All posts by FNU47

रिकी हॅटन: “Browne winning the Heavyweight title would be huge for my company

Undefeated Lucas Browne to Collide with Ruslan Chagaev for the WBA World Heavyweight Title LIVE या शनिवारी on AWE at 2 पंतप्रधान इकॉनॉमिक टाइम्स

सण डीयेगो, जसे – मार्च 3, 2016 – या शनिवारी दुपारी, March 5th, undefeated and number-two ranked WBA heavyweight contender लुकास “Big Daddy” ब्राऊन(23-0-0) will battle defending WBA World Heavyweight champ Ruslan Chagaev (34-2-1) त्याच्या बेल्ट साठी. The bout will be broadcast लाइव्ह in the United States on दरारा – मनोरंजन संपत्ती.
The action begins live at 2 पंतप्रधान इकॉनॉमिक टाइम्स / 11 सकाळी पोर्तुगाल.
Browne is promoted by former two-division world champion and British Idol, रिकी हॅटन and the Manchester great has a lot on the line या शनिवार if Browne can come through with the victory.
It would be massive for my company, very significant,”said Hatton. “Lucas would be my first world champion as a promoter, and it’s fantastic that it would be a Heavyweight title. I was a two-time world champion as a fighter. I have trained a world champion, so I don’t know many people who have done all three as a trainer, fighter and a promoter. “
To have Browne in this position, the fighter turned promoter, is thrilled for his fighter, being that Browne was not sought after in his early career.
I am very happy for Lucas. He came up the hard way. He was not an Olympian. खरं तर, it was just a few years ago, that he was working doors at the night clubs and he has put in the hard work and this is a big night for me and my company.
Despite the fight being in enemy territory, “Hitman”, feels his fighter is in good hands as Browne is being trained by former super middleweight world champion and British great, Nigel Benn.
He has a great team behind him. An excellent trainer. It is going to be a tough job, but I firmly believe that he will win the fight. It will be difficult as Chagaev was a big amateur and now a world champion. Lucas who has always been known as a puncher is moving a lot better on his feet. Very fluid. Lucas has also added speed and has had great preparation.
Being in enemy territory, Hatton knows that the fight may come down to the judges, and he believes that Browne will get a fair shake.
I would like to think that Lucas will not need a knockout to win, but judges can be swayed by the hometown fans, but this being a world title fight, I expect world class judges. म्हणाले की जात, Lucas should not leave it to chance.
With a Browne win, there is a chance a good portion heavyweight division would run through the United Kingdom as Unified champion Tyson Fury and potentially Anthony Joshua (who fights IBF champion Charles Martin on एप्रिल 9) would hold most of the hardware in boxing’s glamour division.
I thought about that. I get along well with Eddie Hearn, who has Joshua. I get a long great with my former promoter Frank Warren and you can also throw David Haye in there who is back. I can’t see any problems making fights with Joshua or Fury and we would have some massive heavyweights fights here. Lucas has fought five times here and has a good fan base.
The only thing that I am gutted about शनिवारी is that I can’t be there with Lucas when he wins as I train a lot of young fighters and I have four of them fighting शनिवारी and they need me in London with them, पण शनिवारी will be a great day for my company.
There will be a three fight undercard beginning at 2 पंतप्रधान.
In a 10-round Heavyweight bout, Edmund Gerber (25-2, 16 KO च्या) of Schwerin, Germany will fight ब्रायन मिंटो (41-10, 26 KO च्या) of Butler, बाप.
In a 10-round bout for the IBO International Welterweight title, Vishkahn Murzabekov (12-0, 6 KO च्या) of Russia takes on former world title challenger Ali Funeka (37-5-3, 30 KO च्या) of South Africa.
Tyrone Spong (2-0, 2 KO च्या) मियामी, Florida battles David Gogishvilli (12-0, 8 मी च्या) of Gori, Georgia in a 6-round Cruiserweight bout.
बॉक्सिंग चाहते येथे उपलब्ध दरारा या आश्चर्यकारक कार्ड आनंद घेऊ शकता&टी यू-पद्य, ख्रिस 147 आणि 1147 HD मध्ये, Verizon FiOS टीव्ही, ख्रिस 169 आणि 669 HD मध्ये, CenturyLink PRISM TV ch. 144 आणि 1144 HD मध्ये, देशभरात आणि असंख्य प्रादेशिक केबल प्रदाते. तपासा बॉक्सिंग अद्यतनांसाठी.

GH3 Promotions Antoine Douglas ready for big performance on Saturday night

Nutley, एनजे (मार्च 3, 2016) – या शनिवारी रात्री येथे Sands Bethlehem Events Center, undefeated Middleweight एंटोनी डग्लस (19-0-1, 13 KO च्या) will face the toughest test of his career when he takes on rugged Avtandil Khurtsidze in the co-feature bout of a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION®.
This fight is the continuing process of Douglaspromoter GH3 Promotions, which has groomed the Washington, D.C. native from his first professional bout.
Douglas set the model for what GH3 Promotions is all about and that is grass roots developing.
I am so proud of Antoine and the job he has done,”said GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki. “When I started this company, I wanted to sign very good fighters with solid amateur backgrounds. Antoine was the someone I coveted and I saw this vision for him and now the fight on Saturday is the perfect next step for him. तेव्हा तो विजय शनिवारी and I feel he will be ready for a big opportunity.
Mielnicki continued, “That’s the blueprint. Develop fighters on my local shows. Fighters like Antoine and now आदाम लोपेझ (15-0, 7 KO च्या) graduated to ShoBox main event status and then to the next level. आम्ही होता जॉन थॉम्पसन (17-2, 6 KO’s fight for a world title, We have high aspirations for O'Shaquie फॉस्टर (10-1, 7 KO च्या), जेरी Odom (13-2-1, 12 KO च्या) Ronald Ellis (12-0-1, 10 KO च्या) , Keenan स्मिथ (9-0, 3 KO च्या) आणि हेक्टर Frometa (2-0).”
लोपेझ, stayed undefeated by winning a comfortable unanimous decision over previously Mario Munoz on February 19th in Atlantic City that headlined a ShoBox: The New Generation card..
Odom and Ellis fought to a spirited draw in a Super Middleweight bout. On another televised bout, Foster was dominant in stopping Lavisas Williams. On the non-televised card, Hector Frometa went to 2-0 एकमत असणारा निर्णय विजय.
We feel that Lopez needs another fight or two against good opposition to get to where Antoine is now. Foster showed that he has a chance to be a special fighter and we love the potential of Frometa.
Foster is now trained by Dennis Porter & Ronald Sims, who also handle Antoine and it was evident in their first fight together the difference that they have already made on him.
Douglas is currently ranked number-six by the WBA, number-eleven by the IBF and number-three by the WBO, while Lopez is ranked number-seven by the WBA.
This is all a product of moving our guys fast and right and by not babying them on the way up.
GH3 प्रचार undefeated Middleweight एंटोनी डग्लस वैशिष्ट्ये, सुपर Middleweight च्या जेरी Odom & Ronald Ellis, undefeated सुपर Bantamweight अॅडम लोपेझ तसेच Boxcino 2015 जूनियर. Middleweight विजेता जॉन थॉम्पसन, किन, undefeated वेल्टरवेट च्या हेक्टर Frometa, Jerrell हॅरिस & Keenan स्मिथ, , जूनियर. Lightweight O’Shaquie Foster & GH3 प्रचार स्थिर सुपर Middleweight अँड्र्यू Hernandez.

John David Jackson’s Star Pupil Luis “क्युबा”Arias Ready for His First Headlining Bout

Undefeated Middleweight headlines या शनिवारnight in Columbus, ओहायो.

लगेच प्रकाशन
न्यूयॉर्क, न्यू यॉर्क (मार्च 3, 2016)–या शनिवारी रात्री मध्ये Columbus, ओहायो,
विजय क्रीडा & मनोरंजन is pleased to announce that undefeated middleweight prospect, लुईस “क्युबा” Arias will make the first in what we hope, जागतिक स्तरावरील प्रशिक्षकाच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली ब्राझीलच्या गिलबर्टो सॅंटोसला दहा फेs्या पार पाडल्या जाणा in्या चढाओढात तो शक्तीप्रदर्शन करीत असताना अनेक हेडलाईनिंग्ज आहेत., जॉन डेव्हिड जॅक्सन.

मिलवॉकीचा एरियास, विस्कॉन्सिनची अचूक नोंद आहे 13-0 सहा knockouts सह.

“शिबीर उत्कृष्ट आहे. गोष्टी छान आणि वेळेवर एकत्र येत आहेत. मी प्रत्येक शिबिरामध्ये चांगला आणि मजबूत होतो,” एरियास म्हणाले. “मी सॅन्टोसकडे दुर्लक्ष करीत नाही कारण तो जिंकण्यासाठी येत असलेला एक मजबूत सैनिक आहे परंतु ही वेळ आहे आणि मला माझ्या प्रथम हेडलाइनरमध्ये निवेदन करायचे आहे.”

“जॉन डेव्हिड जॅक्सनबरोबर प्रशिक्षण एक उत्तम आहे. एखाद्याचा त्याच्या पातळीवरील अनुभवामुळे मला सैनिक म्हणून विकसित होण्यास मदत झाली आहे. त्याने माझा खेळ दुसर्‍या स्तरावर नेण्यास मदत केली आहे. तो आणि डेरिक सॅन्टोस माझ्यासाठी खूप तंदुरुस्त आहेत. मला असे वाटते की बॉक्सिंगमध्ये माझ्याकडे सर्वोत्कृष्ट प्रशिक्षण संघ आहे.”

द 25 दोन वर्षीय यूएस नॅशनल चॅम्पियनशिप आणि नॅशनल पीएएल पदक जिंकल्याचा उल्लेखनीय हौशी कारकीर्दीनंतर वर्षाचा उच्च आकांक्षा घेऊन आला., आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तरावर असंख्य पदकांव्यतिरिक्त.
जॅक्सन मध्ये, त्याच्याकडे एक प्रशिक्षक आहे ज्याने बर्‍याच जागतिक चॅम्पियन्सना प्रशिक्षण दिले आहे आणि सध्याच्या लाइट हेवीवेट चॅम्पियन सेर्गे कोवालेव यांच्या कामगिरीमुळे ते बॉक्सिंगमधील हॉट कॉर्नरमेनपैकी एक आहेत..

“लुईस एक महान शिबिर आहे तो एक मजबूत आणि वजन आहे. तो त्याच्या पहिल्या हेडलाइनिंग चढाईसाठी सज्ज आहे आणि आपली प्रतिभा दाखवायचा आहे आणि तो खरा करार आहे हे लोकांना दर्शवू इच्छित आहे,”त्याच्या बहुमूल्य विद्यार्थी जॅक्सन म्हणाला,” म्हणाला जॅक्सन.

“या शिबिरासाठी आम्ही शरीरावर हल्ला करण्यावर भर देत आहोत. उत्कृष्ट कौशल्य आणि सामर्थ्याने लुईस एक चांगला बॉक्सर आहे. आम्ही त्याच्या सभोवतालच्या खेळाचा विकास करण्याचा प्रयत्न करीत आहोत जेणेकरून आम्ही या लढ्यासाठी शरीर कार्य करण्यावर अधिक लक्ष केंद्रित करीत आहोत.”

जॅक्सनला असे वाटत नाही की क्युबा एरियास हा फक्त कोणताही बॉक्सर आहे. भविष्यात त्याच्यासाठी प्रमुख गोष्टी पाहतात.
“लुईसमध्ये वर्ल्ड चॅम्पियन होण्याची क्षमता आहे. तो एक प्रचंड हौशी होता, तो कठीण आहे, उत्कृष्ट सामर्थ्याने आणि सभोवतालच्या कौशल्यांसह निश्चित. 2016 त्याचे ब्रेकआउट वर्ष असावे. त्याच्याकडे कौशल्य आहे आणि मोठ्या स्टेजवर प्रदर्शन करणे आवश्यक आहे. आवरण काढून घेण्याची वेळ आली आहे आणि त्याने स्वत: ला सिद्ध करावे. तो संघर्ष करू शकता, तो प्रत्येक वेळी बरे होतो, त्याला मोठ्या लढायांमध्ये स्वत: चा चाचणी घ्यायचा आहे आणि तो आव्हानासाठी सज्ज आहे.”

“या लढ्यात नंतर, मला लुइससाठी खरी परीक्षा पाहिजे आहे, चांगले नाव सैनिक जेथे त्याला आव्हान दिले जाऊ शकते आणि त्याला काम करावे लागेल. I know he can be great and will rise to the occasion so I just want him to get the opportunity to showcase his skills and show everyone what a great fighter he is.
Arias, who is promoted by Roc Nation Sports and managed my Victory Sports & मनोरंजन, now has the complete team in place with the addition of the world class trainer.
Said Victory Sports & Entertainment’s Rick Torres, “2016 is the year where Cuba has to step up the level of competition and show everyone how great he is. This is his first headlining bout which is a big deal for him and we know Santos is a dangerous opponent with real punching power so this should be a good test for Cuba. After this fight we are looking forward to Roc Nation putting him on higher profile fights, टीव्ही मारामारी करतो जिथे आपण पहात असलेले काय जग जगाने पाहू शकते – की तो जगातील एक सर्वोत्कृष्ट युवा सैनिक आणि भावी चॅम्पियन आहे. योग्य विकासामुळे क्युबा खेळातील एक प्रमुख आकर्षण बनू शकतो आणि आम्हाला माहित आहे की रॉक नेशन हे घडवून आणू शकते. आम्हाला फक्त संधी हवी आहे आणि उर्वरित क्युबा हाताळेल.”

विजय क्रीडा & मनोरंजन ही एक athथलीट मॅनेजमेंट कंपनी आहे जी न्यूयॉर्क आणि लास वेगासमधील कार्यालये आहे. प्रख्यात स्पोर्ट्स orटर्नी रिक टॉरेस आणि बॉक्सिंग ट्रेनर मायकेल लीनार्डी यांनी स्थापना केली, विजयने भविष्यातील स्टारडमसाठी परिष्कृत होत असलेल्या तरूण संभाव्यतेची एक स्थिर स्थिर स्थाने तयार केली आहेत. विजय क्रीडा’ वेबसाइट आहे.

Pay-Per-View Rights Secured for Adamek-Molina in US and Canada for Apr. 2 Showdown in Poland

Tomasz “Goral” Adamek
Photo by Rich Graessle / Main Events
Kraków, पोलंड (एप्रिल 2, 2016) — The upcoming heavyweight showdown between former light heavyweight and cruiserweight world champion Tomasz “Goral” Adamek (50-4, 30 कॉस) of Poland and Eric “पडघम वाजवणारा बॉय” Molina (24-3, 18 कॉस) Raymondville, Texas in Kraków on Apr. 2 at the Kraków Arena for the IBF Intercontinental Heavyweight Title will be distributed in North America by Integrated Sports Media for live viewing at 2 दुपारी इकॉनॉमिक टाइम्स/11 am PT on both cable and satellite pay-per-view.
In addition to the live pay-per-view telecast in Poland as part of Polsat’s Boxing Night मालिका, North American residents will be able to purchase the fight for pay-per-view on via iN Demand, DIRECTV, डिश नेटवर्क, आणि युनायटेड स्टेट्स मध्ये Vubiquity, as well as Rogers TV and SaskTel in Canada, फक्त एक सूचना किरकोळ किंमत $29.95.
अधिक माहितीसाठी आपल्या स्थानिक केबल किंवा उपग्रह दा याशी संपक साधा. This event is presented by Polsat, Main Events and Don King Productions.
The pay-per-view telecast will also include several key undercard bouts: a 10-round cruiserweight fight between Mateusz Masternak vs. Eric Fields, a 10-round cruiserweight fight between Michael Cieslak vs. Francisco Palacios and additional bouts still to be determined.
कॅथी Duva, मुख्य आगामी कार्यक्रम मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी, Adamek’s promoter said, “Every time Tomasz fights back home in Poland we get numerous requests from his American fans who wish to watch the fight here. We are so excited to be able to provide them with an opportunity to watch this exciting fight here in the US.
सर्व सर्दी, बदलू शकतात.
ट्विटर: @main_events
Instagram: @Main_Events


रे लेओनार्ड, डेस्कटॉप Marvin Hagler, थॉमस Hearns, फेलिक्स त्रिनिदाद, रिकार्डो लोपेझ, जॉर्ज कामगारांचा मुख्य & More Showcased In March


क्लिक करा येथे For A Look Back At Some Of The Legendary Moments On SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: HTTP://


न्यूयॉर्क (मार्च 2, 2016) - प्रदर्शनाची वेळ खेळ rolls out its third installment of a year-long salute commemorating 30 years of प्रदर्शनाची वेळ स्पर्धेत बॉक्सिंग in March with “Legends’’.


This month will be highlighted by legends Sugar Ray Leonard, अद्भुत Marvin Hagler, फेलिक्स त्रिनिदाद, Ricardo “Finito” Lopez and George Foreman. Seven of the most unforgettable and important fights from these legends – some of which have seldom been re-aired since their live presentation – are available now on the network’s on demand platforms and will air will air on “Throwback Thursdays”in March at 10 p.m. आणि/प्रदर्शनाची वेळ घरचे वर पोर्तुगाल.


गुरुवारी, मार्च 10 presentation of Marvin Hagler vs. John Mugabi airs exactly 30 years after the final win of Hagler’s Hall of Fame career on March 10, 1986. Hagler vs. Mugabi was the first main event to ever air on SHOWTIME®.


The classic fights, which are also are available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, प्रदर्शनाची वेळ कधीही® and via the network’s standalone streaming service, will be wrapped with brief context and commentary from SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer.


Below is the schedule of SHO EXTREME premieres for the month of March:

  • उद्या, गुरुवारी, मार्च 3: Terry Norris vs. साखर रे लेओनार्ड
  • गुरुवारी, मार्च 10: Marvin Hagler vs. John Mugabi
  • गुरुवारी, मार्च 17: Felix Trinidad vs. David Reid
  • गुरुवारी, मार्च 24: Ricardo Lopez vs. Rosendo Alvarez II
  • गुरुवारी, मार्च 31: Iran Barkley vs. Thomas Hearns I, George Foreman vs. Gerry Cooney (10:15 p.m. आणि/पोर्तुगाल), Gerald McClellan vs. Julian Jackson I (10:30 p.m. इकॉनॉमिक टाइम्स / पी.टी.)


In celebration of the best rivalries on SHOWTIME, see below for a special column from SHOWTIME Sports expert analyst and boxing historian स्टीव्ह Farhood.



By Steve Farhood


Boxing without legends would be like religion without saints.

There’s no formula for a fighter to advance from star to superstar to legend. The process depends on timing, circumstance, and sometimes as little as a point or two on the judges’ कार्ड.

And oh, होय: It helps if a guy can really fight.

As we celebrate 30 years of boxing on SHOWTIME, we’re focusing on a different theme each month. Throughout March, the theme will be Legends.

मध्ये 130 years from John L. Sullivan to Floyd Mayweather, boxing has given us what other sports can’t provide. Consider:

  • The Associated Press voted Luis Firpo’s knockdown of Jack Dempsey as the greatest sports moment of the first half of the 20th Century.
  • The Frazier-Ali “Fight Of The Century” in 1971 was easily the most anticipated sporting event in history.
  • Last year’s Mayweather-Pacquiao fight generated more than half-a-billion dollarsin one night!

Legends are made by big momentsand how they respond to those moments.

On SHOWTIME, we’ve featured three decades worth of legends. Here’s a look at those who will share the spotlight in March.

MARVIN HAGLER: Since Vince Lombardi didn’t exactly say, “Timing isn’t everything, it’s the only thing,” Hagler should’ve said it.

Hagler was a great fighter long before he was a superstar, but it wasn’t until he fought Roberto Duran, थॉमस Hearns, and Sugar Ray Leonard (three of Hagler’s last six bouts) that Marvin became Marvelous.

Hagler’s one appearance on SHOWTIME, which happened to be the first bout televised on the network (मार्च 1986), was the final win of his career. Undefeated over 10 वर्षे, Hagler had established himself as one of the greatest middleweights in history. And while it could be argued in hindsight that at age 31, the ultimate blue-collar fighter was slightly past his prime, much of what made Hagler special was on display during his savage defense against his unbeaten and ferocious challenger, John Mugabi.

Almost three decades after his retirement, Hagler remains the middleweight today’s 160-pounders are measured against.

साखर RAY च्या लेओनार्ड: If Hagler bloomed late, Leonard was a superstar before he threw a single punch as a professional.

Back in the mid-‘70s, that’s what a magnetic smile, an Olympic gold medal, and repeated exposure on prime time television could do for a young fighter.

It’s ironic that Leonard was initially viewed by some as a coddled creation of the media. खरं तर, he was as tough as any fighter of the star-studded early-‘80s. Better yet, he remains the best fighter I’ve covered in 38 years on the boxing beat.

Leonard’s appearance on SHOWTIME was the penultimate bout of his career. In electing to end yet another lengthy layoff, साखर रे, 34, chose outstanding 23-year-old super welterweight titlist Terry Norris as his opponent. Leonard dropped from 160 करण्यासाठी 154 pounds and fought at Madison Square Garden for the first time.

The bout served as a reminder that at least in a pre-Bernard Hopkins world, boxing was very much a young man’s game.

FELIX TRINIDAD: There are only three Hispanic fighters who became superstars in the USA without speaking English. The first was Panama’s Roberto Duran. The second was Mexico’s Julio Cesar Chavez.

The third was Puerto Rico’s Trinidad.

Trinidad’s motto might as well have been, “If you can’t be from America, then beat America.”

A classic puncher with a boy scout’s smile and a fan-friendly personality, Trinidad made his name by defeating four U.S. ऑलिम्पिक, Pernell Whitaker, ऑस्कर दे ला Hoya (albeit by a terrible decision), David Reid, and Fernando Vargas.

शिवाय, Whitaker, दे ला Hoya, and Reid had all been gold medalists.

The fight we’ll feature on मार्च 17 एसएचओ अत्यंत वर, Trinidad vs. Reid, was Trinidad’s 14th and final appearance on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING and SHOWTIME pay-per-view.

From his welterweight title-winning kayo of Maurice Blocker in 1993 through his defense against Mahenge Zulu in 1998, 13 of Trinidad’s 14 bouts were aired on SHOWTIME. Twelve of those fights were knockout wins.

Where Trinidad ranks with Wilfredo Gomez, Miguel cotto, कार्लोस Ortiz, विल्फ्रेड सुला, and the rest of the legends from Puerto Rico is debatable. What is inarguable is that “Tito” generated as much excitement as any fighter of his era.

RICARDO LOPEZ: What’s smaller: the chance that a strawweight (105 पाउंड) becomes an American television star or the fighter himself?

There’s never been an American world champion at strawweight (or minimumweight). We just don’t grow fighters that size. खरं तर, until the emergence of Mexico’s Lopez in the early-’90s, most American boxing fans couldn’t have identified a single strawweight if armed with a map of the world and a set of WBC ratings.

Lopez was so complete, so dominant, so technically perfect, that from 1994 to ’99, he was a staple of SHOWTIME’s boxing programming. He fought 13 consecutive bouts on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING or SHOWTIME Pay-Per-View, and the first 11 of those contests were defenses of the strawweight title.

And if you think the little guys can’t punch, तसेच, there were some one-punch kayos sprinkled in.

लोपेझ, who retired with a mark of 51-0-1, is universally acknowledged as an all-time great. Too bad he never fought America’s Michael Carbajal at light flyweight. Had he won that bout, he’d likely be acknowledged as one of the two or three greatest Mexican fighters ever.

Which is saying a lot for a fighter who never faced an opponent recognized by the American viewing public.

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प्रदर्शनाची वेळ नेटवर्क कंपन्यांत. (SNI), सीबीएस कॉर्पोरेशन एक संपूर्ण मालकीची उपकंपनी, मालकी हक्क आहे आणि प्रीमियम टेलिव्हिजन नेटवर्क प्रदर्शनाची वेळ संचालन®, चित्रपट वाहिनी ™ आणि FLIX®, तसेच मागणी प्रदर्शनाची वेळ देते®, मागणी मागणी आणि FLIX वरील मूव्ही चॅनेल ™®, आणि नेटवर्कच्या प्रमाणीकरण सेवा प्रदर्शनाची वेळ कधीही®. प्रदर्शनाची वेळ डिजिटल इन्क, SNI एक संपूर्ण मालकीची उपकंपनी, स्टँडअलोन प्रवाह सेवा प्रदर्शनाची वेळ संचालन®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, डीबीएस आणि टेल्को प्रदाते, आणि ऍपल माध्यमातून एक स्टँडअलोन प्रवाह सेवा म्हणून®, वर्ष®, Amazon and Google. ग्राहक देखील Hulu द्वारे प्रदर्शनाची वेळ सदस्यता घेऊ शकतात, सोनी प्लेस्टेशन® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI देखील स्मिथसोनियम नेटवर्क सांभाळते, SNI आणि स्मिथसॉनियन संस्था संयुक्त उपक्रम, जे स्मिथसोनियम चॅनेल देते, आणि स्मिथसोनियन पृथ्वी देतेSN डिजिटल एलएलसी माध्यमातून. SNI मार्केट आणि खेळाची वेळ किंवा PPV माध्यमातून एक पे-पर-व्ह्यू आधारावर सदस्य प्रदर्शन क्रीडा आणि मनोरंजन कार्यक्रम वितरण. अधिक माहितीसाठी, जा

बेललेटर एमएमए वंडरलेची नवीन लढाऊ घर आहे ‘द मर्डर’ सिल्वा

बॅलेटरचे अध्यक्ष स्कॉट कोकर आणि वंडरलेई सिल्वा (क्रेडिट: Bellator / लुकास Noonan)


सँटा मोनिका (मार्च 2, 2016) –बेलॅटर एमएमए सर्वात लोकप्रिय अशी घोषणा करून आनंदित आहे, मिश्र मार्शल आर्टच्या खेळात ओळखण्यायोग्य आणि प्रिय सैनिक, Wanderlei "Axe खुनी" सिल्वा (35-12-1), एक विशेष बहु-वर्ष स्वाक्षरी केली आहे, पदोन्नतीसह बहु-लढा करार. 39-वर्षीय जुन्या सार्वजनिकपणे जगभरातील कंपन्यांकडून ऑफर घेतल्या, परंतु माजी प्राइड एफसी मिडलवेट चॅम्पियनने आपली स्फोटक शैली बेल्लाटर एमएमएकडे नेण्याचा निर्णय घेतला.


“अ‍ॅक्स मर्डरर” या खेळाने आजवर पाहिलेल्या बर्‍याच संस्मरणीय संघर्ष आणि लढायांमध्ये लढा दिला आहे. त्याच्या युद्धे Quinton "बेफाम वागणे" जॅक्सन, टिटो Ortiz, मिर्को क्रो कॉप, Vitor Belfort, डॅन हेंडरसन |, Kazushi Sakuraba, चक लिडेल, आणि मायकेल बिस्पिंग ही आख्यायिका आहेत - परंतु सिल्वा त्याच्या कारकीर्दीवरील पुस्तक बंद करण्यास तयार नाही.


त्याच्या प्राइड एफसी मिडलवेट वर्ल्ड चॅम्पियनशिप व्यतिरिक्त, सिल्वाच्या पॅक ऑफ ट्रॉफी प्रकरणात फायट ऑफ द इयर पुरस्कारांचा समावेश आहे (2003, 2004, 2007), वर्ष KO (2008), आणि एकाधिक फाइट ऑफ द नाईट अवॉर्ड्स ज्यात त्याच्या शेवटच्या तीन लढायांसाठी प्रत्येकी एक, फक्त काही नावे. आता तो आपला पुरस्कारप्राप्त प्रदान करीत असल्याचे दिसते, बेलाटेर पिंजage्यात मनोरंजक मारामारी.


बॅलॅटरशी झालेल्या पहिल्या लढाईसाठी सिल्व्हाकडे अनेक पर्याय आहेत. त्याने आपल्या कारकीर्दीतील बहुतेक भाग १ 185 185 पौंड खर्च केले असले तरी, मार्क हंट सारख्या मुलांबद्दल त्याच्या हेवीवेट युद्धावरून सिद्ध झाले आहे की - हेव्हरवेटच्या दोन वजन वर्गात जरी वाढ झाली असला तरी - त्याच्या चाहत्यांना त्याच्याबद्दल सर्वात जास्त आवडणारी गोष्ट म्हणजे व्हॅन्डरलीची सर्वोत्कृष्ट सर्वोत्कृष्ट लढायची तयारी आहे., गिलबर्ट यवेल, काजुयुकी फुझिता आणि क्रो कॉप; किंवा, ऑर्टिजसारख्या हलकी हेवीवेईट्सविरूद्धची त्याची लढाई, आणि त्याचा सर्वात अलिकडील प्रतिस्पर्धी, ब्रायन स्टॅन, त्याने दुस frame्या फ्रेममध्ये बाद केले.


स्कॉट कोकर आणि बेलाएटर एमएमएने केलेल्या अलीकडील विनामूल्य एजंट स्वाक्षर्‍याच्या लांब पल्ल्यात सिल्वा नवीनतम आहे. माजी चुट बॉक्स स्पर्धक सामील होतो: जोश थॉमसन, फिल डेव्हिस, बेन्सन हेंडरसन, Sergei, Kharitonov आणि अनास्तासिया येनकोवा चॅम्पियन्सच्या आवडीसह रोस्टरवर: मार्कोस Galvao, डॅनियल Straus, इच्छा ब्रुक्स, Andrey Koreshkov, राफेल कार्व्हालो, लियाम McGeary आणिVitaly Minakov,


क्लिक करा येथे फोटो साठी: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME
क्लिक करा येथे For A Short Video Feature On Julian Williams: HTTP://
फिलाडेल्फिया, पे. (मार्च 2, 2016) – ज्युलियन “जॉन-रॉक” विल्यम्स (21-0-1, 13 कॉस) मीडिया कोणीच आयोजित मंगळवारी in Philadelphia at James Shuler Boxing Gym as he prepares to put his undefeated record on the line in a 154-pound world title eliminator this Saturday, मार्च 5, प्रदर्शनाची वेळ राहतात (10 p.m. आणि/पोर्तुगाल, वेस्ट कोस्ट विलंब).
SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION® main event pits Williams against Italy’s Marcello Matano(16-1, 5 कॉस) as part of a tripleheader live from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, पेनसिल्व्हेनिया.
Also featured on the telecast will be middleweight contender एंटोनी डग्लस (19-0-1, 13 कॉस) झटकून तोंड Avtandil Khurtsidze (31-2, 20 कॉस)in a 10-round middleweight bout and exciting Detroit prospect टोनी हॅरिसन (22-1, 18 कॉस) battling former title challenger फर्नांडोचा गेरेरो (28-3, 20 कॉस) in a 10-round super welterweight matchup.
लाइव्ह इव्हेंट साठी तिकिटे, राजा च्या जाहिराती प्रोत्साहन दिले जाते, जे, किंमत आहेत $100, $75 आणि $50, लागू होणार्या सेवा शुल्क आणि कर समावेश आणि आता विक्रीवरील नाहीत. तिकीट उपलब्ध आहेत येथेयेथे वाजता फोन कॉल Ticketmaster करून चार्ज करण्यासाठी (800) 745-3000.
Here is what Julian and his trainer, Stephen Edwards, म्हणणे मंगळवारी:
ज्युलियन विल्यम्स
I am extremely focused. There is a lot at stake या शनिवार. I am finally in the position I wanted to be in since turning pro.
I have come to a conclusion that if people don’t have to fight Julian Williams then they won’t. It hasn’t been that frustrating though because I always have a fight on the books. I can’t worry about the people who won’t fight me. I just have to stay ready and put myself in the mandatory spot. That’s what I am going to do शनिवारी रात्री.
It’s never any challenge fighting at home. I know exactly what I have to do. I don’t cut any corners in camp. The biggest challenge is the waiting because I am so anxious to get in there and get a win, especially in front of my home crowd.
I always knew I wanted to pursue a boxing career, so I treat it like I want it. I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time and my opportunity is finally here.
I’ve been a student of the game since I started watching boxing. I want to learn and I want to know everything about boxing.
It means everything to have my biggest fight to date in my backyard. I know my fans cheer loud and it feels great to have their support in my corner.
I know everything about my opponent. I probably know what kind of toothpaste he used this morning. I searched high and low for videos of Matano. I am ready because I know he is ready.
He is a little bit awkward. He seems to have a really good gas tank. He said he wants to take me the distance, so we’ll see.
The last fight solidified the things that I already knew about myself. I know I am fundamentally sound and I know I am the hungriest fighter in the world.
I always want to put on an explosive performance. It’s always about a win.
In about nine months, Philadelphia will have it’s fourth IBF super welterweight champion after David Reid, Robert Hines and Buster Drayton.
STEPHEN EDWARDS, विल्यम्स’ ट्रेनर
We are ready. It’s been a long four-month camp. We thought were going to fight in January, so we’ve been grinding through this rough weather early in the morning. Julian is chomping at the bit and ready to rock ‘n roll.
We thought we were going to fight Austin Trout in December, and he saw that Julian gave his opponent a concussion and said I don’t want to fight him. It’s just that simple. We have to get past Matano and then we can talk about (super welterweight champion Jermall) Charlo.
Anybody with two hands and a heartbeat can fight. Matano is ranked and just because he isn’t well known, it doesn’t mean he can’t fight. तो आहे 16-1 and they didn’t have a hard time convincing him to take the fight. The best soldiers are volunteers. Any time someone willingly comes to someone else’s country, you have to take him seriously.
I don’t want to make a prediction, but Julian will hurt this guy very bad.
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अधिक माहितीसाठी भेट द्या आणि, ट्विटरSHOSports वर अनुसरण, JRockBoxing, @Action_Douglas, IAmBoxing, FernandoDomini, @TheSBEC and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at


सहकारी मुख्य कार्यक्रम:

वैशिष्ट्य लढा:
शुक्रवार,, APRIL 15TH, 2016 AXS टीव्ही राहतात
आता विक्री तिकीट
लस वेगेस, नेवाडा – पुनरुत्थान मारामारी युती (RFA) president Ed Soares announced today that the RFA will be returning to South Dakota in April and is set to crown its first light-heavyweight champion and a new bantamweight champion. मुख्य झाल्यास, DevinBrown BearClark will fight for a world title in his hometown against top Brazilian prospect RafaelGauchoViana. सहकारी मुख्य झाल्यास, राम “पशू” Miolla and Leandro “Pitbull” Higo will battle for the vacant bantamweight crown.
RFA 37 – Viana vs. Clark takes place शुक्रवारी, April 15th सू फॉल्स मध्ये Sanford पंचकोन येथे, साउथ डकोटा. संपूर्ण मुख्य कार्ड थेट प्रक्षेपण आणि AXS टीव्हीवर राष्ट्रीय जाईल 10 p.m. आणि/ 7 p.m. पोर्तुगाल.
I am excited to announce that the RFA will be bringing two world title fights to South Dakota in April,” सांगितलेली Soares. “Rafael Viana and Devin Clark are undefeated and two of the top 205-pound prospects in the world. They will compete for the inaugural RFA light-heavyweight title in the main event of RFA 37. सह-headliner मध्ये, Joey Miolla and Leandro Higo will both return to the Sanford Pentagon to fight for the vacant RFA bantamweight title.
RFA तिकीट 37 – Viana vs Clark are available for purchase through You can also support your favorite fighter buy purchasing your tickets through
क्लार्क (5-0) is the most successful 205-pound fighter in RFA history and is looking to become the promotion’s first light-heavyweight champion in front of his hometown crowd. Clark is an NJCAA wrestling champion and a Golden Gloves boxing champion that has quickly seen his name rise to the top of several MMA light-heavyweight prospect rankings. The Lincoln High School graduate has earned over half of his career wins inside the RFA Octagon and will be looking for the biggest win of his career in the main event of RFA 37.
It’s an honor to fight for the inaugural RFA light-heavyweight title in front of my hometown crowd in Sioux Falls,” stated Clark. “Becoming the first RFA light-heavyweight champion will mean even more to me since I get to do it against such a talented and tough opponent.
Viana (6-0) is the older brother of Bellator star Guilherme Viana and he also trains alongside UFC star Glover Teixeira. He is a BJJ black belt and the reigning Shooto Brasil light-heavyweight champion. Viana, like Clark, has proven to be clinical with his finishing ability and is eager to fight outside of his native Brazil for the first time. His international debut will also be his first fight televised worldwide and Viana is looking to take full advantage of it.
I am very honored to be given this opportunity,” stated Viana. “This will be my first international fight and it is a great honor to fight for the inaugural RFA light-heavyweight title. I will put on a great show for the fans at RFA 37.
RFA सहकारी मुख्य कार्यक्रम 37 will culminate in crowning the third bantamweight champion in RFA history. The first two champions, Pedro Munhoz and Luke Sanders, गेला 4-0 in the RFA before signing with the UFC. The vacant RFA bantamweight title will be up for grabs between two men who made their RFA debut on the same card last summer in back-to-back bouts. राम Miolla (8-1) and Leandro Higo (15-2) represented their home countries on the historic “यूएसए वि. BRAZILevent that took place last August at RFA 29. Both men were victorious that night and showed why they are two of the most highly-regarded 135-pound prospects in the sport. वर शुक्रवारी, April 15th, Miolla and Higo will face off inside the same building that they made their RFA debut last summer, but this time the winner will be walking away with RFA gold strapped around their waist.
RFA 37 will also feature one of South Dakota’s favorite sons as Jordon Larson (6-2) is set to return in the welterweight feature fight. Larson will be making his fourth appearance for the RFA in his hometown of Sioux Falls against Colorado native Brian Camozzi (5-2). Larson, who has been the recipient of three of the loudest ovations in RFA history, will once again make the walk to the RFA Octagon in front of his adoring hometown fans. He will face Camozzi, who is the younger brother of UFC star Chris Camozzi. The younger Camozzi brother made a huge statement in his RFA debut in January. He showcased his dynamic skill set by becoming the first person to finish Tyler Milner and he did it in less than one round.
RFA 37 – Viana vs Clark takes place शुक्रवारी, April 15th सू फॉल्स मध्ये Sanford पंचकोन येथे, साउथ डकोटा. Additional bouts on the main card and preliminary card of RFA 37 लवकरच जाहीर केले जाईल. This will be the promotion’s fourth event to take place in “माउंट Rushmore राज्य” of South Dakota and it will be the fourth RFA event of 2016. RFA संपूर्ण मुख्य कार्ड 37 थेट प्रक्षेपण आणि AXS टीव्हीवर राष्ट्रीय जाईल 10 p.m. आणि / 7 p.m. पोर्तुगाल याशुक्रवारी, April 15th.
भेट द्या चढाओढ अद्यतने आणि माहितीसाठी. आरएफए फेसबुक वर देखील आहे, येथे Instagram RFAfighting, आणि ट्विटर वर RFAfighting.

Zab Judah fighting to become 6-time world champion

Josh Torres looking for upset to
Make name for himself & NM boxers
“Knockout Night at the D”, समुद्र. 12 at DLVEC in Las Vegas
Live on CBS Sports Network
लस वेगेस (मार्च 1, 2016) – Future Hall of Fame candidate Zab “सुपर” यहूदा is fighting for his legacy. His road back to the top starts शनिवारी रात्री,मार्च 12, against upset-minded जोश “Pitbull” टॉरेस, in the 10-round main event kicking off the new monthly pro boxing series, “Knockout Night at the D”, थेट पांघरूण हवेवर किंवा उन्हात (8 p.m. पोर्तुगाल / 11 p.m. आणि) वर सीबीएस खेळ नेटवर्क live from the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC).
यांनी सादर डी लास वेगास आणि डाउनटाउन लास वेगास आगामी कार्यक्रम केंद्र, along with Neon Star Media and Roy Englebrecht Promotions, अगोदर निर्देश केलेल्या बाबीसंबंधी बोलताना “Knockout Night at the D” मालिका’ inaugural event समुद्र. 12 will take place inside the DLVEC’s 20,000-square-foot tent, located in the heart of the downtown Las Vegas casino district, one block away from the world famous Fremont Street (200 एस. 3rd St.).
यहूदा (42-9, 29 कॉस), लास वेगास बाहेर लढाई, has been a professional boxer for nearly 20 वर्षे. The southpaw has defeated seven world champions during his outstanding career: कनिष्ठ वायफळ बडबड, Terron Millet, DeMarcus Corley, Raphael Pineda, Corey Spinks, Joshua Clottey आणि(interim champ) लुकास Matthysse. The Brooklyn native has an outstanding 11-8 (9 कॉस) record in world title fights.
आता, तरी, his past is in the rearview mirror and Judah’s on a mission to capture his sixth world title. That’s what drives the 38-year-old originally from Brooklyn. “I’m very happy to be headlining the first show of the ‘Knockout Night at the D’ मालिका,” Judah said. “I’m always comfortable and happy in the squared ring. I enjoy the sport of boxing and have one more goalto be six-time world champion of the world!”
Due to a variety of reasons, Judah has been out of action for two years, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he hasn’t been ready to rock in the ring. “मी परत रिंग मध्ये खूप उत्सुक असतो,” Judah remarked. “I helped फ्लोयड (मेवेदर) get ready for (Manny)Pacquiao and last May came out of that camp in great shape. I’ve been ready to fight since then.
I’ve studied him (टॉरेस) and he’s a hungry, young guy with a great opportunity in front of him. We aren’t overlooking him.
The 24-year-old Torres (15-4-2, 7 कॉस) may not have the same name recognition as many of Judah’s past opponents, but the determined prospect from Albuquerque, NM has nothing to lose and everything to gain fighting Judah.
I believe this fight can be life changing, not only for me, but also for upcoming New Mexico fighters,” Torres commented. “Boxing doesn’t get a lot of attention in my state.
Torres is a protégé of the late 5-time world championJohnny Tapia. His brother-in-law, Chris Chavez, now trains Torres, who has been sparring with fellow New Mexican and former world junior middleweight champion, ऑस्टिन Trout, to prepare for the left-handed Judah.
Torres is also a professional barber who’d like to clip Judah, म्हणून बोलणे. “I haven’t had a promoter or manager,” he explained the need for him to be a barber as well as a pro boxer. “I’ve always had to work to pay bills. It’s just had to be that way in my boxing career.
Fast rising Las Vegas lightweight star, Mexico-born huyEl Huracan” गूटिरर्ज़ (14-0-1, 4 कॉस), पूर्ण लेओन “The Third GenerationSpinks III (11-3-1, 7 कॉस) in the 8-round co-feature.
सर्व fights आणि मुलांना बदल अधीन आहेत.
लिमिटेड तिकीट, किंमत $65.00 ringside and $20.00 seated general admission, remain on sale at किंवा Suites are $1000.00, पर्यंत 10 अतिथी, and includes a beverage package. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
ओपन दारे 5:00 p.m. पोर्तुगाल अनुसूचित उघडण्याच्या चढाओढ सह 6:00 p.m. पोर्तुगाल.
द “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network is available across the country through local cable, व्हिडिओ आणि टेल्को प्रदाते आणि DirecTV चॅनल उपग्रह द्वारे 221 आणि नेटवर्क चॅनेल डिश 158. अधिक माहितीसाठी, एक पूर्ण प्रोग्रामिंग वेळापत्रक समावेश आणि कसे सीबीएस खेळ नेटवर्क मिळविण्यासाठी, जा
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” मालिका.
ट्विटर: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @SuperJudah, @PitbullTorres, @ElHuracan88, @LeonSpinksIII


अधिक! Heavyweight Battle Between Philadelphia’s Joey Dawejko and
Ecuadorian Olympian Ytalo Perea
Exciting Night Of Fights Features SHOWTIME® Tripleheader Headlined
By Unbeaten Rising Star Julian Williams Taking On Marcello Matano
In IBF Super Welterweight Eliminator
बेथलहेम, बाप. (मार्च 1, 2016) – Unbeaten middleweight prospect Ievgen Khytrov (12-0, 11 कॉस) takes on Alabama’s केनेथ McNeil (9-1, 6 कॉस) in a 10-round bout that highlights an exciting undercard taking place this शनिवारी, मार्च 5 from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, पेनसिल्व्हेनिया.
The card features an exciting tripleheader of action live on प्रदर्शनाची वेळ® येथे 10 p.m. आणि/PT and is headlined by undefeated rising star ज्युलियन “जॉन-रॉक” विल्यम्स in an IBF eliminator for the top ranking at 154 pounds against Italy’s Marcello Matano. Also featured on the telecast is fast-rising middleweight contender एंटोनी डग्लस विरुद्ध Avtandil Khurtsidze and exciting prospect टोनी हॅरिसन battling former title challenger फर्नांडोचा गेरेरो.
लाइव्ह इव्हेंट साठी तिकिटे, राजा च्या जाहिराती प्रोत्साहन दिले जाते, जे, किंमत आहेत $100, $75 आणि $45, लागू होणार्या सेवा शुल्क आणि कर समावेश आणि आता विक्रीवरील नाहीत. तिकीट उपलब्ध आहेत येथेयेथे वाजता फोन कॉल Ticketmaster करून चार्ज करण्यासाठी (800) 745-3000.
इतर कृती, Philadelphia’s राम Dawejko (16-4-2, 9 कॉस) will compete in an eight-round heavyweight showdown against 2012 Ecuadorian Olympian Ytalo Perea (6-2-1, 4 कॉस).
Also in a non-televised bout is unbeaten Terrance विल्यम्स (4-0, 1 KO), कोण चेहरे Anthony Miller (2-1, 2 कॉस) in a four-round middleweight contest and the pro debut of Brooklyn’s Chordale बुकर विरुद्ध Patrick Kehoe (1-2) in a four-round heavyweight fight.
Rounding out the night of fights is super welterweight prospect Oshaquie Foster (10-1, 7 कॉस) in a six-round bout against Brazil’s Claudinei Lacerda (17-14-1, 12 कॉस) आणि फिलाडेल्फिया च्या Amir Shabazz (2-0) against Atlanta’s Hakeem Atkinson (2-1, 1 KO) in a four-round light heavyweight contest.
An Olympian for his native Ukraine, Khytrov also won an Amatuer World Championship before turning pro in 2013. त्यानंतर, the 27-year-old has dominated on his way to stopping contenders Josh Luteran and Nick Brinson in addition to previously unbeaten fighters Maurice Louishomme and Aaron Coley. Now training out of Brooklyn, he will be opposed by the 25-year-old McNeil out of Birmingham, Alabama who enters this fight on a six-bout winning streak.
An exciting brawler out of the great fighting city of Philadelphia, Dawejko looks to make it three in a row after delivering stoppages of Natu Visinia and Robert Dunton his last two times out. The 25-year-old has shared the ring with heavyweight world champion Charles Martin and contender Amir Mansour. He faces a stiff test in the 22-year-old Perea. The Ecuadorian Olympian trains out of Howard Beach, New York and picked up his last win via knockout over Oswaldo Sanchez.
अधिक माहितीसाठी भेट द्या आणि, ट्विटरSHOSports वर अनुसरण, JRockBoxing, @Action_Douglas, IAmBoxing, FernandoDomini, @TheSBEC and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at