Все сообщения FNU47

Смотреть Анхель Окасио – Обмен взрывчатыми пресс-конференциями Рейнальдо Бланко

Окасио – Бланко будет бороться за титул чемпиона WBA NABA USA в легком весе, который будет транслироваться в прямом эфире, в эту пятницу на GFL.TV

Лонг-Айленд, Нью-Йорк (Январь 21, 2016) – В Четверг, ночь в Chickie’s & Питес в Южной Филадельфии, Ангел Окасио (8-0-2, 2 КО) Филадельфия & Рейнальдо Бланко (9-2, 4 КО) Пуэрто-Рико на итоговой пресс-конференции

Они встретят это вечер пятницы от Профсоюз работников профсоюзов листового металла Пенсильвании в Филадельфии, в 8-раундовом поединке за звание чемпиона WBA NABA USA в легком весе.
Бой будет озаглавлен карточкой с 7 боями, которую можно транслировать. В прямом эфире на GFL.TV на 7:00 PM И для $14.99. Трансляция доступна по всему миру, нажав ВОТ
Ниже приводится взрывной обмен мнениями на пресс-конференции в четверг.

Окасио - Пресс-конференция Blanco
Окасио – Пресс-конференция Blanco
В 8-раундовом совместно функцию, бывший титул чемпиона мира, Джонатан Maicelo (22-2, 12 КО) Северной Берген, Нью-Джерси берет на себя Samuel Amoako (21-5, 15 КО) Аккра, Гана в легком поединке.
В 4-раунд боя:
Сауд Кларк (5-1-1, 4 КО) Филадельфия берет на себя Джулиан Валерио (2-3, 1 KO) Бруклина, Нью-Йорк в младший, Средний бой.
Дэвид Мюррей (2-1, 2 КО) Филадельфия будет бороться Эриберто Саламан (0-2) Пуэрто-Рико в бою в полутяжелом весе.
Луис Дель Валле Филадельфия сделает свой профессиональный дебют против Альберт Манукян (0-3) Нью-Джерси в легком поединке.
В битве профессионального дебюта младшего. Средневесов, Идемар Ягненок Филадельфия будет бороться Луис Рамос Пуэрто-Рико в младшем. Средний бой.
Откроет шоу непобежденный суперсредний вес. Крестник Ноэль (5-0, 4 КО) Ньюарк, Нью-Джерси берет на себя Виктор Kpadenou (10-9, 5 КО) Мэриленда.

Панамериканский конгресс WMMAA, февраль. 5-8 в Альбукерке, Нью-Мексико

WMMAA: Будущее ММА
МОНТЕ-КАРЛО, Монако (Январь 21, 2016) – Вторая ежегодная Всемирная ассоциация ММА (WMMAA) Панамериканский конгресс состоится 5 февраля.–7 в Торговой палате Albuquerque Hispano в Альбукерке, Нью-Мексико.
Pan-Am Конгресс фокусируется на структуре для продолжения создания и развертывания всемирной лицензии и базы данных официальных лиц WMMAA с более чем 56 страны, участвующие в лицензировании официальных лиц ММА. Конгресс коснется календаря развертывания первых программ бакалавриата и магистратуры по спортивным единоборствам..

Мультимедийный комитет PANAM, во главе с Univision Карлос Фурзан, работает с директором по коммуникациям Эдгар Филдси Фернандо Кускуэла, Соучредитель EveryPost, по запуску “ССЫЛКА НА САЙТ,” эксклюзивная программа корреспондентской сети через факультеты связи по всему миру. WMMAA PANAM имеет очень уникальный и прогрессивный способ работы с областями правительства., виды спорта, туризм, образование и национальная оборона.
“Панамериканский конгресс посвящен движению WMMAA.,” Президент Панамериканского дивизиона WMMAA Томас Ю. объяснил. По сути, это образовательное движение, и именно по этой причине мы поощряем усилия по продвижению развития ММА на низовом уровне.. Общим знаменателем каждого отдельного брачного искусства является уважение., честь и верность. Смесь боевых искусств не должна отличаться.”
(L-Р) – Эрни C’da Baca, Вице-президент Торговой палаты Альбукерке Испано, и Томас Ю., Президент Панамериканского дивизиона WMMAA
Торговая палата Albuquerque Hispano находится по адресу: 1309 4й Улица. SW в Альбукерке, Нью-Мексико.
“Для нас большая честь и радость, что мы можем провести WMMAA и снова стать частью истории.,” Вице-президент Торговой палаты Альбукерке Испано Эрни С.’ де Бака сказал. “Нью-Мексико известен своими чемпионами по боевым видам спорта., но у нас также есть много чемпионов в бизнесе! Здесь, в Торговой палате Испании, Альбукерке, мы - лагерь, стоящий за этим чемпионом по бизнесу.”
Панамериканский конгресс проводится совместно с 2016 ПАНАМ ЛАГЕРЬ, где в Альбукерке будут тренироваться спортсмены со всей Латинской Америки. Январь. 27Февраль. 8. Руководитель лагеря ММА - всемирно известный тренер. Крис Латтрелл (Бойцовский авторитет) и кондиционирование Курт Чавес (eVOLV Strong).
Для получения дополнительной информации или запроса об участии в этом мероприятии, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с Эдгаром Кампосом по телефону press.panam@wmmaa.org.
Президент Торговой палаты Альбукерке Испано Алекс Ромеро
(L-Р) – Торговая палата Albuquerque Hispano Алекс Ромеро и президент Панамериканского подразделения WMMAA Томас Ю
О WMMAA: Его цель - обеспечить надлежащую структуру, препятствующую росту ММА внутри. & вне клетки. Некоммерческая организация, основанная в 2012, WMMAA ставит перед собой задачу разработать стандартизированную и регулируемую управляющую организацию., в том числе конкурс, обучение, судейство, Тестирование и рост при необходимости. Это непростой процесс, но более чем 50 страны было предоставлено членство WMMAA.


Нажмите ВОТ For Photos From Leonard Wilson/Premier Boxing Champions
ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Январь 20, 2016) – Fight Week on FOX in L.A.продолжение в среду as fighters competing на субботу Премьер Бокс чемпионов (PBC) на FOX и FOX Sports card held a media workout before they enter the ring at STAPLES Center.
В среду workout featured undefeated star Дэнни “Быстро” Гарсия и бывший чемпион мира Роберт “Призрак” Воин as they prepare for their welterweight world championship showdown. Also in attendance and competing в субботу are welterweights Сэмми “Сержант” Васкес и Арон Мартинес plus heavyweights Доминик “Беда” Breazeale и Эмир “Хардкор” Мансур. Televised fights begin at 4 p.m. PT inside of the arena with the FOX and FOX Deportes broadcast beginning at 5 p.m. PT.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует TGB Акции, по цене $300, $200, $100, $50 и $25, не включая применимые сборы и стоимость услуг, и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в AXS.com или по телефону 888-929-7849 или Staples Center.
The fighters worked out with their trainers at City of Angels Boxing gym in Los Angeles. Вот то, что участники должны были сказать, Среда:
Дэнни Гарсия
This is another fight that is going to make me a bigger star. Такой Как Суббота ночь, I will be at my best.
“У меня было 31 Профессиональные бои. A lot of them have been big fights. This is another fight to me. There’s nothing you can say that gets to me.
I feel like I represent all the Latino people. Not just Puerto Rican-Americans or Mexican-Americans. I’m excited to go out there and show everybody a great fight.
I’m not the kind of person that talks a lot. I like to speak with my left hand and my right hand.
“В конце концов,, all the fans want to see is good fights and they’ll appreciate that.
I always go for the knockout, but we’re ready for a war.
“Я не ставлю никакого давления на себя. I just go in there and take it one fight at a time. I’m not thinking about my record when I step in the ring, I just want to get the job done round-by-round.
ANGEL GARCIA, Отец Дэнни & Тренер
We left 140-pound as the champ and now we’re looking to do the same at 147. When you come to fight Danny Garcia for a title, you better come 100 процентов готов.
We know Guerrero is going to be ready and we know what he brings to the table. We have an answer for everything he’s got.
Январь 23, it’s going to be for all Latinos in L.A. and all of America. Danny is going to be the welterweight world champion.
Роберт Герреро
Having the world title on the line just adds fuel to the fire. We’ll find out Суббота night how it all plays out.
We’ve been training hard. We derailed off the tracks a bit, but we went back to square one in camp, back to what got me here in the first place. We put it back together.
Going up against an undefeated fighter adds motivation to my drive. I want to defeat the undefeated guy, especially with this opportunity. I want to raise everybody’s eyebrows.
We’re not going to let the fans down. If the opponent doesn’t come to fight, Я буду. That’s just the way I am. Whenever somebody watches me it’s always exciting.
РУБЕН ГЕРРЕРО, Robert’s Father & Тренер
We’re going to show the world. We’re warriors. We come to fight. The fans are going to love this fight.
It all depends on if Danny comes to fight. I’ll give him credit if he does. They’re going to find out where Robert is at after this fight.
Robert is a full-fledged welterweight. We’re coming in light and ready to go.
I don’t get heated. I’ve been there before. I just say it as it is. Whatever comes out of my mouth comes out. They better be ready, because we’re ready. Angel Garcia better be ready to throw in that towel, because Danny is going to take a beating.
Сэмми Васкес
My time in the military helped turn me into a man. I joined at a young age and it’s made me the person I am today. Boxing in front of thousands of people is an honor and I’m going to enjoy it.
We’re here to take care of business come Суббота ночь. Hopefully I can keep fighting people above me in the rankings. This is a great stepping-stone for me. Eventually we want one of these guys in the main event.
Boxing died out in Pittsburgh a little bit until Paul Spadafora brought it back a little bit. I’m trying to be the next one. I’m a fun guy to follow for a lot of reasons and I just want to make myself known.
I made it through two tours all in one piece and there are a lot of people who weren’t as lucky. To be able to give anything back is truly special.
We have to shine в субботу ночь. This is our chance to show that we belong. Being able to stop Aron Martinez would put me on a bigger stage.
I don’t know where I’ll be at on the welterweight scale if I get this win. But I’d love to fight either Danny Garcia or Robert Guerrero. Время покажет. I intend to fight for a world title by the end of the year.
АРОН Мартинес
Every fight gets harder and harder. We’ve had a great training camp and we’re ready to brawl. Expect a good fight в субботу night and expect some fireworks.
I thought I won the fight with, Robert Guerrero but it’s boxing. You have to move on and use it as motivation the next time you’re out there.
This is my backyard. I started my career here and it’s a great opportunity for people to get to see me. Я хочу устроить отличное шоу.
Vasquez is like any other fighter. Only thing special is that he’s undefeated. He doesn’t want to lose that but nothing worries me about him. This will be tougher than my last two fights, but we’re ready.
I think we’re going to steal the show. Он непобедимый, a southpaw and he definitely doesn’t want to lose. It’s my hometown though, so I’m going to put up a good fight and make it a war.
“Это был отличный тренировочный лагерь. Мой тренер, Мэнни Роблес, has done a great job. He’s worked on helping me establish my jab and got me ready for a very tough fight.
I talked to Gerald Washington myself and he said he let it slip away in his fight against Mansour. The first four rounds he was really controlling the range. It’s definitely something that I’ve been studying.
“В тяжелом весе, everyone can throw punches. Anyone who believes I’m not tough enough will be proven wrong Суббота. Mansour is a really experienced guy and I’d like to knock him out and put on an exhibition.
I’ve got the age on him and I’ve got some height and weight. I have a great pedigree and he has the pro experience. He’s been in a lot more rounds than I have but I’ve been in a lot of tough fights.
My heart is definitely set on Charles Martin after this fight. After pulling out of the fight and everything that happened there, that’s on my mind after this fight.
Mansour is a big, aggressive guy so we’re ready for anything he can bring. My athletic background will help me as will my mind because it’s all about making adjustment in the ring.
You’re not going to see me hanging out on the ropes because I’m going to move around the ring. My skills will be the difference.
“Это мечта, чтобы бороться в Staples Center. I’m so close to family and friends. It’s going to be a livelier fight week than I’ve been in before.
I always try to turn it up around the third round. Я никогда не ищу нокаута, but I’ll turn it up and try to hurt him.
I let my trainers watch the opponent, they give me the game plan and I take it from there.
“Там нет давления. I know how to transform everything that we do in the gym into the ring and block out all the pressure.
My team knows a lot about Dominic. My team has helped me get prepared for what I need to do to get this victory.
I can’t sit here and say I’m not nervous, everyone is nervous before fight day. You have to embrace that and overcome that. Это моя мечта, this is where I want to be and this is my moment.
# # #
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.staplescenter.comи www.TGBPromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / домашнюю,www.foxdeportes.com. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, DannySwiftGhostBoxing, @ SammyV2112, FOXSports, FOXDeportesSTAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions ИSwanson_Comm и стать вентилятор на Facebook на www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter иwww.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Следуйте разговор, используя #PBConFOX.


SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® Жить в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT
Билеты уже в продаже!
НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Январь. 20, 2015) – Непобедимый три-чемпион мира Лев “Землетрясение” Санта-Крус проведет первую защиту своего чемпионата мира в полулегком весе против бывшего чемпиона мира Кико Мартинес на Суббота, Февраль. 27, жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ® от Хонда Центр в Анахайме, Халиф.
Телепередача SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС начинается 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT.
“Я рад, что у меня появится еще одна возможность сразиться перед моим Лос-Анджелесом.. друзья,” сказал Санта-Крус. “Я был в тренажерном зале и был готов ко всем, кто встанет передо мной. Я собираюсь быть 100 готов к этому бою, и я планирую выйти и отлично выглядеть.”
“Я очень рад возможности сразиться с Лео Санта-Крус на Февраль 27,” сказал Мартинес. “Санта-Крус, безусловно, один из лучших полулегких атлетов в мире, но у меня есть все, что нужно.. Я уже начал очень много работать со своим давним тренером Габи Сармьенто, и я буду победителем.”
“Всегда здорово иметь возможность проводить качественные бои для фанатов боев в Южной Калифорнии.,” сказал Том Браун TGB Акции. “Лео Санта-Крус против. Битва Кико Мартинеса не может быть лучше в месте или городе, и она обеспечит непрерывное действие с первого звонка. Для TGB Promotions большая честь снова работать с SHOWTIME и командой Honda Center над еще одним грандиозным мероприятием.”
Билеты на турнире, который способствует TGB Акции, по цене $27, $54, $104 и $199 и сейчас продаются через ticketmaster.com, В точках продаж Ticketmaster или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассе центра Honda..
Популярный мексикано-американский Санта-Крус (31-0-1, 17 КО), боевые действия из Лос-Анджелеса, выиграл титул в 126 фунтов в “Бой года” кандидат против бывшего чемпиона трех дивизионов Авенир Mares в августе прошлого года в центре STAPLES в Лос-Анджелесе.. Это был всего лишь второй бой в полулегком весе для Санта-Крус., кто выигрывал пояса в 118 и 122 фунтов, заработав репутацию одного из самых активных и захватывающих боксеров. 27-летний футболист также одерживает победы над Кристиан Михарес и Эрик Морель и участвовал в боях за титул чемпиона мира в 10 из его последних 12 борется с 2012.
Мартинес (35-6-0, 26 КО), Валенсианы, Испания, бывший чемпион мира в легчайшем весе, который выиграл пояс IBF нокаутом в шестом раунде Джонатан Ромеро в 2013. 29-летний футболист дважды успешно защищал титул против Джеффри Матебула и давний титульный лист Hozumi Hasegawaдо потери решение в 2014 в матче-реванше против Карл Frampton. Мартинес бросил вызов Скотт QUIGG за пояс 122 фунта в июле 2015 прежде чем перейти к 126 фунты, где он пришел в норму, чтобы записать нокауты в двух из трех своих боев всего за два месяца.. Путешественник, который часто сражается на территории своего оппонента., Мартинес теперь бросит вызов Санта-Крусу в своем втором поединке в США.. с его намерением стать чемпионом мира в двух дивизионах.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, @ LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter и @Swanson_Comm или станьте поклонником на Facebook по адресу www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

M-1 Grand Prix Tournament relaunched

ST. САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Россия (Январь 20, 2016) – M-1 Global President Вадим Финкельштейн recently announced the relaunching of its popular series, M-1 Grand Prix Tournament.
“We’ve been preparing this a long time and now we’re happy to officially announce our 2016 M-1 Grand Prix Tournament,” Finkelchtein said. “This has been a very popular format and fans are always excited about it. This time we will feature a 4-man tournament, rather than the usual 8-man pairings, because the 4-man version is faster and more entertaining. We don’t want to bore people with long expectation periods and lessen the risk of occasional injuries and fighter changes in the tournament.”
The first M-1 Grand Prix match of 2016 is set in the middleweight division as three-time Bellator champion Александр “Буря” Шлеменко (51-9-0, М-1: 2-0-0) takes on former M-1 Challenge middleweight and light heavyweight titlist Вячеслав Василевский (27-3-0, М-1: 10-1-0)на M-1 Challenge 64, Февраль 19 at Olympic Stadium in Moscow.
“Хорошо, we were choosing between several offers from different promotions,” explained Shlemenoko’s manager Alexey Zhernakov. “В конце, we came to the conclusion that M-1 Grand Prix participation is the most interesting option for us at the moment. Alexander is still under Bellator’s exclusive contract. Следовательно, we had to negotiate with Bellator, which kindly allowed us to sign with M-1 Global. We expect Alexander Shlemenko to take part in major M-1 Challenge events as they are always organized at a high level and broadly covered by the media.”
M-1 Challenge 64 will be streamed live from Moscow in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Зрители смогут наблюдать предварительные бои и основной карты, зайдя на регистрацию наwww.M1Global.TV. Вентиляторы могут смотреть все действия на своих компьютерах, а также на Android и Apple, смартфонов и планшетов.

Sampson Boxing Signs ‘Bad BoyRosas to a Promotional Agreement

Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing is proud to announce the signing of formidable super bantamweight contender Daniel “Плохой парень” Rosas to a promotional agreement.
Розы (20-2-1, 12 КО), Мехико, is a two-time world title challenger and former WBO Youth Super Flyweight and WBC Caribbean Boxing Federation (CABOFE) Super Flyweight Champion.
A tough, toe-to-toe slugger with fast hands and a penchant for body punching, 26-year-old Rosas says he’s happy to be joining the Sampson Boxing stable.
“Я так взволнован,” said Rosas. “Это мечта. I’ve been waiting a long time to sign with Sampson. I am planning to take things up another level and get a shot at the world championship. I want to thank my manager, Fernando Dominguez, for helping me get this opportunity and putting me in with the right people to help make my boxing dream come true.
Manager Dominguez, who also handles top super bantamweight contender and upcoming title challenger Hugo “Cuatito” Руис, says he couldn’t be happier with the deal. “I feel good because all my fighters are with Sampson, он сказал. “I trust Sampson and I’m proud to be his right hand in Mexico. I think Daniel Rosas is a future world champion and this deal will be the final piece of the puzzle to getting him there.
Sampson Lewkowicz says he looks forward to seeing what Rosas can do with proper representation.
He is a very talented fighter,” said Lewkowicz of Rosas, “very tough and determined. He has the guts and the fearlessness to become a champion.
Lewkowicz adds that the addition of Rosas is part of his bigger plan for the future.
I am building an army of world-class super bantamweights,” он продолжил. “This is one of the most exciting divisions in boxing and several of my fighters are right in the mix. I look forward to putting together several of the next few yearsbest match-ups at the weight.

FOX Sports and NextVR Bring Virtual Reality To Live Championship Boxing

Premier Boxing Champions Card в субботу to be first
North American
boxing matches broadcast live in Virtual Reality
Laguna Beach, Январь. 20, 2016NextVR, the leader in live-action virtual reality broadcast technology, and FOX Sports will offer the Суббота, Январь 23 Премьер Бокс чемпионов (PBC) спички, airing on FOX (8:00 PM ET), live in virtual reality.
The Суббота PBC card is headlined by one of the most exciting undefeated fighters in boxing, Дэнни “Быстро” Гарсия (31-0, 18 КО), facing former three-division world champion Robert “Призрак” Воин (33-3-1, 18 КО), жить с Staples Center в Лос-Анджелесе.
NextVR will set up multiple cameras around the ring, including ringside, to capture the action in immersive, high-definition virtual reality, providing fight fans the best seat in the house and compelling views they never had access to before. Дополнительно, fight commentary and graphics will be included in the virtual reality live stream.
This is the latest example of NextVR’s commitment to bring the most compelling live content to sports fans in virtual reality,” said Brad Allen, executive chairman of NextVR. “We strive to deliver a great virtual reality experience and the key is great, exciting content.
В 2015, NextVR collaborated with FOX Sports to broadcast the Auto Club 400 NASCAR race in Fontana, Калифорния., and the United States Open Golf Championship from Chambers Bay in Washington.
We continue to explore ways to offer FOX Sports viewers the most current and immersive technology available,” Дэвид Натансон сказал, Head of Business Operations for FOX Sports. “Sports fans expect FOX to be on the cutting edge with all of our broadcasts, and through the FOX Lab initiative, we will continue to experiment with new and exciting technologies with all of our partners.
The NextVR PBC boxing broadcast will be available free through the NextVR portal. To watch the live stream of PBC boxing card in virtual reality, Samsung Gear VR owners can download the NextVR app and access the fight through any Gear VR headset compatible phones.
About NextVR: NextVR enables the transmission of live, long-form virtual reality content in broadcast qualityleading the way for live and on-demand VR to become a mainstream experience for sporting events, концерты, cinematic productions and more. Созданная в 2009, NextVR has more than 26 patents granted or pending for the capture, compression, transmission, and display of virtual reality content. NextVR’s platform allows the fully immersive content to be streamed with pristine quality using current home and mobile Internet connections. NextVR was founded by veterans in stereoscopic imaging technology, software development and an award-winning filmmaker. Для получения более подробной информации, перейти к www.nextvr.com.
About FOX Sports: FOX Sports is the umbrella entity representing 21st Century FOX’s wide array of multi-platform US-based sports assets. Built with brands capable of reaching more than 100 million viewers in a single weekend, FOX Sports includes ownership and interests in linear television networks, digital and mobile programming, broadband platforms, multiple web sites, joint-venture businesses and several licensing partnerships. FOX Sports includes the sports television arm of the FOX Broadcasting Company; FS1; FS2; Fox’s 22 regional sports networks, their affiliated regional web sites and FSN national programming; FOX Soccer Plus and FOX Soccer 2Go; FOX Deportes and FOX College Sports. В дополнение, FOX Sports also encompasses FOX Sports Digital, which includes FOXSports.com, FOX Sports GO, Whatifsports.com and Yardbarker.com. Also included in the Group are FOX’s interests in joint-venture businesses Big Ten Network and BTN 2Go, as well as licensing agreements that establish the FOX Sports Radio Network.

Yory Boy Campas farewell fight against Anthony Bonsante to be streamed LIVE, this Saturday onGFL.TV

Лонг-Айленд, Нью-Йорк (Январь 20, 2016)В эту субботу вечером in Butte, Montana, former world junior middleweight champion “Йори Бой” Кампус will make his 126th and final ring appearance when he takes on former participant of Претендент, Anthony Bonsante.
The action will get underway at 10 PM ET / 7 PM PT на GFL.TV по рекомендованной розничной цене $14.99.
Fans can order the event by clicking ВОТ
Campas of Navojoa, Mexico and now residing in Montana has a record of 105-17-3 with an astronomical 81 нокауты.
To say he has faced everybody in the Welterweight through Middleweight divisions is an understatement.
Campas won the IBF Junior Middleweight title with a 8th round stoppage over previously undefeated and former U.S. Olympian Marquez on December 6, 1997. He made 3 successful defenses of the title before being stopped by Fernando Vargas.
On four more occasions, Campas challenged for a world championship but came up short against Felix Trinidad, Оскар Де Ла Хойя, Jose Luis Lopez and Daniel Santos.
Campas is undefeated since 2012 and will look to close out his storied career against the veteran Bonsante.
Bonsante of Shakopee, Миннесота имеет запись 34-12-3 с 19 нокауты, appeared on Претендент в 2004 has wins over Tony Ayala (31-1), Brent Cooper (20-2-2), Troy Lowry (27-6) & Matt Vanda (35-2).
Bonsante is on 2 fight winning streak with his latest being a 8-round unanimous decision over David Gonzalez on September 26, 2015.
He is a former IBA Super Middleweight champion & Minnesota State Middleweight champion.
A full undercard will also take place:
Даниэль Гонсалес берет на себя Jesse Uhde in a 10-round bout for the Montana State Super Welterweight title.
Jered Lunceford бои Микки Уокер in a 4-round Light Heavyweight bout.
Anthony Curtiss и Aaron Snow will make their pro debut in a Super Lightweight contest.
Eric Hempstead будет бороться Anthony Sullivan in a 4-round Cruiserweight bout.
Jacob Szilasi ящики Jake Fowler in a 4-round Super Welterweight bout.


Джамал Джеймс, Дэвид Бенавидес, Caleb Plant and Malcolm McAllister Score Impressive Victories
Фото кредит: Сюзанна Тереза ​​/ Premier Бокс чемпионов
ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Январь 19, 2016) In front of a packed house at Club Nokia at L.A. В прямом эфире во вторник night in downtown Los Angeles, Premier Boxing Champions kicked off PBC On FOX Fight Week In Los Angeles with an exciting fight card on ОО до пят ВТОРНИКАМ на FS1 и Бокс чемпионов на FOX Депортес.
Хедлайнером карта, непобежденным полусреднем Джамал Джеймс of Burnsville, Миннесота (19-0, 9 КО), won a 10-round unanimous decision over local favorite Хавьер Молина, (17-2, 8 КО). множество (99-91, 98-92 и 97-93) were surprisingly wide as most ringside observers thought it was a much closer fight.
Battling from the opening bell, James and Molina each had success with swift jabs and power shots throughout the first half of the fight. The intensity continued in the second half with both fighters sensing the bout was hanging in the balance of each stanza.
Said James, “I thought when he first came out in the first couple of rounds, it was pretty close. He was making it a tough fight. Как борьба продолжалась, I got him to fight my fight. I kept him on the outside.
I stuck to my game plan. I felt like I should have been busier. He had some tricky movement with his feet. The range was tough. I had a hard time finding my range, but once I found it, everything fell into place.
I believe I did gain a lot of fans сегодня вечером и я не могу дождаться, чтобы вернуться на ринг.”
Stated Molina, “Я думал, что это был рукопашный бой. У меня был план игры, but I should have stayed inside more. He got wild and I stayed there and let him go out I started locking up. He would throw some punches that I shouldn’t have let him. I didn’t really do what I had to do.
I didn’t feel like the scorecards were fair. One judge only gave me one round. No way that was right. Either way I think I fought a good fight.
I felt like I had a lot of people behind me. I am bummed out and I feel like I let them down. I didn’t pull it off. I just hope I gave them an exciting fight.
Средний проспект Калеб завод Нэшвилл, Штат Теннеси. (12-0, 9 КО) stayed undefeated with an entertaining sixth-round stoppage of Spain’s Adatar Rodriguez (11-5-2, 7 КО).
Plant showed excellent technique and defense keeping Rodriguez off-balance with an array of power shots. Battering the valiant Rodriguez who suffered two facial cuts, Plant earned the stoppage as the one-sided bout was stopped at 2:37 шестого тура.
My performance was great. We are always looking to get better. I stayed patient,” Саид завод. “I’ve fought on five or six PBC cards. Это благословение.
I want to dedicate this to my daughter Leah in heaven. She passed last year on Январь 29. The anniversary is 10 days away and she gives me a lot of motivation.
I want to get back in the gym and get back as soon as I can. I’m not interested in taking time off. I’m a professional and this is what I do day in and day out.
In a scheduled six round super middleweight clash, нокаутом художник Малкольм Макаллистер(7-0, 7 КО) who represented nearby Long Beach knocked out Tyrone Selders Батон-Руж, Луизиана (9-7-1, 6 КО) in the third stanza. Dropped in the first round, Cobb also suffered a cut over his right yet as McAllister set a relentless pace.
Continuing to batter Selders in the next two rounds, McAllister was awarded the victory as referee Zachary Young stopped the bout at the 2:39 mark of the third round.
Stated McAllister, “I am always going to do what I have to do. I’m happy I beat a tough guy. Я боец. Я пришел, чтобы бороться. I don’t care where it is, we come to fight. It’s a great opportunity and being on TV is a bonus.
This is my backyard. There were more people here supporting me and cheering me on than I expected. That was a great feeling.
Открытие телепередачи, undefeated super middleweight prospect Дэвид Бенавидес Феникс (12-0, 11 КО) stopped Burlington, VT’s Kevin Cobb, (10-2, 4 КО) in the second round of their scheduled eight-round battle. Using heavy handed left hooks to the body, Benavidez controlled the action from the opening bell.
Staggering Cobb with an overhand right in the middle of the second round, Benavidez followed up with a full arsenal of power shots causing referee Raul Caiz Jr. to stop the bout at the time of 1:08.
About the victory, Benavidez saidI feel great we had a great training camp. If you saw my fight, I looked great as well. Phoenix has always had a lot of great talent, but not that many guys come out of Phoenix and I am proud of making a name for myself.
I knew I was going to get my opponent out that fast. I saw him fight. He doesn’t have that many skills. He was running a lot in the first round and that’s why I didn’t get him out there sooner. As soon as I got my hands on himit was goodnight.
Four of the fighters featured on это субботу Premier Boxing Champions on FOX event were also on hand enjoying the fights to kick off their fight week.
Дэнни Гарсия
There are some great fights сегодня вечером. I am happy my fighter Tommy Velasquez won by fourth round knockout. I am happy to be here.
I am proud of my fighter, he had an excellent performance and got the guy out of there.
This is a great week to start off my fight week, with a team win. The momentum is building and I can’t wait for Суббота ночь.”
Сэмми Васкес
There are some great fights here and tough competitors. It makes me more excited for Saturday’s fights.
This is where you need to showcase your skills. On TV is where you need to be dominant, you need to be 100 percent on your A game. If you’re not, it gives someone else an opportunity to take your spot.
I don’t get to watch fights as a fan as much as I would like so this is a real treat for me.
Доминик Breazeale
This is a great way to kick off fight week. FS1 is here in town in downtown LA.
I am excited about the workout завтра, press conference and the weigh-in. All of the activities coming up.
These fights have been great so far. Guys going punch for punch, blow for blow, cut for cut.
Амир Мансур
My last fighter was Gerald Washington and he was taller than Breazeale. So you have to make adjustments for taller guys, but I’ve been fighting taller guys. you will see some definite changes in my game plan.
I thought I won my last fight. I want to take the judges out of the equation.
It’s sad that you’re putting your all into something. You’re making sacrifices and then you get in a situation that you have to knock the guy out.
I’m surprised Breazeale took this fight. I’ve faced better competition.
I’m really happy to be here and cheer on these up and coming fighters and start fight week watching some great fights.
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