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BAMMA 24 – 通力 vs. 菲利普斯结果, 战斗精彩片段和视频片段


BAMMA 在爱尔兰举办的第二场活动比第一场更加成功, 几乎 6,000 粉丝们挤满了 3Arena 参加“BAMMA” 24 – 通力 vs. 菲利普斯二月 27. 卡片, 堆满了许多爱尔兰的顶级竞争者, 没有让人失望. BAMMA 24 整个晚上取得了许多令人印象深刻的 KO 和降服胜利, 如 12 事件的 16 比赛以结束结束. 当晚的一些杰出人物包括约翰·“白迈克·泰森”·菲利普斯, BAMMA 羽量级冠军 Tom ‘Firekid’ Duquesnoy, 爱尔兰粉丝最爱的“主妇选择”克里斯·菲尔兹和迪伦“核武器”图克.


菲利普斯(Phillips)仅用一分钟就击倒了“动物”谢克·科恩(Cheick“Animal”Kone),取得了当晚的大冷门。 65 秒, 成为新任 BAMMA 中量级冠军. BAMMA 羽量级冠军汤姆“Firekid”杜克斯诺伊在雏量级首秀中击败了达米安“愤怒”鲁尼, “家庭主妇的选择”克里斯·菲尔兹(Chris Fields)在第一轮提交中取得了令人印象深刻的胜利, 迪伦·“核武器”·图克 (Dylan “The Nuke” Tuke) 残酷地 TKO,粉丝们至今仍在谈论!


点击此处查看 BAMMA 24 重播片段: http://grabyo.com/g/bamma-2016

本次都柏林赛事的叠牌还包括来自 Straight Blast Gym 的几位精英战士 (SBG) 在爱尔兰. 正如 Fightsday.com 上所述, UFC 羽量级冠军康纳·麦格雷戈在 Facebook 上发布星期六 晚上向在 BAMMA 卡上战斗的 SBG 队友致敬. (查看脸书快照)


*FB 图片来源: 战斗日网站

以下是“BAMMA”的官方结果 24: 通力 vs. 菲利普斯举行 周六 二月, 27 在都柏林著名的 3Arena, 爱尔兰. BAMMA 的下一个活动是 BAMMA 25, 举行于 五月 14, 2016 在巴克莱卡竞技场, 伯明翰. 门票现已公开发售,在 http://bit.ly/BAMMA25. 欲了解更多信息, 请访问 巴马网.

BAMMA 24 – 通力 vs. 菲利普斯官方成绩

BAMMA 为您带来与:

斯派克电视 & 渠道 5 – BAMMA 广播合作伙伴

朗斯代尔 & 体育直接 – BAMMA官方设备合作伙伴

安全综合格斗 – 英国独立医疗组织

#BAMMA24 #ThisIsNotATest


(主要事件) BAMMA 中量级冠军
约翰·“白迈克·泰森”·菲利普斯·德夫. 谢克“动物”科恩 通过淘汰赛 (冲床) 1 号路 1:05

安迪“狮爪”德文特·德夫. 保罗·伯恩 通过淘汰赛 (拳) 1 号路 0:59

汤姆“Firekid”杜奎斯诺伊·德夫. 达米安“愤怒”鲁尼 通过淘汰赛 (冲床) 1 号路 1:23

《家庭主妇的选择》克里斯·菲尔兹 Def. 丹·科内克 通过提交 (达斯·乔克) 1 号路 4:39


艾伦“学徒”菲尔波特·德夫. 纳撒尼尔·“前景”·伍德(Nathaniel Wood),TKO (医生停止 – 鼻子断了) 3号路 3:40

“魔术师”迈尔斯·普莱斯·德夫. 马里奥·“Rudeboy”·赛义德 TKO (罢工) 路. 2 1:24

彼得“搅局者”奎利·达夫. 内森先生. 包 & 塔格·琼斯 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

迪伦“核武器”图克·德夫. 马克“先知”安德鲁 经将军澳 (罢工) 1 号路 0:51


布莱恩·“长枪兵”·摩尔·德夫. 米克·布伦南 经将军澳 (罢工) 1 号路 2:39

德基“钻石”道尔顿·德夫. 迈克“Gip”通过一致决定切入 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

詹姆斯·加拉格尔·德夫. 杰拉德·吉尔摩提交 (后排裸体扼流圈) 1 号路 2:55

西尼德·卡瓦纳·德夫. 扎拉·费尔恩·多斯桑托斯 通过分裂决策 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

肖恩·托宾·德夫. 加里“自卸车”莫里斯通过提交 (后排裸体扼流圈) 2号路 3:53

劳埃德·曼宁·德夫. 尼古拉斯·奥特 通过淘汰赛 (冲床) 1 号路 0:59

里斯·“骷髅”·麦基·德夫. 亚历克斯·马苏库 通过淘汰赛 (头踢) 1 号路 2:51

(业余) 轻量级比赛
杰伊·莫根 防守 希安·考利 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

*汤姆·杜奎斯诺伊 (Tom DuQuesnoy) 仍然是 BAMMA 羽量级冠军, 这是他在雏量级的首秀

一系列 BAMMA 24 现在可以在此处使用重播剪辑来与您的报告一起使用: http://grabyo.com/g/bamma-2016



BAMMA 是欧洲最大、最重要的 MMA 组织. BAMMA 推出于 2009 旨在举办综合武术赛事,充分体现世界上发展最快的运动所展现的娱乐和体育实力. BAMMA 的竞技场大小场地组合, 引人注目的格斗卡和卓越的制作价值使格斗组织成为欧洲领先的综合格斗推广组织,拥有无与伦比的地位, 以及与英国 Spike TV 的转播协议. 欲了解更多信息, 请访问巴马网.





SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (三月 1, 2016) –的共同活动 “Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 恒基“ 被设置, with the news that 帕特里西奥“斗犬”弗莱雷 (24-3) 将竞争 约翰“马卡帕”特谢拉 (19-1-2) 在轻量级的行动 四月 22 在金神体育馆安卡斯维尔, 康涅狄格州.


此外, 康涅狄格州的自己 “爱尔兰”布伦南病房 (13-3) 在日本取得令人瞩目的胜利后重返故乡, 当他欢迎 杰利斯塔“机器侠”桑托斯 (20-16) 成170磅的Bellator MMA战局.


两次比赛都参加了一场主赛事,其中备受期待的Bellator首次亮相 本森 “平滑”亨德森 (23-5), 因为他挑战次中量级冠军 安德烈Koreshkov (18-1) 他的腰带. 还宣布了四次初步回合; 在接下来的几周内将增加其他比赛.


门票“Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 恒基“ 开始只是 $30 并在销售中现在Bellator.com, Tick​​etmaster.com和金神票房. 本次活动现场播出,并在免费斯派克 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步的较量将串流直播上 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用.


对于“斗牛犬”,战斗 四月 22 是朝着射击的第一步 丹尼尔·斯特劳斯’ 轻量级冠军, 弗雷雷在两人见面前所系的腰带。 “Bellator 145: 与复仇“。 在 28 岁,已经 15 在Bellator MMA旗帜下打架, 这位纳塔尔人在过去八场比赛中有七场获得了胜利,并着重完成了比赛 丹尼尔Weichel 在什么 淘汰年度候选人 2015.


在Bellator MMA中不败, 包括最后一次对阵的娱乐性胜利 Gleristone桑托斯; 自“ Macapa”以来没有遭受失败 2012. 备受推崇的Nova Uniao团队的产品, Teixeira以前曾参加过UFC, 他是“终极格斗”的竞争对手: 巴西。” 四月 22 这将是这位29岁的年轻人第四次在巴西以外地区作战.


对于病房, 在Mohegan Sun战斗就像在自己的后院竞争. 位于 10 距他在新伦敦的家数英里, 康涅狄格州, “爱尔兰人”在Mohegan Sun赢得了四次冠军, 全部通过三个KO和一个提交. 最近, 这位27岁的前NCAA全美男子在去年12月的Rizin FF成立大会上代表Bellator MMA时体重增加并在日本提交了前重量级的长谷川贤. 这场胜利使沃德目前的连胜纪录达到了五场, 全部通过完成.


最受粉丝欢迎的“ Cyborg”,桑托斯(Santos)刚刚赢得胜利,就进入了斯科特·科克(Scott Coker)领导的促销活动 2016. Pride FC和Strikeforce的资深人士, “ Cyborg”卷入了一些令人难忘的争吵,反对诸如: 尼克·迪亚兹, Gegard Mousasi, 弗朗西斯Carmont, 和 梅尔文Manhoef (2X). 现在, 巴西柔术黑带将把注意力转移到Bellator MMA上升最快的明星之一.

“Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 恒基“更新战卡:

Bellator MMA中量级世界标题布特: 安德烈Koreshkov (18-1) VS. 本森亨德森 (23-5)

Bellator羽量级MMA合作的主要事件: 帕特里西奥·弗莱雷 (24-3) VS. 约翰·特谢拉 (19-1-2)

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: 布伦南病房 (13-3) VS. 传教士桑托斯 (20-16)



Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 山姆沃特福德 (1-0) VS. 汉考克院长 (2-0)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: 克里斯·福斯特 (8-4) VS. 费利佩Lavandoski (5-0)

Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 杰森Bakanowski (3-2) VS. T.J. 赫本 (4-2)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: 皮特·罗杰斯 (2-3) VS. 迈克·曼 (0-3)




Click below for “What to Watch: 沃伦VS. Caldwell”

SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (二月 29, 2016) – This Friday, Bellator MMA returns to Spike for the third consecutive Friday with “Bellator 151: 沃伦VS. 考德威尔。” The event takes place from the WinStar World Casino & 度假村在Thackerville, 行, and features a main event between highly touted undefeated bantamweight Darrion考德威尔 (8-0) challenging former two-division world champion and the self-proclaimed “Baddest Man on the Planet” 乔·沃伦 (13-4).

门票 “Bellator 151: 沃伦VS. Caldwell” are on sale now and start at just $45. You can purchase tickets at the WinStar World Casino and Resort Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com. 门的事件在开放 5:00 P.M. CT 当地时间, with the first contest taking place 45 分钟后,.

“Bellator 151: 沃伦VS. Caldwell” 宣扬直播和免费的尖峰 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步的较量将串流直播上 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用.. 另外的较量将在未来几周内公布.


乔·沃伦 (13-4) VS. Darrion考德威尔 (8-0)

Warren has just about done it all under the Bellator MMA banner, winning titles at featherweight and bantamweight during his nearly six-year promotional tenure. 现在, Warren has his sights set on another run with the 135-pound title, a belt he lost during an intense encounter with 马科斯加尔旺 early in 2015. 一 2006 Pan American and World Champion in Greco-Roman competition, the 39-year-old will test himself against a young competitor who excels in the same skillset that Warren has used to his advantage for most of his career, 摔角.


With five impressive outings in a little over a year and a half under the Bellator MMA umbrella, it was only a matter of time before “The Wolf” found himself in a position to compete for a world title. The next stop on the road to championship gold goes through Warren, a man who has held Galvao’s belt already. A standout on the wrestling team at NC State University, the 27-year-old Caldwell most recently submitted 肖恩束 via rear-naked choke in the first frame, adding to his tally of finishes (4). Initially a featherweight, Caldwell looks much more comfortable now at 135-pounds and as he proclaimed during a recent interview, “I foresee myself competing against Joe [养兔场] with a No. 1 contender shot on the line, sooner rather than later.”


冈萨雷斯 (24-13) VS. 吉尔伯特·史密斯 (12-4)

Gonzalez took a brief hiatus from MMA to compete in the kickboxing portion of the groundbreaking “Bellator MMA: 炸药1“ event in September, losing a tightly contest decision to world-renowned striker 保罗“Semtex型爆炸物”戴利. Gonzalez now returns to his comfort zone of MMA, where he has strung together an impressive four-fight winning streak. A veteran of the Scott Coker-founded Strikeforce promotion, as well as World Extreme Cagefighting, Gonzalez has been competing professionally since 2003.


Smith will be making his Bellator MMA debut against a fighter who is currently in the midst of a four-fight winning streak. “午夜 Magic” is on a bit of a roll of his own, coming into the promotion riding a two-bout winning streak. A veteran of UFC and most recently RFA, Smith won the regional promotion’s welterweight belt in June, defending the title one time before signing with Bellator.


山内达 (19-2) VS. 布巴·詹金斯 (10-2)

Yamauchi comes into the fight riding a wave of momentum he’s caught after wins against 迈克·里奇曼, 马丁·斯特普尔顿, 和 小林勋. The 23-year-old Japanese fighter has only lost once in six appearances under the Bellator MMA banner and has notched 15 他 19 wins as a professional by way of submission.


It’s hard to ignore Jenkins inside or outside the Bellator MMA cage, being that “The Highlight Kid” also doubles as a podcast host during his free time. The Arizona State alum notched two straight wins to cap off 2015, 最近, an impressive offensive display against a promising prospect in 约旦帕森斯.


Sirwan Kakai (12-3) VS. 乔Taimanglo (21-6-1)

Taimanglo will be making his seventh appearance under the Bellator MMA umbrella, and is riding a two-fight winning streak. A Guam-native, “The Juggernaut” has stopped his opponent in 21 of his victories and has only lost twice in his last 14 打架. Look for the 31-year-old to make an impression against the bantamweight division’s newest commodity.


Kakai is one of Bellator MMA’s latest signings, joining the fray after a two-fight stint in the UFC. “Zohan,” 26, hails from Sweden and owns 10 完成他的 12 victories as a professional fighter. With a bantamweight title fight one-week prior and another marquee 135-pound pairing in the main event, it will be interesting to see what a win does for Kakai in the grand scheme of things.


完成“Bellator 151: 沃伦VS. Caldwell” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Main Event: 乔·沃伦 (13-4) VS. Darrion考德威尔 (8-0)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: 吉尔伯特·史密斯 (12-4) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (24-13)

Bellator羽量级MMA特征回合: 山内达 (19-2) VS. 布巴·詹金斯 (10-2)

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Feature Bout: Sirwan Kakai (12-3) VS. 乔Taimanglo (21-6-1)



Bellator MMA重量级初步回合: 罗杰·卡罗尔 (16-13) VS. 奈曼格雷西 (3-0)

Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 史蒂夫·加西亚 (6-0) VS. Ricky Turcios (5-0)

Bellator MMA重量级初步回合: 贾斯汀·帕特森 (6-1) VS. 机会相遇 (8-1)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: 克里斯·琼斯 (10-3) VS. 雷·伍德 (5-1)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: Derek Palmer (登场) VS. Jermayne Barnes (0-1)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: 史蒂文·彼得森 (13-4) VS. 斯蒂芬Banaszak (5-5)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: Treston Thomison (8-4) VS. 亚伦·罗伯森 (5-3)



点击 这里 对于照片由斯蒂芬妮·特拉普/梅威瑟促销
本报讯, D.C. (二月 29, 2016) – 四分裂世界冠军 阿德里安 “问题” Broner and 140-pound 阿什利 “宝藏” Theophane hosted a press conference at the W Hotel in Washington, D.C. to announce their world title showdown on 总理拳击冠军 (PBC) 上 Spike 发生 星期五, 四月 1 在华盛顿特区. 军械库.
梅威瑟促销总裁 弗洛伊德 梅威瑟 was on-hand along with representatives from About Billions Promotions, HeadBangers Promotions, Spike and the D.C. Boxing and Wresting Commission to talk about the exciting night of fights coming to our nation’s capital. Also on the dais, was platinum recording artist Rick Ross, a friend of both Mayweather and Broner.
Also featured on the PBC on Spike telecast is rising star 罗伯特·JR复活节. 对前世界冠军 Argenis门德斯, plus top prospect Gervonta “唯一的那个” 戴维斯 in a super featherweight showdown against Mexico’s 吉列尔莫·阿维拉. 此外, local undercard fighters 安东尼·彼得森, 卡里姆·马丁, 帕特里克·哈里斯 Demond尼科尔森 were in attendance to discuss their hometown bouts.
门票现场活动, 它是由数十亿关于促销和梅威瑟促销协办HeadBangers促销推广, 售价为 $200, $100, $50 和 $25, 与现已公开发售. 购买门票参观 www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000. The event is sponsored by Corona.
Here is what the participants had to say Monday:
This is really a big fight for me. I know that Ashley Theophane is going to come to fight, because he has something to prove. He’s going to try to take my world title.
A lot of people told me I wouldn’t be here. 我来自什么. Like cereal and water nothing. I’m very fortunate to have someone like Floyd to look up to. I don’t want to be like Floyd though, I don’t want to be like any man. I admire him and respect him, but I’m creating my legacy.
“在一天结束时, Floyd and Ashley aren’t on my side. I’m against them. They’re coming to dethrone me. They’re my enemy right now and I’m going to beat Ashley down.
This training camp, I’ve really been perfecting my craft. This is going to be the best performance of my career. It’s going to be a highlight reel performance. I’m not coming to just get a win.
This fight isn’t going four rounds. That’s too many. This is going to be quick. I’m not playing.
There’s nothing Floyd can teach [Theophane]. 在一天结束时, it all goes out the window. The trainers and entourage can’t help. They can’t help Ashley Theophane.
I want everyone to come out. Big brother Floyd Mayweather is gone, everyone else is too boring, so I’m taking over the sport.
There are many different thing we’re working on to neutralize Broner and keep up with his quickness. I’ve sparred with a lot of young guys who imitate him and I believe I can match him.
He does a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong. Adrien Broner can be beat and he has been. We’re working hard. At the end of the day this is my career-defining fight.
We all turn pro to become a world champion. I’ve been in the gym for months, working on things and staying in shape.
I’ve watched Adrien Broner in the past. I was at the John Molina and Shawn Porter fights and I know he’s got talent. But he can be beat. He’s vulnerable, very vulnerable.
It’s not just about what you do in the ring, but it’s also about being a mature fighter. He’s going to do what he does and as a grown man, I just have to stay calm. Being the more experienced fighter is a position I like.
I’m representing Floyd Mayweather. He has my back and he believes in me. He believes I can win and that’s extra motivation.
I want to be the best I’ve ever been. I want to fight the fight of my life on 四月 1. I don’t want to turn the clock back. I want this to be the best performance of my career.
It’s been a long journey as a professional and I have to thank Floyd for giving me this chance. 四月 1 is going to be a war. Adrien is a warrior and I know he has no quit in him. If you have a dream, you have to work hard to make it come true and that’s what I’m here to do.
I’m thankful to everyone who put me in this position. I will give everyone a shot like I always do.
I consider D.C. one of my hometowns and I’m coming to give everyone a show. This is a blessing and a tremendous opportunity.
I want a world title and this is another big step on my way towards that goal. To be able to do it on Adrien Broner’s card just guarantees it’s going to be a big night.
I’m just ready to show off my skills and make a name for myself so that I can continue to grow in this sport.
I’m definitely excited to fight in DC. This is where my first professional fight was. I’m so thankful to Barry Hunter for letting me train with him and helping me toward this opportunity.
“我有一支很棒的团队. Especially Floyd Mayweather, who has taken me in and taught me so much about boxing but also about everything outside of the ring. I’m blessed to have his support in my career.
四月 1, it’s going to be an action-packed fight. I will be a world champion one day. You don’t want to miss this one.
This is my 38th fight, going for my 37th victory and fourth knockout in a row. Boxing isn’t something you talk about, you just do it. That’s what I’m going to do 4月1日. 它正在下降.
I made my pro debut on a Roy Jones card, which was another big stage. So I’m very ready and blessed.
I’m coming to give my hometown fans the knockout. Boxing is like jazz, the better it is, the less it’s appreciated. A knockout will get you praise.
I’m targeting everybody in the division. I want a belt. The first one to step up, I’m going to take care of him.
I’m happy to be here and I truly believe this will be a very exciting fight. Adrien is a very young and explosive fighter. He’s a force in boxing right now.
Ashley Theophane is a guy that came from the UK with a dream. His dream was to be world champion one day. Same dream I had. 他是一个非常谦虚, hungry and dedicated fighter.
I don’t think this is going to be an easy fight for Adrien. I’ll tell both guys to push themselves to the limit and give fans what they want to see.
Gervonta Davis is someone I look at like a son. 我遇见了他在 2014 and they said this is the next big thing. Broner brought him to my gym to let me see him work. He’s a very explosive kid. He’s exciting and he will be fighting for a world title soon after a couple more bouts.
I want to thank Adrien for giving him the chance to make his dream come true. I believe Adrien will continue to put on exciting fights and a good show. You’re still learning, it’s all a process.
Adrien and Gervonta have great teams. The Baltimore and D.C. area has some extraordinary talent and the trainers are unbelievable. I’m not biased, I feel like whatever a fighter is comfortable with, that’s whom a fighter should be with.
Mayweather Promotions isn’t rushing, we’re taking it one step at a time. I would love to see some of these guys break my records. Records are meant to be broken. I’ve done everything I can do in the sport. I’m blessed to share the stage with these young guys.
Ashley is working with a great trainer in Nate Jones. He’s a former Olympian and a guy who has a great boxing mind.
DC isn’t a good city, it’s a great city. We couldn’t choose a better place to have the fight. I believe that this will be a sold out event. I’m going to work to make sure everywhere you look in the city, you will see Adrien Broner and Ashley Theophane.
RICK ROSS, Platinum Selling Record Artist
I’m not only a friend of the boxers, but I’m also a friend of the sport. This is my favorite sport. I believe this is the sport of gladiators. This is where men, with ambition and sheer will stand-alone.
Me and my friend Adrien Broner, will be doing some exciting things in 2016. I’m here to let everyone know on behalf of the hip-hop community, that we’re supporting this fight. 四月 1, '老板’ will be in the building.
# # #
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行穗被电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.


更多! Top D.C. Area Fighters Anthony Peterson, 卡里姆·马丁, Patrick Harris and Demond Nicholson
本报讯, D.C. (二月 29, 2016) – 不败的后起之秀 罗伯特·JR复活节. (16-0, 13 KO) 将采取前世界冠军 Argenis门德斯 (23-3-1, 13 科斯) in a lightweight attraction as part of 总理拳击冠军(PBC) 上 Spike星期五, 四月 1 from the D.C. Armory in Washington, D.C.
A stacked undercard will feature top local talent including top prospect Gervonta “唯一的那个” 戴维斯 (14-0, 13 科斯) 与墨西哥作战 Guillero Avila (15-5, 12 科斯) 在10轮超级轻量级​​比赛中, 更多 安东尼·彼得森 (36-1, 24 科斯), 卡里姆·马丁 (7-0-1, 3 科斯), 帕特里克·哈里斯 (8-0, 5 科斯) 和 Demond尼科尔森 (16-1, 16 科斯) 在单独的较量. A full undercard will be announced in the coming weeks.
This fight is another stepping stone for me towards a world title,” 复活节说JR. “It’s a blessing to be on a card like this and I’m very excited for the opportunity. I’m going to bring my style and true boxing skills to the ring and put on a great show.
I really like this matchup and I can’t wait to get into the ring,” 门德斯说. “I’m a different fighter than two years ago when I lost to Rances Barthelemy. Easter is long and tall, 他是一个好战士, but he hasn’t fought anyone near my caliber and I think his style sets up well for me. It will be a good fight between two talented fighters. When the fans see Easter get counted out by the ref, don’t think it’s an April Fools joke, it will be the real thing.
在穗电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/PT and is headlined by four-division world champion 阿德里安 “问题” Broner defending his 140-pound title against London’s 阿什利 “宝藏” Theophane.
门票现场活动, 它是由数十亿关于促销和梅威瑟促销协办HeadBangers促销推广, 售价为 $200, $100, $50 和 $25, 与现已公开发售. 购买门票参观www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
一个多才多艺的业余谁是 2012 中美. 奥运备选, the 25-year-old Easter Jr. picked up four victories in 2015 including knockouts over Osumanu Akaba, 米格尔·门多萨, Alejandro Rodriguez and Juan Ramon Solis. 自从不败转为职业选手在 2012, 在Toldeo, Ohio-born prospect faces the toughest challenge of his career in Mendez and he hopes to join his close friend Broner as a world champion sometime this year.
A former world champion who represented the Dominican Republic in the 2004 奥运会, Mendez now fights out of Brooklyn and is coming off of a victory over former champion Miguel Vazquez in October 2015. Mendez was victorious despite herniating two discs during training camp and needing epidural shots to be able to manage the pain. The 29-year-old won his world title by knocking out Juan Carlos Salgado, and owns victories over Martin Honorio, Cassius Baloyi, and Daniel Evangelista Jr.
备受推崇的前景谁赢​​了 2012 国家手套冠军, the 21-year-old Davis recorded five victories inside of the distance in 2015. The Baltimore-native stopped former world champion Cristobal Cruz during that streak and looks to put on another explosive performance near his hometown.
亲自 2011, the 23-year-old won his first eleven outings and most recently stopped Antonio Torres in the fourth round in December 2015. Born in Jalisco but fighting out of Tijuana, Avila’s last 12 wins have come by knockout.
前世界冠军拉蒙特彼得森的兄弟, Anthony is at the forefront of the D.C. boxing scene and will look to impress in front of his home crowd once again on 四月 1. 2015 saw the 30-year-old score knockout victories over Mike Oliver and Ramesis Gil as he brought his winning streak to six straight.
At just 20-years-old, Martin is entering his third year in the professional ranks. A busy 2015 saw him take home four victories, including his first three six-round bouts. He will fight in his hometown of D.C. 第二次于 四月 1.
Another rising prospect at just 21-years-old, Harris has stayed busy since turning pro in June 2014 with a first-round stoppage of George Palmer. Most recently the Hyattsville, Maryland born fighter picked up victories over Irvin Hernandez, 拉斐尔·巴斯克斯, Carlos Acevedo and Sean Lockhart in 2015.
月桂树, Maryland’s Nicholson is another prospect that has been keeping busy since turning pro and will look for another great performance in front of a friendly D.C. 人群. The 23-year-old impressively stopped veteran Milton Nunez in the first round of their October 2015 战斗.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行穗被电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.

M-1的挑战 64 奖金表演公布

莫斯科 (二月 29, 2016) – M-1 Global 宣布其 M-1的挑战 64奖金表演, 荣获共同之夜奖, 以及《夜之KO》和《夜之屈服》.
俄罗斯老战士 亚历山大·施莱门克洛 (52-9-0), 三届 Bellator 冠军, 以接近一致的结果战胜了前 2 个分区的 M-1 挑战赛分区 维亚切斯拉夫·华西列夫斯基 (28-3-0), 俄罗斯, 在他们的 M-1 全球大奖赛中量级锦标赛联合之夜比赛中 (如下图所示).
分享夜间之战的最高荣誉 (见下文) 是 帕维尔Vitruk (13-2-0) VS. 乌克兰 维塔利·布兰丘克 (21-5-0), Vitruk 在 M-1 挑战雏量级半决赛淘汰赛中获胜.
俄罗斯重量级 库尔班·易卜拉欣莫夫 (4-1-0) 首轮阻止乌克兰选手赢得当晚KO荣誉 德米特里Mikutsa (5-3-0).
提交夜 (见下文) 被授予俄罗斯大力士 亚历山大 “德拉戈” 沃尔科夫 (25-6-0), 谁夺得了空缺的 M-1 Challenge 重量级冠军, 赢得第三轮三角绞杀 丹尼斯Smoldarev (11-2-0), 爱沙尼亚.

叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Lewkowicz Congratulates New WBC Super Bantamweight Champ Hugo Ruiz

Team Ruiz Sets Sights on Carl Frampton
Promoter Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing wishes to congratulate the fighter he co-promotes (along with Oswaldo Kuchle of Promociones Del Pueblo), 雨果 “Cuatito” 鲁伊斯, for his title winning victory 周六 夜晚.
Fighting on the Showtime-televised co-main event last Saturday (二月 27) 在本田中心在阿纳海姆, 加利福尼亚州, 鲁伊斯 (36-3, 32 科斯) gained revenge against Julio Cesar Ceja and took back his WBC World Super Bantamweight Championship via TKO 1 (:51 秒).
Hugo was the fighter I knew he was tonight,” said a happy Lewkowicz. “在第一次战斗中, he gave this guy too much respect. This time he came out looking to destroy him and he did.
Ruiz and Ceja met for the first time last August. A big left hook in the third round had Ceja nearly out, but Ceja landed his own hook in the fifth and ended up with a TKO victory, 几秒钟后.
在复赛中 周六, Ruiz dropped Ceja with one of his first few punches, sending him down hard and injuring his ankle. Ceja rose but the follow-up barrage ended matters for good.
Lewkowicz says the future is now bright for his 29-year-old fighter from Los Mochis, 墨西哥.
Ceja is crying for a third fight, but we are not looking at that,” 说Lewkowicz. “Except for one lucky punch in the first fight, Hugo has dominated him every round. We are more interested in one of the other super bantamweight champions in this exciting division.
Lewkowicz says there’s a unification fight he wants above all the rest for Ruiz. “I enjoy a good working relationship with the team behind now-unified champion Carl Frampton. We would be willing to travel to Europe to make that sensational fight happen.

里奥·圣克鲁斯第五回合 TKO 战胜基科·马丁内斯,卫冕 WBA 羽量级世界拳王头衔

乌戈·鲁伊斯重夺WBC超级班特AMWEIGHT 世界冠军 首轮毁灭性KO胡里奥·塞哈
观看 Showtime 拳击冠军赛的重播® 连赛明天/星期天9 A.M. AND/PT在Showtime®,
星期一, 二月. 29, 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHO EXTREME®
点击 这里 对于照片
图片来源: 斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣
阿纳海姆, 加利福尼亚州. (二月. 27, 2016) – 狮子 “地震” 圣克鲁斯 以令人信服的方式卫冕 WBA 羽量级世界冠军 周六 夜晚, 撞倒 马切达 “感觉” 马丁内斯 第一轮两次, 然后,当比赛开始时,比赛以一连串的拳打脚踢结束。 2:09 在主赛事的第五轮中 精彩表演拳击锦标赛 双头于 阿纳海姆本田中心, 加利福尼亚州.
在上的共同特征 开演时间, 29-岁 雨果·鲁伊斯 (36-3, 31 科斯), 莫奇人, 锡那罗亚, 墨西哥, 凭借一场毁灭性的早期击倒,重新夺回了他的 WBC 超轻量级世界冠军头衔 51 与23岁选手的12回合比赛进入几秒 七月切娅 (30-2, 27 科斯) 阿蒂萨潘·德·萨拉戈萨, 墨西哥, 在备受期待的八月份比赛的重赛中,Ceja 获胜.
战斗只是 10 他的家乡拉哈布拉以西几英里及之前 7,780 热情的粉丝, 27岁的圣克鲁斯 (32-0-1, 18 科斯) 惩罚比赛29岁马丁内斯继续确立自己南加州之王的地位 (35-7, 26 科斯) 阿利坎特, 巴伦西亚, 西班牙, 同 570 仅五回合的总出拳数. 曾经有 1,038 战斗中出拳总数.
“球迷们喜欢两名拳手面对面的比赛,” 圣克鲁斯告诉 SHOWTIME’s 吉姆·格雷 打架后. “我想给粉丝们一场精彩的战斗. 我知道我可以用右手伤害他. 他是一名战士,当他被击倒时, 他会回来的. 在第五回合中,我知道我必须干掉他,我做到了。”
圣克鲁斯继续, “我们从一开始就针锋相对. 他打出了很好的拳,我也打出了很好的拳,观众很喜欢. 然后我爸爸告诉我放慢脚步,变得更聪明,所以我们开始拳击。”
当开场钟声响起时,圣克鲁斯立即占据上风. 他在第一轮两次淘汰马丁内斯; 第一个只是 23 比赛开始几秒后,比赛开始两分钟后右手毁灭性的第二次,促使播音员提示“SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING” 毛罗Ranallo 告诉专家分析师 铝伯恩斯坦: “我们也许能在晚上之前到达迪士尼乐园。”
马丁内斯在第三轮和第四轮陷入困境, 但在第五回合开始两分钟后,圣克鲁斯就让他撞上了绳子,多次身体射击,导致他陷入困境, 裁判 Raul Caiz Sr 面前的上勾拳和组合拳. 标志着圣克鲁斯在南加州连续第二次卫冕世界冠军的战斗结束.
马丁内斯表示,圣克鲁斯, “开始移动很多,他打破了我的策略,他打了一场伟大的战斗. 第二轮我变得更加放松,我开始感觉好多了.
“他就像一头公牛,非常坚强地向前冲,” 圣克鲁斯添加. “他绝对是我迄今为止在擂台上见过的最强大的战士之一.
“到最后我说, ‘this is it, this is my opportunity to take him down. If I don’t finish him right here, it’s going to make it a really tough fight.So I said I was going at it with my all and thankfully it turned out the way that it did.
圣克鲁斯, 夺得世界冠军后第二次卫冕 押尼珥Mares 八月回来, 说有一天他想打破拳击比赛中出拳次数最多的记录. “我想尽可能多地出拳,这样粉丝们就能看到一场精彩的表演。”
圣克鲁斯现在着眼于未来与 IBF 122 磅级世界冠军的潜在对决 卡尔·弗兰普顿 在 126 磅或 加里·拉塞尔. “我愿意为任何人,” 他说,. “我想要与 (押尼珥) 母亲. 自从弗兰普顿获胜以来, 如果他准备好增加体重, 我已经为他做好了准备. 每当他准备好时,我都会向他挑战。”
去年八月,他在 WBC 超最轻量级世界冠军的重赛中失利, 新任122磅冠军鲁伊斯将自己的纪录提高到 5-0 在复赛中 (五击倒) 他在第一轮就以惊人的成绩击倒了 Ceja, 比赛开始几秒后,他就因一次强有力的右脚翻身受伤,右脚踝受伤,被送倒在地。.
塞贾慢慢地站起来,但遭到猛烈的拳打脚踢,并再次被击倒。 51 战斗开始几秒结束了这件事.
“我已经做好了把他击倒的准备, 但我已经准备好去 12 发 今晚 如果我必须这样做的话,” 鲁伊斯说, 胜利后,谁泪流满面、激动不已. “我很高兴在第一轮就淘汰了他. 我正在寻找最好的战士和最好的钱。”
SHOWTIME分析师表示 保利 Malignaggi的: “我从来没有见过在如此重要的比赛中这么快就被首轮KO的情况。” 添加了 SHOWTIME 的伯恩斯坦: “右手是鲁伊斯选择的武器, 他完成了工作. 对于鲁伊斯来说这是多么救赎的时刻!”
眉, who beat Ruiz on a fifth-round knockout last August to win the world title, was hurt from the first series of Ruiz punches and never recovered in the intense first round.
Ceja was taken to nearby UC Irvine Hospital and diagnosed with a fractured right ankle.
I saw that he got hurt with the first punch and I saw his leg wobbling and so I said, ‘Let’s finish’,” 鲁伊斯说,. “And I did in that round.
星期六 从曼彻斯特, 英国, 上 欣欣拳击INTERNATIONAL, IBF 122-pound world champion 卡尔·弗兰普顿 unified the super bantamweight division with a split decision victory over WBA titlist 斯科特·奎格.
期待已久的不败冠军对决以缓慢而战术性的方式开始, 但贝尔法斯特本地人弗兰普顿 (22-0, 14 科斯) 确立了自己的侵略者地位,并在前几轮比赛中用刺拳将自己收入囊中. 奎格直到第七次之后才复活, 当教练乔·加拉格尔(Joe Gallagher)警告他的队员时,他可能对评委很失望’ 记分卡.
QUIGG (31-1-2) 猛击身体,是第八回合中的侵略者 11, 但太少了, 兰开夏郡太晚了, 英国人. 弗兰普顿赢得了 12 并以分数带走了统一冠军 115-113 对于奎格, 但 116-112 弗兰普顿两次.
明天, 星期天, 二月. 28, 3 A.M. AND/12 A.M. PT 极限秀
明天, 星期天, 二月. 28, 9 是美国东部时间/PT 放映时间
星期一, 二月. 29, 10 P.M. AND/PT SHOWTIME EXTREME
周六 两打电视转播将在SHOWTIME ON DEMAND开始 明天, 星期天, 二月. 28.
布莱恩·卡斯特 主持SHOWTIME电视节目, 同 毛罗Ranallo 调用动作, 名人堂分析师 铝伯恩斯坦 和前两届世界冠军 保利Malignaggi和解说 吉姆·格雷 报告. 在西班牙联播, 亚历杭德罗·卢纳 被称为“一击即中”的前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 担任色彩评论员. SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 的执行制片人是 大卫·丁勤时JR.鲍勃·邓菲 导演.
# # #
圣克鲁斯VS. 马丁内斯, 圣克鲁斯 WBA 羽量级冠军争夺战于周六举行 12 回合比赛, 二月. 27 在本田中心在阿纳海姆, 加利福尼亚州。, 由 TGB Promotions 与 Sampson Boxing Promotions 联合推广,并由 Corona 赞助. 在共同特征, 胡里奥·塞哈 (Julio Ceja) 和雨果·鲁伊斯 (Hugo Ruiz) 在超轻量级世界拳王头衔重赛中相遇,争夺 WBC 腰带. SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 电视直播在 SHOWTIME 上直播 (10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT) 并通过二级音频编程提供西班牙语版本 (SAP).
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter @SHOSports, @ LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, @TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的风扇在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

卡尔·弗兰普顿 (Carl Frampton) 周六在曼彻斯特 SHO EXTREME® 比赛中对斯科特·奎格 (SCOTT QUIGG) 做出分歧决定,统一超雏量级, 英格兰


紧随其后播出 今晚的 精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 演播

点击 这里 照片来源:Matchroom Boxing

纽约 (二月. 27, 2016) – IBF 122 磅级世界冠军卡尔·弗兰普顿以分歧判定战胜 WBA 冠军斯科特·奎格,统一了超最轻量级 星期六 来自曼彻斯特的 SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL, 英国.


安可表演 周六 电视直播将于今晚晚些时候直播后立即重播 精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 由三级世界冠军主持的电视转播 狮子座圣克鲁斯 与前锦标 马切达马丁内兹. SHOWTIME 电视直播开始于 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT.


期待已久的不败冠军对决以缓慢而战术性的方式开始, 但贝尔法斯特本地人弗兰普顿 (22-0, 14 科斯) 确立了自己的侵略者地位,并在前几轮比赛中用刺拳将自己收入囊中. 奎格直到第七次之后才复活, 当教练乔·加拉格尔(Joe Gallagher)警告他的队员时,他可能在评委的记分卡上表现不佳.


QUIGG (31-1-2) 猛击身体,是第八回合中的侵略者 11, 但太少了, 兰开夏郡太晚了, 英国人. 弗兰普顿赢得了 12 并以分数带走了统一冠军 115-113 对于奎格, 但 116-112 弗兰普顿两次.


“我不敢相信这是一次分裂,”弗兰普顿说. “我不知道那个小伙子在看什么, 但只要我在战斗结束时举起手, 这是最重要的.


“我们有一场激烈的竞争, 最后那场战斗非常精彩. 开始并不顺利, 但我当然会再做一次. 我很高兴参加超最轻量级比赛, 但如果一场羽量级大战到来——圣克鲁斯, 塞尔比, 这些人中的任何一个——我都准备好了。”


奎格承认他应该在前几轮比赛中推动比赛, 但仍然认为他做了足够的事情来做出这个决定.


“我感觉很舒服,奎格说. “裁判一定是把他的出拳算作得分, 但我以为我阻止了他们. 我应该开始得更快. 我感觉很舒服,我以为我赢得了比赛,因为他没有明显获胜. 我不会抱怨. 我想复赛. 也许下次我会早一点开始。”

切克·孔戈 (CHEICK KONGO) 在“BELLATOR 150”中超越维尼修斯·斯巴达’ SPIKE 上的主要活动

完整的 BELLATOR 150 照片在这里

莫凡, 五月. (二月 26, 2015) –距离公司历史上最受关注的 Bellator MMA 赛事已过去一周, 由 Scott Coker 领导的促销活动在 SPIKE 上再次展开 “Bellator 150: 金刚VS. 奎罗斯,” 这场赛事带来了五场精彩的主要卡牌大战.


在当晚的重头戏, 谢赫·金刚 (24-10-2) 巧妙地控制了他和他之间的距离 斯巴达人维尼修斯 (8-4), 踢刺他的方式取得了分歧判定的胜利 (30-27, 28-29, 29-28).


斯巴达在重量级比赛中确实有他的时刻, 确保在第二轮和第三轮中击倒对手, 随后被击倒. 但最后, 康戈从堪萨斯州指定的法官那里获得了无罪推论. 法国人现在已经取得了两连胜, 并改进为 6-2 整体在 Bellator MMA 旗帜下.

只花了 大卫Rickels (17-4) 三分钟和 49 秒数完成 库珀鲍比 (12-6) 周五在堪萨斯明星竞技场的观众面前. 两人在行动中都有精彩瞬间, 但在膝盖撞到尸体后,库珀跪倒在地, “穴居人”用锤子殴打他的敌人,直到裁判约翰·麦卡锡宣布停止行动.

肯德尔格罗夫 (23-15) 停 旧金山法国 (13-4-1) 狠狠地一拳 35 秒,进入第二轮, 淘汰赛获胜. 这场胜利对于“Da Spyder”来说是一场激动人心的胜利,”他最近失去了弟弟,并明确表示他的表演是献给已故的弟弟的. 格罗夫现在赢得了过去四场比赛中的三场, 全部通过完成.

竹卡威利斯 (7-2) 手 加斯顿Reyno (5-1) 周五,他综合格斗生涯的首场失利, 一致决定获胜 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27). 废品在整个过程中来回移动 15 分钟, 两人多次尝试降服并击倒. 但最终,让党派人士高兴的是,威利斯赢得了认可.

前三叶草FC蝇量级冠军 丽贝卡·露丝 (6-1) 打败 莉娜·奥弗希尔温尼科瓦 (10-4) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) 在开幕式主卡战中 “Bellator 150: 金刚VS. 奎罗斯。” 对于“Ruthless”来说,这是她职业生涯中第一次通过评委计分卡获胜,并将她目前的连胜纪录扩大到四连胜.




凯尔·诺布利特 (2-0) 打败 大卫·哈蒙斯 (1-2) 通过TKO (拳)

罗马林赛 (5-5) 打败 马西奥·纳瓦罗 (14-12) 通过TKO (拳) 2:30, R1

克里斯·哈里斯 (5-0) 打败 朱利安·马尔克斯 (2-1) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

安德鲁·菲奥霍 (6-0) 打败 曼尼·梅拉兹 (7-2) 通过淘汰赛 (拳) :29, R1

格雷戈里·巴本 (17-11) 打败 布兰登法兰 (12-11) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 3:37, R1

泰国克拉克 (6-0) 打败 德隆·查尔斯 (4-2) 通过一致决定 (29-28 X3)