모든 게시물에 의해 FNU47

WSOF29: GAETHJE VS. 위탁 IS ON! 세계 경량 챔피언 쉽 이벤트 SET 년 3 월 12 IN LOVELAND, 콜로라도 LIVE ON NBC 스포츠 네트워크

번호 하나 경량 경쟁자 브라이언 포스터 (멀리) 일등에 도전합니다, 토요일에 제목 파이팅 챔피언 저스틴 개씨의 무패 월드 시리즈, 행진 12, 러브 랜드에서 버드 와이저 이벤트 센터에서 NBC 스포츠 네트워크에 살고, 무릎.

티켓은 판매 내일 GO

LAS VEGAS (1월 11, 2016) 싸움의 - 세계 시리즈 (WSOF.com) 오늘 발표 그 높은 기대 대결 사이 일등, 경량 무패 (155 파운드) 챔피언 저스틴 "강조"Gaethje 그리고 번호 하나 경쟁자 브라이언 포스터 러브 랜드에서 버드 와이저 이벤트 센터에서 개최됩니다, 무릎. 토요일에, 행진 12, 에서 NBC 스포츠 네트워크에 살고 9 시이. 동부 / 6 시이. PT.

에서 가격이 책정 $39.99, WSOF29 티켓: Gaethje 대. 포스터 판매 내일 갈, 화요일, 월. 12 에 9 시에 남긴. 에서 MT WSOF.com 및 ComcastTix.com.

"이것은 지금 자신의 게임의 상단에 두 개의 놀라운 선수들 사이의 싸움은 누구의 영혼을 싸우고 그것에게 더 나은 사람을 볼 케이지의 전면적 인 전쟁을 할 수밖에이 떨어져 세계 챔피언으로 밤 산책,"파이팅 대통령의 월드 시리즈는 말했다 아버지 참모.

두려움 파이팅 명단의 월드 시리즈에서 가장 지배적 인 경쟁자 중 하나, 이동 하를 위해 파산 스타일은 전 세계적으로 팬들의 마음을 사로했다, 27 세 Gaethje (14-0) 새 포드의, 아리조나. 그의 covete의 세 번째 방어오고있다을 거라고TLE는 그는 폭발적인 득점, 두 번째 라운드 (4:30) WHO (펀치) 경쟁의 루이스 "원숭이"Palomino 재 시합 betw에서상기 TW다산 별 오, 9 월 18.

여섯 달 전, Gaethje 및 Palomino는 장대 종사, 톱 Gaethje이 망가의 방법으로 승리 등장한다는 타격 - 톱 참조 (다리 킥과 펀치) 세 번째 라운드에서 (3:57) 그 이후 여덟 번째 연례 전투에서 "올해의 싸움"에 대한 임명되었다ERS 2 월 일어난다 만 세계 MMA 시상식 5.

현재까지, Gaethje는 WORL에서 팔 승리의 총을 주장했다D 시리즈의 십 각형 케이지 파이팅, 그 승리의 일곱와의 방법으로 올 한 (티)KO. 그는 마치고 리그의 취임 경량의 두목을 선정했다 Richard Patishnock 첫 라운드의 방법으로 (1:09) WHO (펀치와 팔꿈치) 1 월 WSOF8에서 18, 2014.

포스터 (25-8) Sallisaw의, 오클라호마. 11 월 자신의 타이틀 샷을 받았습니다 20 때 31 세, 장식 베테랑 영웅적인 노력을 개최, 의 월드 시리즈 우승을 하룻밤에 세 번 싸우는 싸움의 최초를, 리그의 상위 8 선수를 특징으로 하룻밤 대회 쌓아 리그htweight 부문.

suffe 후반지 첫 라운드 (1:46) 제출 (힐 훅) 브라질 주짓수 에이스에 패배 조아 Zeferino, 포스터는 행운의 뇌졸중을 경험, 부상 경쟁 대신에 경쟁 대회의 준결승 무대 진출, 그리고 두 번째 라운드를 통해 Palomino를 물리 치고 기회에 대문자 (4:19) WHO (펀치) 그리고 두 번째 라운드를 통해 Zeferino (4:51) KO (펀치)우승 무대 재 대결, Gaethje의 제목에서 최우수상과 촬영 항에있어서,.

스포츠의 10 년 경력의 베테랑, 포스터를 통해 주목할만한 승리를 생산하고있다 브록 라슨, 포레스트 페츠 세계 최고 10 웰터급 순위 (170 파운드) 슈퍼 스타 매트 브라운, 포스터는 두 번째 라운드의 방법에 의해 정복 누구 (2:11) 제출 (길로틴 초크) 11 월 20, 2010.

추가 WSOF29 복싱은 곧 발표 될 예정.

멜슨, 존스 홉킨스 대학에서 인정받다!


뉴욕, NY (1월 11, 2016) – 2003 웨스트 포인트 졸업, 자선가이자 WBC USNBC 주니어 미들급 타이틀리스트인 보이드 "레인메이커" 멜슨은 존스 홉킨스 남자 농구 경기에 앞서 밀리터리 스타로 인정받게 됩니다. 토요일, 1월 16 볼티모어 골드파브 체육관에서, MD.


월드 클래스 선수 프로그램(World Class Athlete Program)에 선정된 현역 육군 예비군 장교 (WCAP), 멜슨은 미국 육군 선수권 대회에서 4번 우승했습니다., 국군복싱선수권대회에서 금메달을 땄고, 예비선수로 선정됐다. 2008 미국 올림픽 대표팀. Melson이 프로로 변신 2010 그리고 기부했다 100% 만성 척수 부상을 치료하는 데 도움이 되는 계류 중인 재판에 대한 그의 지갑. 전체, 그 사람은 그보다 더 많이 자랐어 $350,000 그의 사이 17 프로 복싱, 3개의 자선 갈라 및 기타 행사.


에 16, 멜슨은 존스홉킨스의 호위를 받으며 심판들에게 경기공을 선물할 예정이다.’ ROTC 생도와 학교는 하프타임에 "치료를 위해 여전히 싸우고 있습니다"라는 제목의 비디오를 재생합니다., 만성 척수 손상으로 고통받는 수십만 명에게 영향을 미칠 수 있는 계류 중인 임상 시험을 위한 자금을 모으기 위한 멜슨의 여정을 기록합니다..


“우리나라에 봉사하거나 봉사한 용감한 남성과 여성이 너무 많습니다., 특히 그 지역에서는요.”라고 멜슨은 말했습니다.. “그들이 나를 생각했다는 사실이 정말 놀랍다.. 천년 동안 링에서의 노력과 Team Fight to Walk를 통해 미국 최고의 대학 중 한 곳에서 군 스타로 영예를 얻을 것이라고 예상한 적이 없었습니다.. 저는 이 영상이 참석한 사람들의 마음을 움직이게 하고 크리스찬이 처음으로 자신의 이야기를 들려주었을 때와 같은 느낌을 갖게 해줄 것이라고 믿습니다.. 재판이 가까워질수록 우리가 얻을 수 있는 모든 지원이 필요한 이 시기에 제가 이 일을 위해 선택되었다는 것은 정말 축복입니다.”


영상은 에 접속하시면 보실 수 있습니다https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4KvLQYWQ0E. Melson은 또한 다음에서 볼 수 있는 CBS 토크쇼 "Live it Up"에서 Donna Drake와의 솔직한 인터뷰에 참여했습니다.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbnXF6srafA.


도보로 팀 전투에 대한 자세한 내용은, 방문하시기 바랍니다Teamfighttowalk.com. 세금 공제 기부금에 "산책"웹 사이트 또는 문자 메시지로 할 수있다 20222.




산타 모니카, 캘리포니아 주. (1월 11, 2016) – The co-main event of Bellator MMA’s return to WinStar World Resort & Casino in Thackerville, OK on March 4 will feature undefeated striking sensation 마이클 "독"페이지 (9-0) 에 복용 “The Menifee Maniac” Fernando Gonzalez (24-13) 웰터급 행동.

티켓 "Bellator 151: 워렌 대. 콜드웰 " 현재 판매되고 단지에서 시작 $45. 당신은 WINSTAR 세계 카지노와 리조트 박스 오피스에서 티켓을 구입할 수 있습니다, 뿐만 아니라 Ticketmaster.com 및 Bellator.com로. 에서 열린 이벤트에 대한 문 5:00 시이. CT 현지 시간, with the first contest going down 1 시간 후.

의 메인 이벤트 "Bellator 151: 워렌 대. 콜드웰 " features yet another undefeated Bellator MMA competitor, 언제 Darrion "늑대"콜드웰(8-0) 얼굴 “The Baddest Man on the Planet” Joe Warren (13-4). The televised card airs live and free on SPIKE at 9 시이. AND/8 시이. CT, 예비 복싱 라이브에 스트리밍 반면 Bellator.comBellator 모바일 앱. 추가 관찰은 앞으로 몇 주 안에 발표 될 예정.


Mixed martial arts fans and pundits alike would be hard-pressed to find a striker as dynamic as Page. Look no further than his last outing against 찰리 Ontiveros, or his 65-second knockout of Rudy Bears. Now “Venom” looks to strike against Gonzalez, 그는 Bellator MMA 싸움에 들어갈 때 약자가 되는 것이 낯설지 않습니다.. 자랑스러운 런던의 아들, 영국, the 28-year-old Page has only reached the judges’ scorecards once in his nine professional outings and hopes that his first fight since "Bellator 144: 할시 대. 카르발류 " 다르지는 없다.


곤잘레스는 기공의 킥복싱 부분에서 경쟁하기 MMA에서 간단한 중절을했다 "Bellator MMA: 다이너마이트 1 " 9 월 이벤트, losing a tightly contest decision to world-renown kickboxer 폴 "셈 텍스"데일리. 곤잘레스는 이제 MMA의 자신의 안락 지대에 반환, 여기서 그는 인상적인 네 싸움 연승 함께 중독했다. 스콧 코커 설립 스트라이크 프로모션의 베테랑, 월드 익스트림 케이지 파이팅뿐만 아니라,, 곤잘레스부터 전문적으로 경쟁하고있다 2003.


What type of shakeup will this pivotal matchup have to the warzone that is the 170-pound division, tune into the third Bellator MMA event in three consecutive weeks on Spike to find out!


업데이트 "Bellator 151: 워렌 대. 콜드웰 "전투 카드:

벨라 토르 MMA 밴텀급 메인 이벤트: 조 워렌 (13-4) 대. Darrion 콜드웰 (8-0)

벨라 토르 MMA 웰터급 공동 메인 이벤트: 마이클 페이지 (9-0) 대. 페르난도 곤잘레스 (24-13)

벨라 토르 파이팅 챔피언십 소개:

벨라 토르 파이팅 챔피언십은 세계 최고의 전투기의 많은 특징 선도적 인 종합 격투기 단체입니다. 베테랑 싸움 프로모터 스콧 코커의 지시에 따라, Bellator 거의 사용할 수 있습니다 500 이상에서 전 세계적 만 가구 140 국가. 미국에서는, Bellator는 스파이크에 볼 수있다, MMA 텔레비전 리더. 벨라 토르 파이팅 챔피언십은 텔레비전 생산에서 업계 최고의 전문가를 포함하는 경영진으로 구성되어, 라이브 이벤트 오케스트레이션, 전투기 개발 / 관계, 장소 조달, 후원 생성 / 개발, 국제 라이센싱, 마케팅, 광고, 홍보 및 수수료 관계. Bellator는 산타 모니카에 본사를두고있다, 캘리포니아와 엔터테인먼트 거대한 비아콤 소유, 텔레비전에서 매력적인 컨텐츠를 통해 관객들과 연결하는 세계 최고의 엔터테인먼트 브랜드에 집, 영화, 온라인 및 모바일 플랫폼.


스파이크 소개:

스파이크 에서 사용할 수 있습니다 98.7 만 가구와 비아콤 미디어 네트워크의 한 부문이다. 비아콤의 단위 (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), 비아콤 미디어 네트워크는 모든 미디어 플랫폼에서의 프로그래밍 및 콘텐츠의 세계 최고의 제작자 중 하나입니다. 스파이크의 인터넷 주소는 www.spike.com 및 최대 - 투 - 분 및 아카이브를 눌러 정보 및 사진, 에서 스파이크의 프레스 사이트를 방문하십시오 http://www.spike.com/press. 트위터에 우리를 따르라 spiketvpr 뉴스 업데이트를 깨는의 최신위한, 무대 뒤의 정보 및 사진.


현재 판매 티켓!
베들레헴, PA (1월 11, 2016) – 무패 2012 과 미국의. 올림포스 산의 Jamel 청어 (14-0, 8 KOS 호텔) will battle Colombia’s 루이스 에두아르도 플로레스 (21-2, 17 KOS 호텔) 10 라운드 경량 한판 승부에의 프리미어 복싱 챔피언 TOE에 발가락의 화요일 복싱 챔피언 FOX Deportes에에 화요일, 2월 9 베들레헴의 Sands Bethlehem Events Center에서, Pennsylvania with televised coverage beginning at 11 시이. AND/8 시이. PT.
I know the spotlight will be on me, but I will keep my cool and focus on getting the win,” 사이드 청어. “Training has been going really well because I stay in shape year round. I know my opponent is tall and rangy and has a good punch. I am preparing myself to make adjustments and be ready for anything. I’m looking to get the win by any means necessary.
I will take advantage of this opportunity and I want to thank my team for getting this fight,” 사이드 플로레스. “나는 100 percent positive I will win this fight. The only thing I know about Herring is that he likes to run a lot. I am coming to get a knockout and take away Herring’s ‘0’.
This will be another exciting event at Sands Bethlehem,” 왕의 프로모션의 마샬 카우프만 말했다. “We look forward to a great night of boxing featuring U.S. Olympian Jamel Herring against Luis Eduardo Flores. Herring has the makings of a future star and he will be able to show that on 2월 9 FS1 및 FOX Deportes에서.”
라이브 이벤트 티켓, 왕의 프로모션에 의해 추진되는, 에서 가격이 책정됩니다 $100, $75 과 $45, 적용 서비스 요금 및 세금을 포함하고 현재 판매되고 있지. 티켓은에서 구할 수 있습니다 www.ticketmaster.com. 에 전화 Ticketmaster의에 의해 충전하려면 (800) 745-3000.
The 30-year-old Herring represented the United States at the 2012 미국 우승 후 올림픽. 같은 해 국립 아마추어 타이틀. 신시내티에서 싸움, Herring picked up four victories in 2015 including a dominant triumph over Yakubu Amidu in October. 전 미국 회원. 해병대, Herring hopes to launch himself into world title contention in 2016.
이후 프로 2011, the 28-year-old Flores won his first 13 프로 시작, ...을 포함하여 12 거리 내부. Born in Magangue, 콜롬비아, Flores will make his U.S. 에 데뷔 2월 9. Most recently Flores picked up wins in 2015 over Gustavo Sandoval and Francisco Herrera.
트위터 @PremierBoxing에 따라, @JamelHerring, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FoxDeportes 및 @Swanson_Comm과에서 페이스 북에 팬이 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.Facebook.com/theSBEC. 이용 가능한 하이라이트 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.


Szpilka Challenges WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder

This Saturday Live on SHOWTIME® 브루클린 바클레이 센터에서

클릭 여기 로 시계, 공유하거나 퍼가기 비디오:HTTP://s.sho.com/1ZgecWD


사진 신용: 스테파니 트랩 / 쇼 타임


Polish heavyweight challenger 아서 핀 is a reformed man – both in and out of the ring – since joining renowned trainer 로니 방패 at his gym in Houston. 핀, who was in a “soccer gang” in his native Poland, started working with Shields after suffering the only loss of his career in 2014 and together the team has rallied to score knockouts in all three of their fights. Check out this video to hear Szpilka and Shields explain their plan to make history 토요일 when they challenge undefeated knockout artist and WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay 와일더 살아 쇼 타임 (10 시이. 동부 / 7 시이. PT) 부터 바클레이스 센터 브루클린.


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와일더 대. 핀, a 12-round bout for Wilder’s WBC Heavyweight title taking place on 토요일, 월. 16 브루클린 바클레이스 센터에서, 뉴욕 주, is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Warriors Boxing and Sferis Knockout Promotions and sponsored by Corona. Opening the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGÒ 더블헤더, Charles Martin and Vyacheslav Glazkov will battle for the vacant IBF Heavyweight World Championship. The event will be televised live on SHOWTIMEÒ (10 시이. 동부 / 7 시이. AND) and it will be available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).


바클레이스 센터의 브루클린 복싱 ™ 프로그래밍 플랫폼은 AARP에 의해 제공됩니다. 자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.SHO.com/Sports트위터 @SHOSports에 따라, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingProm 및 @Swanson_Comm 또는에서 페이스 북에 팬이 될 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter .

M-1 Global signs Undefeated welterweight prospect Alexey Kunchenko

ST. 피터스 버그, 러시아 (1월 11, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced its signing of undefeated Russian welterweight prospect 알렉세이 Kunchenko (12-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0) 독점 프로모션 계약.
The 31-year-old Kunchenko, 튜멘과의 싸움, 러시아, has a Muay Thai foundation. Representing the Boets Club, Kunchenko has nine knockouts, along with two submission and one decision victory.
At M-1 Challenge 62 지난 10 월, Kunchenko stopped Alexandre Ramos in punches in the third round. (Below see picture of Kunchenko kicking Ramos)
지저귐 & 인스 타 그램:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
페이스 북:

70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Preliminary round results from Lowell

로웰, 질량. (1월 9, 2016) – The 70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship kicked-off last night at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium as Central New England (큰 로웰) preliminary-round action featured 12 exciting men’s novice class matches.
예선이 종료됩니다 다음주 금요일 밤 (월. 15) at Lowell Memorial Auditorium with 10 open class matches. See complete 2016 schedule and last night’s results below.
$70 70년대 – 개교를 기념하여 특별한 제안을 드립니다 70 Lowell Sun Charities 골든 글러브 챔피언십 에디션을 구매할 수 있습니다.: $70.00 시즌권 (8 남은 일정) 발코니에서. 에서 로웰 기념 강당의 박스 오피스를 호출 구입하려면1.866.722.8881 또는 온라인 주문에서 www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.. 개별 행사 티켓도 구매 가능합니다. $17.00, $15.00 또는 $12.00.
로웰 일 자선 골든 글러브 수익금은 챔피언십 우승 국가 황금 장갑에 뉴 잉글랜드 골든 글러브 챔피언을 보내는쪽으로 이동 (2016 솔트 레이크 시티, 유타), 선수 및 로컬 영역 체육관을 지원할뿐만, 소년들 & 소녀 클럽, 무료 급식소, 노숙자 보호소, 암 기금, 장학금 많은 다른 위대한 자선.
Official Results
(수상자 먼저 나열)
Men’s Novice Division
라이트급 (132 파운드)
트로이 앤더슨 (도체스터, 석사, Nonantum 복싱)
DEC3 (3-2)
알렉스 리베라 (몰든, 석사, Somerville Youth Boxing)
LIGHT 지우는 중량물 (141 파운드.)
에드윈 로존 (하버 힐, 석사, 하버 힐 타운 복싱)
DEC3 (5-0)
David Santini (윌 밍턴, 석사, 유니언 스트리트 복싱)
Mark Butler (로웰, 석사, 로웰 웨스트 엔드 (West End))
TKO2 (2:00)
Joseph Collins (데리, N.H., 유니언 스트리트 복싱)
지우는 ​​중량물 (152 파운드.)
Anthony DeSalvo (Roslindale, 석사, 조지 포먼)
DEC3 (3-2)
Justin Logue (워터 타운, 석사, 보스턴 복싱)
리피 페르난데스 (록스 베리, 석사, Welch’s Gym)
DEC3 (3-2)
James Hoyt (로렌스, 석사, 로렌스 복싱)
Jaime Cabrera (슈아, NH, Nashua PAL)
DEC3 (3-2)
Drew Bowden (보스턴, 석사, 조지 포먼)
Nathan Balakin (Tyngsboro, 석사, 로웰 웨스트 엔드 (West End))
DEC3 (4-1)
Richard Jones (리비어, 석사, Somerville 권투)
조셉 다실바 (글로스터, 석사, 글로스터 복싱 클럽)
DEC3 (3-2)
Travis Mazac (리비어, 석사, Somerville 권투)
라이트 거물급 (178 파운드.)
다니엘 맥나마라 (올스턴, 석사, 보스턴 복싱)
DEC3 (5-0)
Simon Taylor (베드포드, 석사, MK 복싱)
얀카를로스 산체스 (도체스터, 석사, 콰이어트맨 체육관)
DEC3 (3-2)
Geovanny Lorenzo (Roslindale, 석사, Gentlemen’s Gym)
거물급 (201 파운드.)
자레드 게이틀리 (프랭클린, 석사, Welch’s Gym)
DEC3 (3-2)
Luke Yetten (월섬, 석사, 보스턴 복싱)
SUPER 거물급 (201+ 파운드.)
라이언 브룩스 (웨이 머스, 석사, Grealish 복싱)
DEC3 (3-2)
Brian Bannon (뉴턴, 석사, Nonantum 복싱)
70 연간 Lowell Sun Charities 골든 글러브 챔피언십 일정
(로웰 기념관 강당 – 6:30 시이. 문을 열어, 7:30 시이. 최초의 한판 승부)
중앙 뉴 잉글랜드 (큰 로웰)
Preliminary Round금요일, 월. 15
준준결승 – 금요일, 월. 22
열다 & 초보자 급 준결승, C.N.E. – 목요일, 월. 28
열다 & 초보자 클래스 챔피언 쉽 결승 – 목요일, 2월. 4
챔피언스 뉴 잉글랜드 대회
초보자 급 준결승 – 목요일, 2월. 11
초보자 클래스 챔피언 쉽 결승 – 2월. 18
오픈 클래스 준결승 – 수요일, 2월. 24
오픈 클래스 선수권 대회 결승 – 목요일, 2월. 25
토너먼트 전무 이사: 바비 루소
참가자 이사: 예술 하마 뉴
공무원의 최고: 라 우리 퍼셀
링 아나운서: 존 베나
장소: 로웰 기념관 강당, 50 메리 맥 세인트, 로웰, 석사
지저귐: @LowellGloves


루 디벨
Thank you very much and welcome to the, final conference call for the SHOWTIME Championship Boxing show, 1월 16 of this new year at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, 뉴욕. The show will begin at 10 시이. AND/7 시이. 쇼 타임 PT. 그것은 세계 선수권 대회의, heavyweight championship doubleheader.
These are the first two heavyweight title fights in over 100 years in Brooklyn on the same night, 115 years since the last heavyweight title fight in Brooklyn. And there’ll be two on the same night on 1월 16 쇼 타임.
The first bout will be for the vacant IBF Heavyweight World Championship between Charles Martin and the highest ranked contender in the IBF, former Olympic Bronze Medalist, 뱌체슬라프 “Czar” Glazkov. The main event will be Deontay Wilder, the Heavyweight Champion of the World of the WBC who is defending his title against the very colorful and exciting Artur Szpilka.
We’re going to start with Stephen Espinoza, the man who runs SHOWTIME Boxing and who has put together this great card for us.
스티븐 에스피 노자
감사합니다, 루. As some of you know, 2016 represents the 30th anniversary of SHOWTIME Championship Boxing. The very first fight at SHOWTIME was telecast on March 10, 1986 and featured Marvelous Marvin Hagler versus John Mugabi. We’ve had a variety of high-profile fighters and fights since.
To kick off our 30th anniversary year, I can’t think of a better way to do it than at Barclays Center in Brooklyn with a doubleheader of heavyweight title fights. There is going to be some explosive action. We have some really entertaining, interesting personalities. 사실로, I can’t wait to see what the rest of this all holds.
L. 디벨
I’m going to start with the man who is the leading available contender in the IBF, and he is going to fighting Charles Martin for the IBF Heavyweight Championship. Czar Glazkov, 21-0-1, 13 KOs from the Ukraine originally, now fighting out of Fort Lauderdale, 플로리다. He’s a 2007 Silver Medalist at the World Amateur Boxing Championship and a 2008 Olympic Bronze Medalist at Super Heavyweight.
Manager extraordinaire, Egis Klimas is on the call, and he will do the translating for Czar Glazkov. Czar is promoted by Main Events and Kathy Duva of Main Events will be co-promoting this fight with us.
이지스 기후
안녕하세요., 모두. This is Egis, manager of Vyacheslav Glazkov. We’re very happy to have a title shot, the world title of the IBF. We wanted to thank our promoter Main Events for doing such a good job for bringing Glazkov to this opportunity. I am very fortunate to represent Mr. Glazkov. I’ve been doing it for four years, and this is a big shot for him to become the world champion.
I would like to introduce to you, Vyascheslav Glazkov, the contender for the IBF Title.
Vyaschelav Glazkov
예. 안녕하세요., 모두. This is Vyacheslav Glazkov. This is a great opportunity for me and a really good chance for me to win the World Championship.
L. 디벨
찰스 마틴, 22-0-1 와 20 KOS 호텔, born in St. 루이, 미주리, now from Carson, 캘리포니아. Charles is a huge physical specimen at 6’5″. The 29-year-old knockout artist was an accomplished amateur. He won the 2012 National PAL Championship. Charles is something of an unknown commodity to a lot of people. He is the number three-ranked IBF contender and is looking forward to his opportunity and what he thinks is going to be a knockout win against Vyacheslav Glazkov.
찰스, 당신은 몇 마디 말을하고 싶습니다, 부디?
찰스 마틴
예. I’m so thankful to be in this position and blessed to get a world title shot, and that’s what all boxers dream of. It’s finally becoming a reality to me. I’m not going to let anything stand in front of me of receiving this IBF title. So I will be prepared on 월 16.
I’m up in high altitude right now. I’m in the snow. I’m running in the snow. I’m getting it, grinding with it, and it’s going to all show in the rings.
L. 디벨
감사합니다, 찰스. Charles is promoted by Warriors Boxing in Florida, so they will also be a co-promoter of this title fight.
I would open it up now to questions for Vyacheslav Glazkov and Charles Martin.
Can you take me through the decision-making process of dropping out of your fight with Dominic Breazeale in December?
C. 흰 털발 제비
I’m glad you asked that because I wanted to do both of the fights. My team is the one that talked me out of it. I was up here making plans to do both. 그들은 같은거야, 예, 예, 당신은 알고있다, that’s right, that’s right. With the conversation with my coaches, I’m like, I can do this fight. I can get this another way. Then I’m lined up right here.
My manager and everybody else, they’re like, “이봐, this is a world title opportunity. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. You fight for a world title. So we’re pulling out. You’re going to back to camp and get this belt.I guess after a while it sunk in and it started to make sense. 그리고 나는 말했다, “이봐, 당신은 알고있다, 무엇이든. Let’s just do it.Because anything could happen.
You could get cut or something, any kind of crazy stuff that could have pulled me out of this fight. But I guarantee I was going to knock Dominic out. That’s automatic, 내 말이 무슨 뜻인지 알잖아? 우리는 서로를 알아. I would have knocked him out, 확실히.
You’re talking about Breazeale, who you know?
C. 흰 털발 제비
예, 도미닉 Breazeale. I would have knocked him out.
When you did make that decision to withdraw from the fight, did you stay straight through in camp. Did you at least take a couple of days off? Did you do anything over the holidays? Or did you just basically stay in camp and just work all the way through it?
C. 흰 털발 제비
예, 나는 일주일에 해제했다. I took that week off and then we got back to camp. I started back training when I was in L.A.. I live in North Hollywood, so we have a gym right there. These guys they sponsor me and I got a gym right there. Me and my coaches got in there and we were hitting pads and we’re doing workouts, doing pushups and callisthenic-type of movements.
Then we got right back up here into the high altitude, 하나. We are in Big Bear right now. We’ve been here for a few weeks now. We’ve been up here grinding, 하나. We’re getting it in. 나는 완벽한 모양에있어. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in my life. 나는 싸울 준비 해요.
When you look at the record of Glazkov, does it make you think to yourself, I better really get rid of this guy because I cannot leave it in the hands of the judges?
C. 흰 털발 제비
I don’t even take the time to think about those kind of things because he’s never been in the ring with a fighter like me. I’m no Cunningham. I’m no Tor Hamer. I’m none of these guys that he fought.
I’m totally a different fighter than he’s ever seen. So come fight night, I’m ready to prove it to the whole wide world. I’m ready to be that superstar. We train like superstars. If you’re going to train mediocre, you’ll be mediocre, and that’s what I see out of a lot of fighters, 거물급, 특히. But we train to be a superstar and that’s what you guys are going to see.
Has everything changed in the mindsets for a fighter like yourself after Klitschko’s loss?
C. 흰 털발 제비
It was going to open up eventually. Klitschko had a very good run. His whole career was outstanding. He’s an awesome fighter. But it’s our time now. There are new fighters on the map. We had big plans to knock him out as well. We wanted to knock him out and become superstars overnight. Everybody got the dream.
It’s here now, 하나. I get to fight for the IBF World Title. I can’t believe it. Every day I wake up. I think I’m freaking blessed. I’m fighting for a world title. This is crazy. Sometimes it doesn’t even sound right, but it’s real. So I’m going to seize the moment, 명확히.
V. Glazkov
잘, I think right now the heavyweights are going to be very interesting because of all the titles getting a split around. There is going to be more champions, and that’s what the fan always like because for many years it was all one person. I’m looking forward to see what is going to be happening in the heavyweight division.
This is for both fighters. I just want to know if one of you, unless there is a draw, wins this title next weekend, are you anxious to unify with either the WBC champion or with Tyson Fury?
V. Glazkov
예, 물론. This is the dream of every fighter to get all the titles because I truly believe the real champion is whoever is holding all four titles.
C. 흰 털발 제비
예, 나 다 가지고 싶어. As soon as I get this belt, 나는 통합 할. I want everything. I want all the hardware. Look out for “왕자” 찰스 마틴. I’m here to make a statement and you guys are going to see, 드디어. I’ve been under wraps a long time but now the world can see me display my skill. 예, I can’t wait to unify. I want everything.
찰스, do you think that Glazkov is a pretty decent step up in competition on paper from who else you fought? I’d like your assessment of him as a boxer and what you think he brings to the table.
C. 흰 털발 제비
예. He’s definitely a step up on paper. His resume reads well. 그는 좋은 전투기. He’s technical, keeping his hands up and stuff like that, has a pretty nice hook. But I got to give you the ups and the downs. He’s a little guy. I’m massive, 강한, 강한, 피하는. He’s definitely going to be in there for the hardest fight of his life that he’ll ever have.
Czar, you heard what Charles said. He called you a little guy. I’d like your reaction to and what you think of Martin technically. Have you seen tape on him? What do you think of him as a fighter?
V. Glazkov
I respect all of my opponents. Anybody who steps into the ring is doing a very good job. As far as him as a boxer, 내가 무슨 말을 할 수 있습니다? He’s a big dude. 그는 좌완 투수입니다. I soak up all of his videos. He’s not the standard guy. He’s not a normal guy, but that’s why I’m picking up my sparring partners. That’s why I’m working and preparing for the fighting.
Czar, What’s your prediction for this fight?
V. Glazkov
I’m not going to be saying that I’m going to knock him out. I’m not going to be aiming to knock him out. I’m just going to be fighting and showing everybody my good skills with boxing. If it’s a knockout coming, it’s going to come.
L. 디벨
이것은 중요한 싸움. There is a belt at stake. There is an Olympic Medalist fighting a massive American heavyweight, as Charles accurately described himself, and also extremely charismatic and English-speaking American heavyweight that this fight can bring in major new player to the forefront in the heavyweight division. So it’s a very significant fight.
I thank you guys for joining us, and we’ll see you next week.
Now we’re going to move on to the main event of the evening, Deontay Wilder’s third defense of his WBC Heavyweight Championship of the World against Artur Szpilka, who is promoted by Warriors Boxing. If you’ve been following this promotion or listened to our first call, you’ll know that Artur’s English has gotten much better and he’s never at a loss for words nor is he at a loss for confidence.
I know that Deontay is looking forward to fighting a guy that’s looking to bring the fight and is this confident in his own skills and his ability.
아르투르, would you like to say a few words to start?
A. 핀
Welcome to everybody. The new heavyweight champion is here. 당신은 볼 수. I wait for questions.
L. 디벨
잘, the man who believes he is going to be the new heavyweight champion just said a couple of words. Now we’re going to go to the Heavyweight Champion, undefeated Deontay Wilder.
Deontay 와일더
Good evening everyone. Happy New Year. We’re headed into a new year. It’s going to be a hell of a year this year for not only myself but a lot of other fighters as well. There are a lot of things going on in the heavyweight division. The division is definitely alive, and I’m looking to claim it all.
I wish all the heavyweights in the division good luck on their up and coming journeys. And I definitely wish my opponent good luck on becoming the first Polish champion. That is something that has been a hard task to complete for many Polish guys.
He’s not the first to come. It’s going to be difficult for him as well, but I wish him luck. He should be proud that he made it this far, and got this opportunity. So I’m looking forward to 1월 16, to conquering the world.
How’s training going, Deontay? How’s camp been? How’s your training? Same question for Artur.
디. 와일더
Camp has been wonderful. We’ve had a lot of wonderful guys that come in camp. I’ve always been in shape. That’s always been my motto, that I’m never out of shape. To not have fought a southpaw 3 년, and to have a great camp like I’ve had, 그것은 미친 짓이었다.
It reminded me of why I enjoy and love fighting southpaws. I definitely had fun in this camp. 나는 싸움을 기대하고. I really am. This is my statement year, the start of the year. I’m looking forward to make a statement on Szpilka’s face.
A. 핀
모든 중대하다. Everything is fine. 솔직히 말해서, I cannot wait to start this whole commotion. Especially I am waiting for the moment that I will be able, 처음, to look in Deontay’s eyes, and be in the middle of this whole fight week preparation, and fight week craziness.
For each fighter, what is difficult about preparing for the other guy? For Deontay, how different is it facing a southpaw, especially one that kind of fights out of a crouch? And for Szpilka, how difficult is it to prepare for someone who is so tall, and with such reach?
디. 와일더
It’s different levels of what you look at as difficult. Southpaws are my fun people to fight. 당신은 알고있다, southpaws are people that pressure me. They are the ones I enjoy the most in sparring and actual fights and stuff like that.
There’s nothing, difficult about the southpaw, other than you’re switching sides with fighters. What you’re used to seeing is just backwards. 즉, 그것에 대해의. Everything else is all about your feel, your determination, your IQ in the ring, and what you’re able to do with your ability.
I could put everything I got in the bank on my abilities and skill and will, and what I’m capable of doing in the ring. There’s no other heavyweight in the division like me, especially when it comes into the athletic department. I’m the most athletic heavyweight in the division.
There comes a point in time where it’s enough talking and it’s time to fight, which is what we’re doing now. We’re in the last few couple of words here, and a couple of more days. Then it’ll be time to fight. 그런 식으로, every fighter has something to say about what they’re going to do.
There comes a time when you have to put forth the action, and actually see whether you’re really just talking to promote yourself, just to sell yourself, or to build your confidence, or build confidence around you, the people that you have inside, or are you the real deal. And I’m pretty sure that I can put every penny on it that I’m the real deal, and what I talk about, I put full action in.
What I’m saying I’m going to, 나는 그것을 할 거 야. Everybody that knows me personally knows that if Deontay says he’s going to do something, it’s going to be done. So it’s exciting times, 나는 기다릴 수 없다. 정말 못해. I’m in love with boxing. I’m in love with the sport. 나는 싸우고 사랑. I love every bit of it and this is just a part of it.
This is the part I hate, just the waiting. And I’ll be so anxious to beat somebody up, just look at their face. This is the part that I hatethe waiting part. 나는 싸움을 준비 해요. 나는 싸울 준비 해요. Training is enough. I could have taken off that last little week of training, I didn’t need it.
난 준비 됐어. I didn’t need the last week of training. I didn’t need the last week of strength training. 난 필요 없어. These guys could have went home. If I wasn’t paying my sparring partners, I would have sent them home.
But I don’t believe in giving out free money, so they had to stay and they had to sparnot to the point that they didn’t give me no work, because they gave me great work. It’s just to the point where I am super-ready. I’m just done, 준비된.
나는 그것을 기대하고있어, and I hope everybody is and everyone who is going to be attending this fight, who all’s going to be attending it or watching it on TV. They’re in for a treat. They’re in for a huge treat, just to start the year off.
I’m excited about the new year, that we get to start it off, make a statement. I want this fight to be already the fight of the year, and this is just the beginning of the year. So that’s what excitement I’m trying to bring to this fight. I’m trying to bring a severe knockout.
I want to get back to my knockout days. My hands were still out of all this time, last year my hand was about 85% when I defended my title. Now it’s, looking back, strong as ever. It’s back to 100%, and I’m looking to go back to where I used to befour rounds or under.
A. 핀
For now I’m just ready to step into the ring. I also like to fight taller fighters. All the time when I’m spending time in Houston with my trainer, this is what we train for. I understand the training is not the actual fight. But I always liked the taller fighters.
Whatever Deontay is saying just makes no sense. I don’t believe in his words, and I will be able to prove it in the ring on the 16th. 그러나 지금은, it’s just talk by Deontay.
Everybody was just really looking forward to 2016’s Klitschko against Wilder. How disappointed were you when Klitschko just didn’t show up?
디. 와일더
I was very disappointed that Klitschko didn’t show up and do the things that we expected of him and what he was capable of doing. It could be many reasons why that Klitschko didn’t show up, because that wasn’t him as a fighter. Klitschko as a person, his body was there, 그러나 전투기로, something was missing. That isn’tt what we’re used to seeing out of Wladimir Klitschko.
I think Father Time has knocked on his door, and he don’t want to let him in yet. 하지만, I think it’s knocking at his door, and that fight proved it.
There’s talk of a rematch, and I’m going to see the second time around. So some people are still in daze of belief, because they can’t believe what they’ve seen.
Just like my career, 여러 번, people make excuses for me. They say different things; even criticize me because they can’t understand why I’m able to do what I do, and how I do it when I do it. 그래서, it’s the same thing as Klitschko. So we’re going to see the second time around, was this real?
Does it mean extra to you to be fighting in such a new arena in the borough of Brooklyn?
디. 와일더
I’m very happy and honored to be able to be able to fight in Brooklyn. Barclays Center as well with so much rich heavyweight history throughout the state of New York. I’m so looking forward to finally putting my name down in history.
I definitely want to come in in the new year, and not only put history down, but in a great fashion; make a great statement to all the others that are in the division. This is a fine time for me. 2016 is going to be a starting time as well, so just making the whole division back and exciting again.
It’s definitely an exciting time and I’m just happy to be a part of it, and bringing that excitement truly back to the heavyweight division. I may be a country boy, but I don’t think the city’s ready for this boy right here.
My first question is to Szpilka. Where are you guys at right now with the drug testing?
A. 핀
I’m still waiting. I’m still waiting. 난 이유를 모르겠어.
디. 와일더
Well I don’t know what he’s talking about. I just went to LabCorp yesterday and got blood drawn for the fight. So this is a championship fight. You’re not going to have a championship fight without being drug-tested. 기간. So whether the test is happening before the fight, or whether the test happens after the fight, there will be a drug test.
Is this camp different compared to all the other camps that you guys went through?
디. 와일더
This camp has been one of the most fun camps for the simple fact that I haven’t been involved with a southpaw in like three years. To get my brain back in functioning how to defeat a southpaw, it has been fun. I can’t say challenging, because I had too much fun doing it.
I can’t wait to show you everything that I have to offer. Just as I developing my skill, I develop everything I’ve learned over the years, and apply them in the ring.
마찬가지로 내가 전에 말했듯이, I keep saying that I want it to be embedded in you guysbrains that 2016 belongs to Deontay Wilder, where he will unify the division. There hasn’t been one since 1999. That was Lennox Lewis. Now I must make history. I can’t let any man get in my way from that.
If any man feels that I’m just talk, like Szpilka says, he thinks I’m just talk. There’s never been anything I said that I haven’t done. But we’ve seen him, 여러 번, 이야기. We’ve recently seen him say the same shit he’s talking about now. And what happened? He ended up becoming the loser.
Everything I’ve said I’ve backed up. That’s why I’m still the champ. That’s why I am a winner. And the thing about it, 나의 10,000 hours is coming upof training is coming up (이해할 수없는). So now I’m coming up four complete fighters now. I understand my abilities and skills inside that ring, and those 10,000 hours is definitely approaching.
I’m looking forward to the world embracing me, and to continue being the heavyweight champ of the world, soon to be the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
A. 핀
Just like I said before, and just like Deontay said before, I also could have skipped the last week of training. Everything is done. Everything is prepared. Right now it’s just waiting. So we’re going to find out who is who on 1월 16.
I wonder what you think about the fact that you’re fighting in Deontay’s home country, but chances are you’re going to be the one that everybody’s cheering for?
A. 핀
There is no doubt that my crowd, the Polish crowd, will be predominant on 1월 16 in Barclays Center. They will be like additional gloves in the ring for me. They’re going to carry me to be a winner, to be a champion, something special. I’m going to fight also for them.
What would it mean to you to become the first Polish heavyweight to win a world title?
This is the most important part of this fight for me, not even to become a world champion. It’s not about that. It’s about to be part of the history; becoming the first Polish heavyweight champion; to be the one when, even after I’m going to be dead, people are going to say, 오, this was the Szpilka guy, the guy who was the first Polish heavyweight champion. This is what I want to do, and this is what I’m going to prove to everybody on1월 16.
L. 디벨
Well thank you, 아르투르, 와 주셔서 감사합니다, Deontay. That’ll be our last question. 다시 한번, the Showtime telecast will begin at 10:00 AND/7:00 PT. But there are tickets still available at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, and we urge people to come out.
This is a rare opportunity to see the heavyweight champion of the world defend his title, and to see another heavyweight championship contestedtwo heavyweight title fights in one night, 바클레이스 센터, 1월 16, on SHOWTIME Championship Boxing.
Tickets again are at Ticketmaster.com, by calling Ticketmaster; Barclays Center.com; by going to Barclays Center box office. We hope to see you in Brooklyn. Deontay and Artur, we’ll see you next week in Brooklyn, and we look forward to a great event on 1월 16. Thank you all for joining us.
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바클레이스 센터의 브루클린 복싱 ™ 프로그래밍 플랫폼은 AARP에 의해 제공됩니다. 자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.SHO.com/Sports 트위터 @SHOSports에 따라, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingProm 및 @Swanson_Comm 또는에서 페이스 북에 팬이 될 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter


Undefeated Danny Garcia Battles Former Champion Robert Guerrero In
폭스 PBC & FOX Deportes Primetime Main Event
로스 앤젤레스 (1월 7, 2016) – 무패 경량 알레한드로 “엘 Charro” 루나 (19-0, 14 KOS 호텔) 멕시코를 충족 앨런 헤레라 (34-7, 22 KOS 호텔) in a 10-round bout as part of a full night of undercard action on 토요일, 1월 23 로스 앤젤레스 스테이플 센터에서.
The event is headlined by the 프리미어 복싱 챔피언 (PBC) 에 FOX FOX 스포츠 telecast that features three exciting contests in primetime. In the main event undefeated 대니 “빠른” 가르시아 전 세계 챔피언 로버트 “유령” 전사 battle in a 12-round welterweight bout. Preliminary action on FOX begins at 8 시이. AND/5 시이. PT 및 기능 무패 떠오르는 스타 새미 “상사” 바스케즈 로스앤젤레스 출신 아론 마르티네즈, plus a matchup between heavyweights 도미닉 “수고” BREAZEALE 아미르 “하드 코어” 만수르.
라이브 이벤트 티켓, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Swift Promotions, 에서 가격이 책정됩니다 $300, $200, $100, $50 과 $25, 해당 수수료와 서비스 요금이 포함되지, 지금 판매되고있다. 티켓은 AXS.com에서 구입 또는 전화로 할 수있다 888-929-7849 또는 스테이플 센터에서.
Additional undercard action features South Korea’s Min Wook Kim (12-1, 10 KOS 호텔) in a junior welterweight attraction and 22-year-old Mexican-American 루이스 벨로 (6-3, 2 KOS 호텔) 6 라운드 경량 시합에서.
Rounding out the exciting night of fights is the pro debut of Los Angeles세르지오 Quiroz in a six-round super bantamweight affair, cousin of undefeated star Leo Santa Cruz, 안토니오 산타 크루즈 (1-1, 1 KO) in a four-round bantamweight fight and Huntington Park, 캘리포니아의 호세 고메즈 (4-0) 페더급 행동의 네 라운드에서.
불과 24세의 나이에, Lunahas 이미 함께 인상적인 넣어 19 년 프로 터닝 이후 전문 승리 2010. 도라지의 아웃 파이팅, 캘리포니아, 그는 6월에 전 세계 챔피언 크리스토발 크루즈를 8라운드에 걸쳐 이겼고, 8월에는 세르히오 로페즈를 KO로 KO시키며 우승을 마감했습니다. 2015. 전에 2015 he had put together victories over experienced fighters Daniel Attah and Sergio Rivera while knocking out six of his last nine opponents.
Opposite Luna will be the battle-tested Herrera out of Sinaloa, 멕시코. Herrera was featured in a 2014 Fight of the Year candidate in Pittsburgh against hometown favorite Monta Meza Clay. The outstanding two way action inside of the ring thrilled the electric crown and nationally televised audience as both men showed incredible bravery before the fight was stopped in the 10 최종 라운드. Herrera has won his last two fights and is coming off of a knockout of Isaias Cabrera.
이후 프로 2010, the 28-year-old Kim dropped his debut but has reeled off 13 wins since then. After fighting in his native South Korea and China for the first several years of his career, Kim knocked out Lizandro De Los Santos in Mexico in March before stopping Luis Alberto Pelayo in his U.S. 월에 데뷔.
자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.staplescenter.comwww.TGBPromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/프레스 패스 / 홈페이지,www.foxdeportes.com. 트위터 @PremierBoxing에 따라, @DannySwift @GhostBoxing, @ SammyV2112, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes @STAPLESCenter, @TGBPromotions 및 @Swanson_Comm과에서 페이스 북에 팬이 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenterwww.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. #PBConFOX를 사용하여 대화를 따라.


Plus Undefeated Middleweight Caleb Plant & Stacked Undercard Of Undefeated Fighters In Action As Part Of Fight Week On FOX In L.A.
로스 앤젤레스 (1월 7, 2016) – 무패 전망 데이비드 베나 비데 (11-0, 10 KOS 호텔) 에 걸릴 것입니다 케빈 Cobbs (10-1, 4 KOS 호텔) in eight rounds of super middleweight action as “FOX에서 LA의 파이트 위크” kicks off with 프리미어 복싱 챔피언(PBC) TOE에 발가락의 화요일 FS1에와 복싱 챔피언 FOX Deportes에에 화요일, 1월 19 from Club Nokia at L.A. 라이브.
방송 범위는에서 시작 11 시이. AND/8 시이. PT와는 무패 전망에 의해 표제한다 자말 제임스 (18-0, 9 KOS 호텔) 에 복용 2008 과 미국의. 올림포스 산의 하비에르 “El Intocable” 몰리나 (17-1, 8 KOS 호텔) in a 10-round welterweight battle. PBC action continues on 토요일, 1월 23 with PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes beginning at 8 시이. AND/5 시이. PT at STAPLES Center and headlined by 대니 “빠른” 가르시아 에 복용 로버트 “유령” 전사.
티켓 1월 19 행사, TGB 프로모션에 의해 추진되는, 가격이 책정됩니다 $50 과 $35, 해당 수수료를 포함하지 않음, 지금 판매되고있다. To purchase tickets visit AXS.com.
Also entering the ring is undefeated rising middleweight prospect 갈렙 공장 (11-0, 8 KOS 호텔), who will look to kick off 2016 in a big way when he battles Adasat Rodriguez (11-4-2, 7 KOS 호텔) in an eight-round middleweight affair.
Further action features 25-year-old 말콤 맥 칼리 스터 (6-0, 6 KOS 호텔) in a six-round middleweight bout against Chicago’s 요새 Cerresso (18-4-1, 12 KOS 호텔) 그리고 필라델피아의토마스 벨라 (3-0, 2 KOS 호텔) 네 라운드 슈퍼 페더급 한판 승부.
싸움의 밤을 마무리하는 것은 26 세입니다 로널드 믹슨 (5-0, 4 KOS 호텔) in a six-round light heavyweight contest and the pro debut of Ireland’s 쉬한 ashe looks to build off of his stellar amateur career in a four-round heavyweight bout.
무패 Jose Benavidez의 남동생, David racked up a perfect 11 에 승리 11 19 세부터 시작. 피닉스에서 싸움, Benavidez는 파업을 통해 4 개의 승리를 거두었습니다. 2015 and most recently scored a sensational knockout over Felipe Romero in November. He will be opposed by the Burlington, Vermont-native Cobbs who enters this fight on a four-bout win streak.
A 2011 국립 골든 글러브 챔피언, 공장에서 프로로 전향 전문 순위에 자신의 이름을 만들기 위해 시작했다 2014. 작년에, 23 세의 10 월에서 9 월과 타이론 브 런슨의 Jamar 프리먼 이상 열심히 싸웠고 승리 등 6 승리를 집어. 내쉬빌에서 싸움, he will battle the 28-year-old Rodriguez of Islas Canarias, 스페인.
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자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/프레스 패스 / 홈페이지, www.foxdeportes.comwww.TGBPromotions.com. 트위터 @PremierBoxing에 따라, @JamesShango, @JavierMolina562 @TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes, @VENUE and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.