus Mev, Alejandro Luna called the blow-by-blow with former world champion Raul Marquez serving as color commentator. Barry Tompkins hu ua lub Showtime huab txiav txim los ntawm ringside nrog boxing historian Steve Farhood pab raws li cov kws muaj txuj analyst.
Lub sib ntaus tau nce los ntawm DiBella Lom ze. Lub Algieri vs. Pob Txha thiab Rosnisky vs. Smith Jr. fights tau nce nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Star Boxing. The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is David Dinkins Jr. with Bob Dunphy directing.
# # #
Barclays Center lub Brooklyn BOXING ™ cajmeem platform yog hais los ntawm AARP. Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, BarclaysCenter ThiabSwanson_Comm los yog los ua ib tug kiv cua nyob rau Facebook, thiab





San Jose, XWS LI. (Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 4, 2015) - Josh Thomson tus (22-8, 1 NC) ib tug tov martial arts lus dab neeg nyob rau hauv San Jose thiab nws “Bellator 147” effort against a young and promising prospect by the name of Pablo Villaseca (10-2) yuav tsuas ntxiv rau nws cov hauj lwm tus zaj dab neeg.

Ib tug ntim kev tshwm sim Center nyob rau San Jose State University lub tsev kawm ntawv pom tus “Lub Punk” siv ib plethora ntawm kev txawj ntse en txoj kev mus rau ib tug finish ntawm lub Chilean fighter. Referee Jason Herzog officially called a stop to the action at 3:59 ntawm ob thav duab, xa cov neeg kawm ntawv hauv lub hauv cov pejxeem ntxhov thiab thawb Thomson lub cim nyob rau hauv lub Bellator MMA banner mus 2-0.

Tom qab kev sib ntaus, Thomson made it clear that while a matchup against incumbent Bellator lightweight kingpin Yuav Brooks is enticing, nws yog hais txog lub kiv cua thiab feem coob ntawm cov kiv cua nws yog hnov ​​los ntawm xav kom nws mus tua “Hlau” Michael Chandler.

“Yuav Brooks yog ib tug zoo fighter txiv neej, thiab nws muaj txoj siv tawv,” Thomson hais tias. “Tab sis, hais txog ntawm lub kub nyob ib ncig ntawm nws lub duav, the fans want me to fight Michael Chandler and I fight for the fans.

Bellator President Scott Coker has said he foresees Thomson returning to action in early 2016, thiab tsis muaj kev sib ntaus teem rau Chandler los yog Brooks li sau, lwm marquee sib contest yuav tuaj mus rau fruition ntxov, es tsis tom qab. Saib cov finish no.

Weichel Yav toj txiav Karakhanyan, Hoping rau Ntsej muag Daniel Straus Rau Title


In the featherweight co-feature bout of the evening, Georgi Karakhanyan (24-5-1) thiab Daniel Weichel (36-9) Unleashed nyuaj jabs thiab heev heev round lub tsev thoob plaws ib tug peb-round thriller. The difference was Weichel’s ability to use his pinpoint accuracy to pepper away at his jab, muab xaus rau Karakhanyan hmo. Nyob rau hauv lub kawg, “The Weasel” escaped with a split decision victory with scores of (30-27, 30-27, 30-27), and likely moved closer to another shot at the 145-pound champion. Watch the official decision no.

Anderson Outduels Freire Thaum Dua, Hauv lub Bellator MMA tawb


A lightweight rematch between Patricky Freire (14-7) thiab Derek Anderson (13-2, 1 NC) tuaj rau ib lub taub hau hmo no, nrog txiv neej trading lub cev blows thiab pib rau lub 15 feeb ntev ntawm lawv tsausmuag bout. Nyob rau hauv lub kawg, “Barbaric” took home a split decision victory with judgesscores of (29-28, 28-29, 29-28). Lub chim qhab nia nws ob hauj lwm yeej Freire, tom qab yav tas los ua nws debut Bellator nyob rau hauv ib tug sawv daws pom kev txiav txim siab kov yeej Freire ntawm "Bellator 98."Noj ib tug saib ib co highlights no.

Piccolotti Yeej ntshav sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau Nuj Nqis ntawm Soto


Nyob rau hauv ib tug nruj nreem kam sib ntaus sib tua ntawm grappling kws txawj Adas Piccolot (7-0) thiab Mario Soto, (6-2) "Lub foob pob" tseem undefeated tom qab ib tug thib ob round rear-liab qab caj pas cuav. Piccolotti sliced ​​li Soto, qhib ib tug tseem ceeb txiav tshaj txoj cai qhov muag ntawm lub 29-xyoo-laus lub hnub yug me nyuam tub. Nrog cov ntshav squirting qhov txhia chaw, "Dr. Mario "twb yuam kom coj mus rhaub tawm ntawm 3:25 ntawm round ob. Ob leeg Northern California fighters coj nyob rau hauv ib tug loj contingent ntawm hometown cov kiv cua, tab sis nws yog tus Bay-cheeb tsam txiv leej tub, Piccolotti, tawm yeej nyob rau hauv lub kawg, ib yam khoom ntawm tsaws 86% ntawm nws ntaus ces muab pov tseg. Peep the gash on Soto’s head no.

Rogers Powers Yav tag los Zwicker nyob rau hauv 'Bellator 147' Opener


Thaum lub sij hawm qhib contest rau cov ntsia hlau loj, Brian Rogers (12-8) muab xaus rau ib tug ob-sib ntaus nplua nyob rau hauv nws debut ntawm lub teeb heavyweight, qhib hluav taws nrog vicious av-thiab-phaus cov txheej txheem, tov nyob rau hauv nrog relentless rauj ruaj ruaj, uas coj mus rau Virgil Zwicker (14-5-1) tapping tawm los ntawm caj npab-daim duab peb sab cuav ntawm 4:38 ntawm round ob. "Rezdog" tiv thaiv nco ntsoov thaum lub sij hawm nws lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub Bellator MMA tawb, txawm tiv ib tug uas tsis muaj tshuab ua ntej lawm nyob rau hauv lub contest; tab sis nyob rau hauv lub kawg, nws yog "B-Rog Lub Predator lub" Hmo ntuj. Saib cov yees duab highlights no.

Preliminary Card tau & Duab:

A.J. McKee (3-0) yeej JT Donaldson (1-1) ntawm knockout (hauv caug) ntawm 4:14 ntawm round ob SAIB TAG NO

Brandon Hester (3-0) yeej Idris Wasi (1-3) ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab (30-24, 30-25, 30-27)

Gabriel Carrasco (7-0) yeej Khomkrit Niimi (6-8) via technical knockout (lub luj tshib) ntawm 3:19 ntawm puag ncig ib

Nick Barnes (10-1) yeej James Terry (16-8) ntawm cuav (rear-liab qab caj pas) ntawm 2:48 ntawm puag ncig ib

Erick Sanchez (6-2) defeated Thomas Diagne (5-5-1) via technical knockout (punches) ntawm 1:22 ntawm puag ncig peb

Yelemi Monaghan (9-3) yeej Alvin Cacdac (16-12) ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Bronson Mohika (1-1) yeej Jose Perez (1-1) defeated via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Adin Duenas (3-1) yeej Anthony Taylor (0-1) ntawm cuav (rear-liab qab caj pas) ntawm 2:43 ntawm puag ncig ib

Anthony Ua (2-0) yeej Dustin Moore (0-1) ntawm kev knockout ntawm 2:05 ntawm puag ncig ib


TSEEM: David 'caveman' RICKELS rov qab los tsev

Raug Monica, California. (Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 4, 2015) - Bellator MMA lub Bantamweight Championship yuav tsum nyob rau hauv kab nyob rau hauv ib tug rematch Pitting Marcos "Loro" Galvao (17-6-1) tiv thaiv yav tas los yeej Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (17-4) ntawm Kansas Star Arena nyob rau hauv Mulvane, Kansas, rau Lub ob hlis ntuj 26.

Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, hometown nyiam, David Rickels (16-4, 1 NC) yuav rov qab mus ua hauj lwm tawm tsam ib tug nrog sib ntaus uas yuav tau qhia rau ntawm ib tug tom qab hnub tim. "Lub Caveman" ib txwm los npaj rau muab tso rau hauv ib tug yeeb yam, seb nws yog nyob rau nws txoj kev mus rau hauv lub tawb, los yog thaum nws noj rau ib tug uas yog leej twg Bellator MMA sib txuj ci.

Cov ntsiab kev tshwm sim, raws li tau zoo raws li Rickels 'sib ntaus yuav ua rau ob tug ntawm cov uas tawm hauv TV cov kev sib tw ntawm “Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas,” uas airs nyob rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I, thaum tej yam xub thawj bouts yuav kwj rau ntawm 7 p.m. THIAB. Ntxiv fights yuav muab tshaj tawm sai.


Daim pib rau "Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " uas pib ntawm cia li $27, mus rau ntawm kev muag tom ntej no Saturday, Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 12 ntawm or, raws li tau zoo raws li lub Kansas Star Arena chaw ua hauj lwm.


Ib tug tav raug mob li cas los ntawm Dantas thaum lub sij hawm txoj kev kawm camp yuam nws mus rho los ntawm nws yav tas los teem tseg title txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv ntawm"Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho. " Tam sim no mas zoo tu qab tso, promotional ua hauj lwm tau rebooked lub qaij.


"Lawv,"Uas tau tiv thaiv rau lub ntiaj teb no-nrov npe promotions cov yam koj nyiam uas lub ntiaj teb no huab Cagefighting thiab Shooto txij li thaum 2003, yuav tsum sib tw rau lub 11th lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub Bellator MMA banner. Lub 34-xyoo-laus yog presently nyob rau hauv lub midst ntawm ib tug plaub-sib ntaus yeej streak thiab muaj emerged yeej nyob rau hauv xya ntawm nws lub xeem yim scraps. Nyob rau hauv nws cov nag mus ua si, Galvao tiav lawm Joe Warren ntawm"Bellator 135: Warren vs. Galvao " ntawm cuav rau yeej nws thawj-puas championship.


Meanwhile, Dantas yuav tau nrhiav los theej tawm txoj kev vam meej nws muaj tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv lawv cov thawj Galvao lub rooj sib tham, uas tau nyob rau hauv ib tug thib ob-round knockout ntawm “Bellator 89.” Lub 26-xyoo-laus Nova Uniao khoom bounced rov qab los ntawm nws unanimous kev txiav txim siab tsis tiv thaiv Warren rau dispel ntawm Mike Richman nyob rau hauv tib yam ntawm "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove. " Lub Bellator caij 5 Bantamweight kev sib tw khiav yog tab tom nrhiav kom hu nws tus kheej ib ob-lub sij hawm bantamweight zus tuaj Lub kaum hli ntuj 23.


ROC teb chaws Cov kev ua si & Miguel COTTO PROMOTIONS tam sim no zwm txwv boxing: WILFREDO Vazquez JR. VS. RAFAEL Rivera MEDIA Workout QUOTES THIAB DUAB



Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab

Yees duab Credit: Roc teb chaws kev ua si & Miguel Cotto Promotions


KISSIMMEE, IBCE (Dec. 4, 2015) - Roc teb chaws kev ua si thiab Miguel Cotto Promotions tuav ib tug xov xwm workout ua ntej ntawm lub zwm txwv boxing: Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. vs. Rafael Rivera uas yog teem rau Saturday, Dec. 5 los ntawm Osceola cuab yeej cuab tam chaw ua si muaj Hall Ib tug nyob rau hauv Kissimmee, Florida uas tawm hauv TV nyob rau HBO Latino Boxing pib ntawm 9:45 p.m. THIAB/PT. Yav tas los WBO Junior Featherweight ntiaj teb tau zus Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. (24-1-5, 19 Kos) ntawm Bayamon, Puerto Rico thiab undefeated Rafael "Big Bang" Rivera (20-0-2, 14 Kos) ntawm Tijuana, Mexico ua hauj lwm tawm ua ntej ntawm lawv kaum-round featherweight showdown no lis xaus.


Hauv qab no yog li cas rau neeg tua hluav taws yuav tsum tau hais txog lawv cov tom ntej bouts.


"Kuv xav tias heev thiab npaj txhij. Kuv muaj tias txug uas yuav kuv nyob. Kuv twb tau ua hauj lwm rau kuv ceev thiab txav ib yam li kuv puas tau thaum kuv pib kuv ua hauj lwm.


"Rivera yog ib tug classic Mexican fighter uas yuav sim tso siab rau kuv. Peb yog npaj txhij mus rau lis thiab saib xyuas txhua yam nws coj Saturday hmo ntuj. "



"Cia li zoo li kuv npe menyuam yaus hais tias, Kuv yuav tau siv kuv ceev thiab kuv agility los yeej. Kuv yuav siv tag nrho cov tswv yim uas kuv twb tau kawm nrog rau ob lub hlis."


Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. vs. Rafael Rivera, ib tug kaum-round featherweight bout, yuav siv sij hawm qhov chawSaturday, Dec. 5 ntawm Osceola cuab yeej cuab tam chaw ua si muaj Hall Ib tug nyob rau hauv Kissimmee, Florida. Qhov no zwm txwv boxing kev tshwm sim yog hais los ntawm Roc teb chaws kev ua si thiab Miguel Cotto Promotions thiab txhawb nqa los ntawm Corporate Mus ncig teb chaws Management Solutions (CTMS), Tequila Cazadores, Venue kav cov vaj ntxwv thiab SportsLock. Tsis tas li ntawd featured yuav Alexander Hom vs. Medzhid Bektemirov in a ten-round light heavyweight bout which is presented in association with Camponovo Sports and Gary Shaw Productions. The doubleheader will be televised live on HBO Latino beginning at 9:45 p.m. THIAB/PT.


Daim pib luv nqi thaum $65 thiab $33, ntxiv uas siv tau kev pab nqi, yog muaj nyob rau yuav khoom ntawm daim pib thiab Mus rau nqi los ntawm lub xov tooj, hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000. Daim pib no kuj muaj nyob rau yuav khoom ntawm cov Osceola cuab yeej cuab tam chaw ua si chaw ua hauj lwm uas yog qhib hnub ua hauj lwm los ntawm 10:00 a.m. rau 4:00 p.m. thiab nyob rau Saturday, Dec. 5 pib thaum 8:00 a.m.


Yog xav paub ntxiv, thov mus xyuas Ua raws li cov Roc teb chaws nyob rau hauv Twitter thiab Instagramrocnation thiab nyob rau Facebook ntawm Ua raws li cov kev sib tham siv #throneboxing.


Nyem NTAWM NO Nyeem Online
Los ntawm: Lorne Chan
Ntshav nchuav los ntawm Omar Figueroa lub qhov ntswg lub sij hawm tas los nws yog nyob rau hauv lub AT&T Center, nws ob txhais tes raug mob los ntawm ntuav ib txhiab punches. Figueroa twb tag, thiab nws yog tag nrho cov tsim nyog nws thaum lub championship siv twb muab tso rau nws lub xub pwg.
Uas yog nyob rau Lub Xya hli ntuj 27, 2013. Figueroa tiv thaiv Nihito Arakawa thiab thov lub WBC Hnav Title nyob rau hauv ib tug bout uas topped ntau sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo npe.
Ob xyoos tom qab, Omar “Panterita” Figueroa yog tuaj rov qab mus rau lub AT&T Center. Figueroa (25-0-1, 18 Kos) yog headlining ib tug Premier Boxing Champions card rau Dec. 12, qhov twg nws mam li sib ntaus sib tua Antonio DeMarco (31-5-1, 23 Kos).
Daim pib pib ntawm $31 yog muaj nyob rau ntawm rau lub sib ntaus, uas kuj muaj xws li Dominic “Teeb meem” Breazeale tiv thaiv “Tub huabtais” Charles Martin nyob rau hauv ib tug heavyweight bout thiab rov qab los rau lub nplhaib ntawm yav tas los welterweight zus Victor Ortiz.
Rau Figueroa, nws xa mus rau AT&T Center nplhaib txhais tau tias ib tug rov qab mus rau qhov chaw ntawm ib tug ntawm cov loj tshaj nights ntawm nws lub neej, thaum nws swb lawm Arakawa nyob rau hauv ib tug kev txiav txim siab.
“Mus ntiv taw-mus-ntiv taw, 12 rounds, nws yog zoo li ib yam dab tsi nyob rau hauv lub mob Rocky tsos,” Figueroa hais tias. “Nws yog hais txog muaj lub siab tawv thiab lub siab mus nyob twj ywm nyob rau hauv muaj thiab ua tau hais tias txoj kev. Yuav mus nyob rau hauv muaj, ntshav thiab tawg ob txhais tes, nws yog amazing. Kuv zoo siab uas yuav ua tau qhov ntawd no nyob rau hauv lub AT&T Center.”
Figueroa, 25, yog kev txaus siab ntawm lub Rio Grande Valley. Nws yog ib tug neeg uas Weslaco, hais txog 250 mais qab teb ntawm tus AT&T Center. Nws cob muaj nrog nws txiv, Omar Sr., uas ntej muab tso rau hnab looj tes rau nws tus tub thaum Jr. yog 6.
Nicknamed “Panterita,” Figueroa tsim nws style nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib los ntawm ib tug kwv yees li ntawm 200 pib xyaum ua nyob rau hauv sib ntaus Mexico thiab lwm 50 nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States raws li ib tug junior.
Nws yog ib tug relentless Puncher. Nws tsis mloog noj ib ob peb hits yog hais tias nws txhais tau tias tau txais ib tug ob peb txhaj tshuaj nyob rau hauv nws tus kheej. Fights nrog Figueroa ua tsis hais txog cov “qab zib science” thiab ntau ntxiv txog sheer phaj. Uas style coj cov loj tshaj kev sib ntaus cov AT&T Center tau puas tau pom.
Figueroa thiab Arakawa hloov pauv punches rau txhua thib ob ntawm lawv 12-round sib ntaus, nrog lub AT&T Center neeg coob coob chanting “Omar! Omar!” thoob plaws hauv. Txawm tias Figueroa, ib tug orthodox fighter, raug mob nws ob txhais tes xuas nrig ntaus Arakawa lub ntsej muag thiab lub cev, Arakawa yuav tsis mus cia. Ob leeg fighters siab rau 36 feeb, muab txhua lwm yam nods ntawm kev hwm ntawm qhov kawg ntawm txhua puag ncig.
Thaum qhov kev sib ntaus ntawd thiab Figueroa twb crowned tus thawj lub ntiaj teb no zus los ntawm cov Rio Grande Valley, nws ua siab tawv qhawv los ntawm kev sib ntaus khwv tau nws ntau npaum li cas tshaj ib tug siv nyob rau hauv boxing voj voog. Raws li Compubox, uas tallies punches ces muab pov tseg thiab tsaws, Figueroa kev cob cog rua rau 450 hwj chim punches nyob rau hauv qhov kev sib ntaus, lub plaub-feem ntau tag nrho-lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv tej chav kawm ntawv nyob rau hauv CompuBox hnyav lub 30 xyoo ntawm cov ntaubntawv povthawj siv fights.
“Nyob rau hauv ib tug kev ua si nawv uas tau ua coob tsim nyog nco tshooj,” announcer Mauro Ranallo hais tias thaum lub sij hawm qhov kev sib ntaus, “no nyob rau hauv San Antonio koj yuav tau ntxiv lwm tshooj rau boxing tus zoo nkauj thiab brutal txojsia.”
Thaum tsiv mus txog rau lub 140-phaus ceeb thawj hoob kawm, Figueroa hais tias qhov no yog thawj lub sij hawm nws yog muaj siab noj qab nyob zoo txij thaum lub Arakawa sib ntaus. Raws li Figueroa lub hnub qub tseem sawv, DeMarco, ib tug qub WBC Hnav zus nws tus kheej los ntawm Sinaloa, Mexico, yog sawv nyob rau hauv nws txoj kev.
“Qhov no yuav tsum yog ib tug tawv heev sib ntaus thiab yuav feem ntau yuav tsum yog ib tug tsov rog vim hais tias ntawm peb cov sib ntaus sib tua yeej,” DeMarco hais tias.
Lub Dec. 12 card uas muaj cov loj matchups, lwm tseem ceeb tshwm sim bout feature sDominic “Teeb meem” BREAZEALE (16-0, 14 Kos) tiv thaiv “Tub huabtais” Charles Martin (22-0-1, 20 Kos) thiab Chris “Lub Npau suav phem” Arreola (36-4-1, 31 Kos) tiv thaiv Travis “Kuv lub sij hawm” Kauffman (30-1, 22 Kos).
BREAZEALE, ib tug qub quarterback ntawm lub University of Northern Colorado, coj li boxing tom qab nws kawm ntawv qib siab ua hauj lwm tas thiab los ua ib tug 2012 Olympian. Nws tau sau ib tug knockout nyob rau hauv tag nrho tab sis ob tug kev sib ntaus, tab sis ntsib nws toughest xeem tiv thaiv Martin, uas tau ncaim ntau tshaj plaub rounds cia li ib zaug nyob rau hauv nws cov nag fights yim.
Victor Ortiz ua rau nws rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv lub AT&T Center raws li zoo, raws li nws cov hauj lwm tau muab ib tug fascinating txoj kev txij li thaum nws tiv thaiv Floyd Mayweather Jr. nyob rau hauv 2011. Ortiz nyob rau hauv “Dancing nrog lub hnub qub” nyob rau hauv 2013, thiab muaj yeeb yam cwj pwm nyob rau hauv “Lub Expendables 3” thiab “Southpaw.” Nws San Antonio sib ntaus yuav tsum yog nws cov thawj nyob rau hauv 364 hnub, thiab Ortiz yuav tsum yog ib tug kiv cua nyiam.
Leija / Battah Promotions tau coj lub sib ntaus card rau San Antonio, raws li hometown tub Jesse James Leija hais tias nws vam mus coj loj thiab loj sib ntaus rau lub AT&T Center.
“San Antonio yog tej zaum qhov zoo tshaj plaws lub nroog rau boxing nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States,” Vauj hais tias. “Peb xav kom muab lub kiv cua lawv cov nyiaj tsim nrog ib co ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv Texas thiab lwm qhov.”
Lub sib ntaus nyob rau AT&T Center yog kuj yog ib tug lub sij hawm rau ib co hauv zos neeg tua hluav taws tau nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib rau ib tug tshaj tawm hauv xov uas yuav tau tawm hauv TV rau NBC thiab NBCSN pib thaum 5 p.m. CST.
Mario Barrios, ib tug 20-xyoo-laus uas tau mus kawm Southwest High School nyob rau hauv San Antonio, twb tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv rau lub sij hawm 2015 thiab yeej tag nrho rau fights. Rau Barrios (13-0, 7 Kos), taug kev mus rau hauv lub AT&T Center yog ib yam dab tsi nws hais tias tag nrho nws lub hauj lwm tau raug lub tsev mus rau.
“Kuv twb tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv thiaj ntau qhov chaw tsis muaj leej twg paub kuv,” Barrios hais tias. “Mus tua nyob rau hauv tsev, nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm kuv tsev neeg, nws yuav tsum yog ib tug me ntsis kev nyuaj siab. Nws tseem yuav mus xav rau kuv zoo li hais tias taw tes nyob rau hauv koj lub hauj lwm uas koj nyob nraum tiag ua ib yam dab tsi.”

Lub zos boxers John Lennox, Quian Davis thiab Alshamar Johnson ntsiab Rising Boxing Promotions undercard no hnub Saturday nyob rau hauv lub Claridge nyob rau hauv Atlantic City

Thoms “Cornflake” LaManna ua Welterweight debut no hnub vas xaum tiv thaiv Ariel Vasquez nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim
Atlantic City, NJ (Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 4, 2015)–QHOV NO HNUB SATURDAY Hmo ntuj, Hlis ntuj nqeg 5, Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna noj nyob rau hauv Ariel Vasquez in the main event of a card that will take place at the Claridge Hotel nyob rau hauv Atlantic City.
Lub card yog nce los ntawm Rising Boxing Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Vincent M. Ponte lub Gulf kwj Promotions.

Ua ntej lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, ib tug khoom undercard ua los nrog sab saum toj neeg tua hluav taws los ntawm New Jersey thiab ntawm ntug dej hauv cheeb tsam yuav tsum featured rau lub undercard.
Nyob rau hauv ib tug 6-round bout
John Lennox (13-3, 5 KO lub) ntawm Carteret, NJ yuav noj nyob rau Willis Lockett ntawm Takoma Park, MD.
Lennox yuav tsum tau nrhiav kom tau rov qab nyob rau hauv lub yeej kem tom qab xa me nyuam rov ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab rau Dan Pasciolla rau Lub yim hli ntuj 15th. The former college football standout has a win over Patrick Farrell (8-1-1).
Lockett yog ib tug 14 xyoo yog qub tub rog, uas muag sab saum toj sib txeeb xws li Brian Minto, Javier Mora, Tommy Karpency, yav tas los lub ntiaj teb champion Keith Holmes, Jerson Ravelo, Aaron Pryor Jr, Tarvis Simms thiab Michael ntsaws ruaj ruaj.
Nws muaj zoo yeej tshaj Tyrone Tate, Glenn Turner, Willie Williams & yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no title challenger Larry Marks.
Tsis tas li ntawd tshwm yuav tsum undefeated Cruiserweight knockout artist Alvin Varmall (7-0-1, 7 KO lub) ntawm lub pas dej qhov chaw, LA battling Philly tawv txiv leej tub Brian Donahue nyob rau hauv ib tug 4-round sib ntau sib tw.
Lub zos Heavyweight Quian Davis ntawm Vineland, NJ yuav tua Santario Holdbrooksntawm Kannapolis, NC nyob rau hauv ib tug 4-round kev nyuajsiab ntxhov plawv fighters uas yuav tsum tau nrhiav lawv cov thawj yeej.
Alshamar Johnson (1-1) ntawm Vineland, NJ, uas yog los tawm ib tug stunning stoppage tshaj yav tas los undefeated Nick Valliere (5-0) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Villi zoo nkauj (3-1, 1 KO) ntawm tus poj vaj, NY nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Welterweight bout.
Luis Perozo ntawm New York yuav ua kom nws debut tiv thaiv pro Davonte Steele ntawm North Carolina nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav bout.
Daim pib yog $50 GA, $75 Ringside, $75 Stage & $125 VIP (Booths ntawm 5 muaj rau $500) and are available at

Lub qhov rooj qhib thaum 6 PM nrog 1 tswb ntawm 7 PM.

The Clardige Hotel is located at 123 S. Indiana Ave.. Atlantic City NJ
Instagram: risingpromo

Rising Promotions twb tsim nrog lub hom phiaj ntawm qhov ib tug tsev tuav lub npe nrog tus tseem ceeb lub hom phiaj ntawm Rising Promotions muaj peev xwm ua hauj lwm ib array ntawm txawv tej yam tshwj xeeb hauv cov kev ua si thiab kev lom zem kev lag luam, Cov CEO thiab koom tes ntawm Rising Promotions xav tias cov sij hawm rau cov kev loj hlob tsis muaj kev txom. Peb xav muab lub sij hawm rau thiab los kev raws li zoo raws li kev pib xyaum ua boxers uas lwm promoters yuav tsis nkag muab lub sij hawm los. Cov txheej xwm uas Rising lub hom phiaj yuav los saib xyuas yuav muab ntau npaum li cas yuav tsum tau pheej yig, tsev neeg-phooj ywg ua si lom ze.

Khiav teev Throwdown Fantasy ntsiab lus cov ntaub ntawv rau #BradleyRios kev ua si

TSHIAB YORK (Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 3, 2015, 2015) – Ib tug tib si ntsiab lus cov ntaub ntawv teev los ntawm tus khiav ntawm cov tsis ntev los no $2000 Throwdown Fanatasy Boxing kev ua si raws li Ernesto Lopez(“Ring_King24”) racked li 474.5 tag nrho cov fantasy ntsiab lus mus ntes tus $400.00 khiav tus daim tshev.
“Yog vim li cas vim li cas kuv ua si Throwdown Fantasy yog vim hais tias kuv yog ib tug hardcore boxing kiv cua thiab kuv yeej boxed li ib tug pib xyaum ua,” Lopez said. “Ntau, what’s better than getting paid for doing something I love and follow 24/7. is the best! I am on it all of the time and my wife thinks I’m addicted. Hav, nws them tawm.”
Ntawm no yog ib tug nyob ze saib Lopez’ winning pab:

Lopez, nws ua nws winning pab neeg nyob ib ncig ntawm peb cov khoom favorites nyob rau hauv Tim Bradley, Edwin Rodriguez ($5800) thiab Vasyl Lomachenko ($5800). This trio cost him a total of $16,400 nyob rau hauv camp tau nyiaj nrog xwb $8600 remaining for him to spend on his final two fighters. The helping hand was provided by Karim Guerfi ($4300), peb pheej yig tshaj fighter thiab decisive underdog tiv tiag Alejandro Gonzalez, Jr. Jarrett Hurd yog Lopez’ kawg tuaj tos.
Los ntawm kev ua lub xwb neeg uas ua ntawv mus tos tsib winners, Lopez yog tau sau nws 474.5 record-setting points. The rest of the top 10 finishers tsuas tau xaiv plaub yeej nyob rau hauv qhov kev ua si thiab hais tias muaj pov thawj yuav tsum tau qhov sib txawv.
Throwdown Fantasy tag nrho-lub sij hawm winningest neeg uas ua ntawv, “Yuggy,” qhia ob-qhov chaw uas muaj 436.4 cov ntsiab lus rau ib tug $130.00 prize. Txawm li cas los, nws nkag mus hauv nws pab neeg peb lub sij hawm los yeej yuav luag li npaum li cas raws li qhov kev ua si khiav, $390.00. The beauty of Throwdown Fantasy is that players may enter a contest as many times as he or she chooses, kev txhim kho txoj kev winning nyiaj.

Los ntawm kev ua lub xwb neeg uas ua ntawv mus tos tsib winners, Lopez yog tau sau nws 474.5 record-setting points. The rest of the top 10 finishers tsuas tau xaiv plaub yeej nyob rau hauv qhov kev ua si thiab hais tias muaj pov thawj yuav tsum tau qhov sib txawv.
Throwdown Fantasy tag nrho-lub sij hawm winningest neeg uas ua ntawv, “Yuggy,” qhia ob-qhov chaw uas muaj 436.4 cov ntsiab lus rau ib tug $130.00 prize. Txawm li cas los, nws nkag mus hauv nws pab neeg peb lub sij hawm los yeej yuav luag li npaum li cas raws li qhov kev ua si khiav, $390.00. The beauty of Throwdown Fantasy is that players may enter a contest as many times as he or she chooses, kev txhim kho txoj kev winning nyiaj.
Muaj peb qho yooj yim txoj kev ua si Throwdown Fantasy : 1. Xaiv tsib tua hluav taws los cov kev ua si pawg, siv lub $25,000 cov nyiaj hli hau (saib saum toj no); 2. Ces taug qab tw nyob rau hauv lub sij hawm, ua haujlwm tau nyiaj cov ntsiab lus rau yeej, knockouts thiab Compubox statistics (saib piv txwv li daim ntawv hauv qab no); 3. Xeem cov feem ntau cov ntsiab lus yeej. Feem ntau cov kev ua si kav ib tug tag nrho lub lim tiam thiab txhua txhia tus muaj ntau yam winners.
Fighters tau txais cov ntsiab lus raws li yuav ua li cas lawv ua, pub nqe zog rau txhua style ntawm boxing. Compubox sib ntaus txheeb cais yog muaj cov kev tshawb fawb mus pab nyob rau hauv kev ua
Tshiab players uas kos npe rau tam sim no tau txais dawb nkag mus rau hauv Throwdown Fantasy Boxing cov nyiaj Freeroll game. Throwdown Fantasy also provides a $250 free yob uas players yuav nkag mus rau siv Throwdown ntsiab lus (3 free tag nrho raws li cov ntawv sau npe) thiab $25.00 free game. Kos npe thiab ua si yog dawb. Cov neeg muaj lub sij hawm mus sau npe thiab ua si rau dawb thiab ces txav mus rau them ua si.
Twitter: @Throwdownfan
Instagram: throwdownfantasyboxing


JENNINGS THIAB Ortiz YUAV Clash RAU HNUB SATURDAY, KAUM-OB HLI 19 AT txoj siav POB ZEB Resort twv txiaj yuam pov HAUV Verona, NEW YORK THIAB uas tawm hauv TV NYOB RAU HBO TOM QAB DUB®
Nyem NTAWM NO rau ib tug MP3 ntawm no Hu
LOS ANGELES (Dec. 3, 2015) Yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no title contender Bryant “By-By” Jennings(19-1, 10 Kos) thiab nyuam qhuav crowned WBA Interim Heavyweight siv yas dhos Luis “Qhov tiag King Kong” Ortiz (23-0, 20 Kos) nyob thoob ntiaj teb xov xwm rooj sab laj hu niaj hnub no sib tham txog lawv tom ntej xav tias yuav 12-round championship title sib ntaus sib tua nyob Dec. 19. Qhov kev tshwm sim yuav muab qhov chaw thaum siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov, nyob rau hauv Verona, New York thiab yuav tsum tawm hauv TV nyob rau HBO Boxing Tom qab Tsaus.
Hauv qab no yog li cas rau tua hluav taws thiab lawv pawg yuav tsum tau hais nyob rau hnub no lub rooj sib tham hu:
Bryant “LOS NTAWM-LOS NTAWM” JENNINGS, Yav tas los Heavyweight ntiaj teb Title contender:
“Qhov no yog Ortiz tus thawj tiag tiag sib ntaus raws li ib tug kws. Koj yuav saib tsis muaj lwm tus neeg nyob rau hauv boxing uas los nyob ze rau kuv stature.
“Cov kev kawm tau sib txawv tab sis tsis yooj yim. Koj yog lub tsev siv ib lub tshuab. Thaum tus neeg txo nws hwj lub log thiab zog nyob rau, lawv ua. Ces koj txhuam nws thiab muab nws li rau cov zaub. Uas yog qhov chaw kuv nyob hauv nyob rau hauv kuv cov hauj lwm tam sim no. Peb yeej yuav tau mus qhia rau koj tias qhov kev kawm no tas li ntawd tau ua hauj lwm.
“Nws muaj ib tug ntev pib xyaum ua hauj lwm, Kuv muaj ib tug ntev kev ua hauj lwm. Koj sib sib zog nqus kev ua ib tug pib xyaum ua tsis txhais hais tias koj yuav muaj kev ua tau haujlwm. Qhov no txiv leej tub (Ortiz) tsis tau pom ib tug tiag tiag zoo li kuv tsis tau fighter. Nws muaj steroid siv. Vim li cas nws yuav tsum tau ua uas? Nws tau ua nws tus kheej ntseeg tau hais tias nws yeej paub yuav ua li cas; nws muaj los ua pov thawj nws rau Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 19. Tab sis kuv yuav mus kaw nws sau tias hnub, uas yog kuv txoj kev npaj.
“Peb yuav mus coj ib tug zoo sib ntaus. Peb yuav muab tso rau hauv ib tug yeeb yam thiab yog ib tug ntawm peb, yeej, poob los yog kos, yuav qhia tus kiv cua dab tsi peb yuav tau ua. Peb yuav ua hauj lwm ceev cov kub siab rau lub heavyweight faib rau peb.
“Nws yog ntseeg tab sis ib tug me ntsis ntau kaj siab lug. Nws tsis to taub dab tsi nws yog li tawm tsam. Nws tau yeej tsis tau raug ib tug nrog sib ntaus ib yam li kuv. Nws muaj los txo hwj chim rau nws tus kheej vim hais tias nws yog yuav mus yuav ib lossis poob ntsej muag. Yuav ua li cas kuv ua li cas yog, Kuv nco ntsoov kuv zoo kawm thiab npaj mus khob nws tawm, 100 feem pua. Lub kiv cua yuav hlub kuv 100 feem pua. Kuv tabtom sawv kuv av. Kuv yuav muaj nws quaj hauv lub nplhaib. Nws yog yuav mus yuav tiag tiag tsis yooj yim rau nws tau tshaj no. Kuv yuav mus sib ntaus sib tua thiab muab kuv tag nrho.”
Luis “LUB TIAG HUAB TAIS koob” Ortiz, WBA Interim Heavyweight ntiaj teb tau zus:
“Ua tsaug rau koj mus rau lub Golden tub Promotions pab, HBO thiab txhua leej txhua tus uas tau txais kev txhawb kuv thiab muab kuv ib lub caij nyoog los ua pov thawj rau kuv tus kheej thiab li cas kuv tsim nyog.
“Cov neeg yuav paub tias leej twg yog los rau tus naj npawb ib chaw. Kuv tsis tau tuaj ntawm no los ntawm teb chaws Cuba mus zaum no thiab ua ib yam dabtsi. Kuv yuav los rau lub siv; Kuv yuav los mus ua tus heavyweight lub ntiaj teb champion.
“Txhua sib ntaus yog ib qho tseem ceeb tab sis qhov no yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws sib ntaus ntawm kuv ua hauj lwm kom deb li deb. Kuv twb npaj mus nres Jennings. Kuv yog ib tug boxer-Puncher thiab yuav khob nws tawm.
“Ntawm cov hoob kawm kuv muaj dab tsi nws yuav siv sij hawm los yeej tau cov neeg sib tw ib yam li Fury thiab Wilder. Uas muaj kev kawm thiab kev txiav txim, Kuv ntseeg hais tias kuv yuav tsum unstoppable.
“Kuv npaj txhij thiab muaj peev xwm ua dab tsi kuv yuav tsum ua. Kuv xav kom rau koj cov menyuam rov qab mus rau hauv lub tebchaws United States thiab ua tus unified heavyweight lub ntiaj teb champion.
“Kuv thiab Klitschko yog tsis muaj dab tsi xwm yeem; Kuv ntaus ntau nyuaj tshaj nws.”
Gary Shaw, CEO ntawm Gary Shaw Productions:
“Kuv yog nyob rau hauv lub camp nag hmo. Jennings thiab Jackson muaj ib tug zoo kev sib raug zoo. Lawv yog txhaj raws li tus kws qhia thiab boxer.
“Jennings tsis tham smack; txawm nws yuav mus ua, nws yuav ua nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib rauKaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 19.
“Tus khiav ntawm no kev sib ntaus yuav tsum tau yuav paub raws li tus naj npawb ib nyob rau hauv lub boxing kev lag luam.
“Rau no sib ntaus, peb yuav ua li cas kuaj. VADA yuav ua lub xeem. Muaj yog tsis muaj teeb meem rau tog twg los xaus nrog lub xeem.”
Eric Gomez, Senior Vice President ntawm Golden tub Promotions:
“Lub heavyweight faib nyob rau hauv boxing yog cua sov li thiab no yavtom ntej sib ntaus rau Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 19yog ib tug ntawm cov yog vim li cas vim li cas uas yog.
“Qhov no yog mus yuav ib tug zoo sib ntaus rau Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 19 ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov, ib tug zoo kawg nkaus lo lus uas peb boxing, thiab nyob rau HBO Boxing Tom qab Tsaus, qhov zoo tshaj plaws network rau boxing.”
Herman CAICEDO, Tus kws qhia los Luis Ortiz:
“Peb tau ua hauj lwm nyuaj heev lub xyoo tas los thiab ib tug ib nrab los npaj rau cov kauj ruam no-up sib ntaus. Peb yeej yuav tau mus qhia lub ntiaj teb no yog vim li cas peb hu Luiz Ortiz 'Qhov tiag King Kong.’
“Nws txoj hauj lwm yog mus tua; qhov no yog dab tsi nws puas zoo li cas rau ib tug nyob. Leej twg yog los rau nws, coj nws cov nyiaj, nws yuav mus coj lawv.”
Jennings vs. Ortiz yog ib tug 12-round heavyweight bout sib ntaus rau lub WBA Interim Heavyweight Title nthuav qhia los ntawm Golden tub Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Gary Shaw Productions. Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 6:00 p.m., thiab lub HBO Boxing Tom qab Tsaus telecast pib nyob rau hauv 10:15 p.m. THIAB/PT.
Tswj tuav ntawm cov kev tshwm sim, lub Oneida teb chaws tus Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov tseem kom paub qhov txawv nws tus kheej raws li ib tug premier lo lus uas peb rau blockbuster boxing ntais. Lub Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 19 sib ntaus yuav kos tus cim siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov lub 16th teb chaws uas tawm hauv TV boxing kev tshwm sim nyob rau hauv tsawg tshaj li ob lub xyoos, cementing lub resort raws li ib tug Mecca rau knockout uas tawm hauv TV fights. Nyob rau hauv Upstate New York, cov plaub-lub caij lo lus uas peb resort muaj world-class kev lom zem thiab gaming, puav pheej winning kev pab, ib tug ntau haiv neeg mix ntawm cov khw nojmov, khoom kim heev dab dej sov thiab ob peb nightlife xaiv.
Kev xov xwm thov ntawv rau lub Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 19 sib ntaus yuav tsum hu rau Kelly Abdo, Xa Pob Zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov Public Relations Manager ntawm (315) 366.9291 los
Daim pib rau lub Dec. 19 HBO Boxing Tom qab Tsaus thiab HBO Latino Boxing kev tshwm sim pib ntawm $25, $35 thiab $60 rau ringside rooj ntxiv siv cov nqi thiab yog muaj nyob rau ntawm lub siav pob zeb Resort Box Office los ntawm kev hu mus rau 315-361-7469 lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster (
Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus ntsib,, thiab Follow on Twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing, HBOBoxing, TurningStone Thiab ua ib cov kiv cua hauv Facebook ntawm, /, los yog Toner Dub. Txuas mus xyuas peb InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, turningstone.