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Amanda Serrano invia un ultimatum a tutti i campioni del mondo nella sua divisione

New York – Campione del mondo due volte, Amanda 'The Real Deal’ Serrano da Carolina, Puerto Rico, ma ora vive a Brooklyn, sarà la lotta su Febbraio 17 in Manhatthan per il mondo WBO vacante titolo femminile piuma contro l'ex campione del mondo, Olivia Gerula del Canada.
L'ambizioso mancino portoricano vuole diventare il campione del mondo indiscusso nella divisione piuma, e ha un messaggio per i detentori del titolo corrente.
“Ora, Mi sono concentrato solo su Olivia, ma allo stesso tempo sono molto fiducioso di portare quella cintura di Brooklyn e Porto Rico su Febbraio 17,” ha detto Amanda Serrano, che è promosso da DiBella Entertainment.
“Una volta che ho quella cintura bella, cercheremo di unificare. C'è Jennifer Han, chi è il campione del mondo IBF, Soledad Matthysse è il campione WBC e WBA, e lei sta combattendo Jelena Mrdjenovich. Voglio che il vincitore!”
“Unificando tutti e quattro i titoli piuma è l'unica cosa che ci interessa. Se non riusciamo a realizzare questo obiettivo, Io scenderò a 122 a lottare per un altro titolo mondiale, e diventare un quattro divisione legittima campione del mondo proprio come Miguel Cotto”.
Serrano (26-1-1, 19 KO) vs. Gerula (17-15-2, 3KO) showdown si svolgerà presso la famosa B.B. King Blues Club & Grill segnando la prima lotta per il titolo mondiale nella storia del club.
Il primo agosto 15, 2014, Serrano è recato in Argentina per affrontare campione del mondo WBO leggero Maria 'Tily’ Maderna, che in quel momento, aveva tre difese del titolo di successo, ma non poteva gestire l'aggressività del Puerto Rican perforatore potere, e ha deciso di rinunciare nel sesto round.
Primo regno titolo di Serrano è venuto nel mese di settembre 2011, quando ha eliminato Kimberly Connor al primo turno per diventare il campione del mondo IBF presso la divisione super-piuma in un incontro tenutosi a Brooklyn.

Boxing per il principiante; Come iniziare a The Sweet Science

Da: Rich Bergeron


La boxe è uno sport unico, per non dire altro. E 'spesso definito come “The Sweet Science” con i termini di questo sport spesso invocato per descrivere rivalità e matchups intensi in una miriade di altri sport. La boxe è spesso fatto riferimento in metafore di politica. Anche se la popolarità del pugilato non è dove è usato per essere in questi giorni, è ancora una delle attività sportive più impegnative e scoraggiante una persona può legalmente partecipare a tutto il mondo.

Se siete interessati a uno perseguire una carriera nel pugilato o semplicemente cercando di imparare le basi, i vantaggi di padroneggiare l'arte del pugilato può essere molto gratificante. Contemporaneamente, c'è una grande differenza tra “andare con i movimenti” e dedicando il tempo che ci vuole per essere un professionista di successo. In entrambi i casi, se si lavora duro e mantenere la vostra dedizione all'apprendimento, la vostra formazione sarà sicuramente comporterà sia una maggiore fiducia e migliorato la forma fisica.

Se avete intenzione di prendere le lezioni al livello in cui si è pronti a competere a un certo punto, avrete bisogno di un serio regime di allenamento di almeno due o tre ore al giorno. Avrete anche bisogno di trovare una palestra di boxe stimabile. ricerche online si dovrebbe portare ad una struttura nella vostra zona, ma si può anche cercare un allenatore competente che potrebbe essere in grado di lavorare con voi da casa se non ci sono palestre di pugilato vicino a te. Ecco un articolo dettagliato su come trovare la migliore palestra per le vostre esigenze.

Se si vuole semplicemente sapere come muoversi, colpire l'avversario e difendersi, ci sono strutture specifiche che si specializzano nei principi fondamentali che possono soddisfare le tue esigenze. Una delle operazioni più noti e nazionale per le lezioni di base di boxe e kickboxing è Titolo Boxing Club. Essi offrono sessioni di allenamento completi e lezioni di gruppo coordinate da istruttori professionisti che promettono “per aiutare a sentirsi più sicuri, bruciare più calorie e perdere peso.”E 'importante ricordare che servizi come titolo Boxing Club non sono realmente progettati per l'allenamento di boxe competitiva, come le loro offerte sono orientate principalmente verso l'insegnamento di boxe per autodifesa, esercizio, Ai fini di rilascio di perdita di peso e lo stress.

Non ci vuole molta devozione e sacrificio a prendere al pugilato esclusivamente per i benefici del fitness. Si tratta di una parte di questo sport che sta diventando molto popolare a causa del fatto che gli allenamenti di formazione offrono vantaggi per quasi tutti i muscoli nel vostro corpo. star di Hollywood, Modelli, e anche le stelle della televisione realtà giuro per gli allenamenti di boxe come un modo per mantenere le loro figure interessanti e le loro apparizioni giovanili.

Time Magazine pubblicato una storia a maggio, 2015 quello descritto boxe come uno dei più caldi tendenze del fitness dell'anno.

Ancora, la formazione di boxe per scopi non-competitive può essere intenso e struggente per qualcuno che non ha mai messo su un paio di guantoni da boxe prima. Oltre alla punzonatura, gioco di gambe e difensive trapani, ci saranno sit-up, sollevamento, salto-roping e molto probabilmente una grande quantità di corsa che andrà a beneficio vostra routine di allenamento e allenamento. Potrebbe non essere necessario lo stesso tipo di impegno di tempo, se non sono in competizione, ma molti degli allenamenti sarà molto simile a quello che pro pugili fanno in palestra ogni giorno, quando non sono sparring.

Sparring e combattere un altro pugile in concorrenza porta la vostra formazione a un livello completamente nuovo. La boxe è un'attività molto ad alto rischio, però copricapo, boccagli e regole organizzati e regolamenti rendono oggi molto più sicuro di quanto lo fosse quando il primo concorso di boxe guantata ha avuto luogo. Le persone ancora muoiono in incontri di pugilato, e alcuni finiscono di fronte complicazioni per tutta la vita da incontri singoli o lunghe carriere di prendere troppi pugni.

Per queste ragioni, la decisione di box competitivo non dovrebbe essere impulsivo o prendere alla leggera. Bisogna essere disposti ad accettare il rischio di lesioni gravi, se si desidera fare una carriera boxe. Devi essere esperto in tecniche difensive ed essere consapevoli dei segni di una lesione cerebrale commozione cerebrale o. sessioni di combattimento a contatto completo dovrebbe avvenire solo sotto la supervisione di professionisti addestrati, e entrambi i combattenti devono essere istruiti a utilizzare circa la metà tanto potere nelle loro pugni come farebbero in una vera e propria competizione. Ancora, se avete intenzione di scatola come un dilettante o un professionista, un certo tipo di infortunio è quasi inevitabile. Ad un certo punto si soffre un labbro spaccato, naso sanguinante, occhio nero e / o di un brutto taglio. Così, se davvero vuole essere un pugile competitivo, essere sicuri di avere un'adeguata assicurazione sanitaria in caso avete bisogno di cure mediche derivanti dalla partecipazione nello sport.

Più che i rischi si faccia, è estremamente importante che tu sappia entrare in una formazione che la boxe è uno degli sport più difficili del pianeta. Non c'è nessuna squadra di portare voi in concorso, se si dispone di una brutta giornata in ufficio. Ci sono solo due concorrenti in ogni partita: voi e il vostro avversario. Chiunque con coraggio e tenacia può entrare in un ring di pugilato e lotta, ma ci vuole un tipo speciale di devozione e la volontà di mettere in tempo e lavorare per vincere trofei, medaglie e / o denaro attraverso le vostre gesta sul ring.

La maggior parte dei pugili passare attraverso anni di pugilato dilettantistico prima del loro primo incontro professionale. Non è obbligatorio per un pugile a combattere nei dilettanti prima di andare pro, ma è sicuramente da consigliare. Alcuni pugili possono mai andare nei ranghi professionali, anche se non eccellono nei dilettanti. C'è anche un divisione “Masters” per la gente 35 e più anziani.

Ancora, persino pugilato dilettantistico richiede un grande sforzo di duro lavoro. Le principali differenze tra le partite dilettanti e pro sono che la maggior parte delle partite amatoriali sono più brevi di durata di combattimenti pro e con i concorrenti che indossano copricapi che offre una protezione al lato della testa e alcune zone del viso. Ancora, i punzoni che atterrano su quel copricapo può essere altrettanto difficile da prendere come colpi che collegano il cranio nudo.

Se avete intenzione di prendere i vostri talenti per i ranghi professionali o no, pugilato dilettantistico può essere un ottimo punto di partenza. Qui ci sono un paio di grandi articoli che descrivono come perseguire le opportunità di pugilato dilettanti:



Alcuni college offrono anche la boxe, con le accademie militari degli Stati Uniti mettendo in campo le squadre più dominante nel corso degli anni. Anche se non è offerto a quasi altrettanti collegi come sport tradizionali come il calcio e il baseball, la concorrenza può essere altrettanto forte come in quei altri sport, se non molto di più.

Non importa come si sceglie di iniziare la vostra incursione nel pugilato per il fitness o la concorrenza, attenersi ad esso richiederà una forte volontà e una sana alimentazione di entrambi durezza mentale e fisica. Veramente padroneggiare lo sport può richiedere anni, se non decenni. Sia che si Box per soldi o per la gloria, può essere vale la pena il rischio che si prende a partecipare. Sarete sempre ricordare che prima volta che aveva alzato la mano alla fine di una lotta. Diventare campione del mondo non può essere nelle carte per voi, ma basta fare un passo sul ring per combattere un avversario vi metterà in una classe di persone che sarete sempre orgogliosi di essere associati con.



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (Febbraio 10, 2015) – The main card of "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” suMarzo 4 is complete with today’s announcement that Gilbert Smith (12-4) will replace Michael Pagina and now face Fernando Gonzalez (24-13) in co-main event della serata.


In aggiunta, Sirwan Kakai (12-3) farà il suo debutto contro promozionale Joe Taimanglo (21-6) in the fourth and final main card contest. Seven preliminary scraps have also been confirmed and can be found below.

Biglietti "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” are on sale now and start at just $45. You can purchase tickets at the WinStar World Casino and Resort Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com. Porte per l'evento aperto a 5:00 p.m. CT ora locale, with the first contest taking place one hour later.

"Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” va in onda in diretta e gratis su SPIKE a 9 p.m. E/8 p.m. CT, while preliminary boutswill stream live on Bellator.com e Il Mobile App Bellator.


Smith will be making his Bellator MMA debut against a fighter who is currently in the midst of a four-fight winning streak. "Mezzanotte Magic” is on a bit of a roll of his own, coming into the promotion riding a two-bout winning streak. A veteran of UFC and most recently RFA, Smith won the regional promotion’s welterweight belt in June, defending the title one time before signing with Bellator.


Gonzalez took a brief hiatus from MMA to compete in the kickboxing portion of the groundbreaking "Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " event in September, losing a tightly contest decision to world-renowned striker Paul Daley "Semtex". Gonzalez now returns to his comfort zone of MMA, where he has strung together an impressive four-fight winning streak. A veteran of the Scott Coker-founded Strikeforce promotion, as well as World Extreme Cagefighting, Gonzalez has been competing professionally since 2003.


Kakai is one of Bellator MMA’s latest signings, joining the fray after a two-fight stint in the UFC. “Zohan," 26, hails from Sweden and owns 10 finishes in his 12 victories as a professional fighter. With a bantamweight title fight one-week prior and another marquee 135-pound pairing in the main event, it will be interesting to see what a win does for Kakai in the grand scheme of things.


Taimanglo will be making his seventh appearance under the Bellator MMA umbrella, and is riding a two-fight winning streak. A Guam-native, “The Juggernaut” has stopped his opponent in 21 of his victories and has only lost twice in his last 14 combattimenti. Look for the 31-year-old to make an impression against the bantamweight division’s newest commodity.


Aggiornato "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Main Event: Joe Warren (13-4) vs. Darrion Caldwell (8-0)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: Gilbert Smith (12-4) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (24-13)

Bellator MMA piuma Caratteristica Bout: Yamauchi up (19-2) vs. Bubba Jenkins (10-2)

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Feature Bout: Sirwan Kakai (12-3) vs. Joe Taimanglo (21-6-1)


Carta preliminare:

Bellator MMA piuma preliminare Bout: Chris Jones (10-3) vs. Ray Legno (5-1)

Bellator MMA Pesi Gallo preliminare Bout: Steve Garcia (6-0) vs. Ricky Turcios (5-0)

Bellator MMA welter preliminare Bout: Justin Patterson (6-1) vs. Chance Rencountre (8-1)

Bellator MMA piuma preliminare Bout: Treston Thomison (8-4) vs. Aaron Roberson (5-3)

Bellator MMA welter preliminare Bout: Roger Carroll (16-13) vs. Neiman Gracie (3-0)

Bellator MMA medi preliminare Bout: Derek Palmer (Debutto) vs. Jermayne Barnes (0-1)

Bellator MMA piuma preliminare Bout: Shane Peterson (13-4) vs. Stephen Banaszak (5-5)


Bellows Takes on Unbeaten Antowyan Aikens Martedì, Febbraio 16
Su MARTEDI TOE-to-toe su FS1 & Boxing Champions Su
FOX Deportes From Sam’s Town Live In Las Vegas
Fare clic QUI Per Foto Da Esaiah Gomez / Promozioni Mayweather & Premier Boxing Champions
LAS VEGAS (Febbraio 10, 2016) – L'aumento contendente super medi Lanell “KO” Soffietto (14-1-1, 7 KO) is deep into training camp as he prepares to take on unbeaten Antowyan Aikens (10-0-1, 1 KO) su MARTEDI TOE-to-toe su FS1 e Boxing Champions on FOX Deportes on Martedì, Febbraio 16 from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.
The eight-round super middleweight contest is the first televised appearance for the fighter who lives in Las Vegas and trains out of Floyd Mayweather’s Mayweather Boxing Club. Copertura Televised inizia 9 p.m. E/6 p.m. PT and is headlined by Alexis Santiago(20-3-1, 8 KO) assumendo Erik Ruiz (15-4, 6 KO) in a 10-round bantamweight showdown.
I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promossa da Promozioni Mayweather, sono al prezzo di $25 e $50, esclusi i diritti applicabili, e sono già in vendita. Tickets may be purchased online at: http://www.samstownlv.com/entertain, chiamando(702) 284-7777, or at any Boyd Gaming box office.
Bellows is set for his most high-profile fight to date and shared his thoughts on training camp, his promoter Floyd Mayweather, il suo avversario e più:
How is training camp going?
Training camp is going beautifully. It’s going as planned. I’m training with Otis Pimpleton and Rafael Ramos at the Mayweather Boxing Club. I’m doing everything they are asking for and we’re more than prepared for this fight.
What do you know about your opponent?
I know he’s tall and that he likes to box a little bit. I know for sure that he’s going to lose onFebbraio 16. He doesn’t have a chance of winning. He jabs and runs well so I’m preparing for that. I’m going to come into the ring and bring all I got.
You’ve fought in Las Vegas more than anywhere throughout your career. What does it mean to you to be aLas Vegas Fighter”?
It’s definitely a beautiful thing. Las Vegas is the boxing capital of the world. I’m a resident of Las Vegas now so fighting in where I consider to be my home means a lot of fans, famiglia, and team support.
What are the advantages you have in training at the Mayweather Boxing Club with the other Mayweather Promotions’ combattenti?
There’s a level of competition here that motivates me to strive harder and to do my best. When you look to your left and your right, everyone here is trying to do the exact same thing. We have the same goal in mind. It definitely keeps you focused and pushes you to keep going.
How influential has Floyd been in your career?
Floyd has been very influential in my career. He’s the reason for me even being a part of Mayweather Promotions. His work ethic is something I try to mimic and gives me the motivation to take my career to the next level. It’s a very positive and impactful influence. Floyd leads by example. He’s a very busy man so he can’t always be at the gym. But when he does come in, he advises me on things that I need to work on and how I can improve myself. He always brings that positive energy wherever he goes.
What are your thoughts on fighting on television for the first time?
It was bound to happen. At all the other fights I’ve participated in, there are always cameras rolling. The only difference now is that I’m going to be televised. I’m still going to go out there and take care of business. There’s always pressure whenever you enter the ring but for me being televised just adds to my motivation. I get to showcase my talent and the work I’ve put in to my training for everyone to see. Alla fine della giornata, whether I’m on television or not, I’m still a fighter and I’m here to win.
What are your goals for your career in 2016?
My goals for this year are to be a minor belt holder and a contender for a world championship belt. I just want to be able to build on to my legacy for my family, amici, and my fans. I want to be the best I can be, not just this year but for my entire career.
# # #
Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare www.premierboxingchampions.com,
http://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / homepage, www.foxdeportes.com, www.samstownlv.com/entertain e www.mayweatherpromotions.com . Segui su TwitterPremierBoxing, @LonnieBtheGreat, @LanellBellows @MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ESwanson_Comm e diventare fan su Facebook a


Showtime Boxing: EDIZIONE SPECIALE® Tripleheader Live At 10 p.m. E/PT
From Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Papà.
Unbeaten Middleweight Contender Antoine Douglas Meets Former Champ Sam Soliman; Super Welterweight Tony Harrison Battles Fernando Guerrero
NEW YORK (Febbraio. 10, 2016) – Undefeated super welterweight contender Giuliano “J-Rock” Williams and once-beaten Italian Marcello Matano will square off in a 12-round IBF eliminator for the No. 1 ranking at 154-pounds in the main event of Showtime Boxing: EDIZIONE SPECIALE su Sabato, Marzo 5, in diretta su Showtime (10 p.m. E/PT) da Sands Bethlehem Events Center a Betlemme, Papà.
Nella co-feature, fast-rising middleweight contender Antoine Douglas assumerà l'ex campione del mondo Sam Soliman in un 10 round medi incontro. Nel match di apertura della trasmissione televisiva, hard-hitting prospect Tony Harrison will face veteran former world title challenger Fernando Guerrero in un 10 round contest super welter.
This upcoming fight will be the biggest fight of my career,” Williams ha detto. “I’m chomping at the bit to get back out there. I am taking my opponent very seriously and I refuse to let Marcello Matano stop me from being a world champion.
“Questo è un sogno che si avvera,” said Matano. “I’ve been working for my whole life for a real opportunity to make to the top level and I will not let Julian Williams take it away. What will happen when Williams has to go to the championship rounds? Will he be ready? I know for sure that I will. This is the opportunity of a lifetime and I will do all I can to grab it.
Facing a former world champion like Sam Soliman is a great opportunity for me,” Douglas said. “The plan has always been to keep moving forward, and to do it successfully. This is that next step, and I’m ready for it. I’ve grown and learned so much fighting on ShoBox and it’s a beautiful thing to continue to progress and move to the next level.
This is an important fight for me,” said Soliman. “I had three opportunities on the table and I chose Douglas believing it to be a better fight for ranking, and it’s a challenge I’m excited to take on. Da quello che ho visto, Douglas is a very talented fighter, which will make for a good fight. I am in great shape and looking forward to fight night.
I’m excited and eager to showcase my abilities to the world again,” ha detto Harrison. “I’d advise fans to arrive early because I don’t plan to be in the ring long. I’m knocking this guy out. I know Guerrero is coming in with a chip on his shoulder and I can’t overlook him. I brought my uncle into camp and I think that’s going to give me the edge that I’ve needed to get over the hump. I’m putting the whole division on notice!”
It’s warrior time,” , ha detto Guerrero. “We are going to have a war. This is going to be non-stop action. This fight will lead to big things for me. I’m used to fighting guys that are bigger than I am. I’m at my more natural weight and I’m looking to do great things in this division.
I’m thrilled to promote this great show on Marzo 5,” ha detto Marshall Kauffman di Re Promozioni. “This is a great card from top to bottom with some future champions looking to show the world that they are ready for the next level. I am honored to have Julian Williams headline this card. He put on an explosive performance in his last bout at the Sands and I am sure he will be looking to do the same on Marzo 5.”
I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promossa da Promozioni Re, sono al prezzo di $100, $75 e $45, non compresi gli oneri di servizio applicabili e le tasse e sono già in vendita. I biglietti sono disponibili QUIa www.ticketmaster.com. Per caricare al telefonata Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000.
One of the most promising and highly regarded young stars in boxing, Williams (21-0-1, 1 ND, 13 KO) will headline for the first time on SHOWTIME. He’s stepping up after honing his skills and steadily ascending the ranks after five fights on SHO EXTREME. The 25-year-old shut out longtime contender Joey Hernandez last April, followed that with a sixth-round stoppage of Arman Ovsepyan in June and closed the year by stopping Orlando Lora in the first round in September. The Philadelphian has also picked up victories over Joachim Alcine, Eliezer Gonzalez and Freddy Hernandez in his young career and looks to earn his first title shot with a win on Marzo 5.
Matano (16-1, 5 KO) is a former Italian super welterweight titlist. He’s registered four consecutive wins since the only loss of his career, including victories in three scheduled 12-round fights. The 29-year-old is coming off a 12-round unanimous decision over fellow-Italian Nick Klappert in October 2015. Like Williams, he fought three bouts in 2015, although he logged 31 total rounds compared to just 17 for Williams.
Douglas (19-0-1, 13 KO) has been impressive in five consecutive victories since he boxed to a draw when he was just 21 years old with former world title challenger Michel Soro in July 2014. The former top amateur has won his last three fights by knockout, including a sixth-round KO of previously undefeated Thomas LaManna and a fourth-round TKO of veteran Les Sherrington last November in his fifth appearance on ShoBox: La nuova generazione. On the prospect developmental series, the 23-year-old Douglas has graduated from unproven prospect to undefeated contender and is now ranked No. 4 in the WBO and No. 6 nel WBA. Douglas is promoted by GH3 promotions.
Soliman (44-13, 1 NC, 18 KO), di Melbourne, Australia, is vastly more experienced than Douglas, having competed in four world championship fights. The 42-year-old held the IBF Middleweight World title before suffering a debilitating knee injury and losing via decision to Jermain Taylor in his first title defense in October 2014. Soliman, che è 9-2-1 da 2008, won the IBF crown with a decisive 12-round decision over Felix Sturm in 2014. The Australian, who fights at a relentless pace and can be awkward at times, will look to bounce back from a close, 10-round split decision loss to Dominic Wade last June on ShoBox.
A soli 25 anni di età, Harrison (22-1, 18 KO) has showed tremendous promise as he recorded a 10-fight knockout streak from 2013 a 2015 and proved he could recover from a loss when he dominated Cecil McCalla for 10-rounds in October. The Detroit-native will look to make it back-to-back victories as he continues his ascent towards championship contender status. He has picked up knockout victories over Antwone Smith, Tyrone Brunson, Bronco McKart e Pablo Munguia negli ultimi due anni.
A former world title challenger, Guerriero (28-3, 20 KO) returned to his winning ways in 2015 with victories over Abraham Han and Daniel Souza Santos. The 29-year-old lives and trains out of Los Angeles but grew up in Maryland after being born in the Dominican Republic. The veteran owns victories over Ishe Smith, Derrick Findley and Gabriel Rosado in a pro career that dates back to 2007.
Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare www.SHO.com/Sports e www.sandseventcenter.com, seguire su TwitterSHOSports, JRockBoxing, @Action_Douglas, IAmBoxing, @FernandoDomini, @TheSBECand @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports


Alex Martin Defeats Rossemberth Gomez by Unanimous Decision
Raynell Williams Scores Unanimous Decision Over Gabriel Tolmajyan
Fare clic QUI Per Le Foto
Credito: Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing Champions
BETLEMME, PA. (Febbraio 10, 2016) – Undefeated 2012 U.S. Olimpionico Jamel Herring (15-0, 8 KO) scored a unanimous decision (100-88, 100-88, 99-89) over Colombia’s Luis Eduardo Flores (21-3, 17 KO) in a 10-round lightweight bout in the main event of Martedì Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) MARTEDI TOE-to-toe su FS1 e Boxing Champions su FOX Sports fight card at Sands Event Center in Bethlehem, PA.
Aringa, who represented the United States at the 2012 Olympic games after winning the U.S. Titolo Nazionale Dilettanti nello stesso anno, commanded the action throughout.
I knew if I boxed smart it would show, but I didn’t think it would be that wide a margin,” Ha detto Herring. “He’s a very experienced fighter.
Aringa aggiunta, “I was trying to get rid of him early because he’s a dangerous guy. If you let a guy like that sit around too long there’s always the risk that you might get clipped with something and regret it.
Aringa, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, hopes the win Martedì night will launch him into world title contention in 2016.
Facendo il suo U.S. debutto, the Magangue, Colombia native Flores put on a valiant effort, recovering from a flurry in the second round that would have sent most fighters packing.
Nel quinto round, the 28-year-old Flores was ruled to have been knocked down twice, but disputes those calls by the ref. “Both times that the officials called it a knockdown and started counting were just slips. I didn’t actually get knocked down either time,” said Flores.
Flores added, “So che (Aringa) had the advantage stasera, and he outperformed me. But I’ll keep trying wherever my next opportunity comes.
I think getting a win like this over a fighter with Floresexperience will help me gain a lot more respect. People seeing me win on my first PBC card on national TV on FS1 and FOX Deportes just helps raise my profile and I look forward to being back,” Ha detto Herring.
The opening televised bout featured unbeaten prospect Alex Martin (12-0, 5 KO) sconfiggendo Rossemberth Gomez (17-5-1, 13 KO) con decisione unanime (80-72, 79-73, 79-73) in un concorso welter otto round.
Balestruccio, un 2012 Nazionale di Golden Gloves Champion, controlled much of the fight from the outside using his superior footwork to evade Gomez.
The Harvey, IL native Martin said, “I could see his punches coming from a mile away, but I should have followed up a little more than I did stasera and let my hands go a bit more too.
An owner of 340 amateur wins, Martin turned pro in 2013 and is yet to lose. That experience helped Martin keep his composure when Gomez taunted him repeatedly in the second round.
We wanted to make Martin mad and get him to punch himself out if we could,” said the 29-year-old Gomez.
Martin responded to the talk of baiting saying, “I just stuck to my fundamentals, kept pumping my jab and setting him up for the next shot.
I knew I hurt him with the uppercut. He walked right into it. And then when I threw the hook he couldn’t do anything,” ha detto Martin.
Following the bout Gomez said, “I plan to retire after stasera. I care too much and fight too hard to be just another opponent.
The second televised fight saw Raynell Williams (11-0, 5 KO) win a unanimous decision (79-73, 79-73, 78-74) su Gabriel Tolmajyan (14-3-2, 3 KO) in eight rounds of lightweight action.
Un membro del 2008 U.S. Squadra olimpica, Cleveland’s Williams was able to establish himself early and get in a rhythm.
The only time he was able to catch me with anything was when I got a little lazy,” ha detto Williams.
Williams caught Tolmajyan with a big right hand in the fourth round, seemingly stunning Tolmajyan momentarily, but he kept his composure and didn’t allow himself to become overzealous.
I was focused on boxing him and not so much worried about the knockout,” added Williams. “I knew I was winning the rounds.
In the final frame, Tolmajyan, fighting out of Glendale, COME, caught Williams with a shot that nearly ended things.
Williams recalled, “It was an overhand left that he hit me with. And then he came after me again, but the ref and I made contact, so then the ref pushed me away because he didn’t want me to try holding on to him. But once I got my feet under me I was fine.
Tuttavia, Tolmajyan wasn’t impressed with Williams saying, “He wasn’t as good as we were expecting and I had him hurt with my left.
I thought that I was winning the fight to be honest. I didn’t think I was going to lose the decision,” added Tolmajyan.
Williams concluded, “I hope to learn from my mistakes stasera. I got caught with a good punch in the last few seconds stasera, so I just need to work on consistency and fighting until the final bell.
# # #
La scheda è stata promossa da Re Promozioni.
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Trasmessa in diretta su HBO ®

NEW YORK, NY (Febbraio 9, 2016) - Roc Nation Sports è lieta di annunciare che campione del mondo due-Time e top-rated libbra-per-pound caccia Andre Ward (28-0, 15 KO) tornerà sul ring il Sabato, Marzo 26, to begin his assault on the light heavyweight division when he takes on undefeated and number one rated IBF light heavyweight contender Sullivan Barrera (17-0, 12 KO) in a 12-round bout at Oracle Arena in Ward’s hometown of Oakland, California. The event will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing® con inizio alle 9:45 p.m. E/PT.


Biglietti al prezzo di $300, $150, $100, $50 e $25, non compresi gli oneri di servizio applicabili e tasse, go on sale Tuesday, Febbraio. 9 a 5:00 PM PT and will be available at all Ticketmaster locations, online su Ticketmaster.com e la carica per telefono al (800) 745-3000.


“I don’t really have much to say other than this. Nel marzo 26, it will be very simple. I’ll be in a new weight class against a tough opponent but I’m coming with the same approach,"Ha detto Ward. “I’ll be in great shape and ready for battle. Sullivan Barrera has had a lot to say lately and I love it. He’s going to have an opportunity to back up every word that he has spoken. These are the type of challenges I like and on March 26, it’s go time.”


“We as a team had a tough choice to make – crash the party by taking out Ward first or wait for the mandatory and take out Kovalev,” said Barrera. “We decided that the time is now. Ward will fall first and then we will go after the belts.”


“Having cleaned out the super middleweight division, Andre’s next challenge is to become the best light heavyweight in the world, and that challenge begins with the IBF’s number one rated contender in Sullivan Barrera,"Ha detto David Itskowitch, COO of Boxing Roc Nation Sports. “With both fighters having their sights set on an eventually showdown with Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion Sergey Kovalev, there’s a lot on the line in this fight, but only one man will move on. Marzo 26 is a night of boxing that no fan should miss.”


“I’m excited to be on Team Ward as we enter the light heavyweight division. No weapons formed against us shall prosper,” said James Prince, Ward’s manager.


Su Marzo 26, before a hometown crowd, pound for pound star Andre Ward returns to HBO in his light heavyweight debut against undefeated Sullivan Barrera” said Peter Nelson, Executive Vice President, HBO Sports. “With a perfect record dating back to the age of 12 anni, Andre has risen to every challenge as both an amateur and a professional, including world titles and an Olympic gold medal. Ora, he takes on Barrera, one of the toughest challengers as Ward moves up the scale. Boxing fans won’t want to miss it.


Conosciuto per il suo carattere forte e integrità fuori dal ring e l'istinto del suo guerriero dentro, l'abilità e il talento di Ward erano evidenti all'inizio della sua brillante carriera amatoriale. Ha collezionato tutti i titoli nei libri, culminante con una medaglia d'oro nella divisione dei pesi massimi leggeri al 2004 Giochi Olimpici di Atene. Come l'unico pugile americano di sesso maschile per rivendicare l'oro olimpico dal 1996, Ward è entrato del calibro di Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard e Oscar De La Hoya. Egli è diventato professionista nel dicembre 18, 2004, segnando una seconda vittoria per KO tecnico rotonda su Chris Molina allo Staples Center in una lotta che è stata trasmessa in diretta su HBO. Egli ha continuato a racimolare 27 più vittorie da allora, la costruzione di una legione sempre crescente di fan nel processo. Dopo essere diventato il medio campione Ring Magazine e WBA Super Mondiale, in aumento al posto numero due sulla lista libbra-per-pound e vincendo il 2011 Fighter of the Year Award (ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Ring Magazine e Boxing Writers Association of America), è stato annunciato che Ward ha firmato un accordo esclusivo di promozione con Roc Nation Sport nel mese di gennaio 2015, l'apertura di un nuovo capitolo della sua carriera leggendaria boxe. Il prodotto Bay Area tornato sul ring giugno 20, 2015 alla Oracle Arena di fronte ai suoi fans città natale a Oakland, California e ha segnato un ko nono round su Paul Smith, continuing his unbeaten streak which dates back to when he was a 13-year-old amateur. Ward recentemente intervenuta davanti alla telecamera per un ruolo completamente diverso, a part in the New Line/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Warner Bros. feature “Creed.” Fellow Bay Area natives, regista Ryan Coogler e stella del film Michael B. Giordania, allungò la mano per Ward in modo che potesse fornire la sua esperienza per il film. Oltre a lavorare di fronte alla telecamera con Ward, Jordan ha trascorso del tempo in palestra di casa di Ward in preparazione per il suo ruolo di figlio di Apollo Creed. Now it’s time for Ward to get back to his day job when he faces the undefeated Barrera on Marzo 26.


Born in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Barrera had an impressive amateur run with a record of 285-27. Come un dilettante, he was able to earn World Amateur Championships in Germany, Cuba, Venezuela and Central America. During his amateur career he also defeated former Light Heavyweight World Champions Chad Dawson and Beibut Shumenov. Following his defection from Cuba, where he was a member of the country’s national team, Barrera made his professional debut in 2009 with a first round technical knockout win over Anthony Adorno in his adopted hometown of Miami, Florida. He would go on to knockout the first five opponents he faced in his professional career in either the first or second round. Barrera made his television debut in January of 2015 with his appearance on ESPN’sVenerdì Night Fights, when he scored a fourth round knockout win over former Super Middleweight World Champion Jeff Lacy. Barrera quietly rose through the ratings of the light heavyweight division until he was afforded the opportunity to fight former Light Heavyweight World Title Challenger Karo Murat to become the IBF’s number one rated light heavyweight contender. Barrera seized the opportunity, knocking out Murat in the fifth round on December 12, 2015 in his HBO Latino Boxing debut at the Civic Auditorium in Glendale, California. Sullivan is trained by legendary trainer, Abel Sanchez, who is best known for his work with middleweight champion Gennady “GGG” Golovkin. When he is not at The Summit in Big Bear Lake, California training with Sanchez, Barrera resides in Miami, Florida.


Ward vs. Barrera, a 12-round fight which is presented by Roc Nation Sports in association with Main Events, si svolge Sabato, Marzo 26, 2016 a Oracle Arena di Oakland, California and will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing beginning at 9:45 p.m. E/PT. Follow the conversation using #WardBarrera.


Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di visitare il sito www.rocnation.com. Segui Roc Nation su Twitter e Instagramrocnation e su Facebook a www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Per ulteriori informazioni, visita www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

New England Tournament of Champions 70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Novice class semifinals THIS THURSDAY NIGHT IN LOWELL

LOWELL, Massa. (Febbraio 9, 2016) – The novice class semifinals of the New England Tournament of Champions, part of the 70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship, avrà luogo questo Giovedi notte (Febbraio. 11) alla storica Lowell Memorial Auditorium.
Three remaining Central New England (Greater Lowell) open class final matches are also on tap Giovedi sera. See pairings below, as well as the remaining 2016 programma.
Four nights of Championship Boxing Ticket PackageTickets for the four remaining events are available to purchase for $40.00 ticket in the balcony. This special ticket offer includes the semifinals and finals of the Novice and Open class New England Tournament of Champions. Per acquistare chiamare il botteghino al Lowell Memorial Auditorium 1.866.722.8881 o ordinare online all'indirizzo www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.con. Individual event tickets are also available to purchase for $17.00, $15.00 o $12.00. Student tickets are also available for only $7.00 (student ID required).
Il ricavato delle beneficenza Lowell Sun Golden Gloves campionato vanno verso l'invio dei campioni Gloves New England d'oro per Nazionale Golden Gloves Campionato (2016 a Salt Lake City, Utah), oltre a supportare atleti locali e palestre zona, i ragazzi & girls Club, mense, rifugi per senzatetto, fondi del cancro, borse di studio e molti altri grandi cause benefiche.
Gabriel Duran, Western N.E. (Danbury, CT)
Giovanny Hernandez, Central NE (Lawrence, MA)
Bantamweights (123 lbs.)
Kevin Fletcher, occidentale NE (Dayville, CT)
Marquis Fowler, Central NE (Lowell, MA)
Gabriel Morales, Northern NE (Portland, ME)
Devon O’Neill, Southern NE (Coventry, RI)
Pesi leggeri FEMMINA (132 lbs.)
Ali Watson, Northern NE (Burlington, VT)
Kianna Kekoa, occidentale NE (new London, CT)
Pesi leggeri (132 lbs.)
Mike Valentin, Southern NE (Provvidenza, RI)
Day’Shon Smith, occidentale NE (West Haven. CT)
Welterweights (152 lbs.)
Jarrod LoMax, Southern NE (Dorchester, MA)
Patrick Haley, Norhtern NE (South Burlington, VT)
Kenny Larson, Central NE (Salem, MA)
Christopher Montes, occidentale NE (Nuovo paradiso, CT)
Pesi (165 lbs.)
Quandell Dukes, occidentale NE (Hartford, CT)
Brian Lawrence, Central NE (Dorchester, MA)
Marques Bates, Southern NE (Provvidenza, RI)
Zack DiSilva. Northern NE (Burlington, VT)
FEMMINA Pesi (165 lbs.)
Kyla McCarty, Central NE (Boston, MA)
Jennavieve Lawton, Northern NE (Burlington, VT)
Pesi massimi leggeri (178 lbs.)
Henry Ventura, Southern NE (North Dartmouth, MA)
Tyler Jacques, Northern NE (St. Albans, VT)
Ihor Laba, occidentale NE (Stamford, VT)
Joseph DaSilva, Central NE (Gloucester, MA)
Pesi massimi (201 lbs.)
Alfonso Hidalgo, occidentale NE (Boston, MA)
Marvin Jones, Northern NE (Burlington, VT)
Jared Gately, Central NE (Franklin, MA)
Sean Gabriel, Southern NE (Marlboro, MA)
pesi massimi SUPER (201+ lbs.)
Ryan Brooks, Central NE (Weymouth, MA)
Fernely Feliz, Jr., occidentale NE (Danbury, CT)
Peter Campbell, Southern NE (Quincy, MA)
Mark Porter, Northern NE (Burlington, VT)
Pesi leggeri FEMMINA (132 lbs.)
Natalia Espaillat (Methuen, MA – Haverhill Inner City)
Ashleigh Moore (Buzzards Bay – Nonantum Boxing)
bantamweights FEMMINA (125 lbs.)
Amanda Pavone (Burlington, MA -Peter Welch’s Gym)
Roberta Pappas (Lawrence, MA – Intenze 978)
Pesi (152 lbs.)
Chris Davis Fogg (Framingham, MA – Upper Kuts Boxing)
Ryan Clark (Barrington, NH – Murphy’s Gym)
70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Lowell Memorial Auditorium – 6:30 p.m. porte aperte, 7:30 p.m.primo periodo)
New England Tournament of Champions
(all four regions competing)
Novice Class Semifinali – Giovedi, Febbraio. 11
Novice Class Finali Campionato – Giovedi, Febbraio. 18
Aperte Semifinali Class – Mercoledì, Febbraio. 24
Finali Campionato Open Classe – Giovedi, Febbraio. 25
(all open class winners advance to the 2016 National Golden Gloves Championships, Maggio 16-21, a Salt Lake City, Utah)
Direttore esecutivo del torneo: Bobby Russo
Direttore di concorrenti: Art Ramalho
Capo di funzionari: Laurie Purcell
ring announcer: Giovanni Vena
Sede: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA
Cinguettio: @LowellGloves


Fare clic QUI To Watch The Full First Fight Via
Premier Boxing Champions YouTube
Fare clic QUI For Photos From Their First Fight From
Suzanne Teresa / Premier Boxing Champions
ANAHEIM, Calif. (Febbraio 9, 2016) – Hard-hitting Mexican warriors Luglio Ceja (30-1, 27 KO) e Hugo Ruiz(35-3, 31 KO) engaged in a memorable back-and-forth battle for the WBC 122-pound world title last August and they are eager to meet in the ring again to deliver another explosive fight. The eagerly awaited return bout is part of a tripleheader on ORARIO DELLO SPETTACOLO CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® in diretta su Showtime® (10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT) from Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif.
Headlining the event is undefeated featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz in his first title defense against former champ Kiko Martinez. Rounding out the televised tripleheader is a 10-round fight betweenundefeatedheavyweights Gerald Washington e Oscar Rivas.
Ceja recovered from a third-round knockdown to claim world title glory with a fifth-round stoppage of Ruiz, and he has promised once again to leave the fans thrilled.
One thing I can tell you, is that this fight will be as exciting as the first one,” said Ceja. “Non si vuole perdere. War is coming.
When Ceja and Ruiz clashed in Los Angeles last August, it was the U.S. debut for both and was also on a card headlined by Santa Cruz.
I knew it was a big step up in my career to get a fight in the U.S.,said Ruiz, “It was very emotional to be fighting in front of so many Mexican fans on such an important card.
In an excellent two-way matchup contested in the middle of the ring, Ceja and Ruiz combined to throw 373 power punches in just five rounds, with Ceja benefiting from a 96-67 advantage in power punches landed. It was the sharp-shooting Ruiz who struck the first big blow of the match however, as he caught a lunging Ceja with a perfect left hook that put him down with just under a minute left in the third round.
He definitely hurt me with that punch,” said Ceja. “I went straight into his hand and to the floor. But thanks to my great conditioning, I recovered fast. I train in the altitude in Mexico and that gives me the strength to fight 15 round. I’m working just as hard this camp.
I feel like I have the advantage in speed and power,” said Ruiz. “I was looking for the knockout from the beginning and I will do that again on Febbraio 27.”
Showing little effect from the knockdown, Ceja made it through the third and had a solid fourth round against the lanky Ruiz. He began to work effectively inside the long reach of Ruiz and buzz him with left hooks and uppercuts. It was a perfectly timed left hook with 58 seconds remaining in the fifth round that put Ruiz down. Ruiz made it to his feet, but Ceja continued to batter him with both hands until the referee, Raul Caiz Sr., stepped in and stopped the fight at 2:34 nel turno.
Ceja came into the fight very aggressively and he put just the right amount of pressure on me,” said Ruiz. “This defeat is behind me now, but I did gain experience from the defeat that I will take into this fight.
Both men know that there is plenty of work to be done in training camp.
There is no way to get into a comfort zone against Ruiz,” said Ceja. “Just because I beat him, it doesn’t make this fight easier. He’s smart, experienced and he won’t make the same mistakes again. He’s a guy who works distances perfectly and knows when to attack. We made mistakes in the first fight that we’re going to fix.
I’m working on my defense and on putting more pressure on him throughout this fight,” said Ruiz. “I have to be aware of his left hand. The hook hurt me last time so I have been working on getting my right hand up to block it. I have to use my skills to be victorious.
With a world title on the line once again, expect similar fireworks when these two proud Mexican sluggers share the ring in Anaheim.
I want all my Mexican fans to come out and watch this fight, you will not regret it,” said Ceja. “I want to keep my belt for a long time and I want the fans to remember my name.
This is going to be another very explosive fight,” said Ruiz. “Expect a lot of punches, but this time I will be walking out a world champion.
I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promossa da Promozioni TGB, sono al prezzo di $27, $54, $104 e $199 and are on sale now via ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster punti vendita o chiamando 800-745-3000. I biglietti sono disponibili anche presso il Centro Honda Box Office.
Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare www.SHO.com/Sports seguire su TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports. La suanta Cruz vs. Martinez is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Khan Stops Quaye To Secure WBU Crown

Di Sabato notte, Great Britain’s Tasif Khan secured both the World Boxing Union (WBU) and Global Boxing Union (GBU) World Super Flyweight Championships at the Cedar Court Hotel in his hometown of Bradford in the United Kingdom.


Caravanserraglio, who only returned to the sport, following a two year sabbatical, just over twelve months ago, put in the performance of his career, in front of a pack house that included a number of British star boxers, such as interim WBA World Lightweight Champion Derry Mathews and former British, Repubblica, European and WBC World Champion Junior Witter as well as various local dignitaries such as the Mayor of Bradford and local MP Imran Hussain.


Khan also received support from the British Army, who turned out in force to watch their man being lead to the ring by the band of the Yorkshire Regiment.


After a slow first round, during which both combatants barely threw a shot in anger, Khan proceeded to utterly dominated Accra, Ghana’s Isaac Quaye from the second stanza right through to the sensational sixth round, during which Khan really stepped up the pace and sent the Ghanaian to the canvas three times in very short succession, the last of which was a perfect right to the chin that sent Quaye crashing backwards and prostrate on the canvas in such a spectacular manner that the Ghanaian’s corner-man immediately jumped into the ring before referee Lee Murtagh had barely started the count. NB. Quaye was perfectly fine albeit a little dazed after rising.


Following the bout a clearly elated Khan spoke briefly.


“This is the greatest day of my life, it’s a dream come true and to be crowned World Champion in front of my home crowd really is the cherry on top.


I have to say a big thank you to Isaac (Quaye), he’s a great fighter and it couldn’t have been easy for him to walk into the Lion’s Den with such a partisan crowd shouting out their support for me.


Also have to say a big thank you to Stephen (Vaughan) and his team for putting on such a great show for the fans and for believing in me, the same to Rio (WBU Europe President & MBC Vice President Gianluca Di Caro) for giving me the chance to box again and more importantly to fight for the WBU title, I’ve always wanted a WBU belt around my waist ever since watching Ricky Hatton win it when I was just a teen.


Huge thanks as well to GBU President Juergen Lutz for allowing me to fight for his title also.


Finally I’d also like to thank all my fantastic fans that turned out to support me tonight, as well as the Mayor of Bradford and my local MP Imran Hussain for their support, and last but definitely not least my sponsors; Broadway Solicitors Oldham, Kingsland Business Recovery, Vista Gym Benidorm and 3X Sports, as without you guys I could never have achieved my dream – thank you all so much”