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Michael Dutchover vs. Manuel Mendez Headline 3.2.1. Boxing Card on November 1st

ORANGE, ТАКИЙ ЯК (Жовтень 1, 2020) - Thompson Boxing Promotions is pleased to present the newest installment of its successful boxing series 3.2.1 Бокс featuring three exciting-and-compelling bouts, live on Sunday, November 1st, 2020. The free stream will air on the Thompson Boxing Promotions website (www.thompsonboxing.com), as well as their Facebook і YouTube pages.

3.2.1. Boxing will take place at the Omega Products International Event
Центр в Короні, ТАКИЙ ЯК, and will start at 4:00 p.m. PT / 7:00 p.m. І.

У головній події 8-раундовому, супер легкий Michael “The West Texas Warrior” Dutchover (14-1, 10 КО), of Midland, Техас, who is co-promoted with Банер Акції and Thompson Boxing, will make his second headlining appearance on 3.2.1 Boxing as he faces Мануель “La Tormenta” Mendez (16-7-3, 11 КО), who fights out of Colton, ТАКИЙ ЯК. Dutchover will look to continue to build on the success off his last win over Jorge Marron Jr. (18-2, 6 КО).

Dutchover, who is coached and managed by Danny Zamora, has a high knockout ratio and is known for his all-out attack. His only loss came in a controversial stoppage during a match against Thomas Mattice in his hometown of Midland, Техас, on a ShoBox main event back in 2019. У своєму останньому бою, Dutchover bounced back by beating Jorge Marron Jr. by a wide-unanimous decision on the first 3.2.1 boxing card of the year.

У 6-тур спільно особливість, в першій середній Richard “Cool Breeze” Brewart Jr. (7-0, 3 KO), of Rancho Cucamonga, ТАКИЙ ЯК, will face the toughest test of his career as battles Louis Hernandez (8-0-1, 6 КО), Джексон, МІС. These two undefeated prospects put their unblemished records on the line in what should be a no-holds-barred affair.

Першим поєдинком буде чотирираундовий суперлегкий бій, як Алексіс Альварадо (1-0, 1 KO), Ла-Пуенте, ТАКИЙ ЯК, зіткнеться Лазаро Варгас (для дебюту) з Індіо, ТАКИЙ ЯК, у бійці, яка обіцяє бути вибуховою.

"Ми раді створити чудову картку для вболівальників боксу,”, - сказав промоутер Кен Томпсон. "Цього року у нас було чудове кільцеве дійство, але ця карта може блищати яскравіше завдяки рівню дії, який кожен винищувач виведе на ринг ".

“Чудово повернутися з цим внеском 3.2.1 Бокс,"Сказав Олексій Кампоново, Томпсон Бокс, генеральний менеджер і творець 3.2.1 Бокс. “Ми невтомно працюємо над тим, щоб зробити цю приємну ніч боксу для вболівальників, які дивляться вдома або де б вони не були. Очікуємо феєрверк та ще одну незабутню ніч бійок ".

Бето Дюран діятиме як коментатор "удар за ударом" з коментарями експертів від Дуг Фішер, в той час як Джессіка Розалес буде виконувати функції місцевого репортера на околицях.

3.2.1 Бокс фінансується Томпсоном Будівельні матеріали, перетворюючи простори в красивих місцях; Omega Products International, провідний виробник ліпнини в США; Генрі / Укріпити, контроль вологості так просто, як 1,2,3; і Макіта, правити на відкритому повітрі.

Для отримання більш детальної інформації, регулярні новини про наших винищувачів, події, і промо-акції, будь ласка, відвідайте ThompsonBoxing.com. Ви також можете стежити за розмовою в соціальних мережах, будь ласка, використовуйте # 321Boxing і #ThompsonBoxing.

Будь ласка, перевірте наш Facebook Сторінка, дивіться наш YouTube канал на боксерському телебаченні Томпсона, і слідувати за нами на Instagram іЩебет @ThompsonBoxing.


Фото Лео Вільсона / Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів

ORANGE, ТАКИЙ ЯК (Вересень 28, 2020) - Колишній чемпіон світу у суперлегкій вазі, Денні Роман (28-3-1, 10 КО), має на увазі виклик новопризначеному чемпіону WBC Луїс Нері (31-0, 24 КО) після його нещодавнього одностайного рішення над Хуан Карлос Паяно (21-4, 9 КО). Роман переміг Паяно на десятки 116-112 повсюдно в поєдинку за вилучення титулу WBC, поставити його наступним у черзі, щоб кинути виклик Нері, які перемогли раніше непереможених Аарон Аламеда (25-1, 13 КО) шляхом прийняття дванадцяти турів одноголосного рішення, захопити вакантний пояс WBC.

“Після перемоги над Паяно, я зосередився на виклику Луїсу Нері за титул WBC ". - сказав Роман, кого підвищує Thompson Boxing Promotions. “Зараз я є обов’язковим претендентом на боротьбу з Нері, і я вірю, що боротьба може бути легко проведена, оскільки ми обоє воюємо в ШОУ з ПБК. Луїс Нері - справжній воїн, як і я, і я буду готовий битися з ним у будь-який час, всюди. Нері - дуже обдарований боєць, і я думаю, що цей бій буде дружнім для вболівальників, коли ми обоє залишимо все на рингу "

На додаток, Roman has unfinished business to settle with IBF/WBA champion,Муроджон Ахмадалієв (8-0, 6 КО) after he lost a close split decision in their world championship bout that took place in January of this year. Roman relinquished his IBF and WBA titles that night.

“I want a rematch with Murodjon Akhmadaliev as I believe I won that fight,” Roman continued. “When you fight champion for his titles, you must win convincingly, and I don’t think Akhmadaliev did enough that night, but the judges thought differently. I graciously took the defeat with class, but it didn’t feel right. I want to avenge my loss.”

Нарешті, if a fight cannot be made with Nery or Akhmadaliev, Roman wants WBO champion, Angelo Leo (20-9 КО). У своєму останньому бою, Leo captured the vacant WBO world title with a dominating performance against previously undefeated contender, Tramaine Williams (19-1, 6 КО).

“Angelo Leo, who holds the WBO title, is the other world champion that I want to challenge,” Roman concluded. “Leo is another great fighter that brings excitement each time he fights, and I know if we go to battle, it will be an explosive fight. Before my loss to Akhmadaliev, I was unbeaten for six years. I’m ready to become a world champion once again.”

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Продаж обмежених квитків зараз!
АНГЕЛИ - Приєдналися два захоплюючі напади на шатерBellator Paris в суботу, Жовтень 10 від Accor Arena в Парижі, з додаванням змагання в напівважкій вазі з легендою бойових видів спортуМелвін Манхуф (32-14-1, 2 Північна Кароліна) облицюванням КамерунуСаймон Бійонг(7-1) і матч у напівважкій вазі, який поєднує шведськіОлівер Енкамп (9-2) проти ФранціїЕммануель Дава (9-3).
На цю історичну подію буде допущено обмежену кількість шанувальниківНаразі квитки доступні за адресоюaccorarena.com іbellator.fr.
Додатково, нині кілька французьких винищувачів заплановано змагатися на цій знаковій події в жовтні 10 і представляти свою країну вBellator Paris, включаючи нещодавно підписанийІв Ланду (15-8),хто йде в бій з АнглієюТеррі Брейзер (11-3) при легкій вазі і Деві Галлон (18-7-2), хто зустрічає голландського конкурентаБрайан Хей (16-7, 1 Північна Кароліна) у поєдинку ваги вагою 158 фунтів. Додатково, Непереможений ОбервільєФабакарі Діатта (6-0) стикається з АнглієюДомінік Вудінг (6-3) в напівлегкій вазі, ПарижЖан Н’Дой(8-1) виглядає на руку ІрландіїСіаран Кларк (2-0) перша втрата у його кар'єрі у змаганні 145 фунтів, і нокаутом художникВільям Гоміс (6-2) бере на себе SBG Ireland’sДілан Логан (4-4) в напівлегкій вазі. Крім того, на карті, Прикрашений винищувач КретейМагу Берхель(10-4-1) зустрічає французького ветерана бойових видів спортуЛюсі Берто (2-2) у змаганнях для жінок у напівважкій вазі.
Щойно оголошено минулого тижня, головна подія РосіїBellator Paris особливості відомого французаШейх Конго (30-10-2, 1 Північна Кароліна), хто зіткнеться протиТім Джонсон (14-6) у зіткненні у важкій вазі, в той час як захоплюючий показ у напівважкій вазіМайкл “Отрута” Сторінка (17-1), більш відомий шанувальникам як “MVP,», Який повертається з наміром зіпсувати дебют« Беллатора »непереможеному колишньому чемпіону Кейдж-Воїнів, Росс Х'юстон (8-0, 1 Північна Кароліна).
Здійснивши дев'ятий виступ у Bellator MMA, голландська суперзірка підготувала вражаюче резюме за 25-річну кар'єру, в якій він закінчив 29 з його 32 жертв нокаутом, у тому числі 26 у першому раунді та вісім у першій хвилині дії. Уродженець Амстердама, Нідерланди, the 44-year-old will now look to add to a trio of impressive knockouts that he’s collected since joining the promotion back in 2014, a run that includes a highlight-reel first round knockout over Hisaki Kato atBellator 146. Fighting out of Genova, Італія, the 29-year-old knockout artist Simon Biyong will be searching for his fifth consecutive victory and first under with Bellator MMA on October 10. With six of his seven career wins coming by way of knockout, including three in the first round of action, the Yaoundé, Cameroon-native hopes to make quick work of his veteran opponent once again when he makes his promotional debut inside Accor Arena.
Following a seven-fight winning streak to begin his professional career, Oliver Enkamp earned a pair of bouts with the UFC, before collecting consecutive victories atBellator 223 іBellator 240to begin his highly anticipated Bellator MMA tenure. Зараз, the 29-year-old Stockholm, Sweden-native will look to collect his 10th career win and add to an already impressive resume that includes eight career finishes and has earned him the nickname “The Future.” Hailing from Paris, Франція, the 35-year-old Emmanuel Dawa will be making his promotional debut on his home turf inside the Accor Arena on October 10. The Snake Team-product enters the contest having won eight of his last 10 кінці, including a pair of first round knockouts in an unblemished 2019 кампанія. With six of his nine career victories coming by way of knockout, including four of the first-round variety, Dawa hopes to add to that total and make the most of his Paris homecoming.
Follow Bellator France on Instagram@BellatorFrance і на Facebook вwww.facebook.com/BellatorFrance/.
Будь ласка, відвідайтеwww.Bellator.fr іBellator.com Для отримання додаткової інформації.
ОновленийBellator ParisCard:
Супер важка вага: Шейх Конго(30-10-2, 1 Північна Кароліна) протиТім Джонсон(14-6)
Поєдинок у напівважкій вазі: Michael Page(17-1) протиРосс Х'юстон(8-0, 1 Північна Кароліна)
Light Heavyweight Feature BoutМелвін Манхуф(32-14-1, 2 Північна Кароліна) протиСаймон Бійонг(7-1)
Поєдинок у напівважкій вазі: Олівер Енкамп (9-2) протиЕммануель Дава (9-3)
Легкий бій: Террі Брейзер(11-3) протиІв Ланду(15-8)
158-Pound Contract Weight Bout: Деві Галлон (18-7-2) протиБрайан Хей(16-7, 1 Північна Кароліна)
Легкий Бут: Домінік Вудінг (6-3) протиФабакарі Діатта (6-0)
Легкий Бут: Жан Н’Дой(8-1) протиСіаран Кларк (2-0)
Легкий Бут: Ділан Логан (4-4) протиВільям Гоміс (6-2)
Бій у найлегшій вазі: Магу Берхель(10-4-1) проти.Люсі Берто(2-2)
*Картка може бути змінена.

RJJ Boxing Promotions iKon fighting federation boxing/mma results from biloxi

BILOXI, Міс. (Вересень 25, 2020) – Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions (RJJ Boxing) and the debut of the newest mixed-martial-arts promotional company, iKON Fighting Federation (iKON), presented its inaugural hybrid professional boxing/MMA show last night at Biloxi Civic Center in Biloxi, Mississippi.

Boxjng and MMA action was streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, будь ласка, відвідайтеwww.ufcfightpass.com or download the UFC app.

Boxing was co-promoted by RJJ Boxing and Rite Hook Promotions, pro MMA matches were co-promoted by iKON, in association with RJJ Boxing, and Empire Fighting Championship.

Five undefeated boxing prospects were showcased with each emerging victoriously. In the main event, undefeated Tampa welterweight prospectMark Reyes, Молодший. (13-0, 11 КО) knocked out his Mexican opponentCarlos Mohamed Rodriguez (13-9-1, 5 КО), in round four for his eighth straight fight that didn’t go the distant.

У со-ознаками події, Рой Джонс, Молодший. захищений, Michael “Boy Wonder” Williams, Молодший. (13-0, 9 КО), captured the vacant National Boxing Association (НБА) Continental Americas super lightweight title, зупинкаThomas Miller (6-4, 3 КО) midway through the second round with a vicious body shot.

Теннессі суперлегкийТайлер “Короткий запобіжник” Томлін (7-0, 5 КО) need only half-a-round to knockout TexanGabriel Gutierrez (5-9, 3 КО), New Orleans super lightweightJonathan Montrel (7-0, 5 КО) erasedHenry Lee Crapp у двох раундах, and Dominican Republic lightweightЕрідсон Гарсія(9-0, 6 КО) pitched a shutout against ArgentinianChristian “El Ninja” Guido(8-14, 6 КО) for a 6-roiund unanimous decision.

In the iKON launch, veteran lightweightKhasan “Black Wolf” Ashkabov покращився 21-2-0 with a second-round submission win in the main event againstCliff “The Goblin” Wright (12-14-0), by locking in a rear naked choke.

Рідне місто улюбленийTyler “Zombie” Hill (10-5-0) suffered a first-round loss to Iowa middleweight Johnny Parsons (5-2-0), who stopped his opponent on punches.

Miami middleweightAllan St. Gelais (1-0-0) won his pro debut with a second-round stoppage ofRavon “Big Shot” Baxter (1-2-0), while North Carolina welterweightZachary Dalen (2-1-0) recorded an opening-round technical knockout ofR.J. Summerlin (1-2-0). 

Sedriques “The Reaper” Dumas won his pro debut in fashion, using a rear naked choke to submitClarence “Prodigy” Brown (1-8-0) in round one.

Florida lightweightChristian “Hollywood” LohseN (8-2-0) and Arizona featherweightA.J. Каннінгем (6-1-0), відповідно, переможенийDennis “DJ” Hughes (2-2-0) іJewell “Kid Dynamite” Scott(3-4-0). 

Офіційні результати нижче: 




Mark Reyes, Молодший. (13-0, 11 КО), Тампа, Флорида

WTKO4 (1:51) 

Carlos Mohamed Rodriguez (13-9-1, 5 КО), La Paz, Baja California, Мексика


Michael Williams, Молодший. (13-0, 9 КО), Fayetteville, Північна Кароліна

WKO2 (1:42) 

Thomas Miller (6-4, 3 КО), Huntington, WV

СУПЕР легковаговиків

Тайлер Томлін (7-0, 5 КО), Ashland City, Теннессі

WTKO1 (1:49) 

Gabriel Guttierrez (5-9, 3 КО), Крок, Техас

Jonathan Montrel (8-0, 5 КО), New Orleans, Луїзіана


Henry Lee Crapp


Ерідсон Гарсія (9-0, 6 КО), Santa Domingo, Домініканська Республіка

WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54) 

Christian “El Ninja” Danilo Guido (8-14 (6 КО), Тигр, Буенос-Айрес, Аргентина



Khasan Askhabov (20-2-0), Майамі, Флорида

WSUB2 (rear naked choke – 2:24) 

Cliff Wright (12-13-0), Cedar Rapids, IA


Johnny Parsons (4-2-0), Лас-Вегас, Невада

WTKO/KO1 (punches – 2:35) 

Tyler Hill (7-2-0), Білоксі, МІС


Allan St. Gelais (1-0-0), Майамі, Флорида

ЗКО / TKO2 (2:12) 

Ravon Baxter (1-2-0), Clarksville, Теннессі

Sedriques Dumas (0-0-0), Pensacola, Флорида

WSUB1 (rear naked choke – 2:53) 

Clarence Brown (1-7-0), Х'юстон, Техас

Напівсередньої ваги

Zachary Dalen (2-1-0), Fayetteville, Північна Кароліна

WTKO1 (4:42) 

R.J. Summerlin (1-2-0), Pensacola, Флорида


Christian Lohsen (8-2-0), Deland, Флорида


Dennis Hughes (2-2-0), Віггінс, МІС


A.J. Каннінгем, (6-1-0), Batesville, AZ


Jewell Scott (3-4-0), Shreveport, Луїзіана


Сайт:   www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com 

Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /КітВелтре

Щебет: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre




АНГЕЛИ -Bellator MMA has today confirmed the full fight card forBellator 247: Дейлі проти. Андерсон, which takes place Thursday, Жовтень. 1 at Allianz Cloud in Milan, Італія.

Bellator 247: Дейлі проти. Андерсонkicks off the new partnership between Bellator MMA and CBS Sports Network, which will air the event LIVE Thursday, Жовтень. 1 (4 p.m. І) from Italy’s fashion capital. Beginning with this event, CBS Sports Network will televise Bellator MMA events, both domestic and international, НА ЖИТТІ в усіх США. ринки, тоді як попередні матчі транслюватимуться на CBSSports.com та YouTube-каналі Bellator MMA.

In addition to the exciting welterweight main event between veteranПол Дейлі (42-17-2) іДерек Андерсон (16-3, 1 Північна Кароліна), three other main card bouts are now confirmed, with the additions ofNorbert Novenyi Jr. (5-0) приймаючи наLaid Zerhouni(7-5) в середньому, a flyweight matchup between former title challengerКейт Джексон (11-4-1) and current Bellator Kickboxing flyweight championДеніз Кільгольц (5-2), as well as a lightweight contest pittingIlias Bulaid (2-0) проти Ivan Naccari(Pro Дебют) in an explosive opening bout.

За попередніми карти, ІрландіїБраян Мур (12-7) will make his return to the Bellator cage following injury against Italy’sSimone D’anna(7-2) at 145-pounds. Також, four welterweight bouts are official, when undefeatedJustin Burlinson (5-0) faces fellow unbeaten foeBobby Pallett(5-0), Льюїс Лонг (17-6) meets former Bellator headlinerGianni Melillo(13-5), Walter Gahadza (18-5) returns against the undefeatedUros Jurisic(10-0) іKywan Gracie (1-0) continues his young MMA career against Moldova’sConstantin Gnusariev (3-0-1).

Originally slated to face Liz Carmouche prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, мухаМенді Бом (6-0, 1 Північна Кароліна) gets a new assignment and welcomesGriet Eeckhout(5-3-1) to the Bellator cage in the first of two women’s preliminary bouts atBellator 247: Дейлі проти. Anderson.The second pitsJade Jorand протиMonika Tochlikovain an atomweight contest that will serve as both fighters’ professional debuts.

Додатково, two Bellator veterans welcome two new athletes to the Bellator cage, колиLee Chadwick (25-15-1) goes to battle with London Shootfighters-productEderson Cristian Macedo(10-5) at light heavyweight and SBG Ireland’sBlaine O’Driscoll(8-3) tests his skills against France’sSalah Elkas(6-6) in a flyweight affair. Нарешті, a 160-pound contract weight bout has been booked, as undefeatedChris Duncan (6-0) відповідаєIamik Furtado (6-3).

A proud Hungarian, Norbert Novenyi Jr. enters the Oct. 1 contest boasting a perfect professional mark of 5-0, including a trio of submissions and two first-round finishes. The middleweight will be making his fourth appearance for Bellator MMA, collecting decisive wins in each of the previous three contests. Another decisive finish atBellator 247 could place the London Shootfighters-product into the mix at the top of the 185-pound division. Hailing from Montpellier, Франція, Zerhouni will be making his first appearance of 2020 and first fight on a Bellator card, where he will be searching for his fourth win over his last five fights. With each of his five career victories coming by way of knockout or submission, including four in the opening round, the 24-year-old finisher will look for yet another early stoppage in the co-main event ofBellator 247.

Fighting out of Amsterdam, 31-year-old Denise Kielholtz will be making her second MMA appearance of her 2020 campaign and seventh since joining Bellator MMA in 2017. З 47 career kickboxing wins, including a Bellator Kickboxing women’s flyweight championship, the multi-dimensional Dutch Muay Thai fighter hopes to extend her current three-fight winning streak when she enters the cage in Milan. “Miss Dynamite” also enters the contest riding a successful streak that includes five victories in six contests, highlighted by a trio of first-round finishes. With victories in four of her past six contests and nine of her last 12, Kate Jackson comes into the bout riding one of the hottest streaks in the women’s flyweight division. Hailing from Cornwall, Англія, the former Bellator flyweight No. 1-contender will be looking to add to her six career knockouts, a total that includes five in the first round. The 34-year-old Jackson is hoping a win over Kielholtz puts her right back into the 125-pound world title conversation.

Для подальшої інформації, візитBellator.com.  

Bellator 247: Дейлі проти. Андерсон Картка боротьби:

CBS Sports Network

4 p.m. І

Головна подія в напівсередній: Пол Дейлі (42-17-2) протиДерек Андерсон(16-3, 1 Північна Кароліна)

Middleweight Co-Main EventNorbert Novenyi Jr. (5-0) протиLaid Zerhouni(7-5)

Легка вага: Кейт Джексон (11-4-1) протиДеніз Кільгольц(5-2)

Легкий поєдинок: Ilias Bulaid(2-0) протиIvan Naccari(Pro Дебют)

Попереднє Card:

CBSSports.com | YouTube-канал Bellator MMA

12:15 p.m. І

Легкий Бут: Браян Мур (12-7) протиSimone D’anna(7-2)
Бій в напівсередній: Justin Burlinson(5-0) протиBobby Pallett(5-0)
Бій в напівсередній: Льюїс Лонг(17-6) протиGianni Melillo(13-5)
Бій у найлегшій вазі: Менді Бом(6-0, 1 Північна Кароліна) протиGriet Eeckhout(5-3-1)

160-pound Contract Weight BoutChris Duncan(6-0) протиIamik Furtado (6-3)
Бій в напівсередній: Walter Gahadza(18-5) протиUros Jurisic(10-0)
Бій в напівсередній: Kywan Gracie(1-0) проти. Constantin Gnusariev(3-0-1)
Бій в напівважкій вазі: Lee Chadwick(25-15-1) протиEderson Cristian Macedo(10-5)
Бій у найлегшій вазі: Blaine O’Driscoll(8-3) протиSalah Elkas(6-6)
Atomweight BoutJade Jorand (Pro Дебют) протиMonika Tochlikova(Pro Дебют)

*Картка може бути змінена.



WBA and IBF 154-Pound Champion Rosario Battles WBC
Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo This Saturday,
Вересень 26 In Historic Unification Headlining Part Two of
Представлено Прем'єр боксу чемпіонів

НЬЮ-ЙОРК – Вересень 22, 2020 – WBA and IBF 154-pound champion Jeison Rosario stated his intention to go toe-to-toe with WBC Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo when they clash this Saturday, Вересень 26 жити на Showtime PPV (7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT) in the main event of part two of CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER, presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

“Fight fans are going to get a war on September 26,” said Rosario. “Charlo and I are two of the biggest punchers in the division. We both fight with a lot of pride. We’re two very aggressive fighters who want to fight in the middle of the ring, so we’re going to bring the action and make this an epic war.”

The 25-year-old Rosario has had a smooth training camp for the biggest fight of his career, despite the pandemic, while training in Miami, Флорида. with his coach Luis “Chiro” Perez.

“Even on a normal basis, we stay in a training camp house by ourselves, so this was just more of the same,” said Rosario. “There’s no family and no outsiders. It’s nothing but training. We know we’re facing a strong, explosive opponent, so we’ve done everything during this 16-week camp to prepare for him. We brought in great sparring partners with similar style to Charlo’s, so I’m as ready for him as I possibly can be.”

Rosario returns to the ring after a career-altering victory over Julian Williams in January, in which he stopped Williams to capture his WBA and IBF titles. Despite the sensational victory, Rosario knows that Charlo will present different challenges than he faced going up against Williams.

“I think Williams was probably more skilled technically, and he was harder to hit because he changes up his angles a lot,” said Rosario. “Charlo is stronger, a bigger puncher, and I think he’s a more athletic fighter than Williams. We’re preparing for the best Charlo and we know that means we have to be at our very best too.”

Prior to the Williams fight, Rosario began working Perez for the first time, and he credits that work, the first “real training camp” of his career, to his career-best performance against Williams.

“Training with Coach Perez has led to a lot of improvements and allowed me to reach my full potential,” said Rosario. “My camps for the Williams fight and the Charlo fight are the first real training camps of my career. After I fought Jorge Cota, I knew that I needed to make changes and be more dedicated.

“There are no distractions or excuses for me now. A better diet, better conditioning and more focused training has all played a part in the changes. За цей бій, I’m going to be even stronger than I was against Williams. My body wasn’t really used to the training camp going into that fight. My body is responding even better after my second 16-week training camp.”

Hailing from Santo Domingo, Домініканська Республіка, a hotbed of baseball talent that has produced household names such as David Ortiz, Albert Pujols and Manny Ramirez, Rosario has quickly made himself the fighting pride of the island. His experience growing up living on the street as a child has motivated him to reach this point, even if he didn’t always see himself reaching this peak in the sport.

“I fight with a lot of pride and emotion,” said Rosario. “I just try to be myself, but I also want to represent the Dominican Republic the best way I can. I fight for my kids and my country and I leave it all in the ring. One of my biggest motivations for me was my economic status as a child. Living in the street as a kid, we were very poor. I didn’t want my kids to go through that, so that fed my hunger to provide for my family and take care of them the best I can.

“I always knew that I could be good, but I never imagined being in this position. God’s timing is perfect. Everything came when it was supposed to. I’ve been very lucky and got the opportunities at the right time. I started training with Coach Perez at the right time. I got the Williams fight at the right time and took full advantage of the opportunity. Зараз, we’re here with a chance to unify the division, and I believe September 26 will be my time.”

# # #

The CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER takes place Saturday, Вересень 26 on SHOWTIME PPV with an unprecedented event presented by Premier Boxing Champions. The PPV begins at a special time of 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT and features six compelling fights in all, five of which are world title fights, on the same night for one price. The SHOWTIME PPV telecast begins with the Jermall Charlo vs. Sergiy Derevyanchenko three-fight card followed by a 30-minute intermission and then the Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario three-fight card.

Part one of the SHOWTIME PPV is headlined by WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo facing top contender Сергій Дерев'янченко. WBA Super Bantamweight Champion Брендон Фігероа will defend his title against 122-pound contender Damien Vázquez in the co-featured bout, while WBO Bantamweight World Champion John Riel Casimero faces off against unbeaten Duke Micah in the pay-per-view opener.

The second three-fight card is headlined by the historic unification matchup between WBC Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo and IBF and WBA 154-pound champion Jeison Rosario. Unbeaten former champion Луїс Нері will battle undefeated Аарон Аламеда for the vacant WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship in the co-feature, while former unified champion Danny Román faces off against former champion Хуан Карлос Паяно in a WBC Super Bantamweight title eliminator bout to open the second installment of the pay-per-view.

The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions. The Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario match is co-promoted with Sampson Boxing.

Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions або станьте шанувальником Facebook на www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2020 NEW YORK CITY – Former Olympian and #1 ranked IBF light heavyweight contender Meng Fanlong (16-0, 10 КО) is now a promotional free agent after reaching a separation agreement with Roc Nation.

“I’m very happy to be a free agent," said Meng. “I have the best team around me, my advisors Terry and Tommy Lane, my trainer Shaun George, my attorney Scott Shaffer and my Chinese representative Kurt Li. They are building a solid plan for my career and I am really looking forward to the future. I am still the mandatory challenger in the IBF. Давайте його на!"

Last summer, Meng earned the IBF’s #1 ranking with a 2019 victory over then-undefeated Adam Deines. В результаті, Meng was set to fight unified champion Artur Beterbiev on March 28th, 2020, but the coronavirus pandemic KO’d the bout. In late 2018, Meng traveled to Monte Carlo and stopped British contender Frank Buglioni in five rounds, sending Buglioni into retirement. His most recent fight was a second-round stoppage of Gilberto Rubio that was not televised anywhere.

Despite his undefeated record and stellar amateur background highlighted by representing his native China at the 2012 Олімпійські ігри, Meng remains relatively unknown in the United States. His current team intends for that to change soon.

“We can’t wait for people to see him fight;" said Meng’s advisor, Tommy Lane. “He is one of the best fighters in boxing today and is yet to fight on a major platform, and that’s a shame. We hope to change that very soon. We are currently feilding different opportunities for Fanlong.”

*Image* Мен Fanlong


Meng Fanlong is a Chinese, непереможеним, professional boxer who competes in the light heavyweight division. Meng has a long list of amateur boxing accomplishments, including earning a spot on the the 2012 Chinese Olympic team. He is now a top-ten ranked light heavyweight as a professional.


New York City Based “Lane Brothers Boxing” was founded in 2019 by brothers Terry and Tommy Lane. The Lane brothers have worked in professional boxing for nearly fifteen years, and are now using their industry expertise to advise top international boxing talent. Terry and Tommy are the sons of former referee Mills Lane.


“Jermall has never faced anyone like me before. I’ll apply more pressure than he’s used to”

Top Rated Contender Derevyanchenko Faces WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo this Saturday, Вересень 26 Headlining Part One of CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER, a SHOWTIME PPV® Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

НЬЮ-ЙОРК – Вересень 21, 2020 – Top contender Сергій Дерев'янченко believes that his combination of skills and experience will make him the toughest challenge that WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo has faced in his career, as they near their showdown this Saturday, Вересень 26 headlining part one of CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER, a SHOWTIME PPV event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

“I’ll definitely be his toughest test at middleweight,"Сказав Дерев'янченко. “Jermall has never faced anyone like me. I’ll apply more pressure than he’s used to. He’s also never faced anyone with my footwork. I’ll fight more on the inside than his previous opponents.”

Derevyanchenko sports a 13-2 pro record with 10 нокаути, following an extensive amateur career that included representing his native Ukraine at the 2008 Olympics as part of his 390-20 overall ledger. Про з 2014, Derevyanchenko’s experience in the amateurs has aided him as he climbed up the middleweight division in the paid ranks.

“My amateur experience has helped me a lot,"Сказав Дерев'янченко. “I came to the pros with much more experience in the ring than most other fighters and it’s been a big part of what I’ve accomplished. I believe that all of that experience will help me get the win on Saturday and take Charlo’s belt.”

The 34-year-old now lives in Brooklyn and has avoided any negative training impact of the pandemic by working with his head trainer Andre Rozier at their private gym in New Jersey. Вересень 26 will be Derevyanchenko’s third world title fight, after losing a narrow decision to Gennadiy Golovkin last October and a split decision against Daniel Jacobs in 2018. Each of his previous title fights have presented different experiences that he can take into the Charlo fight, based off the similarities and differences between the opponents.

“Golovkin is a very different fighter than Charlo, but Jacobs is similar stylistically, so that’s something I’ll be used to,"Сказав Дерев'янченко. “This training camp has been very similar to camps for my previous fights though. We just brought in different sparring partners for this one. We’re using fighters who can show us what Charlo will bring to the ring.

“We’re making necessary adjustments based off all our experience and developing a game plan specifically for Charlo. The sparring partners have been giving me great work and I’m absolutely ready for September 26.”

In both of his title opportunities, Derevyanchenko has suffered a knockdown in the first round, only to battle back and nearly win the fight. Despite the similar script, Derevyanchenko is not focusing on those opening round mistakes as he prepares for Charlo.

“I’ll be very focused in the early rounds against Charlo, we’re not dwelling on the past,"Сказав Дерев'янченко. “We always have an eye looking forward. I’ll try to get the win faster against Charlo, so we’ll be applying more pressure early.

“Those first round knockdowns were just brief moments in those fights. I quickly moved on, put them behind me and fought my way back into it. I told myself that I may have lost the first round, but I just had to be better in the remaining rounds.”

With fight week here and the bulk of the hard training behind him, Derevyanchenko is prepared for the challenge Charlo presents, no matter how the fight goes or which strategy Charlo enters the ring with.

“I’m not solely focused on the fight going one certain way, we just have our game plan and we’ll see what happens in the ring,"Сказав Дерев'янченко. “If I can knock him out, I’ll be ready to go for it. But if it goes 12 раундів, I have all of the skills to win a decision.”

# # #

Ruben Villa to take on Emanuel Navarrete for the WBO World Featherweight Title on Friday, 9 жовтня

Фото Емілі Харні / Банер Акції

Філадельфія, PA/ / ORANGE, ТАКИЙ ЯК. (Сім. 21, 2020) – У ніч на п'ятницю, 9 жовтня, undefeated WBO number-two ranked featherweight contender Вілла Рубен (18-0, 5 КО) gets his much deserved world title shot when he takes on former WBO super bantamweight world champion, and WBO number-one ranked contender, Emanuel Navarrete (32-1, 28 КО), in a battle for the WBO World Featherweight title.

Navarrete is undefeated in the last eight-years, which spans 27 бої.

The fight will take place atThe Bubbleinside the MGM Grand Conference Center, and will be televised live on ESPN and ESPN Deportes.

I have been working my butt off since I was a little kid for this opportunity, and I just can’t wait to get in there and fight for the title,” said Villa, кого підвищує Банер Акції і Томпсон боксу. “Navarrete is a real aggressive Mexican fighter. He is coming to win. He was a former champion, and I am the underdog, but I have the style to beat him. We have kept the camp the same. We just treat it like it’s every other fight, just that this fight is for a world title. All my hard work is paying off. I am honored and excited to represent everyone who has supported me and my journey to become a world champion, and I plan on bringing the world title back to my home city of Salinas, Каліфорнія.”

This is what we envisioned for Ruben when we signed him out of the amateurs, to be fighting for a world title,” сказав Арті Pelullo, Президент Banner Promotions. “That opportunity has now arrived, and we expect Ruben to put on a great performance on October 9th and win the WBO Featherweight World Title. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Стівен Еспіноза і Гордон Хол of Showtime for all their help with the development of Ruben’s career, by showcasing him on ShoBox that has helped get him ready for this fight.

Ruben Villa is a terrific fighter and has the ability to make his dream to become a world champion a reality. The hard work that Banner Promotions and us at Thompson Boxing have put on his career will surely pay off,” сказав Кен Томпсон, CEO of Thompson Boxing. “Navarrete is a terrific champion and it will be a huge challenge for our fighter, but I’m sure Ruben will rise up to the occasion and make us all proud.

Undefeated title belt collector santiagosomerdominguez plans to add welterweight strap to growing collection

Лас-Вегас (Вересень 21, 2020) - Непереможений, world-rated Mexican welterweightSantiago “Somer” Dominguez (22-0, 17 КО) will be back in action this Saturday (Сім. 26) в Мексиці, when he pursues yet another title belt, the vacant North American Boxing Federation (NABF), to add to his growing collection.

The 28-year-old Dominguezfighting out of Obregon, Сонора, Мексика, is the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) FECARBOX and USNBC (США) 147-pound champion. Saturday night he headlines a De La O Promotions card in Cocorit, Сонора, Mexico. Ranked No. 14 в WBC і ніякі. 1 in the NABF, the fierce knockout artist faces fellow countrymanJose Rosario Cazarez (19-5-1, 10 КО) in the 10-round main event for the vacant NABF crown.Blair Cobbs reportedly relinquished his NABF championship rather than fight his mandatory defense versus rising star Dominguez.

“I was surprised and humbled when I found out I was fighting for the vacated NABF belt,” Dominguez commented.  “I will not disappoint in this fight; my coaches have me ready.”

“We believe Santiago Dominguez will be a world champion,” said his promoter, RJJ Boxing CEO and co-founderКіт Велтре.  “He’s the highest ranked Mexican welterweight in the world and more than ready to move up to the next level. This will be his next step towards becoming the future of the welterweight division. We appreciate the chance for Santiago to fight for the NABF championship”

Cazarez, who is unbeaten in his last seven fights (6-0-1), has been stopped only once, four years ago. Santiago will certainly test his chin.

Dominguez’ head trainerAlfredo “Pollo “ Ozuna, бувSaul “Canelo” Alvarez’ original coach. “ Dominquez is focused and sharp this camp,” Ozuna noted. “Santiago will display better footwork and an offense featuring speed, volume and crushing power.  His opponent will meet the canvas and Santiago will be wearing the NABF title belt home.”

“Our team is very appreciative for the opportunity awarded us from Mr.Duane Ford and the NABF,” Santiago’s managerTerry Hollan доданої. “It is certainly an honor!"


Websites:   www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com 

Щебет: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @KeithVeltre

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /КітВелтре

ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, Молодший. and Keith Veltre, Рой Джонс, Молодший. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions is on its way to reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Час Для Шоу, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, Лас-Вегас, Невада, Рой Джонс-молодший. Boxing Promotions is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: NABF super flyweight champion, WBC #16, WBA #13 and IBF #8 Jade Bornea (15-0, 10 КО), two-time world title challenger WBO #12 bantamweight Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 КО), former NABA welterweight champion Kendo Castaneda, former Interim World middleweight title challenger John Vera (19-1 (11 КО), undefeated middleweight prospect Connor Coyle (12-0, 5 КО) super middleweight prospect Juan Barajas (11-0, 7 КО), and former WBC World Youth heavyweight Alexander Flores (18-2-1, 16 КО).