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Ronald Ellis vs. Jerry Odom, Keenan Smith vs. Wellington Arias Romero & Lavasis Williams-O’Shaquie Foster Also in Action

Juma, Feb. 19 da 10 p.m. VA/PT

ShowTime Jonli®

NYU YORK (Jan. 15, 2016) - ShoBox: Yangi avlod returnson Juma, Feb. 19, quadrupleheader yashash NAMOYISH VAQTI (10 p.m. VA/PT, West Coast kechiktirildi) ushbudan boshlab: Adrian Phillips Ballroom in Historic Boardwalk Hall Atlantic Siti, N.J.


With the same height, same age, and similar strong amateur backgrounds, Odam Ato "Sariq" Lopez (14-0, 7 KOS) va Mario “Yayo” Munoz (16-0-1, 10 KOS) will face their toughest opponents to date when they touch gloves in the 10-round super bantamweight main event matchup.


In other televised bouts, all scheduled for eight rounds, Ronald “Akeem” Ellis (12-0, 10 KOS) oladi Jerry Odom (13-2, 12 KOS) in a clash of hard-hitting super middleweights, Keenan Smith (9-0, 3 KOS) faces fellow southpaw Arxivlashtirish Romero (9-0-1, 4 KOS) in a battle of unbeaten welterweights and lefthander Lavisas “Red” Williams (8-0-1, 3 KOS) risks his undefeated record against O'Shaquie Foster (8-1, 5 KOS) in a super featherweight match.


The combined record of the eight up-and-coming competitors is 89-3-3 bilan 54 knockouts.


Lopez, San-Antonio, Texas, by way Phoenix, Sababiy., Smith, Filadelfiya, and Foster, Orange, Texas, will be making their secondShoBox boshlanadi; while Munoz, of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Meksika, Ellis, of Dorchester, Mass., Williams, of Rochester, N.Y.. and Romero, of Hasburgh, N.Y., via Santiago, D.R., birinchi. Odom, Vashington, D.C, is making his third appearance.


Tickets for the GH3 Promotions event are priced at $25, $50, $75 va 100 va onlayn sotib olish uchun mavjud www.Ticketmaster.comand over the phone at 1 800 736 1420.


An excellent boxer-puncher and tactician that likes to counter, Lopez won his ShoBox debut in his outing before last with a close, hard-fought 10-round majority decision over previously undefeated, DominicanEliezer Aquino (17-0-1 ichida sayohat). Lopez is coming off a second-round TKO over Eric Aiken oxirgi Dec. 12.


Lopez was born in Phoenix, raised in Los Angeles and moved to San Antonio when he was 15. U ketdi 125-23 in the amateurs and won six national championships before turning pro in February 2012. He’s trained by former two-time world champion Karlos "famoso" Hernandez.


Munoz will be making his United States debut and first start outside of Mexico. A pro since September 2010, he’s known for his come-forward style, first-rate overall skills and proficient punching power. U ketdi 140-10 havaskorlar bilan, winning three national Junior Olympic tournaments and coming away with bronze and silver medals in national championships.


Munoz, who hails from a fighting family, has an uncle who boxed professionally. He’s the one he credits for introducing him to boxing when he was 13. This will be his first fight since he scored a lopsided eight-round decision over Daniel Franco oxirgi May 2.


Ellis upset highly regarded Terrell Gausha to win the 2010 Milliy Oltin qo'lqop (Gausha would go on to represent the U.S. da 2012 Olimpiya o'yinlari). Since going pro in February 2011, Ellis has fought in two countries (Puerto-Riko, Meksika) and six U.S. cities (San Antonio, Carson, Calif., Winchester, Va., Nyu-York City, Tulsa and Inglewood, Calif.). The 26-year-old has faced mostly modest opposition and has seldom come close to putting in a full night’s work.


Ellis had had a series of delays and restarts since turning pro but feels he’s grown from his mistakes and that he’ll be stronger because of them. For sure, his power hasn’t been affected. Hamma 10 of his knockouts have come inside two rounds (eight in the first). The older brother of boxer Rashidi Ellis has won four straight by knockout, including a second-round TKO over Jas Phipps in his last start last Aug. 29. But he seems to be taking a sizeable step-up in class here.


Odom is looking to turn it around after losing two of his last three, the most recent defeat coming via a shocking third-round TKO to Samuel Clarkson (14-3 ichida sayohat) bo'yicha ShoBox. The heavily favored, heavy-hitting Odom was dropped three times, once in the second and twice in the third, before the fight was halted at 1:15.


Odom, bir yuqori havaskor va 2012 Milliy Oltin qo'lqop Champion 178 funt, Noyabr kuni 12-kurash g'alaba xususiyat uchini edi. 9, 2015, when he was disqualified against Andrew Hernandez. In the rematch the followingQadam tashlamoq 13 bo'yicha ShoBox, Odom registered a 2:47, first-round TKO.


O'zining ShoBox debyuti, Odom, who makes for exciting scraps, dropped previously unbeaten Vilier Quiñónez (8-0) twice before stopping him in the seventh round on July 25, 2014.


Smith won his ShoBox debut in his last start on a hard-fought, eight-round unanimous decision over Benjamin Whitaker oxirgi Nov. 6 in an outdoor fight in Las Vegas. Fighting in memory of his mother who died in late September and going eight rounds for the first time, the 5-foot-7Smith, overcame a nasty cut over the left eye from an unintentional headbutt in the sixth, rallied to score a knockdown in the seventh and triumphed by the scores of 79-73 va 78-74 ikki marotaba.


Before turning pro in April 2010, Smith was a 2008 National Golden Gloves Featherweight Champion and 2007 Junior Olimpiya milliy chempioni. His 74-2 record in the amateurs included two victories overworld-ranked contender Amir I.

Romero had 268 amateur bouts and represented the Dominican Republic at the Olympics in 2012 (he lost to Vasyl Lomanchenko). Shortly thereafter he relocated to New York. He went pro in October 2013, fought four times in 2014 and five times last year.


A slick 5-foot-9 boxer who can punch and gives opponent issues because of his awkward style and movement, Romero, 24, has beat up on ordinary opposition and is coming off a first-round TKO over LuisMeroles oxirgi Dec. 5. This looks to be his most daunting assignment to date.


Williams, 24, is a boxer-puncher who’s won seven in a row since boxing a draw in his second start in March 2013. This will be his first fight outside of New York. Making his eight-round debut in his last start onOkt. 8, he won a shutout decision over Czech Republic’s Michal Dufek.


Foster, 22, gets a quick-fix opportunity to redeem himself after losing hisShoBox debut on an eight-round unanimous decision to underdog Sam SeAH (6-1) bo'yicha Nov. 6 card in Las Vegas.


A highly decorated amateur, the 5-foot-8½ inch Foster advanced to the 2012 U.S. U eng yaxshi pro umid yutqazdi Olimpiya o'yinlari Urinishlar, Yusuf "Jo-Jo" Diaz. Bungacha, Foster was a 2011 Houston Golden qo'lqop va 2010 PAL Milliy Champion, a five-time Ringside National Champion and two-time National Junior Golden Gloves Champion.

Barry Tompkins atayman ShoBox bilan ring dan harakat Stiv Farhood va sobiq jahon chempioni Raul Marquez mutaxassis tahlilchilar sifatida xizmat. ijro etuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi Gordon Hall bilan Richard GAUGHAN ishlab chiqarish va Rick Phillips yuborish.


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Atrofida ShoBox: Yangi avlod
Iyul oyida tashkil etilganidan buyon 2001, olqishlar bilan kutib olingan kvplt_fan boks bo'yicha qator, ShoBox: Yangi avlod yoritilgan yosh iste'dod qattiq taalukli. The ShoBox falsafa qiziqarli televizion dasturini ko'rsatmoq iborat, Olomon-ma'qul va raqobatbardosh pas tayyor istiqbollari uchun isbot zamin ta'minlash esa jahon chempionligi uchun jang qilish uchun belgilangan. O'sib borayotgan ro'yxatida ba'zi 65 paydo bo'lgan jangchilarShoBox va dunyo unvonlari yig'ish uchun ilg'or o'z ichiga oladi: Andre Uord, Deontay Uaylder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Gilermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figeroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Fröch, Robert Guerrero, Timo'tiyga Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Xuan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Pol Uilyam va ko'proq.

BELLATOR MMA VA OKTAGON KIKBOKSI TORINODAGI PALA ALPITURDA TASHKIL ETGAN TADBIRKORLIKDA Raqobatlashishga tayyor bo'lgan ko'p yulduzli sportchilarni e'lon qiladi., Aprel kuni Italiya 16, 2016

OKTAGON-2016 --- RogersvSakara_The-Challenge-3


Yuqorida (L dan R gacha): Belluardo, Sakara, Yankova, Rogers, Manhoef

Qo'shimcha fotosuratlar uchun bosing

TORINO (Jan. 15, 2015) - Bugun tushdan keyin qo'shma reklama bo'yicha yangi tafsilotlar ma'lum bo'ldi Bellator MMA va Oktagon kikboksing. Hamkorlik kuni bo'lib o'tishi kerak Aprel 16, 2016, ikki jangovar sport turlari Torino shahridagi Pala Alpiturda kuchlarni birlashtirganda, Italiya.

Oktagon Kickboks prezidenti Karlo Di Blas bugun tushdan keyin Comune Di Torino-da, dunyoning ko'plab jangchilari, shu jumladan, kutilgan tadbirda ishtirok etishni rejalashtirdilar. Alessio Sakara va Brian Rogers kim engil yarim og'ir vazn toifasidagi MMA bahsida o'zaro to'qnash keladi. Bugun tushdan tashqari Gollandiyalik nokaut mashinasi ham ishtirok etdi Melvin Manhoef, kim kikboksing bahsida qatnashadi, va aralash jang san'atlari ustalari Danilo Belluardo Milan va Anastasiya Yankova Rossiya.

Garchi ular bugungi matbuot anjumanida qatnashmagan bo'lsalar ham, MMAning eng istiqbolli yosh istiqbollaridan biri ekanligi e'lon qilindi, A.J. McKee Belluardo bilan jang qiladi, va kikboksing stendlari Raymond Daniels va Kevin Ross aprelda ham raqobatlashadi 16.

Tadbir Bellator MMA va Oktagon Kickboks, ham og'rib etadi, boshoq Qo'shma Shtatlarda Bellator MMA qismi shamollatish bilan. To'liq translyatsiya ma'lumotlari va jang kartasi yaqin vaqt ichida e'lon qilinadi.

Bellator MMA prezidenti Scott cho'kadi ushbu e'lon uchun Italiyada bo'la olmadi, lekin qo'shilgan: «Biz ushbu ajoyib sportchilarning Karlo Di Blasi bilan birga ishtirok etishini e'lon qilishdan juda xursandmiz. Bu biz to'playotgan ajoyib shouning ajoyib ko'rsatkichidir, va yana ko'p narsalar kutilmoqda!"

Oktagon Kickboks prezidenti Karlo Di Blas dedi: "Skott Koker meni Bellator MMA Oktagon kikboksing bilan Olimpiada shahrida Turinda bo'lishini tasdiqlaganida, men darhol bu aslida Evropaning jangovar sport tarixidagi eng katta zarba deb o'ylardim..

"Kutish juda katta va men ishonamanki, tomoshabinlar tomosha qilish joyida va televizorda ushbu g'ayratni butun namoyish davomida ushlab turishadi."


Aprel kuni 16, Italiyaning o'zi Alessio Sakara Bellator MMA uchun birinchi uchrashuvini o'tkazadi va o'tgan sentyabr oyida birinchi turda TKO g'alabasini qo'lga kiritmoqchi. “Legionarius” 14 yillik karerasining aksariyati uchun 185 funt sterlingda qatnashgan, ammo oldinga boradigan 34 yoshli futbolchi engil vaznda raqiblar bilan to'qnash keladi.. G'alaba bilan Djo Vedepo, Thales Leites, va Jeyms Irvin allaqachon uning yozuvlarida, Sakara partizan olomon oldida jangga kirganda kurashish uchun mo'l-ko'l bo'ladi Aprel 16. Shuni ta'kidlash kerakki, Sakara shuningdek, professional boks egiluvchanligini oldi, bir rekord tuzish 8-1 oltita g'alaba nokaut bilan keladi.

Sakaraning raqibi Rogers yaqinda vazn toifalarida ko'tarildi, dan sakrashni amalga oshirish 185 205 funtgacha. 31 yoshli Strikeforce faxriysi shu vaqtdan beri Bellator MMA bayrog'i ostida qatnashmoqda 2011 va ega bo'lgan 11 yo'lda janjallar. Eng oxirgi, “Professional Predator” tayyor Virgil Zwicker uchburchakning bo'g'ilishi orqali, Bellator MMA engil vazn toifalarining istisnolar ro'yxatini ogohlantirishga qo'yish. Hozir, Denver, CO. asoslangan slugger birinchi marotaba qatnashganida o'zining janglarni yakunlash bo'yicha o'zining ajoyib rekordini qo'shishga intiladi 2016.


20 yoshli yigit McKee shubhasiz a .dan keyin MMA dunyosidagi barchaning e'tiboriga ega 3-0 karerasini boshlang, va yaxshi sabablarga ko'ra. Hurmatli MMA faxriysining o'g'li, Antonio Makki, A.J. qo'rqmasdan tajovuzkor bilan kurashadi, g'ayritabiiy yondashuv, bu sof hayajonga olib keladi va muxlislar va ommaviy axborot vositalari ko'proq narsani talab qilmoqda. U duch keladi Belluardo (5-1), italiyalik muxlislar uning harakatlarini har tomonlama qo'llab-quvvatlashiga ishonchi komil.


O'rta og'irlikdagi Bellator MMA da'vogarini to'xtatishi bilan Hisaki Kato yakunida 2015, 39-yoshli Manhoef tankda mo'l-ko'l qolganini yana bir bor isbotladi. “No Mercy” dan ortiq bahslarda qatnashgan 100 uning jangovar sport davrida bo'lgan professional janglar, ko'proq bilan 50 uning g'alabalari nokaut bilan kelgan. Xavfli hujumchi Shimoliy Italiyada safga qaytgach, ushbu tendentsiyani davom ettirishga e'tibor bering.

Tasniflash oson Anastasiya Yankova sifatida “yana bir chiroyli yuz,” Muay-Thai bo'yicha 24 yoshli Rossiya chempioni o'zining tashqi qiyofasiga mos keladigan jangovar mahoratga ega. Hozircha yangi boshlangan MMA karerasida mag'lubiyatsiz, Moskvaning fuqarosi ikkala raqibining oyoq-qo'llariga hujum qildi va muddatidan oldin to'xtashga muvaffaq bo'ldi, butun dunyo bo'ylab reklama aktsiyalariga qiziqish. Oxir oqibatda, Akademiya Box mahsuloti yaqinda Bellator MMA bilan uzoq muddatli shartnoma imzoladi, bu o'zining ta'sirchan ayollarning uchish vaznini ajratishda davom etmoqda.

35 yoshli ayol Ross amerikalik muay-tay kikbokschisi. Ross o'zining 52 janglik karerasi davomida bir qator chempionatlarni qayta tikladi, shu jumladan, WBC Muay-Thai (AQSh) yarim o'rta vazn toifasidagi chempioni, Xalqaro super-engil vazn toifasida WBC Muay-Thai unvoniga sazovor bo'ldi va super engil vaznda Lion Fight chempioni bo'ldi. Shuningdek, "Soul Assassin,”Ross MMA sport turiga o'tish ustida ishlamoqda.

Daniels karate bo'yicha ko'p karra chempion, hozirda bekor qilingan Jahon Jangovar Ligasi bayrog'i ostida nom chiqargan. Ishonchli, kikboksing tarixidagi eng munosib nokautlarga ega bo'lgan portlovchi hujumchi, Daniels bor-yo'g'i to'rt marta mag'lubiyatga uchragan 29 jangovar sport turlarining ayrim iteratsiyasida qatnashish paytida paydo bo'lish. Hozir, “Real afzali” nima uchun bu qisqartmani mag'rurlik bilan kiyganligini namoyish qilish uchun ko'rinadi “G.O.A.T.” Torinoda jang qilganda taytning orqasida, Italiya Aprel 16.

2015 Scott Coker boshchiligidagi Bellator aktsiyasi uchun rekordni buzdi. Muvaffaqiyatga bir qator yirik tadbirlar, jumladan, “Bellator 138: Tugallanmagan Biznes,"Qaysi hosil 2.9 million tomoshabinlar va "Bellator: Dinamit 1,"Qaysi ishtirok va darvoza uchun kompaniya yozuvlarni o'rnatish. The Aprel 16 Torinodagi tadbir Bellatorning chet eldagi birinchi tadbiridir, lekin u so'nggi bo'lmaydi, chunki aktsiya joriy yil oxiriga mo'ljallangan London va Isroilda o'tkaziladigan qo'shimcha xalqaro tadbirlar rejalarini e'lon qildi.


“Qornim ochdi. I’m determined. I’m not playing with anybody in 2016.
My actions will speak for themselves.” – Uaylder
I don’t just want to win; I want to win in spectacular fashion.” – PIN

Bosing BU YERGA Stefani Trapp / ShowTime fotojamlanma uchun®
Bosing BU YERGA Ed tillarda fotojamlanma uchun / DiBella Entertainment
Bruklin (Yanvar 14, 2016) – A dramatic fight week continued Payshanba as WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Uaylder and bruising Polish contender Artur Szpilka participated inthe final press conference before they enter the ring this Shanba, Yanvar 16 Barclays markazi showtime yashash.
KO'RISh VA CHEMPIONAT BOKSI® teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. PT with unbeatensCharles Martin va Vyacheslav Glazkov fighting for the vacant IBF Heavyweight World Championship.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, qaysi Warriors Boxing va Sferis Knockout aktsiyalar bilan birgalikda DiBella Entertainment tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, da boshlanadi $25, joriy xarajatlarga, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar tashrif bilan onlayn xarid qilish mumkin, www.barclayscenter.comyoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-745-3000. Chipta Barclays markazida American Express Box Office ham mavjud. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud
Bu yerda ishtirokchilar aytish kerak edi nima Payshanba:
I’m so happy to be here in the ‘Big Apple.It’s been over 115 years since there’s been a heavyweight title fight in Brooklyn and you’ve invited your ‘country friendto end that streak.
Everything has happened at the right time in my life. Even the people I’ve met in my career have come at the right time. I still think about the first time I met Lennox Lewis and he took the time out to talk to me and he showed me different techniques. I’ll never forget.
Lennox was one of those guys that set the standard. He’s a hard act to follow. But I love a challenge. Everybody has had struggles coming up. Now my children are my motivation and that’s what has made me strong physically and mentally.
Here we are in 2016, with a young champion trying to follow in the footsteps of a great champion to become undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
People who know me know that if I say I’m going to do something, I’m doing it. I am hungry. I am determined. I’m not playing with anybody in 2016. I don’t say things just to sound good. My actions will speak for themselves.
This is a great card. Two heavyweight title fights in one night. It doesn’t get much better than that. The heavyweight division is exciting again. Having someone like me, it’s only going to get better.
I take pride in what I do and what I have. I’m very honored to have the WBC belt. I even have the belt tattooed on my body. It’s not going anywhere. But there are more belts that I want. It’s going to be a long journey and a tough path to fulfill. But I’m that man.
When people say the heavyweight champion of the world, I want one person to be recognized. I wish my opponent and all future opponents good luck, cause they’re going to need it.
We’re not looking past Artur Szpilka. Things happen due to adrenaline and excitement, but I’m very confident about what I’m going to do shanba kuni tun. He wants to be the first Polish heavyweight champion of the world. You know he’s coming to make history.
This is going to be a hard fight, but a fun fight. Everyone who sees this fight, they’re going to get their money’s worth. Ushbu ajoyib shou bo'lishi yog'adiganga. Kutib qolaman. Waiting is the hardest part of boxing.
I’m so happy to fight in front of so many great Polish fans. I want to be the first Polish heavyweight champion of the world. I want to do it.
“Menga hech bosim yo'q. The pressure is on Deontay because I just want to be a world champion, u allaqachon.
I’m not just here to get my paycheck. Everyone who knows me, knows I come to fight. I don’t just want to win; I want to win in spectacular fashion.
I have a bunch of friends coming in from Chicago but the next 48 hours will be mostly relaxing. I have a couple small training sessions with Ronnie (Shields) but that’s it.
I know you have to have a great respect for your opponent and I used to have respect for him. But after what he has said about me, I have a problem. You have to prove it in the ring. He has to do it in the ring, not outside the ring. He can say whatever he wants, but we will see it in the ring.
I will fight hard and after the fight you will hear ‘The New Heavyweight Champion of the World.’ “
Charlz Martin
I’m so thankful to be in this position. Everyone who put this together and got me here, I owe them everything. I want to thank my mom for making me a strong guy. We went through everything together. We’ve seen it all.
It’s starting to get real. I can feel my aggression coming out. I’m a Taurus, I’m a bull. I get mean when it’s time to fight. That’s what I want to bring into the ring shanba kuni tun. Controlled aggression.
I’m a nice person but when it’s time to go, I have an angry heart.
I train for every fight like a title fight. Mentally there was nothing to gear up for. I’m strong mentally. I’ve been running up in the mountains and doing a lot of rounds.
We’re in great shape after being in one camp for eight weeks and then taking a week off before we got back to it. It was a great training camp.
I’m happy and excited. Men bu kurashda orziqib kutaman shanba kuni and taking what’s mine.
I’m so sick of talking about what Glazkov does well, I just want to see if he can do it well against me.
Thank you everyone who supports me and loves boxing. Bu men uchun katta imkoniyatdir. Men 100 tayyor foiz. This will be a good fight and I hope everyone is watching.
“Kayfiyatim yaxshi. I’ve trained very hard. I’m very ready for this fight. Everything is in place for me to become world champion.
Charles is a big guy. He’s a lefty but he hasn’t fought good opponents. He’s a big strong guy, but it’s the heavyweight division. Everyone is strong. This will be a good fight.
All of my past fights have helped me get ready for this one. I want all of the belts. This is the first step towards my dream.
Lennoks Lyuis, Former Unified Heavyweight World Champion
I’m looking forward to the fights Shanba. There are four great heavyweights that I’m excited to see. I’m happy that my WBC belt is looked after so well.
The heavyweight division is wide open right now. Now it’s time for the guys who were standing by the wayside to show that they want to be the next undisputed champion.
LOU DIBELLA, DiBella Entertainment Prezidenti
This is going to be a huge event at Barclays Center shanba kuni tun. There are still some tickets available, but you better run and get them. We just opened up some more tickets today. We could have a record crowd for boxing at Barclays Center and that’s the power of the heavyweight division and the power of boxing when you deliver a great product to people.
There are two terrific fights in one night. They will be the first heavyweight title fights in Brooklyn in 115 yil. We knew we were going to have Deontay Wilder taking on Artur Szpilka. We didn’t initially expect it, but now we have a title fight for a vacant belt as a co-feature. It really makes it a special night.
Stiven ESPINOZA, Ijrochi vitse-prezidenti & Bosh Menejer, Kvplt_fan sport®
SHOWTIME Sports was born on March 10, 1986 with its first telecast of a sporting event, which happened to feature a spectacular 11th-round knockout by “Ajoyib” Marvin HAGLER. This is SHOWTIME’s 30thanniversary and we’ll be celebrating all year long.
In keeping with our heavyweight theme, we are featuring our long history with Evander Holyfield and airing some of his biggest fights. Holyfield has fought with us 18 marta, the most of any other fighter. If there is a current fighter who can break that record, it’s Deontay Wilder. He’s fought eight times and we’ve seen the progression of his skills.
I can’t think of a better way to kick off our year than with this doubleheader of heavyweight title fights. For each of these four fighters on this SHOWTIME card, Shanba night represents a lifetime of work and their dream of being heavyweight champion. I’m convinced we’re going to have two memorable fights that will add to the great history of SHOWTIME.
We have such confidence in this card we’re doing something unprecedented. Not only is it a part of our Free Preview Weekend, but we’re putting the entire telecast on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel. There’s no excuse for anyone to miss it.
Brett YORMARK, Barclays markazining bosh direktori
Barclays Center is in the big event business and it doesn’t get any bigger than hosting two heavyweight world championship fights Shanba tun. Brooklyn has a great history with heavyweights but it’s been a long time. Deontay is the perfect person to bring this tradition back to Brooklyn. U ishonar, tenacious and has a big personality. He’s made to fight in Brooklyn.
Wilder versus Artur Szpilka is the matchup Brooklyn has been waiting for. The Fort Greene section of Brooklyn has a tremendous Polish population and Artur will have a big rooting section shanba kuni tun.
This will be our sixteenth event and I expect 2016 to be our biggest year ever. This is certainly an exciting way to kick off boxing at Barclays for 2016.
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Barclays Markaz Bruklin BOKS ™ dasturiy platforma aarp tomonidan taqdim etiladi. Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingPromand @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,,

Sampson Boxing Signs Promotional Agreement with Undefeated Featherweight Mario Munoz

Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing proudly announces the signing of undefeated featherweight MarioYayoMunoz to a promotional contract.
25-year-old Munoz, from Guadalajara, Meksika, currently sports a record of 16-0-1, 10 KOs and has been a professional since 2011. He will make his promotional debut under the Sampson Boxing banner onFevral 19 at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City when he takes on fellow unbeaten Adam Lopez (14-0, 7 KOS).
The fight against Lopez will be Munoz’s first outside Mexico. To prepare for this tough assignment, Munoz is working hard with trainer/manager Rafael Guzman and world-class Sampson Boxing stablemates Hugo “Cuatito” Ruiz (35-3, 31 KOS) and Jorge “Elektron tibbiy yozuvlarni” Lara (27-0-2, 19 KOS) in Guadalajara.
I am proud to have a great promoter like Sampson helping me now,” said Munoz. “It will make me fight that much harder knowing I have the backing to become a world champion behind me. I will train to the top of my ability for Fevral 19and for every fight I have with my new promoter. Together we will become world champion.
Sampson is my trusted friend and I feel this agreement will help Mario very much,” said Rafael Guzman. “Mario is very talented and determined and will go far in the sport. We needed the right promotional backing to take the next step and we now have it.
I am very happy to be adding another proud Mexican warrior to my stable of fighters,” Said Sampson Lewkowicz. “Along with Mario and Cuatito Ruiz and Pilon Lara I have the Red Flag, David Benavidez. Those are four very talented fighters and it makes me proud to be their promoter. Mario Munoz has a bright future in boxing if he keeps working as hard as he does and it’ll be a pleasure to help him with his career. It is my vision to continue to find new Mexican stars like him and welcome them to the Sampson Boxing family.
Sampson boks haqida
Sovchi va maslahatchisi sifatida juda muvaffaqiyatli muddatda keyin, Sampson Lewkowicz yanvar oyida professional boks reklama tomoniga ustida yoqilgan 2008.
Sampson boks dunyodagi eng nufuzli reklama firmalarning biriga o'sdi, Dunyoning eng yaxshi jangchilar va eng istiqbolli yosh da'vogarlar ko'p vakili.

Sampson boks barcha Shimoliy va Janubiy Amerika ustida reklama hamkorlar bor, Afrika, Osiyo, Yangi Zelandiya, Avstraliya, Evropa va Markaziy Amerika va Sampson boks voqealar HBO kabi galasi tarmoqlarda televidenieda qilindi, Namoyish Vaqti, ESPN, VS. va bir necha xalqaro tarmoqlar.

Pavel Vitruk vs. Sergey Morozov M-1 Challenge bantamweight semifinal eliminator Added to M-1 Challenge 64, Feb. 19 Moskvada

Volkov va boshqalar. Smoldaraev for vacant
M-1 Challenge heavyweight championship
Barnaoui defends
M-1 Challenge lightweight title vs. Damkovsky

(L-R) Sergey Morozov & Pavel Vitruk
ST. Peterburg, Rossiya (Yanvar 14, 2016) – Another potentially explosive match has been added to an already top heavy-loaded M-1 Challenge 64, sodir bo'layotgan Fevral 19at Olympic Stadium in Moscow, sifatida Pavel Vitruk oladi Sergey Morozov in a special M-1 Challenge bantamweight semifinal eliminator.
The M-1 Challenge 64 headliner finds newly M-1 Global-signed Aleksandr “Drago” Volkov (24-6-0, M-1: 8-3-0), Rossiya, against powerful Estonian challenger Denis Smoldaraev (11-1-0, M-1: 7-1-0) for the vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight championship.
CO-xususiyati, M-1 Challenge engil chempioni Mansur “Tarzan” Barnaoui (12-3-0, M-1: 2-2-0), Parij chiqib jang, defends his title against Belarussian challengerArtyom Damkovsky (20-9-0, M-1: 10-6-0)
M-1 Challenge 64 yuqori definition Moskvadan jonli namoyish etiladiwww.M1Global.TV. Ta'lim olayotgan da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun tizimga tomonidan dastlabki janglarini va asosiy kartasi tomosha qilish mumkin bo'ladi www.M1Global.TV. ShK ventilyatorlari barcha choralar o'z shaxsiy kompyuterlar tomosha mumkin, shuningdek Android va Apple aqlli telefonlar va planshetlar kabi.
A native of Ukraine fighting out of St. Peterburg, Vitruk (12-2-0, M-1: 6-2-0) is coming off back-to-back losses to American Lee Morrison by decision at M-1 Challenge 55 va Max Coga by third-round decision at M-1 Challenge 58. Representing the famed Alexander Nevsky Club in St. Peterburg, Vitruk has a strong Muay Thai foundation. After fighting exclusively as a featherweight, Vitruk has decided to drop down one weight class and compete as a bantamweight.
Pavel Vitruk (R) displays his effective jab to set-up his other moves
The 26-year-old Morozov (4-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0) is coming off a pair of impressive second-round stoppages via punches over Andy Young M-1 chempionatidagi 59 va Rijitigala Amuda M-1 Challenge 53. The Kazakh is a hot bantamweight prospect who is equally comfortable on his feet or on the ground.

Morozov is shown here ready to unload on his opponent
The winner of Vitruk vs. Morozov will advance to fight the victor from a soon-to-be announced second title eliminator for the vacant M-1 Challenge bantamweight title.
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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


Lewiston, Meyn (Yanvar 14, 2016) - New England sur (NEF), Amerikaning soni-bir mintaqaviy kurash yordam, uning keyingi voqea o'tkazadi, “NEF 21: Abadiy” shanba kuni, Fevral 6, 2016 Lewiston Androscoggin Bank COLISEE da, Meyn. The fight card is scheduled to feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Avvalroq bugun, the promotion announced the addition of a professional welterweight MMA bout to the fight card. Andrew Tripp (1-0) has signed to face Alex Henry (0-0) 170-funt bir jang og'irligi.

O'tgan MMA raqobat uchun, Andrew Tripp won two state championships wrestling for Massabesic High School in Waterboro, Meyn. Currently a member of Team Irish, Tripp will appear in the NEF MMA cage for the first time since May 2013 when he fought at “NEF VII.” He is credited with winning the first fight in the promotion’s history over Tollison Lewis atNEF I.After putting together a stellar amateur record of 9-1, and holding the northeast region’s top amateur welterweight ranking, Tripp made his successful professional debut last fall. Fevral kuni 6, he will be looking for his fifth win in a row.

I am very excited,” said Tripp. “I’ve missed all the NEF fans and I’ve brought them a newer, better-rounded Tripp to watch in that cage. Alex Henry has never faced an opponent as game as me. I love the kid’s styleno dance, just fightbut he’s going to have to deal with me in that cage on February 6th, and I am going to make sure he won’t be up for the task. I’ll be surprised if we get through the first round.

Alex Henry has yet to taste defeat in the MMA cage. He has amassed a perfect record of 6-0 since beginning his amateur career in 2013. Henry will make his professional debut at “NEF 21.” He is a member of New York State’s Team Bombsquad, a camp that has produced past NEF MMA headliners like Darrius Heyliger (4-3) and former NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion and Titan Fighting Championship Featherweight Champion DesPredator” Yashil (15-5). Henry has won all three of his most recent bouts via first-round stoppage.

Andrew and Alex have a combined 16-1 overall record between their amateur and professional careers,” aytib NEF hamraisi egasi va sovchi Matt Peterson. “One of these two power punchers will be leaving the Colisee with their first professional loss on February 6th. This is a pick ’em fight and a dream addition to an already stellar card.

New England sur’ keyingi voqea, “NEF 21: Abadiy,” joy Shanba oladi, Fevral 6, 2016 Lewiston Androscoggin Bank COLISEE da, Meyn. Chiptalar “NEF 21” faqat boshlanadi $25 and are on sale now at or by calling the Colisée box office at 207.783.2009 x 525. Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, please visit the promotion’s website at Bunga qo'chimcha, you can watch NEF videos at, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


Bosing BU YERGA For Photos From Bill McCay/Premier Boxing Champions
Filadelfiya (Yanvar 14, 2016) – Before they travel across the country for theirShanba, Yanvar 23 kuch bilan isbotlab, Danny “Swift” Garcia va Amir “Hardcore” Mansur held a Philadelphia media workout Chorshanba to discuss their Premer boks Chempionlar (PBC) bo'yicha FOX va Fox Sports bouts taking place at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.
Garcia faces former multiple-division world champion Robert “Sade” Jangchi in a welterweight world title fight while Mansour takes on 2012 U.S. Marhamatli Dominic “Tashvish” BREAZEALE og'ir vazn toifasida harakatda. Televidenieda qamrov da boshlanadi 8 p.m. VA/5 p.m. PT and also features a welterweight battle between Sammy “Serjant” Vasquez va Aron Martinez.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Swift Promotions, fiyatlandırılır $300, $200, $100, $50 va $25, amaldagi to'lovlari va xizmat to'lovlari, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chipta sotib yoki telefon orqali mumkin 888-929-7849 yoki STAPLES markazida.
The workout took place at Garcia’s DSG Boxing Gym and the undefeated star was joined by his father and trainer, Anxel Garsiya. Bu yerda ishtirokchilar aytish kerak edi nimaChorshanba:
Danny G'orsiya
I’m just focused on Robert Guerrero because at the end of the day, that’s the task in front of me. None of the stuff in the future can happen if don’t get the job done.
I feel like I’ve faced some real good fighters. We just want to keep winning fights and getting bigger fights.
It’s almost impossible to predict the future in boxing. That’s why I don’t get ahead of myself. If the opportunity is in front of me, I’m going to take advantage of it.
I’ve worked hard to get to where I am today. It’s just about taking it one fight at a time to get to where we want to be.
This is my first fight being a father and I’m dedicating it to my daughter. I’m wearing pink and black for her. I named her Philly because of how important the city is to me. I’m the first Latino boxing champion from Philly and I wanted to name her something that was important to me.
I represent everybody. Men Filadelfiya emasman, we’re all the same here. There’s not just one ethnicity. Where I’m from, we’re all cool.
I knew the opportunities would come and that I’d be fighting for a title eventually. There’s nothing like a championship fight, it’s just a different atmosphere.
We’re eating right, dieting right. We were already training like this was a title fight and now it’s come to fruition. I fought Morales for a belt and now I’m fighting another Mexican warrior in Guerrero.
I expect Breazeale to come to fight. Looking at his prior fights, he doesn’t back down. That’s what I like. I don’t think that he’s going to run. He’ll engage and it’ll be an interesting fight.
Breazeale is a tall guy but he’s nothing different. You just have to train hard and focus on the task at hand.
I prepare to fight. I don’t prepare to run from a guy. I’m preparing to strategically target my opponent’s weakness. I don’t think he’s faster than me, I don’t think he’s stronger than me, he’s just taller than me.
I don’t think this fight is going the distance. I’m always going to predict that I’m going to be the winner. I really want to get this guy out of there and not leave it in the judges hands.
This isn’t my first time on the big stage. A win is a win. We’re all one punch away from success and one punch from failure. Any win is a blessing.
Anxel Garsiya
We’re going up there the same way whether it was for a belt or not. Hungry and we’re coming back with that treasure.
After he wins that belt, I’m going to call my son the undefeated champion of the world yet again.
My son now knows that feeling of being a family and you never really know that until you’re a father. He’s always been humble but now he’s really doing it for his daughter. Now he can live the rest of his life to make sure her and her kids and grandkids will be okay.
Danny still trains the same. When we’re in camp, it’s camp. It’s all about Danny Garcia. Him and me do it like we’ve always done.
Danny had his mind on 147 for a while. We should have gone right to 147 after Matthysse but I wanted him to take his time. We’re where we want to be now.
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, www.staplescenter.comva,'zgular / bosh sahifa, TwitterPremierBoxing qiling, DannySwiftGhostBoxing, @ SammyV2112, FOXSports, FOXDeportesSTAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions VaSwanson_Comm va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib,, #PBConFOX Yordamida suhbat qiling.


Bosing BU YERGA For YouTube Link To Footage Of Near-Brawl Between The Heavyweights During Photo-Op
Heavyweights Meet Face-To-Face During Visit To
The New World Trade Center Before They Meet In The Ring
Shanba, Yanvar 16 Barclays markazida
Showtime yashash (10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. PT)
Bosing BU YERGA Stefani Trapp / ShowTime fotojamlanma uchun
Bruklin, NY (Yanvar 13, 2016) – WBC og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Deontay Uaylder and Polish contender Arthur PIN continued their fight-week activities Wednesday, staring each other down for the first time at 4 World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan.
To'g'risida Shanba, January 16 the two men meet in a battle for Wilder’s heavyweight world title live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Televidenieda qamrov da boshlanadi 10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. PT and features unbeaten Charles Martin va Vyacheslav Glazkov battling for the vacant IBF Heavyweight World Championship.
Wilder and Szpilka posed for photos on the 57th floor of 4 World Trade Center. Qarshisida 4 World Trade Center is theheavyweight champion of Manhattan skyscrapers”, One World Trade Center- tik 1,776 feet tall.
As the event came to a close, Wilder and Szpilka exchanged shoves and verbal jabs and they had to be separated by their respective teams. They will go face-to-face again ertaga afternoon at the final press conference before Shanba ning championship showdown.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, qaysi Warriors Boxing va Sferis Knockout aktsiyalar bilan birgalikda DiBella Entertainment tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, da boshlanadi $25, joriy xarajatlarga, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar tashrif bilan onlayn xarid qilish mumkin, www.barclayscenter.comyoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-745-3000. Chipta Barclays markazida American Express Box Office ham mavjud. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingProm and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,, Barclays Markaz Bruklin BOKS ™ dasturiy platforma aarp tomonidan taqdim etiladi.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, da boshlanadi $25, joriy xarajatlarga, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar tashrif bilan onlayn xarid qilish mumkin, www.barclayscenter.comyoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-745-3000. Chipta Barclays markazida American Express Box Office ham mavjud. Purchase before January 1 va bir qabul 10 percent discount. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.